—— _ j Michigan.—The late Locofoco Convcn* OKSERVER. i tion of Michigan, which uoiniuated Geu. . - - - I Cas8 fur President and Robert McClellan for Governor, adopted a resolution endors ing emphatically the Compromise meas ures of the last Congress, and declaring that they “should be sustained and exe- ... , M ,-.iM • u 1 • I • cutid in all their parts faithfully, fully, I'cbruary ui xt, or at such other phicc and good M higs who properly estimate the nn- impartiullYl” time as uiav be Mgrred on, to renew aud portance of placins our cood old State in rf.i • • ,, , lm'n-thi‘1. old bon,Is of fraternity, to con- I u ^ -lilt t'T tho public safety, and prepare for the campaign of IS.V^/’ in ,lcfon» e of that aniient Whig Cause, as immortal as Time aud as uncouquerable as "^"‘Kosolvcd, That the "Whig.^ of Guilford ,,ro ready f«*r the fi.Ldit, and have an abid- iV' faith iu (ho jral'lanfry of their compan- •,„~S K:i:^t and West; and that they invite ihfiu to iu'»‘t tliouj iu a State Convention, in (Jree isbonmgh, on the third Monday in TAYSTTliralLlLl!!: Tlll'BSDAV. OCTOIiER SO, I'M. Wiiio Statk Convention.—To all portance of placing our good its proper position, from which it swerved at the last election, the proceedings of the j Webstkk.—About 200 leading first meeting preparatory to a State Con- ^^^tizens of Massachusetts have signed a fall vention, will be matter of interest. It ^ Couventioii in Fanucil Ilall, on the was fit that that meeting should be held in November, for the purpose of adopt- The 11- Shoppcrd being pre- eiil. ^"dlcd up, and addressed the lutvtiii''’ at some length,—concurring cor dially i"i> the ])ropositions and sentiments the powerful Whig county of Guilford, '“S measures for bringing Mr. Webster Wilmington Kail Road.—From tbei TAMMANY HALL MEETWg. IlejMjrt of the Auditing Committee, (John New York Uerald of the 23d pub- McIW, f5en., W.n. Fermll, and H. Natl, the prying, of a rat.fioat.on ,, J. ’ , , , meeting of the democracy' of the city and i*.sqrs.) in yesterday s \N ilmington Herald, ^.^upty of New York, held at Tammany we learn the particulars of the Company’s Hall, on the 22d. The Herald says it operations for the year ending 1st October was a full turn out, and the gathering was 1851, as follows: characterised by a prodomiuant spirit of RECEIPTS ! enthusiasm and confidence— From through tnivel, $19(5,oOO f.8 exultation in the recent elections in va- way “ * 76,360 (»i rious States, of enthusiasm in the hearty freight on Kail Road, 08,;548 93 reunion of the two divihions of the party freight, meals, &c., on Steam Boats, Tmnsportation of Mails, rents, &c., 10,383 83 80,02y G1 EXPENSES. (iftiic rc^;ohlti(>l^s, au(l reyiewiiig the coui^ d,at its moving spirit should be that forward a.s a candidate for the Presidency. | Kiiil Koa»l lU^)!iira!*'* 4'>’g07 18 >f publie affairs and public men during the in:: (litficulties which have .«io much zealous and popular Whig, John A. Gilmer. With its proceedings we heartily sympiithize, except a.s to the time and place proposed for the Convention. We see no goixl reas»>u for changing the place from the Cajiital of the State, and we think a time somewhat later would proba bly be more convt nient than the one pro- po.'^ed, when travelling will be difficult and ilistractcd the country. His addre.s was marked by extraordinary fervor and pow- , r. and \v;is listcniHl to with deep attention ],v the lavm' audience. ’.)..lin Kerr, Ksj., of Caswell, being ,-illi‘>l I'll. exeUM-d himself iu favor of ,Tas. ■f >Iiire]iead; but nevertheless adde«l a fi.\v n iuarks, iu bis own happy style, in "t‘ the resolutions, llr \\;is followiil by James T. More- ^ unpleasjint. li.al, K>'l ' review of the late These are miner points, however, about , .n.'rcssioiial canvass, and in approval of i lutiin.' which, as in all other matters, we are The resolutions were agaiu read, and defer to the will of the unanimously adopted by the meeting. majority. It is csi»ecially gratifying to Txj r . fpi r 11 • I of Steam Utg., lli:!,G17 18 Anson in the xilOAI).—The followinjr j Expenses, 247 80 statement show s that Anson county beats, I Interest Iiml Exchange, 6o,l'.»S 85 not only Edgccombe, but all other parts of the country from which we have .seen any account, iu the qtiantity of cotton picked to the hand:— Anson County, Oct. 27, 1S.')1. J. II,th ti' Stjii: ; Fnplish r.onds nt 6 per cent.. Gentlemen: I noticed some days since, j IJomls Emlorseil by tlie State of N. iu the Observer and Carolinian, a state- | . CiiroIin;i. at i; i>or ct., ment relative ti cotton picking in Ktlge- combe county, from the Tarbon>ugh I’rc.'ts of the 11th iust., in which it is stated, that a negro boy, on the farm of Mr. J. L. Horne, picked ;>48 lbs of cotton in a dayj on a national platform, and of confidence in the general result iu November.” The w'ords are the Herald’s, not ours. ‘Oil. Sickle"—we again (juote the words $4(51,222 Gtt , of the Herald—“then came forward and j read the following re.solutions, which were i received with frequent cheers and out- 1 bursts of applause.” } 1. That the dennx-raey of the city of New York, now as.s(‘mbled in ma.ss, hereby reaffum the two following resolu Nett profits. The total liabilities of the Comjtany on ^ the 1st Oct. 1801, amounted to §l,8.‘io,03o j 2. That we are rratificd to lo, consisting of the followinir items:— • announce to the democracy of the Union 84^,454 0 *4:1« ei tious p:i.ssed by the ratification meeting ’ ’ held iu Tammauv Hall ou the 2Uth ulti- A fireman was nc4tr becoming a victim of the experiment, and at last it was found necessary to use a common water engine, which extinguished the flames in teu mi nutes. Sound Democrat.”—Tlie Louisville Hcmocrat having declared that it made but little ditfcrence who was nominated for the IVcsidency, provided he is “a sound Democrat,” the Louisville Journal thus retorts: DC7^ We are requested to state that cert.Tin rumors, to the effect that CoT, J(>IIN A. UUWL-\ND, of Robeson, is a eandr- ilate for the appointinent of Mnjor General, nrw entirely niifoniule*!; >inl that Col. Eowland h«i9 no intention of running for that ofiiee. Oct. 2It, 35 DCPTiie Ofl'icrtrs of the 34tli Regiment will support, aail rrspeetfully recom-' mend to the other VKficers of the Divi^on, Col, A. D. McLL.VX Ks >1 c.Mndiilsite t« fill the ofBc® But we think that, unless there is some i resigna- uiHjuestionable st.indard of Democracy, it ! Oct. 2'J, i8-31. 35tE will be very hard to determine who is a | Can>liiu.m copy tHl EIectiol^ and send bill to sound Democrat. That depends very much j thus Office, on circumstances. Gi^n. Jackson wtvs a i r:r— 1 xz-Tk * io„ /4^ OM NEK WANTED for rn-o hhds. of Ba- jiretty good sort of a I^eniocrat, and^so, j ^ Con Hams, ] miirked “Sour.” It was resolved that the ]>nl>lication of learn, that the whigs of Guilford turned . till' jiroceedings of this meeting be re- ,[iu>te l in the (.iieensborovigh Patriot and i.tlier Whig papers of the State. (>u motion, it was resolved that twenty ilclcLratf' to the .'^tate (Convention be ap- jiiiiiitt'i by the Chair. 'J hi' nu cting thou atljourned. Jus. GIUSON, ('li'ii. ACfH l) K. W, cr.l’.rHN, out in force, and exhibited much enthusi asm in the cause, honoring Fillmore and Ghah.vm as the National Standard bearers in (he next campaign, and proposing to do their duty to their party and their country in the i>ieliiuinary State canvass of next Summer. We respectfully suggest to the Whigs in this and the neighboring counties to Weldon oxam2)le of Guilford, by I’atriot” for the citizens «>f Halifax and holding meetings at their ( oiirts during Warren to attend a public meeting, on the ensuing thrw months, that all may be .''.iturday next, to Utke into consideratii>n rejtresented in the State Convention, with the propriety ot running a Railnuid froiu which w’ill not think *f another ]>ieked GiJT lbs. Duo tlie Literary Hoard of X. C., Itiilancc due on .‘iO Sh.nrcs of Hiirren- dered Stock, to be rode out. Due on Honda for negro hire, Mortjrajfc Bonds, (new insue, for tlie i)urcha.«e of Irun,) Honds to l’nitol St.ttes for duties on iron, payable in Mail scrvice. Hills payable. Sec vs. liitif H'Mttl —-Imjtorhinf Mnrr. —Wc perceive a call in th At the close of the arti cle referring to it, the Pedee planters are i Hills "payable] called upon to e«|ual, or l>eat it, if they can. i Due on pay rolls. Now as a farmer of Anson, I inform ! euudry individuals, you, that four boys, belonging to Mr. Sam- j uel liiriningham, picked in one day 2,53^) lbs. of cotton. 3Ir. JJinningham’s plantii- tion lies on Savannah Creek, which emp ties iuto the Pedee. Your ob’t servant, JAMKS S. NVHITK. $-22 fjO() *)7 ^hat the re.solutions of the Syracuse con vention were adopted without a dissenting 2')0,(H)0 (Kl voice, congratulating the country upon the 8.»,(K»0 (K» , settlement by Congress of the )uestions 080 1" I have unhappily divided the people 2H :?'>2 85 ^he several States. That declaration of the principle offers a jdedge that (hose 300,222 28 j beneficent measures of adjustment will b»* 't 00‘> 3') * l*y democratic party in all G() '>8i 8-' integrity. Deprecating all sectional 2:>'.'>oo (K> i agitation, the country is reassured that the S,87o 43 : demf>craey of New^ York will discouiiteu- 4,843 27 , ance any further agitation of the subjects ' embraced in the scries of laws known as some people think, was Mr. Polk. But! they differed very essenfially in their ! (•pinions. Jackson was a ])rotectionist, ; and Polk was almost a freetradist. Old i Hickory was a very ardent internal im provement man, and the little hick«try thought all such improvements unconsti tutional. Now, both these gentlemen can- j not be considerod ‘‘suind Demoerats,” ; Oct. .30, IH.'jI. .7N0. D. WILLIAMS, Ap’t 35tf T. S. LUTTERLOH. 35-3W ^\ eldon to J^ittleton IK*, >ot. to connect the Seabojird aud Ibcinoke Rail Road to the ll.ileiLdt and (ia.-ton li >ad—and also to :}ipoint a delegate to visit Norfolk and lay tltf matter befire the Direct»rs of the f..nner Company. W’e hojH* that prompt ;n ti‘»u will }>e taken in the matter. Itolt'itjh lit ijlsti'r. MILITARY. The .‘L'uh Regiment was reviewed in tlii> -- ity on Saturday last, by Col. AV. H. 11. Tu( ker and Lieut. Col. Yarborongli— l.i.th of whom made quite a fine apjK'ac- There i' a story tobl somewhere, of a I'n iich Prince who visited Kngland, and \s:i' ted at some }>oint by a eonipany t' till- ru'tic sddicry of the District. After ini.i'-rL'oing a sort of ix-view before the no- Mc 'traiip-r, the Captain appnvu-bed him, .III ] 1> gifi‘d to kijow the opinion he cnter- taiuf'l of the ('oiiij>any that frontetl him. •Safe,’ >.tid the I'riuce, •I’ave .•ieen great iiiaiiv c'tfipanic; great many battalion; 1 avc M cu de grand corps de Napoleon; 1 ' iVc .'ecu de Swi>-s, and de .larman, de Itii'S and de Pruss, but ma foi, captain, I liuvc /( rart s-.'cu such an extraordinary i .iiii|.anie as yi>urs; n>rore—tntnrr.''’ The compliniciit wa.i cun>idcreil equivv ( 1;—but ir, make n«» application of the r t.) ry.—lin /»- II fk R'tj 1st I r. Lmr ini‘1 tjrdt-v in Si/rnriis/j.—A large ai' l enthusiastic meeting of the friends of l;i\v and order, was held iu .''vraeuse Satur- lav afternoon. On the opening of th* meeting, and af'tr the election »>f Major Burnett, as f'liaiiMnan, the j>r»eecdings were interrupt ed I'V a band of rioters, headed by sonu' if the prn?niucnt citiz-ns of Syracuse. By the tini' ly arrival of the delegation from the first ward, order was restored .‘iftT two or thret? of the rioters bad been forcibly ejected from the hall. The mt;eting was address^^d b}' Hon. Harvey l?;’,ldwin and !Mr. Brooks. defeat. Ckxsj s ok Noutii Carolina.—The National Intelligencer publishes ojfiriatl^ the Marshaks’ returns. A comparison of the otiicial jiublication with the tabular has annninted to ^2,047,414 ’>0. SiLVKR AM) (Hold.—A statement of the entire coinage of the V. S. ^lint and its Brauche.'i, from their estddi.shmcut (the of constructinjj Principal 3Iint iu ITOo, and the three] Branches iu 183>) to the 1st iust., makes 1 the immenst^ total of S'2.^n,0tK>,0;{;? S.^, viz: gold S1()0,D04,404 50; .silver $177,- (>77,)S85 90; copper SI,1,018 4‘>. The eoinajre at the Charlotte Branch , $l,i;i:5.1o;i 8.') I . V • .1 ^ . .... , ^ I the compromise* measures. J^xpret^sinf: the The folh»wmg exhibits the condition of ,letermiuatiou of the denu^crats the Company s affairs ou the 1st Oct. lSol_: . associated with the dem- I>ebt of the t omp.'iny, f'* ocratic party of the Union in the ensuing ( apjtal ^tock paid ui, l,.};J8,:ijo (»H i .. ^ i i Hul.ince of pn-tits from eommence- 1 convention, to be held at ],alti- nient of operations to Ixt (Jet. i UKtre, and leaihrming our de\ott*d adiier- IH.'.l, after paying interest of j cncc t(» the re.solntions of the Baltiuiore debt, :>88,.'>r»tj 22 | couvciitiou of 1^40, li^44, and 184S, wc statement which we published some months since shows that (he latter was by no means free from error. The total population of the State is S(jS^‘K>.‘> instead of J*7D,>iU0 as before sta- tol. Of this number, ;').V2,4*»4 are whites, (272,white males, 2'‘’O,D0.t females,) Sol are Indians, 2SS,412 are slaves, and 27,ll>t) are free nogntes. So that the Fed eral Represt*ntative population of the State amounts to 7r>«),o.‘>S. Tin* number of Farmers in the State is ."»(),niO instead of r)o,K5()—of Mamifactu- riiig K.'tablishuients, '2JylH instead if 2,t*M!>—ef Deaths, lD,2(»7 instead of 10,- 27S. 1(M),(I2.> families, l()5,o41 dwellings. 8S0jl»;4^((55 of the whole amount was of gfdd received from California. The to tal amiiunt of (^ilifornia gold realized is estim ited at SI 20,000,000. I A'kry Latk from Ki kopf:.—The I’aci- fie arrivi'd at New York on Sunday last, ' in II days from Liverpool. and recoiisitructin_ Ut»ad, Ileal Estate, &c., Ji52,761,t‘.OI O.j :?0 Shares (.'ompanv’s Stock, “ ;],(X>0 00 Due ou Stock for feited. 950 00 I’aiil on .'Subscription to Manchester lid. .'>,818 00 I’ai.l on W. A- X. O. Telo;'raj>h Stock, f?,2-'»0 00 Due for Mail ser\ice, 18,7il 40 “ Hills receivHble, i:i,0>") 48 *• by individuals. 17,t>'.W> 8*> •• •• .\gents. t>,480 iiti (’ountft. money, •'S75 4 I Cash on hand, 2'.',877 'j7 20,0.V^ 01 .'i;2,8()0,02r’, i.') There is still tlue on 2Ul .Shares of the for sale. 25,000 LBS. Dry Hid(*s, average J?0 lbs. eaclu o,000 “ “ “ 12 “ T. S. LVTTERLOII, Octobcr 30, 18-jK 85-8w DCT^'riiE u]idersi^]i('(l will make becau.se of the startling discrepancies be- j Cash advance? on h11 I’roduce for Shipment to. tween their opinions ^ i York, on delivery on board anj* boatattlur T-. .1 .1* .1 • ’ ,..1 T’. . wharf, or ut niy Warehouses at tl'.e laBling. rurtlier than thjs—a .simnu J)em^rat •' vj t i-TTi.-nTikU in Georgia, Alabama aud 3Iissi.ssippi ! October 20, 18)1. means a person who believes in secession ] —— and wishes to kick up a rumpus and get j the south outside the Union. In Ken-; tucky a sound Democrat means a cordial i supporter of the compromise measures, an 1 abhorrer of the ultraism of stmthern and 1 northeru Democrats, a .supporter of iuter- nal imi»rovemoiits or not as .suit.s one’s' fancy, and cither a frcetra.list or a protec- j Cahi/wt Ftimih/re, Chairs, SfC, tionist, no matter which. In }scw Y ork a : _ i ’ 1 • • f f ■IJIL subscnlHT IS receivmp the larpest h»- S’onnd denioci'at nu*ans one who i,s in ta^or j Mortment in his line ever before purchased of all kinds of amalgamation with Free-: at the North, which, toirether with his own man- soilcr.s, Anti-I’eutcr.s, and the otlds aud , ufacture, makes his Stock very eonii>lete, cou- ends uf creation generally. ! ^'^tii'g of Now, how to deride which of these va-1 C'hairs, Tables, Sofa?^, Bedsteads, "'rt asb; riiuis pretenders to Democracy are the true, ] Stands, Bureaus, Looking (ilasscs, genuine, unspotted, unconquerable, hard- i Side Board.s,. Secretaries, Src. fisted, irou-hearted, unterrified, straight-up- * All of which will be sold on the lowest terms for onc-side-and-down-the-other Democrats, is ; or on short time to piniHu:il cust^im-r8. the difficulty. Aud this difficulty must continue, to the great distraction of the ]>arty, until an ecumenical council of the .sachems and constitutional expounders of ]u-e.sent to the American people a sacred guarantee of the coui’dete fraternity of the (leniocnicv of this St.ite with the democra cy of the Union, united uj)on their ancient principles, and loyal to the constitution i the party be called, fnun whom shall ema- anl the rights of the States; frowning upou j nate a faithful description of an uumistake- all geographical parties or factions, wheth-; able Democrat, er formeil at the North or South, Last or West, and re.solved henceforth ti> know, but one enemy, and to strike but for one | victory. | These are the only resolutioiis relating i to the slavery |Uestion or the eompronii.se, and we commend them to the .>»pecial at tention of the Fayetteville Observer. They ]»rove conclusively tiuit tbou>rh the demo cracy of old Tammany laid on the table the disorganizing re.solutions of Mr. Whee ler, over which that jiaper makes such a MARRIED, lii Montjronierv coiintv, ou the lOth iu«t.»bv Rev. W. N. Peocock, Dr. .JOHN F. ALLl.'iON, formerly of ('ati.-irriis. to Miss MARY K.,. daujiht(*r of Oliver NVvlie, Ksq. In Montjroiiierv countv, on the 21st inst., bv the Rev. W. N. Peacock^ THO.MAS PEMHKR- TON, Ks|. to Miss .Il’I.IA .\NN, daujihter of Edward Mc(,’aUum. dec'd. In Montj5on\cry ctmutv, on the 28d inst., Mr. RKnil'.N .FORD AN to Miss CATHARINE lir.NSHKLR. In I’ertie county, on the eveninjr of the 22d JOHN W. BAKER. Oct. :U>, 1851. HOtf TRUST SALE, FURS(,’.VNT to the provisions of a Deed of Trust executed t me by Rob’t Cochran, I will expose to !*ale nt i>ublic Auction, «n Sa turday, tlie 0th of December next, at the Mar ket House in tiie town «f Fayetteville, the inte rest of the wiid Rob’t Cochr:in in a*d to a Lot awl imjiroveuients ou the West .Vule of Green .■street, near Eocles’s Rridpe, anl atljoining the rcsiilesii.-e of Dr. lienj'n NV. Robinsou. Terms made knowu at sale. W. .1. ANDERSON, Trustee. Fayetteville, Oct. oO, 18'»]. :v>-ts Kossuth had not yet arrived at South- The.se are the only errors which we have am))tou. noticed. 'I’hev are generally .so slight in; hr'tnfc.—The Paris p;»|K^rs ann>unce Cotton h.is declined Jd. ou lower ,uali- Capital St.K-k, sub.s ribel for by iudivid- . dismal outcry, they know how, at a j.roper : j ‘I''”"'* * i ties. The .sales on Monday ami Tue.sday u.ils, Sl7,Ol»0 t*2. It is recommended that tinie, and iii a jnojK'r niaiiner, to vindicate ] ‘ ' ■ ■ - ; the parties be no(ificl t» come forward and their truth and assert their fidelity to the pay the b.ilanee due with interest; failing consiitu^ion :ind the laws, and we honor to do so within a reasonable tiiue, that .said , (hem for it. Wiuild that their northern Stock be atlverti.sed and sold. j oppinents could be made to thow their The Cftmmittee recommend, that in fu- i hands as openiv and as fairly. We cotild hing political cont»‘st ebension. We sincere- declared; one-half, payable to the StKk- j Iv hope that thev mav be brought to pur-j roULdi, to Mi.-^s P.KTTIE H. HARDEN, daugh- holdcrs in Cash, the remaining half, paya- | ...vLe the rii:ht course. Without it, we are i *'">• -b’ln* Harden, ot Cmiham. ble in Scrip of the Company were P2,0(»U bales, of which exporters took o.OOO Itah'S. 'Ih * Queen, aecompaniel by Prince Al bert, visited the gri*at Kxhibition on the l-'lth. It closet! to the public on the 11th, and would finally close on the Ifxh, when the (^uecu would report. J iiv- \ I 111V.I111 i»»- ; iiaii*!.') tir* iiiv iiini »i ture, a Dividend, equal to the nett profits then view the approae of the (.’oinpany, after paying intere.st, be ! without fear or apjtreli In .'''t. I'eter'r Church, Wnshinirton, on the 22d iust., t.y the Rev. R. H. I'r.-ine, D. D., Rec tor ot .'St. .James Church. Wilmington, the Rev. i'iDWlN OI'ER. Rector of !st. I’eters’. to Miss rLl/.VHE’l'H NL, d:iu^liter of the late Major Thos. H. Hlouiit. of Washinjrton. In (iraliam, on the 8th inst.. bv theRev.-Tno. R. Holt, Mr. WNL V. DENNY.' of Oreensho- the separate counties, that 'the republica-' for connection ‘ , , ... . , with the recent conspiracy have been re- tion of the whole table is not imnortant. i , i Thf. Vir«;i.nia Klkctioxs.—The result is that 2 Whigs and l‘i Locofoeo.s are e- lected to Congres.. So that the Delega tion will stand as before. The now Constitution being nitifie«i by a large majority, (he election of Members of the .State fj‘gi»laflire is of course nul lified, and another eb*ction will take jdaee on the sth Dec. for Governor, Lieut. Gov ernor, Attorney General, and Members ot Wh Houses of the Legi^lature. Of all the parties that we ever heard of, ^ commend us to the W hig party of \ ir- giiiia. We never hear of an election in least *d, Spitiii.—Ministerial changes were sp*- ken of at Madrid. The Coloijm* (razctte publishes a letter from Madrid which .states that ai a Cabinet meeting held on ! the Sth a proptsition was made by Mtiril- lo to soli ('uba and I’uerto I’rim i|n* to En^l.tntl for the suui of ?1.'>0,000,0)(), which sum he .sai.l repre.sentel the cajdt il of the revenue .'■'pain received from these I Islands. The frigate Guatamala, with 1H'» Cuban invaders on board, ha.s arrived at Vi^o, Spain; the Venus with 5, and the ls;ib( 11a Catholiea with 4. The willow of Gen. Enna had al.so ar rived at \'igo. The Queen of Spain had summoned the Cortes for prompt assemblage, it was j»re- iu rejxard to the -redeemable in .'•'tixk at par value; and the amount so reserved, in lieu of Scrip issued, shall be a]>pliod to the liijuidation of the Company’s delits. Mr. Fiid.MoiiK i.\ Tf.n.nksskk.—Gen’l W’m. B. Campbell, recently elected Gov ernor of Tennes.see, was inaugurated on the l()th inst. From his able and patriot- eonvine*d that they cannot and ought not to receivt* the co-oj»eratiou of the whig party at the south.— ]Vi/iu iih/foit ./uuninL AVe cheerfully copy the above from the Wilmington Journal, rejoiced that a por tion of the LocoftKo }iarty of New York profiss a determination to stand by the compromise measures. It is not true, how ever, that the Syracuse LiK'ofoco Conven tion adopteil any res«dutiou to su.staiu the .‘slave act. The re.solutions a- OIED, $5 REWAHI). rjllllE above reward will be paid on proof JL sufficient to convict the person or persons who have repeatedly renutved a plug in the Water Wfirks at Eceles’s Bridge, or for i»roof of any other mischievous iutcrl’erenee with tlie rijrhts of the CoMipany or the tenTeuience of the public. For the companv. E. J. HALE, Pres’t. Oet. 20. alm’\nacs. fn^rRNER’S North Carolina, and Blum’s o Farmers’ iind Planters’ ALMANACS, jnst received aud for sale, wholesale and retail, by E. J. HALE & SON. ! Oct. W, 18.')T. T)NK TlKUJSANn R.il'TS. HAVINd located myself in Wihuing;ton for the purpose of doinfr an Agency Busi ness, persons wishing to save time and money. In Snm]>son county', on the 2f)th C)cto1>ei, of j timl it to their interest to send their pro ie inaugural adlress we make the following extract, in which a merited comjdiment is | p„„j(Jve paiil to the 1 resilient and those who with ; y,y Conv«*ution had reference him enae(ed au.l have since sustaine.l the existed t ompiiuni.-e L.iws. j/ri n't/n.c tf> the jiiianiii/c uf find tut; they' Tallaha.ssee, Florida, on the night of the ItJth “*y»othcr ep K h of danger and difficulty . j;,, embrace it, aud it was boasted, in j has been upon us. It wouhl ill become i , » r •* i * *1 .. i W. W hitfield, ami daughter ot the late Jeremiah c II * 1 ‘ the (.ouveutiou and out ot it, that they did Brown. Esu., of Newbern, N. C. 1 any man of .sense and observation t4> «leny ; ’ iuu«n, r..^., oi ->c»uvin. iutl.-immatiou of the brain, Mr. M.VHSHALL O. PARKKR. in tlie 27lh yoar of bis age. ^Ir. Parker was an ujiright, useful citizen, aud a worthy’ moiiber of the Methodist Episcopal | Church. He li.js left a w idow and two cliil- j dreir, and a large circle of friends and relative.^, j who deeply mourn his loss.—C».m. j In Richmoixl cmnty, ou the 21st inst., at the residence of her tlaughtcr, Mrs. Mary tireeu, | Mrs. r«(,>SEM.VN, in an advanced age. Blessed are they that die in the l^ord. On the JOth Oct.. near Long’s Mill. Randolph county, N. C., Mr. DAVID KI.ME, aged about . ol years. lu the o8th year of her nge, at Waverly, near that State without hearing, as a matter of An address aud re.vdutious were adopt- course, of a Waterhxj defeat of the big 8umed, to take aetiou cd of the law aud order stamp, aud the and of immediate and most positive American prisoners. protestation.s, by the Whig organs, of their perfect ability to have carried the day, if they had only thoujrht it worth while!— .'■'Uch forbearance to triutnph over a feebler opponent,—such scorn of office,—such pro mises to do great things here:ifter, when ever an (Mcasiou worthy of their efforts shall jire.sent it.^elf,—aud such utter lack of «»eeasions of the kind,—have never l>et*n meeting closed quietly. i'm-ri i fioii.—The Washington Corres- ]>oudent of the Philadeli>hia American giv. s the annexed corrected version of his 'tuteiucnt re.'-pecting a correspondence be- t\v- i ii our Secretiiry of .State and certain t >n ii:n Governments in relation to (Juban Wa.^^ITIVCTOX, Oct. 2.‘), l''ol. An error occurred in my despatdi of TneMl.iv. The answer of our (Sovernment ill re;_rard to Cuban affairs was directed e']ii eially to Frunrt', which, be.sides luaking uiipalatable representations on that sub- ji t, irdered a ))ortiou of her ]>ublic marine to scMur the coast of the T’nited States, tlienby at once offending the n.itional di:.Miity and encroaching upon the national right. That Kn;:land seconded, or at least approved, the policy of France, is true, as alrea/ly stated, and therefore the reply applies as directly to one as to the other Locos (iovcninieut. Those who have the best j means of knowing, spe:ik of Mr. Critteu- i 'Icii’s despatch in reference to this inter- | f n nce as eminently worthy of the Atiieri- eaii character. Several failures in the Northern cities, and others in England and Scotlanl, are meutioned in the pajxTs received to-day. Lifk’s VicissiTl DK.s.—The New’ York papers uieution the failure of a Broker, who, during the months of August and September last had cleared So0,000 by the any man ol .sense and observation to «leny j that in the last two yt^ars a momentous ; crisis has arisen in our country, one which has eau.sed the heart of the patriot to sink within him, and was well calculated to damjK'U the ardor of even the most ho]>e- ful. Kxcitement aud apprehension jierva- d(*d the land, and the thirty-first Congress a.s.semblcd amidst dcspoudeucy and gloom. But fortunately for us and our children, a band of thoughtful, patriotic, and wis; statesmen was found in that body, who gave their days and nights to the work of evoking from the discordant and alarming elements around them, a spirit of rcflectittu uot and would not sanction it. The Journal speaks of “proi>er time, and a proper manner,’’ &c. Now this meeting was an ordinary ;vssemb1age of the party, and if we may judge from the per sons who onlv were aUowed to speak, was , I f otton, C'>nfined to the National wing ot the par-j (’om, ty. The meeting which, a week or two i (^"ttee, ago, refused to adopt 3Ir. Wheeler’s truly i National resolution, was no unauthorized : (’audles, F. F. 1 gathering, but was a regular Convention of Delegates selected from all parts of the FAYETTEVILLE MARKET—Oct. 30. Brandy, p'ch, oO a | Lard, 12 a LI Ditto, apjile, T)0 a o2 , Leather, sole, 20 a 28 Beeswax, Bacon, Hiie^ing, decline of stocks. Now he has failed for known any where out of Virginia—and we a large amount. ITe had made his money hope never will be. Mr. Botts couhl have by that species of gambling, so common in been elected, Mr. Goggin could have been New York, of .‘idling stocks which he did elected, Mr. Ilayuiond could have been e- not own—that is, he agreed to deliver say lectcd, Mr. Cowper couM have been elect- 100 shares of such a stwk on a future daj* and conciliation, which might spread a-■ city and c«mnty ot ^ew\ork, repre.scnt- broad its Vienign influence, and rescue our jng a population of some 000,000 jK*ople. beloved country from the horrors that threateued it. The celebrated compro- inist^ meai^ures were the result of their la- , ^ i t ivlio* citizens Conve.itio„ rejcctnl sud. a one. I.i Thnt^ it appears to us, was a “proper time,’' to adopt National resolutions. But bors; and wc in Tennessee, ^ yield to no portion of the country in dcvo- i that Convention both wings of the ]*arty tioii to the Union, should be ready to rcn- ' were represented, aud uutortunately the -1 Trut Jjiiin/rr.—Alex.‘ind(;r Hamilton was once applied to as counsel by a man having the giuirdianship of several or- Jthaiis, who would, on coming of age, suc- i el to a large and valuable estate, of which there was a material defect in the title-deeds, known only to their guardian, who wanted to get the estate veste«l to him self. Hamilton noted down the faithless executor’s statement, and then said to him, “Settle with those unhappy infants honorably to tb! bist cent, or I will hunt you from your skin like a hare." The ad vice w’as .strictly foUowed, and the mau wht gave it was an ornament to the bar and the age he lived \n.~Soiilli,:r/t J*reiss. elj—to say nothing of six Districts in | named, at a stipulated price. W’hen the der all honor t-o the statesmen and patriots : unti-.slavery wing predominated, as it did which the Whigs did not even run a can- . day arrived, he was not expected to deliv- "ho projected and carried them through, Syracuse. lidate,—aud thus the Delegation iu Con- ; er the stock, but to jiay, or to receive, the ^ lepresmt jxecutueot t le ^ funniest part of the Journal’s ’ . 1 • 1 . 1 1 States, who has so nobly sustained them. . , . . , [ ^ ^ gre.ss might have stood six U higs to nine difference between the i»rice .stipulated and proved to be the mau for the , article is its tdosc. A paper which has no But what was the u.se? | the current price. Whilst stocks were crisis. Calm and thoughtful, firm and de- ' .‘^cruple against uniting with 31artin Van IT A )'s \ Bl vi>EX~ We~le-irn that August and September, of course cided, he rose above the exciting scenes by | Buren, John Van Buren, Sumner, Cha.se, OMiClDhs IN LAP.N. c c.ir 1 la , ^^rc large. But he did not which he was surrounded; above all sec-, ij.intoul and the like, and with those who „K..auce, l.av„ «-curred two , ■ _ ^ ,,1 con^uU-rutas, ami ™Joa ^ weeks of deaths by violence in Bladen . • t i i • star of his political faith—the Con- cx . • i i coun(y. As to one of them wo »ere n.i». I W f.t,.to«-una louk-j '> >->^c™t.ve offices, .s .Wd- informed on Monday last, so as to make a ! Jurors.—At the June Term of the to the great interests of the j fully alarmed lest the W big party at t le * • 1 ^ „ 1 . Lo -1 > c /I X • Ol * 11 whole country, ho annonnced his adherence I South should co-operate with the >\ hig material error, which we hastened to cor-, g„,,reme Court of this State, it was ruled, ^ v,- i . „i i , , v- * - I ’ , to the ‘Com))romise in terms which could pjirty at the North! a ir. Flour, o a •'ii Feathers, a 80 Flaxseed, 1 O.'i ;i 1 1-") Hide.s, green. 4 ])itto, dry, 0 nil Iron, t'^wpde.s, o » (J Do. English, J? a 4 jndipo. Lime, 22 a 2o Lead, bar, a 7 ! lo.’, al4 Molass«’S, 2fi a 27 12.i a IS Nails, cut, 4 a 4J (I'i a 7^ Oats. 4.') a -10 SO a ^*0 Oil. Linseed.'.H) 10 all I’owdcr, 5 00 ft O (*0 0 all Shot. 11 a 2 .'sugjir,lirown, H a 9 Ditto, l*>af, 11 a 12.\ .^alt, sack, 1 40 a 1 45 Do. alum, bu. 8.3 a 40 Shingles, 2 a 2A Tallow, a 10 Wheat, 85 a 00 Whiskev, a 50 AVnol, * a 20 1 a H W’hitc Lead, 2 a 2i none i 4-4 Brown Sheetings, Cotton Yarns, 5 to 10, C>\ cents. 15* rect before any considerable number of our I that a person, wh. is exempted by law ;;X°aken, »„d which were unpala-! papers had been printed off. The fact.- ; fro,n serving on Juries, is not bound to . table alike to the ‘higher-law’ men of the ; we learn from the Wilmingtm Journal, ' yerve ou a itjM'ruil voiire. The case went North and the secessionists and disunion-j Anti-f ui/itive haw nrpenf. me are, that Mr. Joshua Bryan, t'f Elizabeth, i from the Spring Term 1851, of Craven ists at the South, but which poured glad- ^ ^^H:mry wua killed at that place, ou .SulorJay eye-! Surcrior Court, ■.here Judge Caldwell | V^otYeVvCTV^ AnZuOT I of tlXpcal of the ob.m^iious part of' tb Montpelikr, Vt., Oct. 26. Aiiti-F’uijitive Laic Krjtpal.—The Ju- House or , Mini f J f r • * ; ate and patriotic every where. All honor, j repeal ol tne oonoxious part oi the ning hist, by Ihomas McLclland, ot the | fined a man for refu.sing to serve as a spe- therefore to Millard Fillmore, and his able | habeas corpus act of the lai?t session. It same place. eial venire juror, though it was shown that 1 distinguished Cabinet." ^ j wi^nhl obstruct the fugitive slave act iu its Another case wa.s that of a negro be-I he belonued to a fire company whose mem- —; | present shape. 1 • . M IT 1 o- „i „„ 1, 1 X 1 1 i A horrible collision occured on the >iew 1 — :—■ ,, , longing to 31 r. Hugh Simpson, who was ],ers were expre.ssly exempted by act ot , >sfow Haven llailroad Saturday ’ Whig Di.stnet Convention assembled Assembly. In reversing the decision of evening, at Mount Vernon, between a : Rochester, N. i ., on S«iturday, for the (iuano oa Toharco Laiul.—It has been esUiblished beyond controversy that guano is the Ix-st aid that can be applied to wheat aud corn, but we were not aware that it was so p;culiarly adapted to the growth of tobacco. A gentleman in Louisa, who is hirgtdy engaged in the growth of the to bacco plant, made an experiment the last .‘^oa.son, and he has s;itisfied liimself most thoroughly of its entire adaptation to the growth of that crop. Thi.s is a matter of very considerable importance, as thousands of acres of the old tobacco lauds in ^'^irginia iiu.y be reclaimed.—/Vci/cricA-a6’y llisraLl. killed by some one whose name we have not heard. The third case was that a runaway ne gro, shot by a gentleman whose house he was endeavoring to enter in the night. W^e are under obligations to our neigh bors, Messrs. Liiuder & Smith, for half a dozen marble I’aper Weights, very hand somely fini.shed, aud lettered “Observer Office,” in their usual style of beautiful workmanship. They are a convenient ar ticle for the counting room, and we w’ould be glad to see our merchants supply them selves from this home manufactory, instead of buying the French aud German ware. Judge Caldwell, the Court make a distinc tion between the talis juror, who is taken from among the bye-standers, and “is bound to attend only on the day on which he is summoned, and upon its close, if not empannelled, he stands discharged, and may, without any leave ot the Court, de part to his home,” and the special venire juror, who is bound t^ attend from day to day, until discharged. The latter is en titled to the privilege accorded to him by the law. The yellow fever ha.y broken out at 3Io- bile. freight aud passenger train, by which three ' purpose of nominating a candidate for the persons wore instantly killed and many ; Assembly. On the first ballot it was a.s- others shockingly maimed and injured.— j cerUiined that J. 1*. Milliner, whit; luan. Cause of the accident: neeliccnce on the , had forty-four votes; Fred. Douglass, biack part of the engineer attached to the freight I man, twenty-one; scattering, thirty-four train. At the time the accident occurred | MiHmer was finally nominated by one the freight train was running at the speed majority. BEVIEW' OF THE MARKET. Corrox.—The firmness noticed in our last has been su.staineiL TrurKXTiXK.—Virgin and Yellow Dip Tur pentine 2 05, Hard 1 05. No. 3 Ilosin DO cts. Sj'ints Turpentine 25i to 2t) cts. No other change worthy of notice. WILMINGTON M.VKKET. Bacon: Hams plenty anl dull at l.S to Sides 11; ShouMers Ho to 12. Corn 57. Meal scarce: no sales. Hay 80. Lard 12. Lime 80. Soft Turpentine 2 35: Ilanl 1 .V». Spirits 2'J. I’ork 17 50 to ^ISpcrbbl. Shingles 2 75. Tim ber !> 0^ to 11 50. At New Orleans strict middling cotton 7 cents. We have seen a sample of beautiful cotton, sent by letter from Columbus, Ga. which was selling in that market at to 5^. It is much sxiperior to Fayetteville cottons. At New York, cotton heavy with limited de mand. Flour 3 81 to 4 25. Com 50 to 60. W heat 90 to 97. COMMERCIAI. KKCOKn. ducc to the care of B. Shaw, aud the returns will be forwarded forthwith. lUJDEKICK SIIAW'. Wilmington, Oct. 28, 1851. 3o-3m LAVV BOOKS! fV^lIE Subscribers are now receiving and M- have ou hand for sale. North ('ai-olina Supreme Court Reports, in sets or single volumes. Iredell's Digest, 8 vuls, “ Digesteil Manual, old and new Eds., North CurolLu.-t Civil I’rjictice, “ “ Fonu Book, Swaiin's Justice. Story on Bailments, ('onHict of Laws, “ Partnership, *• Equity Juri»pruilence, 2 vola, Eiuity I’leuding, “ Bills, “ Ageucy, Sales, I “ C(Uitract*, ^ Archl»old’s (,’riminal Pleading, 2 Tols, Practice, “ : “ Nisi Prius, “ Chitty on Contnicts, Pl«iiding, 8 vols. j “ Medical .lurispmdence, ' Starkie ou Evidence, H vols, 1 Criminal Pleading, 2 vol», Sugden on Powers, “ Vendors, 2 vols, Powell ou Mortgages, I ** Contracts, j Smith's Chancery Practice, '• Mercantile Law, ; “ Actiiuis at Law, I “ Contractti, j Sanders on Uses and Tru*te. 1 “ Pleading and Evidence, 2 vol*, Willi.nms on Keal Property, “ Executors, 2 vola, ■ Hoffman’s Legal Study, ■ “ Mastert in Chancery, I American Chancery Digest, 3 vols, i “ Leading Cases, United States Digest, 3 vois, i “ “ Crinvi»:vl Law, I DanielPs Chancery Pleading & Pmctice, 3 vols, j Mitford’s “ “ ! Lube’s Equity Pleading, j White & Tudor’s Leading Equity Cases, 3 Tols, Equity Dmughtsman, Adams’ Equity, Parsons’ “ Feame on Remainders, 2 vols, Clreenlenf on Evidence, “ Russell on Crime*, “ Ro]>er on Legacies, “ Wheaton’s Selwyn, “ Crabb on Real Property, “ Park on Dower, Bingham on Infancy, Coote on Mortgage*, Sedgwick ou Damages, JoBTS on Bailments, Fell on Guarantees, Byles on Bills, Tillinghast’s Adiima on Ejectment, Dart on Vendors and Pmxhascrs, Kauffman’s Civil Law, j Curtis’s Conveyancer, Oliver’s “ ARRIVALS. o I , T’c I r il '■ Rrieht on Husband and Wife, n 1 1 w R 1. T w'roffJin U n ' Keeves on Domestic Relations, Co, J M P^lmor, .] W Baker, J H Cotfman, R D , ^ llaughton & I-rasier, D Gee, Rankin ,, » t i 1, Rav & Pearce, H BrantH,u & Son, .1 I • e «r ir Anthon s Lmw i>tunent, j Bradford’s N. Y. Surroga of thirty-five miles an hour, and the shock was so intense that one of the cars on the pasisenger train was turned up on its end! A Place Vacant.—The Government of Mexico can get no person to act as Minis ter of Finance. As there is no money in the public treasury, and none likely to be, the business of the Department will not suffer much from the vacancy.—Pet. Int. Fire Annihilator.—The German corres pondent of the London Globe, uudcr date of October 3d, says; At Hamburg an experiment ha.s been made with Philbp's “fire annihilator.” A wooden shed, filled with combustibles, was set on fire, and an attempt was made to set the “anuihilator” at work; but the heat was too great to permit of approach. McNeill, llaughton & Frasier, D Gee, Rankin & McLean, W Powers, n yrauguon, ” ot “ j Bradford’s N. Y. Surrogate Court ReporU, Lutterioh .1 h Patterson C Benbow, J M Me- , Dictionary, 2 vols, Donald, T J Johnson, J T Hamson, II Carter, ' ^ M McMillan, R Little, and others. I Butler’s Coke, 3 vols. It is lnqted that the fine rain la-st night will j Kent’s Conuucufarics, raise the river, which has been so long down, j Blackstoue’s ‘■' j Kinnc'S Kent, ^ Blackstone. ARRIVALS. Oct, 26—Hanoverian Galliot Johannes from AmEtfcrdam; Brig Cciumerco from Matanzas; Schr. Elizabeth from Charleston. 28.—Scbr. W'm. £. Ferguson from Eienton. The above i»ill be sold on very reasonable terms. And other Law Books procured to order for the members of the Profession in any part of the State, at such priccs as will make it their interest to iiprh' to us. E. J. HALE & SON-