fiiiuslin. MIVEIIHKII K. ['■ii. ir/ijiT ! nnd insulted as lie had be^ti, and with pre-1 Our Forkion Policy.—The.National i cisoly siu-h a state ot public opinion upon Intolllgcricer, alhidin^ to speechgs lately j ^uch subject? a* exists in the coniiiiunity delivered in Encland, in which active iu- I in whKu he lives, no other course was open . « ^ i or p„,sibl» for him, a.,d in«e»a of bh,m„, "f 'h--- l states l.i tl« ro- I he de5«erves sympathy. Our remarks are ^’olution.s of Europe was proniistnl by the I not, therefore, intended by way of censure Hon. K»bert J. Walker, and Mr. McCros- Cumberland are re- • j J, „„vf iu the Town Hall, on I til.' -'1 P('cemb('r, (bein*: p mI iv ,‘f'iin)b»Tland County Court,) • ),.,k 1’ purpose of ap- p to the ensuing State r the nomination of a Candi- rnor, a»l tor the appi'intment ]v 1- .rttfs to rf]>resent the State at , ,ti, Whiir National Convention. l.iiK'c i.' exfK'ftfd. iVt'l' fTt A uj>on him, but as a remonstrance against the custom of juiies, sworn to decide im partially in acHrordanee with the law and the evidence, permitting their personal feelings in regard to the eijuity of the case, to swerve their judgu)ents from the .strict obligation impos'd upon them by their oaths. With juries, the law alone should take its c(turse. Tiie pardoning power is V " * i'"’ ‘ , » , • ‘ * tion by this (lovernment, vested in anotlier place. *' ’ Mr. Clay is among the number of Mem bers of Congress who htive alrearlv arrived in Washington, pn'pared to take their seats on .M«>ndav ne.xt. ,,,v tlw' following from the Wil- ,] .uMKil, f >r the purpo.^e of ex- , I, ,.(ir I'oncurreiue in of its with Mr. Avi-ry, as every with the t haracters of the ,11,1 till' nature of the provocation, \v‘ Vi't been shK‘ked at the p i j.iililirations made in the West- r- J^'dtjeet. The law un- , ,My piuin'Uiices the act ot Mr. ,\ve- r. r killing of a human being, , till- }M i potratur to the most ig- , [.a;.:sli»u'nt. Vet the iicwspa- lilt tl.f iaw, justify tiie legal ofTend- f ot' his trial, rejniiv in his ae- t' il »'■ despondent he was be* mil li' ri'lit'ved and cheerful he was !i:i.ili'’t Flemming. All this has ^ ij, > in the worst possible spirit. ,1;. iii> [KTiy justify the killing of ; , X. ( jit in si'If-defenee, a j'lea which .,>1 u]i in this case. No one, no ,.j r 'j)fti;dly, >hould justify and •1 i an :irt in vi^dation of human and w-. (>iir symj'athies may be, nay j;, ( ase, with the olTenJer of jJiit a> the Journal well s;iys, j. : i . Mg ji.'Wt r is vested in another All 1 wo be to .s(Hiety when indi- N, an i jn-f>es, ;ind juries, all unite y..::z iu iiidivi iuai tiand«; tlie right to i!i 1 ‘ right to ab.=;olve from the le- ^iil ' .f r>n li killing. lietter for so- ': M l for Mr. Avery liini.self, if jmb- ’ !u ii1 not nsurpt'd the powers of V. K :r better if the Jury had doiu' *v. tii.i till' Kxeeutive of the State . n i.‘d the attribute of mercy u';ji li till' .•'.inie ]aiw hasclotlud him, ' ,.M ; "Mn-r ea-'CS. 1, - •■! will probably grow out ol - 1 iH , •,;rri lire. The ulni"st ii;di.- : ;i* ii-e f partie'- and wittics.-Jes iu . ! V ' iiu Attoniivs, is a great evil, . i. It :iiid mui h eonij>lained of. We !i w l.i tljer or not thi.« was a ca.-e ; .Mr. A\erv was ju>t;fied in sueb •V t ri iiiark. It is more than prv iirit it w:is. lJut the otTurrem-e ’’ - lute Lavyers to give m>re re- tlu' .'ul jei t, and to be very >ure ,, :r tliuy retjuires «ueh a coarse, t»e- ' ■ y a.l-'pt it. And parties and wit- •. wliw feel soio under remarks so in- i ill, will do well to remember the f Ml milling, before they take into i.ii liuti'ls tlie ri^dit to rev>rj;re such brin; From El Kdi’E.—The Atlantic Liverpool papers to the 12th inst. Cotton had further advaiued Jd., and s;des averaging bales ))or day. There is no political news of import- anee. Franee was trail,piil. Monky.—TheStiH-k market at the North, that great mom-y barometer, has lately become very buoyant, though failures, and for large amounts, an' still of rather fre- ipient occurrence, and higher than legal rates of interest continue to be ]>aid for money. The shipments of speeie to Eu rope, to pa\’ the balances of over-trading, are very large; but fortunately the receipts of g(dd from California are still larger.— This source of supply preserves our coun try from the bankruj'tey whieh wiuild in evitably result from sueb extravaganee as buying thirty to lifty millions a year more than we sell, lint whether this gold is in the end to a blessing or a eurse remains to be seen. 'Phe tpiestion, whether it will not make a material change in the value of the precious metals, is again i^eritnisly discussed. One Very annoying evil is al ready attributed to the intlnx ol gold, \iz; the scarcity of silver. (Jold has beetmic lelatively so abundant, that it has depre ciated, and therefore cireulati s, and will continue to circulate, sr* long as its legal value is pre.'crved, in preference to silver, of which there is no corresponding We have reei'ived from the Editor of the Newbernian, a vt.*ry neat pamphUt co]>y of the Life, Trial, (^lnfcs.«ion, and Execution of John Tllgiiman, of Lenoir countv, N. fer the murder of his uncle, Jos. J. Tilirhman, in .\ugu«t 1'.’)(>. ]t i« a record of crime and its ]>enalty, resulting trom a l.fe of id'ene^s and di>s’p ttion. As we anticipated, we have the ]ileasure of ann.'um ing .^Ir. Avery’s nrqnittnl. His trial eommeneed on Frilay, and termina ted about 1 o' k on Satur l.iy. John Wo“ltin. K»|., of A.sheville, conducted the prosecution on the part of the State, and did his duty, we learn, in a manner which reflects much credit ujm)u him— presenting the case in its legal bearing with boldness and ability, and eloping his eves to all extraneous influences. Mr. key, r. S. (’ousul at Liverptxil, very pro perly says,— Certain it is, that any j>h dges, by whom soever pven, to Europe, of intervention ty the l.nited Stat“s in the schemes of lievo- lutionary leaders or adventurers in any country on the other side of the water, are without warrant in any action or indica- or any counte- uanee in th“ sober sentiment of any con siderable part of the American }>eopl(;. So far from the invitation to the I'nited States, ext“nded to I\o>5uth and hi.s coni- {tanions by this (jrovernnu'iit, being siis- ceptilde of an interpn'tation which would place it in the light of an engagement to take sides with any pnrty in any civil war or commotion in any country in Euro]>e, it may be eontidenlly assertetl that nothing was further from the thought of (’ougress, in pa.-ising it, tKan to embark this country in any such (Quixotic enterprise. Let the act of ('ongri“.s.> .^^peak for itself. That it may do so, we hereto annex a copy of it, that every reader may hear what it .>iays. It spe;iks no other lattiruai;**, the for it. Notwithstanding the sonaowhat ex citing character of the contest, as the tcde- graph made it apj)oar a few weeks since, we do not hear of a single volunteer going fn>m this part of the country. Not even a “sympathy” meeting has been held in the Park; nay, most wonderful of all, Car- vajal’s name was never lisped even in Tammany Hall, in any of the excited meetings that were held there for bunkum, jurt before the late election. The orators on wcasions though, we remember now, were so taken up with the Cuban affair, and so busy with “European inter- vi'ntitui” and a “Republican crusade a- gainst the Continental despots,” (/>/fA,'Mr. (’orry,) that it is possible they forgot all about Captain Carvajal and his crew. This was a sad oversijiht; but it is not too late yet to make amends. The “Smujr- I TTow to (Jo it.—There is good sense in the following advice to young men and women, who arc thinking of matrimony. It is from an article by Grant Thorburn, in the Home Journal: “There is nothing to be gained in dang ling for a twelvemonth, after a sensible woman, talking unmeaning stuff—w'ords without wisdom. Tell her your wish like a man, and not like a blubbering school boy. She will never trifle with your af fections; and if there are three grains of common sense in your miicicle carcass, she ' will be your own before a month has passed. See the history of Rebecca, in (lenesis, 24th chapter, r>(>th verse:—AVhen Abra ham’s servant had concluded the prelimi nary contract with Mrs. Jjaban, on the part of her daughter, to become the wife of IsiHic, the old man was anxious to get Nkw Vork, 5Tov. 24. glcrs, at last accounts, had billen back j home, to show his young master the on K('jnitsa, waiting tor reinforcoiu‘’“nts. *Ik* had brought iiiiu; tht* mother wished The chances are that their positim there i him to remain a few d.,ys to n'cruit him- by this time is not of a very comtortable | self and his camels. He persi.sting, it was natnr.'. Recruits from Tammany Hall or , fi,i:,Hy referred to the daugliter. ‘We will the IVwter 31 ng, no doubt, would be wel-} call the dam.sel, and imjuire at her mouth,’ come; but, as the next election day is near ly a t\v«lvemonth distant, we sU'pcct it i will In* a hard job to invigorate the now j slumbiring {.atriotiMii of the unterriiied. | (’aii’t the National l)enn>crat or Boston! Post blow the bugle?.—A’. V. fJrj>rrsx. j . - . ; D'-rp Jliirr Coat.—\\’e have on our leadei will jiereene, than that t>t praise (»f ;i lari^e s]>ecimen of mineral coal, I the magnanimity of the Turkish (iovern- tracts of Messrs. Nash, C.ilmor, i meiit and emulation of its disposition to Waddell and Caldwell, on Deep River, in , af..»rd a^ n>fuge in the I nited States to Chatham c(ninty. It is a remarkably pure ]joui> Ko.-~suth and his as.-ociates “in cap- ij|K.eliaen of the bituminous coal, and tivity. J here IS not a word m.r a .sylla- 1 ble intimating an intention or di.sposition ,1,^. J- ,„rface on the part o{ the I nited States to go a jj, , jrnjund, and about four feet bel >w step further. There is no politics in the act. It begins and ends with humanity, and it had in view no other enl. I l'01MIW> FKOM “THI-; .STATI TKS AT 1..\1K1K. ^4 Ursiihitimi for thf riH/ of' Louis K>»- fiiith ttni/ his assiH'ioti s. c.i'ift s Jrom llmi- WuKKK.\s tht' IVojtle of the United States sincerely sympathize w'th the Hun garian exiles, Kossuth and h.s as.sociates, and fuliv appreciate the magnanimous con duct of the Turkish (lovernnicnt in n- ceiving and trealiii'.i thost* noble exiles with kiiidues> and hospitality; and where as, if it be the wi'h of these c.xilc? to cuii- grate to the 1 nited States, and the will of the Sultan to permit thi in to leave his do minions: Tlu*relore— Rrstf/rri/ hj/ tin- Si'tHifr uul JJfiiise of lii'pr*‘svntnttrrs of thr f nitiif Shi/fS of Aiiu-rini (i( That tht' President of tin rnited States bt* and he hereiiy is rM|Ue.''tc‘d to authorize the t n>- pl iynu'iit of some out' of the public \es.-.els which may be now cruisiuir in the .Mi.‘di- tf'rranean to recei\i' and c 'tivey to the I’nited States the said L'Uiis Kossuth ami his associates in «a]»ti\ity. Ai‘rH«>vKi>, Milii/i IST-l. The Raltini 're Patriot s:iys.— In the >peeeh deli\eied by Mr. R. J. Walker, at tlie Ko>..suth dinner, in South ampton. England, he undei took to as.^ure his hear r-;, ani >ng other things, that if all} attempt .'hould be made by any of the otlnr nations of Ilurope, to ovi rturn the . government of ICngland. it w »uld pic.'ent an oi-casion for the I'nited Stafi's to intcr- I fere in the conte>f,—to throw a>i h^ the policy of “non intervention,” whieh had i ever controlled evi-ry adni;nistration of the i jrovi;rnment tVoiu the lime of \\ ashington the surface of the e*al bed. The depth of the bed is unknown, but as far as the I wi>rknien hail jieiu'trated, all was found of the same excellent |uality. The indica tions are that tin* ei»al fields of that ri'giou are inexhaustibh'; aud the facilities for j getting the coal t)il to profitable markets are liki ly to be such, on the conijiletion of I the Heejt River navigation improvements, that vast and incn'asing benefit to the St.ite may be confidently looked to from this .source.— (irfi ushoroiti/h i*ntriot. Samuel E. S('well, the old Abolition candidati* for (imernor of Massachus*‘tts, and p('rhaps the most out and out Abo litionist, next to tiarrison, in all that Stat«*, ami Elizur Wright, one of the chief aider.s and abettors in the escape of Shadrach, the runaway slave, are the avowed editors of the l>o>ton 'ommfniwealth,” whieh boasts.—“We have carried the State, hj/ n i-)nlltiou u lth tht' 1 > iiKH vnU."—[Wash ington “rnion,” m;ike a note!! The steamer of Saturday hist tVom New York for Livi-rp ud tiok ?1 14 in specie. I’OMMrNKWriON. .said the mother. When Rebec ca appeared, her mothi'r asked, ‘Wilt thou go with this mair'’ Rebecca replied, ‘J will go.’ “There was a noble girl for you. No tear started from hi'r I lack e3’C‘s; no whi ning, nor siuip'Ting makc-helieve, nor mock moie>ty, hut what her heart wished, her lips utt^'red. liike an honest maiden, she ri'jilied, ‘1 will go.’ Now, young ladies, go and do lik('wise When the man whom you prefer before all tithers in the world, says, ‘Will you go with niel" answer, ‘I will go.’ “liy the bye, lailies, when you to read a true, simple and unsophisticated love-story, just read over the 24th (diapter of (leiiesis.” Mayor Kingsland, of this city, has re- Fayetteville & Kaleigli Plank Road Joint emvod , letter from K«witb bT the SlOClC CeBlDanV. lautic, m which he stjites that he will be ! , ' nnable to leave for America in the steamer , 2^oi€mhcT^ lool. Washington, whieh on the 14th, and A MEETING of the Stockholders- »m therefore dela, l.i, lepart„«. u.,tn .he Z, “ sailing ot the Humboldt, on the 20th lt>- 4tli beceni1.eri,ext. ntTJ. odotk. for the pur- sfant. He may therefore certainly be and fixini; n forthcr kx-ation looked for about the 2d of r>ecember, | *** from Kiufrslmry, Northwnnlly.— —“ - — I for tbc transnctioti of such other business' Rs the interest ot the ♦'oinj'siny mnv rerjiiire. All StocklioUlers Hhoiiid 1>« present in personi or bv proxy. .V. MfT.KA't. •J. WILLIAMS, NATH.\N KIN(}, j-Trust^'os. &c. J. W. STRANt’.K, i M. V. JONi:s, J [4:}-2t kok's.aij:! ~ ILL 1c sold on V.', Dee. ?>d, nt the (’ urt llouso. at lli o'clock, 7 .-VcreH L.VNr) on [.irtnuiu Street, v itli a small If(JL't>r. renting at S'l- per anttutn. Also, KKi Acres on Ltual'prton road, 2^ miles froni town, Alpo, 2 yliares Stock Fnyettwille and West ern I’lnnk K»>atl. Al.«^o. (tfcotid-hRnd light (’ai ria!Te, in good re» jiHir, ■with harness. A. M. (’A.Ml'BKLL, Auct’r. Nov. 2f>. 4;J-t8 Avi ry was ably dcfemU'd by N. ^\ . oo«l- (j,,wn to the pn'seiit time—and to make tin, ol Moiganton, and (icii. Rynum, of, them>clves a }'irty to it. We cannot but this place. 1 he sp'echi's of all three of regard tlu'se word' of Mr. alkt-r as idle, these gentlemen are spoken of as among ' „j.,y | W the ablest ever delivered in our courts of justice. 'J he Jut v was composed of high ly iutelligeiit and honor.ihle men, and were not out more than ten minutes be fore they agreed upon th. ir verdict. Moautnin llonnrr. I’llOGUKSS OS (trU HAlLliOAD. It is ind(*ed gratifying to note the pro gress of wi>rk oil the ll.iilroinl contracts in this vicinity. On every section in the cuunty, exee[it two or three, there arc mt>re or hands employed. I’ields, Shelly A; Co. h.ive been at work frr some time ani we leani have their contract in a state of firw.irdness. We are not informed how many hands they have eltifdoyed. C. I*. Memlenhall & Co., whose contract extends over .six or st'vcn .s(‘ctions (si.x miles iu length,) havjL* nearly thirty hands em ployed, and the number will be increased as fast as carts, &c. art' procure«l to facili tate the operation.s. 1'his ('ouip;.ny have over three miles grubbed and are now making headway in grading, and (quarry ing and hauling rock for culverts. Messrs. {^’ole & Mebane, who.w contract embraces two scctifms immediately west ot town, are going ahead with an active .set of hands, and will soon have their grub bing dcme. .'1 not inr. nd, :;t first, to ?ay any ’ ‘II this subjei-t, bnt the n'marks of ;Uiin_tou Journ.d. a political friend ■ Mr. Av.-iy. liave indm ed us to adl our mite t ’ its effort at the mai itenance L.iu. !:ioM THK WILMIM-.TON .11'T^NAL. S'l'ANDARI) OFKIf'K, ) R.M.F.K’.H, Nov. *2*2, 1>^.’)1. ) A^ QFITTAL OF MR. AVERY. •1' affords us great pleasure to announce n ii'.mphant acijuitta! uf V/. W. Avery, . ; urv of his country. • Hi' trial for killing Samuel riemraing s 'li nc d in liurke Snj>erior Court, f>n ir;il y the 14th, and eiosed on Saturday ■' l.’ith. The Jury, after ton minutes -uli.ition, returned a verdict of ■■.V cj 'wd i{ a “thousand people re- h'K-ii v. itli tears uf rej iicing to the ver- it the jurv.” •Wi- e .ii^MMtiil.ite his friend.' thmughont ti'= St itc. and the jtublic generally, upon tii;- I-'Mdt.” i- ;ire not aejuainted with the partic- ii> Ilf the ea^e farther than th^'y have i'*' n p’llilished in the papers, and cannot t;i r. t ipi->])( ak of the precise nature of the ' ' ii iice aiMueid on trial. We believed ■ f th rime we first heard of the affair that ■t litiir of Mr. Avery’s head would be i ;rt II ace.'iHit of it. No matter what ’ ■■ V r ’;rt of the jury might have been, ' ■ 11 ■" til.' conviction for murder, the de- >11 11 1 t >r pariloii would have been so ur- i’ lit'! univer~al that no executive could I. . r til e l to accede to it, and the pub- ' I'iiiioii which would have demanded ' ' rlmi. Would of itself have acquitted ■■'u .t all ini|iutation. Hut we say ilii« iiiurh, not otdy because it is our own ‘'!'i'ii"ii. hut also that (.f many otlicrj; 'vh'i'r jinlgnicnt we respect, that unlesit ‘-'iJii- amiitiojial evidence was produced on ’I'al, e.ili f,, y},fy^ t),at the shooting iloisc II, se!f-lefence, or that .Mr. Avery f'ljjy lieli vf 1 it to be so, the majesty of '•I'' l.iW, which had been insulted, the VTii tify of a court fif justice which had I ii vi«ilat„il, nay, the oaths of the jurors t|i' iiiselvcs, re«|uired a different verdict for ■ ir vimlication. As we have before said, a li lir of Mr. Avery’s ln'ad could or ''il I have h ive b('en hurt, nir his repn- t iti iii have siifl'ered the .slightest Idot or grubbing, and rock I iiles^, we repeat, .'•ome hitherto grading, are g'>i»g on 'Ill'll veloped circumstanct’.-» appeared on " ' '>'ial, flu; course which would have met ‘ ‘ir views, woiiM have been for 31 r. .Vvery ■ li.i'.i. siihuiitteil atid for the Ciovernor to “ W' |,:ir.ii)nod him. The executive /u/s 'ii'li eoviit ilde pnwer. A jury /i(s not and il "ill! not be asked to cxeiciise it in vio- !:jhju .,f oatlM. 111 ther, in a strictly n'ligiou.^ point of Mew, Mr. Avery acted rightly 01 wrongly '• iniiot pretend to sjiy, but as :i man of till . - - Fi>!{ lilt: till-KHVVIl. ('AHTllAdF, Nov. *2*2, 1^.')1. J/f'ssrs-. I'. ,/. Hot, jt- Son: A plain >tat. nient of facts in rL-lation to the mur der ot tin- late Ri \. Robert McNabb, by those who have had the best I'pportunity of tindiiiL'^ o\it the truth, seeius to be re- (juired. to put a 'toj> to tin* many ru mors and unfeeling ^u:2•icions \shich are in circulation. It is an act of justice to the unfortu- naf»', and cannot prejudice the perj»etrators of the horrible crime. The two negro«'s, Alfred and John, who excused, when the time 'that their mas ter was in the habit of walking in the gar- ilen after night, an«l ta.king advantage of their knowhdge, Alfred conci aled himself in a litt'e house in the further corner of the garden, while .John stood outride of the garden ami behind the house. It was near nine o’ehn k when Mr. McNabb en tered the garden, smoking his pipe, and walkel to the door of the house mentioned, where, for some cause nnkmiwn to the ne- i:nt's, he askei "who’s fh‘re?"—but rc- ceiving no answer, stepped in and imme diately received a heavy blow U[>«ni the chest from a large hivkory stick with which Alfred stoi.l waiting. lie fell back out of the door upon the ground, without utti'ring a complaint, and a[)pareiitly lifeless. Alfred then rushed out and .struck him two or three other may he to h, lieve their's , l'l"''"‘.i'I'''ii 'lie li«»'l- -’"I"', "li" 11,/ l,est t‘'riu .,r K..v.n,a. .,t. The re- I ' '■«" J'niM-;'!. ..'er the gar h n and assisted Alfred in putting the body over the fence. Just as they ey may and the place of making tliem is eon.sider- ed, because, a>^ is .suggested, tht'V were made to advatuc the ohjeet of his visit to England, which is to obtain m nii V on a loan. There would seem tu be sonic f«irce in thi> excuse, as among the other things he enuniT.ited th»' Cnitetl Stat s would interfi re to j)revent, was the “aban doning id' the Queen, and the giving up of tht Tim ne.” There may be, ami there is no doubt, a great respect felt in this country for en Victoria as a worthy ladv, bnt it is certainly a mi>take to su}»- jio.'c tiiat the republicans of the I'niti d States wotiM go to war to ke«‘p her the (|ucen of England, or to preserve the throne of that country from overthrow. The peo ple (d' England, resting as tin y soem to do, content, under their monarchical sy.-teiu. govern; publicans of the I’niled States difler with them e.s.'entially iu this; and not sympa thizing with a government of Kings or t^)ueens, will not be aj>t to become a j>ar- ty to preserve their thrones from over throw. Rut all this a.side. What we would do, is what we have done. 1 he republicans (d‘ the Tnited States hold their country in dependent of all other nations. They in- ! that it is for thcuiselves to decide un- were :cttin£ him over, he made somccpieer noise like groaning, as they express if, aud Jiditi, taking the stick, gave him two or three heavy blows upon the head, and it ceased. They then carried him tibout twenty yards into a lot back of the gar den, where there had been corn, and laid him down between Iwo rows, and Alfred stabbed him in the neck just under the On the contract east of this wln>t form of government they shall fmrleen tuections, from the Alamance line to a point .south of (irov, Morehead s resi dence,—taken by Col. McJ^can & (’ompa- uy, there arc about seventy hands at work, at live diffcretit points. Some twenty-five hands are employed within the town cor poration and vicinity, ami have been prin cipally at work, for the last two or three weeks, ujnm the culverts. The masonry of the culverts is done in a most sub."tan- angle of the jaw, with a very large knife, ,,,, ^ -| • .. ,1 ... ,1..,., severin'i the jugular veins and carotid ar- ine. What they claim for themst‘l\es, 1 i 1 -.i 1 1 ^ ..t 1 11 ... teries upon both sides; and John, with a they accord to the ijcople of all other na- S . i j. 1 1 • * *1 . * \ 1- I *1, smaller knife, stabtR'd him at the same tions. J hey catumt, therefore, anti they ■ . • -i 11 *1 1 n *1 i 1 *1 . i,.^o r time in the ri;:ht side. Here they left the will not, therefore, make thcm.sehcs par-1 1 * *1 t i t i , 1 1 * ,• . r *1. body for a short tune until fJoliu could go tiet* to the Muarrels and contentiotis of oth- ■ V ^ , .1 1 ^ „„ , . . X 1 and carry water to a ticntleman who was « r nations. Tney seek not to force free ^ n,.i,„.i,,le, u,.on the people of any (...vern-1"'■ ’''O’ mciit l.y wlr. They «.mlj tca4 l.y ex. return,.,), a.„ making a «,.,«• n,j„n a r,.pe ample, a,.a lliat evaiuple we hy the r''.it,>' //i/its to Fartnrrs.—A bare pasture en riches not the soil, nor fattens the animal, nor increases the wealth of the ftwner. )ue animal widl fetl is of more value than two poorly kept. The better animals ean be fed and the more comfortable they can be kept, the more profitable tln'y are—and all farmers work for profit. (Iround (nice well ploughed is better than thrice jioorly. Ronntiful crops are more pr»fitable than poor ones, .^^ake the soil rich, j>nlvcrize it well, and keep it clean, and it will gen erally be productive. Weeds that grow unmolested around the fences, stumps and stoiu'S, scatter their s('ed over the farm, and are very likely to grow. Cows well fed in winter give more milk in snniinor. An ox that is in gof>d condi tion in th > spring will jtt'rform more labor and .stand the heat of summer much better than one that is poor. When you see the f.nee down, put it up—if it remains until to-morrow, the cattle mav get over. \\ hat might ti^ be lone to-«lay do it, for to-niorrow it may rain. A stroiiir hor>e will work all day with out food, but kci p him at it, and he will not last long. A rich soil will produce good crops without manure, but it will soon fin'. MARRIED, In New Vnrk. on Wediiesilav tlic llUli inst., l.v till- Kcv. K. N. Matl. 1>V. IMiMl.MUJ 15. H'.WUOOJ). of llalciph. N. C.. to Miss .H LIA (X;|)KN. oldest d:ni.uliter of t'le late John (1. llicks. of the fiirnuT city. In Mi>nt"oniery county, on the 17th inst., hy r. t'. !s;iiuk*rs. I's'j. .\LKX. DKNNIS to SM AUT, dauirhter of (’:ii>t. N. W. Sniirt.— .\lsii, on the ‘J;M, at I’rospcct Clinreh. by the same, .VNliitKVV J. KK.SNiS to NANCV .Mt>K- C AN. On the-t(b inst.. at the residence of Cion'l in Il.tckinphain count.v. l>y the Uev’d I’res't iJeenis. (5en. .luAIS lll.\TT, of (Ireens- Itoronjrh, to Miss M.\KV A. HllKNT, ot Kock- inphiiiu. In (itiilford countv. on the ‘2d iiist.. by V n>. «'ihle. Ksi|.. Mr. MK’llAKL KKJMTSKLL. of .Miinianee county, to Miss M\H.\LA .\NN, l:nijrliter ot Wni. Hrowii, of (iuiltord. Ill liiividson coiintv, nn the 4tli iri.^t., by the ItevM .j. Tillet. Pr.'l!. W. THOMAS to'Mi.s .M.VlU; \HKT II.\MrTON: both of Itsividson, In Kan')i>1|>!t cuiintv, on tlie ISth inst., bv the Kev. (iei.rfie MrNeill.'Mr. UAVID W. IMtKTKU. late of (ireen^boniu^h, to Miss FKANl'KS W.Vl.KKK. daufrhter of Sain'l Walker, dec’d. In Cheraw, r>n the 1:1th inst.. by llev. .1. T. Wiirhttnnn. .IAS. T. KK.NI>.\l/b. Fsq. to Miss M.\KV .I.\.\K, daujjliter ot ./. McKae. Ks(. DIED, 111 Montjroniory ceunty. on the :i0th ultimo, ril.MlLKS n.VLTl .M. a very ap:ed and reKjicet- ed citizen. .\1bo. on the 21st inst.. STKI’HKN 11A MILTON. In Ireilell comity, on the l.‘>tli inst.. of Pnen- niunia. in the (i:-{d year ot her ajre. .Miss LOT'fK ELIZ.\I’lIi l'II FKONTLS, younper .sister of the llev. Stephen Kn>ntis. Ill Itow.-in comity, on the 10th inst.. Mr. .lOHN ll.VHTM.XN, aged alamt 7- years. At l! n-kv Uiver Si>rinrs. !?. on the 12th inst.. Mr. TIK)S. ELLKr.LK, (d‘S. C. In .lones eonnty on the‘J7th ult., Mr.s. M.Vi>\ E. n.VTt'll, in the 27th year of her ajrc. On (K-tober 10th, l.'^-M. in Ifenrv (’onnty, Tennessee. Hev. .lONATH.VN STKI’J!KNSON, foinierlv of Wake Coiinty. N. nged 71 years. The deceased had been an exeniplary member of the r>aj' Church for tifty years, and nn ordained minister of the iiosi>el for thirty years. PinLADELl‘UI.\, Nov. 24. In the United States ('ircuit Court this morning at 11 o’clock. Judges Grier and Kane presiding. Castner Haiiaway, white man, a Qttaker, wa.s placed on trial for al leged treason, growing out of the Christi ana outbreak, in which Mr. Oorsuch was ' killed and his nejthew badly wounded.— Shortly after 0 o’clock an immense crowd of blacks aud whites blocked up the pas-1 sage way thnmgh Independence Hall, leading to the Court-room, At 10J o’clock the doors were opened aud the crowd rush- eil in, filling the room to .suffocation. Not a single negro was seen insitle. The coun- sol for the Tnited States are I’. S. l)istrict Attorney', Jno. W. Ashmead, James Lud low, Geo. L. Ashmead, Rfdtert J. Rrent, and Hon. James Cooper. The c(Uins(d for ! Hauaway are John !^L Heed, Hon. Thad- deus Slevons, Jno. S. Lewis, aud 'J heodore Cuyler. The list of jurors was Ciilled, and eighty-one answered to their names. Judge (irier said he would eomj>el the attemlance «»f jurors by lining each absentee 810U.—• After sou^e jireliminaty business, excusing jurors, &c., the Court adjourned until 10 o’clock to-morrow ni ’ming, w hen the jury will be empannelled. The venerable and everywhere esteemed ]>oet, James Montgomery, is dead. He had ompleted his eightieth y’ear. On Irs eightieth birth day he planted :.n oak tree in the lawn in front of the Sheffield Infir mary. He resided at The Mount, Sheffield. Fayetteville Prices Current. NOVE.MUEU 1 From I To 1JA'«)N— 1 *, ! ij; l‘‘, i' S( 18 Sides. ! M5 1») Shoulders, j il4 ,1 15 Western, ■12 II 14 BEESWAX— I22 '• T.i COFFEE— ! i Rio, !l«( ; 11 "Laguira. ;ii f St. Domingo, ' i i H» COTTON— : ' Strictly prime. J 1 J" *• I Prime, - , 1 F’air, ! t !. t COTTttN BA(iGlNG — 1' (tunny. IT 18 lluti'lee, l:-: I'i Burla ps. 1 loi 13 COTTON YARNS— ' !; No. 5 to jo. 15 DOMESTIC i(X*l)S— I ■' Brown Sheetings, i « !' ''..I Osi .iburgs. i :l!!* FE.VTHERS— FLOUR— 1 Superfine, 11 ' Fine. 4 75 . j Scratchel, 4 50 |! 1 GRAIN— i i] 'orn. ■80 I 85 Wheat, 80 :: 1 Oats, .'■i" : 1 Peas, hO li j R ve. ;Mt H i HIDES— Dry. f h 11 (ireen. 4 1 IRON— Swedes, common bar. ! ' 5 !: : Ditto, wide, : r, 11 ! English, ; ■' 4 LARD— 13 '■ 15 LE \I>— 1 jj MOLASSES— • 1 . ('ub.i. 1 -20 27 New Orleans, (none.) f ! i| ■ i 1 t OILS— ‘ ! II . |;o I 1 to jio 1 10 1 15 (J()MM]:UC1AL UlCCOHl). events that have taken place in all parts of tial manner, ami is, we un«ler*^tand, en- j more effective than any force tirely approved by the Engineer, It can be. Give to us peace—let worth a journey of s'veral miles, to an in- (j^untrv remain as it is, the asylum for the oppressed of every clinic—and it is ini- jiossible that the priiiciph'S of republican- i.sni upon whit h it is tounded, shall not extend and ultimately ]>ervade, not only on the contincul of Europe, but iu England too. experienced eotitraetor, to .see how these cnlverts are put up. The Company com menced grading (di the 14th section, in the corporation, this week, and the array of carts and horses and w heelbarrows, and Kandi with their mattcK-ks and .“(hovels, «liggiug and thmwing up the earth, and passing and repassing like atits on an ant^r hill, pre.sents a most animating spectacle. The grubbing is finished .some four miles of town, and the grading will hence forth go steadily forward to completion. J. (Jibson, Estj., a meiubcr of this Com pany, hiU5 beep engaged in grading for the 1st sectitm, near the Non-intervention in European affairs was the jiolicy upon which Washington and our Constitutional Fathers founded this liepublic. Amid the severest trials of the French llevolution, Washington clung to this policy, followed by Adams, and even by Jefferson, sympathies were so strong with France, an«l hatred .so some time on county line. At several points between, great of England, as often to tempt him, rock work, and w« believe never to divert him from it. The ]>e- The number niocratic party c^nried the policy so far, during John (Juincy Adams s adniiniatra- tion, that in the matter of the Panama (’ongresa, to be held upon our own conti- ’lent, he was bitterly assailed tor propo.s- ing to send there only’ :in aj^ptirently intcr- i'nin>j Minister,—N. 1^. World, situated as he wa.s, outraged of hands on the wh«'le d‘ the McLean con tract is inc'reasing daily, and constantly accelerating progress is contemplated un til the contract shall he finished. 'I'he cutcrjirise and spirit manifested by all these contractors is worthy of all praise, and furnish an example to be followed all along the route. We understand, however, ; Ihereisonc gratifying feature in this that in Alamance, and in several points iu' border foray [on the liio Grande] which Davidson, Rowan, and still further west, we cannot help remarking; the utt ir want the “work goes bravely on." of sympathy the floating unemployed filli- Grecnsboroiujh Patriot. I bust^jrs in our Northern cities seem to have with the other end, and placing a rail un- j der till* rope, between the head and foot, j b«'re the body off upon it—Jtfhn walking bifore and Alfred behind—1(* an unfre quented place at the back of a field about “i.'iO yards distant, and threw it over the ft'uce where it was fcmnd: the whole hav ing been done without noise, and in a very short time. 1 hey touk two pocket bociks and a ]nirse from his pockets, containing upwards of 8200, which, together with the stick and knife and bhRxly clothing, were found at places designated by them. They state further, that no person bnt themselves knew they intended to commit m- had committed the murder uptm that night; that no person, either white or bhick, had ever advised or encouraged it, or was concerned in it, either immediately or remotely, e5ce]>t the negro woman Di- cy, who has been implicated by them. Their statement i.s believed to be entire ly true by every Ixxly here. And it is hoped that this plain account of the mat ter may serve to put a stop to mean and uncharitable rumors, which are alike un- AllUlVALS. i Nov. 27.—Steamer Gov. Grnham, with goods to sundry jtersons. (Joods are now all up that have been received at \Viimin;.;toii. •IVir Flrnu B^r Thk undersigned have entered into (Copartnership. U7ider the Firm and style of McU;.\N JONES, for the pnrpose of doing a general Mercantile and Barter Uusincss, as also for the distillation of Turpentine. A. 1). McLEAN. i N. (i. .TONES. 1 Summerville, N. C., Nov. 24, IS.jl. 4-'?-tf Linseed. I Tanners', SALT— Liverpool, fsack.) * .Mnni, (bu.) SEEO— Flaxseed. 'lover, (nune.) SHOT— t 'oinmon. per bap, Ibirk. SriUITS— i I’each Brandy, Apple “ Northoni “ N. Whiskey, N. E. Rum, .lamiiica Hum. French llraiidy, American Gin, Holland (liii, SUGAi;— I,oaf, t 'nmlied. St. Croix, l’irto llico. Now Orleans, TALI.ONV- TOUA('C ►— Leaf, Manufactured, AVniTE LF.VD— AVINOOW GLASS—8 i 10, 10 X 12, WOOL— KEVIEW OF THE MARKET. Cotton.—We quote this article firm at full quotations. Flocu.—Rather heavy at present rates. Mor.AssEs.—Quite scarce, and worth rather more than iuotation.s. S.^CK—Stock li.cht for ti e season, yet we do not alter quotations. No ehaiijre in Turj>entiiie. Since last issue it has been very wet and dis- ajrreeable for oiit-door buginess, but theie has b«en a large trade carried ou. I WIL.MINGTON MARKET. Turpentine—Soft 2 3-5; Hard 1 35; Spirits 2U. Tar 1 Go. Timber—1 raft very inferior .sold at 5 50, 2 ordinary at 7 00, 1 good ordiu»- r}* at 9 (M), 3 prime at 50, 10 and 10 50. j POUT OF WI J.:WIXGTOI«. j ARRIVALS. ! 22—Crig Amesbury from Rum Key, Baha mas; Schr Morn from Charleston. 23—Brig 5t> Il 55 47 ’• 50 •10 1 43 ■If, i .'.o 10 i ! 2 50 8 I 40 50 j oi “1 11 i 13 10 j 12 I 1 7 0 i ■ 8 i' II il i 8 1 II Ii il 1 130 25 1! 2 50 j 0 ji 25 118 li 20 Richard Cobden from Cardifl'. AND Pavilion of Magic Music & Mirth, Will ojien at FAYETTEVILLE on FRIDAY and S.VTURD.\Y EVENINGS, Nov. 28th aud 2Uth. MULE FOR SALE. A GOOD sized MULE, warranted gentle in IL harness. Apply soon to ELIJAH FULLER. Fayetteville, Nov. 25, 1851. 43-2t OiVf #♦§•’»• Orangcsl Oranges! 4N0T1IER lot, just received at CIl’S BANKS’S. Nov. 25, 1851. 43tf Mr. EVERETT, 3/n/iri(in nud J*rofpsmr of Xecromanry, WOULD respectfully announce to the citi zens of Fayetteville, that he has fitted stacc ® Linseed Oil, in quantities to suit, Sir. Everett has engnpcd Me.«srs. Butler, Howard, aul Creighton: aleo. Miss Julia Creipli- ton. ^ho will aj>pear iu u number of Duetts and Solos: she will also appear in BLOOMER COS- ... J J- ' learned Canary Birds will be introduced worthy ot men ftnu. or ciiristuinsj iiud nit'- i graceful to human nature, and which, it j Ti ma v be said with credit to this communi- j ioal Fantoccini ty, are neither entertained, believed, or commence at 7 o'clock. Admittance 2-> tolerated here. Vcr\' respectfully, yours, 8, C. BKUCE. 2,000 lbs. pure WHITE LEAD, in large and small kegs. Fire-proof Painte, for roofs of honse.9. Together with a general a.s3ortnieiit of other ' Y , T’nhits TUME nnd introduce the ai^propriate song of -i th. UASn.NO W,ilTK shk.;kant, ^ •>»« ^ I Not. 25, 1851. . 43-St The Exhibition to conclude with tlifi Mecban- ! cents. If the weather proves nnfarorable for the Pavilion, the Exhibition will take place in the Fayetteville Hal!. WANT OF MONEY. J80r Those •who are indebted to me, by Note or Account, will please settle by the 1st of January, that I may be able to settle with those I owe. A. A. -McKETHAN. Nov. 1851. 4 i-tf \v indow Cihiss, 8 x 10 and IU 12. in ttood order, of excallont quality. Pntfy, in Tin i.'iniixtir-f: and Iiladhrs. Spaui^jh W hiting, in quantities to suit. Jnst received and lor s:i!e I'V BEVE1;LV ROSE & .SON. Nov. 25, 1851, 4:’.-8t A IX persons holding claims against the late' tirni of Blocker A: Bullanl, are reqiu*stel to present the ssoue to .Mr. E. Fuller. Fayette^ ville. JOHN C. BLOCKER. llaiTisonburg, Nov. 25, 1851. 4otf DCT^ The Magistrates of Cuni-- herland ('ounty are notified to meet at the ( cnrt House in K«\etteTille, at 12 o’clock on Thurs day the 4th day of DeceinVuT next, (it being the week of our ('ounty Court.) for the purpose of electing a I’-oard of Suju iintendents of Com mon Schools for this Coimtv. BENJ. ROBINSON. Ch n. Nov. 25, 1851. 4.{-2t ' FAIR NOTICE. Tliosr. persons who have been callcfT u}>oii for the Taxes due the Town, and have not paid, are informed that 1 shall apply to the County Court ne.vt week, for tin Order for the sale of Jill Red EsiJite liable. who wi.*^h to .snve cost will do well to attend to this notice. (}. DI'.M'NG, Collector. Fayetteville, Nov. 25, 1851. 4;J-2t DCT^'riii: iindersigncd, Founder and .Machinist, has conf«nted to act as .\geut fur the only actual PORTAl>LE ClRCUl.,Aii. S.vVN MILL iu the United StJite#, made by Wjii. McKiiistry of Washington. These .^lills are of Cast Iron, no bri» k being used in their enxtioti.- , They can be t«ken d(wn, removed 5 miles, and jun in openttion in 10 hours. Power of Engine' 20; will cut 15,000 feet I’lank Road Lum ber jier 24 hours. These Mills have taken the' premium at the Maryland State Fair over all others, and ure coiisideretl the besl in the world.- l would be jileased to receive orders, either for the Engines with or without tlie .Mill. Letter adili-cssed to II. G. Hull will receive prompt at-' tention. I will put these Mills up any wh^re within H? miles of Fayetteville, if desirable. 11. G. HALL. Nov. 2l'., 1851 4;J-tf S;ilii»bnry Watchman and (toldsboro' Tele-- graph copy Ii mouths. NEW CARPETING. Rt)LT-S Brussels, lngr:uu ami Stair Car{)eting. new aud I'asliiouablc I’at- teriis, just received. —ALSO— 15 kegs Spikes and large Nails. 2-’) boxes Raisins, 80 bags .Shot, Indig'i. CliMcolate, Salad and Castor Oil, wiiU an addition to our StK;k of Hardware. S. VV. TILLING HAST & CO. Nov. 2^'.. 1851. 4;J-tf L.\W BOOKS! fllHE Subscribers are now receiving an(i JL have oil haud for sale, North Carolina Supreme Court Reports, in sets^ or single voluine.s. Iredell’s Digest, H vol«*. “ Digested Manual, old and new I’ds., North Carolina Civil Practice, “ “ Fnrm Book, Swaim’s Justice. Story on liailments, “ Courtict of Laws, Partnership, “ Equity .Iiiri.«prudence, 2 vola,- I “ Equity Pleailing, “ Biils, “ Agency, i “ Salesi ^)ut^act9. Archbold's t'riwninal Pleading, 2 vols^ “ Practice, “ Nisi I’rius, “ Chitty on Contracts, Pleading, S vol.s, “ Meilical Jurisprudence, Starkie on Evidence. H vo's. “ t'riminal Pleailing. 2 vi.l»,. Sugden on Powers. “ Vendors. 2 vots, Powell on Mortgages, “ Contracts, Smith’s Chancery Practice, “ Mercantile Law, “ Actions at Law, “ (’otttracts, Sanders on Uses and Trusts, “ Pleading and Evidence, 2 voTj',, Williams on Real Property, “ Executors, 2 vols, njffmnn's Legal Study, “ Masters iu Chancery, American Chancery Digest, 3 vols-, “ Leading Cases, United States Digest, H vol.s, “ “ Criminal Law, Daniel!’# Chancery Pleading & Practice, 3 vol.f^, Mitford’s “ “■ Lube’s Equity Pleading, \S'hite & Tudor’s Leading Equity Cases, 3 voW« Equity Draughtsman, Adams’ Equity. Parsons’ do. Fearne on Remainders. 2 vols, Greenleaf on Evidence, “ RuBsell on Crinit.s, “ Roper on Legacies, “ Wheaton's Selwyn, “ Cra>)b on Heal Property, “ Tark on Dower. Bingham on Infancy- Cootc on Mortgages, Sedgwick on Damagef, Jones on Bailments, Fell on Guanintees, Byles on Biile, Tillinghast’s Adams oa Ejectment,. Dart on Vendors and Purchasers, Kauffman’s Civil Law, Curtis'* Conveyancer. Oliver’s di>. Atherley on tlie Law of Marriiige, Bright on IluHband nnd Wife, Reeves on Domestic Relations, Little & Brown’s English Report?, Broom’s Legal Maxims, Anthon'a Law Student, Bradford’s N. V. Surrogate Court Rej-:,n!=, Bouvier's La*- Dictionary, 2 vols, Burrill's “ “ “ Hargrove and Bntlcr s Coke, 3 vols, Kent's Commentaries, Blackstone’s “ Kinne’s Kent. Kinne’s Black.xtone. The above will be sold on very reasonaMn' tcrnss. And other Law Books procured to onitv for the members of the Profes.sion in any part of the State, at such prices as will make il their I interest to applv to us. ' * t. .r. R,U.r & SON

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