INTnRKSTJN(I Ol!HKSI’(»N KKNTK. I KOM ruF. riiii.AnKi.nii \ nouth amekican. J'niiio fitiK’ y ;ittcrii(>oii, fus wc iivt' (ii'voriinr p)'liiistou rcc?ivcdj tluou::h the of a servant at the A- ancl niy ft'llow-cltlzens at lar;Tp, mny Jis*- surod of my tiriti determination, at Jili ha*- onlsi, and under all cireuiHHtuncet*, to niaintiiiii the suproiuapv I’t the Constitu tion, and cnt’oicc obedience to the hiws u- like of the United ti^tatcs and of tliis Com- iiu'ri(.an Ilot.I. where he lodges, the me-; monwoalth. iiiDiial. ')»■ |t» titidu, or whatever else it may I In order that I may be sure that my an- }.ei ;illed. which we irive bolow. As the I swor may reach ltd destinatii)n, (}Oui let- ev 'uing p.q'ers of Saturday, and tlie hul- k-r liavinir but aetident^tlly come U) my ]> ?ii\ boards of the various newspaper olli-j h:inds.) i luive reiuested Mr. NV iit-e to res iiad inibllshed the fact that a large put it in the hands of Mr. Jt)hn ( H'Jw’ala- r, whose sii^uature, 1 observe, is first. 1 am, with great rt.-pect, your obedient K. .lOllNSTOX. luuiil'cr of arrests had lu eu UMide in ban-• ler, whose signature, 1 f cMster county, and that both the hnal an tliorlties ami the oilicers of the I iiited servant, States had been actively engaged in tiu; j disidiarge t>f their duties, it is certainly siuucwhat singular tliat the gentlemen siixunig this paper sliotdil assume that tin* ministers i)f flie law wen^ p:iralyzel. l>i- rectlv the contrary was the fact, as the \VO(»lt\V(»i:Tll I’l.AM.NC M.Vl'lllNE KXTKN- SK i.N. We understand that, at the recent Plan- in-' Machine Trial, iii ('oopcrstowft, (noticed in No. 4t*) (inc ot the cnunsel, not District Att(uiu'y and Sheritr of bancastcr ],j^ c..urft‘.sy, after eouuty were diligently emph-y.'d m trac- j„,mvd the viaU >f his wmtii upon ing and arresting the otTenders, and subse- ,n,/.,nutifr patentees wh.. have lu-e- ^ueutly the Fe-leral officers were sjmdarly ,.,„j „,;n.liines, knowing of ui-cupied, and it was well known in the existence "f the \Vo->dw«irth i’atii.i, city t'U Saturday that nearly all the sus- t),i. ;i>siguces intended to ]Ketvd jiersoiis had been taken, and were extt*nsiou of the patent by an men in custody. 'J'he rej'lv of (lovernor Johnston, which we also ui\'‘, expresses in suitalile terms his .-ense i>f the gross outrage which has l.cen coniniitted, and his determination to maintain aiul enforce the laws. /■/ till ih.r. rnur nj i* 111IS1//1 'j’he uutlcrsigned, citiz.n.' ol Pennsylva nia, respectfully represent: That citizens of a neighlx^'ing State have been cruelly a.vsi.ssiuated by a band of armed outlaws, at a place not more than espec\il act of ('ougress, based upon th(> principle of }>laning l>y mechanical jircs- >nre. 'I'hi* assiifiiees ot this ptitcnt must have been deeply chagriui'd at the want of di.scretion thus manifested, to .say nothing of the want of courtc-'V towards opponent>. manv of whom, iloubth‘>s, are honorable men. tar ai»ove the >u>^i'iciou of piracy.— l)V makiiiix >uch a ^tatl•mcIlt at this early period, the puiilic mind will prepare it.'cll to resist to the last extremity .>0 glaring an act of inju.'tice to their interests.— tiiree hours' journey distant from the seat p[,,^ln.,i „itl, the >iuce.'> which hasattciid- if government ami from the commcrcial iiu'tn>poli> of th * State. That this insurrectionary movement in one of tin; most populou> par .■> ot the State h:ts been so far successful as to overawe tlie lH-al niini'fers (>f justice and paralyze the power.' of tiie law. 'I'liat your ni'-nioriali.'t' .tn* not aware that ••aii\ military force" ha." been sent to the seat of the insurrection, or that the ei\il anthoritv has been >trengfhcue(l by the ad"p:ion of any nuM'Ures .-iiitcd to the momentous crisis. Tlicv thcrcfbre rcs}>ecttnlly reipiest the chief exe» ntive niagi.'trate of i V iin'vlvaiiia to take into consitli ration the ncce-.-iry of \‘lelicatiiiL' the outraged laws, an I sustain- iiiir the dimity t>f tin* ('oinmoiiwealth on this inrpertaiit an I melancholy -•cca.-iou. [.‘^ii:i:ed by a number of eiti/.eiis.] ]’im,AliKI,MII.\, Sipt. n. l''.')l. 'in .t//.'S/'S. ./••///i ('iiihrnli‘-■ !'.•} lit > I'li'i', ,1. li'iiiiii /nrt, (’. It. snii. Isiutr />(•/(..//■.. II. II. M.ntiu, S.II:>II,I Th'X. M-amth, I" permit aiiv .--ncu eiu ro; S. II. ( 'ii ritnl:'!)!, ,1 :i'i. Siriff, J'nihnrl,' Ml-iii'i, ./"/ill II. J’fii'iiii/. I/i’i'i'if '.II, III /'//. (i I NTI.KMKN: Vour letter, without date, was this afteriio'in put in:n my li.iiids I v one of the .servants of the Ii'itd. 'J'he an.v- i'-:v which you maiiifc't to m.'.intain the law of the land and the jiul'Iic peace is t'lllv a]i]>reciated, and I have great plea- .'Ure in inf-auiing you that, m ire than tweutv-four hiur hef'Tc the reccipt ef y li'tter. tho j^arties imjilicatej had beeii, through the \igila:iee and deci.-i.iu ■ if the l.ical aiith^riric.'. arrested, and are U"W in pri'ou awaitini: an iriijuiry into t!i'’ir inipat" 1 gnilr. T!ie l)'.-:rict Attor- II V aiid Slu riii' Lauca't-r nuntfv, act ing ill coii.-ert with the Attorney (b iieral ot tile Sr.ite, ile.'icrve opi cial tliank> f>T tlieir jir"n;j>t and . iiergetie eoa.l;;, t. Thi.' w.i' all vl' lie early on Saturdav ni'imin:/, an 1 duly ruin-rted to nn- hy the Iral ■■[li ed tiieir past efforts in obtaining venlict^. —and a re-i>.-tic umler eiivum.'tancc.' which ni.iv snppo>e ri-l!'cts .-inytiiing hut ct ‘dit ujiou the actoi' in tlu‘ gaiiu*. the as>igitee.' presume to urg»‘ a powerful vital (lue.-iion upon our S. nator." and jb pre>i-ntati\es in CoUixres'; and, as we learn, arc now pre- ]>arin>: tin m.'clve> with I'very means to carrv the bill througli tlie Ui'.vt Sc"ioii ot ('oiiul'e.vs. I hat it can never be doiu', Wc hesitate net to .-tate thn> early; ;ind .0 sure a.' the suu ri.'cs to-iii"rrow, tiny will only nie. t di'app"intnicut in any >uch eflort to .-addle a hideou.- nionopuiy upon the .Vmeri- caii jieopic. W’e havi' few legislatoi > who would dare rhu> to trifle with an intelligent Cl'n.'titui-iK \,—triflinir !t is. becaU'c it i> in direct -ontra\cnri-’ii of the rejinbli-.jn .'j'iiii of our patent law-. Siu li an arbi- tr.ii V jio.'itii ii mi_Iit In a."Uinei.l in half- ci\iiized c i.intiie>, .ml ihe writer of thi- iruillotined for cx)i!'e."-.'ing hi> hoiic't con viction, but it will iiot do li-re. The .\ ma'.-e.' are much t"o mtelligi-nf hmeiit. V\’e in fa.or of allowin;: cvi iything to the \\ooiiworth a.'.'’.gnee.' whuh i> jn-tly he wing to tlmn. and that their jiati’iit 'houlil liow exi't until the ’JTth I )i ei 111 I >ej', \\ e ari‘ tlitii in ta\'ir of it.' becomin.^' public property, and .'hall u.'C 1' .'t (.xei ti •n.' to ac^"mpli.'h thi,' ju.'t end. !ct u.'biiifly examine '.une jminfs at i"Ue in thi.' tjUc'tion. In tin* tir't place, to claim mc( hanieal pre.'.'iin' applied to planing, wou! 1 interdict the ii.'c of any other than .'Ueh inachines a.' the a'sigin : ' of WOodworth were willing to alh.w, a- no pUining except by hand can be done with out iii' idianical pre'.'iire. Mei-h.mic' and manafactuicrs d'; you kiinw that this claim, once .'•■cured, would j re\cnt V'U the fr e u.'C of the "id l>anitd ' in.ichiiie, which ha.' become public property, and i.' imw b iiig g- nerally ( inploye l in your .'!i ip'' Mo.-t certainly you wouM be ealli ! iijion to pav tribute to an in'pii>it' luon, p.ily, with whom the "iiuality of niciey i- ii"t strain ed. ” Again, in .'mie in>taiice> the ow nei s of this p.itciit have airciiiptt 1 to .'top partii .' fi;im running maciiine.' applied to 'liirerciit purjioM wIijlIi in im way could aficct their interc't. '’one for fee>, of law. and to a large extent arrested the per- cour.'C. We liave 110 guar:int4 e that thi' j tiator.' 'f the Climes. sv.'tem be pur.'ui d t . an extent l!;e cruel uiLirdi r ol a citizen of a neigh- n it la'tore attempted, boring Staic, accompanied bv a gro>- out- Tli;.' .-tati ne nt exhibit' the tendency of r:ig“ up' ii the |:;W' of the I nited State.', parties, .iiid it mii't appeal strongly to ill tlie re'ist.nice f if.'J iiCl S', Iki' be. 11 tla* p'n jii iices of oiir nicchanic..;. wlio.'c coi;uij;tT d; andvMiimiy l.'c a'.'Urcd that, intere.'ts i.cei.nie seriou.'ly afl’eeted there by. ^\ e all uj' Mil the iiieehanic.', maitu- l.K.tiirer', and i iitor*. throughout the country, to w.itidi e\i;iy niovenii.iit made to furtlier such di'i^'us. and The te'tini'iiiy taken by the I’nited ."’iate.' (.’••mnii.'>;o!ier, who arrived at a la ter p"rio(l I II tiie giiiuiid—a printed copy of which ha' aeeideiitally reached me thi> nfteriKH-iii—coiilirms im- in the belief that th ■ Stafi* autlioritie.' hail vindicatei.l flu- ,'o so >11 as tiie LTuilty agents are a.'ccriaiii- ed. they will be [nini.'hed in if> .'evere.'t Ji' iialty by the law of I'eiiii'vlvaiiia. I am Very jrou I that flie fii>t -tejis to ih'- •e prepaii feet and arrest the.-e offender.' have Wen counteract any intiueiiee which niav be taken by I’enasylvunia otlicer.'. I'ermit me. gentlemen, haviuL^ tiiu.s re moved all ju>t cau.'e of anxiety from vonr minds, resjK-ctfully to sug-je.^t that’ the id' a of rebellion, i,r ••iiisurreftioi-arv iiiov*-- iiient," in tiie county of L.niua'ter* or any ■P' cl bron«rl(t to bear in carrying them forward. N\ e do not mean to be mi.'iinder?.to.Ml in reference to this matti r; and, as oct a.'iou reipiire.', We .-h.ill aim .some well-directed efiorts at this .'clienie, and explain the rea'oii.' upon which the aj>jK-al will doiibt- in this 'oinnionw-alth, has no le.-.- be mad*- to .secure the new patent. leal to:indatjon, and i.s an offt'ji.-j\'e iiijpu- tatioii on a largi* body of f. ]lo\\--cifi- z 'US. Titeie i' no insurivetionarv move ment in Laiiea.'ter county, and there would be no occasion to march a militurv force tiler -, a' you >eem to dc'ire. and inflame S- l II/1fii' .1 III! t'li'i' 11. i‘ 0 1: r \i V Foli i llK (MJSK.ltV r.M. Til .Mi:.'!. M.MUA .\U-i: . (oK I I.OK M,. .V. e.) .M.i;lu t, i]«-..r .Nbalicr! i.f tlie rclr-isjiectinim, iiiv lieari treasures, liUc Spriii-’K withen-d Tin- luii'b-st. nit* the 1 cconcciioii.** Tiiat iiii-iu rv l>riiif.'s me of my chiMlKiml hours. \V!i.-n cvcrv iiltlc ^cem- nf cliihlisli ii’easuro. Dr iuish:ii>3 lliat licl.-ll ihy wa\ward l»..v, Fiiiiii'l !}ii-e, li'i\M V-i- l.ii...v. still at Ici-un*, To pviiipatliiz'-, in or in joy. lliiw lo%**l iniaji-K‘itill muiihI nit* lingei-, tlio ]i'.iblic mind by any strajig.* ex- a;.g’ ratiiiii. I d • n it wi.di our brethren of the I liioii to tliiiiu that in any Jiart of this St.ite re.'i.sfance to the law goc.' undetected or unpnni.'hetl. or that there exi.'t.' such a entiiin-nt a.^ trea'on to the I'nion and tiie ’ontitntii.n. 'I'lu; alleged murderers of .^^r. ioi.'Uch, whi.'Se crime is dt:ep enough without exaggerating it, have been arre^t- «-d and will \j(; tiled, and they iini tht-ir abettors be nia-le to aiiswcr for what they have done in confnivenrion of the law.— ^ Ihlt. in :!if* mean tiim-, let me invite yonr tln>u;_di ol life it^^df they f-iriin'i| a part; CO-.I],. ration, ;i.s ciiizeiis i.f IVnn.-jylvaiiia, Tl.jit even Time, with all-era.siiig liiijcer. not only to s(Uj that th- law is enforced, ('.hh b'.>t ihcin frum niy iiiciiim-y or heart, but to ailil tj tin- cttiilideiiee which We all feel in the judicial tribunals of the land, oy ab.-taining from un lue violence of l.m- guage, and letting tin; l.iw take its coiii.-e. lApeiid upon Ii, gi-ntk-men, there i« in l/iiicaster county a sense ot duty to the btws of t!ie hiii.r, maiiifehtcd in the ea.-^y and proiii]»t arrest of these otU-mlcrs, which w ill I'll ail o ca.'ioiis ,-^h'Jw itself in ]ir;n ti- cal ol,,.dienee. The people of that county are men of peact* and good i>rder, alid not ea.'il^ led a'ide from the path of duty which the ^'oiistitutii'ii prescribes. I hey and ov(*rv J’ennsvlvaniiin love the t'oii.stitufioii anil the Tnioii. 'J'hey will di tect, as tlii-y have done iu this ea.'.-, ami ari’tst and Jiiinish, all wiio violate the laws of the land. Theie is no w.irrant, depend on it, f 'T repre.seiit!iig t!ie men cf l,;incaster connfy as and participant.' in an ‘iii.-iurreetion.iry movement.'’ V,,u ,l,, them, unintentionally I have 110 doiibt, oieaf injii.'ii(c. 1 am dee],ly indel.t. d to y.,u f’,.,- afi’ord- iiig me thi.' o[,j,i.ituiiity of ( \pi(-'sing my \iew'. liUt fur voiir commiinieatli.n# I niijhi 1.1 I b.i'.c i„ ..I, Im dll '.I \'.„i 'riiose li:ilcyn!i i!a_\s,—hefni't* !t hard cxjH-rieiii-e .\iii!l.itii-i-L-oiitm-t with t!iii wiirM, lia.l tiiii;:lit Hi»\v iMMcli the licait and lijis lliav he at v.iri- :iiu-*.— lliiw iiitlf tiiat is .«,iiil is truly tlioii;ilit. ihiiN thy r*itiil jit]ecti 1 lii, v,hicli iio diri- taliif, ,Ni.r year.', imr s;iiyiiig fortinie could ^\ iiich, tliro!i«j'li till* |i»'i‘iiMj of m\ \^ll.ljt* e;;- i.StelK c. I I'Diii it.s filsi liiitir till iiijvs huri knots 11 inn'haiij;*". Itoyliiiod has heeoiae i!ia.'i)i(Miil,—ji.-ithcrcd roimd iiu! New luiiie,' .iiiil liii'-y .-^t-ene.s linvi-chistered. \ «•( ’.Mid all till- tics with which the woild Im.** Iiouiid nil*, '! hinc early love I never can forgot. 'I h‘ Will Id has iiothiiiir like it.—tliiii; !i an- other .Mi^iit hle.^s luc wiiii hrr h»vc, and ijiaku her fate* Miine, Vet evea lifr attVctinn, lU-iiiest Motht-i*. Mi. ceuld not he ci>ii;'iari‘i| «ith ■ iiM nut. tliiiie. i;i». j STATKMbNT OF L^EUT. V.\N VlXHir.N. I O.N 13«akd STKA.Msiiip .Wi^nrT,r> Srorr, \ 1 y*i>t*m4jir 11, i I I became conncet.ed with the expedition ! at New Orhians, receiving, on the 80th day of July hist, an appoiutuicnt 1 lieutenant of company I>, of Col. W. L. Crittenden’s regiment, (1st artillery,) eoin- ; inanded by (Vipt. Jaiue.-^ Sanders. The expedition, as you are already aware, lelt New Orleans at da\ brcak on the morning of Sunday, the Hd of August, in the steam er I’ampero. We were towed tt» the mouth I of the river, our engine bi*ing out ot order. I W»* rcmainetJ in tin* river until N\ ednes- * ilav, the )tli, and K-ft tlirough tin* Xorfii- f east Pass, at (» o'ehxk I*. M. t>t that tlay. j for Key West. The intention at that time I w:is to go to Key West, and there takt* on ! board a pilot tor the river >^t. John.-', at j which phn*e wt* Were to embark a fight j battery of artillery, with caissons, aminu- J nitioii, and harness ctmiplete, together with ' a numbt'r of -(.‘avalry .saihlh-.s, and froui j thence wt-re t run to the south sitle ot ■ ('uba and land as near as pos.'ible to I'uer- ' to I’rincipe. We reached Key West, ami anchored souie distanct- from tlu* city, at •> 1*. .^1. of Sunday, tin- l(Uh instant. While :it Key West a (piaiitity of brandy and champagm* w;is reei-ivt'd on boai'tl, which was inibilK'd tolerably f"-ely by iiOj.ez and hi.' stafl.— .Vbout riu.'k of that thiy, no pilot appear- iiiii, L->]>ez lalled a couticil, composed en- iirely of t'ubaiis and Hungarians attat ln*d to his staff, (no Americans lu-ing called,) who deciih'd to give up going to the St. dohns river, ainl run immediately for the coast of Cuba, which was done at about 1*. .^1. 'I’lu* next morning, owing to the variation of tlu* conip:iss, from niU'kets bi-- iii'j .'tacked nt-ar it, we found ourseI\t-s in plain •■'lelit of .^loro ('a'tii*. and about 111 miles distant; tin* vesel iniinediately In-ad- ed to the northward and we'tvvard an I run out o^-ight of hull. About :) 1*. M. of Lop(*z took fin* (-aptain and mate out of a .''p.ini.'h .■'choom-r to ;i-t as jiilots, '.^ivin*.' them to uuih-r.'t.ind that they would be shot if they showed .inv ilisp'isition ti c.'cape or dc'cive. At 1 1*. .^l. w»- again .'tiiod in for the land, and soon afti-r diisk .sent a boat in to nconnoitn-, which wa' h.-iiled by a 'ciitry on the w.ills of the fort situati-d II -ar llahia Honda, the .'hip imt being more than ;» mile from it. A' so,.ii a.' the repoitetl, li:;ht': Were extin- gni'ln-d and a press of .'team put on. the ,'liip riinnin:r t» the wc'tw.iid al iIil' the land. .\l ■out in o’cloik. w hile riiiiniii'.^ nU'lcr the ih.irge of a {lilnt. under ;i pn-" of 'team, the .-hip 'iiddcnly .'truck, and ln-- fore t!ie engine' cnuld be .'fnpi.ed had run nioie th.iu her h-n”th up' n a cural re f. After examining her .-ituatioii. it was fe,uni that she wa-^ iu .-ibi’Ut i i_!it f, et of w.iter. 'vhile lu r dr.iu_lit w.;s over nine ti-et. and that it wa.' in.(-c.".irv the t'irce 'hi'iild be iniinedi.iti 1\ l.inded. w Inch Wa' d 'He; ;ijid ab.«iif ■_ o’ei.>i k 1 in the ni >rn- ing Ilf the I'Jrh of .\iigu t the Li't of n- diseii:b;irke l up ‘11 the .'hoii- !■{ \\ hat We had I t iiiLfit to -. on'i ler would 'oon be tin- fn-e i'l.ind of ('uba. Tin fir't boat.' whith l.indeil wefe tired upnti by a |i.irtv of t'\i-nty men. w!i.i th-d on tln-ir tire bein:; reftiriied from the boat \vhi-h cont.iim-d ('aptain (tout:. ; a ('ul an c"mni:iiidiiio an .Vniericari ei'inp;iny.) I,i u?. I, I’liingham. and about thirty private,- id' hi' ciinij.,uiv. (>ne i-f iouti'.' men was w nindid in the arm .-ii.d returned f" the .'hip. and the «-ap i f the lieutenant was cut into halve.' on hi' head. At d.iylight 1,'ijM z .'l ilt a iironuncia- niento f.. ha' I’o'.i', .1 -mill village ten mil ' di't.-int, in which he inform- -I the inhab:',1IIts th'it he wa> ;ibout to niar> h to that pi.ICC. and Would give tio i|unrter to uny wh-iin he f'und tin r*-who did not join him. ’I licit- b,-iii!f no of tran>port- ing b.-igL'ige at ('ab.iiio.', where we lalidetl, Lop-z ordered Col. Crirteiidt-n to remain tin re and pMtet t our .'ton s, con.'isting of one hundred thousand niU'ket earfritlg«*s, thn-e thou'and mn'kets, :ind st-vt-ml hun dred jionni!> of p.iwder. in ke-j'. toj^etln-r with iiie personal bagira;Zo nf all th'- nfh- II V'. 'aving that he vm>m1i1 man h on to liox I'o'.!-* with the regiment d infantry e. innrinded by ('d. Itnwnian, an l ' nd from thi-nce 11 .iii.'jiortation; and that In- vvould remain then- until joined by Col. Crittenden. Accordingly Loj.ez m.ircht d at > o’clook with thret- hundred and tweii- tv-three nn ii. leavinir Critti-ndcii at Caba- iios with one hundred and thirty men. .\t 11 o’clock that night Critt'-ndeTi receivetl two earts. and started immediately after to join l.o|)t-z at Las I’osas. ‘1 ht- t-arf.^t bv'iiig heavily loaleil, and the nuuls bad, our piiigress was of lu-cessitv slow. !i-it advani-ing nion- than a mile an hour .\bi'iit twi> lioiir>. atter davlieht on the iiioniing of the l.'Jth we ri'aehctl a liou'-e coiitaining a store and grog .shop, about tour mih*' from Las I’osas. 'Ihi- advam-e gtianl ami main liodv only had re.ichcd the hon.'C, (the rear guard with t!ie»-;irt.' being .-till .■‘onie ijuartcr td a mile beliiinl,) aiid well* engaged in cati;ig breakf'’a-.t, their arms being l.iiil aside, when they were .'Ui jiri.-ied by the rojiort of miiski try and the w hi.^tling i)f bullets, w hich pmceeded from the advaiicei! guanl d’ a botly id' the cm iny, five hundred stmng. We imme diately seized our guns and killed nine td’ the cm my, and made him. pi-isoiicr, none of our party biing inj^ired. Not .seeing any more of the t-nemy, the Colonel con- eluded it wa.s )mi( a foi iging p;irty that h.'id attacked us, and t.iur rt-ar !j;n;ird having come up with the carts, ordi-red u.-s to®t-- sume our lu't-akfast, w hich we did, About tcii minutes after we wore again attacked by tin* whoh' torce of the eiieniV, they having the advantage ot po.sition, lu-ing posted on th> brow of a lull itverlooking our iM'.ftition, with a belt of -hajparai, some three hundred yards wirh*, interven ing, over whit !i we could not Tire. Critten den immediately gave the order to charge, lemliiig himself, and forced the eneniv to n-tre.-it to a large body of i-hi>pparral some sev'cnty-five or eighty yards in tin* rear of their first po.sition, fro>n which tln'y ojiened a heavy tne upon our force as soon as ii appeared in sight on the brow of the hill. binding that he einld not maintain fiiat j>o.sition, Crittenden gave an order to rt*- treat to the*, which was tlono, while the enemy resumed his position on the hill and again opened hig lire; upon which ( rittenden ordeix-d a .seeoud charge, at the .same time .saying that ho wished a small I'arty to attain a jiosition at the right flank of the enemy, to charge fnun that .side the same moment he cliurged from the front. Second LioiitetKnit W.' 11. Cnifts ( .if company \i) and m^'self volunteered, and succeded in attaining tlu* po.sition with twenty ni n. .\fter ri niaining in it tbr .-ibont half an hour, .’’nd bearing nothing of Crittenden, we returned to tlic house, where w'C found Capt. Kelly, of company A, with ten men, guarding the carts, but could bear or see nothing of Crittenden. The enemy soon after ailvancing towards the houst*, we were ciimpelled to retreat, h'aviu"' t»ur baggage ami .'‘tor»‘.«j and that night,*or rather the next morning, we sne- ceodcd in forming a junction with Lopez at f/is I* half an hour before his march fn>m that place. At the samt; limir that ('rit tenden was attaeketl at the haeionda a botly of the ene!uy, eight hundn-d strong, undt-r (Jen. lOnna, attai kcd liOpez at Las I'osas. After a hanl fight (d’ over two hours, the -neniy n*tn*att‘tl, leaving the Americans mastMS of flu* field, ami over two hiindretl of their number (among w hom \Vere sever al of tin ir highest officers') dead and woun ded—the Amerit an loss being, in kilh-d, wouniled and missing, only al>out thirty men, among whom ('olont*l |)owninan am! Lieut. Labizan were kill'•1, and (Jen. l*ra- g.iy and Capts. Hrigliani aiiddouti were mortally w^oundi-il. After tlu; action, the Spani.'h woundi d were brtiught in, and as wi-11 taken care d as eii'cumstances would .'idniit. Lopi'z rodt* eiitiri-ly unarmed oyer the field through the hottest of tin- fire, oe- easionallv ajiplvini^ a n-d raw liidi-, with a •_;reat di*al of vigor, to the shoulders of .'Ueh men as he thought c ould be hurried into firing a little faster. )n tin- morning of tin* 14th, at ’2 o’l loek, Lopez ni;irched froin Lis I’o.xas into the mountains, hav- in-.f there seventeen wonmh-il Sp.iiiiards and fhirtei-n of our sid-, all id whom were b.iviiin-ted by the Sp.ini ird', .and their b >- di(*s piled in a In-ap, cross ways, at the foiit of a hill. 'I’wo da\s after, (on the I'ith.) Lopez was a'.x,iin attacked by fhn-e huii In-d h.n- t-ers and si.x hundred infintry, while t-n- (-amped a.t a hacii nd.i which formerly be longed to him.self, but was conli.'cated soine tlin-e ve.-irs since. Hi re tin- :u tii-n lasteil from I'J to if o’clock, on ont-(,d the liotfe.'t • lay.' 1 ever e.vpei ieiiet-d. 'I'lit- enemy v\t-n- again coni]n-IIed to n-rreat, with a lo' of tlin-e hundred an l twenty nn n; :iml at tin- same moment that the retreat id'tlu-Span iards in one direction was n-portcd to Lo pez, he i.'.'Ued an onh-r to hi' own force to retreat in all oj.i..., ite. and aetiiallv that day madt- a forced ni.iich of eiohfecn mile,' in five linur, omt a nii>nntain road. (hi tin- I'.ith, Ih ini: .'till on the nioantain.', w- Weie o\i rtake!! Iiy a severe Klin sr.iriu. which de'troV'd fli * Lf'-ater p-rti'tii f our ainniuni!i-’ii. and rendered our l'imi- entire ly !!'• Ic". e eUe.imp' -1 on the eVellili:: id'ihat d ly at ;i raiieho nn the f., ,t ..f the iiiniint.i^s, ;iboMt two leairui ' from llahi.i Hond.i. We n in.-iiu • 1 undi^turb.d t!i.-.t night; .-imi wen- at'.ieked ju-t ;if br ■ kt'a ; time on the m irning of tin-•Jtn’n. being ta ken by siirpri.'c, the iitiA III the oii'po't. ha\ii!g h f'r hi' j V't w . li hiiii'elf in a n-ek, w hen- he w.I.'I. lied. (>win-_t. :h nn.'^erviccable coi;diti..11 cf tin ir arni-. the fn-c under L- ji. / w.i- cnip!-- . !v r"i;ti.'I f1\ing t'. the m.iun’ e-: i;i all dii . L-ipe/ hini'i-lf b. r ly 1 'c.ipiii'_' nn h !'« - b.iek. with the 1 " .f !ii.- >a.ii!!e. j.i'tni', and 'py _d:i'^ f ev. ly l!iin_, i:i fict, but he w in-. niijht he i-iie.iinped on tin- t'-p ot iiue .it tin high' st neinnt.mi' on the I'l.uid of Cuba. « .\p ■'.d to ;i'l tin vinleine of .1 territic norilni. w.tii i:t ciih- ' r 'belt r. fire, or fi.nd. It i' iinpo-Mble f'l.r nn- tod- erib.' th 'Uffering' of that iiighf. Ib-av. n forbid th.if I ever pa'.' sirch .-inotli r. Tin- r::in fell in torrent.', whih- ever and -Mi -n a ter rific cr.i'h would aniiKunce th,' ' nn- m.i'- .'ivi- tree bad filli-n, either 1 ef ire tin-f'lirci of the wind 'r tie- 'till i;ii_b'ier ILditning. Ihat night »-iMi,:lled a:i ord;n,irv l:ft.t;ine. (Mitln- vei'ing of tln ’Jl't. h.iving been flirty-fieht h iu;.' w it liont c.itmg. we killed a lioi.'C. whit h wa' divid-d anioiiL: one hundred and tweii»v tive nieii. who wen- all that now n mained with Lopcz. We wand'-red through mount.iiii', un.ible to extricate our.'elvc', .sub.'i.'ling on .'Uch leavt-.' and root' a' we could find, until midday if Sund.iy. the l!4tb. when we .-.m - cei di-d in reaching a ivad runninir fmm IJ.ihia iliiiida to .''’an Cii-tdiai. alniig vshieh we advanced ’until m-arlv nii:ht, wln-n two Sp.ini.'li l.nn-i rs wen- discovert 1 advancing, but fled on seeing ns. A h.ilt was immediately ordered, and ,in examina tion made id'the state of our forces, which .'howed a total of Min- hundred ;in-l tweiity- five nieii, eighty mii.'kets, about twenty of which wt-n* .'•ervieeabh-. ami about forty tlry cartridges. I'nder.this .'tate d' af fairs, it wa' tleemed advi.';ible to n treat, which w;is (irdt'red, and a pursuit com- inem-ed by the iiieiny, who lay in ambush sonn* ft \v hundred yard> in advance, with a t'on-e id' nine hundred nn 11. ( )n the ap proach id' the t'ueiny, tin* whoh- fon-e td' Lopez .'cparated into small bodies, and tlisjier.'cd through the mou!it;iins, throw- i’lg away their guns atid every thiiiu' which could i!uumbi;r them in fln ir flight", seven men only remaining w ith thi* (iein-ral,— A large number were ovt-rfakcn and im mediately killed. I myself was o!!e .if a jiarty of eight who previou'lv deter- niinetl on leaving Lope;:, ainl aficmjitiiig to escape fnMii the island, e remained in the mountains until the morning of, the litlth, when, hav ing had hut one ineal in six ilays, and feel- iiig that we could b' -ar it no longer, we de- tcruiiiied to go into tlu* plain consitleriiig that ir would be letter to be killed out"- right than die a lingering dt'ath tVoiu star vation, wliicli we certainly would up in the mountains. We accordingly advanced to a hou.e wdiere we wore treated with a great deal of kindm.*.ss, and received a jiiost excellent bn-akfast. An arrangement made to l»rocure a guide to the South shore, with jTovi-^ioiis, I'cc.; and we wt-n* about to leave and eoneeal tmrselves until night, when, in the twinkling of an eye, we were stir- rounded b^- two hundretl armed t-ountry- nien, who immediately bound us .securely, , and invtrted tmr jiockets, considerint' the contenf.s lawful plunder. That da^- we jeailu'd San Cristid);il. I’ntil we reached San Cri.stobal we wei-> under th»; imjires- fion that we were l.r be ininu'diately .'hot, i our only eon.solation being that we were ! to tlie with full stomachs. ^ On our arrival then;, w'e were iiiftu’iuel I that a pn)claiuatioii had been i^.sued ten j lioiir.s before our arrest, .sparin^r tin* jives ' td'all ‘‘tillibusf.-ro.s” who were matle pris- oners, or gave themselves ujt witiiiu four days, t'xci.-pt the traitor JiOpez, After which an order elated, I think, the ildth of April, [hy wliieli all foreigners found iu the Island were ordered to be ]mt to I d(*ath,] wa.s to continue in full furee. On I the li.Sth, ^here being pri.som I ers, we left San Cri.stobal for Havana, ami 1 oil I'liday night n-neht-d (itiy.itriosj the ter minus of a railroad from Havana. Tliere poaceful island, expi^eJ^slng a defenninatiou an (»rdcr was received from the Captain to take that ishin.i from it.s lawful owner.s General to pnK*eel t> Mariel nnd embark, hy force. Self-preservation is one cf the he being fearful that the prisoners would ttr«t law.s of nature; and if the law will up- bt* torn'to i)i(*ees )iy the ra>*ble at Havana, i bold and protect that American citizcn We reached Mari.*l on the evening of the | who, without hesitation, shoots down the :50th, ami W(-re eiiibarked upon the steam- ! midnight robber in defence of his property, cr AluitMularcs, to to JliivaiKi, . C(*rt;iinly tint law will llpnoM tllO ol|ictT.i when an (;xpa-s.s ariived, bringing iiifor- , ot the crown of .''pain in exterminating matit.)U of the ;aj»turc? of Lejiez; and the i band of men who attempt to wiest its steamer wa.s tlelayed to await his arrival, ! brightc.-^t jewel from that crown. I con- which took place at 2 o’t-h-ck I'. AL 011 ^«iIer that every man coiinecti*tl with the Sund.-iy, the -{1st, when wo immeiliately I expedition dciierved death. At the tiine left for Havana. Lopez entirely at I was made pri.soner I fully expectcd ir. liberty, ami smoketl his cig;irito with ap- and, although the n-flectifiu was any thing pareiitlv as much nnconet*rn as evt-r he did but pleasant, my *»wn conseienc»; told me in his life. ()ufsith; the harbor td' Mariel, i that it was just. Crittendeti with his force >mmitt*d a crime in landing on but actually committed an act of open ]>iraey in taking those ves.sels in Lopez was trau.sferred to the steam frigate not only e I’izarnt, which conveyc'il him to Havana, the island, ami which In* Iid not leavi; until he h;ft m*xt morning for the jdaee of ext*cufion. 'I’he remainder of us were confined that uii;ht in the ;ity jirison, in tin* n-ar of the fort called the I’onta. 'I’he jirisoners jm'S- (;d through a regular pmci'ss, their h.sir being first cut close to their heads. 1'hey tlu-n pa.s.sed into the hamls td'another bar ber who th*i>rivetl them of their whiskers; then another proyidt*d them with a prison iiniform, and the exereis(*s were termina ted by a big negro, who securely fai'ti-nt-d tln-ni in ji.iirs by a t hain, similar in size and weight to u log chain, firmly .s-(-iireil to the aiikh-. At the timi' td' my n-lease from ]irison, which was at tt'ii o’chx 1: on tin* night d' the -Ith instant, thert* wen- one hnndred and >ixty of our force prisoners. 1 In-y were all i haiin-d and coniined in tnie largt* room, hardly largt* enough, however, tor all to lie down at once, 'i’hi-y wt-re tn-at- ed very kindly, and allowi-d all the privil eges that could hi* cxiiected. A' a matter of (-ourse, will re so many men ;ire confined in a limited >paee, :!’e! not allowed to leave it und'-r any cin unistance', it natu rally foil iw.' if mii't be very unph-;is- .itif. 'I'heir sentence i.' ten year.'' h.ird la- lii r in .'-^pain. pndiabK in tin- constnieti-.n of a il. 'i'iiey all aj pean-d to be iti go.1,1 spirit.'at tin- time 1 h-ft. beiiiL'under tile inipre>eion that they woiild ' ion b.-le- le: .1111. 1 o Cl 1 >t ot .'^ep einber. ly this i-xpediti.iti, all t-xp'-dition- to after their arrival in Lopez w;is bii.iiglit from tin* I’izarro, and publicly garroted in tin- 'i|Uare ad joining tbi- piison. at 7 o'clock in tin Ill'll ning of ,\|i.iidav, tin With h;ni i nded not but 1 sincerely tru ('ub.i. I p t > tie- tinn 1 h ft, the Sp:nii;inls eotild imt account for f'^ 1 hnndn-d and .'e \; iity-.'ie- A nierie.Mi.'—ill! Indi'ig- Crit- teii len’.' comina’i'l—w h'-ni t!i--v had killed, i', in aeti.iii; wounlcd in n who were left on the fi'Id. ;iml ' k and fiti'.'Ued ni‘-n wh'i e. \ e out on tie- h and were w hi( h he was caught, the punishment for w hich i-^, by the laws of all nations, death. Min li h.-i.' been .'aid relative to the mu tilation ol their bodii-s. ('ertainly I was !iot pn-seiit at tin* time and cannot .'peak positivi-ly, but I cannot learn from a. n*- liable source that such was the ca.'ie. I havtr convers(*l with the otiicers of tin; C. .'^tati-s ship Albany on the subj(-ct, 'i’hey are nn 11 of’ high standing in society, and they assure me that sin h was not the case —that they were shot in accordaiict; with military usages on such ot-casions. and the only thing that could be eondemnt-d was tin* way in which tlu-y wt-re ilraggetl to and thrown into carts by (he iiegriK-s or dered to bnry tln-iii. It has been rep->rted Crittenih-n wrote home tli:it he been abandoned by Lopez without arms or aniiiuinition. I do not beli(-vi* that Critteinleii ever wrote anything of tin* kind. Attached to his coniin.ind—in hourly contact with him — I knew him, and tlo not he-*ilate in s.iviiiir that a bi' iver. nobler, more honorable man *th:in illiani Crittenden nmer livi-d. In.'tt ad of having no ammunition, he had .ill, .tml W.IS p.irticularly .-eleeteil to guard it. that being :i most difficult :ind yet most honorable >i-rviee. Loj.ez did not ile.'crt him, but in h-aving him. in tlividing his d oiii- of those errors t him his life; but hal eniiimand, coinmitt which e\entually (•■ ('ritttiiden, iMi the gone oil and joined I instead of n-treating ti have been well—tln-n the; LIth, .as i’ the .'^ea, :ill would he Wi.iild have lo.vf nmining d' Lopez at !.'f- I 'vv: I liiii'l, in the a-I with t!;e mi..’ hnndre.l 'I'll 1', ni ik ■ a tilt'd 1 thirty-'in.- I'leii .n-,- > b.dine. I'f twenrv-tw ! men V h> ni t!i v hr.nte.l niiiiintaii.i' ■. ith do--, Tiio.'e and -ix:y t.;k n [»ri- .f f' lir liundr- .1 ;uid nt'd f'lr—!'-a\ Miir :i • nu ll who-.,* fa'e i- y I t nnkin iw n ■■ in- four hniidre th* ' • tweiitv-tW' tioii are vet aliv ;iud a-i the frenii lie iot.ii f.'lci- l.linti '1 be- I .li d fif>_v .’hrei- nn n. ( >f 1. pr-ibal'lv thegreat' i pm- - and in th- m''i’nf.iin; “ ha\ I- all be. n n-i .illed to jirobable '"III'- of t!n-ni may g- ttin-j h.iiiu-. ( hit i f tin- made pii' iiier.', but two If have been pardonetl. inv' ll.ivaiia, it i' M t 'U.-. e. d il w!-'.!"- nni'.ibi I.:!; r,- be-idc^ 'I'ho.-e ;ire t'..I. Ilayiie-, and C.lpv Kelly, wli 'in the Caj-r.'iin (b-in-ral parJonedamJ 'i-nt liiinn- UM'olieiti !, Tin v were to K-.-ive llavaiii tur tlii-' p-in in the ji.ieket >iiip N iriiia on I'rid.iy, Mv own lelea'c w.i' gr int--d a- a sp eial f.iv.>r to I'upt. Charles T. I'hitt. of the I’nited States ^h:p Al- baiiv. oil Vioard 'if which, I was convcyed by an aid id the Captain b inral, at 11 o'l loek on W,-Ii i(-S'lay night, the shi]> jn-o- eceding to s.-a iiriinediati-ly. His Lxcel- leiicy sent a (loveriiim-nt tow-boat and pi lot to t.ike ln-r out. Lop'-z was i-anght with blond-bonnds. in the mountains, on the mornin-.: of I-'ridav, the L’lltll in.'t.illt. ’Mil- 1I015- beill;^ ‘Im- distaiice in advance of tin- men. bit him badly in the left Icl'^. 'I here wen- seven teen countrymen in the p.ntv who c.ijitur- e 1 liMii. each ot whom Wa.' jKibliclv pn-- s. nted with ifltiiMl am! a cr' -' of In mo|-, imini-diately ;iff. y hi-i t-xecntion. Let us now review the c.iuse and re'iilt.-' of this expi-dition. At th.* time 1 rec ived my appointment t'roin i^lr. .'^ignr. one of the editors of tin- Nev. ()rlean> !>i lf;i. I Was tidd by him that a n vi-It wa.' regular ly organized among the ('n*olcs through out the I'l.ind of Cub.-i; that liny had t;- lectt d (leii. Loj.ez a.' tln-ir h'atler, and their object was to frei- ('uba from the tvr- ranny of S[iain, and either form a repub lic of their own, or annex th • ishind to tin- I nited i''tatt s. He told nu* that Lo pez wa-i about to h'ave Nevv (h leans for Cuba with about five hundred American.', and that hi;' lain.liug was the siirual for a general r ising, and that within tt n days alter landing !u- would be at tlu* lie;nl of an arinv of ten thou.sand nun; that there wt'ro also two whi-le reginu nts td'.'Spanish troops to (-ouii! oyer to him with their e- iuip!;u-nts. Tin- same story was told to all, M as it so';:' ,\s 1 have already stated, our fir.-;* salut.UlOTi w;’.s a volh-y t-f nius- i-nly till- stun-'; ;i' it was In-lost all. A\'hy he dn! M> i> ine.xplit-abh-, and inu>t ever re main involv(-d in niysiery. Had L'lpt-z earrit'd out his oiiginal in tention of l.inditnr near I’uerto J‘rincipt-, tin re.'ult niit;ht perhap.' h.ive be.-n dilfer- i-nt; he might then- perh.ips ha\e found friemls. .-nid rai>ed a force suHieieiit to .'ii-- t:iin it.'i-lf until n inforeeiin-nts wt-re s- nt out tVoni the .'^tat(-s. In landing where ht- did L"j't-'/. without doubt acted ;i- he thought f r tin- bc't; but tln n-. .-i- in otii. r iii'taiie.-. I rr.-.l. (>f hi'per.'iiiial cour age th. ie i- no doubt; but when we speak of milit.iry kii.>wlei]g»-. of jmlgnn nf. of hi.' ability to lead ail expedition. I .V-IV :it ( lice he had in-ither. Lojkz probably ;is nun h or nion* deceived than .'iiiy man in tin-e.xpcdition. His aiiibitiou led him t> be the tool and victim of hearties' speeii- lateT'. A'ariee. not philaiit!;rop\’. wa- the m.iiii spring of this t*\pediion. I n -vv di'tiiictly, openly a:-.'ert. tli;it ail tIios«- letter.' jnirportiii’j’ to be from ('iib.-i, which were publi.'he.j duriiiir the month of duly la-t. and i-opit‘d thmuirhout the I - nion. wen* base forgeries, for the expn ,-^s jeii ji IS'- of d'^ceiving tlu' citizetis t.f tli'- 1'- nitci! .''tati'.'. and advancing the sale d'Cu ban bond'. Kntiwing tin-aud ition i.f L.>- pez. and that strong tlisjui'itiou to extend tin- glorious bo.iii of frt-edom which till.' the breast td’ every American citizen, those ^jieeulators in blood took advant.ige of tht-ir knowledge to further their i>wu end. 'riit-y well knew how little eti'ort wa-; n-ijuin-d to start and keeji alive this excitement. They thought, or at least tln'v fomlly hoped, that more men would go uut thi.' little baud, and that e- yeiitnally the I'land would be fret*. Cuban bonds were worth or were selling at from ten to twenty cents on a ibdlar when this expedition left. Natuniliy tln-v w.iuld iiicn-.i.'e in value ar> tie- jao^pect of libeiatiii'_' ('nba bi-i-.-ime more cert;iin; and it this pi*d11ion .'iieeeedt-d, .-i.-^ they pn-- tended to think it would. Cuba, when liK- t-rated from they tleuominafed the tyranny of .'^|»ain, wouM h.ive been bur- ih-iied w ith a dt-bf of from fifty to out* hun- tlrt-tl inillioiis of tlollars, at fifty }>cr ct-nt. of which would h;ive been in the poekcts of the.'C wituld-be philanthropists, who, active as they wislu-d to be thou-.:ht in the holy cause of libortv, took the b-st of good c.-in* ti> }>eril neitln*r life nor their own pn-eious liberty in its behalt'. At the expiration of the w;ir, and after Cuba .'li'iidd havt- become free, then il was to be annexed t.i the I'nitcd St;ites, and as a matter of cour.'e the paymetit of the.'se (’u- ban bonds was to be as>umed by that (Joy- crnment. What dt> they care for the mothers, wives, and sisters of the gallant men who formed this ill-fated expedition, who have been rendered utterly wrett hod and mi.'crable forever]:' They do not feel the ch.'iins, the anguish borne by one humln-d and sixty noble fellows, doome»l spend the be't ten years of their lives ketry. instead tif, as the Delta a.ssortoii, a large body ut Irieuds, with horses, stores, in a Spanish prison. they t'eel the (.V:c., lor our Instead of finding the 1 lood-inoney in their jiockets, and lau~h ( reolc.s our friends, wt* toiind them our over the result td'their speculation. They most bitter enimic.-^—far more so than the are the men tt> be punishetl. It is tui troop.s—kci [ling the troo[is constantly in- them the .shtides of our nmrdtircd cotintrv- tormeii ot our iiiov t-;in-nts, ami hanging on inen*call fiu- vengi*ance. lleavv indeeil ^ir skirts, jiutting to death without mercy must be their punishment wht-ii at the last all th-i.^^e who straggled on the march. ()'f day an offendo.l and just judge shall de- the tiuop,' I cannot but .x|)ea.k iu praise, m.uid of flu-m retribution for their deed, without a single exceptiun. 1 hey tieutod This i.-^, 1 believe, a correct account of the {)riMiuer> with the ntmo.'t kindness, I the, proceedings, and result.H of the giving tlieiii wine, cig.srs, br-ad. tobacco, unfortun.stt*expedition. 1 haveendeavoretl and agua-.lente, tnvly, ;ind tpiiu their own to give an impartinl account, and if any small means. I imagiiu; no one will .say man, either North or South, ctinsiders hini- that we had any right to expect such self aggrieved by any remark contained treafinent ()iir comlnct torced and de-j therein, I will eudeoytn’to alft»rd him such mamled their respect, but eortaiiily we had .satisfaction as the riafurc of the case may no chum either on their sympathy or gen- demand. There have ul.-o been, 1 undcr- 1 11 .. , . i reliections made on the con. . Iiieli has been .said relative to the exe-! duct of our Coiasul at Havana, Mr, Owen cution ot ( rittenden .-ind his men. Amojig and on the ofticers of tho Albany at all the }irisouer.s now in Havana, much as they admired ('rittenden, there is but one ojdnion, and that is, that that execution was justillable—wa.s iiieritcd. That they were deceived ;ill know; but tiijit \v:is no busines.s td Ihe Spanish authorities. Surely the provocatitui received wa.^ sufUeient to justify not only the execution of those uu*ii, but t,)t i-very man connt,*eted with the expetlition. ^\ hy, look at ihi.s affair ii» it.s pnipi-r light, W'here, even in history, du you hud a .'iinilar oeeurreneei' Here four hunilied and titty men, .vithout having re- cened the h'iist ]>rovi»t;ation, leave t!n*ir the time ot the eseeution. At that time Mr, l.)\ven not uoly wus unable to di3 any thing to u.ssiet them, but, u> I uni informed and believe, was actuallv in danger him- tVciU tljo rabble at iTlavaua, a guard of S|i;(»i?h jioMiers haying been placed over hiH j.rtjperry and person by order of the Cftptfiiu Geueral, As fov the Albany, wbe was p.iwerlui* qq that occti»jion, Her ofn- eers aud crew, lu it wa», liyiuyiuhized with aud deeply rcgrcttea tho vueltt,iv:Uoly fate ot their unfortunuto couutrytutii, but they could do no more. My word for ic, if ever I an opportutiity should oeenv, the ofReers I.1 ■ ’ I Biiouui oeenv, tpe omoers s, .intl tnva.b- the ''hon*«..f n perfectly t and . n-w of that sliip will n.)t uphold the honor of the American, t new laurels tt> its wreath. IJat now, iti conclusion, let mo, thrr ) the medium of your columns, r'-tur,,"^" sincere thanks to His Honor the .Nj. === to Col. O’Hara, Ciipt, ('ary, ;,nd ntl,,.'''* izeii-s of Key WVst, for the niai,y ncssc.s atnl attentions sliown jne them that 1 sliall ever remember thi gratitmle. 1 remain, very respectfully, vonroi.i cut .‘fervatit, " I’liiMp S. Va.\ YKrii-rKN Late J*'irst Li(-ut. of the Cubi • At ildUAl; AT TIIK \\llr]-|- T.MNS. /■ rorii I fie Jlor loi Ti iui>cTipi, riiAVVKOi’.n lloi SK, WiHTK Mih ntm.v Septembers.],^,-]'" Mr. Kditoh: Meteoric sut-h a wonderful kiml were witi)f.^„.,j. ' last Saturday evening thev tho.«e of us travelling in this "n-irj,,,, .1 wore fortunate enough to behold tlii.„,! tlemand some j>uV>lic notice; and It you will concur with us in our though no de.-ii-riptifjti, much less mv, ^ can tlo justice t» this singularly l,rii] and evt-n aiip.illing displ.-iy of w..rks. During the wlmh; of il„. we oli.'crved tht* unlinary tniiii|ui] illuminating a jiortion of tin.- in,rtlj„!‘ hemisphere, ami shining with a inil,] w hite light, but n-marketl no variati.ii) color or form; ami it was not till ahnut' ' past t-leveii that the nvinit-ri,„,;,i. coming exhibition appean-d in the 4 . of a luminous band, stretchiinr suiM.,' acniss tin; sky, ami o.scillating «;,]“■ tremulous motion. A gentl.-nKin fr„, ]*hila'lel]dti;i hatl j»ropu.ed walkiii.r i], into the Notch to view it by nii.t,|,i;.„. and, as we ilrew near it, the twin T-' guanling the entninee stood huMlvf,! against a sky of unu>ual clearn.-'', ,vi; file mist (-fdlectoil in the valley, lit uf,'- the moon ami stars re.seinbled a lake. Having atlvaiieed tjuite a tli'tuiif-. the ^^otch, We reclint-d upon ;in I'l.'.jt,, nck to conti-mplate the nigL'wd i.T.iii.i, of the clitis, as they ro,se in tip. (•l(.;,r.. light, w h-jii our eyes were gn-eti-d 1-. • above-im-ntloiietl phenomenon. A'«■ flat on our backs, uji a sudden, fruiu • upp'-r edge of the ^hlnin" seKmi-nt ij; • north, while the lower part l'Ih-w dark.«: forth innunierable rays, like jet' uf Ii :, light, which prc.'crved tln-ir foriii a it iiient, ;tjipe;triiig like a resplendent ili;i’i td solid ili.:nioml on tin* J-Jgvjiti.-in brnvi night. ()bion^r sjiot.' of brilliant light: sprang into v iew in v ariuu.^ t,juarters, w L. beei.miii:_r gradually eloiigatetl, burst ;it:_ top, .'cattering masses of liglit in all rections. ,'^oon, broad shining enln! tmerged from tliffer-lit jioints in tln-!i.- z->n, ino\ing .'lowly at first, then ilnr.- up with incredible swiftm-,' .'IkM.; vaiii>hing. :tud reajipt-aring f>f iini.;,- liriiliaiicy. i-dijising tin' light of tin- ]i’,:i and the moon; now ch.isini'-each erl;'- lightning nice .-iround the skv. aii-1 ti- enlarging, after intinife changes nf i ,. .0 as to occupy the wlnde heaveii'. A iiniver.sal undulatt,*ry motinn. - to tin* svvi-11 td the sea t-r tin* uioti.iu ■ wiud->wept field of grain, but ni 'ii r than the tlart of tin? frightened ,'in now proved the pn-cui.-'or of iai-^ • beauty ami of the ino.'t truly aiinizii;. iioiiiena. A .*mall pitchy cloud ef lar fillm ajijiears at the zenith, wl.:' . if were^ kiiitiles and emits tojigue- - ff (if the most variegateil ai'nl brilli.;;,r i/ai- green, ]>urj)Ie. pink, golden, and vi ■[>■• aud .-Jtreams of tire, shotitin-.^ in a 'iui course, as when ‘•Hell’s staniiaiil-ln-:;; : ‘■Friiiu the ^littei ing staff uni'iiih-i] Til' iiiijicrial cusijrn, which, full hi.uliairv .''hiiiic like .*1 nietii.r. ^trt-.-iiiiiii;: t.i tin- u \\ ith gciiis and .ofihk-n lustre rich eiiiiil;izo w hileall ovt-r the he.ivens chmd-Iikc iii;'- Hushed with the richest tint.', lik. ’ glaiicing light on the polished stei l, - . . in the twinkling of an eye; t-ountlc'-.'’>ni of beauty, as, following the chieft;i J'v. sign, ".\11 iti ;i nienir-nt thren^h th.c "Iohiu ki" Ten tlionsaii.i Icituuts risiii«r in lliv :i>i. \\ ith •iriciit i-iil.'rs w.-iviie.;;” and sulphiu-ous flames, set-miiiL' t" /'/■iinf the mountains, darted from 1' - re.>;t lubling the bur.-^ting forth of v ■. tires. Such a scone, calculatt-d to exci’ ’ tmblest enuttions, 1 never expect to K :ig:iin; it were worth :i vovai'e ticrns' Atlaiitii-. It might bi; compared t(> a cam>py or tent, susixjutled from the zo inwrought with gf>ld ami silver, riibi-' emerahls, ainl shaki-n by ;i mightv > -Vutl it Would retjuire no vivitl ima.;: tor (Mie, shut in as we were bv eterii:!!.'' with the skies kindling over our Iin • see above him the fretted roof of 11'. monium >et with “cres.sets, fed with’ ' tha and asphaltus,” and an>untl. 1' . forms rejio^iug on their rtx-kv cnuw to think “her .stores were ojK-tied. an-; firmament,” sporting cataracts td'fir- , pending horrors threatening hidl'''l^^ Nearly all the colors of the ' were exhibited iu dazzlinc suecessinn.;" being e.speciall}’ prominent, w hich "'ir- lord infurms us has never been betore, though red is tpiife cniiii''''^ Nothing was wanting except tlii-l!" and crackling noises sometimes lu'ani - and fre^juent in high nortlu-ni l;i'^; the solemn stillness, however, iiu'*’- thought, t^ the sublimity of tli' ' Atter the of about h.ilf :m varied colors gradually faded, aul^ white light alone romainetl in tli‘ sky. The aurora.* boreales (d b;il‘b'‘'" described by 31aupertuis aiul eilit'' very similar to thi.«i display, ’llu'"'-'' at the mountains, for two or tlin'' has been the warmest of the sca.^'S"^ thermometer ranging from !***' h'-* \ tiurs, truly, A. IU:.SSKLL, C.-mi’iii lr'C w. S, PiOGKH.'^. IWistiiii J. l>. S.lllOK.NT, I'hibi'- : C(d. dames Nt>rth’.up, of iu this county, committed suicide 1'.'" ing himself, at his residence on fh" the 23d ult, Jle leaves a very l-*''- Ciitimable family, entirely depcini'^^^ ' their own exertions for sujipfrt. Col, Northrup moved fr"i>* borough, Anson co., North thiii State in ISoS.— ^Ve vogret to havo to anuouiioe t!>‘: of Jameij Fcnnisntire Cooper, L*'! ■ , took place, after a lingering ilhii;'-, residenct) iu Cuoperstown, New TURNIP V 1 71 NGLISli White Uutcdi, hiifro ha?"-; » lA folk, Kutii Jiiiga Tiinui. .''-ciI. day and for sale hv • S. .1. I. *" '

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