SBMl-WBBKlrY. 3ga-eeaSB«^*Gi!»* [V(>L. I.] }>KINTK1> 1?V .1. li. XKWBV. i:i)\V\in) J. HALK & sox, i:i»rnms and I’KoriuKToiiis. UBlUn^JKE I AYKTTFA'ILI.E, N. C.. WEDNESDAY, DECEMItER 3, 1851. [NO. l.-i.] . for tho :^eini-" oekl\ (.)ii>khvi-;u !i?4 W if j li.l in :ulv;uii‘t'; oO if pai-l diiriiiji the ,,f siili.-;* rii'tioii: «r *5 after the year has Wfiklv OusKuvKR W j>er annum, if : ,;.i 111 a'K:iii* o: -jo if paid diiriiii; the vo:ir .if sulisiTiptimi; or IKI iif'ter the year j,;,? . xi'in tl. \l!Vi'r.Tl>KMI’N 1'^ insortc'l for sixty cents r , ; Kiin‘ t'T the first, and thirty cents for each ■ . : uli’iiation. early alvfrtisenieiils ; i' ■ lUiMi't.'. at reasi'iiahle rates. .\d- y; ri'iiiiestO'l to State the number of , ■K-'iroil. *>r they will be eontimied till .iii l t-liMi-Lreil accoriliii;rly. : ^ I.ctti'i ' til the IMitcrs must be jiost-j'aiil. I. r. II \ k;ii \ sox • iVKKK KOK SAI.K: I" \V t Its. I’lTto llieo, lletineil, ('’rushed. 1 1.. :it :iiid Havana Su^ar. ;■ . l.ur inM. and nld (iov't .Tava roft‘-e. i. (iiiniiy. and liurlaj'^ liayrjiinjr Twine. ’■ Salt. Mola.'ses. 11 r.Mi-'.iis. Tiiol.-i, Axes, Sji.adi's, Shovels, \, ■illa’tcr I'hains. ; ',.1 II.-,. Iron. : I :ul in (>il. -! llrowii. I’ed I,ead. - ' 'itty. l>ui-kets. l?rooni«. . rr’. ill li.irrels and h.-ilf ditto. ; ■ s. Tanners' t >il. If. 'Vire. ri..i- (IrciMi and Black y tr,'. > aji. .Snuff. I T. (liiiziT. Nutn\efrs. :■ Md Ad iinantin*' ('.indies. ! I. Sliot. Powder, \c. iVc. IN'-I. 44tf Or.m^rs! Orttit^vsl 4Prang^€s! i \ riii;i’. lot, just received at .W ! ir.s IJANKS'.^. N.' -J'. I.''-'.!. 43tf ( I’lM'.li I.K v'l'llKI!. i. V I ot' riM'KH LKATHKR. :it 1 .’111* r-i' (>rice', whicii we will take • I'T. or wiiuld not refuse COOK .V TAVLOK. .. ]>\. 44-4w ^ w vN’i' M()m:y, I h ivf ii'iw •■ii hand IUU’K. • 1 ,'i. i-xi-hanirc lor moiu-v. .loIIN K. rATTKlisoN. 44-4w Mv !^»AI) XO'rK K. i ;i i liol'O.s VF,.s will be received for . i’.rid:riii!Z. 1‘lankinj: and tinishiiiLr i' •!:» r fi -ni N\ri”ht s Folly to ■■ 1 :.’>o fi.r su]ij.lying the iicc.- ii'l '^ ’iiiber fur the s.-ime. I- :H ' a|.jily to the l’re-;i.lent of the ' : t ; .'V, ‘s. ('. !r.A. >1 VI FAUL.VN. lent. ■'■-I. 44 ;!w II AY. !:.\LF.S IIAV. 'y:0 l.ushe!>.. ('orn. For sale l.v U. II. LLTTi:UI.olf. 1. 4l-tf NOTK’E. ; IIS h..!diii|i rlMiins airainst the 1:ite • : , .rt !;■ . her ,K !’uH;ir.l. are requested ■ ;i- the ..nie to ^Ir. K. Fuller. F.avette- .loiiN i:Loi’Ki;i{. !• : r ' .nbiir;.i. Nov. J-'i, ls.'>l. 4‘;tf ' MM'icrsinfnrd, I'oniulor Ii:i.s consented to act as \rent • iiiy a.'tiial I’ol’iTAlU.K 'llU/rL.\U • in tlic I'niti'il St.ites. made by Wm. -'ry Ilf ashin;rton. These Mills an; of i;. 111! brirk beiii;; ii.ed in tiieir erection. ii bi. tak«.ii down, removed o miles, and . i Tat:..n in 1*> hours. Power ol Kn^jine ‘ i. I : •.'i'i (".It 1‘i.iMMt ff»-t Plank llo,al l-«m- •r J 1 h'lui-s. 'I'hese .Mills have t.akcn the ii- ■ ;it the Maryland .''t.ate Fair ivcr all Hiid re (•oii.')id‘red tin* b« st in the world, ■i b,. |.;i.;iseil to receive*r.s. either for ii.^in.’S w if h or without the Mill. Letter "••'I to H. (j. Hall will receive jrompt at- ■r 1 Window GInss, 8 x 10 and 10 x 12, in good order, of excellent «iuality. Putty, in Ci!ifi/rr.'! and H!nhlerK. Spanish hiting, in 'pumtities to siiit. Just received and for sale bv i$i;vi;i:lv uosk A: S(»n. Nov. 2), 18f>l. 4d-:U Cumberland Superior Court of Law. SIMX IAL 'IKKM. FrUI.U' Notice iH hereby given, that n Spe cial I'erni of ('nniberland Superior ourt of Law will be held on the 2d Monday in Feb ruary iSo’J, fur the trial of such ('ivil CaseH as were on the trial dovUct at Full Term, lf51. Suitors and witiifsses will take due notice thereof and govern themselves ae‘ordinplv. 1*. a. MAC KAK. Clerk. Nov. 22, 18-’»1. 42tc »r. T. I>. II A I II, \S taken an Office on Hay Street, West of the Hotel lUiildings. •July 14, IS.')]. 4-tf F.VYETTEVH.I.K ( ON'n-l’TIONERy., CHARLES BANKS, INFORMS the public, that he has refitted his Kstablishment on tireen Street, and has on hand a fresh supply of ('.\ N hi il.S, m:innfactured by himself out of the best Loaf Sug.-ir. and war ranted free from starch, flour. pa?te, and perni cious paints. His wholo time and attention is now devoted to making Candy, and he is jire- pared to supply nil orders with C.-iinlifs e.pial to .any made in the L'niteil States. 'I'ln-se Can- dii's lu' warr.-ints to keep in any climate: and he will sell ti> Town or Country merchants, as cheap as good and pure Candy c:in Ik- purehased in New York or elsc'w here. F:iyetteville. Oct. 2S, iS-jl. 4-tf NKW (iOODS. frST received, niv Fall supply of (^I..OTllS, cassimkhks am> VKsr'iNds. ri:iM- MINGS, I'ic.. of the best cpiality. from New York. ,\1so, the latest Kejiort of the New ^'ork FASHIONS. 8Sr3“ I continue to c.trry on tlie TAlLolklNli iir.siNF..''S. Ht my Stand on Hay street, and those who may f.-ivor me with tin-ir c\i>toin may rely on having their work d^ne in a neat and fashionab’e style, and on the most favorable terms. AU(’1I11?ALI) OH AM \M. Oct. 27. ix.'d. ;!4tf UI:M)\ AL. Siili.voribers have removed to the nnv ■- llrick .Store, two do >rs west of the Cape Fear P.ank, where they are receiving tlu-ir Fall Stock of /)/'y (I rn'l rllnnhntn untJ ('iill/'i-y, iiiiil ('rnki ry. —Also— iDiif ShtP}s, /lai/i/111'/ miif f'ls/l, nf ilijtirriit /,-ini/s. i In fact. evtTv thing usually called l'.>r in the mercantile line, to which the_\ invite an exmiii- nation. LMKTK & JoHN.SON. Oet. 27. 18')1. ;{4-tf r|lHF. srP,.CKir.K!l isieceiving an.l M. for sale, a well selected stock of €w roc e r i e Sn Lemon. Soda, P»utter, and Water Crackrrs, Pilot IJread, Pickle.s and Preserves. Nuts. Kaisins and Prunes. Tobacco and Cig.-irs. Om the most reason.-ible terms for ('ash. iir on time to punctual cu.Ntomers. CHS. P.ANKS. No. ‘Ire- n st. ray'tteviUe. (»ct. 2^. IS-'il. l-tf Noru'i:. ~ sub.scriber is tlow receiving his Fall and Winter Stock of F.XNCV .md ST.M’LF. DRV ;001>?4; II:it., and ]>it:niots; liont.s mid .‘^lioe.s; lliinlwaiv and ('iitUry; Ulack-niiths’, ( aiul (’:ii jK'ntcr.«’ Tools; Str:i\v 'utt«T.s, Corn Shellcis, i’lt)uohs, iVe.; 11 ol low-ware; lleav^- guod.s for NegrK's, ttc. \c. The above goods will be sold at wholt-'iale r retail, to suit customers. Wc say nothing a- boiit liow the above (hmmIs were bought, or how thi'v will be sold, but we do say come and see, at the Huske buildings, (irt'en .Sti-eet. P. TAVLOlt. Oct. 2B. Caroliiii.iii 2in ol-2m PAID for YOl'NtJ NKGUOKS. Apply to J. v>c T. WAI>1)11.I>. Sept. 2o, iy.:)I. 2‘.tf NFAV KHtM. rg^iiK unilersigned have entered into copart- -fi. nership, umler the name ami .style of liawmice Troy, I'or the purpose of iloing a general Mercantile and Harter business. We have taken the Store, No. lOCilJKL.N STHI'II'T. formerly occujiied by Messrs. .John lluske ,S: Son. (Jl-:o. W. LAWP.KNCE. •JOHN 15. TllOV, .Ir. Oct. 22, 18.>1. :',:Uf II. lfii*niiM«»ii A: (►FFKH roK SALK. I 111111. prime St. Croix Sl'dAI’, 2 hhds. New Orleans ditto, 20 bills, ll^-fined ditto, it " (iranul.Mted ditto, oO bags green Itio Coffee, •"» •• (iov't .Java ditto, 7o kegs Nails. .'!il. to •> imdi .Spikes, 1 dozen Knglish cross-cni Saws. •’> cjisks I hecsc, 2il Inixes ditto. 10 boxes fine Chewing Tobacco, Fxtra ool ll.-its. .Negro Shoes v; Pl.'inkefs. Oct. 22. 1k:>1. ;;;',tf Ti’a! Tea! Ttal! ICIIKST VOl N(; HYSON, I ditto Cunpowclcr. 1 (,’atty Imperi.-il, F.'.r sale bv CHS. P,.\NKS. Oct 28. IS-'.l. ■ ;;i tf 'rii(‘ Siil)scril)or still continues to cai-ry on the CAlJl.N’i-IT HCSINKSS in Fayetteville, and in addition to his lOstablishment on I?ow street. n‘:ir l',c-les's Hriilge. has opened a large W AKl'l lt()OM on ll.-iy stri'ct, nearly opposite the Fayettevilb* Hotel and one loor K:;st of .Messrs. Haigh iS: Son's, where a ireneral assortment of riUiXiiXRi; Made by coin]ietent and faithful workmen, may bo had at |>rices cori'esponding with the times. .\lso, an assortment of Northern-m:ide Fl'ltNI- Tl'l’E. selected by himself, which will be sold at 11 vcrv moderate adv::iic‘. l»l’NCAN -McNKlLL. Nov. 10. iH.'il. :58tf nK keeps on hand :in .•issortment of Fisk's celebrated .MKT.VLLIC lU'IU AL CASKS, which have lieeti highly recommendeil by Willie P. Mangum. Henry Clay. Lewis Cass. Wni. H. King. !!nl many other illustrious charjicters. who have examined and witness‘d tlieir utilitv. Il lTS, ( IPS, KOGTS & SHOES. riLli l.MI \H.\TI.« (iOllDS. w d and are now receiving vai'ions ipialities. M'irm i 'I'Ik' nnd(‘rsi*rn('d hi\» mitMt'd | •'> t'>c Dry t into cop:irtnershi|i, under the name anl style of HALL \ S.\( KL'I'T. lor the purpose of doing a I>r.v (Joods aii'l Hardw.-ire linsiness. and liave tiikcn the Store •» doni > Last of the F.avetteville Hotel. J. 11. HALL. A. i;. HALL. T. .M. S.VC KKTT. August 2''), ISol. Ititf 1C have rei-eivi our usual Stock d' srAl’LI-: vV I'ANC’V (iOODS. Consistin^r of nearly every article usually kept tootls line. —ALSO— VSSnllTMKNT F. are now receivitig a large and well se lected .Stock of w i>iiv €;ooi>s. (’omjirising every article usually kept in that line, togetlier with !.')() Cast's Boots and Shoes. Ilalw and 'a|>M. _ALS( >— ,\ well selected Stock of To all of which we invite the attention of Mer- ch:ints of the iiite.-ior. who will find it to their interest to examine our .Sfock before m.iking tiieir purchases. W e «ill not be undersidd by anv one doing b\i--iness in t!iis place. 11 \LL \ SACKF.TT. .Vuirust 2‘>. 1 '’>1. liitf A FlNi: l''aslii(Hial»l(' HoiiikMs, 1 lats, C';ij)S, lioo'is, SIkk's, \:e. Th«. above .Stock we would invite our custom ers. friends, and the j>ublic generally, to call and examine liefore purchasing, as we are de termined to sell (loods to suit the times. ALF.X U .lOllNSON A; CO. F'ayettevi’le. Sept. 2^5. 18')1. 2->tf \('OX. Lard, and Flour, for sale bv LKKTK .V .lolINStiN, 2 doors West of C. F. P>ank. IS Fall Hiifl ll'isiter Storh\ I 8 :> I. ^ H K Subscriber ifTers for sale one of the ■I- largest and best :issoi'tments of lOOl>S in his line ever offered in this jilace. He is very thankful for the very liberal patron.-ige th:it he has h.-id, and solicits ji cmtinu:ince iif the s;ime. 11 is stock has been selei t-d with care, anil consists if nearly every variety and style, from the best manufacturers. He has on hand and ofi'ers low for C'i»h, :it retail or by the case, latest style.s (ientlemen’s lie.-iver. Nutria. .Moleskin, Silk, Hrush and An gola H.\T.S. .\lso, .Jenny l.ind, Kossuth, .Vr- tist. Plough and lieady, atid stiffened Fur ami Hool Hilts, for .Men, \'outli and ISoys—in abun- ilance by the dozen or case. —AL.SO— \ very large supply of Cloth,, Velvet and Fur C.U’.S, of all ipialities. styles anl pri ces,—by the single Cap or by the dozen. —ALSO-I lioots and Slioes, of the following varieties, viz; Fine \Vater-iiroof. tine Calf, line Kip and heavy Winter l!0((TS. .Mso, Uoys’ und Ytmths’ Calf and Kip lioots. (ientlemen's Dress .Shoes, of Together with an asjiortment of Lailiix', Misses’ and Cliibln'n’s I500T.S and SIIOI’S. viz: .lenny Lind. F.xcelsiors, (Jaiters. ditto Half. Puskins, Slippers and Morocco Hoots. ■\lso. (ientl«men's and Ladies' Pubbers. With :i good su])ply of Youths', Hoys'. Childrens' and .Servants' heavy .shoes. All of which he ofi'ers low for Ciixh, or on time to punctual customers. Please call and satisfy yourselves before purchasing elsewhere. •JOHN C. THOMSON, Market Square. Sept. 2»'., 18.-.1. Aui:\, Kiii:n\vi^:i.i. A: ciT. XKW TALL AND WlNTPni t; OODS. Watclics and Jovvolry, At lVliol('f«alc ami Rclnil. .1. w public DOMKS riC’S. fITTLK Hivvr Osnabergs: 7-S anil 4-t 1 .Sheetin-gs always on hand, a>nl for sale at Factory prices, by STAP.ll \ WILLIAXLS. June 7, iSol. 7’>tf l>rnss(‘ls and other ('ari>('tin«:s. Ht rth Hugs. Dri!,i:gets. Crumb-Cloth.>». Piano and Table Covers. For sab- bv ST.VUU \ WILLIAMS. Nov. •'>, is'.l. ;7-tf D. \ W. McLAl llIN. d J -tf i DAii.v i;xi*i:c'i'i:n. fJF.NKllAL assortment of C O O P F. K S ' f the best m.inufacturcrs’ .1. .s: T. W.UllHLL ;{.'tf TOOLS, ake. by Oct. IS. 1S.-,1. i:. C. 11 .\.LL. of Uoiiie. ;'.2tf T II put th. 1 F;i\i-tt 1>.'. i-s(‘ Mills uji any where within 10 ille. if desirable. H. C.. HALl^ 1. 4d-tf ' 1 ()ii. in (juantilics to snit. ' ' pure Will fL LK.VD, in large and ■' j'l’....; i'riints. for roofs of houses. :'i. r wiili :i .' assortiri'-ut of other ■' cd : -'.I. \.\ nd f>>r «ab‘ bv HLVKP.LY ilOSi: SON. N'FOVKS! srovi'.s!! il'IT-VHLK for Churches, Ftirlors, F.ictories. ind Storeis. For sale bv C. W. ANDREWS, •Market .square. Oct. 27, :51tf SAI.KM PAPKR-MH>r. rpiHE .subscriber has taken charge of this old M. and well known I'stablishment, and is pre- p.-ired to attend to all orders for IM'intin^ Papt'r, M(‘rchants’ and I'actorv \V ra})|)inLi. vVr. ^ ll.oTliS, Cassimeres. :ind \‘estings, for sale by i>F.KTK S .loHNSoN. 2 doors West of C. F. 15ank. or Celtic fi. .Manners, .as preserved among the High- lamlers, being an historical and descriptive iic- count of the inhabitants, anti jiiitie:-, and na tional peculiarities of Scotbni'l, by .James Lo gan. Just received and fi>r sale by E. .1. H.M.E .S: SON. wi.LDox lion:!., X. (’. ^ H F; subscriber, who kejit the Hail Hoad Hotel in North Carolina last , having taken tln“ ;»lMjve house, former’; SpMiill's. and for several years jiast kept by Mr. W. T. Whitfield, who now keeps the new Hotel in Weldon, ainI having b;\d the house thoroughly renovated, and sup]ili('d with new Heds. Hcdding and Furniture, t.ike.s this method (if informing his friends and the jiublie genfrally, that his liouse is now ojien for the reception of IJiiil Hoad ptissengers, and others who may favor him with a call. Supper, including the best Oysters received daily front Portsmiuth, Va., will always be found ready on the table on the arrival of the ('ars. The Weldon Hot«d is in the rear of the other house, iind is. therefVire. although within a few yards of the Hail Hoad, almost entirely cut off from the view of the Passi'ngers. by that house, Nov. lo, IS.',I. 1). LVMAX nriil’.AMv, Siii'ci ssiii' to Iliif' /i »l' }>itI'li'Hili'y Wholesale and P.ctail Dealer in 'i;;;ar!«« 'rol>ac*i*», and Nmifl*, KEF.I’S constantly on Uand the above named articles, .if the most j.opular brands, and warrante.l eijual to any in the ci»unt>'y. Hav- iiiir made arvangeincnts with an extensive house in Pi.'i’tiiH' r‘. he will sell at ISaltinmre prices, and resiiectfully invites the citizens ot Fayette ville and iiirrounding country to give him a call. t-iY* Front Street, next door to Messrs. Pol- lev \ Hart, (at the sign of THE ITHK.) Wilmington, Oct. 1', ::(itf ^-1. vea I, li, h_. Ol' MOXKY. i-i k ijii ai f? t* IJIO, ItJ .'..lUit, will p{eai(C settle by tJie li«t of • tliat 1 iii.iv be able to t^ettle with those A. A. McKETHAN. - . i M. 4;j-tf MAS ('\ui>i;riN(;. . ll'*LLS i;rii."»se!s. Ingrain and Stair [ ■ irj.etiiig. new and fashionable l*at- - l'-.-ei\c!. —ALSO— ■ ‘ kc'j-- Spikes and large Nails, llaisins, !.-> diot, i-.p iit.'. Salad and C’lj.wtor Oil, with ‘ '- 'ii f.i iur .'•'lock of Harihvare. .. S, W, T1LL1N(JHAST ('O. - ■ i^^i. .4;?-tf ->V#r Firm^ ] IIK uii(lnsi;.>n('d have (“nt(*n‘d into :"i "it-rKliip. under the Firm and style of d-\N \ .lONES. for the purpoKe of doing '* Men antile and Harter Husiuess, as " i"r till. i|ir,iill:nl,ii of Turpentine. A. D. McLEAN. N. (i. JONES. ' ‘""“••r-ide, N. Nov. 21, iM.'d. 4H-tf 1 ui I X rixi: I.AM) _ FOH S,\LE. j,''t|: ;>(,;> )„.res of LAND on Jamea * leek, and f. JO .acres on (,'ypress Creek, ' ‘>iiin-ii^|,,j^ conveiiieiit to the Western Plank ^ ' heavily timbered, and udiiiirably ada])ted making of Turiientine. 'i'!’ V at Othce. ^ iHol. 41tf The Mill has recently been thoroughly refitted and the Southern 1 icket Office. Passengers with new machinery, and the suliseriber believes have to liy, and almost over the stejis ot that house to get to that of the subscriber: and to prevent Passengers, the Ladies, particidarly strangers, from being deterred from cro.ssing the street over to his house, in the uight, or in bad weather, they are earnestly ro'iuesfed to in- ‘juite of the Passengers, on the Hoats or ('ars, Mrs. !ii:ViL h as f)j)('nod i who have stopped at his house, as to its (jualitv- that large ami cinve»iient houife. near j standing as a Hotel, whether they h:ivc the foot of llaymouut. on Hay .street, i met with nicer Beds, or a better Table, South !ie can furnish P.-ijier of as good ipiality and at ufi cheaji price.s as can be purchased any where, Nortl) or South. CHAHI.ES E. SHOP.EH. Salem, June 7, 18-jl. 77tf known as the Farmers’ and Planters’ Hotel, where she would be glad to accommodate gentlemen with Ho.-ird Jiy tlie week or month. Families can be «upplied with pleasant rooms. She is als«i prepared to accommodate Travel lers ami their horses. Her Stables are attend ed to l).v one well acquainted with the mamige- luent of horses. Tfiose who are bo kind as to patronize her, shall find that her greatest care w ill Jie to please. Oct. 27, 1H.')1. _ :Utf MANTU:\-M\lvlNfr& MILI.IXKHY. */• #/.*. oi dll kinds, for sale at this OflSce, RS. W.VLTON lias just returned from the f B North with a new and beautiful assort ment of Fall and Winter .MILLINEHV, coimist- ing of silk, satin and velvet Honnets, of varimig ]irices: Plumes, Itibbons and Flowers; Head Dresses and ('aps; Straw Hoiinets of different • luality and price; inside Capes; Collars and L’ndersleeves; very heat quality of Kid Clloves; .Miffs, long and short; a new and elegant i»tyle of Dress Trimmings, of the most fash ionable kind, and a few handsome Dress Pat terns; watered and plain silk Mantillas: vel vet .Mantillas ami Cloaks; a uov, style ot Hon- net and Trimmings, of all coloi»; and a bandt>on;e assortment of Flov ers and Head Dresses Dresses made in the latest style; like wise .MantitliiS and Clouka. Oct. 14, 1851. 80-3m or North, where there i,s not a good City Mar ket. He is determined to kevp hi.s house eijual to the best and second to none. I'he Ticket ((fhce for Haltimore b.v way of Petersburg. Hicdimond, Washington ('ity, kc. is iu his house. The Ticket Othce for Haltimore, bv way of the Seaboard and Hoanoke Hail Hoad, and the Hay Line, is in .Mr. Whitfield's house; lint the Proprietors of either house will procure Tickets for the Passengers from the other Of fice, while they are at supper. j.\MES ghf:sil\m. Weldon, Nov. 4, 1851. ;J7-lin ^30iriil'.VVAlJD!“ SCAPED from the Jail of Kershaw District, I J on Monday the 14th day of July last, S.XMl'EL J. L()VE, who was convicted for the murder of Roljcrt J. Lester, at Spring Term of ('ourt, 1851. Said Love is about 20 or 21 years of age, six feet two inches high, (not cert.ain as regards his height, hut supposed to be therea bouts,) has dark hair, and of a sallow complex ion. with a duwiicast look; some of his front teeth a little decayed, aud follows the occupa tion of .a Carpenter. I will give the above reward to any person who will apprehend the said S. J. Love and lodge him iu any Jail in thiw State, or One Hun dred and Fifty Dollars for his safe confinement in any Jai' in the United States, so that I can get him. JOH.V INGRAM, Sheriff. Camden, S. C-, Aug. 30, 1851. 20-0iu l'ii«‘oiii'au:4‘ fli4‘ »i(l ^orlli Akky, Shkmw k.I.I, ('(». have jnst rt*- ceived a spleJidid assortment of Siihm iiirrf. bl:ick and gre_\. tii which they would call the attention of tin* pulilic. These gomls will comp*‘te in quality and durability with the best of Northern Ca^¥imeres. and • Vi. much cheaper, ranging fri.m >2A cents to !Sl ,.i per yard. Fayetteville, N. C., Oct. 14. ls.'^>l. ;{Otf s roKA(;i:. M W ^ have commodious brick W.irehouscs ▼ ▼ in the rear of oiir St.ire. in which we store cotton and i.t'iier jiroduce. Nov. 1. IS-M. RETAIL AND WHOLESALE. M 10ME in to the Cheaji Store. North side of * Hay street, one door ab4ive the corner, •and l>uv new Dry (loods. Also. Heady-made Clothing, Hats and Caps—great variety. ISAAC DODD. Nov. 4. is.-,l. :M-tf •m FI LL .'>LT.'' country-niak‘ HUKKl'H- ■ •jir IN>. for wagons. VEGETABLE DYSPEPSIA BITTERS, •J IIK .MOST POPl I. VU FAMILY MEDICINE O K T II K A G K ! Um‘(I ])) riiysiciiiiis of High Staiuling. •riiC'c lilTTh.liS remove all morbid serretiom, piiiilv tho l.l.-nd. pnc '‘tT" .li){cs'tUeoi )r:ois, fortllv tUe system »i;Biiist all fiitai* • liMiiM'. CBII l.etiikcn w itli saletv, at no time debili- tatiiis tl>*- i.;illeiit—lieiiiR deli- cate stomach, and loiiiaikuble foi their cheerin|^, iiivi^oratiiifi^. strenj^lheiiinf?, and re^toiative proj>er- tieii. and in iiivaliialile and sure remedj for DVSPKPSIl I\ ITS n OUST FORMS. AUit. I.iver omplnints. JHiimlire. Heartburn, ('os- livenesR. Kaintno^s. iJisonler?: >l theSkiu ami Liver, I.os.« of \pix*tite. I.oW SpirilK. Nervniin Heauache, Talpltation of the Heart, Sinking anti Kull* ness of at the Stomach, ami all other diseases tanso.l h\ an in.|.nre state of the liver, etc., which tend to (le)iiitate and weaken the K} stem. !'' K M A K S VVlio suffer from a mort»id and unnatural condition will find this .Medicine of INESTIMABLE VALUE. In Al l. AMrs of iKNKK \I. DKBII.ITV, this Medi- cine A( TS 1*1 KK A ( II • THOXTSASrDS Hare tested ilK etticacy, end thousands more are now under tieiitment ; and !iot one solitarj case ol failure has vet l.een lenoited. Voltimes could he filled with c«rti»icates of those who have been j.ernianantly cured. Call on th« Ajrent, and get a P.IHPHLET, rontaiainR the ( erlificates of Itemarkable Cures and the hiifli clfimation in which this .Niediciiie is held by the Tilblic Press—can be had of the .Agents. Irec ^ Large ftuarts $1; Pints 50 Cents. S>UJ by all the Principal Ih tiggisis in tkt Vniltd Statts aud L'unadan. Ofticr liJ KULTON ST.. N V.. uy stiurt For sale by S. J. HINSDALE. November 8, liiil. Sb-j ^ H K .Subscribers are now receiving direct from Nev»’ York and l‘hil:idel}>liiu. the Lar gest and liaiidsouiest .''tock of Sffiplc I'aiicii Dry (fOods That they have ever exhibited in this market, embracing every vai’iety of Ladies' and Geiitle- meri'.** liltL.''.'' (lOuD.''. among which may be found; Hlack and fancy w atered and plain Dress .'^ilks: hlack anl fancy Coburgs: Lama Twills: figured an>l jilain fancy and black Mohair Lus tres: Silk Warp and Crape nrocades; .Swiss. .'>C'itch and Chetie (linghanis; .''axoiiy De-Lains: F'rench, Kngli.'h and .Vmerican I'rints: limb'd Cashmeres: plain ditto: changeable De-Lains; watered and iieeille-work C:i.slimeres: cli:>iigea- ble Voneses: I’rocade Lustres; Damnsk .Koli.ins; black Honibazines: second-mourning riijilins; plain and watere'l Silk .Mantillas: cidored and black Velvet .Nlantillas; iirocade I’oplins; aud a l.-irge assortment of Dress Trimmings: French and F.nglish .Merinos: Velvet Xeck llibbons and l.'uffs, iVc. EMI5U(Ml>KUrKS. French worked Collars and Capes: French worke.l Cufls: French worked Chem settes: I’li- der .'^leeves: .^w iss .and .laconet Trimmings: In fants' \V;iists anil Cups: Hem-stitcbed .md nee- ■ lle-worked Linen C.iiiil>ric Handkerchiefs, from III cts. to •'S.'): and a beautiful assortment of Veils: every variety of Shawls, enibroiilei ed and jilain: Thread. Cotton and Linen Ivlgings and Laces: black ."silk Laces and Kdgings. —also— I’lack. blue, brown and green French and Knglish Cloths: b'.ack and fa'.icy Cassimeres: Cut Velvet, figtired and black .''atin and Valen cia Vestiiig-i. I .some very handsome:) Sattinets; Kentucky .le.ans: Tweeds; Linseys: I'l.annels. Wool :ind cotton: Osnaburgs; Druggets; Damask Table Cotlis: ditto Najikius: ('entre-Table ('ov ers. very fine: I’iano Covers; Irish Linens: Lin en L.-iwns; Thread Ctimbrics: Towellings; (len- tlemen's Merino ,'liirls and Dr.iwers: .Silk Neck and Docket Han'lkercliitd's; Ladies' Merino Vests; Cashmere and .''ilk Hose; ditto Half-Hose: the celebratetl Salem .le.ans, bl:ick atid grey. Lailies', (Ientlemen's aud Children's r>0()TS and .Sll( IK.S. .Men's. Hoys' and Difants' Hats and Caps. Vi'lvef. .''••itin. and Florence lionnets. Ditto ditto ditto for Misses. Ami every article usii.illy kept in a Dry (Joods .■store. . We invit>‘ tlie public to call and exam- ; inc our largi' and handsome Stock, as we are al- . ways anxious to show our (ioods. ! JB-raT h'ffj) SIll/d r, Tfi (t)iif Ctijfrr. AllKV, SHF.MWl'LL I'c CO. return thanks i to the citizens of Fayetteville, and the imblic 1 generally, for the very liberal i>atronage here- j tofore bestowed on them, and intend, by strict I .nttention to business, to merit a continuance. S. S. AKF.V. ' I*. SHKMWKLL. H. Me DONALD. F.ayetteville. .Sept. lo, liSol. 21tf H.Wl'j just received from New Vork, niy FALL ANi> WTNTl'.i: Stock of Goods, Consisting of a general assortment of Dry (loods, Crorrrics. iiiiniwiirc. rnticry, k(. 1 will barter for Tl’Ul’KNTlNE, or any kind of Produce. N. KING, 10 miles North of Favetteville. Oct. 28, 18.-)0. ■ 4:5tf rOl’LD respectfully inform the irenerally. that he has rettirned recent ly from New York, with decidedly a large as- soi tment of H\ttrhes ami Seirelrtf. Many of these Watches were bought for C.\.''H I5V THK l*.VCK.\(iM, and can therefore lie sdd very low. He has Watcbes of all kinds: Chains, Keys anl Seals of .all kinds and of the latest styles; Finger-Kings, Kar-l!ings. Medallions, of all sizes, of English and .\merican make; La dies' Chatelaines: Cuff I’ins: Collar and Sleeve Huttons; Shirt Studs; Gold Sjiectacles. light and heavy; Gold I’ens and Pencils; (iold and Silver Thimbles; Bracelets; Silver Fruit and Hutter Knives: .Silver S}>oons of all sizes: large lot «if Pocket Cutlery; Sci.ssors. best ipiality; I’utton- hole Scissors, .Surveyor's Compasses anil Chiiins; Mathematical InstTr.mejits; large tiuantify »»f fine and connnon Pistols; tine and comnuin sin gle and double-barrel Guns: Game Hags: Shot Helts and Powder Flasks: Military Goods, in cluding the liass Drum and the s'Miallest Dutton; Violins and extra Hows; Flutes. Clarionets, F'la- geolets, Accordeons. of all kijids and sizes: Mu sic lioxes; Perfumery;; [..atlier P.rushes: Piazors and .Strops; Dressing ami Pocket Combs; Plated and Britannia Ware; and various other things too tedious to enumerate. Call and give me a trial. (.’ash paid for old G».ld and Silver. ' WAxriiKs and Jkwklrv neatly I’ejiaii-ed. F’lijttti-cHICj —?\iirtli-Huat Cnrni'r I of Murhet I 12-;m] J. M. liKASLF:Y. r .Noririv. Fllili ,\M) WiNTKR (iflODS. rB'^HF; .Subscril ‘.‘rs are now receiving a well i selected stO( k of Staple and Faticy D15Y ^ GOODS. Among tii--ir stock will be found the I latest styles of Ladies' a;id (ientlemen's DHF^SS (iO(JDS. together wi*h a gool assortment of Rt*:iily-mado ('lothinir; rmbrellas; Hat ’ (’ajis, ami JJoimets; all kinds of Huuts and ! S1kh‘s; Carjiftin^; Saddles, liiidlt^s. Whips and Cellars; Hardware and Cutlery; Ijea- ther; llill)\v-wareand rrookery-ware; Loaf, Ijiinip, (’ru.sliel, ('larilied and lirown Su gars; Ti'us; Kio, Liiouira and Java Coftce; Salt, Molasses, Inui and Nails. With many other (ioods. which will be sold very cheap for Cash, or on time to those who pay punctually. We would be glad if ottr friends and the public gencrallv would give us a c:ill. .1. T.‘ ('OLNCIL a: CAIN. Sept. 1. 18.')1. IStf Kncourore ^orth Carolina. rj^HK tnidersigned is maiiufhcturing, iu Fay- JL etteville. Boot and Shoe Polish, I far superior to the Blacking purchased iu the Northern cities. He intends devoting his whole time to manufacturing and vending this very su perior Polish, and calls ujion all who think it to the interest of the Soutlierji peo]ile to become independent of Northern manufactures, to give him their aid ami patronage. I He is jirejiared to show, by olixuhitr frinl, to any one who will call upon him. the r'lxt xnpv- j rinrihf of his over all other jioIix/kk or hJacking j now sold in North Carolina, ('all and have yotir boots and shoes once completely blacked and : polished, and be satisfied. This article is ritfered at a price T>i't liigber than is usuallv' charged for other and inferior ‘ qualities, and a trial is all that is askeil to se cure the p.atronage of the public generally. The undersigned expects to visit every por tion of the State to introduce his Polish, and :isks now in advance that .Merchants and others visiting Favetteville will give him a call. A. .1. AVOODW AKD. .Iune21, 18')1. 77-*‘ni '.IIM:Mli MI,i,VTS'> M.m.vjC NOI'JCK. '^■^HK Steamer ni.atli.iin will leave this plac» -JL every Monday and 'I'lnii sday at 7 o’clo-k, A. M„ (instead of 1* o'clock a«at prc.sent,) cotn- menciiig at 7 o’clock ^Monday lOth inst. Time of leaving Wilminpton. every Tuc.sday and Fri day at 2 o’clock P. .M. .JNO. D. WILL1.\MS, Agent Cape Fear Steamlioat (’o. F'f^yetteville. March BROTHERS \M. THK Steamer liUOTHF.K.S and Tow Boats, STF'VENSON and D.W'ID LFAVIS are jire- p.-ired to forward with Dksi>.\tch, all goods con signed to the Pro]iriefor. The Steamer P>rothers i« of light draft, and well stiited to run in low w.ater. She possesse- power, and speed, and is admirably adapted to towing, and can accommodate about 20 passen- gers. The projirietor contein]ilates rnnning the P.oat himself, aiwl will give special attention to way freight and naval stores: to towing, and will al so attend to the comfort and convenience of Passengers. F’rom his long experience as Agent iu W ilniington of the several .‘'team Bo.-it Com panies, he thinks he can give .aati.sfaction. To Merchants in the interior he would say, that all (.Joods ship]>ed by him, will be delivered to their .\gcnts in Fayetteville. His agent iij Wilmington is .lOllN C. L.\TT.\. to whom all communications may be addressed, as Agent of the Steamer Brothers. .lOHN I5ANKS, Proprietor. Mayl-'j. 72-y L.VCKS.MITHS BKLLOWS, Anvils. Vist s, Screw Plates, and Hammers, for sale by LFF.TK .V .lOHNSON, 2 dofirs We«t of ('. F. Bank. Ca rria^e 31 a11ii f ac tory. ^HF Snbscribei'*liaving taken the F.stablish-' ment of the late .V. C. Siiujison, (situateJ ojiposite W. McIntyre's Store,) intends carrying on the Carriaire Manufaclurinir l»iisincss In all its varions braitches, and wonld respect fully solicit a aharc of the public patronage. Jl.iviiig had considerable experience in the business, and having been employed in some of the most estensive Establishments in New York and New .Jersey, he flatters himself that he can give general satisfaction. He warrants all his work to be made of the best material the surrounding country affords, and liy experienced workmen; and shonld nnj of it fail, either in material or workmanship, iii twelve months from the time of its delivery, he will repair it free of charge. HEPAll’lN(i done in the neatest and best maBtier, and at the lowest possible prices. A. H. WIliiFlKLD. Faj'etteville, Feb. 11, l^•')0. 7tf 1 fBlHlS LINI] OF liOAT.s is still iti siicee.'s- JfL ful o]>er:ition on the Cape Fear Kiver, .and continue to idler many facilities to the shipping public. Persons jiatronising this Line, may rest as sured that their (ioods will be brouglit up with dispatch, and at the very lowest rates of freight. A. AV. STEEL. President. T. S. LUTTEBLOH, Agent at F’avetteville. Feb. l.'i, 18')1. ' -V.Mf \vanti:d7 The Stibsoriber wishes to purchase .“lOn.IMlO lbs. U.\(iS. for which the highest oish prices will be paid ou delivery in F’ayetteville. DAVID mI’KPHY. Kockfish, Cuiuberland, Aug. 20, 18-')1. lo-tim KING and A. McAlILLAN have entereI into copartnership in the Distillery of Turpentine, and have erected a Still on the W est side of the Fayetteville and Western Plank Pvoad, 8 miles from Favetteville. N. KING. MayO.—71tf A. .McMILLAN. 100,(H)() .\cres V^aluable T I Al ]] F. R L A x\ D S FOR SALE. ^SIHE Subscriber has purchased all the Lands belonging to the Est.ite of Abniin Dubois, dec’d, lying princijially in Robeson county, and on both sides of Lumber lliver, the different sur veys containing , Over 100,000 Acres; I A large jiart finely Timbered, and convenient to Lumber River, where a large (piantity of Tim- ; ber is now rafteil to the Georgetown market. These Lands are very valuable both for the 1 Timber and Turpentine, for which purpose a : large part is well suited, being in a region I where the Turpentine yields more aliundantly than any other section of the St.ate. The Lands' will be soM nt u low price, and 1m quantities to suit purchasers. Information i*especfing the title CJin be ob tained by applying to the Hon. Robert Strange, H(ui. .las. C. Dobbin, or A. A. T. Smith, Esij., : (Attorneys at Law.) I I understand there are many trespassers on , these Lands, to all of whom notice is hereby given, that the law will be enforced against all such offenders. I Application for any part of the Lands can be ! made to m> «elf, or to John Winslow, F’sq., wdio is dulv authorised to make sale of the same, i ‘ TIIOS. J. CURTIS. ! r'Ayctlevill' , N. C., Sept. 1, Ibio. 7titf \% wish to buy 20.000 barrels Tur]>entine. KING vNc Mc.MlLLAN. Lim- of fotir-horsc l*0^t (.'onrjus. from fai/t tfrrilh" to l)rn'ft/. TIHF; .Subscribers having securcd the mail contract on the above Line, will commence THIS D.VY. running a Line of Four Horse Post Coaches. l>aily. Leaving Fayetteville ;it O P. M., a»Ml arriving at Warsaw at J. ]iast ti A. M., in time for the ('ars North and South. Be- turning. leave Warsaw on the arrival of the (’ars, say about 1 or 2 P. M.. and arrive :it Fay etteville in ten hours. Every care will bo taken to render the line pleasant, convenient, and safe, for Travellers. A Line of .Stages w ill be established as sof’H as jiossible. >»y the Plank Hoad, from F.-iyette-- ville via Carthage and .Vsheborongh, to Lexing ton, Salem, and Salisbury. McKINNoN McNEILL. Fayetteville, N. l’.. Aug. 8, 18')1. 11-tf Staf^e Jjinc to lialrigli. T’ from 7') Bbls. No. 1 Herring. 25 “ “3 Mackerel, loo Bales Hay. 100 Pieces Cotton Bagging. 50 Coils Rope. 200 Lbs. Twine. 30 Hhds. Molasses. 5 Hhds. Fair Siiffars. 50 Bags Bio Coffee. With Alum and Sack Salt, and Groceries gen erally, for sale at the lowest market pinces. by .JNO. D. WILLIAMS. Angnst 14, 1851. lotf OPE and Bagging, and Bagging Twine, for sale by LEETE .7011NSOX, 2 doors West of (J. F. Bank. R T(> COT TON l>r..AiNTEf{S. PIECF:S cotton BAGGING, 75 coils Rojie, 2()0 lbs. T wine. Just received and for sale cheap, bv PETER P. JOHNSON. August IG, 1851. 14tf ____ __ 4 NEW supply MCSIC, for the Piano Forte. Just received. E. HALE SON. October 27, 1851. ! Blank Warrantif for bale here* IIF Subscribers, Mail Contractors Fayetteville to Unlcigb. will cimmence operations this day, with new and comfortable Coaches, good horses, and careful Drivers.— The Fare is FIVE DOLL.M’S—same as before. The Stage Houses are, in Faj etteville, the Fay etteville Hotel, in Raleigh, the Yai'borougb House; but Passengers will bt> conveyed to such other Houses as they may select. 'I'lie hours of departure will be, until further notice, at half-^ past 0 P. Al. from FHyelteville, and at 2 P. M. from Baleigh. daily. The subscribers hope, by tniremittc'! attention, to secure a liberal share? of the travel. BU RDOCK McKINNON. DAVID McNEILL. Fay»tteville, July 1, 1H51. 78-tf WANTED, :}X)0 ft. Ashe Lumber for 'Wagons, 1to 3 inclie? thick. ."(X>0 ft. Seasoned Oak Lumber. 1| to inches. 1000 fl. White O.-ik and Hickory, for Axletre -«. 1(K)0 ft. White Oak for Tongues, Bolsters aud Shafts. 100 Post Oak Hubs, for Carts and \\'agon.«. 2(MK) Spokes. For which U»o highest cash price w ill be j-aid. Apply soon to E. FCLLF^R. May 11*, 1851. _ T'2-tf TO \vinkMaki:k8. WE have a few Vifirrels of tine old Apple Brandy for .sale; such as those who want to make good wine should eet. COUK & TAYLOR. Sept. D’,, 1851. 22-tf A SUPPLY of Fresh Ground CORN MEAT, kept for sale at the Mill, late Aiideisoti's. Grinding of Hominy and Meal done pr'iuptly. Favetteville, March 1851. l'2tf IMnXTLNG INK. A FLW "Olb Kegs, in-t re'eived and for A sale by E.‘-C TIME & SON. u~. 13.