OnSEUVER. ? A YlE^’TIfiTTIIILILS! Tl KSniV, SEPTEMBER 30. 1^51. ' iloN. EuwAiiD Stanly’s Popularity. —The Locot\K-o paper in Mr. Stanly’s Ois- ' trii-t, not satisfied with having pursued him with almost Unparalleled bitterness during the late canvass, is still engaged in the en- ' deavor to depreciate him. It now asserts — ■ that his vote has fallen largelj’ behind the Tiik lU.KSsiNMis tiF A Daily Matl.— ! old Whig vote of the District. The North To rcroivo letters trotn Now York in State Whig shows up this assertion, by a 4 (lays, 7 days, 8 days, and 14 daj’s ctiinparison of Mr. Stanly’s votes in the —-the oldest dates coming last. To receivo various counties of the District with the ii single N. Y. paper iu due course, say in •JJ days, and not a *}>aper or h'ttcr from any point between X. Y. and tliis place. T;; receive on one and the same day. Kich- ui'ind papers of the IGth, ITtli, -•'>th and LOth. To receivo 'ii one anl the .*ian)e tlav, Charlest(M) papers ot the *24lh, i!.>th, 2tUh and 27tli. To rcccive, yesterday morning, one Xorfliern paper only, the Kiehinond Whig of Saturday, which j»r- rived in due time, f«*r a wonder. Whilst in New Virk, the Senior Kditor wnite a number nf letters which became vt rv I'ld before they reached Fayetteville —une as long as 14 days; aiid he received a number out of all reasonable time—those (if I'Klor date being frecjuently receive«l af- tiT tlit>se of later. The Xurtlicrn mail arrives liore live IiiHir' .'vftcr the Southern has dejvirted. Tlie Southern mail, not to be outdone. (..nil's about tell hours after the Northern li'aV'- >. The Warsaw mail goes off in the Wi lling, to take the mails and passengers \\hii h have lain here some ton or fourteen hours. And in returning, it generally Kavrs Warsaw a few minutes before the mail fr^u Wilmington arrives there. So fliat we get Wilmington letters and papers, wlu'ii we are in luek, in twoilays. Somc'- tinies, however, thc-y take an excursion, and arrive hero in about a week. Tilings have got into a very liad state, rfinkriiig the mail not much above a nui sance. We sto]'ped a dav in Washington chiefly to see the I’ostniaster (ienc*ral and his 'Jd As.sist^int iu relation to all these irrc'gular- ities, and to the want of connection in the .'Tage lines in this part of tlie State. They a-ked that we should advise them fully and officially in rcdatiou to them all, with siich suirscstions as might enable them to apply a ri'inedv. There is every disposition in tlu- l>- partment to right all our gricvancc-s. Ati'1 we respectfully re«]Ui'st all I’o.stmas- 1.1' aiiil others who can make any usc-ful ..i;,_r_r,.srion t. ooiiimuuii ate it at once either ' iis i>r io the IVjiartment. Foreign.—The Steamer Africa, with English dates to the 13th, arrived at New York on the 24th. Cotton was firmer, and had advanced id. Sales of the week 50,600 bales. Middling Uplands 5d. The Lopez expeu ion had created great excitement in Spain. The “Pecumau Defendeus” in Vir- Tiie Consul at Havana,—The Re public publishes a letter from Mr. Ow en, in explanation of his conduct to wards the American prisoners who were executed. The letter states, that at the time of the capture of the Americans, he was not at II avana, .‘ind that when he re turned to that City, it was not in his pow- er, as he solemnly declares, to have an ' Anoti^er Withdrawal.—Hon. Wra. i McWillie a disunion candidate for Congre.ss | in Missis.sippi, has followed Quitmab’s and Thompson’s example, by withclrawing. Rev. Dr. Crcijjliton h.-is been elected Provis ional I’.ishop of the Episccipnl Church in New Y(>rk. He is not of the Piiseyite oi'cler of Clergj, moderate Hi^h-rhurchiiian.” votes cast for Clav in 1844, Taylor in 1848, ' • Af C3 * 1 ‘1 the Democratic Candidate for and Manly in 1850. Mr. Stanly received p, • iin i- ^ , Congress in the Wheeling (Va.) District, a larger vote than iMr. 1 lav m every coun- a- ^ ^ . , ! IS doing enective .service, ty, and an aggregate of obo more in the ' WT A H 1? I P T> GINIA.—The Washington T'ui.m announces | the prisoners, or to have Rochelle cm tW lOMi inst!, bv the Rov. with great pleasure that “Col. Georae W. Mr. HK’IIARD W EXT. of Wayne The Ptvpublic publi*hcH a letter from a ’ 15KTTIK F., dmighter ot Kcv. , , , , , . U. S. Williaims, of Cuniberlarid. The Union . T , . also publishes witi commendation the re- District. In 1848 (rcn. Taylor received i i e • rri r»- , , . I solutions ot a meeting in Thompson s Di.s- tlie largest vote ever ca.st in the District ' * • * e u- \ 11- u x- n ^ ^ . tnct, of which we re-publish the followui": tor an\ man. \et ^Ir. Stanlv s vote is i> i ^ri a. *11 • 1 • , m 1 . 1 1 • Kesolved, i hat we will give a ht'arty, _.)4 gicMtei than Cicn. Taylor s; he having decidcd, and united support to our candi- incrc'ased the Whig vote in eight out of, date for Congress—the talented and ac- cleven counties. And lastly, Mr. Stanly’s i eompfished Col. George W. Thompson— vote is 8*20 greater than (»»v. Manl3’’s in that we \iew the apprciaching ( c>n- INW. R™ll,.cUmajnritvof441. Stanlv , >-'T™T' , I . 1 1 * I others that may have taken iilace for vears has overcome that jm.jonty and has a ma- ,le,nncrats should jority himself of 270. Mr. Thrasher, who state.s that the Consul has only once visited those Americans who were last captured. At that visit, he told the prisoners, that he could do nothing for them, as the “Proclamation of the Presi dent had declared them without the pale iilis denth was caused by n I ,, ^ !• iiijiirv receivcl bv b«*iiitr thrown fVom liishor fit t.lC Law. IhlS statcinent of 1 -wiiicli was of so serious a diaractrr tliat he d. A'liUil.MA.—lion. (Jeo. W. Summers has been unanimously nominated by the Whig State Convention for Governor of Virginia. The Kichniond Whig confi- lent1y expects his election. The ('onvention did not foninilly nominate Mr. Fillmore, but indicated a decided prefer ence for him as the next Whig candidHte for President. The Christiana Ovtraije.—The ex amination of the prisoners charged with a participation in the murder of Mr. Gorsueh, was c-losed at Lancaster, Pa., on the 25th iust. Twelveof the prisoners, two of them being whites, were comniitted to the cus- tinly’of the U. S. Marshal, to be t4iken to Philadelphia, where they are to be tried for high treason against the United States. I'vii.riiFS.—Numerous heavy fiilures ' i\. . curri'd .inioiig the merc h.Tiits and ' i.-.imt'ai tun rs at the North, and the .sc-ar- I t :u'iui‘V still exists. From 1 to 2 J..T i -'iii. a la 'iith is frc'ely paid for money. t‘\- n !'V j>iT 'Hs esteemed of undoubted iTi-dit. Thi- pn si lit >tate of things is evidently nfM-iliiitable to the importation of too ma- I V rrof»ds. The country buys more than i' 'tii'. and is eonseijuently in debt. To ) :iv that debt, ppc'eie has been going to Kuro]M* in largo quantities for mouth.-pa>t. A't "in disajipears, the lianks are obliged t I'.intract, since their discounts are found- I 1 Ml ‘pcvie. Another effc'ct, jM^ually dis- a.'trous. of thi- exce.ssive importations, is, that the country filled with foreign Is, whii'h, either because the\ are c !iea|M T. or bei\«is’ th*y are foreign, su.. piT'fde the UJ»e of doinestir* inauufaeturi's; and the couscijuence is the failure of many iiianuf.ictui ini: establisbiuents, among them S 'liie Ilf those tleeiued most substantial. The many millions invested in c-otton, W :'lien, and iron manufaetures, have pro duced no return to the proprietors for the last vcar or two, and the jirosp-et ahead is not eheTing. * In .s.iuie res{iects we fear the above re marks are applicable to North Carolina. A few months ago our State was a large rii 'litor of the North. Exchange was so al'undant that the Hanks scarcely knew \vh ;! to do with it. This showed that, Ull- li’T the high prices of cotton, i^c., we were !liii2 more than we bought. I'or a Jii'inth ir twi) past, however, the surplus lia- bi en exhausted; exchange has been very Lard to get, and merchants have bc'cn co\ii])' lli d to carrv North (’aroliiia Bank Notes to the North to pay debts. If sui'li a ri'sult has so speedily followed a vear of abmulanee and of high prices, what may we ii"t fear during one- .so dif- fiTi iit as the ensuing promises to be? \ write to j.ut our readers on their guar A I'ttle jirudence now, a little economy nu'l f..re>ight, may avert the evil conse- iJUl’lHvS. The Isahki.la Grape.—We ob.«crve that the Wilmington Herald corrects a hati-h of blunders of the “Horticulturist”, ill which this cb lieiotis tnble grape is men- lioncd as of South (,'aroliua instead of North Carolina origin, introduecvl into New Vork by Mrs. Isabella Gibbs, of Florida, instead of North Carolina, from the Cape Fear river in South Carolina instead of North Carolina,—with other such blunders. AV'e had occasion, a year or two ago, to correct several errors of a book published 1 iMlMtRTv.NT.—The following (says the National Intelligencer') is an extract of a letter from a gentleman in New York, whose correspnnilencc in England is from the most resjK'ctable and well-informed sources. He says: “I have a h-tter by the last British steamer which states that .'^pain, France, and Kngland an* negotiating a Treaty re specting the guaranty of (’uba. The con- ilitions are that Cuba shall have a LK*al Legislature, a representation in the Cortes at Mailrid, and that provision shall be made f«^r the gradual abolition of slaverv in tht‘ Island. I eonsiih'r the information Very reliable.” Si RMISSloX AM> llESlSTANfE. The Congressi!ual (’anva.ss in Virginia, seems to })0 condueted by the LocofH.‘os on the >.ime plan with th.it adoptod in this State-. Their c’andidates eall theniselve> resistants, advocate the riglit of se«c‘^ion, and de nounce the Cpmpiomise as "unjust, uncon stitutional and tyrannical.” Still, they are willing, they .say, to ••acr|uiescc” in it! The Whigs, who univer.>;ally approve the Compromise ami supj)ort the Union, are ealled •'submissionists,” because they obc*y the laws passed by tlKinselvcs, and to whieh they have forced the to submit, or ac«|uic“sce. This acijuicseent resistance to Northern aggression is well shown up in the follow ing extract from a speech of Mr. liotts, in reply to his ojijinneiit. Mr. Botts says: “The irentlemaii state> that we are sub- missionists. What do I submit to!'' To tiu laws and L'onstitutioo of niy eonntry. The gentleman himself resists, and how? whv l«y aei[nieseence. [Laughter.] The geiitlenieu whose names I have before I ited, Calhoe.n and others, complain of un just. tyrannical and oppressive laws, yc*t they acijuiesce in them. Tiiey resist by aciuiescence. “Now these gentlemen aecjuicsce in what they term unconstitutional, unjust, oppre-vive and tyrannical laws, whereas I would not. If I stood alone in the House of llepp sontatives or in the midst of niy native State, I would stand up like a man in di-feiiee of the constitution and to resist oppression and tyranny, h-t it come in whatever shape or from whatever (|Uarter it might. Majorities have no charms for me, and minorities have no terrors for me, when I feed j)roudly con.scious that I am doing luy duty as a man and as a citizen of this republic.” We have rarely sc'eii the respective po sitions of the two grc:it jiolitieal parties more di.stiuctly iletincd. The Locotocos according to their own account are for re- aifttance to the Comiiromise, but tlu*y are not disunionists, for they (irtjtn'isir! The Whigs according to the same authority are submis.Nioiiists, bc-cau.so they do the very same thing! The inconsi.-iteney of these doctrines of the Democracy are fully expo.xed by Mr. Botts. The Best Evidence.—Mr. (Charles Sumner, tiie Locofoco Senator frctni 'Mas sachusetts, speaks thus of Pre.«ident Fill- more, of who.se devotion to the whole country, no better evidence (if it w;ere do- sired) could be furnished. Mr. Sumner says; “Into the immortal catalogue of nation al crimes, this (the Fugitive Slave Law) has now ])assed, tfrmriri;/ u ifh it hy on ni- ejiiidhlr iHTrssifi/j its authors, and rJiivjiy him, who as President of the 1 nited >.y a man in Boston, named Cole, in which’ States, set his name to the bill, and breath- the Isabcdla Gra[»e was described as having 'trijiinatcMl iu New \ork, the Seupj)crnoiig Grape as being a native of Ge,orgia instead of North (,'arolina, and the Catawba Grape ii-* being found on the Catawba river in Virginia, in.stead of the Catawba river in North C’arolina. Thu.s did an ignorant )Tete*nder rob North Carolina of the credit of havin;! produced three of the finest va rieties of grajiOH known in this country. \Ye have no patience with such ignora muses. Orwin '1 hompson, the great cai jn'f inan- ufaeturc*r, at 'I homp.sonville and TarifTville, ha"! taili'd tor a very hi*avy amount. ed into it that final breath, without which it would have no life. Other Presidents may be forgotten, but the name signed to the Fugitive Slave Bill can never be for gotten. There are (frpthit of in famy—as there are heights of fame. 1 regret to sjiy what 1 must; but truth covipvls me. Bet ter far for him had he never been born; better far for his memory, aod for the gf>od name of his chiMrtn^ had be never bond ot public plunder, been President. be true and unwavering; for upon tln'in may depiMid the welfare and prosperity of our party for years to ccuiic. Hesolved, That, when we see at the hca 1 of this great nation as President a man, up to the time of lus eleetion, identified w ith the federal i»r whig party, and •with the ni«*st ultrh abolitionists of tin* North, whose cabinet officers have at all times been the uncompniiiising advocates of federal men and measures, and some the co-labc>rcrs with Mr. Fillmore himself in the dark work of abolitionism, we are cou- straiuc'd to !how, by our vott's, our entire disapproval of every step which will tend to keep or to .sustain such men in office. There’s consistency for you! They will not support Mr. Fillmore, who is, tlu'y .say, a laborer “in the dark work of abolition- isiii,” but they “will give a hearty, de- cidc>d, and united support to the talented and accomplished Col. George W. Thomp son,” who, on the 4th of July 1828, made a spocch at St. (Mairsville, Ohio, fnmi which the following is an extract: “The slaves of (he Unite»rSt;ites must and will be free. "Already we .see the workings of those feelings whieh must soon break forth. Kxainple is contagions; Hayti sustains a free and popular government; and I have .-jtood u))on the spot where the insurgents, amongst the slaves of our own c'ountry, had met—in the deep midnight, when all was still and voiceless—when the implements of husbandry were cdlected tojrether, to be made the weapons of di-ath —w hen the unlighted ton h was ready, at a nioini-nt’s warning, to be fired, and its kiudlinir flame applii'd to the proud domes of the devotc'd city, whilst she rested in fal.se security. Silence was in all her halls, and slumbi'r in all her chambers.— lJut you have heard the deep tone of the •warniiiL'-bell. and the thrilling voic-e of the watc hman, when he has aroused ymi from your dreams of IVace, with the cry of Fiiti;! So comes the alarm—then comes the ru^h —the cursc' of sturdy manh(MHl. and ihe wild cry of fearful woman. 'I hen come the waving of plumes, and the heavy tramp of armed soldiery—the insurgents were dispersc*d. The fowls of tlu'airliave fed on their mutilated bodit's, and their bones arc still bleaching on the cros>-ways and in the open fields! The same breeze that liMises out tin* gorgeous folds of our na tional banner, and fiings the sound of our martial music on the glad sunlight, sweeps over the spot where tho.se nori.e Blacks, who died the dow’s death, though worthy of a better fate, sleep, in their unreirarded infamy—'I HKV, who ^>1/1/ tranhd .'«(• to rroirii (lirui vith •'Their IiIoihI will call for vengeanc-e. A day—it may not be far off—is coming, when a stern and retributive ]>owcr will assume the .-word and the balance.” A’erily the Virginia Dc inocracy miust be the very rJitr of National DemiKiacy! There is indeed no sectional feeling about t)i> in! For they supj*ort “heartily, dc*ci- dedly ;ind unitedly” one of the vilest Au- (•LITIomsts yet unhung! And the Wa.'-h- iuL'ton Union, the reviler of Northern Wliiirs, the >r/iiii of the A«- (iiiiiii/ Icommends this Aboli tionist to tilt* “hearty, decided, and unitc'd support” of the Democracy of Virginial Trulv have' we falh'ii upon strange times! The Haum»»nhh s Dkmocuacv.—The Washinirton I nion has been attacked by the Haleigh Standard and other Locofoco jiapers in this State, for calling (Jc-n. Quit man and his parti.sans, disunionists. The Standard, being one cd’ (In* .‘^aid “jiarti- sans,” denied the charge of disunionism, and asserted that (Jen. Quitman and the Staiidanl and all the sup})orters of scc(“s- sion, “the cardinal principle of Democra cy,” ac(|uie.sc(“d in the ('ompromise. Hut the rnion finds as much difticulty as we do, in understan !ing how North ('arolina Democracy can support at the same time, resist.ance to, and aeijuicscence in, the (’ompromise Ivavvs. The Union says: “Nor can we now un derstand by what sort of logic it is that we have sinned in saying that (Jovernor Quitman and his partisansdid not ac(juie.sce in the C’oirproniise, when he has retired from the contest expressly on the ground that wo li.id m.ade no mist^ike in thus speaking of him. IT the Kuleigh Standard su]iports the Compromise and wishes such men as (iovernor Quitman eh^ct^Ml, it seems to our ]»oor comprehensiim as illogical as it would be to contend for the success of Mr. Seward, of New York, in order that hiyhcr- Idtrisin may be put down.” lUithcr seveie that! And certainly most unkind is it in the Union, to liken (Jen. Quitman and the Standard to Seward and his higher law followers. All these diffi culties however, will be reconciled in their next contest for the spoils. Then we shall see Northern abolitionists and Southern disunionists firmly united by the “cohesive DIED, In tlii.s town, on the J.'itli in.st., Mr. THU’S A. II \LKS. a;red about jear.s. Near Ivockinfrhum, Kichinoiid county, on the 14th uU., I'KtIjI! STANt'lLL. Sr., iu the Toth an horse, tliat he died about two davs arterwards. Of (’iinjrestivc* fever, on the 8th instant, at the residence of .Mr. Hubert lirodnax, in Kock- injihiuu coubty, Mrs. SL'S.VN M.MiV 15H0L)- N.VX, daufrliter of Chief .histice I'lUffin, and wife of .Mr. .Inlin W. I’rodnax. ■At tlie residence of his brother in Hil'sboro'. ; on Wednesday last. Dr. WM. F. STUruWU'K, No POt'HT (iF IT.—'I he Locofoco papers of Dcmopolis, .Alabama, in tliu I’Jd year of his arc luaking movry over the fcllowiug ,.ara-, Thrasher’s, however, is not relied upon, as it is not supposed that Mr. Owen could have so grossly mi.sconstrued the Pre.si- dent’s Proclamation, w'hich contains no such declaration. grajih: “ The “rrn/ lifnf 'ftihe of (he xcusoii."— (Jovernor Boutwell, iu his sjieech to Presi- d(*ut Fillmore and companions the other day, made the following courteous propo- - sal: “We shall gladly open to you, on this occ:ision, our institutions, of divers kinds, for the reformation of the guiltv.” W e regret to .say that none of the com pany improved the o]i}»ortunity. lor/i Kcriiilt'l The New York Evening, Post chief or gan of the New York Democracy, is a bit ter abolition and anti-fugitive slave law paper, and without doubt “regrets” exceed ingly that the President cannot be ])un- ish^d fur obeying and executing the Laws. The Union and the Southern IjiK-id’oco pa- ]»ers, with all their protended devotion to the South, probably agree with the Post. They all have a most holy horror of “the Law.” on the l!-')th iust., Mr.s. M.VRY lir'I'CM 1.\S IN, iu tlie7'>th yearof her a-e. In Robcrt\ille, S. C.. on the l:lth instnnt, I>r. TIIOS. II. ll.MnilS. in tiic •i-'ith v(‘a)' of liig age. He was a nutive of North ('arolin.i. FAYKTTKVILLK .MAUKKT—Ski-t. CO. Rrandy, p’ch. •'')() Ditto, apple, 17 Rees wax, Racon, 14 1:1 r.ajririn^, Cotton, 7 Cnrn, 1 (to ('iitFee. 10 Cheese. ('opju'r.'is, (^andlc.s, F. F. l-> Fliiur. 4^' a •’ P'rather'J. ;>2 a Fhi.xsccd, 1 n.') a 1 1' Ili'les, jrreen, 4 l>itto, dry, !* all Iron, .'^wedes. a • I)o. Knpli.sh. a ^ndijro, 1 a Lime, niuie a r>.') I Lard, l:i{ a 14 a oO LeathiM'. sole, 20 a a Lead, luir, (1^ a 7 a 1 ■'> Molasses, lit* a'J7 a‘JO Nails, cut, 4 a 4J a Oats, 4.> o .jo a Oil, Linseed. a 11 I’owder, o (HI a (> 00 a 11 .''hot, I i| a ‘J. i Siijrar. brown, *i a H If) Iiitto. lojif, 11 a 12] a Salt. Siick. 1 l!'> a 1 H> bo. alinn, bu. a 40 .'shinjrles, - a '2^ 'i'allow, 8 Wheat. S.-, Wliiskcv, 4>j Wool, 1}. White Lead, a 10 a no II 17 a I'O a of Tefiiperahcc f fp:male acadkmv. i FEMALE AfADEMY of I,nmbe«on -H- Division No. 4f, i*ons of Toiipemnce, v.;;s opened on Monday 22d ins't., at Lunibvvton. The Trustees have fhe pleasure of announc ing to the public that they have en;rftged the services of Miss MARY h.' MORRISON, a lady whose .attainnients in all the solid branches of] an Englisli, Cla.sidcal, and Matheftiafical Kdn- I cation are of tlie highest order, .and whose experience as an instructress in rari(>ns semi- I naries in the country, and also in one of the ' largest towns in tlie St.ate is a guaranty of her capacity for imparting instruction. It i^ believed that (Lc jiure and elevated tone of morality, tlie quiet seclusion and the liealth- fnlness of the situation of fhe vill.'tge hold ont iuducenients which are aflorded by few locali ties in this part of the State. Tuition for a term of three months: Reading Writing. Spelling, jind Arithmetic, !^8 (Kl Fnglish Grammar and (•c-fii'r;; j'liv, 4 •')() Latin, (»reek, and higher .Mathematics, 5 oO I’oani can be obtained in good lamilies f?^ * from •'jiij to .$8 per month. K. THOY. I'pes. 15. Fpkkm^n. Sec'y. launberton, Sept. 18">1. BOOTS & SIIOI:s. ^Vk are rec(*iving our ^ Fall and Winter supply of ISoutK Consisting of a \crv large and splendid assortment of the LATL.sr FASHIONS, an 1 embracing a very groat variety of style»for Ladies', (iciitlemen s, .Miss- 1 es’, Hoys', and Children's wear; ilh a large as- ' sortnient of Men’s and IJov's IHUKJANS. ‘ ‘ i .\ superior artii-le of Gentlemur.’s and Ladies’ India-rubber Shoes. 1 —also— Trunks. Carpet I5ags, and Window Shades: Calf, .Morocco, {ioat, I.ining, IJinding, and Pad Skins; Sole Leather, Lasts, Shoe Thread, Spar ables, ^c. I’ersons wishing^'^inrcIiHSe by Wliolesale or PkCt.-iil. are rei|uested to examine our Stock. M'e me determined to s*!l very low tor Cash, or on time to punctual cutsiomers. S. T. HAWLKY & SON. Sept :W, lH.jl. 2b-0w !! lT!i. ( IPS, BOOTS & SIloEs'. Yimbet W^on for ' ITH fixture# M^lete. AH ia goo4 (Vf* r m der. Apply ARC'HIBALB GRAH.M ■ U Sept. 30. Moi^f ,\Tn» iu ttek, ’ Firkins Mouhtnin^^er, sonic ver/ * * fuie. For .sale bv ♦ 'CK)K & TAYLOK Sept. 30, 18--^1. 2(>-4t iS'rE.l.^f JllRlIU; WORKS,” Corner of Norlh and Monument Slreets> tSnilitnoi'o, Si.SSON 6i BAIRD having coiaploted their ex tensive wiirks, (which is now one of tho’ largest establishment!* of the kind in this coun try.) are prepared io till all orders in their Hni*, viz: Mftfble Mantels, IVIonuiueiitSj TonibSf^ Graie atones* ’l able Tops, Tiles^ (for floors.) Marble I..etters, Ac., at as reasonaltle rates art can be had in this or :iny oUicr city in the L nion. For beauty of execution and originality of de sign, ihvir stock cannot be surpassed. They would respc'cti'nlly invite Architfrtr, liiiildir.i, Cnhinrt Mnkft f and others to call and examine' beO^ire pun ha.'ting. They are also prepared tir furnish the trade with Slabs, lilocks, &c. to or der. All orders by mail punctually attended to. 2H-4m Schooi for Hoys. Kn\AN STRKET. f B^HIS School will be re-opencd, after a short Vacation, on .Monday the 13lh of October next. Terms, $K and $10 per (jii.Trfer. J. C. IKUiPKR. Sept. 1H.')1. 24-3tw mr m-: ('iillJjr thr \ntinm/ I) tnncnitif' ('on- v'utinn.—A telegraphic dc'spateh to the Ualtiniore Sun, bc-aring date Sept. L’;'»th, says that “.Vn oHieial call f»r the l>eino- cratic National (’onvention, to be held in Baltimore on the 1st .Monday of dune ne.vt, is j'ublishcd this afternoon, signed by .‘{1 members of the Conimitteo. The cull i.s date'll the* 17th in."t.” 4-1 Rrown Sheetings, Cotton Yarns, o to 10 •U cents. 1.') A great lire occurred at lle.flalo, X. V., on Thur.sday last, which (lestmv 'd a jior- tiou (d‘ the city known as “'i’lu' I’oints,” ten aerc's in e.xtc-nt. A thousand faniilii's We re made houseless, sc-veral persons wi re killed, and many wounded. Some (.f the hadiiiLr manufactories in up tlieir yearly are ascertained X-w h^iglaiid have made accounts, and tlu-ir losse to be as f’(illows: 'ihe liawreiiee Mill, ?•)].1(1(1 'I'rc luoiit, ;>(i.0(1(1 Massachusetts, ;jS,(HI(l The balance sheets of a majority of the sheeting mills of the I'nited States would doubtless show no better results of the la.st twt Ivc months' ojK-rations. Ciirrcxpoii'kiirc 0/ thf llnUiinore I'atriot. J*(!!i,.\i)Kl.l-in.\, Wednesday, P. M. Another fugitive .sla\e c-ase was brought before ('oininissioner Ingraham this morn ing—being that of an old woman namc‘d ('assy, who is said to have left her master, Albert Davis, in Marylam^ive years ago, in pursuit cd’ her four children, who had run away somt> time previously. Her name was placed in the writ held by the d(*c‘eased 3Jr. (lorsueh, who was niunlered re-ently at ('hristiana, together with tlie names of several of her children, male and fcmale. She was arrested at ('hristiana, and e.Npre.«sc^d a strong desire to go home to her master. She is juobably about sixty years of age. The ca.se [nesented the singular anomaly, of a detcruiination on the part of the fugitive to return to her master, and a sort of indifbreiice on the jiart of the master to receive her. She alleges that she twice went home to her master and was both timesdriven away by him, as she had not her children with her. Her daughters are married to two of the colored men implicated in the late dreail- ful tragedy in LaiirastcT county, w ho have not bc'en arrest(‘d. 'I'he further hearing of the case was jiostpoiied till to-morrow after noon. Lt. Kills and officers Hopkins, Jenkins and Corson, of the Marshal's jMilice dc'- putized as U. rs. yiarshals, left to-day for Lancaster county, armed with warrants from the United State.s C’ommi.ssioner, to arrest certain partic's imidicatc'd in the Christiana outra;re. RF.VIKW OF THK MARK FT. l>.\eoN.—’I II*' ijuaiitity inci '-asiti'^ on the mar ket, and the di-inand not as great as it was: consei|iH‘iitly the price not .-io easily obtaini'd. (Vn roN—.'sells readily: principal price No change in Turpi-ntiiie; .'Spirits firm at 2-”). Trade in general luring the last week has been good lor tiie season. WILM INCJTON y, \ UK F.T. We.^tern Racon 11 to 1-'). N. C. liacon a frac tion higher. Fair supply. Corn 70; retail 7.'» to SO. Fayetteville Flour, super. ^t'>; ISaltimore do. to loO bags Rio Coffee s-dd at auc tion at '.I cts. *'io hills. Tnrpcntini* 2 10; Hard 1 I’.O. Tar 1 OO. S]iirifs 27 cts. ret'used. Com mon Rosin OO, .‘^hinglcs 2-') to .')0. Tim ber in demand. :ind but little arriving. At New York, on Fri‘Iay last. Middling I'ji- land ('otton sold at '.'j. -\t .Mobile, Cotton dull at for niidclling. At Coluinbia, s.ilcs ut 7 to ',1 1-.'). slightly de- ]iressi*d. ,\t Cliarle.sfon, extremes 7) to Ob Total receipts of cotton 4:;.-'>'.io lialcs. against 8t,’>4Si to same datt's last yeai". Increase ’.',OlJ. I'all anti M^inter I 8 :> 1. linji'irftiiif Improi'i'tvrtif tn 'I'l'hyrnfJi- iiii/.—The Algemeine Zeitung of the 17th ult. states that Monsieur Ilipp, a watch maker in Keutlingen, ,Wurtembcrg, has latcdy perfecled the “writing telegraph” in such a degree that any ])cr.son of ordinary c:tpacity can teh-grajih by it in every min ute one hundred and twenty letters, or as much ai a smart penman can write. The instrument, consisting of the nc'cessary number of k(*ys, on cadi if which the let ter is markt'd, writes with a glass pen filled with common ink on ordinar}’ paper, which is laid over a cylinder. The machinery is very complicated, ;ind its con.struction can not well be described without drawings. As two or more writing machines can be ARRIVALS. .''ept. 2ii.—Ste.-imer ''hatham. with boats Telegraph and I'xpress in tow witli goods tor (t Woiiiaek. F.arnhardt vV Moss. W Treloar, M L iV R .1 Holmes, Holmes, Culp iS: Co, Council Cain, (' W .\ndrews. .1 Mclnnis. .1 W Raker. Crowell ,V Hix, .Mnrchison. Reid & Co, .1 F Chambers vV Co. H (Jray. .1 .s:iiiith I'v '0, K Relo, .Jenkins X Roberts. .1 R Mcl>ade, (' F Faucette, R T I.iong, ,1 W F.arish. .1 R \ .1 Sloan, Wagoner \ Thomas, H L M_\ rover & t'o, H Keim, G ' Mendenhall, Isaac Long. Rankin, NL Lean \ Manner. W Dr.iuirhoii, Hi-mlerson ,S: Ilayne', Wood ,V Harris, llarnhardt. Hix \ Co. .1 (i M Rutfaloe. King X Hege. .1 .\ Hitting. AVoollen ,V Illliott, Lehman I’utner, R C liouthet, .1 M;ir- grove, Lehman, Rutner >V Lehniun. Lllis, Kinder \ (\i, Kirk Moss, M H Vlendenhall. .1 F .1 Kcrner, .‘'rott .S: Mc.\doo, U .lobnson. C.-irr Watson, (iilmer (ilenn, I. S Kinder & Co, .1 W Fllis, (1 Rramlt. Ritting & Francis. .s>ept 27—Kvergreen, ^^ith Ladv of the Lake and .\vcrasborough in tow, with goods for S W Tillinglinst iV (^o, 1{ 1» McNeill. .1 T Waddill. l> McNeill, H Rrans^n !^on. Cook .lohnson, .1 Kyle, .1 (' Thompson, I» (Jee, N Leary. W .1 Anderson, S .1 Hinsdale, 1) Clark. Willkings \ (_'o. A McKethan, A .lohnson \ Co. Cook .S; Tavlor, Rof.n, .loncs \ I>eniing, N King, .lones it Nicholsin, Ruckfish Co, W .Murphy & Co. H .\ London & ('o, T & W C Rostick, 1> ^ith I't ('o, Rrown, F'raley & ('o. .1 M Cireen. F Fries, L R Walker, .\ H Cress, S .\ Levingston. .lolin McRorie. Rcmer CHst. C l> Kecln, .V 1’ R (' I’oindextcr, II R IL-iys vV. Son, 1’ F I’escud, .V Creech. Sejit 20—Cli.-ith.am with M Rrown in tow and goods for Woollen \ F.lliot. .) R .McUade, 15 L Sw.ain. (Jilmer i'll: (ilenn. I’ F I’l-scud, .) R .1 Sloan. T .1 1‘iitrick. F.llis. Kinder & Co, K Relo, Roger & Maxwell, Henderson H:i.vnes, Ran kin, McLean llanner. .Vnderson \ l.jams. .V (' Freemjin, I Lfuig, KingA Hege. .J W F.aust, .1 & 1? (i Worth, Hart & Litchford. .1 K Matthews, Cedar Falls ('o, Ritting it Francis, A Rrown, .1 Hiatt, .M Wall, R L Ihirliam it ’o, R (’ofhn, I> M:trshall, .M L it R .1 Holmes. Rarnhardt, Hix iV-Co, Wright it Dillon. W F Henderson, (,'arr & Watson, .1 .) Leach, Williams, Havwood it Co, Holmes. Cul]> \ ('o, Marsh & Moftitt, R Gray, Crowell & Hix, Lash & Moore, Earnhardt it Moss. .1 Woltering, W .1 Plummer. J A Smith, D S William^ Kirk & Moss, R Nison, .T M A Drake, C F^luicctte, .) F Chambers .t (’o, S H Young, (' F Deems, Rrown, I'raley it Co, T R Tyson, Wood it Harris. R (' Doutfiel, Rrown ^ .M(iflitt, .1 Mclnnis, .Mnrchi.son, Reid it Co, M 1) R Smith, Wall & McDonald, H H Reard, W .V Lash, W .f MeCoiyiel, Rankin it McJ.ean, and Coojicr it Wharton, of the interior, and sundry merchants in town. The River has risen several inches, so that light Steamers can get up. POUT OF U II.31li\«TOi\. ARRIVALS. Sept 24—Schrs Wake and C D Kllis from N York, .M R Mahoney and Kensington from Phil adelphia, Henry Lee from Charleston, Tencriffe set in motion by one and the same wire, from Wurebain', Muss. and as no transcribing becomes neces.sjiry, « ' ■ this new invention, apart from it.i veloei-j ty, will recommend itself esj>ecially for newspaper intelligence. This instrument i ]»roniisCH to be also merhanirnUf ti'ue. j Dis/»})rr of the Sun.—Imagine a rail way from here to the sun. TIow many hours is the sun from ut*? Why,, if we were to seud a baby iu an express train,, j going incessantly a huudred ntiles an hour, without making any stoppages, the baby would grow to be a boy—the boy would grow to be a man—the man would grow old and die—without seeing ilie suh, for it is distant more than a hundred years from us. But what is this compared to Nep- fliui Adam and Eve FOR SALE. ■■ RACON SIDES, r),00(i Ihs. Shoulders, ’ 7') bbls. No. .3 Mack'tiel. T. H. Ll’TTERLOH. Sejit. 20, 1^JT»1. 20-2w €}oons AND OfF.RATION.S OK THK MlNT. J>uriug the mouth of August, S4,180,836 65, in bullion, were deposited in the Mint at Philadelphia. in Gold, and in tilvcr, were coined. The parting words of the President of tune’s distance? fl:wl the United States to the people of Boston, started, V>y our railway, at the creation, to when he took leave of them on Friday go from Neptune to the Sun, at the rate of last, were: “May the glorious Uuion which fifty miles an hour, they would not have sheds blessings over a happy people of got there yet; for Neptune ia more than ii5,()(H>,W0 contiuue^util time shall be no six thousand years from the centre of our luDgvr.” fystera.—JJou^eho'-tl WorUi. fflflHF Sul isi riber ofl’ers for sale oik* of the B Ijirgest and lust ;issortments of (I(H)pS in his line ever oticre 1 in tliis placc'. He is VI rv thankful for the very liber;d ji.itronage that he has had. anfl solicits a continuance of the s.inie. His stock has been selected witli care, and consists of nearly every variety and style, from the best n.anufacturers. He has on hand and otters low for Cft.'h. at retail or f»y the case, latest styles (ientlemcn’s Reaver, Nutiia, .Moleskin, Silk, Rru.-.h and .-\n- gola I1.VT.'. Also, .lennv Lind. Kossuih, .\r- tist. Rough and Reaily. jind stiffened Fur and Wool Hats, for .^Ien. Youth and Roys—in alnin- dance by the dozen or case. — \I.SO— A very large supply of Cloth. Plush. Velvet and FurC.vP.'', of .all qualities, .styles and pri- ccr,—by the siiigle Cap or by the dozen. —also- DooIs nnd Sliocs, of the fi'llowini; varieties, viz: Fine Water-j>roof, fine Calf, f.ne Kip and heavy Winter U(iOT.'. .\lso, Roys’ and Youths’ Calf f?nd Kip !?oots. (ientlemen’s Dress i'hoes, cd' various finalities. Together with an iissortmf nt ot , Misses' and ( 'hildrens R()()TS i.iid SHOF.'', vi/: .lenny Lind. Fxcelsiors. (oiiters, ditto Half. Ihiskins. Slippers ,ind .Morocco Loots. Also, (lentlemen’s and Ladies’ Rubbers. With a good supply fif Youths', Roys', Childrens’ and Servants' heavy i^hoes. Ail of which he oflers low for Cnufi, or on time to punctual customeis. I’leuse call and satisfy voursclves bcli re jinn-hasing elsewhere. JOHN C. THOMSON', Market SijUare. Sept. 2t;. IS.'.l. 2f.tf \VIMTL\(J PAPKU. RK.VMS assorted French, English and Americjin Cap. Letter. P>ath Post. Folio Post, and Note Papers—a well se lected stoek, embracing a great variety of .puil- ity and price. .Mso. IJristol lii^irds. Perfi rated Ditto, Tissue and Di-awing Pa]>er, and Station- arv of all kitnls. Just receivinir. K. J. H.\LR .t SON. Sept. 2‘.', 18.")1. noi'Ki. I’oii sAu:. Tiik Subscriber having detcr- niined to remove from the State, of fers for sale his HOl'Sl] AND LOT iu the village of Rockingham, known as the “Rockingham Hotel.” ,\ny person wishing to jnirchase. will do well to make an early ajiplicatinn, as they will thus be en.'ibled to get all the furniture belonging to said Hotel, on reasoualile terms. For further inform.-ition. address JOHN C. .McKINNON. Rockingham, N. ('., .s^ept. 2i>, 1H')I. 2i'>-:’>tw XOTIC i: TO in II.DEKS. ON Tuesd.ay, the 21st da.v of October next, will be let to the lowest bidder, at Hock- ingham, the following buildings for the Poor Honse: Two P.uildings, H(i feet long b.v 1? feet wide. Also, one liuilding, 28 feet long, 1 fi feet wide. To be frame Ruildings, ceiled throughout, one story high. Also, a log Kitchen and log Smoke House. Specifications will be furnkhcMl at the time and place above stated. % P. M. POWELL. JOSLPH M. INCRAM,, JOHN .McFADYKN, THOS. T. COVINnTON, D.AN'J. C. STI .\RT, D.\N’L McNKlLli, WILLIAM OIR.'ON’, Ruilding (Committee. Sept. 27, IH.'il. 2fi--^w Nivrin:. ^^TR.WF.D or stolen, on Wednesday night, ►3 Sejit. 4th: from the stables at Hawley’s Store, Sampson cosiity, a large cream colored -M.ARK, with left eye out, light mane and tail. Said mare was suckling a colt, and was thin- I will pay 8 liberal rewnrd for the mure, or fifty information that will enable me to get her a- gain. -V. (t.VlNKY. Sept. 2G, 18iil. 26-2t 8 rATlToF N. CAUOJJNA, ! MOORK COl'NTY. Court of PUa$ (tntl Qnortrr Se^siona, Ju- i (y Term, 1851. j Robert .Iol*nston and his wife, n. John Watson and wife Mary. Petition for Partition «f Land. Kip und (’oarse I'lLL AM) UI.M’ilil GOODS, W K have received and are now receiving our usual Stock of ST.\ri,K & I' A.NCY GOODS, Consisting of nearly every article usually kept in the Dry Goods line. —ALSO— A FINK .V.S.^OHT.MKNT (iF ^ Fasiiionalile Hount'ts, Hals, Caps, l»oots, SllOC.^i, iVc. The iihove Stfick we would invite our cnstom- ers, friends, and the public generally, to call and examine before purchasing, as we .ire do- termined to sell (ioods to suit the times. .ALEX'R JUllNSt>N iV CO. Fuyctteville, Sept. 'I'-i, 18ol. 2.jtf J.MM tT the Darlington Carriage Manufactory, a first rate RLACKSMITH. One who is master of his trade iu ironing light Cairiagcs and Buggies, will find constant emplovment for the tialiince of the year, (ajid probably longer.)' at the highest wages his workmanship will com mand. Immediate npjilicatiou by a nof,fT man will secure the situation. HUNTER & McKAClIFRN. Darlington C. II., S. C., Sept. 22, 18.>1. 2t Stock. Steamer Kvergreen. ^H^lllS RO.VT, belonging to the Ilenriettrt' ra_ Line, has been thorouplilj’ repaired thipf season, and niaile gi^l as new. The accident to her lioilers. a few days ago, h;is also been re- ' p:iired with a new }iiece of iron. .‘\nd experienced F.ngineera say that her boilers are now as strong, and good as ever were ou the River. The.v arcf safe at l-'iO lbs. pressure, and but seldom c.trr/ over loo lbs. R. M. ORRHLL, Agent. Sept. 2-'), IS'il. 2^‘)-2t \ID for YOUNG NF(iR(H].S. Applv to J. & T. WADDILL. Sept. i*.'), ISril. 2-')tf TFTK Sub.^criber has j«st received nnd ftffers for sale, a well selected Stock of GROCERIES, —ALSO— A FINE ASSORTMENT OF DRY GOODS, AVhicb lie will sell on very favorable terms.— Country Produce taken in exchange. Having purchased his Goods low for Cash, he flatters himself that he can suit any who favor him with a call, both in cjinility and prices. ^ NOTICE. 1 oflrr for sale my HOUSE and LOT in the village of Carthage, Moore count.v, N. C.. which is a com- fortable two-storv building, with six fire-places, all in good repair, .‘ind well adajited to .nuit the purch.-iser, either having a small ir laree family. Therefore, being determined to sell, all who wish to purchase pro]»erty of this sort, in a healthy pl.ace, where there are many facilities to add to the private comfort of the juirchaser. (here there are a male and female school, where ail the high branches of educ:i- tion are t.aught jirepar.-itory for College,) give me a call, for I will make conditions to suit tiie purchaser. MARTHA A. HANCOCK. Sept. IS.'il, 2I-w4wiid W.\S IT CONSUMPTION? This was a very remark.able ca.se that had been treated by several physicians, in which hemorrhage of the lungs had occurred several times, followed by diaiplKJca, night sweats, &c.: Dr. Little*—Dear .ir: For a j ear or two jiast. a negro boy of mine, twenty years old. has been badly afHicted with a consiunjitive disease, at tended with the usual syinptoirs of a deej), hol low cough, pain in the chest, once in a while hemorrh.-ige of the lungs, tcigether with diar- rhira, debility and emaciation. His case had been treated bv several )>hysicians withont bc- inu niiteh benefited long at a time. Last Fall, whilst very much jmistrated, we applied the Rurguryily .iaclict, and gave him your Anod.vne Cough Drops, as you prescribed; he soon found Tiiuch relief from the cough and pain, and con- tinned to imjirove daily from the use of the me dicines. At the end of six v.'eeks, he had won- derl'ullv improved, having gained much strength, could rest well at night, and with only a slight c.vigH. During the winter he took the niedi- “■cine occ.Tsionally, and has continued to mend so' much as to h.ave gained at leatrt thirty pounds by the fir.»t of April. I am surprised at the re- .sult, and take great pleasure iu staling the facts. Yortr.'*, kc. (Signed) JERKMI.VII MILLER. Talbotton. Oct. 20, 1840. Dear Sir: H.iving used vour Anod.vne f'foigh Drojis in niy own case, after all other remedies kad failed to gi-ve nie p»*rnianent relief, I find myself entirely cured of a severe cough of long standing. I therefore take pleasure in saying that I t>elicve it i.'' one of the be.st medicinee I evei> used.’ Very respectfullv, W. R. SINGLETON. To Dr. Little. I>r. Little—Dear Sir: 1 take pleasure in stat ing that 1 have been in th« habit of prescribing your Anodyne Cough Drops in my practice for pome time past, and have found them admira bly adaj)ted to the dise.ises of the cliest and lungs. I have no Hesitancy in SHyiog they aro I the most effectual remedy I ever employed; in no instance h.ave I known them used without uiHterifil benefit, artil most frcfjueuily by an im mediate cure. Resi)cctfullv vonrs, .tc. E. C. 'mover, M. D. I Talbotton, Sept. 2F, 184*5. j February, ]R48. IT appeaifhg r« tlie satisfaction of the Court, ' I^ittle-Sir: Havinc been af?iick-d with a that Malcc.ra McFarland, John McFarland, ' pa.st, I have conseriuentl.v and Daniel McFarland, are not inhabitants of' '11 nl this Stare: Therefore Ordered, that publication fhe Balw.m of JV.ld- Cheri^-, but I find be made in the Fayetteville Observer, for six ' Anodyne C«»ngh Drops much iniper.or to weeks, that they l>e and appear a4! the next that or any othef medicine I ever used. Besides Term of this Court, to be held at the Court ^ family in cases of House in Carthage, on the fourth Monday in excellent remedy October next, to answer, plead, or demur, to ! the Petition, or the same will be taken pro con- : Sept. -n, DANIEL CLARK. fesso, and heard ex parte as to them. Witness, Alexander C. Curry, Clerk of our said Court, at Officc, tlic fourth Monday in Ju ly, A. D. 1851. A r. CURRY, Tt. iC7. 5^5 i 2'^ntv for it. J. J. JAMESON. Talbot County, Georgia. To be had also of James Cain, Rockfish;: A. Watson, Floral College; Townsend & Doug lass, Bennettsville; Dr. P. ,M. Cohen, Charles ton; (]. C. Barbee, Barclaysville; P. F. Pescud.i Raleigh. J. jnNcDALF. Ager.t fcr f'ai^cuc'v.'c