SEMI-WBEKL, Y. ssvscsasnnem [VOL. 1.] FAYI:TTE\ ILLK, x\. C., TUESDAY MORNING, SEPTEMH):R x>:?, isr.l. [NO. ‘21.] nilNTKn BY .T. 15. NKWHV. IIDWAKI) .1. IIALi: S. SOX, rjMTor.s \M> for tiio Semi-" f.'Uly Ohseuvk.u H) il p.iici ill n'ivanrc; t ''O if i>ni'I duriiip tlio vo:ir of -iiiJ'Sv rii)ti('ii; or nfti-r tho vear Itas cxj'iro'l. F r the Wooklv ()::KUVKn (M"* j'l'r .•uitiuin. if iiaiil in ailv.nuH': ')i> if paid thiriiij^ the \oar of suli-^oriptioii: >r >i;> (.Ml after tlio vcar h:i> expired. \Ki:v, & €o. NKW FAM. AND WlNTKll fi m m IHK SiiliscriKer.'i are iinv reeei\inp direct from New Voi-k and I’hiludeljtliin. the lar- jre;t nnd haiid^onietst .“^tork if Stnp/c (Ut(f Fancij Drif (io(>ds That tliev liavc ever exhiliited in thi.- ni.-u-ket, oiiilirai-iiit: cvtTv variety of Ladies' and (J -ntle- incn's I>I!K.‘'S (;00[)S. anioti" wliicl; ni.-v l>o found: lUaek and fancy Avatered anil plain Press i^ilks; hlai k and fancy ('ohurps; L.inia Twills: tijriued !i)id plain tancy and black Mohair Lus tres: v‘^ilk \\ avp nnil ('rape r»rocades; Swiss, .Sc(>tcli and (’licne (linphanis: Saxony Dp-Lains; Freri'-h. I'njrlish ami .\nierican I’rints: Ltnh'd ('aslinieros: plain ditto; ch.-inpeahh* l»e-L;iins: watered and ncedlc-wurk ('ashniercs; chanjn-:i- l>le ^'oni'scs; r.rocade Lustres: |l;int:isk .V>iliai!s; black l?unil>:i/ines: secind-nuiurninir I'ojilin A K!rn.''rM l-'NT.'' inserted f(ir>^i\(y cents ,-r ' "ire f'.r the first, and thirty cents fur eaoli ■ , .'1' iin^ pulilic;itii>n. Yearly a‘ivprtisen>e:its o'ccial ■ •'iitracts, ar reasonable rates. Ad- ,'ii>i r- arc ie>|Ue>tcd to state the number ff | p];nn ..jud ^-.itcroil Silk Mantillas: colored and ■ «.'rt'ons dc'sired. or they will be conti»nied till ' and ch.-»r;red accordin^rly. •'^v- l.ertci to the Iviitur-; must bo ]iost-])ai«l. THE MOST KKl’K’ArKH'S RKMEDV EX- I TANT AXODYXE cor111 J)ROrs. I The succc.s.s of this remedy outstrips the use of aTiythinjr of the kind. From per.'jons of the tirst respectability re^idina; in ililFerent parts of i the country. I have received flattering ivccount.s, and -iniong them the following. Midway. (a., .\j>ril, 18IS. l>r. I.jttlo—l>0!»r Sir: Your .Anodyne (\>u>!;h I>rops have been used in several cjise.>* in JLi.vjK. LINE OF* 150ATS is still in succews- JL ful operation on the Cape Fear Kiver, and continue to otier ninny facilities to the shipping public. IVrsons pntronisinp; this Line, may rest ns- family, with most excellent effect; in fact, we ' that their (loods will be brotipht >ip with found it much .superior to the I’alsam of Wild ‘^''*I»'^eh, and iit the very lowest rates of freipiht. ('Ii'Try, or aJiythinjr else we ever "ave for 1il'I r.'s :ivl a.-i ('hlw, S ./-(/• D. M. MCDONALD the attentiiin of buyers t> his va- !»i!eiit i.f h'if. (iliiss,(!ii(l ('rockt rq H (/rr, ilidf ‘ , ILlt.-: rliiJ ('iljis, I!‘pr FrH h llt-'nulu .itiiil I'tirj^rJini’ Mui'i fra f ii/iir '»/ till' A' Ih'!/ mill I \niilh •>, n /' V fun- ( d '-. \ii'l every article usually k-pt for the accom- iinnl,it;oi\ 'if jiiiiiha-'T': a';' ul v.hich I will sell ' f-'r ('.L'h. .>r cxcli tii'j'c for e'.iinti-v Pri.duce. l! y s:r:-el. 1.'.. IS.'.l. L’-J-hu Presbytery of Fayetteville, ri'^iii; i'i:i..^i:\ r;;(:v (U fa\i;riiivii.Li: B »i’’ lui t-r id :lu“ I’rest(_\ ri.riaii ('liurch i:i .. il iisville. Wayne C'>uuty, on Thursday ■ . :it 1 "J -■ clix’k. >.-r 1 :22-:2t TO W INi: M.VKKli.-^. f•'.V barrels (,f t'uie iild VppV' s.iie: micIi a.s llusc win 1 i:ie should j-er. t UOK -•J-tf K Ua\o I'r 1\ I. m.ike \s- ■>1. Hr .''r-.i'! r i;i: . .Mil I'M i vii ! V. N. ('. I l:. I ' (•I’l l* r.K.'^: \'ou aie lierc- haxe your revpectivc t'oin- eil the 1st Tliuisd.iy ol' (te- I as the 1-1 w directs, at the A. M.. for the purpose of •■he.' ;ire rC'pured to attend • 'hill. 'lcl,i':!ii. Col. (’omncindinp. .. l"i: \KNj;iI.L. A.lj t. I'J-tiii with Svi;)j)I(’incnt. ■^n of HYMNS tor tI;o use of . iiC'- A f'.irther .'•■■ipplV just !:. .1. ham: .V S(‘»N. Iilaek \’elvet Mantillas: !’>roi-:»de Poplins: au'l a I lar"e assortment of Hress Trimmiuj:s: Frepich nn«l i',n::lisli .Merinos: Velvet Neck Kibbons and Cufls, v\.C. French worked Coll.irs and ('r.pes; Frencli. Worked Curts: French worked ('iiemisettes: I'n- der Slcevi's; S« is jind .laconet Trimmings; In- faTits’ W.-iists and ('aps: Hem-stitched and nee dle-worked Linen (’ambric Mandkerchief.s. frojn Itl cts. to !?>•'): and a beautiful assortnu'iit of Veils: every v.-iriety of Sh.awls. embroidered and plain: Thread, ('ottoti and l.inen IM|iinjrs and I..aces': )>lack Silk I,aces and Kd^inps. —ALSO— I’dack. bb>e. brow!) and preen French ;>nd Fnplish Cloths: black and tancy C.issinieres: Cut Velvet, figured and black Satin .and Valen- ci.i \ estin;.rs, (some\er\ handsonu': i S.itiincts: Kentucky .leans: T\\ -c |s; Linseys; Flannels, ' ;it\d v itton; ()snabtir js; 1 »rii;.rpets; jlamask Table Coths: ditto N.i|'kins; ('entre-TabU' Cov ers, \eryfine: I’iano Covers: Irish Linens; Lin- ‘n La«ns; Tlii' Cambrics; Toweliinps: (icn- tlciiun's .Meriuo Shins ;ind I'rawers: Silk Neck and I’oi'ket ll.indkerchie::.; Ladies' Merino \'est“: C;ishmere :inii .'silk Hose; ditto ||:ilf-H* the c«‘lebrat'd .sJalem .leans, bl.ick and prey. L.idie.s'. (ientlemen's and Children's M(»((.e. ;ind H( >|]S, M'-n .s, I:..'s' .and Iiit'aiit::' II.its ;in,l C;ips. \‘‘het, S.ititi. .''tri'.w and i'liii-en'e ISoimels. Uit’o ditto ditto for Mis-;es. Au'i e\cr\ ;;nicle usually kept in a !‘rv (Joods .'-t' re, c iinlte the ptiblic to e.all and exam ine o\ir larpe and handsome .''tock, :is we .ire al- w.i\s .anxious t^. .'Ikiu our lioods. f.-j*' \\ f.r-i, Siit/iir, T' l nn'J ('uffn'. A1;K\’, I! I!W i;i,L Co. return thanks to the citi/ens of Fayettevilii*. and the }>ubric L^t' t'or the verv jiatroiiape licre- tofore bist..\s»- l on liiem. and intend, by >tr attcnrioii to b i.»i:;es. t.i nu-rit a continuance S. S. AKLV. r. siii;\n\ KLL. .1. K. McIiuNalI* •1 t. I.'., l.'s'.l, Jltf l'.iyette\ i''i ( aru!;:iian ■I'.'- DAGUERREOTYPE PORT!? AITS. ! '>.'i 1 Simohhiia 'J'oharro. W bv li. lil-.AN.-'iN SON. L’ltf roiiK .\M> ('Ui'.KSK day. bv il' ukanson n. .v SON. liltf a-:: riLi. iMi \u\ti:r i;doi)s. IL fj. ,P. i*(’Siibvrfoif g fi ,\VK ju't received fr lUt Ne>' ^"ik ;ind S B I’hii-idehdiia a complete Stock of SILK AND FANCY DRY GOODS, ■ whi'-h tiv v b" foMi! ! :in v- 1 t of l! > I >i; (iuul'.'^, \i/; i’;;iin. watered _ I .''iiks; Neei'iic-uork d ('.-isiuiieres: l«ro- li l w.-t- red roj.liii.r: Chameleon Louisian- ' ; -lie ill-].': ri.aid Lustie-.: lieh Saxon\ Ie- ■ I lain, w.itero l .and fipured .''ilk w.arp Si Olid Mourniiip I’op irr : l.lack liom- '■ :i tew uperi'ii‘ |-h'cnit)p i>resse«: ]>ink. , ’ . ;iiid .''tr.iw colore.1 'i'.irlt.ans, \c. I lir, :ii, i w.-itered Mantillas: l?ay State, plaid ;u.. : 1'if'i Tliibet and Ca.shmere Shaw’..-: ■ i'l ''.e k C;ishnicre ditto, I.Mr.'iilM-.ltlFS. —Fretieh AVnrked LiiCe ■ • ' 1 ' o!! worked Cuffs: a beautiful hit li'iUi:-, i.a^’e C.ijies: I’lider-slceves .and Cliemi-, Swi-; .Licoiiet Trimminps: Hem-; d Needh'-workeil I.ineii Canibric j.'iki'i i black, blue and white Iace i \ VC .Vc. —ALSO— I ; k. I'V 'Wn :!iid Frem li and F.up1i^ll '.I-: bl:,'-'s f;,,,,.y C:..ssimer''>-: jilain an i ! . 'i Sati’i \’i.stiiiirs; Valencia .vnd C;i>.hmere ; . i .vi-i fls; .'':itti)ieis: Kcntui ky .I'-ans: Silk ■ i. r-.h. ! Ser^'c.s; plaid Lin'\^,s; rc.l. blue « ,;ie Fi:iiii\.is; French and Silk Warp ditto; i lid '■iii.:i(.h>il C.-infon ditto: 1 iinppets: i “■ ■ ui v'': Freni h atid linplish I’rints: Irish Towelinp: Tjililc Mapers: Ladic.s’ and '■ -t Kid Clovi s, i f j| v* ry superior ipial- .1*!'! Cotton Hosiery: Lamb's ^Vool and •jiV"' l.adies' and Crentlemen's Cashmere ' k^.Kr. tif Mtthsh-iu mill ^l/i- 'J''hi JJills' Ml 14 >• am! llnjs' ('iiJiHJ Hut mill Hi ft l. ':r. ,\ superior lot of (lentleineu's Calf 14oot« : ■•^li K s: Ladies’ (iaitcrs and otloM- styles of i fi. Tra\‘irnip 'J’lauikK: (’arjiet iJaps, Kc. 1 III' ;ili i-.r tMill Is were selecteil more particu- •■I ;■ tor thi- 11KTAH. Tr.AKK. .ind will be sold : very aecomiu'id.itinp terms. L. \ .1. A. ]’[•:>] HLinON. .'^i.t. 1 1. Oltc Reduction for Cash. in \\ !•; just received ■.!.•,(I jralhms of Porter's 111 !’iNl.N« I-LI llJ, whii-li 1 intend to sell ■ : 7-'. cents jier rallon. fir -'lets, a f|uart. c.'ish; | ■>1 |ier palloli when charped. This rule l.r of,.served in all cases. a fine assortment of FLFIjj LAMPS, - in price.s from 10 cts. to ('all anH I look at these splendid l>am]is. JL EllAMMKilT, Apent. 11'(dell's l)i^*slL*(l Miirmal. NEW EDITTON. A M-, V* i;i-\ised M.inual of the Public Sta- -a tnre of S. (’.. from 1 .S'J.S to 1 .S."; 1, u ln-^i\e, by .lames Iredell. I’j-ice No, just A C. ^^11T|!. llapuerri'an Art;.~t. ha\iiip • been iiist! :ict‘,'d in one ot the larp-'st ;ind liest Est.ablishmeiits in New York, and by one of the l.est .\rtists in New ^'ork or any where else. Would respectfully inform the citizens of Fayett-\ille. and jier-i KS livinp neitr. that he has ,1 P' i.m in the F.iyetteville Hotel firfed nji fo!' tal.inp I •a;:iierr ot_\ ]ies. :;:vl w ouM be very much pleased to v. ,iit iii those w ho may ^i'h to have their Likenes,i.s t.akeis. He the best m;iterials can be boupht any where with out any exception. He intends st..ppinp here 1'1,’y a I'l'w wec'is. all so.'II. if you wish a correct and pool Likt’n(ss. He feels that he can satisfy those who niay "i\t‘ him a call, if :i corre«'t .and poi.d Likeni'ss will do it. Tini" of takinp, from A. M. until P. M. 1 *ark or bl.ick dresses best for takinp: white will not ;;>iswer well. I lii-i s from T»o to Ten Hollar*!, ip-r:'" ' ' hildn-n one c; ken. if they can be kept Time couphs or colds. In whonpinp coiiph it proved so effectual ns to prt'vent it doiup much liarm in any w.-iy. Yours, »S:e., [Sipned] JOSEPH L.\NE. Hr. Little—Sir: Not lonp since, one of my children, ipiite a stout and heallhy child. «as for .several day.s mi'ch troubled ATith a whee/.inp :ind (iccasionally difficult breathinp, pain about the stonnich. restlessness at nipht, \e. Think- inp it mipht be worms, we pave her your Ver- mifiipe, when entire relief was htnl by tiie ex pulsion of thirty or forty worms. Hurinp the month of Marcli. I had an attack of several weeks, of a violent couph. pain in tiie breast and side, for which I took the Halsam of Wild Cherry, without beinp much lienefited.— I'nder the advice of yourself and Dr. .Moyer, 1 took two or three bottles of your .\nodyne ('ouph Hro|'saiid was entirely cured, tindinp it much better tlnui the Halsam of Wild Ciierry of Dr. Wistnr’s. Yours, ,S;c., [Sipned] .MlllANHA FOKT. Talbotton. .lune. ISIS. The Kev. Mr. .lacksnn writes as follows: Hr. Little—I>ear Sir; I’or years past I have been subject to »i severe coii"h find .soreness of the limps. >carcely pettinp throuph one attack before anotlier came on, especially when a little csi'osed. Such W!is its obstinacy at times, that I apprehensive it w:is of a fatal tendency. To cure it. many thiiips were necessarily used, but withoul success. Two ye.ars apo. I trii-d th»‘ Pcils;im of \\ ild Chi-rry. without beinp much benefited, when your .^nodyne Couph Hrops were recoiiimeiiileu. Of th> se 1 took but a few doses before I felt much relie'»-d: I continued to improve d.iily. until the coui.h and other symptoms t-i.a.sed. For a w hile afterw:irds, w hen 1 ! felt any return, a few doses of the medicine I stopped it. Tin- past winter, indeed for a year : pn'vious. I have not had much of :in attack, j which has not been the case seven or eipht I vcars tu'forc. j Several vials of your V*Ti»iftipe me.lieine ' have been used in my family, and with a very tine effect indeed. I [Sipned] .1. I’>. .1 .\Clx."' IN. Talbot comity. .\)'ril. IMS. The fac-simile of the sipnature of Hr. W'. O. , l.iltb- v^i!! lie t'ound upon the outside wrapper 1 of each of his Medicines. ! .sioM who’,cs;ile and retail. b\ th(* Proju-ietor. j at his .^lanutacturiup Hei>ot. No. >Lirket ; street. Philadelphia, and .ALicon, (ieorpin. I tv-*/;'' I’o be had ab.i of .Ltmes (’ain. P.oekfish; ‘ \N atson. Floral ('ollcpi': Tovvnseiid \ Hoiip- j hiss. I’ iile: Hr. P. M. 'o!ieii, ('harles- ! ton: ('. (Ibirbee, ll.irclav svi'le: P. F. I’esciid, ' P.a'ici.^li. S. .1, HINSH.NLF., .\pent t'or Fayetteville. I'ariiKMs* vV IMaritcrs’ A!-NL\.N.\(' for iS-'il.’. just received. ‘ E. .1. HALE vV SON. Sept. NO'I'K’I*:. r iLi uii \n\Ti:i{ coods. fHl H E .''nbscribers are now receivinp a veil BL selected stock of .Staple .and Fam-y HRY coops. Amonp their stock will >.e found the liitest styles of Ladies' anti (ientlemen's HIIL.''.S (itXiH.S, topether with a pood assortment of li 'iiilv-tn nli'Cliitliiii;.'; I iiilirelhis; . (’:ip>, and liiinui-ts; all kinds of IJuofs :,i •) Sliofs; ('arjH'tiiip; SaiMli's, liriillfs, \\ ii.r> • ;itnl ('iill:tr>; Haiilw;iro atnl (’tifliTV; LtM- tlier; ll(illiw-war(‘atul ('roi kerv-ware; J^nat'. Lump, Crusln d, (’laritio'l ami Hrowii Su- ijar.s; Teas; Mi", L.iiitiira aiil .Ia\a (VifiV-i-; Salt, 3IiiI;t.sM S, Iron ami Nails. W ith many other (Joods, which will be soli! very cheap for ('-ish, or on time to those who p:iy old ;ind n]iwards ta- ' lumctii.-illy. We would be if our friends till ]•') or seconds, ! .and fhe public penerally wmild pive us a c.all. A. W. STEEL. Presiilent. T. S. LVTTKKLtHI, Apent at Fiiyetteville. .'.M-tf Feb. 1.-,, WAN TED, ~ (!OOT> H.VNDS, at 7-"> cts. per day. on the Southern I’lank Koad. Steady euijdoyment and cash payment weekly, if re- • luired. Applv to H. M. lU IE, At the Steam .MHl, or to A. A. .McKETHAN, .June 2o, 1 H.'d. [~”'H’] Fiiyetteville. liine tolialoi£>li. r®^HE Subscribers, M«il (’otitraetors from JSL Fayetteville to Pvaleiph. will commence operations this day. with new and comfortable Coaches, pood horses, and careful Hriver.s.— The Fare is FIVE 1*(>LLA1!S.— .same as before. The Sfape Houses are. in Fayetteville. t!ie Fny- etteville Hotel, in Haleiph, the Yarborouph House; but P.assenpers will be conveyed to such other Houses :is they may select. The hours of departure will be. until fiirtlur notice, at half- (iMst P. .M. from F.iyetteville, and at ‘J P. .M- from I’.aleiph. daily. Tiie siil.scriber> hope, by unremitted attentifin, to secure a liberal share of the travel. MUI!HO('K McKINNoN. HAVIH McNEILL. F.ivetteville. .lulv 1. IS-M. 7.'^-tf SOUTHERN HARMONY. JUST I{E('E1VED, a new .supply of tliis popular Book. Aup. IH.'.l, E. .T. HALE & SON. 'I'OIiACCO. 4 GOOD STOCK on hniid; and 1 shall re ceive repul.arly, frfim .Messrs. J. Jones iS: Co's Factory, (|ualities assorted from common to very line, which I will sell at lowest manufac turing prices. J. UTLF.V. Fayetteville, .\]>ril 18ol. tibtf NO'i'IC’l’..—All AccohhIs duu the Mendiants’ Steamboat ('omp;iny, for Freiphts up to the l.'jth inst.. must be promptly paid to the tindersipned. as much time cannot b! piven to the collection of the same. J. iS: T. W.\HHILIi, late .\pents. Fiijetteville, Jan. 127, 1S-')1. oDtf to i'ontrart for, Tiio Subscriber wislics to con tract for one MILLION OF I’vEI) ().\K HHH. S'i’.WE.S, of the followinp ilimensioiis. viz:— Full 44 inches lonp, ^ inch thick on the thin edpe: to tiverape 4 inches in width; none to he less than o.t. They must be pot out of pood, sound timber, and not to show much s:ip. They must l>e rouph shaved with the drawiup knife. For which (jiiality of Staves, 1 am willinp to p.iy ■'j'lS per thousand. a E. D, iT\LL. Wilminpton, Aup. ‘J‘.\ IS-tf (JLO> jyu, lyiedical College of the State of j . South Carolina. j ^THE Annual (.’onrse of Lectures in thi.s In- [ Lino of 4 horse Post Coaches from Fayetteville to Warsaw—Daily. fS’IHE .Siif.seribers haviriir secured the mail con'ract on the .-ibove Line, will commence THl.s HA \ , runniiip ii [.ine of Four Horse Post •lies. H.aily. Lc.ivinp Fajetteville :ind arriviiip at Wars.iw at j'ast ct Cl M i:i time for the ("ars North fiiriiinp. leave Warsaw on the arrival of the (':irs, s;iy al»out 1 or L’ P. M.. and .irrive :it Fay etteville in ten hours. Every care will be taken to render the line pleasant, convenient, and safe, f'.T Travellers. .V Line of ,'^tapes will be est.iblislu’d :is soon as possible, by the lloiid. from Fayette ville via Carthape and .Asheburouph. to Lexinp- toii, Salem, and S.-ilisburv. .McKl.NNON \ McNEILL. F:iyetteville, N. C., ,\up. .s^, l^.M. 11-tf TiiK ri:i,i:iwiTKn bii k pitr.vt C()(Hvl\; STOVE. for s:ib- by the .Subsci'ibt'r in ILileiph .‘ind Fayetteville; in Haleiph at iiis Shop on F.iy- ettcville .Street. a:id in Fa_v etteville at .\lr. A. .M. Campbell's. The Snbsi-riber hereby forevi-arns .ill jiersons from piirchasinp any of these Stoves from any person either in or out of North ('.amlina. ex cept from himself or his duly authori/.ed Apents. He has piurchaseil the exclii;-ive ripht to vend this Stove within the*-. and will prosecute any person infrinpinp his ripht. either by j'ur- chasiiip. selliiip. or usinp, any except those ob tained from himjelf. Jt>SEPH WOLTERING. Haleiph. .\pril 1'.*, ISol. »>Stf Watch-Maker and Jeweler, AT THE OLD STAND. Sii/il n f tli>' Lm-Iji’ ]\(it' ll ^ ,\.S returned from the North with a larpe assortiiM'nt of WA'l'CHIlS. CL(»CKS .\.\H iJlCWEI.HV, wiiich he invites the juiblic to ex amine. .Viiionp his stock can be fouul,— (■old and Silver \Vatchcs of all kinds and jirices: (iold .ind .silver Fob, (iuard. nnd V>st (Tiains: (.iold. Silver. Stone, and Steel Keys and 1 Se.-ils: Pins nnd Ear-P.inps of all kinds I and ].rices; Finper Itiiips: (iold. Silver and Steel '.Spectacles: Silver :ii)d (lold^ 'I’himbles; fine Hracelets: tJold and Silver Pens and Pencils; j (lold lioekets; Gold and Silver P>elt Ibickles: ' Card Cases; (’oral Heads: Sleeve P>uttons; fine I Accordeons: Music Pxixes: fine and common It li P j Walkinp ('aiies; tine and common Pistols: Silver \ M ! Silver .pooii.s; Port-Monevs; I’urses: •li d South P»e- ' ^’l"eks. from nj to Pitted Cake Haskets. Castors ;ind Caiid'esficks; Pir;iss do.: Eack-dam- nion P>oards: iVc.. »Vc. MILITAHY COOHS. Sworils, .S;ishcs. Lace, I’lUttons, Huples. Stars. Plumes, ('ajis, »Ve., \c. JEkj.T" I’artictilar attofitiiiti paid to the Uet'airinp of Watches and .lewelry. Favetteville. N. ('.. .lul'. L’l. '‘i-'lm JL stitution will commence oti the tirst AFon- j day in .Noveml>er next, on the following br:tnch- es: Anatomy—by Prof. J. E. FH>LP>PiOOK, M. D. Surgery—by Prof. E. (!EDDIN(«S, >L D. Histitntes and Practice of .Medicine—bv Prof. S. HENUV DICKSON, .>[. D. I’hvsiologv—by Prof. JAMES MOULTRIE. M. 1». .Materia Medica—liv Professor HF^NIIY 15. FHOST. -\L I). Obstetrics—bv Prof. TIIOS. (i. PlUoLEAr, .M. D. ('hemistry—by Prof. (’. C. SHEP.VMD. M. D. Com}>!ivative .\uatomv—bv Professor LOCIS AOASSl/. M. H. Demonstrator of .\natomv—by ST. Jl'LI.VN P.AVENKi., M. H. I>r. D. J. ('AIN. Physician to the Marine Hosjiital and Clinic:il Instructor, f.ectures twice a week on the disease.^ of that Institution. Hr. E. I5E1.1N EL.\((;, I’iiysiciiin to the Alms House, licctures twice :i week o- diseases. Hemonstr.-itive instruction in Mi .icine and Surpery, at the Collepe Hospit.-il. In addition to the Hepul:ir J.ectures of the (^ollepe. arranpements have been made between individual members of the Faculty and citizens of (Tiarlesfoii, with Professor Louis Apassiz. to deliver at the (’olleire, diirinp the retrul:ir term, a (iHATClTOl S COUHSE OF Li;('Tr!{KS, on such parts of Cotnparative .\natfimy as may be select«*d by him, in advisement witli a Commit tee ,‘ippointed !>}• the Faculty- of the Medical Collepe. HENKV n. FROST, ^r. D.. De:m of the Faculty. .\upust H. IS.'il, 1 }-('iw D. & W. Mcliaurin •VVE jn.^t received a «f‘nwnHble a^aortriml of (.JOoDS. consistinp of Prints: (iinp" liJims: .laconet. Swiss and Tarltan Muslins: ricli* I’rintod l-ijien Lawns: Ltice Cnpe«: white nndi col'J l>isle; Silk emb. Jind Miji'r Kid (.iloves; Ho" siery; ditto for Mi5sc3 and Uoys; Linen Cani' V>ric ILindkercliiefs; Taylor's Spool (.’otton; bl'k and fancy Cassinicro.s; ClothH; col’d and white* Linen Drillinps: fine P'reneh donfile width plains and rilt'il Drab d'Etc; Sheetinps and Sliirtinpsj I'mbrellasaml Para.aols; IJoot.s and Shoe^: UHrd" ware and Cutlery; with a. preat vt*.rk‘ty whi«i« we offer at the lowest pricen. —ALSO—• 2('« boxes Tobacco, verj" lo-w per the bcix-.- !(' bbls. prime Pork. ;*>(1 b.ips Piio and Lnpufra CofTce, hhds. Supar. 10 bbls. Reliiied nnd Ciranulatcd Snpar, Loaf and Cm shed ditto. P>ar and Fancy Soap«. Superior Northern Flour. D. W. McI,.\rRI5i'. April 7, 1 . (Kitf For Rent on Favorable Terms, (Jomfortat)le Dwellinp House on .Mtimfor'l Street, niider the Oaks, with n pood vie^r of the public works on Hay .Mount, and of th*' extensive cultivated fields in front. Also, n pootl stanil for a Provision or Grocery Store, West end of the W’;ipon Yard Buildings. A ]ileasant summer residence joining Dr. li. Hub-- insoii. Apj'ly at the Poeit Otlice. JOHN M.\CRAE, Anpust 14, IS-jl. A sto NOriCE. ,jTARIi .S: W'II,LI.\.MS have removed to the lire recently occujiied liy .Mr. .John 1>. Starr, fine door west of .^Jessrs. II. Hranson .t .Son. where they have just received additions to the .Sprinp purch.-ises of Staple and F:iney Hl!\' (ittOH.s. Country merchants are re‘[uested to e.Miiiiine our stock. J. P.. STARR. J. .M. WILLIAMS. J line 7, 18')1. 7 *>-tf T' New York, my flHAVK just received fr FALL .’VNH WINTER tStock of Cftoods, Consistinp of :i peneral assorttnent fif Dry (idoils. lirorrrlrs. Ilardwiirf. Ciitliry. i\r. JOi«‘ I will barter for TFPiPKNTlNE. or any kimJ of I’rodiice. N. KINO, 1(^ miles Nirth of Fa vetteville. Oct. L’8. 1SV». ' 4;’.tf EOR SAl.E, -fl «li WM. P.OWLANH’S Extra thick Mill ^ and Cross-cut SAWS, (i and 'i.i feet. D. .S: W. .McLACRlN. Nov. 10, is.'.O. 4iitf Gunn’s Domestic Medicine. A FL'UTllEll supply, just received. iv. J. HALE & SON. Jiitie 1 t‘i. 18.'(1. IMHNTINGINK. A FEW ;>iHb Keps. just received and foy .sale by E.' J. il.VI.E ik S(.*N. A up. l;5. lloti'iikiMM’M Vertical Watrr HERE are several liundred of these Wheels in operation in difi'eretit co^uities in North ('arolina. For proof of their preat advnntape.s- over the common flutter wheel, or any other wheels now in use for saw mills, we confidently ' refer to those who have ajiplied them to their" mills. We can recommend them particularly . for their superiority in cases of a low head of ! water, or back water. ! We still keep a supply of AVheels. stiitable ffir' diflerent heads of water, at Wilmington, New- bern. Washinpton, PMcntoii and Fayetteville. I The wheels may also be had of E. A. P.revard, ! Lincolnton. and L'riah Wells, Petersburp. Va. I Persons wishinp to obtain fhe riplit to use thc!' wheels, will be served on application to McNeill iV t'o., Favetteville, N. C. D. McNEILL. A. A. .McKETHAN*, D. J. McALlSTER. Feb'v 2:2. 1S19. 5*'.-tf for takiiie CliiMreii. from I't .'1. until •J I*. ,M. iis/; ' Instructions piven in the .\rt. U-ty“ persons t.iken in proups if they wish it. H;ipuerreotypcs and .Mini.-iture Paintinps co- j'ied for those vvho may wish it. oh. wa 1 Some power the pit'tie pie us. To See ourselves as ithers see ns. It Would fioni maiiv' a blunder free us, Aii'I foolish III,til,n.—liuriis. p.ut eonie when you will, jierfect likeness you'll have. 1 f you iuly feit still. Lovers are of all others the best subjects for sittinp, thoiiph the most diflicult to jilease. Secure the shadow Ere the substam.-e fade.—SfniJ.-.'juari. Sejit. 1. IHtf SCHOOL Ncn'K'i:. us. Horn will resume her School, at the .it .M asonic Lolpr. cii day of (»-tobi-r iie.xt. Sept. 11, 1S'>1, Wediiesdiiv the Lst n-ot 1- .1 L. ,f. H \m; S >N. siiin(;m:s w an i’ED. r.VNTED, :J0.0(>0 Juniper SHINCJLES, well rounled. IS inches liii;l. 4 ii'ches wide. ^ of an inch thick, for whicii $•{ ’>> per thousand will be j>aid. ELIJAH Fl'LLEU. Sept. I.'), 1.‘-)I. Ul lOKASWAIlKr 3"^ \ W. I’lI'^NNETT. Manufacturers of fan- Jm cv Rockiupliam and Yellow Iron SToNE \VARF.. "would invite the attention of Southern miTchants to their larpe stock of I'atirij Crorl'cnj- H7/rr, Of their own manufacture, corner of Can:il st. • :md Canton .\veniie. two sf|u:ires East of the Philadeli.hia and Wilminpton Hail Road Depot. P.ALTl.MOltE. Sept. 1:;, l.s.'.l. l.’'2-4tw WIJAIMHNC; PAPER. J P^EAMS .Nledium size, II *i-‘> Elue, for Cottim Yarns. From .Manteo I*aper .Mills. Rahiiph. For sale iow bv II. RKANSON & SON. July !t, ]S.')1. 3tf _ k (M)MPANV’S 1 Piitcnt Jiii{)rovod Elesli Gloves j 111(1 Strn|)s, I For producing a healthy stiitJ of the .system by 1 Friction. ^HlHi; pre;,f value of the HORSE-IIAIR RE- N'fiVATOR !is a therajieutic apent, when npi»lied to the hiimau fiody, i.s well known to every one who h is ]>aid the attention to the importance of he;dthv action of the Skin. For s.ile by S. J. HINSDALP,. (Jet. 1, Ih-'iU. ;;v;f T J, T. COI’NCIL .V c \IN. Si'i.t, 1. IS.'il. ISff PAINTS. 4000 Imperi:il .■ind Paris (ireen. Spanish I’.ro’vn. Spjiiiish Whitinp. Winter (ireen. Chrome Yellow. Lithar'ie and other varieties of Paints. COOK JOHNSON. March 10, '-.Iltf I'OR saij:,~ ONE lot of Fand containinp '2 acres, with a eonifortable Dwellinp and Kitchen tlierenii. The above projiei'ty is -in h:ill ;i mile of Robeson Institute. l»obeson county. _ ■\lso. Four Shares of the Cajjital .Stock in s.iid Institute. For further particulars, inquire of ALFIiEH JACKSON. ('umbeilaml countv. Sept, 1, LS.'d. IStf - — r .MEDICAL DKI'AKTMFNT OF IIAMPDKxN' riD.NKY (’OLLEi;!-, BtlCII V \. ^ H I’, annual course of I,ectures will commence on .Monday, the loth of (Ictober, IS.'m, and continue until the first of ,M:ireh ensuinp. The commencement for con- ferrinp depiees will be held about the middle of .March. R. L. Roiiannas, -NL D., Professor of Ob stetrics, vVc. * F. W. CiiAMitr.Ki.AY.NK, .M. D., Professor of Mateii.i .Medica, »S;c. S. ,M VI iMN. -M. H., Professor of Chemistry. ('ii>. Hk.i.i. (Im:si'.s. .M. D., Professor of Sur pery, .S;o. C. P. Johnson, M. D., Professor of Anatomy and Physiolopy. I). H. Ti'i kkr, .M. D., Professor of Theory and Practice of .Medicine. A. E. Pktii'Oi. v.'^, -M. D., Demonstrator of An atomy. 'I'he facilities for Aiiainmical and CUniral in struction in this institution and unsurpassed. EXPEN.sKS.—.Matriculation fee •i’j—Profes sors’ fei's (apprep.'ite) >*!Hl.')—Demonstrator's fee .>10' Graduation fee The price of Hoard, includinp fuel, liphts and servants' attendance, is usually .‘jfo or per week. The C:italfipue, &■.. cfmtaininp fuller informa tion concei-nin.p the School, will be forwarded to those :i])j)lyinp for it, or spocifu! enijuiries will be answered by letter. A.ddres.s S. .MAl Pl\, M. D„ Dean >f the Faculty. July 22. f-Hw I'ALI. vV \VIN'I'I:R (JOODS. [7 E are now receivinp our F L L .V N D W I N T L R GOO D S. consistinp of :i verv peneral and widl selected Stiick, l.\ AM. m.m:s, W'hii^h we arc offerinp on our usu.a.1 terms. .\11 sorts of Produce purchased: and wf to the FoRW.\KHIN(t Hl'.Sl- NFSS. J. \ T. WADDILL, Hay st. Fayetfeville. No^. 2.’>, IS.')*!, 47tf Ni:\v (;ooi)s. rjlHE Subscriber is now receivinp a larpe and well selected stock of GOODS, recently purchased in New York for C.\SH, which are offered for sale at low prices for cash, country [irodiicc. or on time to punctual men. .‘i(» libls. No. o Mackerel,—new. 2» half and in«rter bbls, e.xtra No. 1. Kits No. 1 Salmon and Mackerel. ELIJAH FI LLER. Se})t. 1, l'.*-4tw KM),()()() Acres Valuable T I M P» K R E A N 1) S FOR SALE. II E Subscriber has j urchased all the Lands H_ belonpinp to the Estate of Abram Dubois, dec'll, lyiiip ]irineipally in Ro)»eson county, and on both sides of l^umber ILiver, the diflerent sur veys containinp TO co rroN pt.anticrs. PIECKS COTTON RAGGING, 7i> coil.s Ropo, 200 lbs. Twine, .Tiist received tuxl for chonp, b.y 1 i:TEii P. johnVon. d:, l^-'.l. IHf Over 100,(H)0 Acres; .\ larpe jtart finely Timbered, and convenient to , Lumber Kiver. wliere a larpe quantity of Tim- ' ber is now rafted to the (ieorgetown market. These Lands are very valuable both for the : Timber and Turpentine, for which purpose a larpe part is well suited, in a repion i where the Turpentine yields more abundantly ‘ th:in any other .sei'tion of the St:ite. The Lands I will be sold at a low price, and in quantities to I suit purchasers. I Infbnnation r*spectinp the title can he ob- : tiiined by a|>plyin." to fhe Hon. Robert Stranpe. ' Hftii. Jas. ('. Dobbin, yr A. T. Smith, Esq., ^ (.\ttonieys at I undeVst.ind there are many trespassers on ■ these Lands, to .ill of whom notice is hereby I piven, that the law will be enforced apuinst all ; such otfenders. i Apidication for any ji!irt of the Lands can be made to myself, or to .lohn AVinslow, FIsq., who is duly authorised to make sale of the same. ' THOS. J. CURTIS. Fayetteville, N. C.. Sept. 1, 1845. TOtf FOR At the. loiroif Jfdfl'f’/ J*rirrs^ HHDS. Now Crop MOLASSES. 1200 sacks SALT. "lOOll btishels .Vlum Salt. 001)0 lbs. Cotton Yarn. Osnabury:s and Rrown Sheetinps. "•eneral stock of articles in tiic Grocery JNO. D. \YILLIAMS. F’ayetteville, Feb. lo, IbOO. iRi:niaj.’s i-:quit¥, Voi. o, 9T L’s r publ' i'tid for ‘;r*le V>y *.9 i:. J. HALE & HON. With n line. \Val(*lio> and Jc'welry. At AVIiolc'^^alo and Kefail. .1. M. I’.EASIJ^^ Ol'LD re>pectfully inform the ]iub1ic ▼ * pener.illy, that he has retui'ned recent ly froni New ^'ork, with decidedly a larpe as sortment of II Vf/rlir.s- Jrirvlrif. M any of these Watches were boupbt for C.\SH RY THE P.VCK.\CiE, and can therefore be sold very low. He has Watches of all kinds: (’haiiis. Keys and Se:ils fif all kimls and of the latest styles: Finper-Rinps, Eai-Rinps, Medallions, of all sizes, of Enplisii and Anierii^:in make: La dies’ ('hatelaines: ('uff Pius: Collar and Slee'e Huttons: Shirt Studs: (told Spectacles, lipht and he.-ivy; GoUl Pens !ind Pencils; Gold and Silver Thimbles; P.racelets; Silver Fruit and Hutter Knives: Silver Spoons of all sizes: larpe lot of Pocket Cutlery; Scissors, best quality; Rutton- hn’e Scissors, Surveyor's Com]>asses and Chains; Mathemafieal Instruments: larpe quantity of tine anil common Pistols: f;iie and common sin- ple and double-barrel Guns; (Same Raps; Shot Relts and I’owder Flasks: Milit.-iry Goods, in- cluditip the Ihiss Drtim nnd the smallest Rutton; Violins and extra Rows: Flutes. Clarionets. Fla- peolets. .Vceordeons. of all kinds and sizes: .Mu sic Boxes; Perfumery; Soup; Lather Rrushes; Razors and Strops; Hressinp and Pocket Combs; Pl.'ited and I’ritjinnia Ware; .inil various other thinps too tedious to enumerate. Call and pive me a trial. (’ash pjiid for old (_5o!d and Silver. W.VTCiiKs and Jkwei.iiv neatly Kep.-iired. Fmfitlirilh'y X. C.— Xnrfh-Euiit ('iir)if'r of Miirh'i f SijiKirr. P2-C.m] J. M. REASLEY. WAN'FED, .“iOOO ft. .\slie Lumber for Wapmis, 1 to o inches j thick. j :](M»(t ft. Se;isoned Oak Lumber, 1^ to inches. ! H*(*0 t't. AVhite Oak and Hickory, for .\\letrees. i HMMI ft. White Oak for Tonpues, Rol.stcrs and | Shafts. 1()0 Post Ouk Hubs, for (’arts and Wapons. 200() Spokes. For wliieh the hiphest cash juice will be paid. .\pplv sooTi to E. FCLLEIL May 10, 1S')1. 72-tf Rbls. No. 1 Herrinp. ® 2-') “ “ Mackerel. 100 Rales Hay. ](f0 Piece.s (’otton Rappinp. r>0 Coils liope. 200 Lbs. Twine. ;’iO Hhds. Molasses. Hhds. I'jiir Supars. r>() Haps Rio (,'ofl'ei-. ^Vith Alum :ind Sack Salt, and Groceries pen- erallv, for .sale at the lowest market i>rices. by JNO. 1». WILIJAMS. Au.ffust 14. 18.'»1. l.'Uf “ JiACUJINO AND ROPE. ~ «ru COTTON RA(UJ1N(; AND ROPE have arrived. Our friends can send in their orders, and thev shall be supplied. CH)K & TAYLOR. IS. 18.')1. 14tf 1». 1» JOIliXSOA Has JUST RECEIVED ami ofTers for sale, cheajt,— 7;”> baps superior Rio COFFEE, 2o barrels Coil'ee Supar. r>0 barrel.s Mackerel. Nos. 1, 2 and o. Loaf and (iranulated Sugar. —ALSO— A larpe assortment of Iron and Trails. Shov els, Spade.-, 'I'race ( hains. Shovels nnd Tonps, l?l.ick.smiths’ Rellov.s, Anvils. Arises, Hammers. Planc«. Augers :iU'i (.iiiscl-j, i'ilcs, (,'ollius .Vxes. xc. IG, 1S;”j1. 14tf SAEIvM papi:p-mii.l. rH^HE subscriber has taken charge of thi.s old , S_ and well known Establishment, and is pre- | pared to attend to all orders for j Priiitiiiir l^i})or, Mercliants' and j l-'ac'tory \\ rapping, vVc. ; The Mill has recently been thorouphly refitted ■ with new machinery, and the subscriber believes he can furnish Paper of as pood quality and at as cheap prices as can lie purch:ised any where, I North or Smth. I CHARl.ES E. SHORER. 1 S.ilem. June 7. IS.M. 77tf WANTED, A (JOOD Body Maker at the Carrinpe bnsf-- ./m. Good wages ar.d !»teady employ*- ment civen. A. McKETH.VN.- Mav 2t5. 7.^-tf .icsT fi.Msmi'j), IGHT NI'.W RUGGII].S. .Mso, two second hand. For s.-ile bv 'a. a. McKETTIAN. Juno 2. IS.'.l. 74-tf DOMi:s'rics7' ~ flTTLl'- Itiver Osnaberps: 7-'' nnd 4-4 J Sheetinps jilvv.-iys on hand, anil for sale at Factory jirices. bv STA1:R WILLIAMS. June 7, 1 S.'fl. 7'(-tf K1N(J :!nd McMIL!,.\N have entered • into copartniTship in the Histillery of Turpentine. aiil have erected a .s^till on the )Vest .side of the Fayetteville and Western Plank lload, S miles from Favetteville. N. KING. MayO. —71tf .V. .McMlLLAN. E wish to btiy 2o.(Mm) barrels Turpentine. I,1',SS().\S i.\ vu sic. 11. ^VlHT.\KEIl xvould respectfully in form tlie citizens of Fayetteville and vi cinity. that he has apain commenced pivinp Les sons (III the Piano F'orte. He returns his thanks for the lilieral )>atronape heretofore received, and humbly solicits a continuance of the same. .\11 pains shall be taken for the advancement of his pujiils. Instruction also triven on the (!uitar. Pianos tiiueil and rep.-iired iji the be.-t manner. L. H. WHITAKFR. Aupust 24. IS'.O. H4tf WAN'n:!) TO ]U)K1U)W, f ™ “ F Good security piven. In terest ar.:iually or semi-annually. .\ddress letter to A. R., and leave at this of fice. June no, IB'il. 7S-tf HHDS. SWEET MOLASSFS, lOOO Ssicks Liver]>ool S.\LT. with our usual Stock of CiPiOCERlES. J. T, WADDILL. July 21, IS.-) 1. Otf pood sujtply of Williams's Rectified Rve Whiskev. J. & T. W. FRESH TEAS. XTRA FINE HYSON. Do do ]ni]>orinl. Do do (iiinpowder, I Do do Ooli^np, nnl I Younp Hyson TE.\S. of superior qnalitr, I ‘ —also— [ Chocfilatj*. Rarley, Salad Oil, Mustard, Yeas^t Powders, vScc. F'or sale bv SA.m''L j. HINSDALE. April 21. f.Stf I ^ I> r. TTIlirril A I » 69 , Has taken an OfTiee on Hay Street, Wes? of the Hotel iluihlinps. July 14, ISAl. 4-tf MIN E R AI r wZfER. J. HINSH.\LE is prepared to furnish hi.*!- customers with SOD.V or MINEllAI/ WA^ TER. with a variety of Syrtijis, all of a quality unsurpissed. April 21. r>9tf ^ medicint:s’' rm'nfs, Oih. Wiiuhjic G/nsu, VaniisJij Sami r.L J. Ifi.vsoALK (tfTers for sale an extensive a.esortment of G()ODS, amonp xvhich are the fol-^ loAvinp; Opium, Camphor, Castor Oil, Alcohol, Sul-' phur. Aloes, .^lrtgnesia. Rhubarb, Morjihine^p C^niinine. Cream Tartar, !*ul Sod.-i. (,'astile Soap^ S*uper carb. Soda, Epsom St;lts, Sponge. Ijiecac,- Sarsaparilla, Kreosote. Roriix, .\rrowroot, Isiii^ glass. Gum .\rabtc, Gnm Myrrh, (’spsieutu, liO^ beli.-i. Plasters, Liquorice, Chloroform. Jiijubi P«»:te. (’opperati. W hite I-ead, Lin(»eed Oil, Tmirf Oil, Whale Oil, Sperm Oil. Sweet Oil. Nent.sfooK Oil. (’opal Varnish, Leather Varnish, Jiipan> Varnish. Window (ihi?;s. Putty, Pujnice Stonc^ Chrome (ireen. Chrome Yellow. LanipblHck, Patent Plack, Terra de Si',.‘nna. Umber. Black Lead. Litimrpe, Retl Lead, Putent Dryer, Whi^ French Yellow, Yellow Oi-hie. Venetian* lied. Sp.-inish Rrown, Prussi.-in Jtlue. Sand-pa-- jier. Starch. Sal Eratus. Mii«tard, Spice. Nut-' meps. Pepjier, Ilopu, Indigo, Madder, Saltpetre,. Ginger, Glue, Annato. (’loves, Mace. Burninj?: Fluid, Alum, Ox.ilic Acid. W liite IJrick. Tripoli,. Wash Rrushes. Paint Brn.sho.', Varnisii Rru.she®^ Scrubbing ditto. Slioe do.. Tooth do., H iir do.., Lopwood, Red wood, Rlack Ink, Opodeldoc, kc^^. with a peneral assortment of Medicines; (’hemi^ cal.s of all kimls; French and English Perfume^ ry and Soaps: with a full nsjor^^nent of all the- leadinp Patent Medicines nov in use. Orders from the vountry promptly attender? to. and pood.s carefully packed. The Subscrilier feel.s nssurcMl thst lie rriT!' meet the wishes of the purchaser in regard to’ quality and price. S. J. HINSDALE, Dnippir.t.. October 12, 18.*>0. 42tf and a va- rietv of Plouphs and Plotiph fixtures, for iile by * J. vS: T. WADD1LI-. Jan. 4. t'M{ WE15STER-S QI ARTO DIC TIONARY; A FURTHEll sup]ily just received. E. J, HALE & SON. Aug. in. HENRIETTA LINE OF NIeaiii and Freight ISoafK, A RE all in excellent order for business. Our Tow Roats have been recently repaired and made good ns new. We have also ndded a ni'ir Flat for low water, and well adajited to the service. She will carry 7f>0 lilds. merchanlize, and dr.iw on’., 20 inches water. Those favoring us with their patronage, may expect as prom])t and cheap senico in every particular as any other Line can offer. 0. DF.MING. Prcs't. R. AI. ORRKLL, A. D. f’-'./.Al'X, .‘prr.t ’>Viim:ii"to!. 1 iivettevil’i Dec. 21. 1^-jO. oO-ii F'ire Innuranccm The .^-ITNa Insurance Company of H.nrf— ford, having jiaiil the tax imposed by the* Revenue L.‘iw of the late Legislature, will con-- tinue its .\pency in FayettOTille, under th*' management of tl.-c umlcr*ignv.'iil, who is pro-- pareil to i.'isue I’olicies of Jnsnrance on Ruild-' inps or (iofids, either in this Town or in any jtart of the State, on proper applic.ition, le' .scription of the Propert3\ kv. The -K’J’N.X COMP.\NY has been in oper.ifionr abimt .i() yeai"s. Its cajiital is The Hon. Thos. K. Brace was its first Presi-lent,- and he still holds that office; .*xnd .Tcveral of its' first llireetors are still active and efficient mcm-- bcrs of the RoarL It has atidl times susbiined' the hiphest character for the pnidcnoo of itf»^ mau.'igement, atid for the libei-ality with which' it ha.; ever adjusted its losse."?. K J. II.\LE, Agent. March 10, IH.')!. ()‘2-tf Settlements. EP.SOXS T. ho are indebted to ns will con-- fer an obligation if they will «!ettle dnrin-^' the pretejit Tnoji;)i. All p^r-ons to when we .ii*'*' indebted will render thi-ir bills for p:>y-' • ent. E. J. ii.U.R .V .‘UiN.- p,