“ Un\U>l StnV'!', iu coujuncticx\ with Cana- i I dians anJ otlu*rs, who, aftor forciltly seiz ing upon the property of their peacetul /Vmj the lUrhmnnd'Whig. DKMOCRATIC GKATITUDK. ^ , ■ • ' ^ • Ee.coverinc fitst, •a.'^ tlie Presidential e- neighbor for the purpose of eltecting their lection appvouclii's, froiu all that eternal unlawful designs, are now in arms against ’Matitude. which father Kitehie pledged to, tli«* authorities of Canada, in perfect disre- 31r. Filliiiiire, for his honest anl firm |)ef- gard of their own obligations as Aniencan foriiianci; of all his duties towards the , citizens, and ot the obligations of the Go\- eountrv in general, and the South iu pur- ernment ot their country to foreign n.s- the Wasliinnttm Cnion is now toil- tions: - i i .1 c 11 in.' all the while at the rather unhappy Now, theretore, 1 have Uumght it necen- solves to* be governed by the tollowi,»^ task of raising the best elanior it can make s;‘'y and propi'r to issue this proclamation (.onstitution and s. u.T;,inst every act of the Executive. The calling upon every citizen of the Unite.l The Pcdta advises the formation I.om- fnion—rather singular to say—was de- States neither to give eountenaiu-e m>r on- Star Clubs all over (bo I nion lit^htedwbeu tiist the President proved his eouragement of any kind to f/iosc u ho/in. , ,.x»vlleut i.h'a to n>M\o patriotism: but the more of it he shows, thus /i>r/util fhrit clunn to thrjuuthrtinu onlor !iu.l I'orm “mind your own the less is tho Cnion pleased with him.— of th!r n>,n,tn/; up-'n thoso niisguulctl or tiubs” all ov.>r tlie ruioii, Xew OnIcr,'—The OrVyina TVil- t;i acknowledges the receipt of ’ho (’oiisti- tution and IJye-Laws of the “Order of I ho Lone Star,” recently formed in Lafayette. The charactcr of the Order may .bo inferr ed from the following preamble: We, whose names are annexed, desirous of forming a so’!ety for the purpi>»«' of ex tending th(! area of liberty, anti to eUivato the charactiT of niaiikiiid, do pb iliro our he less is tho Cnion pleased with him.— oj turn- r , i.ii.Miiess i luns an o>n n It sratrf,,! tor l,i» .l.ong hi» J«ty f,.r K-b«K"l P'"-""'* " M-l. 1- 1 I *t 1 1 1 1 . i* tiI *1 iv)ndou |)rnii‘i*ts to tlUMl o\> II a little whilo: but the does t, f.tarto those whout thcv profess A Wasbingt..u eone>p..ndeul ot tl. the less the I nim. > -.r.mtu.b It tlu. ,raetir.ilde of exeeu- Courier and Kmiuirer has llu- loUowiii 1 resident doesii t >lioitl\ ehange liis m.i - torei.'U aid. whieii they eau- leuiarks iu iv>;anl to th.' iuuion-,1 evtvi.-n. uers altogether and do sjmu-tlung i^ „„t rationally expect to obtain, and giving Of a treaty between K.igland and Spam. ;;rrouri;/;":'%h": ::f^: s-iuu ' - •’ - . . . . . . upon the lionor ami giuKl taitti ot lueir othr Mohlh 1,'nion will not be able nnu h longer t(» re frain from denouncing him utterly, as a chicf magistrate who is nothing sliort ot an ent'Vii/ to fit's roimtrt/.' In taet, the I niou is already n»)t far from that point. The truth i*s (^we are eonij>el!ed to ei)U- fes. it' that the I'liion and the l>emiK-raey trenoraUv but too nuieh reason to coiupbiu. They are an excessively ill umed pe.>ple. How they can be exjH'cted to bear it, we d\» not see. The President theui. as a party, no sort ot ehauee. |lt> will do nothiuiX for them: not even to oblige will he depart a little from his pub- li. (iuty. He e\identl\- has no eonsidera- tion for either their feelings or their inte- rt 'ts. I'ould he only have taken a eor- reet view of his public obligation, Loeo- f.H'oi'iu must have been in the a.seendant and tien. Ca>s or (leii. Iniehanaii iu the high road to the I’resideney and the Sj>oils. Nmv, what an unaceoinm>Hlating maul— N 't even all tht >(‘ j>owerful indueeuieut-i will prt vail wit!i him ti> let a mob tr.itn- ple >u the t'(>uipromise 111 either lii>stou or (’!in>ti::iia, or .•'Ct a^idt', lu .New ()rli‘ans, fiir tn'ifv witli Spain, or tramj>le upon the laws ;>.nywhere. What irreatlv a^r^rravate^ the eruelty and the uurea>onabK ne>' ot all this. i'. that the I'emivraey i.- t'>tally unusi'd to being treativl in this m.iiiiier. hen they had President', it was not in thi> way they l»e- Lived- l>i»l their frieii'l' want any litfle tliiiii: done for tlie party advantage, at ui^Ti ly >'lue .'«arrifiee ^'t the laws or the puMi.- poiU v. or the national iK'aee. or the national f.uth. or vat private interest', or oriier like iueoii'ideralih- niatter ot uiooii- "hine. wh 'ii wa' it evi'r ritu'i'd them be fore!'' Would the laiu 'iitid P"lk. or the lamentable \'an Jbueii. or the .-aiiited .laek'on. ever have let them want, in thi' wav. f"r Some uiibiwt'nl, >ome wrong act, to th' ir advantage'' N.*ver! Attest it all ye .'h;;dt“.» "f patriotic .•'p.)il.'-nieii! Hear v. itues.' a th >u.-ind immortal j'ublie deeti-.' Si'oiu-.:. then, that the AJmini>truti>n of Millard Fillmore is altogether legal, is most villainously tiriu to oflieial duty, is IU .'t ab.-urdly wi'O. mo't outrageously m i'-rate. m'st intolerably ju.'t. most ini- prudi titly I litie, mo>t iuinou>ly i-onserva- t!ve. tV;. ndlv t.i the I nion, can I'ul of tin* St,.: an I ab.minal'!y regardful of the g' 1 anil the uece'' of every thing and e\;H V I- idy. except the J.>ko1ih:0 party. wti.it ni'ire natural, w'lat lu.ire tt. what ni ire in rev^.ny than tliat. tmtruired and in- jiirt-'j a:il eouf"an h d ly ail it.- aet.'. that ]'arty -houM take uiiiver..il ariU' aL'iin^t him, the I ’nion make war on all his doing', our neighbor, the Ku-juirtr, find all iiis nica'Uies ouitiu.' and abouiinabkWhy ha.-« iie stx>d to the Compromise, of which th- y are such ardi ut fi ieiub:' Why has he* uphidd the I’nion, to which they are >o devotc'lly attached'' Why will he be -M obstinately faithful to all hi> cou'titu- tMLial oliiigatioiis, for which they are .'o z aloU'? Iiy, oh whyl will he not dc> something that will give the OpjfOsition .'Joint* real handle again>t him'' (’an h«‘ e.vpe- t any thing at its hand' but iiate and vii.ilifiition, whilt* he ^hall go on so'/ (,'er- tainly. h- cannot. Two of hi>- latest pnx'ceding^ towards tlioni have bc-n }i.uti(.alarly eruei: instcail '-t letting the Chri.'tiaiia negroes aiid ab'>- lilioni'ts murder .^laryland musters with impunity (as Locofocoism would have wi.>hedj he has, with the greatest vigor and promptitude, let down the arm of law upon them; ami instead of letting the biliibn.'ters hni.sc from our treaties and statutes, that they might all be slaughter ed by the inccn.^cd population of Cuba, he and the I'nitetl States. gviarantyiU' preser\;i(iou of ('ub.i to Spain: own trovernment; upon every otheer. ei\- il and military, ainl upon every eiii/.eu —by the veneration tiue by all tn'C nn'ii to the laws which they have assisted to en act tV their own gov» rument—b_\ his n-- iiard for the hont>r and rei>ulatit»n ot his country—l>y his love of onier and n"j'eet for that ,'acri'tl I'Otle I'f laws by wiiich na- tituial intercourse is regulated—to use eve ry effort in his powi-r to arrest tor trial aiul puui'Iiiueiit ev*‘ry otfemier against tlu' A’ou ha\e no doubt seen wlia( ha.' 1h'«mi r‘iterati‘d in (he juiblie pre^x about it e«*i- n'spoudeuee in the aiehues >f the .'^tate IVpartmeiit n'lative f» this eountry i»eing a p.irtv to the guaranty with l^'rauee and I'hiiflantl, b\it such a statement lias no fonii'iation in fact. >\nother as.serlion. made by one of tlie aiiiest eorrespoiileiits fri>ni hbis city, was that such correspoml- eiice is on tile, but that it tlates back to tlie time of Ceii. dat-kson; this statement SmrttTNT) OIIACLES. I qnannock Bank, at Bridgeport, and now VCc rccolleft having seen, many years regularly attends its preliniiuary uieetingH. ago, the following extract from an old As it is known that he designs to throw all edition of “IMerlin’rt Prophecies," written of his experience and energy into the m.an- about Anno Domini 850. It was reprjntcd agement of this institution, it already en- in 1H.*)0. Many of our readers may, like joy» a confidence and popularity in advance ourselves, have seen it in times gone by, that sjKiaks volumes. but it has doubtless escaped their notice, | Tenthly. He is an 0«ld Fellow—a Son us it dil ours, for a long perittd. It niay of Temperance—a member of the Tem- amnse tlu'm to read it again; and those perance Temple of Honor—a Kechabite, T^OETIC.*; FROM tHtl «EVI:VINO POST.” ^ Southern A correspondent says: “The lines pub-1 It is remarkable that althou'rl, .1 lished iu the Evening I'ost of yesterday as i },aa always been the navigatir'(,\ having been put on a board at Table llock, the Union, the South h'its on the sjHjt where Mis.** H'-igg fell and met her death, have been laughed at, but 1 think without reason. They have in them all that could be properly said on such an occasion; the only fault they have is a lit tle inaleunacv in the expressim. Your great autiiors of our superjority j,, ^ tion. Ilumsey, of Virginia, waH't? ^ projector and inventor of steuin tion. He was the first iru^^ - nent to build and navigate a .st(.a,f\'^'‘- and this was done on Janu s riv^/ who havi' never .seen it will doubtless find and a popular Temperance lecturer—as.sid- 1 readers will perhaps have tlie patience to next attempt was made by 111 till'abstract some matters of interest: i uously attentive to all the duties ajiper- look at the inscription again: J.)claw'are, and Fulton canu* aft. p 1' law' providing for the performance ot our is e'|ually at fault. One of the earlit'st 1 obligations to the other p*wer' ot the woi^d. uioves by the ensuing Congi'ess will doubt- And I hereby warn all tho.se who have en- ](>ss be to call for all b>cuments toncliing iraired in these criminal eiiterpri.ses. it J»er- tJiij; interesting subject, and 1 aiipivhend | sisted in. that, whatever may be tln> con- Jt tl,,.,, ;ij,|n.;n- that there is a eorres- dition to which they may Ik* ri'duced. they poudence which took jdace during the al- miist not exju'ct tlu' intiTferenee of this uiinistration of .^Ir. .Monroe, when the (lovernment, in any fi>rm, on their behalt. island was in imminent danger of capture but will be left repro;iched by every vir- l,ty tl»e ,Me.\ican patriots, atid I believe ! further, that it will b! found that the in-. terfen-nee of our (lovernniont alone pre vented it, and that a \crv elaborate ])aj>er ; from the pen of John (..luiney Alams will be ImiULrht to light, giving the strongt st >1ku1ow of justilieation or excu.'c. neta- pnlitical ainl pbilosophieal reasons why the riously invaded. Island of Cuba sluuild not be ju rmitted to (iiveu under my hand, at the city of pa.'.^, from the po.s.'c.'sioii of Spain." Washington, the’Jlst day of November. .. ^ . i - 1 1 , 11*1 11. 1 he New Orleans ( reseent, vliich ih“- in the year ot our one tnous;inu eiglit i • n- 1 ■ 1 t . 1 • .,..1 thirtv.-ieh.. ..,.1 t!,.. -i.uv. sml.p a, .u^ Ivn, States. taining to all these positions. He not j qj, y,e.,uteou.s of the human racc, the Hudson. Fulton must have I, only iioniiiKit/i/, but practieall}’ devotes • He c-iieful of a flun^crons place, j and used the jdans of liuni.-cv jin,] himself to wiiatever he undertakes, infus-' Miss Mnrtliu Ktifrpr. at the iigc of ■ Xbe South has also lieen pre-in “ ing a vitality and a prosperity into every 'sailing vessels. The J>aifiiii„re institution and assK;iati(m with which be | “Kmisseau somewhere remarks that the j have always been celebrated for fij is connected, as remarkable always as they ' poa.'^antry and other laboring classes have ' periority over other sailing vessc)/^ seem inevitable. His habits are exem- ' tiic best sentiments; the only deficiency is j |t now appears that the luan who' ' jdary to a marvel. He is an early riser, in the ex[iressi(m. Those who are denom-! ed the America, which has beaten*'■' bold, ardent, entliusiiistic, and, above all, j inated the cultivated and refined, he main- j yachts of (ireat Britain, is al.xo ^ indefatigably industrious. He eschews , tains, are only so in their language; they i uer—Mr. George Seers, of this Tl * strong drink in every shape. He u.-;es nr> have a knack of expression, and that is all. | l^t justice be done to the ffonin tea, coffee or tobacco; but enjoys life hand- In this case the thought is exceedingly ! South. * soniely in every other respect, being enii- ‘ gool, as will be seen ijy a brief analysis, i ^ nently social and hospitable, fond of wit First, comes a recognition of the value of j ^ A> bigs of Ohio are jTop-nr^,,, ami literature, excellent himself at a Jt n ' woman; this gives additional force and im- | elet-tion which takes }>lait on tlK.]" and relishing a jest and a good portance to the caution to be circumspect | -I here is great o,|J, ’ story with the best (d’ us. He is really | in danger, which follow.s; and timilly we 1 them, since the I)enuH-rats and Fn+.v unostentatious, genei'ous to t. is«; be be- , have an example of the con.se(|uence ot ' ers b.ive united; but the juf|;ri)j,,jjj , lieves t*> be deserving, far m»re charitable neglecting this caution, which is made ■ conlemn nucli a than most of tho.se wlio make sm h jmblic ^ inon? expressive and pathetic by mention- State and County hig Convcutijji^^ pretensions to benevolence and jiliilaiithro- ing the age of the pe rson who met her jeverywhere i-'iviii;_r ^ )»y, and has, perhaps, lotmed ami lost nu)re death—the age of beauty, gaiet y, hope, and Adininistration a heartv eri(j,|. money in »juiet efiorts to aid niolesf merit promi.se. Tlie last line, which to scune j e piote from one of the ^ \ erse 1. 'J’lie .settlenu nt ot America by | j,j exertions to obtain a liv ing, than pe«»])le seems ridiculous, is only so f>n ae- j ti*>ns at a large meeting iu U;,^,, civilization is very clearly alluded to in the other citizen (»f the same means, in «mint )f the plinise, ‘launched into eterni- I ^’ounty last week: first line. 'Ihe frantic mother is IJritain ^ State. , ty,' being often emjdoyed when )>eople are j “Resolved, That the jtatrintio \V lu'n (lio Havn(ri‘ is meek Jinfl inilit, 'I'ho Iraiilic iitotlier shall stab her child. II. \\ hen llie ctifk shall woo (lie (love, Tho iiuilher the chihl siiall ceadc to love. 111. When (ho men, like raoles. w«»rk umlcr ground, I'ho lion a virgin true shall wound. IV. \\ lu-n »h« dove aiiil cock the lion sliiill tight, The lion shall crouch heiieath their might. V. U hen the cock shall puard the eagle’s nest, Thf star.s .shall rise all in the v^est. VI. When tin' ships above (he clouds shall sail, 'I'he lion's tUvength shall surely tail. VII. W tien Ni-|itunc's ))ack with stripes is red, 'I'he sickly lion shall hiile its head. VIII. When the seven ami si.x shall make but oiu*. 'I'he lion's might .shall he undone. SOLI'TION. America the (diibl. In .short Mr. Barnnm is a living illus- hanged, of which the writer of the line | lightened administration of our tuous fellow-citizen. to be dealt with ac- coi'diniT t(,> thi* policy and justice ot that iiovi'rnment wiiose doiuiuious they havt'. ill (h'fianee of the known wisht's and efiorts of their own trovernment. and without the M. VAX JirUKN. ]>\ the Pre.'ident: Jon.N Foksvtm. See. of State. At a nit'etiiii: ot the Ih iiiocratic party of New York at 'i'ammany Hall on .^lon- day night, tne folh>wing little .'j>eechifiea- tioii took plaie: (’apt. Kymlers rose, .iinl was glad to .'ce that extremes ha\l met at last—tlu-y had coiue together on principle, on tlie t>ld- f.i'hioiieti principle.' of the democratic par ty. He was happy to know that the Stat“ tiiket had been approved to-night; it wouM not plea.se ev-.ryftody, no ticket could, but it was a go d ticket. Voice with a tliicV, Hrogue. — I' that spaehe ye’er sp.ikin' the truth, Captin. ('apt. Kyndcr.'.—.''Iv friend, if ytm have been all attentive roatler .d’ the Si riptures, you must have h ariied tliat tiie truth is not to be spoken at all times. I 'jnak as much truth a. 1 find convenient; some- tinies m>rc, .'ometiiucs less, souietiuies iioiii' at all. and >om> tiiiies the whole truth and more A'/r ] ",7, Ih inm i ii-y tnnf f/i> f —We cuiuniend to the I nion the following ]>aragraph from the Albany State Kegister: “Previous to the iKimK-ratic St;it(’ Con vention at Syracu.'C. Mr. Natew, of this city. Hunker i>enix-rat, wagered a hat witli yir. Pavis, al'O of this city, ^\’hig, that the (’oiivention would endorse the (''•mpromi.se measures. After it hail adopttd its platform and adjourn»-d, Mr. havi.s claimed the hat ttii the grouml that tilt' re.solution.' did not approv.' or endorse tliC t'omproniise measuri s. Mr. Nafow claimed that they did, ainl thu> a dispute aro.si', and it was mutually agr e 1 to h ave it to Peter Ciagger. e.'i(., cbairm.m of tlie Hcinocratic Slate Coinmitt-1‘, and (ieorgo l)aw.•^on, c.'«j., of the Kvcning Jouiiial. goo(.l and cumpetent men, to ih-cide the question. The arbitrators thu^ cho^^■n haw decided that the HeiinK-ratic re.solution.', adopted recently at tlie Synieuse (’onveii- tion, do not appruvt or i ndorse the t'oni- pronii.st- measures of the la.st Congress, and iiccordin;^]V awarded the hat to Mr. l)a\is." ti-ering expt*iition again.'t t'liba, now iok; upon it and all kindreil erus;ides “a.' a- gainst the law of morals and the peace of the world,” and delivers a vd>er homily on the iu‘ce'.'it\ of chasteiiiiij; the “wihi and lawless sjiirit of con|UfSt und annexation” which |re%ails among i-ertain cla'ses of our I’opulation. The Cre.si. nt entitles it- .'clf to ic'jM ct from this manly ailnii.'.'ion. Ah.mnitrni (iiiz>tt»'. Aiioffnr Filhfmftt r t'afst hoot! Kj'f>hn1ri]. — In spite of all the upmar which the sympathizers, «ho have Loj,^z bonds iu their p'M-kets on whiih thiy we:e to ha\e dt'i'Upled their money, have mad«*, the fact has, at last, been otticially «'tablishcd at Washington, that Col. t'ritt> nth n omi /ii. rn)iiJilln 1(01)1 hitil tt Itifot t/'to/.’ 1 be lit Saturila\ ha' the follow ing ^tatiinetit; "We have as yet s«‘cn no evidiiicc that the fifty pri.'omTs were con.leiuned and execiiteil in'ffiioit n hioi. We all know that our counsel, .^Ir. (Hvcn, has stated that they were duly tri- d. We now in form our conti'inporary that the prisoners shot at Havana tni> triel and condenineil in the 'iue f rm of Spani'h law. and that a coj.y of the complete record of the trial is now in the hainl' of an official geutl.-man in the city of Washington.” We have before us a letter from a y>ning man of the third municipality, dated in thi* pri.son at Havana, .vhich, if the editors of )taper.' like the New York Sun, Savan nah N«'Ws, an«l kindre«i concerns here, have souls in tht“ir bodies, ought to make them wet p many bitter tears. He is but 'ixteen or seveiitec-n vi'ars ot atre. a mere b'ly. ami was deluded o}l from flu* family w here his father haii plaeeil him for the sumnH'r. until be returned from the North. ]iy proiiii'es that //' ht rrmt (, Cut,it hr irnii/i/ rrfitrn irith f{r,' tUull^oiul ///(/- A//>. 11 is name is Joseph I?, (iuiist. th‘ s'>u of a vt-y Worthy man. whi>se di.str ss at this terrilde calaiuity pirents can easily pictiiri' to themselves. — A. (K Trto lhUo. which IS one of the most conimou charac- j “V,nrut” himself. He was asked, one day, i “I have amused my.self with putting the teristics »l the ancicut oracles. | of his sm cess, when be simjJy thought of the writer of the lines into \ cr'c o. ihe siege of ioikto\yi, wheie l.mghed and said, “Printer’s Ink! ’ He more regular metre, anil into a form of ex- approaches were carried on working in the 1 editor, in early lift*, you know; but pression less uncouth: earth. In the .second ime tln re is another fi,,, r.-.I i,i„ . , ... ni,. Mr VJi;-.. con-ists, in ta. t, in In.-, Loveliest amlhist creation of the skie.s. «(|II\0(|1K. Wt.it tohlbv . Ir. Addis J11, J,.J^„(^ s,,J,riety, his nidoiintable O wom.in. tread witii c-ire where danger lies.' Ill his V pcctator, that a lloii will not hurt perserveraiico, and his tact in always Voung M.irtlia llugg forgot that caution here, a maid; this at tiist .st*cms I'ontladii tetl b\ ' curing the most capable intellectual in- And perished in her three-ainl twentieth year, the prophecy, but it will be found that at struments for his enterprising purposes, by “Tiiis preserves ail that is to be found the epoe 1 reterre. to t u* virgin, or \ ir- paying them the most generou'price. in the original. I thougfit at ginia. (as . orth America w.is then called j Hanium’s life has been written in a writing the two last thus: l.uiopc.) shall Wound the lion dozen languages. They arc all mere pie- „ , n i f iff „ ' Here, a.s she walked, forgettmg prudent fears, turcs (.>1 his external luduiduallt x. " . Voung Martha pcrishel iu her blooming years. ; Jltilfh of llenrv Clatf S KK.\L life—his inner and per.sonal identity ■ . , . ., , „ , v- \- i *. i • .’ —remains yet t« be edited, and when it is, take our word for it, it will be a gnat- er p.'Vcholo;.ncal curiosity, a noyeltv of more thoughtful value to the >tud nt of human nature, th in anvthiu;; wc have vet in IJritain—which show.' the precise time when the oracles should be accompli'hed. rsc 4 alludes to the alliance bctvvceii Fiance and America, before whose uiiglit (ln>at IJritain crouched. \'erse 'I'his certainly refers to the pe- rit'd wlu n Fianci* (^the ctn k ;:uaid> d tlie made the following .‘idmissiou ii, ^ . at a late pf)litieal meeting in tbats' The fact confessed is nothing' ikb . telligent readers, every where—Ut ,. Foot; himself should ackn.»wkd:;.> ii more than could be expected: “Much depends upon the actit.n ,f W'hig party, for xW (Ihiininn niorc prevalent among the IieuiocrHt' first of certain leading politicians an.i rupt editors, than among the Whi;:- SjtC'dt i,f Mr. ^ ^ , J Chtt/.—Some : lJut this omits the surname of the Xew \ ork papers having given cur:- young victim, and her precise age. I t(» a rumor about Mr. (.'lay’s “ill-lte: think, for my part, the lines as they stjind the editor of the J{ichniond TinK‘..- in my other version are quite as j>iK,tic;‘l i that in a letter of recent date frin;; — and, taken altogetlna’, 1 leave it to the I Clay himself to a friend in that c:tv.- home of the Americans, (the eagle’s nest, ' iiad'p",>'h'h‘'d'in thV^^^^^^^ judgment o|* your readers, whether the in- ' venerable statesman writes that, and assisted the States (the star.') to attain nliilo'oi.hy " , scrijHion. as 1 have versilied it, is i • I....... JI.. ..I ... I,. *1..^ * * • their indejn ndi nce; that is, to ri.se in the t western licuii'pliere. Veise ♦(. It is very remarkable that the properties of the intlaniniable air by which I'alltMiiis fir.st tiaver.'ed the upper regions Wire then first ii.'co\ercd. and they were c\idently calUd shij>s. \'ersf 7. AN hell America’s navy covers the sea with her red strijns. Ihitaiii s pride will be humbled. \ erse >■. The thirteen States first con- fedi.rated. KKOM TIIK \I \V ^oHk KXI-UI .-S, ihtllMi KI'OKI , ('nhu.. Sfjlt. Ih.'jl. 'l'(> rilK KMToK.'^. (!> itflrtitf ii: 1 observe, a.s a c(‘ii?tant reaih r of vour valu^de paper, that, in an editorial paragraph of tiiis morning, yo^ alluile n'lii' what cin umstantially. to th ■ multifariou.' av«K.-ations of Mr. 1*. T. iiar- num. of your city, and of Iraiiistaii, in thi' .''tati-, and .'eeiii to wonder how a man. ot even hi' re.'tle.'.s instincts, can succet.s- jM>ssib|y imagine—a bit tif narrow wliiti tull_\ get througii .'o much bu.'im-.ss. , ) n-,. running around the neck, and each it /■ wonderful; but you have not half : |it,le liaii.l set off' with the .same—and a sumiueil up, to my knowledge, the ’•iron; in the fire” handled and directed by Mr UNi: WIKJ KNOWS. TUI-: SIlOl’ OUlb.S OF P.MllS. Till' following is an i xtract from ‘French (Ileaiiings,’ by Ike Marvel, and is a fair .'peeimcii of the sprightly style which per vades the whole work: lJut if it be goofj phihisophy to bear meekly with the cheateries of the shopmen —it is doubly so with the shop-girls: •'The high-heeled sIhk's. and high head gear, that turned thi>soul of p(*»(r Laurence .''terne, have, indeed, gone by, but the (Irisette preside.' oVer gloMs and silks yet, ainl whateyor she may do with the heart-strings, she makes the pur.se-strings yiehl. You will find her iu every shop of I’aris—1‘xeept tho.s«- of the exchange bro kers, where are fat, middle-aged ladies, who wouhl adorn the circles of Wall strc‘t —til Te she stands, with her hair hiid smooth as her cheek, oyer her forehead— in th'* jirettiest blue muslin dress you can not very , his health has been feeble during tLest.. fair poi'try—I mean for a board, in a pub- nier, he believes it is improving, ainl;:. lie place.”—Littmrt/ Worhl. he expects to go to Wasiiingtjjn or.ceis' A Ittiiitnroi/ liriihijriH/iyi.—N(>t a little , Trhnittimj Trit>\—The leaves nf' amusement ol that kind which is dear to now take up the surplus saft, ani ■ the gossips of a {uiet country town was wounds that are made in June or tL- aftordod in Lurgan, on Monday last, by ginning of July, are not so apt ti. the sudden exit of a bridegroom from the , as the wounds of March. 'I'Ikv LIlo. civil altar of matrimony, his pursuit, cap- and now is the best time to trini. ture, and ultimate committal to the eoniiu- Trees flourish best when they k bial bonds. little trimming each year. We art- On the d:iy stated, a bridal party, in full fi.leiit that many trin/(|uite b»o luuoL. trim, and all, with the excejdion ot one of let the sun too powerfulh' on totli.'v the ••principals, preparel for the due cel- i The sun is so much more p overfu;. ebration «d'the ceremony, assembled in the than in England, that we must n"t ofTiee of the registrar, and the worthy offi- the rules laid down in that country, ! cial Was just about to }>roceed with those a goK,l general rule to cut no lari'f legal offices which the wisdom of r>nr legis- f..r they will not heal t)ver before the« l.'itors has pronounced as effectual as the . has become dozy or rotten. MaS(irJt i/fiettii PloU'jhmi.v Harnnni, nor half pi^^ured the ver.siitilc ajtplicability id what Ku;;enc Sue would religious ordinance it.sclf, when, to the amazement of the friend.s and the distrac tion of tl'.e fair tionn-f . the briilegro in suddenly “liolted,” and made off. N’o sooner w is his object m;.de known to the bewihh red .senses (d’ the party, than it was detorminetl he should not be allowed to shirk his engagement, if p.issilde; and ac cordingly he wascha.s d through tlic streets by a m-itley crowd of fri nds and stran gers, men. W' lnen, and (diibireii joiiiinir in •tallv h. wliiih nnuie the ring. No criminal, however, pursued by the enii.'.sary id’ the law. ever took to his heels w ith gr *at r alacrity and the ‘•chase” at length succeeded in obtaining teni]»ora- ry refuse in a tallow-cltandlor’s stMe, a- niongst the implements and materials of one of the most ?iivorv td our native man A ^V7iirroun —Thi- lliilu!. ••Dispatch” says: “We saw ISlassiut:!: the father of sf>me twenty-five or iL.- eiiilJieii, a day or two since, moving ar the city, cleaning the lamjis, vitli!> flannel shirt on, and carrying hi'lada his back, looking as hapjiy as if tlir not a care or trouble to disturb of m:ud. He had five ns wh : . the welkin through the Mexican war, and cn.i sound and well. He lives happ-’r ii '/,. second wife, learns his .uimen ii'. to read and write, and cleans tiie inu!]- a dollar a day.” ha.' il.,lie his best to keep them away, by a warning proclamation^ that_ li they trottH I nion>a vely tells his readers turn outlaws and bandits, they must take the iHJiiseijuenceb; for that their own (jovern- iiKiit mast leave them to a thing not ot the tenderest .sort—Spanisli mercy. I'or this monstrous eour.sc—which is all that has sxived the lives of hundreds u Jtoni till L'nton aiof h'nijnirf r uonltf liovt un to dtath—this course of warning, xrhirh l)IVi;i:.s DKKIMTKINS. AVbeii a man think' be has )(cen insult ed, and ehallenge.s the aecu.sed, and beside the insult, gets a bullet thmuLdi his nerves. And yet, with this and a thon.saml other ;irt- rit s or brains, this is the kind of action calli’d Satisfaction. W hell a man’s pocket-boi>k is not in a that the “National Uemocracy” will rally pbthoric eoinlitioii at best, and he is com- im the great issue ot the Compronii.'i'.— p-lied by an inexorable dun, to hand over Ibit it is not at the North alone that the the little that remaiiu very witch at a bargain. He who makes the shop-girl of I’aris l»ate oiu* jot of jiriee, must needs have French at his tongue’> end. call his •■encyclopjvlical organization. — | There may be two at a time, there may Let me briefiy give you a synopsis of what I I,e vjx, she “^is not abasbeil; she has th'e /know ot hi' ciiipiov iiieiit.': , saiiit'pleasant .'iiiile—the same gentle cour- I'M't. He owns Ir.inistaii, a .sort ot ; tc.'y for each; and her eye glances like Mooiisli I alace. near Uridgeport, ( onn.. ^ thought from one to the other. You may ami iK-rhaj.sas pretty a place of retreat for , hiugh—she will lauoh back; you may cha't taste and elegance as you could mention. ( _s|,e will chat baek; you ma\ s. old—she It co>t about 5fl;>(l.t.«KI. and Mr. IJ. resides , will scold back. She guesse.s*your wants; there altogether, with his interesting ly. going down to New York, by road in the morning, and returnin dark. In Iranistaii he cannot keep than twent3-fi\e |Kr.sons in his employ-! she lias your meaning iu a moment. She V, ... — “Florida” for Sivinnih “'■V'- , , 1 take.« d-.wn upon paoka.-; sho 1 Seconlly. He owns the “American Mu-! measures your h-ind her little lisiht fin } b' contents upon the per-'- \n s«n„" iu ;„„r city, „„,l atlen.l, i„ ,rc i ' run, i 7 ov“ Sw.-P'"'"'""- ...H'X|K.cte.l rc- ! All the o.I.or .«toa„Kr. - taUt.v ,.r .Mr. ,:re..„„«Kl, hi,. aCive at.d : "> j S‘i:'v r sieur wis)i’ * ' ^he finders ot the en-1 *'• A Sfiant Flert.—No fewer tLn ■; ' ocean steynicrs took their departure- port on Saturday, namely: thcl. popular a'sistaiit manager scum, cm In the Mu- tliat is the kind of, editor of the I'nion will find uifliculties action called Subtraction, in railing his jiarty for the ('ompronii.se.; W hen a tea-sijijiiiiir. go.ssipping irather- At the South the Democracy are by no ing. each in turn, lets oil the pent-uji means united fni this subject. In the stt'aiii of scoff, sneer and scandal that has Intlian Ocean, to obtain wild animals the l.fWatmo last wit.t. r niore rt.a„ Url. l.i«t.g after delivery f„r »eek.» or rouM no, k-.,, /rnm I’el'-erat av.nve.l Ins hust.llty to ll.e . t.mi.ll.s, tl.at the kind of ac tion ealled . ■ I . ^ I,impromise, ainl it we have not been miS; i Detr:ietion informed, the Democratic Convention at wStannton an, he has about .seventy persons more | lUit one!—ah, Monsieur is surely "ho after they had se-I ,J Si/n 7A late noti-■ , joking. See what preUy colors-and she ' the reluctant benedict, : item in' the book trade of J’hiLulelK 1 hir.lly. He owns IJarnum’s Travelling I ^rathers a cluster in her fijigors; and so nice ! "* ‘ j New York, and JJoston, is tlio tad :i enagerie, comprising upwards .d'one hun- a fit—and she Uikes hold of the .dove upon to the registrar’s ofhce, a- ^oik.s on military tactics have bein- .'Jleiiage. 1C, comprising upwaras oi one liun- I a fit—and she Uikes hold of the glove upon died and forty men and hitr.ses. He .sent ! vour hand. ‘ midst tlie shouts of dens three ships to Ceylon and Borneo, in the ' Only two, ah, it is indeed too few, and .so cheap. Only fifteen francs for the ion with wdiich very freely is emergence to the light of day was ; Carolina. ’ reeted. The fair bride, who, in deep rary to the merchants of J W hen a man smites atiotlier, in the fol- rit'Iiitnj to tlii-ir turn t/t struct it/n—the I’nion is making most furious war on the,,. * i- , • , .... IVesident, It accuses him, in i.articular, , adjourned without expre.ssing any , ly and ma.lness of his smhlen wrath, and ttie I nion s gri'at issue. I gets a return blow, or missile tha of totally overstep])ing all his constitution-! al powers, by his l*roclamation, and of' J*ifi rsh It nj In tidiytm i th.it loos-j eiis a tooth, or blackens an eye: and si'iids him. Wounded, ashanu'd, and eoiiscienee making himself answerable for the bloo] Sf,i.!ims, of' (.%„rqia—\ corre- ■ . i- i . ■ . of American citixij^s, by notifying thejn ; i.t ,.t fl... \‘t:n,..j ;ii.. 1 ^»"tten to his home, that is what we call | that, if they engaged in any such unlaw ful expedition, the (iovernmcnt would not interfere in their behalf. In its haste, however, to take sides a- gainst our own chief magistrate, the l'nif,n totally forgot that this country had bt'en, by the “Canadian Symi*athisers” of 1SH7 r . , • . i • , • • placctl jiist in the .same predicament with j .,i it ' •*> "‘J* m sin-j burns his fingers with them all, this is the (ireat liritain, and that its ow u J'resideiit, . eon.lmlo tnl .V abmU j J^ind of action we may call Distraction. Mr. Van Huren, hal then, tt ith the im ij'ci I i ,1^.,i,;,,’, ,.if.-a alters its direction In f'jijn nral of' Jjorofofoisvt^ Jnsf sur/i toldC(l 1 l"j passiiig from a rarer into a denser medium O Pri^,nio,ioa\s that for which they «tood ; and that action is described by a certui. now denounce Mr. Filliuurcl 11 is as fob I ii •'^'‘‘‘^•‘tific term, so when a politi;al weath American citiz.j^s,. by notifying thejn j ..p„n,h nt cd the Mille.l-revillc ((Ja ) iic-! at, if they engaged m any such unlaw- c.r.ler. in drseribing a ^di.scu.ssion which Tv, >> ' took place recenilv'it Eatonton between S a hnvycr, preacher, d.Krtor, or any Mr. Stephen.' an.l his competitor for (Vi-j ‘T'v gress, relates the following anecdote: ', ^ dispo.sed of u/t 1 1 , • 1 I • , ,1*'" nistaiiter. and the excited delin-1 ( o.onel Lewis Inul previously stated i ,,ucnt ha.stens all his irons into the fire, that he would meet this (..diali of I alia-i unable, to tell “tother from which,” and lo aiii.t JSIIW IIK.. lUlCC UlCVUS Ixi* I* ^ ‘ A ' • i of money on the counter, and she drops ^ n.ovcments, lest ^^tnng and tie it as near the top; i ourtbly. He has the IJateman Chil- them into a little drawer and thanks you i ^’ but he re-i it remain one year, then you na dreii, and a dramatic company at the St. ^ in a wav that makes you think as you «^o i passive until the iudissoluble knot I above the string one year’s frrowtli-' Janies’ Theatre in London—a body of not i out, that you have been payin*' fW the “•?'‘PPy (0 pair” Over the string will form a bulb; cut : le.ss than iitty persons now, all employed smiles and nothin'^ for the •dove.'^.” retired with their -friends, hut it was ' j'ls't below and set in the ground. some time b»“fore the excitement of the from the bulb will stiirt out roots, ' spectators subsided. , trees of a dwarfi.sh size will be seen • Belfast (^Irelantl) ics Li tter. ! under a burden of frtiit.—Exchi»'f- lows:— />y t!o- Pi uin politi;al weath- er-cock, in passing from one party to an other, gets jostled from lL*> straijiht line (d rectitude, that kind of action'a body may call Kefraction. ^ W hen a man breaks his charai-ter np into a thousand acts of griping, low, self-1 ish meanness, each of thedo actions, these fragments of ehnracter, witlnmt any dis- stature, bis armor unfarnished and hi , shield unbroken, and he was of the opin- if flu- r. S. of Aiiirrlco. ion that his friend David W., of Hancock, A I'llut L.\.\l.\'l |o,\. . vvas not David, the son of J(>sse. 3Ir. S. Whereas, there is iod nnuh reason to retir^'d ainilst a storm of ajijdaiise. 1 will b lieve that eiti'/.ens of tlie United Slates, only add, in eonelnsion, the remark of a in disre^'ard of the .solemn warning hereto-i .^lississippian who was present, anl had b.re jriven to them by the prociiiiuations li.'tened attentively to the whole di.M U.s-, issAu-d by the Kxeentive of the (len. ral .ion: ‘Well, said he, if Lewis follow.s Ste- rcsnert to the v (■overiim nt, and by some of the Coyi ru- phen.s arouml until the election, 1 have no filLd •. Vnbr-ir V ors of the States, have combined to liisturb , doubt Stejihens will get his vote.” i ' ' r. J raetion tiie peace of the dominions of a neighbor- i . . — iog and friendly nation: And whereas in-, Sh.ukitt^.—A student j Snrio", in the district of I formation ha.^ been given to me, derived ; ® f'i^ving court-1 ^ 19th ultimo, the following resolution Irom ofticial and other sources, that many , ^ ^ ^ und got the mitten, has i ^.^8 adopted’ ^ citizens iu different parts of the V. States ) «ued her father for “the Th..» ft . are a-.sociated or assoeiatinir for the same ' iu t ’ ,• . fT^rate secession T-urnose- \iid where in t; . k i 1 \ * i i i Carolina from the I nion is an un- iiiv.i.-.ionhiL,.lK^-uioadebjA'iM'!^„rtLc Le«.“nd'anaptfr”'™'’’“^ t ™ the above reso- - -i. j . * ■ wai yeaj? lol, nays none.] by him. I'itthly. He has the Chinese Family I/otr to Manai/e an Ohsttnatt: Witnt-ss. and their attendants, now at the Albert —The following extract from a popular (!ate, London, embodying ten persons more, work describes a metlnHl of managing an 'Ihe hundreds of persons, besides, to obstinate witness which would be eotisid- whoni he directly- and indirectly gives em- ered extraordinary in any place excepting l>loyment, in the way of writing, printing, in Ireland: , i n i i , •' » v— ■ as I was s-ivinir I could not well ^ landholder and most exemplary | United States Senator from that 1.1 - ^ ‘ ; »'an, accomplished his in this busine.ss-like | has purchased Mr. W’illiam J. Morgan ^lxthly. lie is now getting up an im- Bench Ilex his horse, i farm near Salem, containing 000 tnen«= l4„ora,na of .1,?‘.World’* Fair,” anTl ^ ,eVl^; e. i ™l]Ta ’ »'«'> '■» i» for whielt he l«id M-l,000. having »e.„t a curp., of celebrated arti.t, ’to Lre bb^ ttat airf lfe! I "f “‘‘r — - - J..(»iidoii for the purpose of sketching it on has cost the? bill posting and bill distributing, painting, jt include in this en He is now rettinr C’oj/r//\y.--Here is a speeiiuen of the \ Land The Warrenton \ good old-fa.shioned mode of courting, as it ^ Flag .«ays the Hon. Bedford liroffD. t -' was done in Connecticut. Deacon Marvin, | merly of North Carolina, (an.l f-r^ God kn^s it j and, without dismounting, requested Bet- me an anxious night. Every , ty to come to him. On coming, he told n !• 1 iin. cvii aiiAivius lllUii ture tipon its curio.isand prominent fea- we got hold of'him"'last^Vigh;; ^[Xce | Sone ” “The Lord’s will he Ihe aitists have been laboring dil- doetor.s to eortifr 1ia ivnw rwn» turcs. At a public meeting, held at the Cool p , Director of I'hil- i ous expedient?” he I nUeirst't" W and it wa«; ho fougl.t hard; , . 1 ’ »■> '“ l"» ».nl his outra^-eou, eondtiet has il« revvurd ae.u«u.med energy, that wonderful and ' for they put him on low diet and hand. iars;"t:!ry' rrrpw’, “ ^ vea';?''! w I*!'; ’*V“,"t‘^ ‘‘p* •'??, y, .VertW.«/.,_The New , nc.„ iCoiin ^ It ^ 1 eld l.ounty | \ ork Journal of Commeree states that eabiu beoainc so annoyed by the dispute, 7“1 *“ “f this I that he thrust his lie.a out of his berth, at the nlnii V*”” red dollars in premmn^s e^^ are laboring to effect a re-union ! exclaiming, “In (leaven’s jiaiue own that at the ploughing match, of the Great Fair,, between the North and South. It add« ! door till the Detroit lady dies of her cold. was nearly dead. At this moment, a very phthisical old lady in a berth near the door, forbade the girl to shut it, on ac count of her shortness of breath. “Shut if, or rU die!” cried one. ‘‘J^ave it open, or I shall smother!” gasped tho other. As the war waxed warm a traveller in the next at liridgeport, next '.^'hursday. Ninthly. He'is President of the Pe-| ralfWUW ^th. ^.hut the project docs not meet with gene- j and then close it till the other smothers to dc;xtU.’ given to the fkimes. * 6i« 7 A TIIU lliyhest Sti/le yet.—A corrcsp''n'i^'’* ; the Boston Bee, in describing the grand dress ball at Newport, s;iys \ young lady that “she hx»kcd swcotlv i|- plain muslin dres.s tticked np to tht The London Morning Chronicle of 10th ultimo, says that Kos.suth an| ^ companions are safe on bv.ird j,,-. steam frigate Mississippi, and tbiit!-"^ ‘ the Dardanelles on the 7th for Aih^'''*^*' Destruction of Dead Letters. On nesday morning Mr. Schwarziuaii, ^ , Dead Letter Office, destroyed one and sixfy-four five-bushel bags of letterii, the accumulation of three The}’ were all eiojitied into a 'Ljj the W'ashington National MonuiwtJ“ “Father, they .«ay trout will bite ^ “Well, well, mind 3'our work, a“*‘ you’ll be sure they won’t bite you. Pl.ank jdent and \ We.Htern clared a sei icent. on ^h 'cent, on th _ on which advertisem More Concord M ^^a Plank R( 7^; Stanly con '‘posed road The di.star ter suggest nion count road to Cii necessary .. Gonc-ord ni ville and \ Let the *ett!ville, I Tuk Ce isbury W’; tors on tlu ■to work w; i the enterp the road, it as these ning from year^. The Hi -'•f- 4;., mends tin r' ()range eo an.l C. W number ol ^ Moouk sp‘cimen ( Ide of all sented by A. Mc.Mii Store, in t 11 mile: miles froii IJiver (’oa Other miles ot ( locality, s Plank Ro. These I. jirediction sor • Tohnj county, to found to 1 St.vtk rough Pa ing of thj Delegates] must neo .'11 ing W"iJ j pointed .some accfj ('ongresst «>n MoikIe Trii; y Boston. gency in and etjual 1S;;t. ( a little ea rniLiton . w ith lial lion of de The X! “There period of that a bet tl r ensue. »-tren;rtIi. fricilitif s t been com past. T gooils h:i.s our impoi much ligl have b(*e reas 111 to tions nex of the p cuinstaiic reeeiveil 1 have the and maki sues on al ble and s| la tor.’ The eo ton it R has faile( their a.«s New j propose.s l>ai»er at “Deaf M hereafter soon issu good siz( all the of such M the State! people frt a gentlen tablishedi will hav( columns,] ample utors.’ Mil. ( ume of tl been issil S. C. II Constituj ed State* Cra!!e, 1 directioj rolina Cuim'J were coil during tl li'ui wcr() 11 OO of