E. C. HALL, OF ROME, Successor of Hull, Sacked d’ Co., IS now receiving his Fall STiX’K of GOODS, consisting of a general assortment of Drv Goods, Saddlery, 1 lats, Caps, Shoes, Hardware, Groceries. A much larger and more gcner»l stork thi»n ever opened on the Kust side of the ('itpe Second Fall and Winter Stock of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Hats, Caps, Shoes, Boots, Umbrellas, Bonnets, &c., for 1851. ^TARR AVILLIAMS beg leave to announce W to their customers, and all those vi? ting Uhis place to buy (loods either at wholesale or , '■ retail, that thev are now receiving their second | Ops of F.iiplish and I rene i ina e. . ' * ffuppiv of Fall knd Winter Goods, wl.icli will be : ,„ost complete assortment of (.un fixtures that i sold at the lowest j.rices for cash, orontheusu- i has ever been oflered ni this section ot euuntr. . , .1 time for good paper. , ^ ! Also, Shot Guns, R.tles and Pistols made to ' We respectfullv invite the attention of Conn- j order or rei)aired. , •V tn our new stock of Goods, as we Uirtes made to order, and warranted to shoot | 10,000 SPORT^i^WEl^ j WANTED. The Subscriber i castixg^ of kveuy DESCRirxiON made H. G. HALL, Fayetteville roundry. of the most extensive and ^'«st ORDER. U^'tsT'sup^rtr qXvI'-^oU’s Uepcati^ | ^ lot of Rabbet ^letal f..r sale. and Allen’s Revolving, of every quality,—] .;w- | Winslow str^'t, bept. ^ der Flasks, Shot nnd Game Rags, Percussion make. Also, the Pall & Winter for 1851!! FasMonnble Jflrrchant Vailoring AND REAflY-)l,lDE rLnXlllNG ESTABLISIHIENT. BETTON’S whicli he is prt^Durcil tnul (Ictoniiiuod to scU try M^rcliuiits to our , * .• t i t i ^nicu pr^purta »iiu nssum! tlmt we can ottVr imluoenients un- | from one to tno hundrrd yurds. JOHN I). Wii.MAMS, Commissioit A* I'orirartfht^f • fierehftut, Fayetteville, W. C. Fell, l.'i, lft;')0. to punctual customers, either at wholes*l« or ^ retail, at greatly reduced prices. j B^^He would call particular atteutiou to hi.s i stock of ROOTS AND SHOES. The assortment | is unusually large, and of every nuulity »nd j style: and having been biiught for Cash, he c.an j ami will sell them very low. j You that wish Bargains will find It to your I interest to give the Stock an eiamiuation before , buying elsowhere. ^ .i- t Aiwa vs on hand, a general stock of G!{(> K- . ..r Get. IS, 18.M. _ I ~ 1)AIIA loXl’KC I HP, j A1ENI'.R.VI. assortment of (’0(*1’ER.S' , TOOLS, of the xuake, by surpassed by any wholesale house iiUhi^ town. Oct. 31, IH^l- olUf bc^t manufacturers’ Oct. 18. E. 0. H.VLL, of Rome. :V2tf M 1IA>T1IS, Cassiineres, uml Ve«'iings for sale 7 by l.EKTE .• .IOHN.!0N. 2 dooi> N\ cut of V,’. F. IJ.ink. Arey, Hliemwt*!! Al €'o. n.WE one ]>iece extra fine T-l black French CLOTH, to which they wouhl call the ntteiition of the public. Oct. l‘>, IS.'.l. :^‘itf DAIIA’ KXPiaTHI). TONS of 1K>0P IRON, suitable for I^pirit barrels, by E. C. 1I.\LL, of Rome. Oct. 18, 18.51. 32U’ .M S r Ri:ri:iVKi). MEN S and T.oys' S.\DDLES. of every V (Quality and style, some very fine. .\1- so. Rridies, Tollars, W hips and \N ugon Harne^s. J?v E. L’. IIALI.. of Rome. ‘Oct. 18, 1S.',1. ;V2tf Will he it ' ll lit/ the fli%( rise in the H'ir.r, TONSofSWEDES IKOV. hv O E. C. HAI/l Oct. 18, IS.')]. of Koine. ."iL’tf DAILY KXPfX TKI). 4 GENEK \L ASSOKT.MKNT of IIOELOW- W AKE, bv E. C. HALL, of Rome. Oct. IS, is'.r. ;’.Jtf IX STOUK, PLOUGHS and Plouah ('jistings. ('orn .'^hell ers. Cultivators, Straw Cutters, :ind Spin- ninff Wheels. E. C. H.VI.L, of Konie. Oct. IS. 18.',1. :v_'tf Watches aiu! Jrwc‘h*y. The Sub.':cril>er repectfully informs the pub lic, that he lias just return- eii fr.'ni the Niirth. with a tine assortnient of (iohi and .'Silver W A TC H E S ; Gold ^>b. Guard vV Vest Chains; fiold. Silver. .Steel and liilt Key.-; l$re:i.'t Pin.-‘; Ear Rings: Finger Rings: (inld. Siher. Steel luid Shell Spectacles; (lold and Silver Pens and Pencils; (lold and .Silver Thimblen; Rracelets: Lockets; Gold an 1 .''ilver Relt lUickles; Sleeve Piuttons; Clasj's; .''ilver Cups ; Music lioxes, .Sil ver Fruit and Butter Kiiivc-; Port-moneys; Pur- pes; a fine assortment of Walking Canes: Plated Cake Baskets and Casti.r^: a large assortment /•f tine and conmion .Vccorileiais: Violins: Flutes; Fifes; Surveyors'Compas«es: Ch.Min.o; Mathema tical Instruments; Ladies' Work Roxes; fine and 'ommon double and single barrel tJuns; Pi-,tols f'f every variety; tJame Rags: Shot P-mclies; Powder Fl.isks; Porcussion Caps: Dog t'ollars find ( alls; fine Pocket and Pen Knives: Scissors: Razors: Net'dles: Chessmen and Rosr ls; Hair, Tooth, Nail, Lather and Flesh Rrushes; Note Paper: Eiivelopcs: and a great variety of Faucy lioods. Alnrm, Khjht ini'l On'-iln^ CLOCKS. Purchasers will ](lease give me a call. DCT^CIocks. Watches and Jt'w elry neatly Rej>aire-i. t Cahincf Furnihirc, ('/lairs^ iV^*- j rW^HE subscrilier is receiving the largest as- ‘ -B. sortmeiit in his line ever before purchased ■ at the North, which, togetlier witli Iiisown m.ili- : ufacture, makes his Stock very complete, con sisting of '(’hairs, 'I'liblos, Sofas, lii'ilstt'iirls. Wash , St;iiuls, I>un':iu.>, Lintkino (Ila.'i.ses, j Si(U‘ Hoards, Secrot;iriis. tS;**. I .Vll of which will be sold on the lowest terms for Canh, or on short time to punctual customers. ,lOHN W. RAKER. Oct. 30, 1X.')1. 3.'.tf JUST KKCKIVHI), j .\ew' Fall anil Wiiilor f||inE subscriber is now recei\ing his Fall I i Sttick of Gootls. consisting in part of Sta- jile and Fancy Dry Goods, selected by himselt [ with great care, ciunprising all the fa&hionable dress goods t'or ladies’ f:ill :ind winter wear. -Vlso. Cloths, Cassimeres, Tweeds and ,leans. for gentlemen's wear. Alst). a gool .stock of P>oots and Shoes of eve ry description; Hats, Caps, Ronnets, and Vm- brellas. .\lso. Red anti Negro Rlr. ’ ets. Ker seys and Flannels, and a great vari^,.y of other goods: all of which will be soM very che.ip. Call and examine for vourselves; it shall cost notliing. W. s. LATTA. Nov. ,T. HlJ-tiw SN VlU'H(t.'', Pdeached and rnb'.eached .'^lieetings, for s:i!e hv LEl’TE A .lOHN.'^ON. 2 doors West (>f F. l>;ink. o Sjiut/ia' roo/s for Sale, (iiul SJiop for lloil. Tools roofntly used and Shop o«*- cujiied by .Nlessri. Mahler \ .''chwart/, on Hay .street. ;ire for sale and rent. Immediate possession given. It presents a rare chance for a good RIacksuiith. .Vn excellent Still Worm for sale, mlnpteil tv' a bbl. Still. An early n]>plication will se cure a bargain. C(KtK & .loIINSON. Nov. 1, oH-OW OrttH^es! OrttHg^rs! Oranges! "O S\\ EET oR.VNOJ'S. new crop, Ji. .lu.si received and f>r ;iale bv Air Guns made to order at .short notice. | To all of which the attention of Sport.snien and others is respectfiillv invited. ■,M. A. R.\KER, , Sv/n of the dun, \ Hav street, nearlv opj'osite the Marble \ ard. ! Fayetteville. N. C., Oct. (., IS'.l. :J8tf j The tlKttt^e has been made! f BUI K Suhst-rihors liavinp sold nut t!ioir oM j H Stock of (lootls, have tho pU'jisuro now of i saviii|i to thoir frioiiJs, tliat they iiro iio'v opt*n- in^ an tMitiro NKH .STOCK ot j iiAiiDWAin: cV c'rrLi:RV,| HATS AND SHOES, imroeeries of all l:i»tfls^ 1 .Ml of which we will sell low for Ciish. or ex- , change for :iny kind of Country Produce, or to i punctual customers on time. ! COOK \ TAYLOR. Sept. IS.'il. liltr T'().mim:titi()n di.i ii:!)! C/othinff: VUtthinffl OW receiving, flirect from New ^ ork. a su- | jierb lot of CI.OTHIN(!. made up in the mt'st fashionable style and of the best materi.-ils, consisting of black and brown Frock and Dress Coats: Cloth Overcoats: Cassiinere Punts, seve ral varieties: fancy (Jrenadine .“silk, !atiii and Twilb‘l Silk \ csts. .\11 of which will be sold lower than any coneeni of the kind in town, .-iiid if not as ri’i'resi'nted. the monev will be rcfiind- eil. ('all and sre. A further aildition to the Stock is daily expected, and ilue notice will be given. One door East of Cook \ Tavlor's. I .1. SMITli CO. ."’ept. •2-2. 1N'>1. -Itf i ,l\« \ll.\Ti;il liOOilS. E art' now receiving our Fall aiul Winter Stock, consisting of a very general se lection of Il;irtl\v:n’(‘ and C’lith'ry, Saddlery. Le;itli(*r, Hats and (’aj)s. IJoots ami Shot's, lrt)n. Siim I and -\ail., and Staple Drv (ioods. With ;i larire .^tock of GROCERIES, BAGGING, ROPE, kc. Per.'ons visiting this market to j.uri h.ise at i\e us a W ADI'ILL. Hav .•treet. March 10, IS.-.I. T. C. WORTH, t;2-tf (’(nniissKi.N' ;\\i) riiKwiiiDi.Mi .iii'RriiwT. W IL.MlNCJ'rON, N. C. Feb. 1, ISol. r.Ttf SA\ Aca: \ mi:aui:s, Commissiou aud Forwarding Mer chants, V W'll.MlNCTON. N. c. ,*U • 1 sco r'i' iV n.vLDw IN, (^SitrcfK.'r’m to Srott, Keen (^v.) I'dsfiioiiablc Mcrchauf 'I'dilors, AMI I>KM.K1(S IN (icnllmioir.s lit'iuly-niade, OF THE FIRST Ql'ALlTV. Also, a conipli'te assortment of Gents' DRE.SS (it)ODS. »ytarUit Strata .ii IIIs.oTT { \Vi I 111 ill'll on N. r. «> S lUui'wiN^ M iinini^H/ii, 1^. V. .Ian. 1."), 18.^1. r..‘>yp.l JIINlil'il II. ilKlSJiini. i:kAli vonii AND FORWARDING MERCHANT, ll*i7miii^'7oif, ,V. i\ trjr- Pronij’t personal attention given to all Consignments, and Cash adMinces made or; Mer chandise to be shipped or sold in this market. Feb. 1. l.‘'M- ''''y .1. i:. 'r()()Mi:u, f'oiHiitission ami Fortrartl- •lierrhant^ w II.MINC roN, .N, ('. lU t'er to H. Rranson .'son. > .McKcthau, Feb. 1. I'"I l':i vette\ ille. .N. this market t Wli.«lesalc or Retail, would do \^ell to call. J. \ T Sept. ‘Jl’. 1'^.*>1. L’ltf Nov. C, IS.jI. t H.VS. I!.\ N KS. Sept A 18.-.1. W. PRIOR, Hay street. "l8-;Jm II! JIcL 'juurtn RE now receiving a large »nd general as sortment of STAPLK AXD FANCY DRY (iOODS, JIAUDW auk C( BOOT.*4 A.\I> S10i:!S. —ALSO— 7-j l>ags Rio, Laguira and Java ColTe#, 1 • hh'ls. Sugar, T j pieces Cott'.n Ragging, •'^lO coils Rale Piope, KMj kegs Nails, assorted, 8 tons .Swedes and English Iron, •>•>> .tacks Liverpool Suit. ^yith Loaf. Crushed, Powdered and Granulated J^u^^ars; ^Jrocn J e:i; Pepper; Spice; Ginper; Powder; Shot; Rar Lead; Table Salt; Ihir and 1 anc\','soaj)S. With a great variety of other tirricles. to whi;h we invite the attention of pur- chtisi-rs at \vhol‘i»ale or ret.ail, h>w iui &uy titht-r houxe iu the plac*. D. .V W. McLAURIN. t>ct. *i, 18-’il. iJStf liorn'. An !/'.• linir^ f,'llh-:ijiir Sfri' f, Has nlwayii on hand a supply of lincoii, Tobacco, Flour, Suptr, ('offt e, To.n, .Molassos, Soap, C;iiidk‘.>i, ’otton Yarn, Sheeting's, ('uflerv, (’rockery, and (il;iss\v;ire. — ALSt>— .\ large stoek of Foreign :ind Doinc.^tic Ll- QFOltS, embr.iciug Western and N. C. Whis key: French. .Vopb* and Pe.-n-h llraiidy; .Tainaica and -N. h. Rum; Holhiiid (iin; W laes of diti'crent kinds. .\ll of which have lieen ]>uri‘hased low f.r Cash. Those wishint t > purchase will do well to call before purchasing elsewhere. Nov. 1. l.*s,31. 3»>-:’.m ~ TUrST SWA). Pl RSrANT to the f-rovisions of a Deed of Trust executed to me by Rob t Cochran. 1 will expo.-e to suit* at public Auetion, on .sj.-i- turday. the t)th of December next, at tin- Mar ket House in the town of Fayetteville, the inte rest ot the said Rol/t Cix hran in and to h Lot and inipr-tvenients on the W. st si le of (iieen Street, near Eccles's l^ridgo. and adjoining the resi>lcii''c of l)r. Renj'n \\. l{obiu.«;oji. Terms made known at s.-ile. W. .1. .\NI)ER.'sON, Trustee. fHvet'eville. Oct. .!(•, Ih.'*!, ,'..'>-ts W ILKINSON vV i:si.!:k, DE.M.ERS IN ('till fi rti/iiim i/, I'nn it/ii Fniit., Xitt, T>>- hiii-ro^ ail’I Siinf}. AND IMI’ORTFRS OF i*i:ieioEc EiwwA i'tu\ns. AT Wlli'I.fs AI.K .\M> KKT.MI, Market St., Wilmington, N. C. -\U- 11. lltf McK F/niA.v N. 1!. >'!'AKIii rK. Troff^ •'%'t tr lltO.N FUMH:ii AM» M! n n furlxn r nf Sfiinn M ilh nud /imh rf ill (ii nri'.i-i (ill /.'iiiil.", /'A,>///(,«, tf > . STII.I. continue; l:l MNK> NI'AV Ml Slf. TIHE Palo ,\lto Waltz, by L. H. W Iiitaker of Fayetteville: the Mary Polka, by do. Jlotli new jiicces. For sale bv K. J. li.lLE i: S4»N. T)N K ;r n()rsa n i T u a i "rsf H A\ INtf loeated myself in W ilniinfrtoii for the purpose of doing uJi Agency I$usi- ness, persons wishing to save t'uiM? uud money, will find it to their interest to send their pro duce to the care of R. Shaw, and the returini will be forwarded forthwith. RoDKRICK SIf.VW. W ilmington, Oct. US, liAC'ON w. undersii£n(‘d will make Cash advances (>n all Proluce for Shipment to New York, on delivery on V>o:ird .-iny boat at the wharf, or at my Wtirelioiises at the laiiiling. T. S. LLTTERLOH. October 2'.t. Is.jl. [ir,.:\vr HAIR FOU IM.ASTKKiXG, JI^^OR sale by Oct. 1, 18.',1. .1. T. W ADDIT.L. liTtf FaifftterUlc llotef, fayi:tti:v ILLE, n. c. rj|lHIS large and splendid Ruihiing has now been in sucee»>i»fiil operation since May 1SP>. 'I'lie IJedding and Furniture of all kinds »s new, and the r^ioiiiit convenient niid jilcasant. 1 he Ta),le is always furnished witli the best the market otl'ordai, aided by u fine vegetable garden. boarders, Lodgers, and TravelU-rH will find de- •sirable acroniniud.'ition^ ami attentive serv.auts. No pains will bt sjiared to give entire satisfac tion. 1 ?umilie>i can he rurnrh‘d witli large, airv, front «l«,uble cinv,-!iiently auij band- Bomely furnished. I An experience of 20 year* will enable the let- , fccf, she hopes, to give general sati«t,vction. ANN BP.OWN. ; Jin^ 1, IHTtO. ^ ~~T() 'viJi^vvniAc. ; ^B^HE su>i'icriber has leased for a tiTm f,f i yeai s. ol' R. W. IJrown, Es,., )iis fire-priwif ; .'“tore, with his Whnrves. and is now in n t-jmdi- tion t> take (‘^peeial cure of .‘spirits Tnrpentiiie j and other > Stores committed to bis cnre. | fill* Warehoui;^ in ^v‘ll known t/» be the best and hafest jdace in town lor the stornge of JW-on, l.nrI. ( orn, Pean, The lower wharves have on them lour large new HbelK, where Spirits can be safely kept from the rain nn.l sun. He is prepared to receive and si,ip. or voll. „n kinds ol y.roduce sent to his care. He will also make u'tvniices when ri‘piiretl. He begs to refer to the following genth'men- R. ^\ . Rrowij, .lolii, Dawson, O. (j. I’aislcy nnd 'Jlios'. H, Wright, Esos. AI.MANACS. fO'^rRNER’S North Carolinii. and Rlum’s JL Farmers’ and Planters' .\ L.MN.VCS, just received and for sale, wholes.ile :ind retail, by E. .1. JL\LE .SON.' Oct. 30, 18.')1. rOR SALE. 25,000 LRS. L*ry Hides, average lbs. each r,,0(K) “ “ “ ]o T. S. LLTTERLOH. October ;;0, :io-Hw ERSE VS, Sattinets, and RIankets. 'orsale LEETE .y .JOHNSON, 2 doors West ot C. K. Rank. FAI.L, 1851. JA.MKS KYIJ': Is now receiving a very l.irge and general as- •sortment of DRY Purchased by the Package for C,\SH. Those wishing lo purciiaSH Goods at reduced priecs, i will plt'avr aill and examine, as Rargains may ! he expe‘ted. ‘ j IJOL'l INK ('T/>TI1S, Anker IJrand, i from No. 1 to 1(1, uncommonly cheaj». j Df. 1‘ackages JJOOTS AXD SHOKS, ' chwj,er than ever were f(»r sale in this market ^ 4, 18;-,1. o^tf •cpi. 12 ■ IS MILKS CtiSTIN, Rrown's wharf, Wilmington, .V C 18.')!. ‘ 21 V ’ tohacco. ^'OOD STOCK on hand; and I shall r»>- •'eg’iliirly, from .Messrs. .I. .Jones it I o s l^actor.v, |ualities assorted from conimtiii to yiy fine, wliieh 1 will sell at lowe.st manufac turing prices. Fayetteville, April 3, Iftol. ^ COtf' Burning Fluid and ('aniphuic. BURNTN(J FLl ID at 8(» cents per gallon, (.'amphine at oO “ “ ** Rotb of the best quality, constantly on hand and for sale by S .7. HINSDALE. to carry on the C \I{R1 \^tE in :ill it.-j itraliehes. the OLD ST.\ND. He return.' th;i ik> for the i:'>er.i! pat ronage he h:is In'i-etnf.ire receiveii. ;■ nil hopes, by striet atfenti"!! to Ini.sint-'-s and a ib-sire t" give entire s itisf-ietion, to merit a contiiiuain-e of the Sfinif*. Having rccciitly ini-rcased his bu,-,;ness, he has on hami a ver.v ti'.e assortment of C'-.irriaut's. Harouelu'S. liuiiLM^'s, Ivockanays, and Siilkrv.s;, Finishel, mid a very lar::e .issortnient ef \Vo>k partly finished, w hich, f^r elegance of -iiape and finish, will c ’ni|*are with anv otiier w.irk. Persons wishing to liuy, wouM do well to call and e\;imine the work, as he is determine 1 to .sell LtiW for e.isli. ur nutes on short t’liie. 11-'/?“ -Ml W' r'rw Warranted for twelve months, and repaired tree of ehargc. .slu-uld it fail by bad workniaiisliip or material. [Cr Ut'pairiiiL^ taitlit'idly ext'cu- t d lit sb'irt iiotiee, .u very leas.mable terms. FaVKTIKX ILLK, Sl.l*T. '-J, I'OK 'rifi : i \\miKj{s~ 1^1 R.\W Cl TTER.s;, Corn Sh' llers. IlarroAvs. Ploughs and I’loiigh tivtureN of difl'ereiit I'utterns. \c. For sale t y .1. .\‘t. WAMUJ.L. (V;t. 1. 1>;',1. o-,f AND POliK. ~ •»I AC I K B: offers for sale l.T hhds. Racon .'^jiJes, irJhhds. Racon Jshonlders, 1 lihd. do. Hams. D) bbls. New .Mt'es i’ork. —Al.SO— 1 tierce Clean Riee, half libls. No. 1 Mackerel, 1 •'> half box«“i« R.-iisins. T.iberty Point, August ‘-It’,, is.il. K’.-tf €m(kk!x. I HI] Subscriber is now riv^dving a large ad- ■ -I dition to his .St(n'k, consisting of i Dry (if)ods, (iroreries, ( rockery, Hardware, Hats, C'aj)S, ' j IJools and Shoes. . --.\i.so_ I Iiollov,--\V are, I.oather, Wimlow Tila-s.s, | I Wliite Jjcad, Clieese, Slacken-], I ' C'ofUisli, tVc- tVc. cVc. , Which he offers on reiisonable terms. ' He olTers !.>r A.-ih* a hirgc stock of ; Foreign and Domestic LIQUORS, viz: ‘ 10(t bbk. Whiskey. ! oO “ .Kpide Rrandy. I ! 10 “ choice “olj N:*sh," .') years old. j 1(1 “ ohl Rye W hiskey. His stock of FOREIGN LDjCfHfS were se- , lected with care nnd are of superior ijualitv. ! They consist of— ••(iodard"’ Jtrandy. ‘•Otavd’ do. I “Ilennesev” do. “Old London Dock" ditto. ' Holland (iin. .Ifimaica Rum. I Irish Whiskey, j .^ladeira Wine, superior. Sherry do, lo. Port do, choice, (very fine.) Sicily Madeira do. —IN tJL.VS.S— Champaign Wine, of favorite brands. Sparkling Hock, in pints and iu:irts. Still Hock (b). ,jo. Limdoii Porter. ®ri>“'All kinds ProJuce bouglit at the Market price in exchange for (Joods. W. DRACGHON. _ Sept. 1, ^ 1^"^Ol,lOS. Travelling for sale by LEETE .TOHNSON, 2 loors West of C. F. Rank. I [^HE undersigned, as the ,\g.-nt ■ f the nbo^•e r>fabli,s|inirnt. will iirder any arti'!cs which ni:iy be w :ti te I. on application to him. The Si>-am MiiN la.inufae'or«-d )'V \lr. >tar- buck ha\e been tested. ai:d arehiiiihly a}«provcd •11 the Piaiik Ki'aiis a'Mint F i\ettc> ille. EDWI) LEE WIN.^I.OW. Fayette\ ille, .'^ejit. t, l llmf very . men. of the best qualities and most ajiproveu cut;—and we would call particular attention to : our l*iitt*nt Yok** Si'tuu Shirt, the be.-t fitting gar ment worn; and al.so the new and bcautilul style ' of Drawers, sold only by ourselvi s. j J.\ THE IHH'.SS f.'OODS 1.JXK. we arc ' prc]>iircd to show up a most s]ileiidid :issortnient of Cravats. Scarfs, (iloves. Suspenders, Night Caps, iVc. \c., in all a complete variety, latest style. Orn Mi:i:cf[ \XT ta n.oiuxc i>i:- VMiMEST is . onducted iiy Cutters of eminent ski!!. :ind all onr work got up in the best style jiossible. (Ireat attention )iaid to th(“ newest and most apjiroved fashions. :is we ]iut fuirselves in possession of the monthly Re|ierts, dircct from Pai"s and New \ork. Gentlemen visiting Wilmington will hnd it (juite to their advantage to call and examine r)ur Stock. Terms Cash, nnd all Goods sold at fair prices. SCOTT \ RALDWIN. Market st.. Wilmingtoi:. N. C. IScptcmln.'r 122, ]8.')1, 24-tt 'Via A' Sheet-iroa IWtre 31A V11 AC iOil Y AT WllOldOSAl.K AM) UF/i’All.. i\ T. n^aB^ frs OLD EST\RL1SHED TIN AND SllELT-IRON W ARE MANCFAt TORY IS REMO\'F.D to the .''onth-I!ast Corner of Market .‘''lUarc. ri'ady with the necessarv machinery and mateiinls for making I'AC’l'OKV DliIM.s; ( A.\S. .\nd to do all kind of work of F’.actories. Also. ROOFINC.. (M TTF.RINC. anl all kinds of .lOl’iRl N i. done on short notice, ainl bv ex- pericnci'd workmen. .V const.lilt supply of TIN kept on hand, at Wh.desale and P>eT:iil. ('••untry .Merrhalits and I’edlais can be supplidl at the ^cry lowest jirii'cs, ('. w, ,'.Nnra;ws. Sej>t. 'JX, lx'»i> ■'■.‘.'-V ft IWI'I.FS. — • Paieiit, Peari, and Fayctlc- X \;lle .Nlould.' f..r s.ile by LLLTE .V .IoHNSmV. '2 d>Mirs We.st of t . F. R.ank. HENRIETTA LINE OF IT- - rr ^«»trniia aiic! llonl«>, A RL all io :tt ord« r for bu.sini .■:>(. (Iiir Tow P.nlit"' ha\e been reeently rep;iii'ed and made g'od :i' new . V e have als'> adde(l n'i Fl.'it I' r l"W w .'er and ’’•ell ad:iptv’d to t!ie serxice. .'^ln- mill c-.ivry Ttm bids, hkti hai.di/e, and draw i nly '2’- inehcs water. Th 'SO favoring ;s with their p.itron:ige. m.TV expei t »S prompt and che.-ip .sei-v;,-e in evi'l'v particular as aii\ other Line eaii oiler. C.. DEMlNC.. Pivst. R. M. 0R1;ELL. Agent. A. D. \Z.\r.\. .\gef;t at Wilmington. Fayettex ille. Dec. 21, aO-tf 31 a r (* t () V V s W ; ;ind P»u;ri:v \DDLr.S and Rridle-, W hips, tor sale bv LEETE ,V .lOHNSON. 2 doors West of C. F. Han' |{y TWO DiinRs \»(ivi: iiiiiiii \ sn','s stiiki:. ravelille. .lan'y 20. IS')1. .'.u-l Vpd .^oiillierii iTIe* ^■^IIE .'subscribers respectfully announce to the citizens of Fayetteville and the .sur rounding eountry. that they Imve commcnecd the ':trri:ic‘ .^laKiiiu -\t the old Stiind formerly occn]>ied by .Sinipson iS; .MeLauchlin, .one door below A. .Mi'Ke-I than's. ' w here thev are now ]irej>aret| to manu- i faeture to order all kinds d' RIDlNtt VI'.HI- j CLES, from .a .''ulkey er Ruggy to a nine-pas- ■ senger Coach, w hii h, for style and durabilit.v, shall not be suq)ass«-d by any establishment in the place. They hope, by a strict attention to business, ajid a desire to ple;i*!c all who may favor them with a ivill, to merit a share of public patronage. I'Kiy” RI.P.VIRI.NG ne.'itly executed at short notice, and LOW I>R than any otiicr esUiblisli- inont in the jdace. THOM.\S V. WHITE. JINILS R. RAROTEAC. j Fayetteville, Feb. 17, 18-'>1. o'.'tf Cai’rino'o .^Iniiiit'actorv. i 11 T 1 .Vl'KS and \mericau Rivets, for sale by LEETE .V .l(»HN.'^ON, 2 doors West of C. F. Rank. IIIIOTIIl'RIi UML ^B^HE Ste:imer RR(>THEI{S !ind Tow Roats, STEVENs;oN :.nd DAVID LEW IS are prc- I'ared to forward with Df.si>.vtc ii, all good.s con signed to the Proprit'tor. The Steamer Prothers is of light draft, and w'cli suit‘d to run in low water. Slic ]>o.s.sessi\s power, and speed, and is admirably ailaptei' to towing, and can .accommod.ate about 20 passen gers. The proprietor contemplates running the P.oat him.self, and will give special attention to w.ay freight ami naval stores: to towing, and will al so attend to the comfort and convenience of Passengers. I'rom his long experience as .\f»ent iu Wilmington of the sevcr:il Steam ISoat Com panies, he thinks he can give satisfaction. To Merchants in the interior he would say. that all Goods shijiped by him. will be delive«*ed to their Agents in Fayetteville. His agen* in W ilmington is .lOIIN C. L.\TTA. to whom uil communications may be addressed, as .\gent of the Steamer Rrothers. .JOHN R.VNKS, Proprietor. May IT). 72-v LACKSMITHS’ RELLOWS, Anvils, Vise.s, Screw Plates, and Hammers, for sale bj- LEETE .V .JOHNSON, 2 doors West of C. F. Rank. ■Inly 1. LP..S. RAGS W'ANTED, by H. RRANSON i SON. 78 tf •Hcid.>ick" and other fB'^IIE Sub.scriber having t.aken the Establish- ' ment of the late .V. Simpson, (situated j opposite W. .McIntyre s Store,) intends carryinc I on the * - I Carriairc Manuractnriiiir Hnsiness I In fill its various lu-anches, and wouhl respect- I fully solicit a share (d'the public ji:itronngc. Having had considerable exjierience in the j business, and having been emjdoyed in some of ^'CW r imi ty ijlt'Cry Stdli/cs, the most extensive Establishments in New York and .New .Jersey, he flatters himself that he can ' I give general satisfaction. j He warrants all his work to be made of tiic I best material the surroiinding country affords, j I and by experienced workmen; and should any t ^ of it fail, either in material or workmanship, in ‘ i twelve monfhs from the time of its delivery, he i I will repair it free of charge. * ■ j REPAIRING done in the neatest and best manner, and at the lowi'st jxissible prices A. H. WHITFIELD. ’ F.ajetteville, Feb. 11, 18')0. 7tf I HOLI'], half and ipiarter RJils. and w hole I “ * and half Kits Mackerel; also, half hbls. ^WIHE Tndorsigned having formed a Copart- JB- nership to carry ‘n the Livery Stable Business, Shad, for sale by .^Gtf-j LEETE .JOHNSON, 2 doors West of C, F. Rank. and Packing Trunks, n OOTS and SHoi:s, Sole and Cppec Lea ther, f.ir snto bv LEETE .TOHNSt)N, doors Weit of F Rank. Respectfully inform the citizens of Favettevjlle an.l the Public generally, that they o'au be ac- coniniodatoil on leasouable terms with lloi'MeM, A othor V«|il(>l>s (it such timcii a= tlioy may wibh to lilro, by ap plying to the faiibscrib^rs. as they are well pre- )i!ireii to carry on the Rusinesa. having refittet A NtlTHEU lot of Williams’s Old Rectified *'.'*‘^*'‘*‘'‘‘"‘‘'1 ^he Estahliahment, with the addis ^ E WHlriKEV, ,jnst receivecL 'd some line Horsejj and new Vehicles, and are .^atinfied that tjioy vilu give (.atisfaction to i all who nmy wuti ti> hire. ! • Vnd {hf;r-i.'fore call on them to give ns a trial, • .1. W. POWERS. ISM. I HYi: VVIIISKICV J. ct T, WADDILL. *ct. 1, i8.->;. o-jj- lilanka oj all binds, For sale nt thig Office. L!jL> I /lUlih)lliTiiii 179 Market Sirert, B;ii.Ti.>aoKE. SCOTT & JiALDWIN, S Wiliiiiiistoii, .*¥. C., 4 RE opening dircct from their Manufactor,y, and from newest imptu tations, a large as- . sortmeiit of j Gentlemen’s Wearlnfi; .Apparel, i comprising every variety of P>usiness nnd Dress Coats.—Pants beautifully cut. newest style and best wt'i kmanship,—\'csts, a numberless v.iricty T.iFE i\srn.\xf rg'^lIE Undersigned kns been , JL of the North rnrolit,.. m..! ' I"*’*'! ran ipat annu.'i.] jiremiiim IVir life nu-mbersi";'' >1 of the North Carolina Mutual p Company. Every nu'nd)or f\,r i;,'"" ipat«s in the pfofits of the 'oni]ia„v. ^ annu.'i.] iiremiiim IVir life men.i \ •• ' U. M. OKKKLL, , , . m i of iiatterns, finest and medium (lualitic.''. Also, F()KW.\lll)I\r. rinnilSSlON MEKCII.WT .\T !..viWstvleof rnder(;annentw..rnbyGentle-; Fay‘1tfviili‘, IV. IIIE largest and only flL Manufacturing Whole sale EstMbiisiiment in the City. The capital and force engaged en.ablcs me at all times to offer to Country Men bants and De.al- ers in SHIRTS, eOLLARS. LINEN and COT TON DRA'WERS, gi-eat in.lucements—more than usual efforts having been made to rendei the (issortnient of these articles lull and com plete. The Stock on hand is large and well assorted for Men and P.fivs. ,\ll ordei s from the Country attended to with punctuality and tlespateh. I5em’miR'r the Name, and i\’o. 179 .lIar!it‘J Slrert. T. w. ri:tton. August 1'). IS.'iI. 14 yopd ~ \vholksalk Wafch and .feutlrv Slorc. L. H. CO., i hnj urfint, Miiiiiiliffi'ren> (tad JdhlxTf. of \Vutrlli.., Ji irih\i/, fflltl J''(lliri/ t/oofly, Have leased the Old St.-ind , f' rmerly occupied Jtv Me.«sr.-*. /'iixl mnirr !■( Chiirhx m.d Ihilth.orc (No. 227.) which fh-y are )nitting in complete (•rder tor the \\ 11OL LL WAH 11 .\ND .JEW ELRY lU'SlNESS, to be opened about the 2ith of .luly. In calling the attention of the trade to the new coiieern, wc mcnti"n the tact that we are associated with one of the most estensive .lew- elrv Manufacturing Establisliments in the coun try. whi.'h must give a decided advantage over :ill othe:-' in thi.s n;arket for sup]>!.\ii;g dealers with .Je\'e’r,v at manufacturers' prices a leatc.re in this br.-ineh of trade long since no? ded be- twi'en P.altimore and the Southern and Western .Merehants. We dcsiro to eiill partic-iil.ir attention to the W.-iti-h deiiartmcKt, v.hieh will at all times be sii[>plied with a grc.it :i^sortiiicnt from the Too.st ceU-br:!te l manufacturers, and kept in perfect running order, so that purchasers m:iy iit (>nce take tlicin. with a written gu:irantce that tliey will jierform correctl.v. This liranch of the business will receive the cspeei.il at'ention of one of the tirm. whose ex- tei sive and pr.'.etical knowledge of t!ie liusiness will, we hi>pe. give iis a place in the contidciKc of I'Uveri. We rctjieetl'ully invite you to call u] on ’is when ,on next \isit our city, e. nfidentiy i.'- Leving that an «-xamination of our (ioo.ls wlil prove to you that they are le tter styli i.nil che:iper t!i;in \ ■ u have e\cr seen in thi.s n;.ir',et, and assure you tha* no efh rt shall be nai ting on our ]’.irt to make the ar jixaintcnee tc'.p of nuitu.il benef.t. L. II. MILLER CO. Ohl stand, formerly occupied by • C.intic; I. Pro. ..v L\>., i'. E. crr- i;er of Cli!;rle. \ Rjilliniore .st?. R:t!tin;ore. .June I'^-'l. 1 l-Vo REl E1U:N( i;S: ■Messrs. Wyeih. Rluekh’ck C». Cw’sn. R"id T'lyb r .Limes Hodx' "' \ I’fi thcr. U':r»t .N; Rerry. Murd b, l'!.‘.T vS; I] .ins. .^te!!niann tV liiniicl.s. Sangst'iii ..V Co. Riirtiiiow. (1 >v-, n iV Co. Riely \ I’endleton. I'.shin.es iV; P.ailc.v. •J .hn .Nlurph.\ \ Co. Moi.re \ (iritiin. and ^cisiissser «C Q .. ca » ^ E* sr K3 e linioinus to or ftiore. niny be t . i ' r'U'i in cash, aiul the other half in a note at ’ Debt.'irs’ lives may be insund'l..' .A man m.ty wisttre his own life b.rtl'i,' benefit of his fainil,v. The livi s ,,i be insured. ‘ i,;,. This systr'm j* nipidly growin- i,„„ , over the civiiiy.^d world, it i> „ie. i ' famil.y. fora f=um annunllv. .V'''*'i vided for, afte'-. tlie death of its I'lej,,] ^ ''• exertions they nv.y have been depen.l,-,, support. It is II good invevin„.„( ,,j. even if one should live long iiftc;- t ik: ■ Life Policy. Explanatory i'ainphl(.,^ ’7’’ necessary Blanks, furnished on ;q>iili ••it;"' *' FayettevillT'. .June IS-'jO. I-'ire IiistfriHrp ' rg’^HE -ETNA Insurant Cor.j.ar.v ,. !• JBL ford, having paid tln' t;ix i's’p'", Revenue Law of the late l.egi.shitu-^ ’ tinne its Agency in r;iyett,vii],.. y..V management of tin- i;i'.dersi;.M;c.| ' parerl to i.ssue Policies of lirsm-aiict ings or (Joods, either in this Towi, ],art of the ,^tate. .,n jirop r npi.lio-if scriptiou of the Propc rtv. iVe ' The .ETNA » O.MP.VNV h.,s ),cc„ i„ ,, ahoiit oO years. Its cr.]iit:i! s * The Hon. Thos. K. r.ruei ('()srr\n: ifAi.i.. ( nriii r I'l itt .tnt anti (\ntre ^Lirlct , JiJ LTJMo/CK. fHIHE l.-irgest and l>est st.ek of RE.VDY- B. M.VDI'i clothing ever offered in Rnlti- niore. Dress. Frock and Sack CO\TS. all co lors. i{u;k1ities and sizes. fi-()m •'s-j .'►o tci .>.■> .')(l .niiil iipw.-iids. P\NT.KLOoN, at nJ f -i;-’ .'iU and n]>wards. embracing nil styles of fancy, pl.'tiu :ind plaiil Cassimeres. X’ES'l'.'s of every ^;lriety at coiresj,,,nding j>rices. Also. :i large assortment of Po^s' Chifhing. Importin','- our own Cloths dircct from Euroj>e, :uid ii’jinufacturiiig on the most extensive scale, enal.les us to offer inducements to jmrtdiasers not ti> be surpassed by any t'lothing I'stablish- mcnt in the I nited St.-.tcs. The proprietors are determined to make the W holesale Rooms the jioint of great attraction, and have now maile up more than .'iii.otlw (I.VRMENl'.S, from the finest |ua;it_\ to the lowest in jirice. In the Custom Department will always be found the choicest selection of Cl.t'THS, *’.VS- SIMIiRE.'s and ^'ESTI.N(^S. which will be made uf> at the shortest notice, and in the latest style, and a lit always guarantied. The one price system strictly adhered to. Pa'iiienibcr the n;ime anl jilace. t’orner Pratt St. and Centre .Market .'>[iace. H. H. COLE & CO. .\ugust 1-"). 18.'»1. 14-vi.pd 1“ -A iiiiil he still luilds that ofiie first Directors are still active ;ni.le:’ ‘ bers of the i:oard. It h;is m .•il! tii,,.., ,,,.. . ' the highest character for t! «- | rii li! maujigenient. and tor the r.hei-:,;it> v • '' it has ever adjusted its losses, l:. .1. iiAi.i: ,. March 10, ]K.;1. ' favi;tti;vili,i; \v\tfp UOliKS. ■ '' The Siil.scrihcr oilers loi- his interest, being one fourth f'f tl,i-•, ■' the above comp:ii:y. W. U i ’ Oct. f,. iH.'.i. ' ' fi^»I'E and I*aggiiip. fl ^ for sale by LiiETi: .(• 2 loors W est nfi\ p j; ,■ JD VCoN. Lard, and Flonr. f.j-v i.. LEETi: -V .!..ri\s,:v 2 d..ors W e.st o; c. f :' . w i{AiMl>(. I' \i i il - PIuc. for. „ V , From Manteo Paper Mills. l;:r p low by 11. 1H;aNS( \ V " .Iui> 0. ISi'l, NEVER RE W ITIIGf T i r. So eertain i» the f:u-t fhf(l I»r. i W. • luge w in rciie'. e eiiiblreji fr,.|.| iijive tlicin. that hnn^irv'ls ef (.miiii,- not pretend t : do without it. It i- : that ciiildrcn arc fref|nentiy pli\.-.i ' ral da,\ s. w ithout much in.provenieuT. v ;,• remedy has bet n used they have g'■:• . ■ • iininediately. For all liowel c :i.-' . : ■ Vermifuge is excellent, and it iit nli .j.-; : . oil Wfirui*. a? it often is. it V -. : onro. Wh;ii children are j'ule !;r hi.:.;,;:, tended with the r.sual s,v inptoms if ^ ■ nothing more is necessary tlmn te u': • ■ ■ ed,v a tew- times in order t'^ rc'ton The foiiow iiig stateuicnts ha\e .’u.-; r - ceivcd; .\:."ericii^. . I -; • .\s 1 have use ! Dr. Little’s V rv f.iinily. I tak* pleasure in sa.viiig I i.-.vf •, it to lie a most excelk nt reniCiiy f' r w - > on^ c;ise it causcd the e,\pulsiti« ■ : 1' r:. v :ind some of them were over a foot 'oii}.-. ..-signedj JONATHAN STANi 'Ki Americii.s. ]•!' Having used Dr. Little's VerniitV,.., I : enabled to sav. th.nt it is a vtry excci.cn i-.,!:- cdy to cure children of worms. (Signed) W M. !!. M FC V .\llgl!,'* ■ 'J Dr Little—Dear Sir: .\ftcr hriviiig ii-’ - ■ eral Vermifuge medicin* s. and ■ ■ withiiot success in relieving onr eiii d o' we then g:ive your \’er!:iifuge jo I'iui; • rcctions. whieh very soon c.-iuKe.l ;i. i • • of a large (ju.'intit.v of w,.rms. t';.:'!. ‘ cdiild get well immediate]V. ;Sjg„edi ‘ K. liZri.F. of H> US'>11 •' hen a child i.« loadeci with worn;'. ■ r • tratcd with their efl'eets. it is not ..in.i > - b.v atiy me:ii.s. to cive eiio rsel. I'Oe::C"' cite« too much .iction. mid t’getlici v''! ' d:spl'!iccment ot the weiins. ui!l olltn - ( hi!d before mud: el.se Cini 1 e doi;e for ^ the other liKiid my \’ermifuge is y erfect'- - .'aid ]>roduces no siiidi exciicment. is niiii ■ ' licstructive to worms, and at the same t ;:- : dually expels them. Talli' t c.^iint'-. Sc I ;. : - l>r. Little—Sir: In a few cas's. I lt:H' ^ _>nur Vermifuge to chihlren v. hen tl.ci piinv, bad hre.-ith, en!;irged :ihUii:.c:, t ‘ casii^nally, »':c., and the re.sult v:is, ' got well, although lui W(irms v.cre 'ii.-' ' (living this inc'licine oecasionallv. 1 ;i:: children more healtliy. P.especii'ull.v. (.'Signed) .M. T. il'H.I.i' The fac-simile of the signature of Pr. ■ Little will be found upon the out.'idc v.r:^' of each of hi? Medicines. Sold wholesale and ri*t:;il. by the I’pii r'-’ ^ nt liis Manufacturing Depot. No t M;.:- ' street, Philadelphia. !ind M:icon. lie To he had also of .James i iiiii. il' '■ A. Watson. Flf>ral Colleie; Tow ns':'i vV 1' lass. Rennettsville; Dr. P. M. I'ohen. : ton; C. ('. Riirbee. Rarclavsvillc; P. F. l'' Raleigh. S. .1. HIN.SD.M,!'. A:rent for l :i;‘”" VEGETABLE DYSPEPSIA BITTERS, 'IIIK MOST POrcLAll FAMILY MEDICINE O F THE A a KI Hsfd liy riiysiriiins of Ili?li Slniidin?. 1 h**«o nil rrmo\e all niorbid ?Pcritiona, pMiiix tljp tone aiMl vi^•or to the c oi i(}irH fi»i lily the s\ st«»m all future • OHM !>♦• tiikeri with sHlety. ut no time t’.itiuir tlie ]*Htlont bt-itiff ^rniefnl to the most deli, r.itp stoiiiHch, and rcni;irkal>Ie f«»r their cheerin^f, iiu i^iMatiiijr. fftivTi^thoiiiii^, :ind le^torntive j>roj>er- lu'.s, and *iu invaluHlile and s»ire remedy for DVSPKPSI V IN ITS H ORST FORMS. .M-io, l.ivc'r ('oin)>laliit.i. jHiindicp. Iloaitbiirn Con ti, onr'is. !-.pin'ii..vs. I)is.>r lci..i of Ilic Skill and I'.iver Ij.-ss of l.ow S|viiit», Neivniis Headache' I'jli.itatioii of (he Heart. Sinking and Kulb no>s el U Ht lilt- Stoin:icli. an.l all other diseatet Ci.ns,-,l t)» an iini.iirc state of the blood, Jiver. etc. wliicli '.eiid to dvliilitalo and weaken the nv8tein. * r i: 31 . \ L i : s iVhosiincr fioin r inorliKI and unnatural condition will find tliis Medicine cf INESTIMABLE VALUE. In AI.I CA,r, of (JK.NKK \l. DKBILITY, thi« .Medi- cine .V(TS I,IKK A ( HMtM : THOUS ADTDS Itaro testOit its elt^chcy, nnd tluMisanUs ntore arc now mid*'!' troatniuut ; ui,d u(>t ,iUQ chso of l'aj]iii'« lias J ,;t tiotn re)'oried Volumes could be tilled with certifioalcs of those whii ha\e been I'ernianeatlv rnre.l ’ ^ Call un »he flud ffot a r.ii.uuiing the ( ertificati's of I{pm;.rk(ibl,; ursi. jnd tlip lo^li fstiination in ^^liioh t',iij N'cdi.-.ir.i: held !ij tin- I'uMic I'lVss—can lju.l o( ti.t; licti Quarts ; Jjntj 5Q by I the !\incipn{ ^/,j. ‘>>*'4 statvx ih,;/ i’anodm. OOOD HANDS, at T-'. cfs. ] cr 1 .• the i^duthern I’l.-iiik lo'.-el. employment and cash privnicnl \'cckl\. quired. Apply to D. M. urn;. At the .‘'team 'i'"- ‘ ’ A. A. .McK!.i'iI '>- June 2-3, 18')1. [77-tr] IXvcttc';”f- C’.’irriag^rx aiu! rw^muTY-KitiUT Ciirri.MgeS I ";.;-'.' ' ■ finished, and on hand—eiLrhiern "I ! are Puggies. .Vll at low iiricc.“. - Ifini.sh. A. A. M>KI;TII\> : t^ept. IS, 1801. i A coon invksimi’M; : fsubscribcr wishes to sell one I'- ^ -■ the F'a.vetteville Water Worl s. ■ j of the present proprietors havii'g tiai»‘ t" - i their personal attention to the ] '■ I ' ''.'- purchaser can have the m.-inagcniciit ■ t ■ king it a valuable investment. Oct. 1, 1S.')1. K. J. ll.Ml- I frinco’sl 1.'2 Kl l. TllN ST. For sale by j Ni>vcmber 18.51. N V . «;oir« HlNi'D.V L tl. Iflnuk n (trrftnfs for snlr hcrp. TO c'o r roN pl.v.n'i i >Mi:CK. COTTON H.\(. 7-5 coils Pope, 2tH> lbs. Twine, Just received and for sale chc;il'- pj:ti:k p. August ir>, 18ol. HOOK JJL\ni'l‘V. Rw. IIAPDIi: has resuii'cd ^ • l^indir.g ]?usiness at the ne« dooi' to .Mr. iJeaHlec, .Icwellcr. w lu re lie oeive anl execute binding in any ,'t.\ lc ' August 1, I.KSSONS J\ Ml ; H' JI. VVltlTAKHK would / -Li* t'orm thoa.‘lti7cns of FMyettc'''-’' ' ctnit.v, tbaf he has .-igain coimrienccii .'0113 i.it t!it* Ptaiio forte. He u'turU"' I''' for thb htier.i] pati-onage Jieretofoie and luiiuM.y ooltcitu a c.muinuaacc tt>‘‘ ' • VII pittuc sie.iU Lo taken for the nd\aiu-eim!■ 4;ii pupiL T>i;,tructioii ttlso given on the (inii.ii ^ Pianos tuned ami repniicd io manncv. L. il. Augii'jt l [V 1'- J'lUX i:i)\v KDl I’ricc for tl paid in year of s e.'cpired. For the Vi\ paid iti year of ! h:is c\pi ADVKll 'jicr sipiarc succeeding l)v special vertisers ;; insertions i forhid. and (lo.-li F Just r N. v. 17. (0 Ttii: be of gre:it Whoopin: It is pb young ch'.l 'I'he medic; tion is ‘■■■Ui Felcctcl :iu (iccuracy a lienctit in For sah Nov. 17. Nov. 17, JJbert.v I'UK 15': t '11 Crack Nov. 17 lAVI ; IBs;-' J. ]\. t W 11 t 1 And until old .'st;mi .NKW .MO f Tttv. S form the i t.v, th:it tl I'lent. :tUi' it.s tiraiicl 'i’hey h 15 a:. I'rijm Ne coiisihtin Ch.th Cl Ula k ill (•'•ats, l.;ibr:idor Ditto ibh'. to l*>eavcr-cl iv.ry Dres;- aiK or i|ua f^aek ('oa pMllts Ilf Ditto of t Ditto of . Vesis, of et:;. V leui:i.t, \Csts;. of and i>ii .'^hirt.s, *.ler-.'sliii-t A jr lo T.iTIII In w.Hiit c:tll and 6K/rNF Mea«u * 'lotliiii'' St vie am Nov. 1 K opeiH'd i Stand, V. of ull Lii Sneb Kersev C;i|..-. 1; ot all s,, ( otlco, \e. .V,. I.umb acd llcc

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