A M KU10 AN 1 N? K NT’ ITV. Among the jirticlos oxhiliit»^J at. the K;iir of the American lustitute, at New York, arc samph's of the now ct'lebratod “]iaraufo]>tic l>ank loik,” of wliich ]Mr. Xi'woll, of thi' linw Day I't XewoU of New York, is the j^atontoe. A writer in th‘ National Intt'lli^cncer say: "lars, arc rap’dly turning tlioir atlontion to this absolute insuran‘c of the safety of their valuahles. The result of the triumph of the roallv niolest inventor and his fore man will I'o to make his lock the trusted safeguard, in three years, wherever valu ables are to be thus preserved throughout chribtcudom. The cost is a matter ot no moment when it is considered that the mac hine j^ives positive safety to any amount Crowds are ci>nstantly sur- . t money. Kv.«ry American reader ’f | rounding this great achievement of Ameri can sciencc and genius; tor it ik the com-1 bincd result of as mm-h of both as was 1 ever before brought to bear in arranging a j machine in any country.” j lu another letter to the lutelligencer, j thi? comitination of guards and “tumblers has attmoted nut(‘ as muc h, if not more, attention at the World’s Fair than has been accorded bv tlu' asst‘ndiled chief me chanical int£enuity ot Kuro]>e to the yacht America or to tiie rt'ajH'r of Jlr. Mc( or- n\ick, wliicti, according to the l^i«ndi>n : the s;ime writer says: j 'I’inu s and all the agricultural journals ot j ()f the Yankee (Mocks, which have now i Kiiglaiid, is de>/.ncd to do more in the i j.otuc to b(> an article of great commercial i wav of c tr'i-ting a ha)>py rcvohition in tlie ; importance' to the I'nitc'd States, 1 am par- | system of Kngland's husbimdry, in a most ticidarly struck witli the beauty and finisli j im}>ortant particular, than any other itne j jjjj, of tliose exhil)itcd by I’ - ; niarhine evfr invented, lliis is the lovk ^ .\iidrews. No. .‘J (’oiirtlandt street, New Avhich Mr. .V. C. Ilobbs, the foreman of; y,,i-k city, who is the agent ot the house ■ Day I'C Newell, challenges all the mechan-; tJilhert cV Co.. d. C. lirowu. | ics (>f the (dd woild to oju'n. It was in- I’p'wster lni;rahams, 'IVrry cSc Anlrrws, vented and patented lu“re some six years ^ Chaunccv »Ji’roine, I'^lisha ^lanross, Smith ^ ago, a subse(iuent patent for aii importaTit ' (I.x.dru h, and Dirge, I’eck ct (’o., who j iiujuovcnient upon it having been granted torether manufacture, in and around l>ris-j to .'Ir. N. well last year. It is a conibina-j j j ,juite a million of time]>ieees ■ tion ot a scries of “tumblers, acting on muiuaUv, worth sonu' six millions ot dol- j levers so guarded by steel walls and a steel j n,,t Yankee cloekniaking, then, cylinder as to render it impossible that an ' ., business of prini ' ImjiortaTice to the imjtression of the position ot the tumblers J'nited States? Mr. Andrews nmkes most ^ can be taken. Thi‘ hx;k made on this pat- I their sales, Ids estal>li>hmcnt being their | cut which ,>lr. lltdd)s is showing in the ■ piineipal depot, from wlienc«> their wares orld s I'air has fifteen sets ot tumblers, onlv into every county ot every j each acting separately as it were, so that, ■ State of the Union, but in large quantities when U»cked, unless the key is j»ut in it ]iritain, to evt'rv Kun'j»ean country, to with its moveable wards arranged precise- (’l,ina, K:rvpt, South America, the Indies, ly as when used to hnk it la.'t, it ictuses .,,„j wherever there may be persons to be unh>cked. As the tumblers (^as be- ■ ^y|,o want goo.l timepieces. A year or two fore remarked) are protected tnmi inspee- sinee 1 ajipHed to a AVashingtmi city watch- tion, it is impossible for any one to find maker, of desc-rvi'd high repute in his busi- out in what eondition the key useil is, ex- in-ss. to me as irood a (doek as could ccpt the jiersou holdiiiir it in hi? immedi- uiade in this country for .SltM). He ate jMtssession. As, with fifteen wards, the ;,,|vi>ed me to buy a ('luinecticnt bra>s key is capable of million^ on mdlious of ,-l,nk co-^tiuir ..aying that for k«‘eping changes, aiiil as it.- use iu one makes the jjm,. t'm v are now admitted in Murope as loik essentially a difierent m.uhaic (^in the to be the best in the world, i position ot its interior parts) from what it j [mve since h*arned tliat tht* success ot tlie > is when the key is used with it? wards in Bristol (^11. 1. ) mamiraeturers lias, within any and every I'ther relative eondition or years, entirely broken up the ]io?itioii. ot eour-e thi> lo,-k incapable »>t nianufacture >f anv otlier leserij>tion ot being madi into millions on iui!I>ons of ^.1,^1;., tl,e Cniteil States, except of >in- ifijj riiif itn/,s. aeeording lo the ]tlea.'iui-ot tiuicjiiec-es “to order, ' aiil that the in- tlie person holding the key. 1 hns, even troduction of the (’onneeticnt chn k on the continent of Kui' pe is fa.it doing the>anie woik there. ’I'he ••'pec imens .'■hown by Mr. Andrews ari m.iny of tlu in lu iiann nte«l after the style of pi]>ier maehe, on east iron, ot whieh material the cases arc- formed. Th the m.'iker i rinnot jiick or open it uni having the key in hand, wiih the wards standing jiit as they stood when la>t eh*>- nig the bolt of the loek. Nor is it po-i- Me to blow it to pieces with gunpowder, the eft'cct of any charge it will hoh', Ix-ing simply to blow out bchintl the hn k a piug inlaviuL's are of real j>earl. The'ornanu nt- in no manm r affeeting its sc'curity, and so in-ot’ the ca.e> i.- a lu w busines.- here, arrangc'd as to give way and furnish a vent for the force of the exploding pnwdiT. On one of these locks over two hundred at tempts have been jmblic ly made to blow it to pieces with gun|>owdtT, without the ; slightest injurious c tfects on its most ileli- eate I'art.'*, or the leat '-uocess. Ahhouirh the ingenuity of the science and rascality of both heiulsphc res have lioth been ex pended for 3earsin efforts to pick it bv the nieaus which hi,ve positi\cly proved eiTec- tive in picking every other lock as y- t in- and is fast eoining to afford work for a large- numl'er of haixls. Thc-se‘ I'cautifnl things retail at from to .^lU. Tin: i:i:n am* rin.Nci; Ai,r.i:iiT. .Vnn ng tlie many il'~t riptioiis wc- havt' sc'en of (Juc-eii \ ieforia. that givc.i bv dudge Diuic:;m, h'.tc Coniinissioner tVoin Virginia to the World s I'air, certainly the lea't coiiij limentary: “liefore leaving the exhibition > siys he) the ladies }>resent will expect to iiear of vente.i, nothing like an ajiproaeh to sue- one of their .>cx wlm fills .o large a space cess has bc'-n achievc-d. Mr. Hobbs pick ed the celebrated Chubb lock in Londcm in twenty-five minutes, though it was he- lieveil bv most of the trade to be invulner- in the world—the IJriti'h (^ueen. She luj- came a part of the Exhibition, being there two or three times every wcrk, to the irre,.i admiration of le r licixes 3Ivcon- abl', and the even nioro remarkable l?ra- nec tion with the Kxhil ition enabled nu' to ri’i.ih lix-k (as Vet r.u the vaults of the ll.ink sec' hc'r very often, and her familv; and on of Lnglandj in fifteen days. Ihe paten- two occasions. I saw her when she was in tee, Mr. I>raiiiah, kept in his window a notice ot his wilhngnc's to pav twcj hun- dr-.'tl guine:t to any one who should sue- cc«d in doing thi in thirty tlavs. Mr. llobbs acc'-pti-d the ch;dlcng(*, a comniit- t-e of inc'cli (ideal engineers were ajipoint- od to decide ujion tiie success of his effort, hcT State* co.-tnnie and railiant with dia monds. Her aj'jicaraiiee has nothing of the dignity or iUfcnly bearing which the iniaginatiou attaehis to her situation. Though not decidedly ugly, she is far from b(?iiig haiidsonu-; her form, though fidl, is below the niiiidle- size', ;ind her eountc- ind having awarded him the jirc inium, th*' nance indieates a verv low order of iniel- two hundre'el guineas have be-en honorably leet; and the' inij n‘ss;on prevails that, in ]iai] by the' jiatcutee to Mr. Hobbs, th- ugh order to {>revent her froni -inkin;x into a the award at one e destroys the value- of his state of fatuity, her attendants are coni- patent, worth to him uj> to that tiiue aii jielled to keep iier mind constantly aiiius- inde-peiident foitune*. ^ (,,| with some kind etf pageant or other, i Mr. llobbs puidicly notifies the world and on that account she was taken ao of- , that the sate- loe'ked with the purimto^itii hunk hul: now at the (ircat Fair in jjon- don contain' two hundred poumls in goM, whie-h :niy one is at liberty to approjiriate to himself who 'uccec-els in picking the lock. lo facilitate the efforts of the in 'e- tcn to the Crystal Palace, where it was ■ amusing to see her niaiiifcsting all the d(‘- i light of a little,' girl upon h>oking at the- gewgaws and pretty things that were there. She is, howt-ver, with the ma.ses exec-ed- ingly jiopular: this fee ling 1 attrilmte how- nious disp-ised to sjieiid time; on the* ex|K-ri- cve*r, ratlie-r to a ehivalrie' .sentinicTit than me nt, he purpo.se-s to furnish any pc-rson one a r. v.-rence for inonavehv; and I be lieve e.f Newell's hn ks and ke-y, with perfect lib- that if the throne were'now filh'd by a e-r*y to take it apart, an.i spend as much man, a very .liflerent f. elimr wouM i.revail; tune as he p e-ise.s in studying its mechan- and ther ; are- many Knixbsiimen w ho tldnk Ism. A b ek similar in construction and that if the nation' can "get ah-ng so we ll principle, put te.getner in his presenct-, with her, if can without her. .My fair au- i.s then to be placeel in a box, leavuig ditors will also exi»ee-t that I should say tiie ke-yho e only nncove-red; an.l he is to se.nicthing of the individual who ..ce npie-s be allowed thirty days to operate. If at tiie p.st e.f the Que-en’s lin.-band. l*rinec t.ie ciid of that time he consi.lc'is he has Albert is tall, well ],rop..rtione^d with a I maue any pre.gre.ss, and reeiuires a further Ceimanic e ast e.f faee. His e-ountenance 4^.\ e ii.M.in ,i. js to ia\e It at ms eliscretion. not indicate much intellectual force r; r " tl.at l..' is an amia- v' r 1*^' n»ute ot j*ay ble and well elisposeel ge'utleman, anej a -y-welh) di.^elaims any per.se.nal feeling in . submi.ssive and dutiful husband.” the matter, aiming only to have the lock j'ickcd if the feat is within the sc«ipe of A project is on foot for bringing LoTielon human scientific knowle-dge or iii'>'cnuity Calcutta within seven days journe'y of so that his ce)untrymen may go on and pc*r- ^ other. I’he construction e>f the r:vl- fect the }e-iirel .security against bur'dars | "‘*3’ I’oute is te» be ace-omplishe^el liy which t»o far, this loc-k )ia.s cortainly :deme i “tage.-s. A continuous line from Osteml to afforded. The f-ucce-.ss of Mr Hobbs in > ^ frontie r e»f Turkc'y, is al- picking the aio.st colebratod ]«K-k combina- i le-sedveel ui.on. Freun Ce»J>stantino- tions known iu FiUreipe, and the entire ! prop*>sel to step cner to Asia failure of all on either side of the Atlantic - to pick the; Newell lock, has creatcd really a p^Mitound sen.-?ation over IOure)pe, wdierein , such large amount.-^ of harlca.-h are hoarel- i **ivcr till the head waters d' cd in vaults, .safes, public trcusuric:.s, &c. I J'^iphratcs are rcache;d, an.l them to “It may be askel what gfiod be-yond the j h?ael ^it down the valley of the Kiijdirates ojiportunity aflorde-el to inejulge in a litfh' i l^jns.'-eirah, at the head e»f the Persian national vanity is involved in the turn this ' J lu'se jiijrtions of the scheme are controversy has taken? The answer j„ to be accomplishe'd by 1 SC,(>. Fnmi JJus- that it e|( nioiistrates bt-yonil j»e>ssibility of , the railway is to be carric-l along doulit that there is a Ie>ck which /’s jicrfirt ■ IV-rsian (lulf, and by the- coast of against thieves; and, further, that 1 l>eh)ochistan, the liydcrbad, on the Indus, the parauteiptic hx-.k is the onh/ one which • thes.everal branches of Indian lines ae complishcs this purjio,«e. he-y are; soM ' '^"uld soon w hisk the travcdler to Homltay', here at from .SoO to Si’OO, tlu' regular | ^ •‘^'^■♦'•■ding t«» his wants, bank-bxk cf>sting Metn; than three I liomhui to Cah-iitta by the perfect- hundred have alrc-ady been placed on bank , remte* would be- r),(juO miles e»f railway— \anlts in Amcrie-a, and njany on safes anel ' ■''••'••n days journey “without stoppages” other depositories of valuabh s of all de- j —vvhole .'c henie might be com- s^riptitjtis. 'I'he 'J’r(-a.«ury of the (’nitcel I plcte-d in fourteen 3'cars from the present i'lates at Washington ami the Subtreasu- ' fi'ue. lies all over the; Country are jirovitlcd with Minor, and skirting the 31editerrane-an coast with the line till you come to the mouth of the- Orontes, to carry it up the Ft om IIOSl’K’i: OF GlUvVT ST. 15KRNAIU). Wo are indebted to a friend in this city for the opportunity of giving to our read- j era the folhiwing interesti.ig letter from an , intelligent Oiticer of our Navy, now' on a , tour to Kuro))e;; j Ilo.^i'ie-K or THK. Grkat St. lU;nx\ui>, \ ,>wjTZKiM.A.si>, August 2y, IS-'jl. j * ♦ * I have commenced this letter freuu the highest habitatiem iu Fnrope, eiirht them.sand two hunelred feet above the level e»f the sea. I came here yc;sterelay j from Murtiifnj, about twenty-five miles | elistant, the greater )>art ot the route on a | mule. The way to the Fa.ss is through a ' beautiful valley, !>ounk'd by high and ]«rc;- | cipitons nmuntainsj the last five miles are ; rough and stc-ep, a bad road eve'll fi-»r a muK'. We jKissed several ijluritrs and i snow banks. During the first part ot the- | journe'V I suflere'd from he'at, but before' 1 arriviirg at the /fospin the wi'.-itlu-r be'- | came cold and chilled me through; 1 was (juite numbc-(l, and, as you uia\ snppo.e-, . '.flad to .s«-e a gooil lire at the Hospice-. 'J'hc road has be'e-n much imi>roved in late ve-ars, but l.ow ]>on:iparte managed to transport his .artillery ovc-r this intricate pass is now more'than ever a wemde-r to iin*. It now appe.irs to me almost impossible*. | As we a.seemh-il, vegotatiou bc'camc' scanty; some miles Iteteirc reaching the summit ot , the* j>ass it was bleak, barren, and deso late. The building is on the* highc'st jiart of the' pass, anel contains bc-eis for .seventy or c'ighty pe-rsons. Se'veral hnndre-el have- been she-lterc-d in a elay. 'J’lu- monks, w ho de-vote' themselves so neibly to the duty e»f hospitaiitv, are j>ric*sts ot tlie* oreler ot >>t. Augustine*; they conimc-m e* young, at e'igh te*e*n; but, from the .M'verity of the* cliniate and the gre*at c-xi>osure, they rare ly re-main longer than fifteen years. Seven of their number are now stationeel at the- Hospice-, and every elav in winter tlu-y travers* the pass, aceonipaiiicil by tlu-irelogs, tore lie*ve tiiosc' w ho may have* lost the-ir way or whe> may ha\e bc'c'ii cove'ie-d by the-sne>w.— Scarce ly a winter pas.s(-s witln'ut some' tra veller losing liis life. Sonu* ve-ars ago tlin'c domestic s of the Convent, with two dogs, while* in search of travellers, were* o\e*r- whclined by an av.il.inihe. In l''l-> a monk and three* domestics perished in the same way. 'J hoiisands cross the pass an nually—in 1 ^ I I ninete e n thou.aml. The travelle'rs are relievel and entcrtaine*el, w ithout di'tiiietiou of rank, counti v, or reli gion. Thev (the motiks) will not receive any comjH-n.'ation. The eh gs do not gei alone* in search of lravi-ller. but are of great assistatiee in fiinling the ni. and also the road, when lost, 'i'lu- dogs (like their masters ) an- al'-i short liveil.aiiel never c-x- e-c'od nine year.', eiw ing to rheumatism; men anel d'L^ both sufb r from it. It i> si.id that the l.itter iMii sce iit a trave lle r ne-arly a mill' off. The w inter' are ve-rv seve re-, snow beitiLT lie'aped uj- f Tty fVet. In sum mer the- h-ast brec/i- ni:.k s it uneomforta- bly cold. It i" now snowing liea\il\ aiiel ipiite- ;-oM. re*al .\lp!ne- wt‘atii»-r. with si ine prixjtt et of its hi'ting. Imagine' what it mu.'t be in winter! ’I'lieie arc-abinit tliirtv vi'iters here; aniong>t them five I'rote.-tant minis:, r^; one is the e c lebrat .l I'lU ll.K I) Ai l’.le.\K. another a c lnplaiu in tiie na\y; several huhe-s are- al'O here*. I 'hall make an effoit to descend iu sjiite of the storm. M.\hti«;nv, '' I’. .^I. Aug. *J'.t.) T left the- llospiec in a h avy snow sf irm. and so thie k I could onlv .'e-e ;i few yards; 1 walked down, ami had my mule led by the* guide. 'I’hi* snow was all out ten iiie he s elecp oil the 'Uiiimit, but rradu- ally d iiiiini.'hed a~ we i|e'.-, ni led. In fe >r- ty-live* minutes it had ceaseil and turned into a rain; shortly after we e iit.t. .1 a cl ’ud, the tenipe-ratiire in* reasing all ihe- while. ..Vtt- r a walk of om- and a half hi'Ur.'. we toiind oui'c]\es with a brii^ht -^un an-1 jileasanf wi-athcr, having left U'- hin-1 us t loucl'. ra:n, and snow. Some who h'ft the- II >spice se\er.il hours after my departure left it '‘il! siiowin^r there-.— •loinin;; the valh y w liie h 1 travelh ei are a number of i tliers. whie h are be.rderf-d bv niountain> covered with ]h rpe'tual snow. Avalanches often conie' |own ami elo mui-li elamage-. In 1 > I e,ne of the-e valleys wa conij.h te]y cliki d by an avalanche; the- ma's of snow and ie e- w as six hundred feet wide-, lour him Ired high, with a base of three- thous;intl feet. 'I'lie-rc is a small stre-am in the alh-y, which was prevented from running by the snow, and, bciiii: ob- structeil in its pas.-uige', it thus aceuniula- teil. until it l.eiame' an inimcii.se- boily of water; after some* months the wate-r burst its way through the snow-bound barrie*r, e arrying cvcrv thinir before* it—nu n. cat tle, and house-s. '1 hough warne-d. ;ind e*x- jieeting it every moment, one iiundrc-d and | forty jiersons lost the-ir live's. I have; l>c(‘n a forlnight in Switzerland; I have see-n the iue»st interesting place s and sights, inc luding a number of rs aiul the; Mer de («lacc. 1 inteinl crossing the Simplon, anel w ill probably h ave the coun try in tell days. I have- be-en much in- terc'ste-el, have taken a great eleal of severe cxerci.se, and, may aeld, be*e-n highly grati- fie*d with my visit. 'I'lu* country and sce'iiery are all that is intere-sting; the jie'oplc* and towns not at all sei. In the valleys, in many parts of Sw itze*rland, the people are dreadfully affe*cte*d with eroitre; i th -ir necks are much swollen; I have seen j some with jirotuberane.es nearly as lar-'c as their heads. * * AdieuI C. J.° *h-ill, un,l the I’/ank of Fnglaiid has oi'leied theiii to take the pl.iee of the iiow- exp.ml,;! iJniniah hnk. The‘ srientifie A western eelitor who is an old bachelor, say.s, “We never cared a farthing about getting manied until we attended an old I ^1 ^nrnnr —.V man nanie-el Hc-rdue, who was rece-ntly jn the hands of i a vigilant committee in California, and 1 came near being hnng, eiwing to an iinfor- ! tunate re.s('inblance fe) Stewart, the con- j vicf, has been disc harg(-d frejin cnstoely. , 1 his man had several narrow c-scaj»e*s. : First he e.scapcl hanging by the mob at San I'raiicisco, wa.s suLseejUeutly sentenced j to eleath by a legally constituted court, and j again was scnt-enced to fourteen yc'ars’ im- prsionment. It seems that he was guilt- I le.ss ot every charge brought against him, and owed all his trfiublc to the close rc- somlilance in pe-rsorial appearance to the convict above nameil. Seyeral witnc's.ses swore mo.st jiositively to the identity of IJerdue, but subseepu-ntly, upe>n being confronteid with Ste wart, the real culprit” acknowledged their error. e haudK-rof Ausiria has^’rop!)r^-d"in^ thc-ir ! lune-ral. (;,,d grtuit that emr ;.vor, awarding Mr. Ne^; iVa gohl med Tv :i"d in fact m*arly \ A man met an old woman in an Knglish I'l V '1 *'! • '‘'!'l"y‘yi''n, ;overnment or I town drivintr several ass‘s. “Aiien inoth- ’ >1«1 World he.Iding en^h | er of asse.s,’’ crie.l he. “Adieu, my son ” Ji *1 j" j " ‘‘'>"e;s in p^-j-!ession w liieh ! wa.s the; old womans' reply. The fellow si.ouai be care lul.y guarded against bur-■ we-nt,-Ws way, feeling for his ears. A LITTLK WOItD. A little word in kindness sjioken, A motion or a tear. Has often liealcd a heart that’s lirnken, Aud often niaelc a friend sincere. A word—a look—Imp ereislie'd to c*!irlli, Full many a tiudduig ifowcr, ■\Vliic-Ii, had a siaile but owuol its 1»irtli, AVi.nlel l.loss life's •liirkcsl hour, Fnincr.—Air. 'Walsli, hmg a resident of' Paris, in a letter to the Jemrnal of Com merce, written on the IGth k^ept., sjiys: “That great events are just before us ia eerfain. That crisis of which [ h:r\c often spoken to you is drawing A'cry near, lie- tween the'lfith day of Septe-mber and the middle or end e.f next May the destinie-.s of Kuroj>e for probably half a ccntury’ wdiich in flu'se elavs is a very b>ng time will be decideel. A fic'icc struggle—it may be a most despe'ratc anel blooely struggle be tween liberty, civil and re'ligiem.s, on the om; hand, anel heiary despotism in politics and religiein on the other. What will be the; issue, CJod ahiiie knowsi “1 fiml that there is a wonderful nrh'ri- ti/ here in the ]»olitic*al w orld. he torc'ign ambassadors, espc'ciallv theiso «d Austria, Prussia, ami liussia. have trcejucnt confer ence's, ami are constantly scmling ami re- c'civing desjiatche-s. Nor are the Alini.s- tcrs ri'sideiit of the' smalh'r FoAvcrs, such as Sardinia, Naph's, Spain, the State's td‘ the* Chiiie li, He-lgium and HollamI, idle. 'I'hose of I’.ngland and the rnite-d States are wide awake, and the former has not a little- to elo to look after thc.se Contine-ntal States, ami the- movements of their rulers.” IKKLAND A.NI) TIli: I’MTKl) ST.VTi:.'^. The' Aineiie-an .^ilnist^-r at the- ( eiurt of St. dame's, Hon. Abbott Jiawie iice, seems to be makinir a imist favoroble- imjirc'ssion among the pcojde' ed' Ire-laml, who c;ve-ry- w here that he has bc'c'ii, in his re-ccnt visit throuiiili that country, r*ce*i\'eel him with the- most cajielial friendship. Anti nowm- de-r, e-itlie-r, wlie-n we reflect that he* is the* Kejire.se ntative of a nation, id'all others in the worhl, nearest to Irelaml in the- kiml- red tie-s of se.eial relationship. As soem as .Mr. Lawrc-nce arrivc-d in liinie-rick, (em the- I'od,) the .Mayor :ind (’ity (.'ouiieil wait- e-el upon him to tender the hospitalities ed the city, after whie h a distiiiguishe-d cemi- jtany aw.iite-d him at (^rui.sc-s Castle, where a sumptuous elinm-r had been ]>re-jiare*d. Among those* presi*iit, were* heird Mont- e-agle, anI Sir .Matthe-w Harrington, liart. ami the Ame-rican Consul at i>inierick, Lorel Moiite a^le afte'r prc-.se*ntation to Mr. Lawre-ue t-. teiie!cre el him the* e-e>ngratula- tions ed' the- citizens ami re-ferre*el in feeling ami appropriate terms tei the jiromptitmlc* witii whicli the .\mericaii lie jmblic, whieh he' rcpre-seiited, had come forward, in the s-asojiof famine-, to tin* rc lie f t Ire land. For her kindne ss ami humanity, in that awful tjial. America, said his Lorelship, cb'serve'el, i-ml woiihl re-ec'ivc the* eternal L'ratitudi* of e-ve-rv tlile* son eif Ireland. His Loid'hip also ri fcrre-d to the- growing intimacy emigration was cne-ouraging be*- twecn the- two e-onntrie's, ami expiesseel the* hojM' that their relations would be ren dered still stroiigc'r, by e-oinmerei.il ente r- pri-e e-stablishc-el ujM»n a a more cxtenelcd scale- than is the- case ju't now. 'Ihe re sponse ot the Ministe*r, to the-se* kind gre-etinL', was brie f, but in his happie st \fill. He- .'.lid he came to ll'el.ind the re-presentati\e of Iri'hmen born, as well as .\meriean eitizeU'!. ami returned thank' for the' I’rii n lly ii - , pt: m lu- li.;d ri > ejvi d. lie bclic-\ed th.it the gre.tt mas' ot the- Irisli people e ntertained the kimllic't feel ing toward.' the ir Im'ihre n in the I’nite'el State ',—anel well they might, for he- elid not b« lie\e* the-re- Was a man in Irelainl, w he ther l ie h or j> >or. high or low, that hael not s 'lne relation' with tlie* I . Stat«-s. 'rin* foil iwing jta'sagi- is j': >teel ve rba tim from '.he sjM »-eh male by the Mini'ter at (ialway: “trivt' tin' people unive'r'al elucation— ami 1 beg t I be- lUiderstiMid on this point li\ tig. :is I do, in a country that is ruled by selt-gove rnmc-nt—a government ed' the people, our only •'I'curitv lie-s in unive'r-'.il ediiiati' r. f'unded on n ligi >n. I would tc-ae h e\ery man, w oman, and child to read and write—place tin- IJibh' in their hand', and the ju-opl,- will take* care of dn ni- .M-lves.'' .^Ir. liaw rem e*, w he-n last hc'ard freun, w:is about taking a -ail e>n the* Shannon, and was to jiroeei-.l from tiiere to the* l/ikcs eif Killarm-v. (ircat pre jiaratious wfre- making in ('ork to give- the .NIini.'tcr a public W elcome. — X. 1’. Kj}>r-ah. A ha.l th-.ught the' days ed' per'cc ution wa-re' over—and so the-v may bt*. so far as jdiysical torture is conee-rne'd; but nie-n are still proseribeel tor opinion's .sake, ami niaeh' to writhe under the- severest moral jiunishnu-nts, themgh the*y arc* no loiiire-r expose-il to the elunge'on or flaming stake'. Witness the' fcdlowing. which is a nielamhedy sjie'cime'ii ed the want of tederation in the nineteenth i*en- tury: Hamilton, of the Marylaml Tribune', was travedling in the cars the other day from Bellefeiiitaine to Kenton, when he fell in with a eh-cieleel charaete*r. He was tederably drunk. T^e-t Hamilton tell the rest. He said he li\eel in Urbana; that tlie Me thodists had a great revival there a year or more ago, and that more than a hundred we re couverted; that he had bce-n converted some ye’ars before, and hael join- eil the church. We asked him if he still bchmged to it. “Net,” saiel he, “they turne-d me nut for tlu- most frivolous thing in the world. If I’d known they’d a turm*el me emt for such a little thing as that, Fd never joined.” Said we, “What elid you do?” “() nothing—only I bc-t my horse out ran another fellow s I won the money and then got drunk, ami had ^'vo fights.— That’s all—and they turncel me imt for that.” mokuisox. nV MOTllKltWKI.I.. “I've wnudorcd F.ast. I’ve wniidcreel West, Tlironiili many 11 weary W'ay, but never, never can forget The love of life’s young day.” 0, dear, elear Jeaiiic .Morrison, The thochts o’ bygone years, Still iliiig their sliaelows o’er iiu’ path And bliiiel u!y een wi’ tears; They blind my eeii >vi’ sant, saut tears, And sair nnd sick 1 pino. As niciiiory idly summons up, T!ie blithe blinks o’ laiigsyne. 1 woinler, .Jeanie, often yet, When sitting on the brink. Cheek touching cheek, louf lock’d in loof, What our wee heaels could think. When baitli bent down ow re ac braid page, AVi lie liiiik on our knee, Thy lips were on th^’ lesson, but My lesson was on thee. That was a time, a blessed time, When hearts were fresh and yemng. ^Vhen freely gushed all feelings forth, I nsj I'.ablci!—unsung. “TIIE LEAPTXn STAPLK.” Senator Douglas, of Dlinois, in his re cent speech at the Agricultural Tair, (N. Y.) calls cotton “the leading staple of the United Stat.e.«.” 3Ir. Douglas, in making this ])roposition, has merely followed, with out iuvestigation, a common notion, wil lingly indulgeel by those who think (’or profess to think) that foreign traile is tlie source of national wealth. JJut is it true? Cotton is a meist valuable article—has en abled Southern jdaiiters to eniidoy tlu'ir negroes, ami Ne»rthern manufacturers their capital—and (what is mm h more useful than c‘ithe;r e.d' these objc-cts) has givc'U a clu'ap and conifeirtablo clothing to millions »f the peior. Jiut in no fair se-nse' ed' the t*rm is it the lealhi/ article of agricultu ral produce; and it is equally untrue and unjust to assin't that it is. Jjct us look a little* into the comparative results ed’ agri culture. We take' the facts frenn the ce*n- siis statistic.s e»f 184U—those of l''ij(J not being yet piiblishod: Articles. I’oiuids. Value. In.lian corn, ,(i12..VK1 .'^i]:;.-i,st;;.eioo Wheat, .'.,oWi,::;m;,-joo Hj,v, ’ 20,.'i!)ti.:i](i.0O0 102. rott.’in. 7‘.'i»,t7'.i,j7') I':;'.!, 'File* prie-e*s above* are state*d for each ar ticle aeeording te» the jirevailiiig rate s in the priiK'ipal marke-ts ed’ the I . States at the time the-se' statistics were take-n. It ajipears that the we'ighf of tiie cotton croj> is le.ss than a part of the* corn croji, ami the vnhir about uu*-ht/f. In neither of the-se rcspe*cts, then, is e-otton the “leaeling staple” d' the countiy, nor any thinir like it. To illustrate* this matter furth«*r, let us conijian- the value cd’ the hay cre»p in the State of Nc-w Vork with tliat of tlie* cotton e rop of Mississijipi, the largest producer of that artiede: New \'ork, liay Mississippi, cotton So that even 7/oy in Ni-w York «-ounts higher than cotton in Mississippi, wdiere it is the largest priMluet. I'he abeive fac ts are- ;i siiflie ie nt aiiswc-r to the of’t-maele as sertion of siijK-rfici.i] ob.se-rvcrs tliat ceitton is tlu* “leading staple” eif the I niteel States. The st.’itisties for 1>*^.’)(I will jdae e the niat- te*r in still 'tionj:e-.>- li::ht.— ('im inn. 'mz. /)o, fff- }n-frr vnntitm hi"—Tin* following note, aihlrcsscd to the editors ed' the \'ie k.'’ourg True Issue, is a curio.sit}' : in its way: 1 VicKsnritei, Se'pt. 1:5, i (M-nth-mcn: ."My po.'ition as a candidate for the Le-gislaturc is le t, as the Is'Uc stated, on the- St.ite- J{ights jilatforiii, but . the Democratic. I had the* honor e>f onee beh'nging to the State lliglits j»arty, but j since the late e‘h*e tion consider the i|ue*stion I settle-d, and am willing to submit to the j majoiitv. Yours, resjie-ctfully, i K. H. HAIMUS. ! The’-^e nion sc''ein to have an utter ab- j liorre iiee eif nniiioritic«i. I'rim iare of > no .sort of ( on'e-(Ucne *', but it is all impor-^ taiit to be on the ./rnnj m'J,. \\ h'ne*ver the-y find one- set of jirincipb ' won’t elo, | thiy;ibaiidon the whole* con e*rn am! ('s-' jiouse* an-ither set; and the faeility with whie h this is done be*ats all the “gronmi and lofty tumbling'' ever exhibitc-el in Stone'iV: ,\Ie ('olluin’s Cire nsl 'I he.sc fire- eaters are a jire cious s‘t of U-anties. I)mhf A1 rt rllat r. SiiiuT ,'I.vki.m; i.n Nk.w Yo';k.—A ••riiion Soi iety id’Shirt Make-rs" has bee-n organized in New York, for the' purjiose of making an I 'hirts, aud thereby af- , fording to the makers a fair re-mum ration j for the ir labor. The lOxpre ss publishes the proceedings ed a reec iit luc'c ting, froui ^ which wc- e.vtract the ftdleiwiu'T stateine'iit, : sheiwing th.it under the m-w plan, the ma- ! kers are eiiableil te» reic ive' a iHirtion ed 1 til ose jirolits formerly obt;iineel bv the-ir j ; cmpleiyers: j I “I’iice eif Shirt.' math' for large* Shirt j ' manufae*torie*s range from ’> eeiit' to '»)l ! e-e'iit'; w bile* enir lowest prie-e's ar.' •J.’> eeiit * for e heap .''hirts. and 7.'» cents for the be't ] I made article. ()ur prie-es range* thus fori the* same article*, only that our' .an- well ' ■ maele, whic h cannot be .s.iid of ,no’- ,'shirts: I Clu-ap shills, shop iiuiile t.i 10 i-eiils. ' ! licst shil-f.'-. sliep liiaile .".I t>i .'»0 i • heap shills, .\s.i>eitiiii'n nijide* L'-'i to JiS j ; I’li-st sliirt..;. ,\.^si'ei:itioii ina-li* T'l i •'iiliais, sliep iiia'le I. 1’ aud t'ollars. .Vssoeiation made X to 10 j 'I’he Soe ie'tv has published this compar ison of priee-s, to shew that the Sewerscan eibtain niiie li bettc-r pric'c's by aelopting their plan eif eirguiization. To secure' this end, the-y wish to establish shops, ami call up- em the' public tc> give them employment, instead of buying from the manufactories, j The Ad'lress of the Society to the public sjiys; I “The condition of the Shirt Sewers of our city is lame ntable*, and calls for your i kindest and warmc'st sympathic's. It is • estimated that their numbers at present ! exeeeel six thou.sjind. Many of these are j young and friendle.ss orphans, early left to ' struggle with poverty, aud solely depend-1 ent upe>n the precarious pittance doh'd out I by employers. Other.s arc widows, de- pemling upon the needle for the support of helpless chihlren, atid with the pittance ed'S’2 or 8‘2 oO per week, trying to fee'd, clothe and pay the rent of a family. Wo not tell you this cannot be dc-ne.' They bear, in silence, suft’erings and trials that would chill the sternest hearts to reccHint. I he detcnceless girl often wivstles with penerty, hunger, temptation, until dire ne cessity fi rces sad ami fearful alternatives upon her. Is this Christian? Is it human? “Oh, l en, w ith sisters elear. Oil. ,iien, with mothers and w ives: It is not linen you’rt* wearing out. It's human creatures' lives.” “Dut \Tc will not murmur; wc arc ready to make any pcr.sejnal sacrifices to susUiin and build up our Association. To this end we appeal to a geiiereuis public.” An affray took placc near Gallatin, Tc-nncs.'^ee, on the 7th, between .Messrs, 3lcJ'jIrath and llobt. I*. I’eyton, brothor of the IIui. IJalie Peyton. J’eytem struck McKlrath with a cane, when the latter stabbed l‘eyton to the heart, in- stiiHt, ih'ffth. 31chirath has bceu arrested, A terrific clap of thunder, Tteither pr'. ceded nor followoel by any other, astonish ed the jieople of Kast Dumfries, Canada, on I'riday^weok, Some mcii at work iu a field, and withe^ut notice, wc're thrown eh.wn by the lightning, and rendered for a fe'W' seconds powerle.s.s, whilst the flash ex. l>e'ndod its power on a neighbe'»ring tree, which it shivered aud set ou tire. S€cefci s frmi Sf'f'exRwn.—Backing out ' is growing the order of the day, among the Secessionists, They proposed to back out from the Union: but they have had, instead, to back out from their loyal doc trine; the i»eoplo refuting to back them in it. In Tennessee, they made that issue; and they were beaten f»u it. They tried it, with still gre*ate*r confielence, in Alabama; anel were woefully thrashed. They re- peate'd it in Mississippi, with a full confi dence of triumphing there at least: for they looked ou that State a.s a second South Carolina; and they hael all the ael- vantage of being h('aeiel by w hat was never before beat'ii—a Mexican here): anel yet (Je*neral Quitman was conipellcel to knock under, before the fight was half fe>ught. Cpon (ice>rgia they counted, as deeply dis- afl’e-e teel to the Cnion; ami yet Georgia is redling u]> a tremendous majority against them. Defeat-el everywhere else, they now turn tlic-ir eyes, as tlieir la.st hope*, to the Ancic-nt Dominion, anel es|«*cially to this her metropolitan and leading di.strict. If the Secession party can succecil here, they are eoii.solcd. It is, then, for Virginia to ceuisieler, and to considcT riost heeelfully, whethe*ror not she will, ag.iinst all her own fixed and fast attachnu-nt te> the I'nioii, eoine, at the last moment, to the re.scue of Scce.s;sion, w hen its plan is overturned everywhere' else. Is she to sii.ite h it from nic-rite*d de fc-at, and give it life again? The snake is .sceitchc'el: will she*, inste,*ael cif killing, cure \t'f Its poison has failed to elestren’: will she refill it with fresh anel deadlier venom? Its fangs have bc*e'ii drawn by North ('arolina, Teiine.s-see', Alabama, Mississijifii and (Jeor- gia; shall A’irginia turn dentist to Dis union, and put her in a set of artific ial teeth, with which ti> bite ns all to eleath? JiL ir/i llioui/ hitj. The “Ke-jiublic” jiublishes, from the manuscript, the last writte'ii Letter (be fore his executioti) of Col. (’rittendon, (ed’ the (’ubaii Kxpc-ilition,) adelrcs.se el to his uncle, the lle^n. J. J. Crittenden, as fed- lows:— ‘•.'^iiir or Wmi Kspfkanza, i '•August in. IS-M. I “I>e*ar riii-le: In a fe*\v monic-nts scune-fifty of us will be shot—we ranic- with I.opez. You will elo me tlie justice to l.elieve tli.-it niy motive for ciiiiiiiig Was )i gooil one. I was ile-eivel by Lo- )iez. He ns well ns the pu\»lic jiress assured me that the islaud wjis iu :i state of prosj>en>us revolution. ‘•I am cnuimaiided to finish writing at onee. “Voiir ne piiew. W . L. Cr.iTTK.XKKX. ‘•I will elie like a man. “Hon. .1. J. ’i:iTTi;.\nKX. "Affornei/ Heiienil I'. Yes, (re-marks the “Ue'public’' on this Ij*tter,) doubly was he deceived by the public jirc'ss: in the first instance by the misrcpre.-icntation of the nature and cha- raetc*r of the exjiedition in w hie h he was about t«» e ngage, as it was uudersfi»od by the laws e>f the civilize'l world, lb rein was the first and most cruel deceiition. He* was tol l that a career of glory was be fore hjm, anel that his name would live* in iiitoiy OM fh(' same page with that of Kos- eiu'ko and Lifavc'tte—among the “libe rators” eif luankind. He was told that in the imlulge-ne-e of a “gencnius sympathy ' he' miirht look for a “higher law ’ than the st.itnte's of his country, wliich in the con flict might be meritoriously disobc*yed.— This was the first decC]ition. The' .si*i-ond was hardly more criminal— the manufacture and circulatiem of fal.e intelligence'. It is true, as Crittc'ndc'n al leges, that the “imblic press’’ tohl him that ('uba was iu a state of “prosperems levedu- tie>n." W e in»ir know, from other informa tion than that of Crittenden, not only that this state nient was “dece'ptive,” but that there was no ]M>ssible fouiulatieui fe^r it. In all its length and brc-adth if was a lie. Who wcTe' the* guilty IIii*/tors of this fabrication it mav now l»c' eliflie-ult to trace; but chx'S not ri's|M>nsi]>ility rest upon tho.se w lu» cir- culatc-d it knowing it t> Ih' false, or most . or who, tit all events, elid m>t know or care a rush whether it was true eu- t’alse'f We hope that the “public press” will be taught by the fate of Crittemlen and his eommaiid tei Ih' more guanled in the eb>c- trines it iiieule-ates and the intelligence to which it gives eire ulation. The Louisiana Kepublican of the ‘2d inst., piiblitiu-d at Lake Providence, says: Th e cotton is eipe>ning so fast that the ced- ton iie^arc'st the ground is beginning tei rot. Picking is progres.sing and the weather perfectly suitable for it and the prc;serya- tion of the crop. A Clarion, Mi.s.**., jia]»er of the lUth inst., .says: In this piortion of ^lississipjii there are many plant«*rs w ho will not make one bale where they expected ten, and some will make none at all. The best that we can lu^w hope for is that seuuething approximat ing to a remuneration price will be paid for the cottou that has been made. ^Vn rrn ntii.—Robert JJ. Alliscin, aJias Irwin, has been arrested in ('incinnati, cjn the charge of forgiii" land warrants. A number of blank warrants were found upon his per.son, and thev are sujipo.sed te) have been abstracted by* him from the Pension bureau at Washingteui, whc're he was formerly employed as a cTcrk. Here are two or three hints for juvenile tobacco-smokers and chewers, wliich we extract from the Heiston Olive l}ranch: “Tcdiacco has spoiled and utterly ruined thou.sands of boys, inducing a dangerous precocity, developing the pa.ssions, se>ften- ing anel weakening the bones, and greatly injuring the spinal marre^w, the brain, and the whole nervous fluid. A beiy who early and freely smokes, or otherwise largely u.sos teibacco, never is known to make a man of much energy of character, and generally hicks physical and muscular as well as mental energy. To People older, who arc naturally iierA ous, and particular* ly to the phlc'guiutie, tobacco may be com paratively harmless, but even to these it is worse than uselesii, Wo would particu larly warn boys who want to be any beidy iu the world to shun tobacco aa a deadly poison.” Jrf T, re.'>i.i. 'j'iri- l./n.. Tilt; Stnwp.^’Iha Hon. Ai„] venson is in training for tlu- p He has taken the first ste p, j,, ' nounced for the delivery of an rnl Address at Harrisburg on thVC stant. This is following ij, of General Cass ami Senator l>,„|,j '' feir General Ilcm.ston, he iiiado V' movement in Teni|terance sieldi-,. the only thing that has been d,V' way for Mr. Buchanan is the-' '■ / by his Pennsylvania friends nf , of July oration wjalu^l the war"'V delivered in 1810.— H’W/ ]>, The first accounts eif tlio I that has broken out in (he M,. ' American citizens hael take n -n., • • 1 *1.,,.. I . 1- » ‘ • on our bejrder h*d to the- heliei i],. in it, and even that bodies of i,,,., ganizing within our limits for tliat Under these circumstanees, as ' was deemed prudent to direct our commanders on that frontier tn. ' selves to prevent any invaMon I,,- zeiis eif the se.iil ed' i Put, from more recent inte-lli^,.I,,., I se-e-m that this direction, li(iwvv,.f ! was unnece-ssary, as it appears tl,]j^- fc*w Ame rican citizc ns tiok ’ .rr _ _ 1 .1 . . ' '>1 tilt jiirrectioii, and that it wi St. Lori,^, October G. Fire Annihihitor.—An experimeut was made ou Saturday evening with the fire annihilator ou a two-story frame building crected for the occasion. The building was filled with eombuiitibles aud well start ed wit^ turpentine, The expt^riuient proved u failure, Auother experiment will be made in the courgo of this week. Mis management is saicl to have been the cause of the failure. T^pward« of two thousand porsont! were rirc'scut, conductcd almost exe lusivelv h-, j .^Iexico.—Xitfitiutil [iifi'll'nj, ^ j Currl'xJ^ohlrnc^ of ihe Comrnfrrinl I L(i.\i)(».\, Se pt.1,-. The intc-re.st in the Great KxLi|,j,i slacking for a time during the liarv,,-^' I again on the increa.sc. The chtily j of shilling visitors has avetairwfp,:, i OU,()UU during the pre sent wctlc. kv I fallen not much be-low liaif th.ir I two-aiid-sixpeiiny days. The trutii i' j every body bi'gins to feel tliat tW , j approaching. While the Iio]h? . j tained that the bc'autifnl stnutnr.., ■ survive the departure of tin , was an umlefined feeling tliat'iit ..u,., j taut day the same innube ric s (li.j^..^ interest and study and indu'trv i,,« ; again be gathered from the natinl,,,,!! j worhl beneafh its rewif; hnt ii.,wtli -- I hope is known to l>e fruitle,-s>, ;i|„i ^ cision of the Commissioners of Wo Forests lias made; sun* its di-.'tiuiti..., : cryboely is eh-sirems to s-e vvliat > sc-eii and to h'aru what is left to . c;d, from this great .selioolrooui ef . ledge. I You cannot have failei] to not , ve^ry f.ivorahle e-h.ingi- whie-h Ims ;: place in the remarks ..f the lvi-_di'!: ■ about tlie I'nited States e-ontiiI.iitj..N. ‘ I'or the la.'t six weeks there iias l.»vtK I jiositieiii—the Times leading off aiii' j other parwrs following—to do u. 'justice. Our grain reaper, oiir [1!.: ; our loc ks, our machiue rv. in fact , all the* articles of nurit which wcIht receiving specific notice. The portion of the exhibition has nut > failure*. So far from it—it i' a ml the Tim«-s itself—“Great Ihit.iin ’ • ceiveel more use.-ful ideas and iii'-rf ous inventiciiis from the I’nircij > through the* Kxhibitiem, than {’rfnii er sourc-c-sl’" The reports of tli- ■ when the'y are iiiaile juiblic, will I what I have written, j JJy tiie last arrivals from .Vii.'tr: j rumors in regard to the abundann-'!.- ! discovered, aud the extent of tin- ir'v. i trict in that colony, are all confirriieil.' j whole moving pojiulation eif die' kin. j is on the alert. All kinds of ^-V.iie, • panics, ceirpomtions and as'oiialii'i- j .starteel; ve..«els of evc-ry tonnaire an li’ out; ad vertisements of .'jdcndiil f'-n. j be made are inserted all over the ui I papens, which have their chief cir. . I anumg the laboring cla.s.s*s; hanTi- .' ]ilacards announcing guaranteed f>- ' I every where jH>sted; anel shr. w.l «v I men are sjicculating upon the rm t I fafrs to realise gre-at profits. I;;-ini j the New York (^ilifornia fever "V tv: j (^isitally I have seen an order s> nf 1 Tiiited States for a cargo of -YaTili j tions,” pails, tubs, basins, iiii?s. !r and all the rt ciefrm of a jx illar’s . to be shijipc.'d here ami them e t> .'j' This m:iy bt' in some way to av iii but 1 surmise it rather to bo n the home manufacturers fre.uii fiii'i:. j s;inie market. i Pmrfrful Effrrt.s nf ' I hen the waters of Glaste^iihury w. the height ot their rejmtatiou. in ■ I the following storj was told by a. , man eif character: I An old woman of the workli'^U'' ' vil, wdio had long been a cripple’ai; I use of crutches, was strongly im I drink of the (rlastonburv water, wi was assured wouhi cure her laiiieiie- I master of the workhcuise pnmirfel ’■ j eral bottle's of water, whie h lui'l ■ I eflc-ct that she soon laid aside oi” j anel, not long after, Ihe other. T. ■ I e.xtcdlcil as a nuxst miracul"ii r"' * j the man ]»re)to.?ted to his fridi'l' ’- I had imposed upon her, and ic^o ; water from an ordinary spritii'- I I ne>t inform my readers that the ■ I iniagination had sfK-nt it.'clf', :nid '•*•■ | ! lapsed into her former infirii'.ity. lildrhicfKHr^ H Jmjtiirfii’i —Alc‘ct ''"' ' I justice once addressed a jury i" '*■. lowing nioelel specch:—“(’uutKi” ’' I jury, in this case the witm•sc'^ sides are incredible; and the ]'l""' defendants are both such h;i'l that to me it is indifiereiit wliiil> 'J '• give your verdict.’ 'J’hero w;i- satire and point, almost uii]':irall'‘‘' great man was that chief jnstiee' Coobie.s.—The following eirile'*' ^ veying great ccmifort to the p;issci':-''f heard them, were given by the' i-'l;'" an American western .'teaiid'*’‘i. was about to engage in « ther steamboat: “Rosin up thar, and tell tk to stiut down the safety valves . go.ss, Geutlenien who huv i;t ''*1':’ to tho captain’» of^ie.'0 please to retire te> the ladies’ cal|'*‘' . pass that boat or bust. Vir>“ ‘T’ rip!” In the old ballud lit»'ratun\. that rare old song, of w hich has preserved u line: “Aud the ruin, it ruiiu'ih e.'vPr' The locality of this poem unist _ somewhere in the west of Wales. In the Highlands of t ^ , eountry-^, o remarkably moist el ■ country lad was asked by a man (probably Irving,) if it there. “Na, ua,” returned S;iNvn.'' times it siuncs.” lia''