"" j (Irnnglit—wlion a docp-tilU‘^1 soil can t.ilvC r. I it in, while a hliallow one cnnnot. Up to vciurn/rriiAi^ i’mpkoa^kmext. It MVOs US i-K'usun' to i-iti» I'nmi the j this day the shallow work pn vails. Ninc- I'lvlemksl'ur,!' llrr.ild the follt)\ving inter- j toon out of twonty farms arc so • account'of ]>orhai)s the most romavk- i A farmer who can no'thor buy ^ , s. in farming yot | allcul Far,no,» Ch.b., c-an never l olo»s ilmin,.,! in Vir^.in!a: | p!,>,.?;> Hecp. 1'™ K"";,-n ! j f'-iiis li*t linii ooiiio tliis ( iul> jntl ttii Uv. ‘•tJllKlOVnoD r(M{l.S l —Staff.*ri> Coi nty. 1 h i nun conic A slrlkin;f oxcniplification is uianifestotl , SO. Ihe raimei. in this tiiu- csfat.’ of tlu- ivsnlt ot imiustiy j !>'/ We iu^ro have a ! ' • . . many The larqrst pile of S^n'clc in the icorUl | Vcc-oidiiig to a recent n-turn of the Jiank j of Fi ance, the speeic on hnud •07,000,000 francs, or about lr>,( ^ 000. This, we believe, i.s the largest a-; tnount of speeie ever eoHeeted together. j The Bank of Knir1anl h:is not had at aJiy ; time over SI 00,(.(()0,0(M). ^ j In Frun-e the legal enrrciuy is silver, and not gold; hcne it is probable that nearly all of this specie is silver; and iicnce | tiic recent diniinvition of silver in this | and good judgment. We here ' inaiiy notable instances before us ot the farm whiyh \v.\s iice almost w-.rtldess, jwhen l>roporly ai'plied. , now reclaimed, and productive >n tlie nigti- . is that of Mr. \atcinan, ot ciiormons accumulation of silver in ' c.>t degri-t‘. . ~ FaiiMuier. This gentleman took twelve j vtgarded as an nn-; This estate came into the possession ot ^.,„„,„ons, on a portion of 'm f.ivorable svmptoin of her tra.le; for the Mr. Henry Fit/hugii, a tew years ago, and ^ sprun>: up a growth of pine. Atlcr ' eo)i>ists of some nine hundred acre>. It ^vm losed it, Mr. Y. sowed a crop ot is h)cutcd along the borders of the ilai>p;i- , ,ii,| „,,,re than re- liannot k river, but was unm“rs ill\ ic^.iu - seed originally sown. Deter- cd as being poor in (nality, and inine*l to test the (luaiities of guano, Mr. uitliout the pale of reclamation. V;jtcman applicl about three hundred pounds of the compost per acre two hr.ndred ]*ouud.'*, however, is a liberal a]>- 'I'lu* twtdvo acres w.'re then Mr. F. took possession, till'land undiT t. ul- tivation viehled less tlian tive bu.''hel> ot wheat tl. the acre. IJelieving that the farm was suce] tiMe of inii»rovement. ami ii'id.-mitalde energy, which is ]»o,-.;i(‘ssinir an eoiumen.iable in the highest degree, Mr. F. went to work witii a jnirpose. After aci|uaintinLr hituselt with the soils on his farm Mr. F adopted the th. kev or five field method ot cultivating the lla\inir a ^trong belief in the efli- plication put in wheat, anl this seasiKi tlu* ownei liad llu‘ irr.itilicatioii ot raising thirty-seven bushels per acre, on land which last y(>ar would m t have ]*rodnced more than the dl With a iTood crop td clover to be >il is in a ei)udition to [termaiiently improvctl. It will be set land. llaMiig a Mrong U-liet in the e.ii- calculation, that Mr. ,-.cy of deep ploughing, the .sid.-.il sys- ,,,, ,,,, ten. was aurpte.l, and the ivsult> aie .such wheat is estiniafed at nily sixty ei'uts; laiui in a liiLrhlv nd nn- lias lu'i growing a heavy crop ot clover ploughing : iijji the sod utuler. The adi>i>tion ot the sub- Jished in t :ts almost to stagger human credulity. ( There lui> never been a pouml of guano . . , , . , . , , , * 1 in additioir, has In.' on the tarui, and t onlv compost useU .. . , ir, , ... ‘ ‘ I ],roved eonditum. i'en an ajiplieation ot lime; ami atter ‘ Iron.—An ( tVuial table ]>ub- )jition ot tilt* suo- liyihed in the IMiilaililphia North Aineri- soil mode of cultivating the land, is to shows tliat, after the first year ot the what Mr. F. attributes his success. lie djurition of the 'i'aritl of ’d'>, the imports entire eost for manures has not averaged a the fiscal year wh;i h has r.cently ex- co.t of over -S-iOO in any given year. pired, .-ays ilie American, at the agi;regate AVhere, a few years ago, five bu.-hels of ,,f Is,')!)—although it will bo several mil- ■wheat could not be grown, there was rai.'ed li,uis l irgcr—it will be fouml that, in a ]n - last vear over forty bu>hels, ainl w»‘ are i-i,,d of four year', more than a.'suretl that the avtrage crop, this year, nf iJiJlara of forei>rn iron ha\c b«'en introduced into the I nUed St.ite, li_\ the protection which the ]iresi nt T irill ex- tend^ to Ihiti'h interest,'. of the land under cvdtivatiou, was ovi-r tor- tv bushels to the acre! Although this w;i> th(‘ average, yet theri' was a ]iortion of the land, that yielded much largiT, in siicli a tjuantity as aln;o.>-t to apj ear in- ciediide. .\lioiit ll{>('en acres of the land pro.iuccd eighty-six fin>h-. Is to the acrd ’i'lie nt;re ci"ji fins .'-i':i.'"n. of wheat, var riin:r .'ix tli.>u-au'l 1 u.-hel'I The corn crop wa- on .',.nie of the po.ir- ’ C't land; aihl a> is known, the sea.-on was detrimental to the gn wili of tin.' gram. Yet with all tin* di.adv.intakes, Mr. 1'. averagel eight ba.rel, or 4t) bu-hels to the acre, and he feel.' coiiiidcnt that in I'^o.'), with a fair season, he will d 'ubl,- in «juantity his piv.sent corn cr"]'I Hi' en tire crop of corn will be about live thou sand bushels. l-'ifr\' bu hels of llufiin’s I'Urple straw wluat was .‘-.iwed. which }iro- dui ed (devcn liumlred lie.sIieN. 'I'wenty- three buhel> of crate wliea^ was jiut in. which vieiiled seven hundred Lu.'htds. discounts and cireulatit'U of the baiikha\e diminishc'd. Hem-o trade is stagnant. It | is probable that the fear of p(ditical revul- ^ sii*n at the next presidential election oiie- rales powerfully on the bank and on mer- ch:uits to restrain them from an i-xpansioii l>f credits. We should su]>pose that the ]iresenc(‘ of so lai ue an amount of specie in a eiiy bke I‘aris, wli 're re\olutions an* so frenuent. would be d.Migerous. ^I'ln' sociali.-ls and red n |iublican are oppo.scd to the exist- iuj; institutions of propi'rty, ami might In' tempted to make a practical di.'tribution ot this bank fund. if the thn>m' was not safe in lH}S,witli till' aid t-f >ixtv thousand troops, why would thv' bank vault be when it is sii'- ceptible of so easy a divi>iou between troops and pi-ojile'/—Suiifhrrit I'ri.s. SVMMK.'^S llol.K. Sonio of onr rea.ders may remember, says ' the New York Times, that a novel theory j of (he sti iirturi' ot the earth was piojiMc.ii'!- 1 ed oi!ic vears ago b_\ one (’apt. Symmes, and rh.it It wa- ex]>!aincd and ;idvoeated in tliis ( '.tv auil el'cwlure by John N. I ilevmdd. l-'.'ij.. who afterwards b.-caiii'* a ; jironiinent poiitici.in and lawyiT heie. Ihe I tiu'ory wa', that there was an "p, nin;/ in ! the e.irth at eaeh ]>'de. and that ve''els might 'uil through it into the interior of tin' irlol-e if thev could oii t“ jia'S tlie l«:ir- The Fugitive Shire Law.—The ruion is jiersuaded that rresidont Fillmore can never be trusted with the execution of the Fugitive Slave Law, notwithsUinding he joined in making it a l:iw. Jhit the Union is opially well persuaded that :SIr. l)(mglass r roneral Oass would execute that law to tlie letter, though they were nienibcr.'S of the Sen;ite at the time it passed, and ovnlhd to rote fur it. Will the ruion exphiin? It is to Gen eral (':iss and Judge l)ouglass we presume, that Mr. JefVerrion Davis alludes in his re cent address to the {teople of 31ississi].pi, when he savs that the Fugitive Slave bill ])asse.l the 'Senate by the “absenteeism of the y.ovXU."—I!‘j>nUir. LATEU FROM MEXICO. Nkw Oki-ean!?, Oct. l.‘{. Wc have news fx'oui the llio Grande of the 8th iust. Carvajal, the Insurgent Chief, had received large rcinforcciuents at Camargo, and would probably march at mee upon Matanioras, which latter jdace the iNlcxieans were fortifying. Avolos, on(; of the insurgent comm:inders, had in tercepted letters frojii the Mexican coni- niiinder, containing orders to treat the in surgents after the manner the Spaniard.s served Lopez and his followers. The Americans were abandoning the enterjirise, because (Ion. Canales had as sumed th(“ command FOR E 1 G N COM M UN J( FOR TI!K OjjSKitvn; Forasmuch as the (,f . ral of the l2d Division of the \ "j'- is now vacant, and aft' r tl;«. ...V of the business of the ('oiut ^l.■' 4-tth lloginient of tin; Noitli ('.? i litia, hchl at Carthage on th.. iV. The T^ltra IV-mocratie j)a[)ors are very bitter in their comments upon the Almiu- istratioji as the autumn elections are going on. The “Alexandria (Jazette” thus an swers one of the i\ssavilts ot the I niou; ‘•Tiie I'nion newspajHT is opening its batteries n;ion the 1’resident—and, we ])re- sumi“, will eontiiiu Mairistrate, for jmrh/ jj'rrf. |>ut these are not the times, when any con>iderable ]»or- : tion of till- ]M‘opIo can be impelled by mere | partizan feelings, to condemn tlui head o{ | I lie irovernnu'ut. when if i I^EW York, October 15. The Atneriean Bteamship Atlantic, tvith Liverpofd dates to the 1st in.t., arrived here this morning. She was detained 40 hours f»Ji her homeward voyage, by «n ac cident to her machinery. She also expe rienced heavy gales. The Atlantic brings one hundred pns- ber 1S;)1, scngcrs. ‘"'Jti'-n, (’apt, II. I,,..„.|| ],lVi;i;rOOT. MARKKTS, Oct. l. to the Chair, who ajii-.iutc.l \] (\,th,u.—I’rieos had not undergone the KI( hardson Secretary. slighte,'t jiltoration since the (h parture of the Asia for the Cnited States. S.iles tor Tl . .1 1 ..... rlre-ulful rava-1‘l"'‘e day.s, 11>,000 bales, of which i.son,) on mf.ti(m of -''bij. W.'];. 1 ■ ^ ^ sj)ecul;itors and exi)orters took 500> bales.! son, a Committee, con>i.'rin;Yc ges in (juadalajara. ! ' ^ .... . .. ' i ihe r. S. Steiinier Mississipju, witli i'nhun Itrnix.—Mrs. Fattersf'ii, of Mo-j Kossuth on board, arrived ait Marseilles bile, who went to Havana in ordtT to Jiro-j ^he •JtJth .'^eptenibi r. cure the pardon of her .son, ('harlcs A. I 'j'i,p j,(,litical news from luimpe by this Downer, arrived too late to see him, as he -rival, is unimportant. hail alr-ady sailed with the other prisoners 'j'lade in F.iighind is reviving, and bul- to .'^jtain. .'^he secured a promise trom ]j,„j j,, J^auks incre:ising. All tile (’ommissioiicij llegiment boiiiL'’ pre.sent ("cxcm i,> (' J\ Martin, W. 1’. Harn it, T V, ^ ;ind liieut. A. A. F. Sowdl. wuv |j to as.sail the Chief I General Concha that l>ut these are j pardoned, :ind order her son have ac- 'paiii for Tlie average daily attendance jit the r.s.ddO. .Madrid rtdative Chrvstal i'alace is stati;d to b to diuLdy been transmitted to .''pain tor 'j excitement in his immediate relea.se. the late ('ubaii affair is dyiitg away. 'I’he liberation of so many of the (’uban Austrian (iovcnimeiit cans d Ko- pi isoners eneonrag‘s the hope that anange- j,, liuuir in ethgv in I'esth >n the nieiits may sjn'odily b‘ efiectcl for the re- September. What an impotent dis- (d‘tlie whole. 'J'h! (’a]>tain (General i,|.,v of malice! stales tiuit if tiie .'^panisii residents :it New )rli-ans ari‘ indemnified for the h>s.es ,'Us- taineil at the hands of the mob, theri; will th.it he 1- striviuix to il(( his dutv, and is taithfnily acting for the good ot his country. We , have irreat eonlidence, therefore, that the President will be ultimatt ly susfained by j the eouniry, de.'jiite till' ))ol)tical prejvidi-| ees of the Inith rs parties ami tactions, j \\'i‘ have tried the niaii and we know h.m to be jirudent, sag.iciou.', .ami p.itriotic.— r-|'" tl„.|.a.,l„n.,f ,Mr. U. .ves, ..f .l.nl, «I,i>:l, ,.e.n, vnoiitili alniic: ut' iint l.inniT aiia . i ... ’ y M iv we have another I’n-si pl.iy of malice'. Turkey is bclicvel to be on the eve of a jM.liticiil crisis. be no o|ista( le to the imnu-diati‘ re! of if ice bv whii II I- -iin oundi Th. W ANT or 1’he foil..wing well told story by J. 1’. 3Ioiri'. we j'uMi.'li u "evi i'al yeais .'.nee. bnf it is so ai l’”sit' to the tiui- tieit Her tlni'iA' w;t' known a' .''////'/,*o > s //'-/«, and tli.‘ designation was ([O.ile ‘generally ap plied to the invei;tor and the advo.-ate of it. A writer in the Moiitn .Id l.iy it men •’II”’ b, f..i AS ill our re pn.fit Wi ‘I- I'V the m^r.il u A- ;,i, ■nee i t tlio metle pursued, we may state, that in ci uuection witli :.n- ( rher gentleman. Mr. I’’, has a .'tamling ‘i hjr in New Y '.k, f r one tiine of ^.-rd A\le :i‘ from th'' liultic. eaeli year. Tl'.e Lii'U -ral arr.in-eiiient of ti. ■ firm i'i cxeellent. Fine lar;re shelters are jirovi,!- •1 I'or stoek—a well of excellent water i' in t!ie barn y.ird—a pen for ajrrieultural inii'l' iuent.'—eadi ticl I provideil with gates —feiieinir in tine order, and all those ex- ♦ ,v I,:, 1, ...1 and advanta;:e t'> The farm occupies a d.cidi'dlv ]'r; i(v .'-^iiuitii'ii. run:ii:iL'’ fro::i the pines in the rear, wit!i a graeefal sloj».>, di.wn to the vvatt'rs ot the K.iJ'jtahanno. Jc. 'I’he man sion over’.oeiks t’.u‘ entire tract, and ::: en- ]>'•' an elev Uiou whieh render.' it capable ot 1 ini: III l ie a h:irniin;jr spot. It is al- re.idy 'iirrounde.I Ijv hamlsome ornamenta! tr*es. the walks gravelled, and j>artiailv W( 11 they are bad. • ut do thev aile. t de on M im. ‘-I i-:nwi 1 "e t. .IL t II eomti ,rt I.... 1. eiuil'oned with clu.' liowers. \\ tru't tie- exaniph* o m ly he s]>e lily f’llowe. S04II1 have many hands .m. farm.s ri'ing up tV n; v.h. r now ,sav,‘ a wildernc" .-1 the n.ikv.'due,-; of th.' ,'oil. ers of swect-sciHted .^Ir. Fitzhuirh ;il:d We 'hall :in 1 pn. luetiv'’ thTe is nought je.iic.', covering J/:srt,t;ri/ •>/ ,\iir LlWVOr-i have known f>r a Ioiil^ time, that a land- h'lldi.r owu'-1 e\ci- s-, };ir liown hejow the siirta'.-e. ]>at f.iiniers nev«'r ha\e .seemed to .'U'peef that th ir deeds ga\c them any i'i;^'ht to iiil’re ril.iu about .»ix iiudu ' ot’ th-’ snrt.iee. N.ibody hanlly fj;us tlion^dit of 1 k;i!L; deep! r than that, cxi-ej.t tlie ii,_LTers f'.r g'.M and water. 7'he snl„.,il j'loiigh is r'‘\. di!iir to our ajfrii.-iiltari-t t rea,'ure.'. t.ei'ore unkiiown. Disc*verii'.' lit llif* iMith ai'e keeping p:i(-e now w.th fir '! in tlie -'Ky, :;iid a new earth is oveu- i d t... t!;e I iijtivator, ns a new beav n is to till' a'tr iiionier. 'Ihe 'liowin:^ coiivcrsa- '••n at (he j-'arniers’ Cbibj cut from the N‘ \v \ orker. ii!'in;fs some intimation of the /tr :*_'aiii 1 i.,'in' convey,': little I’ren hman I‘.ined a in. lehant live ihovi'aiid dollais when the ‘•tinu' were iroe l." lb- ealh-l :it tlu‘ coe.nting hoi'.-e a few dav agti in a ^tate "f agita- t’’ '! r. >t eaily decri!'ed. •■Ib'wdoy u do,” iu'j'.’.irecl the mer- chai.t. ••.''iek—ver .'ilk," T' pr.ed monsieur. ■‘V\ hat’s the mat*"r!'‘’ ‘•De time' i' de matter.” ••l>e time-.' — wh.it 'li'ea-e >- that'.'” ‘•l>e ^Ialailledat 1 le ik all de mer- hants. \( r mueh. •*.\h! till- tiim v.-iy bad, .'lire eiioi.^h, you'” ‘•N'y. m 'U'i- ;ir, I 1"' ••In wh >m'” “‘In ( Ver_\ l.'o ly.” "N >t in 111'-, I li pe.” ••I’ardoiinez iiioi, monsieur, but I do not know who to tni't .it pi 'eiit, wh.-n all de mereh.int' break several time to piece'.” “Then 1 presume vou want vour mon- ti.' ••O'.ii, ni-’ij: I’a rirent.” ••I’an't you do with.>nt it.” ••No, liioiis,.nr. I must have it.” “Vou mu't?” “ >,ii. ni aisii ur,” .'aid d.imiiv bre, , turning ]>.de with aj pri heii'iuii t’a' .'afety of his moin v. "And you can t do without iti' ’ *;No, nionsi.'ur, m.t von lectio niom' iit l.illl'ere.” 'I’he nierehant re.u he.l his b.-nik bo..I.. 'IreW ;i check on the I .n k f-u' tlie ane.iint, an 1 handed it to his visiter, at is dis. monsieur]:''’ •‘.\ ( h> ■ k fir tive th')U .Hi 1 d i!!:i. the int. li st.” : ' .■'.;;d tie' ]•>' lie' ant ‘f ti luis th: lt it h; IS }.e '■n CO i.!irim-i 1 ly the aei 'UIltS of th - Al' i:ie e .\ pel 1 i t i-'Ii'. .Ill.l tiiat .'^ir .loh n 1 'rank! !iii ha s prol laJ.ly g-t into the h'.le ' ai; 1 ’HU •/ / o,7.- Ib-iHiite,' thi.' >t;iti. •meiit ! Voin the ae e. unis '•f C.ipt. 1 ‘eliliy'' c.xpeilitii'ii: ;'P‘ Pennv foiinil 1 a h e-ivy 1 -arri-r of ice in \\ •ell' ngt -111 c hail’i- 1. not Very fw fVi-m its n.i I- fr. ■m H .iriiw’' it,-; but a I; Llo.'t r ■n. 11 k .ibie 1 han-e w.l' ob- M-rvt-d as he j " t- a 111- n N -rtl.' rn latitu I.-; th-- ill - w iiit h In h.ad 1 ,'!'t . ' is iisiial a! th;.' rl\ ^e. i' 11. \vril a 1 May.i iirm and 'ol; ,1. . h , r- ! -, i_v ed and iin- s:ite. and l.i^l : tra\i ;-Il- T' I ni- e ;pi.n pen w.;r r. lb it't \\ - ■!. ...I . :i,- ai ,: 111 n ' ■ ind l-;i',|.' -t!ie 1.5 : r in . n-Tin ■!!' !i :tmb ! '. II. re Were ;ill the si_ II' • f all im p-T' 'Ve 1 ! elini lie. 11 l.l: ;k, ' th e fdl o\ ii;g ., luim 1 u!: •I ih. n- >t I. n iiW le ■ w ir w '! '• ; k • \ III, but t • 111 e, 1; 11 wh • III th. • 1-1- ,i . f 1 p h- iii'j-s at f h--1 loh ^h.i' bv - n 1 .lu.llla! :• i' .r '■ -ne- thii 'V V, ar =, th e inf. inn.iti • 11 i -mmiin; r-d i'ly'c ap . p. ■H'.V i i' ;tin-!v • ;;ri' -n . Perha]!'. a ft: .11. V: r .1 h n Fi.^ ■ kiin h:is foiiii 1 thi.' , I l-en li ih ere 1'- '11, h -iM op. I'.inL'. it i' iji ■; ■ pp. bd.h* that ’!ie 'treii-tli of the eliri- ■’e int-i the I'P niiiL' liriv tre' lent re ruin to i; - \ ■' !'• it wouhl li 't. ll OW - ■« -r. 1 - ;in :■ t 1 the lare worse d( lit who will guide the ship of state as satily as this oiu‘ does.' '1 lie denuncia tions of politicians cannot blind the peoj.|(! to the fact, that we have as I’residt iit a ri liiihir stutf ^iiKin. Mr. i'illniore’s [noclamation, designa- tinsx the invadt'rs ot Cuba as “pirates, was a ei'o'' jierversioii of language, and an aet of iiijnstit-e toward' tin' Americans cii- iraL'cd in the enterprise, wholly incxeU'.i- Ide.— j 'I'iie a^'ov- stat: nvnt is r ‘j.’-ated more tl .Ml onee by tie- Ni '.v.'. Ibit what w i'l tliis .lijd other F liter- s.iy when c.iilcii up- . on to pi >\ e what tiny siy. I In l*i»(n- isi . ,!n .-ili/i /ii ii'i 11(1 I'. A',‘)'. /:.rf,r.s. I - - I /.’• ’i/f ill .y >'i"sijij i.—'I’he coiiven- ti' n re'uni' :ire all in with th>' e\e, j.tiou ’t' t\v.. C'unf't s—Coahoma an 1 (Iieeii — li ith of whii h h.ive elected 1 nion d, le- ' 'Ihi* present I nioM .N|ajtirit\ ’> 7.- I'i'J in a poll oi lit.Allowii'g for th '• (•' '.in'i- the fuil in ijiir-ry will be ' a'OUT 7.-1* •' I in a \ ote of :)it. 1 Kit. 'Pin' eii- , tlr- ]iri'id'ii'ial \>te of .^lis-iss;ppi in l"l'' \s ,i' I.d 'l'' total \ .te fi.r _r,'t i-ver ._'i\eii IIi:mi.M.s«'K.\cr.s (if .'•^. S. 1’i!K,\ i iss.— A writer in the American \\ hig Review, for .'•'ejitember, relates the f(dlowing inci- 1 during an exciting (leorgia, a ncjiliew of (!ov. 'I'owiis, and canvass for (’ongress, con.se(Uent njion the bv Mr. .‘speaker Folk’s vote, ot all the pri.-'om rs upon it proper ;ipjdieatioii to the (’oui t i.f .^ladril. It is saiil tli.it Mr. Uwiui, the (’oiisul. that Michael Keenan, of .^lobile, will be released through the intercession of Mrs. l‘:ittorson. 'I'he Hungarian t'oloiul l>lu- ineiithiil will also Ik; set at liberty. A sub.«criJ.tiou is in pro;-ress at Havana and other parts of Cuba, “for the indem nity of those who h.ive rendered distin- gui-*lied ser\ices in tiie entire deslrnction of the piratical invad'Ts.’’ 'I’iie aggreg ite on the 1st ot (Jctober li.id reaidied •';11^',- rejection, t»y .Mr. Freiitiss's claim to a se.it in that bo,ly: The w hole .'^tate of .Mississijipi was alive with excitement: for the moment, she felt th.at her sovereign dignity iia 1 been trifled with, and that In r reputation demanded an, and \\ adcsln>rou the return of 1‘rentiss to (’ongress. ('rowds followed him from phice to place, making a gala time of weeks together. Amoiig the shnwd worldiings who take ailvantage of _ .-udi times “to i-oin money,” was the pro- Liltc- from ll’ iirif t 'lnj/.—A few weidis j.rietorofa travelling men.agerie, and he since. Mtme of the friends of Mr. Clay in s.ton found out that the multitude followed New \ork, wrote to A'hland t..r some ad- I’rentiss. (.etting the list ot that rem .rk- \ ice. as to what course the National hi its :ible man s ‘•.ippoi n I incuts, he filled up his of .N',-w York, and of the eountiy at bug.', own; and it '.vas soon noticed .is a siii:_oilar should pursue in reirard to the(’ompro- coincidence, th.at the orator always “arriv- piomi'e im asiires, iind parti( ula,ly the oil along with the other liiiiis.’” 'I’ho l''ii_iiive >''l:;vi' Law , in \ iew of the ap- reason of this iii' t tinir was discovered, and ]>ro;.ch’ug »leetion. ,\n aU'W» r was re- the “boys” decii!e«l that I’leutiss .'houht cei\c I on I'riilay, whivh will be pubji-iied “next time" speak from the toji of the li- in a f w' davs. on's cage. Never was the menagerie more 'I he ^r>un«l taken bv Mr. Cla\ in this c rowded. ,\t tin proper time tiu-candidate lett' r is, that no man is worth\ of the suf- gratitieil his constituents, and mounted his fraLe ef an Ainerieaii citizen, unie", Whig singular rostrum. I was told by a person, who prtd’e.- to make {*uggestions to thi> On motion of liieut, .''i,wp]| Uichard.son wa.s added to tlio AVhereupon, the Coinini;;,p. ' a short time, and throujli \\ j. p'. son, their (’hairmaii, rej.i'it,.,] 'I'he Comniittee havin_r r, . , ; that the offi.-e of .^Iajor • iei;i.r;,| ,'f Division of the North Carnlin, m . now, by the resignation .,f tin-1[ J. McKay, vacant: .\nd tlw ( llegiment havin;.' bet n iiotiri. ] • . hction is to be h* Id by the (iSi. 41th llegiment, in jiart. in -j,’ laiicy: 'I'iicrcfore I’esolvod, T!,;it r tec‘, l i;!ie\ing that the cfTir,. : filled by the apjiointinenr i,{‘ (■ > .Mori.son to .said 'trice, have u;- ’ concurred iu recommeinliu:: liii:, •. ajipointment. The (UCstion was then put t';, by the Chairm.in as to the ,ni ■ report and resolution, whieh w, r ()ii motion, it i-i re-jUe'*. 1 t|.-• ■ ccedings of this mi c Ttiiif In-\ the Fiiyettevilh; 0! ser\ ' r. X'.rti, i' Vr-iw. W hereupon the nieetiiej ae.j.,— II. Li:.\ li. ( V.’. n. P.ICIi.'.HI).-(>.\. .s,., in til' cor;_;-. '>ioiial l li'.—A in 1^1'*—the ’r.it'- w ;s ’ %,.'e ..f tl (>. /{,>/'. (n I. Til- .'..Me ntir'.- • W.l.' or Deinoer.it. le* be uiiei juivoeally in fa\ or of till' Am- rit-an Cnion; not in fa^orof it by word of niouth only, but by !iscounte- n.uicingany aLdtati.m w lii h must e\entu:ite in th.it ealainitous rc'ult. d to be an eye-witness, that the whole affair pre.sciitcd a siuiiuhir mix ture of till- terrible and the comical. Fren- ti" was. as n^ual. ebxpient. ami. as if i'_'- iiorant of the novel circumstances with ;/■ X.iffi. valu. bh- .ir- by the l.f loied p"pnla- o»:tloI| ;i| th'- cah'ul itf'l t.i or to e|.-v;ite th ab.mt return of 'f. ai.n r-, I it bei i.ni " th,it ('apt, fort' to obtain a si ,im ••■ p- 11 w ..t'-r” and the ■ mav b, 'Ueee^'tul. iw inij ’• nn\ - r. and impi,'\ •rt.int th-n p; 'I ni e!‘- ' t'irn t. t!t ■ I eltniate. ' th .1 r.trif.l II. s?r,'et' b'-iuL' ab Ilf tic' ,^l■•thodi'f 'ireet. |!.dt:m 'i ■. T' ni.lili' ot' the d I the r> !. ti \' ' takiii;' i',:f til: l.i'I v v. ho le I with it l,.o|i am iz' niciit. “ 'ert.iinb “lla\.- yo; .man Witn “V, “An.l is if 'v de sumi'” 'arg' nf in de bank'.'” par fii tmeut convenient t' tl • li '.111*. lle\ . n 'tie, "11 e.\ lie.Ill pl.iei III - \ er.il t 1 In? '>p' ii'd ihnii'-jh l-.pise' p.il gi \■ y wd, l/_t.t 'I ■. a lar:_'e numb, r .,t' th,’ 1 1 ha Vi b( . n r nil \ed bv ii'i iiit n I'. 1/1 ’ w. i k in 'iVin 'f Mr'. \ ;i'- mt, a b- , Tl .h .id 'i-v r; • n \e;il . I b' ing p ;i:!..’ly hi' ken in. .^lr. \’an- t!l,’ hu-b.;iid 'd Ine d- i ,'.i~ -d. alld the •b- ph .''ham , who Were pre'eiit. ■d th 1* the b.t 'y app ir>-1 whoh . and •mii.inL' it, f mii'l •‘r't it wa.' petrifi' d lid :is a -t' ne. ai"l ,)'‘rf''. t in all ir^ th- Ida l;l\ k.' eh::n- The eiim that if w .1 s wet •ub dly. What .ist ", d:it you hav.- g'lt tini's.” “ >h, yes, and 1 I I owe nothin:: th.it 1 mei.t’s llotiee." The I'reii. hni.in was pi-rplexi i‘, you 'Ili'hes you'' him in d, > lav* L'ot ]ilenty m-’i-e iniiot pay at a mo diall “.^lon'leur, favor, eh'/” “\Vith all my heart.” ‘\’tll. Monsieur, v shall 1 i . 1 ar‘_'cnt f'T von h-. tie ve:;r loim.in*.” / yo/ —1 omitted spi'iikin^r "f an 't’a. r meat smnce ,,f jdio.'jdiate of lime, ;:nd that is one whieh some few farmers li i\e lilt u]n)n. 1 mean that part ot the pose vou no (rot th tarm whieh lies six irn lies deep under the hini ver much farm. “Why, I thoUL'ht you wanted itl'” “'I’out :m contrari-. I no want de T- fir'ieiit—1 Want di; -rand confideiK e. .'^up- inoiiev; den 1 want sujtpose you got him; dcii riierc, since the deluge, lies undis- j J „'i want him at all. V'ous tiirh-d the fertilizer, u.sually hanl. liuots of tli>- ur.iiiis and annuals cannot peiii trate it. There it is and has been acui.iul.it- eirr’ After i.thcr conference, the littli I'reuchman ].re\ail-l ujton the inerclnnt in^r for thousands of j’oars, in.soluble, ex- | to n'tain the monev, ami left the ■pt when niots apply thems-Ives to it.— Not (tne farmer in ten ever plou^dis deeper ' than five inehcs. The roots cannot at j till- mine below—it is too hard. He can-j not afford to buy gniaiio or bone, but he j can afford a suh..'oil jdough. Let liim go' •lowii tift. i'U incht;s into iiis iro-Kl farm be- j lo’.v and he m iy have a m w farm, 2'('od for | li!t--u years to conir-. I never thought ■ until this year that my loo.se, samly gra\el- ; ly w Mit -l ^ i],s.’.;iinirl It loos- that one :.!mo^t wade hon.se with a li-ht h.'art, and a am 8 vi iy d;!lerent from the oiu when he entered. His confiih'iici.- was re- ston'd, and althouirh he dnl not st.in i in need (,f the money, he wished to know that his property was in sate hands. A corre.'ponileiit of the Ch vidan l Her ald, noticing the advertis. nieiit of the four girls of Troy for husbands, is out ujion the j.raetiee, ami ^dves the following instance as a warning to young girls in a hurrv: “.''ome twenty years since ‘i. lady,’ who, as it afterwards ajipeared, v.Ms mistress of crop. I ; a boaidiiig .school, sent forth an advertise- iiiy vevy loftse top soil ■ nieiit tor a hiisbaml. I^iie fouiwl no diffi- !i'- annual jilants could not | culty in ohtaining one; and for a short ]Mit theii Kilts .iiroij_h it. .'.ly double; jt-M'iod all appeal'd to on smoothly with ci'ip h.is suceeedc'l in spit- ot a yirc tty j the n-wly-m ried paii', who were on an s-vere drought. 1 have for many yi ars j eventful morning, partaking of a eoml'ort- i.s\,i\' jdoughed ti^i tli(‘ d-])(h 'if tioni I'iirlit i able breakf.a.st, when a .>itran'.rer pre.seiitcl hini'eif t,t tjie hoii.s'i, p.nife.s.sedly to inaki' th'- ne .dful inoniries jircparatory to jdaciii!; a dau;;ht.r at the .'•ehool. ile v.as of eour.'i; infroibicyl into the breakfa-t room, j wliere he ann;uinced himself as a police I think not; but I mean i ofjif-er, at tw same moment jiroiliiciiig a at all. ; Warrant for the appre)i,.j|sion of the lady’s iie\sly-gotleij hu.'haud on a eharge of fiiur- ili r. io th',* foul ( rime •A' seduction he had ad'le l that of taking the lifi; of his whom h'’ d 'i hr I>itii iiiKi Ihiuih. — inong th''pas- .'i _ rs l.y the Iii'lependenee, r-ei ntlv ;:rri\'•'!, is Hr. Alexan'i'r Ternbull, of j Loinlon, wh' s- recently diseo\i ia'd jiro- '•e-> fi.r the cure of'leafnc'S .and blindness, has aitr.ictv'd nuudi atteiiiion in I'hiLdau'l. i'o!.e( rn.ng it th- L 'ndou Times .-,.i\s:—- leetle , _\ number ot sciehtitie gentlemen as- i sembled yt'stcrday :it the house of Dr. |Turnbi:Ii, in IJuss. ll Stjuare, to witnes,- th- r, 'lilts pi'i'iiiced by a Jirocess ri eeiitlv . 'lisei^vei''d by the doefor, ainI applied for i the cure of deafm -s and blindness, j 1> 'tween twi'iity ami thirty patients at- , t-nded, niaiiy of w'.iom. it w t,« stati'ij bv ! th ir jiaieiits, had been born h af and ’ iliimlt. 'I'hey w-re suliiiiitt(d to various • tests, by whi( h it was proved that tludr I deatn •'• ha'l been cnrcl by the apjilication lot Dr. '’urnbuH’s ri'iu-dii s; ami what a]i- Ipeais ni'ist singular is, that wiiether the counting-j ucjieiided on paralysis of the aiidi- c'lUiiten- I tory nerve, rupture of the tymp.innm, or he wore j olistruction of the internal passages, n iief h id been imnie'Tiatidy 'ibtained, or cim- jdete cure etb-ctcl w itli'Uit 'lei ly, pain, or inconvenience. .Several jiatients, who re- ]iii‘sentel that they had h''-n comjiletely no'vV see per- 7’/’.. I ./ y. — T!e- Derfll'i c .U!\> r ha- .1 11. le ' 'li t lie f.i' t' ill ^ I ised e, ;i'U' in r-f ri n- .’ t > !he c ti. n .'I' thi- e'.iUitry. T!i' ir ] f|-' e .'•J'a*. S h i' Ili \ er I.ei || ;eivan, e 'ii 'r own iir' i''-*' til III in tile . 'tiii..i'.. ii of . 1 TI . I . ;.. ,1. I ... i; .. *• l iiL'e ( -tic'. ii\iiiL' ].r. e.,1 i.'U'Iy an-l l.\ th'' p' form HI - .-f th- luo.'t ni'- n.il lab'-r. »r ,f tli-v '■ > ':ve info th- bn-li i>r s |uat upon th- p: ;r: . it i' t > liv ■ in tilth a!-l indo- l> p;-e, : ..'ellt t «dl"J* Wood l y file cord, ••r to e\ iet ill*' in alls of subsi'T.'lle'- tVolU tli'- n> -1;-' *t I ,il:i\ati..n of tour orti\e ;ii 1 of land. I’.irtiy, no d.mbf, in c'>n- f the-e ci le II III'I a llee, piltlv fVi'in their g'lier.'l unfiine-s f,.r th'* eli- m.it ■ an ! pur-nit' f n :rtle rn l.ati.'ude-, tlie leeoi.l- sh"W a r.it- of pri'irre-.' as to num'. rs whn li coufr.ists most stranirelv wifh that 'if (he whit-- by w le :n thev .aia- surr-iun'!-1, aiel e\‘n with that which pre- \ail- atnon- t tln ir own race in the -l.ive .'•'• if' S. 'I'll'' C‘>urii r show.' ih.at in N w I'iitgbind. where th- soei.il condition ot the iiegio ha' ihe bi iu fit of a full measure of abolition s_\nipatliy. his ra«e has not in- cn rised a- in the !^oufh. \\ hile the tot.il iiK reas- "f the white.' in .\ew Kriglauii has bi'eii at tie' r.ite of si.\ty-five per cent, within the last thirty years, that of the bl.-icks has been but (W per cent. n»twith- stau'ling the emstant influx of fii-itives. eompare.l with the cMisus of l^'IO, the ei-n-ius if th'* 1.1,'t ye.ir exhil.its an ab>o- liite decrense. In New llainp'h.ri’, yvhere no att'-mpt ha' yet b' eii made t'l eaf( h ;i run.iway, the dcerea.se amounts to abimt two-fiftiis of the wliidt*. Ii’ih I'nr ('nti f', rn in.—’i'h* rU'h for C.diforni.i .-lems t« h.ive been resumcl with rc'lonbl.d \ igor. Not withstanding till* C. S. .^I.lil .-'te.im'hiji Comp.iny has inir th tour aii'l fr,'pi-ntlv six lari.''* st*amer' !ea\;ii'_' Vork each ni 'ntii f- r Chagres, ;ind I'th. r J o;f' too. thev all ifo out erowaletl wftli ji.i", ngi'r-;. 'I'he Illiti'ti.'ou the'JTth li.id l.* fw.eu I* an l 7'H), the s'eaincr on the 7th (|uit«! as maiiv. ami the I'impiri* ■ I. >1.; the latf I,. .. .... earric'l .a larL'^e numb, ’rhr'iui.di p!".i.:-es tt now be had. in the s r ,ti* of w hieh m.iny thein^t l\( 1 tl. >1.;.. -M, ,, ■r 'i\ ('r I* M (. .''an Franciseo. .;m teerage, for a no iloubt will avail compreneiiez. IS so very | most wa'les in it. l*nt, ^ nevrthe!': till, year I have subsoih^t I 1 to H iiiche.. ,le,.^,^ jiiv corn on that tillage has giv-n ne a doidd* tbun 1 the bottom ha."il p'.jckt 1; th to t' U iii(di-s, but tliis seas'iu I have r: - sMi t"'l to the farm whi h lies under mine .'^ue,;.'-:,ful!y. It nete.ssary to sub-.suil Dr. every y.-^ai.' hr' I a,h to sub-s lil ev'-ry a. re 1 euliivut, It"p: r,;t S, draihof. h .ilso re- '_'!ves the- f' .tili^,-r from th- atmosjde n-. 1 ne fh-st St; re .t laannr,- i.- our earth; the 'e.-o..d one ,ur .i;m sp!i ,e. Ti.at from lie atter eiiw.-rs the earth by mr-aiis d w aii'l iM'ii. ..y '!, w even in tini s Idiml, said that they could fectly —ell. -Vnoilier number of the Tiiiios savs: W'e agrei! with the .^lessrs. Chambers that Dr. 'rurnhnll has, by ]i.atien' e and in geunity, olitain-d :v grasp of (crtaiii mw inclicamenls ami methods, calcnlat(-d to cure cases of deafness, sm h as were never cured hi'fore. TJio Old 'Jiitits mill (he —()cca- sioiially .some litth.; evciit, to the mind (d‘ the careful thinki-r, pioniinently marks the ditterenee between the dd times and the nc V. ^\ h'*n, after com|m*ring the Aijuitauians, the Italians, the Lombards, and lii\ing the ..^Io(Jrd of .*^pain b*yi)iid the hbro, Charlemagne saw the Northmen in the .‘'lediterraiiean, he hid his face in his hands and wept. When Yictoria saw the triumph of American skill in the vic tory ot the America yadit, she took a more .sensible courst*. Sht? looked and applauded, thereby sayiii;^ to licr subjects, “compicr bv }iorseveranee and .skill.” In modern Mr. Webster’s vi • was an »*\ent int(-r(*stin;.' ass »(-iatioii . have already allmh-d : wlii-re In- sp ike, is within a stone’s throw ot where dolin ."^tark, the bov, did his ; trappiiiir a hundred and more vi*ars a«ro; h(-re the bones ami the aslu*s of the hem , of fifty battles, twentv ve.irs anterior to the war of 1 ndept'iidence, repose. When, : m-aily ninety ye.irs ago, the hero of Hen- ; nington was invitcl t'>atteii'l a ci*lebratioii ' of the event, :ind ihe invitation said if vou c.inm;t, come, (b'm r.il. ph*ase seii'l us .some sentiments. “The.^e,” answered the hero, ! “vou shall have, a.ml as free as the air ; which bl ows (ill your native ni'uintains.— 1 'rh'-y are fi r the ext(-iniiiiation of :ill lories—f'lr the ih 'III ralioii nf hrh I (A/o v, aii'l for the iiili^(i(iilih I'nion ' fh> ,'ii■ ,SfiI fi fI1 n/ III Kitr‘p.—The enormoiis sums of 111' iiey w hich daily « hantre owm rs :it \\ iesba'leii. Cailesnihe, and oth(*r water ing ]ilact-' whii li are generally re.-'orfetl to by the t.i'liioii and aristocr.iev of Kurope. are ;dniosf iiicri-diidt', ami >f c-iur'e this hi:rh ]>!;i_\ iii^' is tVe.piently attended with tr.igical re-ults: •V few weeks ago :«t Carle^niliea trentle- niaii naim d I I'^sard, w ho hail loiii: been C'li'-i'h're l the most suci-essfni gamlder of his day, ami win has fn ijnt-iitly won • HMI in (HU- ni:^lit, -uddenly took it into his hea'l to ^ ii'l a bnlh t through his he.'irt, bccaii'e on one o.*i asion his ;j:ood luck hail 'leerti*'l him, w hii h though it wouhl not be th'* cause of his ruin, yet he fhouirht W'Mil l dishonor him. i’laying with a Cer- iiiaii Count. ss he lost every time; thoii^^h they continued for thirty-one hours with out the slightest interruption, except while oii'-e t.ikini: a c up of coffee. At last tiiid- iiig liiin.-ielf minus the sum of (»((() francs, he coolly rose fr'un the table, find re«[uesting the ba.'y tn ex»‘U.t; him for moineiit, retired, time the ('ounte which he wa surr'-utide l, wciit deeply into the iii;itti.r in hand, his electii.n. For a while, the* audience, ami the animals were (piii t—tlie former listening, the latter eye- peaker with L'rave iiiti nsity. 'I'he fir,'t bur.-t of ri]iplause electriticd thi' i.ie- nagerie; the cleph.int threw his trunk into the air. aii'I tch'.c'l back the iioi-e, while the tiger and bears sijfniticimtly growled. ( )ii went I’r ntiss, :iml as each peeuliar an imal Vented his r.ige or a]i{!rob.ition, he most liiicenioU'iy wi.mght in his habits, as a tae-simile of some man or jiassii-n. In the mranwhile, the stately king of beasts, who h id b—n ipiietly treailing the m;izt-s (d his prison, became .alarmed at the foot- stejis over his head, and jdacing his mouth upon the floor of his cair.'', made every thing shake by ids terrilde roar. 'I'his, j-'incl with the already excited fe, lings of the aud.icnce, caused the hnlics to slirick, and a fearful commotion fi.j- ;i moment fol- lowi-'l. Prentiss, (*jual to cvt*rv occasion, ehantred his tone and manner; he eoiu- iie-nc'-'l a pl iyful str.iin and intro,iuccd the fox. the jai kail and hyena, and cajipi-d the climax by likening some well-known jH.liti-. the balloon w: c.il opponent to a grave baboon »hat presided assistant took over the “c.ige with monk' Vs ” 'j’iie re- the ro]>es and irons to wlixli i!. .se.nldam-.' was instantly recognized, and was male fast. The b:dln-u r buists (d laughter lolbiWed, that liti rally given signal, with its p^ind'-r-ii--i si’t many into (.ii\ ulsions. I he baboon, all the irract* of a butti-rflv. .^hi. ;tll uneons(-ious of the aftt-ntioii he was at- viii showered the spectators wifi; r tractmg, suddenly a."sumed a irrimace, and -M. Foitevin held the reins as iiii, thou i seiiou,' laco, \'hen Prentiss »-.\claini- Iv as it he was drivinir a sI-m' tiMi ed. ‘*1 see my lint! felhiw, tluit your fiel- !)h>oniingt(ui. lJut the iii-'t ings .lie hurt by my unjust comp>ari.sou; part of tin* spectacle was n-t u ' ami I humbly beg your pardon.” 'rin* otiect ot :i!l this ni.iy l>e vagiu-ly imagiucl. but it cannot bo de**crib(>d. Ni;w —.Mr. Willi:;m p ot tin- D, af 31 life, announce:, till' bth ot Deceinbcr next, tlie De;;! ,\i b- di.'continm-'l. aii'I its piai e v, ', plied by ,i Literary pajier ' “\\eekly Po't.” e h.ive U'• the whole, luit publish below part, of the Pro.'pectus: “It will be publi Vicd by the iii;;'■ ami ehiitly c'iited by Calvin [[ l-',''j., through whilst* *.\ertion-j-. will be furnisliO'l with iiit'-r,'- oriLdnal stati.'tics of » very pi'rti 'i, .'“^tate. There will be corr‘sp,;ii.i,; jiarts of the State, ami in the if’’., ties of the I nion; an,! ir._ii,j; ,'t:itistieal and faiielful. from tii- ; North ('ar dinians. 'I'he pr >pri'*tors do not exp ' • • larL'-e ja-ofits from their u*: they aiiticipati* a liberal slip; r labor to deserve it. Witii this hope the ' ?v | . i-ertainly be is'Ued on th- d ' aliove; and its j>ubIication will . ■ , for one year, *ven if it pr- xe , proprietors. 'This result. Ii' Vmv'- are not prepjire'! to antieijiatt; rn;- their confi'lenee in th- p::' !;,- ■* (’arolin.i. they will flin^ tljeir I'v the l.Teeze without waiting t'«; .scriptions in advance. 'The terms of the “^Vi-ekly T ' be. fur a single coj>v, per _vi ,' vance, or -S’i .'V.t if p iym-ut b - d si.x moiitlis. A ni.iteriai rediii’ ever, will In.* ma'Ie to (Mub.s, flu ■ of whicli .vill hereafter l>e stat^ WILLIAM D. CikiK; Trrrii'f lUiIloim A.r''n^i"-—'-'. day last M. and Mme. iViifeuiiiu ‘^I'cond a.scent in a carriagi --ad t« L-on Fau( her haviiiir been iti hsx back his prohibition. 1 uii;; d; ; a sni:dl car. in his phice; I'ri.iit i,- I loir murh if»ul eouh/ !„• ifnnr, if' fho^r hn rau fiiij/. nit,iil,f ,h, if ftrumpit.—The . After the lapse of some Cleveland Herald puldi.shes the following, . . _ , ‘ss having become a little as applic.ible to their latitude; but (’Icve- s \isit to New Hampsliiro i fidgety about his return, .vent a .servant to, is but one of a tlnuisand ]>!aecs where fr.iught with many very seek him, who finding his door locko'l, | '•J^'l-'y in the payment of debts to the laborer, works the most cnu-l injustice: .Some ot whieh we , knoeke'i several tiim’.s for :idmission, ]«nt to. .Manchester, ! receiving no atiswer he at length broke it “77/ r„H uromul ,n„l y>„y.”_\Vhat a open. There lay the gambler extended oiC world of wH' is contained in tlie.-e few tin* floor w ith a bullet hole through his j words to the poor artizan and mechanic: heart, and beside him on the table an |‘I’ll (*all arouml and pay,” .vivs the ricli envelope bearing the addre.ss of the Conn-' man, to avoid the trouble d‘ Lroin- to his toss, ami cont.iining in bank bills the I desk to get the nece.-^sary funds, and the amount she hail won from him. The . poor mei hanie is iddigeil to "-o h Countess it is said, w hen she was inform- disappoint his workmen and Till ed of the catastrophe w liieh occurred, re- ]>end upon him for their due. inarkid, “well at lea.-t he might h.ive tidd | ea.sy matter to work—the me he was never coming back and not have in this life is an indei>endent i,h*a to i« kept me waiting here .so h.n-r.” ; able to sustain yourself bv the labor (d‘ miles fron7p-,ri'" About a month ago a Ku.ssiaii Prince your own hands, and it may be im n-ined l » i i i ' ' i i i Honbeghir at Daden Hadeu, bndie the bank ^ what crushing force there i’s in “I’ll call ' ^ tW'i days in .suec(*ssion, a thing which has; around au'l p.'iv.” to tl.« i.. I bisieged ly : j»'ii- ! not iiiiHAiihilili I'nin,, ,,f y. K.rim ss. ' i i„ “ ^ ■■>> s:iioon a eoiutition to io likewi.se, and prevent mueh misery ami di.stro.ss loine to w ho do lt is an only real dorv the bill. ami was onlv visihie t"' bail lortitied th,,*uiselves with 'Hid telescopes. At a ]''iut naketl eye lo^t its power -f ' ■ magnifying ghi.ss revealed tk. ■- scene: The man in the car let d 'MI. ' liage, .some I'J feet bel-'W. ar| up this walked .^1. Poiteviii, 'v:^ lu-ss and unconcern, j.osiriv-lv Mme. J’. was ju.sf on the p-im ' ing suit, when the stiMiig.'t in: gave out in their turn, and tin rmiained in doubt as to the su' ' sue. .\ thund(-r storm ceiiiiiii.' intr(*j>id aeronauts thought it I* = out ot the wav bv goinij ah-Vi ■ therefiiro pen-.-trated the nmtt :"- that veiled the fact' of the sni!. ■ few minutes were jiorfectly I::.'!'* ' They tle,'ceiidt-d an hour .;nd *‘ terward, and found theiii.st I'l - The next i" • td' of vie!.Ill, whom le- decoyed into a barn for , times the great victories arc tho.se of mind, the purpose, which having ac om]didied, I which is another name for .skill tind cnttT- he biiri-d h-r r.mler th*- fl prise,— /{. /fii.f ) ./oiiniiil, : 'remperaneo .'^ocit ty on the ]dan of the Society of .'sons of Temperance iu the C. is about being est.iblished iu Paris. It is the first that has ever ln-eii attempted, i and in fact the Frem h, tlnuigh they have { ht*ar'l of temjteraiice societies, have never j had the sli^thtest i'lea of wdiat they meant ' The u.se of wine is so universal throuihout ; Fi.iiice, that the people cannot imagine I how anybody can tlo without it. Little i chihlren, infants, .servants all drink wine, and the idt;a everywhere is that pure yvater is OAceedingly unhealthy. Amongst the items extractt*d b}' .some of I our ctintcjiiporaries from late IJuenus Avr- j can ji.ijters is the follt>wing: I ^‘A ilroatlful eonllagratiou had taken j p*luee among the CIiinu.se »hij»ping iu the j river Kiang oii the Ut .January. The j number of craft destrt*yed is e.stimatod by Honio at oO,(MH)j and more than 7(t,000 j dead bodies have been taken froni the riv- . or. The details are horrible beyond do:- j SI riptioii,” I VlUL'' immediately i*vacuatoil; half an hour aftt*r- wards the doors were again t>pem*d. The next tlay the Prince again broke the bank, Tnie Lmliy.—The Louisville {''ourier winning about 1*27,000 francs. One of i papers through his adver.saries lost 50,(100 francs. Thel^*"' are noticing with favor the next tlay the Prince gave a dinner to his [ ot ten thoit.saml dollars lately re friends, which cost him 2000 franc.s, and ! Henry county, iu this State, in the next left for Wiesbaden, declaring hi.s “ young lady, iu uu action of hl’aij- intentiou of breaking the bank there aLso, strong indication of the high .,-ivi ~ ~ ^ 1 o,, Uioral tone ot the connuunitv where the hat bu.siness was your father? ia,d j oauae yvas tried. It u,ay be proper to add at, impenou.s Ctdo.iel, to a ,no,lest Itwkiug that, as soou as the verfliet yVas^re^dere.I plaintiff, scorning to re’ “A .d.acconist sir | peive the rtmney of*tho defendant^her on. you one ” ^ ^ ' | |y 1^‘‘ing the viqdioaUon of Uer uamc “1‘t'ssibly, sir; ami now will you aljoyy me to a.'.k you a ijuestion!''” “(Vruiiiily. What is ity” ciiijnito. ‘What was your fatherr’ ‘A gentlenuin, sir.’ from the ^=alu^}uio^d Uiipriiions of t|je dc:. fcnditnt-iK^direetod hej' Mf'Uii.sel to enter a n'mitfitiir for the an^ount qf the vcrdii,t save what would bp sufticieqt fo eorni«‘n! , sate them fov theif servipe^.. Vpou U- u\v 11 *1 II I 1 . i ihey pot^sent^id fu be ' -ati-fied W tll then *11 1 havo to aay i.s, that | with tive hund».ed dollars, and in uu.okI It .•> a doucei pity he did ut ma’Ke you one.” ; ance with the instructions of their client It la }ieedles.s to remark that the (^olonel released the defendant fn ’ turned to the right and left from the payment . d the jiuie thousand five hundred dollar.-.” take care of, and one tliat ymi ‘ ' hide under a bushel. 'I'hey r' -ti" city .site and .sountl, after -'i twenty-fuur hours.—Pn i ^I’o those who jduiui' t!ieiii''^| strict observance of ;ill the H;''-' etiijuette yye announce two \ery n"!' decisionrt recently made by tl»">' they know, viz: that a geiith iiiiiu oHyUt to take ott his gjo,c handii with a lady, and that lie^ to ride at her b'ft hantl wlu’>> fellow ofjuestrians.—1 The most attentive uiaii to hi*'-' ever kue\y was he who "Ut e "f";' ^ bhoji d(K.)r, ‘f(Jono to bury jnv ‘ withiq half aj| hour” (luG of tfie broadest Iiin'.s i" ! ipu'.stion which it is p(;.s.-.;h!e fer •' . Iad3' to give a 3’oung genrleinaii. - dare to him her iuteutioii t l rying.

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