S E M I-W E E K L, Y [VOI- 1-] F.VYETTFA’ILLE, N. C., THURSDAY AFTERNOON, NOVEMBKR 13, 1851. [NO. 39.] l-UINIKI' liV .r, n. NKWUY. i;i)\V\i!l) J. HALE & SOX, i:i.lT('i;S .\N1) I'ROl'UlKToKS. far tlu> Si tiii-Weekly Or.;iKitvER UO if : ii; .i lvani e; 1 ’• it' piiid during the . - riptiuu; i>r after the year hiii Wi t'kl} Oii^iKuvKK Ot) per annum, if 1, I 111 ii'Uaiiee: 50 if paid during tlie • ir '! su> si'riptl'in; or $3 (M> after the year ' \ i i.TlSI'^lr.M'S in.xerted for.i\ty cents ;.,r 'he first, and thirty c?nts fur eacli : Vcarly atlvertisenieiit* ' .■. iitriH-ts, at rejisonalile r.ites. .\d- ~ -iri’ rr juested to state the nuni1>or of ,,,t: II' le'i’i 1. i*r they will he ci'utiiniod till . -!. i hi!r,.ri‘d accordinirly. • . ! ■ Ts til the K litors nui.st he pti.st-paid. ri: vciiKH w' wvvAx' ANTF.1>, n teacher fur five dr six ohil- T^ni.'?sels and other Carpetings, Hearth Kug.s. Krufrjrets. Crunib-Clothp, Piano and Table ('over.s. Ftir sale hv NTARR .‘i W1LLI.\MS. N’nv. o, :i7-tf BO()TS & SIIt)ES. WE biive just received a large and well selected Stock of BOOTS AND SHOES, which we otier for sale very low by wholesale or retail. t'ountry Merchants and all others wishing to puivh.Mse would do well to call and exaiuiue our f-tock at No. 10 (.ireen street. l.AWKKNCK & TUOY. Nov. l,^.'il. ;i7-4t f;- II 7 t I l-’> year.s ,,f aiie. .\u . ’ r a voung ni.in jir^secuting colle- i pr ilev'i' Mril study. ■ !: ■■■ rc'iiiirfd. In4uii*c at this tifGee. t. '•■M. ;1S :’.t ipcnor W inter Sp('rm OIL. •• > )i:irrels Tanners' Oil. in good order. - \' d uud f'lr sale hv IV F.OSK \ SON. rrid, S1:TS? country-made r.UF.r.t'H- lNi. fur wagiuiS. J. \ T. WADDILT,. IS'l. ‘ri.MWTIoN.'^ will l>e received at the Of- • ■ I till'K.Tvettevilie and .'Southern I’lank i.r Tull Keepers ;it two Stations— * •' i‘ imu-fioii near Fiiyetteville. No. 2 . r-i_‘‘- at Big H"vkfisli,—until Tuesilay iii.'taiit. AKCH I) A. T. SMITH. Secv. . > .1. Owiiei MK t- Wanted loi* Powder. r weeks ago a box was sent t> u? ■ur I..line in pencil nt.ark. and no other !i! ir. It contained four kegs Powder, r c:in hrtve it hy jiaying the fees and ■.'cineiit. TdOK .V TAYI.OU 3S-2w 'The Snhscriber sti ' "’.tiiiues to carry on tlie • ' Al?INi-'.T 1;I SlNI’S. in Kayettevi’ih'. an'l in edition t- his Kst.ah’ishniont on li.iw strt-et. ne.ir Kceh-.s's liridce. ’ a l:.r-- W\UK IKiuM on Hay I ■•■site the Fayette\i’l' Hotel ■ Ivi't of Messrs. Haigh & Son's. : tii'n. !i-;sortnient cjf inirMTURE, : .inpeti'tit and f.iithful workmen, may • t ••'.•i-s corres)>onding with the tini-s. ; :i.":ortmei!t of N'ortliern-made Fl'KNI- i tfd by him.solf, which will be sold ; . lujder.tte adv.-ince. DINCAN MeNKIl.L. '■I. :!8tf rniiis: >«'OTTi^ii or(vitic ■- Manners, as preserved among the High landers. being ati historical ami descriptive ac count «>f the inhabitants, antii^uities. tind na tional i‘eculiaritics of S-otland, by .Jaine^ Lo- gjin. Just received uii'l for sale by K. .1. HALK vSc SON. To Plank Road Contractors. ^■^HE undersigned is authorized to let to con- -EL tract the first seven sections of tlie Fay etteville anil Centre I’lank Uoad, extending from Fayetteville to McArthur's Creek, 7 miles. The reports and estimates of the Engineer can i be seen, by calling on the Sec’y. Jno. .M. Uose. Applications must be made verv soon. .)N0. A. \MLLIAMS, Pres’t. Nov. l.‘s.")l. «7-tf WKLDON lUri'KL, X. C. ^■^HK su>iscri!ier, who kept the Hail M. Hoad Hotel in North Carolina lai>t year, h.aving taken the above house, tbriiierly ,'^pruiirs. and lor several \ears past kept by Mr. \V. T. hittield, who now keeps the new Hotel in Weldon, and having had the ! house tlmroughly renovated, and supplied with new beds. Uedding and Furniture, t;ikes this method of informing lus friends and the public ■ generally, that his house is now (>pcn for the ' reception of Hail Uoad passengers, and others i who may favor him with a call. i Suj'jier, including the best ()ystei-s received daily from Purtsinoutli, N'a.. will Hlwaya he I found ready on the table on the arrival of the i Cars. j Tlie Weldo'i Hotel is in the rear of the other I house, and is. theretoro. although within a few I yarils of the Hail !!oad. almost entirelx cut otf , fr-.m the view of the Passengers, by that house, land the Southern Ticket Ottic'*. Passengers j h.-ive to pass by. and almost over the steps of that house to get to that of the subscriber; and to prevent Passengers, the Ladies, particularly strangers, from being deterred from crossing the street over to his house, in the night, or in bad weather, they :ire e.irnestly re>juested to in- ijuite of the Passengers, on the Hoats or Car.«. ' who liave stopped at his house, as to its quality ■ and standing as a Hotel, whether they have i met with nicer Beds, or a better Table, .South \ or North, where there is not a good City .Mar- : ket. He is determine*! to keep hi.s house eijual I to the best anil second to none. i The Ticket office for Ihiltimore by way of ; Petirsliurg. Kichinond. Washington City. A:c. is ; in hi.-: h .use. T!ie 'I'ii-ket >ffu-e for Ilaltimore, ‘ by wiiy of the .“'eaboard and Hoanoke Kail Pioad. and the IJ.iy l.ine, is in Mr. AVhittield's house: but the Pri'prietors of either house will procure j Tickets for the Passengers fr.’iu the other Of- ■ fice, while they are at supper. j .lAMKS GllESHAM. I Weldon. Nov. 4, iMol. ‘>7-101 STOMPS! STOVES!! NI'IT.VELE for Churches, I’arlors, Factories, and Stores. For sale by c. w. ANDREWS, Market Square. 34tf Oct. 27, 1851. RAISINS AND FIGS, 1^"EW CROP K.VISINS, in whole, half, and i.^ »iuarter boxes. Fresh Figs. Pickles and Pruties. Soft shell Almonds. Filberts, Walnuts. J{ra/.il Nuts. ('ocoji. Chocolate. Preserved (iiuger. Goshen P>utter, in 121b. kegs. Smoked lieef and Tongues. .lust received and for sale bv ‘CHAS. RANKS. Oct. 1S.')1. 34-1 ni ?r()[)Os:ils lor Plank Road Coiilracls. ^^E.VLED PR(>POS.\LS will be received by the undersigned. President of the Clieraw and Anson Plank Hoad Comi>any, fur contracts for the clearing, grading and pl.-inking s.-iid road, and for the neci’ssary lumber and timber, to be delivered on the road. The contr.-icts will be let out, in sections of a mile or more eaeh, or for the whole road. Persons wishing further information on the subject, can obtain the s.-ime by ajiplying to the President for a copy of the Kngineer's Report. Prc.'os.-ils will be received until the IHth d:iy of November next. .Address, (post-paid.) THOS. E. 1‘OWE, Pres't. Chtraw, S. C., Sept. ^50, ISol. ol-tt Terr! Trul Tea!! t CHEST YOUNC, HYSON, 1 ditto Gunjiowder, 1 Catty Imperiiil, For sale by CHS. IS.VNKS. Oct -Js. is.'.l. :54-tf NO rin:. tl.l those indebted to me. either by note or account, will please call at the .''tore of Lawrence \ Troy and settle, as 1 am elosing my former business, and wish a ]ui-k settle- MUSIC. A NIAV supply of Ml’SlC, for the Piano M. Forte. Just received. E. J. HALE & SON. October 27, 18r)l. H ITS, BOOTS & SHOES. ment. Oct. 2: JOHN R. IS.'.l. TROY, Jr. .^{-4w Mrs. ni'A’II. lias njx'Hed that large and convenient himse, near | the foot of Hayniount, on H:iy street, j f known as the Farmers' and Planters’ Hotel, where she wouM be glad to accommodate j gentlemen with Hoard by the week or month. ; Families can be suj)plied with pleas.int rooms, j She is :ilso prepared to accommodate Travel- ; ler.s and their h"rse.«. Her Stables are .attend- ; ed to by one well acquainted with the manage- I ment of hor.ses. | Those who are .«o kind as to patronize her, ! shall tind that her greatest care will be to please. ' Oct. 27, is.')i. ;utf ; m.\nti:a-.m.\king & miij.ineky. \Vatch(‘s and Jewelry, At WholeNnIe and Retail. J. M. JiKASLFA 7'Ori.D respectfully infonn the juiblic generally, that he h;is returned recent ly from New York, with decidedly a large as sortment of IIV#lr/#f.v and Jeirefry. Many of these Watches were bought for CASH HY THK P.\CK.\;E, and can therefore be sold very low. He has Watches of all kind*: Cliains, Keys and Seals of all kini.ls and of the latest styles; Finger-Rings, Kar-Rings, Medallions, of all sizes, of Knglish and .\merican m ike; La dies' Chatelaines: Cuff Pins: Collar :ind Sleeve Huttons: Shirt Studs: Gold Spectacles, ’ight and heavy; (Sold Pens and Pencils: (Jold and Silver Thimliles; Hracclets; Silver Fruit and lUitter Knives; Silver Spoons of all sizes; large lot of Pocket Cutlery; Scissors, best quality; ISutton- hole .''cissors. Surveyor's (’’omjiasses and (^hains; Mathematical Instrumetits; large ipiantity of fine !ind common Pistols; tine and common sin gle .‘iMii di)uble-barrel (!uns; (Jame Rags; Shot Helts and Powder Flasks: Military (ioods, in cluding the Hass Drunt and the smallest Hutton; Violins and extra Hows: Flutes, Clarionets. Fla geolets. .\ccordeons. of all kinds jind .sizes; Mu sic Hoxes; Perfumery; Soap; Lather Hrushes; Razors and Strops; Dressing and Pocket Combs; Plated and Hritannia Ware; and various other things too tedious to enumerate. Call and give me a trial. Cash paid for old G«>ld and Silver. WatchKs and Jewelry neatly Repaired. Faifellevillf, X. ('.—Xorfh-Kast Vorn^r of Mark ft SjUtrc. 12-»>m] J. .M. P.EASLEY. AKi:v, co. NEW FALL AND WLNTKIl Ci^oo l>S. F'itll find Stock. 18 0 1. nOlHE Subscriber offers for sale one of the JL largest and best assortments of GOODS in his line ever offered in this place. He is very th,*inkful for the verj' liberal patronage that he has had, and solicit*! a contimniuce of the same. His stock h;is been selected with care, and consists of nearly every variety and style, from the best mauut'acturers. Ho has on hand and offers low for Caxh, at retail or by the case, l.-itest styles (Jenflemen’s Heaver, Nutria, .Moleskin, Silk, Brush and ,Vn- gola H.\TS. Also, Jenny Lind, Kossuth, Ar tist, Rough :ind Ready, and stiffened Fur and Wool Hats, for Men, Youth and Boys—in abun dance by the dozen or case. —ALSO— A very large supply of ('loth. Plush, Velvet and FurC.VI’S, of all qualities, styles and pri ces,—by the single Caji or by the dozen. —ALSO— Hoots and Shoes, of the following varieties, viz: Fine Wator-j>roof, tine Calf, _ fine Kip and lieavy Winter HOOTS. Also. Boys’ and ^'onths’ Calf and Kip Hoots, (ientlemen's Dress Shoes, of various fpialities. Together with an assortment of Ladi't, .Misses’and ('hildren’s HOOTS and .''HOF.S, viz: Jenny Lind. Kxcelsiors. (Jaiters. ditto Half. Buskins. .Clippers and .Morocco Boots. .Vlso. Gentlemen's and Ladies’ R’.ibbers. With a good supi>ly of Youths', Boys', Childrens’ and Servants' heavy Shoes. .Ml of which he offers low for Cttfh, or on time to punctual customers. Please call and satisfy yourselves before purchasing elsewhere. JOHN C. THOM.SON, Market Square. Sept. 20. IHol. 2Gtl m. >c rj'^HF Subscribers are now receiving direct I. from New York and Philadelphia, the lar gest and handsomest Stock of Staph' and rancy Dry (Soods That they have ever exhibited in this market. FILL l.M) \11\TI;R liOODS. WE have received and are now receiving our usual Stfick of STAPLi: FANCY GOODS, Consisting of nearly every iirticle usually kept in the Dry (ioods line. —ALSO— A KINE ASSOUTMKNT OF Fasliif»n,ihle Bonnets, I lats. Caps, lioots, Sliot's. cVc. "HThe above Stock we would invite otir custom ers. friends, and the j)uMic generally, to call Ehcoiu'dirc ?sorth Carolina, f A lITE undersigned is manufacturing, in Fay- ettcville, Boot and Shoe Polish, far superior to the Blacking purchased in the Northern cities. He intends devoting his wh(de time to manufacturing and vending this very su perior Polish, and calls upon all who think it to the intere.st of the Southern people to beconie independent of N«>rthern manufactures, to give him their aid and patronage. lie is prepared to show, by nhfolutf trial, to any one who will c.ull ujton him, the r>i;st supe- rioTity of his over all other polixhrf or hlnrking now sold in North Carolina. Call and have your boots and shoes once completely blacked and polished, and be satisfied. This article is otl'ered at a price not higher than is usually charged for other and inferior qualities, and a trial is till that is asked to se cure the patronage of the public generallj'. The undersignel expects to visit every por tion of the State to introduce his Polish, and , asks now in advance that Merchants and others visiting Fayetteville will give him a c.all. A. J. W(K)DWARD. June 21, ISf)]. 77-(>m I SALFM R\PKR-AI1LL7~ rWlHE subscriber has taken charge of this old JL and well known Establishment, and is pre pared to attend to all orders for Printing Paper, Merchants’ and I'aclory W rapping, S:c. The Mill has recently been thoroughly refitted with new machinery, and the subscriber believes he ciin furnish Papc'r of as good quality and !it as cheap prices as can be purchased any where, North or South. CHARLES E. SHOBER. Salem, .lune 7, 1851. 77tf ~ THE CELKIIRITEII lilcli lMTEXT COOKliVG STOVE. fS for sale by the Subsi-i'iber in Raleigh and Fayetteville: in |{aleigh at his Shop on Fay etteville Street, and in Fayetttsvllle u.t Sis. A. M. ('ampbell's. The Subscriber hereby forewarns all persons from purchasing any of thes- StoTc** from any person either in or out of North Caroliajf, ex cept from himself or his duly authorized .Vgeuts. He has purchased the exclusive right to vend this Stove within the State, and Y,ill prosecute any [lerson infringing his right, either by ]>ur- chasing. selling, or using, any except those ob tained from himself. J OS EP11 WO LT r: ing. Raleigh, April ir>, lb-")]. tJHtf lT\G(ilN(i ANT) UOPE. «UR COTTON BAGGING AND ROPE have urrived. Our friends can send in their orders, and they shall l>e sujiplied. H Dr. X. D. IlAICiH, AS taken an Office «n Hay Street, West of the Hoti‘1 Buildings. July 14, 18SL 4-tf D. LYMAN f!UK I!A N Sncccssor to Hatch «X' Biirhanky W'hole.sftle and Retail Dealer in tiffars, Tobacco, and Snufl’,, Keeps constantly on kand the above named articles, of the most jiopular brands, and warranted equsil to any in the country. Hav ing n>ade arrangesients with an extensive liouse in Baltimore, he will sell at Baltimore prices, »nd respectfully invites the citizens of Eayette- Tille and surrouiKling country to ,qive him a cull. Front Street, next door lo Messrs. Tol ley & Hart, (at the sign of THE TURK.) Wilmington, Oct. W, 18-'»1. 30tf embracing every variety of Ladies’ and (.i«ntle- and examine before purchasing, as we are de- August 18, 18-)1. COOK & TAYT/>R. 14tf 100,000 Acres Valuable T I M B i: R LANDS roil SALE. HE Subscriber has purchased nil the Lands belonging to the Estate of Abram Dubois, dec’d. lying princfpally in Robeson county, and on l>oth sides of Lumber River, the different sur veys containing or 100,000 Acres; A large part finely Tiniberrd, and convonient tO' Lumber River, where a large quantity of Tim ber is now rafted to the (Jenrgetown market. These Lands are very valuable l>oth for the Tinil)er and Turpentine, for which purpose a large j»art is well suited, lieirig in a region where the Turpentine yields incu’c abundantly thnn any other section of the State. The Lands will l>e .sold at a low price, and in qiuintities to suit purcha.sers. Information re.specting the title can be ob tained by iipplying to the Hon. Kidiert Strange, Hon. Jas. C. Dobbin, or A. A. T. Smith, Esq., (Attorneys at Law.) 1 understand there are many tr#spassers on th!."e Lands, t9 all of whom notice is hereby given, *hnt the luvv will be enforced against all such offenders. Application for any p irt of the Lands can be- iiii'.fle to myself, or to .lohn Whjslow, E.sq., whi>* is duly .‘lutliorised to make sale of the same. THOS. J. Cl'RTlS. rayetteTiITe, 5. f ., Sejit. 1, 184'). 7>tf 1 HAVE jusst reeeived from Jiew York, mj F.VLL A^D WINTER Stock of Goods, on.-i>tfng of a gerwral assortmi^nt of Dry Goods, Grorerics, Wardwiirp, fullfry, kr. I will barter for TURI’ENTINE, or any kind of Produce. Oct. 28, 18.')0. N. KINO, 10 miles !Vorth of Fayetteville. 4r>tf n ..p II hand an ans-.rtmelit of I'isk « 1 MLTM.LIC I’.rRI \L CAS1',.. been highly rec«>nimenileil b\'Willie -nm. Henry (’l;ty. Lewis Cass. Win. R. •Ill 'i many other illustrious characters, ve exiuiiineil and witnessed their utility. rL.t.VTS. ■ \ VK iiow in b’ioom and ready for delivc- . • -1 Truiic.atmn. T^'pe. two varieties. ■ : 'If (>doi a. , hardy. I . - iiitheniiiin. various coUirs. !. ‘ .ilowing m:iy be planted now: ■■ \ iiies. at 2o to oO ecnts earii, some of • 'II cultivation. Pear Trees, at "lO ets to i?l each, some '■■ive b irne fruit this year over H inch- ■ inter.nee. >r iii_e. :: t 1 (t per thon«.nid. for he«lges. ' • at ' ts. to *2 per hiiiidriHl. n v ', lit ^2 to •'jiX per dozen. I'. t I. r'-'-eive in a few days a large ad- • k 'f (irecn-house and Hardy -. Tri es. .\'c. c. Ll'TTLRLOH. Rowan st. ^ I'.'l. ;;.'-:^w FAIVIILY GROCERIES A N' I) R.>. WALTON has just rfturned from the North with a new and beautiful assort ment of Fall :md inter MILLINKRV, consist ing of silk, satin and velvet Bonnets, of various prices; Plumes, Ribbons and Flowers; Head Drcssc's and (‘aps: .''tr.-iw Bonnets of different quality and price: Inside Capes; Collars and Cnderslecves; very best quality of Kid Gloves: .Mitts, long and short: a new and elegant F.VYET'rEVlLLE I'ONFECTIO.NEKY. ■‘‘.'le of Dress Trimmings, of the most fash ionable kind, and a few handsome Dress 1 at- A XJT T^Ci TJA'NTTT’Q terns: watered and plain silk Mantillas; vel- ^ -tlxiXx. I I TiO X>XXX>ixXO, ;nid ("loaks: anew style of Bon- Coil/Crf iWlIC#*, i net Linings and Trimmings, of all colors; and a INFORMS the public, that he has refitte l his I ^'‘'*■•‘"'1*“^ assortment ot Mowers and Hc.id llstablishineiit on liret-n Street, and has on j Dresses hand a fresh supply of CANDIES, manutuctured 1 * resses m.ice in le by himself out «f the >>est Loaf Sugar, and w.nr- ranted tree from starch, tlour. paste, and perni- | cious j-aints. His whole time and attention is | now devoted to making Candy, and he is pre- I pareil to supply all ord*-rs with (.':iii'lies equal ; to any made in the I'nited States. These ('an- ; dies h«* warrant® to keep in any clim.ite; .md ! he will sell to Town or Country inereliants. as | cheap as good and ]>ure Ciindy can be purchased . in New York or eUewhere. i Fayetteville, Oct. 2H, ISol. r!t-tf 1 wis* Mnntillas and Cloaks. Oct. 14, IM.'.I. latest style; like- 30 3m >r Y)L'Nli NHtiROE.''. Apply to J. & T. WADDli.L. IM'.l. 2otf ri ve now on ■rtiioiit ot i i t"keep . !' nriioles. hand a large and good all articles in this line. II hand constantly a good so :is to i^ie able to snp- ■'it. - Families in town or coiiii- iii yoiir orders, and if we do not l".ility or priee, then we will make LAWRLNCi: & TROY. 17-4t More New G-oods. F1{K,I1 ARHIVAI.S. K li i'e just received the following urti- • ies. which we offer for sale very low: I'ork. .\o. 1, 2 and H Mackond, in '!! iml whnle Idils. ■ \v UMliital-- Ilf li-y ( V,,l Pi.sh. a, liutti 1-. and Wuti.T ('racktTS. k Xjci;, Li iii'iii and Siiir.ir d'j. 'I'-i-ii, Siiiiil, ,'',ilt, Jritn, A:o. LAWIlLNt E TROV. ■V. Patent !:i ;infe.>. I'ot \\are, I pper and Sole :or sale bv LAWiJKNCK \ TUOY l^'-^il. :;7-lt IV S'I’ltl! ACi;. 1 ive i-oniniodious brick tile rear of our Store, ii and iptlicr j»i j NVarehouses j in which we ; 1). odiice. .V W. McL.\rni.v. 37-tf retail and wholesale. '■’ 'il, ill ti) the rlieap .Store. North side «d' 11 ay >ii i et, fine door above the corner, l.M ii.w |(j-y (ifiiids. .\lso. Ke.idv-niiide ' Hats .'iitd Caps—great variety.* LAA(’ DODD. '• :!7-tf NFAV GOODS. fU.ST received, mv Fall supply of(.'LoTHS, ( ASSIMEUF.S AND VKSTINGS. TRl.M- ,M1N(JS. .VC., of tiie best quality, from Now j York. Also, the latest Report of the New York FASHIONS. I ptiil continue to f-arry >n tlio TAILOlUNtJ BLSINLSS. at my Stand on Hay street, and those who may favor me with their custom may relv on luiving their work done in a neat and fashionable style, and tin the most favonible terms. ARCHIBALD GRAHAM. o«t. 27. 18.')1, _ ;i4tf fBlHH Subscribers have removed to the new B P.rick Store, two (h>ors west if the Cape Fear Bank, where they are receiving their Fall Stock of /)n/ (iHnh, arorrries, Ilanhrarc amJ Cuf/rn/, nntf Vnjchrry. —ALSO— liootA ihh/ Linift/lntj aiul Rtipe, Fi.fh, uf illjff rent hhnh. In fact, every thing usually called for in the mercantile line, to which they invite an exami nation. LEETE & JOHNSttN. Oct. 27, 1851. :54-tf 11HE SrHS RlllKR is ie-eiving and otfers for sale, a well selected stock of O r oce r Lemon. Sod.a. P.iitter, and Water Crackerg, Pilot Bread, Picklcs and Preserves. Nuts. Haisins and Prunes, Tobacco and Cigars, On the most reasonable term.s for Cash, or on I time to punetual customers. CHS. BANKS. Nc); ?> (Jreen st. Fayetteville, Oct. 28, 18i'il. ;?4-tf | NO'i'ic'i:. I ^■’IHF, subscriber is now receiving his Fall i M. and Winter Stock of F.\N(’Y' and ST.XPLE i DRY OOODS; Ilat.s, Caps, and lionnets; IJoots and Sluies; Hardware and Cutlery; Hlack.snnth.s’, Criopors’, and (’’arpontors’ Tools; Straw Cutters, Corn Shcllers, Ploughs, S:c.; Ilnllf)w-warc; Heavy goods for Ncfri’oos, &c. itc. The aWive goods will be sold at wholes.nle or retail, to suit customers. We say nothing u- iiout how the above Goods were bought, or how will be sold, but we do s;iv come and see, ^SAID !■ J^epl. 2.”), Ni:\V FlUM. undersigned have entered into copart- JL nership, under the name and style of I,awr(‘iico A: Troy, For the jiurpo.se of doing a general Mercantile iiiid Barter liusiness. We have taken the .''tore, i No. 10 (iRKEN STREKT, formerly occupied by Messrs. John Huske \ Son. GE>. W. LAWRENCE. JOHN B. TROY, Jr. Oct. 22. :*3tf II. ltraii)«oii X M»ii OFFKR F(»P. SAU:, til HD. prime St. Croix SUGAR, 2 hhds. New Orleans ditto, 20 hbls. Retined ditto, .') '* (iranulated ditto, 30 bags iireen Rio Cotfoe, i) “ Gov't Java ditto, 7') kegs Nails, 3d. to »i inch Spikes, 1 dozen Knglish cross-cut Saws, 5 caiik,') Cheese, 20 boxes ditto, D» boxes tine Chewing Tobacco, Lxtra Wool Hats, Negro Shoes Blankets. Oct. 22. 18ol. _ 33tf TOHA( CO. ■ JRIME North Carolina and Virginia (Miuw- J. ing Tobacco, by the Box and retail. J. T. W’ADDILL. October 2-'), 18&1. 34-tf mens DIU'SS (iOODS, among which m:iy be found; Black :ind fancy watered and plain Dress Silks: black and fancy ('oburgs; Lama Twills: ■ tigured :inil plain fancy and black .Mohair Lus- j tres; Silk Warp and Crape P>rocades; .'^wiss. ' .Scotch and Chene Ginghams; Saxony De-Lains; Frcnch. English and American Prints; Emb'd ('ashmeres: plain ditto: cli:ingcrtble De-Lains: watered and needle-work Cashmeres; ehangea- ble Yoneses; Brocade Lustres; l»ainask .Eolians; black Bombazines; socond-inourning Poplins; pl.'iin and watered .''ilk Mantiil.a.s; colored and black Velvet Mantillas: Brocade Poplin.s; and a large a.ssortment of Dress Trimmings: Freneh and English Merinos; Velvet Neck Ribbons and ; ('uff.s, \c. I KMBK(HI»KHIES. ' French worked Collars and Capes; French worked Cuffs: French worked Chemi.settes; Cn- der-Sleeves: Swiss and Jaconet Trimmings; In fants’ Waists and C.-ips: Hem-stitched and nee- ; dle-worked Linen ("ambric Handkendiiefs from ' 10 cts. to $•'); and a beautiful assortment of' Veils; every variety of Shawls, embroidered and jilain; Thread, Cotton anti Linen Edgings and i.aces; black Silk Laces and F^dgings. —ALSO — Black, blue, brown and green Freneh and Knglish Cloths; blai'k and fancy Cassiincres: Cut Velvet, figured and black Satin .and Valen cia Vestings, (some very handsome: ] Sattinets; Kentucky Jeans: Twi>eds; Linseys; Flannels, wool ami cotton; Osnaburgs: Druggets: Damask Table Coths: ditto Napkins: Centre-Table Cov ers. verv fine; Piano Covers; Irish l.inens: Lin en L.-iwns: Thread Cambrics: Towellings: Gen tlemen’s .Merino Shirts and Drawers; .Silk Neck and Pocket Handkerchiefs: Ladies’ Merino Vests; (’ashmere and Silk Hose: ditto Half-lD'se: the celebrated Salem .leans, black and grey. Ladit's’, Gentlemen's and Children’s BOOTS and .''H >KS. Men's, Boys’ and Infants’ Hats and (’aps. Velvet, Satin, Straw jind Florenee Honnets. Ditto ditto fiitto for .Misses. .\nd every artiile usually kept in a Dry Goods Store. I firiT' invite the public ro call and exam ine our large and handsome Stock, as we are al- ! ways anxious to show our (Joods. Sts^ ITr klip Sitjitr, Tta amf (’ojf'rr. .VREY, SHKMWELL & CO. return thanks I to the citizens of Fayetteville, and the public generally, for the very liberal patronage here tofore bestowed on them, and intend, hy strict attention to busines.s, to merit a continuance. S. S. A REV. P. SHKMWKLL. J. R. McDoNAI.D. Faj’etteville, Sept. lo, 18-)1. 21tf termined to sell Goofis to suit the times. ALE.X’R JOHNSON \ CO. Fayetteville. Sept. 2:i, 18->1. 2->tf '11F. subscriber has just re- a suj'ply of IHIS LINE OF BOATS is still in success ful operation on the Cape Fear River, and continue to offer many facilities to the shipping I' TEAS.j (ircrn and Hlack 'fcas, public!" J i k/- Persons patronising this Line, may rest as sured that their (lOods will be brotight up with dispatch, and at the very lowest rates of treight. A. W. STEI-^L. President. sisting of Of very superior quality, con- Very fine “Hyson.” Do do “Imperial.” Do do “Young Hyson.’’ i Do do "tJoiong.” Those Teas were selected by a good judge, and are recommended as ‘•first r.ate.” S. J. HINSDALE. Oct. 11, 18')1. 31tf \VAN'Fi:i), 30()0 ft. .Vshe Lumber for Wagons, 1; to 3 inches thick. 30(M) ft. S»-asoned Oak Lumber, 1'I to 3 inches. 1(XH» ft. White ';*k aiel Hickory, for Axletrees. KMK» ft. White (>'kfor Tongues, Bolsters ami Sliatts. 100 Post Oak Hubs, for C.-irts and Wagons. U(MMI Spokes. For which the highest cash price will be paid. .\pplv soon to E. FI I.Ll'dl. M.ay P.', IHol. 72-tf TO wiNi: \f\ki:ks. ~ iT" K have a few barrels of tine old Apple Brandy for sale; such us those who want to make good wine should get. Feb. 15, Iftol. T. S. LCTTERLOH, Agent at Fayetteville. ."iy tf NOFK'i:. fB^IIE Steamer Chatham will leave this pTnn't i every Monday and Thursday at 7 t/clock,. .V. M.. (instead of o’clock as at present.) com mencing at 7 o'clock Monday 10th inst. Time of leaving AVilinington, every Tuesday and Fri day at 2 o’clock P. AL JNO. D. WILLI,\MS, -Vgent Cape Fear Steamboat Co. Fayetteville. March 3. w COOK Sept. ir,. 18.-.1. TAYLOR. 22-tf NOTICE. IT.VRIl vSi W ILLl.VMS have removed to the Store recently occupied by Mr. John D. Starr, one iloor west r>f Messrs. H. BninsoK & Son, where they have just received additions to the Spring juirchasi’s of .'^tajde .and Fancy IHIY (iOODS. (.'tuintry merchants are requested to examine our stock. J. B. STARR. J. .M. WILLIAMS. ,Iunc 7. 18.')1. 7-')-tf Pir m. The uiuii'rsiunrcl liavo rntorod into copartnership, under the name and style of II.MJ. iSi S.VCKKTT, for the purpose of doing a Dry Goods and Hardware Business, and have taken the Store doors East of the Fayetteville Hotel. J. H. HALL. A. E. HALL. T. .NL SACKETT, .August 2*i, I80I. lOtf E are now receiving » largo and well se lected Stock of .lonxsoA th at tlie Huske buildings, (Jreen Stivet. P. TAYLOR. Oct. 28. Car«»liuian 2m 34-2m ClIKCKS, ox ALL THE BANKS IN FAYETTEVILLE, Just Printed and for Sule at thiB Office. w DRY CjJOODJSI, (’oniprising every article usually kept in that line, together with l.jO Case's JJoots and Shoes. Ilat^ii and 4^ap«. —ALSO— A well .selected Stock of H,1RD n\lKE. To all of which we invite the attention of .Mer- chants of the intei iur, who will find it to their interest to examine our Stock before making their pui'chases. We will not be undersold by any one doing business in this place. HALL & SACKETT. August 25, I80I. Ititf D() M ESTIC¥. Little River Osnabergs; 7-8 and 4-4 Sheetings always on hand, and for sale at Factory prices, by .\S JUST RECEIVED and offers for sale, cheap,— 7o bags superior Rio COFFEE, 2r) barrels Offee Sugar, TyO b.'irrels Mackerel, Nos. 1, 2 and R, Loaf and Granulated Sugar. — ALSO— \ large assortment of Iron and Nails. Shov els, Spailes, Trace Chains. Shovels and Tongs, Blacksmiths’ Bellows, Anvils. Vises. Hammers. Pianos, Augers and Chisels, Files. Collins’s ''*Ugu»I lli, 1KS1, Hlf (IOODS. rBlHE SubtK-ribers are now receiving a well JL selected stock of Staple and Fancy DHY GOODS. Among their stock will be found the latest styles of Ladie-s’ and Gentlemen’s DRESS GOODS, together with a good assortment of Ready-made Cloth ing; Fmbrellas; Hats, Caps, anil Bonnets; all kinds of Boots and Slioe.s; (’arp'tin{i; 8addlcp, K’i«ti^s, hips and Collars; Hardware and C"tiery; Lea ther; llollow-warc and Crockery-ware; Loaf, Lump, Cru.shed, Clarified and Brown Su- j gars; Teas; Kio, Laguira and Java Coffee; Salt, Molasses, Iron and Nails. With many other Goods, which will be sold very cheap for \ash, or on time to those who pay punctually. We would be glad if our friends [ and J/nio to fBlHE Subscribers, Mail Contractors from Fayetteville to Raleigh, will commence operations this (hiy. with new and comfortable Coaches, good horses, and careful I.)rivers.— The Fare is FIVK DOLL.VRS—same as before. The Stage Houses are. in Fayetteville, the Fay etteville Hotel, in Haleigh. the Yarborough House; but Passengers will be conveyed to such Other Houses as they may select. The hours of departure will be, until further notice, at half- jiast 'J P. M. from Fayetteville, and at 2 P. M. from Raleigh, daily. The subscribers hope, by unremitted attention, to secure a liberal share of the traveL MURDOCK McKlNNO>\ DAVID McNElLL. Faystteville, July 1, 1851. 78-tf W ANTED. The Subscriber wishes to jiurchase 300,0o0 lbs. R.VGS, for which the highest cash prices will be p.aid on delivery in Fayetteville. DAVID MURPHY. Rockfish, Cumberland, Aug. 20, I80I. 15-f'im NKINi and \. McMILLAN have entered • into copartnershiji in the Distillery of Turpentine, atul h;ive erected a Still on the West side of the Fayetteville and Western Plauk Road, 8 miles from Fayetteville. N. KINO. ! JIayO.—71tf A. McMILLAN. ' V^'autvd. WE wish to buy 20,0(K>barrels Trrrpentine. KING & McMILLAN. EiK'oiira;;*; the old !Vortli Slwle. Akey, Siif.mwkll I'c ('o, have just re ceived a splendid assortment of Stoleiii Caxsi- were, black and grey, to which they would call the attention of the public. The.'ie goods will coni]>ete in quality and durability with the best of Northern Cnssiineres, and arc much cheaper, raii/ring from 02] cents to A] 2.') per ;ard. Faj-etteville, N. C., Oct. 14, 18-31. 30tf NOTICE.—All Accounts due the M erchants' Steamboat Company, for Freights up to tiie I 'ith iiist., must l>e promptly paid to the undersigned, as iiTOch time cannot be givea to the collection f the same. J. & T. WADDILL, late Ag^'nts. F.iyette^ille, Jan. 27^ 1851. ftOtf Mifl Stouot, AnrJtfjr Hnhirty Cloth, Mill Irons, Frntch Bmi\ EanpnK an>/ Cohxjue, Mill StnueSy. at Mn.nv facturers prirps. H£ subscriber? h;»ivi.ny nuide very favora ble arrangements for obtaining from one- of the uvo9t exten.‘-ive importing and manufac- tuying hou'jes in iliis country, ^’rench Burr, ('o- logQc and Eiopus Mill Stones, and the real An chor Bolting Cliith, ace bow cnablefl to offer any of the.»e articles to Millers of the best quality,, and at lo-weir prices than they have been here tofore fuTui^hi'd at in this place. \ saipply of bt'st Aaslior I>f*ltimg Cloth con- “•tantly kept on hand. The (itijility cf every article is- warranted. JNO. IE & J. MARTINK. Oct. ISoI. 28-1 ia‘w2nieow A psvir of + ft. '2 inch Cologne Mill Stones on harnl; and daily expcctcd. pair of 3 feet ti inch Esopus Mill Sti>nes.—and would invite an ex amination of thesu, as they will be found supe rior for Cor*.. T' T' III:WARD! SCAPED from the Juil or Kershaw District, S.XMUEL J. LOVE, who wtv? convicted for the murder of Robert J. J^estcr, at Spring Term of Ijiur of four-hotii*' Post CoacJicx, ' Court, 18ol. Said i-ove is about 20 or 21 > ears Fcu/rttevH/c to Warsuw.—Dnibj. Juue 7, 1851. STARR & WILLIAMS. 76-tf the public g^'nerally would give us a call. J. T. COUNCIL k CAIN. Sept. 1,1851. 18tf fBlHE Subst^'ribera having securcd the mail .1, contract on the above Line, will commence THIS D.VY, running a Line of Four Hors« Post Coaches, Daily. Leaving Fayetteville at i> P. M.. and arriving at Warsaw at A j'ast (i A. M., in time for the Cars North and South. Re turning. leave Warsaw on the arrival of the (^ars, say about 1 or 2 P. .M., anl arrive at Fay etteville in ten hours. Every care will be taken to render the Hue pleasaut, convenient, and safe, for Travellers. A Line of Stages will be establihhed as hc>ou as possible, by the I’lank Road, from Fayette ville via Carthage and Asheborough, to Lexing ton, Siklem, and Salisburj’. McKlNNON .*t McNRILL. Fayettevnie, N. C., Aug. 8, fSol. 11-tf 75 Hbls. No. 1 Herring. 25 “ “ 3 Mackerel. 10(J Bales Hay. 100 Pieces Cotton Bagging. ^ 50 Coils Rope. 200 Lbs. Twine. 30 Hlfiid. Molasses. 5 Hhds. Fair Sugars. £iO Bags Rio Cottee. With Alum aud Sack Salt, and (iroccries gen erally, for sale at the lowest market prices, by JNO. 1). WILLIAMS. Angusi 14, 1851. 13tf regarils his height, but jupposed to be therea bouts.') has d.ark hair, nnd of a s.-illow complex ion, with a downcast look: some of his front teeth a little decayed, and follows the occupa- rion of a Carpenter. 1 will give the above reward to any person who will ;ippi'ehend t’le faid S. ,1. Love and lodge him in any Jail in thi* State, or One Hun dred and Fifty l)ollar? for his safe confinement in any Jail in the Uuitel States, so that I can get him. JOHN INGRAM, Sberitf. Camden, S. C., Aug. ;,'0, 15>.jl. 20-6in FOR SALE, ONE lot of Land ci ntaintng 2 acres, with a comfortable Dwelling iloudc and Kitchen thereon. The above proi)eriy is in half a mile of Ko'oe;‘on Institiuc, Robeson county'. Also, Four Shares of the Capital Stock in said Institute. For furthar particulare, inqviirc of ALFRED J.'vCICSON. Cumberland county, Seps, 1, 3851. ISif I W eoa :?()0 CASKS LLME FOR SALE, .\pply to B. ROrfE & SON. Nov. 1(>, 18.',T. ;?8-3t llotelikisiwN Vertical Wafer* Wheel. HERE ar? several hinidreil of the,^ W heel* in operation in different counties in NortU Carrilina. For proof of their jreat advantages over the common flutter wheel, or any other wheels now in use for saw mills, we confidently' refer to those who have applied them to their mills. We can recoiumeud them particularly for their .superiority iu cases of a low head of water, or back ^ ater. We still keep a supply ot W'Tieels, suitable for ditferent heads of water, nt Wilmington, New- bern, W'a!«fring^on, F^lenton and Fayetteville. The wheels inav also be liad of E. Brevard, Lincdnton, ami Uriah ells, Petersburg, Va. l*ei’5*oiis wishing to obtain the right to use the wheels, will Ve served on application to D- McNeill i Co., Fayetteville, N. C. 1). McNElLL. A. A. McKI'T;L\N. D. J. .McAI.L^TER. Feb'y 22, I84fV. ;Vj-tf “STLrillllRBlfillORRSr Comer of North and Monument Streets, Baltiinoro, ^ISSON & BAIRD Laviijg comi)let«d tiieir ex- ^5 tensive works, (which is now ore of the largest establishments of the kind in this coun try,) are prejiared to fill all orders in their line, viz: Marble Mantels, Munument*, Tumbs» Grave StoBei>» Table Tops, Tilet«, (for floors,) Marble Letterb, at as reasonable rates can be had in this or anj- other city in the Union. For bennty of execntiou and originality of de- fcign. tlicir stcn-k cannot be surpassed. They would respectfully invite Arciiiitftf, Jiml'lfrSf Cabinet Makert and othei-.s lo call anl cxiimine before purchasing. They arc also preparel to furnish the tiude with Slabs, Blocks, &c. lo or der. Bgy \11 ordcr. b-, n;ail pnactuallv nttendet to. * ^ WRrriNG PAPER. M RE.V.MS assorted French, English and -Vmerican Cap, Letter, Bath Post, Folio PoS4, and Note P.i}>cr.-i—a well se- I lected stix’k, embrocing a gro!;t variety of qual- WEBSTEU’S UARTO l>ictionarv; ditto Octavo; Walk-! ity and price. Also, Bristol Boards. Pertorated er's Octavo; Worcesters, Watlker’s and I Ditto, Tissue und Drawing Paper, and Staticu- Wter's School Dictionaries, &c. , , i kinds. Just receiving. Just received by E. J. IIALL & SON. 1 Oct. 9. E. J. U.VLT & SON-