FAYETTEVILLE AND WARSAW PLANK ROAD. fflHE iiiuU>if.i}rne(J ?ivc notice, that Books -I for roceiviiifi subscrij'tions will be opened at the following places, nnil tuider the direction of the follo\' injc pers^>ns, from uiiil ufter the first tlMV of October next: At WarsH^ under the direction of W. \V. rierce, David O. Morrisy, Howland !’>est. Clinton—A. I>. Chesnutt, .Iosi;ih ,T(%linson, John H. ISeinnan. I’atrick Murpiiy. TIi>s. M. Lee. l>r. Thos. Uuntiiig, .intl Uicliard llnliues. (.(wenville—Love Culbreath, Henry l)\ven, W H McKenzie, Janies White. Exchange I’lace—l>e>vis F. Carr, C. Harrison, and .John C. Williams. Harrisonhnrg—.L ('. I’lucker, Sherwood Holly, and Cniton 11 all. Fayetteville—A. .V. M Kotli.-m, I>. (5. MaclLae, Wni. McIntyre, Havid A. Hay, I’. 1*. .lohnsoii, Henry r>ran.-»un. The persons designateil to oj>en 15o(>ks, will, without further notice, i>roceed to do so. and obtain as much to this iniport;int wor4v :is they can, until tlie farther action of the t'ouiniis- bioners. A. A. McKETHAN, 1). li. >L\(' I^AK. * WILLIAM MclXTVlIi:. HAVID A. 15AV, iM:Ti:r. v. .miiinson, HENKV lUlANSON, ('oniinissioners. Soj't. JS, IS.'il. i':;-swU-wr>w xdiTc'i:. «V virttie of ;iri Order made by liis Honor .John L. r>ailcy, .ludge prcsidinj; at the present tersu of our .''m>erior t'ourt of Law, 1 iiereby givf public notice, th.-it Sjm iof i )/'.«»// (ain fir>/f In'heh! fur the VoHnty of Monrt'^ At the t'ourt House in Carthage, on the Fourth M()NI*AV in Novi-mber next, (whu-h will be the ■_* Itli day (>t the nionjh,) when and where nil Suitors and Witnesses on the Civil Docket are renuired to attend by ton o'clock iu the Fore noon of that dsiy. Witness. .John Mori.«on. Clerk of said ('ourt. at Office, the Monilay l)oforo the l.ist Monday in Auiitist, A. D. 1S-')1. , 1’1-tc] JOH.V MOniSON.’C. \ •Valuable Plantation for Sale. ! riiHK Subsi-ribor boing desirous to remove ^ Ji. to the west, otters for sale his jilant.ition i 12 miles north of Carthace. lying on both sides ; of Hear (’reek, ia the County of Moore, con-, tiining acres of land, the most of which is hetivily timberi'il. well watered, and .adapted to tile proflnction of ci>rn. eoft-m, w heat. I'ats. anil tobacco. *>•• or .acres are low grounds or bottom I.ands. A portion of the land is jitidor cnitivation, and ha on it a two story frame dwi-lliiig house, together with all >uch other buildings as ;ire nsxially met with on a farn>. Tliere is an ex cellent mill-site on the jiremises with plenty of r'M-k for CMiistructiiig a il.im ami sullicient water jtower for ordinary purposes. udd has been discovered on this luiiil in otie or more places. The F.-iyetteville .and Western I’l.-ink Iload passes over the land within mile of the dwell ing: and it is only '1 miles from D»-ej' iJiver at the point ;it whieii the present ini|'roveTnetit going on, on that Hiver is exj>ected to ter minate. This situation is remarkable for lioalth. The terms will t>e liberal .and accommodating. I’ersotis wisliing to pAirehase are. for further jiartlcul.-irs referred to Col. .lolin Morison at Cartilage, N. C. JOHN C. McLEOD. Moore County, .'^ept. 7. 1n'>1. lI4-t»tw IBnrrnh I'oi* .\ortli C arolina! Ifonic Indtfsirij must Sucrced! tAM now prepared to ni.-innfaeture DM)R i Lock.'' with mineral Knol>s, tor tjr> eents iipiece, wiirranted: also Locks up t^ .‘*;1.'>0. ■ Also, M.\'H1N I.lade to oriler; and tile- i cutting, new and old. Old Files made as good U' new. j JoSEI’lI WoLTEin.NtJ. I Kaleigh, Sept. 10, ls-31. •24-;:m | GKE IT I:X('ITE7IfVt i IX NOirrH CAKOIJXA! ■ 77-. Ji'i/f/c IS h>ytin, oitif I infi III/ to Jijht my ii'iiij tliriiiiijli for Ilnnn- Imlustryl IF you want t>> save a couple Hundred D.il- , lars, send on your orders for i 'I arjD utint StiUs, Cnjis, Anns, d' ]\on».. —|,S()— JlriiiiJi/ ,S7///>•, am/ ati// himJ uf Cojiprr Work, Ijnti^Kj Mm /n'lu rj/, dr. 1 he prices ot .Still-eaps, Arms, and Worms, • :iie as lollows: I By the jiound cents: or by co:itract. • larrel Still-eap, Arms ami Worms, NOTICE. The copartncrabip heretofore existing un der the uawe of J. A. llowltind & Co., is this day dissolved b\’ mutual consent. JOHN A. 1U»WLAND. (JILIJEHT W'. McKAY. JOHN C. MOORE. The undersigned will continue the busines.s of the late firm, at their former Stand in Luniberton, under the style of UOW'- LAND & .McK.W, where 0-ods of every de scription can be bought on the most reasonable terms. JOHN A. HOWLAND. CiLlJEKT \V. McKA\'. Lutnberton. July 1, IS-'d. Itt ni'rv noi.i.AKs ueward. VNAW.W fr«un W. .L ItucliKnan, of John ston county, on the Sth of Jnnutiry, TWO I NE(H{() HOVS, i)an and .'Stephen. Danisabout «•) years »f age, stout built, of d.ark complexion, and weigiis about ITo lbs. .‘'tephen is about years of age, weigh.s 17tl lbs., of yellow con»- ple.xion, speaks vei-y .slow when spoken to. Siiid Negri»es were raised by Elizabeth Mur phy of CvnnUerland eo\inty, in whose vicinity tiie\ are supposed to be lurking, j 1 will give the above reward for their .'Hipre- hension ;ind confinement in any jail so tluit 1 ■ get them, or for either: and an additional rewanl will be given for j>roof sufficient t(> con vict an^- wliite jierson of harboring said Negroes. i;. F. .MCKl'HY. Jan. :!». 1S.->L utitf D. M. MCDONALD ~ OLD'IT.'' the :itt»'ntion of buyers to his v.-i- ried assortment of ('liitKt, (tlass, (^rork'crjf U7/rr, ^iiifiir mil/ (’iiffic, Ilut:i mn/ Ciijts, liojit' I IIIII/ Fn'nrh Hrc.m/i/ ami J/ii/Ziiin/ (tin, l^nrf am/ Mai/cira f ]l(’ii/iirs nf the /ti sf ijiia/i/i/, Ih'!/ (luDilf itHii . ('iim//i., a flic Jim' C/nrliii, l>‘. tv’. ,\nd every article usually kept fV>r tlie .accom modation of purclijisers: all of which I will sell low for ('.ish. or exch.-inge f"r country Produce. Hay street. Sej>t. I"), IS.">I. I’li-Im 'ro WIN!*: MAKi:us. ^ W Wr E have a tVw bai i-els of fine old -\pple ▼ * Itrandy for sale: such as those «ho want to make good >\ine should gt>t. COOK \ TAVLOK. Sept. !•), iS-11. l!l!-tf .‘'I MMKItVII.I.K, N. C. ) Hkm> QiMiTKits, ;>ltli Regiment. i C1 ).M .M l.’'Sl( ED (>FFI( 'EK.'': Von are here- J by ordereil to have your n-sjiective Com- jvanies at this j>lace on the 1st Thursday of Oc tober next, eijuipped :is the I:iw directs, .at the hour of D> o'eloek, A. .M.. for the jiui'pose of parade. You yourselves ;ire reiiuire«l to .attend t!ie l;iy previous t'or di-ill. P>v ordi'r of 11. D. McLe.tn. Col. Commanding. HECTOK .McNElLL. Adj t. Sept. 111. Is'il. •J'.-tni 'riu' l*s:ilnust. with SuppltMntMit. A NEW C.illeetion of HVMN.*s for the u.se of Haptist ( hurdles. ,\ further supply just received. E. .1. H.\L1'. \ S()N. Sept. ]»•. Ih-M. Spanish Smoh'itt^ Tohacro, SPANISH ClC.AllS, for .vile ^•>17 If lou bv li. UUAN.'^ON SON. Sej't. II. l.''.'il. 'Jltf AREY, SlIEinWELL & CO. XEw~fallTxd winter GOODS. .TJjEJJ MjI.VE, A 111 do do do is,-, 1J do do do •"I'J'i 11 do do do :,xr, I'l do do do (il.i I'i do do do Ci.Vl •J(l do do do ti'.i.') H'> do I1-. do 7--|0 ;!u • III do do S-’.o do do do I(H) All Work will be waiTunted for l‘J iiuuiths, tire .and burning excepted. His wmk will also be delivered w ithin fifty miles of llaleigh, at the shortest notice: and if I fail to deliver Stills in the time ajri-eed upon, 1 will forfeit ■'j.'j for eacli h»y lost, to the piirch.iser. JOSEPH WOLTEUING. Kaleigh, Se]>t. 12, 24-5m A iiK.sii{ vi’.r,!-; iu;.sn)i^\cK I'Olt SAM'.. TBIHF’ .Subscriber now offers for s.ale all his JL Turpentine and Farming L.\N1>, contain ing .about Acres, situated 1:! miles Eust of Fayetteville, on the (ioMsborough road, com monly known ns Palmyra. It has a good dwelling house, oiit-buildings, ^.c., and .a store where .t large amount of busi ness is done, and increasing daily. This is a rare chance for turpentine getters, merchants, •Xc. and will be sold a bargain. .\nv one wish ing to puiTiiase, and wishing furtlier inforum- tion, can ujiply on the jfremi.^f.s. to J. W. .MCl.PilV, or P. T.WLOll, Fayetteville. July 2tith, * stf • cTuTirvTiiTTuiTEi.." rB^HE Sub.scriber having fitted up and en- larged the above ivtll Ikhou'ii House, is nuir jTepared to entertain travellers with C'oiiit'oft. HOP.’T McNAlHL ':irthag(‘ Moore Co,. N. i _ .MhviLIH.-,). xorici:. fBlHL nndersignftL h;ivitigtb-terinined tocon- tinue his business in Wa(leijborough, takes tliis niethol of informing the pu))lie that he may Ktill be found at his old Ktaml. South r>f the An son Hot«l, wliere ho will keep eon.stantly on hand a full assortment of the nm.st choice Liquors, W'ines, ('ordial.s. Cig.us. uml (ither re freshment*? ufsniilly fotiiid in this section of country. H> hopes by strict aitention to his business, rigid preservation of good order, and uii' asing care Ibr the eonifort and enjoyment of his eii.stomers. to merit and receive a liberal »hare the pulilic patronage. ... , W\L W'. ,SANDEIL^, _ \\ad.M>„,v.iUjrl,. .luly li, IK',I. 7tf NEW HANOVER INSTITUTE, rjlHf, l ifth Session of this Institute will M. commen.-e on Mon.h.y, the Ibth of Sept.. l4-niiinutnig l ebruaiy loth. iM.r « ('ireulnr, containing f„H pnrti. ulnrs as K. terms, ivn., infpiire .f the subseril.er. \ I’rincipal. \ugU8t 1, 1K,1. lO-eowtlO lilafih n (U'm/ifs fx>r sale hrrr. 1 ILL ,IM) WlNTrlll liOOlili. J^. Ij. a* •!. i*emht>rfoii H.WE just received froni New York and I'hiladelphi:i a complete Stock of SILK AND FANCY DRY GOODS, Among which jnay be found .‘in extensive lot of L.VDIE.S' Dlil'S.S OOoDS. viz: Plain, watered and tig'd .''ilks: Needle-worked *'asUmeres: P.ro- c.-ide and watered Poplins: Ciiameleon Louisian- as: Chene llejis: Plaid Lustres: riidi Saxony De- Lains: jilain. watered :ind figured Silk w;»rp Alpacas; Second .^Iourning Pop'lins: black lioiu- b.azines: a few superior Evening Dresses; pijik, blue, white and straw colored rarlt:ins, vVc. IMain and wiitered Mantill is: I!ay .''tate, plaid .•ind embroidered Thibet and t’a.'hnn-re .'■ha wls; dralt and black C.ishmere ditto. EM P>llOlDEl> 1E.*'. — I'reneh Worked Lace (’:t[»es and Colhirs; worked Cuffs: a beautiful lot iM-rtha Lace Capes; I'nder-sleeves and Clu-mi- settes; .'wi.ss ,'ind .lavonet Trimming«i; Hem stitched and Needle-Worked Linen t’ambric H.-indkerchiets; black, blue aud white Lace ^■eils. ic. \c. — ALSO— niack. briiwn and green French and English (Moths; Jil'iek and fancy Cassimeres; jduin :tnd rtg'd .''atiii Wstings: Valencia and C.-islimere dittti; Tweeds; .''attinets; Kentucky .leans; ,ilk and Worsted .'Merges; pl.iid I.inse\s: red. blue anil white Flannels; French and Silk war]> ditto; Itrown jind bleached C.-inton ditto; Druggets; Osnaburgs: French .and English Prints; Irish Lineiis; Toweling; T.able Diapers; Ladies’ and Oentlemen's Kid (iloves. of a very sujierior (jual- ity; Silk nu'l t'otton Hosiery; Lamb's Wool niid .Merino ditto; L.'idies and (ientlemen s CasLniere Oloves, v^c. \c. -1 inriji' /nt tf Jinintifs’ Mn/'sh-in iniii .l/i- ^>>/a J/iit,; Ml It's am/ J{oi/. Cujts; Hut ami Hi it Jii/zLmx. ibar .\ superior lot of Gentlemen’s (’alf Roots ainl .''hoes: L.idies' (Liiters and other styles of Shoes; Travelling Trunk.'!; ;ar})et P.ags, .tc. The above iioods were selected more p.articu- larly for the RETAIL TRADE, ami will be sold on very accommoil.-iting terms. E. L. J. A. PE.MRERTON. Sejit. II, o](f DAGUERREOTYPE PORTRAITS. AC. .S.MFl'H, Daguerrean .Artist, having • been instructed in one of the largest and best Establishments in New York, and bv one of the best Artists in New York or any where else, would respectfully inform the citizens of f !iyettcville, and jiersons living near, that he hiis a Ro»ni in the Fayetteville Hotel fitted np for tiiking Daguerreotype.*i, and would be very much jilefl.sed to w.ait on those who may wish to have their Likcnes.se.s taken. He has the best ni.iterials? that can be bought any where with out any exception. He intends stopjiing hero only .a few weeks. Call soon, if you wish a correct and good I.ikenes.s. ||e feels th.at lie can satisfy those who may give him a c.all, if a correct aud good l.ikeness will do it. Time of taking, from \. M. until •> 1*. .M. Dark or black dresses liest for taking: white will not answ(‘r well. Prices from Two to Ten Dollars, Children oni' year oM iimJ upwards ta ken, if they can be kept still 1.') or -0 seconds. Time for taking Children, from 10 A. .^L until 2 P. M. fiva?' InstructionB given in tho Art. Ur'S'" I'ersoiif! tiikcii in groujiB if they wUh it. Daguerreotyjies and Miniature Paintings co pied for those who may wish it. Oh. wad some j.ower tiie giftio gie us, To see ourselves as ithers see ns. It wfiuld from many a blunder free us, ,\nd foolihli notion.—JJunm. T’.ut come when you r.ill, ■\ perfect likeness you'll have, If you only «it stilL f.overs are of all otlvrs the best subject# for sitting, though the niost difficult to jiloase. Secure the shadow Ere the siib.stance —Sfinfrxprarf. . 1, iHtf nC/^'riic Farmers’& IManters’ .VLM,\N.\C for 1852, just received, i U. J. HALE fi FON. Subscribers are now receiving lirect B froni New York and Philadelphia, the lar gest and handsomest Stock ot Staple and Fa/icif Drif Hoods That thev have ever exhibited in this market, embracing every variety of L.adies' ami (ientle- men's DRESS (iOODS, among which may be foun.I: Rlack :vnd fancy watered and plain Dress Silks; black,and fancy Coburgs; J.ania Twills: figured aiyl jdain fancy and blsick Mohair Lus tres: Silk Warp and Crape Rrocades; Swiss, Scotch ami Chene Hinghams; Saxony De-Lai>is; French, English and Americ.-in Prints: Enib’d Cashmeres: jilain ditto; changeable I>e-Lains; watered and needle-work Caslimeres: changea ble Yoneses: Procade Lustres: Dam.ask .Kolians; black Rombazines: second-mourning Poplins: ])ljiin and watereil Silk Mantilliis: colored and black \'elvet Miintillas; P>rocade Poi>lins; and a large assortment of Dress Trimmings; French and English Merinos; Velvet Neck Ribbons and Cutfs, ice. K.MHROIDKIUKS. French worked Collar.s and (.'a})cs: French W(jrked Cufls; I'reneh worked Chemisettes; Fn- der-Sleeves: iss .ind .laconet rrimmings: In fants' W.aists and Caps; Hem-stitched and nee- dle-worked Linen Cambric lljimlkerchiefs. from lit cts. to iffo; iiml a beautiful a.ssortnunt id' Veils; every variety of .'shawls, embroidered aud jd;iin; Thread, Cotton .iiid Linen Edgings and Laces: black Silk Laces and Edgings. _AL.'0— Rl.ack, blue, brown .and green French .'ind English Cloths; bl.ick aud fancy Cassiuieres; ("'tit Velvet, figureil and black Satin and Valen- ci:i Vestings, ^some very handsome:) .''attinets; Kentucky .Ic.ans: Tweeds; Liiiseys: Fl.annels. wool and cotton; ttsnaburgs; Drugijets; Damask Table Coths; ditto Napkijis; Centre-'I’able Ci-v- crs. very tine; I’iano Covers; frish Linens; lin en Lawns; riireml Cambrics; Towellin;rs; (len- tlemen's .Merino Shirts and l>rawers; .''ilk Neck and Poeket Hamlkerchiefs: L.-idies' Merino Vests: (':ishmere and .''ilk Hose: ilitto ll:ill-Hose; the celebrated Salem .le;'.ns. black ai\d grey. Ladi»‘s". (ientlemen s and Childrens ROOT.'' anil 111 )E.''. .Men’s. Ro_\s’ aud Infants’ ll.ats .iml Cajis, Velvet. Satin, .''traw and Florence I’Minnets. Ditto ditto ditto for .Misses. .\nd every .article usually kejit iu a Dry (!oods Store. We invite the public to call and exam ine our large and hamlsome Stoek, as we are al ways :in\ious to show our (iomls. Ctir" ir hr,J! Siii/iir, 'fra aii>/ i'f/ri\ .VI!E\‘, .'III;MWELL \ ('O, return th.anks to the citi/.eus of F:iyette\ille, and the pulilic gener.-illy. for the very liberal ]i:it: .>nage here tofore bestowed on them, and intend. I>y strict attention ti> business, to merit a continuance. S, S. ,\REV. P. ."HE.MW ELL. .1. It. McDoN.'.LD, Favetteville. .'^ej>t, 1-*, ls‘>l. "Jltf (’amlinian copy. xo rici:. Fiiii m \w\m\ coons. 11 E Snbseribrrs :ire now receiving ii well .sflectcd stoek of .'^tajib- and I'aiirv Dll^' (iOOD.''. Auii’tig their stoek will be found the latc't styles of L.idies' and Centleim-n's D!!l!.'^.'; (i(ioD.''. together with a ;_ood assnrtment nt' lUa!y-iiuile ('lotliiiig: I 'iiil'r« Il,t'; I Iat. (':ij>s, all kiii'ls >t' 11 nit> ;tii.l Siiocs; 'arix tiiiir: Sa'Iillrs. Hri.jl,-', Wliijx atid (’oil ir-;; 11arvl\v.tr- aii l ’\ttli ry, l^ea- tln r; Hull'i\v-\v:in‘ :m l ('nn kt r\ -\v;U i‘; lioiif, liiuii]', I’rvt'luMl, ’l;uiruil :ni'l Univ.tj Sii- i:;irs; Teas; Hin, liairiiini :iii l (’ iVrc; S:iU, Mil:i'ses, Iron aiiil N;iil'. With many other tioods, which will be -oM very ebi-.ip for t 'asb. or I'li time to tbosi- w bo jia v punctu.ally. We would be glad it our frirnds and the pulilic generally wouM .,jive a call, J, T.' COLNCIL .V C.\1N, .''ejit. 1. 1 •''■’>1. 1 Mf I’AIX'l'S. f LI'S. Pure and No. 1 WHITE LE,\D. inoil. Imperial and Pin-is (ireen. .''jianish Rrown. .''panish Whiting. Wintt-r ireen. I’hronie \ellow. Lithar^re and other v.irieties of Paint.', COOK vV .loH.NSoN, >Lnrch D). IS.'d. I'.l’tf rou sAu:. ONE lot of l.and Containing "J acn -. with a ciiuiforf.iblf Dwi-lling III and Kitclu-n thereon. The above property is in half a mile of Rol>e.on Institute. Rubesun eonnty. .\lso. Kour .Shares of the (’apital .''tm-k in s.iid Institute. For further particul.irs, iniiulre of .\LKRED J \CKSoN. Cumberland countv. .Sept. 1. l^'ol. l^tf TO c'o'n'ox iM.Ax ri:i{s. PIECES COTTON r..\(;(llN(i. 7-> coils Rojie. ■JtMi Ris. Twine. Jihit received and for sale cheap, by PETER P. JtUlNSON. .\ngust Di, 1H.')1. 1 Itf UUI-: i:\swAJii-r W, RENNETT. Mamifactiirers of t’an- cy iioekingham and Yellow Iron .''TONE W.MJE. Would invite the attention of Southern merch.-itits to their hirge stm-k of C'mckerif-Ware^ of their owii manufacture, eorner of ('an.-il st, and ('anton Avenue, two sijuares East of the PhiUdelphia and Wilmington Rail Road Dejiof. RALTI.MORE, .''ejit. lli, IH-'il. ■J'J-4tw ~ WKAl P1X(; PAPKU. A KEA.M.S .Metlium size, >') Rlue, for^t'ofton Y.arns. From .\Ianteo Pajier Mills, Raleigh. For sale low by 11. l’.R.\NSON .S: S(»N, July Ji, 18.')1. ::tf J.AWHHNCK .'i ('O.Ml’AXV'S Patent lnij)rov'd 1'k‘sh (illovos and Straj)s, For pniducing a he:ilthy state of the system by Frictiui. fJlHE gre.at value of the llORSE-HAIR RE- JL NOV.\TOR as u therajn’utic agent, when applied to the human body, is well known to every one who has paid the least utti-ntion to the importance of a healthy action of the .Skin. For sale by S. J. HINSD.VLE. Oct. 1, iSoO. M'.itf D, & VVrMcJ H.VVE just received a seasonable ass>>rtnwnt of (i(M)DS, consisting of Prints: (iing- hams: .Jaconet. .Swiss .ind Tirrltan .Muslins; rich Printed Linen Lawns; Lace Ciijics; white and col d Lisle; Silk emb, and sup'r Kid (iloves; Ho siery; ditto for .Misses and Roys: J.inen Cam bric Hamlki'rchiets: Taylor's Spool Cotton: bl'k uud liiiu'v (')is.siinei'es; ('lotlis: ool'd ;iinl wliit(* Linen DrillinjiS; fine French double width jilain [ and rib d l^jab d’Ete; Sheetings and .Sliirtin*rs; Umbrellasaud Parasols: lioots and Shoes; iLtnl. ware and Cutlery; with a great variety which we offer at the lowejt prices. —ALSO— 1 20 boxe.s Tobacco, vt-ry low per tlie box. 10 bbls. prime Pork, I aO bags Rio aud Laguirft Colfee. o liluls, Sugur. ^ 10 bbls. Refined aud Granulated Sugar, i Loaf and Crushed ditto. Rar and Fancy Soaps. Supenor Northern Flour, 1). A: W. .Mel.Al^RlN April 7, 1851. rWlHT.*? LINE OF ROATS is still in succes.s- B ful operation on the Cape Fear River, and continue to otter many facilities to the .shipping public. Persons patronising this Line, may rest as- sureil that their (Joods will be brought uj) with dispatch, and at the very lowest rates of freight. A. W. STEEL, President, Feb. I '), T. S. Ll'TTERLOH, Agent at Favetteville. ;'/.>-tf SOUTHERN HAR.MONY. JU.ST RECEIVED, a new supply of tins itopular Dook. Aug. isr.l. K. J. HALE & SON. tohacco. A GOOD STCK^K on hand; anl I Miall re ceive regularly, from Messrs. J. Jones .'t Co’s Factory, ipialities assorted from common to very fine, which I will sell at lowest niaiiutac- turing price.s. J. UTLEY. Fnvettcville, .\]>ril :>, isr>1. »H',tf NOTICE. ^TAlUl & WILI.I.\.MS have removed to the Store recently, occupied by .Mr. John D. Starr, one door weat of Messrs. 11. Rranson & Son, where they have junt received additions to the Spring purchitses of Staple and Fancy DRY (K)ODS. Country merchunts are reijuestcd to examine our stock. J. V,. STARR. J. M. WILLIAMS. June 7, 1S.'>1. H.WE just received from New \ork, my FALL AND WINTER 1 WA.NTEI), GOOD HANDS, at 7-'» cts. jier day. on the Southern Pliink Road. Ste.'idy employmen'i and i.ish payment weekly, if re- ipiired. Apply to 1). M. I5i:iE, At the Steam Mill, or to A. A. McKETH.VN, June1H‘>I. [77-tf] Fayetteville. XO'riCl’i.—Ail Accounts due the Merchants' Steambo.-it Company, for Freights up to tiie loth inst., must be promptly pjiid to , . „ , ,i » the undersigned, as much time cannot tx* given Dry (Joods, lirorcrifS, JlanlWiirf, I IllnTy, Af. Stock of Goods, Consisting of a general .•issortnicnt of to the collection the same. .1. & T. WADDILL, late Agviits Favetteville, .Ian. 27, 18ol. ;>itf LAND FOR 8ALF /^anilE Subscriber will sell to the liigJu.,.. ^ M. tier, oi.' the first day of *No\en>1,er •>00 Acres ol* Lying on .Toe'fi Creek, about seven iiiile'.:'s of Laurel Hill, on the old Stage n„;„i ' Carolina, Richmond county. The plm-,. in nearly all jiarts of the country by tlic ' * of Rock Dale. There is as good' a iiii]| it us is in the State, with a Ci.rn iii,il v"; Mill now in operation. Also a gi.i,il • aiul Press, .\bout loO acre:^ o|icn ‘‘‘ the reuiiiinder fairly timbered. TIkj i;m.| j adapted for (,’orn and ('ottoji. The -ii ,.,.: 'healthy, well w.itereil, with ;i giM..| } house, kitchen, tnioke house, and otlivr ■ ■ ] sarv out-bviildings; all in good rej.^iir. i>, '' wishing to Jiurchase at ,j>rivate s:iie. ' I w’ill barter for TL'lll’f^NTlNE, or any , ),y calling on me between this an ! tl,,. kind of Prodtice. to fB^HE Subscribers, Mail Contractors from | JL Fayetti'ville to Raleigh, will commence | operations this day, with new and comfortable Coaches, good horses, and careful Drivers.— The I'are is FI\'E DOLL.VR.S—same as before. , The .''tage Houses aie. in Fiiyetteville. the Fay etteville Hotel, in Raleigh, the Varborough ' House: but Passengers will be conveyed to such ■ other Houses ;is they m:iy select, 'I’he Inuirs of depai'ture will be. until furtlier notice, at half- ' past It P. .M. I'rom Fayetteville, and :it P. .M. from R.ileigh, daily. The subscribers hope, by unremitted attention, to secure a liber.il .share of the tnivel. MFHDOCK McKINNoN, DAVID .McNEILL. Favi'tteville. Julv 1, Is'il. 7H-tf T duee. i.r on timi- to )iuiietual mt-n. ■ill lib’s. N'l. Al.iekerel. — lii'W. l’'i half !ind iiuarter bbls. extr.-i No. ]. Kits \i(. 1 Sahiiiiu an 1 Mai-kt re^ ELI.I.Ml FCLI.ER. "Cpt. 1, Is.'il. l'.i-4tw T Jf^uiUed to Contrart for^ 'I'hc Subscrihor ’svishcs to con tract for ONE MILL1(>N OF RED 0.\K HHD, i STAVES, of the f(dlowing dimensions, viz:— I Full 44 inches long, J inch thick on the thin I edge; to average 4 itiches in width: none to be j less than o^. They must be got out of good, ( Sound timber, and not to show much sap. I hey i must be rough shaved with the draw ing knife, i For which quality of Staves, 1 am willing to pay >!18 per thousand. X, KING, lU miles North d' Favetteville. Oct. 28, 18.',0. 4::tf i:. D. HALL. 18-If Wilmington, -Vug. 18.>1. (jlovior. KOIt SALK, WM. ROWLAND’S Extra thick Mill jinil Cross-cut i'^.VW.S, c, anil i»A feet. D. \ W. Me LAI 1! IN. Nov. I'.t, 18')0. 4i;tf .M’ST I'IMSIIKI), ITID’iHT NEW 15UGGIES. Also, two .second l.iJ hand. For S.ale by June 'J. 18')1. A. A, McKETHAN. 74-tf i)()M!':s ric’s. flTTLE River Osn.-ibergs; 7-S and 4-4 J .Slu’etings :ilw:iys on hand, and for sale at Factory prices, by STARR i!t WILLIAMS. June 7, 18')1. 7'»-tf Line of 4 horse Post Coaches from Fayetteville to Warsaw—Dally. fB^llE Subscribers having secured the mail -B- contract on the above Line, will conimence TIILS D.VY. running ;i Line of I'our Hoi sc Post Coaches. Daily. Leaving Favetteville :it (i P. M.. and arriving at \'.;ir.'avv at 1 past •'> .\. M., in time f >r the C.irs North !ind .''outh. Re- tuining, leave Wars.-iw on tin- arriv.-il of the Cars, say about 1 or 'J P. M.. and airive at F;iv- ctteviile in ten hours, Evi-ry care will be t.-iken ti. ri'uder the line ple:isant. cijuvenient, and sate, tor I'r.-i \ eller.s, A Line of .'^tagi'S will b** est.-iblished as sm.n as possitile. by the Plalik Road, fi'i'iu Fayette ville vi.i ('arthag*.-and .\shebirough. to Lexing- t'-n, Salem, and Salisbury. McKINNON i MeNEILL. Favetteville. N. ('., .\ug, M, Is.M. 11-tf rut (TU iiian:!) iinh 1 OOKL\(. STOVlv 1.'* for s:ib‘ by the .''ubsi-riber in Ralfigh and h .1 \ ettev ille; in Raleigh at his .''hup on F.iy- ett'-vil!e ,'^treet, and in l av ettev ille at \lr, .\, M. 'ani]>I'i-irs. The .''ubserib. r hereby fi.rewarii' jill piTsoiis friiiii jinrcli.isiuu .inv of tht -i- .'^to\e- from any pet" k *'ither in .r out .-t \*>rth (’arnHna. ex cept from liini'elt nr his duly authorizi-d A-cnt'. Ill- has pui eh.-i'i-I tio- e\ebisive ri^lit to vend thi' St'iv I- w ithiii tl ' State, and w ill prosecute any person iiilVin-_'i'i;' lii' ri'jbt. riiher by pnr- i h.i'iiiL'. 'elling. or u-iiig. ;in^ e\ci pt tiiose ob- t.lined trom himself, JoKPll Woi.TEI'.lNt:. Ralei;;li. April 1'.'. l''-'il. ii''tt xi:\v cooDs, I'^Iir. Sub^rriber is iii-w rei-civing a larjre a lid v\ ell sele»t('i I .'t oek o| (i 0( 111.''. recfn 11 y jMirehas.- ’ in Nrw N ork for'\S|l. which :ire otfcred for s:t|e at low j^riees ti^r c:ish, country in-i. ■ Watch-Maker and Jeweler, AT THE OLD STAND. Sifn of tiir Ijanjr Watrh, nAS returned from the Nirth with a l.irgc assortiiu'ut of W,VT(’II E.'s. CLM’K.S .\ND JEWELRY, which he invites tlie pu'olic to ex- Hiiiiue. .\niong his stock can be found,— (iold !ind Silver W.atches of all kinds and jiricfs; Gold and Silver Foli. finard. and Vest (,'hains; Gold. .Silv.-r. .''tone, and Steel Keys and .''eals; Rreast Pins and Ear-Rings of all kinds :ind jirices: Finger Rings; Gold. ,''ilver .-inil .''ti'el Spect.'icles; .''ilver and (Iold 'I’himbles: fine P.racelets: Gold and Silver Pens .uid Pencils: (iidd Locki'fs: Gold^ind .'Silver Rolt Ruckles: C.-ird Ca^-s; ('oral I’eads; Sleeve Ihittons; fine Accordeons: .Musie Roxes: fine .•ind common \\ alkin*r Canes; fine an*l common Pistils; Silver KI.N'tJ and A. Mc.MILL.\N have entered • into c p.irtnershiji in the Di.-tillery of Turjientine. : ud have erected a .''till on the West side of the Favetteville and Western Plank Road. S miles from Favetteville. N. KING. Mayf,—71tf A, Mc.MILLAN. II 'T»E w ish to buy -JO.dnO barrels Turpentine. V ‘ KING \ M-MILI.AN, ij:ss()Xs IX MX sir. tll, V*'I1 IT.\ K FR would respectfully in- J* form the citiz« iis of F.iyettev ille and vi cinity, tiiat he has .’ig.-iin coniiin ui'i'd giving Les sons on the Piano Korte, He rfturns his thanks for the liberal p.atronage iieretofore r.‘eeived, and humbly solicits a coiitiiiuam-e of the same. i ,sale above mentioned. Also, another tract of Land, eontaini,.., iicres, in two miles ot the above. lvii!;r,|| ver Creek: .-ibout 80 .acres open, the . timbered. This is as good ( otton l.iii,] is in the lower jiart ot Ri'hinond ci.iintv level and still', with alMiut fill aen-s Cotton: and my calculation is. if in, gets into it. to gather iipvv rds of }ti ' bnildiiig.s are good, and line lie.iltliy wiitcr t . cannot be surjiassed in the .''tate, I’er.soiis desirous ot :i goml b.irgain ;i|-, vised to aj)]ily early. Should this property be sold at {'livati,. notice to that elfect will be given. JOHN P. WltK;;)-,. Aug, I"). 1S.')1. ll-tl‘,;) Ttrtf Wthtethle VOli SALE. rwill E .Subscribers, lieing desirous tnfn.;..,. -S. farther .South, (ili’er their Plantnti..!,,.. s:ile, known as the Tufiy’s Eni 1 l.auiv ' l.-inds .are situated on Litfli- River, •, County, nine miles above its eonthieiice Hjti. tireat Pc.lee, within miles of , ty line, where the FayetteviHe aud ('ei.-ri V Road is contenijilated to jiass. . Cheravv, on the ro;id leading from F:iv.tti-; to Salisbury. The lands are e'pial .ni'.:-' . of soil to :iiiy iu North C:;ro!in:i. cont.iinii)^. , I'Jlitl acres, i(il> of vvbich is bi.ttoia laii l, ;i portion of which is adajited to th,> prmlii r: ■ Cotton, making an .iver.-ige of a n'lit Ihmii :, per acre. The high l.iiid is also lands are well drained, and as little e\i..> freshets as ;iny on the river, and in a -t • • good cultivati in, (vve beii g the jndj. -. productions v. ould avei-age fruni ti> pM.ii' els of ('orn. fi-oni fl to bushels of V .r.- from li> to 1 Js.iM.ti Ib.s. of seed '‘otinn. l-ss ;i'la]'ted to the firoduetioii of (t;it-, situations ;oe healtliy, containing' sevi'i-.il ■: .'''ilver .''poons: Port-.Moiievs; Purses; .Vll pains shall be t:ikeii lor the advaiu-emeiit of springs tii.-it have never Iteen known t' *'"l (Mocks, Iroiii to Plated Cake Raskets, (’.•istors and (’.•indlesticks; Rrass do.: Rack-(iam- nion Roard.s; »vc.. iVc. .MILIT.MtY (i(toDS. .''Words, .''’ashes. L:iee. Ruttons, Rugles. .“'tars. Plumes, ('aps. \c.. \c, S>re" I’;iitienlar atteiiti»n |i:iiil to the Repjiiring of Watches and .levvelry. Fa vi-tteville, N. ('., .lulv 'J I, li-:lm his pupils. Instruction alsi. given on the (iuitar. iir.o Pianos tuiieil and rcpnired in the be-^t manner. L, 11. W111T.\KER. ,\ugust I’L is,',(I. ;:itf i’.A(;(;iX(; axd kopi:. ^KI'R COTTON R.VGGING .\N I) ItopK have arrivt‘d. Our fi-iends c.in send in their orders. aiiJ the.v .sliall be supplied. C(»OK \ T.WI.OR. ,\ugust is, 18.'>1. 1-ltf (ititf Gunn’s Domestic Medicine! FUUTHEU supply, just recoived, F. J, HALE SON. 1(M),(I0(I Acrt's \ aluiiMc T I .M H i: li L A X 1) S FOR SALE. ^HE .Subscriber ha-; purch;ised all the Land' belonging; to the E'tate nt Abram Itubois. ■lec'd, l.ving pi incipall.v in Kobe-tin ci'iinty. and on iMith sides nt Lumber River, the ditl'erciit sur veys • •ontainiiig Dvcr KKKOOO Acres: A large jiart finel\ Timbered. ;ind convenient to Lumber River, where a large |nantity of Tim ber is now ratted to the Georgetown market, The.'C Lands are very valu.able both for the Tinibi'r and Turpei'.tine, for which purpose a larirc part is well suited, being in a region where the Turpentine vidds more abund.antlv than any ofhei- sectinii of the .'>tate. The L.inds will be sold ;it a low price, and in i[Uantities to suit ]>urchaseis. Information respecting tlie title c:in be ob tained by applying.to the Hin. Robert Strange, Hon. .las. C. Dobbin, or .\, ,V. T. .''laith. Es.j.. I Atfornev s jit Law.) 1 umler-tand tbi-re are m;iny trespassers on these I.amis, to all of vvlioni notice is hereb.v given, th.it the l.iw will be enforced against ;tll such otfendci'-;. .\] plication for any part of the Lands can be made to ni.vself. or to .lohn Winslow, l]s(|.. who is duly authorised to make .■»ale of the same, THOS, J, CCRTIS. Fayetteville. N. ('., .Sept. 1, ISJ."). 7f,tf FOR SAIJ-:, At till' /inri at yiarh'i't l*rn'rs, HHDS, New Crop MOL.\S.SES. lliOd .s.icks S.VL'f. .'illOO hu'liels .VInm Salt. HOiiU lbs. Cotton Yarn, )su:iburgs and I’rown .'•'heetinjrs. With a gener.il stock of ;irticlcs in the (iroeery line, .INO. D. WILLI.i.MS, Fayetteville. Feb, I-'). lh.')(». Vorlifal Whvvl. r|iH Ell I! are several hundred of these Wheels Jl in o|ier:ition in difl'erent counties in North Carolina, For proof of their great advaJitages over the common flutter wheel, or any otlier whecU now in use for n:ivv mills, we Cfiiifidently refer to those who h:ive ajijdied them to their mills. ^\ e eati recommend them imrticularly for their ?u]ieriority in eases of a low head of water, or back water. We still keep n supply of Wheels, suitable for diflerent heads of water, at Wilmington. New- bern, Washington. Edeiiton and Fayetteville. The wheels may also be had of E, Rrevard, Lim'olntfin, .tihI Lriah M ells. I’etersbtirg, Va. iVrsoiiH wishing to ohtain the right to use tlio wheids. will be served fin aj>j)lication to D. .Mc.Neill I't Co., j’.-ivettevillc, N. C. 1>. -McNEILL. A. A. .McKETHAN. D. J. McAlister. Fid.’y 18C.I. ,0(;-tf wanted, A GOOD P>ody Maker at the f'arriage bti.si-I ne.ss. (iood wages and steady emidoy- I Jniiiit given. A. A. McKETHAN. I May •Jii. 7.‘!-tf W A N r !■: 1) TO I i() r1{ ()\v r i f-iv n t.'nn i.f fiv« yeiirs. ; Good security given, hi-' terest ariinuilly »ir semi-annually. i Address letter to A. li,, and leave at this of fice. j Juno ^^0, Ift.-Jl, -c,(f 1 W jiIcIh's and •5('\v('Irv, At Wholesale' and Itrtail. .). M. hi:asli:v 'W®7’**FI.D rc']iectl'iilly inform the putdic V W genei'.illy. tlnit In- h:is returned rccent- i_v from New York, wi:h decidedly a Large as- s' ltmcnt of llVtfrhrs ftiiff Jcirclrtf. M:i’iy of these W.atches were bought for CA.'''H 11\ THE PA(’i\.\(!E. and c.in tlnreforebe snbl very low. He has Watches of all kinds; Chains. K‘v .i and .''caN nf all kind- :ind nf the latest style': Finger-Rings, Ear-Rings. Medallions, ot all 'i/.es. of Engii'h and .\merican make: La dies' (’hatelaines; (’uff Pins; ('ollarand .''leevc Ruttons; ,>hirt .''tuds: Gold .''pectacles. light and heavv; Gnld Peii' :ind Pencils: (Iold :iiid Silver Thimbles; Rracelet’'; .''ilver Fruit and Rutter Knives; Silver Spoons of all sizes; Large lot of Pocket ('utb rv: .''ci-'^nrs. best ipi.-ditv: P.utton- ho!e .''cissi'i s. Surveyor's t 'omp.isses .and ( hains; Matheinatic.il Instruments; large iiuantity of fine and coniUKiu Pi>ti'ls; fine and common sin gle an.l d"uble-barrel (i uns: Game F».igs; .''lioT Relts and Piiwder Fla''ks; Military (ioods. in cluding tln“ Ilass Drum .and the sm.-ille't Riitton; N'io’tins an 1 extra Rows; I'iutes. 'larionets, Fla- •rcolets. .\ci-ordeiiiis, ‘f all kinds and sizes; Mu- 'ic Roxes; Perfumery; .''oaji; Lather Rnishes; Ra/i>r and Strop.s; Dressing and Pocket Combs; Plated .Mid Rrit.-innia Ware: and varii.us otiu-r tilings tiiii tedious to enumerate. Call aii'l give me :t trial, (’.I'h paid for old (Iold and .''ilver. Wat»'IIV> :ui(1 .Jkwk i.iiv Repaired. I'ay tli ri/fi, .\ . ('.—\urth-I'^ust >>/ Marl,'I Sijiiarr. I'J-'-.m] J. M. RE.\SLEY. \VAxri:i), ~ :;(i(Xi ft. A'he Lumber tor Wagons. 1 1 to :> inches thick. :;ti(l(l ft. ,'^easoned Oak Lumber. 1to :> inches. liHitl ft. White O.ik and Hickory, for .\xK-trees. KMHi ft. White (lak tor Tongues. Roisters and .'^hat’ts, lihi post Oak Hubs, for Carts and IVagons. •iii'Ki Spokes, For w hiidi the highest cash jirice vviH be paid. Apply soon to E. FI LLER. P, P .IO!L\8)A H as JCST RECEIVED and cfl'ers for sale, che.ap.— 7o b.MLTs superior Rio ("'OFFEE. L’o b.irreN I’offee .''iigar, ■'I't barrels Mackerel. Nos. 1. and :i. Loaf and Granulati-d .'^ngar. —.\ L.'^( >— A large a'^xortnient of Iron and Nail''. Shov els, Si>aiU''. 'I'raee Chains, .''>liHvels anil Tongs, lil.icksmiths' P.ellows, .\nvils. Vises. H:imi!ieis, Planes. ,\ugcrs and Chisels, Files. Collins's ,\xes. ,\;c. Augu.st It;, is.-.i, lUf iM';itl V May r.l, IS.-,I, .‘-tf 7*1 Pdils. No, I Herring. -!•"> •* “ •! .^l:lckelvl. 1(10 Rales II.ly. 1(1(1 Pii'ccs Cotton Ragging. ^ ."((I ('oils Rope, lldii Lbs. Twine. :10 Hlnls. .Molasses. •’> Hhds. Fair Sugars, •’>0 Rags Rio (’oft'ee. With .\luni and Sack .Salt, an.I Groceries geii- enilly, for sale at tin* lowest m.arkct jirices, by JN(». D. WILLIAMS.' .\ugiist 11, IS-'tl, l:;tf FKi:s!l 'rKAS. H^'^XTRA FINE HYSON. , M.J Do do Imperial, Do do (iunj'owiler. , Do do (lolling, and Yoiijig Hyson TI^\.'^, of superior fjii.ility, ' —A LS()— Cbocidate. R.arley, Sabid (til, Must.ard. Ye.ast Powders. vVe. For sale by SA.Ni'L J. HINSDALE. April'-’I. liStf l>r. T. I>. IB A lUU, M.\S 1.1 ken an Office on Hay Stteet. West . of the Hotel Ruiidings, .1 uly 1 L 1 •''ol. 4-tf MlXi:UAL W A'IKK. ~i .1, III.N.'^D.M.E is prcjiared to furnish his ' • customers with SOD.\ or MI.N1CR.\L W.\- I’EiL with a varietv of .'^vru]is, all of a (juality uiisurp.-issed. April -1, I'l.' tf i)in (;s Mi:i)ic'ixi:5s, /\ihif., Oi/s, i/it/i)7r /i/ii.^., ] arii is/i, (i'c. ■ Sami i;l .1. IIiNSDvr.r: ' (tficrs tor sale an extensive ;issi rtmcnt of (iO(iD.''. among whic^are the fol lowing; Opium. Cam|ilior. (’astor Oil. .\lcohol. Sul phur. Aloes. .\l:ignesi:i. Rhub.arb. Morphine. ^ • ^luininc. Crc.im Tartar, .''.il Soda. Castiie .'o.ip, i .''upcr ciirb. Si da, E)isim .'^alts. .'Jjicnge. Ipec.tc. 1 Saraparill:i, Kreosote. liorax. .\rrowroot. Isin- [ glas.s Gum .\r.ibic. Gum .Myrrh, Capsicum, Lo- : India, Plasters, l.inuorice. (’hloroform. .hijubi I Paste, (’ojiperas. White Le.id, Linseed Oil, Train i Oil. Whale Oil, Sperm Oil. Sweet Oil. Neatsfoot ^ ; Oil. Co|ial Varnish. Leather Varnish, J.apan ' V.irnish. Window Glass. Putty. Pumice Stone. ^ Chrome (ireen. Chrome Yellow, Lampblack, ! P:itent Pl.ack. Terra de Sienna. Fmber. Pd.ick ' Lead, Litharge, Red Lead, Patent Dryer. Whi- I ling. V remdi ^ ellow, ^ i-llow ()chre. Venetian I Reil. .''panish Rrown. I’russian Rlue. Sajvd-]>a- i per, .''t.aridi, .'•al Eratus, Mustard. Spice. Nut- I megs, Pep])er. IIojis, Indigo. Maihler, .Saltpetre, ; (liniLier, (ilue, ,\nnato, ( love.s, ^L'lce, Jluniing I Fluid. Alum. Oxalic Aci.l. White Rrick. Tripoli"! : I NV.a^h I’rushes. Paint Rriishes. Varnish Rrnslo's, ■ I Scrubliing ditto. Shoe d«.. Tooth do,. Hair do,. [ Logwuid. Red wood. Rlack Ink. Opo.lehbK-. v'ic., I with a general a.ssortment of .Medicines; ('henii- ■ j cals of all kinds; French ami English Perfume- ' ry and Soaps; with a full assortment of all the ^Tll.VW CL'TTKKS. Corn Shellers. and a Ta- 1 , * in use. rietvof Ploughs and Plough fixtures, for , ‘7" the- c.mntry promptly attemled sale by- .1. T." WADDILL. j ’'"J ;='refull^^ J j £ri.. 1 he ^nbscnber teels assured that he can ' - ‘ j meet the wishes of the luirchaser in rcg.ird to \\'i;i5STi;U'S Ql AU'l'O I nuality and price. *' \ \' I Druggist. I 1* A l\ 1 5 October 12, lS-')0. 4’Jtf A FFRTHER supjdv just received. ! ~ w — ^ i:.'j HALE SON. ire InsHrauce. Aug. 1:l HENRIETTA LII^'dF E On one of the Pl.antations tiiere is ,i c :: dioiis two-st.iiy Ruildiiig, now being li.-in s jiainted. .'ind .also ;i l.irge new ii:i-hoiise. i on the most approved jilaii, with a new (' t; jiress; the other out-buiMiu^s in goml re: ■ On the other Plant.iti- n thi-re is ;i comfi.ri * Dwelling. Large (iiii-hous - and C-'tton pi-, with other liect'-s iiy out-bui!iIiiigs; ;ind a!s> good Ofi hai-d. 'I he j.ri-misi s can lie boti; jointly or sep.ir.aiely. Thi sc v\i>b\ng to j.i,;. (diase land of the most .'Upeiior iiuality. • find it to tiieir int-. rest to ex.imine bi-fi v ii .i in.;r other purch.-i'"s. as it is rare that stii ii in. ducements .are heid out to land buyers: !’ r will sell on ivasoriable ;ind :'.ccomir.' l-.i*' . terms. Post Oilice adfiress, .Mc'allum''sr. i. N. C. Al>ii, OIK' otli‘r Tf;(ct. within 1: inii"' ; the .ibovi'. and s’tuafi-d oji Little River. ' t.iinin',: ‘iin acres, Theie i' a gm d Mill ' ii. with a lirist .Mil! in opiration. .\ can be built with but little ci-.'t; and .a.' is in considerable demand, would be :i ' ble business. There are about lniiaci. » Land on the tract, principally bott'.ni ^ good iiuality. The land is well timbered. i ■■ ly l' !!g leaf ]'ine. and convenient to the la ' "I'od bargain will l>e given, W. N. PEACim i; (’, P!:A(’Of'K. Sept. 0, 18.-)1, -JJ-r.f. .S'Irtnrbvrry l*let»sfs. SH.WE six varieties of ,'^TR'V [IKf;/;." ' ready for delivery, all tine, and '"c very b»'st in cuUivatinn, nieasuriii'.r ;'r ni •• i" "t inidies in cirenml'erence. tinder the ) r : nient. Prices t'roin ?H1 to ]>er liuiuirci. • from 10 to ’J-’i cents per liozen. Now is the best time to pi int. it the : treiicheil 18 itiches or l! ft et dci-p. an 1 v. ritdied. The Plants should be shnde'i fur m • d.iys with boards leaned on the S.iutli >!iii: ' they c.tnti' t be shaded, p’aiit at any tinivii : Winter or .''piinir. C. IA TTERLOH. U..vv,,n -• Sej't. *'i, I8'il. - $300 IIICWAK!)’." J^'^SC.\Pl'.D fn III the .Ta ti of Kerslniw liivr; ’. *^n Monday the 14th da.v of Jaly S.\Ml EL .1. I,(>VE. who was ci'uvicteii ■ murder of Robert .1. Lester, at Soring 'I'cn : (’ourt. 1S')1. Said l.ove is about'i'l or:il y of age. six feet tw o inches high, i not cert:r:- ■ regards his height, but .>U}i]ios*,-d to be tliiiiu- bouts,' has d.ark hair, and ot'a s.iI'.o'.\ t • t:.; ion. with ;i downc.ist look: .some ot iiis tf'' teeth a little decayed, and follows the tion of a ('.irjienter. 1 will give the above rowjml to any juT' who wiil iipprehend the said S. J, l. 'Ve lodge him in .any .lail in this .''t.ite. orOiiel!^"- dred .and hitty Dollars for his s.ife confir.tn ' in any Jail in tlie Cnited States, so th.it 1 get him. JOHN INGRAM, Sher’*^ (’annlen, S, (',, Aug. :‘>0, l^-‘ll. 2(>-'iiii To Cotton A* Jl^ooffcit ,ltanv.' fartnrers. rfl’IHE .Subscribers have for sale a irenej-i’ .SL sortment of FINDINGS, to vvhicii • . would respei tfully call attention. A coiislaiil siijijilt/ of the folloirin" a!trays on iiarnl: J. & L. Woodcock’s superior Machine Cards. SHEARlN(i MAClIlNES._Parsi.ns. Il»- anl's, (’urtis's, llavidson Park's. D.inieiV V.UllOl'S MACHINES.—Parkhnrst'TV ' Rurring .Machines. Spooling .Machines. - Machines, Rrushing Machines. Kellogg'' rMtfr' Wool Pickers. Cotton Wiiijipei’s. or IMl'.' ' Water AVheel Regulators, Cloth W imlcrs. K ' Cutters, Rob)>in Sl.achines. (Juadrants .-iinl II'i'■ Racon's Patent (,'ottou Picker.s, Hardvvasti'V ers. Waste Cleaners. SUNDRY AUTK'LF.S,—Holbnxik'' I’''' Riveted Pickers, Revolving Tenijilc.-. ‘ Wooden Tem]iles, .'tiperior Picker Le:itiaT. ■ Lace ilo,, do, Rridle do.. Stretched Lc.itlicr ■' ing, J>e:ither Belting, Koller Clotli. W.i'lu'i"' ■ Slieep Roller Skins, ('alf do, do,. .'Spindle 1'' ' TH^HE -FiTN.V Insurance Companv of Hart- •,'*^*^1* 1 1. • i.‘ •• , r. ■ JL ford, having paid the tax impo.sed by the i ’ vt‘ V!f '‘u"\ ' Ueyentie Law of the late Legi.slature, will con- ' ^ ^ tinue it.s Agency in Fiiyetteville, under the r ^ -ARfi'vy in F.iyetteville, umler the i J. o' I I'nmk-. ! management of the undersiixned, who is pre-' ^ ‘ V 1 lloals ! ‘’f lusurance ot. Rt ild- ^ ( uttingN.ppers, I;'ug1ravelh • ‘ ings or Good.s, either in this Town or in any I ■'•''I . ' V r N .uKiness. Our,,.„t of the State, on proper application, dJ- ‘ .•iitly repaired ! .scriuti.in of the Pr.mertv. .Ve Washers, l.ivets and Rurs, Scrcw l»n Stvnui a ml Itoats Are all in excellent order for biiKiness. Tow Roatrt have been recently and maile good as new Flat for losv water, ;md well adajited to the j „bout 80 years. .,, , ; scription of the Pmperty, \c i W e have also added a ; The .ETNA CO.M PA.N Y has been in oi.eration i Glass Creel Steps. Sp.mllc service " " . lout 80 years. Its c.-mii.al 5u ii'tnn |rullers Jack.s, factory Lami and draw only 20 inches water. \\ oi 'tei , She will carry 700 bblg. merchaudiz7, j Th^Hon’ fhork limee "«tton .In,, Steel and Cane Reed., " , ' .iiti 1" Those favoring us witlr their patroii.ipc, jnnv (»xpect IIS prompt ami elieap service iu every particular «,• any other Line can otter. (i, DEMING, Pres’t. K, M. ORRKLL, ,\gent. A. D. CAZ.VUX, Agent at Wilmiuctoii. Fayetteville, Dec. 21, 18A0.. " 50-tf SALKM PAPKR^TilL^~" r|lHE subscriber hai; taken charge of this old -M. and Avell known I'-stnblisliiiicnt, aud is iire- parcil to atteud to all orders for Printing I'aper, Merchants’ and I'aciory W rapjiing, &c. The Mill has recently been thoroughly refitted with new machinery, and the snhscriber believes he can furnish Paper of as good .,uality and at asj cheap Jirices aa cau be purchanea uay where. North or South. (’HARLKS E. S.ilem, June 7, l8dL SHORER. 77tf fif.«t Kiroctors are still active ami ethcieut mem bers of the Board. It hai3 at all times sustained the highest character for the pruleuce of its mauajjoment, and for the liberality with which it has ever adjusted its losse.s. K, J. H.VLH, .Asrent. March 10, iS-'iJ. ^o-tf NOTICE. The tteam*ir Chatham will leave thU pluc^ every Mond.iy and Thursday ut 7 o’clock, A. M., (iiiMtead of 0 o'clook a»at present,) eom- mencing at 7 o’clock .Moiid.ay 10th inst. Time of leaving Wilmington, evory Tuesday and Fri day at 2 o’clock P. M, JN(X D. Wll,LIAMS. Agent Cape Fear Steamboat Co. rayetttt\illc, March d. IJooks oil Dyeijig, TeascLs, Hedillo .Maics, Raiiding, Relt Awls, Emery, Vat Nett'. !' Hooks, Press I’apers and Pl.-itcs. Pa]icr I cii'l''''• Rin,r Travellers, P'rench Teasels. Amciicnn' Together with Second-hand in great variety. Hefer for iiuality fif Cards .and .‘irticlc' i-''' erally, to F, \ H. Fries, Salem. N. ' ('hihis iSt ('o., Liiiciilnton, N. ('.: ,\. .leaks. I': ' I Ruilder of .Machinery. P»ridesburg, I’'*" Manufacturers generally in Philadclplii;^ aii'" vicinity. TIirULO IIFGHES 11 North .oth St., l‘iiilaih‘’l’l'''' Sept. LM'i, I80O. :i'.t-l\l‘'l WA\TKI). r^H^HE Subscriber wishes to purchase . J- lbs, Pi.^GS, for which the liii:hcst * ■ ■ prices will be jiaid on delivery in FaycttcvN ' DAVID M' in’H’- ^ Rockfisb, Cunibcrh:ul, Aui.'- [V( er J’KLN" EDWV EDIT ± Price for th paid in !i year of **i cx]iircl. For the W paid in year of si has cxpir ADVERT per sijuare i 8UCC ceiling by sjiecial 1 •verti^crs ;u inseriion-i d forbid, ar.d Lett A Fa SI nn! ' rii llAKi) 4'rorh' Of •^l vie.- a vhicli v\;ll be ]'U!t!';1SC cities. A'lteii’’ tod. Or 1-1 Se]it. 1>^, The d iiin; Si .'^toi/, saying t- ing an cut J t! HAIH) i .Ml of wi chan;.:!- li>r punctual Cl COM ■ a Of (»w re pcrb nta-^f t’.i.'^hii con.-i'titi'.r ('oats: Clot rtil v.irietit Twilled Sil low cr tli.'in if not as re ed. I all a Stock is da given. I lij ^Sept. -J FILL W%.. lection o( H:ird\Mi 1 >c;il!ic and X:iil' GROCE -SVliole.- call. ale El mn(} Saddl the .''addle Old .'^taiid a few dooi ■where the patr.-ni/e t Kstablishm tur d in th Se,,f. -2 X. n. Doli.ilij ari- OCColilit.s. • iftkii rjiiiE sJ JL ol si] Sessions foj AdiiiinistrjJ of Dr. Ilir;| jlfeneral iioj present tln| the time lij wise this ml I lebt I »rs I payment iij J!E ni.i •ville, on I I name of IS! longing to V4-I-.W] W'i •''^ejit. L>2| All-. l:L lrcd( A m:v. -c» tutu both inclus received. Sept. 'J,

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