FROM THIC RALEIf.H REOISTER. WmO MEKTINO IN WAKK. to a i>rcvious v;ill, a roppect- aMo aiul iiitolli^cnt innubor (»f the AVliigs of the (’onntv of Wake assrniMrd at the Town Hall, in the Tity of Ilaloigh, on Mon.lay the ITth iust. On motion of Maj. t’. I- Flinftni, the Hon. John II. HrVau was calloil to tlie ( hair; au«l on fur- tlu r motion of Maj. 11., Seaton CJales ami Alh n A(lanj> were re«jnested to act a.- Se- ^ cretan'o®. On as.'iiuninir the ilntie.s the ( hair, I Mr. l>rvan a^hlressoil the nu'etiiiii at seme j loniith, and with niiu h foree and elo«iuenee, with reference to the |>r.rjios».*s tor which the meeting hatl convened, and in relatit>n to public affairs generally; suhstaiitially as follow.': Mr. 1>. saiil that it was the riirht ai:d duty of the American people, or any p tion of thfui, tti asM nihle, wlicnevcr it nia\ suit their eonveiiicnce, and iii«|uire into ; and disi viss })\il»lic matters and the conduct of j)uhlie .''crv;mts. Our jK'cuIiar intcrists and duties as Southt*ru men demand a wise and prudent vigilance. -V faithful cnfDrcciuent ot the ('onstitution is !iecess;iry to our jirott'ction and prosperity. I'be I nion—tlu’ I nion contemplated by the ('onstitution—is oiir safety. And in forming an opinion as to tlie proper eandidatcs for tlie I’residency, these considerntious nuist largely enter.— The ijuestiou shouUl tiot be whether the candidate has been bt>rn on this or ^ide of Mason ;md l>ixon’s line: that is like “the stamp of the guinea.” Wo seek ti*r true worth in the man. In in}' ('pinion, siid 3Ir. IJ., and I have takeu some pains to f(vrni one, and tecl jjouie interest in forming a correct one. ^Millard Fillmore may be .vifely tru>ted by the South—nut as “-a Nortlu-rn man with Southern feelings,” but as ;in AiiKri«.,iu citizen with (.'oii.'fitutional print iphs and patriofii- feelinirs. ^Ve ou>:lit not and do ni>t rt'ijuire :iiiy thing un>r‘ in a t’hii't M.i- gi>tratc of tin' licjiuliiic, than that, in the laugu.ige of Ills oath, “he will preserve, jvrotcct and detV»»d the ron>titutiou of the I uitcd St;.fes.” and in the hmguage of that (’onstltutinn. that ••lu‘ shall take i .irr that tlu* hiws bi. fiiithfuliy cxeruted.” The nrdinary acts of C'nuirros are easily cutcd and call for n> extraordinary diplay of iibility or tirnmcss in the Chief Magi>- trati' in their enforcinient; Imt with rc*:anl to the act Ilf l'S.')0. eimim iily called the Fugitive Slave law. it i' nntorinu.' that it has met with vinknt oppusitiiMi. and that if has been assailed in >onie of th‘ .''tat» s of tiic rui«>n by the Tulpit. the l*re> and the denuigogne. Tlie cntnrei ncnt of thi* provi.'^iou.'- uf this aet, cnviiig ti» riri;umstau- ces Weil kiMwn, and which he need nut ,‘>tij> to detail, iiid demand a high degree of linmicss and iniral cmrage. ’I'liis de mand ha." been fully met by the prc'i iit (.’hit f Magistrate. His contluet has been marked by those tniits of character which d -ignate the Statesm ,n and Patriot, and phew that he is deeply imbued with the ])riniiples of Wa.'hington, and we. a> Southern men, slumld be un^nUcfui and dcticient in ju«lgnuMit and policy, if we did II it sustain him—,.uil that npoii the ph;in ]>rinci{>le that he is >inccrcly disposed to accord to us and determined to .->ccur«‘ to Ti.', our (’on>titntional rii^hts. He need not advert to his course in reirard to the infamous Chri.'tiaua outra'^e and mur ler. tiio atrociou.^ Syracuse robbery and aftemjit at assassination; even hi' political eiitiuic' udmit that here he has behaved iioblv and lirmly. He perceivcd that he had been feebly tissjiilod with respect to what may 1>e called liis f'lrcign policy, or. to be more ^'artieu- lar, it is alleged that he failed in his duty • >r has transcended his duty in liis conduct toward.' our citizens engaged in the Cuban invasion, and more lereiitJy in the Mexi can revolt or insuiTection. U hat he had to .say, now. in re:ard to this charge, is ,«imply this, that if Mr. I'ill- inore is wrong in this matter, then the "w hole policy ot our government, from its louiidatlon, has iHicn wrong—then Wa.'h- ington was wrong, when he issued hispro- clamatioii in 1 9ii for the of rii-. lojx-ing, on tht' j .irt of our citizens, tlio ve ry duties winch Mr. Fillmore .seeks to en force; then Jeffers'>n wrong. wIk n in he .sent a special message to ('i>n- gress upon the subject of tlu' i-xpedilion agaiiist the territory of a friendly power. (Sjiain.; by an illegal couibinHtion of j,ri- tutr and especiallv wr'.ing in > taking ‘measures for siijipre.'sing tlie.«amo.’ Then the act of sanctioned bv the sagacious M onroe, and f!ie object of which is to prevent these «‘X)M ditions. is utterly w rong, nrid a cru. l re.-rraint ufion the lib-^ Tty of crM'iders. Mr. ^^UJ liureii too’ Was emiueutly wronjr when in he is sued hi.' j»rM lamatioii warning all citizens engaged in heiites i‘(,r tint invasion of ('an- ada to ilesi.'t—that they nui't not expect the infcrterenoe of the lovernment of the I niteil Slate.s on their bidialf, but would be lett r’]>roaehvd by every \ irtiKiiis citi- ' Zen, to be ilealt with acconiing to the jus tice and pfilicy of the gnvernment whose tiTritory they had inva«k’l. Ind»*A-d, Said 3ir. !>., it s(‘eins to ijk‘, that We of ihe Sontij, th;ui all other citi zens of thf* republie, shouM deprecate theve visiouary crns.ides for the pnrjxisc of extending the area of freed.,m, it i.s 1 caUed, by subverting other civilized gov-‘ enini-nts and fratentizing vvitii stran'e ^ people, \vht> differ from us in all tlie essen- '• tial eli.iracterisfies of freemen, and some of' whom diifcr from us not sliditly too in tobir. ' ! ^ I'or ioiv;ht we know, a French or other ; liUiojiean Kepulilican /as he most ijno- lantl} call' himself ) might think our do- jue.'tij- institutions could be reformed, and som* might very wil-j lin^ly undertake tij perform his part in this bu:-ines.s as a political Missionary. He merely sug^^ested tlies;e Uiatters for reflec tion; lie di'i not wi.'h now to enlarge ujion | them. " ‘ He would say, however, with regard to Mexico^ that it v.ould become us not only :>s a niagnaiiiniou.s but a.s judt i)eople, to ’'Cut her with kiuduess and forbeurance, e shoiilil b- governed by the Jvoman niaxini, “,spar; the humlile and subdue the jiioud. \\ c have acfpiirel some of her most \abiable territories—it may be said that we pun ha.sed them: but in weighing out to her ilie purchase money, like JJren- ims the Oaul, we threw the sword into the K-ale. He thougl.t that .Mr. Fillmore’s fonM-ni po iC}' Uien was eminently sueli an to (En title him to our support. He took the Jili^-rty ot t« ihiiL' iiiiii, tv hen lie t),.. honor of being presented to liiin in August > 1850, that we in North Carolina would give him a fair trial. As far us regarded | himself, he had done so and was heartily willing to reconl a verdict in his favor. j As*to William A. Oraliam, he felt that it was utiuecessary before this as.scmbly to .sav any thing in his eommcndatiim. 31ost of «is knew him personally—he has livcl atiiong us—and the bt'ttv'r we knew him the more we liked him. ^' e have known him as a citizi'ii, a legislator, as the ( hict Magistrate of the Statt*, and as Hea»l ot an important department ot the I'cdeivil (lovcrnnii’uf. In all these various po.'i- tions, he has been fouiitl adc(|Uate to ami eminently (|ualiti('tl to discharge his duty. As a man. his ability and integrity are uu- (|UCstioncd. He is a true son of North (’aroHua and of her 'ld and tried lvevdu- tionarv stock. We are ,villing to trust him. AtU-r 3Ir. ]>ryan had concludi“d, Henry W. Miller, liSij. submittiMl tlie following l{es«dutioiw—jut'facing them w ith a ti w cbxjuent ninarks: As it is necessai'’ for the full and efli- cient organization ot the \\ big party, pri'- paratory for the important elections wl^iv li are to be held during the next year, there should be a •'ciii'ral ('otiventiim ot the ^\ hiir-^ ot the Stale; ilierctore I. IJesolveil, I' the Chairman of this meeting appoint thirty I)elcgates to attend sutdi ('onvention, in behalf of the 'nigs of this county. '1. Hesolvcd, 'I' eonsiih'ring the great importam-e, not only to our own State, but also to the wln>le I nion, of tlu* elei tioiis which are to be held during the next year, we woiihl mo.'t earnestly appe.-il to the Whii;s throuirhout the Staft' to call prini.i- rv lucetiiiirs, and ajipoint I K legates to said Con\(‘Utioii, that tlie views of all sc'ctiiuis may be fully and fairly rcjir.-.scnted, and that an efficient rrgauiz.ition ot t»ur jiarty may ix* .'ii'ured. .■>. Ivesolved. 'I’iiat whoever may be se lected by the said Convention as our can didate at the next eU'ctioii for the flovern- or of the St it(.—no matter from wh it ijuar- • ter he may come—he will receivi* from tlie Wlii‘,:s of Wakt' a /.ealou and united sup port, rei^ardlcss of Jierson.'i! j rcfiTcni t ,'and st'ctional considerations. 4. IJe.'olved, That we :i))>ro\e ni '.'t heartily the present Atlmini.'tration of the National (Jovernment, and we do not In .'i- tate to dei larc, that for his jirompt and uniform ef^'oi ts to ujdiol.l thi-.'iiprt inai y of the laws, to maintain the coii'titution. and preserve the I’liion. Mii.l..\ni> Fii.i.mmkk has entitled hlm.sclf to the conll lelice ainl gratitude of the whole n.itioii. Kt solved, 'i’hat whil't we rejanl the ctmrse of the ]>r» 'cnt Admini.-tration. in refi reucc to our cjoniestic ji-dii v. as marked by a degree of tirinin s.s and wi.'d. ni. calcu lated to establish ainl .'i cure the rii_hls i f all sections of the coun'i v, adv.uice their pro'}ierity and p« rpetaate the l iiion. we admire no le-.' the l.iitliful obser\;'.nce of all Treaty .'tipul.itions, the scriij ulous re spect for the ri;^!its of .>tlier n.iti« n'. and the l>ol'i. a\o\\ed. and abb' defi nee of flios«' of our own. which h;;\e eb,:r;o tt r./.' 'i it' Forei'^n I’oliey. t). l‘esol\,d. 'I'liat havin:j the nc 't :;m- ]>le a'snraiice. from his pa>t act:-, that Mil lard l-'illniore i.' faithful, lioiit't. i-apal'le and patriotic, he will eonriniie to ad- niini't T the I loverniu' iit upon tlio^e coii'ervati\e princij-h.', which r . o^-^- nized and c.'taidished by the Father of his countiy. ami which an alone in'Ure our pro.^jierify and perj>efuatt> our Free insti tution', regarding with }>r inptiii .'s anil tidtlity, tlu‘ ri-hts ,,f a’l M;tioiis, ;n,d watching with \‘ and ri pelliiiL: w;th firminj,-', every attack which may be ainieil at th- inte^rity and j.' imauenev ot the Cnion, without which our lil"-rtic' e.:i!n"t be jieipctnated, we are firmly con\ineid that his election to the I’li 'ideia y in l''.»'J will .-idv'anee the p>-ace aii l pmsperit \ . ;ind rcdoun 1 to the honor of the n ition. and therefore we declare ii;r dei iui'd jirefer- eiiees for him, for liiat high oiVi- e. (. licsolved, 1 hat we have '"en with gratification the high and jii't c'tcem in which our di>tiii;_nii-^hed f lbiw-cir'.zi n, ^VlI.I.I.AM A. (iUAII.VM, is lieJd 1;V hi' countrymen in all parts of the I 'nion. and it will be a jili-a.'Ure to Us fo ,'Ustain hi.' nomination fur (he \’i«e l’r siden, y.— knowing, as we have long kiio\-, ii. hi' .ibil- ity, his infe;_rrity, both j.ublic and jiri\afe. and the devotion to the jmblic goo.i which he has di.'played in every station he has hcretifoi'e held. Ile.'olved, 'I'hat wc\iew with th ' ul- mo>t ih testation, not only the lawless and infamous attempts which have b. en made in .'ome of the N-irth- rn States, to obstnn t the execution ot the Fugitive i.,,iw, bnt al- s.i the vioiafion in otiier sections ot' the Country-, of our treaty stijMil.itions with a foH'igii nation, by fittiiii^ out armed e.xpe- ditioiis against oue of her ('olonie-. re^f^rd- ing, as we do, all such acts, and the coun tenance given them, as the ofT'spring of the stime leckle^.'' and ianatii'al sj»irit, whic'li is steKing with tin* nio,~t unscnipulous /.eal. and nef.rious purj.o.sos, the destrm lion of fiur I iiioti, «ind tin* final o\'ertlirovr of uir Itepnbliean Institutions. lb ilesolved, 'Ihat c\crv olilij/atiou of p.ifriotisin and duty demands that the \\ hi;fs .'houbl unite, on those national, conser\ative principles, which governed them ill tinn s pat, of respec t for the laws, revcretiee bir the ('onstitution, and devo tion to the I nion; and we do not la sitate to ]uo laim it as our solemn conv ietion, that the faithful observance and execution of f(//the ]irovisions of the ('ompromisi* are ne ('s.«;iiy tor the seeurity of our p(*a e and the perpetuity of our Cnion. lO. Pkesolvcd, That the repeal by Con- of the Fugitive I/iw, or aiiV amend ment whereby it.s provi.sions will be ren- dere«l inoperative or ineflieient, will be a gross and paljiabh^ violation of the Con- Htitutional oldi^atioiis of that body, and will lie regarded and met by the whole South, without part}’ distinction, as nn nn- I warrantable, unjust and dangerous assault ; upon tlndr (' rights. II. KesoUed, That we hail the results of tlu* recent elections in Alabama, (Jeor eia and Mississij)pi, as strong proofs of the ivttachment of »ur jteojde to the (!on- stitutioii and I'ui Jii as tin y now are; as I signal triumphd of Pah uitlsin over Parti/: ' and we view with the most iiiHjUalified eondenuiatiou uud abhorrence, the dis- ^rraecful (’o.\litio.\s which were forme.l, in some of the late Flections at the North, to .secure the temporary success of Party, with that, unscrupuloa.-j and unprincipled K.VC'I'ION, wiiicli has been seeking by tlu; lawless att.-icks uj>on the ri;_dits and Dcuue.stic lustitutions of the Soutli, to v.eaken tlio bands w iiicli unite u- toi'etber. 11 it wa' I ' i|Ui 'f- linu' in and to alienate in afTcction and interest one scction of the country from the other. 1-2. llcpolved, That so long as Faction uud Fanaticism beiir sway or are counte nanced and encouraged by either ot the two great ]iolitical p.irties ot thecouutij, theie can b(> no permanent security to (mr do mestic peace anl hapj>iness. It is there fore the imperative duty ot all good men of political distinctions, and party allegiance, to unite to put down, and kec‘p down such tbreatc'uing evils, so that lawlc violence, and wicked and cle- si'Hiing combinations, whether uiidc'r the* guise of Si-cession or Abi>litionism, may no longer ib'gradc our ibaraet‘r, and im pair our ]irosperity as a Nation. l:]. KcsoKed, "'Jhat the fearless shuid which has Ijccii taken by that j'ai't ol the National .Judiciary, ri'sithnt at the Nc^rfh, in behalf of the faithful exc-c iition of the* laws of Cc)ngress, entitles it to the hi-bist commene"’ion, illustr.iting as it ,uhs tue truth of toe principh', so lirmly intc'rwo- ven in our system of (lovernnient. that an enliiihteneii alul inib'l'i'udint dmliciary is oiu" of the gri-at bulwarks of American liberty. Tlu'.se llesolntions were unanimously and by acclamation adopted. 'I'lie following delegate's to the' W nig State (’onvc-ntion v\cre appointeci by the ('hair, in pursuance of the first Itc solution, viz; .^lessrs. t’harles L. Hinton. John W . Harris. Thos. 1{. Hebnam, \N . 11. Hood, Sioii H. Uoiiers, Seaton (lah's, .Vilani (. Hanks. Jaccib Mor*h“c-ai. (leo. \\ . H.iy- \V H M1, Stephen Stephenson, Allen Ailams, Thos. J. [j-nKiv, Chas. Manly, Jolniston Ihi.'bee, W. li. H. Tuc ker. ■('. 15. H «,t. Henry \\’. Miller, W illiam LaW', \\ iilic- .1. Fuller. Iiob. H. jbirtoii. Alfred .lones, •Intl. 1!. Ib.rrison. Hr. Mont.igiie, das. Ijitc. Ilford, di‘., .1. (I. IJ. Koulhac, Maj. . lb •loues. |)abiiev ('osbv, i''. P. Norriss, .1 no. Pnmro.'t', Jiio. .J. Alet'ullers, Nec-d- hani Prici'. And du motion, the tiame ot the Chair man was aclded t> the li't. 'I'iic h ur being late, a motion ad journment was ^ubmitted. I'reviously to its being put, however, Si-aton (I.iles, lv-[. intr'»luceil the loHov\ing Ki'olution, as om* jiroper b>r tin' oe easion. anda.'a leeble tribute- to the laui'-ute-d ;,Uci dist ti.;^Uis!K d si'bjeet of it; K solved. 'I'hat tlii> ii:i e ting Ii:;' In ar 1 with einotioiis of profound rei:iet, of the de.itii ot' Hon. Kte HAi:t> Him.', vchieh oce iirrcd in this on 'b'liday l.i'f. tin* I'lth ill't.; that we dej-loie- h|s jo-., ,i' ;i j'uidic bere*avi iie.*!-;—one whieb ha' de- privi‘d the State i f oiie- of it' pur. st ;ind luo.^t eminent litizeii'. soei ’ty of one of i’' licst oriiaUii iits, and the Wliig party, to vvhie h he was so zeabai'lv and ';ucOr> ly attacdie'd, ot all aide* an 1 Ji itriotic advoi ate. Mr. .^!:lb r earm.'tly end 'I'ed the Ke.'- olutioji an 1 p.i'S'*d a fe.-iin_' eul "j-y upon the ediarae ter of tic* dec>M"'!; vvn iin iniiaously adopfi-d. 'i'he meeting adjourned, af'er ing the- ptlblieation > f tin s.' p;-oee the ^\’hiL l '‘“'I Stat-'. dNO. H. IHIVAN. Cl. n. A t.I.i N A DA Ms. » > >ei retaries. >t.A iciN ( I A1 K'. 1 / ■■ I iriiKfi.r' /I v.iiti, in .\t a nie.-t ug > t the* Whi_' ot' l’» u. iolph. ;i"enibied by proi ianiatii 11 in tiie eoiirt- lion- ' o!i rle- Irh !• v "f .Nov. nr ■ r. it b«-- ing 'rn- 'lay of ('onnty C 'urt. -1 .hn 15. lri'\. K'li.. was e ailed to tlu' e hair, and Altn 1 IhiWer, wa-5 ri|U-''ed ti act ;i' Seereta !’V. A* tl.e r iue--r i f the c-bairin-'n. H'-nrv r>. F!l; I’t. F"i. c xjil lined ri.e el jeet'of til ■ me I t iiir, and :it the l oiu lu'ion if hi' ri in.Ilk' oti.-red tlie following re>.ilution': 'I he W hig' "f llandolph dc'ire to i x- p; >s til -ir c- III' iirr- nee- in th'- r ent ne-ve- niiiifoftlie Wh'_' of (luiiford. :ind eo- op.-ra?e with thim. fir tl. ■ pnip.^e cd' •• renew and 'tri UL^theiiinii the* ol>l bond> of traternny. ot eon..i!l;!tiL' for the- com- i:i"ii '.it’efy. ami of pi-eparing for the i pa.^'.i of l''.')'J." 'i'iiei I f 1 e- it is le'-’lvi'l. 111 it they Will send twe'tlty cl'-lc’gates to the Whig S;.:!te .n\i n11- n propov,.,! to be le i 1 in (Irec’:;'-oroM_h on tile third .'''loiiday in I'l t'lu.iry next, or at sui h other tiinc’ and pl.ic-e* a- m iv be* tixc*l on. an I 'lid del-'_ra’. •- b-- appointed by the c hairni iri of tlii- me. fin_'. i;i-''l\d, '1 hat Miilanl I'jiiniore, by the bold, lioiie.'t. and te;arless di.'cdiar^e ot hi' duties, and I y the con-'er’. at iv e and national c-ondui.t of his admini'tration, h.i.' lulliib 1 the reejuiremcnts of his ‘-L^.eat I ilitf, and thevvhigsof Katidolph arc- wil ling ;id anxious to rally under his baii- iiei in the- Prr>iilential camjiaign in 1>.(2. ib-.solv e-d. 'I'hat North Carolina has .Mven ri pi-.ited m.inifi'-tations of fidelity to the gieat conse rvative* ju im ipb-s of the \\ iiig ]iarty ami ol devotion to the- I nion, audit .'li'- doe s take- In r “.lee U.-ti im-.l slee-p" she ha.' m-Ve-r bci-n nii/ht Itnj^jtim/ ov e r the liiurr thi- fre-acb-roU' embers ot' sec. -'ion and di.'Unioii. .Vnd she appeals to the* Whigs ef tlie I nion to that lidc lity and devotion, by c-levating to till- otfuc* of Vic e- Pre-side nt of (be- I nited States, her favorite* son William A. (ira- b.iin, a worthy son of a noble* .sir.—a gen tleman who has provecl haiise'll true to the ib'Volutionary traditions of his native State-, and who has illu.'trate c| in his life- ancl e hanvcter tlu- i|Ualitics whie-h consti- ! tiite* tlie gentleman, tlie scholar and the statesman. iicsolve-d, 'I’hat we have ‘(*n with deep re gret, that some of our big l.n thre u have be‘cn led into the bogs and sloiiLdisof All. litionisin, by following after dc-signinir and mercenaty guides, who have* abused and taki!ii advantage of their human ini- }tulsc's, liy ]irc.aching a false, niawkish, and ch lusive; philanthroji\ ; ancl we advise* them in a fee Iitig of political brofherhood, to come out from amongst such danirerons asso(-iatcs, and no longc-r liold comniunioQ with those e-inspirators against the i»eace and jieqic-tuity (d‘the I’nion. lle-solved, lhat the Whigs of Raiidoljdi I are I nion men, good and true. I>ut if I theii' humble; voice might lie heard, tlu-y i would invoke* the men of all jiartie'sat fho I North tv) bear it in mind, that the Union j niay yet be dis.solved by violence and fa-—that scenes .siniilar to en- ! acted at ('hristiana and Syrae, if often , repeatod, will reud asxuKler tlie boud.-4 of i thi.s I nion, ii.s did Sanip.son the v.ithe.s of , the I’hilisfiiic-s,—that there is a jmint be- I yc>nd which Soutiicrii endurance cannot I go, and that if there is not suilicie-iit of law-abicling fee-ling to put down fanatieism and re.'istance to the law, and rebellieui [ :it the North, the South may be clrivcn by 1 Geti. TTarrisoii, in the following year, in 1 TnK Man that STr.T rx Bu an electoral College of 21)4 votes, was e- XEtlsox—FomnL—Tlie N. V /Vow thi' Ph-iloffrfjthfil Ktrrth Amt^rirnv. Tin: I’UESEM AND THE IL'l'LUE. , ,, i i i. The fall electicm.s arc now over, and , ^majority of 1 i-. cot of the Mobile Advorti.spr writ, ' me laii eictinm.'i a C , 1 this recollecticjn in^]ure the party uoW. , have resulted in the apparent clef eat of the ehcrish imu-e ferv(*ntly than ever . ^ ‘‘ day a fe'cling of Idind desperation to pull ebnvn the pillars ot tlie Ainerieuu L uioii though we perish in the ruins. After some further remarks by II. H. I'dliott, E.-^ej. on motion of l.saae H. Foust, l-:sci. the llesolutious we-e umiuimously ado|'te*d. Tin* following are* the de*h-gates appmnt- ,,ur oppone nts liave* sung tlictr ini'ans witn ,.r,]i^rlitened repnblicuiii.'- ed under the first lle.solution;—Henry 15. prcmat ure joy, and that the victories which ],^.t^us abanbm all caus(*s Klliott, Esq., Jidin P. H- I*- | they claim, and over which tlu*y exult with heretofore done, for Foust, Esc|., Alfred Hrower, Col. Abram nuu li affected enthusiasm, are* conijiara- „f f),^, eountrv. Let us cast aside lirowe-r, J. M. A- Hrake, E.sq., .Jonathan tivc-ly barren. It is notorious, for exam- p,.rse.nal feelinjr wliieh mav in any way Worth, Esep, Jesse Walker, Jas. Elliott, pie, throughout the whcde S.uth, that the the Whiir «-ause. H iving eb>ne William L. l.cmg, Escp, D. T. IJlack, Al-, Whigs in solid column supi.orted the* rni.m meet ^.ur brethren from all exaiidcr S. Horue-y, Jas. Dicks, Isaac; and although in almost every iii- ^1,^ |’„j„u in a National Conven- Kearns. E.'cp, Hr. L. Woo.l, Zcbedee | .,;tance, Demoe-rats were cho.s, u as caiidi- ,i„„ .„„i eathcdic .-spirit accel.t as a Kush, James C. Wren, Col. Michael Cox, ,p,te.s to repre.«eiit it, the inflncnce »">'l \.;„,di.late whoeve*r is b-st Httcd to admin le.-^u lieu III eiie; ehcnsh imu-e tcrv(*ntly tlian ever . '•'"‘‘1’ 'Uy, Whig party. When the emibination.s and ^hose great principles which have so long , ram, 1 lave se(.n n,j ^,,,^^ ‘‘1'' causes whic h o]ie>ratod to jiroduce this re- ,7ur rallvin''’ crv, and whie b, this chiy, ^‘^v*.-pt the })ei-oon aiisvv. riii^f tij tl,.„ . suit are* fully expo.sed, it will be .'^een that thc"'weu-hl as the prim-iidcs of "'cr. as our oppone nts have* sung their iiii'ans with ,.r,]i^rlifened repnblicuiiisni and jirogress. J " premature joy, and that the victories which abau'lon all causes of dis.sension, “i-‘rd tlicr ..ri-ni ,,f , you have heard tlicr oritrni jihrase. It was in tin; ;rri-iit l!| liiot, ill Ko.'toll, about tell wua there—merely aa u .'pcctJti.r the honor of receiving a eh-x but (it rained brickbais at the toe of my bi- ot. ( hif> hte'd combatants, an Irishin; nunib(*rs on our side* secur(*d the'ir succress. John .“Spinks, and 'J homas Kiee. ()n mc>tion of Maj. Uuss, the' minu* of ’] lii> the ('hairmaii was addec.1 to the list ot f';n-c* of the uudoubteel facts which atte st eh b'lratcs. 1 and sn.'fain it. l!ut for sue h aid, Foote ()ii motion of Maj. Kuss, it wa- or-, wonld b.ive* bec-n be-atcn by ti^ousaiids in de-reel that a cojiy of the* jvrocc'cdings ot Mississ!]i]>i, and Colib would have liccn thi.' nii*etinfr be liirnished fiu" publication entirely prostrated in (jeorgi ister the hi. h trust.- in the Crc'-eiisiiorou^h Patriot, with the leiiucst that tlu* Hale igh llegistcr, Fay- ettcvilie (Hi>erve-r, and the other Whig papers in the State- publish the .same. On niotic.>u the* mee-ting adjouriic-d. JOHN 1>. '1 lU >V, Ch’nin. Ai.ntKP l>i{ovvi:it, .'^cc'y. view will hardly b*e .iu.*stione'd in the of partiality. Ae-*ing with these mo- tive-s, and governed by this discre*et jicdicv', the elouds which now hang ovc-r our po- li; horizon will soon di.sajijic-ar, and be* followed by a sunshine of bojn-, Avbic h will Usher ill another victory eve n more bril liant than that which ca!li*cl h;ui, who might we-ll be* styb-d the Hc-ro of Huni nii- ty, from the chapirrais of Mexie-o to tin; chie;f ni.iuistrae-y of the I'nion. fpiite ferocious, was ragin» .-I ........ .. peaceal'lc on-loojc.^ >f (royc*rnun*nt, ainl . ' , ‘I'M .. llwr ik ^ Illy t\ ill 1,.,. . Hi AN AMKltU'AN .Mr.lH’ilANT. We e-ojiy with ple-asure, from the* N.-w In both c:ise-s tin- old and re>gular Hi-nioe ratic- party lioininate-d candidates of tlie;ir own, who disavovve-d the ultraisui which bad bc-c;n a.s«-ribe-cl to the*m. In Jiciint of fact, thc-n, the .'Southern elections deinonstr.ite the po- tenev of W big jirincijih's, and may lie justly re*garde'd as so many triumphs gaiuec by the Administration, whose* nie*asures have* be-e-ri thus approved. So fir as the* South is concerned, tlu* HeincM-rats have illV j- n It the nation’s, he has long une|u.iliti'-il ho.«tilitv t .on loll a in.nisti rial luiii tioii; re-.spt-c table .\i.icriean> wim ^ oik Home- Journal, the .'ubjoinc-d iiofiec' nothing but the* honor c»f e-njiying oflic-e-s proe iired by the* vote s of the-ir po litical, ami which we-rc surrc n- de-re-d by ihi III ti jUdiiiote the* pc ace and We Ifare- of the* I nion. Ami when we look over the North, as it is s,-ctionally design ite d, what cb> vve be*liolcl.' ^I'lie- organs of the* Hein.icratie party c laim ti have* achieve'.1 ;in e-xtraordi- n.try triumph in (Hiio; and they n-joice- ovc-r it as an e‘vide-nc-c* of tin- growing fivor of wliat i.s calb-.l their jmliey. The* .'''.lutlie rn pap-rs in this inte-re.'t e-e ho the shouts ot victory, arel tin* Welkin is made- to ring, as if tin- I iiion lie-. ;i ju.'t rescued fioin its last ;ind most terribh- jteril. But, b t 11- a'k, who has lieen e lect ed tln-re-'/ (love-ruor Woo.j, is th»* answer; a UKiii who recoinmeinled fo tiie- t.ivoi id the .Vbolitioni'ts by jnoe-laiming the* Fugitive .''l;!Ve L.iw, ami tiy .ijjeii opposition to tin* ('.nn- promise- iin-.i'Ui.s. upon the- fiithful ob- servane.'of wbie-li. Wc* are told by th'-s.- jubilant dee laim.-rs, tin* ' -.‘'i tv «if tlu- U -- pilblie- dept lids. ."^O muc h for ()ilio. If We- turn t'l .^las'aclius. ;t'. a e-oalitioii be-- twi-en the I >. ni.M r,it.' ami b'ree- S.nle rs is wiiue.'sed, wiiie h brands with lastintr dis- irraee* all the* p.trti(-s to iln- e-onipact. 'i'li.-\ n. ininally '*parate l in 'oine-i|U;!rte-rs. it i' tru'-; but that w.c' a sc In ni*-to e olle-et ui 'rc- individiial 'trenirth. and t.» de-fe-at .in e-b-c- tion liy the p.-opb-. s.. that tln-v might unite* alt. rwards aii'l r*-cle*ct (ioy. lloutwiil by tin- .'.line -,ort of 'oarg.iin which some- pm- polnh-iaii' c.iiisuiiim ;te.-d I" for.-. To c tl.-. t tliis pnrp"- '. tli.-y imp*'rte.| J. !!. (Ii.ldiiiiT' from (>hio, an-1 the l-’ree S"iler' !"Ue.l cje ulai.' c tifreal:!:_' vot. is, w In-ft- the-y coul'l not e l.-i t a m inber to the Iie- gi bitiir.- of their own faith. ti conc entrate- up.iii the 1 (. moe-ratic noniitn-c*. Ve t t!iis will tie c laim."l a' a victorv of the- N'.’ioii- ;il i'- inocraev. In New Vork. tin- opp i'- ing vvin^' ot th>- party, led on by ^iarey and \’an Huri n. o.iie'c.-.l f..r tin* 'p.iil>, and i-f i'it,,! a le.ointi.m in their C-'iive ii- tioii sust.iining the Conipromisi-. ]f tliey have- sUcce-e-ib 'i. as n VV seellls pro’.'able. the* (irLMiis wdl linzz.i witii lu'tv lun;:s that the* N.itioii il I>eUio»-racy have aehii Ve-d another triumph. In thin State*, wh.-r.- Wiliii ot ami hi' follo-.vers—the pe’iuie h-ad- e-r' .ind m.inag. rs of the* Abolition mov»- nieiit — Wire publie ly bouj^ht, bv i^gular nomination' for loe-al office's, t.i i-.^bine with the s.i-ealled N.ilional 1 )e in le rat'; and w he*re; the*!i!ate- sto.i l, ami .'till stands, on the ri*eord a> a .'iinp utc-r of tln- N\ ilniot pro\ i.'o, vvliu h vot,- he- has in no torni, and in no nianm r. n pudiated. tln- sin I e S' of ('id. J5igb-r, v\,is accom- plish. d by this inilue.-nce-, by a i"Ui-, and by a dcspie-able defection in tln- \\ hiir |Mi rv. isabsct herahied as the triumph .•t tie- National 1 )e-mK-racy. And the* '.line iiiu.irks would also aj'ply to other State '. it thu- app.-ars tliat the oleclioiis in tlie North, vvliieii have re-sulte'd in favor cd‘our oi.poneiits. have b‘e-n oce-asioiie'd by cor rupt coalitions, in c-ve-ry instance*, with tlu- .ivovvc'd eiic-mie-sof the v\ r\ im asun*s wliieh th e-ir leading pre-ssc?* now proclaim a h iv- iiig bc'eii tile issui-s in the' canvass. I’roiu i'C'ginning t • eml it was a .'-yste in of cun ningly cleviM*d fraud, out of whic h a terri ble* re*action must grow. In the* cities shoute'd I'lr the* comproniise*. Here I>ij;l. r de i laiuic'd, in his fet-bh* wav, for maintaining it: while- in 'rowamhi, sji.-ak- ing from the- saim* stand with D.ivid Wil- niot, he decl;irt*d it to be ;i “e-o||aferal is sue,” not iuvolve.'d, directly or indire-ctly, in the c.invass, and justified himsc'lf for its supjiort, be'eause it would arrest tin* further spre ad of slave ry. Hy ar!.', cleviecs !iml double clealing, the iieople ed’ I’e-nn- .sylvania were* be trayed into the e lection of of an ..Vme-rie-.-in citize'ii residing abroad, who is an honor to lus country, ami of whom eve*ry countryman is justly proud; ^l/i 1)1' i'n'HI .)!i’i'i'li1IIf.— I he tame of the priiie-ely .'jiirit ami .-plendid ho.'pitality ofdi-ortre Peabody has now gone abroai into all lands, and the distinction witli vvhie h he c.iu-ed the 4th of Julv' to be piii)- licly honore d in London, by a comnnmo- ration which involved an iinglisli tribute* as well as an .Vnie*rican one* t-» tin* dignity of the* aiinivi'ivary, has gaim d for him the resiiectand este-e in of his eou itryun ii iii ev.iy pirt of the I'nioii. lint to tlio>e- vvlio hav c* V i'ite-1 L'Uidoii w ithin the bi't fi-vv vi'ais tln-re is n ithing in the ba.'t new in this m.iiiifcst.ition of Mr. i’eabiHly’.' li able- liberality or warm national I’eeling. .''iiiallv, thoii-h ii-it jiolitieally, and at hi.' OVV n e-i .st, p. ri 1 in -'1 in receiviiiLr all ajip-.arcei in tiiat city, whether they prc- '(■iite-ei auv claims upon his notic e- or not, 'hovviii:.r th' III suli't.intial kindn-. s', ;iiid atbirding th ili valuable facibtie-s tor seeing and e-nj'iyiug all tU.-it wa:? UM.-t worthy of rei_Mrd. His treejUent e-nte rtainm. nts to li!s e-ountrym- tl h.ive bce.:i the ino't liixd- rious and d> lightful b.imjii. is that the mo.'t ge n. roll'an-1 skilt'ul h-i.'t eve r arrang ed. He has not only b.-e-n accU'tomc*d to renlc-r inip u tant soe-ial .se-r* i es to .^ine r;- e-aiis, w iio but tor him mi-^bt have- lae kv-d .-ill .is-;~tan e in tie- ne-ti p-di.', but he Ini' oil m -;.- than on.* iM-.-a-mn pr ifi. t".l and proiiMied .\ni* inte-rc-'t' >n tin- m-ist sij^nal and >■}} . tive way. Hi' iiiieive nti. n in aid f .Vm- rieaii credit, ,it th.- tim.- our ' c urit iv’.' b.-e .line lb Jireelate-d in Kui^lalld. is well le-ui lui.e red; and. in a la!.- iii'taiiee. hi.' prompt and gem roU''-It-cxp I'urc and cxpcmb;aie- t'..r the nation,il !n-n. fit n-'c u- e 1 the i i.iintry ti-nn ope n di'-r:o e. .iinl pn '• iit.-d all example- 't patriof.e- e..u«iuct with v.iiie h tin- nigirar.ilin. .'s, jmblie ami private, lii'plave i in this c-iuntrv. stamls in a l.'Uia! euutr.i.'t. it i' to .'ir. ii.-orje P.-ab' ly that our produ. tions are indebt ed f-r being in the Exhibiti.'ii at all.— \\ in n th. v We re- land, d ther ■ from the .'*t. L.ewii-m-e. t'.o j*e-euniary j-ro\i-iou eve-r lial be-e-n III l ie- for til.* e-Xpe' i f '• tiiiig rli- 111 nji in the bnil.iing. ,^lr. Pea- I'o.’iy ealb o at the pbie.-. an-1. tin.ling that not;iin-_' wa' dom- t i e't.ibb'h the Ain- ri- article' in the ir plae-c', iiHjniri d the r.-.i' III. and was told that there Were no tumis tor the purp--se. Hreplied lie W' 111 1 him.'elf a lv.-i:ee vvh;ii.-ver amount might I in-c. '.'.irv fir tin ed j.-et, aii-l .it oil. e furni.'b. i! t w.. tiiousan.l ji 'iin is. w ith- out ;inv 'eiiirity at al!. tiii'ling to the di-ce-m y i f C.,ii;.rre.'.' to take- prope-r ;icfieiii in the- matte r, aii-l e b o^mg to pay ibe- 111' ncy tVeiiii 111' own ]'.>eke t rathe r than to allow the coiintrv to I e* eiis^.iaccd. The .rO'titution of this 'i>ni. aeeonipani.-.l by s 'U;.- .ippropi iatc- ai knovvh-dgnn-nt of tiie nati -:i..l n 'pe e t, .'houl.l form one e.f the- lir.'t e!;.;ii s ot'the* m-xt CoiiLrie. '. 1 1'hc! Hungarians who (.iine over in tin* Mississippi, an* now at the* Irving House*, and will n-maiii tiie-ic* until the- arrival of Kctssuth, now on his way from Ihigh.nd. 'I’ln* iiK'st of this p.-irty will rem.iin in the country, ;ind :in* desirous t«i obtain e-ni- ploynn nt. Some- of them are* farnn rs, some* cif the-in euginee-rs, aii-l eithe:rs of va rious oe-eupations. It is to be rtnnmbere'l lhat most of these unbirtunate men an- poor and elepen'b-nt, and tln-y must live e-ithe-r upon tin* fruits of tln-ir ov»u lab'ir. which tin y m-i>t dc-.'ire. or up-.n charity. A', y. A’xy./ I hs/rii-' f'li/ Af'r'rni/. — di.'urac*i*ful af fray oeeurn-d ;it Pittsburir between tic-s of lui-n. rebitiv t* to the* posse'sic ii ed’ a d. a.l body. It apj-ears that a man named (n.'orge Ilartstiiie- die l ;it the Inmse e,f a ne-gro man in tin- .'^ih vvar-l. \\ hih* in- was being bri.u;.:hf out for intenm-nt, an aft.ick was made* by a p:irty of’ men. who izc'd the boely ami jdaced it on tln-ir prei».irc-d for the }>urpose. A light tin-ii en.'.icd between the party who lirst the* body, and tln>.«e who rescued it. (lov. .^I.'idc* has ju't ii-ii]>'rti-l a fresh supply of sehool-niistres.-c-s toChic.ago from d.iwn East. The ( hicago I)c inoerat say>; ••’ sc-li.iol-ma’ain bn':ne,-.s is one- of tin* bc't things b.r tin- We .-t that c vc-r li.ippen- ed. It draiii' tin- Ea't of its' fe- inab* population, and tlie verv l-. st p.irti.'ti ot it to.i. It also f'lirni'hes the yonn;^ me n with tlie very be't of wives. And no so.itier are thev luarrie-d than tiny s‘*ii 1 home for tln-ir si'tc-rs, c.iii'ins. iVe. It i~ ofte n tin- ca.'c- that o;n- of tl,e-^c* ^ ..nkc*e sehool-nr.'ir.-s'.-s the- im-ans of .e*trling a whole- town'bip. .-nni thus of building :i se ho.d-housc- ami filling it with se hobirs.” 11/’)//';- piis/i I'hiis III .\iir Ynr!:. — A'.il--tilf the indi'pi n'.ilde- artieb-s of llrc-'s at this ' a'--n, f'lr tin- la.lie.', are .^l.fiitillas, MulTs, 'ri['p- ts, Cul!-, ..Ve-.. whii li ale- made- c f uia- teiial.' varying in pric.- from twenty to :t th in.saiid ibdl.irs. 'I’he out'iiie ••\\ i;ippings” of wnuriukinil in these- da\ s rais - many a groan, as winter a[.pro.n h. A .'haw! a!i'vv ring only tin- heinely r..*e of ki-ejdng one w iriii e-in be beniuhf bv anv one. in this land of ea'ilv earm-d uie-ali.'. but a la-ly ot’ the- liaiit ton cannot b-e se-t-n with In-r 'lioiiider.'' ! urdeiied by otln-r than ;i thoii'.in-l ibdlar sliawl. (^exe- pt w!n 11 tra- v.-llinj;. ' unie-S' In-r taste* shm;l I b-;; I her to pre-f r ;i e-|.i.ik of y. |vi,‘t ir ch'.th, triiii’.ue il with fur, of which woul l be about 1 In- saiiie'. '1 he styles of Clo ,ks this y- ar an- ve ry elegant, and re*cin-n-hi‘. '1 iiose- with ho.»d.' are ji.-eu!iaily striking, and becoming te* a tall ligun . Tho clifl'erent sha]v, s;.;-e te-iuie,-d ••The 'r.ilnia” tie' capucln- or Ii • >.l of vvhie h is like w.irn by tin- in uiks of :le* or- de-r of .'st, I'lMin is: “'rii'* Jo'vpliim-;" •• rin* Poinpailour;” •*Thc* i'larie' Antoim tt. .” .'h ipe-d like' a sli.iwl; •‘I'lie S -nt:ig:’ an-1 tlu* •‘Ib.yal Cin ular.” or (Jiu-en’s cloak, li ]iroini'e> to be the great -t favi.uite of all—p.-rh;ips bec-au'c Worn at presi-nt. by Her .\|.ij-sty. (.^tic-e'ti \'ie-tori.i. I’ln-s.* cloaks are nm.-f prized w ln-n ma«]e of ve-I'.t t trimnuel with fur. >m- eeli:-d with .'.ibh*. e-.i>t' only about nine humire-d'—iiiif of b'^' exfiensive fur the cost would only l-e* t.'ur eir five hundred, ac cording to the length of fur around it, vvhie h dc-pi-ii'ls on the sliajie. A ,sac-k of t!ii- Kirlantiiu- or ‘‘Sontair" woubl re- eplife about two yards ami a uuarti'r of fur to :r.. aniuiid it. A ”i{e>yal Circular” or ••.'i.iria Aritoinette*” would take mm h 111 -ie*. A cloak of tills rich ih-seription. an ! a vie-torino and muff of .sablo, would e .'t about two thousand d illars—a triilin:^ sum for a boely albnvi'cl eight or ten thou- s.iud a ve-ar for pin-niouey, bec:iuse furs, moths do not coirupt, last many years, velvet, is iikewise-, very durable. A. i’. K.I press ing, “.S7////C )ni the nidn Pnttrrf.ouf" 'I’his- threate nil,., eiifoiced by violent gesture.- until a Very tail, athietie w;i .s(‘lf before the lighter, an.!, impertcrbable i^umj fn.i,!, mb.n,,,, that hf- was the man tiiat stni.-k 1 terson. The efi'ect \va.^ ludiei-i.u,"', extreme, aud .set the cnnv.l iut.j ."*' uncontroilalde l.uiLditer. b.rtli.. ,i the man s count., nam-e w;;.- ' Muttering that all he w.mte l w:,!,' oue look at him, he cxjuc's.-.l Ij u i.'iied aud went av.ay at oii. l- \rv 'I'his e-ircuin.staiic-e* obtained (iio->v in the* New-Vork Cust.nni,,,,,, uninue soubriejue-t.” Poof Ih. ■ritnflll. ( >11 'I'ti ],;\ I ' Thoma.' Launder, of tlii.-.-lu'\Nii a groe-ery .'tore e.n .^Iain 'roct i uppi-r bridge, wa.' anui'.-d li.,iu | in the middle of the nij^lit t,y tl,. man in the street. \Vlieii'Mr. awoke the niaii iiil’c riue.! liiin ij, thing was on fire in his st-.rc. H, in and found boxe-s of pun-r^ ^. tianie imim.-diate-ly o\e-r wiiie ii. , sat a keg ed' gunpow.ler. 'Hu >1., ‘ tin* ki*g containing the jii.w.l.-r taken fere, and were biirniiiij i\.j i.i - kei: coiisidci.tbly cliarre.l. I'li.;. • cire-unistanc.-s, .Mr. J.,. deli!.: rat.-!\ .. the keg of ]i, carri- .l it j;,- .'tre-e-t, and got water aii.l piit — burning his h.iiid.' badly in il... ti ill. 'This daring ac t on th.,- Launder i.s j>erhaps the e.iiv could have >aved tiie li\.'.,i wh> wt-re sh-e jiing in ano:l., r same building, as Wc-il a.' th.- .self, and all its contc-nt'. //A 1 f fit t'l Ili-, l-.,rt il:' •1.. A friend of our from th-- S .luh ‘•favois we re sjKctfully .s.iiicit' . !i cd the other day a fun-.-ial .-crm .i, he In-aid in North Car .liiia ii r . ; that .'e. t evell oUr U'.soeiat.- ()>\1 ,1-ii , . Par'on , a rallier eci -. '.itri- . was callc 'i Up 111 to ••pre u il tli: f.,; - a hard case named llaniu v\iii.,ti i, the fi llowing uniejiie styie-:— *‘.My beloved Iiieihleli ;Mi l - our dear dc-p.irtecl brother IPuiii ve w anted .'oUec-body to cotiic In r lie-s about him. and make liiiii .nt man than he* was, he woulihi'i :i ri ■ to -preach his funeral.’ N i. iiiv i.r • he wanfe-d to be held up a.' a I'Ui;. a 'iiinin' iight, to warn v "U fV"iii ’i. of your Ways. He ke-pt lier-i - run'I ’em; he kept chic ken.'. ai;.i hv eni. ()iir dear eh parted brotln r h u: w riiiiis. brethren. The* iir't w.i,:. when he br-die his leir. but lii- 't' oil in the err ir of his ways, f' • - w.irnin’ wa' when hi.' s ai Pet-- ii.;;..‘ self ill jail; and the l.i'f ..ii'l c- waruiu’ of all was when he di -i ii a. 'The* pre ic lu-r enl irire I on tl.i-e iiii'il he ii.-id ,'unk K.inn 1"W fi: lieare*;s begun to doubt w h. t!:. r !■' eve r .'Uce eeii iii gettiim him u]i:il ” as is usual in ‘•f’uner.ils.” hmli'. .siitely in -Vbrahatn’s bosom. 'I !u'■' cdije-ct of the se*e.»n'l j).irt of tin. ' whit 11 'tarred off tliU'^:— ‘•.^Iv !-r thren. therc*'ll be frr-at i. ;/ri (it luerae-ic-s in Heave n. An.I mcracle will Vk*. that many yni find there you won't there. T pie that go r-iuiid with long iac..'. long prayers, weui't be th- r.; :i:.: coud nieracle will be, maiiV ;. c-xjiee-t to tiinl there, as perb.:ps ' n expect to find our dear uep.irti-l ll.inn, yn'll see there; and th. i. greate st mer:tcle w ill be, to tiini tberel ’ ‘‘There is not one single wor! f - ration,” said the mirrat. r, •mi -i- . . , „ . , , ... is a litoral tran.script.” A saiel aft iir took ])!.-!c-e in Iowa, near th.y Ottumwa, on Friday evening, thcolst iilt. Ihi>th the IJIrphunt C Mr. Ivobi-rt n.ilsfon, on the-previous c'ven- Pittsfield (Mass. ) Sun givo ;li. t- in:_'. had marrie.l the daughter of Mr. Jos. account of the death of the tvlel>r." Woods; next eve-iiing a party visited Mr. cphant ('olumbu.': \\ 00(1.'s house to i/innr'iri the* nevvlv- married couple. They had all the usual aeeom]>:iniim‘nts *f such :i cereinonv, and :i soein as the noise e-ouiuiene-cd Messrs. oexls and Kalsfon assailed the’ conijianv by thniwing stones at thcni. At this tiint* one of the party, either by aecide-nt or de- '‘ign, iired a gun, and sluif .^Ir. llalstou in II obsc ure individual, without a single hiuh the left side, near the he-art. He died tin* e xchange pape rs e very week, from which ! (pialifieation to recomme nd him for the Monday f-dlowing. rp:in a p,f mortn,} to seb-c t enough for one*, ,-spe*c ially when place to which ho will som be elevate-d. cx.imin'ation it was ascertaiiu'd tint he vv»^ the (,ue-stion ,> not what shall but what We have .saiel a n*action must occur, be- .-bot with a paper wad, a porti.ui of which shall not tie selected, is no very easy task, cause the\se betc*rogeneous eb-im-nts can no b^’iL'e.l airaiiist the vertebral of the heirt It ev(-rv per.'oii who reads a newspaper nion* easily be harmouizc'd thati lire and Se ven .'-^i:i,r:i Tio.N.-s koii .\ .\Eu.^i’Ari:u. Most ]ic*o]ile think that the s.*lee-fion of suitable matti-r for a novv>pap' r, is the e.isiest p.irt of tin* bii'im-ss. How great an e-rror. If is by all means tin- mo.'t dif- fie-ult. To loidi ovc*r aii l ovc-r hundreds of pe rsons were examint‘e], but no evi- could have eo.te-d it, we should have h-ss water. The very fact of snecess will had dene-e was femnd to implicate them and e-omplaints. Not nnfri-.,ueiitly it is the to di.straetion, as caeh faction will assniue they were di.sehar-ed. It was a s;ul alf iir ca.s,., that an an editor looks over all Ins to itself the rights of the victor, and claim ami is another evidence of the folly ed' c ir! exchange. pape*rs for s.iiuething interesting, corresponding re>wards. IJuf if there were rvintr fire-arms on all o.-cii.sion« ' ami can lind absolutely nothing. Every not sutlieie-nt warrant in this supposition jiaper is dryer than a contribution box; to iiredict a serious elivi.sion, there are the Sniiie Cfnr/ioti.—Wc saw yc-.sterda)* “The Eh-phaiit Columbus. att.i' H; the im-uagerie ed llavuioiid ( "• >“' ■ ' I>rie-sb.\ch, died at L.-nox, in th:' ^ ” on Saturda}’. Columbus is ':ii'i > ' ■ i>eeu the largest and un-.'t lua'-!' pliant in the riiited Stat. -. H ' ])o.sel to have In e-n e»lie* huiidr.d v. ;.r- His we-ight was tive tons, a’..'i h*' ued at -Sla.ddO. \\’hc\» i!''—- ' - ' the stre;iuis in .\d;.ais, ;lu- l.iiei.i*' - wa}’, aud the elephant was pricsp--- some liftei'ii feet in.’o the w;iter. li’" jury received in cous*-iiue iu->' I'l ’ ' dent i.s said to have caut el his d‘ it is rumoit-d that the own. rs -t ' iiial have pn>soeuted the town - t A- fe>r damages. A singular accieb ut happent-! ^ A ork on Thur.sday af'tc-rmn'n. ■ A boy ealh'cl at a store, uffcrin,' eight or nine thousand ])orcii'>;'“ ' aud on the store-kceper’s rctii'in;i '' ■ them, suppo.sing them worthies' ‘ the boy offereil to try the-ni. and 1-‘'| \ ti'ek il and yet something must be had—-his pape*r jealousies of otln-r days, the rancor of ]>c'r- (if we have not spelt the name must c-onie out with something in it, and revenge prompting leaders, :mh1 tiie ‘‘ thicken, four months he does the best he e-an. I’o an editor • irreconcilable hostility nitertainec'! towanbs weighing nine pounds, and standing who the least care with what he .se- each other on the shivery eiue*stiem, tore'- six iuche\s high. It, with three b*cts, the; writing he has to do, is the vive the old strifi-s in the northoru' l>arty, proportionate si-i;e‘, behmged to easic'st part of his labor. cry sub.seri-■ aud to array the opposin.r vviio's a^-iin*st of UroadwiU' and . - • ber thinks that the paper is iiriuted for each other in even more bittS w:nfiro is .a little ahead of three upon the sidewalk. i his own benefit and if there is nothing that Then, too, the agitation of the Presi,'h*uti d line wc have ever met •‘^truck at them, but ac ci.!.-iit;“ . suits him, it be .stopped—it is good (picsti.ui will re-open wemnds which thou-'h " p'''> "'uch attentiim corner of the bag, and m for nothing. as many sub.scnbers as afiparently cicatrized, we-re never re-illv and eoiisidcrs thi.s breed for lay-." cxi.loded. J i'.ei' , ■ "1“ - - ’ .... • • .1 . . . J I tried the caps was seriously hurt, ' I father of the storekeepe r; thcir t;iev' -'^■ ! botlies Were ]>erforatc-d in uiaiiy iieighlior wonders that a man of sense will ; ( uiou and the (\iii.stitution, put such stuff in his paper. Something j exhibits spicy comes out and the e-ihtoi' is u black- ' uficin soim- i-i.niio'(ioi-irv o...... i..,. •» . . — id the editor is u dull foed. And ' nutriotism ‘uid intelli. i-ic T if/li\ ’ I • UK u and .inothei »uiuter wero ap- _ so, between them all, you see the poor fel- | it only seek- to he Xn n" v to thejr | lials an* not at all idcascd with tk- an editor may have so many tastes he has , healed. Such is the c.iinlitioii of our oit i "‘e cognizant of. to ccm.sult. One wants .something smart; poiie*nts at the present time ' another somethinir .•^ound. One likes an- , There is nothing in the situation of the ^ I P 1 for lay- Alhiinn/ Ryiii(cr. nion and the ('onstitmw... i* i iv £• .t- : •.■n, o.-.i oi ..xniu ai me time wore also consKic-riu . d.ibits its full stre-n.uh -lud i.owe'r c ve c f , f ii)j*^’klcy, Medina county, was The explo.sion was so heavy a.s 10.1 s. ,u/ cx U li;e n ^ n*any witi.lows in the ncighborli . mt|i!ar;j otia.-.iou, | parties were hunin.L' the same wo,ids. - The French |>c*meH-ratic Soci;'!''' li til it lias cli'**!'' parties tative, and the editor is u dull foed,' Ami ' r.atriofi’sm aud iutdlig!*iioJ~on’lio — l^-UUou and anotlier luuitor wero ap- ..w gets roughly handlcl. And yet to ^ i.iU^ct/s‘' arVt!\.!*l*erved’ ^ W:\h'‘[ -up)'o„e*d t.. p., ! of Ko.ssuth at Southampton ... ... .,.11... ... \ .th .1 1 jiWe'it el bv )1 fiitk'ev ^ Oelll^ Haun'U Wil' ' poilltC‘.l tjieJU gfCatly, ami thc they had cxpcctcil Ko.ssuiii .!'’*“ - Enro}K-an 1 >e-niocratic ('eiiiiniitic''. of them had almost as.s(-rte.l tin mirtoc' would henccforwanl issue- ■' irde*rs in tlie >e 'l>tli^ l^' i'" liu, uud tliiniT. '•'rinorit l*nt. CvrreirondenX The qu.ani this vicinitf jcturned fro ^eii'th s w inJ bottles of s| galbj fVoiil *«>lbir is 40 feet cbj of the OWI this size d| sides Msj ^her pcrsoi Ixtrhood eij the grape, d than one tIj this jiurpo- ttdie-vc, muj ety t">‘ " '"'I than the Jcrst-y and i"Cvcrse', the l*e-ing a nioil tlian the (\| NoIJTIl (j '■Biingt'"' H-v ter from l>ij ^,1 ireiitb*m;j tivatioii of nhieh, wniij I.s n| and and Catawlj Isabi-lbi (>[ proved. “Thc'n- \\ tin* .'^koupc j«s a native' *gtatc* ot N'l n-ild in thi rie-tv comm -The Cal ii; .-il.'.i a naj this d.iy to I riv' T in \j neiirhborho l.M-:ditv| it in I '^ii'i, Iv e-ultiv;'.t Jlr. N- L li i^ r to ;.ie. (’,-itawi.a, ill State noii- pn itit.ii M .\dlnml A' to tb| it has all tj ■'jra}>c, luid 'Hanting an imligc'iiou' 80 well kmi li:is no don the lirst of of l>l.!‘l«'n ! 8-miing tl in:irket :is liberally many d' hi 1II c'r.b il or below til ge n- r.dl v e| l)..wib-r c-it| be )i)':wn 0]icratinns ^11 m C-e.-s:i| T iteT—tir rock, am ine!inibi-nfl us e-i.-y to Id- A it i,j> In ilhi'' thi' way. th:s i.e-w iniiu-d to Ictte-r to L I >.-ar ." yon that Hi-utlv sin tioiis for chann. I Iiundie.l ai iliL; in all d'-r. it i' fij li::s br- kc-ll “Pot IbKlj pool of l| Cl hie-v c-mel hiiujib- nil tion will .the Ciutei vorl 1; fori cii-l.ingersl juive way d’ suliiiia^ charge- on the water It i' exj td goo.I \vi| Velll'iVe.i j| )i( low nie lli.- ( ; ate- Vc Is in ^ oUlj l.ieiit. .^i| ^ ' /-'/'///1 (Mi'S.;, (I leller froij h.i-Ire.1] the- r'-]ire, ('onH Cent caijvl the (-ou'-vf • ]'anldinLr,| cd s'lni. i hat gent ‘•Ur in fortune coniiiiLr fr « ■ . I a mitorioid and i' no uents it. “Of Hi f^ay lie is J As a maul •—a slanel that darcl laco to taJ absence* al t^bield. II' 'H7/ I of Pe tc*r Th • jlctltl il„. f.ll „f IX-..I '‘""'i kill.i'ir liim iii.stantlv. prc-sente d| make; hi tic.s are ba rra>sun| of bi.sses l:y saud dollJ J -