the orator:* ,>f Stnton Isia.ul meant to do j when tlioy groctod liim ‘Mjommiioi that is; rcc(>irT>is‘i'! Hungary :is an indcp^'n- j U«nt (Jovt'niini-nt—ho. s^hould appeal fioin the r.overiinieiit to the People. Agmiist this intrnsiveness I, for one, luost earnest- FRft'f TIIK N'ATIONAI. INTELl.I(iKNCKK. M. KOSSl'TirS “ArrKAL.” I’fiil.Ai'-Ki.l’iilA, Dee. >, It s('cnis to me. an anxious if not watth- ful ohs'i vi'v i>f tlio signs of imr times, that i ]y protest. Kos-^ufh lias made a ureat u)istake on - ti.e \ery thivshohl of our s >il; on-, t ^o. I nioM TUK m:\v yokk k.npRKss. which, uiih'ss expl iinel and disavowed l»y ’ri,o tJp_>('ch of Kossulh, whi-di tin him and iiis enthusiastic admirers, maii revised liy himscll, and pn‘|>aie or t.ii h'ad t 1 untoward results. lu his >pee( h pri.jis as h(' woulil havo dcliw'ieu it, i not at 8laten Islajjd, in ri jily to 3Ir. j i,y tin- i-rowd in I a.'t e t.iai- h.‘ is n-]vort^ tl hv a fri.'i.dly h'stiMier (thr I j.ppoars in our rohiuins tjiis niornnig. Nt'W York Times) to ha\e said; “If this j, j,, ahogctlier in the vi in ot the hiig- be s«\ 1 h.ivc III ist r.*rtaiuly the right to |i^], vpci'i hcs at IVirmiiigham, Mamhcsti r, pay *1) it it is the dUty ot roiisistenrx and j jmd 1 Sont!i:!i!iptoM. tliongh sulficiently so f.t vindicate tiie sjieaker from the c-hargo oflu.Miiig diiK r»'Ut m-Is tif opinions in dil- t'firnt iouiitries upon lht‘ gnat sulnn t ot iiiti-rvi‘nti'>n in tin* affairs id tiie (lovcrii- iiK’iits of Kuropo. Kossuth spoke !(■';■ p!.iin!v ill l'hi;ilanil upon this (juost.on ihuu he lias spt'k‘U during fh‘* two or tliii'e days he has ln'cn in th(‘ 1 nit»‘d States. f/ir (:.r, rum; nt hot fiu \ 'phore lie might he interpreted as UK'aning [ tlieeriug, 1 an 1 "here every | puMir sympatliy in I'v- lan in oi]i.-.> /).•»•' »he repivsentative of I ..f universal Lil>erty in Kurope, or as flie diicftioii wliii h tlu'pnlilie spirit ot the; Cleaning something more; hut heri* his jie^iple takes.” i s]>eeeli; s admit of no (hnd't. 11." is ni 'st X >w, wliat d'V''; tlii>i mean.'' it an ;!p- ]>eal 1 V a str,.n^'er from the eonsf.tuf' 1 autlioritv ol the laiM to tlie eonstitueiit;'. \nd, if it lie s.i, fr.'Jii what aet or exi/res- o£rie for the pt* >ple oi t!u* I nited States o'reeiH-^iii-e the deelaration of iiiih'peiid- fliee ot^llu!i:rary as aii existing law, a-- tlie etily existing publie law, of my {loordoMn- troddeii countrv. Tliis is wiiat I expect tu Ihid here; aild. u-IutUvrr hr thr hrh,ro. ti’Ut of ijoiir dorr,-in)!/ Ilf, I know that I lia\e the I'.oniT to he in a country irJoir flir ^nr I !"• trank, clear, and h"n*'st in uiving utter ance to 111' opiiiioii.', his wishes, and his expectations. e ■' 'oj.lo will be just hope tlie An.ericaii tVar.k. clear, and ex- sion (»f coiist:tuti>'i authority is the a]ipe;il pli^•it in triv ing liim tlu'ir ;in>wc'rs. t iken!'' A\'!;at is “the dt'claratiotj oi the 'I'liere ar,' .sonK- things in this ceuntry (lovernni.'nt" fr'm whicli M. Kossuth dis- which l‘id>!ie Opinion will s.inciion, an.I sent.'? Nav. turlher, what does he exact- thiuixs which it will not. If will Iv mean by “the (loveinment?" Is it the KxtM-utive, wh ise message of kindness and jtidicious sympathy nm>t have bet n (wi' are bo-.iiid to picsume .'•■o') the liist thing M. l\'.)ssutli read?' Or is it Coiigi'ess, wl'.o.'e act it w;;s t>> invite and bring h:m here, and who are at tliis niomcnt delif-e- rating with no m re than d ’l-eiit « ircu!ii- ’I'iie l.'»ou,. sprcti;in a' to tiieir mode of w. leome':^— inirton and thi- Fathers of tiie W jnibiit saiu tioii whatever i> lawful, whatevt r con forms to 'I’reaty oidigatioiis. whalcvtr is coM’ieut with Non-’.iitervention ;u;d Xeii- trality. Hut the riduii Ojiiiiion ef America will not eons, nt to hav- ilii' i >\einment mix*‘d U!) cith.-r witli th.‘ Politics or \\ .ir> ot I'.u- wliu h thv jxreat \\ a'h- Nuv. let US a'k one further ]'jvi;n int (pies- tion: i it not an a]ip>:;;l fioiii what M. Ko^>i;:h s be the tici ;'ion ot rht O' flu- (jov. rniiu nt when he ueinands i>t them tin.' immi'diate recoiiTiition ot tlu 1'uii.^a- ria.ii lu'pul iic as a:i e\iiing in^titufion— a 'h ( i’m', i rnnu'nt;'' iu'.'i’ a I'!.* M 1. III.' . *t >''nit‘ imj'ort. which, before tiiis eounaiinication sees the I’trht, will hr.vo i>ecurr. d t. tii 'Usani' of nil'ctii'.g uiiiids. and li.W!' li^pe. m.iv be satist’:ii’t 'filv a'.i'We:-l in one ot the earliest of the many speeches M. K ''sutli, in his jiilgriu! ig'. is d*.-itiu'‘d to make. It not an.'Wired. thcti tiu* inference i.' f.iir that he thinks it }.,irt of hi.' fiincti-'n, in a ( ertain state i f, to apjHal troni the (i ivernniont to the IVoplo. 'I’hen we kn-'w w here t > find liiai. )ur lii.'toj-y has, how.'Vi r, at h’a.'t one rx.anph* to guidi' and control e\cn public entim nt; and .^l. Ko.'suth ought to have his atti'.itien direcle.'i t> it. Among ti;.' 1 k' which thi' very int' 1- iig' nt str.ii'.^er i'rep'.rted t i iiave sent tor immediately on hi' arrival on .'^taten I'- ^ land were the Lite and \Vritiu_sof \\ a'h- ) ja_* >n. It' he will tur!\ over their le.ivo earefullv. r..- will tin 1. .'>m wlu'^re in tiie , neiirhbor',;.Mill ot th.- date nt li'.*^>. a pnri-. ] (/'.// of a!i appeal fii'Ui the government to the i’eoplc, an I its roult. I refer of e lui-.-rO to (lenet. who had an authoriz‘d and ■■'’'ci il eonui T;e.!i with thi.' (io.TU- nieiit, and who, l>e>ide. repre>cnti .1 an a( - jIh.:^ tual, /'■ fix t'', respi'U^ibh*. republican 'Ove- y.-i^ntv. In till' celebra.ted conversation \.ith Mr. Pall:.'—-an un fiicwl and friciid- Iv ei.iif reace, an ! th' iefire to likened to eiT,,- of M. Koss'.jtli’' sj'i eehe> to a crowl —(I;-iH't >ail di-tinctly that he uicaiit to appeal from, not the 1 '\evn:u'ut—for here (icnet \s::' le^-s otVen.'ive to the constituted authoritiis gemraHy of tin* laud—I'ut ‘•t'roiu the PiV'ideu^ to the of tin* Pnited Stat-s." and. in a b tter i f .Juik*, ]7-'o. to tJic .''I ■ n tary of 5tjt> . Mr. .l* f- !■ r'"U. afi* r i-.intra* in- vhrit he cali' the narrow selii'h p.ilicy »f the riiited State.' with the geni-rou' friend.'hip of Franco, he s.V': *■/' /.•! //'■' ihuA flidt thr Adk i'inn Pr.tii'I.K !C .shnilfd hi ti'ratiil." Tile- end of this evt ly America!! stmleut i.' fa miliar with; fur. if there he any on“ ]>oint of history on which all jiarties unite, ^\'hig and Pemocrat, ('m.'Orvativi* and Jtadieal, it is t-!iis,: that Jenet was a wron;:-headed, iiitru.'i\e foreigner, and thatien. Wa.'h- iii'jfon and Mr. JejTersou properly rebut- t (I him. Nor is the analogy overstrained, or at are i;:.f to !>t‘ nnleanit iii one da\. iior in niaiiV days, iieilh' r are tlu' teac!iiii_'' of sta ll pi;n tic:d li\ing >tat( s- nieii a*^ ('l.i'.’ ::!sd \\ eb.'ti-r, men «'* the do- min.iiir parfv n.ov, .-md who have grown oh! in till' ci\il .'cr\lec of tlu' iiuuitry.— Kurop.'an I ‘Vcrnmi nt' mu't not interfere wirii the poliri* ' of .Vineriea. .N'eith- r mu't Kurop;-,:H'. W ‘ have oiii' mission to j er- f.rin, an.I it is not up.-n Mu rep. .in that w e ;*.i e to pci form it. but !u i e in tl.e I nit'/.l Stitt', while we iia\e e-r b!i'h.-l a I'lee 11 > rnne iit of ..I 1, '- ]«! ', and \\here we h.i'.e made a ciiaracter. x.rtid ;in intiiien' t', ai; l prohi. t .1 a Mor al and political eih i t ujt ui all the (I v^ rti- i;\eiit of i'lur ]iWe 'tand \\li re we heve stood ' \'y y“.ir.'; ;;nd if we i;n- ilei''tan»i the .''.*11':'. tiiv* p.itri'a I'ill and .'.ifcty . f th!' n.iti' ii. n-.ithci popular apj- al' n T il oUei!. e. ho\\c\cr pui\- ;:>e’ (levated. v^lll iii'Ae t!c.- ii.iti"n IV. m it.' pill p ..-e. 'I’o pi . -l i ve "iir own p"»Vi r and ii;tbi"iaa' a nui-.ii. w- mU't !ir;i:itaiii our i-.>ii>i't> ney. ;::;t i.if^ .1 fy the l. iii a:- trations of dem.iir"ju..,, and in tii- pure ive ofd. inj right t’or the 'ak.- oi ri/ht. Ko^'Uth h.;> b.'cu d«« : i\*'ii ? \ \\. ■ tub d!e». ' fr'-m Aim rii an p.'liu. iaur ir Vi: j"- ! :‘Ild ;M ill ■ ruite.l .''tat' -. N\’e il > n.'t bl.iiii' !;in'. f.r gi\in_' nt?r;.:, * !•> ex- p. cf.i*i"ii' whi. li w- re w.irraiiTed by sueli a'!.h’e"e'. lie ha.' bi "n f! 1 tliat :■ mil lion .-f .'-.vorl' w re .■ a.iv to io; p from rnOM THK N. Y. rOMMKWlATi. j It is Wi ll that our Senate is mindful of its responsibilities, and js disp'sed to con- : sidcr well wliat it i.«i doing; and it is nnit- , t.‘r of spcH-ial gratification that that Imdy is scemiii:!y unanimous in its dt'tiM inina- tion to ubi«le by the policy which the fath er of his country so earnestly lecomnu'iid- ed. and to be at i»eae(‘ with all other na tions. It .should alwjys bo b(Mtie in mind i that wh:iti'V('r ('oiigre.s.'^ doi's is the official act of the eonutry, to be so recogni/.od by j our own and otht r (Jovernments in all snb- sei|ueiit relations aiitl negotiations, and that tlu'refore it is imuni!)ent up.m our Senators and llrpn sentativt's to look care fully at all the hearings of a projiosed , course of action—to consider wlnt inter pretation may jiossibly be juit upon it, as widl as what’llu'y design it to l ear. Indi viduals and ci'lh-ctive iiodies of the people m iv indulge in language and jteifonii acts whit h the (loveniment m.iy not. for the ' idivious re.ison that a peini.inent authority atta( lies to one to wiiich the other makt'S no jireteiision. 'i'he citizens id New \ ork, for instancv", or anv jioition o( tIu'Ui. ma_\ : oinise M. l\o>si:tli arms and munitions | >f war the liberation of Hungary, but | until sueh munitions are actually j.,]—Ol' are known to la* in emirs.' o{ |>r»'- paration lor that purp 'se—no nation lonld : complain that the 1 nited Slates as a go\- cruiiieiit or coe.nti'V had violated interna-, tionil law or treaty. P.iit let Congress m.ike him sueh a promise, and w!io does not .'ce how materially the ease would be altered.'' Ami this reuKuds u», l y the v.;;y, -t .in ('rror of .M. Ko.-.-nth's. into whic h we an' surpvi>cd that he has talleii. It is the oiilv thiii^r about tlu' impa>-loiied p.itriof that has t . n the s. nrelaiiec ol -h luago^u- i'lii. \\\- rei’er to his lel’.ing his excitci hearer' that thev are the I.iV'-rnmenf, and that to them, and not to ('ongn ss, he shall make liis peal for intei ventioii in l-'iiro- pcan alfairs. .^1. K 'S'Ulh will have to recognise the j >\ riimciit which the p; o- ph' of tlii- I’nited Srate> ha\e b>r thcm- scivis a:id of th 'ir own choic e 'tat^i'h. d. if he WiPiiI 1 win the conli.leiice :uid p> r- maiient tVieu l.'hip i f the cit.;'. n.- of these I'nited Sf.itcs. It is .1 ritleti"ii u]i >n all p.lilies f.>r .^l. K‘•'sulh to in this 'tia ii; first, npou the Anier.e;:n ('ongrcss or Io\ eriimeiit. w hose authority and su- j.rt-maev l.e wa" ]iroUi)it to rtcogi '/.' when it colli ti ' ii>ly ‘■.■lit a iiati' nal \e--'i l t'.>r hi' c'UM'vanei' hit!; r; and. .'• condlv. I’p'.n the American Jieopic wiioc'.t.te l that Cou- l;i c'', an.l niaiie I h ;t I. . \; umi i.t: w h are repi-.^M iite.l by it. an.l ;:ie. 'o f -peak, • ni- li.M.a.l in it; an.l wh.>. wieii they rilh-it, a- r -t;. '-; ;!n v will, s.-o.n r or 1.iter, wdl their luxurious fin't^id*^, where they sit in security under the tree of l/iberty, and go on a tru.sade against the l>»spotisnis ot Kurojie. This is the burthen of the Mag yar’s appeal for “help.” urf under stand it now—and ponder well the propo sition, avoiding the eurse of rushing into a warfare before stopping to cotint the cost. Active intervention means war noth ing hut we.r.” Since the return (d’ ('d. lienton to ^Pissouri, the war between the lienton and Anti-IJeuton portions ol the l)('moeratie | party in that Stati; has broken out with renewed spirit and bitteriu'ss. i he St. , liouis I’nion, the organ of the IJentoiiiti s, ! has proclaimed that then- can be no union between tlu' two parties, and publi.shes with eommendatimi the proi-eediiigs ot a uiecfiiig at v.liiih ('ol. lientpii was nomi nated for ('oiigri"*;s, and a pn lereiice I'.x-! pre.'Si-d for (Jen. \\’m. O. Puth-rtor Prisi- dent, and (leii. Podg(‘, ot \\ iscoiisiii, tor j \ i.-e President. I'roin tln.'^e tacts tlu; St. Louis Intcllig' ncer draws the iolhiwing h'- i iluctions: “All this indicates with suiriciciit dis- tiiu tness, lii>t. th it Col. Penton \^ ill slioitlv announce himself a candidate tor Coiigios in this di'trict. Second, that h>' will wag‘' an ius'jdacalde warfere upon the .\iities, as lii‘ret(d.>re. Ihird, that lhe_\, tlu- af.)re,-aiil Antics, as wi- have lien-totor«.' 1‘redicted, ninst i-illitr siu-eumb and su • tor pardon in hnin''l.‘ t'Uies, or they must iiuht out to the la.'t the warfin- lietwei n Col. Peiifon and theiiist-lvi's. 1‘oin th, th 't the pretensions of (I«n. Pufh.-r lor the Presideiicv art- to be urgt-d by (_'ol. Pentoii, and those w ith w hom he acts. l itih, that liming the next \»ar we art' to have a lical excitement in .>!i'soui i uitparalh 1- e>l for its intciisitv and bitti-rm .'s.” FII.IAIOltK ANf) On.AFI.A.M. ' From (hf Xai^hrUlf (Ten.) Hanrtfr nrput.Urfin. j PONGP.p^sJc? The “fiw /» Lnr (Wis^'onsin) /V i The following elegant lines, written on j J„ the Skxatk, on Ta, .,1.,., ,, frior hf.i.sts the names »>f Fillinoro and the death of an aceoinplished young lady, | Stockton of N. .J. pn, i " '''' Graham to its mast-head for the Presi-| are truthful, cdiaste, and full ot Hal re«iuesting the inferee..i/,rV\''' deneyund Vice Presidency. .^ i^ rrrnvM j ernmont in favor of Mr. Tlu . joiced to see this demonstration in that A I)IK(»h.—1>^ t. F. Ptncn .vi.. I , * 1 • 11 'r(, .. di.starit n-gion. It shows that the cotiser- ’ With the tears Nnture sliods for tlie Heatli of enceM ni Havana to the Lnl!, y. . ' vative course of the Administration is ap- , the Howtrs, ■* re.sohuion caliing on the i'r, jireciated evervwhere, throughout the whfde ' Siidly do ours information on the subjdi- wj^ij connfiy, by the honest and refli-cting of Xow flow for a inaideu just faded away— j doptcd. ‘ . the [K'ople, and that onr ow n immediate . Fairer tlian tlievl distinguished fellow-eitizen is rapidly ac- Love wc»'i>s for the lieauty, whose roseate bloom . y ([Uiriiig a ^(itloiiiif n'putation. | .Xhist ii’.oulder awav in (!ie iiijjht ol tlie toiiih: linhiijh lifijiAtrr. I ,„ sijrhs. in the midst of her l.ty, “F;ided away. ’ Of all the hrij^ht dau'/hters of fair Teimcssee, was .'he; ^’ft abashed from the frl«!ioe nt her heavenly eye Kuvy did tly. The smile, lijrhted ui by her "enerous heart. Th»‘ Mn)uhr.^irr UnmJ.—From a report niailt! to the S. (’ Legislature, on the iGtii ult., by (»en. Harllee, I'resideiit of the Wilminirtoii & Manehest(-r llailroad Coin- paii}’, W’e glean a tew taet.s. If .seems that all the iron iK'ce.s.-iary tor the whide road Mr. (Jwiii, a memorial a>k; 'ctw.i, China. .Mr. Cass ofli-red a res:,lati,, the J'resident for infonn; 'Hi;;, ill r.., ll American steamer I’rum.tln.y, to the liritish vessel of war iinu r j,. has been eontraeted for at oO per ton ^ A joy. in her prc.^ence, to all di.l impart: on delivery, freight, duty, and insuram e And eiuy ue er grazed on ihat^ eye, included, payable in the bonds of the Com- | Oiilv to die. ])aiiv. Seven first class locomotives have Where the musical wave.s of the ( umberlaml ;il.-:o been contracted for, payable in the 1 tl.,w, .same way. i Murnniriiig low— 'I'he ('oiupauy hope to reach the gr«'at The joy an.l the pride ol her own native west ■ Pci- Dec river (^d’) miles from tlu- \\ csti-rn Lay her t.» resti terininil.' of the Ko:id,) in time to t ike the Tin rc the swci » .t of blossoms, love-plaiitcd. cotton crop to market, and as about twen- shall .sj.riiip— ty mil', s fr.^rn Wilmington :ire w holly There the sweetest of birds sh.-ill tiieir melody 1 1' th ' e th.i’ ■ > tre.i w ll' 111 the p. oj.’i en ;_i,tv. i' t I p.-opl, ;1. III'. I\i ;iT th \ I V A n;. i.ii t til t w;th • haxe .!■ le-aN-d rhe }’.air e.ili'el.,] r U[' ', aiel ;>ini a >li loiy I I.iw ' ol' lepIiMi. ,;;i .11, I r. [-rc- th. nt iii\(' iM'ruiUi nt. \\ e III ki- th ' • r- 111 r', . tl !l:ni:::^’iall p;:t! ' -t •r'l ;;.ir .h \ otMu to !,;' 1 aw .k>'U r-yni]..!!!:' lb},: ini.- t'l V in.iH ;it.’ tlie e:tU'.- of Hiil!g;iry; faat ther-.- Wej-e men h'-r*', :ind niou.y ln-re. ;iiid eVi rythiitir I'ipe }'ir an armed inf.-i feieiice. N >w it i' for th.''e men to make g.M..! ',U:it tiiey )i:r LaW' ih> i;..t ) rev. Ml (i^eni cxji.itriat- ing theui'clvc.s troiii Am-.rie;i, n e.- fV.’m u.'iug their m. :iii' a>i contributions t.» the c:iuse of Hungary. 'I'iiev c:mi b.ith 70 an 1 jiri if tiny do ii'it iii\olve the (i'.vern- meiit in their tfiug and iiiviiig. n.i oi\..- wiil r.ii>e an iibj'-i-ii'.n to ;mv 'lu h int. rt’T. n. e thi', Put. W(‘ r pi . r. Ko"Utli had a ri;jhl to t xpc-'t *.i!ii J ui 'V.- I’r. m ii." tenor of tie ,el !r • '(' .'ubmi:•. •!, a-,..l heii. e th.- very ih nmnd he ha^ ma.Ie f..r a )>r:ic‘ia al :iu.'W. r t.» >uch bountiful pr.i- misc'. \\ e tell him tli;it he h.'.'- be. n de ceived. aiel t mi- w ill d. iiioii.'tr.:te w Ii >. in the eii l, is in the rigiit, and who in tin- w n i!g. \\'e Ini'I marked nnnv ]>:is.:^!^ri-s in the writit 11 and i\ vi>e.l a.i.lrt >s lnr coniiuent. but our spaie. this m.irnini:, i'um ' not ad mit ot it, W f art- tlad to he:(r :i nr.iu from the far off hand of Hui:_Mrv dm-hin , / tnn 1 /,’rjinhlirii)i," and w>- are .-;orrv to i;. !i 1 t.r.' t HI.' 'in. I h 1 it\ I ; w an. I fr ■ ti i;' ..f men v. ie -e v rv .tU n. !' J . 1 lUe;.ii \ V. oh and h.itn .i of ''S! thi ir cainti N , :i’id t!it cr ..I- .1 it' ii 'fituti'iiis. in: h 1! kin ’ :e" V iio', sou!-;ib- ■ uiiti \'' ause in :i l iarl .-f ■ ih.- :cl p- • iied ■ lUr .'In 'res bin. til afl -c- i>. in.', i;ke hi' be. e lit tVe.' '■•Ill 'II. Pat •'/(• y ] ive nn. ip! ' '.\ !iifh h;i' !•'. j'lv th;in lu- . ' 11'iui:r;ir\'. and ;irc unwilliuL'' !■• !■. ar even .^i. K>-"Util >p.-:lk ef thetiiv- .■riiiii' iit ;ind J eopli- of thi' c.'un»rv a' two rliiniT'.—:i' iu iiiTcrest; or;i'two tribun'I', to citiicr ..f wiii. h :i 'tratiger di'atiti.-.l with tin- de, i-iou of the o'hc;- Iii y ill d e an t xeitiu;.r . ;d. 31. K'.S'Uth III' Very mituiallv fall n in: ) ;i« t.> liie o.\a« t meaninir of the rc'>li|ti.>u of (’ iiiirr.’' 'id' iit w:.' . ur.'iWer • nit;.iiial I'in ;iri>, tli:it '-if it iVllis'. to >; the pre-l.lelit oi the iju.'t" 1 fo aiitlioii/.. .'.line one of tht- publi,^ be now erui'in;; in tin /•/ /■/ i /■» m! t nu 1,01^ I " k’n: i>risn:, It w all unfa,vorable to (iciiet.^ He Was thr „r. nece.s.',ri!y or otherwi.^e.ouaiifv n,,rrs‘Mrr the i>rai.^es he tlL.U-iit t.rop. r to l.cstow “dowil-tro lden. tlire:|t. !ie.i to I . f .1 • • ir , 1 1 • • • .• 1 Ulion me omei'i-; of tlie .'j l"sl>.'lppi. \\ C be sunk bv forei'Mi enemies invanin.' her „j.„) . ... .I,..- i. ...;n .. . X.'il, but with b"tter chances i f ]>erii!:i- tieiiec th: M h;nt Iliing:iiy wheij iVe.'ideilt '^'ayh.r «eiit Mr. .'LiL'H to iOurop.- on an er- j,, r.uld of friemlliuess, ami eenainly with ,1.;,.^,} ,.„untrv-.' fr-cdo more o{ ;iii exi.-.feiK>- th:m poor lluuLrarv has now, v.heii her' an- disper'.'d, ;.ii.| no ih- f'urfo sitrn remains l*ut .^1. Ko.— : ith's title by (; .urtc'y of (lovei iior. Nav. I;: re-, ieiiet had wh;it he th'iught Weie actual griov:nic(-s to cempl iiii of, 'i lie Lit- tb- >'.;irah (/' jnfif J hniorrnt) had been overhanh'd at Chester, and Cay> P;ile v.;i.' crui: ing in tiie Delaware hay on the look-out for Frenr h h tt-rs of mai.pie. *M. Kossuth has no grn'vanees, real or inrigi- ii:iry, ag:iinst this (lovi rnuu nt. lb- i- lien-, the Natio- ’s gii.-st, in one nse.— llithei lie lias l.iccn i>rou;_l;t, rest ui d bv tin- action of “the (;o\erunieiit'' from dis mal captivity and ( xile in a heathen land. Here he is, nestling in tin- JV-ojde’n heart, with no ],rivation to endure, no d:inger to eiie.iuiiter, no A'.tstriaii sjiy to dog his f io;..«t. ps, no Mu.'Covite agent to threaten him with h:irm. Why, thou, sliouM the first wopI: he utters in :itiswer to shouts of welcome b. W' th:it infuse suspicion and distrust aiel doubti' ^Vhy should he so soon ni> hi'^ mind that he aiel his kind Ame-ic;!!! h-i.'ts are not to get along hainionlous!’ All this is the more siguifieint, ina^- miK ll a.-' M. bro -nfii is no idle, fn;tliv de- chinier, but a singularly abb- iinister of jiiVAjise language. Ilis famili.irity with the exact meaning of foi'eigu wor.l,' Sfcm., n kind of in^^pir.itioii. Wi; suspcct be is never iininleHi^iilde, exi e]>t when he means to b.' K.i; a' w h' n, in rejdy to a r.adical leb !ies, soiii. \\!|, i-.-iu lOnghnid, he aiinoiiiicj.i are gi:id to h.-ar iiitn v,y that he will not mingle with our P;irty Politics. :'nd sen \ a^Miii to hear him dechire th:it he means ure “tin;incial. m:iteri:il, and p i- m and iuib' e.” Wc ( 'jn'cially regret the aliusiou> aii'l seemiiii^ly inteinh 1 icbuke to this coe.ntry, for ;i!!owing an .\.ni.:ric:,n r*'pri sciita‘i\i- to t!i:- Court of A’iemia, :;s if it h:i.l (] one wrong, or as if it was not the host judge of jts own lioiioj’ and inter est.'. \\ e siijijios.' :i repre'^'nf;iti\e from tlu- I nited State'S to Kns-ia wouM l;e(jii;t.^ a.-i oir-.-iisive. since l!iHsi;i was the gr.-at stumbling iilock to liung;irian Liberiv.— Nor d.i We think if in good taste to sj)i;ik of •‘llulseni:iiiirs digesting the e.-iuM'K- j.iil v\hieh .^ir. \\ ebst.-r gl.iriouslv a liiuui>ter- ed to h;ni!” Not fh:it we do not think “ill'- pill" both caiisfieand se;i;-onalde. but th.'it w."‘ also thinl; it would ha\- been in better t.isfe f >r Unssiith tfi have omitfi'd tin} ;ilh;>i..n in such a wjiy; but (speci;i;iy ibi we li,.~iiKc the distinction which thi.s distinguished m:in has ali('ady twice dr:iw n in this country, between th.' iovei nineiit and the I'cojile. 'I'he Aniericau Govern ment and the Amcric;in J'eoph,. are one. It is the soven-i-riity of the hist which m:ikes the power of the first, and they who s. p;ir:ite the two mist:ik(' tin* charai ter of this country. In no other countrv in the w.irld is there such a ihiily reilex of the jiopuhir sovereignty as is found in th(-se I nited .^tat. s, where the (jo\‘ernment is ever as ijiiick as lightniii!' to vindicati' the honor, the j,ow--r, ami the diiinitv of the Aiiierie;!!! name, ; by which ih ■ Pre- t » '. nd for :i A • .r.l> ol t he r; s 'iu- ■ till- w i'll of ih. '(• the Piiite.l .‘^tati-, !-5?td .'-'? !t.-S )m* re- ilie '-!!lpl. vmellt of V. --eU. which Ill;iy .^!e.^Iten•:lTle;ln. h> ■ thr I I S/ut. . th, VU'I hi'i fly.iirhlfr^ i„ not eXp. etc.l or de'iL'Ui-i] t!i:it le.' rh"'iM c' lue h-re soh-lv on th.- mis'^ioii which ab'oib? him. but on the suppositi.iii that he and his friends might wish to emigritc to tl;e Pnif;-d St:ites. and tuake their home uu'ler the .'helt.^r of its free iii.'titiitions. S.» th:it he lio.-s n-t sl;in.l in *1)1- ;iitii;i le ot an im iteil gin .'t again t wiioin ilie inviter’s do-.r is do'c l. but in the po'itiou ol one to wle'iu :i home was oflered. ;ind a eonvi'Vam-c pro\iled to c:iriy him thither, and who ib-clines the iioliie but ret;iii.'' the I . llVey;iiice ;ind usi's it 1- r :inot'i-r and veiy iliifcrent purpose. '1 Iu> assumpti.iii of t!io.>ie j..urn i]' wh'i h :iiv rea-ly to jdiice th-- de.'tinies of this c '-e.ritiy on th.' h;iz.ird of a di;—for tle. v (1.1 no le.'S th:in thi.s who seriously ami un- re.'i rxc.Ily pr.)p..'C |.) ;ibaii bui the in.!e- ]•' lloi nt ail.I p:iclt’c policy of the I liifi d St:iles, :i!iii pliiiig-' tlicin iiito the fo;iniiiiLr s. ;l o{ i-h!roj,e;;u politics th:it till V spe:ik the seiitimi-nt.' of ihi; American J’eoph-, .'•hows them to be in ignorance of the r;il sentiments of tli;.> Pi(.]de. 'i’h- huir:ihs of the po|.ulace of New Voik are n> proof 0} ihe ;:'eneral sentiment of tliis People. 'I he entire popuhitiou of the city of New ^oik is but abor.t one-sixtieth p:irt of tlnit c>f tht- Nation, and, w. re it siin t ri- ami u- naiiimous in its dcmonslrations of favor towards the atlenipt to embroil the I'nited States ill all the feuds, luites, and (pi:irrels oi Lurojie, its vo}c(' woul.i be as nofhiii"- to the jirotest which will be heard in tom-s of thunder from tlie united peojde in the interior agaiie^t abandoiiing the most ear- dimil ]>riiieiph* in the Foreign poiiev of this Jovernmeni; the principle to w hich it maiidy o\scs its long e:ireer of j-rosperity, iind, iiidec.], we iiiav s:iv, its existence at thi-^ ’ W'l 1 this sjieei ll of Ko.s^uth with aii e:ii!iest wish to ajjj.'rove every .sentiment one of his C.u-.OIK.I priliciole.s to be ‘‘tlu-, 'J’’"'' piineii.le of till, s.ilidarity' of the !‘co,d.^ J’! v^hIchdo no( v.el the in.lep,.,,.I, ,,l'\;,ti„!i.s.’’ liiit 'i i‘ , ' "‘-V, 'I'cnt, and we ha\e at Staten i-b'u 1 i l.cre i. m. mystic phrase-i i;*'’ -udo,-to uiention thee.- oh.-y. i,M ry l i ., !,(• * !iuneiated wah a.-^ _ , harp an.l cle:ir in it- outHu,. a fl.e head- A candidate f..r ,Nledical honor.' haviin' l;iii-P ■■! f i-!aiid it 1 h in the col.j De- thrown himself almost into a fev'er b .a : :tiid th-- i.lci—the b ad- his iiic.'fpacily to answer the |ue.'tions • ij;j, contiolhii'i id-a ol h:s .'p.-ecli, that Uvas asked by one of the profe.s.sors, V .11. .1 '...u- “grcatlv . boered nmp .-stioii- wiaihl you sweat a j)atient for the rijeuma- was. that, un.e.s,' ihe Government did ! ti.-m?” Jle replied: “I would send him V . 1, ingeiiK.u- Iv and ei vcrlv as. umed here to be t-xami:i.'d Is tiay. y, dtiitiiii/ 1 u taK/ruo r. fill' New \ ork .^iirioi’ .--;iys of Kossuth and his .Mi.'sion; “The auio-4(!t of 11,0 speech, stripped of fhe ellective rhetoric wliii h adorns every i.;en»enco that jitlls from the Ijps of the eb>« qmut .Magyar, is this;^tli:it he conics to .\meriea a.s an ‘diu;!ibie petiiiou- er” seeking “liiiaucial, material, :ind jioli- tieal aid |'.,r [pmgary.” 'riii.s i.-^ tije alpha and ti'e oiiiega (,f his mission, I he^ 1 ni^.-d States by noble darlinir and hard lighting have achieved their i„h pcii- den-O, ai|d coii'oliil;it(>.I their Ib'jinblit'.— 1 U‘y have t xtcmletl tlu-ir border.s and iheir haniK'rs from sea to sea, and co|npeli- cd tlu- rcsjior-t, if not the admiration of the J World They nre now tailed upon tu h.-iive 1 A Conviiition of ‘•Piiioii Democrat.' to bi' held in daikson, Mi'sis.'ippi, on a lir>* .^Io!lIl:ly in d;inuary in-xt, to ;ip- 'int Dele-j::itcs to the N:itii'ual Democrat- Con Vclit li >11 b>r the n .mination ot c:indi- itc.' b'l Pit .'iih nt :iii'l Vice Pre.'i.lciit of I'nitt d Stales. A ih niocr itic 'i>nv» n- ti .n, lor the .';ini.- plll'posi-. h id ix- ti pre- \i I'K c:dh .1 to Ul.-i t on the "'til •f daliU- aiy. if Hill. Ii> —'Ihe b'ol t Smith H r.ddefthe i:ist lilt, ae.nonnet ti.e death of Prc\.t (leii. William C. Pelkiuip. of th>- I-’ifih Infantry. 'I'ii.- Oiiei Ii of ."^p:!!!! Il l' -.riMn' • 1 :i f;. ' l':iid.>n to till- tw. nty-tliiePi iti.'h .'id'Jec',' wh'i I'linicd of ihe .n of L.'pe/., who w. re tak n pri.'"tu r.' in ( ub;i. an.'. W' re >eiif to .'^p;:iu t.> t:;ke their trial I. I th.’ ■rb iice which tie y ii:'d c.-mmirted. II.''c iMif'I tuiiate jicr.'Oiis Were chit fly yoiniu l.oi'. aiel who ph;..l that they h;i.l be n it.\ i_h 1 !■% tile plotl.l'if the eX- p diti.iti to join ir umb r f.d.'- :ind inif’ii!;.l- cd n pr.-'elitati.'lis. 1’iiiM.' t\ I'lAii — 1IIi; .'-Ii'i:- VION".—Tf).- St ,J'.' ph'.' »i;i/.e!t" 'rie- plu;:dit_v wife '_\'t. m i' in full \.)gu. h. re. ti .veriior Vounir i~ ';ii'l to !i:i\e .1' nl,ll;^ :i' *.'•> wivc'. He dro\e ;il"U:^ th ■ ''i a iVw d,;V' 'iiue. with l' ot tlicm ill ;i b>ng c:irri:ig‘-—14 of them lii\iiii ea. 11. :tii 11 ;it li.-r :.. ''im. It i' s:ii 1 th;if H* i'cn t’ Kiiiib:dl. one of fie- 1 riiuiiie C"uncil. and the second pci''in in the trinity. h;id almo.-«t an ;ipi;i! number. in;"!;_' them. :i ii;oth r an.l h- r tw.i daiiLli- t- 1'. Fach m.ii c:.n h;i\e a> minv wi\.,' :i' he 1:111 imiiiit.iin. is. :ifo r the v. >- ni' ii h:iv.- been pieke.l :iml culled l.v the h.':el nun. 'I’he du!ge :,u'l .''> cretarv f Sf;ite h:i.I the h"I|or I f I .-ing illtro.llle. .1 b\ 111' Lxc' 11 my, till- io',ernor. to sever:.1 of lii^ wiv. '; and al'o by Ib lier C. l\im- ball to .'ever:ll of /,, s. I h> 111'./ /ni/iiiin Ilf Ml.I II I,,—( Uir re:eb r' ;iie alre aj.pri'i d -if tlie I' eeiif font lu ion . t :i 'I’l. ;ity .d'mlu h imp.•riaiua-, by ( ol. d^iiin A. lkoi;ei.v, | . S. Agent, with the thr.-e iii'li:in tribc' b.M.h-riiii: on the frontier of the lb piildii- of .Njexieo, viz: the Liji:iii', the Southern C; hes, aii'l the .^lK.'cab'ias. We h-iirn from ;i c. rn .-pon ieiit :it S;.n Aiitoiii:i. 'I'ex:!'. ;tmoiii:'t the inferotiiijr im idents couiiect- ed with the forming of the treaty w:is tln- deli\i^ry to ('ol. l!.*ger-; of tweiitv-.s«-\cn xitan c:iptives who had been iield in ':i\:ig'- .'.Tvitii'le for peiiods ranging from six Weeks to ten vi iirs. These caj>tivi s on>i.-t .if two Wi men. two little girls, and tWciity-lhree boy-;. The ;ige.'ol tin- latter vaty from nine ye;us uji to scvenlt-eii. and ih y are spoken (d' ;i.' :i .'juightly and in tellectual set of little fellow-. Th(-y are now iu the p.»s>. S'iou of Col. Ib.ijfers, rc.i- dy to be tran'fi-rred to the Mexican a:i- tiioi'ities, or ri'store.I to their anxiou.' aii.l alliicted p.irciits.—Xiif. Jilt. Ai’iVc Miiimfiirturji.—'I'he Newark AI- veitiscr says, the only needle nuiiiuf.ictorv in thi.' (ouiitry is in that city—established l>y a gentleman from iNiatichesti r. I'hi:^- lainl. '1 he iminiier of m.iking m'edles is described a very infcn .'ting—some si.\- ti eii diiieri nt ju-occss -s being iieei‘s>arv for their completion. 'J'he wire from w hich they are madt' is imported fn 111 Fiijbiiid. It IS (111 into lengths suiliuiiit for two needles ejch, and after being rubbed ^ straight, t'u-y are pointnl upon a >toiie, at tile rat(-ol one hundred per minute. i hey are llu-n stamped with imjiressions pnp;ir- atory tor the eyes, w hic h are pum lu d bv :i press, at tlu- rate of fifty a minute, and , then strung upon wires ami phieed in an other machine to Ik- fiieil and fashioned in to the form of needles. 'I'he hardening is now dene by a hot furnace, and they are afterwards ti mjx n il, .'traightem-d and gatlu red into bum lies of about ,')(),OOK each, w hi( h are saturated with oil ami em ery, til'd in a cloth and phiced in a troindi ' with a lie;i\y ];l:it:k moving b;ickwa:il and lorw:ird o\ cr them: so that after some nim* I days cluiling in this manner, they are re- : lievt-dof imperfections and reiidert-d smooth enough for the fiu:il polishing. The tem- i per is then taken out of the eyes, ami they ar3 drilled to jirevent their cuttin-: the thread. I MAY liOOKS, 'I'he Aiuerii-an Almanac foj> IS.VJ?; fwn-.!s’ ri«-kct .\hiiaiia; The Fifteen lleciaive l>.it!lc/i of (hi. t\’,iild. fi'oiii .Miir:itho|i to Water loo; l-irst liii].ressi0iis of i;j.j;!a{id and ita Peo. I'le, l.y llu;jh Mil'.er: J'SviiUuH Uurn, revised edi- Ill'll, illiieitraffii. by .f. 1’. Kennedy; poji (^nis- cte, h;dt liiuriicco, illiixtr:ited; l.ondi.n toid the i'-xliiliitii.ii, illii'^trnted;’s IliBtories: bi-j- t.>n and .Mmer’.s Siu-frerv: liullion’s Cicero; .’leree B ('iir\es. Fnm-tions and Forces; Timke’s 1 illithoiiii; Letter \\ riteriJ. \e. \c. .Just ree’tl. li. .1. HAL1-: I's: JsON. !'ce. ;%lb-,l ^r;ided, and ready for the superstructure which is provided for, as soon as fhe iron eoiifr.ictid fir .uii\'('s at th:it j'ort, they desiirn to ( omn i;ee laying down their tr..i k at ‘h it point, about tlu' frrst of the (-nsuiii:i year, and to jiri sccute the work on both sides of the line with (ontiiiued an 1 const int aj>piic:ition till they arc uni ted.— 11/7. .huiriiitl. Thrrc ('liihlrrll Uliriiriltn nrilfji. — We are iiiforim-.l by th‘ ('oroner of t lii-i county, L. .^1. .Mi Lendoii, Ivij., th:it on W ediies- dav last he held an Impiest on the de;id bodies of tlifv-e negro hildren, the ]iroper- tv of Ann;» li:ii!ey, h;ughtej- of Thomas ]>. Ihnl V. and gr.iu !-d:iught( r of S;imuel Pr.itt. 'i'he luipie.'t w:i.' hel l :it liir:im r). Pratt >, Pi miles from Wa.b 'borou‘.r)i. it ;ippe,ir' the ni dher of the eliildreii h:.d I' lt tie m but a .'hort tinu- when the il U.S. in which tle v w»-re, w;i' discovere.l t'l be ell tire, but too fir consume.1 to save tlu- children, as th* i.*of w;is fallinir in. ;iiid the ( hildren (dinging to (*;u li other in the b:ick ji:irt of the hous4-. 'They were burnt to :i Cl .'p. Th- dury. after beiuir ii:iji;inn(-lle.l. in- ijuire'l into the e::'-,' :in.l r -hirn.-.l a verdict of a. rid. ntal d,e;it!i by th*' li.iuse t.iking It irh 31iisquito coast. This r-.'-. juti,,,; soiuently adopted. Mr. Sewards icsolu;io!i i-, Ko.ssuth was t.ikvii uji. f 11,,^.- Pe it resolved, tSce. 'i'l-it c,., ,. the name of the people i,f tl 'j States, give to Louis Ko.>,Mi.i, " welcome to the c;ipital and tli..\., and that a copy of this n sulmi,,,, mitted to him by the I’r. siii,,.|;t .,f i nited States. Mr. Sew:ird advocated th. r, '— There the sun Latest siiiilt-. as he suiks in the west, (>11 her ri-st. Vet licauty. like her.-. sliall not waste in tiie t.iiiib ^ Aujjlit of its bloom. I’.iit brijfhtly iliiiaiii.e her li..i:!‘ in ilie sky, Never to die. Tlie ;ni'j-i-!s. to whom we :i:i knew lu>r •iliied. .'-^hall claim their j-ride; ■\i; 1 toii.iiy sliall bask in lo r love-bcaneii" eye Never to iie! (oill.-.tiii. Nov. 1. Mr. Shields luove.l .ui. ii.iiiu nt ill A dro'.,' i f :iiiout f:it lu'gs w;i' ]>ur- (di .'cd by I'ur eiti/.i us ;i fi w •biys sinec, at :-ix c'-nt' p r pound irr v" weight. 'I’liis di'T>er:-C' the ]>rosi>ects of faniin - for a few d.lV'. —///. IKUM TIIK I'l.iiW. vipciMA i'Ai;.'\iiN;. llemml P. Pcvf. n. of lti( hm.iml. t . aia.^irl it |,v. stituting the foihwi:;:;: ive.solved, f a couiiiiitt' e nf , apjioiiited by the 1 ii ur t.. u,;it ui.Mi j Ko.ssuth, (iovcriior of lluii r;ji troduce hail to the Sciiau-. * ' lie sustained h;s address. The Chair rulcii that tii,. lost sister witii ni] ture and w’as Hot in ordt ". iliasiiiu-L ;-ii, tion of the .^emitor iVi.iu X. y .• joint ie.s.ilurion, and thi' a -im-,;, , ti III of the Seii:it;‘. 3ir. Perrien sjiokr ii. ..., lions, a-lmittiug hi.' n . t 1 -• . tor Kos.'Uili an.l liise;iU'". p, billowing ameiiihiiciit, to ci.n;,. . close of 3ir. Scwa’-d’s rt>. luti; i;; hr it fnrthrr J,'i 'J j_,. . welcome thus otf red t.i L 'ui' K ■ exteiried to his a-.socia!* 11; h , 4itbl wiio h:ive landed on our -h l,i,t ^ Wileomiiig the.'i liuu:.Mriai! [ .r.;,.,- asylum in our countrv. an.l t.. e . tion whii li our laws will :i}i',r.i :.i is due to candor t-> d.- l o> : • the pui poe of Coiigrc'.' to d p ^ settled p'.liey of thi.' li ’. r:.i,. ■ Witli lli concerns of i ;h. i nati.>:i'." "Jhe debati- was tur'iit ..■ .^Ies'rs. Miller, li:il". an.l ..i.i.i.-. ,. coming to any delinit' n-'i.'.r Ou WeilncxU SPMM FPVILLK Miilc (iikI }'c/!it;lc Scinui'!;'!;. Uir 'I bis Sidiool will re-open on 1 uiirs- d:iy. 1st .l.;lHl;ir.v lS.',:i. I'. rms a' !ier-t.> P.oar I ■'f7 per iiK.iitli. T!ier>* are two very cmmn'lious iioiisi-s ni tlu ^iU!l;Ie. whicli cun be reiit.^d I'.'r one .''•■."•oii. 1*. rrinc:p:il. .'■ouiimerv'Ile. N. l>ee. b'’;.>l. |iur- ]>e« .n s'i' iji:( Ki\ i:!>, Iir.l..- N..rthern U iil.^KKV. S. W. TiI.I,lN(ili.\.'ST in. lo. 47If eh'. ed :i farm s. \eii or ei'^ht m b s;ibove till city. I'll s river. ■'•■me tw o or thver v ■.ir>:i_... which w;i iu th -»:ime (- .n.liti ui til.-f'lnd'of others in th;it Stiite. w ho.-c owner' h:ive ;ibamloned them as wortiiit s«i. i-r r:itlu r 'O w. vn out :ind unpro.hietive as 11. • 1.* be w.irth cuhi\.iting. 1'. r thi.' re:i- ' ■II. t!iouand' h:ive emignte l from \’ir- giir. I t'l iiewcr and more f rtile laiul.' in '.>me of the W»-'tern St;itcs. for the soje r> :isou that th. y eoiihl no longer support their lanulies an.l s. rvaiit' tipon a sod which ]ir. .luce.l . Id fi. M pines :ind broom 'Tr:iw. and but bttle el'. . Aud why'— lb e;,U'^l It been Unt fihiirnl, \ ..r :iff. r year, until the surfu e w:is ex- luiu.'ted of lertility; :itid, li'»we\er great the aiii'iunt of richm .'S bene;ith, it was to t'li- owmra n mine; In- h:id a deep-root. .I prejn.Iii e ag:iiti.'f ih j>-ri>ii'in‘/ Ills jihiirs mtu thr ! IIi !h—“ twoubl rillll the pnbiic. and which they :ire i 1..W for ('as)i. nr ml time t. NO rici-:. 'I he Pul.lie are informed fh:it the siib.' is t!ie :ii;tl;i>risc.! .\^etit t'.r the s.ale ..f .McKlN.-'Til^ Por.T\r.M-; saw Mll.i.S, iii;iiii.f^u ?io\’'I ill \\ a.'!i!ii;:f..n ( itv. i.t L’o hoi'so p .\\ I r eiejine. b'c •iiiotiv*- r. wliiidi are the ■ >:;ly P..ltab!.- .s,iw \iii!s l.e lins evi r-ec:! forbids all intei t'ereUv — II.I brick I.ciii^ iise.l in tiieir ercctii.n. Tli.'se ill V. .-.lit of these Mil's will litil it to tli*-:r a'b to c;ill ..II tin-siiiiscri'.'T. .Mr. .^!cKlIl- -;ry iiif’-.rms him tli:it o ■. 1 a.:re 'c 'n. h;ne ne^ er ui.iinifact.ire.i a l’..r!;.M*j Kii^’.ne like tiie and th. rcf -n- their ri.idit is in ao danjrer of Ix'iuj: infrinve.l \i]»>n. as there is no r.eeessi- IV of doiir.' so in this :o:e of iieprovi-iaent. H. t.. liAl.f,. Favctteville. Dec. I**. is.M. 47tf .\i;\v rniii k .\i;w (looiif;. ^P^IIK subscribers :ire m.w rcceiviutr t’ M. N. York. !i hir^e and ;_eueral :»s.i..;-tlv;eiit of Sidjtlf (Hid r'd/tci/ Drif (iootls^ (illOi FlUKS, HAH1»WAPK, ILits an.l C:ips, Jioots and Sh n's. .\mon^ xvhicii are: rolTce. >ii^':ir. ('i)ttoii r>aj:;iiiig. 1‘ale 'bn'C. rials, bills, and roohiti^ U'w. j ;. i'lcssrs. .''umiur. .''tockt .ii, Foote advocated the re'.'hifio?; i;; j,. ^ Kossuih, aud ^L•. (.'leuh u- .f _\. })o.ed it. On Thursday, a n -'hiti ii.-; by Mr, Pright, to g(» iu; sii ■' the Cb-rks tVi'. of the Sen it' . w l24 to ll(). [^'riie obj. ct V. ' ' h:ive bet n to got this portio:i ei :i; for some :rood Locos, iii-tca.; ■; : cers, wli'Un the Stimte ah', lelv h;i'.’, 'J'lu* Ut-v, F>r. Piitl.-r. '.f till I'i • I'piscopal Church, wa^ re-, 1 •(.' I !'i. Nai'.s, V. imlow (.Hass. Swedes ami Kiu^iish Iron, of the Sen;lte. S;ick :ind .Alum S;ilt, lin|icri:il ai.d IMack Teas. I’epp-.T, A’.spice. ;iii;rer. Powder. Shot, r>:ir l.c:id. !5ar and Fancy Soap. To;rether with :i jrreat v.-irietv >f eiher arti- el( s. '.o wl.ieh they invite the attt nt;.>n of the (.■rniiiied to st 11 who p;iy T!ie ri 'olufioii in rd.iti :i f ■ K w:is debated at leii rfh i'V .'‘li. In .ithers. • )ii Fri'biv. th',- del'ate oa ih ■ I\ res 'lution v. ,i' couriiau 1 b_\ .^l- - ir i :it!'i Mr. P:idger arL'^ued, (.';.y> tii-. I that fhe iv> di;ti.>u sh -ubl n t I-■ on the ure’.ind that. roU s:.\!,K. ^ fl.l, lie s.M»i jit the Mr.rkct Moiis", on Frid.-iy .lan y ‘J.i. at 1L’ o\h»ek. the I.IlT on the ei.rner of Mason and I nion streets, adjoining: Mas..nic I.o'.l^e let. Terms settled policy of this fii\crimn'.:!■ ^ at sale. A. M. CAMlMlFbb. Auefr. Pee. 10. IS.'.l. 47-ts come as ::n eniigr:!nt. Coi!_.'. bound to li ceive h.m as :i gu .'f. he came for tlic ]iur|i i'^ of i!\-' bin.i;"—fhoiiirh if pnictist-d, it cert;iiulv , i • ..I I . , I ' 1 11- . ii‘ pri'mi.tlv. as anv fionse 111 the .''..utherii country, i.,.,. f;, could Hot liave t .• le s.i nmre etlcctual v i. i . Si i i . , . . i>:'i‘_ei, loo.c. .''ew , , 1 11 rr...iuee ..t rill kiii.N. at the he.ihcst market ;. „ , , , than the luinous s_\'tcm whn li he has pur- prices. t:ikeu in excl.anjre for (io««ls. slid to / Id/I him>clf and bind too. .Mel.KAN & .J(»NLS. Here, now, within a >tom‘'s throw of the SmiunerviUc, N. l>ec. S. l.s.M. 47tf rah whe;it :iii.! ilovir tields of (Jen. i’ey- ~ _ ton, can bi* seen the 'anu' kind of bind a-; his. covered with th:it worthies'; prinluct— the most woithless scrubby pines and broom >traw—centnisting with his fields, bki' a de.'crt w:iste by tlu* ^ide of ;i if;irdi u of ll uits and flowers. By wluit nuigie has ho wr-uigbf this ( h;in«:c.' Not alone by the exj*enditure of c.ipital for lime, plaster, bone dust, gmmo, or other fertilisers, but because he has “I’lowed dee;> whili- slii.i;^ards sleep. rr..diieinjr corn to sell and ket-ji.” He has juocured the bc't plows tint could be ol ■ taineii. and used tlu in w ith four horses to a turning plow, followed by three more, snbsoilnii; every furrow stiff bottom l;uid ; This al one h:is flu , .1 ► 11 . 1 1 '-roiuers. ami woi |.| respectlutlv aiiniuuiee to 1ilit\ to a degree that Will treble the crops, the eili/ens of .\Iamance and the .-.djoiuiiip mens. Clarke. Dav si.n. (ie;.cr. H lit' lias e\er\ pro.'pect now of twenty bush- ' * onnties, that we are now prej>ared to .M.-mii- : Miller. Morton. Hliett. .'■[ rii:uH’i'. I els of w lii'at to the ai-n*. and counts eonfi- facture in the neatest and bci.t st_\le—Whe.-it aiid I'ph.-ini—!•'>. 1 hr.-ishir.j; M:iehinei. fiaun two to six horse j N.\^ S—.Messrs. i’ra'lbisrv. I’.ra;’i.. ^' power; ( uttiii.r .M:iciiiiie.« of difi'erent sizes; Cass. Chase. Pavi.':. Iin.lire. ’f " ~"i!'-- W....1 Car.linjr .Machines; double :ind .«iiixle Mill I hi.^..^. Felch. Fisti. Fi»>ti*. i>f \ inr."n:- * and I actory (Jear; Saw and (Jrist Mill Irony; - Mississijipi. (iwin. H:iniiiii. .buii"'. ■' e-i.ire Tool.x; Cotton ^'arn ami W >.'ol l.ol's. I'^c. ’ Iowa. Mallorv. Ni-rris. .''rw.-u !. .'-ii '■''■ I’ersoiis wishing'to purduisi'would do well to 1 Stoekti>n. Sumner, 'A .eic. Vtai . r. .Mru: I'OK sAu:. H.\N 1>S).\11', Ml i.K. yeiirs old, pentle iu iiarness. .^I'l'lv soin. to ■ Kl.I.JAlI FILI.KK. Dec. 11, is.'il. 47.ut 13 a II IS ihi* f lire. / K have formel a eomj.anv styled the w ▼ Snow Camp Manulacturiiijr Company. in favor of his ow n i-.-untiy.C' .i_r - . not in this iiuinner t.. s;iiic:. a t'l ' of procedure. The (juesfion wa.' then t:ikci! ■ n .'k • rien’s amendinent, (that wliib' w !oi: Kossuth and his'. it ■ purpose of (^ t.i ileiiur f; !. ' settled policV' of this g.i\.'riiUi ' forbids all interference in ti; ' : ' •iling every furrow, in the *’*. Alamance t'ounty. Ntirth Carolina, two miles eoueerns of other cnv-rniiu iit' ;i foot ami a half deen " *‘st of tlu-«'ane Creek Cotton Factory, on Cane . ,, le effect to res ore he f-r. . .1 Urothers, and woi Id resi.ectlullv aiimuuiee to ^ K.V.S—Messrs. !?a.I,riT. I'-.'t.m;'i. I' - deiitly on ten b:irrels (;')!( bushels) of corn. His method of prep:iring bind for corn is so nim h in contnist with theirs, who phmt fnst and sow the bind afterwards, that wi* will stale it. In the iiist phici*. the laml was jdowed aud subsoiled last fall, ei- htcen '* 1‘nrchasinjr elsewhere, as ' comb— ,1,.,.,,. i. won r . mi-- Ids then m.i , 1-1 I ■ ' , time to puMctuai ilealers. *nr Ion-'e\j plo\vi-,| wiUi two horses, and now, Aprd in tlie .Manufacturing i;usine.«s enables us to' a joint committee of the t'.v •j.'ith, prep:ir:ition. A eotilti r—w hich is sume- w luit of the nature of a small subsoil jilow ).s run tw(-lve inche.s ih-ep, twice in a row, and all tlu* ground looseiu-d up by an iron tooth har;ow ;;ind the corn covered by a double furrow of the coulter, ami then all the (loils are carefully rakid oil’ by .simill iron-tooth nike.s, which are f:ir su perior in evciy respect to hoes for that jmr- pose. The ease with which such land is tended through the season wiuild surprise IS being j.binteil after the following leel no hesitation in sayin^r that uir work shall , be aiipointeil to m:ike ;!rraii;:i ai n:-* • '*'■'’* ' ......u 1.; I. : uot be surpassed by anv shon in the South . ' . :i All letters ad.!res.>;ed to the Agent of the i ’’eception of Ko.ssuth, to as'iUV U."' Comi'any at the Siu.w Camp P. ()., .\lamance ! profound respt'ct, ».S:c. i'i'’. t ii'i '' N. e., .iiwjj. i;.™.;;. i i.i„. ,he l«.,.i.»ii,i., -f -i- ' of fhe S. C. Manufaeturiii: ('ompaiiv. This amendment also rcjcc-' ■- Snow Camp, l>ec. 18-'>1. 47-;ni XKW HOOKS. ll'VJe'-n Mississippi, „r ,w u.i, 1(), as follows: Yeas—Messrs. I’rad'iHry. ihi'.M'- I’-'" |. Cass. Dudjre. >t’ W iscoii'ai. I" ",- j Foote, of Mississii>iii. (I'vin. .bm''. ' ckt. n. " ‘ .some of who never plow till aft.*r the h' ‘-t. bynch. U. S. Navy: | ciemeus' liaJT^ l>a\fs.m'T'..-iviis Ki'l*' ‘ corn is up, when they break mt the mid- , Inrm l' •’'** V’^ ^ Vermont’. Hamlin. Hunter,^. K"V' dle-if it pm be called breaking-by a lit- I Madlhi^Lts Zii^lLs^'^w^Vm’ ^ W tie .scralching ot a shovel plow drawn by j Sj.eaker. Just received ‘ ^ ner. I nderw,.,.d. an.M\ a li - one ])oor mule, | Pec. P». p. j. halk & SOX. I ^^eward'.s origit’.:d I one ])oor mule. Sv\ch examjilcs us (ileneral I’evton and 31r, Siward'.s oriirit’-d fe others are setting in Virginia, aiT causing ^^V .^^ ! \-lVs-,MeLr,.^'.lidba'rv. iTi-l,.. I' a great revolution in that State. OW tield i ftf/S. Chase. Clarke, D.ivi.'. lambs are bought often at greatly advanced The Home liook of the Pictur0.sf|uc; i sin. l>*un;l!is, K.iwns. Fe1.-h. m !'- • prici'.s; aud people are beMnniii!r to timl it ! Foote, of Mi.^.-ii.-oipi*'. is moi-e nrotit-ibln to , . C'lrobs and de.scriptive verses rehitinjr to the fes- Hunter, .biiiiesi. .toiiO?., of li-’.' i. I' I'- ,i . 4T ’ JWn tivul of t'hristiinis. finely eiiibellished; Women 1 Norris. Khett. Scwarl. ^ aiiit)4, tfiail^U i>> tO MUJcn ill pursuit of of Karly Christianity; The I.nud of Bondage, its ' Spruanee, Stockton. Suuuu-r. 'Cp ■ new one«, J ruly the spirit of improve. Ancient Monuments ami present e«»ndition, l>y and Whitouiuh-^ ,';,.■■■•• ment i»i abroad; whohhall limit ita vast ad. '*• "'‘Uiwripht, D. I).; Evenings at Donald- ' Nays—Meh«r.s. P.udirer. l’.. i-"‘' vaut:igen to tlie wlnde c-ounfry':' : son .Manor; I’.ook of the Passions, bv (i. p. U. I>aw8iin, Morton, luid rn'kr«i’" II. sipm'd inittec (^'b: IKd ,b tur (W! ni D. Iielia ].r to d at tb.- Ilou innt.'d R. . Lit, V. tb- lb V 0,1 W L,,; w an ! "r ;e din'lv }i All ' ' I Mi am lig 1 IP CIle"U;M_. factiires, try. by , he el of tfd ati'l Stat dxt^ doiiiaiii, oulrivati h(rein A nun fir inter ri, liidi giiii:i, '1' [We Korih I'i wi "I’i S HI ll! 8 .IIJ" Mr COll'ellt Iowin..r 11 sid 8',lie be W.lll coj tre.iSon ri'"d S? lb s ,! K 's.-nt‘ Ktill p 1j I' m:i in.-it in .J- t ike up til.' Pii S'.l.-nni f ir;ille «‘Ii'"rts 1 ifcriii'-d i sf^taie.' i « Mr. ; Mr. ijuire II ■t her lu >eititini Mr. |St'. re-ei be did diti..iis .Mr. to intr ■ tluil tl the na "f tlu^ a cor. try. >’o| .Mr introi V..le,, >> aj.p; i’ - d.'i tu Mr Ou jeet () ni.-n! i-ontii .V ' ]'hia i wa y the C a eh a l>:it.ii Sente cib'.; it.' pi test in ‘!iiii:i the .J b-.u THOS. [{. TUJJN(^llA8'r, isooK.isi\i>i:ie, Anderson St., Fayetteville, W. C., (il'l’USlTK Mil, W. Wl.NSLHVV’.S I,AW OKFU K. Musio neatly hound at ^iiort uotico. i’aiiiplilets and I'erioilicalg hound, aiul old Jiooks re-bouud, iu u suba:tautl;(l niaiiner. Uec. 8. 18')1, 4c,tf Jaiiieii; The Siuov Fhike; The Iteineniher Me; The -\uiaraHlh; TJie Pew l>jrp; Flowers of Love- The resolr.tion of Mr. .'-'cvvMid ' ' Huersj ‘I’he hit*; .\uievieau Ft male Pfiets: Poems ^ ougn >s, in tlie nan,-. ^ by .\n.etia; llrititdi Female P.n-f-j; ’!'he Sleik- j j^i‘*iire iilt lii.f.k, lirsi iind nd n' ri' s. ! '1 he ati.oe clt'-.-’Mut b* ok.s are if iis ritod wit!i .'j.bij.Iid Kii^r.iv1(ig:. .lest n-cei\c.|. j ’'*• lb ,b IIAl.K .S: .-)\. I B ® I..ard, and Flour, for sale bv , LKKTK ,■ .l()IINS()N. i 'i doors Wc't of (V F. liank of o{’ tiie Pnited States, g^vi- t ' ■ suth a ee-idi i! wele.uiic f" !**'■ | ‘i ' the countrv. :>nd th:vt a c'l'V ^ j' ‘j,. tion be iraii'iuift'.d to l.’iia I'.' dent of the Pnited St:itis. In tlie Hot sK OF on Tuo;'dav th** **lh, tlu' See;iki i ■” s# I if t'Ul , s.uiie any I awa\ hi; w; ■‘-:aii) h- bi

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