SBMI-WBEKIiY [VOL. I.] I'AYETTEVILI.E, N. C., THURSDAY AFTERNOON, DECEMBER 11, isr>l [NO. 17.] KBSBESMRBBBSaa ruINTKP 15Y J. 1{. Ni:WHV. i'DWAlU) J. HALE * SOX, j;iHT()KS AND Tlii)ri51KT(>KS. I'r.e tor the Scmi-Wccklv UitsKKVKn $t W if jiai'l i" n l'anci*; •’>0 if pni'l during the of sub.-'i’ripuoii; «>r after the voar h:ii .'xii’.e'l. r.r Uif dn'KnVKU $2 00 per nuninn, if J,...1 ill a brinoo; 5'* if psid Uiiriiig tlic \car o!'^ I'*" niter llii* year ha- c'cpiri' i. ' T'Vri’.TiSKMNTS iii-'crteJ for sixty rents , . f,.i' tl.e iirst. nn l tliirty ci'iits fur each •lO !' Vejuly «flvertisemeuts , ^ ■-.I nt re.isi'Uahlo rates. AI- . ,M'r‘ »re re quested to ?tnto the nnmbo'r of :i5 ilpsir*'1, or they will be contir.ued till = M, a;ut I'h.'ir^ed nccordinply. . l..':iorir to tlic l^ditcirs he iiost-pniil. II /vrs,TREES (j.snurijs. 1! \V1' iu;-t rei-eived ii Ift of choice I’l.KNTS iinj vliieli nK- ,y \Ajietii'S rv.'i,;>iW (,'hiiia, ■ rhiii. Xc. 1\ «tK k is !. 'W s«fTK-i'.*iit, Ihidi ap to ni.‘mti- ■ i ■; i'ity, t" jitstifv me in askin.;t or'icrs t fniv thiiip in my line, aii'l Treo> >•.'.11 be nerit nny distanro. ,•! ill witli perfcot srtfoty any time V. iiii.T. I.VTTI'.ULOK. r>i>'\:in .street, Fnyettoville. S }':. «or :i’way5 kept for sale. S\i,l' ANin.IMI',. S('IIO(M, l?F..\nKUS. n.F,\ 8 North Turolinn Render: I’jirkcr's ^ >‘Tid -1th Uea lers; McOuf- ley s'ctio Itciiders. lid, Hil iind 4th parts; 1 ierpont s ^ ounp Reader; (iritig iV I'lliot’s Com mon Scliool Readers, No. 1. and 1; Ihner- s'ii 3 1st, 21 and ;»d ('lass l!eaU r; Viilajre Read er; Ncv \ ork Iteaih'r. Nt>. 1. anti ;5; I’.-irker's Hliefor;cal Reader; Mniilish Reader; ,\merican School IScader; .-Vnjreil's l'ui(>n Serie.s. 4 p:\rts; i>oiuhern Kcuder.s, ist, 2d and od parts K. .1. ll.VI.K vS: SON. Dec. 8, l.S'.l, KOU S \I,l-,_|'iiro WiiiK r >]'erm, Tanners'. Linseed, and Neat's-foot in quantities to .suit. Applv to JJ. ROSK & SON. 1-ec. 18M. -ir)-;;t Noiic'i:. PERSON'S indebted to the subscriber nre res|>ectfuliy reipU'sted to settle during flie pre,‘»ent month. •\ st.'itenient of necoin»t.>! due from persons resiiling out of town w ill be f>>rnarde I by m«il. I’ersMiis liaving accounts ag.iin.-^t the subscri- l>ej'iire requested to b.-imi liiem in for settlement. S.VM’L .1. lilNSPALi:. Dec. J^, is.jl. 4i;tf Sale of Valaible Town Property. • ILL sell at the Court House iti rurthage. Si. on the 1st J;iy of .lanu.-irv ne^*. u Lot and Store ITi'u.^e in the Town or vaith:-^“, situated on the North-Kast corner of the pul>lic si'juare, in an eliirib’e place for liusiness. A credit nf six ni'intlis will be gixen. and bond with good security reijuired of the purchaser. KLI7. M’.LTIl .McNAin;. V.xx. NKAV CAltlT/l'INC; lO ROIvLS Hrussels, Ingrain and and Stair fasldonable I'at- ('iirpeting, now terns, just received. —ALSO— 1^> kegs S|ilkes and large Nail.?, ~'i bo.xes ilaisiiis, •{(> ?>ags Shot, Indigo, Ch«colate, Salad and Castor Oil, with an addition to our .Stock of Ilartlware. S. W. TILLING HAST ('(). Nov. L’l'i, 1S.')1. 4o-tf Cumberland Superior Court of Law. SPEC IAL ti:rm. Notice is hereby given, that a Spe cial Term of Cumberland Superior ('otirt of Law will be hoM on tlie 2d Monday in Feb- niary IS.ij. for the trial oi such Civil Cases as were on t!ie trial docket .at Fall Term, ISol. Suitors and witnesses will take due notice thereof and govern tlu'mselves accordinglv. 1). C.. .MAC RAK, Clerk. Nov. 22, 1S.-,1. 4-tc DOMICSTICS. flTTLE River Osnabergs; ('-8 and 4-4 -i Sheetings always on hand, and for sale at Factorv- j>rices, l)v STARR & WILLIAMS. .June 7, ]S;>1. 7:,tf linissols and otiicr (,’arpctings, i T Meartli Rng.'^, Druggets, Crund>-Cloths, I’iano and Tabic 'overs. For sale bv STARR & WILLIAMS. Nov. r», 18'>1. 87-tf A make n.\ii-Y i',xi’EC'n;i), GFNKR.VL assortment of COOPERS' TOOLS, of the best maiiufact\irers' hy E. C. HALL, of Rome. Oct. 18, 1H.-,1. ;v_>tf ^I.OTIIS, Cassimeres, and Vestings, for s.ile by LEKTE .JOHNSON, 2 doors West of C. F. Rank. December 4, 1S')1. 4'‘.-ts .1 FOU iSAI.K. hoice TRF.F.S, front Persons wishing to are advised to send before the assort- LARGE bleaehe.1 sack^ Liverpmd (ir.uind S.\LT. hi'ls co irse Rock Alnni Salt, ■‘I (M'S':* fresh \inslaked LIME, .’•I'l ici'eiv.’d and for sale bv .1, H. v> .1. MARTINE. II ty -t. r i.le, Dec. s, 18->1. 4(»-4t WAN'PEI), 1 ’11 vhi' h cash will be paid, FIVE young ;f' ! I.; Ml'LlCS; one good strong foiir-horso I'-'.l. WADDILL. ,lr. K. UK VAN. 4*i-:it 1200 Acres of Land ! FOR S.VI.E. I under.^ignc'l i'ffers fir sale his Valua- Me Tnct of LAND l^ing in itichmonil : . 11 tiie Dig .lunipcr ('reek, about four ' K:it of Laurel Hill.* :md five miles West I" t::1 »■ '-'ii iii-; and contaitiiiig probably 12'H> ' T!ii' Land is well wntereL l>eautifully •T- l. .iiid admirably adapted to the culture I ! '■ t?!^!!. and Rice.—whicli, added to its .■ ii'Tv ro ri-inil Civilege, and other numerous ii'ic' for edurati .n, t«j'ther with the intel- r.i'irality. atid sociability of the stir- 1,'i'iiL: ciiniiunity. renU*rs it (.me of the niost tu ition# in the .Sf.-ite. Ders'ins wish- e Would hi well to call and exain- ERi rr rRi:Es 1ST received, a lot of Lindlev's N urseries. get them V>y the hundr»“l. in their orders immediately, ment is broken. I’each and .Xj'ple Trees. ^'D"t per huiulred; — ')0 per iloicn. | .\pricot, 2't cents eacli. 1 Nectarine, 2-'> crnts eaidi. ! A few Dlums, of bi'nring age. Dwarf Dears. •• •• i C. LUTTERLOH. Ag't. j Rowan street. | Dec. 18’>1. 4’)-:lw i 'rEA('lli:R WANTED. ; V1ENTI.EM.\N t|Ualified to teach the Fi.g- lish, Latin and Creek l.anguages, will find a situation with a liberal salary, on npidi«'ation ' I to .John .Smith and r>rt>tliers. 20 miles North I of Fa\etteville. or bv letter :iddressed to Fav- ietteviHe. ‘ Dec. :l, iS-Al.— bVlm' ' Hr. T. D. IIAI.ill, \.S taken an OHice on Hay Street, West of tile Hotel Rnildinirs. .Inly 14, 18-')1. 4-tf I'AVETTKViM.E (’ONFKl'TloM-RV. CHARLES BANKS, t'oiifertioitcr^ ■ .VT'.H^MS the public, that ho ha.® refitted his -M. I'.st.-iblishmeut on fireen .''tr'»ei, (ind has on hand a fresh supj)ly of C.\N 1>I 1-^S. ni;inut'aciured by himself ont of the best Loaf Sugar, and w.or- rai\ted free from starch, tlonr. ]>aste, find i)erni- cious paints. His wliole time and attention is now ilevoted to making Candy, anI he i*; j're- l-.ired to supidy ail orders with », ;indies eipial to any made in the I’nitcd States. Tlu'se t'an- liies he warrants to keeji in any climate; and he v.ill sell to Town or Country merchants, as chea)> a,« good an 1 p'.iri' ('andy can be purcliased in New York or elsewhere. rayetteville, Oct. 2S, If'-’il. .li-tf r|1HE SI r.SCRir.ER isie«-eiving and otters for sale, a w>ll selected stock >f fw i^oc e r i^is^ Lemon. Soda, Ilutter, and \\ ater Crackers, I’ilot l?read, Dickies and Dreserves, Nuts, Rnisir.s and I’runes, Tobacco ami Cig.-irs, On the most reasonable tt-rms for (’ash. or on time to jmnctual customeis. CHS. RANKS. No. o (ireen st. Favetfeville. 0,-t. 28. IS.'.l. :U-!f RKWAIll)! f nr til iiidin ■ifflinsaantaBagacaBa AREY, & €0. NEW FALL AND WLNTEU ooows. a aiK « • IIF; Subscriliers are now receiving direct fmm New \orkand Diiiladel{>hia, the lar gest and handsomest Stock of i Staple and J'a/irif J^nj (fonds ■ That they have ever exhibitc'il in this tnarket, end)racing every v.iriety of Ladies' and (ientle- ; men s JJIUCSS (iOODS, among wliidi may be : found; Itlack anl fancy watered and plain Dress , Silks; black and fancy ('obnrgs; L:inia Twills; ; figured and plain lancy anil black .'loliair Lus- ' tres; Silk Warj> and Crajie Rrocades; .Swiss. ; Scotch and (’hene (linghams; Saxony De-Lains; I-rench. English and American Prints; Emb’d ('asiimeres: jilain ditto; cliangeable De-Lains; watereil .-iml needle-work ('ashmeres; changea ble Voneses; Hrocade Lustres; Damask .Eolians; bhu-k JJomba/iucs; second-mourning l’oi)lins; plain and watered !^ilk .Mantillas; eolorcd and black Velvet .Mantillas; F>rocade Poplins; and a ^B^HIS LINK OF liO.\'i’.s is still in success- -JL ful operation on the Cape Four River, and contimie to oli'er many facilities to the shi2>piijg public. Persons p.dronising this l/mc, p;ay rest as sured that tlieir (Joods will be brouglir up with dispatch, and at the very lowest rates of freight. A. >V. STELL. Pj-esident. T. S. LFTTERLOH. Agent at I'.-ivetteville. Feb. 1.'), IH.M. ■ ,V.i tf \\ AN'l'Eir f nE Subscriber wishes to j)urchase o()0,C)f)0 JL lbs. R.\CiS. for whicli the hifihest cash jirices will be paid on delivery in Favetteville. DAVID .MCRl’HV., Cumberland, Aug. lid. 18')1. 10-bm ot age, six feot two iiudies liigh, (not certain as regards liis height, but supposed to l)e therea bouts.) has dark hair, and of a saUow complex ion. with a downcast look; some of his front teetii a little decayed, and follows the occujia- tion of a 'arpenter. I will give the above reward to any person who will appridiend the said S. .1. Love and lodge him in any .Jail in this .State. orOneHun- ilrcd and F'ifty l>ollars for his safe confinement in any .Jail in tlie United .States, so that I can get him. .JOHN INGRAM. Sheriff. ('ani'len. (*., .Vug. .30, 18ol. 20-fim as all J rotiabilitv the subscriber will tT" fp'ini the neighb.irhood at an early d:iy. !. i tlie opportunity may be lost. J. fl. RLFE. !'• ". l'''l. 4t>-2w niKKLER'S Historical Sketches of North an.lina, .i.2. iloy's N'U’th Carolina Reader, !$1. ri'ceived from Philadelphiti, by l).v E. .1. HALE .SON. A good RLACKSMITIL Aj.ply to .L W. UUIKIEKS. Kn;.cttcville. Dec. 8, 18-jl. 4Uf HillsbDrough Academy. FIAHF. neit .''ession of this Institution will a ■ iiMiuenre on T»iesday. the DJth ot Janu- ; ei.t. Terms per .'Session •'!21.tM>. DL.N.L R. HUSKE, Principal. N'..v. 2'i. 4(>-»w FOR SAEE, rihH Tiir}»Miline and TinibtT Land.';, Ill ISobrMoii loiiiily. .\ 'RK.S adjoining the lands of J'>- soph Stnith and William T\ner. Ijtiiiiiiijr the lamls of Al McIntyre, Wdliam II. (Jriins'.ev, and .\n- RAlSlNt; OF ('HILDREN. Experience has demonstrated the fact, that tlie giving of the \ ermifuge to children fre quently. will not only cause tiiem to grow, but enjoy better health, especi.-i’ly if puny, whether Worms are always flischnrged or not. When sr.’piiate of |uinine was first introluced .-is a m.-dic;:i«*. it was only useil to cure fi'ver. b-it is now given, and with advantJige. in many dis- To some extent this will be tlie case with the Vermifuge. With my facilities in bu siness. I shall be enabled, in futtire. to put u|> the article in larjre bottles, and cheaper, as well as to continue it in the usual size. Not long sini-e, ipiite a stont lad, twelve or fourteen years old. was complaining of head ache, dullness, want of appetite, \c., and, as the Vermifuge hatl lielped the smaller children .>*0 much, his father, .is he told me himself, con cluded to give him the medicine; which he did, and the w«.‘re ex In a family of my acqu.intance, who keej) iiiv Vertuifuge in large sized l>ottle«. it was mis- , taken at niglit tor c.-istor oil. and a large talde- sjHtonful given to a negro boy twelve or fo\ir- teen years ohl. without the deleteriou.s ef- 1 fects. The next day he discharged more than twenty large worms. I The following statement i.s from .Tiidge Holt: Sir: ^’our ailvice to give the X'ermifuge to children wlienever th»\N seem to be languid or drooping, we tin.l exc*-!lent. In twenty or thir ty cases in my family it lias beeii given, some- I time* causing a hirge f|uantity of worms to be ' expelled, anl at other times few ivr none. I h.:ve marked the fact, that when it was given, ! children were soon relieved, whether worms were always discharged or not, besides becom ing more healthy after.vards. Di my neighborhood your Vermifuge has be‘n much used—at one house 1 tounil three cliildreii sick, two with a htfih fever and the other had a dark or livid aj»pe!Jranee, with dif- 1 . 1- • • 1 1 . \ ' ficiilt breathing, and seemed to be at the jioint ■n Aere.> the ot Alex- To them all we gave tlie tuedicine, and 8««m all 1.-gan t.-» discharge worms, in one or two cases enormously. I learned, atid were soon well. I saw, by, nt another house, ' a child two years old. very much depressed in- , deed, which was s.mii relieved l>y taking the Vermifuge, and di.seliarged a large number of worms. The Anodyne Cough Drops have very often been given for coughs, colds, and in the mea sles, witii Ji happy etlect, in my family. Vours, &c. ' WILLIAM HOLT, Valley, Talbot county. To Dr. Little. The fac-simile of the signature of Dr. W. (1. Little will be found upon the outside wrapj)cr of each of his Medicines. Sold and retail, by the Proj.rietor, at his Manufacturing Depot, No. 2*>4 Market street, Philadelphia, and .Macon, Georgia. To be h:i«l also of James Cain. Ro'.kfish; A. Watson, Floral College; Townsend & Doug lass, Uennettsville; Dr. P. M. Cohen, ('harles- ton; C. C. Darbee, Rarclaysville; P. F. Pescud, Raleigh. h. J. IIINSD.VLK, Agent for Fayetteville. c. rrnAiGii & so.N OFFKH KOIl SAI.F,: EW' Orleans, Porto Rico, Refined, Crushed, Loaf and Havana .Sugar. Rio, Laguira, and old Gov’t .lava Coffee. Dundee, Gunny, and lJurlaps Ragging. Rope and Twine. Iron, Nails. .Salt, Molasses. ('heese and Raisins. Ulacksmiths’ Tools, .\xes, .Spades, Shovels, Hoe.s, Scythes. Tmoe and Halter Chains. IJand and Hoop Iron. White Lead in Oil. Spanish Rrown, Red Lead. Glass, Putty, Buckets, lirooms. Mackerel, in barrels and half ditto. Negro Shoes. Tanners’ Oil. Tin Plate. Wire. Superior Green and Rlack Tens. SiiltTatus, Soap, Snuff. Pepper, Ginger, Spi(;e, Nutmegs. Sperm and Adaniantine Candles. Rar Lead, Shot, Powder, &c. &c Nov. 28, 18T>1. fPrftHffen! Oranffcs! Oranges: NOTHER lot, just received at CH’S RANKS'S. 48tf I SAl.F.M l>AI>KI!-MII.I.. [■^HF, subscriber has taken charge of this old an 1 well known Kstabli-hment. anil is ]>re- pared to attend to .ill onlers for I’ajxT, .Mt'rcliant.'j' and I'at torv W rappini;, The Mil! h;»s recently been thorotighly refittel with new machinery, and the >iu!iscribvr believes he furiii«ii Paper of as good tiuality and at as cheap j'rices as can be pundiased any wiiere. North (*r .'>outh. ('HARLES E. SHORl'R. .'^alcm, June 7, l^'ol. 77tf 'I'ho Sul)scril)or still continues to carry on the (WRINET HI'.SINE.SS in Fayetteville, and in addition to his Establishment on IJow street, near F^celes's Rri«lge. has opened a large WARE ROOM on Hay street, nearly opposite the Fayetteville Hotel au‘1 one door East of Messrs. Haigh i'i Son's, where a general assortment of Fl U.MTI UK, Made by competent and faithful worktiien. nt.ay 1k» hail at prices corresjioiiding with the times. ,\lso. an assortment of Nortliern-niade Fl'RNI- Tl'P>E. selected by himself, which will be sold at a very moderate advance. DCNCAN McNEILL. Nov. lU. IS'.l. oStf E keei-s on h.-ind an assortment of Fisk's celel.rated METALLIC DCRIAL ('ASF.S, which h;ive been highly recommended by Willie P. Maiigum. Henry Cl.iy. Lewis Cass. >Vm., R. King, and many otlier illustrious characters, who ha\e examined ami witnessed their utility. worked (,'uffs; French worked ('hemisettes; Cn- der-Sleeves; Swiss and .laeonet Trimmings: In fants W .'lists and ('aps; Hem-stitched and nee- dle-worked Linen ('ambric Handkerchiefs, from 10 ets. to and a beautiful assortment of Veils; every variety of .Slmwls, embroidered and plain; Threail. ('ottou and l.inen Edgings and Laces; black .Silk Laces and Edgings. —AI.SO— Illack, blue, brown and green French and English Cloths; blai-k and fancy ('assimeres; ('ut Velvet, figured and black Satin and Valen cia Vestings, (some very handsome;) Sattinets; Kentucky .leans; Tweetls; Linseys; Flannels, wool and cotton: Osnaburgs; Drugget.s; Damask Table f'oths; ditto Napkins; Centre-Table (’ov ers, very fine; Piano Covers; Irish Linens; Lin en L:iwns; Thread (’ambries; Towellings; Gen tlemen's .Merino Shirts and Drawers: .Silk NM-k and pocket Handkerchiefs; Ladies' .Nlerino Vests; Caslimere ami .Silk Hose; ilitto Half-Hose; tlie celebrated .Sab-m Jeans, b!ack and grey. Ladies’, Gentlemen’s and (.'hildren's IJOOT.'J and SH( >ES. .Men's. Roys' and Infants' Hats and C’aps. Velvet, .Satin. .Straw and Florence Ronuets. Ditto ditto ditto for .Misses. .\nd every article usually kept in a Dr^' Goods .''tore. i invite the jtublic to call and exam- ^ ine our large and handsome .''tock, as we are al ways a^ixious to show our (ioods. 1 hrrp Siii/nr, T(1 anl ('nffrr. I AREV, SHEMWELL ('(>. return thanks 1 to the citizens of Fayetteville, and the public ■ generally, for the very liberal ]>atrouage here- i tofore Jiest 'Wed on t!iem, and iiit'nd. by strict .tttention to business, to merit a continuance. S. S. AREV. P. SHE.MWFLL. J. R. MCDONALD. ' Fayetteville. Sejit. l'>. 18-'>1. 21tf KING and .\. McMlLL.VN have entered into copartnership in the Distillery of Turpentine, and liave erected a .Still on the West side d' the Fayetteville and Western Plank Road, 8 niiles fn-r.i Fa', etteville. N. KING. May'*.—71tf A. MeMILLAN. ''B'W/’E wish to buy 20.00(1 barrels Turvientine. V V ■ KING \ .McMlLLAN. P.bls. No. 1 Herring. 2‘> “ •• :l M;iekerel. loo Rales Hay. loo Pieces Cott((n Ragging. .">0 Coils Rope. 20(t Lbs. Twine. 80 Hhrls. Molasses. ;■» 11 lids. Fair ."^ugars. •’>0 Rags Rio Coffee. With Alum and .Sack .Salt, and f'rroeei ies gen erally. for sale at the lov.est market prices, bv JNO. 1). W1LL1AM.S.* August 14, IS.")]. lotf Liuc nf four-hnrff' Pont ( of/.-f,i>m to Hf/m/fr,— Dtnhf. rW^HE Subscribers having secureil the mail JeL contract on the at>oye Line, will c(;mmence THIS D.\Y, runnii'g a Line of Four horse Pi st Coaches. Daily. Leaving Fayetteville at C P. M., and arriving at Warsaw at ^ |i ist •» A. M., in time for the ('ars North and !^(uith. Re turning. leave Wnrs.iw ou the arrival of the ('ars, say abiuit 1 fir '1 P. .M., and arrive at Fay etteville :n ten hours. Every care will be taken to I’ender the line pleas:*nt, convenient, and salt-, for 'I'ravellers. A Line of Stages v.'ill l«e established ns soon' as possible, by the Plank Road, from Fayette ville via 'artluigc and .Vsheborough, to Lexing ton. .'^alem, and Salisliurv. .Mi KINNON c'c McNEILL. Fayetteville, N. C., Aug. 8, 11-tf (»PE ami Ra; for sale by rging. and Ragging Twine, Li'.ETi: ,V JOHNSON, tloors West of C. F. Rank. TO CO l' l'ON PLAN I'ERS. PIECES COTTON P.AtiGING, 7"> coils Rope, 200 ll'S. Twine. .Inst received and for sale cheap, bv PETER P. J(»HNSON. August lb, 18.')], 14tf lihie to HaU igii. r||^HE Siibscril>ers. M.ail ('ontractors fnin JL F;iyetteville to Rahicli. Mill commence operations this day. with iii'w and conifortalile ('oaehes, good horsi s. e.iid careful Iti ivcrs.— The Fare is FIVE D >|,I,.\ R.S—same as belere. The Stage Houses are. in Kayette\iile. the l';.y- etteville Hotel, in l!:vbtgb, the ^aiborrrgh House; but Passenict rs w ill be '.nveyeil to such other Houses as they may select. 'I’he hours of departure v.ill be. until fiiither notice, at half past '.t P. .M. from Fayetteville, and at 2 P. ,M. from Raleigh, daily. The sn1:scribers lii'j'C. I'y unrcjiiitted attention, to secure a liberal share' of the tra^ el. M L' RD( )CK Me K1 NN( >N, D.VVID McNEILL. Fayetteville. Ji’lv 1. IK.'iI. 78-tf WAN'I'ED, ;]0(to ft. .\slie Lumber for Wagi iis, 1to :] inclics- thick. :';f)Oit ft. .‘^easotierl (»ak Lumber. 1^ to inches, 100( ft. White Oak and Hickory, for .Vxletrees. DM)0 ft. White Oak for Tongues, Roisters ami Shaft.s. D)0 Post Oak Hubs, for Carts and Wagons. 2(Mlo Spokes. For wliich the highest cash jirice will be paid .- Apply soon to K. Fl'LLER, .May ]!•, 18")I. 72-If w 15 r«i( Hotel Mr.~. H 1CVII. hasopoiH'd that large and convenient hou»e, near the foot of Haymount, on Hay street. known as the Farmers’ and Planters' , ■ 1 .1 • » 1 iioiei, where she wotild be glad to accommodate day »o!lo\Mng about thatv large worms ; • . . ,, , . __ , . - . r* . pontleiiioii With imarti by the weok or ^ _i... i._„„ i Fami’.ies can be supplied with pleasant rooms. She is als'» prepared to accommodate Tnivel- lers and their hors-s. Her Stables are attend ed to by one well iciiuainti‘d with the manage ment of horses. Those who are so kind as to patronize her, sh.ill find that her greatest eare will be to please. Oi t. 27, I‘')1. :’«ltf FI LL .''ET.S country-made RREIX’H- lN(i, for wagotis. J. vS: T. W ADDILL. Nov. 10, is.')l. :;8tf 1). LV.MAN HrRiiANK, Sticrmsor to JIati h f- l]urJnt»h\ Wholes:ile and Retail Dealer in Tobacco., niid Kiiiiii; KEEP.S constantly on hand the .above naniel .articles, of the most popul.-ir bramls, and w;irrantel ei|U:il t* any in the country. Hay ing made arrangements w ith an extensive house in l’.alt!inore, he will sell at Raltiinore prices, and r“spectfully invites the citizens of Fayette ville and jsurrounding country to give him a call. Front .Street, next door to Messrs. Pol icy Hart. ;at the sign of THE Tl'RK.) 'W ilmington, Oct. IS.'>1. .{Otf NOTICE. ri^HE .''teamer ('hathtim will leave this plaee JL every Monday and Thursday at 7 o’clock, .M., (itistead ofo’clock as at present.) com mencing at 7 o’clock .Monday 10th inst. Time of leaving Wilmington, every Tuesday and Fri day at 2 o'clock P. M. JNO. D. WILLIAMS, Agent Cape Fear .Steamboat ('o. Favetteville, March Watches and Joweh\y, At Wholesale aiic! Kelail. "''i.- - II ITS. ( IPS. BOOTS & siioi;s. ■'Ir ].') »■) ,\i res ill the fork of Raft .Swamp 1 1' iiit'.i i .Swamp, adjoining the lands of Jno. Vrrii'd i'.ine. Arch'd Smith, and Mrs. lo.M) ,\ ri s, (nt\ w’liuh is situate the olil N 'riii.'iit aiiH scat.; adjoining tlie lands of Simoii | ' : • ii. It. li. i’rijy, and Junius Morissey. j 1 i.c ab ive Lands are ge>ier»lly heavily Tim- ; ’ :ui'i fine Turpentine l.;4iid.s, lyin^ on .aud j r.-ur 1.umber River. ! T!it-y will be sold in tracts, and on accomino- ti'riiis. 'il'i’lv to ! 'j1. William .McNeill, or R. S. FRENCH. I.umli ■) ton, Dec. 18.")1. 4*i-(;w SKM.Kl) PROPOS^VI.S ILL be received until Saturd.ay the 13th * w inst., for constructing that part of the Uur ,.t i;;„ F.iycfteviile and ('entrc Plank Road, ' . I, 7th Mild Puppy Creek—a disj 5 ■ ‘ ' t irtilea—^jonimeiiL'ing about 7 I!),) I'lj.liii^r about 1uiilej* frotii the town 1 Ilf c'-tiinates and gpotdticatJon* c:in be seen .■I t!it- on application to Jno. M. Piose, ''-ifUiry. JNO. A. WILLIAMS, Pres’t. 1'l-'-^I. 4ii-2t .Vl ment of Fall atid Winter .MILL1NKR\, consist ing of silk, satin and velvet Ronuets, >f various Jirices: Plumes, Ribbons ami Flowers: Head Dressi's and Cajis; Straw Ronuets ot different r^iialitv atid Jirice; Inside ('iijies: (’ollars and I nd»*rsle**vcs: vei'V liest (|ii;*lity ot Kill tiloves; Mitts, long and short; a new and elegant style of Dress Trimmings, of the most tash- ioiiable kind, ;iiid a few handsome Dress Pat terns; wntered .and jila'.n silk M.antillas; vel vet .Mantillas and Cloaks; a new style ot Ron- net Linings and Trimmings, of all colors; and a hajidsome assortment of Flowers and Head Dres.sos Dresses made in the latest .'tyle; like wise .Mantillas and Cloaks. Oct. 14, 18.',1. 30-:lm l ')f> cdsks'i'liouia.stown Lime, ’ ':r> tiiii- iinlfr. H.'‘iraiilii- 'i n,,.„t. 11'l't' ring Ibiir. in )U:intities to *uit. 'I>t !e|-.-1V(.,| Jjy li. HOSE k .SON. I80I. 4b-;it I'lii: HKSRERIAN HARP, iUiaitt lloiiiier, of G«^). .V further sup- * I'lv Ilf this new Music Rook, with patent just received. Also, further supplies of ’’ !’• itoii .\c:iik'uiy s (jollectiou; Carmina Ha- .N.C. E. J. H.VLE & .SON. '•i'inV,er 1 r.AM) SAI.E. riLI, 111' sold at the Town House, on Fri- ‘lay thi- ’.id day of .January next, at 12 M. a tr.iet of i,.\ND containing sixty Oiowii ;is tin- --Sliaw Place,” on (’ajie i'er. joining Haigh, Shaw and others, on thi-iii eijjic of till- 'lown of Fayetteville. '1 iiiiiiiths’ credit: bond with approved (AID for VOL'N(; A0 V o: NEGROK.S. Apjilv to J. ^ T. W ADDli.L. 2.'itf I* .Sejit. 2-), 18.'>1. NEW I'lR.M. f B’^HE undersigned have entered into copart- JL nershij>, under the name aiul style ot Ija%vrcncc A: Troy, For the pui pose of doing a general Mercantile ami Rarter business. We have taken the Store, No. 10 GREEN STREET, formerly occupied by ■Messrs. John Huske & Son. (JEO. W. LAWRENCE. JOHN R. TROV, Jr. Oct. 22, 18,')1. :53tf 44 tf .VR’H D A. T. SMITH, (,’lerk and Master. lots Nov. 1851. HAY. RALES HAY, utKJ Rushels Com. For sale by W. II. LUTTEllLOII. Dcc. 2, 18.51. 44-tf 100 Tc49! Tea! Tea!* I CHEST YOUNG HVSON, 1 ilitto Gunpowder, 1 Catty Imperial, For sale by CHS. Oct. 28, I8')l. RANKS. :u-tf Firm. The undersigned have entered into copartncrshiji. tinder the name and style of H.\LL it S.VCKETT, for the purpose of doing a Dry Gool8 and Hardware Business, and h.^ve t4iken the Store o doors East of the Fayetteville lIoteL J- HALL. A. E. HALL. T. M. SACKETT. August 2(>, 1851. Dtf EiicoMrHB** the old Worth Stiitc. ArEY, SUi IWELL & Co. have just re ceived a splendid assortment of Salem Cftsfi- mfre., black and grey, to which they would call the attention of the public. These gooils will compete in quality and durability with the best of Niu thern Cassimeres, and are much cheaper, ranging from b2i cents to Sj»l 2>> per yard. Fayetteville, N. C., (Jot. 14, 1851. J. M. liEASEEV , T 01*1,1) respectfully inform the public , that he has returned recent- ! ly from New York, with decidedly a large as- , sortment of | n\ttrhes and Jeirvlrtf. Many of these Watehes were l>iiught for C.\SH | RV THE P.\(’K.V(iE. and can therefore be sold very low. He has Watehes of .all kinds: ('hains. Keys and Seals d' all kinds and of the latest styles; Finger-Rings, I^ar-Riugs, Medallions, of all sizes, of iind .\merieau make; La- j dies' Chiitelaines: Cuff Pins; ('ollar and Sleeve Ruttons; Shirt Studs; Gold .Sj)ectacles. light and j heavy: (told Pens and Pencils; (Jobl and .Silver ! Thimbles; Rraeelets: .''ilver Fruit and Rutter Knives; .silver Spoons of :ill sizes; large lot of . Pocket ('utlery: Sci.ssors, best |uality: Riitton- j hole .Scissors, Surveyor's (’'onij> and Chains; ' Mathematical Instruments; large iiuantity of fine and common Pisti>ls; fine and common sin gle and double-barrel Guns; (!ame Rags; Shot !?elts and Powder Flasks: Military Goods^ in cluding the Rass Drum and the smal’est Piutton; Violins and extra Rows; Flutes, f'larionets. Fla geolets, .\ccordeons, of all kinds and sizes; Mu sic Roses; I’erfumery: .“^oap: Lather Rrushes; Razors and Stroj»s: Dressing and Pocket Combs: Plated and Rritannia Ware: and various other things too tedious to enumerate. Call and give me a trial. Cash paid for old G«ld and Silver. BirB" W.\T(’HKS atid jF.W'KbUY neatly Rejiaired. Fiii/cttrrlUe, X. (’.—Xnrth-Knat Corner of Murh'ft Sqimrf. 12-r,m] ' J. M. RKASLEV. ^ Kiicourfifre ^orfh C'droluin. rW'^HE undersigned is manufacturing, in Fay- -M. etteville. Boot and Shoe Polish, far suj>einor to the Rlackitig ptirchased in the Northern cities. He intends devoting his whole I time to manufacturing and vending this very su perior Polish, and calls ujion all who think it to I the interest of the Southern j>eoj>le to become independent of Northern manufactures, to give him their aid and patronage. He is prepared to show, by atixolutf trial, to any one who will call upmi him, the v/ xitpc- riority of his over all other i>oUfhrs or btncking I now sold in North Carolina. Call and have your ; hoots and shoes once completely blacked and Also, (ientlemen’s and Ladies’ Rubbers. With j polished, and be satisfied, a good supply of Youths’, Boys’, Childrens’ and I -piijg article is offered at a price mit higher Servants’ heavy .Shoes. than is usually charged for other and inferior All of which he offers low for (.'(tfh, or on time qualities, and a trial is all that is asked to se- to punctual customers. Please call and satisfy cure the patronage of the jmblic generally. - - ’ • ' * The undersigned expects to visit every pu-- tion of the State to introduce his Polish, and asks now in advance that Merchants and others visiting Favetteville will give him a call. A. J. WOODWARD. June 21, 18.31. 77-Hm Fall aiifi llVii/ri* Stork. 1 S .") 1 . rBIHE Sub.scril»er offers for sale one of the J- largest and best assortments of (^i(K)D.S in his line ever offered in this jilace. He is very thankful for the very liberal jiatronage that he has had. and solicits a contiuuanee of the same. His stock has been selected with care, and consists of nearly every variety and style, from the best manufacturers. He has on hand and offers low for Caxh, at ret.iil or by the case, latest styles Geiitlemen's Reaver, Nutria, Moleskin, Silk, Rrush and .\n- gola H.VTS. Also, Jenny Linrl, Kossuth, .\r- tist. Rough and Ready, and stitl’ened Fur and Wool Hats, for Men, Youth and Roys—in abun dance by the dozen or case. —ALSO— ,\ very large sujiply of Cloth, Plush, Velvet and Fur ('.\PS, of all (jualities, styles and pri ces,—by the single Cap or by the dozen. _ALS()-^ Boots and Shoes, of the following varieties, viz; Fine Water-proof, fine Calf, fine Kip and heavy Winter ROOTS. .\lso, Roy.s’ and Y'ouths’ Calf aiul Kip lioots. Gentlemen’s Dress .Shoes, of various qualities. Together with a?', a.ssortment of /joifiet', Mi.'^ses’ and Children’s ROOTS and SHOES, viz; Jenny Lind, E.xcelsiors, Gaiters, ditto Half, Rnskins,'Slipjiersand Morocco Roots. Bi{OTiii:ns lim:. rW'^HE steamer BROTHERS and Tow Boats, JL STE\ ENSON and DAVID LEWLS are ji.ared to forward with Dksi'.atcu, all goods con- signeil to the Projirictor. The Steamer Rrothers is of light draft, and well suited to run in low water. She jiossesses power, and speed, and is admirably adapted to towing, and can accommodate .about 20 passen gers. The proprietor coiitenijdates running the Boat himself, and will give spiH:ijil attention t-o way freight and naval stores: to towing, and will al so attend to the comfort and convenience of Passengers. From his long exjierionee as Agent iu Wilmington of the .several Steam Roat (.'om- jianies, he thinks he can give siitisfaction. To Mereh.ants in the interior he would say, that all (lOods sbipin'd t>y him, will be delivo>-ed to their .\gents in Fayetteville. His agen» in Wilmington is J(»H.N ('. LATT.V. to whom nil communications may be addres.sed, as Agent of the .Steamer l.rotbeis. JOHN R.\NKS, Proprietor. Mavl.V 72-y LACKSMITHS' BELLOWS. Anvils, Vises, Screw Phites. ami Hammers, for s.-ile l»v LEETE .{' JOHNSON, 2 doors West of (’’. F. Bank. ro WINE MAKERS. E liave a few barrels of fire old Apjile' Brandy for sale; such riS those who’ want to make good v\ine siionld get. COOK \ TAYLOR. Sejit. 10, IH.'I. 22-tf i.w ANT moni:y. A NI) I'have now on hand 225,(tOO PdlICK,- that I wish to exch.-ingo for money. J(JIIN E. PATTERSON. De,’. 1, 1851. 44-4 w STOVES! STOVES!! I'lTABLE for Churches. P.arlors, Factories,- and Stores. For sale bv Oct. 27, 1851. C. W. ANDREWS, Market .Square. 34tf Carriage Manufactory. WE are now receiving a large and well se lected Sti»ck of DRY GOOBS, Comprising ever^’ article usualh' kept in that^ line, together with ].”)() (’asesBoofs and Shoes. llaf!!i and ('ap^. —ALSO— A well Selected .Stock of H.IRO IfMMlE. To all of which we invite the attention of Mer chants of the interior, who will find it to their' interest to examine our .Stock before making' their purchases. We will not be iindersokl b3' any one doing business iti this ]*lace. JIALL cV .SACKKTT. August 25. 1S5I. li'tf RETAIL AND WHOLESALE. tIOME in to the t'lieap Store. North side of J Hay street, one door above the corner,- and buy new Dry Goods. Also, Ready-made" Clothing, Hats and Caps—greiit variety. IS'A.VC li(H)T». Nov. 4, 1851. 87-tf T yourselves before purchasing elsewhere. JOHN C. THOMSON, Market Square. 2t)tf 30tf STORAGE. WE have commolious brick Warehouses iu the rear of our Store, iu w^hich we Store cotton aud other proluce. D. &, W. Nov. 1, 1851. McLAlTlIN. 37-tf Sept. 20, 1851. NICVV G()6dS. Fust receivel, my Full supply of CLOTHS, CASSIMERES .\ND VESTINGS, TRI.M- MINGS, &c., of the best quality, from Now Y'ork. Also, the latest Report of the New York F.\SHIONS. Jter*! still continue to carry on the TAILORING BUSINESS, at my Stand on Hay street, and those who may tavor me with their ctistom may rely on having their work done in a neat and fashionable style, and on the most favorable terms. ARCHIBALD GRAHAM. Oct. 27, 1851. UPPER LEATHER. WE have a large lot of UPPER LEATHER, at Tanuera’ prices, which we will take tireen or dry llidcB lor, or would not refuse oash COOK i TAYLOR. Pec. 2, 1851. li-iw NOTICE. The subscriber is now receiving his Fall and Winter Stock of F.VNCY and .ST.VPLE DRY GOODS; Hats, Caps, and Bonnets; Boots and Shoes; Hardware and Cutlery; Blacksmiths’, Coopers’, and Carpenters’ Tools; Straw Cutters, Corn SlielVrs, riourhs, &c.; Hollow-ware; Heavy goods for Negroes, &c. &e. The above goods will be sold at wholesale or retail, to suit customers. We say nothing a- botit how the above Goods were bought, or how they will be sold, but we do say come ami .see, at the Iluske buildings. Green Street. P. TAYLOR. Oct. 23. Cat-^linian *m 3i 2m ■^IIE Subscriber having taken the Establish ment d' the late .\. (’. Simji.sim, (situated opjiosite W. McIntyre's Store.) intends carrying on the Carriajie Manufacturinr Business In all its various branches, and would respect- fidly solicit a share of the j)ublic patronap. Having had considerable experience in the business, and having been emjiloyed in some of the most extensive Establi.shments in New York and New Jersey, he Hatters him.self that he can give general satisfaction. He warrants all his w^ork t^i be made of the best material the surroumling country affonls, and by experienced workmen: and should any of it fail, either in material or workmanship, in twelve months from the time »d its delivery, he will repair it free of charge. ghgp- RKPAIRING done in the neatest and best manner, aud at the lowest possible prices. A. H. WHITFIELD. Fayetteville, Feb. 11, 18.>0. 1 tf FAIL V\!) M I.MiiR (.'OdBS. WE have received iind are now receiving- our usual .''tock of STAPLE (.V FANCY GOODS,. Consisting of nearly every article usually kept? in the Dry Goods line. _,\LSO— A FINK. ASSOUT.MENT 0> t'ashionahie lionnets, Hats, Capsy Boots, Shoes, &:c. The al>ove Stock we would invite our custom-" ers, friends, and the pulilic generally, to call and examine before purchasing, as we art' termined to sell Goods to suit the time'-. ALEX’R JOHNSON v'i CO. Fayetteville, Sejit. 2o, 1851. 2-itt le-' REMOVAL. The Subscribers have removed to the new Brick Store, two doors west of the Cape Fear Bank, where they are receiving their Fall Stock of Dry Goods, Gr(}ceri>'*, JfnrJtrar^ tnd Cvtli'ry, and Crockery^ —ALSO— Jioots av(J Shoes, Bngghig and Rope, Fifh, of different kinds. In fact, every thing usually calleil for in the mercantile line, to which they in^^tp nn exami nation. LELl'E & JOilN.SON. Oct. 27, 1851. Blank Warrants for sale here. 1H.VVFI rec«'iv*d from New' \ ork, my FALL AND Wl.NTER Stock of Goo(ls, Consisting of a general assortment of Dry (ioods. firorfrirs. Hnrdware, riillfry, &r.- 1 will barter for TURPENTINE, or any kind of Produce. N. KING, 10 miles North of Fayetteville.- Oct. 28, 1850. ' 4.'itf “ ^ ^VVEBSTElrS U.VRTO Dictioniurj'; ditto Walk-* er's Octavo: Worcester’s, Walker's and' reT7ster’s School Dictionaries, kc. JuBt received by K. J. HALE & SON. Oet. U. Webs A SUPPLY of Fresh Ground C(^RN MEAt- kept for sale at the Mill, late Anderson's - Grinding of Hominy and Meal done promptly. FiiyeUeville, March 1851. 12tf \u^c; Anew jupply of MUSIC, for the Piano’ Forte. Just received. E. J. HALE & SON. October 27, 18-il. >*COTTISII OAl'f- orCeltic i Manners, as preserved among the l'i;jh-- landcr?, being an historical and deserii)tive ac count of the inhabitants, rtutiquitics, and na-" tional peculiarities of Scotland, by James Lo*' gan. Jttst received and for sale ^ E J IJALi i SOK.

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