y "y IS !P T IE ITUIiIL18s • TlilRSnW. DE(’EHnER II. I8il. Wmc. Mkktino in Onslow,—Tlie ,,f (>iKlow liavp nominated Fillmore 1 (IralKiin for IVcsidcnt and Vice Presi- ""„r nii.l 'Vni. H. M’asliington for Gov- ^m'oiimu-ndinjr Raleigh as the place J-,r the (’onvcntion. ViniJiMA Ki-KCTI(in.—A few returns ;,r.. WhEKLER’r tilSTORTCAL SkKTCHKS. Under the bead of Warrcu County we have seven pages of small type devoted to a Bi ography of Mr. Macon. And perhaps no where in the Book is the author's unfitness for his self-iniposeil t^isk more apparent than in those seven pages. We do not speak now of the inaccuracies of style, hut of the adulation bestowed upon even the | mcnt faults and the littlenesses of a character j “best,” we do not know but that we should generally pure and patriotic, beyond a ' agree with him that it would be “a ncccs- doubt, but certainly not more than ordina-; sary evil.” Tt !hould take no stop for the rily gifted. Let us ([uote from the book, advantage of the people, or the improvc- (page 4d.>, vol. 1*,) nicj\t the country;—but simply ]>rotect \bout this lime, he married Miss Ilan- their rights, liberties and lives! \\Mth such 1)1..... 1 1. . . Adams , ,n i^t^of Jeffer^n8, andpartl “Mr. Macon nirely indulged in wit; but I Congress.—The proceedings of the o* Ma.hson s, in the opposition. Although j when he did, it was of that shrewd, dry ; Senut.3 on Monday last are all that we i he voted dunrig Mr. Madison’s adminis-! kind, that gave no offence to any, and al- Monday last, are all that we tration, for the war, yet many measures of j ways produced mirth. this administration he did not support. “I well recollect the last time that I, 4n the nearly forty years he served in oversaw him. It was in Xovembcr, 1836. j '^ats, including the two South Caro- | manded to his maTtei*. Congrjas, no ten members gave as many | The clectoml collcge had adjourned, and j lina Senators- | ncg.Ui\e^\otes. ^ ^ ^ ^ i niet in Governor Spaight’s officc, who had I The Committees wore nppointcd by reso- havo since our last. Six Senators, absent before, appeared in Harrisbvro, Dec. 8. Wra. Kelley, a furtive slave claimed by Jacob Righter, of Carroll county Mary land, had a hearing before Commissioner McAllister early thij! morning, and was re- COM,MERCIAL KECOKJ). blit nothing to indicate re- Tlit' Whigs carried Richmond by : '>•*1' I’lumnie.-, an accomplished lady, and ' views ho voted fur the w: i)() 111 . . .... J .V,.,.-: A Treaty between the Fnited States and If such IS the kind of negative govern- , «»Ked me to aid in casting up the scrolls of' jution (as they were selected by a Loco- ’ Switzerland has been jKMidmg for several -.It » Mr. M;uon cmsUeml tl.f The followh.g are the more F®"': -'t will be see,, by the was there. All who enjoy the honor of;. . . i b.llowing extract from the the i Tillinghast \ Co, McDonnM .S: AVhxlcv MisS.f this gentloman’s acquaintance know that! >'*>P‘^rtant. | [[(ij,rew organ in the city of New York, i H:irt. H ‘ where he is there is »ome talkiii". i.vWv Iloti ^fof the uKtst excellent families in the *i » j ^ • . - - o— r -i rr I" I"“ l>».i opi.„.lti„„. c,.r»l.e '"'hie .M.cou lisleue.1 f,.r awhile, a» well as ■ l reJorK k,l...rgl,y ,1 _ The ^ carry U o„-a I'ael wl.ieh ‘ of the Democratic ticket, which was rather {„, and re.ucc. MiUtan/ Affair*.—Mossi’s. SliieM.s Clemens, Horliinrl, Dawson, anil .Joik's of Totino.ssce. Xaval Affiiim.—Messrs. (.{win, iStotkton, M.il- lorv, Hnily:«*r, iind Fisli. On Foreiffn >[ason, Doug- ! (1,^^ ^1,^, Treaty will not probably be con- ‘ las. Norri», ManKuni, an.l Un.lorwooa. ! eluded nw;n.r to rplWnm./d.WbiliVios int.r. _ ferini£: The topic was the cause of the success |. ! eluded, owing to religious disabilities inter- ^ j vi • i • * rmanre.—.Messrs. Hunter, Lngiit, (.iwin, Mil- ‘ ^ ° ® I’erry and M ( rouly in tow, with pood.s fur P ATIIIIVAL8. —Steamer Henriett«, with pool« foi'' W hite & Kaboteuu, F D Bivece, A A MeKetl)aii, Reaver Oeek Co. riclimond Mnn Crt, Rockfi«h' J W McDi.irmi.i. JniicK NicJiol.son, 11 HrHnson & iiJon, H.,n \ E J Hale & hon, A Joluison & Co, .] & x Waddill, Lav rence’ & Troy. C«M>k .lohiison, \V 11 V.ilentino, A Hunt. Lecte (S; Jolmson. .1 || j Martine s’W \ Co, McDonnM i \ M Orrell, A D Tillin^rhiist, (' V Mallett, Lutterl(»h, A D Ca/Hu. Dec. 9.—JStciiintT Rowan, with tow boats Col. Whcelor i his years and deafness W(Uild alh»w; at He is understood to i •»^'"gf!> lie said, with a smile playing on his unexpected; since Governor Dudley had been elected only the Augu.st before, by a f 1^10 . I hanilsonic majority. Some gave one rea- ir o^ ' I son, and some i^ave others. The venera- llil, r r, u,., s ... • ■ • -«-j „„ ol.jee, w,.rll,y of iIh. ri.l.osl affoc- l.,n >•> til'll.-. It is reeoriieil, tlial wliilo on a ^'‘tiocals. J. ,[.;„i.iiifli I'V •>-*, IJerkcley t20\ ; visit to her, he met one of her suitors at have avowed it ,v —We il„.|.|v regret tn learn '''' ullimato prim ii.le' a« liie -:».v i. «.m.rin, »i.i.-n,..iy :;:;':?;(ri;;Lri,':;r:r ■ h:i.'kinLMongh, which has clung play a g:.nie of canls for her haml. as that " ' ■* a measure someimng wortliy ol rcmer.ibrance. “ I tie ; o„ Finance f.r IS inontlis past. He looks thin,' was the shortest ami an amicable way to ^ majority, without his aid, and rca.son why the hig ticket was not ; g.,yp n,,tjec of his intention to ^ fi-ol>l*'“ deci«le the »*f)ntrovi' rsv Tliw ui« !i.rr,...,l resulted advanta.reoii.i^lv. f.-w neoi.lo i'V f///no/This I ‘ I Dkvaktment of State, | I Washington, Nov. 24, 1851. ) I To Dr. M. Liliknthal, New York: j The Secretiiry of State has direct I to acknowledge the receipt of the letter : 1’ .loluison, J W Powers, H Hose .on, J H & J Martine, D W Ropers & Co. T S l.uttevloli, E ^ Fuller. Hay Ponrcc, Rockfi^li Co. .Ini> F.vaji!, I A Coates. A \V Steel, M McKinnon, \V R;i>)iton. i Riciimoml Man Co. R .J Steel. W F I.eak. .1 Jiidiriarij.—Mes.srs. Rutler, Downs, IJradburj-. | The Secretiiry of State has directed me ^ CowK s. .1 M Hla k. .T D M SjTi!i;;.s. A P.Iaek, Rerrien, and Ge.ver. i to acknowle.lgj the receipt of the letter ; “ ^ ^ xMr. l}adger presente.l the moi-orial of| which y.m a.ldressed to him under date of; SjJii/w'h LuUerinl. " ^ ^ su»-»eitv ! enough, in all conscience; 1 ‘v.-i , . , -1 • • i though perhaps ire should appreciate it 1 ol. n heeler consi lers It a stnkinji cvi-' o i i ij is advist'il t»> ijo to the controversy. This was a'reed advantageouslv, few pe^ide stopped i>t thfl not gft rotes enniitjh.” This . M„l,ia f.r re.« an.l m,.liral treil- "“'.v lila.ve,l.' Maei.n Inst; ii|i,m to ini|inre «lio v.itei! as-aiiist it; whereasj '■ 'f' ; I'-'Is “!"■ -.v- if i. ti.rnecl o„e lia.llv, penple wi.i.iil pnint . y -tf ■ m I'caming witii aflection, he exelaimed, i , . - ' "‘is is wit, “of the shrewd, dry r. I’illm'iv. the l*resi,lenf*s son -l/.nu,ah, I hare h,t Jin„ Jnlrhf, Ut fore .1 ]*rivati'SoiTctary, pas.sed through lial- '•'* tn Jortuur! J ra/niot i/irf- yon ,r, (in last, on his way to New . . . . . . y i more highlv if it had referred to a Whig I ins frank conduct, it is .said, secured d»-nce of the wi.sdom of Mr. Maeon, that , . • * i ^ n-i • i - ■ ‘ .n .• • io->= . , , victory, instead of a \Miig defeat. Tt was in tlu‘ ( onveiifion of IS.^.'i, to amend our ! , n . n i i- ivitnot« (Y y, . V. 1-1 . . I perhaps the irallant Colonel s politics, aid- ’ State Constitution, he did not approve of , , ' ^ . Mr 1 , r 1,1- 1 bv the go(xl thinrs wliich the hospita- i 'I""';'";""'" f'"- ■‘"'I hie (!i,v. Ppaiplit kept in that office of liis, ' '‘“'I' ''»» 'l' b»ted atnl laid over, “an able but short speech in tavor of tree i , . , , , T , ^ rpi • 1 , 1 • wliicn enabled the ;;rave Llectoral Colle;:e ; sullrage. 1 Ins able speech consists of just 1 am, very res)K*ctfully, Your obedient servant, W. IirXTKll, Acting (Miief ('leik. A righteous determinationl \otionol Jntclliijriirer. ' ' 1 1 ' *1 i> • 1 ♦ “This frank conduct, it is .sa y ,1. ,.h,r.-.l l.y ti.e 1 res...e„t to express „ . rr..si,K.,.t i„ (’„i. Wheeler’s ethics, is ‘y'rauA- roitilm-t"! ^Ir. Macon’s rival scarcely tiiought it such, we imagine. To us it seems very like tiu' game of “Heads, I win; you lose.” ('ol. \\ heeler says, (same ]>age,)— {or liiui .111(1 his country, and to in- \ - him, ill I’ hall'i>f the A^Iiuinistration, J \ «it \Vu^liiii;rt'>n, its capital. This st» j> : ^prti]*fr ill conse]uen‘e of ('on- «« (i 'iii:: n'tliing on the subject. A V\ I'liiiiL't"’* l'‘tter siiys, ‘‘The President ^ ii. r, tliiii.^ t‘' o'lniuit this govornnunt ■ Kui"|'' :iu 'li>putes, ]>ut he will omit no uhkIcI ot the Knglish Government, adapted t i|';,. l a.'iiiii to shovr his interest in a , . tor constitutional libc-rty, wliero- , r the »rni. L'l'. s aj-pear.” fi;, fT' ]>t;ou of K'issuth in New York . .-.I, il t ' liavi' been one >t the most bril- ,T il:'|i!.iV' ever witne.^seil in that citv. il.iil !iii_' streets were decorated with - ni 'ti arches, Ac., and an imnionse V- ill turned out, estimated at liOO,- oflFer a j(.int resolution asking the Presiilent to op(‘ii a c«>rrcspondence with the French i Ilci»ublic, for the liberation of Abdel- j Kailer, the Arab chief. j Much merriment was caused by this an- Nkw York, Dec. S.—Hicks & Co., an noiincemcnt, which was a palpable hit at extensive shipj»ing house, failed to-day for .Mr. Foote’s rc.solution respecting the Irish | h>rge amount. O’lJrien and Meagher. [ ■ Mr. Seward’s resolution relative to Kos- ■ BI A R R I E D , At Ilillsbc.roujfli, on the -1th ii'i.st.. bv the Rev. Josepl-C. Huske. Mr. RKNMA.MIN H. Ml'SKK Mr. F oote’s re.«olution resj.H'cting the to Mii ANNAllKl,LA, eldest ii:ni}ilitcr of John W. Norwood, Ks(j. to relish it. I finalit}' of the Compronii.se measures was the Dtbates of the ( omen- Wheeler says, Mr. Macon’s “fame ^P» 8’*^ delivered an el.iborate 4 II 1-11 1 1- n 0(>,),md tin} are in-, North Candina. She is nroiid •‘*p(''-H*h in defence of it and of him- t n- * . i .. ■ »* ni«ri>uu' u 11 t 'He Was cmpliatic;i]] V aiiil radically a troducod incilentallv, on another iiuestion, r i. , , - if i • i* * » In tlos town, last mirht, .loSF.I H . HALL. I' 1 . • , ^ of his reputation, tnu/ hti.f tHstcn'brtl hix e.\iire.ssing his purpose to return DIED, this mountain top in.>^eription is (me of the emphatic manner, against the intro- . ^‘•;‘’•f• And further, /• , OenKK-n.t.^ "as opposed t,. the after which 31r. Macon never again re- ^ t., ih*. Sc.-.tP vn-.r tlu‘ law ut nations, or to involve us I'ederal ( onstiluti(>n, on'anized upon the' e i i r >n thi‘ monnt(un trnm of one of her * nate a \ear lun((. ’■ We rather .hiiiiv that Mr. Butler of ,S. 0. pro.,-ste,I, in the iniw. lie ilosod Ills “artlo simvcmi, (so »'• J v|MjII HIM ii III aiiu in Ilu* “ I’V ■•twill language of one who was in Congre.ss with rel.itod to that .subjcit,) with this fli-dits of fmcy him, and knew well his motives of action, remarkable det-laration: “If any oualitica- , ' . . M ... , , , . . (hat after trust the ]H-opii> tioii IS necessary, he would prefer :ige; tt IS (Kjc thot mti/:rs the ninn." Mhot age, he docs not till us: he himself was then ab()ut 7'^. IJut (\>1. Wheeler has only fold n-; son Ilf Will. L. llall, Ksn., in the 2l!d year of his a"e. In Miicksville, *m the 24th u1t.. Mr.«. MARV (J.VrrilKK, relict of the late (.iaznway (iaitlier. 1 .. /• • 1 .• 11.1.1 1" Lineolntiin, on the 2fth iilt.. at the resi- dnction of this ro.solution, as calculated to ,,enee of her son-in-law. Mr. Daniel Hoke, Mr.s. Macon w.is willii!*^ to “turther th.in Jet^’cr.son would have ven- tur«‘tl. tar lnyond ^\'as!lington, and to an extmt that Hamilton would have piiw nounceil anarchical.” What, is it denio«Tatic to be o]ipos»‘d to our piesiiit (’onstitiition, or form of government.'' It si>, we have anotln*r n'a- son for rejoicing that we are only plain re publicans, and not di im;rats. Airain ( s.ime pa^e,')— widen the breaches already existing, and i MICIIAKL JiUDlCIL, at an ndvaneed aj;e. In Conrurd. mi the 11th tilt.. Mi.«.« .f.\NK M.VRLVIl, .ijred IK years, eldest da lighter of Mr. Foote rejoined with his accustomed Mr. \\\ .M. Henderson. reading his biograpiiy, a com mittee ought to be appointed to obliterate ^l'*'" “^''.‘sh all the fountains of agitation inscr!j>tion, if it can be found. Tiip; (.^Ai'crsKs.—After a week’s delib eration, the Wilmington Journal has con- p, p|i'. The enthusiasm and confu- » ■ irri'at, that the guest was ut- , to deliver tlie speech which I iiaiiii'nccil. lie subs‘pi‘ntly wrote ut ;in l puiilished it in the New York in tlie pe>jile, anil the people knew it Thi s was tli‘ srin’jiir wlii( li tlircw ojkmi the ditor of promotion. He never held any ofTice but fn in tliiin; :ind they, “the pt'o- jtle, loved him because he iirst loved tin in.” He 1 ooked upon a seat in (’ongios. from the jH’ople, as the I'lid of i»i> desires; not ]>art of the truth. He has omitted ano- eluded to notice the two (’aiicuses, Whig ther I'art, ctpially authentic, and in Mr. and Loco, held in Washingt^m before the Macon’s o))ini(m far more important, juo- meeting of Congress, And such a noticel bably becan.se it would have a tendency to Speaking of the IfK‘ofoco Caucus, the •letract from that character of a jH'rfect Journal says, “not more than half of the severity, pointing out the merits of the various measures, and glorying in the tri umphs achievt?d and tlie harmony which gcnerall}- prevailed since the adoption of those measures. .■'Ir. lintler made a few reniark.s, when The Senate adjourned. Soi'TH f’.\lioiJXA.—The bill callin^r the Fayetteville Prices Current. IiKCKMIJKR 11. 1S.'>I. I’ri'in ;; To RACON- He believed, iniplicitlv and I'ordially 'b'n>crat in which it .seems to be the ob- members of the party were pre.sent.’ s;iy. that in that speech one delivered on .Staten ill' I'luiidy aviuvoil his determina- ]>]> ‘ il frein the irovi-rnmcnt of the V, n _Trt ti' :i a jii'.'vinus ject of the .''ketehe.s to |>ortrav Mr. Macon, is admitted on all h.inds that SO were pre- April, has pas.sed both Houses by decided 1 At the lose «'f the proceedings of the Con- sent, and we .see from the list that there , majorities, 8*2 to 9 in the .Senate, GS to 44 ^ vention, when a final vote was abf>nt to l>e are 1 lo l^ocos in the House. We submit taken on the Constitution it had adoptei, that SO are more than half of 14.‘{. to the peoj.Ie of the C’.iitcd used for his own aggrandizement, or ti> ri't-i'irni.-e the declared iude^>en- ; i ^ . iii> country; and furtlu r that his ' • ill coming here was to get monev i 111 n t> iis'ist him in procuring tlie ac- iiiii' ]" iiiK iiee of his country. Til**'' tilings have nattirallv startlol tin . iy iiiiml. They invohe. in ; . . Ui iii'iilt to our government, such .- rli.i* 11 liit h was .so emphatically and pro- , V r-'l'iiked by Presitlent Washington I . C • i hi' ( n tary of .'^tate, JefTcrsou, in the •i.^H it tlu' Frciicii .^linister (rcuet, in i?'.’i. In tiio seetind placc, they endan- .-•r tin- peace ;,f this ciuntry, and involve 'ii-pirnire fii>in one of the most import- li:’ I riiifiples on which our govcruiuent h.«;i!w;iy> acted, and never can cease to . t «:t!iiii!t fatal results, viz; non-interfer- " Uitli the internal affairs of other na- 1* S. Ill a sul«s«'jucnt sjiooch he said, ti I' h;iii the proccelini;s of (Joiigress^*, [^on Mr r iie'.s re.(dution to send a committee ■ w York to escort him t» Washing- ' ’"r'iaeluM] him before he left Kurope, iffti hare liesitutiff (iL*mt comitnj to Hiitfi/ at oU." I'his strikes us as • ■ ibiiiiig a degree of arrogance not at all I... tolerated. have no time to cuter into further ‘‘jrticulars ti>-day. Till- tri il of Hanaw.-iy in Philadelphia is • vi-t i Kiicluded, though the evidence is !i to leave .scarcely a doubt of his ac- sc-iitiments ■yUttal. .'Ir. M.icon declared that he would not vote for it. For wli it reason'/ the reader may in(|iiire. Ih'cai.s-' it did not provide for this frci' suflrage, of which he was in fa- vor’;:' Nt such thing, i^o little did he think of free siifTrag>, or of his “able but t'ongress, oppo.scd these measures, although short spet'ch on it,” that he did not allude willing to accejit and insist on their tinal- wh* n a scit in the Cabinet and foreign to it at all. His objt'cfitms to the new > were not prcp;ire«l to go farther and missions, i.t difTi reiit times, were oflered (’onstitutii u were, th.it it did awav with them a formal approval, ueitlu*r did the first !" were r. fused with a piTtinae- elections, and, thot it ,j,ur the cfrc that of liis family or friends, but to serve them aod their real inter('.>'f, ;ind true wel fare. lo him this was the go;il, not the stepping-sti'iio in iiis careir—the ptnuhl- mute of his political sentiments. Ileueo in the Hou.'i.. “These (.says the Mercury,) are strong votes, and imlicate on the part of the Legislature, a det« rminatioii that the .State sh.ill not be sunk down into hopeless sub- promi.se, whi. h n-.-olution was laid on the table for iroo.1 and sufficient rea.sons. The «‘rrnuou.dy J.rotested, and which she has so often jiledgtMl nerselt to resist. lliey will not leave !*'outh Carolina naked to her enemies—an objt'ct of mockery and a bait for ajiirression. This decision of the lj«‘t:is- The Journal next says,— “At this caucus Mr. Polk, of Tennessee, introduced a resolution endorsiiiii the ('om- soiithern members who had, in the last ity hanlly resi>cctu.l. (>ne cannot help fancying, that this im plicit and cordial belief in the people is sometimes prftenh>l, as the means of hav ing the “dcKir of promotion” opened. We will not .say, as ('ol. Wheeler unwittingly does, that it was this only which secun>d jiromotien to Mr. Macon. We do not think tinn nf don rtntr tu the l “He great ly prefiTred that the ehvtion .should have remained iii the (Jcncral As.scmbly.” (^!^ee iKbates of the C'onvention, page 800.)— Nf'w as a writer of History, why did not (’ol. Wheeler tell us the whole truth, that Mr. M aeon, if a •hui'H-rat for desiring to tliey tiiiiik that the subject was fairly be fore them.” •>iccure free sutTrage for the people, was .so; for Mr. Macon possessed tiualities wor- ^ • i • • . i • .i ’ ' . not a dcnnK-rat in desiring to deprive them thy of respect, and of promotion. It is not _ . • i , ^ i * .i • /. ' ’ • of the ri^rht to elect their (lovernor. correct to .sav, that he never In Id anv of fice but from the people, (unless in the souse that all power in this country ema- iiate.s from the people,) for he held the iffice of Senator in Congress for 18 years, under a]*]>ointnu-nt of the Legisiatun*. lint all cxauiination of those Debates will show* another fact, which has escajM'd ('ol. Wheeler's attention. At page 88.), Here it is pretty broadly insinuatctl, that it was the .''outhern members who opposed .Mr. Polk’s resolution, ;hinis.‘lf a Southern man.) All testimony shows the very reverse to have been the fact. Tliree propositions, and only three, were offered to the meeting—nU /// S>tiitheru men! viz: Me.ssrs. Polk and Stanton of Tenne.ssec, and .lolmson of Arkaii.sas. And when they wi're rejected, who wt'ie they that left the me ting in disgust? One would naturally suppose, after reading th* Jour nal, that it was not the i^outhern members. we fiud another >peech of Mr. Macon, com- Southern members did not mem ing .is folliiw.>. ai»rec w ith the .Journal, that the triumph ■‘The President Mr. Macon) did not “Ilehioked upon a scat in ^’'-ngross, > whether the from the |ieople, as the end of his desires”; (Joveriior is elected by the Legislature or was a >outhern triumph. —vet he aban(K»nei that and acc(“pted one the Peeplc. He had but litth' power. If fbe .Journal next s.i\s, that at the hig in the .'■Senate, from the Legislature. This n'>'‘*'c jMnver over the laws Caucus “.sfune forty were present,” though .seat in Con.rre.ss was the “end of his ,le- |“vernors of many of the there is abundant ami undoubted testimony people, and in M>iue measurt*, relieve our sky from the “disastrous twilight” in w hich recent events had shrouded it.” The Legislature reverses the decision of the people, which looks to us like a re- i ver.sal of the proper order of things in a ! Ilejiuldic. A bill to charter a rail road from Charles ton to intersect the Wilmington and Man chester road, has passed the Senate by 8 majority. We have received the first number of the “Weekly Post—A .Snutherii Family Newspajior—Neutral in Politics—Devoted to all the Interests of North Carolina, Litc- niture. News, Eliicatioii, Agriculture, the Markets, &c.” Publisheil in ll;ileigh, by Will. D. (’ooke. Kditcd by Calvin II. Wiley, K-^q. of (Jreen.sborough. S‘2 per annum. It is a large and handsomely printed paper, and gives promi.se of much usefiilne.ss. that between 50 and (JO, out of 70 to 80 Ki>:.iith ill Coiii/rrsx.—Huiigariaiiism Then has taken hold in Congress thus early in J SPIRIT!^— the session. The distinguished and re- . .'tat(‘s have, he should ,av he ought to be sires , and yet It was only “the penulti- Where the (Jovern- mate of his political sentiments.” What or has next to nothing to do, it is of little th‘' House, were present. ■ ,,p nis on earth dov (’ol. Wheeler mean by this ' consequence who elects him. lie thought >t as.serts that a .out two-t in s voted or Mjs.«issippi is so queer idea? It was “the end of his de- he might as w. II be elected iii tue old way the resolutiou endorsing the ( ompromise; jj epidemic, that he .sires,” and the l.ist but mie, [that is the , ’ whereas the e\ idence is, that the resolution proposes to senl off to New York a com- nieanin'T r»f penultimate,] “of his political * speec h was delivered on the 2d of ^,as ojiposod by the frcc-soilers; that after mittee of .Senators and Representatives to Wh it iionsen.v*' -Dib i 1S8.-), ami on the 10th of July, just the meeting refus*d to lay it tui the table, wait upon the illustrious Magyar, and ten- oi>rht d:tvs after, Mr. Macon assigned as three or four of that sect left, and then officially the congratulations ot ' * (’ongress, etc., etc. A step of this sort On page 484, Col. Wheeler says,- ■•Ilis [Mr. Maeon-s] heli,.f In lilies , »»» •i"' „-as a .i.iitfall for the Free Soil .Senator was, that “the world is govenicl too much; ' for the amendments, that the ni.xle of or three dis.sentmg voices. from New Hampshire, Mr. Hale. Ifllun- that societ}' iti every state is a blessing; { electing the (lovernor was changedi ticina government in its best state but a ne- | sj>ojiking of this remarkable incon- ce.s,sary evil, for when «e suffer from the | ;„.other, (if Col. “It is probable (continues the Journal,) that of the two-thirds who voted for the resolutions, all but five or six were from tor thinks Africa should have sympathy, too. If we have any extra humanity to Towns [Mr. Macon] thought unfavor- might have been necccs.sary for ces andlvoolly heads, but, for all that, men as g»M)d as the Magyars, the Sclaves, and the s at war (Voats. In fact, .so far as Mr. Foi>te and Mr. ‘A lar^^c Hale arc concerned, the debate is but a with the Journal’s statement. ^ nut majority of the Whig Cauctts were from , « , ,, I new form. Jhe war is carried on over tiie Northern States. • ^TToN.—A letter from a friend in Hi' ini; uiil eoiinty, Says,— ■ '>ur ciirtnii cnips are turning out, in li. ^Tiy pluifs, far better than was anticipa 1*1 ’/! V*!' nii.aeries of a ir,iverniiient our ealaniitv is j ‘‘ » v ,1,p South, aiul of the live or six northern ! bestow noon the Mayvars, he thinks there - .if ■ hi.i.t..htene,l l,.v the r. neetion that „ fnr-1 „„ resolntions ,.hi»8 „f Lsons nearer home ‘il l 1 will 1 1 / '• J „i„i, (he means by whic h we suffer. (lov-i t i i e voted for the Imgitive IJill when claimingconsidcration,—men with black fa- l « ,llho|.l on hvc years, before I will 5^ a badge of fallen 1 “Towns [Mr. Macon] though unfavor- • ■ ■ ■ o ; . innocence; the palaces of kin-s are built able to the free exercise of mnid or body ,alvatim. 1 I'v a greater degree of ability to ,,,,r„dis‘.” ^ He said on. e jocosely to a CMty member of •' on. tl.aii i.. at all usual. The country yijK-on’s course is marked throughout his (’"ngress (C. J. Inger.soll of I hiladelphia), •' iiiy .uil coiiinarison with any period that whide career in Congress by this princi-. i ietrK lot a jut// t/mi n. r. I. r. 1 • * i \ 1 .1/% icf'rf* hrouf/n( ffj* m toxni. t'iiioiiil.cr rich anl unembarras.scd.— \ r .1 . • .... ” Tt . Ti- 1 ♦ \ /nr that uou niii/ht fiaie rnnie to sontfttini(f. ai counts tor the small receipts of cot- If these were Mr. Macon >i sentiments, a'crowded ncighborho(Kl he disliked. •n. (■‘■n'it li ling the abundant crop; and (in athlition to the “penultimate senti- : often has been heard to say that “no aLMin accounts for the jtrice not fall- ; ment,) we imagine that the world will de-j ought to live so near another as to !■. .') ,,r t) cents, as it did two or three t-ide that he hal crelit for more sense than | hear his '.leighbor’s dog bark.” }' iir«;i^r(, I jjg posses.sed. “(jiovernmeiit iii its best j If Col. Wheeler inserted this in his book I’liKMoMToKY SVMPTOM. .Some- state but a uecosaary evil”y On the con- as an evidence of the good sense of Mr. ' -j lit.' pn.sinted Mr. Buchanan with a if» a positive blessing, not only for' Macon, we submit that the Ol. himself 1'' kury caiK , and he has dcliv 'N ackiiowlt'ilgrniciit i„ jijg Washington Union. ■'^'1 "f which moans, translated literally, .Mr. IJuchaiiau is the “young Hick- '0' whom .some people wish to run for Pre.vjidency. Mokk ■‘ -liiiii Ilam«, 17 Sides, It d; .'Shoulders, 1-'. \Vc.stern, 11 # 1:5 r.FKSWAX— i'l COKKKK— 1 Hio, 10 i 11 Laguirn, .11 , St. Domingo, 1 1 1' 10 COTTON— 1 .''trictly prime, 7^ 11, I’riine, 7,'. Fair. 1 i ~ T ‘ 1 COTTON BACCl.VO— : (funny. 17 18 Dundee, 1: d; I’.urlaps, Di i;j COTTON VAIJNS— No. A to 10. l.‘> DOMESTIC t;(MlD.— j i r.rown Sheetings, | t‘. . (Isnaburgs, fA,; 10 FE.VTIIEK.'^— i| KLOl U— .''upertinc. 4 7 •”> Fine, 4 i^cratched, 4 2-'. GRAIN— Corn. MO 8.-, Wheat, SO hits. .')(» Peas. 'SO ‘ 80 K ve. 1 i HIDK.^— I >ry, 1 0 11 (Jrecn, 1 lUOX— , is Swedes, common bar. ••> il 1 Ditto, wide, 6 J English, 4 LARD- 18 15 LEAD— r. 4 .MOL.VSSE.-^— Cuba, 1 •>7 ;',o New Orleans, (none.) 1' OILS— Linseed, '>0 il Tanners’, i«o ;; 70 SALT— il Liverfiool. (sack.) 1 .'lO 1 (;o •Alum, ^bn.) 40 SEED— Flaxseed, 1 20 ' 1 2.'> Clover, (none.) .miOT— ' Common, jier bag. 1 Iluck, ■) SPIRIT!^— Peach Brandy, Apple 47 '• .■)(» Nortliern “ 40 4:{ N. C. Whiskev, .■>0 N. E. 15um. 40 ! .lamaica Bum. •) 2 .')0 French I’randy, |i ;5 .\merican (tin. 80 1' 40 Holland (Jin, 1 50 I 2 SUGAR- j Loaf, 11 li 18 1 Crushed, 10 12 1 St. Croix, '.t Porto Rico. 1 I 0 New Orleans, r> !' 8 TALLOW— 1 ” ■.! 8 1 TOB.VCCO— 1 ; Leaf, j Manufactured, ii.-> ?.o ! WHITE LEAD— . 2 .>0 WINDOW C.LA.SS—8 x 10, ; •) -’J 1 10 X 12, 1 h': *>3 ! WOOL— jis h 20 1 REVIEW OF Till’ MAI! KET. SUMMERY I LLi; yinle and Female Scini/tartf. JCa?* 'This .'^chool will re-open on Tlmrs-- day, Ist.Ianiiarv 1S.")2. Terni.s as heretofore. Board $7 per month. Tlicr*- :ire two vtry comiisodioiis houses in the ^ill)^"e, whifh can be routed fi.r one Scs.'ion. A. I). MeLK.W. l’rinci]i.-il. J^iimnienillc, X. C., I>ec. 8, 18-3L 47tM NO'l'IC'K. The Public are informed that the' siiliscriher is the authorised .Apent for the sjile of MeKLNSTRV’.S PORTABLK SAW iiiauul'aeti red in \Vashiii«t')n (,'ity. ef IN) lior!5e piiwer enjrine, loci'Uiotivc builer. v.liich :ire the only actual l’(»rtal»le Saw Mills he lias ever seen- —no hrii-k heinp used in their erection. 'J'hose in want of these .Mills will find it to their atl- vaiit:i^e to call on the sul)sf>rilier. Mr. .McKiu- stry infnniis him that (ico. I’apre & Co. have' n«-ver ni.-iniifncti'.rel a I’orlahle Kii}riiie like the' :il»ove. and thcrefi'ie their ri«iht is in no dai;«:fr of lieinir infrin}rel upon, as there is no necessi ty of (ioiag sw ia this ago of improvement. 11. U. liAI.L. rayettevillc, Dec. 10, 1S.'>1. 47tf ji s r Ki:(’i:ivEi), miLS. N'orthem \ililSKKV. S. NY. TII.LINUIIAST .v Cu. l>ec. 10, 1K)1. 47lf EW FiR^l & M'W (iftOIIL T Sfajj/r and I'anctj l)r\^ (und.i, ;i{()CEi{iEs, hakdwaih:. Hats and C.4]*s, IJ.iols aiul .^1. c..- .Aiiioiijr whii-ii ('offpc, Sn;r.ir. Cotton I’airiiiafr. Hah' Rr] e. Nails. \\ iinlow ihtsp. Swedes and Kn;rlish Irun,- Siick and .\lniii ,'':ilt. liiijieri.-il and iliack Teas.- I'eppcr. Alspice. (iinirer. I’liwdcr, .shot, i;ar Lead, liar :ind rain \ Soaj'. Ti'jrethcr with a preat variety nf nther arii-' cles. to wiricli they invite the attention dI' the^ ]inlilie. and which they are ih terniined to selll its low lor Ciish, or on time to tlmse who )>ay pri'iiiptly, as any himse in the Snuthern cnuntry • I’roduee of all kinds, at the hi>ihe.>t market prices, takeii in e.vchang’e fi>r Cixnis. .Mei.l’AN .JONF.S. Summerville. \' l>ec. S, IH'd. 47tf [lllfcl snliscriiiers are imw reeeivin;;- fnmr >i. York, :i larj;e and !;eneral aasnrtment of- 1*0li SALK. II,L he Sold at ihe .Market House, on' Frid.-i.v .j.an’y 2d. IS’il?. at ll! o'clock,■ the LOT on the enriier of Mason and I'nioii* streets, adjoining Masonic Lodjre lot. Terms' at sale. A. .M. ('AMPIiELL. Aucfr. Iiec. 10. 47*ts NKW IU)OK8. The American Almanac for 1S.V2;- .Sworils’ I’ocket .Minanac: The Fifteen I*ecisi\e' Hatties of the U’orld. from ^i.iruthon to Water loo; First Impressions of I'ngLlaiid and its I’eo- jile. by Hug’h Miller: .Swallow Baiii, revised edi tion, ilinstrated, by .J. 1*. Kenned3'; Don Quix ote. hiilf morocco, illustrated: London and the P.xliihition, illustrated; Ahhotfs Histories: Lis ton and Muter’s Surgery: F.ullion’s Cicerof Pierce’s Curves, Functions and Ftirces: Tooke’s , Pantheon; Letter Writers, &e. iftc. .Inst rec'd.- E. J. HALE fcON. Dec. 8, 18')1. THOS. H. TH.IJ>(.HAST, JBOOK-Blx> Anderson St., Fayetteville, N. C., OPPOSITE .MR, W, WI.NSI.OW’S I.AW OKUCK • Music neatly bound at short notice. Pamphlets and Perioilii-als V)o\iiid. and old lU)oks re-bound, in a substantial manner. Dec. 8, I80I. 4' tf .MILK FOK SAIJ:. HANDSOME MULK, 3 years oM, ■rentlc in harness. -\ppl' soon, to ‘ ELI.J-UI FI'LLEIl. Doc. 11, 18.'»1. 47-lit A has delivered a speech gotnl it doe.s, but for the evil it pro-j has not exhibited much of th:vt |uality. Pacific brings nows to the 2()th ult. j wood, ot l\y. and the said speech vents. And he is a dangerous man who | But let us .see how it agrees with Mr. Ma- ; 3Ir. Rives, U. S. Minister to France, j Jo.seph Scji ' W-..,hin.rt.n I’liion cudoavors by his whole career to infuse j con’s own recorded opinion. On page 4.*! came passenger in the Pacific. I the 1st inst.. There has been very little change in our mar- 1 shoulders of the ex-(iovornor of Hungary, i ket since last issue, except in Salt and Flaxseed. | In another [lart of the same article the . ])a\vson, of (Ja., it will be seen speaks j The former is firm at 1 -')0 to 1 tid. There has | .lournal says that the fugitive slave bill was : Im,Idly against committing the United j been some movement in the latter, and sales , not a part of the Compromise measures! ' States any further on this Hungarian ■ have been made at TJ5. i No wotl.l(.r lliat the .I.mrn»l had to take , M'"'*';''"- ,‘l''"l;. I'""';'' "'"''K'' !'»» „ Ti m'BM-iNr. Ii« iei^h,i!a; sales of Virgin and ! already been done Kossuth, and insists I ^ cllow dip at 1 80. No. » llosui Oo to (0.— that (iovernment should do no more; and 1 Spirits 27 cents. Tho .Steauicr so far he is ably backed by .'Ir. I nder- j tt RMINT.TdX I.MIKET. wood, of l^y- I I^acon—Hams 11 to 12, ijides 11 from store. Seawell, demcK^rat, was on ! Corn-Stock on hand fair; a boat load from up , ’ , J, f I the river selliiiK in lots to suit at io. Oats re- electtHl Mayor of the city of 47i to oO. Non t hr I’ll .Tlaiinracf iirr. E have fonned a compain' styled the' w w Snow C.-imp .Maiiufacturiii}' Comi nny,- of .Alamance Connty, Nortli Carolina, two miles'' West of the Cane Creek Cotton Factory, on Cane' Creek, at the Foundry owned by Da\id Dixcn' & Ilrothers, and woi Id respectfully annmice to' the citizens of Alamance and the ai’joining Counties, that we are now prejiai-cd to M.anu- facture in the neatest and licst style—Whert Thrashing Machines, from two to six horse' }>ower: Cutting Machines of ditierent sizes; Wool Cardinjr .Machines: dtiuhle and single Mill ! and Factory Ciear: .Saw and (irist Mill Irons;- edpe Tools: (.'otton Yarn and AVool Lolls, ite. Persons wishinp to jmrchase would do well to* {rive us a call bclore purchasing elsewhere, as' >\e are determined to sell cheaji for cash, or on* time to jmnctual dealers. Our long e.vperience' ' in the Miinufactuiiiij; Business enables us to’ ! feel no hesitation in saying that our ^vrrk shall* not be surpassel by any sh p in the South. .All letters addressed to the .\gent of the' ('ompany at the Snow (,'ani]i P. ()., Ahmiaiice’ j Countv, N. C., will roceive pr(>in)it attention. I ‘ DAVID DIXON, Agent of the S. C. Manufacturing Conijmny. Snow Camp, Dec. 9, 1851. 47- ni a week to coneoct sueh a batch of—blunders. Late fro.m Ecucipk. NKW liOOK.S. n.ATirF.R and the International, ff-r I>ec m-' l)er; The Old Guard of Naimleon, bv Head ley: Baucher’s Uorseniaiisliip: l.-^aac ( heck, the' .Man of AVax: Lewis .Arundel, or the Itail Koad’ of Life; Naval Life, by Lt. Lynch. U. S. Navy;'- AVesleyan TheologA; Durdcr’s Village Sermons;' Alleine’s Alarm; .Mechanics for Millwrights,^ Machinists, Engineers, kc.: Zachos’s New Am.- Speaker. Just received. Dec. 10. E. J, HALE & SON. A.n'.nkxation.—A letter from s;iys,— .Mnvi'uieiits are going on here to pre.ss "!"'n ongress the auiiexatirm of the .Saml- 1 I'latifls. .Air. (Iwin, the (.’alifornia ■ ii.itor, particularly interests himself in ’uf* iiiovcim nt.” ^ '^' urc iiidibted t(j Hon. Wui. A. flra- ' 11 oil, Alfred Dockery, for pam- I'lil' t ciip|,.vj Qf ^1,^. President’s Message. I- are indebted to the {vublishers for ^^1' *cet;mher Numbers of the American li \icw, liiteriiational Magazine, '"'V.' Ladies’ Book, Sartaiu’s Union into the public mind a dislike to govern ment, even the liest. “Government a badge of fallen innocencc”? Why the hosts of Heaven acknowledge a Government, a Su preme Head; and “the powers that be [on earth] are ordained of God.” “The ruins of the bowers of paradi.se,” and all that, is rather too poetical for the .sober old Sena- of the Debates,— | Cotton had advanced Jd, making Id. “He expres.«ed a wish that the Univer- within a week. Sales large. sity of the State was located at Raleigh, for he did not believe in that kind of edu cation which was obtained in cloi.sters. The nmnners of boys should be attended to as well as their minds. He referred to rrance was still e.\cited, and numerous arrests were made. M ississippi Sknator.—The Hon. John J. McRae has been appointed to succeed Col. Jefferson Davis in the Senate of the Mobile. Twenty loving Irish couples were married at St. Mary’s C’hurch, Cleveland, Ohio, on the morning of the !24th ultimo. A Feelhuj Jmhje.—An individual hav ing been convicted upon rather slight evidence, the Judge proceeded to pass judgment as follows: “Prisoner at the bar! You have been the (’ity of Williamsburg, in Virginia, wdiich was .said to have been the most , ^ Politics not stated l.„sxM..STEa* .7N;^.rCA-„0L,KA.- fou^l guil.y^by a jury of your „wi. the Sketches. | Immediately succeeding the above quo-1 tiitioii, is the fidlowing:— | Peas 70. Lard scarce; good N. C. would bring 12 to 12A by the bbl. Turpentine—Sales of 2,tK)0 bbls, at 2 10 for Soft, and 1 10 for Hard. Nothing doing in Spirits, small sales at 2'.*. Tar 1 *’0. I.ime 1 to 1 ijt; to !i;0. SFJLEJ\*DIif no OKS for' the liolidatfH. The Home Rook of the Picturesque; Christmas with the I’oets—u Collection of Songs,- Timber—Seven rafts sold at from ; ('arols and descriptive versi8 relating to the fes tival of Christmas, linelv embellished: Women' any 0.1,er Iu,titu.iou »i,liii. hi, kuow-1 State, during I " to the penalty of death. You .say you are hilt a.sscrtioi J C;od. It 5 between 8500 and 81000; 7 between duty to leave you for execution. If guil- 11 1 . k the year ending July 1H51, the compemsa-: .^..^.rtion is only leie won ia\e ‘ tion of 3 was between 81000 and 82000; ^ yourself and God. It is my (juoting rbis declaration of Mr. Macon. . . _ . . At New York cotton inactive and unchanged I of Early Christianity; The Lan.l of i;ondr_gc, its I .Ancient Monuments and present condition, by '"aI’ncw Orleans the Pacific’s news caused no ! •«. f advance of price, but produced large sales and | Manor; Hook ot he 1 assions. bj « A..n rr.ni-l.-l.t- Strw-t MiildliiKT 7 ‘ AVhi«kev iThe Snow Hake; llie Heniember Me, 7" "iT Lla,“ 23 “ b" » ias Th. A„..ra.i,lK The i.e. Uro,: Fl.^. r. rl..,.1in...l *,) PAntR lincss: The Ins; American female Poets; roeius At Columbia the Pacific’s advices kept prices by AmeUjy ’'‘ '*^1^ ^ speare Gift Book, first and second scries. The above elegant books are illustrated with* splendid Eugravings. Just recei^ed. steady at 6 J to 8. At Charleston, Cotton rose ^ on the Pacific’s news. 7| to 8j. er -Urlele ^ ^ f, «O0'a7d S w;;n l-WO a„d wuo; ry-.-you-ricilyf deserve Ilia fete .Uieh ed, and for the government to protect the | Maeon that we would like to remark ^ . , awa.ts yon> if werThanue'd wTtt people in their rights, liberties, and lives,, on, but we have already taken ' ^100 and 8200; G5 between ^.'SO and 8100; ^ ^ eonscience. But, :;l:t^nr„.u”T;i,e'eTi:fKr:f:ri::elerl'id“ PORT OF WlI.miNGTOi^. Dec. 10. E. J. HALE & SON. ighi years Washington’s administratiou, all of John omitted:— i«25- I icorfd of care. ARRIVALS. Dec 6—Brigs Thetis from Cardiff, Cleopatra from Bermuda, Mary Pierce from 6t. Croix; Schrs Jonas Smith and Ira Brewster from New York. 8—Brig L W Maxwell from Boston. 0 —Schr Seu Bre««« from Boston, ART UNIONS. ENTLEMFN desiring to sulsciil>e to «ho‘ American Art Union, at New York, or the PhiladelphiH ,\rt 1 nion, can hare their .-ubscrip- tions forwarded tUh vffk *>nly, 'ns the .Annual Dibtributiun will liike place on the 10th inst. E. J. llALJi.-

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