PRECOCIOUS MATRIMONY. “Whom the gotls love die yoi ig, sang the Roniiin poet; their virtue ensures them an early immortality. We wish he had A STOHY OF AN (>LI> I^ACHELOR. There was a tine old (n-ueral once, who havin'' spent iu(>st of his life in the field of i —y --- . ' *• i r r M.M-. "knowverv little abont the camp of I told us with what particular feelings the r„T,i.i. He wa‘s one of those roucrh and | gods rej^ard those who are condemned to honest s)»irits often mot with in his gal- j,ire marriage—who no sooner enter h.nt profession, inn.n-ent as an i„fa„t of! almost everv thing save high integrity and | them to selt-immolation m le a indomitahle^hraverv. He was nearly fifty | I'Vnien. J»dgn.g tr..nn.ur own cxpu.^ years old, and his 'toils were over, when i «e see no reason to tear ; ‘master Dan t’upid brought him acMiiainted ! adies are approaching an with a widow Wadmai.: in whose eye he | ni the matter ot be*'an to ih-tect that made him | P'>mt out, among our (>wn auiuanitanec, a nnT-ay was the result of leisure. | score ..f instano-s ot umnature matrimony Duiinuhis .s,rviee he had never seen | 1 ^ 1 ...'u deep on y to be wrecked amid the storms tlinif' wortnv »>t notice m a woman s , If . 1' 11 , _ If I, i\- . Ill) of wcildcd strife, to wear out iii the nu^no- . In faet. he wouUl scarcely ha\e ol*-|‘ ,, tonous calms ot “wedded bliss, or to seek refuge in the inhospitable ports of the law court si To us there is something especialU' painful in witnessing an unsuspecting girl any eve .served wliether a woman had three t yes in | her head or only one; for m* matter where his own eyes were, his thoughts were a- mong “guns and drums and wounds, and love was a thing that livt-d in his memory just as he renu nihered oiue reading a vis ionary story book called the “Arabian Nights’ Kiitertaiiuiu'uts,” when a iMty. Well, the (Jeneral hal settled down into an amiable, gentlemanly «»ld fellow, living alone with comfortable wealth ariuind him, and h iving little to do, save now and then to entertain an old comrade inarms, which companionship afibrded opportunity for of fifteen reeklcssly sporting on the imini- iiL'iit brink i>f wedloek, sacrificing herself to an evanescent sentiment, and oirering ti> the world the anomalous spectacle of a child-niotherl Her mind has been ]>re- j>ared for the event at the boarding school. She has a thorough conviction that the chief end of woman’s life is to get married, and while she should still be wearing .«hort him “to light his battles o'er again.” IJut peticoats, she tails bitterly in lo\e with alas: o’er this calm evening of the old (len- i some simpleton w ho “reciprocates her eral’s day a deal t>f jK-rplexit}’ wasdiH>med aftection. and sellislily robs her ot those to fall, and he soon found himself in trou- years which should be the brightest and l)led waters, the depth of which he could , most joyous of her existence, in a tew bv no means understand. He flouu(K.Ted weeks ( harles di.scovers that it i." a most about like a caged rat under a pump—and \ unreasonable thing that he should be ex- snch another melancholy fish out of water peered to give up the young bacheloi never before swaUowcd the bait, hook and pleasures to which ho has been accustomed, all, of the anglins of love. The poor i and that it is a boiv to be always aenun- (Jeneral. We nuist give him a name or | panied by a wife to jdaces of auiusement. we can’t tell the story, and the best name ' dulia begins to su>peet that she is negleet- for such a ,>^tory is* I’ncle 'I'oby. l>„or ' P'I; an.l then commences a series of “snaps, ieneral Tncle Toby debated ab.^tractedly which every one of our married readers about his new position, and never had "ill t.f course ap]>ieciate. .Julia conh.les siege or campaign given him such perjilex- her sorrows to her mother, who gem rall\ itv*iefore ^ ">11 l*e ‘'nougli to interfere, and tan *At length however, the blunt honesty niere petti.-lmess into decided ill-temper, of his disposition rose upperino.-'t aiuitug his to subside only when both partie.^ aie conflietinir plans and his course was cho ,««‘n. At scIkkiI he had once studied “(>- thello’s Jlefence” to recite at an exhibition, but made a great failure; and he now re collected there was sometliing in this “tlo- fen eviry much like what he wanted to wearied of hostilities and each other, or when the Iiabit of constant intcTcouive has soothed the asperities of hymeneal bttiidage, and a kind of resignation takes the place of love. Sujip>se tin y are poor, am! that (’’rirles .siy. He got the bo..k immediately, found without mean.-, lias to suj.port his wife, the passaire. clapj»ed on his hat with a de- e lia\e seen some lamentable cas.*s t»! termincd air. and po.^ted otV to the widow this kiml. and have remarked that tlie>e Wadmau’s, with :Shak>pcare under his arm. ]uecociou couples are gen, rally i)eople of “31adam,” said (Jeneral I’licle Toby, very weak con>titutioii, with an eiiual ('jiening his bouk at the marked place, teiiJency to >crofuIa and .■'UsecptibilitN. with the ‘>lemuity of a sjiecial ideader at lo what a nierr_\ life lia> tiieir weakness .. . ^ * 1 1 .1 _ • t 1 i: . * . _• 1 .*• conlemn*‘d them! delicate irirl ot s*ven- tei'ii. who ha> ruined her health and pn*- veiited the natural development of her bodily power." by yielding to a seiitiinental whim, immuie.x her.'elt in the small bed- of a iM'.irding-hoU'e, jias.-ing her l>e>t dav in nursing a siekly little > 'Uiething. th ;t Io->k>i vei'v mu( !i lik»“ a -I'inned rabbit in the fu>r >tagc' of a human mctcmp'V- cho>is. but which, if it survive,-., will be palmed upon the woiM as a frie and in dependent citizen. Ail day l'>n.r .-he d"- votes hers.-lf to >o,.thin.r the puliui: .--m;;!! “heir of imni >rlality.” when >iie ought to be free as air for the next five years, having the foundation of a healthy life, and gainiii:: her growth by projicr eX' ici.v, careless and untrammelled. The hu'baii i—a .-vid loitking. pale little gentle man invariably—returns ‘•home” from hi.- einplover’s .'tore at e\ening, wearied with - the fatigues of the li.iy, and of cour-e afhctcd with that chr-'iiie h- adaehe which preys upon .>uch subjects. He tries to for get his cares and hi> forlorn conjugal joy.- in r' p".e; but, ala.-’. he has been instrumen tal in bringiuL' into a world, where wk> and whi.'key chiefly predominate, the afon - 1 Til -f -rr > IP 1 lfpr>e,i.ini: ton*-, as it animal, who “murders >leep “ ..-ur-- h. r 'h .r -ucii an idt-a had never t.tF.Htually as .Macheth dil. All ni-ht ent r‘d h.' h id. ^ >hat tinv cherul» jirolnngs its chidings in \\ Til, then, I gUfj.T--? I 11 m.iir\ }ou, ^ m,]^i,,,wn tongue of the unknown regions from whence it hail>; for •Tin* soiil tlcit riM’.* with IIS, (iiir life's star, the bar—“Madam ••Hu'k* Mill I in my spertli. And little Moss’d with the sot j>hi:iso of pc.ico: Fit sinoe these arms ot uiinc liad seven years' ]>ith. Till iu>w some nine moons WM.-itO'i. tln'v have IlSfil Tlioir dearest .-lotion in tlie tented tield; A little ot till.' jrreat wurld can 1 .speak. More than jiertains tif tiats ot liroil tm l battle: then'fori*"— Here the (Jeneral closed the bo..k, wipid his forehead, looked uj) at the ceiling, and s:iid with a .'pasni'Klic ga.'p, "/ irmif tu j> t mnrri> The widow laughed f »r f(*n minutes by the watch before .-he could utter a syllable, rind then she -aid, with preeiou.- tear* of humor roIL'ng d"wn Inr go.vl-naturod ciiei k.'. ‘-And who ia it you want to marry, ( rt lierui.' s;i] T'ncle Toby, flouri-hing his -Word arm in thj air, and a-'uniin military attitude of defiance, a- if he ex^ iK.M-t*'d an a."ault tr 'in the wi l.-w iinmedi ■\v’: •V n;-- if I m irry y i;''’’ said ill rrv r-.v':ikl- in Ii*Teve. • r p-;. 1 Tnel, :T .bv.'in 1 th'- widow. ••Thank Vmu, nia’am,” >aid Tncle Toby; “but 'jiiL* tiling 1 am bound to idl you of, niad:iin; / nmr n " ij!" 'i’he widow .-started, remained slh.nt a nioineut, :ind then went into a longer, loinltT, and merrier laugh than she had in- ibilgecl in before, at the end of wliich she drew her «eat nearer the (Jeneral, gravely Hath liail olsewlnTe its setting, Aiiil Loiiieth iroiii al’.ir.'’ Nor is there any e.-cape for the jtoor fellow. If a merciful do.^e of (J(Mltrey's ('ordial should remove this trouble, another of the same jiattern will assuredly take its place. H' the youny: wife shoulil fall a victim to a l aid h'-r liaml iii his head, gently lifted superabundance of conjugal blessings, and his wig ort and jilaced it on the table. 1 Jeneral I'nele Toby had nevt-r known fi ar in hot battle, but he now felt a most deei.sive iiKjlinatioii to run aw:iy. The widow laughed again, as though she never Would stoji, and the (jJeiieral was abont t be removed to that blc.-.sed world where “there is neither marrying nor giving in marriage,” the infatuatel man will have learned no wi.^dom from exf^rience. ('upid will sundy mark his easy [>rey, ami another of his arrows will add another victitii to lay his hat upon his denudel head and : the prelestined husband’s dangerous “sus- bolt, when the facetious huly ])laced her ceptibility.” hand Upon his arm and detainetl him. She } ••Insatiate archer! could not one suftice'.'" then i(diberately rai.ed her other haml to ! The youth has early initiated himself into her owu head, with a sort if military {»re- j the ways ot marriage, and married *•“ must »-isiou, e.xecuted a rapid mameuvrc with ! be henceforth, though he entail [)overty her live fingers, pulh;d off her wl^^e head ' and wretidiednc.-^s on himself, his wife, and of fine glossy hair, placing it upon the ta- j his offspring. ble bv the sid(; of tin* (Jeneral’s reniaineil j liove is, of course, divine, ecstatic, and Seated with ludicrous gravity in front of! *‘>11 that kiinl ot things; but at filteen love her accepted lover, ijiiltr hnUl i** a humbug, and to give way to it is like As may be expected, T iicle Toby now ' ‘ating gtjoscberries, sure to pn»duee un laughed along with the widow, anl they j I'leasaiit results in the end. If any of our Hoon grew so merry over the affair that the i young readers hapjien to be troubled with maid servant peeped through the keyhole «t the, and .saw the old couple danc- a weakness of mind, we earnestly implore tln.'in to guard against the insidious ap ing a jig and bobbing their bald pate.s at i proaches of a callow affection. It may in each other like a ]>air of Chinese niaiida- i general be cureil by a little firmness; but if that is lacking, we have heard it .said that a course of cold bathitig, assisted by strong of I’randreth’s Pills, will jirove eflect Xodh's A I'inifj/// ]iryj/(jnxe.—Mr. Kverett, in the coiirse of his remarks at the festival on the (!omnion on Friday, alluding to railroads, said with emphasis, “it is nn rins. So the two very shortly laid “their heads together upon the pillow of matri mony.^’— Conuccticnt (^ourant. The Kditor’.s Drawer of a new monthly for Septcmlter has a good story telling how a western lawyer once addres.sed a jury; “The Hible has it,’’ said he “Thou 'halt not kill’.’’ Ncnv do 3’ou know', gentle men, that if you go to hang inv client, the necessary to pursue the subject, rnilrootlit pri.soner at'the bar, that you commit j this moment munler? You do, and “no mistake,” for j(.f tin* Provi- mnrder is murder, whether it is committed i dence cars, w hich were th;ii just entering by twelve men in what you call a box \ depot, b/ar n bhn>t l>nij uwi hml and and a ‘bad box’ you’ll find it if you don’t j give a righteous verdict—for an humble*! 'ends from Heaven tl at fell individual like my client. S’po-ing my i tlie l.anner-ery of hell,” client had killed a' man; 1 say s'po^in.r h'e j startled the vast assemblage, and had; is that any reason why you , l^'uni.shed a convicing and a stunning proof kill a man?—twelve of you on onel No I orator s remark. It is gentlemen of the jurv, y.u may brin- the '“^^t-es.sary to say that the incident prisoner at the bar, my client, in 1 w it 1^ trememlous cheers, the hangman may do hin duty, but will ' Journal. that exonerate you!' No sui h thing! You will all, individually and collectively, you will all ot yi)u be munlerers." Thin pro found argument hal its eirect, the vfriter adds. J he verdict of the jury wa.s: “Not guilty if he’ll (piit the sUte.” _ Said one apprentice to another—“Bill, I’d much sduiicr work for my bos.s than for your old man.” “Why so'''” “Hpcause my boss ain’t always round the shop in- tciN riUg wiiL hid owa bujiuoa.4.” Matrhniniittl.—“My dear,” said an af fectionate spouse to her husband, “am I not your treasure?” “Oh, yes,” wa.s the cool reply, “and 1 would willingly lay it uj» in Heaven.” What an insulting wretch! A Siijxant —A gentleman having lately been called on to subscribe to a course of lectures, declined “,” said he, “my wife gives me a lecture every ul^ht for nothing.” Short Sj>eerhf‘S—0H}f Exaviples — Judge Duncan, in a rcccnt address dcli\cr- ed at Clark.sburg, Va., on his return as Commissioner from the great London I'^x- hibition, thus refers to his visit to the IJritish Parliament and Courts ol Justice: ‘I was present on one occasion in the House of (’oinmons, when a measure came up, which involved tlu; whole financial policy of the (Jovernment, and the state and condition ot all the industrial (dasses. It was debated by the Prime Minister, Lord John Kus.^ell; the (’haiicellor of the H.\chejuer, Mr. D’Israeli; and a great many others of the leading members.— 'I'lie debate ojiened at six o’clock P. M., and clo.sed at 1*2, when the vote was taken and the |uestion settled. Ihus, in a de bate of () hours, a great measure was di.s- po.sed of, after a discussion so full that every one pre.sent w'as satisfied that all had been said, on both sides, that the sub- j('et re']iiired. \ et a measure, of a similar characti r, in the American (^ongress, could in»t hav*‘ been (lis]>osed ot under six wi'eks consfaiit«*lisciissioii. I was bacildy struck I with the close adherence of tlu' l^ngh^h speakers to the subject of debate. '1 here was nothing extraneous or redundant; no flourish or ornament; but that which si-eni- ed to characterize the speaking particular- Iv, was their plain, practical good sense, and an ability tor condcii.satioii. \ et they are in some res]HH*ts not good speakers. Their manners are cold, without action or fluency. They hesitate and stammer, and j freiuently .t‘ein to be at a loss. I •In the courts of justice; the same I brevity and conleiisation prevails in the ' speeches of the Harristi>rs, that distinguish- , ed the speaking in the House of ('oiiimon.-; I and the .1 ndges, w ln> seemed to 1k‘ a learned, ! digiiilieil and hard-wt,irking set of nu-n, I deliver their opinions so eoncisi ly and yet I so ilistinet and char, that the minds ot the ' I'.iost ordinarv persons present can under- , jtand tiu'in.’ ere this example adopted in the American (,' and .Vnn'rican (’oiirts it would be of inestimalde value to the ad ministration of government and of justice. II'H’' ujt A ))i m I*nis. —A Paris correspondent of the Hostdu At las ilcscrilu's a gnat siheine 'f tin* Paris ians, tliu.": “it is to be a irrand serie.'of fetes, which will last eight days, and cost not K s- than 1 M(It tVancs, or about —a pretty sum to expend in jini-cracks! — Strange as it may sound to your ears, th-Te is little doubt but that the .'iib-c: ijitiMii will be coniph-tcd—it i' t I be I y subst rip- tioii—and already ther* are eight huiulrt d sub.scribfis, some f >r others and a few muidi as Itl.IMlU frain-'.— Tile stibs.-ribcrs :tt l.(HMland /iiKI frams are numerous. The pr' jectors are c iiti- dcnt of the sueeC'S »f their ' h- nie; it i> not imi»"s'ibh-. I rec..ih-ct, a .-hort tiim* ago. \'a|i 11-ii lines ma ie up a ,-ub- .seriptitiii of liKi.uiid tVane- t'>r a /,■-rni' S.^., and Lille iJ’itl.Huil fraii-s f"r a fe-tiv:il.— tVaii are alrt ady 'ub-cril' d.— Workmen d'all trades -rc bu'V ]>n p.irinir all the \arioU'mat-, rial' wii. h ni.i_\ be lu- Cev^ary to the eight d;iv-’ ai.iusi m nf. “The ri 'taiiranf, h.>: 1, and e.ife ki • p- ers, and all the trad^ sineii d' Pari>^. 'ul>- 'eribe largely to this object; f.r tln-y cal- ctilate that the iinm* n--'- iiiHux of sfraiig'T' these fett s will bring !i re w ill ni'ire than reimburse them th^r subscrijition. This is the theory of th f. tes. T!iis i- th‘ pro gramme: 'i'lie fir't day. the trinnipiial march d’ universal in'iu>try. a b.uiijuet of a th iusiiid covers to th • founders of tin f‘'es, to be >_'iven at the K.xchanire; ladies will be received in the evening, in the galleries of the Kxehange, which will In ri( hly ihcoratcd and illuminated; a colla tion will bi‘ >erved them. 'I he second day. there will be an aLrriculuiral, iV'c. exhibition; and a mareh through the 'treets of the ditb-reiit musical societi'-' I li'-re, who will contend fir a pri/.e. 1 hird day, grand musieal c ngre-s, under the di- ! rection of .a\; a di«itribuTion of prizes iii the Salle i! s fetes, to be built in the (' Llysecs. At night, concert ainl illiunina- tioiis at the Palais U", Lu\e;nbiuirg. Place I’ovale, iSce. Fourth day, literary : and musical sidemnity, in l^uior of the great men of all nations, at the Pantheon. Fifth day, repr' seiitation of a ballet, with .songs, dances, &c. intermingled, by *J,.‘i(HI ; performers. Sixth day, fete in the park at Versailles, great waterworks, rejne.senta- tion in the Hoyari’ht'atre of a classic French play; at night, iitatiou of the ballet of •Alcitie, or the He Kiichaiitt't',’ by Mo- liere, upon a raft constructed on the grand I (•anal, as when the ballet was represented before Louis Xl\\ in 1(»*»’». The whole to ; finish by the burning of tin* 1,'laud, and splendid fireworks. Sevinth d.iy, grtind ball offered to the prizemi'ii of the (Jreat Kxhibitioii of London. Highth lay, (Sun- j dayj fetes and public rejoicings every wliere. j At 1() o’clock, a. m., gram! Te Deum at I Notre Dame, and the beneliction of the i flags of all nations; the music composed ex- j }iressly for the occasion, by Ih'rlioz. At j night, balls, theatres, general illumination, I fireworks.” r.UNVAN’S lMI.CIi:iM’.S PUO(iI!H.S. How infinitely above man’s wisdom is (Jod’s wisdom! “How unsearchable are His judgments, and His ways past finding out!” A good and jiious man— aim was alone to advance the cause of the go.s- pel and perform his lufy to his neiirhboi', a ml w ho earnestly j)ursued that aim ac cording to the light of his comjirehension, with simple devotion and un.seHish benevo lence—was seized by who wisheil to stifle religious inquiry, and for twelve long years confinel in pri.son—consigned to so cial death. He grieved that his useful ness was thus, to liis own finite apprehen sion, paralyzed by bonds, and he forcibly ejected, as he thought, from the vineyard of his Master, where he sought to labor, lint mark the wi.sdoin of (Jodi “Had liunyan been di.charged, and allowed to enjoy liberty, he no doubt would have re turned to his trade, filling up his intervals of leisure with fiehl-preaching. His name would not have survived his own genera tion, and he could have done little for the religious improvement of mankind. Be ing cut off from the external world, he coininiined with his own soul, and, inspired by Him who touched Lsaiah’s lips w'ith fire, he compo.sed the noblest of all allego ries, the merit of which was first discover ed by the lowly, but which is now laudeil by the most refined critics, and w hich has done more to awaken piety, and to enforce the precepts of Christian morality, than all the sermons that have been published by all the prelatc.s of the Christian church.” IieinarIca}>Jc Mfwory.—The Now \ork correspondent of the Burlingtim Courier relates the following: “A friend of mine recently offered a wager that his daughter, a girl fifteen years old, would repeat from memory the entire contents ot any page of any single copy of the New ^ ork Sun within twenty-ft>ur hours alter its publica tion. You k^low, of course, that this pa- |)er is almost wdiolly filled with ments. Considering the want of connex ion between the paragrajihs, and the num ber and variety '(d the alvortisenients, I thought 1 might safely venture a V, so I selected the third page (d‘ that day’s issue. Imagine my astonishment, however, when the next day the talented young lady, ac- coinj)anied by her father, called iijion me, and repeated the contents of the entire .se ven columns rcrlmtmi vt htrratnn. I re gard this as a most reniMrkable instance of the magic powi>r of memory.” We have heard it said that there is an anecdote current in well-infornu'd circles of Lon]on .socit ty, that Mr. 31acaiilay, the historian, once committed to ne-mory in the space of twenty-four hours, and actu ally recited, an entire number of the Times neW'paper, adverti.seineiits and all. 31r. Macauhiy’s memory was characterized by Syilney Smith as “a treniemloiis engine ot c(dlo(|uial oppression.” At (’ambridge his fellow-students nii knamed him Macaulay, tin* ()niiii.scii nt. An AUtijorj/ hj/ (HIP // the l'\ithrr..—A hermit was condiict«*d liy :yi angil into a wood, when' h(“ saw an old man cutting down boULdis to make uj> a burdt'ii. \\ ln'ii it was hu'iie, he tied it up, and attempted to litt it on his 'houlders and carry it away; but tiiidiiiiT it very heavy, he laid it down airain. l Ut moM' wood and heaped it on, ;ind then tried again to carry it off. This he n peatid several times, always adding soiiiethiiiir to the load, alter trying in vain to raise it from the ground. in the mean time the hermit, aslfinished at the old man’s follv, desiivd the angel to explain what tlii.s meant. ‘•\ou behold, .said lie, “in this foidish old man, an exact repri*.'enfa- tion ot those who, being made sensible ol the burden of their sins, rescdve to repent, but soon L^row wt arv, and instead of les- .'Ciiing their burden, increase it every day. At eac h tiial they lind the task heavier than it wa- before, ami so put it oi! a little I 'tiger. in the vain hope that tiny will, bv-and-b\ , bt> mole able to at comjdish it. 'i'iuis they 1:0 (III, adding to their biird«'ii, til! it grows t"o heavy to be borne, and th' ii, in de-jiair of (Jod's mercy, and with th- ir sills unr pi nti d of. th* y he down and die. Ti.rn again, my .'"ii. and behold the end of the old m.;u wh' 111 thou sawe.^t heaping U]i a load of bough.'.’’ The her mit lo ke«l, and saw him in vain attempt ing to rtmove the pile, which w is m w ac- cuniMl.iti d ftr beyi.ud his 'trength to raiv. II..' te* iile l.mi ' tirtti led oVer tll'-ir biir- (li ii; the poor remain' of his streiiiith wen t.i't ebbing away; tiie dalkiie'.' of death >:azin:r around him; and alter a c>>n- vmIj-Ivc and imp'>friif attempt to lilt th- pii'-, he fell d-.wii and t .xpir- il. f b lieve it i' a (I 'Miian poi t who. Walkin'.' ••.'ileiit a;id ih"ii;.liit‘iil by th> ,'id- emn 'Ifre ot th*- \a.'t ocean we niU't .'ail > > .'"'111, " thu' speak.' of Tin; sHir or im.atii. ••r>_\ the shore ol Tiiiie now l_\iiif;. t *:i tiic inkv tt I ln ueath. I’atieiitlv, th'Mi s.nil undvin^, lits lor thee the .•shiji of Pcath! ••Hr «lio .n that vt starr.’ili, .•Sailing front the ' of nit ii. To the iriend.s from wlioni lie j.nrtoth. Never more returns nj;ain! ••From h'r mast i.o ;’ajr i~ ?i_\iMi:. To ileiiote fri iii w heiifc ^h^■ c.itne; .''he is kiiowii niito tliO i\iiij — -Vi.iel is her e.ij't.iiii's n.-ime. “Not .1 wi.r.l Was ever sj.okon, Oil that dark. untaUi' iii'd Silence th re is s.i uiitir..kcii, hT.eif seen.s not to lie. “.'•^ileiit thus; in liarknos lon»!_v, I>oth tlie .'Soul I'lit forth !i!ene, hile tiie wiie^s ..f .uij^i'ls oiilv W.ilt h‘r to a Land I nl\n«.«ii. " How many are dejiarting daily in that “Ship of ’ “(lood Heasfii! ’ e.x-i I laiins one, ••!' iv often are we to die be- i fore we go off thi.' 'tage! In e\i ry friend we, we lose a part d our.selvcs, and the best part. (Jod keep those we have left!” Ji>irprr g Mmja:.!n>'. Murh r> rs Sriif' in ri/.—Never w ithin our nu nioiy have so many persons been cou- vii-ted of murder in any city of onr I'ni iii as during the last few months at New York. '1 he nmiibt r, we think, exceeds a d"Zeii. On Saturday three men wt're .sentenced to j be executed liy hanging in November.— ' Their iKimes are, Mnharl Jlii/ri//, JmnrA SuHiran, and Jusrph Ctark. 'J'lie latter,' after hearing his .sentence, very coolly re- ' marked that “he did not care half as mm h ; about being hung as he did about a bad breakfast.” .Mulvey, it appears, committed the crime for which he is condemned with out premeditation. Having arms about him, and being imexpecteilly a.ssailed, he used them in self-defence with a fatal re sult. Heiiig re(;oinmemled to men v, his punishment will pn»bably be commuted to a life-term in the State jirison. On the same day hUcn Doiflf, ci>nvicteil of man- slaughcer, in killing Catharine Sullivan, was sentenced to five years’ imprisonment at Sing-Sing. She is the mother of live children.—A at ion a! Iiiff’lh'ifi'nvrr. Sam Sli( k says, writing fmm England, “Alter all, they haint got no ludgin corn licre; they can't raise it, nor punkin-jiies, nor (luinces, nor pea-nuts, nor silk-worms, nor nothin’. Then as to their farmin’— iiord! only look at five great elephant- lookin’ beasts in one jdougli, with one great lummokin’ fellow to hold the han dle, and another to carry the whip, and a boy to lead, bouts have more iron on ’em than the horses huffs have, all crawliii, as if they was a-goin’ to a funeral. What sort of a way is that to do work? It makes me mad to look at ’em. H' there is any airthly clum.^iy fashion of doin’ a thing, tliat’.s the way they are ahvays sure to git here. They are a benighted, obstinate, bulbheadi'd peojde, the English, that’s a fact, and always was.” ‘Punch’ was never more annoyed in his life than by the receipt of the following: “If the father is the head of the family, what’s the son?” “Why, the heir, to be sure.” If the Writer w'ill call at thr' “Punch” office, he will find our Thick stick in wait ing. EARTHQUAKE IN NAPLES. The Kepublic contains a letter from the Hm. E. Joy Morris, the American Minis ter to Naples, giving a minute account of the terrible earthquake which occurred in the western ])ortion of the kingdom of Na ples, on the 14th of July, by which some v!,5()() lives wore lost, and several towns cither totally prostrated or greatly dam aged. 3ir. Morris says: This convulsion a]»pears to have had its origin in the volcanic region of the Mount VoUure, about one hundred miles to the southeast of Naples. H is a detached and isolated eminence, three thousand feed in elevation, rising at the point where the Ap- penine chain terminates, on the borders of Ba.silii ala and Apulia; its slopes and sum mits are broken into numerous craters, f»f the vitality of which uo record exists, but which bear unmistakeable evidences of eruptivej^iolence at some remote period. 'J'he city of 31elfi, seyiarated froin .Mount Volture by a deep ravine, is built upon the summit of a hill, the conijiosition (d w Inch is grey lava, intersected by strata of travertine iijion layers of ashes, samI, tura, and dec-omposed stalactites, all deno ting the site of an extinct or dirmaiit vd- cano. Previous t> the first shock a small stream w hii-h runs near the town smldenly disajfpeared, and the sht'pherds on the mountain were alarmed by loud rumbling beneath their feet. I'he monks ot an adjoining cinvcnt, admonished by these jdu'iiomi'na, o.'^caped from their building almost at the moment it was rent in twain. At the first shock, Melfi, which cont^iins ten thousand inhaV»itants, was j>ro^trat>d in the dust, nothing but a few crumbling walls surviving the general ruin. An un broken number of its inluibitaiits wm* bu ried under the falling of fa;>rics; up to the jiresent moment .'.(iven huiidreil dead botlies have been tlisinterred, and others are constantly beiiiLT found; more than two hundred persons lie in an adjacent hospi tal. suffering under grievtuis wounds, w hile many have been dug out alive from the ruins. Amongst otlu is. a female infant a year dd, after lying buried for two days, was brought out living and iinlrirnied, and n'storcd to its a^liefed niotlKr, wiilowed by the same caia ity. 'I'he neighboring towns of .\tella, Kio- rn'ro, lianle. and l\apolla, an* sutb-rers by the >ame convulsion. Kionero is a general wreck, not a .sound hou.'c remaining— more than a hundred ]»er.'ons have In're peiishei!, and as ni.iny have bei ii maimed or woundi il. In ISarile, the only eilitice not entirely destroyed is the orphan asy lum. while the di.'cuvt n d dead amount to a’i>ont one hundred and lil’ty. In ther'///(- inune of l>ari. the towns of (’'er.ifi>, .^liner- vino. .''pinazzola. Andria, and 'I rani, were all injured more or less. In (.’auos.-«a, the aiiciciit (’aiio.iinn, f'unded by Dinmcd, and whose walls once eiielo.sed a circuit «d .'ixfe n milos. three hundred and sevi nty- 'ix houses w ori‘f hrow n dowTi. At t!i»-la.'f rep -rt.' the shot ks around .^lount \'olfure eoiitiiiuod, and one half d’ the city of \'e- ii. >.i, the ancient VeiiU'ia, c >ntainiii:r ?i.\;tiid iiihahitaiifs. and celebrated as the birth jdaee ot^Horace, was ili-.'troy.'d. 'I'he iiioiint.iiii proviiici^ of the Abnizzi aii l of Calabria, w lo ie the cart hi ju.ike of 1dc'f r'^yt'd three hundn d cities and buri»‘d thirty thousainl human beings, have tliU' escaped. The reetiit cartlnjuake commenced with a sharp concns'i.iii, w hich wa.' succeeded by an nndnlafory nioveiiu nt, the first 'hock beiiiir about sixty .sce.tnds in dura tion. At Iti there were ?ix slnKk, the fir>t at "Ji p. in., the second at the fourth at 1(( p. m., the fifth at o a. m., and the .sixth at 7 a. m. At my summer residence in the country, eighty miles from Melli. the house shook to its lound.i- tions, and, .'Ueh w re the vibrations, that it Was diflicult to de.'ceiid the stairca.^e. For ten minutes previ«.>ns, the house log howled ill most dismal tones, the (hickeiis cackled and hurried about as if fleeing from some anticipated danger, and a pair of turke\s rose in the air and Hew aroun.l the house as if seizel with secret terror, while all the dogs in the neighboihood Wen* in lull bay. No dam.iL'e done at La(’a\a, or at Najdes, beyond slight erat ks ill idd walls. All .yes are now turned upon A'esuvius. as the safety-valvt* tiiroiigh which the .'trnggling subterranean tins and steam may lind a .safe vent; and it is generally supposed that an eruption is imminent, although no local signs are yet apj'areiit. The whole country, from Najiles to Higgio and the Straits of Messina, is a vidcanic region, forming that great viaduct of tire w liieh tlows from ..Etna to A'esuvius. Stroniboli, in the Lij>ari group which has bien burning from three hundred years before the (’hristian era down to the present time, is one td‘ the esi;ijie-jtij>es of thir« fi Id of submarine and subterranean cinn- biistioii, but it is inadequate to those great occasions when the gabes of the over charged earth seek a vent; Vesuvius and .»Etna are alone equal to such tinergencies. Outraye.—The I’hiladelphia News savs that on the return of (Jovernor Johnston and his escort from Taniaqna to Pottsville, on Momlay night, a most villainous attack was made upon them after leaving the cars, by a party of rowdii s at Mount Car bon. A pist«d was discharged, whether at the (.Tovernor or not is unknown, but for tunately witlicmt taking effect upon any one. Clubs and stones then followed, striking several persims and injuring them considerably. The attack was made at a late hour on Monday night. Four per sons were arrested; but no one appearing to identify them, they were di.scharged.— Two persons, knocked down with stones or clubs thrown at the party, were walking close beside the CJovernor. A gentleman, fortunes were on the wane, got into a way of living a little on his friends. Among the rest, he visit ed an old accjuaintance, and staid .six or .seven weeks with him, when his company became wearisome. In order to get rid of his guest, the gentleman feigned a falling- out with his wife, by which means their fare at the tjible was very slender. The guest, perceiving their drift, but not know ing where to go to better himself, re marked: “Well, I have been here seven weeks, and have not before seen any quar rel between you: 1 am now resolved to stay seven more in order to see you friends a- gain.” The notes of the new bank of Bridge port, (’onn., of which Mr. P. T. Barnum is a principal stoc*kludder, have a portrait of himself on one end, and one of Jenny Lind on the other. TRACES OF BIR JOHN pp, HISTORY. Colonel Benton is at Washington, en gaged up4jn his book of history that he will make some singu Frum the Uocheftrr t)emoCTaf. CURIOUS PA.SSACiE IN A.MEUICAN ! MEHICAN EXl'Kbij News from the Amorican Kx 1 • . pedition to the 17th Sent. . It IS said received in England, in a’lett,’ ' zuh^r disclo-; to the Admiralty. It i, tr snrcs, which may seriously some ,„;,,ster of the bark 'I’rue P"”' - of iiis prominent political friends. persons whose graves are uk 1 e ' St. Louis Republican predicts that, if j>ub- longed to Franklin’s crew. ‘ lished before the Presidential election, it | Davis’Stii.aits ,11.. will create a sensation. One pa.s.sage of it : jJJ " b'; is said to pre.sent a curious state ot affairs ,1,,.';’ under the Polk administration. It has . , . nii.l been read to .some one, or some one has read it, and reports that it iMtributes to President Polk the design, during the war mony, received on the I’itli r,f .)||| American .searching vc5S( js^ ,,f ,| •''' of their voyage in seardi’ ,.f y , Franklin. Ou the l:>th of Sent,, ' ^ ' with Mexico, of withdrawing the t'^ps 1 from that service altogether. This de.sign Cornwallis Islan.j tl ' is said to have been formed in conseijucnce - ... ? n- ing enabled to j.ursue any I'uifiJ' ward direction from that date ’ called the Assistant Harbor ii; " Captain Ommanney, tln,.f Cape Martyrs, was die l,lu,•^.. - b\' them to winter in. T!„. forming very strong at that tin,.’ ’. Advance and Kescuo Wi it; pniceed houiewanls; but, f.rtui, ever, a gale sprang uji ami drov,. Wellington Channel oU Hiil.\ . ” ' wards they were frozen in. 'jV can captain J)e Haven tuld n of the clanu^r of the Whigs about the im mense expenditure of money to carry on the war. The order for this purpose was I actually signed by Secretary Marcy, of the War D' partmeut. Col. Beuton beard of it late at night. He calh d on the Pre sident, was closeted with him for several hours, and the result was the recall of the j order, and tiie prosecution of the war. ■ (’«d. Benton claim.s for himself, as the con- sequence of the ext'rcise of his personal in- ' fluence in this matter, that he saved the ^ democratic party froiii destruction; ^^nd j there is much gn.und for such claim. It j.^rticulars rc-pee, , ^ true. It IS a curious episode d that war; if indeed ' not true, Mr. Man-y can explain it. \\ hen , determined to It. U IS recollectCMl tha ( ol. Benton had in- . again, after hav„..\; " fluence enough with the I’rcsident to in-Uie docunieut.s received 1. ' - diice him M rccommend the creation | ^ the ohice of lieutenant-general in the army j , 1 , (d'the rnited States, with the intention to | . )n the ii,;!, . elevate hint to that command over two r»f ^ t" f the greatest and most successful generals ^ Hines, A el!iiiMt,,m . the worhl ever .snv, it will not surprise any thinkinir man to hear (d‘ the di^clo.s- ; . ‘.J. Captain Uuiniaiuit \. un*s which it is .said Mr. Benton intends ■ fragments of clotlim.r, to make in his book. ’ '‘"'J r“l"r>. . . I tliese ricanngthe name ot 3i I5K.\r rn;.' of I>1.SI'NI0X. , leal ollicer in the cxjieditiou. There are no greater curiosities current | o. On the l:7lh, Cajitain i’eiim... among the novelties of the present day ! reportvd graves. were at ..l ' than the seiitiinefits put forth by the anti- ,teu by Captain De Haven, .^lr ]., Cnion men at the South, cxcei.ting, in-| l)r. Kane. 'J hey bore ieq,.\;i,! ' ileed, the seiitimenfs cd’ their imitators and ' names of W. Biaiiie, K. \j ,1 heljH-rs, the anti-Slavery Fn*e-S.iil agita-^ Hartnell, of the Erelu.'. ati'i .1 ’ tors fd‘ the North, of lAiiguage we '■ rington, of the Tenor, the dat. have had fn qaent occa.'ion to (.ffer .'pi ci- I test death being tiie od of Apni. h mens to our readers. A Secession meet- • • * ■ ing was held at Charleston, S. C , on the 17ih instant, at which, among fither trans- a tioiis, a letter was read fn-m a champion of nulliiicatiou and disunion in (Jcorgia, named .J«din Forsyth. Thi'genth man. in a fit of melanchdy at the jiro.'perity of his ow tl State, which cannot find any reason Added lo tiuse sad but UlHn;.'t;ik.-i deuces, were the remains of tlie d... ry, carpenter s shop aii'l annoivr«■ I pen the hill side aud Uacli ments d’ wood, metal and cl"tliin: ptacks of emjity meat tins. K\, indicated peiniaiieiicv and t.riraii;z.: There can be no doubt that iIk-1- for |UaiTelling with hi own bread and ('..j.g and Bcuhv i.d.L butter, breaks out into the following dcs- J,ancaster sJund. was the i,i>: j.erate aj.ostniphe: ; station of the mis'ing (• ••I to (io.l Wi* Jsa.i fewer miles of rail- :j]of SeptcUiiier the inii'. r\i. ^.«y. fVuer invosted in inanuiaetuns ; Wellington Channel underwe • and .xtiiCK.s. tewer vroots ot eutcri'rise and thnii , , . , , , . . ' and inonev-makinj:.-’ , pleto disruption, an.l by tile i.i;, . What a delightful s,,ecinien of humani- i penetrated to tlie r..,inv: ty We have here! iiolde seiitinii nfs! 'i her*'* is no hope for disunion, civil w; r. and blood.'hi-d in (Jeorgia while this pesti lent “enterprise and thrift” remain. Hea ven is therefore be>oueht to de.'trov enter prise and thiift, to 31r. For'Vth ."'utdi, however, was the inip. in tr, ■ acttr of the p.u k in Lanca.'t. i S . iiy the iMth of Septcmbci' ’b .'earching squadron wi-re again ted about eight miles south I ‘ i Islaiiil. This was the furtli'-': ; with the hi pe d’ civil discord and caiami- ; tv. llowevor, this (r./ntleman do(*s but lained by the American (X|>e!i:: latest dates from Coiiiiiiouoit. A .• f the loth of Se}iti iiiber. c pv the language of the disunionist, | " cxi.h.its are sunir bv Milton— | . ^“f'*'’.' ■■ ' tion (d making w inter quartt rs. ••Havc«e aiifl spoil .•\nl ruin .ire my p.Tiii.’’ . , , 11 ■ 1 I I^robable that a small harbor, u,.- Another ireiitU man, enuallv considerate, i 1 i ■ ,, , 1 ' 1 ,• 11 .• 1 •11 1 1 by t_apt. (.Jmmannev, jihouf tluc VI 11-bred, and full of the milk id human ' * +• \t n 1 1 , ’ , , , • 1 , i east ot t ape Alartvrs, will In- tln‘ Miiii hl«>vinr tno vviirlil tlw ( , , • . and blessing the worhl in tlu pn'si lit year of grace by a residence in Cahawba. Alabama, writes to the Charles ton tire-eaters most couraixeouslv thus: ni'Tts. invoke Ood's blessing and leave this ae- ciir'od I’nii.n!"—lioffon ('oiiri>r. selected. Thence the Auuncm , wh.le proceeding homeward, I in, oj.p isite Wellington Ci.aliiul. during the ensuing winter t'r. lu a I of 7o “o throughout the cli„;,: I .sound to JJaiiin’s J^ay. j Their liberation, after murh ' The r. S. Su],rrmc ('ourt.—The ap- j and trial, took place on the luth pointinent of Mr. Curtis, of Boston, to the : l.51. at a jioint south d’ ( aj- W, seat in the I'. S. Supreme Ceurt. made va- j ham i\b ot.!—a linear drift cxn i::'. cant by the death of Judge oridbury, i niiles. I he commotion of tlir gives vi ry general s.itisfaetitni. The Su- j its attendant uncertainty, was tfci.. preme Court is now constituted as follows: | .source of trial. Ev(*ry officer .iiid: j marked scorbutic di.ease. but n I have occ uried. The crews uro ; I freshed, and the expedition is vii.iu to regain the seat of search. 1 have the honor to be, I'c ■.. E. K. k.\n: Surgeon to the K.\i' • 7’he Fire AnnihHator.—nx^- excitement j . The Tiondon News of t!ie li'ti. in reirard to the Fire Annihilator is ama- p'^'es great importance to tlusc ii. zingly and interestingly intense. The of- , tice of the Aiueriean Company was opened ' The intelligence of traces 'f ' for the first time yesterday, at No. 4, War- | Franklin and his companions : ren stn-et, and all the day a perfect crowd i scanned with eagerness by t!; liih-d its spacious limits, and we learn that ' Arctic explorers now reposiii:' .sales of patent rights, machines, I'tc. were j laurels at Woolwich, and niaiiv male before night to the extent of one ! are sanguine in the expectation , hundred tJiousand dollarsi This is a good ! may yet have the pleasure ef " first day’.s work. E. K. Collins was tht* at least the .surviving portion "f I first to subscribe for half a dozen machines ' crews w ho left Woolwich in .M ■ j for each of his noble steamers. The Irving with the Erebus and Terror, h j House, the Astor, the Clinton, French’s, ' interesting to know that tlu K j and other hotels followed, as well as seve- whose grave was found was r. I ral hotels from Boston, Philadelphia, and liain Braine, of the Wooiwirt’ Si HRl MK 'ol KT. Kf'Kll-l Cl' IJocer II. ’r.-uTV, |!alliiiit*rt*. Ml! . ’li*f*i Jii-iire. .l.'hii • iiir.iHiMti. ' 'Intl. .\s. isr.i .l;iiiip« M \\ :i\ iir. .•^■1»,11. n h. i!i . is;t.5 •toIlM «'•■tp.n. .N .'h\ ill*'. 'I t III’., i/-;c. .loliii Mi K Kiev. 1 oii,~\ illc, Ky . l.'.IT. f. t. r V. 1‘aie.l. KsctiiMor.fl. \-t.. It41. 1 f't.'W n ,\ V., Is-l.'i. Ilf-Ill. K.oiil 1 iir:i'. I.'5l. Kolivrt l.rirr. I’lil'luir". I‘a. “ IS4i>. who volunteered to proceed t" '• regions with the Exploring he hiul only recently retunio'i •• Baltimore. The Broadway Theatre, Bur ton’s, and the Bowery came next. Bowen .'i McN amee. Carton I't (^o., Adams & (_V). ! of the Express, and many other celebrated j vice in China, firms handed in their orders. In fact, | It would be curious if the ' there was no end to the •denrand for the expedition should be the first t ■ Annihilator, and, as fire-escapes and fire- , Sir John or his fate, with certaiui; extinguishers, it is very evident that they j ;ire de.stined to suiKM-.sede any thing now. Seeing the Proceg^iun.—\''i^'^^^'' in use, their availibility and convenience ! the Boston Advertiser rdatL? !*■ being nu-rits beyond computation. j win”-: , I ^ number of persons wli ’ y at for Ahvlitianiats.—A wealthy town from the country to see tin'J planter in the Eastern section of North on Friday, met with a ludiiroiis’' ’'" Carolina, who is in thy habit of repairing, during the sickly seasou, to Nag’s Head, on the ocean, invariably take.s with him some .seventy-five little negroes, whose health is invigorated and preserved in that pure and bracing atmosphere. It is (juite a frolic for the little fellows, and they bathe in the briny sea with all the gay disport- ings of a school of porpoises. We should like to be furnished with an instance in the free States where the children of la boring domestics are treat(*d with equally humane consideration.—Xorfolk Herald. on the occasion. For quarters they took up b'nlginL'? jad, where thej' found oxcellt'"^ board, in spite of stone walls aii'!'; Unluckily, while dispatching fast on Friday morning, the >1""'^^ apartment swung to and shut with a spring lock as sjito as a' mill. The jailor having goiit'' show, they were kept in a taiit;--J carceration during the in"st 1" , part of the performance. A individual, who heard thtir '• Gen. Ca,.« has ivri.ten letier to Senator to be '.“jl ; Cleniens, of AhAa«.a, in t.hicli he says of ■ public sentiment at the North:—“There is a better feeling at the North, and thougll fanaticism will talk and write, still there is just as little pro|)ability of our interfer ing with your slaves, as there is of your interfering with our houses and land.” Can it be so?—It is estimated that the city of New York pays 810,000 a day for cigars, and only ?5,000 for bread. It is also computed that 20,000 persons every year, in America, go into the grave from the iHe of t5bacco. show, and if 1 can’t find come back and tell you all rather think these unluckv not soon forget the Juhih*. The New York papers relaf'-' mishap which occurred to a New York, who resortcti being committed to the “1 , pdice magistrate, in order ' prison yard to witness the rcceiit but, through an oversight, g", into a cell, where he had to execution was over. *1'? fro: Forty mcnt anfl| ' poleon’s jn a delj ' gomethini •when a ij ican na^ “whoreu “the hoiij It would] of those ing. Tl has crutj nation oi grasp thj minion q The 11 made to in whieli within e] ration, collect frigates,] iinprc.' ineiit of| our nav_ P>ng1i.'h| of our bravery! otir “si.’l check tl] of them I coiiteu! the .seal bmger. with 111 ...' the or| and ]'e.i beconiej fllelgy kn )wii I traits ll peril.Ip bretlin at our KKcecss yachts eroiis ev n iH a irn'a; W AnieriJ indiviil tion tl] ■whet in cuttiiu ]>oint triuiufl j.rog! on will inq'orj We) liondq p.irt is no'l writ' Ev, inducj with who II ]daudl this e have l.*nt lieve| id' a yai ht most I the t club in th| a Va an : w hid ever ami ‘clfvj yet il merij gene w hit!, gr; ed ti mac tion; triuil P'T beeiil of tlif wavi of tlj gardj feritj greej ‘grel toy- tha P est will a re; no will goo tliel chrl of tl pin mr'i ).y[ to ca in at en| anl inJ St| adj anl ti(f foj thi tcJ Tl zal th eii lit 01

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