SBMI-WE'EKL, Y. r33K»DCSaCT [VOL. I.] FAYIiTTEVILLi;, N. C., TUESDAY MOUXING, SEPTEMHER 30, 1851 [NO. 2(V.] IMJIXTEn lU' .1 n. NKWHV. i:u\VAi;i) J. iiAi-i: & sox, l'IUT(>i:> .\M' H’KIF. 1X>HS. I - . t- til. .'i’ini-NV('ok'y Onsr.itvKit 00 if ; i I in ’>0 if jniiil ‘luring tlio . if 'absi-riptinii; nr aftor the yoar lian Itv !. ■ -M.' ('I’.sKUVKi! HO nor amuun, if' :■ ;1 •:! .iiiviuicc; ’"iO if pi\iil (iuriiig tlic ,1 ar "f '■‘I’l'ij'tion: or Hi ;iftor ilio yciii' ' 1, fxiiirO'l. ! \:’\ I'.UTl.''!'N! I'NT.'> ir.?i‘rtoil for sixty routs V ' fi>r tlio lii>t, an'1 tliirty «.'t“iit> fi>r oaoli ■ i- liiu }n;'iiiirati.>ii. Vi'iirly ailviTtiM-iiu'iit^ ; .. ■ ■ (•i iitrarts. at riaiicyiiliU' rates. are roiiuo tpil tn !>tatc tlie mimbtT of ; i:;-i ili'siroa. >'r thi'v will bo o>>ntiimcl till I. . >1 , liaf;;oil aooordin^ly. ;. 1.. : :ovs til tliC IMitoi'S uul^it bo jxist-paid. iHN(;iTA>r >v:ii rr- sunto he S-liO('l on W'tlno?'ttHy tho 1st Octo})or. So]'t. l!4-)iw Fall & Winter for 1851!! t\tsIiio}ta!>lc .lifrrhatit Tailorinff AND Hi:.\i)Y-,ii.inE n.oTiiiM; EsT.\Bi.isiniL.\T. ^V^\ (iOODS. Niiw i!r.('i:i\ iN'i;. Fail niid Wiiilor siorK. fB'lill' 1 SI M. VAKir.rV. (MiibrM-i>.j all ( U UiDWAKi: aiul AM* K\TF.Nr.|VK >7im!v UF 4'rorhPt'tf tmi Hhtss-ivnre^ a'r.i'tol t.i tlu* fi.vimry Traiic. aiul ■ li ill '■!i a.- !;i-.Tablo torius a.'i oan • i'lii-cl'u.'t i 111'.)■ 'ibi']>; in any ot' tlic Nortlioni \ir '!i I'f 1)imIcv- vi'itiii;; tlii.s jilaoe iini- jiri'iii|'t!y l t". Cii'iK A JoJlN.^oN. . --t. !>. 1^'«1. 77m’ has hevn tnn«fel :-.l 1 i’n rs iiaviiiir > 'lil cut tlioir *>1.1 ■ 1-;, liuvo tlio ]>loasuro iinw . f • : tiiat ihvy aro n>w oi'oii- iiv .'iTiH K :.f i>iiv !i\!.i)\\ Ain: c r'rM:uv. H:\T3 AKD SHOES, a i‘orrii':-> of at! SCOTT .V U A LOW IX, * AVi3:tiiit^!ois, C., A 1»1] o]'‘'ning clirect from tlioir .Manufactory, / and frmu ncwo.'^t iinportafion'!. ii largo as- !iirtnu'nt "f (iiMiili'incn’.s Wearing .\ppnrel, -'inu'ririr,!; ovri-y varioty of liusinos.s and Pro:"^ ('..ats.—I'ant.-s to:uitiful!y cut, luMvo.-it .^tylo and bost '.vorkmansliii',—X'c-^ts, a niiniborlc.s.'t variety of ]i;ittoni.'. fmost and luodiiun iiu.-ilitio.^. ovcry stylo of I'ndor (Jarniotit «orn by Centlo- inon. >f the best nualiiios and most a]>provcd out:—anl wc would oall jiartionlar attomion to our rilrnf i'nki Sf'H i Sbirt, tho fittinji par- nicut Worn; and alj^o tho now and boautiful stylo of I'rawors. soM only by oursolvos. /.V 77/A’ wc t,*o jirol'nvod to kIiow up a nn t ?*]ilondid a-'sortniont of Cravats. Soarf^^, l>lovi'!, Sn.'|>endors, Night Cajif*. \;. \o.. in all a oonn'lolo variety, latest stylo. ol .V/.ViV 7/ 1 XT T. \ ! !.nn IXC DK- rAltMJ-'\T i- oon.luoto I by Ciitiors of oniinont skill, and ail '‘'ir work irut uj> in tho !)ost stylo .isiiilc (Jroat attention p.iid to thotiowest ;ind most ;ip|.rovod fashions, as wo jnit ourselves in iM.'^sfs^'ioii of the monthly llrj.i.rts. direot f.Min I’ar;s ai^d New \ork. i i-ntb'iiion visitinjr Wil’i’.in'rton will fin l it ((11110 to their ndvanta^o to oall and oxaniino onr .''ti'ok. Tonus Cah. and all ( s.iM at fair i>riccs. .(t>f r X I'.Al.l'U IN. M:>rkit “t., ilmiu'^toii. N. .''••j>touibor'-’‘J, l''’l. lit-tt :ub! f II1 111 V -1, i I i iI ::II iatros and Du jr^ios now -M. 1ini:rhod, and on Iiand — ei;zhteon ni winch an- Ibijriiie.-i. All at low prii-t-s. an oi-diuf: tn finish. A. A. .MoKl.illAN. Sojit. If'. iNol. L’:’>-tf .Vt//' I 'in/i *.y ycir Lircrii*>Stihl('s. 1. IV or ■■ ' ■ !' (■'•untry l*ri-duoc, or t ' n time, i Udlv .n: TAVI.nil. 124: f rqnir. r rs'-_n’.-'d bav;n>; fonaod a ('■■jiart- to earrv on the IKl'shi j Livery Stable Business,’.'"I’lly in;nrni tho oiti/cns df I'ayoltcville ^id tile I’ul.lie ^.'enerally, that they oall be no- o'.mm.i.latoii on reas. iiablo tonus witlj i loJh ^ 1 j r// i loih i i9 ffl ■' ' :vin:T. 'iirert tr.iiii N‘w Yurk. a su- ^ rl- ii 1,( • I'M 1 N(;. nia.b* u:i in the .e • f. ;ui.| i.f tho be>t'i'ia!'. ^ - :iu.l bl-«.W!> I'r.K-k and Uve.'S •’ ' ;i!s; ('a>: ::1HT0 i’.mts. s^'Vo- ■ . . tai^ v ireii.i'lino .''ilk, S^itin an.I : ' ; \>ts. ,\!1 «.t wliii'li will l;o -nM -.>noern of the kili'l in town, ;;iid j ri S' i.ted, the no-noy will bt-rctund- ; A further addition to the ' e\|)0'-tOil. .111.] due will bi I H- ..f r. Ilk vK T.ivl- r's. .1. .s: CO. ' • l"-'.l. -.Mtf 11!,L \\\) \W\m\ COODS. at 'iii-h times as they ni.iy wish to hire, by aji- ] 'ivim: to the -:i'li^iTi!iors. as they are well jiro- j.-ired t" c irrv n the r'lisiiu-"^, havinir retitted and renesM- i llie i'.'tablishiieut. with tlie ad li- tion I't 'o!!;i- tine ll..rse-- au'l new \'ohieIos. aii'l are '.itistio.l th.-.t they oaii "ivo satisfaetion to .ill wh.i nia_\' wi'h to hiio. \nd thoroforo eall on thoiu to pive \is a trial. .1. \v. rowKUs. 1LOI5KRT IIKUISTKII. J'. V .'^i]it. 1^, I '-’il. .Yar Spring NEW GOODS! Ori« TAI.r STOCK OFftOODS is now ready for iii'i)Oction, connirising an eniJleSN variety. (;i^o( I'jiiKS. TiOaf. (''rus’norl, I’owdorod, Clarifiod and cnni- nion !^n;rars; l!io, l.airnira, Mooha. Java and .Marioabo ('ofl'ot': I’ort. Madeira, ('hani]iai"n and ■ t'ookinj; Wines: pure and imitation I'ronoh liran- ' dy; Holland iin: rinmipainn Cider: No. 1 Mjpck- erol; Salmon and Smoked Ilerrinirs: Hoxos Fnn- oy (';indy iind Sii^ar 1‘lunis; Staivh: Saloratiis; Farina for l’uddinr.«i: .Scotch Snuff: 1 lazard (’o’.s and nupont's I’nwdor; Soap of all kinds; Sperm. Adamantine and Tallow (’audios: 1‘oppor; Spioe; Cinjjior: Niitniojrs; (Tovos: Cinnamon and .Nlaoe. CROCKKliV, r\\\s\ AM) (iLASS-W AUK. ■V lar^e assortment of Wliite (Jranite. flowed and lipiht Hhie and .Mulberry Ware: eonimon l.ivovpool Ware, a pood assortmont; plain and fancy (Jilt and White China Tea Sots; one white China l>innor Sot; white and gilt liowls; Cotl'oe ('‘ui's. ,'tc, ('nt, I'ressod and ]>1ain Tnniblors: Wine and •lolly (ilnsyes; Coblots: I)ecantors; ISowls: IMsh- os; I’itohors: Salt-collars, iS:;'. llritaiHiia AVaro: Tea and CofToe I’ots am! Vrns: Sugar Ibiwls; Cream .lugs: ('andlestioks; Castors; Spoons; l,adles: Mugs, I'ic. iT'KN!sin\(; (;()ons. lln\»st'keo]iing Ctrnsils uf j-dl kinds; I’lrown j and liloai lied I'amask T.ible Cloths and Nap- I kins: Oil (’loth Table Cov(>rs: Toweling, a vai’io- i ty: 10-1 l.inen and ('otton Sheeting: Curtai': i (ioods; Wall and Window I’ajior; Fluid .ind I.ard l.anu's: Waiters: Ijroonis :iiid UrushoH of alt : kinds; I’.rass and eomnion .Vndirons: Shovels ;ind Tmig'': Fondors; I’lrass and Iron-liound Fails: ' Sets Table Cut'orv. and many otlior tisoful ar- ! ticle.' too numerous to mention. ('Aii!Mri'IN(i. j Carpetins—lU'usso'.s. s>tpo\’fino and fine It-.grain ]i.ifterns, to suit :i variety of t:islo.i: FiUgs and Fh or Oil Cloth; \\ onl-mi.\ed and ,lnte l>oor Mats. (1,0 riiiN(;. i gotier.'il stook of lleady-niado CI.OTIIINO, I —Cloaks. >\ereoats. Dress and Frork Cnats, Saeks, F,'lilts and Vo.sts, inob’.ding an a.'Sortment of |)Ovs‘ Cliithiii',;; Muslin Sbirt>: Wool. Mcriun ' aii'l .‘'^ilk Fii.lershirts; (’ol’:»«i: Stm-ks: .’'uspon- ! dors: Cil.'ves. itc. Contlomon will find a eoni- 1 plete ouifit. I -ALSO- ; Hlankots: I’ed Tieks: loorgia Flains; bleaohi i ; and lirowii Sliirtings: llnsiery; l.iusey; Cassi- , meres: T» o>'d>; I )ii Cloths: lielia lluli'ber Cloth: I.ettor. C:)|i ;iii l Wr.ippiug I’.iper: Portfniios: 1 l’ort:ibb> Writing Desks: Note F'.oks: Fanov ■ Work I’minos: booking ;!a“'i's: .''tiuff Uoxt's. I'io. ]0 oases assorted Fmnuets, ]0 •• •• Sli>es. In bo\l'S Cntfeo .'tills. 1 ease rteij Cnibi rlla.'-. ■J't pai kages Drugs and Dyes. ! L’n li,.\cs Window (ilass. gs Cut Nails. 1*1 •• Wnmght ditto, and .'']iikos, .'lO 1)Mg .''hot. liar bead, ."(tnu ( iiTiirs. lu ho\i's Imperial Tea. ■J ehest.s tine Hvsi-n Tea. 1 •• •• F.iaek •• Ila’.f-boxos I'rosh Fiaisins. Ill (iiir Sistii/'// ii'i/f /»■ tmmd— A b-avy sto.k of HAF>l>WAF,K AND CFT- F.FK^’ — Knives :iud I'.'iks; Don and I’oekct Knives: Double and single (Inns: Files: Tanners' Kniv-: Hinl.'^avs; l’lane: Hammers: llateh- H. & B. J. LILLY tine now receiving their JFVr/f A* * let' fwftodSy oomjirising much the larg est sto‘k they have ever ofl'orod. In their stock may bo found STAPLE A\D FAXCY DliV CiOODS, ■\ngola. Silk and Fur Mats; Wool ditto; Cajvs; Cnibrollas: Ibmuets: VaniH; Sheetings.—and in fact ni’aHy every nrticlo usually kept by u!. —AI-SO— About 10,000 i>air JJOOTS SIIOKS. I’nrchasers will please oall and examine. August I';}. IM.'il. Di-’Jm I’AI.I, A.NI) WIN'l'ER OOODS. Subscribers have received in part, and JB. ex]ioct to have in Store in a few d.\vs, their entire Stock of Siaplc (tnd I'ancif Drif (ioods. Among (his Stock will be found all the late va rieties of bailies' and (iontlomen's l)ress (.iooils. The larger portion of their Stock has been laid in for the 'Vholesale Trade, in which line the undor.sigiiod do not intend to lie uinlori^old. . Country Moreh.ints will find it to their inter est to examine this Stock before making tiioir purchases. STAKU AVII,LI.VMS. .\ugust lIO. IS.'d. lotf *Vetv Firm, 'I'hc uiul(Msiiriu‘(l liavt* entered in‘ocoi.jirtnorfhip. under the name and st\le of ll.Vi,;. iV ."!.\ClvFTT. for tho purpose of doing a Dry (ioods and Hardware liusinoss, and have t.-iki-n tho Store •') loors Fast of the Favotteville Ibitol. .1. H. HAI.b. A. i:. il.U,!,. T. .M. SACKFTT. Vugust 'Jt'i. I S’) I, D'ltf \\ F are now rerciving a laigi lecto.l Stock of and well so- ire r. iu reri-iving . - • k. I .nsistiu'j^ of iUr F;ill and inter .1 vci v '.ii'neral se rf ##f/ Sif miner i'(‘ and C’litlerv. Snddlt'rv. icr. Hal- ainl Caps. Uoots 11 . rd \\ I -t :it. J j.ii - ^ . ;:iii! Shoes, Iron, Stt*cl and .Nails, and St:i|)l«‘ Drv (io(,x!s. V> ith a large Stock of GROCERIES, BAGGING, ROPE, &c. ■ I ' \i'it:ng this market to pureh.ise .it ir lletail. I do well to L'ivo : T. WADl'II.b, HaV strei ■-Mtf Mduitfiicl i/rc. i, -‘n'difr IIoiiK' 'I’ll K ri'i i -Ikivo just /— J. rtri'ived tVoni New V.iik, an as- [ \ ' rtnientofSADDI-KKV IIAIM)- UAI:F. Kr., — \(tT X..rf/,.r„- ' ;'d'..-, but materials for carrying on 'i-.ih'l Harness Making I’.ii.siiioss, ut the ot ^leo. \V. Mi'Don.ald. I’orsoii street, li .'t of the Hank of C;ijie Fear, wiii I.'. :^la 1 to sell to all who :iiay ■ li ,'• th- II, lu ;i> good terms as any oiln-r ' ■ 1j;ivo their work maimfao- ■I :i: the ,-::it- . ,'b-DONALD .V WIIALFV. f l^ol. -H-M -N r>. II ill'l(-htel tn (i. \\ , Ale- • I 'ii' ri oii'sted t"j e;ill and .settle their old • Ifhnhiislrator^s •Yotirv. Cr>iiu:iu.\Nn Coi ntv. N. C., t Sept. 'I'l, IS'il, I Sub .i-riber having, on tho second* day M :'-]iteiidier Cl,Hit of I’leas and (,»uartor for »;ii.i C.iunty. 1^">1, lakoii Lettei s of -tvatiou aci 'irding to Law on the Fstate : lliraiii Ibi'.iiiisoii. deceased, hort by gives II .'ii-e to all creditors of said Fstato, to : ' ‘ f tiieir claims, duly aiitliohtieated, within ' ■ Innited by law for that purpose, otlicr- ' notice will be pleaded in liar of recovery. ■ lit.,|--i to .said Kstato will also please to make • iiiiiiii-diatelv. I’l'N.) N H015INS0N, Administrator. f'ttrthcr *Yotire, s"bl on the J.'ith day of October w w next, ill tlic M;uket House in Fayette- I-. on ;i ^ii lit 111 six nioiitlis. a m ill by the ot 1>ILI. well known as a boat hand, be- - iig to tlie al, ve F'tate. I '.w] 1J1;N.) N I’iOlilNSON, Adm'r. I’or fl I. gC. TI ii >M.-i i.\ is now ei\in-/:i spleniiid • a.-s. rtment of SCMMlill M.\TS f..r (icn- Tb-men. Vouths, Hoys, and Infant*, to-wit: — I'aiiania. Marie.a'bo. I’cdab' and Leghorn, with a :;ss' i'tnieiit ot' I’ahn-loaf. —.\LSO— vnriotv if iontlomen's Dre>s Hats, to-wit: no.'iver. Nutria. .Molc.skiii. Silk and .\ngola. of tho lato.'t styles: with an assortment (*t other st\Us i;>uall\ found in this m.irket. .Vlso, CAl’.> in abuiidanee. i^litleront .-tyios and [u ii es, --all of uhieli wiil lid j;-;-*" Cii K M' for C.\>n.‘^-jS — A LS I— An a "-Sort III ent ot' iontlemon’-;. Ladies'. Misses', A I'Uths'. tioys'and Cliildren's 1!0(»TS X SIloLS. whii h'wiil be (ilK-red on terms tor the l!Mily (';ish. I’leae eall and satisfy yourselves before ]ureh!ising else who re. .1. C. THOMSON. .''oiith-west Corner .Market Sipiare. March 1-, 1S’>1. b;;-tf Spriiif*' 1851. JAMKS KYLi: AS .Il'ST ItLCFn'KD a large and general as.sortnient of .\niong v.hich are: jiiecos new stylo (’alic>es. •J.'iU •• •• •• (iinghani. .■'.to I’rinted and Fmb'd Lawns. I’rocade and other Silks. .'Swiss and other Muslins. • Irish Linens, Lawns and Diapers, Fiobinot L.-k’o ;ind Fdgings. Silk, Linen, and Cotton Handkerchiefs. I lubrellas and I'ara.sols. .Sujiorfmo Cloths and Cjissimeros, Tweeds and Merino Cassimero. iioiinot.s. uncommonly cheap. Fxilting Cloths, .\nker brand. With tiianv other (ioods: all of which have been purchaseil bv the paok.agc for ('.VSH. Those wishing to by wliolesalo or retail, w ill jileas‘ call before puridiasing (dsowhoro, as good liargaiuH niav bo expected this season. .^L•lrell IH.'il. (i:^tf wool. \\ AN'i'i:i). L want to purchase U,,,. ,,f \v„,l COOK \ TAVLOll. : --1. IS.'il. "l-St IM{LN'1’IN(; INK. 1' FW ;;olb Kegs, just received and for ^ by E.' J. HALE \ SON. ots; .\\es. ,1 good :i".irtniont, \c. .Vo. fj'j' ('ountry .Meri-haiits .-ind others are in vite.] t'l ovamine a Stock which, for varii ty aiel •'liCe. eh illen^res ci.nipetition. t'i.' The ti .'Is will lie soM for ('a'-’.i. or mi time for gom.1 jiaj.i-r. S, W. TILL1N(7HAST .'c Co. Sept. -■>, IsM. 'Jt'tf N. n. S'l'AKIUX’K, ~ Troy, .1V’#r \*orh’, Wios rM NhKli ANi> MACHINIST. Mninit'lirfii f! r of Stnnv MHhami limit r^, ,!/>// (! rn ri n/ nt tH f glHF undersigned, as the .\gent of tho abovt* fi Kstablir iment. will order any articles which ma_\ tie \v;uited, on aj.plicati'in to him. '['ho St' Mills ni:i!;uf;ictiired by Mr. .'' biick lone lieeii te^-'ed. and are higlily a]'lirn\e.[ on the I’iank !!oa'N a'lout Favotteville. FDW'D L 'fF WINSI.OW. Fayettovil’o. Sol t. I, l."'-’il. L'i'tf SKW (aX»J)S! fBIHK S'lliscrilier is now r»‘ceiving a large ad- M. ditioti to his Stock, consisting of i)i-\ (Joods, Jroc(>ri('s, ( rockery, 1 lardw ar(‘, I I:i1s. l'ii[)s. Hoots and Shoes. —.\LSU— 1 lulbiw-Waro, l,o:ithrr, Wiinluw Hass, \\ liitc L ad. Clici'sc, Mjickcrcl, Ciidlisli, iVc, \'c, .\;e, ; Which he e.fl'ors on reason.ible terniH. I He ofTers for sale :i barge stook of Foreign and Domestic LIQUORS, viz: j ]IIU bills. Whiskey. ' .'lU *• .\]'])lo i?randy. I • lU •• choic* Id .Nash,’' 5 years old. j HI “ old I!ye hiskoy. I His stock of FOlll'HiN LKjCORS wore se- ; lectod with c.ire and arc of superior ijiiality. : They consist of— iodard " F>r;indy. ‘•Otard" I'o. ‘•Heii'iosey'’ do. ‘‘(>ld I.olidotl !)ock" ditto. Holland (in. .l.iniaica Hum, Irish Whiskey, .Madeir.a Wine, siijierior. Sherry do, do. I'ort do, clioioe, (very fine,) Sicily Madeira do. —IN CLASS— Champaign Wine, of “Heidsick” and other favoi'itc brands. Siiarkliiig Hock, in jiints ami (luarfs. Still Hock, • lo. do. I.ondon I’orter, C‘*^“A11 kinds (if I’mduoo bought at tin- .NLarket price in exchange for (Ioods. Iredell's l)i;L;'Sted .Maijuai. NHW latl'i'ION. NLV, 11..Vised Nbiinial of the I'uljriC Sta- ‘ Laws of N. C.. from |s;{,s to 1S.'>], lii'i\y. liy .bim«-» lii .b ll. I’rico S-i, just .u-[. ■t. i:;. .5. HALF S(,)N. Cabinet Furniture, Chairs, &c. THlflK Siibsci’iber i.4 receiving a JL large assortment in liis line, selected by himself in I’hiladelphin, New Vork. and IJoxton, which, to gether with his own manufacture, niakis bis Stock very conijilote, consibtlug of Chairs,'l'al)l(;s, S(jtas, Bedsteads, \V ash Stands, Hnreiuis, Look- jni^ (;iass(>., Side lioards, Secretaries, d:c. &c. .\11 of which will bo si,Ki ,,u lowest terms for ('asji, or ou short time t) punctual customers. JOHN W. ILVKFH. Sept. 18J8 aotf W. Dll.MTiHO.N. Sept, 1, ].‘->l. lS-r,m II. BRANSON &: SON FFI;K for Sale,— DR) I'iecos liugging, ;")() Coils I’alp Uo]>e, l,lis. Ibile Twine, 100 Hills ami half bbls. No, Mackerel, ^■) Half bbls. No. 2 .Mackerel. 40 (luMrtor bills. No. 1 Mackerel, Lb.-j. piinic Larl, DMMt Ibu'on H ims, few Harvols of Pork left, Sept. >, 1S.')1, 2*tf /J/fmA’s (f f ail hind,^, i'or sale at this Officc- WHY ('omj'risiu;.: every article nsu.-iliy ke[it in that lino, together w ith ].”)(> C'iises Boots and Slioes. and C'ap^. — ,\LSO— A well seloi'ted .''tock of ihiHif To .all o| which w»‘ invite tho atti.ntion of .Mer- idiants of the iii*,.rior. who will Iind it to their interest to examine our Stock bolore making their purchases. Wo will not bo undersold by aliv 1 no d."ing busiin 's in this place. HALL .V SACKFTT. .\uri’st ll'i, Is-’il. D'ltf Tin A' Siieef-irou %l*arv MAAl I’Al TORY. At Wholesale and Retail. M\ T. t)LD LSTAF.LISMFD TIN AND SHFFT-IHON U .MANCF.M TOHV 1“^ F.FMOVLD to tho Soutli-F.ast ('oriior of .Market Sipiare, ready with the igtces^ary ni: i hinory and materials for m.aking I'AC roUV DUIMS vN'CANS, .\i,d to do all kind Ilf Work ot' Factories. .\lso. I!0( IFINC. Cl rTFHlN(i. and all kind* I'f .Ii >l:l!I N!. doi;o i n short ii' tico. and by ox- pi'rionced workiiien. ,\ constant suj.’ily of I'lN kept on hand, at Wlmlosale aiel Ket.iil. Country Merchants and I’edlars can bo supplio'l at the very lowest prices. C. W. ANDKFWS. Soiit. -Js, D.'.o. V A. A, McKETIIAN ^^TlLf. continues to curry on the C,\RRI.ViK nrsINFSS. in all its iiranches. at the OLD STAND. He retunis thanks t'or the liberal jiat- I'onage he ha.s heretofore received, and liojioi*, by striet attention to btisiness and a desire to give entire satisfaction, to merit a continuance of the same. Having recently incre;i*ed his buf'ine^i*, he has on h:ind a very fine assortment of Carriage's, Jiarouches, Bu«j;.^ies, Rockaways, and Sulkeys, Finished, an I a very large assortment of Work jiartly tini.slied, whidi. for elegance of shajie and finish, will conijiare with any other work. I'ersons wishing to buy, would do well to call and examine the work, as he is detormiuefl to sell Low for cash, or notes on short time. A'* warranted for twelve months, and ro]vairod free of charge, should it fail liy bad W(irkmanshii> or material. DO^ lv('|)airiiiiz iiiithfully exc'cu- ted at short notice, on very reasonable terms. Favkttlvili.k, Sf.I'T. '2'2, Is.'d. ! H. G. HALL, Filf/fttcviUc Fotnifiry. C \STIN(JS OF EVFU'V DES('HirTlON MADE TO OUl^KK. gerfj“ .V lot of Habbet .Metal for sale. Witislow street, Sept. 1, IS'H. 18Y ' • CHARLKS JiAMvS, Coiifcrfioiser^ liREE.X SKKKT, FWtTTtVli.LE, X. f. Fresh, purr. Candies, conshtnlly supplied, .hincI8.')0. '2‘Ur JOHN 1). W IIJ.IAMS, Commission A' I^orivar€littg •llvrrhanf^ Fayetteville, N. C. Feb. 1.'), l8-',o. R. Al.T)RRl-:Lr., FflRW.lRDlMi ril.>nilSSlfl.\ .lll-R('Hi\.\T \\ rayolleville, C’. March 10,.’lS.-)l. (iLMf T. C. WORTH, fOMMISSlON .AM) F(IR\VAIU)I\G .IIERCIIWT, wii.MiNcrroN, N. c. Fob. 1. lf.-.l. oTtf T l^neo(iva;?(‘ llv- ohaiiic*!. ^HF Subscribers rospc«'trullv arnounec to SAVAGK mi*:ari:s, Commissioa and Forwarding Mer chants, v \Vif,>n\cTo.\, N. C. SCOTT cV BALDWIN, (f>i Sro/I, Ki'i n ) VdsJtinnahlr ^fcrcfumt I'dilors^ AM) liKAl.F.Ii.s IN' (JnilltTiii'irs Clothlns:, Kcady-niadt', OF Tin: FIHST (JFALITV. H complete assortment of (tents' DRESS ail) lilAiiii IIF, Steaiiipr HROTIIl’US ami Tow Boatff,- STFVKNSON find DAVID LKWIS are pre pared to forward witli Dksp.vtcii, all goods con signed to the Proprietor. The Steamer Hrothers i.s of ligiit draft, ant well suited to rnn in low water. She power, and .ipccd. and is admirably adapted to- towing, and can accommodate about ‘iO passen gers. The proprietor contemplates running the Boat himself, and will give special attention to w;iy freight and naval stores: to tfiwing, and will al so attend to the comfort and convenience of I’assengers. From his long experience .13 Agent in Wilmington of the several .'.^team Boat Coni- panie.«. he thinks ho can give satisfaction. To Merchants in the interior he would say, that all (ioods shipped by him, will be delivered to their-\gents in Fayett»*ville. His agent in AVilniiiigtou i.s JOHN (’. L.VTT.X, to -whom »ll cominiinications may be addressed, as Agent the Steamer Hrothers. ■■ :Mav 1. JOHN RANKS, Troprietor. 72-v (iOODS. 0 ,Uarkft Strut, the citizens of F.-iyotteville and the sur rounding country, that they have coninienced the 'arriit;;** .\t the old Stan.I fornierly occiijiiod by Simpson \ .Mcl.auchlin, (one below ,\. A. McKe- than's. i where they are liow prop."'ed to nianii- factiiro to ( I’dor !ill kinds ol' lllDI.Nd \ liHI- CLF.''. frojii !i Sulki'V or Hit;rgy to a nino-iias- .Koii'rer C.iach. wliich. for stylo :ind durability, shall not be .-'Urpa.ssed by any establishmi nt in the iibioo. They ho],o. by a F»rii t atti-ntion to Vmsuiess. and a desire to jilease a'l who m-iy favor them with a oail. to merit a of public patronage. fK/f" KF.l’.VlHlNti neatly executed .it short notii-o. and Lt»W|;U than any other establish- moiit in tho place. THOMAS V. WHTTF. .ICNIFS H. RAHOTFAC. Favetteville. Feli. 17, IS-'il. "I'ltf ,!ci irs S( oTT } f I. s. IIamivvin. ii Jan. I'), 1^51. )| Wilmlnglon, N. C. ').'iyiid R. IILOXSO.Il. in i:.\ i:k A I. i'on u a .VND FORWARDING MERCHANT, ll*ilminfiton^ €\ IVompt personal attention given to all (\insigninents. and Cash advances made on .Mer- ohaui'iise to bo shippel or sohl in tlut market. Fob, 1, 1S,')1. .'(Ty Carriii^‘ 3 aiinfactorv. I'.mpire State Stove s. THE EMlMUF.'iToYE is of the latest and most approved pattern. 11 is >iOtter. an'l can >io sold elieaper, than any other kind of ('('oking Stove. For sab' by W. ANDREWS. .\pril l!‘J. IS'il. ('I'.itf Mar 1)1 Factory. liy (il'VO. LAUDER. TWO DOORS AIIOVE lllllill iV SOVS STORE, Jan'y 20, 1S.',1. .>>-1 Vpd i'orn^ l*eas,, and Biatf, fH^HE Subscriber has on hand and is con- fl. stantly receiving, on consigniiient, !i snj)- pily of the above artitdes, which may be pnr- cha.sed at the 1oW'st market prices at the Office of the Henrietta .steamboat Coni|iany. R. .M. ORRELL, I Ajiril S, IS'.O, Htf hlncoui'd^c \ortfi i.'arolina. \ r||lHF undorsigne l is manufacturing, in Fay- i ettevillo, Boot and Shoe Polish, far superior to the Blacking ])urcha.ed in the Northern cities, lie iutonds devoting his v\ hole time to manufacturing and vending this very sii- . jierior I’lilish, and calls ujion all who think it to the interest of the Southern people to become inlepondent of Northern manufactures, to give him their aid aiil j'atronagc. He is prepared to show, by absolute trtnl, to any one who will call upon him, the ci/.t/ ftipe- riurihf of his over all other poltshcx or l>Uich\uj now sold in North (,’arolina. (^all and havej'onr boots jind shoes once completely blacked and polislu'd, and be satisfieiL i This article is oll'ered at a pricc n^.t higher I than is usually charged for other and inferior i)ualities, and a trial is all that is askcI to se- : cure the jiatronage of the public generally. I The undersigned expects to visit every por- ; tioii of the State to introduce lii.s Polish, and asks now in advance that .Merchants und others ' visiiinf Fayetteville will give liini ft eall. 1 A. J. ^Y00mVARD. I JuiiC 21, 1851. 77-6a» TH'^HF Subscriber htiving t.iki'ii the I'st.iblish- .2L niont of the late .V. C. Simi'Son, .situated ; ojiposito W. .Mclntyro's Store.) intends cai-rying | on the C’arriiiue .Mannlaeturinii; Bnsiness In .-ill its vaiioiir! bi:inohes. ;itid would respect fully s.ilicit a share of tho ].u!>lic patronage. Having had i-on«idor:iblo o\]>oiienoo in the businv'ss. and having been emj’loyo'l in some .if tho mo>t extensive F>tablishments in New York ‘ and New .lei-^oy. he tiattors himself that he can give general satisfaction. | He warrants all his work to be made of the best materi;;! tho surroun.ling country attords. and bv o':porioncod worknion: :ind shoiibl any of it fail. I'ithcr iii m.ilorial or workniaiiship, in twelve months f'l-om the time of its delivery, he i will ro]i:iir it free of ch.arge. I HFI’AlHlN(t done in the neatest and j best manner. !ind at tho lowest jiossiblo prices. : A. H. WHITFILLD, | Fayetteville, Feb. 11. IS;',0, 7tf aiiil J('welrv. 'The SuhscrdxM' repoi t^l’y informs tho pub lic, th*ho just ri’turil ed from tl.o North, with a fine :issortnicnt of (iold anI Silver W .\ 'i'(' H FS; (Job! Fob, (itiai’d Vest Chains; Cold, Silver. Steel and Cilt Keys; P.roast Pins; Ear Rings: Finger Rings; (lold. Silver, Stool and Shell Siiectaeles: CmUl and Silver Pons and I Pencils: (iold and Silver Tiiimbles; I’.racelets; • Lockets; (bdd and Silver Bolt Ibicklcs: Sleeve Huttons: Cbvsps; Silver Cups :Music Boxes, .'Sil ver Fruit and Ibittor Knives; Port-monovs: Pur- ) sos; a fine assortment of Walking Canes; Plated i Cake Baskets and (,’astors; a largo as.sortnient of tine and coninion Aocordeons: X'iolins; Flutes; Fifes: Surveyors' Compasses: Chains; Mathema tical Instruments; Ladies’ Work l!oxes: fine.‘ind common doubb* and single bjirrel (inns: Pistols of ovorv variety; (lanic Bags; Shot Pouches; Powder Flasks: Percussion Cajis; Dog Collars nnl Calls; fine Pocket ami Pen Knives; .Scissors: Razors: Needles; Chessmen and Fioards: H.-iir, Tooth. .Nail, Lather an l Flesh Brn.shes; Note Paper; Euvebii)cs: and a groat variety of F.'incy (Jot ids. Ahirm, nud Oiif-dni/ ('LO('K S. Purchasers will please give me a call, IXj=('locks, Watchcs and Jcw- elrv neatly Rej>aired. >V, PRIOR, Hay street, .‘^cpt. 2, 18'il, 18-".m TO TIIH PI iU.lC. rwiHE siib.scriber has lea.sed for a term of _HL years, of R. W'. Brown, Esip, hi.«i fire-proof Store, with his Wharves, and is now in a condi tion to take especial care of .Spirits Turpentine and other Naval Stores committed to his care. The is well known to be the best and safest place in town for the storage of Bacon, Lard. Corn, Peas, &c. The lower.wharves have on them four large new sheds, whore Spirit.^ can bo safely kept from the rain and sun. He is jirejiared to receive and ship, or sell, kinds of produce sent to his care. He ^vill also make advance.’' when required. He begs to refer to the following gentlemen: I R, W, Brown, John Dawson. (J. ti. Parsley and 1 Thos, II. Wright, Es'is, MILE.S COSTIN, Brown's wharf, Wilmington, N. C. Sept. lU, l?ol. . 21-y .1. i:. 'rooMi:R, Commission anti Forirard~ ing •Jlerrliant^ WILMIM. ro.N. N. C. Refer to H. Branson ^ Son, i ^ A. -V, .McKethan, j Feb. 1, l.S.-,l. r,7y WH.KINSON cV i:sLKR, DFALFRS IN Cnuf' rtionarj/, Foreijn Fruitf, A To- l/'ti'co, nitd Siiiij}', AND I.MPOHTFRS OF iiava\.v rfGiRs, AT WIiOl.K.'SAI.K .\.M) KKTAII., Market St., Wilmington, N. C. Aug, 7. IS.'il. lltf BI RBANK, Wholesale Dealers in Tobacco, Cigars and S/iuJf. fB'lHI'- .Subscribers, late of li.altimore, have JB. opened a .''tore in this town, and having made :irrangoiiionts with an extensive House in Baltinioro, they can furnish tho above named articles at such piicos tliat cannot fail to please. Dealers and Country .Merch.-ints will find it to their advantage to give us a call before pur chasing oisewhere. Front street, under Mozart Hall, next door to Messrs. Policy vV ILirt. Wilmington, Doc, lo, l.S.'iO. 4!'Hf A. J. CIlMiV.] [.I. M. .MONK. C,;KAI>V & ('oinmis.sjdn M(‘rcli:iiits, and Dealers in Dry Gofxls, (Iroccru's. &c., IlallN in;;. ]^'«rl!a >*l., Wilmington, N. C. I’riiiiipt attention will bo given to the sale of all kinds of Country Produce whicli may lie serit to their care. April 4. l.''.'il. Citi-t'im liooiv bini)i:ry. MW. IlAFiDlH has resumed the Book • P.inding Husiiu-s.s at the new Store ncxij door to .Mr. Btasley. Jeweller, whore lie Will re. coive Mild execute binding i.n any stvle desired. August 1. -7t ^200 Howard. SWn.I. give one hunlred dollar* for the np-' jirohonsion mnl confinf-ment ot .\NDKRSO.N' and JERin' in any j;iil so that I can g(^t them again, or fifty dollars for either. I will also give Nil Id fur proof of any responsible person’s harboring said negroes. They ranaway from my plantjition in .Moore county on the lOth of Feb'y last, and are thought to be lurking about Dior 17 miles above Carthage on Deep River, through the edge of .Moore and corners of Chat ham and Randolph counties. Anderson isabont 2S yoiirs old. a bright mulatto, aT«>iit') feet 7 or S inches high, well proportioned: has an open countoiiance. and is t|uite jilansiblo. It is be lieved that he will ende.-ivor to pass for a free mall anl oscajie to a free State, as he hal a brother who jtlayed the same game. Jerry in :iboiit L'4 years old, •> feet ',l or 4 Indies high, stout liuilt; has a down look, particularly when spoken to. and is rather ini|iudont. Said ne groes fonnerly belonged to John R. Ritter, irf the upper end of Moore county. ,\ny information must be addressed to tho* subscriber at Pocket P, O,, Moore countv, N. C-- J, L, BRYAN. April 1-J, (;7tf FdifctfcrUIr Hotels FAY]yr ri:viLLK, n. c. rHlHl.s large atid sjilendid Ibiilding has now B boon ill successful operation since May iSP.t. The F.odding and Furniture of all kinds is now. and the rooms convenient and plea;sant. The Table is always furnished with the best the market ntt'ords, aided liy .1 fine vegetable garden. Boarders, Lodgers, and Triivellers will find de sirable acconnnodations :ind attentive scrvant.s. No pains will be spared to give entire satisfac tion. Families can be furnished with large, airy, front double rooms, conveniently and hand somely furnished. An experience of 20 years will enable the les see, she hopes, to cive general satisfaction. ANN BROW N*. June 1, lS.->0. 2S-tf Ihintifior Fhtld and ('Oyhplnnc. BCRNIN'fi FLl'ILt at 80 cents per gallon. Camphino at r>0 ‘‘ “ Both of tlie best quality, constantly on hart^ ,'ind for sale by S. J. HINSDALE. Aug. 7, 18')1, lltf WlfOLKSArn ^ Walch and Jewelry Store/ I.. II. MilJ.KR ^ CO., fiiiji'irtrrsi, Maiivf't^turrra and Jnhlnrs oj ir/A///'*•, Jt'Uih'ii, and Fining (lnuih, Have leased tho Old Stamf formerly occnjiiod by Messrs. Cantiehi, Brotlier v\: 'Co., South Enxt curm r >f Charlrit and lialtimorf xtnetg, (No. 'I'll.) which thov are jiutting in complete' orilor for the WH(')LESALE WATCH AND •lEWELRY BCSINE.SS, to be opened^bout the' 20th of .Iiily. In calling the attention of the trade to the' new conci'rn. we mention tho fSiCt that we are associated with one of tiie most extensive Jew elry Manufacturing Establishments in the coun try, which must give a deciiled advantage over all others in this market t'or sujifilyiiig dealers with Jewelry at manufacturers' priccs. a feature ill this branch of trade long since noodod. be tween Baltimore and the Southern and Western .Merchants. We desire to call particular attention to the' Watch department, which will dt all times be supplied with a great assortment from the most celebrated maniifiioturers. and kept in perfect running order, so that jiurchasers inaj’ at oni'c take them, with a written guarantee that they will perform correctly. This branch of tlie business will receive tl;e ^ attention of one of tho firm, wliose ex tensive and practic.'^l knowledge of tho business will, wo hope, give us a place in the confidente of buyers. Wo rospoctfulh- invite yon to call upon MS' when yo>i next visit our city, confidently l.e- lioviug that ma examination of our Oooils wlil prove to you that ^bey are better styles t»nd cheaper than you have eVer scon in this mar!:et, and assure you that no effort ^linll be wai.ting on our part to make the uc(iuaiRtnuce oivc of mutunl benefit, L. H, MILLER & CO. Old .stand, firmerly occupied b^' Canfield, Bro. Co., S. F.. c«ir- ner of Charles & Baltimore st*i. Baltimore, June ISoI. 1 I-Vo' REFERENCE.^?: Messrs. AVyeth, Blacklock Co',- Gwyn, Koid & Taylor. James Hodges & Brother. Hurst it Berry. Murdoch, Duor .S: Evans. Stellmann i Hinrichs. Sangston & ('’o. Barthlow, Gwyn & Co. Riely & Pepd’.e^m. Cushings & Bailey. John .Murp'iy iV Co. Mooro i't Griffin. w. BACON AND PORTv. offers for s.ile 1‘5 hhds. Bacon .Side.^, ]•'! hhds. Bncon .shoulders, I hhd. do. Hams, 10 bbls. New Mess Pork. —ALSO— 1 tierce Clean Bice, ') half bbls. No, 1 Mackerel, 15 half boxes Raisins. Liberty Point, August 2fi, 1851. Ki-tf Rope aiict A LL qualities for s.ile by ia H. BRANSON & SON Aug. 7,-1%1. 11 tf nAvis’s p.uvkTiXhhT” jpoil iml« hr SA.M'I, J. Hl.NSUAI.fc April 21. G8tf 1)0.\ ALDSOX AC A Df ,\I Y. The next Session in this lastitntion Trill commence on the 1st day of ()ctober next. TERM.S.—For Tuition, -iir), and -"^lO per Quarter, according to the advancement of the student. Board with the Principal, including washing, fuel and lightST--‘i'8 per month, DANIEL JOHNSON, Principal, Sept, 6, 1861- 20-4 w J..insee(l Oil and White T.ead, f;iOR sale bv SAM’L J. HINSD.M.E. April 21. 68tf The Oo.'iton Academy’s Col lection of CnURCH MUSIC, a fnrtlicr svipply' iust rcc;’iTC.1. E. J, HALE k SON. Sept. ;1, 18')L ANTED TO BUY, ^ ^ OR 30 LIKELY Y.U^NG NEGROESv apply at the Fayett*?vilie HotoL .\xignst 6. 11 -tf 30,000 H. BRANSON & ?0V.- July 1. T.«tf

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