SEMI-WEBKL.Y [■III ■—™ [VOI,. 1.] i'ayi;tti;vii.i,k, x. c., Thursday afternoon, octoiser 2.3 ,i85i [NO. PUl.NTKD liY .1. H NKWliV. KDWAIU) J. IIALK & SOX, KI>!TOilS AM) rnoiMUKTDHS. I’l i. i' r..r tlio Si iiii-WTkly Ouskuvkk >? I (.M) if p.ti 1 ill .t'hitiiii'; •'i't *>U if pai'l duriiijj the \t.Mr rt' c>r after the ve:ir has I'\ I lire'I. V i the Wcoklv (>i!s;:in KU (XI I'er an.iuin, it ji.ii I ill ailvjiiiee; ’)H if j>ail during tiie \oar "f siilis.-rijtti.iu; or 0() after the year ha.' e\)'ireil. Al'Vl'liTlSl'.MI'N TS iiiserteil t’or-iixty eents per Mjuare fi>i’ the tirst, aiul thirty eents for eaeli puhlieation. Yearly a'lverti>eiueiits I.-, i.i'i-iril ei'iitr.ifts, at reasniiahle rates. Ail- \ I are remiesteil to state tlie number of i!i~ci-tii'iis ilesire l, or they «ill be eoutinue-l till j, •■!. aii i i-har;rc‘l aeeonliiijily. I.etter-i the IMilorsiiuist be post-i'aid. D I'.. V. I! VIJ., or IK)Mi-:, Slli ri .siii' Ilf Hill/, SiirK'i'ft »f’ f !S ni’W reeeiviiic iiis Fall ST(X'K of (JCKlOS, ■ i.!i.'i.''tiii^ ol a LTi'iieral .-issortuieut of 1 )r\ (S;i»l(il(‘rv, 1 lal., C'a Sliotv, llarthvavr, (Jroct ru's. A iiwu-h larger nti'l iu>>re eciieral st-ek th.«in r»t r iiju'iu'il oil the Kast sile of the ( ajie Fear wliifh he is |ire]>;ire'l a!i«l iletermiiie'l ti> sell t" jmiu'tiial eiisti’iiKTS. either at \\ iiolc.salc or retail, at ;iv--atly reiUii-»vl j>riees. fik^'“He woiiM oall I'artieular att»-nti"ii to his st.M-k of Mnti'I'S AM> SlloKS. The assortiueut !- unusually lar"e. and of t-viTv (juality and sry!i-; and having bt-en boujilit for f'nsh, lie ean .'Mid will sell them v«tv low. \ ..u that wish l?arjraiiis will find it to your iiitere>i to ^ivt- the ^toek au cxamiiiatiiiu before hiiyin" el'ewhere. \lwa\s oil hand, n general stock of (JltCH'E- lili;.. .t,'. 1. Is.M. ;^L'tf iluttvr (>.!>{ ('ranlK'rrif s. r 11! KINS tine \1 ■untain lU TTKll, BANK OF CAPE FEAR,) October 13, 1851. ) ^1^ ll'l.XD. —-The Hoard of Directors have mJ' thi.'^ day deelared a Semi-Annual Divi dend of Four per eent.. payable to the Stoek- holdeis or their lejral reju'eseiitatives, at the I’rinciji.-il I’.atik and liranelies, on and after the ;’d of November next. :{l‘t.!N] II. W. SAVAC.K. Cash r. .\IILI.\S are now in full bloom. I’ersoiis wisliinjr to select tine varieties should eall and see them boforc frost. Strawberries and Uasjiberries may now be jdanted. Strawberries '>• ets. to jkm- hundreil. do 10 to ’>(> ets. per dozen. I’d'onies ‘JO to .'»0 cis. each. I’laiit now. Hasplicrries !?>’J to per drzeii. lihubarb for tarts li') to oO its. each. Plant now. l.rTTKlil.Oll, I’owati street. Oct. 21. -.‘.w r. S.—FOK SALE, thoWst I’OW in the county. Fanners wishing to improve their stock, should call and look at her. Ihs, \t‘rv suix'rior Norlli C.irulin.a UACON — ll.inis. Sides, and SliouMi'is —,just received aiid tor sale by 15. ‘llOSi: .S: SON. Oct. -Jl. IS.M. ;'.t IX s'l'oKi:, l.Ol'dJI.S :iiid I’louirh ('astings. (’orn Shell- ers, ('iiltivators. Straw Cutters, and Spin- nincr '' heels. Oct. IS, l.s.'.l. if Home. ::jtf 10 •lust reeeivc-ii d for sale by l OOK ..V TAYl.OH. DAILY .IMltAl. itvs irtmi'iit of (' M ) r K H S f the bc't luauufai.tvirei's' ate I H’s and J‘\V(!ry. | 'I'lio Suhscrilx'r | ^•pectfully inf"rnis tiic pub- lie, that hi> has j'i>t return ed from the North, with a j tine a>sortnn-nt of (lohi .Mud | .''ilver \\ .V'l'CIi FS: (wild ■ Fo>i, (iu.irdvV Vest ('h.iiiis; ' (loid, >ilvei’, Steel and (iilt Keys; r>reast I'iii--; j K;ir I’lings: Finger King>; (iold. Silver, .'^teel ' and Shell Sj.eetacles: (Sold and .''ilver I’ens and I’encils: (iold and Silver Thiinliles; llracelet.': Lockets; (iold and Silver Ih-lt llnckles; SIee\e | l?utton>; ('his)w; Silver ’u|is : Mu.'ic Sil- j ver Fruit .in 1 F.utter Knive";; I’ni t niotieys; i’ur- ^ st's: a tine assortment of Walking t'anes: I’l.-ited | Cake ri.i-ikets and Ca.'tors; a l.irue assortment ‘ of tine aiid I 'lirimon Aci'oi dei iis; \ iolin'; I lute.'; i Fites: .''urvcyi-i >' '• i!ip:i "i s; Chains; M.ithema- i tical Instrument.--; Ladie-:' Work I’.-.\es; tine and I c.iinnion double ;ind > nzle b:irr“l (iuii'; l’:'io! of every variety: Catne I’cil:'; Shot roiii lo’s; ! I’owih'r Flasks; l’erc;;"i'in (';ip: hog ('ullarsj and ('alls; tii.e Pocket .ind Pin l\ui\e'; Scis'-'i'; ; Uaziif.': .Ned!es; Cbes'iii'ii ai;d 1‘ ls; II . r. 'I'liiith. Nail, i.athir and Fbsh r.rushi-s; N'.tc Papi'i'; I'inchipcs; and a great variety ol I'aiicv n .f M'.JIcLaiu 'ht A 1‘K now receiving a large and general as- * mL sortment of STAJ'LK AND FANCY i>iiv ijjodmw, IIA1U)\VA1!I', Aj ('t'TI.EUY, —ALS( »— 7') bags Kio. l.aguira and .lava Coffee, 10 hhds. Sugar, To pieces Cotton I’agging, i)0 coils r.ale Kope, ItfO kt'gs Nails, :issorted, S tons Swi’des and I'!iigli.“h Iron, •">0(1 s;u-ks Liverpool Sait. With l,oaf. ('rnslied. Powdered and Ciranul.ited Sug.ars: (ireen Tea: Pepper; Spice; (Jiiiger: Powder; Shot; l>ar Le;id; Table Salt: and Fancy Soaps. \N ith a variety of other articli's, to %\ hich we invite the attention cf pur chasers at wholesale or retail, as low as any other house in the place. I). \V. MeLACKIN. Oct. II, IS.'il. 1,'Stf I'AM., 1851. '.lAMES KVl.l', IS now receiving a very large and general as- sortnieiit of l>!IY ii Purchased b_v the Packagi wishing to purchase (iood will pleasr call and examine, as be expected. !>)li'riN(I Cl.O’rilS, Atikir Biuinl, from No. 1 to 10, unciminioiily cheajt. r:i(k:iL''-s HOOTS AND SIIOKS, cheajier than ever were for s.ile in this market. Oct. -I, IN-'.I, I'Mf .1//// .SV-,Bnlth,,; Ill, Mill Ir>iii., h'r> Ill'll I>ii, i\ Hsujnct mill ('nhtifni ,)//// Sfllll'Ss Ilf Ml III II/lift IIII I'ri Jtl'll'l IMF subscribers having made \ery favora ble arv.ingenieiits for olit;iinin'.r from one 'f the nil.St cxteiisiu- impei ting and iiianufac- i in this country, i'rench Burr. Co- ipu.' Mill Stones. :md the An- itl'er any HUalify, rii here- FALL AND WINTER CSOODS. rjli TO THE n IH.IC. HE .subscriber has leased for a term of years, of U. \V. Brown, Fsip, his fire-i>roof o 1 -L 1 • , . , Store, with his Wliarves. and is now in a eondi- rHlllh .Subscribers have received in part, and » i • i • •. r,. M ..^1 ■ o. • } 1 tion to take esiiecial care of Spirits 1 urpentine expect to have in Store in a lew days, ..,„i ,.*i w. ... i.:., their entire Stock of and other Naval Stores committeil to his care. The Wareliouse is well known to be the best and Staple and Fancy Drif (toods. | satf-'^t plaee in town tor the storage of Bacon, Lj* I -11 1 V 1 ’ n .1 1 * liurd. Com, IN*:is, «S:c. 'Mie louver wharves liuve Anionp^ this Stock will l>e found all the late va- , , ’ , , , - • i; ' 4 tliem loui* lar^e new blie^iS, >\ 1h*io Spirits can ric'tK s 01 Ladies and (lentlenien s Dress Cioods. \.. . r ^ i * i- • i n • MM.,, I . *• *1 ■ c* 1 I I 1 • 1 ^Jnelv kei»t troni the rain and sun. lie is I lie larger portion (d their Stock has heen lanl , , \ ^ . i i • n n i • i ♦! Il l 1 1 'p • 1 • I 1- *i pTetmred t(* receive and ?^hip, nr sell, all kinds 111 lor tlie Wholesale I ride, in which line the i i * . i- n -hi i undersigned do not intend to be undersold. - Produce .sent to h.s care. He will also make Countrv Merchants w ill tind it to their inter- '*'nc s w un 11 |iun ' . He liegs to reter to the lollowuig gentlemen: IL W. |’,rt)wn. .lohn Dawson, O. (L Parsley and est to examine this Stock before niakin purchases. STAUR & WII,LIAMS. AuiTHst ‘JO, IS'll. l')tf their for C\.''II. Those at reduced ]irices, 15ar;rains niav 1' iiii- K. C. HALL IS.M of r.ome. ol^tf turing house login- and i;.' chor Iloltiiig ( loth, arc no« en:ibl-d t. ot' these arti-les tn Miller'; ot the lu st and ,-it lo\>er price than they h-i\ ‘ be ti't'oie fiiini.''-ed :it in this [.lace. supply Ol bi-st \iu-hor ll' lting Cloth stallily kept on hail I. The ipialitv ot everv ;irfic’e is w:irrauted. .iN(>. II. \ .1. MAKTlNi:. (>ct. 'i, 1 >'.M . ■J''-1 mew’Jni.'ow A )i:',ir Ilf 4 t't. li iui-h ('o’o;jiie Mil! Stuiies on h:uid; a:i 1 d.iilv e\pe. red, pair if fet-t inch I'.s.ipiis \li;i .'^toiies. .11; 1 ui'iild invite an ex- aiiiir.jt^iii lit'tlii iii, ,1' thi-y u il! be loiuid suj e- -,A At‘\» ’ // f'l^Of'hS. me ;i ca’l. r.( H 'K '•r\ tiiiiii .\htiiii, Knjh* mill > and Stalioiiary. 'm11 pU'as-g n w receiving our Fall supply of; locks. illclu'S Jliul .ICW elry neatly l'ii-]iaire-l ri'r ■rn. AND STATIONAHY, embrac- usuallv kept in that line. 'F. ,1. HALF & SOX, ".'il. Sept. 'J, ls-‘»l. PKD Ml, Hay street. IS-;’,111 ii ej %r‘V, oil A: '«. \ \'I'. 'lie jiiece extra tine 7-4 black French ■1,-111. to whiili they would call the II ol the j'ulilic. r i-'i. i".-.i. ;:_’tf \ SON. NK(;ii() sii()i:s. lOOO pair ol Nclh'o Sinx'-: just received, and fur sale ver\ h’W. l«v S. T. IIAN'LLV Octjjber 7, II \ll.V K\I>EcTI:I). I IWYETTKyiLLi: \v.\Ti:u 'I'liNS of 110(_)P lllON, suitable for Spirit | WOKlvS. (\ HALL, of Rome. T!io Suhscriher olliTs tor s:ilc f]2tf ! his iiitere.'t, being one fourth of the stock in bv E. in ijuarter b o,-t. IS, ls.^,1. Havana ('iju:ar!«. PUlN'ClPE and Havana CKiAKS. superior ttiivor, ixe.*», for SJile by C(.>OK A: JOHNSON. the al'ovt nipany. W. W 11 IT El IF, AD. ■JS-’Jiu .n sr KE('Efvi:n. MEN’S and Ihus’ SADDI-KS. of every m ^9 ipi.ility and style, some very fine. Al so. J’.ridles, C lil.-irs. Whips anti Wagon H.irness. I'-v E, C. H.VLL, of Itoiue. (ti-t. IS. I'.'i. ;:L'tf \potlior lot of that ro!cl>rat(>(l -M- KVK WIII.SKEV, just received of “Nick : h'. b V G. S. DFMINC,. ' t. ::l-lt tin in'll 1)1/ tl.r J\r.t rist In Rit'f, Ti.'NS of SW EDES lUON. bv E. C. HAi.l. of Rome. ■ i t. 1-'. I'.M. MJtf NO rU'E. 'jr!ISI'\\T to .-in .(1-dor of the last Court of I’■•■I' and (,}u,irter .'-Sessions of Cimiber- •I ti e undersigned will soil .-it the ' ' II 'iso ill Fayetteville, on Mond.iy of ’ .~'ip: riiir ('iiurt week. I'e'iig the lOth day ■' '■ III',nth. ;i NIJii>() .M.\N nani'-d Dick, be- i. to th‘ estate of Mrs. Margaret I'ay, de- • '' I. Ti ;-nis Ilia h- known at sale. .M. ( . LAMoNT, Commissioner. " • ' ■ 1- . 1 -M. r;2-ts Oct. •>. IJ'-M. A (.ooD iN\ i:stmi:n i\ r ■ ^ 1 ili Sidi'i-riber v^ ishes to sell one-ha'f of M. the Favetteville Water orks. Neither of the pri '.-nt j.roprietor' having time to give tlieir personal attention to the propeity. the purchaser can have the in.-iuagenie;it ol it. ma king it a v;i!iiab!e in\esimcnt. E. .1. HALE. Oct. 1. is-'.l. SiOO J^(‘^vard. HJ.\N\'S.\Y from t!ie Snb-criber, on the ‘J'-'lli iiist.. .J()HN. soiiii-tim.-s ea!led .lii'-.ii ('.-irwile. a mulatto, shoeing Indian blood. The s.iid .John h.-is v. i-y d.-irk h.iir, incliii-d to curl, but when combed lies in waves. He is about •') fret 10 or 11 inches high—about is years ohl. I’lcing a house strvatit his manner is ea.s;.; but when spiikt II to, he h.:s a dowii-cast look, but replies with a siiiilc. 1 will give a llew.ird of Filtv Dollars if taken up within the .State, or One Hundred Dollars if c.iught out of the St.ite and bulged in .lail. n. BOYKIN. Camden. S. C., Sej't. •’.o, l!S-C>wpd FOK 'I'lii: rAinnoKs. SrilAW CFTTEi:S. Corn Shellers. Harrow.«. Plouglis and I’loiigh fixtures of different j>att» rns, \c. For sale by 10,000 wanted. 'Dk' Si.’l»sciM!)cr li:is one , of the nii 't e\fi n>-:i\e nnd b-'t :is' ,i-ti-d stocks ; Dou'.i;.- ai,d Sii..:e SljoT 01 NS. PISTOLS .f ; the ni'ist .'ii],eiior i|'!,ility,—('•■Its Uepe.-itiiig j and A!U-u ' Kevo’aii.,, ..f t'verv iiualit\,- Pow- di r l i.i-;.'. .''h' t r; . 1 C.-iiii- r.-iu.'. I’ercub. ion (';i| S lit' Fligli'h Mid 1 l etii li mai»e. Also, the nil St complete :i" ir:ment of (inn tixturi-s that has ever been idi' rt-d in this section ol countr.v. I ANo. Ciiii', l;iiies and Pisto’..^ made to ordi-:- "T re]i ili-e I. I RitK-s Hi ide to order. an,l v arrat.ted to shoot \ tVf -u o!ie to tivt' hundred y.r.’ds. Air (iur.s made to ordi-r at short n-itii-e. j To all Ilf whicli the atteiitimi of .'Jport'Uieii ! and others is re.'pectl'ulh invited. '.M. A. P.AKFIl. ! *'' .7" -'I if" !’ \ Il.iy street, nearly op| ..'ite the M.irble N-ird. i F.i.v>-tti'\i:!e. N. ('.. Oi't. 1''-'>1. ---tf MILLS. rs^HE undersigned is authorized to receive S. order'for Page's celebrate.1 improM-d P.i- teiit Ciii-iil.r Saw Mi'.Is and Steam Eng’.ncs. niaiiMfiu-tni-ed in Uiiltimor*-. which have been : pronounced by comp«-teiit Judges superior tn all i other Mills. The biiildeis assi-rt tliat a niiil of I this kin l with lo leirse (-mine, will saw more ! plank than any two u]> and down s,iws e\er ope- j rated with. a:id .lo it l>ettv-r. i all oil the subscriber, at tiie F. I'c W. Plank i\i:w (JOODS! I'K IMI>r ^TO'K OI'4jiOOn!^ is now ready for inspection, comprising an endless variety. (;r()C’ERIi:s. Loaf. Crushed, Powdered, (''larified and com- ' moil Sugars; Rio, Laguira. Mocha, .lava and M.-iricabo ('otree: Port. Madeira. Champaign and ('ookiiig W ines: pure and imitation Frein-h Bran dy; Holland (iin; Chani]iaigu (_'ider; No. 1 Mack erel; .'^almon and Smoked Herrings; Boxes Fan cy ('atid.v and Sugar Plums; Standi: Saleratus; I Farina for Puddings: Scotch i'nurt; Hazanl Co's j and Du)>oiit's Powder; Soap of all kinds; Sperm, I Adam.-intiiie and Tallow Candl*s; P«“pper; Spice; i (linger;; Cloves; Cinnamon ami ^lace. I C ROC KEliV, CHINA AM) (iLASS-W AUE. A large assortment of White (Iranite, flowed aiiii light Blue and .Mulberr.v 'Vare: common Liverpool W are. a good assortment; plain and fancy (iilt and White China Tea Si-ts; one white Chiu:i Dinner Set; white and gilt Bowls; Cott'ec ('lips. Me. Cut. pressed aii-l j'l.iin Tunililers; Wine and .lelly (Jlasses: (ioblets: Decanters; Bo«ls: Dish es; i’itciiers; .s.-ilt-cell.irs, \e. Britannia Ware: Tea !.;.d Coffee Puts ami I'ms; Sugar Bowls; ('ream .lugs: Can llestieks; Castor-': .'■spoons; L.-idles: Mugs, \e. l'rKNlSllL\(; (JOODS. Housekeeping I'tc-nsils of all kinds; I’.rown and Bleached l>aniask Table Cloths and Nap kins; (lii ('loth Table (’ovi-rs; Toweling, a varie ty: lO-l and Cotton Sheeting: Curtain (ioods; W.ill and W indow Paper: I'luid and Lard I.amps; W .liters; i'.rooms and Brushes of all kinds: Bra'S aii.l I'l'liimon Andirons; .''hov«-ls and Toiigs; Fenders: Brass and lr'>n-bound Pails; .''cts Table (’iitlerv. and many other uset'ul ar ticles too numerous to mention. c'AKPi7rL\;. :’iO(Hi y; Cirpeting—^sels, superfine aad tine Ingrain ].atterns. to suit a variety of •:-stes; ll’.iirs and Floor (>il Cloth; Wool-mixed and .Jute Door .Mats. (LOrilLXC;. general stock of I'.eudy-made CLOTHINO. —Cloaks, (ivereoats. Dress and Frock Coats, .''acks. Pants and \'est«, including an a-isortnu-nt of B..\s' ('lothing; 'iuslin .Shirts; Wool, .^Ierino and .■'ilk rndcrshirts; Collars; Stocks: Suspen ders- (Uovej, \c. (ientleuieu will tiud a com plete outtit. — ALSO— Blankets: Bed Ticks; (Jeorgia Pl.-iins: bleached and Ill-own .''hirtiiig'; Hosiers: Linsevs; ('assi- meii-s; Tweed'; i lil ('loth.s: India Rublier Cloth: i.etter. Cap and W rapping Paper; Portfolios; portable Writing Desks; N.ite I’ooks; Fancy Work Boxes; Looking (dasses; .''iiutl Itoxes, \e. ]0 c.-i'cs as'orted I’oniu-ts. 10 •• •• .''hoi-.'j. 10 b.ixes Ciifiee Mills. 1 e.!se a ^ i tvd rmtirr!l;is. I'H pai-k.-i'ri-s Drugs aiel Dyes. •JO boxes Wiiidi>w (Jlass. lou kegs »'nt .Nails. lo •• Wrougiit ditto, and Spikes. .'.O bairs Shot. Bar Lead, .'(I It til ('iirars. Ill lioxes Itiipirial Tea. ■J clu-sts line llvson Tea. 1 •• Black Half-boxes Fr-sh Raisins. In 1)111' !i' iiliil sfiii'l/ irill hr fiiUiiil A heavy stock of H.VRDW AltE AND (TT- i,Ei;\'—Knives and I-'erks; Pen and Pi>cket Knives: Double and single (inns; Files: T.-inners' Knives; Hand S.-i'.vs; Planes; Hammers; Hatch ets: .\>es. a goo.l assortment. \c. \c. Cduntry Merchants and others are in vited to ex:-.min' a Stock which, for variety iiinl riios. H. W right, Esijs. MILES ('OS TIN, Brown's whart', ihiiington. N. Sejd. 12, 1S.-,1. i!l-Y (i. Mm I^^af/efferille 1 lot vl, EAYET rEVir.u:, n. c. rw'^ins 1 ar.i/e nnd splendid' Buihliiig has now B been in suei-essful operation since .May IS lit. The Bedding ami Furniture of all kinds is new, ,-inl the rooms convenient and pleasant. The Table i.- always furnished with the best the market affords, aiiled by a fine vegetable garden. Boanlers, Lodgers, and Tr.ivellers will find de sirable aci-oinmodations and attentive servants. N«i ji.-iius will be spared to give entire satisfac tion. Families can be furnished with large, airy, front double rooms, conveniently and hand somely furnished. .\n experii'tice of i!0 years will en:ihle the les see. she hojics. to give genei-al s.-itisfaction. ANN BP.OWN. .June 1, IS.'iO. ;iS-tf Tall & Winter for 1851!! FiishiontiMe Jflrrchant 2'ailoriitg AND RE.IDV-.IIADE rLilTIII.M; i:ST.\BLISIHlE.\T. V. A. >1cKi:tiiaa ^TILL continues to carrv on the 'ARRlA(iE SCOTT cV J]AL1)\VIN, Wiliiiiimtoii. !V. A Rf- opening direct from tlieir .Manufaclory, and from newest importations, ularjre as sortment of (k'lii’K'inrn's Wtaiiii.s; Appunl, comjirising every vai'iety of ISiisincs" and Dress Coats.—Pants tieautifully cut. newest style ami best workm.-inship,—Vest.s. a numberless variety of patterns, fiiupt and medium f|ua!itics. .-\lso. every style of I'lider (iaruient worn by (ieiitle- iiien, of the best (pialities and most ajijtroved cut;—a:id we would call jiartieul.-ir attention to (Uir J’liteiil i'i'/ci‘ Si'ii'ii Siiii t, the be.-^t fitting gar ment worn: .-iiid also the new and beautiful style d' Drawers, sold only by ourselves. /X 7'///' /fl.’h'SS tlOODS LINK, we nre jirep.-ired to show nji a most s]>lendid assortment of Cravats. Scarfs, (iloves, Sus]>eiiders, Night Ciijis, .Vc. tVc., in all a complete variety, latest style. ~orit MERCirAXT TAIL OUT XU DK- I'Al{Mf-'XT\s conducted by Cutters of eminent skill, and all our work got up in the best style jiossible. (ireat attention p.-iid to the newest .-iiid most approved fashions, as we put ourselves in ptissession of the monthly Reports, direct from Paris and New York. (ientlenien visiting Wilmington will find it ipiite to their atlvantage to call and examine our .Stock. Terms Cash, .nnd all (ioods sold at fair prices. .SCoTT iS: BALDW IN. Market st., Wiliiiingtoii, N. (.'. September 2:i, IS'il. L’l-tf Jl. liALL, FaffetteviUe Fotnntry. CASTlN(iSOF EVEBY DESCltll'TlON MADE TO ORDER, hit of Babbet Meta! for sale. \\iiishiw street. Sept. 1, 1S.'>1. ISY' CHARLES HANKS, €'otifccliotier^ liREE.\ STKEKT. F \\hTI h\il.LE, .N. C. Fresh, jutre, Caiulies. couslunlly supplied. June IS-'jO. l!o-tf DCr Miss TUN(;!L\:\1 will sunie her School on'Wednessl .v the 1st Octolier, Sept. 22. 18ol. ■ ‘ 24-i;w Juitipirc State Cooking l^tovos. THR EMPIRE STOVBJ is (d’ the latest and most ajiprnved jiatLerii. It i3 better, and can be sold clie.ip,''r, tlijin any other kind Ol' (’ookiiig Stove. For sale by C. W. AMH1EW.«!. Ai-ril 22. lS-51. C'Jtf JOHN 1). W HJJA.^LS, f.'ommissioti A' I'ortrardittg • fivrdmnt^ Fayetteville, N. C. Feb. 1.-), lS.-,0. y#i# *V Shcel- Srot! S3V.*#v' 3IV.MTi'ACT01lY. AT wiiolksalk and hktail. OLD ESTABLISHED TIN AND SHEET-IRON' WARE MANl’FA(’TORV IS KEMOVI-^D to the South-i'.ast Cc>rner of Market .Sipiare, ready -witii the necessary' iii.ichinery and materials t'or making FACTORY DRIWIS A: CANS, .\nd to do all kind fif work of Factories. .Mso, ROOFlN(i, OrTTFRlNd, and all linds of JOP>BlN(t, done m short notice, and by ex perienced workmen. A constant supply of TIN kept oxi hand, at Wholesale and Retail. Country .Merchants and Pedlars can be supplied at the very lowest prices. C. W. Sept. 28, IS.'iO. ANDREWS. S9-Y M arble Factory, .''TAND. He returns thanks for the liberal ]>at- roiiage he h.-is heretotore reeeiveil. and hoj>es. Iiy strict atti'iition to business and a ilesire to give entire satisfa. tioii. to liicrit :i c.uitiiiuance ot the same. Having rci-entlv increased his business, he has on hand a very tine assorti'o,lit ot C'arriaiics, I’arouclu'S, I»U!f'j;ics. Rockaways. aiul Siilk('\s, Finisheil. and a very l.irge assortment of Wf.rk ]>artly hiiished, which. fir elegance of sh.-ijic and hnish. will compare with .in.v other work. Persons wishing to buy, won' i do well to c:ill and examine the v.ork. :is he ;s .i.-termined to sell LOW fi,r c.-ish, or notes on short time. ip-jT' All W' rk warranted for tw-elve :noiiths, and repaired free ot charge, should it fail by >iad woikm.-iiiship or materi.-il. [Ci=li.-|.:iirin-l'n,thrnllyox.-cu- Commission and Forwarding Her- ted :it short notice, on very reasonable terms. Faykttkvii.i.k, 'I'l, R. M. ORRELL, F(iK\v.\Riii\G riDniissiiiN at FayelU‘vilIr, C'. March 10, 1S.',1. C,2-tf T. C. WORTH, fOMMlSSlON AND I'OKW Al’.DINt; .MEP.niANT, \Mi.\nN(rroN, n. c. F’eb. 1. 1,''.'»1. o7tf SA\ a(;e cV ah:ares, Bv GEO. LAUDER. TWO DOORS AliOVE IIAIGII & SO.\'S STORE^ Fayelteville. C, Jan'y 20, Us-M. 5'>-lYpd Xcw Firm yew Livery Stablest* chants, j y \\ lEMlNCTON, N. C. sc’OT'r .V HAijnvjN, [Sitcccx'i>rx til Si'"'.', /ill'll ,y Co.) Fnshiointhlc rreliant '/'nilors, ANt» UK. M.V.tSS IX (HMiI1f‘inpn‘s ('lotliing, Kead\-made, (»F THE FIRST (tCALlTV. J. \ (,>ct. 1. 1.H.->1. T. W'ADDILL. 27tf .JOHN Favettevi’le. Oct. 4. 18'1. ROSE. 2S-tf Boad Oflice, who wiil give ain infoi-mation re- ^.,,,.,.1!,ehalleiiges competition. i rrt’' The (ioods will be sold fiu- Cash, or on 'I R(tSE. I . " '. , ' time for good paper. S. W. Sept. IS-'il. ONE MORI*: F.EKT. ^NI' e.iiiiniodi.ius .■^toro-hou«e, cidlar extra: * h.r/e 11-,veiling aliove, consisting ot'h:ills, ],.iiitri-s. ,Ve.—-all for rent. Call, see id ex.imine. I)an'l .1. .McRae is authorised to ; ’ the above for iiie vear. W. A. HAN ()CK. ' t. 1.',. is.'-.l, ;>,l-;>t DAiL^ i:xiM:(’TEn. t'-ENEP.AL AS.SORTMENT of HOLI-OW- W.\Bi;. by E. ('. I1.\LL, of P>ome. Oct. IK. 1H.-,1. :>2tf \\\\\i FOR PLAS'l’i:iiLN(;, 1 '^OR sale by ■ .1. I.c T. W'ADDILL. Oct. 1, IH-'.l. 27tf iSork tsifitift iJftssitiirres, nJ have on hand a fine Stock of splendid • a'-iiiiei-es. nianufiicturel at Rock Is land, M 'cklenbiir^ County, N. C. Persons wish ing to b-iy at wholesale or retail, will jdease • all and e.xaiuine these goods; they are worth l-’oking at. RVi*: w hiski-:y. VNOTHER lot of Williams's Old Rectified RYE W HISKEY, just received. '.J. X T. W ADDILL. Oct. I, IS-’.l. 27tf The 0'lifiti;^e has hrett nuitle! r ■ ^ H E Subscribcvs having sold out their -ild ,EL Stock of (ioods. have the ple.i-;ure now of saying to their friends, that they are now open- iii'jr ail entire NEW S’i’Ot.'K of miY iiiunys, HARDWARl*: ( r i'iJ'JiY, HATS AND SHOES, firorvries of all .\11 (d‘w hich we will sell low for Cash, or ex change for any kind (d’ Country Produce, or to p'liK-tual customers on time TlLLIN(iH.\ST \ CO. 2otf (OOK vS. TAYLOR. 2)tf liACON w. AN!) POiHs:. for sale jii \« i:>Tvisi: otfer lo hhds. Itacon .Sides, lo hhds. ii.icon J^lioulclers, 1 hiid. do. Hams, 10 bbls. New Mess i'ork. —ALSO— 1 tierce Clean Rice, half bbls. No. 1 Mackerel, I -') half boxes Raisins. Liberty Point. .Vugust 2(i, 18->1. Iti-tf CO(»K & " t. 18, IS.'il. Al.tIM SAI/t'. »000 Oi-t. 20. 1H.',1. rANNERS^OIF TAYLOR. •'12-1 \v BLsHLLS received on con- signuient. For sale by WILLKING8 & (’(►. 2t I lU'.L.S. just landed, in good order, for ■ •JP 'ale. WH.LKINC.S flc (U). 2(v, iVji. FIRKINS Prime Mountain BUTTER, -V lew bu-ihcls CRANBERRIES, ir 'at.- b I D'‘)l. CEO. McNF.lLL ■i2 2w Fire Insurance* rjI’llIE -KTNA Insurance ('onipany of Hart- JL ford, having paid the t.ix imposed by the Revenue Law of the late Legislature, will con tinue its Agency in I’ayetteville, umler the management of the undersigneil, who is pre- pa reil to issue Policies of insurance on P>uild- ings or (I'lods, either in this Town or in any part of the State, on proper application, de- scri}ition id' the I’rojierty, iNc. The -ETNA COMl ANY has heen in operation about years. Its is 't he Hon. Thos. K. P.race w.-is its first President, and h(‘ still holds that oftico; iiiid several of its tirst Directors are still active aud efficient mem bers ot the Board. It has at all times sustained the highest character for the prudence of its manageineiit, and for the liberality with which it has ever ailju-»ted its E. J. H.VLE, Agent. March 10, IsM t;2-tf •S(-pt. 22, is-'il. T:oMPi;rrnoN I)i:iti:d! €lolhln$fl Vtolhinffl OW receiving, direct from New York, a sii- perb lot ot' CLOTHlNJ. iuale up in the most fasliioiiable style and of the best niateri.-ils, .-oiisisting of blai-k .-nid brown Fro(-k and Dress Coats: Cloth Oven-oats; Cassimere Pants, seve ral varieties; fancy (irenailine .Silk, .''atin !md TwiUed Silk Vests. -Ml of which will be sold lower than any eoiK-erii d'the kin l in town, and if not as re] i-cscnted, the money will be refund ed. Call and sre, \ t'lirther ad-Iitioii to the Stock is daily expecteil, and lue notice will he given. One door East of (,'ook iS: Tavlor’s. J. S.MITH ’0. Sejit. 22, 1S.')1. 24tf I ,i.\i) \n\TiiR lioons. E are now receiving our Fall ;ind W inter Ww .Stock, consisting of ji very general se lection of I lurdv. arc aiul Ciith'ry, S:i(kllcry, Loatlicr, Hals and Caps, Boots and Shot's, Iron, Steel and Nails, and Staple Dry (Joods, With ii large Stock of GROCERIES, BAGGING, ROPE, &c. Persons visiting this market to pun-h.-tse at Wholesale or Retail, would (h- well to give us n call. J. & T. WADDILL. Hay street. Sept. 22, I8.‘H. -Mtf A SUPPLY of Fresh fJround COHN MEAL ke]it for sale at the Mill, late Anderson’s, (.iriuding of Hiuuiiiy and Meal done promptly. J'avctteville, Mai'cii Ifeul. 1-ti' HE .Subscriber is now-receiving a large ad- fi. ditioii to his Stock, consisting of |)r\ (M»(xls. (1 roc«'ri('s. Crockery, 1 lardw ar(‘, I l:its, (':ips, lioots and Slu»“s. —ALSO— U(lllo\V-\V ;if(‘, licatlior, iiidow liite Ijt'tnl, ('hcos(', 3Iack»‘n'l, C''«llisli, \c. I'tc. Which he ofVi r« on reasonable terms. He offers for sale a large stock of Foreign and Domestic LIQUORS, viz: lOO I,bis. Whiskey. 'lO .\pple I’randy. 10 “ choice “old .Nash,” 5 years old. 10 “ (dd Rye Whiskey. His stock (d’ F(tBEl(iN LK^FORS were se- l‘cted with care and are of superior (piality. They consist of— ‘•tlodanl” Brandy. ‘•Otard’’ do. “Hemiesey’' do. “Old London Dock” ditto. Holland (iin. .lamaica Rum. Irish Wiiiskey. Madeira Wine, sujierior. Sherry do, do. Port do, choice, (very fine.) Sicily Madeira do. —IN (ILASS— Cliampaign A\ine, ot ‘'Heidsick ’ and other favorite brands. Sjiarkling Hock, in pints and iniarts. Still Hock, do. do. London Porter. JJeiy-All liimls of Pfodiicc bought at the .Market luice in exchange for (ioods. W. DR AUG HON. Sept. 1, 1S'>1. 18-:?m Plank Road I.umber Wanted. SEA I.ED Proposals will be received until the 1st day of November, for Lumber to con struct the 1st Division of the Faykttevii.i.e an«l ('f.ntrk Pi,.\nk Ro.m>, extending from Fayette ville to Puppy Creek,-the proposer to state the pc'ints of delivery, the amounts to be delivered, and the })rice. The Lumber to be of the usual kind. The proposals can be h.andeJ to John M. Rose, Seci-etarv of the Company, or to the sub scriber. ‘ JNO. A. WlLl.lAMS. Uctobcr t'l, ly.jl. ilti-tt *liaiii*!«. raiHE .Subscribers respectfully announce to 8. the citi/iMis of Fa.\ etteville ami the sur rounding country. that they ha ve comnienceil the .\t the (dd .‘^tand formerly occu)>ied ^.v .'^impson McLaiiih’.in. loiie door below ,\. A. McK**- th.'in's. I where they are now prepared to iiianu- f.-iclure to order all kinds d RIDlNCi \ LHl- CLE.'^. froni a .'^ulkey or to :i nine-pas senger ( oacli, which, for .-tyle and durability, shall not be surpassed by any csiablisliment in the place. Thev hojie. by a strict attrition to and a desire to phvisi' all wiio may faviu' them with a call, to merit a share of public i>;itronage. R-jy Bl'PAIillNd neatly executed at short notice, and LOW Ell than any nient in the place. other estabiish- Also, a complete assortment of (ients (;()(*i>S. DRESS .•n.u s Si OTT ) ( I. ."S. H M.PH IN. (i Jan. l-'». l-'^-’il. .ftarkef Sfrrd, Wilmiiigloii, X. r>-">ypd j(i\i:i'ii R. wmmi AND FORWARDING I«ERCIIx\NT, ,V. C. Promiit personal attentiiii given to all ('onsignments, and ('.i.-h advances made on Mer chandise to In- shipped or sold in this market. Feb. 1, 1.''-'1. -')7y TIK'M \S V. W HITE. Jl'NU S p.. BAi’.OTEAr. Fayetteville. Fel>. 17, is.'.l. -V.'tf Cari*ia>(‘Mam5iactorv. fjB^llF .Subscriber having taken the Establish- -M- nient of the bite ,\. (’. S;m]ison. (situated o|iposite W. McIntyre’s .Store.) intends carrying on the Carriafi^e ManufactunHj^ Iiiisiness In all its various branches, and wou’d respect fully solicit a share of the public patronage. Having had con.«iderabIe exi>eneiice in the business, and having been employed in some of the most extensive Establishments in New York and New Jer.sey, he flatters himself that he can give general s:itisfaction. He warrants all his work to be made of the best material the surrounding country affords, ami by experienced vvorknicn; and should any of it f'iiil. either in material or workmanship, in twelve months from the time of its delivery, he will repair it free of charge. IlEPAlRlNfJ done in the and best mannei’, and at the lowest posible jirices. A. ir. WHITFIELD. Fayetteville, Fel>. 11, 1800. 7tf T(>n.\Fc(). AflOOD STOCK on hand; and I shall re ceive regularly, from Messrs. J. Jones & Co’s Factory, (^ualitie? asdortel from comtu«n to j manner very fine, which I will sell at lowest manufac turing prices. J. UTLEY. Fayetteville, April -3, IS-')!. CCtf J. i:. TooMi:i{, €'otiniiissioii aktil M'ot'U'ar(l~ WlLMINCroN, N. C. Refer to H. 1-ranson .V Son, | ,\. McKethaii. ^ Feb. 1, is.'il. .'i7y WH.ivLNsoN cV i:sli:r, DE.VLERS IN ('o)ifi i'titinm-ii. Fun iijii Friiifx, Tn- hiii rii, mill Si; up, AND l.MP(»l!TERS oF CIGVUS, at WIIOLKSALK AM) UKTAIL. Market St., Wilmington, N. C. Aug. 7, iS-'il. lltf N. l’>. STARIU CK, Trof/, .IVir IRON ForNDKll AND MACinNlj>T, Munii/iirturrr of Stmin Mills and lioilrrn, Miff (icm iiii/ (it nfl li iiiilx, Ffoiii/hs, ((■>'. rp^HE undersigned, as the .\gent of the above J8_ Establishment, 'vill order aivy articles which mav be wanted, on application to him. The Steam Mills manufactured by Mr. St,'ir- Ivuck have been testel, and are highly approved on the Plank Roa-'ls about Fayetteville. KDWT) LEE WINSLOW. Fayetteville, Sept. I, 18.>1. JOtt ' LI-:SSONS IN -Ml’SlC. Ln. WHITAKER would n*spectfiilly in- • form the citizens of Fayetteville and vi- cinitv, that he has again commenced giving Les- sons'on the Piano Forte. He returns his thanks for the liberal ])atronage heretofore received^ and hiimbly solicits a cotititmancc of the same. All pivins shtill be taken for the advancement of j his pupils. Instruction also given on the Guitar. Pianos tuned and repaired in the best L. II. WHITAKER. August 24, 18")0. .‘)4tf rail IE r ndcrsigned having fornicd a Copart' Jl iiership to carry on the Livery Stable Bnsiness, Resjiectfully iiifoiiii the citizens of Fayetteville’ and the Piililic generallv. that they can be ac' comniodated on reasonable terms with llurM'S A: olltor at such times as they may wish to hire, by ap plying to the subscribers, as they are well ]re- pared to carry on the Business, iiaving rilitted and renewed the l^stablishment, with the addi tion of some tine Horses and new Vehicles, and are satisfual that they can give satisfaction to^ all who may wish to hire. And therefore call on them to give us a trial, J. W. PoWKBS. ROBEI-.T KEGISTFB. St]>t. 18. li'-'vl. 2:‘.v ~ drcctS cV ah'J)k lm:s,~ Fui/tfs, (Jils, Winih/l^' (ilii.'i.'i, \ nrn tfh J S.4>irf:i. J. Hi\sn\i.i: (>ffers for sale an e.xtrnsive assortment of (i(M>DS, among wliich are tlie Ibl- lowing: Opium, ('amidior. Castor Oil, .\lcohol. Sul- I phur, .\i.>es. .Magnesia. Rliiibarb, Morphine, I (.Quinine, ('rc'am T,-irtar, Sal Soda. ('asTile Soap, S.iper cavb. la, E]i.sfim .‘-'.ilts, .Sponge, ipecac, ’ Sarsajiarilhi, Kreosote. Borax, .\rrowroot. Isin glass, (itim .\r.-ibic, (iiim ,M\ n il, ('apsicum, Lo- iielia, Plasters, I.i.|iiorice, ('hi-reform, .hijiibt Paste, ('opper.-is. W liite L«‘.-id. l.iii.'-'-o.l lil, Train Oil. Whah- Oil, !'perm Ml. Sweet Oil. Neatsfoot Oil, Copal ^'a!■l^.-'!l. LeatluT Japan V:iriiish, W indow (ilass. Putty. I'limice .''tone. Chrome (ireen. Chrome ^'ellnw. Lamid.lack, P;|.teut Pluck, Ti-rra de ,'!iei;i‘.a, Cuiber. Pdack Lead. Litharge, Bed i."ol, P:,t: iit Dryer, Whi-, French N eilow, \ Cllo’.v (li-hre, Venetian Red. Spanish Br, wn. Piii->;,-iu Blue. Sati.l-iiH' per, Starch, Sal Eralus. .^iust;,r.^. S]iii-e. Nut- m«‘gs, Pepper, Hi ps. liidi^o. Madder, .''altpctre, (linger, (ilue. .\iiiiato. ('loves. M.-u-e, liurniug Fluid, .\luni. Oxalic .\ id, Wliite l»rick, Trtf oH,. Wash Bruslies, Paint Brushes, Variiish Bi-iishes, .S(-rubbiiig ditto, .''hoe do., Tiioth do.. Hair do.^ Logwood, Red woot!. P.lark Ink, OpoileMoc, v'cc., with a general assortment rd‘ Meiliciiies: Chi-mi- cals of all kifids; French and Fnglish Pi-rfiime- ry ami Soajis: witii a full assortment of all the leading Patent Medicines now in iisc. Orders from the country j roinptly attcndeij to, aiul goods carefully pat ked. The Subscrilier feels assured that he cnn meet tfre wi.slie** of the i»urchaser in regard to (iua.lity .‘ind pricc. 1. .1. HINSD.VI.E, Octol)er 12, 4itt' Burninis Fluid nnd i'nmphinr. VRNlNfJ FLCn) at SB cents per gallon, Camphine at 50 “ “ “ Both of the best qu.ility, const.antly on hanJ and for sa-le by ». J. HINSDALE. .\ug. 7. IH-">1, 11 tf SO,000 n. BRANSON iS; SON, July 1, 7stf Spanish Tohaero» Sl'ANlSH CICARS, for sale low by II. BRANSON i Sf»N. lltf Blank W or ranis fvr aale hire. PRINTIN(; INK. AFFAV ;'01b Kep.“. .just received nnd for sale by Aug. 13, E.' J. HALE iSc .S(JN. K«ept. n, IS-'.l. DA VIS'S 1\\1N-K I LLKkT OB sale by SAM’L .J. HINSDALE. April 21. CiStf Linseed Oil and VV’hite F..eai, 1;iORsalehy SAM L J. HINSDALE. April 21. F PAID for YOUNt; NE(4ROES. Afply to- J. & T. WADOII.r., Sept. 25, IboJ.

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