A l»KSli:\l’.l,r. ItKiSlDKNC’l'. FOR 8M.K. rnilir. iti»..-« iihrr naw ..tiers for sale till liis 1. Ttiri'ciitMu' a’.nl r.'trmin" I.ANU, coutiiin- iu^ :ihu\»t ^>^'U .\v'rcs, niilos l>ust ot I':ivfttcvillo, on till- (iohlsborough mid, com- lU''iilv kiiiiwii !is I'lilnnra. It liMM a il'volliiiir li'Uisc, oiit-buiklinjrs, ito.. ami a winTO a lai;j:i' amount of l)iisi- ii' ss is iloni.'. aiiil iiuTi'asiit;^ ilailv. This is n r.iro oit.'Uii'f lor tiiri'fiitiiie jrettorii, ini-rcliauts. \i-. aii'l v\iil J'O S'llil a harjiaiii. Aiiv oiu- wisli- iii;' to ]>iiu'liasi-, aii'l wisliiii;x fui-tlior iiifornia- tiKii. can ajij'lv on tilt.' jiremisis, to .1. \V. Ml lU’HV, or r. TAVLOll. Favvttv'vilk'. .Inly il'Uli, 1S:>1. ‘ Stf ~ c'AuriiA‘(ii: Sul.scnl.i-r liavin^r titto'l np and on- » lar^'cl the atiovc r>)l k'l ur» lionsc, is mir I'vv^'ar 'd t ) entiTtain tvavciKvs with iiicrfUfcd i:om!i>ri. 1U)15’T McNAIUJ. ('artlia;:i-. N- '•. > Mav-‘. IS.M. XOTK'K. f 5"^IfK ■'I'artuorship hi'rctot'oro ov'stin;.; uri- 5. tli-r the iianio of .1. A. Itowlan.i \ o., is till!" liiiY diss'ilvoit l>v iiintu;;! oonsi'iif. ■ JOHN A. 1U>\\ I. \M>. ClI.IlKItT W. M.KAV. .nUIN MOOUK. "riK' Miiflt rsiiiiicd mil contimii*; t!ic lui'^Jnoss of the lato fiiMi. at tlioir f'rrncr St.iiid ill I,iiia*'fi'tnn. unil '• tlio stvio nl 1!0\N- l.AM* \ Mi lvAV. whiTf TiihkIs of ovrrv de-j s.'r!''ti.>n I'aii be ijmozlit v>n tliv rcasttiiaV>!c tvniis. •lOIIX A. H(>WI.A\1>. I :ii,r.i:i:T w. moKav. Lunihprton, July 1. 1S;»1. Itt rXA\VAV from tlie snl'sorihor. ahont tlic aliuut :>•') years oM. Ho is ahoiit tivf feot cloven iiioiu-s lii^rli, full Imsliy liair: jMtlu'r sl(p\v s[ii>kon. and ratlior spare tmilt, Iiis fi int teetli sliirhtly dot'ayed. and pruliaMy i>iie 111- Viiith of his eye teeth out. Said neprro is a ('"'>5»er hy trade, and will attenij't ti.i pa^s as a fr'‘c> m in, and may ju-ohultly liave tree j'apers, a-; he lias s.iid lie can jro any wliore. Ho is a litlK* riiikley ali"ut tiu- oyes. ;ini Iia. an olii a|>- ])e:irarii‘f. Tlie s;ih>,-riher uill "i\e I lie above rewaril f"r tiis apprelieiision and delivory to him. ill (''invv:i_\ !. ifoiii;!i, S. r., vr e>iii‘iiu-nu‘iil in any jail in Noi tii Carolina, so tli;it lie ean ^et him. S:^il| nejro l(olon;rs to .lani'‘s M. I'ell. i.d'Ciroeti- ville, N. ('.. of nl'om 1 hired him. S. ni'i.i,. August 1, !Sol. I'Ntf rirrv doij.aks kmwakd. AN’.W' .W from \V. A. I'nvdianan. of .Iidin- st>in (•■'iinty, on the >'ih of .laiiu.-iry, TWO Nl](ii;(» i»!in itnd .''te].i.en. li»ni> al>ont !.’•’> year." of ajre, stout hnili. of dark ei-mi'lexioii. anil Wfi^rhs ahout 17'» Ih-i. Stephen i» a>)out 'JS years of a;je. weijjlis 17'* ll's., of yellow com plexion, speaks very slow when 'poken to. Sai',1 Nejrroes were raised l^y lllizaheth .Mur phy of Cumberland county, in whose vicinity tlioy are supposed to l e lurkinir. I will ^ive the aho\o reward for their appre- MMi;-ion :iiid eontiuement in any jail si> that I i^i't them, or for either; .-in'i an adilitional riMv.ird will lie triven for proof siithcient to con- vii t .inv wliiti' jierson of harlioi iii-; said Neprocs. i:. V. .Mrni’nv. .'an. 'Jl. 1''’>1. -'I'itf II LAND FOll SALE Subscriber will soli to the liighest bid- JL der, on the first day of November next, 500 ilcres oi' Lving on Joe’s Creek, about seven miles South of Laurel Hill, on the old Stage Koad in North Carolitia, llichnumd county. Ihc pluce is know n in nearly all parts of the country by the mime of Uock Hale. There is as good u mill site on it as i.s in the State, with a Corn and Wheat .Mill now in operation. Also a good Cotton (Jin and I’rcs.s. About laO .acres open land on it, the rem.-iinder fairly timbered. The land is well adapted for Corn and Cotton. Tlie situation is healthy, well watered. «ith » pood dwelling house, kitchen, smoke house, anrl other neces- ■oarv out-biiildinfrs; all in good repair. Persons wisliiiig to purchase at j.rivate .sale, can do so by calling on me between this and the day ot sale above nientioiieil. _ _ .\lso, another tract of I-and. containing ‘Jit. acres, in two miles of the above, lying on Ilew- VI r Creek: about bt> acres open, the rest well timbered. This is as good Cotton land as there is in the low. r i>art id’ Kichmond county. It is level and still, with about (iO acres planted in Cotton; and my calcnlatiin is, if no distemper gets into it, to gather upwards of-II) bags. The biiili’ings are giiod, and fine healthy water that cannot be surpassed in the State. I I’ersons desirous of a good bargain are ad- , visiMi to :ip[«ly e.'irly. ! .''hould this property be sold at private sale, i notice to that etTect will be given. 1 .UHIN r. WUKiHT. j Atig. 1'., ISol. 14-tl '.» ! DISSOI.TTION. copartnership her*tofore existing uiuler B. the n:ime .'ind style of T\ S( >N \ I'KllSON is this day lissolved liy niutu.-il consent. All persi>ns indebted to the tirm will please make payment to Mr. Tyson, who is authori/.ecl to set tle the business. TIIt)S. 1?. TYSON. I SAM L J. rKllS(*N. I August I'l. l^ol. IS-ltw n. 'I'vsoll uill conti nue the Merc.intilc Ibisiness at the Old Stand in C.irthage. XO'l'IC’K. rn^AKKN up and committed to the Jail ot .M. .s.iuipsoii (’ounty, on the L’Sfli inst., :i ne- ; gr> bo\* win* sa\'s his name is L()NON, and tht*\t I he belongs to James II. Shell of South C.irolina. Said bo_v is aH.mt y ears old, •> feet S or lO ; inches high, anl weighs about loO p«i\>nds. | 'I'lie ovMier is tet|iiesled to come forward. ^ prove [iroprrty, p.iy charges and take him a wav. IS \ \(' r.oVKlN, Jailer. Clint!>n. .\ugust ll'*. IS-M. IS-tf I\.r('c>ttor\s .Notice. Subs-Tiber. at .'September Ternu 1S."»1. fiL of Cumiierl:ind I’ounfy Court, iluly nuali- tic I ;is l!\rcutor of the I.a.»t \* ill and Testament of.lohn .''iiiith. .''•11. \!t jiersons having claims ag.iinst the ’I'est.-itor. are nifified to jiresent thvm within the tinn- !imitel by net of .\ssem- bly. or this notice wi!l be pleaded in bar >f re- | coverv, j FARgi'H\HI> SMITH. I Sept. r>, 1''.">1. l'.i-.‘!tw Tiro l*aliiahlt i*lti»9ttitions I'OU SALi:. I f Pj^lIK Su>'S(Tiber'. being desirous to emigrate ' iL farther South. otlVr their I’lant.ttions for sale, known us the I'ony s Kord l.ands. The l.-Mi'ls are situ.iti-d oil I.ittle Itivcr. .^lo^t^;ome^y CountV. nine mi!e above it-i continence with the (iri'.it redre. w ithin •! mib-s ot'Kichtaoiiil ('oun ty line, where the Ka_. ett'viUe ;in'l Centre I’l.ink Koa'l i> contvmplatc'i to pas>;, :'.s jniles lri>m I'heiaw, oil the ri'ad leading from Fa}ette'ille to .''ali-bury. 'I he l.ind~ .ire c',n;il ii. fcrtilify of ■.oil to any in Nortli Car'diiia. containing near aeri‘>. i,f uhicb i- b..ttom land, a large portion of which is ada]>tel to tlu“ production «.f Cotton, making an averace of aUjut 1hhi U»s. ptT acre. Tlie liigh land is also good. The land' ale well drained, and as little exposed to • fre.'liets ;i' any on the river, and in a state of g 1 ciiltiv.ition, , we being the judges.) The ; jirtduetions wo»iM average tVoni to liHHIliush- eN of Ci,rii, from o to simi busltels of Whe.it, from ]ri to ]'',iH(>Ibs. (pf seed (’otton, and not le--; adapted t' the pr-'ducti' il of Oats. The >itiiatioii>; are he.altiiy, cont.-iinir.g scveinl g j springs that have never Viei-n kiiouii to tail.— On one of the I’lantatiojis there i a conitno- d.'ous two ?ifory linilding. ii"W being handsomelv I'ainted, and a'-o a large new liin-house, built oil the no'St approved plan, with a new Cutt^n pri'---; the other out-liuilding> in good repair. In the other I’lantatii'ii tberi' is a (•■•mfurtalile Dwelling. lar;:e tiin-house anl Cott"n J'Tp-s. v‘ith oflicr iieee,v>ary out-lmiidiiigs; and also a gn-if! On haril. The jirenii-ies can be bought 'J'liose wi>liing to jiur- 111'-t sup‘ii>ir '(iiality, will tiiid it to their intere.-t to examine before mak ing otli*T pnnh:ios. as it is rare that such in ducement' ari' hi-M i.ut to land buyers; for w- '■ill sell on n*;isoiiable itnd aicomiiHxhitii:;; terms. 1’' 't ofiice addrO'-*, Mci allnm .« .''tore, .N. C. Also. f'lif oflh'r ’rr;ift, witli'm u milo.v of the abovt'. nntl .'ituato.j ..n l.ittlr i:i\cr. cn- tainiin; Mmi aTes. ’! iiere is a goi.d Mill fit*'on it. with a (.'list .Mill in op,-rati..n. .V Saw Mill e;in In" built with b'lt liftle co-t; and ji' lumber is in eoTisideralile deniaii 1. would be .a pr-ititji- ble bii'iiie"!. There are about 1(M» acres ofien land on tbf tr.-et. j.i ini'ipally >M(ttom land of gooii (|iiality. 'Ihe land is w*-ll timbered, most ly hiiig leal pine. .itkI e(.iivenient to thc mill. good bargain will be given. W. N. I’KACOCK. c. ri:Aco K. Sept. 0, IS.',I. 2-J-'itw To Cotton A' l\*ooHen •F/rriiir- /'ftrfttrers. ^IIIHI', .''iib'ii.Tibers have for sale a general as- Ji- sortment of FINDINGS, to which they would i-espectful!y call attenti.in. A ciirisfaiif siijifilfj of the foflotriit^ Articles alirays on fiiiini: J. & L. Woodcock’s superior Machine Cards. Sin,.\!lINfi ^lACHI.NK.s.—Parson’s, How ard.', ( iirtis s, Daviilson \ I*:irk’s, Daniol's. \ S ,M ' III N K.S. — I’arkliurst'.s I’atent Ibirriiig !\Iachines, Si^ooling .Machines, Niipjiing Machines, rirushiiig .\Iaidiines. Kellogg's I’atent Hrtol Pickers, Ciittoii Whippers, or Willows, Water W I;i-i*l Itogulators, Cloth Winders, Hock Cutters. r>ol(bin .Machines. Quadrants and Keebs, l!aeotrj Patent Cotton I’icWers, llardwivstc Pick ers, Waste Cleaners. oil-. SCNDltV AKTICLKS.—Holbiook's Patent ia\ ot (ictobrr next, tlien :ind tiierv to plead ^ J»ivetel 1‘ickers, Kevolving Temples, daw and aii.'wcr or d.-iiinr to the Petition in eause "'""den Temples, Superior Picker l,,‘ather, do. 1) I .voriei;. llli- undersigned, having determined to con tinue his hu'ines' in .idi-s' orough. takes tlii' mefl«.d .'>i' ini'D-iiiiiig tlie piibiie th.at he ni.ay 't'!l Vic f.'und at his oM st.ind. South -f the ,\n- .*■011 Hotel, where he will keep constantly on ]: i!:d a lull assiTtnieiit of the most clwice l.i'lU'>rs. Wines, ('oi-Jials. Cigars, and ■■ther re- li''!uiu';its usually found i>« tiiis section of try. Hr l.-opc' iiy strict attention to his ! vi'i'ic'S, vi^id i>rc.'ervation of goo.l i rdiT, and linceasing care for the comtort and enjoyment ' ■''' cU'*o: :ers. to merit and receive a liberal si>are f t|;c pitbiiL- patroiiaL'e. w. sandfks. Viadc''."''..’!;;!!. .Illlv 1 .'l, 7tf state of North Carolina,) , r •. M.u.s ('..r.Mv. ’ In r.fiiiity. 1* i.”.-ild F. '»i bj his (';uar.liati. .Foseph C. r."c. William L. Kelly, and John y. Kelly. • bv ills tiuardian, .\lbert I’owcll.i /•.*. .lames Kelly. I'etition t.. s^ll l>il Kstate. tT ajipe.-irinsr to th- satisfaction of the Court, that .lamc' Ktdly. Detemlaiit herein, i- a jointlv or sep.-iralelv II .n-n'i'ieiit of this St.ite: It is Orlc-.-fd by the cliase'land of th • '••nrt. that jMiblic.-itioti be made in tlie Fa\\-tte- ville ul,server, a newsp.ipcr j>ublisli,.f| in the I ''VII ot hayetleville. for the spacc of si.x weeks, n 't>'\ .11,: Uie said .l.tmes Kelly t'l be and .appear at tc- i;i \t term "f the .■^u|.eriiir Court of Kijui- T\. t" be !;elil j(i»‘ rln- ( Munty ot Ci.lumb.us, at ttic ( i-:;r llou-e in Uhitevilie, oii tin- ;Id M iii- u.’.y after til',' hh .M nd.iy in .'»• pieinbcr i,e:.t, I Io n an i tl'.ere t'l jili ad. :niswer oj-ilciiiiir to the s,iid I’e'it)ii. otlu'rwise the '.ime will lie lic.-n-il e\ p.irte. ;i!:il ;l ile.rei- i le rend'-!ni JifO CoIlfeSSO. Wi-I,e,s. Foi'pev Ce. ige. ( ;, jk and .Master in l.'tuif. ill ;.nd ti e county of ('I'liinibiis af, s i; 1. It li;!i' e ill \i iiite' ille, the 2d .Moii'i.'iv ;if- t-'i- ti,e 1th .Mi'iciay in .MmcIi. D. Is.'il.' Ji-'vj ‘ i’. ii.oi:(;i-;, c. M. i:. Sl'A'l'i: OF X. CAltOLlxX l!K H.Mi'ND CnCMV. * ■■■Hi't nj )iji>l (Ji‘,irtir S‘ ./it- lij 'J''nn, Js.'iJ. Ple.'.sanr M. Powell and Nathan T, llowdon, F.x- e-iitor' '.f Dr. J.diii .Mcl.eod. dec'd, /...'.\nn ’"ilHain .Mel I. .loiu, .\J,-Leod, '\:'niam M.-K.iy .md Ann liis wife, Williani Uiiite and Harriet Lis wife, .Martin William.' an'i .Marrha his wife, Stephen McLeod. Helen Marr .\b be,,-|. IJdia M, Ia-o.|, lielia .McLeod, i Wilt.'II McLeod, and J.ime.s McLeod. Petitii.n f..r Settlement. TT'n thi.* can.se, it ap)iearing to the .satisfaction » ot the Court, that the DetVn lants, JoI.im .McLeod. a:id .Mavtin Williams and Mariha his' wif.-, rc'ide beyond the limit' of sai l State- It IS tiierefoie (trde,,..! by the Court, that i.ublica- fioii be made for six suece.>sive weeks in the I hay^-ttevihe Ol,server, notifving the saioi non r-s!.le„t defendants, to-wit; ■j,,l,n .Md ! .M.irtin W Ilhams and wife .Mariha. to t.e ,,,,’,1 ""'•shii.lul Court, "be held for the coiinty of llichmoud, iit the oiirt House in itoi^nghain, on the thinJ .Mon- till’d, otherwise the b'" '. :ind heai-'l ex parte as to them. ' '^in,e>-. Malcolm L. Douglass. Clerk of our i at (ilVi .M. ■ will be taken i.ro con- : '“o edfi.. do. P>ridb-do.. Stretched Leather Utdt- e as to them ' '"ST- LeatluT P.elting, Roller Cloth, Washer do.. Itoller Skins. Calf do. do.. Spindle Mand- Sfratrberrff JPlantft* 1I1.AVE six varieties of STHAW lU'illUlKS ready for delivery, all fine, and some the very best iu cultivation, measuring from .‘I to o inches in circutufereuco, under thc proper treat ment. Friecs from $1 to per hiuidred, and from 10 to 25 cents per dozen. Now is the best time to plant, if the beds are trenched 18 itiehes or 2 feet deep, and well en riched. Thc Plants sliouhl be shaded lor n few days with boards leaned on tlie South side; if they cannot be shaded, plant at any time during Winter or Spring. C. LLTTKKLOn, Piowan st. Sept. (>, 18-31. 2(ltf ]I. ANSON ^ SON FFKU for Sale,— 100 Pieces J’.agging, •'•0 Coils P>ale ilope, 2110 Lbs. Ihile Twine, ](M) J?bls and half bbls. No. Mackerel, 2') Half bbls. x\o. 2 Mackerel, 40 Quarter bbls. No. 1 Mackerel, 12•^0 IJis. prime Lard, 1000 Lbs. P>acon Hams. A few Itarrels of Pork left. Sept. b, IS-)1. 20tf \F,\V (iOODsT OI'K FAI.I. 14 OIMiOOI>? is now ready for inspection, comprising an endless variety. (;kockkii:s. Lo.'if, Crushed, Powclered, (’larified and eoni- mon Sug.'irs; Ivio, L.-iguira, Mociia, .Ijiva and NLiricabo Coffee; Port, .Madeira, Chamiiaign and Cooking W ines; pure and imitation French Bran dy; Holland iin; Champaign Cider; No. 1 Mack erel; Salmon and Smoked Herrings; Boxes Fan cy Candy and Sugar Plums: Starch; Saler.-itus; Farina for Puddings; Scotcii Snufl; IL-izanl Co s and Dupont s Pow der; So:ip of all kinds; Sperm, .\damantine and Tallow Candles; Pepjier; Spice; (Jinger; Nutmegs; Cloves; Cinnamon and Alace. C’ROl'KKUV. CHINA AND (JI.ASS-W ARK. I.-irgo .-issortment of White fJranite, flowed and light l?lne .nnd Mulberry Ware; common Liver(>ool Ware, a gi>od assortment; plain and fancy Gilt and W liite China Tea Sets; one w hite (’hina Dinner Set; white and gilt Howls; Cotrce Cups. ic. (’lit, pressed and plain Tumblers; Wine and Jelly (Masses; Cioblets; Decanters; Ibiwls; Dish es; Pitchers: Salt-cellars, .^e. liritannia Ware; Tea and Coffee Pots ;ind rrn.s; Sugar ilowls; Cream .Jnps; Candlesticks; (’astors: .''poons; i.adles; Mujjs, ..S:c. FTRNISIIINc; (JOODS. Housekeeping Ctrnsils of all kinds; IJrown and I’deached Damask TaMe Cloths and .Nap kins: Oil Cloth Table Covers; 'i’owcling, a v.-uie- ty; lH-4 Linen and Cotton Sheeting; Curtain (ioods; W;iil and Window Paper; Fluid .-ind Laiil Lani|'s; W aiters; P>rooms and Hrushes of all kinds; P>r.-iss and conimon ,\ndirous; ,>>;hovels an«l Tongs; Fenders; I!r:iss« jmd Iron-bound Pails; Sets Tabic Cutlery, and many other useful ar ticles too numerous to mention. (’ARPK'riNG. I yard Carpeting—J^rnssels, superfine and f;ne lii;:run patterns, to suit a variety of tastes: Hiigs tid Floor Oil Cloth; \Nool-mi\ed and Jute D' r Mats, (Lo riiiNd. .\ general st»M-k of l!*a(|_v-ni.*ide ('l.tiTHINC, —Clo.-iks. Overcoats, Dress .-n.-l Frock Coats. Sin'ks. I’ants aid Vests, inclutiin-’ an ass.irtment of P.oys' Clothing: ,^lllslin Shirt': ool. Merino and Silk I’ti'ler'hiits; CoH.-u-s; M.i-ks; .Suspen ders; (Iloves. v^c. (ientlcmen wi!l find a com plete outfit. — ALSO— l»Ianke(s; P>e l Tick'; ticr-ria Plair:': bleaehc'I and brovx n Shirtings; Hosii-r\; l.iiiseys; . lucres; Tweed'; Oi! ('loths: India llub'bi r Clntli; I.etrer. Cap and Wrapping Paper: P.rtf'Ht,s; portable W r.tiie.^ Desks; .V.'te lloiiks, Fancv W i.rk P>"\es; Looking (il.-i-'cs; .sinutf i’.o\es, ,vc. 1(1 crises assorted le'tlticts. In •• •• Shoes. 1I lM-»\es ('ofTce Mills. 1 case assor'eil I'mbrelhis. 2'» pack.-iges Drug.s au'l D\e.«. 2'> boxe.s indow (Jlass. 1110 ke-.rs ('nt .\;ii!s. 1(1 •• W rought ditto, .-md Sj-ikes. bau' .•'h't. l’>ar Le:id. .'fi'Hi (’i'/ars. ]ii b.i\es Imperial Te.-i. 2 chests line II\son Tea. 1 •• •• P.l'ack •• Half-b.ixcs I'resli llaisins. In iiiir .onnii/ sfurt/ /r,// /,> t'tuiii?— ,\ he;ivy st..ck of H,\i:DW.\KK .\ND CJ'T- LF.l'iV Knives ;m'l Forks: Pen anl Pocket Knives; Double and 'ingle tiniis; Fib-': T.inners' Knives; HandS.-iws; Pl;iiie'; IL-itnnier': Hatch ets; .\xes. :i g.M. j assortment. \c. ,Vc. I'ountry .Merchants .-md others nre in- viie.i to examine .i St(K-k which, f..r variety and excellence, challenges ci*mpetition. HKI' Ihe will be s..].! f'lr Cjish, or on , time f'.r good ji.-iper, S. W. TILLI.NC.HAST ( o, Se; ;. .’’i. l,''.'.l. ontf N. \l S'rAlilU'C'K, Trotf, »Vctr \’ort^\ IKON F(»r.\I)Kli AN[) MACHINIST. ' M! mi htrf u n r uf' St m>\ M iV/s nuil />(/ r.>i, I Mill (’. ^■IHK undersigned, as the .\gent of the above -fi- Ks(:iblishment, will order any articles which may be wanteil, on !ii>iilicatien to him. j The .'steam Mills manut'actured by Mr. Star- biick h.-iM- b*-en ti-steiL and are hi;^hly .-ipproved on the Plank Ito.-ids about Fayetteville. KliW'D l.KK WINSLOW. Fayetteville, S*-pt. I, 1S->1. -Otl Nr.VV GOODS! Subs-riber is now receiving a large ad- ■ (litioii to his Stock, consisting of I)rv (ioods, (Irocorlcs, ('rockcrv, 1 fanhviu'c, Hats, C'aps, IJoots and Shoes. — ALSO— Ifullow-Ware, Leiitlicr, Wiinlnw (Jlass, White Loiul, (Miooso, Mackt'n l, (!(ulfisli, A:c. Wliich he offers on reasonable terms. He iffers for sale a large stock of Foreign and Domestic LIQUORS, viz: $300 liiaVAJlD! ]~^SCAPKP from the Jail of Kershnw District, li on Monday the 1 1th day of .Inly last, S.^MUEL J. LOVK, who was convicted for the murder of Robert J. Lester, at Sp ing Term of Coifrt, 18-')1. Said Love is about 20 or 21 years of age, six feet two inches high, (not certain as regimls hi.s height, but supposed to be therea bouts.) has dark hair, and of a sallow complex- ii.>n, with ii ilowncast look; some of his front teeth a little decayed, and follows thc occupa tion of a Carpenter. 1 will give the above reward to any person who will apprehend tlie said S. J. love and lolge him iu any Jail in this St^ite, or One Hun dred and Fifty Dollars for liis safe cotifinenient in any Jail in the Liiitcd States, so that 1 can i;et him. JOHN INfJHAM, Sherifr. Camden, S. C., Aug, :‘.0, IS-M. 20-f.ni »VrtP Spriiif^ *nul Summer z» «:» :■» 9 II. G. IIALL Cahinet Furniture, Chairs, &o. fH^HI’ Subscriber is receiving n -B- large assortment in his line, selected by himself in Phil.-nlelphia, New' Vork. and lioston, xvhich, to gether with his own nianufactnre, makes his Stock very complete, eonsisting'of Chairs, Tal>l(?s, Solas, Hedstt'ads, \Vas!i Stands, liuroaus, l.ook- in^ Glasses, Side Jioards, Secretaries, Sj:c. Sjc. I All of which will be sold on tiie lowest fcnns for ' Cash, or on short time to jninetiial custoniers. JOHN W. F.AKFP., Sejit. ;io. iHjK. ;;--.tf Fayrttcr Ule To trit ffrt/, CASTINGS OF JKVKKV DESCKIPTlON MADE TO OltDEK. .V lot of Biibbet Metal for sale. Winslow street, Sept. 1, IH-jl. ]RY CHAIvJjI'jS JjANIvS, Conferfioitrr, GREEN SKEET, F.U ETTEVll.I.E, T. i Fresh, pure. Candies, consUtnlly supjilied. [ NOTlCi:. fjl’^TTE StOdiner Chatham Trill leave tl, „ -H. every Monday and Thursday at' I-' A. M., (iiistm^ of n o’clock anal i.res,',,! meneing at 7 o’clock Monday l(»tli ins| ot leaving Wilmington, evety Tuesil^v . / dav at 2 o'clock P. ,M. ‘ JNO. li william,^ June 18.W. For JS.7I. TIKLMSON is now receiving a s[»1eiidid oIP • assortment of SI .MMl.il ll.\TS tor (Jen- tlemen. Youtiis, lioys, and Infants, to-wit; — Panama, Marieaibti. Pedale and l.eghorn, with a general assortment of Palin-leaf. —,\ LS« >— A variety of' (leiitleiiieii's Ibess Hats, to-wit: Heaver, Nutria, Moleskin. Silk and .\ngo|.i. of thc latest styles; with an a.ssortnient of other styles usually found in this market. .\lso, C,\PS in !ibund.-inee, of diflerent styles and prices,—all of which will be sold Ciik\f for C.isji. — ALSO— An yssortment oft ientlemen's. Ladies’. Misses , Youths', lloy.s'anil ( hiMi eii s 1?0( rj'.s^ \ Slltll.S, vvliicli will be oflcrc'l on liberal ternis for the Iveady t’ash. ffctJ'' Please call and .sjitisfy yourselves befoi-e pui'chasing elsewhere. J. C. THOMSON. South-west cornel- M.irkct Sijiia'C. March 12, 1.'M. '■o-tf iSjtrin^ (iloixh, IS.")!. ii II IJI5Y 100 bbls. Whiskey. ;')0 '* Apple llrandy. 10 “ choice “old Nasii,” 5 years old. 10 “ old Itye M'hiskey. noekiiiirha.n, the third ' ‘ Tl MoUMuy ol .luly. A. D. l.V-,1. ;mi,1 i„ i Tape, all colors. Shuttle,s. all k tv-.'i\th year of Amei-icaii Indeii.-n.lence i Tenter llooks, 'lack ILiiiirners, \], 1. l-'d C.I 'vs C C C ; Ib.ving Oiiides. ,Miile Spindles. ■ ! Skewers, (’uttiiig Nippers, King 1 Steel Punches. Travellers, Dust P.rushes, Flocking do.. Card Tacks and Pliers. Comb Plate. Card Cleaners. Shuttle Eyes, Nuts ... • It private Hale, about 1 and Washers, Rivets and Ilurs, Screw Drivers, 1'. .- i”'* Aerc.s of Lat:d, lying on the i Poller P.uckles, Glass Creel Steps, Sj.indie Steps, IS si'le 01 Cuiii-Sw.inip. in Piichmond county, j Fuller’s Jacks, F;ictory Lamps, Worsted Har- • ■> *o"r miles South of Laurel Hill. The ness. Cotton do., Steel and Cane Pieeds. Wool- I.A.NI) fOU SVI.t-:. >'01111, Siiliseriber of1\'r> land lies on jiinJ ,,ver the stage road leading I? • ^'‘'ille to I heraw, joining the lands ' ■ I Launn, .Mr.s. (iili.sun, and otherK. , , . .loHN McLACinN'. , •'“Iv 2 ., IS.',1. y-w2m I NEW HANOVER INSTITUTE, | '■R^hh f;„i, Session of this Institute will 1 *- ‘•■"'aiiieiic,, ,,j, the Dlth of Sept.. { Fcl.iuaiv l.-.lh‘. '••iaCi,,„l ‘ ''I'lns. ,vc . i;i,jiiire o) the Hubs. riber. 1’. Ci,F..'lLNT. Prineijial. '•’'o'l t I, lO-eowtlO W ANTKl) TO urv, on .'50 LIKELV VOl NtJ NKtiKOES; ijijrly .it the Fa} etteviile ll'>te1. :t ‘ ‘ n tf IMs stock of FOHEMJX LigCOltS vrrre se- d, Hailing 'I’wine, Packing Kojie, | j'‘sted with care and arc of snpet ior quality, kinds and sizes, consist ol— Wood Screws, ‘‘Ciodard'’ Hrandv. “Otard” do. “Heniiesey” do. “Old London Dock’’ ditto. Holland Gin. Jamaica Hum. Irish Whiskey. Madeira W iiio, superior. Sherry do, do. Port io, choice, (verv tine.) Sicily Madeira tio. —IN GLASS— (■^huTnpaign AVino, of "Jleidsick” and other Together with Second-liand Machinery j iu vuriet}'. purklinp Hock, iu pints uti'I (jiutrts. liefer for (iiuility of Cards and articles geno- ‘^*'11 Hock, do. do. erally. if* F. & II. Fries, Salem, N. C.; I. D. Child.-. & !o., Lincolnton, N. C.; A. Jenks, Esn., S^iT"All kiuds of I’roduce lioiiglit at tbc Huilder of .Machinery, IJrideHbnrg, Pa.; and to 1 Market price iu e.xchango for Gooda. " ' - DKALT.HON. leu liobbins, S)>eeder Jiobbins, Spools, all kinds, P>ook« on Dyeing, 'I'easvls, Heddlo Males, Mule IJamling. Belt Awls, Emery, Vat Netts, Cloth Hooks. Pre.ss Papers and Plate.s, Paper Fenders, King 'I'ravellers, French Teasels, Aiuericando. . eoutainin^r full particilais as | audits TIiniLO HUJnF,S & CO.. 11 North oth St., Philadelphia. Sept. 2li. 1850, ;;i*-lypd S0,0*0 18-;!m Jiilv I, LI«. KAGH WANTED by H. latAN.'iON &; SON. 7stf Sept. 1, 18.^)1, WAA'TED. rW'^IIE Subscriber wishes to purchase ofKl.OOO ANIED, lbs. HAGS, for which thc hiiihest cash — highest cash prices will be paid on delivery in Fiiyetteville. DAVID MURrilY. P^ockfi,sh, Cumberland, Aug. 20, IJsjl. 15-,ha 1>BSY C;OODS. Coinj rising evcr.v article usually kej.t in tliat line, together with J.’>0 C’ases linnts and Shot's, and _.\ LS( »— .\ well selecteil .'sfock of To all of which we invite the attention of .Mer chants of the interior, who will find it t-» their interest to ex.-imine our Stock before making their purchases. We will not be undersold by any one doing business iu this jil.-iee. HALL vS: SACKFTT. .August 2-'i, l.'^ol. Itltf Tin Sheet-iron llVfrf* MAAUFACTORY. At Wholesale and Retail. jr. J\ PlVfrr/’.^ OLD ES'I’AHLISHKD TIN AND SHEE'F-IP.ON W AP.F .M.VNCFACTOltV IS KEMOVFD to the Soutli-l-'ast ('orner of ,M.-irket Si|u:ii-t>. ready with the necessary machinery and materials for making rAC'TOKV DIM .MS CANS, •\nd to do all kind of work of Factories. -Vlso, KOOFINC!, (JCTTFIMNG, and all kinds of .lOIWUNt!, done on sjiort notice, :ind by ex- )>erienced workmen. A constant supply of Tl,\ kept on hand, at Wholesale and lletail. Country Merehant.^i and Pedlars can be supplied at the very lowest jirices, “ j C. W, ANDUF.WS. ; Sept. 2.'^, iK'jO. 8‘t-y Muittpire State Cookiiii*: Slov(\s. THE EMPIRE STOVE is of tlie latest and uio.st approved paftern. It iw better, and can be sold cheaper, {han any other kind of Cooking Stove. For sale by I C. W. ANDREWS. | April 22, 1 S.'S!, CUtf' arl>l(^ Fjictory JOHN I). V\ JLIJAAIS, CommifisioH A' Fovu'ar€lkng Fayetteville, N. C. Feb. 1 •">, IS.'iO. II. Al. OKKKLL, F()R\v,\ri)im; ciniMissio.N' .iiEiirirwT at S'ny«*ll*villc, A'. March 10, IS.-jl. »;2-tf T. C. WORTH, (’(nmiSSKlN .\MI FdltWAPdllM; MEIU’HAM, NVILM!N(rrON, N. ('. Feb. 1. iSol. ,"tf ape Fear Ste.i,„I Fayetteviile. March H. T)( )N ALDSON rgHlE next Se.ssion in tliis Tn>.tit,„i/ EL commence on the ]:t dav of iict.i ^ * TEEMS.—For Tuition, a,, / (Quarter, nceording to the Hdvanee,,,,.,,,'' ! ’ student. Hoard with the T’rinclpal, incUi(lin" ;v- fuel and light.'?. JjiS per month. ' ■ DANIEL J»HN.ON. IV,„• ^ Sept. 1 Sol. Ko|>f and Tu;,. A JJ,. qualities for sale bv II. liHAN.vox,V Aug. 7, 1S.")1. DAVIS’S lWIN-KlMj;j. II i A th . By i>Ai: Tivii iiiiiiiis iiiiiii: iiiicii ,v sniiit, I’ayrl -.-.-IVp,! AS JI ST IIECEIVED a large ami general Hssortmeut of i'os'ii, B*ens^ ami BSasf. rnim-: Snbs(-riber has nii h.-ind and is coii- El stantly receiving, on eonsVnmcnt. a su|i- )ilv of the al' ive articles. V liieh lii;iy be pur- ebaseil at the b'west market jiriees :it the Otlii-e id'tlio lleniietta .'-^teaiub. at t'otnpaiiv. i:. M. oi:i:i:ll. .\pril 1 1 !tf Jl I.II s S o i l ( I > I! M,I«W i\ s Jan. l.V 1S.-,1. .\ni")ig which are: 121MI pieces new style Calicoes. 2*>(( -• •• (linL'haiii. Printed and Eliib'il Lawns. Ib'ocade and other .“-^ilks. .Swiss ;ind other Muslins. Irish Linens. |,;i w iis .-md Di.-ioers, P.obinet L;ir.- and Ld;;in!rs. Silk. Linen. :in l Cotton liaiidkerehiefs. I III broil.-IS and P.ira.sols. Sii])ertine Cloths and Cassimpics. Tweeds and .Merino ('.-i^siniere. li.iunets, iiiieonini'>nly clit-.i)>. I’...ltiiig Ch.flis. ,\nker br.ind. With many other Is; all of which have been purchase.1 by the ]i;n'kage f.ir C.\SII. Tlo'-e wi«!i;ng to purchase by wholesale ot retail, will ple,ise call bcf.o-e ptiri hasini!: eNewhere, as g.io.j bargains may In’ e\pe.-te.l ihis seas,.n. Mareli L;,‘l^.-.!. ■ E H. & B. J. LILLY A i;i! now rcccuitig their S> It */ll- j « iff (mfnnts, I '11.; I"-;ir.: nmcli t: est 't"ck they ha\i- cveroll. le i, in thcu' -I- • may b.‘ t'.nnd .vhlMJ-: ,\M) F,\,N('V DKV Angola, .“'ilk an I Fur iI,-C'; AS'.io! iiitt ■; Caps-. I nil'rell.is; i:. niicl'; \aiii'-: .s^' -ei i u;. s. ,.ii.l in Lict He.my oeiy arii. le 11'., illy kept by ii'. \L>" Al-Iit lo.(MH) Cr7,'“ Pnr.-hascr' will pleasi- c ill ai.d e>.;tn:;;ie, .\iigU't 2 ;. 1 ''■’il. 1 *. Jill I-'A I,I, AMI \\l,N'l'i;i! i>!^. Su'-'.-rib.-r- h-ive ri-.eiv.-.l -u j. r'. an 1 I. e\pe. t t-i li ivc in St'.re in a lew >i.i_v', their entire .*^t... i ol' Stdj l- (iml i'(inr\) I)nj (i'tndy, ,\nioni; til - St :-k will I..- I'i.und ,|11 the la'.- v:i- ri.-'i'' "t l.,olie~' and I ienlb-ine;!'' I'l.ss (.....Is, The l.ir;ier J 111. n ■ t then- .s^t . k ha- b.-eii ' i;d ill f' r ii.e h.iles;,!.' Tru'le. in wiiich line the iind.-rs; jneii •!.. n. t in? n i I" be nii'ier- -'d. C.iuntrv \icr. Iiants will tirel it t" tbeir inf>-r- est to evaii.ine this ."st.ick bi-l.'te making their purdiases, STAI’.U \ W II.M \MS. August 2M, l,‘^-'.l. t'iriii. 'i'lic iindcr.'ii.MM'd entered int‘> i-opartner.ship. under the name and 'tyie of H.M.L .V S,\Cl-w 1,1 T. t. r the puip-.se ..f 'l'.:ii;_' a Drv lioi Is and llar'lware Husiness. and have * iken the St-'TO -*> doors F.u-t of tin- FavettevilU- . .1. II HALL, A, F, ll,\I.L, i', .M. s.\cki;tt. -Vngust 2*’i, is.'il. I'.tt T K are now receiving a large and well se lected .‘'t.ick of rS^lII’ .Siil -^.-libers respc tfally annoiinee to B- the t-iti/.-l's of F.iyet'.'V ille ,-||id the sijr- i-'iiinding ci'iintry, ib-.t t!;-y lia\ .■ -.>inniet.cei| the ,\t thi- c.';.t •''I >1, i f.iiin.-r ■ u; ^•d by .''iin;,- n N!. I..:uc!i'. n. 'iie d> r ’u.'.m \. A. M. Ke- thal; '. '.vhci-. tli-\ are ii>.\\ pre, i.> ! t.. i!i:iiu!- (actui'e t " ..i-'ier i: Kiici- ■ i II!'’ Ni \ 1,111- Cl.li.s;. !i‘ iii a ' v or j'.ujgv t ■ ,i iaiM--!..is. -eng. r C. t'l- ;i:il .i-.ir ' i'; t \ . s!i:.ll ii'.t 1= i;-] . -'-'1 by ,, y c't.i'.'.i-l'!n',-:,t in toe 1 . T! .-y b - . bv ■ .. (. ' ■ • a !• il t I I ’ w! n ■ v !,:\ V ■:ii-iti u.; a c , . I no I • -1 ;e -i | ui.'.ic | ,it i''ii: ce, Z; l:l P \II:IN; !.■ .: y ey.-, -te.l II"! . aii'l 1.' C'N l,K tl r . iiie'it in tiic p', THi\!\S \ , V.lIiT':, Jl MI S 11. LAi-^ 11'l; \C ravefeviile. ]', 17. I'M, '“rf SAVA(;i': cV: MKAIIKS, Commission anil Forwarding Mer chants, V II.MINCTON, N. C’. S('()i r cV- BALDWIN, {-t.^orx to Srf,(t. K'lli ,(j- f'n.) l''(is!';iott((hh‘ rrhrutl 'I'at/ors^ AM> liKAl.r.US IN (leinlnnon's (’lot!iin,«;, Ri'-ady-made, OF THE FlllST ('rALlTV. .\lso, Jl conijdite ;iss,i|-tnient of tlents' DI!E.''S ;i l iIiS. Strrrf^ Wii]niii,ii:ton, N. V. .lilM'IMI I!. ,\ ,\ 1 > FORWARDINCr MERCHANT, \\*Ui}thi^toti. C. I'- ;'’’ Pi-omj.t j.ers .n,!! attention given to all 'oiir;-tiini-nts. and ash ,-i.l\anei-s ni;ide on .Mi-r- (-!ia:i !ise to shir.j .- I or sold in t'lis ni.-irket. F-b. 1. l.s.-.l. ,-,7_v .f. i:. '1'()o.mi:k. ~ i'oititnission aittt t'onrant- •fierrtiant^ w lLMlN(.”i'().\, r. Kefer to H. Erans.iii \ Son, ; \. ,\, 'dcivetli.in, Feb. I, IS.M Aon sale bv - April 21. s!ile by SAM L J. lllNSi,\,, i;si; ' I_/ms( cd Oil and \\ hi{* S.\M'L J. HlNs(,\jj.’ »,s,; -M- .\i>ril2l. Watches and Jcwcln Tlio Snl).sf-ri}„, repectfnlly inforiiiMli- . lie, tiiat he has jum j,.j ed from the N..it!i, fine assortment of i;. Silver W .V TC H L.s _ Fob. C.iiard Vest Cl. Jold, Silver, Steel and (iilt Keys; Ilrea-t 1' E:ir Kings; Finger Eings; (lohl. Silv,.r v„ .-iiid .Shell Sperf.ick-s: (Joid atel SiJv.T 1>, ,, Peii-iis; Gold :ind .‘■ilver Thinib’es; r.r,-), . • Lockets; t^ohl and .Silver Delt ISiickU-s; ,s I’.uftons: Clasps; Silver Cups :^lusic 1:,,\,„ . ver Fruit.-ind Mutter Knives; Port-in. iicv. '• ses; a fine assortment of W;,iking ':'.ncs-. . t'ake E.-iskets and (,'astors; a large u-.-v ,,,. of fine anl oomnion .\cconleons; \ i..lii„~; f , Fifes; Surveyors' C.impasse.s; Chains: tical Iiistrnnu^iils; I,;*dies' Work l!o,\e,s-:„ - common l«.>ub!e and single barn-1 Caiis: 1 • of every variety: (iaui** Dng,-. Shot I’lv,.;.. Powiler Flasks: i'erciission C.i|>s: li,,„ r. ;ind ( alls; t;ne Pocket and Pen Knivrs; .s,, lla/.ors; Needle.*: Ches,siii‘n iind I’o,ir!': j! Tooth. N,-i’l. La’lier and Flesh l!rn,'Ii.-: N-. Paper; Lnvelojics; and a irreat var’etv o*'i' - Goods. Aliirtli, hiijhl niiJ ())if-tlii 1^ f'f.Of'K Puvchas.-rs will please give me a ealj. rO^^ '!o'’ks. \\ afclies and.Jt elry neatly ]5ej>aii-ed. W. i'KlOK, Hav sTre.-: .ept, 2, I'V-,L 'is.;;,,, F.-i vt tteville. N. ’. Ii'.rt rSlHE Subsc ■_ ojiencl a -C. ' A. A. .>[ Si57i'IIAX 1 11.L c, lit ■ iMi.-s t'■ carry >n the C,\ P. 1‘. I > I! lU'SIN i'.''S. in its l.rai-‘ l,es. :it the Oi.D ,‘"T W D, He refurii' tha.iks f .j- thi- libcr.-il p.-it- r.'iiri::.- h*- b.is !i. ret.it..re rc' .-Ive'!, aii.l h"]i* s. by sr.';i t .ittentii.n t.i luis-nc— ,ii..l a desire to ”!\e entire s;it;,iac;i. n. t.i merit a continuance of the saun‘. He has I'll hriiid ,-i very fine a-s.irtment of Carria'jcs. !>armchcs, Uiiu_*-ivs, Uockaw a\and Sidki'vs.# Fini'ltel. and a very lar.i- .-is-.irimeiit of Work ]':irt'.y I.Mi'hci. v.bii b. t. r i-i.-^aiice I'f slia]'e and tiiil'h, -A ill coui'iare with any ithei- w.'rk. Pels.ins wisiiiii;^ to !niy. w.mld do well ti' C:ill .-iiel e\atnii;e the work, as he is determined to sel I. i\\ tor c:i')i. or nott-' on sfp.rt tinn'. L-r;' \'.I . ri; w .-irr.infe.l t'.ii-twelve n^iiths. .-in.i r.-paii-’'l free of ch.-irge, shoiihl it l.-iil by b;id worknians'iiiji or m.iteri il, lO^ l\('])air'mii- raithriilly o.xccn- ted .-It shi.rt ii"tiee. I'll very re.isouable terms. l\>^.ffr. ;il,. April r, ('arriai? ' M amiiiu toi’v. Wll.KiXSON IlSiJ’Mi, IiKALLKS IV f’i,li '!'-t I'nltl nf. Inrriifii /•'/•(//('.'■•, \lits, T't- l.,nti>. mnf Sii'tff, AND IMl’oKTEKS OF 5»i:U!08t B!A^ A\A IS^-AU^. ,\ 1 W 11>!.I,',\I.K, .\M> IIKT.M/,. Llarket St., Wilmington, W. C. \ug. 7. IS'.I. lltf Ii \'I'C il .V JU iM5ANk\ \\ Itoh'stilf J)inlirs in 'J'nltttrco, (’/^i:r\ ant! Siniij. ibers. l;iT». of P.altim-ire. h.-ivc 'tore ;n this town, and h.-iving iri ide .■irr;in_Leiiien!s wirh :i:^ extensive ilousf iu P.iltieiore. they e.in I'liriiisi. the above n.-iuicd .-;i-fcb's such prices th.-it cannot tail to p’e.-i.se. I'.-alci-s aii'l C'luntry Merchants will find it t" t’lieir a-l\.intage to give us a call bct'ore piir- i h:!-: ,'.r elsewhere. I'n.n; ',i-.->-r. nn'ler .Mozart Hall, next door to M s-: s. Policy .V li:ilt, U il:n:n_Lr.ui. Dec. Db l's,'>'*. 4''rf A. .1. I.HMIV.] [.I. M. .MONK. fiiUAEIV A: i'oniiiiiv>inn Mt'rrlKint.s. and Dealers in I)rv (Jo;)(]s. linKrries. ^c.. SlnllS ICiiiIdiii:;. U>r !«>{.. Wilmington, W. C. Prompt attenti..n will be given to the sale of all kin ls of (■ountry Produce >\hich may be setit to tiu-ir c.-ire. ,\j*ril 1. Is.i], I \Mbi. r.K soi.ii. front of the Pirrineh of thc P.:ink ■t.-ifcof North Carolina, in this tow;. Thnr' lay the 2-')th instant, at 12 o cb',-k. Sixteen .'shares of thc C.-ipital or .biiut ,s of the .Merchants’ Steambo.-it Co.op.-mv. C. P. MALLET r ,\t; Sept. 1. ]S.')I. 17'.' rriiLic'. ubscrii.i'r has lea.-e.i t.-r ;i term of ar.s. i-i K. W. Iiifwn. F..s.|.. his tire-j^roof tion to t:i ;i;i.l other N.ival ."stores c.mniittcil t.» hi,' The \Sar. house is well Known to he t!ie t. rg?e7-TBr«»M; 'I'd I'lIK T% .■store, with hi,s \\h.irv's. an.i is now in a condi- espccial c.-:re of .''piiils Turpentine -are. -=t and satest place in town for the storage of 15;icon. Lar i. I'orn. Peas. \c. The lower w harves iiave tl them four l;irge new sheds, where .''pirits can be s.-ifely kejit from the rain and sun. He is prepare ! to receive ;ind shij., (ir sell, all kinds of produce sent to his care. He w ill also make advances when rei|uirol. He begs to refer to the t'ollowing gentlemen; II. W. P.rown. .lohn Dawson, O. (i. P.-irsIev and Tho,s. 11. Wright. I^stj.s. MILES COSTIN. Brown's wharf, Wilniingt'on. N. C. Scjit. 12, IS.'il. " oi.y a ^Bllfr. .'Subscriber having taken the F.stablish- iiient ot the late ,\. '. .Simj'soii. ; situated oppo.site W . McIntyre's .'store. ) intends carrying on the * I C'arriai:!' MaiiufactHriiiL!; l>u>’iiu'ss In all its various branches, and would rcsjiect- ■ tiilly solii it a share d' the public patron.-iire. H;iving had considerable experience in the ] business, and having been em]iloyed in some of the most extensive Establi.sbnients in New York ' and New .Icrscy. he flatters himself that he can j give general satisfai-tion. i He warrants all liis work to be made of tlii' best material the surrounding country affords, and \iy experienced workmen; ami should anv ; of it fail, either in materi;il or vvorkmanshij). iii twelve months from the time of its ileliverv. ho will rcp.'iir it free d’ charge. j I’>EPAII>IN(J done iu the neatest and j best milliner, and at the lowest possible jiri>es. I A. H. WHITFIKLD. ’ ' Fayetteville, Feb. 11. IS.'iO. 7tf i I^'aifclferille Jlofcl. i-'AvivrrKVK.r.i';, x. c. rwiHis large and s]dendid l»nilding has now ® been in siu-cessful oper.ition since .M.-iv l.''P.'. 'I he Hedding and Furniture of all kinds is new. and the rooms convenient and jileasant. The Table is always furnished with the best the market atlords, aided by a tine vegetable : g.-irden. ' j l!o:irders. Lodgers. .-ind Travellers will find iJe- siralile aicommodations -ind attentive servjints. j No pains will be .spared to give entire satisfac- tion. " j Families can be furnished with large, airv, ' front double rf.oms, conveniently and haiul- somelv furnished. iii!flTiii;a.'i Li.\r. fBlHE Steamer liKOTHEUS and T"w ! JL STEVENSt)N and DAVID LEW is - ; pared to forward with I)Ksr.\TCii, .all g.)(.«ls , ., sigjied to the Proprietor. The .Steamer l!rothers is of light it- Well suite.l to run in low water. Siie . j'ower. au'l speed, and is admir:;b’iy ad:.]rf • tow ing, and c.-iti accommoil.-ite ab.-ut 2‘i jVi — gers. 'J'he proprietor contemplates nintdng tiie li hiin.sclL :ind will give spet'i:il attenti.'ii t" freight and i:;iv.-ii stores: t.» t"wing. and v ! so attend to the conifort and cnvenM-,,. P.-issci!;.'rs. From his long e!c]!eriencc ;i' in ilinington of the sevcr.-il Stc;im r>o,it' panics, he thinks lie can give satisfaction. 'I’o Men-hants in the interior he wo>;.N'ir, that ali Ciood.s shipjH'd by him. will be ' to their .\gents in Fayetteville. Hi® ^^'ilnlillgton is J(flN C. L.VTT.V. towl'"in» communications may 1>e addres.sed. as the .Steamer P>nithers. JOHN BANKS. Proi'ricf r ■Mayl.'). • 72-y li(>OK mNDERY7 W. H.\I!DIE has resumed the I'.- Hindini: Business at the new Sfor.'T,'' door to Mr. Ile.'isley, Jeweller, where he w.li ceive and execute bia.-Jing in any stvle dc? p‘'i .Vugu.st ]. ■ Ei}coiirarc Aorth ('arolim. ^BIME undcrsigued is nianufacturing, iu l> JL etteville. Boot and Shoe Polisli, far superior to tbc P>lacking purchased in i -' Northerii cities. He intends devoting hi.s time to manufacturing and vending this very perior Poli.sh, .nnd calls upon nil who think if the interest of the Southern people to bt-c''K' independent t»f Northern inanutacturcs, Iu him their nid and patronage. He is prepared to sihow. hy nbfJitte Irwi-^' any one who w ill call upon him, the * ' j-ioriti/his over all other ('t I! ' ' now .sold in North C.arolin.i. (’all and hnvf v^'’ boots and shoes oncc loinjdetely bluckcd polished, jind be .«;itisfied. This article is ofl'ered at a price r.-'t ' than is u.su:il1y charged for other and int,-ri ■ • liialities, and .i tri.-il is :ill that is askc'l I cure thc jiatronage of the public generally. The undersigned expects to visit every 1" ■' tion of the Stjite to introiluce liis Pelisii. asks now in advance th.-it Mi-iH-hants ami ‘.tlit'T’ visiting Fayetteville will give him a call, A. J. wooDu \r.i'- June 21, 1S">1. 77-'>^i f!200 Reward.^ W W ILI, JEITC one humlred dollars for t^io prehension and CfuifiQctneat uf .VNDi.i’.''''-'’ ,\n e.xperieiice d 20 years will enable the les- . !>>id .lEIiKV in any jail s«> tliat 1 can iret tli'’ w IMunk anunils for .sale lure. HACON A.M) J'OilK. H AC I!%'!'')'1C 1-^ ojiers for .sale I.*) hhds. Bacoiv Sides. i;> hhds. Brtv.oii .Shouldern, t hlid. do. Hanirt. 10 bbls. New .Niess Pork. —A f.SO- I tierce (Moaii IJlce, .0 half bbls. No. 1 -Mackerel, l ."> half boxen Eaiaing. Liberty Point. August 2t», IP-'il. JO-tf l.OS'C OK MISI.All). anoto on Kobert Hughes, for Four Hundrei'i Dollars made p.iyable to tl-,;. iii.dcr.=iigncd. It hears date the i th of .january ISnl, „nd in due on the 1st of -Ma.-eli of the same year. The note is aatislicd, asxi is therelore null and voi'l. .... ALEX’P :\rcKAV. liillopohs, Hniiesonco., Aug. lf>, ISol. 17-luv see, she hopes, to give gener.-il satisfaction. ANN P.HOMN. .Tune 1, IS.'iO, 2H-tf NOTICK. TRUST SALE. t»ri LSI .\NT to thc provi.sions of .a Deed of Trust, e.xecnted to me by Itobert Cochran, 1 will PxpoHO to s.-ile at I’uldic Auction, on Sa- again, or lifty ilollars ft>r either. I give ^;10() for prt>f»f vf any responsible pcr^"i>' harboring sjiid negroes. They raT!a'v;iy my plant^ition in Moore county on the K'l^' ' Feb y l:ist. and are tlnuiglit to be lurking D) or 17 miles above Cartbage on Di-ep through the edge of Moore an(i comers ft ( ham !»nd Randolph counties. Anderson is * 28 years old. a bright innlattt.i, .-ibout feet ' 8 inches high, well proportiomfh has an 'V'^ ■ bo- Terms miide known at sale. I ‘ W, .1. .VNDEIlSON, 'rruatee, __l-ayettoviUc, Aug. ;;0, 18ril. \o-vU TIk; Boston Acadoinv's Col lection of cjin^cn MU.SIC, n fuj-thcv supply ' just received. I E. J. HALE & SON. '■ Sept. .'>,1851, i impudent. Kroes formerly belonged to John P«. the upper end of Moore county. , ^ Aliy iuforniuUou niiut be addressed 8\»bscribci’ at Pocket P. O., Mooj-e county. N- J. L. 1MIVA> April 12, 18--)1. Burning Fluid aud ('ampJiitK URNING Fl.UID at Si) cents pe !B A SUPPLY 01 I rc8h Gromid CORN MEAL Both of thc best uualitv, constautly Mill, late .\nderson’s. and for s;ile b\' of Hoiuiny mitl Meal '.loiic itromutly. I 1 .lyoucviilo, March IbM. ]2u’ i Au *. 7 18-jl. aC.’U. hiiii'l [VOt. i>!ii,vn:i EDW.llil EDlToi;.' Price for the Se paid in lolvai year of subset exjiiied. For the W cekly paid in a'ha year ot subsci has expired. ADVEinisr. per S'juarc b'V tl Bucccc'iing joi’oV bv 8]>ei'ial eontr vertisers are re. insertion- liesin forbi'L .-ii'.'l I'bav L- > MA N ; 1 all a Cl III!-: i si \i lep': I and icrio:io llAKDW \ T CrorLersf nf«-ty’.- - ^ - be j'lirchase.l • * cities Altci.'V .. ,.1 I) teii- I >1 r- pi ' l-'l The 0'ha;i fjiin; sii-'s' ri Kaying i* ibei;- 1 iu5t ^ ^ IIA Ui)\\ A HAT All of chan:: iirorer l.b-li we loi- .■iii v ) il custom pimct Sept, 22. I'".'.] COM Pi ” OW reeeivit pcrb ioi of must tfshioiiabU ci»i«i,siinc- of' I'la • '■Mat', Cb.th hi rnl varieiics; laii Twillol Silk \>s lower than any i if not IS rejircse eiL c,ill a 11.1 ..,ei Stock is "l.iily ex Ifive-'t. I MIC dinii Sept. is.-. I FALL l\il Wv St ick. Cl loctioii 1,)' Hardwart' a Lcallicr. 11 iii)'! .‘>ho(‘ :i ils, :iii(l V.:ii GROCERIES, I’ers 'iis \ isitni Wh"b->aie ov I’.et eall. Sept. 22. ./tcourtissc ’3 .'^addles,- tUe Saddle aii.l II Oltl Stainl of (utj a fev. do..rs La> where they will] patri-iiiy- them Kstablishnient tured Ui ibe SisJ F- i't, 22. IS.' N, U. All Uojjald an- reiji >ub JL of .'.^eplclll Sessj,,ns fi.r s:,i| Adiniiiistr.-it:oii f of Dr. Hir.-ini l!| g*ln‘val uotic IMPC'eiit theiI ell the time lii;iile(| wise this iiotii-e llebtois to payment inimuil HEN.I'H i'lt [TWA. t.e next, al vjlle. on a t-ievi| Home of I’d LL, I loiiiriiig to th' 24-r,w] wo %\ T E w alit I , Sept. 22, 18.1 A FEW :;i)| .«:ale bv Aug, l;j. ■ Irctli-li’j s. .L lit: Anew EcI tute L.-ivJ both inchiaivc,! received. Sept. 'J, l^j]

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