SEMI-WEEKIiY [VOI.. I.] i£9SBE99B3BSBKfi9UdBfl 1 AVCTTKVII.I.K, X. C., TVESnAY MOllNiXC:, niX'lOXHil’.R Ifi, 1«.‘>I [NO. :-Mi'^iitrT-ir»~«-«nii«anr- i -MJlNTi'.D in* H. NKWliV. i’DW Vill) J. HALtr& sox, 1:1.irons AM* rKOl’KIKTOUS. ' ... ,,.r '■’’’kly (>n*‘VttvKU dO if j, i,i i:; ri lvni\oc; 1 *>0 if duriwj: tin* r ■) 1 ior rtfurr tlic ro»n- hi\'« i'\-, ' - i- I W, i-k'.;.' »':\v.nvv.n $2 On J^cr iininiin. if : ,i,l in ’'"if thirir." t'lr ;,r I't'? *>'■ aftfr t!ie vciir ; 1. S( llOOL ]nvM)KRS. 1M'"\ 'S Nnrtli ('nrtUnn Ucixlcr; l’!»rU*'r'h w w 1st. :j(i. :!(! jitnl -1th Hoti'lors; Mi-Uiif- tVv's Kcloctic ri'iidirs, iJd. ;’.il mxl Itli |i:irts; ricrjxiiit's Vi.iuiji H»‘:nU-v; \ I’.lHot's ('oin- 1114111 Scli.idl l!c;tilfrr«. Nil. 1. L’. •■? aiiil 4: lliiifi-- .Ttnl ;>'l Iti'mlcr; Viilajr‘ Koail- rr; Ni''v Yi>rk I5>'nik'»', No. 1. ‘J nii’l I’arkor IIiiffuricjil liii;r]ish llcn'lcr; Aiiierinui Sfli-'ii] Uo.nli'r: Aii.iri’H's I'liioii Scrips. 4 jiarts; Snutiu'rn IScaiK-rs. 1st. ‘JiJ atitl ;'il ]imt« K. IIAI.K. .v: i^ON. Deo. S. IS.-.l. rou S.\Liv—I’uiv Winter Sponn. Tinnu'rs', l.ijisrcfl. Htiil NfatV-rnot >1L, ir» (jnaiititif.'s to suit. Api'ly to IS. in'srrtcd l’>>r .«i\ty c'onts ; ,-.nro t'"T- tin' fir*t. !uvl thirty coiitrs for each I'.i’.'Z Yearly adv>rti*!i‘UUM\ts !' I- at rc.a.sonnliU' ratos. .\d- >(." \r-' to state the imni\»cr of i i.-'irt' 1. or thfv will be rontiimcd till ;,1, .iii.l iicconlinjr'.y. - ' I..-;i.Ts t) t’iio IMitors iim.xt l>c jtr«st-j-aii5. iHv. S. |)i,\\ rs.TKKi'.SvV siiiinss. - B i' \Vr, ill ! vi'oriv«>il a liirfft* lot of ohnu't* t; ■ \N' i >' iii'l TitKMS. am iv.r >viru’!i ari' ■ ' rtv.ntlv iiiti'mIuiC'I fr.'iii t'hiiia. NOrU'K. I EStFiUSONS iinU‘1)tol to tho .sii’ii.i-ri1>t'r oro * H. ri'S|>i‘i-tfully r«*i[U('stoil to sfitU* iliiriii”; tlu‘ j)r*'S(‘nt month. j stnl»>nie»it of .'icooniit.s tliio from por -ons ! ri‘«iilinjr out of town will *'*■ forwl>y mail. ' I’crsuii'; iiavitip accoinit. ac-tiii.'t tli‘ .siilisi-ri- Hcr ari- ri'(jiu‘sto'i to liaii'l ttuMii in for Hi'ttlcinent. SAM'l. .1. lllN^l'Al.F,. I l>ec. S, 18*)I. 4i’itf NKW CARlM’/riNC;. llOLl/S UrnssHs. Iiijrrain !inl Stair A*" Cariietinfr. new :inl fa.sliioiiable Tat- tenis, just recoiveil. — ALSO— 1 •’> Spikes and larjre Nall.s, '2'^ lioxes Kai.'iin.s, ;?t) l)a^s Shot. Inilifio, CliMcolate. Salad mid ('astor OU, with ail additioti to our Stoek of Hardware. S. W. Tll.LINtJII.VST CO. Nov. 4:’>-tf Cumberland Superior Court of Law. AL rri’-L!(’ Notice i.« hercl'v iriveii, th.-it a Spe- ei:‘,I ’I’erin of '\in\t>erlaiul Superior Tuvirt of Law will he lieM on the l2d Moud.-iy in I''eh- ru.-iry 1 S-'ili, for tlie tii-il of .‘iueii f'ivil ':ise.s as wire oil the trial docket at I'.iU Tenii, IS-M. Suitors :;jid witnesses will take ilue notice tliei efif and govern tl'.emselves accorilin^ilv. I). C. MAt.' KAK. Clerk. Xov. ‘J‘J, IS.'il. 4:Jtc D()Mi:S1'lCS. flTTIJ' Uiver (tsnaher^is; 7-8 nnd 4-4 J Shcetiujrs always «u hand, nnd lor sale at Faetcu-v prices, liy STAUU & ^VILLIAMS. June 7, 7’>tf lirussols and other (’ar})rtiiixs, Hearth llnjrs. l)nig"ets. ('ruml>-(.’loths, I’iauo and T.ible ('over.s. For sale l>v STAKll \ WILMA.MS. :J7-tf Nov. IS'il. DAILY (Il'.NFIiAL TOOl.S, make, by ,4 Oct. IS, IS-'.l. ssortment of (' O () T F 11 S ’ f the best m.umfacturers' 1]. C. ll.\LI-, of Home. '■ i- n W sufVu'iei't. b.ith to .|Uanti- t ' justify mo in askiiijr orders i :.ii\ tliiu>r in my Lne. : > r.-l Trx‘s r;-.u lie ser.t :uiy d'.stauv’e. ■ , ! '.n 1) .\rs. witli jert>*et .safety any time T 'viiit T. C. I.rTTF.Ul.(MI. Ivowan street, F.ayetieville. ■ ' 4i'.tf i' > V' ' cr pots ;ilwny« kept for snlv. S\l/I' \M) IJMi:. I.A I’lVi I'Mileached s.tcks I.iver]>Ool 9 .'.round SALT. 11 coarse Uock .\lum Salt, ■' ,■-!. fresh unslaked LIMF., ; ;■ .-'.vcd and for sale bv .1. 11. X ,1. MVUTINF.. Hay .St. r ■: V O. IK'.'. >, l.v'.l. 4f.-u S:\le of Valuiblo Town Property. H WILL .se’l at the Court lioi’.se in Cartiia;.rc. 13 on tlie Isf .if .lauuary iie\t. a Lot nnd St'T.' House in the Town .>f C.-irtliaire, situ.ated on the North-F.ast corner i>f the ]Mil>lie stpiare, in ;in e'i)>:i!i'e jdace fur luisiness. .V credit of six ni 'iiths will be ;:i\«-n. an.l hotid with ;r.>od seciiritv re-piired of tli«' pMrchacr. F.L1Z\1:KTH McXAr.I’., V.\ x. I'ecember L L'^M. 4'i-ts riu’!'!' 'i'R!:i:s i-oij sai.k. SrST ri -''i'ed. a lot of choM-e TI1FF..'“'. from Liinllcy's Nurseries. Fersons wishinp to pet them by the huii'lre.l, are ailvised to send in tlieir orders immediately, before the assort ment is broken. I’cach and Apji’e Trees.. ^10 per huu'Ired; — ^1 •')• per doze?i. Apricot, cents each. Nectarine. 'l' ce^its each. ot lieMriuir ri'^e. 8>r. T. I>. II A M>i II, M.V.'s takt'n an Ot^ice on llay Street, est of tlie Hotel F>uildin;:s. .luly 14. isr.l. 4-tf I'AVKTi'Kvii.i.i-: niM-'i:n'i(t.M:iiY. CHARLES BANKS, ionfertiottrr, SNFOllMS the pr.l>lie, that In' has refitted his l-]st;tblishmeiit o»i (Jd'cii Street, and has on i h.and ii fr.'sh supply of (',\,\ IM L.'', m.anutactiircd by himself out of the best Loaf Sujrar, and war- j ranted free t’rom starch, tl.oir, p.aste, ami perni- 1 cions ]iaints. Hi.s whole time and attention is now devote'l to n akiiijr Can-Iy, and he is pre- to supply a I or.lels »ilh Candies (‘.pial | 1 aiiv m.ide in thi* I nited St.ites. '1 li. se t :in- i ihes he w.irr.ints to keep in any c'imat.-; .and > he win s«dl to Town or '"Untry mercliants, as clieaj* MS goi. 1 ;i!id puro ('.uidy c;in be purchased in N'-w ^'o^k or eNcwhcr;-. Favetteviile. tct. Ihol. T. 1-tt ClLOTIL'^, (,'assinieres. and W'stiufs. for sale ' by LI'.LTK .lOll.NSON, '1 iloors of C. ]', I’.ank. IliaVAIll)! S( from the .Tail of l;istrict, A on Monday the 14th day of .Inly last. S.VMI’l!i .L Lo\'K, who >vi- '-^ivicted tor the mnnU-r of l\obert J. Lestei .it Sjirinjr Term »>f Conrl, iSol. Said Love is about 21) or 21 years of ••iCTf'. .-^ix feet two int'hcs lii'rh, (not cert.ain as rojrards his h*‘ijrht, but suj.posed to be tlieren- l.outs.) has il.ark hair, and of a’ow complex ion. with a downcast look: some of his front ti'vth a little decayed, an.l follows the occupa tion of !i Carjieiiter. I will ^ive the atj.wo reward to any person who \\ill a]i)ircher.l tlie s.aid S. .1. I.ove and lo'Ijre him in any .lail in tiiis ."state, or *ne Hnn- ilred and Fifty l)o11ars for his safe confineinejit in any .Lail in the riiitel .'^tates. so that 1 can *:i't him. •lolIN INGRAM, Sheriff. C;unden, S. f'.. .Viij:. oO, IS'il. 2i-i>m ' ■ iviii'j aii'l of 1 tiers 5^ d; nhi. h S’ -rr M V. iN. ,\ few 1’1'ims. Ilwarf I’ears, w \N'n:n, cfi'li will be paid, FIVF. yonnir LK.'': one "q.hI .strong fVuir-h.Tse C. LI TTFKI.oh. A-: t, F»owan street. 4.'»-;!w 1 '-'.I. WAI»1)ILL. .Tr. 1:. UK VAN. 4i;-::t 1200 Acres of Land roil i f J^iir ■ ;.!cr>’-_'ned .'ffer f"r “a’e his Valnn- R i.' Tro't of L.\N1» lyin;: in Ilitdimond r • .,1 t;,f I'iz •Inniix'r Creek, jit'out four - 1 •i-t "1 L iord Hill, and five miles 'V»>.4t r i ''i. .:e; .and cont:iininr prob.ably ll’fHI \ V L:ind is well w:iterel, beantiful’.y admira)il_\ .a !aptel to the cultnrc '1 I 'tr. ii. aii'i liice.—which, .adde l to it.s • • : : I ' .ral Cm'.U'^'', and other tu'.merou.s ■ ir ediicaii 'n. to.'ether with the intel- •. i. ra 'ty. and>ility of the sur- .niu.unitv. renders it one of the m St ' - rn:>tioiis iti the .'“t.'ite. I’ei '-'iis w i>ih- jiiir. Woiil.i do wt‘11 to call and -xam- r . - ir. all pr'.>.a1>ility the subscri>'er will : • r ■Tnc n'-izbb'.rl.oo'l at an early day. : ;i ' lii* .>) iH'ri’initv mav Ix* lost. J. 0. r.LFF.. : .. i^M. 4;-2w ■la'IIKF.LLirs Historical Sketches of North V w rttroUuM. S'J. Wi!*\'s C:irollna lle.-ob'r. >>1. Ji.-f' nvfivf.l from I’hil.-i'lelpliia, hv 1 K. .L HALF, SON. \\T A p>o«l ni.At KSM4TH. ¥ T Apply to .L 'V. koim;ki;s. F;r,'ttcville. I)oc. S, L''’»1. 4'>tt I'ec. n, l .'^ol. ri:A('iii:ii w \x ri:i). A (! FNT1.F.M.\N inialilie.l to teach the Fn"- Vish. L.atin .an.l C.reek L;:n;rna"es. will tin.I n situation witii a liberal salary, on application to .Ldin C. .‘'mith and nr.-theis, iJtt niiU>s North of l';iyetie\illc, or by letter addressel to Fay- fte\i!lc. l»ec. — f>-Im r«Mn: sri’.scr.ii’.Kit is le. H fi»r sale, a w»dl -^^dected stock €m ror e r i e Lemon. Si.da, Ilutter. and \Natert racker'^. Pilot F>read. I’ickles and I’ri'sorvi s. Nuts. l’.,iis\n> and I’l un-, s, Tobacco and t'i^ars. tin tlie niit^t reJf'on.-ihle terms rCash. f r on time to punctu il customci! \ addit F.ivettevi’>, C. f. CHS. HANKS. No. ;l (!recn st. 2S. IS.'l. ;;4-tf HillsbDrougli Academy. ^■^HK next S-ssi.>n of thi Institution will M C”mm'Mici" on Tues>lay, tlie l->fh of ,F«nu- ■ ext. Terms per Session 15L.NJ. IL nrSKK, I’rincipal. \ ••1; 4i-*w i-oli SAU:. ’i’lirix'nlir.t' ami TiiiilM'r Lands, Bii K»1>('moii 4 »iiiity. ^ JK \'1;KS ailjoinitnJ the laii'ls »f .Li- 9 9 sc[di Smith and Wniium Tyner. 7 ii> A' It'S >t Ali'X- r '!( Int\i‘. William H. (jlrinisley, an.l .\n- i;-.. 1' ■' .\ : s in tlic fork >f Kaft Swaiuj) l’..:.:... T Swamp, atlj.-ininp the land.s of .Jno. An il d I'.iije, .\r«;li d Smith, anl Mrs. In - I ,\ev.; on wiiidi is situate the »Ui : :.t 11:,l! scat, adjoiriin^r the lan.Is ot Simon '’’I. II. K. 'I’rov, and .Junius .Morissey. 1 ;.i' :: ••i\f Lands are ^emrnilly heavily I ini- ' i d fine Turiientiue l.ands. lyin^ on an.l ' “ l.iiii. ..T Uiver. Li' • will (,• S'.Id in tr.'icts, and on ficcommo- '■ 'v' t'TlI,'. A- t.. I ,1. Willi.aiii McNeill, or K. S. FJMLNCH. I.': ‘ lic'. I'v, 1^-’)1. 4)-t>\v M. \Li:i) PlIOPOSAI.S 11,1, 111' reccivi-d nntil Saturday the loth » il; t.. for ciitistrnctinj'that i>art of the J !'lyi'tt.'ville .and Centre 1‘lank lload, ’ .'Il 7th aii'l I'ujipy Creek—.a dis- • 'I ;!!-,iit miles—conimencinfr about 7 ■I'l'i eiiilin;; about LjA mile.s from the town M-ttl'vill,.. 'stiMi.itr-; .'tti'l specifications can be seen ” ' e. on ap])lication to .Ino. .M. Uose, It \lSlNt; OF I niLl'F.KN'. I'xperietn'c has demonstrated the fact, that the fiivin" of the \'eniiifu>r- t.> cdiil'ir*'n fre- .(Uently, will not . ii’y -.-,n>-c them t > prow. l*ut enjov iiettcr health, especially if puny, whether Wiirnis an* always discharzcd "r not. W Ik'h sulphate of (juinii!'’ >as tir«-t intro.Inced as a me‘licine. it w as only nsed to -urc fever, but is H' w |:ivpn. and with a‘lv:;nta;:e. in m.inv dis- c.isrs. To s.,|iie extent this will Ic the cise with the Vvrmifuj^e. Witli my facilities in bu- sine.'s, 1 shall be en.iblcd. in future, to put up tlie .•ii'ticio in l.aru'e bottles, :in‘l cheaper, as well | us to i-ontinne it in the usual -vi/i'. | Not loii^ since, ijuite a stout lad. twelvt* or | fourteen years old. was complaining of head- ^ .iche. dnliness, w;int of apjietite, \c., nnd. iis > the Vermifn.^e had helped the smaller (diildren So miwdi. his father, as lie tohl me himself, cn- clu.led to (rive him the medicine; which he did. and the day followiiij: about tliirty larjre worms ; were ‘xpelieL ! Ill a tamilv of my ,tc invintance. wlio keep ' my \ crmifu^e in hirar*' siie.l bottles, it w asinis- takcii at ni;:ht f. r ca.-t.'r »il, ami a larjre t.ible- spiionfnl jllv'n to a nejrro boy twelve or tour- ; teen years old. without the le;ist .leleterious ef fects. The next "lay he .lischar^ed more than twenty larj:e worn.-;. The fo'.’owint: statement is fron\ .In-ljre Holt; : Sir: ^ iiur .Kivice to jrive the \ i rmifujre to children whenever they set'in to be laiipuid or dr ...jiinjr, we fni'l excellent. In twenty o;- thir- : tv c.ases in mv family it has been piveii, sonie- 1 times c.iusiiijr a lai jre ((uantity of worms to be i expelle.l, and at other times few or none. 1 Iiave marke.l the fact, that wlien it was jriven. hiMren were soon relieve.!, w hether worms were alwavs discharjrcl or not, besides bec.itn- injr more healthy afterwards. "in mv neijrhborhoo.1 your Vermifujre has been much u.".*d.—at one house 1 founl three ciiildren sick, two with a Uijrh fever und the ^ oth.T Imd a .lark or livid appearance, with dit- ticiilt breathiiij:. an«l seeme-l to be at the jioint of death. To them nil w.- jrave the nu-licine, .‘Iti'l soon all bejT.-ui to discharjre w.^rnis. in one or two cases en.irniously. 1 learned, and were soon well. 1 saw, by r'.‘i|nest, at another hons‘, a chihl two years old, very much .Icpresse.l in- dee.I, which was soon r dieved by takinjr the Vermifuge, and discharjre l a l.irjr'.' number ot worms. Tlie .\nodyne Coii;rli limps iiave very often been jriven for ciujrhs. cohls, ."in'l in the mea sles. with a happy effect, in my family. Vours, \c. WILLIAM HoLT. A'jilley, Talbot county. To Hr. Little. Tlie fac-simile of the si.iin.ature of Dr. W. (>. Little will be founI upon the outside wrapper of each of his Medicines. Sold whole.s.-ile and retail, by the Proprietor, . at his >Linufacturin;r Dejiot. No. ‘_’*)4 .Market ; street, Philadelphia, and .Macon, (Jeorjria. ' To be had also of James Cain. Itockfish; \. Wiit.soii, Floral Collejre: Tiwnseiid i'v: Doup- iass, P.ennettsville: Dr. P. M. Cohen. Charles ton; C. C. Ibirbee, I5ar. laysville; P. F. Pescud, IL'ileijrli- , ,, S. HlNSDALF, Apent for Fayettev lie. HA Kill vV SON sali:m 1’aim:k-mii.l. rg^HF subscri>.cr has taken cliarL'O of tliis old B. and well kn-'wn Kstatdishmciit. and is pre- jiared to atteii.l to all onler'* tor I’rintiHii l‘:i]>t'v. .Morclmnt.' and i'actorv \\'ra)>i)ii»ji, vVc. The Mill has recently been thoronjrhly refitte.l witli new' machini'ry. and the subscriber believes he can furnish I’aj'cr of as jroo.l i|uality an.l at as cheap prices as can be jmrch.ised any where. North or South. CH.VIILFS K. SHdP.LK. .^alem. .Tune 7. I'^ol. tt Mrs. iil'A IL lias ojx'iKwl that l.-irjre an>l convenient lioiue. near the foot of llayniount. on Hay street, known as the Farmers' nml Planters’ Hotel, where she w oiiM be phi-l to accmniodate ‘'eiitlem*n with l.oar.l b\‘ tin* week or month. Families can be supplied w ith pleasant ro.mis. .»;he is :ilso prei'are'i t.. .•iccoiiini...late 'I'rivel- ler.^ and their h.'rses. Her Stables are atteml- e.l ii bv one well acnuainted with the niaiiajre- ment of horses. Those who are .so kin-1 as t • patroni/e her. shall tind that her ;jreatest care will be to please. (tct. 27. 1 H.'»l. •! *tt M\NTi:.\-M.\KINi; Mll.LINEHY. 1^ TIk' Sul)s«Til)M* still mtinnes t.> earrv on the \ m \ KT in Fayi'tteville. aii'l in ilition to his Fst.ihlishnieiit on How street, near F..-e’.es s l>il'ljre. has opene.i lat'jre WAKl*. on H:iy .'tree?, nearlv opposite the F.iyctt.-ville Hotel an'l otie door I'ast of Messrs. Haij;li Son's, where a sreneral assortment of ri KMTi Ri:. Mai'.e bv crimpetent and faithful workmen, may be had at prici-s corn-s]Mindine with the times. Also, an assortment of Northern-made FFKNI- TFUF,. selected 1>y himself, which will be sol.I at 11 vcrv modt'rale ailvance. DLNCAN .MeNFILL. N.iv. in. is.'il. oxtf HF kei'ps on h:in«i an a“s.rtment of Pi*‘k s celebrated MFTALLK' P.C lU A I, C AS F.S, which have been hijrlily recommended by Wilb.e P. \L-injrum. Henry Cl.-iy, Lewis Cass. Wm. IL Kinj:. and many other illustrious characters, who have examine.l an.l witnessed their utility. FCl.l. SK'l'S country-made lUlF.MCH- 1 N i, for w ajrons. \ T. WADDILL. l(t. IS.M. :>^tf aki:y, .siii:nwE:Lri A: €o. NEM' FALI. AND WIXTKll -a. «c -«.• Tni> Subscribers are now reeeivinjr direct from New York ami Philadelphia, the lar gest and hamlsomest Stock of Staple nnd J''(tiicii 1)r\f (roods' Th:it they have ever exhibited in this market, embracinjr every variety of l.a.lies' and (leiitle- nien's DitK.SS (K>0[)S, annmjr which may he found; Pdack and fancy watered .iii.l plain Kress Silks; bl.-ick and fancy t'oburirs; Lama Twills: fijrtired :ind plain lancy and black Moliair Lus- tri's: Silk War|i and ('r.ipe Procades: .Swiss. Scotch and Chene (iinjihams; Saxony De-Lains; French, liiijrlish anil Ameri-.'aii Prints: Fiiib'd Cashmeres: jdain ditt.c cli.iujre.'ible De-Lains: watered .and needle-work Cashmeres: chatijrea- blo Voneses; llrixanle Lustres; Damask .Vidians: black Poniba/ines: secoiid-mnirnin;r Po]>lins: j'l.'iin and watered Silk Mantillas; -olored and lilack Velvet Mantillas; P>r ica.le Poplins; and n larjri' :issortment of Dres.s Trimmiims; F'rench and i'.njrlish Merinos: Velvet Neck llibbons und CutTs. \e. K.MBIIOIDKIUKS. French worked ('.'ll.ars ami C.-ipes; P’rench worke.l Culls: French worked ('hi"misettes: Fn- dei'-Slceves; Swis« an.i Jaconet rrimmiu;rs; In fants' Waists aii'l C.-)]'s; Hem-stit(died and nee- ' dle-worked !>inen Cambric Handkerchi.ds. from !• cts. to >!”i: and a beautiful assortment of Veils; every variety ot'.'>liaw Is, embnddereil an.l j plain; Thri-a.I. 'ott«>n and Linen Fdjrinrs and. Laces; black Silk Laces and Ivljrinjrs. — ALSO— I lll.ack. blue, brown and irreen French an'l I'njrlish Cloths; black nml fancy t'asslmeres: ; ('lit \’«dvet. tijrured .-in.i blai-k S.atin :in.l \'alen- ! cia Ve.-tinjrs. isome very liaii'lsoiiie:) .''^attinets: Kentucky .lean.'-: Tw;'cds; Linseys; Flannids, wool and cotton; Osnnburjrs; Drn;jr"cts: Damask ^ Table ('oths; ditto Najikins; Centre-Table ('ov- ; ers. very fine; Pi:ino 'uvers; Irish Linens; Liii- «'ii Lawns: Threa.l Cambrics; Towelliii'js; ien- tleiiien's Merino .'^hirrs an l Drawers; Silk Neck anil Pocket H^endiiefs; L.-idies' .Merino Vest-;; ('aslimere and Silk H« se; ilitto Half-Hose: the celi-hnite.l Salem .leans, black and ;rr(‘V. I.adie-i', (ieiitleliieirs and ChiMren's 1$(H)TS und SHOLS, .Men's. Hoys' and Infants' Hats :md Caj>«. Velvet. Satin, .'str.iw and Florence noiincts. Ditt'> tlitto ilitto for .Mis-es. ■\nd every article usually kept in a Dry tioods Store. We invite tin' public t.i call and exam ine our l.arjre and h.imlsome .''tock. ;is we are al wavs anxious to s'low our (ioods. Mr /a'i'j) Siiiftir, Till iiihI AUF\', SHF.MWF.LL \ t'O. return thanks t«i the citi/.ens of Fa\ettevil'e. and the public penerally, for the v»'rv liheral jiatromijre hcre- tofoi-e tiestowcl ni them, an.l inteii'l. I*y strict nttemion to business, to merit a .•ontinuaiue. S. S. .\I!KV. P. ,'^HFMWKLL. .1. IL .McDONAl-D. p'ayetteville. .cpt. l‘>. Is'il. 21 tt .r'#/. f.V TS’> fB^IllS LINK OF lit).\TS is still in snecess- -M. ful operation on the Cap«' Fear Uiver, ami continue to offer innny facilities to the shipping j>nblic. Persons p.'itronisinjr this Line, may rest .ns- siirc.l that their (ii'ods will be brouirht up with di»]>atcii, and at the v(>ry lowest rat«‘s of freiglit. A. V.'. STI;F!.,. President. T. S. LFTTFP.LOH. Airent at !':ivetteville. Feb. L^.'.l. ' ‘ .‘S'.i tf __ WAN'rKl)' rHj^lIF. .'■idiscrilier wishes to purchase oOO.OOd JB_ lbs. K.\(;S. for wliieh tin' Idjilu'st cash jirices will be pai'l on delivery in Fax etteville. DAVID MlUl’ilY. Itocktish, Cnmberlaml. .\ujr. 20. 1S'>1. L'i-liin f|Ti U" KINC and A. .McMlLL.VN : I M • iiit'i cojcirtiiersiiip in the I Turpentine, and have have enterel Distillery of erected a .still on the \\ est si'le of the Fay.’tteville and \\ c.stern Plank Itoad, S miles f rom Fa’, etteville. N. KINC. A. McMli.LAN. M:,y 71tf I? wish to bnv ou.i'MO barre's Turi’entine. ' KINO \ Mc.MIL’laN. 7'i P>bis. No. 1 IL-ning. I’.'i •• •• o .Mackerel. 1(i(i P.ales H/iy. ]M» Pieces Cotton Ilajrginjr. o(t ('oils pope. 2’H Lhs. Twine. ;’>> I! lids. M"i!as«es. -■> Hhds. Fair .'^uj;ars. •'1** I'.'igs liio Coffee. ■\Vith .\luiii .‘11111 S ick .''alt. and Ci-oceiics ge?i- erallv, for sale at the lowest m.irket prices, bv JNO. D. WILLIAMS.' PUf Ij'nlf of fiilir-li'ti'fv PoKf Cnnrlii^, J.n/il FnijcttvriU)' to \^(ii’>!(nr,— hiiilij. HK Sub.«eribeis havinir secure.l the mail contract (ui tin* sibove Line, will commence THIS DAY. rnnnin'.r a Line ot Four liorse Post Coaches, Daily. Leavinjr Fayetteville at b P. .^i., ami iirri\ing at Warsaw :it ^ '> A. .AL, in time for the Cars Noriii and South. Ue- tiirninjr. leave Warsaw on the ni'riv.-il of tiif Cais. say about 1 or 2 P. .M.. .and arrive at Fay etteville in ten hours. Every care will V>e taken to render the line pleas.ant. convenient, and safe, for Travellers. .V Line of Staccs will be rstab''s'ied as soon as possible, by the Platik lioad. from Fayette ville via 'arthaj;e ;ind .\slieborongh, to J.exing- ton, Salem, ami Salisburv. .McKlNNOX MeNLILL. Favetteviile, N. 1S'>1. 11-tf An;ri'>it 1 L 1 S.” OPI] and 15.-IJ / for sale bv . and liajiging Twine. LF.KTi: .lolINSON. 2 d(ii'rs \S est of C. F. ikaiik. J'O C'O'l 'l'O.N IM.AN'i'l'JiS PIF.CLS COTTON P.AtiOlNti, 7"> ••oils Pope. 2(t(t li-v. T\\ inc. Just received and I'.ir snlc cheap, by PFTFit P. JtillNSdN. An-nst lb. Is.'.!. 14tf Stage fiiiii fH^HI"' Snbs''rlhers. Mail Contractors fi- m Fayetteville t.) Pal.-ip-h. wili i-. n.ii’cnce operations this day. with new ami ci-m.i rtabie Ciiaidies. ;r'ifid h'.ist's, and ciiiv'tiil Dri\‘rs.— The Fare is FiVL 1M’'LI VUS—simc as be'' ve. 'I'he Stage ILi'ises ari*. ir Fa v etteville. the ) :.y- ettevilie Hotel, in i\alei;j-h. t!i>* ^'ato•l House: but Passengers v>. ill be ciive; ed to sni h other Houses as tin \ ni:iy select. The hours of ileji.-irtiire v. ill !u'. nntil tiirtln'i' notice, at h.ilf- past ‘.t p. M. i'ayettevilb'. ai:d at 2 P. .M. tl-om llalei'.ih. d;.ily. 'i'he sn'isciil ers li.^pe. tiy iinremiTted attention, to -ci nre a liberal shar*>- of the tra^ el. MrrDO''K McKiNNiJN, DA\1D .M(-NL1LL. Favcl levi’le. .Tnlv 1. 1-M . 7'^-tf t" ■; incL*'.^ % WAN r!:i>. ■'’(Kmi ft. ,\she Luiiiber fi r 'Vajron~. 1. thick. :’iOttO ft. Sea®'n.'.t (»ak l.-.i'iibe;'. I;,' to infli7i DMiil ft. W hite Oak and Hickovv . I'or ,\'.ietree.-.. lOC.t fi. White (!ak for Toi.-ues. Poil'^tcvs and'. Shafts. 1011 Po>t Oak Hu!i‘:. fur ('ai-is aii'l ag-ins. 2IKHI Spokes. For whi.'h tile hiuhe^i ca^li jirice \>i'l ■\pplV soon to Mav I'.t, is.- K. FFLLFIL 72-tf N(vrK’i:. fB’^IlK Steamer Chathum will lea'e this place M- every .Monday aiol Thnrs lay at 1 o clock, .\. M.. (insteail ofo'cdock as at ]ir(‘seiit,) coni- niencin.g at 7 o'clock Monday DMh iiist. limt' of leaving \ViImingtoii. tverv Tuesday and Fri- ilav at 2 o’clock P. .M. .INO. D. WILLIAMS. Agent Ca;>e Fear .'Steamboat Co. F.-^vettcville, .March o. MMvKP.S. I'riireis cl tine old .i] plo' !■* those whv* 15 N^>v, ””l). LYMAN lU RRANK, tSiirrt to Ildtrh (f‘ I)urhtlL\ W holes.ile an.l Itotail De.iler in Tobacco, and Z FF.PS constantly on Uan*l the above named articles, of the most popular br.inds, and warr.'inteil e.jual to any in the country. Hav- inir made arrangements with an extensive li.*us(* in P.altlmore. he will sell at lla'tim' re prices, ami respectfully iinites the citizens of Fayette- ^ille nnd »;urrounding country to .give him a call. Pront .•'treet. next 'loor to Messrs. Pol icy \ H.'irt. (at the s>n of THF Tl'KK.) Wilminjrton. Oct. 1S.>1. I’ldtt" '■tHU'S. t'll'S, ilOOTN & SilOl-lX. JNo. A. WILLIAMS, Pres’t. 4»;-2t 'rhoinaslown Lime, ment of Fall ami W inter MILLINFHY. ing of silk, satin and velvet lUmnets. ot various prices; i’liimes, Pibbons ami Flowers; Head Jiie«sesand Caps; .”traw P.onncts of .liftercnt fpiality ali'l price; Inside Caj>es; ( ollars an.l I iider.sleeves: very nuality of Kid (iloves: Mitts, lonjr .•iii'l short; .n new and elepaiit stvle . f Drc'S Trimmings, of the most tash- i..*nal.le kind, and a few handsome Dre.-s Pat terns: w tered and plain silk Mantillas: \el- \et Mantdlas an.l Cloaks: a new style ot Loii- net Linings and Trimmings. if all colors; ,nml a handsome assortment of Flowers aii'l He.-i'l Dresses Dresses ma.le in the latest style; like wise .Mantillas and (,'loaks. Oct. 14, IS.'il. ^’-f^-o'ii JE \ID for YOFNO NKtiU^HiS. .\]'ldy to J. ^ T. WADDILL. Sept. 2’>. J'ltf Ni:\v I'linL T’S’MIE undersigned have entcre.l into copart- jL nershiii. un.ler the name and style of |jawr«*iice Sc Troy, For the ]) irpose of ihdng a general .Mercantile ami p!irt« r business. We have taken the Store. No. D> (JilFKN STKKKT, formerly occupied by .M' ssrs. J >hn Huske iK: .Son. tJLO. W. LAWP.LNCK. JOHN H. TUt>V, Jr. Oct. 22, IS.'.l. I'all anfl 1 S .■> 1 . Storh'. f B^H F, Siibscrilier offers for sale one of thr B. lare'cst an l hest assortments of (JOODS in ilis line ever offered in this jilace. He is ver\ thai.kuil for the vvy p.itnuia.irc th:it he has h id. ami solicits a continuance of the s inie. Ilis stock has been selected with care. :;ml Consists d' nearly every variety and style, from the best mauufa.'tureis. He has on hand and offers low ''17.1/1. at I'etail or bv tin* case, latest stales (ientlemen s lleavvr. Nutria. M.deskin. Silk, P>rush and .Vn- gola H.\TS. Also. Jenny Lind. Kossuth, .Vr- tist, Kough and Ileadv, and stiffene.l Fur and W ool Hats, for Men, Youth and Itoys—in abun- P2-r.m] dance by the dozen or case. —ALSO— -\ verv large snjiply of ('loth,, "Velvet ami Fur C.U’S. of all (|ualities. styles and piri- ces,—by the single Cap or by the ilozen. _.\I,.so— Hoots and Shoes, of the following v.arieties, vi/.: il Watches and Jcnv'lrv, At \Vliol«‘!^ale and Itflail. | .L M. iii:Asi.i:v I mmroi'LD respectfully inform the j.ublic i ▼ V generally, he has returned recent- Iv from New York, with decidedly a large as sortment of j U\tfrhfs nul .frir7#*»/. .^L•lny of these Watches were bought for C X.'^H F.\ THF, P.VCK.VtiK. and can therefore be sohl verv low. Ht* has Watches of all kin.Is; I hains. Keys fiii'l Seals of all kin.N and of the latest stvles; Finger-Hings, !!ar-Kings. .Mclallions. of all si/.i's. of Fnglish ami .\merican make: La- | dies' Chatelaines; Cuff Pins; Collar and Sleeve Ibittons; Shirt Studs: (Jold Spectacles, light and he:ivy: tJidd Pens ami Puncils; (iohl an.l .''ilver Thimbles: Uracelets; Silver Fruit nnd P.utter Knives: Silvc'r Spoons of all .siz(*s: lar.cre lot of Pocket Cutlery; Scissors, best iiuality: Piitton- liole Scissors. Surveyor's ('onij'asses und Chains: .^L•lthenl.•ltical Instruments; large .[nantity of fine ami common Pistols; tine iiml common sin gle ami dotible-barrel (Juns: tuime liags; Siiot Pelts nn.l Powder Flasks; .Milit.'irv (Ioods. in cluding the liass Drum ami the smallest Ibitton; Violins and extr.i Pows: Mutes, t lari.inets, l la- gedets. Acc.'rdeons, of ,.^1! kimis and .si/.vs; Mu sic Poxes: I’t rfunicr.v: >oap: Lather I>rnslics: liazors and Strojis; Dressing and Pocket Conitis; Plated aii'l Pritannia ^\are: and various other things too tedious to enumerate. jpi..'^('all an.l srive me a trial. Cash paid for old (,i«hl ami Silver. W.\T( HKS Illnl .iLWKLliV IK'.Mtly Pejiaired. F'ttii tti'!'ilh', A. —^ortli-l'^if!^t ( iiriicr of Murhft J. M. P.KASLKV. TO V,IS\ F have !i f'.'w V w I’lr-.' for aie; snvli want to make i/ood wine .-houM get. (OOK i.'c TAVLOP. Sept. D’l, It^.'il. 22-tV 1 WAN r MONi.Y. A ND 1 have miw oti hatid 22’>.lior» PilD'K,. tliat I ’.-.ish to exchange tor mom'v. JOHN L. P.VTTKiiso.V. Dec. 1. iSol. 41-^'iv STOV LS! Sl'OVLS!! {^ri'I’AIJLL for Chni'chi's. Pai-’ors. Factorie.'*,. ami Stores. F* r sale bv C. W. ANDIIKWS. .Market .S|narc. i>ct. 27. l^.'d. -Itf liROTIIHRS LI.M:. rHflHF, Steamer P.POTH FPS ami Tow P.oais. n STKVF.NSON and DAVID LFW IS are pre- j'ared to forward with Dkspaicii, all gooils con- signi'.l to the Projirietor. The Steamer P>rothers is of light k'ralt, ami well suited to run in low water. Jsln* )«>ssesses jxiwer. ami sjiee.l. ami is admirably ad.ipte.l to towing, and can accommodate about 2*> passen gers. The propriet'ir contenij.latrs running the Ho.Tt hinis»*li. and will give attention to way freight nnd naval st res; to towing, and will al so atteml to the comfort and convenience of Piissengers. From his lon.!r experience as .\geiit iu Wilmington ot the several Steam Poat Coiu- ji;»nies. he thinks he can give satisfaction. To .Merchants in the interior he woidd say. that all ship^H'd by him. will be deUve«ed to their .\ircnts in Fayetteville. His agen* in Wilmington is .KMIN C. !-ATT.\. to whoiii all conimiiiii.'ations ma.v oi* ad'iressed. as .Vgent ot the Steamer lirfithcrs. .iOllN P.\NK.'^. I’ropiietor. May l-'>. T2-V flBLACKSMITllS' P.KLLOWS. Anvils. A'ises. d Screw Plates, and Hammers, for .s.ile by LFLi'F JOl!N.ON. I 2 door.s West of C. F. Pank. Carria;' 31 aiuiinctory. W'i: are now receiving a large and well se lected Stock of ('omjirising ever.v article n'?ualiy kept in that line, togi'ther with LjO Cases Roois and Siioe-^. (SatK an! —A LS >— well selected Stock f;t' M.iRipnMiir:. To all of whieli we iip ite th* attention of .Alcr-- chants of tliP int.'rior. whi will tind it t ' their' interest t-i examine .»ur .’st ick before makinc: their purchases. We will not be umlcrsold by anv one doing bnsiiies.s In this jdace. H \LL vV S.U'KFTT. Augi’.st 2'y. I80I. I' tf ■fuig Ii.>;r. in i|nantities to ."init. ’ r- I'l l-d I',,,. l,y 15. POSi: & SON. I'^'ol. 4b-:u I'lii: m:si»KKL\N ir\Ri7r IfV Willi an; Houser, of (Jeo. further sup- ply of this new .Music P.ook, with patent jii'^t received. .\lso. further sujiplieH of V'-adeiiiy's (.'ollection; Carmiaa Sa- tl" 1:.., a.he F.. J. HALF. & SON. lU', l.AM) SALK. ILL be f,id at the Town, on Fri- 'lay the lid l.'iy of .January next, at 1'2 d tract of L.\ND containing sixty r iji.wii ;is the '•.''haw Place,'’ on Cape ■ '■•■r. joining llaigh. Shaw ami others, on Mi.-n> ,,f t),,. Town of F;tyetteville. '' iiiontlr^' cre.lit; bond with a[iprovc«I AllCH'D A. T. SMITH, Clerk and .Master. 4';ts c\ r. OI'KKR FOK SAf.K: PW Orleans. Porto Pio. Kcfined, Crushed, j L.iaf an.i Havana Sugar. I Pio. Lagnira, anl obi (lov t .Isva ( offee. Dundee. Ciiinny, and Pnr’iajis P>agging. Pope and Twine. Iron. Nails. S.ilt. Molasses. Chc«‘se airl I’aisins. lilacksmiths’ Tools, Axes, Spades, Shovels, Hoes, Scythes. Trace ami Halter Chains. Paiid and Hoop Iron. W hite Lead in Oil. Spanish Prown, Red Lead. (Hass, Putty, Huekets. Proorns. .Mackerel, in barrels and half ditto. Negro Shoes, fanners' Oil. Tin Plate. Wire. Superior (trren tind Plack Tea.s. .''aleratus. Soap, .'snuff. Pepjier, (linger. Spice, Nutmegs. Sperm an.l Adiiniantitie ('andles. P»ar Lead, Shot, Powder, &c. &c. Nov. 2H, 1H.'>1. 44tf 1 OrniiffeHl Ovanfscsi Oi’nttgcsl A NOTllKll lot, just receive.! nt CH'S IJANKS'S. Nov. 2r>, 1851. 4:5tf Tea! Teal Teal! CHEST YOFNC HYSON, 1 ditto (Jiinpowder, 1 Catty Imi»erial, "or s:ile by Oct 2S, IS.'.l. CHS. 1L\NKS. ;;i-tf HAY. PALF.S HAY, rjtK) Pushels Corn. For sale by W. II. LLTTKKLOlf. Dcc. 2, 18.31. -H-tf 100 •l*c#r rirm. 'Pile undersigned have entered into coiiartnership. under the name and style of H \LI> .S; SACKFTT. for the purpose of loing a i>rv (Ioods and HanUvare Pusiness, and have taken the Store 0 doors 1^-ist of the I-ayette\ille Hotel. -J- If. HALL. A. P. HAL!.. T. .M. S.VCKKTT. August 2t’), is.’il. l''ii‘oiirste; th« ol«l 1%’orlh Mwle. AuFV, SiIKMW’KLL & Co. have just re ceived II splendid assortment ot Salem ( nsi-:i- merr, black and grcv, to which they would call the attention of the public. poods will compete in quality and durability with the best d’ Northern Cassimeres, and are much cheaper, ranging from ti2A cents to .SI 2^') per yard. FayetteviPe, N. C., Oct. 14, 1851. sroiiATiE. WE have c.immodious brick W'arehonses in the rear of our Store, in which we store cotton and other produce. D. in VV. .McLAUKIN. Nov. 1, lS-31. ilncotirdixc ^ortli Vdrolmn. rH^HL undersigned is mannfactnring, in Fay- .H. etteville. Qoot and Shoe Polish, far superior to the Placking purchased in the Northern cities. He intends devoting his whole time to manufacturing and vending this very su pine Water-proof, tine (’alf, j^.rior Polish, and calls upon all who think it to fine Kip ai.d heavy Winter the interest cf the Southern ]ico]>le to become ir.dependent -'f Northern manufactures, to give I’.iin their aid and ]>atronage. He is prepared to show, by ahxobttf trial, to any one who will call upon him, the sn/>e- riorihi of his over all other /ioIixIuk or hliifkinrj now sold in North Carolina. ( all ami ha\e vour bofits and shoes once completely blackcd nnd polished, and be satisfied. This article is offered at n price n-ot higher than is usu.illy charged for other and inferior [Ualities. ami a trial is all that is asked to se P have received a;id are now rec.dvingc our usual St.ick of \ \ 7 POOTS. .\lso. lioys' and Youths’ Calf and Kip Poots. (Jentlemen's Dress .•'hoes, id' To.netlier with an .'issortnient various qualities, of Misses’ and Children's POOTS ami SHOF.S, viz: Jenny Lind, Kxcelsior.s, (Jaiters, ditto Half. Puskins! Slipiiersand Morocco Poots. Also, (ientlemen's ami La.lies' Pulibers. With H po.Ml sii].ply (d' Youths’, Poy.s', Childrens’ and Servants’ heavy Shoes. Ml of which he offers low fm- ( or on time to punctual cnstoniers. Please call and satisfy cure the patronage id the public generally » m • . .1 1. I ri'l 1......: .......1 tr\ vJcit ovli»»v vour..«elves before purchasing elsewhere. JOHN C. THOMSON, Market Square. Sept. 21’,, “‘'tf M':\\ cioons. rrST received, mv Fall supply of CLOTHS, (’ASSIMFPKS AND VPSTINUS, TPLM- MINGS, &c., of the quality, from New York. Also, the latest Report of the New "i ork FASHIONS. Iteir-I .still continue to carry on the T.AlLOllINCt PUSINESS, at my Stand on Hay street, and those who nniy favor me with their custom may rely on having their work .lone in a neat nnd fashionable style, and on the most favorable terms. . ,r . APCniPALD GKAUAM. Oct. 27, 18T)1. UPPER LEATHER. t’Pl’Kli LK.VTIl LK. T ▼ at Tanners’ prices, which wc will take n-reen or dry Hides for, or would m>t refuse COOK \ TAYLOIL 'dcc. 2, ISil. The undersigned expects to vi.sit every por- i tion of the State to introduce his Polish, and ! asks now in advance that Merchants and others ■ visiting Favetteviile will give him a call. 1 ' A. J. W'OObWAUD. June 21, 18.)1. 77-rtm NOTICE. subscriber is now receiving his Fall I. and W'iiiter Stock of I'.VNCY and ST.VPLE DRY OOODS; Hats, Caps, and Bonnets; Boots aild Shoes; Hardware and Cvith'ry; Blacksmiths , Cf>ofH*rs’, utmI Car])oiitt‘rs’ Tools; Straw (\ittcrs, ’i>m ShcH**rs, Plough.s, kc.', Ilollow-'waro; Heavy goods for Negroes, tVc. &c. Tho above goods will be sold at wholesale or retail, to suit customers. Wc sa.v nothing a- hout how the above Clo.>ds were bought, or how they will be sold, but we do say come and see, at the lluske buildings. Green Street. P. TAYLOR. Oct, 2!^ Car5lii:ian ?in, 31 '2m f Sf^HK Subscriber having taken tho Establish- JL ment of the late A. C. Simpson, (situated oii].osite W. .McIntyre s Store,) intcmls carrying on the Carriage Manutaclnrlno: l>iisiness In all its various branches, ami would rcspcct- fnlly solicit u siiare of the public patronage. Having had considerable experience in the business, an.l having been em])loycl iu some of the most extetisivc Establishments in New \ (U'k and New .lersev. he tlatter.s himselt that he can give general satisfactitm. He warrants all his work to be made of the best material the siirroumling country aflonls, and bv experienced workmen: and should any of it fVil, cither in material or workmanship, in twelve months from the time of its delivery, he will repair it free of charge. PPPAIPING done in the neatest and best manner, und at the lowest possible prices. A. H. WHITFIELD. Favetteviile, Feb. 11, 18.j>. > tf REMOVAL. The Subscribers hiivc removed to the new Brick Store, two doors west of the Cape Fear Bank, where they are receiving their fall Stock of Dry 6r'o'x/>', Unrfhrarr nnd Cidlrrt/, and Cfvclccry. —ALSO— Boots and ,Shoes, BntjijiTmj nnd Ro^h:, Fish, of difff'rent kinds. In fact, every thing usually called for in the mercantile line, to which they unite an LEETE iS: JOHNSON. RETAIL AND WHOLESALE. CIO.MFi in to the Cheap .“^torc. .North side if ' ILiv street, om* door abov‘ Tlic corner, and buv n.ew Drv (foods. .Also, i’.eady-niado' ('lothiii*'. Hats and C.nps—^re:il vaii.'f’.. IS.VAC PODD. Nov. L -iT-tf FILL (iOOllL w ■S’l'Al’l.l', iV F.\.NCY GOODS- Cnn.sisting of nearly every article usually kept in the Dry (!o.ds line. —ALSO— A FINK A.^.-^Ol’/r.MtNT (JF i’\ishionai)!e Bonnets, Hats, Caps.., Boots, Shoes, (Sjc. The above .'^tock wc woiiM invite onr custom^ ers. friends, and the public gen‘rall\, to call! ami examine ticl'ore pwrcbasiii'j. i»s w i- ai e de^ tormined to sdl (Ioods tf> suit the tiaies. ALK.X F! JOHNS!»N CO. Fayetteville, Sejit. 2:'.. 1>'-'>1. 2->tt nation. Oct. 27, 1851. 34-tf Blank Warrants far sale here. MHAVK iu®t ri’coiv«*'l troiii iny FALL AM) WLNTKR Stock of C^IooJm, Con.sisting of a general a sortmcnt of Dry liuods. Ilroreries, llar(U\are, rutlrry, 1 w ill barter for Tl'UPENIlNE, or any kind of Produce. N. KING. 10 miles North of Fayetteville.- Oct. 28, Ifi-'.O. ' 4.'Uf \v I'ARTO Difti.inary: ditto Octavo; Walk^ er's Octavo; Wircester's. W ulker s anil WcTster's School Dictiontiries. .Vc. .Just received by E. J- HALE &. SON. Oct. A Sl'PPT.V of Fresh firound ( OflN kept for sale at the 'Mill, late Anders,.n’s, Grindinir of Hominy and .Meal done promptly, F;*j'etteville, March 18.51. 12tf ATUSIC. A NF.W “iipply of .MFhlC, for the Piano* forte. Just received. E. J. HALE i .'=0N. Octobcr 27, 18.')I. Till' M’OTTfSIf « \ri>. or Celtic Manners, as ])reserved among the High' landtra, being an historical and descriptive »C' count of the inhabitants, .mti juities. .mi n* tional peculiarities of Scotland, V .facu'S Lo^ i Eo-v.

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