SEMI-WEEKLiY, [vol.. I.] 11‘WjTMjiW.w iv'»»iimieBaKaMoaa»g?—i»»iniijia ■i»»jw fayi:tteviij,k, n. c., Tuesday mormng, october 21, is5i 'JUA jiBfcvUJUJygga ezarssseiKtai :se3RPHHgewa«weiF [NO. 32.] ^ riUNTKD HV ,1. 15. NKWin . KDWAIII) J. HALM & SOX, ; KKiToKs ,\M> ruoi’Kiirntr.s. '!gr •' l"i' t!'' Ci'kly Oiiskuvkh !f t Oil if J 1 ,.'1 ill if jiui'l duriii'' tlie ' \i,ir I'i Mil'si-rijitioii: or ^'i iiftor tlio voai' lias * g,,i- !i;c W fcklv Uitsi KV K.i; (Ml |i(T aiimim, if . • i ill ;t i';'iii-c: -SJ -'lO if j>ai-l iluring flio ■ . • f-iil.'rrijitii>n: or •'S'! »M';,ftor the vi>ar '• \ r(''l. ' \ M\ rr,TI.''I .M 1'.N I S inscrtc'l f'>r sixty L - .1 iri- f"i- tlio fust. cm>i thirty cents for oacli . :f i;u- j'u1>liMti'iii. \ oarly a'lvfrti-ii'inrnts . .m’ I'Hitracts. at n'a.'j.iii.ililo ratvs. Aii- ' ;iro rt‘i(in“si«‘>l to .-itato tlir iiuiiil>er ^f Ip :i' nr tln'v will ln‘ (Siiitiuui'il til! fti- :i'i l 1 Mi'Ci'riliii'^ly. * ; t" tin'K'lit'irs must ln> i'‘"‘t-]iaiil. II. lULVNSON SOX i I.II li>r sail'. l.'iO .Jn^. Kiii\'s ;nnl ruvk'. / )Hi -ot: I'M'ii.i. r.K-kit t ■'!' (UaIitii-s. I!im, Stock aii'l I’a-I J. i-.n,::lit an.l t'a>t I’.ntts, Scrpws. Ilimros. S' 1 li ni'l .''aw'--. iM'iiwiii^ Knives. Stofl- j ■, Si'. Irons, aiiil (Ivrinaii Sotkrt C'- ((.miiiicrs. llatrliots. Scjnarfs. Ciirrv ^ Il'r'C llnislic'. Shovrls au'l "I'onjrs. 1/ _ !!c .'^lioxrls aii'i Sjiai'os, t'ross ('lit ft;"' I’r.ii-o :(H"1 r>ri;i't aiwl sliall liavc i| ■ '.V .I:.y- M full a-Tiniflit of IMiiius. ('.-ill K '.iMlIU*. U. :'.;i-tf ' HI.ACKSMi ril 'I'OOLS. ^ I ; i.l. a.'S-.rtiiifiit of the l.ost .jii.-ility. f,„- H. r>r..\NSti\ A So\, l;:. Dr. D. (inA llKIS'i', A ,S'?(/•/--,»/ lh,iti.t, M *'11,1. vi-;it r.'ivt'itfvillc ■.II tliv :M of N. \ .-'mIht iii'xt. aiil roniaiii ton i i ror^ 'i!-; wi,-),in;r liis I*!-. !.-s>ioii;il i' ■ - ill )• i ca!! '.Hill. l;is Oliir.itrt*- ; ik I I!- ’ :i -^^o.rt stay. j . 1. j $■( o(Mi 2H«i^ioii \ .4'. ilif i;i. \ • t'>r (l. ;i. ..f tlio 4i ' ’ li.'’ ’ 11 ' hi '■ 'N \\|\SI.«i\\ ..1 II -i! I rl;:ii'l. H ■ I- licit K I ' ra ■' n -z .•■»ex «* iibs*-ril>cr Ims ii;t r**- ; ' ■ .■•■ivfil jiijil fi.r sale. ■ ; FRESH ^ ' of : TKAS. (t rt'f n (utd IllacI,' 'I't ns. 7*^ iii- viTv -iij.iriMr [n;ility. -« \ I*:.[0 •‘lly>..!i." il'i •• I iii]n‘iial." fi != .■iiii'.r llv.'.iu. ' I l^. .1.. '5' ! ■ T I" \v« ri- >o!f'i.-ti'il Iiy a sr jii'l"*'. ip- >■ ■ ri'.’ Miia'-ii'Icil .IS ••fiiv'-t’‘ S. .1. lll.NSDALK. i. - .1. ;iltf ^i vMlW-.MAKlNi; MILUNEKY. [£ V. M.'ft'N lias jii-t roturiK'cl from tin- , :j with a MfW .•m l lic.iutifill assort- ! ■ :in l Willi.-r MILI.INKIIV. cusist-; , -atiii :ui'l M'lvft r>oniiot"i. of various i I!’’;’' 'Il all.l ri.'WtTS: IIc.l'l ■ nl ('.ij's; Straw rii.iiii‘t- "f .litl'.-icnt ] iiil j'ri.’t": liisi'h* 'a]'i’s; C.ill.irs an.l •vi's; very ln'st .|Uality of Ki.l (Jinvc-;; ■ I'fiii'j:. lon;^ aii'l •••||.,it; ;i ii.*\v aivl i*lf- 1 «■ of I>ros 'rriniminL''. of tin* most ! kili'l, .iii'l a few lian"lM.m“ i»re>s uatfic.i .an.l plain 'ilk M.intill.-is; vcl- ’’a- .iii'l ('lo.iks: a now styli* "t lloii- all'! Ti intiiiiir_'':. of .all r.'lors: an.l a • a-> .rtniciit ol' J'iowers ami llca'I 11; .i!ia>lo in t ■ an.l ik- 1. l"'.l. latf! t >‘vlo: lik'‘- v;«> u M A\'5'i:i>. i l; - w i'lies to ( nij.l.’V oik* or ; it.' \Vin'f'.\vri”li!' an.J Wa:r..n niakcrs, ■ •' .• lii”iif>t \va-«'-^ .an.l .-oiistant eni- ■ Ulli 111' .\]ijilv s mil t.l Kl.l.lAH FrLI.Kli. : I I.-I. IS-'.I. lli«‘ old ■ \ V. .•'II KMWKi.l, Cu. li:ivi‘ just rc- F )■'I:'!)!! nii-nt of S>ih,// * iii'l ::ri'y. t.) v. lilcti tln-y woiiM m11 ^ ' 'Hot tlif ]>iili’iic. 'riK'.'O ^ will ^ ■ ill .|Ualityanl .liir.-iliility witli tlie tif't ' n- I .•Ill') .-ire much clic.'ii.i r. ^ - • 'Ml ''’J.’, (•ents t.. !^1 "Jo per yjir.l. ( i.'. N. f.. ».'t, 11. 1."-‘.1. ' ::i>tf IILAXK liOOKS. l-'il', a>' 'rtiiioi;t of every ilcsi ription, rn.-itijr MtMrmiii. I'enii. an.l Itf- •l..nriiaN aii'l llay I’li.oks: Half I. _iii;ii't.i I’.l.ank'i of every v.iriety: ':''ini ll.i'iks ..fall kin.!', just reeeive.l. I-;. .1. ii.M.i-; \ s(>.\. J rose wood writing DESKSf K'’l. I .Il k li.'xcs; l’a]iier-.Maeh' Ulli', I’ort l'..lio.'i. aii] Ink St.imls. • !•:. .1. n \i.i; \ sox. \\ VMS'WAVS I \HT) dictionary: ditto Octavo; Wjilk- ^ ^ ‘ r - 0. t;ni,; \Vorcester'.s, Walkcr'.s ami t' T s .'. I1..0I llicti.i'iai-ies, iVe. .'I I.-. . v.-.l 1,y K. J. IIALK SOX. ' I't. , 11 \ N K I'AVS Wall IVl'S: ~ i Bi >l!TK Folios: Wiitin;: I’ \e. i-■ •• ii!-t receive.M»y K. .). 11AI,K .v SOX. SW'AIM’S .11 s riciv, ' 111 ''nr'ilina Form liook; Civil I’raeti.a! ‘ ’ N .rill (' iroliiia. K. J. JIALi: & SOX. I ito Il4>llarri ISrnard. from the (jiih.seriher, on the " ii.'I.. a ne;iJ-o ;::irl l>y tli‘ n.anie of •''li'l ”ii'l is probahly lurkiit"' aliont ’ - . a- 1 )jij-el hei- from him. I will ' l.ove foi- lier .!eiivei-y to me, or '■.•lit in oiir j.iil. Sai.H'aroliue i.s alamt 'if !i;r“ - .jiiit.' tall f..r tli;'t aLr*. ■I'Mix sTiiwAirr. '■t*"vil!.^ ( I. t. 1:^. Iw.^J . ;{,,tf (HECKS, -' t rni, IX l-Ai KTTin iLLE, • I’rintij'! uj;'l I'.i' .Sale at tl»i^ Otiice. 1). LYMAN liUUHANK, t'iirrrss>>r tn Ihitrh ff* liiirhtttiJ:, Wholesale and Hotail Dealer in Tobnrc'o, aisd ^iiiifr, c.inslantly on lian.l the above named article.'', of the most jiopnlar hi-.-tnds, and warrnnte.l ei|nnl to any in the eonntry. Hav- made .‘irr.infrenientt! w ith an extensive iiouse ill l?altiniore, he will sell at Baltimore j.riees, and re.speetfully iinites the cili/ens of Fav«'tte- ville an*! snrronn.ling conntrv t. ,u'i\e him a call. l''r»nt Street, ne^t do.r to Messrs. I’ol- ley \ Mart. |at the si-n of I'llF. Tl 1!K.) Wilminpfoii. Oct. IS-’>1. SUff i:xim;i',if.X('f, is tiik iu:st. A!any a p..or wretch w rithin;r umler the ef fects ot l)yspepsi;t. in s.>me form, ha.'; Ix'come exhanste.I or wo.ather heaten for the want of proper nie.lieines judieiou.-^ly taken. Not. how - e\»‘r. any ot those i|iiack no.s(rnnis tliat pretend to cnre consnm]>tioji, liver ;itt'e'tions. nr rheuma tism, by one, bnt sindi combinations as are a.IajUe.l t.> the nature and character of the ilisease. If provin.i^ invaliiabie b,v experienre. .1 reme- d,v is to be ci'iili.led in. here is one th:it will not f.'iil to m.'iterially benefit or enre any case of in- 'li.crestii'n or .lyspejisia. Tlie llev. .lames I’errynian. a llajitist clerjrv- niati. who is extensively kn.iwn in (ieorfjia, states thns: Talbot county. .Inne ISI.s!. l>r. Little—l>ear Sir: Having been so iiinrh boTiefite.l by yonr mclieines, 1 w ill cheerfitlly state the case. For _\eais past 1 h;ive been ba.l- ly .lysju'ptic, snch as tiv'htness ami ..)ipressi..n afr.-r' me.'i's, acj.lity of the st.niiach. del>ilit\. w'ant of .H^'e>i;i..:i, .ve. In this slate many ar ticle-; of t.iod were oI>!i;j;.'.l to be av.ii.le.l, to sav in.thinir of tlu‘ lan.anor an.l wretclie Ines.-' ol'ten evperieneed any wa.\'. It was about iin.ler tlu^.-e >'.r nmt:inc.^s, I bi'r:'.n n^liij; y.>nr .\ntaci.l Ve- ;.r.'ta'i!e I’ills an.l ’r.>nic Hitteis; vevv soon 1 f.inn.l nm. h r.'lief, witli .|nite :in imj'r.ivenient of health. The me'licines I c..ntinne.| with the irreatest a.Ivanta;.rc. |>;irtic'i’arly the .\ntaci'I. fin.liiiLr it always t.> ;rive .(tii.-k relief, an.l t.' ]ir.'iii"te ili'j.^sti.iii. I h:i'i n.'t t.iken tliPm !..n;r. 1 e.iiil.l n-;e .'iny kin.I of ('.....I I chose witli impunity, even c:ibbajr*. an.l ('•thcr thiii'/s here- tot.ire in:i>lmi>.-ibb‘. For many nn.nths past (siiic(‘ takin;£ the meli-inc' I h.i\e enjoye.l ir.'.xl liealth, which has not been the case for yeai.- t.efore. I hose of my frien.Is ami ac-)U;iintan- ■«• iiiiilii-ly afilicte 1. 1 W..11M a.lvise to trv these 1 >\ >;]>e|'.tic me.lieines, ^'..nrs, tiailv. Si'Tiie.i: .lAMKS l’i;i:i:VMAX. Itea.l tiie iic.r w .'ll niarke.l -ases that !i;i.| b n;.’’ bafticl .all other ronie.lies; i'..iiiity. April 1S4’.'. l>'i. l.iltie - I l»;:i- .S||-; l-’,.! I;,»t ,'«i\ cl' >e- \.li _\ m\ w:;- I..-IS 1..-.-II '..I'li^ atir;,te'l ith •!\Tiim li '.' t"'be. nearly In lp- ' , I’tl"ii-I. t -,'- 1,.., ,, rfr. I, JcM V tw.. >• t'.r e ' . i '.i'. I'nt -irj tlie l;.>t y.-,u- 'lie t.".'v. wlii!>t in thi-: -iniati"ii. Anta. i.l aii'l \ rills. X'iiich s". ti h''ped her niu.'h ti'.iii tlfit si(ikin;r *r cpprc.'.-i.iti ;ift.T 'alin;;. l.esi.h's jjrainiiiir 'tren;rth. .''he .•■•ntiini''.] to im prove fa'f. pai ticnlarl_\ w hen we n-^e.l the Toni.- Hitters with the .itiier nu'.Iicine^. ;in.l is now en.i..\ i»i;jr j.r*tfy lair licahh. an.l feels like :i new l.ciiij:. Voiirs, rc.'j.e. tfiilly. Si-jTiie.l i II I'/i'K!.\ I’.ot; FI'.S, Sen. : The fae-siiiiile •>!' the siirn.-itiire l»r. . i. I Little will l«" f..itn'! np 'ti tin* ontsi.le wrap[.cr ■ of each .if his ^l .'.lii-ine'.;. : S‘il.1 wholesab' and ret.til. by the l‘ropric“tor. at his Mannlactnrin;f liep..t, Xo. ijf.4 Market : stn et. I'liil.i.h'iphia. ami .M.n i-n. (icr^ia. T.l be ha.l :ils.> ot .l:ime> I aiii. H.M-kfish: ,\. Wats.ill. Fl..ral ('..lle^e: Townsend \ Ii. ni;- lass. le'f.nettsville: lir. 1’. M. C.heii. I'harbs- t.ii; i;arbe'. r.arclaysville; 1’. F. re.-cu.!. i Halei^h. S. .1. II 1X.''1> \ I.F,. .\pi'iit for Fayi'tteville. ,i(iiitittistrfili»r's .'I'ttfirr. j ('i M i:k.i: I.\N n 'di vtv. X. 1 1 Sept. 'JJ. l^'^-'ll. , rnilll' .'• ha \ ili;.r. oti th’ li.ty fi. of Sej t' intier I'.iiirt of I'lfMS an.l (Jnarti'r • >i-S'i.)iis ti.r sai.l (’.'iinty, l.'''il. taken L tters ..f ; 'minis;ration accor.liii:r t.i on ilie Fstate ; of I'r. II'.Mk.'Om. .|-ceas«'.|. hei-e!iy jri\es ■ {r- ii.-ral lo'tice to all cr.’.iitor' of s:ii‘I I'i't.ite, t*. : prc'ent their claims, .Inly antlieiiti.Mte.j, within 1 the time limite.l by l.iw tT ti^at pnr[>"Se. .itlier- j w ise t his noli.-e will be in bar of rec.ivery. ; llel.toi s to sai.l F,>tjit' w ill al'o ]'lea>e to niake p;iyment r.L.X.FX i;o|i!XS(iX. .\.iniinis(rator. M'Hrthvr ,'%'otirv. 7" ILL I..- S..M ..n the l.'.th day ..f Oct-.ber ne\t, at tin- M.irket in F.aytte- \ilb-. on a cre.lit ..f six months, a man by the name of I’llLI,. well known as :i b.iat haiul. be- b.ii^rin;: t.. the al'..v(‘ F.'tale. •Jl-'-.w] r.LX.rX KoiUXSOX, .V lm r. l''/ir(iiira^ r }sorth ('arolt tut. f 3^IIF. nn'lersijrne.l is m.innnictnriii". in I''ay- i ette\il!e. Boot and Shoe Poli.sli, far snpcrioi' t'> the I’.lackinir j.iin li.ase.I in the Xortherii eifi.-s. He intemls'b'votin;.'lii' whole time f.. mannfactni in;r and v n'linir tliis very sii- pt rlor I’olisli. ami e.alls njio,! all who think it t.i the interc't of the Sonthei'ii p(''iple to liecoine in.lej.enilent of .Xortliern ni; niifaetnre.s, to ;rive him thf ir jii«I timl patrona;;e. He i. , .rejiarcil to show, by iil,'>' trial, to :iny one v.lm will c.all upon Iiim. the /'//.•/>•///>/’- rmrih/ of his over all other or hhirkni;/ now S'lhl in N'irth C.trolina. Callatnl have yonr bo.its ami siloes once eoiniiletely blacke.l nii'l j.olishe.l, an.l lie s.-itistied. This article is ottered ;it a pi'ieo D'd liijrher than is nsn.illy ehiir^re.l for other and inferior i|n.ilities. ami a trial is all that is aske.I to se- enre the patrona;re of the public ;rener.ill.v. The niidT,'5i'rn'd e.\pe t.s to \isit every por tion of the State to intr.iiin-e liis I’olish. and asks now in ii.Uanee that M. rchants :ui.l .ithers visitinjj; Favetteville will pive him a call. A. WOODW.Mtl). .Inne 21. If'.'tl. (7-iim WA.X'l'El), OOOl) ll.\Xl)S, at 7') cts. pcnlay, on * F the .Sontlu-rn IMank lloa.l. Stea.W eniployment and cash payiv.ent weekly, if re- (jnirel. Ajtplv to •,i. .M. lU IF,. ' t the St»‘am Mill, or to A. A. McKF/niAX, .hiiie J':, 18-")!. [77-tfJ Fayetteville. HENRIETTA LINE OF ^ Sicaiii ainl Frc*i«lil B{oa(!, all in excellent onler for bnsiness. Onr Tow IJoat.s Jiave been recently repaire.l ami nia.h“ ^^lod as new. We Inivc ad.le.l a //nr for low water, .nnd well iiil.-ipted to the service. Shi- will c.arry 70(1 bbls. nierehaiidi/.e, ami draw only I'M inches watc!r. 'I'hose favoring: ns with their )iatronajrc, may expect !is prompt ami ehea]> (service in every as any otiicr Line ciin of^'er. (1. 1>L.MI.X(!, I’res't. K. M. OIIUKLL, A^rent. A. I*. t'A/.ALX, .\j4eiit at Wilminjtton. Fayetteville, Dec. 21, 18-Vtt. lilan/c Wan'diils for sale here. BOOTS snoi:s. K arc n'coiviii^ our I’all and Winter snjipiy of lSo4»ts (’ of a v(‘ry l!ir;>'e and splendid ass..rtment of j the LATF.ST FASHloXS. : :iml ('inbracin;.r a very j^reat ! variety of stvles for L.a.lies', (ientlemen's. Miss es , I' tys . :ind 'hi'.Iren's w ear; with a lar^e as- I sortment ol Men ,s ami l!ov .s Kin and ('oarsel r.i!o(;.vxs. ■ I •\ iirti -le .^f (Ientlemen's and L.-:.lies' { fndia-riibber Slu.cs. j —ALSO— j Trunks. Carprt liacrs. and Wind.av .Shades; j ('alt. .Moroci-o. (ioat. Linin;r. ISindiii};. ;ind I’.-id SKins. Sile Lc'tlher, Lasts. .sh..e l’hr..‘a.l, Snai*- ables. \c. I’erson.s wishinjr to purchase hy Wholesale or lictail. ;ire re(|iu-ste ) t.i i'x:imiiie onr .''tock. \'>'e are .b'lermine.I to s.-ll very low for Cash, (.r on i time t.) cn^-t.'tners. ' S. T. HAWLF.V .SOX. ' SepL ;:o, 18.-.1. I'^-Ow iirr;;. ni'x. hoots & Midi;);.: FA I.l/, Ih.'JI. F.DWIA GLOVER, iHKf Srork. I 8 :> I. ^H^IIL Snli.-)cri>i*T offers for sale i>}',r of f]ic lart.'^''st !iti.I ln-st as>..rftnents of (iOOI)S in his line ever oll'ere.l in this place. He is verv th.aiikfii! for the very lilu'r.d patri.n.ijre tliat he h:i' h.-i'l, :ni.l S'llicit.s ;i contiiiii;iii->> (if j)i(. same. Hi' ' ha's lieen selecte.l with eari*. and c.insists of ne.iriy every variety ,-in.l 'tyle. iroin the best nfiniifai lnrers. lie h.'t' on h.'ind .•ind otfci' ...w f..r at retail ..r by the latest style-; (lent!.•men's Leaver. Nutria. M.'I. 'kin. .''ilk. I’rii'h :in.l .\n- "‘.l:i liVI'.’'^. ,\l'.i, .lenny Lin.l. Kossnth. Ar tist, lioiii:!! ;iMd Le.'i'l;.' :in.I 'tifJene.l Fur !in.i \'.o..l Hat', lor .Men. ^..nih an.I r>.i,\s—in iil.iin- liance by the .lo/en or c;!'e. — \ LS()— A very ’.irjre Mipi'iy of C! I’in-ih. Velvet ;iml F isr ( Al'.s. of jill .pialitie';, style' ami j.ri- ce-i.—by the siii,;rle Cap ..r l.y the ilozen. — ,\LSO_ .if the f..ll..\viiitr vririetio^. \ i/; Fine W ater-].r.i.if, tim- C.-.If, line Ki|i atel hea\ int.-r i;ooT.. l;,,^s■ ^’'.uth>' Calf ;in'l Kip l.'iot'. (.eiilb'iiien ' iM'i .'S .'-li'^e'. ..f '1' '• r! . I' '■ i'!i vta.eiit ' C!;i’,.b-'h-"' Li M t'|' .iii.I •lei'ii', Lin l. F\.'''l'i'r'. C-iiter-i, • litt.i ILilf. i’lii'kii.s. Slipp.T' ii"l M. r. ce.i r.o.its. .\lso. ientlenuMi's .'111.1 La'li»->' Unlit., rs. W ith :i jroo.I supply of ^'..uths', 1!.Chil.Irens' an.I .Servants' lic;i\ \ .sho.'s. All of which he ofler' low- f..r I'li.y.'i, r.r on tiuie to i.nnctn.-i! -n't..iner'. I’leas.- call an*! ';iTi-*fv y..tir-iei\cs bei'.'i'e pin'. li A art. SIIOI nil iM) wi\ti:r cooDS. Z/. f* .f. M^eitiherfau WI-', jnst receiveil from New York anl l’hil:idel]ihi.-i ,-i complete .Stock of SILK AND FANCY DRY GOODS, .\moii}r \vhi«-h m.-iy be f.nin.l an extensive bit of L.MMl'^.S’ I)i;i'..S,s (iii()|)S. vi-/.: Plain, watered an.l fi;.^ d .Silks; Nei’.lle-worke.l Cashmeres; liro- CJii.h* .-ind w;itei'ed roj.lins; CliarMeleon Lonii^ian- as: Chene iJejis; IMai.l Lustres: rich .Saxony De- L.'iins: plain, w.-itei-e.l aiel fijrure.l .''ilk warji Mj acas, .S.-coiid Monrninir I’opiins: black Itom- lia/ines; a few superior Kveninjr l>resses; ))ink. Line, white and sir.iw colore.I Tar’itaiis, \e. I'lain ami vatei-e.l M.-intillas; I’.ay .'-^tate. plai.l :in.l embroidere.l Thiliet and Cashmere .Shawl.s; .irafi an.I bl.-K-k C.-ishniere ditto. KMI!Kol|t|:i:iLS.—French AVorke.l I.ace Capes ami Collars; w ..rkeil Ciifl's: a beautiful lot In-rtlia Lace Capes: I'mler-sleews and Chemi settes; .''wiss :in.I .lai-onet Trimmings; Heni- stit.-hed an.l Xee.lle-worked Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs; bl.-ick, blue and white Lace Veils. iS:c. \e. —also— r.lnck. bi-fiwn and preen French ami Knslish Cloths; lilack ami faiie,v ('assimeres; plain an.l ti,:'d .Satin Vestinirs; \'.-ilenci.-i an.l C.-i.shnn're ditto;; .Sattinets: Kentucky .leans: .Sill aii'I Worste.l Ser:es: plaid Linsevs; red, blue .-iii.l white Fl.-innels- French an.l .Silk warp ilitt.i; Lrown ;ind )>le;iclied C.-mton ditto; l)rn;:j^ef.'; Osnabiirfis: French ami I'’.n;rlish IViiits: Irish Linens: T.iwelini'; Table Hiapers; La.lies’ and tientb^men ,' Li-I (iloves. ol a very suj.eriorjtial- it,\; .Silk .-iml ’otton Hosi*‘rv; L:itnb's \V»d and Mer:no .litt'.; L;i.lie.s' ami ■ cutlemen'.' Cashmere • lloves. \c. \c. .1 liiriji hit "t M'lJi'sJ. iii mill _/'/(> Mill's mil/ ('iij)A' lint muf I>i/( liililmiis. f. .\ snjierior lot ..f (ientlenn-n's Call I’il.Is .-iml .S!i.i.-s; L.-idies' (i'aiters aii'l other >t\les of .^h.ies: Travelling: Trunks; t arpt't l‘;i;rs, ,ve. The .-i)iov«> CoimIs w ere selectcl more particn- 1.11 Iv f.r the UF.l'AlL TKAHi:. an.l will be .sold on verv .‘n’c.inr.nodatinir term.s. K. L. \ .1. A. I’F.Mr.KltTOX. Se]it. 11, IS.'ii. oj^j- A K 1: V, .*11 EvTI A: CO. XKW K.\I,L AXl) WLNTKll ^,;0 0 B>S. n .rw -m • siii'j elsewh.'re. .lollN C. THoXL^oX. M-it-l;.-f S.:il:irt I’i.lf U FILL Uil \li\Ti;ii liOOll);. 7 F have recei\e.l aiel are m.w recei\ii;;.r onr iisu.-il .'^tock i;f STAIMj: fanc y COODS. C..ii>i-.:tiii}r Ilf n(-:.r’y every article nsnall v kept in the lir_\ (mo.l> line. _.\I,SO— KINK AS'OUTM i'..N r 1>K l'':is]iioii:i!»l‘ lioiinds, I liils. C':ij)s. Hoots, Slinc'S. cv'c. The al'.ive .'•^tock we wonM invite oiir ciistom- er>. fii.-?i'l'. .-iiel the piiblie jreneral!;.. to call .•iii'l examine Lef,.re ]iiiri ha'in.:;. as we are de- terniiiied to sell 'o suit the limes. ALLX'i: .lOllNSoN CO, Fav etlevi'lf. .^ept. 2-.. L'''->1. 2-'>tf \viii rL\(i i*APi:u. IIF. A ^l.s a"orte.I French. I',n;;lish ar»'l ,\merican ('.ili. Letter. Hath I’ost. Folio I’e-;!. :in.I Xote I’ajters—a well se- lecte.I 'tock. (-mbraciii;: a ;rreat vari.-t v of 'pial- itv an.l prii'e. I’eiar'ls, I’erf-irateil Hitt... Ti-i'iie aiel jlrawin;: ra]i.-r, atel .Statioii- Ml V ol all kin.Is. .Just receivi.i;:. !•;. .1. IIA 1.1; .V SOX. Sej.l. -J'.*. is.'il. I) I’oniiT of Xorlii uiitl .'Moiiiininil Slrt'cl.s .131. ^ISSON' \ l:.\livl> haviii;: comph te.j theirex- tensive niii-k«. :\vhi(-li is new on.' of the larixest estal.lisbments .'f tin- kin>l in this .-..nM- tr_v,i an- ).repare.l t.. ‘.il’ all or.lers in tlieirline. vi/,; .>I:irblc .^laiitcls, !\loiMinioiits. Tonil)s, (.'I'iu e .'*to!iCs, 'I able Tops, Tilts, ( for floors.) ;^Iarble Ketters, iSic., at .-is reasonaMe rates ;is e.-in be hail in thi^ oi' any . ther city in t!ie I'nion. For bi-.-nily of exe.u'i'.n and . ri,;;in:ility of de- si'.:n. their st.i' k cannot )>•^e.l. T!iey WonM r'‘siiectriilly invite Arrhihrlf. linihlcr^. i':il„iift ami otliers to c:ill anl e\:imine I belbrc fnrni .ler. ii't-j.f All or.lers by mail pMnclinilly attended t.l. 2i-4m re pnr. oa^-iii;!. They are also pr-'parc’! to | ish tl e tr.i.le with .Slabs, l>!oeks. i\c. t.> or- j NO I'K’i:. FILL lAil MIOIIfi. TBT II1-' .Subscribers ar now reeeivinjr a well flL selected sto-k of .St.ijile and F.-incy HltV (iOOl>S, .\mon;r their ;tock will b(‘ found the latest .styles of La*Ii(“s' .- n.l (ienllemen'.s i>l{K.'''.S (lOOI).S, tojrelher with a ^ool assortment f>f Hcailv-iiiailo (Motliiii}'; Fiiilirclhis; H:its, (’;il>s, ;iik1 lioMiud.x; :i)l kimls (if Mnots nii'l SlKirf-; (’arprtin^; S;iil(ll(‘., Bridlrs, Whips iiml (’ollars; llanhvaro aiil ('iitlorv; tlior; 1 li>lli\v-\v;ircanl (’rockcry-warc; liUniji, (’rusluid, (’larificd aiil IJmwn Sii- ■ Tc.-is; lli't, Lagnira niid Java CdflVc; Salt, Mola.ssos, Iron and Nails. With man,v other (iood.s, which will be sohl very cheap for Cash, or on time to who p.-iy )iunctuallv. We would be plad if our friends and the public generallv would rive us a eall. J. T.' COUNCIL & CAIN. Sept. I, IStf EOU~~SAlJ-:, OXK lot of Land containinp: 2 acres, with a conifot'table l)welling House :inl Kitchen therein. The above prop»-rty is in luilf a mile of liohfjon liiNtitnte, Uobeson county. Also, Fimr .shar-.'s of the Capital Stock in said Institute. For further iiarticuliirs, iminire of ALFllKD .J.VCK.SON- Cumberluu'l count r, Sept. 1, 18-31. IStf ^^ 11 F Sul‘i-;-.b.-i ' !ii i- iH.w T.'i-ei'ill'.; .rire.-t » tri.m New N ork an.l I’hila.ielphia. the hir- ue-: .-iii'l band'nmest .''t..-k of Shtplr and i'aiicti Drif (Iood.s Til at tlii-v have ever cxhibite.I in this market, enibr.-iciii;.; every \ariety of Lfi'lie.'’ an.l (Jentle- nien'-i liKI'.SS (|(iO|),s, aim.ii;,: which niav be f.innd; I’.biek ami fan.-y watered ami ]ilain I>ri-ss .''ilks; I.l.-iek ••in.i tan-y Cobnr'_'s; Lam;i Twills; fiiiure.l ami plain f.mcv ami bl.-iek Mohair Liis- tre-i; .>iik V.'arp atel Cr:i;.(‘ Ki-.>.-ad. s; .Sw is-:, .''i-'ifeh an-I Chene !iM;rbam,'; ,'ax..nv He-I.ains; I-. >. »1, I.’.Jill'll .m.l .11111 IK .111 / I'l'ni.', I.IIIOM C;ishme|-e'; )ilain .litto; (di:in;:ea'.le He-Laiii'; watered -ill 1 nee.He-w.irk Cashnu-res; (-lianpea- tile ^ iine.'o; IJr.i.-a.le Luptres: liam.-isk .lO.ili.uis; I!omb,-t/ines; secon.i-mourninL' I’opiins: pl.-iiii an.l watere 1 .'^ilk .Mantillas; eohire.l !ind i.lai-k Velvi't .Mantillas; Fr". ;i.le I’ojilins; ami a lai’Lie a'S.irlmeiit of iM-i's-; Triiansin.;-;; French .•iii'l l'iii'.:Iish ,\lerllio^; A chet .Xeck l!ibb“HS ;inl Cull's, .s:c. I'ren.-h worke.l C.,liars aiel Capes; French rki-.l Cii'1': I'lt neb w..r!;t-'l Chem'sette-;: Cn- .ler-Sleeve-;; Sw iss ale 1 .1 ai'..lii't Tl'in;iniii;.:s: In fant'' Wai.'ts an.l Caps; llem-stiti bed all.l nee- 'lle-wi.t'ke.l Linen Canil.rie I Limlkei chiefs, from 111 cts. to S'”.; an.l a beautiful ass-.rtment ol X'eils; every v.-iri« t\ .if .Shawls, eiiibr.iideie.l an.l p^iin: Threa.I, .-iii.l Lim-n IMjrinjrs an.l Lacc^; bl:ick .'■'ilk La.-es ami L.I;.:ln;’S. —.\LSO - l’-1:ii-k. blui“. bi-.wn an.l preen Fren.-h aii'l Fn;:!i'h Cb.lhs; lil.-ii-k nnI fan.-y ('as'iimeres; Cut X’ehct, fii'iired ,-inl bl.-tck .''.itin ini'l V.-ilen- cia Vi-stiii;is, (some very'tin-; i .''attinets; Kentucky .Je:ins;; Linse,\ s; Flaiinel.s. Wool ami cotton; OMiabiirps: Ilriijipets; l>amask Table Cotlis; ditto .Xjifikins; Centre-Table (’nv- ers. very tine; I'iano Covers: Irish Linens: Lin en Lawns; Thre,-i.l Cambrics; Towellings; (ien- tlemen's Merin.i .Shirts ami Hrawers; ,''ilk Neck iind 1‘ocket IL'in.!k‘rchi-f--; L.-idies' .Merin» Veiits; CashmervamI ."'ilk Hose; ditto Half-Hose; the celebrate.1 .'^ab ni .le.-ins. bl.-n k ami prev. L.-ulii-s'. tIentlemen's aiel Children's I500T.S IIn.l 11' li'iS. .Men'.-!. r>oys' an.l Infants' Hats aiH Caj.s. V.-Uet, .Satin. .Straw ami Florence I’lonnets. I liitto ditto ditto ' for Misses. ! .\nd every article usually kept in a l)ry (ioods .''tore. We invit.' the ].ui.lic to call and exam ine oiti larpe ami han.lsome .stock, as we are al- [ v.:i_\s aiixi.iiis to sb.iw our ( ItV 1,'iiji Sii'jur, Tilt mi-/ ('I'l'ffr. .MM'.V. .SHFMWFLL C). return tlianks t«i the citiz«Mis of Fayetteville, ami the jtnblic peiK'rallv. for the very liberal ])aironape here- tof..’-e besC.wc'l .'i\ thi'in. an.l intend, b,v strict i to business, to merit a continuance. S. S. .'.KKV. I’. SHL.MWFLL. .1. i:. Mcl'OXALI). Fayetteville. Sej.t. L'), 1S.'>1. 21 tf I*. S». .lOHiXSOA .\.S .ir.^T IIKCKIVKI) ami ofTer.s for sale, cheap,— 7j 1>aj;s superior I’io COl'FFL, 2-"> barrels (’ofli’e .Snjrar. ')•( barrels Mackerel, Xos. 1, 2 and i-oaf ami tiraimlate.l Sur;ir. 1 —ALSO— larpe .■issorfment of Iron iiml Nails. .Shov els, .''p.oles. Trace Chains, .‘^hovels .-ind Toiifrs, Mlacksmiths’ I’ellfiws. .Vnvils. Vises, Haniiuers. 1’lanes, .\iijrer.s and Chisels, Files, C(*llins'b Axes. iS:e. Aii.irust Hi, ISj.')!. Htf Slratrherri/ PltnHs. fllAVK .six varieties* of STllAWliKlUllF.S re.'nly for delivery, all fine, and some the ver,v best in cultivation, measnrin," from to .’> iiu-hes in circumference, under the projier treat ment. I’riees fi-om ^1 to ^2 per hundred, and from ID to 2’t cent.s )>er dozen. Now is the l>e.«t time to pljint, if the are trenched IS inche.s ot' 2 feet deep, and ■»vell en riched. The IMants shonhl be sh.'ided lor a few day.s with boards leaned on the iSouth side; if they cannot lie shaded, plant at any time ihirinp W inter or Sprinp. C. LrTTni'vLOIl, llowan st. Sept. ti, 18-'.1. -»tf NOTiCI".—All Accounts due tlie .Merchants'SteamlMiat Company.for Freiphts up to the l-'ith lust., must be promptly jiaid to the under.sipned, as much time cnnnut I*e given t.) the collection of tlic stiine. •L tS; T. W.\J)1)ILL, late Apvnts. Fayetteville, .Jan. 27, liiol. iOtf WATril-.MAKKK AND JKWKLI.EK, AT THI-: OLD ST.\XI», Sii/n >t till' Ijiirijf Wiifr/i^ AS returne.l from the North with a larpe as.“oi-tineiit of W.\TC|IF,S. CLOCK.S AN1> .ILWI.Lin. which h«‘ iiivite.s the [inblic to ex amine. Ammi.:: his stock can be fouml,— (i.ihl an.l Silver .-itches of all kimls :iml pri(-es; (lohl and .Silver Fob, (iiiard. and Vest Ch.iiiis; (iol.l, .''liver. .'■'t*.ne. an.l .Steel Keys .-iml .Seals; IJreast I’ins ami Far-Ilinps of .-ill kinds ami j.rice': Finpei Itinps; !ol.I. Silver an.l .Steel .Spectacles; .Silver an.l (iold Thimbles; fine l!r.-icelets; (i.d.l !in.| .Silver Pens an.l Fencils; CioM Lockets; Cold aiul Silver P.elt Hiickles; t'ar.l Cases: Coral; .Sleeve Ibittons; tine; .Music IJoxes; fine and common >\alkiiip Canes; fine tin.I common I’istols; .Silver Cups; Silver Sp.ions; I’ort-Moliey.s; I’urses: Clocks, from S2 to •'sHl; IMate.l Cake I’askets, astors an.l Camllestick.s; Urass do.; 15ack-C:tm- iiion; X'c.. ,S:e. MILITAKV C.OODS., S.-ishes, Lace, Itiitl.iiis. liuples, St.ars, riumes. Cajis, \c.. iS:e. l*;irtifiil;ir attciitinii paid to tlic IN-jiairinp of Watclie..* and .lewelry. Fayetteville, N. C.. .Inly 21. ri-:’.ni ^ T r \V atclios and J(nv('lrv, At Wliol(‘*alc and llc’fail. .L M. hi:asley ol Ll> resjiectfiilly inform the public pener.-illy. that he has returned n>c-rit- Iv fi-.>m New York, with deci.le.lly a larpe as s'.rtnient of l%\tfrhcs an ft Many of these Watches were l-.mpht f..r C \.>H r«V THI'i P.\CK,\iF, ami can therefore lie s.>ld very low . He has Watches of all kimls; ('hains. Keys ami .''eals of all kimls .-iti.l of the latest -ityles; Finper-lliiips, I'.ar-i;in;rs, Me.lallions. of all -;i7es. of F.npiish and \meri«-an make: La- .iic'' hatel.-iiiie': Cuff l*ins: Ci.ll.-n- an.l .''Ireve I’ntl.'n': .Shii-t .Stu.Is: liohl .Spi-cf.•leles. lipht and he.-ivy; iL.ld I’eii' ai'.l I’encil'; •told and Silver Thiml'les; llraeelet-;; .S-lver Fruit ami Ibitter f\'ni\e': .-^ilver Si'.ii.iii of all si/e': birpe lot of I’.icki't Cutlery; .'-ciss..r'. l..-'t .|Malit_\; i'utt.-ii- h^.le S.^is..i'-^. .''iii'veyor s ('■^e ami ('haiii'; Mathematic.-il ln-i|riiment': l.irpe iuantity of line :iml comm.>n I’i't.ils; fine .-in'I comnion siu- i:le an.l .l.ntble-barrel Ciins; Ci.-ime I’cip'-; Shot IW-lts ami r.'wder Flasks: Milil.iry ( in- clu.iinp the r.ass Hrnm an.l the snialb-st liiitt..n: \'iolins an.l e-vtra l’; Fint.-s. ('l.irionet*. I'la- pe.'lcts,'iis, of all kin.N an.l sizes; Mu sic I’l.ixes; I’erfnm-rv; .Soap; L.-ither I’.nishc'; Ua7.>rs aii'l .Str..)>,■»; I iressinp an.l I’.x-ket Comlis; ■ ■ • • > tl .... 1 . •> thinps t"o t(-dioii-i to enumerate. C.ill an.l pi'c mo .-i tri.-il. C.-ish pai.l li.r oM (iol.l ami .Silver, t-cf-AVATriiKs and JKWi;i,itv iu-:i(ly r.epaii-eil. J-',iifi tfi ri'//i, S. —\nrth-Knat i’i>i')i('r of Mm'l,'i f Sijiinrr. 12-i.m] .1. M. IIFASLF.V. \v.\N'n:i), :;ii(l(i 1>, A'he Lui.iLer !'.>r W.-ip.-ns. 1 t.> :’> inches | Ihi'.-k. :',(tiHl ft. ,''e.-',sone.l ()ak Lnmlier. 1;; to inchc'. i luiMi ft. Wliite o.ik an.l llit kory. for .\\letreo>. IdOUtt. White t»akfor Toiipiies, r>olsters an.l Shafts. 1 1IHI I'list Oak Hubs, for Carts ami Wapmis. ; 2i»in Spoke'-. I For which the hiphe>t ca'h I'l i.-e will be ; .\)ijilv s....11 t‘i I'i. FI LLKIi. .May !■'. Is.',I. 72-tf 'ro W INI-: MAKl'iKS. F, have a few barrcN of fine old \]>ple l!randy for sale; such as those who w;int to make pood wine should ;iet. COOK \ I'.VYLOK. Sept. I*'., l.s.'il. 22-tf 1)0M1:S'!'1(\S. I’l'TI.F. Kiver 0.>inaLerps; 7--S .-iti.l !-• .Sheetinps always on haml. an.l for .'ale .‘it F.-ictorv prices, b'.- sT.\i:i: .t WILLI \'IS. .1 une 7. 1 S.'d . 7 "•-tf I>r. T. D. HAIG El, A.S taken an Office on Hay Street, We.*it of the Hotel 15uildinps. .Inly 14, IH-'il. 4-tf DAG-UEHREOTYPE ~ POllTRAITS. A C. SAIITII. T).-ipnerrean .\rtist, h.-ivinp been instructed in one of thelarpest and best l‘’i“tablishinents in Xew York, Jiiid by one of the best .Artists in New York or any 'where else, wouM respectfully inform the eiti/ens of 1 avettc'ville, an.l persons livinp near, that he has a r, )oni ill the Fayetteville Hotel fitted np l.'f takinp 1 lapnerreotypes, and wmilil be verv ninch please.l to wait on tlio.m* who niav wish to have their Likenesses taken. He has the best niat(‘rials that (-an be boupht any where witli- .iiit .-my excejitii.n. He intends stoppinp here only a few weeks. C.-ill if you 'wish a correct and poofl He feels that he ran satisfy who may pive him a call, if a correct and pood Likeness '\r-ill do it. Time of takinp, from 9 A. M. until :> I’. M. Hark or Ll.-ick dresses best for t.-ikinp; 'wliite will not .-inswer well. I’riccs from Two to Ten Hollars, g-'jis* Chihlreii one year oM and upwjirds t;i- ken. if they can he kejit still l-'t or 20 .seconds. Time for takinp Children, from 10 A. M. until 2 P. M. t-rif" Instructions piveii in the .\rt. B-r/y*' IVrsons t.-iken in protips if the,r wish it. Ihi.puerreofyjies anil .Miniature I’aintinps c»- j.ied those who ni:iy wish it. Oh, wa.l some power the piftie pie ns. To see ourselves as ithers see us. It w'oiil.l m:my a blnn.ler free us. .\ii.| f'lolish notion.—ISnrn.o. lint come when you will. A jierfect likeness you'll h;ive. If yoti oiilv sit still. Lovers are of all others the best .•n>)ieets for sittinp. tliouph the most dillicult to please. .S(>-ure the shallow the siiL.staiice fa.le.—SJnihfjiroie. Sejit. 1, IS.-.l. l«tf ~~sali:m i\\rM':Yu\riLL. rH'^IlK subscriber has taken charpe of this old -B_ an.l well known l'i-;tabli.>ihnient. tin.l is i»re- pare.l to attend to all or.lers for IViiiling I’apcr, Mcrchant.s’ ;ind l';ict(M v \\’n>|)j)iHg, «5k.'c. The Mill ha' re»-ently been thorouphiv refitted with new mai hincry. ainl the siili'criber t>elieves he c.-iii furni'h Paper of as .|UHlity :ind .-it cheap prices .-i-^ can Le purchased any where, X.'i tli or .''onth. cn.Mu.r.s K. Salem, .lime 7. IS.M, 77tf I'lii; i'r,i.i:iiinTi;ii iiitk imte\t ( )OKI.\; STOVE, f..r sale by th“ Siibs.'riber in r.aleiph and Fayetteville; in P.alei:_'h at his Shop on Fav etteville .''treet. ami in Fa\etteville at Sir. A. M. C.impliell's. The .Siib'cribcr hereb\- fi.rcwanis all person* fi'..m I'iin-b.-isintr anv .if tlf'c -'i.i.t.' fi.mi aii_\ ■ J . .. ' . , I cl'pt fr.iiii himself or his duly authorize.l .\pents. j lie ha-; pnrchas.-.I th‘ exclusive ripht to ven.l this .St'ive within the St:ite. an.l will )>rosecnte !itiy persoti infi inpinp his ripht. eitliei- by jnir- chasinp. sellinp. or usinp. any exc pt those ob- taincl himself. .TOSKPll WOLTKlllNO. Haleiph. April irt, 1.^*.'.!. fl'Htf 1 ^200 ItoAvjird. fWTLfj pivo one hnndre.1 dollars for tlie np- preliension and confine*nent of ANDEKSON' and .IKP.KV in «ny ,ptil so that I can pet them apain. or fifty dollars for either. 1 'will alscy .ffive .$]¥) for proof «f any responsible person’s harhorinp said neproes. They ran.'i'way from my plantation in Sloorc county on the 10th of Feb'y last, and are thonpht to be lurking ahonf It) or 17 miles al>ove ('arthape on Deep Rivor^ throupli the edpe of Moore and corners of Chat ham and K:ind‘»lph counties, .\nderson is ftbouf 2H years old, a bripht ninlatto. .nbout 5 feet 7 of 8 inches hiph. 'well jirf.portioned: has an open countenance, and is ^iiite j.lausittle. It is bc- lievctl th.-it lie 'will endeavor to pass for a free man and to a free State, :is he had a brother 'v\-ho playcl the s.-iine panie. .leiry i.** aViout 24 years old, C> feet 8 or 4 inches hiph. stout built; has a down look, ]>articnlarl,v ulien spoken to, and is rather impudent. Said ne-* proes formerly belonped to .lohn R. Ritter, in tlic upper end of Moore county- Any information must be adilrrsred to th«f subscriber at Pocket P. O.. Moore conntv. N. C^ J. L. I'.UYAN. April 12, 18.-.]. *;7tf II.WF. just received from New York, my FALL AND WINTER Stock of Good®, f'onsisting of a p'etieral a..».sortment of nry fioodx. firoreries. HnrdwRrp, frrflpry, J5*-r^ 1 will barter for TtTiPENTINE, or any kind of Pvoducr. N. KINO. 10 miles North of FavetteTille.. Oct. 28. 18.-,0. * 4:’,tf 7~> Jlbls. No. ] llerrinp. 2.') “ 8 .Mackerel. 100 Ifay. 100 Pieces Cotton Rappinp. ;'>» Coils Hope. jHMi Lbs. Twine. :-50 Hhds. Molasses. ."i Hhds. Fair .''^npars. .'0 P.aps IJio ('otlee. With .Mum and Sack Salt. anl flroceries peff-' eraHy, for sale at »Ke Vo’west market prices, by -JNf>. I). WILLIAM.S. Anpnst 14. JHtf \VAN'ri:i). f^'^HH .Subscriber wishes to purchase 8(K)/MK> Jl lbs. R.VtiS, for which the hiphest cash price'- wrIT be pai.l on delivery in f'avetteville. HAVII) Mi llPHV. riockfi'h, Ciin’berlan.l. .Sup. 20. Ih-'il. lG-t>m TrUNIP SEED. I^'INfrf.f.sff White Pnfch. L.rpe Etii;ii';h Nor- ^ folk. l!iita I’l.-ii-'i Ti.rnij. .See.’, reeeive.l lo-' day ami f-r sale Vi\ S. .1. IllXSHAL!-:. .\iiGm-'t 4. lO-tf NO'I'K rB'^lIF. .Steamer 'will leave this pTa*f B everv M.m.liiv xnil 'fI.n•••-•.i-— “ ^'».i .-i' A. M,. (instea.l ofo'clock as at pre.'cnt.) com-' mencinp at 7 o’clock 10th iii.^t. Time? of leaving W’ilminpton, ever}- Tuesday and Fri-^ .lav at 2 o'clfM-k P. .M. JNO. H. WILLIAMS, Apcnt Cafr? Fear Steamboat Co. Favetteville. March i; toII rn^HK .'^nbsei'ilicr'. .Mail Contractors .IV. Fayelti'villt- to llaleiph. will c.miiK'nce ojierations this day. witii new :»nd comfortable '.iach(‘s. p.iod horst's. an.l careful Hrivei’S.— The Fare is Fl\'|-] DOLL.VKS—same as before. 'I'he St.-ipe II..uses are. in F.-i,\ ettev ille. the Fay etteville H.itel. in I’vaU-iph. the ^'arliorouph House: Itiif Pa.'-scnpers will be conve,yc.l to snch other Houses as they may sclcct. The hours of dcii.-irtiire will I.e. r.rtil further notice. :it half past P. M. from Fayetteville, an.l at 2 P. M. from llaleiph, dailv. The sub.scrit.ers hope, by unremiited atteiition, tu secure a liberal .share of the travel. MCllDOCK McKlNNON, DAVID McNF.lLL. F:ivetteville. .Julv 1, L'^-'il. 7.S-tf ll!IOTiii;i!.S ]M. rn^Hl'' .Steamer P.llOTHl-'lJS and Tow I’oats. .R STFVFXSOX an.l HA\ ID LK W IS are pre- I p,-ire.l to f.irw.-iril with Dksimti'ii. .-ill con- , si”iii-.l t.l the Pr.'prietor, The .''t.-aim-r lirotliers is of lipht tlraft, tin.l ' well suite.I to run in low wat.-r. .She possesses | jKuver. and .spee.l, :ind is ailmirably ,i.I;ip{ed to i towin,;r. ,-in.l i-aii .-ici;oniin.i.late at«>ut 20 pa^jsen- j pers. The propri‘t..r co!item]dates ruiininp the Roat j himself, and w ill pile sper-i.-il .-ittention to way ( freipht an.l naval st.irc.'; to towinp. an.l will al- s.i .-itten.l to the comf-.rt and convenience of Passen.v'ers. From his bmp exj>erience as .\pent : in Wilminpto’i of rhe scvcr.-il .''team I’oat Coni- ]>anies. be thinks lu- ^;i!i pive s;itisfaction. j To Mcrchanis in the interior he would say. ■ that all (oiods shi]ipe.l by him, will be dclive*-ed : to theii- .\pciits in I’ayctteville. His apen* in ■ Wilmiii‘.rt'iii is .1()1IX C. l.A TT-V. to wh.un all : conininnieatioiis may lie a.hlresse.l, a-; .Spent of the Steamer I’liothers. •loH.X ILS.XK.S. Pi'opri»-toi'. Mayl'i. 72-y j IL\(^(;iN(^ AND KOPE. | 4||ril COTTOX n.St.’tilXt; and hope have j %w arrive.1. Oiir can send in their, or.lers. an.l they shall be siiiiplie.L An,c:r.;4 l.*^, is.'il. COOK & TAYLOR. 14tf fjino of finir-horm' I’o.if ('i)irrfirs^ /'roni lui iff’ttrrii/f to W n r-'H O' ^ I)in/i/. rBlHF. .Subseritiers havinp secnre.i the mail M. confract on the above Liii*'. will coiumcncc THIS D.SV. runninp a Line of Four Horse Post Coaches, Daily. I.eavinp Fayetteville at H P. M.. ami arrivinp at Warsaw at A p.-ist (J A. M., in time for the Cars North ami .Sotith. Rc- turninp. leave Wars.-iw on tlie arnval of the Cars. sa,v .-ibont 1 or 2 P. M.. and arrive at Fay etteville in ten hours. Every care will be tjiken t.l render the line pleasant, couvenient, ami safe, for Tnivellers. 1 Line of Stapes will be establi.shed a.s soon j as possible,. 1^ th? Plank Rojp.l. from Fayctte- I ville via Carthape and .\shcborouah, to I.exing- ' ton, Salem, and .Salisburv- McKlNNON & McNEILL. Fayetteville, N. C., Aupf. 8. 18-'>1. 11-tf I Com.) Pens., ttnd SMay, rB'^HF, Subscriber has on hand anil is con- M. st.-intly receivinp. on consipnnient, a sup ply of the above articles, which may be pur- i chased at tlie lowest market prices .-it the Office j of the Henrietta Steamboat f'oinpany. 1 R. M. OIIRELL. i Apvil 8, 18r.O, Htf to Contract for^ 'J'Ik' SllhscrilxT M’ishos to con tract for one .MILLIOXOF 1:ED OAK HHD. ST.SVFS. of the followiup dimcn.'^i.ins, viz;— Ftill 44 inches lon.ii. :J in. h thick on the thin ed;rc: to fivt-r.tpe I inches in width: none lo l>e less .'1.',. 'I'hey nnu-t be ,pot out of poo.l, s.ium. timl'cr. :in.l not t.. sh.iw much s--ip. They must be r.i'iph shaved with the drawinp knife. F..r wh'rch .[ii.-tlitv of Staves, I :itu willing to ].av %'^IS ju-r thou.s.-md. E. I). HAI.L. Wilminirton. .\up. 2'.*. 1801. IS-tf •V’ir F'irm. The nndorsiiiiicd liuvo entered into Copartnership, under the name and style of H ALL .V: .s.SCKI-^TT. for the purpose of doinpf :i Dry (Joods amJ Har.hvare Ibi.'siness, and have taken the Store •'> doors I'^ast of the Favetteville Hotel. .1. H. HALL. A. E. HALL. T. M. SACKETT. ■Supust ‘2i'. T^-')l. It'itf E are now receivinp a larpe an.l well se- lecte.l St.ick of I>RY every arficle nsnally kept in that line, topethcr witk L")D Cast's IJoots and Sliot's. llatK niifl _al.o— A well selected Stock of To all of which we invite the attention of Mer chants of the interior, w ho ■w ill fiml it to their infrrest to examfne onr .Stock before makinp their piirclias^-s. We will not be ii7}der.sold by any one doinp Imsiness in this jilace. HALL v'c S.SCKETT. .Viipu.^t '2~>, l^^'il. D’ltf EAMII.Y HIUr.ES. A T,.SP>fiE and V.ea-ntiful assortment of pliiitv fine and siiperfin*; Ql' SllTo RillLE.S, at whih*s;ile and retail, .lust re«-eived. F„ -L HALE SOX. Ocf. 1. I'S.'il. Cari’ias'c*^ and rB1 II115TY-EI(i HT (‘arriapt-s and Ruppies now _H_ finished, and on hand—eiphteen of whicb are P.nppies. All at low prices, accordinp to* tinish. A. A. .VIcKEl'HAN. •Sept. 18, I?.')!. 2‘?-tf w .nKtCCEI.l.YTS^ MjI.XI:. fM'^HlS LIXI'- OF HO.ST.s is still in sncccj^ i fill operation on the Cape Fear River, and continue to offer many facilities to the shipiunp public. Pci-sons patronisinp tliis Lin-e. may rest as- stireil that their ( will be bruuplit up with dispatch, an.l at the very l-iwest rates of freipht. A. W. .s'l'EEL, Presilent. T. S. Ll'TTEKLOII, Apcnt at F.iyett‘Tnif. Feb. 1.'., 18'>1. ’ fiO tf STvncET ST.ARR & W'lLLI.SM.S h.ive remoTed to the .Store recently occupied by Mr. .lohn 1). Starr, one door west of Messrs. II. Rranson k. .*son. where they liare jnst received to i the Sprinp purchases of Staple and Fanc.v DRY j (lOOD.s. Country merchants arc re.jucatcd to 1 examine onr stock. 1 .T. R. ST.VRR. .1. M. WILLIAMS. j .luno 7, 1851. 75-tf KIXG an.l Mc.MILIy.'VN have kniercl • into copartnership in the Distillery of Tin^icntine. siml have erected .-i .Still >.n the West side of the Favetrev ille an.l Western Plank Road, 8 milts Favetteville. N. KLXr,. 71tf A. McMiLLAX. E ’.vish to bnv h,nrrc’.« Tiirpcntinc.- KIXC, .S: .McMlLLAN. TO C()TtON PLAN'rEUs7 riECL.s COTTON BAGGINtJ, 7-j coils Rop», 200 lbs. Twine, ,T(tst received a»«d for sale fheap, 1y I’ETER P. r0H?s‘S0.V. Aupust D’l, 18.">1. i.jtf i'lFTY DOtXaRS KEWAKli R.\N.\WAV fi-om AV. ,1. Utich.Tnan. of .lohn-- »ton county, r.n the Sth of .lannary, TSVO* NEf'tRo IJOYJ), i)Tn ,nnd .Stephen. Dan is about 2.') yejir.' of age. s-tont built, of dark complexion,- and weiphs about 17') lbs. Stejihen is aViotit 28 years of ape, 'jreiph'* 170 lbs., of yellow conV-- plexi/>n. spe.nk5 very !>loTr when sjioken to. Neproe.« were mised by Elizabeth Mur phy of Cumberland eonntv. iit whose vicinity’ they are supposed to he Inrkinp. I will pve the alxive rewar.l for their npnre- hen.sion and confinement in any jail s.i that F pet them, or •'i'2-> for either; ami an additionti^ rewanl will be piven fi>r proof sntlicient to con-' vict any white person of L;u'i»orlng said Neproes.- R. r. miii’iiY. .Ian. 24, 18.')1. 56ff lilanks o f all kindf^^ For bale at this Office*

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