SEMI-WEEKLY. FAYETTEVILLE, N. C, THURSDAY AFTERNOON, OCTOBER 9, 185L [NO. 29.] riUNTKl) BY J. H. NHWHV. I’UWAItl) J. IIALK & SOX, F.DITOUS ANI» I’UOriUKTOHS. I’rii'C for th.‘ Soiiii-Wi't'klv Oii-^kuveb $4 00 if p.ii.J in H-hniico: 81 ->0 if jitiid hning the vo ir of sii1i.'»crij'tioii; or $r> aftvr the year has f\j'irc>l. I r tin- NVi'okly Oukf-uvkp SJ W per annum, if (.;ii 1 in iiihiince: nO if pnid ilurinp; the v; ir of ^iit>-»cription; (ir IH> ufter the j ear tia- cxi>ir'i1. \r\ KUTl!'!'MKNT‘' insertcil fnr .*ixty rent? j, v •,; ir\rr for tlte fir«t, iind thirty cent.-* for cnch 51!.. 0*’ iin^ publioiition. Venrly ndverti^'cment!' !iv contrMct:*. at reit,''otiablo rntee. Ad- vcrti'*!'!' nr** requei'toil to state tiie nutnhor of i; ..■I licsiro'l, or they will he continued till • V *. iiti'l i'liMrirei Rocordinply. 1,1‘llor* to the Krlitor;* niu't be poet-pnid. Mrs. HA\VL1:Y will rosumo lier lS(’ll()Ol, on Mundtiy the Gth of October. (H't. -2, IK.",). DCP St'iiooi,.— Miss C’atliariiK' l>nnn will oj'cn :i School jibout the I’Oth of Oc- tobfr, in the house u:«(>d by the M. 1’. t’hurch. wliero will be tanglit the usual Kn};lish briinchcs I'f I’.ductition, NetHlle-work. jil.-iiu und oi'nunien- tal, with Urnwinp, I’ainting, October 4, Ihol. 2H-:5t ]), iS* II! •Jfcljntirhi A KK It w roreiving n luipt' uiul gem'rul u«- 5' rIllK''Ut of STAl’LK AND FAXCV DRY c;ooi>s, II\1!I)W vRK & Cl'n.KKV, B»»T« A.\D K|IUi:S. — 7*1 bnir?= Viio. I«'i;;:uira and .JTiva )i> lilii>. S'l/ ir. T'*' I’ajrjiin;'. .'.t» i-viils llak* Hope, 1M) kf!r'> Nail*'. as >rted. X tons Swedes and Kjt^lish Iron. 'iiHi -cMi-ks Liverpool S.tlr, \\ Ml f.-ctf’. ;'r»i5lie'l. I’owdered and lirai.uhitod ...irs; (ireen Tea: IVpper; Spice; liinjror; p. i JtT; Siiol; Bar Lead; Table .Salt; I«ir and F in S-iu}>s. Witli a prvat variety t»f *it)ier : . Ic'-, ti; whiidi we invite tlie attentimi of pur- :it nh'ile«ale or retail, «. !iw a» any . '..iT Ittiiise in the plac*. i». & w. M. L vrnix. FAM.. 18.51. •lAMI'.S KYI.i; ■ X • n rt viviti;4 a \ ery l;iri:e and ci-nvral a.-- mi\ iooi)s, V 1‘■- ^ rhf I’ackape f>>r i'ASH. Thos*- ■' >>\\nh-Lse iit relnci*l ]irice;. r ■ • ii, aiid examine, as liarjrains njav IK I,TIN*i (’I.OTITS. Anker l>ranil. . .. \ .. 1 i". unooninionly cheap. r rk:ii:.> HOOTS AND SlIOKS, '■ • : .'v.'r wrre fi>r .“■Hlf in thi* market 1. _ -.1. jMt VVRK wiiirE li:ai). JIOOO lb?. I’ure and No. 1 White JiCad, in oil. Chrome anl ini])erial (Jreen. Hose rink; I’ lilue. rlironie Yellow; SjianiNh 15rov.n. Spanish \Miiting; I’utty and (!l:tss. Just receivcl and for ;ale by CDOlv ic JOHNSON. Oct. G. 1S.',1. 28-;’.w IlOlt *»AI.K.—IICUSK. >V.\OOXS, and l^.VllomiK.—The .«nbrcriber wishes to sell the running (Jear of a strong four-horse Wapon, in good repair, with salt body and har- i.e's all complete. Also, a ni'w two-horse Wa;j- on, of the be.'^t make and tinish. .\lso, n second hand falling top IJnrotndie. equal in value to a new one.—h;irne.*is with it. Also, one liny Horse.—young, handsome and well broke to harness, .\pplv soon, as bargains can be had. AVH Ll.V.M S. L.XTT.V. Oct. (>. IS.M. 28-L*w C'EN'rUE PLANK ROAD. 'J'he President of the Road, to gether with some other gentlemen, projiose to hold iMank Koal Meetings—nt 15hie's l>ridge, ■Jiithdct.: at Kockingliani, "Jlst (K-t.: Mineral Spring, 22d; 1-ittle‘s Mills, liod; Mcl’alliuu's Store, 'Jlth: Centre, l!'>th:—to which they re spectfully r0(iucs; the attendance and co-oper i- tion if tiie citizens of Kichmond, Stanly, .uvl .Montgi>in»'ry counties. (k-t. (». Plank Road l.mnher Want»‘d. rropo!i;il will be received until the 1st day of November, for I.nniber to con struct the 1st Pivisioii of the and Ckxiuk I'lvxk 1U*AI>, extiMniing from F.iyette- villc to I'uppy Creek,—tiie proposer to suite the l>*'ints Ilf delivery, thi‘ anii>int> be delivered, and the price. The Lnnd>er to be of the usual kind. The propo.s.ils can be h.indf'd to John M. Uitse. .''ocrctarv of the Coinpanv. or to the sub- siribcr. ‘ J.N«). A.' Wll.lJA.MS. Ot tober fi, IS.'il. I'S-tf n»:(;r(> sii()i:s. 1(M)0 pair of Neuro Shoes just received, nnl for sale verv low. I>v S. T.‘HA\\li:V .V SON. t>ctj>ber7. L’'>-4w FAVHTTKVlLLi: WATER WORKS. The SuhscrihtT oilers f«>r salt his interest, being one fourth of the stock in the above ■•"iiijiany. W. \\ 1HTK11K.\D. th;t. Is.M. \ (;()(>D L\\ ES rMEN'l'. ^MK s.-’ . V : t . . ..n.'-h:.’r ,.f tiie Fayetteville W.-iter VVork. Neither . ij 7 - /'/ I I *‘f the present pr'iprietoi-s having time to give Aiilt'jr C ItitJt, -” j their personal attention to tlie proj'erty, tlie I 7.- 1; , J'r-/i Ji JJiirr, 1 ti/ Vulixjn*' I at fun r. pru r.. j '111-i ril)er« having made very favora-1 S. 1- :uT:ingements tV r obtaining from one : ■ 1,' >t cxtoiisive inipi'rting and manuf:u;- i ' ■••s in this country. Frenrh ISurr, Co- ! lid iis'ipus Mill Stones, and the real An- ^ . r Clntb. lire now en.-ibied to offer .’iny ' ^ V ii’ tic’cs to Millers of tlie best qu.-ihty, • pi ;ces than they have been liere- . I '.rnialied at in this place. I'.y id' best \uchor iiuUing Cloth con- .,ep! 1)11 iiand. , j i:i- lju.'ilitv of everv article is wamnted. JN(). 11. \ J. MAKTINK. is'il. 2>^-lmewl!nieow A pair of 4 ft. 2 inch Cologne Mill St-mes on i I: .( id daily expei-ted, pair of o feet U inch ! '!■! Mill Stones.—and w«mld invite an ex- ■ 11: tii>i\ 'if them, as they will be founil supe- I r f"r ('orn. Ileail Qiiarfi'r!^, :.;;d UtdlMKNT NokTU C.vnoi.INA .Mii.iti.a, 1 l ayettcville, •ith >ct., lt?ol. > Tlif >ffi'Trs ot’ the licfriincnt are . ' ’ly ordered to appear at the Court Iliiuse in • ' p':ice. on Friday the 17th at !• ■ k .\. M.. armed and equipjied as the law " I", t'lr inspei tion and diill. And to have ! ;■ r-'-^l'Cclive Companies at the same place, ’I .'':.Mirday the iSth inst., at ]• o'clock A. M., t' ■' ‘U 'iiiiental I’arade. Bv order. F.LIJAH Fl i.LKK, Lieut. Col. 10,000 wantkd. rii.' Sui)seril)er lias now one * tl.i’ 111' extensive and best assorted stocks 1' ii!'lf and Single SHOT (JUNS, risToj.s of ‘ ni' sr u]>erior (piality,—Colt’s Ilejieating ■ .1 Vilen's Kevolving. of every rpiality,—l*ow- j •i'T Klask-^, Shot and Game l?ags, I’en-ussion ; ■ -tf Kiiglisli and P’rench make. \l.«o, the ' ; ■'t c.iinplete assortment of Gun fixtures that j ii:' I'v. r bi'en olTered in this scction of country. | V. Sli it duns, Ilifles and I'istols made to nr ri'priired. iiia'lc to order, and warranted to shoot f: .iiip to tive hundred yarils. ‘ r iiuns made to order at short notice. :iil of v.hich the attention of Sportsmen ‘ I *h(Ts i respectfully invited. M. A. IIAKFH, Si^n of llie dun, i^iy street, n>'arly opposite the Marble Vard. Ftyetteville, N. C., Oct. i, l.^^')!. liStf Sl'EAM .\IH.LS.~ undersigned is authorized to receive fl- rii(frs for I’uge’s celebrated improved I’a- t'Tit Circular .Saw Mills and Steam Engines, ! i.iifrictiiri d in Haltinmre, which have been priiii.,iiii,M-d by competent judges superior to all 'tlicr .Mills. The builders assert that a mill of thir kind with 10 horse engine, will saw more jjlank than ;uiy two uji and down ever ope- r ited with, and do it bettor. Call on tlie sab.-. ritHT, at the F. & W. Plank I. Kill Ortice, who will yvc any information re- ■I'lired. JOHN M, RO.SE. I :iyrttovIllc, f)ct. 4, 28-tf l>urch;iS' r i-an have the nianagfiiient of it, ma king it a valuable investment. K. J. HAl.K. Oct. 1. 1>^'.1. FOR SALi:. i^'^Oril hundrcl acres of L \NI> in the coun ty of llobesoii, ktiown as the Lumber Bridge I’lant.ation. situated at the termination of the Southern I’lank Itoad leading fnun Fay- | ctt*'\illc. There ar** abo«it ln*l acres cleared i and \ind*-r good cultiv.-ition; be.'ides tiiere arCi a j ■lood Grist Mill and t'otton (iin. Tin* t^Irist \1ill * and (iin luive bee’.i recently repaired, and they \ are now in splendid order. The Plantation is ; a very desirable one. and is susceptible of great imi'rovenient. The Land is »vell timbered, and is within three miles of gool luivigation. -Vlso, will be soM. Hoii.'^ehold and Kitchen Furniture. Farmitig I'tei.siN of all kinds, one set of Blacksmith's and Cooper's Tods, stock of .ill kinds, viz; Horses. Cows, Hogs, ,'shecp. \c. Also, (!wrn. Fodder, and various other ar ticles not mentioned. The al>ove ."^ale will t.tko place on THURS- I>AV, 2od October, l^^ol. I’ers'ius wishing to purchase would do well to call anl examine for fhetnsches i>r‘vious to the day of Sale, or address the subscriber at Lumber Bridge P. O. JOHN B. McNATT. Oct. 1, 2H-:?t i^lOO Ilewaril. Ni:W CJOODS! I K FAf.f. STOC K OFG«OI>« is now ready for inspection, coinjirisin" an ontlless variety. Groceries. Loaf, Crushed, Powdered, Clarified and com- i.ion Sugars; P,io, Laguira, Moclia, Java and .\Iarica)>o Coffee; Port, .NJadeii’a, ( hampaign and Cooking Wines; pure and imitation French Bran dy; Holland Gin: Champaign Cider: No 1 Mack erel; Salmon and Snmked Herrings: Boxes Fan cy Candy and .Sugar Plums: St.-irch; Saleratus; Farina for Puddings; Scotch Snutt: Hazanl Co’s and Hnpont’s Powder: Soap of all kinds: Spertn, Aflamantine and Tallow Candles: Pepper; Spice; Giiigi'r; Nutmegs: Cloves; Cinnanuni and Mace. ( ROC KERV, CDLXA AND (^LASS-WARE. A large assortment of White Granite, flowed anfl light Blue and Mulberry Ware; common Liverjiool Ware, a good assortment: jilain and fancy (tilt and White ('iiina Tea Sets: one white China Hinner Set; white and gilt liowls; Cott'ee Cui>s, I'ic. Cut. jir“ssed and plain Tumblers: Wine and Jelly Glasses: (Joblets; Heeanters: Bowls; Hish- es: Pitchers: Salt-cellars, \c. Britannia Ware: Tea and Coffee Pots and Crns: ."^ Bowls: Cream Jugs: Candlesticks: i Cnstors; Spoons; Lailles; .Mugs, ,;c. FFRNISIlINt; (;OODS. Housekeeping Ctrnsils of all kin'ls: Brown and iilcached Hamask Table ('loths and Naj'- kins: Oil Cloth Table Covers: Toweling, a varie ty: 10-4 Linen ami Cotton Sheeting: Curtain Goods; Wall and \\ itnhiw Paper: Fluid and Fard Lamps: Waiters; Brooms and Brushes of all kim'is; I’.rass and common Andirons: Shovels and Tongs; Femlers; Br.-iss and Iron-bound Pails; Sets Table Cutlery, and many otlier useful ar ticles too numerons to mention. CARPETJNC;. ;;0(H) yards Carp''tiiig—liriissels, siiperfine :;nd fine Ingraiu jiatterns, to suit a variety of tastes: Rug« :iTid Flour Oil ('loth; Wotil-mixed and .lute Poor .Mats. (M.o riUN(^. ■\ general stock of Ready-made Cf.OTHIN*!, —Cloaks. Overci'ats, Dress and Frock ('oats, .'^acks. Pants and Vests, inchniing an assortment of P>oys' Clothing: .Muslin .''hirts: Wool, Merino and Silk I'ndershirt'^: t'oll.ars; Stocks; Suspen ders: (ilovos, i.'ic. tientlcmen will find a com plete Olltlit. ALSO— Blankets: Bed Ticks; (Jeorgia Plains: ble.-iclied ;md brown Shirtings: Hosiery: Linseys: Cassi- meres: Twccils; Oil Cloths: India Rubber ('loth: l.cttei’. Caji and Wrajqiing Pajier: Portfolios; Portable NViiting |)eskv; Note Books; F.'incv Work Bo\es; Looking (ilasse^; .''nuff Boxes. Ill cases assi'rteil P.onnet“. l(t •• •• .''hoes. IH t..i\i's ('otlee Mills. 1 case assorted I'mbrellas. l2t> jciokagfs Urugs and Pyes. •JM iiiixes Window tJlass. HM( kegs Cut Nails, pt •• Wrought liitto. and .''j.ikes. TiO bugs Shot. Bar Lead. .')KMI t'igars. !•> boxes Iiujierial Tea. •J chests tine Hvson Tea. 1 •• •• Black “ Half-boxes Fresh Raisins. Jh nil,- stnrif i''iU hf fiiimil— A heavy stock of HARPW ARK AND CCT- I.^!R^—Knives and Forks: Pen au'l I’ocket Knives; l>ouble at;d single Guns: Files: Tanners' ricties of La.lies' and (icntlcmen’s Dress Go.ids. | knives: Han.l Saws; Planes: Hammers; HaUdi- The larger jiortion of their .“'tock has been laid in f'lr tiie W hoU sale 'iVa-le, in whieh line the undersi'.rned do not intend to be undersold. Change htts been niatiel rB111L Subscribers having sohl out their old -H. Stock of Goods, liave the ]3leasure now of saying to their friends, that they are now open ing an entire NEW S'1'(K'.’K of iniY «ooi>s, IFMiDWARE CF'n.ERV, HATS AND SHOES, Or^ievries of 4tfl kintfs^ .\11 of whivdi we will sell low for Cash, or ex change for any kind of Country Produce, or to [lunctual custoniers on tini'. COOK vS: TAVLOR. Sei.t. L'-2, 1S.;1. liltf co.MPi'/n rioN d!:fied! (^^V receiving, tlireet f-om N«‘W York, a su- jlM perb I'.t of CL(>rHlN(i, made up in the mn.«t fa«hionalile st_\le ami of the best materials, consisting of black and brown Frock and Dress Coats: Cloth t>verco:its; Cassiinere Pants, seve ral viirieiic.-; fancy (iren.adine Silk, Satin and Twilied Silk Vests. .Ml of which will lie sold lower than any com'crn of the kind in town, and if not as represented, the money will bo r‘fund- ed. Call and see. .V further addition to the Stock is daily ex]'Cetel, and lue notice will be given. One door Last of Cock \ Taylor's. J. S.MITH CO. Sept. L’-J, 1S.-,1. oi,j- FILL IM) \\lM’i;ii (i(!OI))i. ^"*7 E aro now receiving our Fall and Winter V W consi.sting of a very general se- lectioji of Hardware aiul C'utU'ry, Saddiei v, l.eatlit'r. Hals and Caps. I’oots and Sliot's, Iron. Steel aiul Nails, and Staple Drv (ioods, W ith a lal ge ."stock of GROCERIES, BAGCtINCt, ROPE, &c. Persons vi.siting this niaiket to purchase at Wholisalc or Rct.iil, woidd do well to givi' us a call. J. vV T. WADD'iLL, Hay street. Jsej't. IH.'d. «ltf Fall & Winter for 1851!! JTashlonahlc ^^Irrchant Tailoring AND RElUY-.llADE CLOTIII.M; EST.\BLISiniE.\T. M A. A. McKETIIAN ^^TILL contiTiucs to carry on the '.\RRI \({E Bl'SlNESS. in all its lu-aiiehes. at iiu“ OLl) STAND. He returns thanks for the liberal j»at- ronage he has heretofore receiveil, :ind hojies. SCOTT & JiALDWLN, Wiliiiiiiston, 1^'. C., Are opening direct from tiieir .Manufactory, and from newest importations, a large as sortment of Gemlcnicn's Wearinj^ Apparel, comjirising every variety of Business and Dress Coats,—Pants beautifully cut, newest style ami best worknninship,—Vests, a numberless variety of patterns, finest and medium qualities. Also, ^ every style of Under Garment worn by Gentle- i strict attention to Imsiuess and a desiro to men, of the best «)u;dities and most apfiroved I }^i''' entire satislaction, to nu'iit a ‘ontinuance cut;—and we would call particular attention to j |*!'nie. m\T Pittmt >'o/ff Shirt, the best fitting gar-j Having recently increased his luisiness, lie ment worn; and also the new and beautiful .style ! *■’*' very fine assortment of of Drawers, sold only by ourselves. j CarriaiTcs, Rarouclios, Ru2;i>;ie.«, AV THE DliESS fJOOJtS LINK, we are j Mii/t jirepared to show up a most splendid assortment | lvOCKcl*> «l> S, cUlU oUlKt \ .. , of Cravats, Scarfs, (iloves. Suspenders, Night ; Finishel, and a very large assortment of Work Ca))S, &c. I'cc., in all a complete variety, latest partly fini.shed, which, for eleg.ance of shape and style. j finish, will compare witii any other work. OVU MKIK'HAST T A I LOR IXd T>E- i Persons wishing to buy, would do well to call /M/r’.VA'A 7’is conducted by Cutters d'eminent ■•i'"' examine the work, as he is determined to skill, and all our work got up in the l>est style ; LOW lor cash, or notes on short time, possible. (Ireat attention jmid to the newest ' All Wrrk warranted for twelve months. FaijcUctille Jlotcl, I\\YETTEyiI,r,F., X. C. rBlIflS larjre mid s]dendid Building has now Jl been in success'ful np‘fation since May 1840. The Bedding artil Furniture of all kinds is new, and the rooms convenient and pWasant. The Table is always furnished witii the best the nuirkct att'oril«, aided by a fine vegetable garden. Boarders, Lodgers, and Tr.ivellors will find de sirable accommodations and attentive servfints. No jiains will be spared to give entire satisfac tion. Families can be furnislied with largr-, airy, front d/mblc rooms, convoniently and liand- soinely furnished. -\n exjierience of ‘_'0 years will enable the les see, she hofies. to give fs^-neral xatisfact'-n. ANN BltOWN. June 1, lH-^0. ^f'-tf T' TO TIIK I'flilJC. IHE subscril>er leased for a term of years, of Pi. W. Brown. Esip. his firc-proof Store, with his Whanx's, and is now in a condi tion to take es]>ecial care of Spirits Tuq)entine and other Nttval Sti>res committed to Iiis care. The is well known to be the best und and most approved fashions, as we put ourselves i and repaired free of cliiirgc, .should it fail by safest place in town for the storage of Racon, A H. & B. J. iw receiving tlieii conq ii LILLY r./ff X ft v/i- ng mueh the lar'i- ever offered. In their stock RE I tft est stock they hav may be found ST.VPi.H A.\I) FA.\('Y DRV COODS, Angola. Si'k and Fur Hatr-: Wool ditto: (’aps; t nibrcllas: Bonnets: V.irii': .''hfc'tings.—and in (act nearly every article usii.-illv kept by us. - \LSO Ahnnt 1 (»,(»(>() IJOOTS cV .H )KS. tTtV 1’ nrciia.-ers will jdease c;ill and examine. .\ngu.'t 2->. l>'-')>. Itl-L’m I'Ai.L AND \vi.\ ri;u ^■IHF, .■sab.-cribers have reccivel in part. Jind Jl i \]iect to iiave in .Store in a few ilays, their entire Stock of Sfdjtlc and Fnnrif Ih'if (ioods. .\uiong this Stoc k will be found .all the late va- Coiintry .Mercli.ints will find it to their inter est to examine tliis .''tock before making their luirchases. STARR .V WILLIAMS. August 'Jf*, Is'ii. 1 itf ets; .\xes, a goo.l assortment. \c. \c. ■ Country Nierchants and others are in vited to examine a .''tock whiidi. tor variety anl excellence. challengn»i com]iefitiiui. The (Jooils will be sold for Cash, or on time for irfHKl paner. s.' W. TILLING HAST Jt Co. Sept. ■>, ISol. '-"tf \Vatdi«‘s and ,l«'\voh'y. u AN.VW’.W from the SnbsTiber, the •JMth inst., JOHN, sonietimes called John C.-irwile, a mul.aUo, showing Inlian blood. Tiie said John has very d.ark hair, inclined to curl, but when combed lies in waves. He is !;bout 5 feet 1() or II inches high—about "JH ye.ars old. Being a house servant his manner is easy: but when spoken to, he has a do«n-casf look, but replies with a smile. I will give a Reward of Fifty Dollars if taken up within the State, or One Hundred Dollars if caught out of the SUite and lodged in Jail. B. BOVKIN. Camden, .S. f'., Sept. I^(k, IH/il. 2H-(iwpd FOR THE FARMERS. iTRAW' (TTTERS, f’orn Shellers. Harrows. Ploughs and Plough fixtures of ditrerent patterns, &C. itc. For s:ile by {jroods. 'I'lio 'iilis:frilwr Siibscrilier is now receiving a large ad- I III t. HIM I i Ji^ con.sisting of repectfullyinlormsthepub-! ^ i / • /■ i lie. that he has just return-1 l)r\ (lOods, (irocerie.'^, v roeker\, ed from the Nortli. with a j fine a.ssortment of (iohl aU'I : .Silver W T C H E S ; (!oM ■ F’ob. Guard Vest ('bains; I .NOTICE. U7"n,L lie old to the higlicst liiiHer on Tuesday, 21st Oct., if not previously , i-d of. my plantation on which I now re- ‘I'lf, containing two hundred and fifty acres of j uni lying on the soutli side of tiie Little Marsh, • ‘ II-.Im .....n (M)unty, and on tJie wetit side of the (.Ii I. i ton road. The land is well timbereil, "I'l li:is i.n it aboiii Tnr]>entine boxes, and ■' I ( Mill and (,'otton (Jin. A -o. houschoM and kitchen furniture, farm- - i^ensils, blacksinith tools, coi'n und fodder, k of variou.s kinds, viz: horses, cattle, hogs, ■ ' j', iSCC. fi-iuis made known on (hiy (,f sale. PETER McGEACHV, S’ J. & T. Oct. 1, 18')I. WADDILL. 27tf FAMILY 13IBf.ES. 4L.\R(iE and beautiful as.sortment of plain, fine and superfine QII.ARTO BIBLE.S, at wholesale and retail. Just received. E. J. HALE & SON. Oct. 1, IK'.l. TO DISTILLERS. -g EMPTY SPIRIT CASKS, just re- Jl ceived and for .sale liv WILLKINOS & C(X Oct. 1, 27-1’w HAIR FOR PLASTERING^ f;\OR sale by ' J. T. WADDILL. Oct. 1, 1S.-,1. 27tf RYE WHISKEY. A N(»THER lot of W’illianis’H Old Rectified !i\ E WHISKEY, just receiveL J. \ T. WADDILL. Oct. 1, -7tf RA(’ON AND PORK. r TI ACT I.ll'ri'K K offers for sale • i:> hhds. Racon Sih‘s, lo hhds. Bacon Jshoulders, 1 hhI. do. Hams, 10 bbls. New Mess Pork. —ALSO— I tierce Clean Rice, ;> half bbls. >.o. 1 Mackerel, 1') half boxes Raisins. Lib'-'rty Poiut, A'igui't ‘j:o, 1'3-tf (iold. Silver. Steel anil (Jilt Keys: Breast Pins: Ear Rings: Finger Rings; (Jold, .''ilver. .'steel ' and Sliell Spectacles: Gold and Silver Pens ami j Pencils; (Jold and .'silver Tliimbles; Bracelets: j Lockets; (told an'l Silver Belt Buckles: Sleeve Buttons; (’lasjis: Silver Cups :Music Boxes. Sil ver Fruit and Pmtter Knives: Port-moneys; Pur- .ses: a fine assortnient of Walking Canes; Plateil Cake P.askets and Castors: a large assortment of fine and common ,\ccordeons: Violins: Mutes: Fifes: Surv'Vors'Compasses: ('h.ains: Mathema tical Instrnments; Ladies' Work Boxes: fin* and Common Iouble and single barrel (Juns: Pistols of everv vjiriety; Game Bags: Shot Poiudies: Powder Fl.asks; Perctission Caps: Dog (.'ollars and Calls: fine Pocket and Pen Knives: Scissors: R.izors: Needles; Chessmen and Boards: Hair. Tooth. Nail. Lather and Flesii Brushes: Note Paper: Envelopes: and a great variety of Fancy (.Joodij. Ahirin. I'jKfhf and h S. Purchasers will please give me a call. nO^C’lorks. Watches and .)e\v elry neatly Repaired. W. PRIOR, Hay street. Sejit. -2, 1S.‘)1. lS-:5m I^iiipirc Stffte Cooking Stove.s. THE EMPIRESTOVE is of the latest and most a)iproved pattern. It is better, and can l»e sohl clieaj>er. than any other kind of Cooking .Stove. For sale by C. W. ANDREW'S. U-J, IS.'il. tlftf Tin A' Sheet-Mron II V*#*c MANUFACTORY. At Wholesale and Retail. F. T. \W*€irs OLD E.STAP.LTSHEl) TIN AND SHEET-IRON WARE MANUFACTORY S RE.MOVED to the Sonth-East Corner of Market Sipiare, ready w:ith the necoss.iry machinery and nuitcrials for inakin FACTORY DRU.MS CANS, .\ml to do all kind of work of Factories. .Uso, ROOFING, Gl'TTERlNG, ami aR kimls of JOBBING, done on short notice, and by ex jierienced workmen. gfty*" .\ constant supply of Tl.N kept on hand. I H:ird\vare, Hats, Caps, Jioots ;md Shoes. —ALSO— Ilulliiw-Wnro, lAathi r, AV iinlow (i]u.s.s, Wliiti' IiO;i'l, (’hi'ost*, Muekcrt'l, (’odtisli, cVe. I'i;!'. I'^o. W iiich he offers on reasonable terms. He otl'ers for sale a large stock of Foreign and Domestic LIQUORS, viz: 1(M) bbls. Whiskey. ;”>0 Apple Brandy. 10 '• choice “old Nash,” •'> years dd. 10 “ oltl Rye Whiskey. His stock of FOREIGN LKjl'ORS were se- •ted with carc> and arc of superior «iuality. They consist of— “Godanl" I’liindy. “Otard” do. ‘■Hennesey'’ do. “Old London Dock'' ditto. Holland (Jin. Jamaica T’»um. Irish W iiiskey. Madeira W ine, superior. Slierry do. do. Port * ilo. choice, (very fine.) Sicily Miideira ilo. _L\ glass— Cli.vnipaign Wine, of “Heidsick” and other fav(U‘ltc bninds. Sparkling Hock, in pints and quarts. Still Hock. do. do. London Porter. 4*^A11 kinl.s nf IVixlnee iMuiglit at the Market price in e.’ichauj'e for in ]>osse.ssioii «>f the monthly Ue[)orts, direct from Paris and New Yu’k. Gentlemen visiting Wilmington will find it quite to their advantage to call and examine our Stock. T*-rms Cash, and all (Joods sold at fair prices. S('OT r .S: BALL>W IN. Market st., W ilmiiigt(Ui. N. C. September •J'i, 21-tf ^ 'H. ii. 11 ALL, i Fatfftteviltc Fonnttry. CASTINGS OF EVERV DE.^lCRlPTION MADE TO UKDER. Jg.-^ A lot of B;ibb‘t .Met;il for sale. \\ in.slow street. Sept. 1. IS.'tl. ISY CHARLES JiANKS, Conferfioner^ GllEEN STREET. F\\ETTE\ILLE, .N. I’. ' rrtsli, pure, t'andit s, conslaiilhj siijiplied.! .)une IS.Vi. lio-tf JOHN I). WILLIAMS, | Commission A' Forirardins • lie reliant^ Fayetteville, N. C. Feb. I.”!, ls.'»n. R. M. ORRELL, | FOHWAKinNt: riDniissioN merciiam at | 1'ayellt‘ville, March in. Is.',]. f.-J-tf T. C. WORTH, (’niI.MISSl()> AND FORWAKDIMj .llERrilAM, WIL.MINCnON, N. C. Feb. 1. is.-.l. r>7tf SAVA(JE 5^ .MEAifES, Commission and Forwarding Mer chants, i WlI.MINCiTOX, N. C. SC’OTT S.V RALDWIN, {.’^i/rrrtxhr.f tn Srntt, hcfti ,V f^O.) F(is]notud)l(' rchnnt 'Dulors, AM> nKM.KISS I\ (JenlU'men's ('lolliin.i^. Ready-made, OF THE FIRST tjCALITY. .Mso. !i complete ass(U-tment of Gents' DRF.S.S •(iooDS. . ft ttrlicf Slrrrt. wiimingion, x. r. Jan. 1.'., IS.-.l. .V.yj.d j()M-:rii H. mmw. K \ K u \ 1.1 o.n n I AND FORWARDING MERCHANT, n^ilmin^ton^ .1*. C\ Prompt personal attentioi. given to all Consignmei\ts, and ('ash advances made on Mer chandise to be shipped or sold in this market. Feb. 1. is.'il. r.7y TOOM^L 4'ommission atut Fonrarti- in^ ^llerrhant, \vilmin(;tc)N, n. r. bad workmanship or material. DO^ Rej)airinii faithfully execu ted at short notice, on very rea.sjnable terms. Faykttkvillk, Skpt. 22, ISol. Lard. Corn, Peas. I'tc. The lower wharv es havo on them four large new sliods, where Spirits can >>e safely kejit from the rain an«l sun. He i^ Jirepared to receive and ship, or sell, all kinds of jirodnce w?nt to his care. He will also make ailvanees when required. He begs to refer to the following gentlemen: R. W. Brown, John Dawjton, O. G. Parsley and Thos. H. Wright. Esqs. MILES COSTIN. Brown's wh.irf, Wilmington. N. C. .‘;c],i. i-J, 18*>J, Jl-V Eiicoiirn;ire S^oiiUicrii oliaiiics. * The Suliscribers rc'spectfully annouiice to the citizens of Fayetteville and the siir- rjii rotniding country, they have **onimenced the C'arriaso At the olil .Stand formerly occu]>ied by .'^inqi.'ifin \ McLauchlin. i one door below .\. Md\e- tban's.) where they are now prepared to manu- fa«'ture to order all kinds of RIDING \ EHl- CLES, from a Sulkey or Ibiggy to a nine-pas senger Co.ach, which, for style and durability, sh.-ill l ilt be surpassed by jiny establishnient in the place. Tliey hope, by a strict .nttcntion to business, nml a desire to jilease all who may favor them with a call, to merit a sh.-ire of joiblic jiatronage. REP.MRING neatly executed at short notice, and LOWER than any other establish ment in the j>lace. TH(*MAS V. WHITE. JIM IS P.. ItABOTEAC. Favetteville. Feb. 17, I Sol. .)Otf • MJl# in istrnfor^s .1 *oticf, f'C.MRKIil.\N1) CorvTY, N. C., I Sej>t. ‘J2, 18;">1. { HE SuT)-»crilier hr>viHg. on the second day of Sejitember Court of Pleas and tjuarter Session.^ for said County. IS.'iI, taken Letters of .Vdministnition »>rcording to Law (>n tiie Estat'* of Dr. Hinim RoTiinvm. deceased, hereby give.s genenil noticc to all creditors of .=;aid Estate, to present their claims, duly authenticated, within the time limited liy law for that jiurpose, other wise this notice will bo pleaded in bar of recovery. DeVitors to .-.aid Estate w ill also ple.ise to make p.iyment jmmerli.-itely. BE.NJ'N ROBINSt'iX, Administrator. Further .1‘ofirc. / !LL be sidd on the 15th day of Ooiober next, at the Market Hou.^ in Fayette ville, on a creiiit of 3ix mouths, a man >>y tho name of RILL, well known a.^ a bwt hand, longing to the sibove Estate. BEN.PN ROBINSON, Adm’r. C a r r i a e M a n u fac t or v. ^ •/ I Kncoifrofrc iVojlh Caroltjia, nndersigncd i« mauufacluriug, in F.ny* .H. i'lleville, Boot and Shoe Polish, far superifiv to the Blacking purchased iti tlic Northern cities. He intends devoting his wholo time to manufacturing :ind vending this very su perior Polish, and callsi upon all who think it ti> , the interest of the Southern jicojde to become ' inlependent of Northern manufactures, to give him their aid and patronage. He is prepared to show, by abfohiir trial, to I any one who will call upon him, the vai't fupe- \ rioTiiy of his over all other or bUtcliiHf now- sold in North Carolina. Call and have your : boots and shoes once completely blacked ami i }ioli.-h(*d, and be sati?fi»'d. This article is offered at a price not higher H E .'subscriber having taken the Establish- than is»Hy charged for other and interior Tnent ot the late .V. (’. .'sinqison. (Situated j qualities, and a trial is all t^ot is asked to se- ojiposite W . McIntyre's Store.) iutciuls carrying cure the patronage of (he public generally, on the j The undersigned expects to visit every por- T>.i • t>"n of the State to intr'«Ince his Polish, and Jirrin^e ManiltilCtUl injr iMW^le^S that Merd.ants and others In all its varioiis tu’anches. and would respect- isept. 1, 1S.'>1. W. IHiATGHON. 1 31 a r b 1 o F a c t o r y. Refer to II. Bransoti \ Sou, ) A. .\. .McKethan, ) Feb. 1, IS.'.l. Fayetteville. N. C. o7y fully solicit a share of the ]iublic patronage. Having had consiilcrable expcricjice in the business, and h.aving been eiufiloyed in Some of the most extensive Establishnu'uts in New York and New .Jers‘y. lie tl.-itters liimself th.-it he ^-an give general s.-itist'action. He warrants all his work to be maile of the best material the surroundi!ig country atfoiils. and by experieui;cd workmen; and should :iny of it fail, either in material or workmanship, in twelve numtlis from the time of its delivery, he will repair it free of charge. Jpvjy^ REPAlP.lNti done in the neatest and best manner, find :it the lowest jmssible prices. A. H. WHITFIELD. Fayetteville, Fi'b. 11. IS-'it). 7tt‘ €arria^‘^> and rW'^IllltTY-EltJHT Carriages !ind Buggies m.w j JL finished, and on hand—eighteen of which I are Buggies. .Ml at low prices, .-iccording to ; finish. A. .V. .McKETH.\N. Sej.t. IS, IH.'I. liH-tf yew I'inn -Vc?/* fJrcni Sfahlea. vi.-iting Favetteville will J:ive him .% c.all. A. J. W()ODW.\RI). .Tune'Jl, IS.'il. 77-ilm TORACCO. AG*)*D STOCK on hand; anl I shall re ceive regtilarly, from Mes.^rs. .1. Jones & (’o's Factory, qualities assorted from common to very fine, wliich I will sell at lowest manufac turing prices. ,T. 7'TT.FV. Fayetteville. April .T. 18.'1. Wtf FOR SALE. 'fl ilk TJAt’ON .sim:.v*, r>,XK'i IKs. shoulders, 7') bbl.«. No. 3 Mackeiel. 1 T. S. LUTTERLOII. .Sejit. 20. 18ol. 2i»-2w By GEO. LAUDER. TWO DOORS AHOVE HAIGII & SOX^S STORE, Fayetteville, I¥. r, Jan'y 20, ISol* 55-lYpt CV>r#t, Peas^ and, Miay. raiHE Subscriber has oh kjuul and is con- M. stantly receiving, on ctmsignaient, a sup- rtt Wholesale and Retail. Country'Merchants | ply of tlie above articles, which may be pur- aml IVUars can be supiilied at the very I'-west I chased iit the lowest market prices at the OJiicc ! of the Henrietta Stcuinbout Coiupany. , 11. M. OKRELL. Sept. 2y, ib:o C. W. ANDREWS. April 8, U*I WH.KINSON & ESLER, DEALERS IN Coit/rcfionoi i/, Forci(jn J-'riiif.':, iifii, Tj~ harruy m1 .VND IMPORTERS OF PKKIOBt II.\VA:^.V CICi.VKS, AT WHOLKSALK A.M» RETAIL. Market St., Wilmington, N. C. .\ug. 7, 1851. lltf ^ItATC ll ^llUlMiA.Mv, “ Wholetale Dealers in Tohncco, Cigars avd Snujf. r■ 'IIIF) Subscrilvers, late of I*i»ttiinore. hav« JL opened a .Store in thi» town, ami having tuiide arrangements with an exten.sive in Baltinn>rc, they can furnish the above n.-uned articles at such prices that cannot fail to please. Dealers ami (,'ountry Meivhants will tind it to their advantage to give us a call Ijrtore pur chasing elsewhere. Front street, under Mozart Hall, next (loorto Messrs. Polley & Hart. Wilmington, Dec. Id, 18->(\ 4!*tf N^ R ^l^UiUCK^ Tray, •^'cw \*orh\ lllOX FOrXDEli AND MACHINIST, Mnnvfoctvrrr of Sfnun MiJhand lioilcrs, Mill Gcarimj uf all kinds-, Plomjhs, ti c. f jr^lIE undersigned, as the Agent of ♦he al>ovc JL Est.'iblishment, will ortler any articles whieh may be wanted, on .tpplitrsitron to hini. The Steam Mills niaimfaciured by Mr. SUir- buck have l>een tested,. »nd are highly approved ou the Plank Koads about Fayetteville. EDWn> LEE WINSLOW. FayettoviTle, >'4ept. 4, 20rf “ CHECK^ ON ALL THE BANKS IN FAYETTEVILLE, Jodi rxiuted for at ihis WANTED TO RLY. OR ;iO LIKELY YOU.VO NEGROES; .npplT at the Fayetieville Hotel. August t'». 11-tf LBS. R\(;S VVANfED, >>v H. RR \NSO’« v*;, SON. 7bif SO,000 July 1. ! Spanish Smoking Tobttcro f TE'^HE I'ndersigned having lormod a Coi>art- Jl. nership to carry on the Livery Stable Business, | Respectfully inform the citizens of Fayetteville ^ and the Public generally, that they can be ac- ~ comnjodatC'l on reasonalde terms with I lloi’MMi, A; ollicr Veliirl4>s j at such times as they may wish to hire, '>y an- ' plying to the subscribers, as they at'e we'l ] iv*- I pared to carry on the Ibisiness, having re itteil j and renewed the F^stablishment, with the addi- ] tion of some fine Horses and new Vehicles, jind 1 are s.atistied that they can give .sjitisfaction to , all who may wish to hire. ; And thejffore call on them to give us a trial. I J. W. 1‘OUERS. I RORERT REGISTER. Sept. IS, is.')I. L'.'iy Srpt. 11, 18.:>I. DAVIS’S SPANLSH CIGARS, for sale low bv H. BRANSON k S(^N. liltf OR «;nle by ■\pril 21. PALN-Klf.LER, SAM'L J. IHNSDALU t‘,«tf J..insee(l Oil and White Lead, ,10U s«1cbT SAM E I. HINSDALE. April _'i. 08tf mr* ^L’.s.« JUNCtHAM ^ ill re sume her School on WoJnpjday tTif 1.^ October^ Se].t. 2-2, 18.51. . nCr’'1'he Eariner.s’ & IHItnter.s- ALM.VNAC for 1852. ju~t received. i:. J. HALE SON. W()()L WANTEIK ^TJTE .vant to parcLa-e 20.(K)0 ibs. of WooL V ¥ COOK & TAYLOR. 24-«t Scj.t. 2J. 18G1. _ Slope and 'ruin«>‘. 4LL ijUiiiitieii for ^ale bv H. 15JRANS05 & .‘^ON, ARg, 7, -1831, lltf Fire Insuraucem The ^KTN-V Insur:‘nce Company of Hart- ■ ford, h.aving ]>i*id th(> t.-ix imposed by ihe Revenue Law of th? l-ti? Lr-iisi-it'.ire, will o-m- . tinue its Agency bi Fayfttevjllc, und.'r the j man.igement of the undersigiK*d, \vho is pre- . jiarcd to issue I’oliciot? of Insurjinc? on BnilJ- I ings or Good.*, etther in thi^ Tonn or in any j part of tlie .State, on ]iiopcr ayplicatiop, dc- , scriptioH of the Prope.-'ty, iic. ! The *EfNA X)MP.\NY has been InopecatKm I .aboirt .10 years. Its capital is 9300^000. ; The Hon. Thos. K. BracC was its first President. ■ and be still holds that ofSce; and several of its first Directors are still active and efficient mem bers of the Boartl. It at all times sustained the highest character for the jirudence of its ! management, and for the liberality with which ! it has ever adjustuil its losses. j GunU^S DOQlGStiC Alodicilio. E. J, HALE, Agett, j ^ I'UJlIilSE supply, ju£t receive j. PAID for YOrNO NEGROES. Apply ter J. & T. W^VDr>iLL. Sept. 2-'?, 2-'tf .MOU.NTAIN BUTTEK. FIRKINS Mountain Batter, some very fine. For sale by COOK lAYLOK. Sept. SO. 1851. 2^'-4t