PL A NTS, T\l I: I SFIU r liS. 1 1HAVK iiiGt rocoivfii u liirj;o lot of choice PLANTS niil THKI'5?. among which nre DiQiiv variotifS roct'Utl^ iiitroduccU trimi CliiD&t Mexico. Cliili. Mv stock is now awfficient, tnith ns to quanti ty ami quality, to justify me in asking orders for almost ntiy tliiiij; in my line. Plants anl Trees can be sent any distancp, packoil in boxes, with perfect safety any time diirinp; winter. \ i.rTTl’,, ^ul^^;4n street, I'avetteville. 4f;tf lie. Ttoo. isr.i, 1’. S>. I'lowt'r puts hIw.'ivs kept for s\i;r AM) fJMK. O/ktfk I-\IU;K I.l.-ielied s.icks Liverpool •JpIPIf Cr..tu..ISM.T. r>ti" hiislie''' ci'rtr'-i' lli>ck Alum Salt, I'M^ks tVesh iiiisl.ik*-l LIMK, Jii.'t r‘e‘ive 1 :tn'l tor sale l.iv .1. H. X .1. M \UT1NF, Jlay !«t. I'Myctti'ville. S. iS'il. -}^-4t ^ m' II KKLl.H'S liisi..ri.'ai ^^koU•^ll•s ..f North VW ('arolina, !?2. U'iloy's North Carolina Rc.Klor. '.'I. i'*-efiveil from Philadelphia. 1>\ i,oc. y- Hillsborough Academy. iH-'if Sessi'II of tliis iTisfitntion will fl[_ t"I'lullIo!i i lie■'l.’iy. the l.ith of ,Jaiiii” arv nc'.;. Ti'rins per .'^es'-imi lUiN.i. K. lil'SKl',. I’rineipiil. N.iv roR sAi.i:, Fino TiirjH‘ii!i;:(' and Timlipr Lands, III ESohr^oii i oniily. 10^ A !!KS a r!.(i!iin:r the lands of Jo- ^ ^ Mr sep'i ^'U^ittl and WiUiuin Tyner. TOO Aiti"^ a !)')ii»in:: tlu* Innds nf Alox- !in ier M lnt\re, V\illi:ini II. (irinistey. and An- gn.-^ ii.iy. in tlf t'>r]c .tf Uaft .‘^\v:nnp fl'i'i Pniither ''A.imp. a'ijniiiiiiLr the laii'Is of .hio. P>’ne, Vrcii M IVaic. .\rt‘h d Smith, and Mra. A-.'.-l--;.. AtTi '. ''H wliifii i.' .'iiu.itt'flio i)Ki N 'rmi'nt mill .'tMt.' ndi'iiiiinu the hind-^ t>f >nn«>n L'jilUvi'll. K. I'.. lr"V. and.liiirni' Mon.'^'-y. i !. ■ a*' I. ■/••"‘•r'i’lV h>*av’ly I’on- I'Orr i. all I nr.e rurpeiiiiue l-aiid.^. Ijiii;' on and lU ir Liiniii ";' U.'.o;. 'i li-v wir. lie .la in t.act.s. and 'ii ai '’”tiimo- d terii . Ai'j'lv to 'wl. NVilliaaj MoNeill. or K. S. FKi;v-'i. l.;i:ii>HTf '1. ’ .'C. -J'' ''w L VM) ^ VLi:. ‘ Il.l .lie i 'wn 11 'U'>e. Ill' i:. tl; J' ! "i‘ ('iTni:ir\ lu" t, lit 1 i-k. M ■ a i.-a. ; ■■ l..Wi> ■ iiitainni^ 'i\t\ r.Ti ,'-. '..TuM-.1 ; ' t .!• ••■'ii.irt' ; loe, . n ’u] ■ K'- r IIi'tt i.'ini.if' H . _!i. and oiiifi'. on t.:-‘ Ni’rtat*- I c ire t ,».• ’1 wr . f K.i\ Ih '[■'‘nns. ' iiioi.'hh’ cr 'iit hoin’, witli :i,'pj'iv i M’OUTit V. a::* .ri> \. t. .m, rn, ! I. n; au'i I'-c. i-*^: -‘ft> !>C}lOi)i. READERS. ILL vs Ni'vr’-i I'r'.roM'ia Keadfr; i’arker''* WW 1st. 2d. :;d an I -l*': R?’a.Ii*i': ‘d. lini- ' F '.ect'o P>e:i', I’ l. :'.ii and >t'. j irt-: 1; >■; Yon; ' rioadpi: tiri.'.: \ Vid.oi '1 .lu- l*i ■; >v.I.Re I ^‘ps. N I. I. J. and 4, I iiifr- r - 1 t. L' i ai’. ' • ■ ‘ I'l'' Ueadi-r; ^ iii.i; ■ K- :. I- er: New V.^rk Lf * i' r. 1, - ;ii>d ParktT ■* ll or--.I I’i^-a '>-r: llt-adcr: .\iopr!.-a’i ’ ' Hea ifr: .Vii .'rl'. ~ I'nion St ; ii s, 4 parts; S u ilcrU l-L. JI itn’ .'I IT - K. J. II \LL \ SON. IVI'-’. NEW C.'RfrTING. ROLLS IJrnssels, ingrain jvnd Stair H * W Carpeting, new and fashionable 1 at- terns, juat received. —also— I 16 kegs Spikes and large Nails, ! 2'i b.i-\i-9 Itaisins, 30 bajrs Shot, Indigo, C'h«colate, Sa'.td and CaMor Oil, with nn aildition to our Fto.'k of Hardware. S. W. TILLINGH.VST & CO. Nov. 2t>, ISol. FAYETTE\ IME (’ONFECTIONEKY. CHARLES BANKS, f'ottferfioHer^ tNFOPvMS the public, tliat he has refitted hi.s ‘ |.Vfit)Iishment on Cri en Street, and ha.-» on h iiid it (Vosh snpplv of ''ANIHKS. manufactured l,\ himself out of the best Lonf Sugar, and wnr- raiiteil free from stan h. floiir. paste, ami periii- fioiis paints. Mis whole time Hud attention is n..w devoted to m.iking ('andy, and he is pre- pired to supply all orders with Candies eijual to .‘iny made in the Lnited States. I hesc (.au dits he warrants to keep in atiy climate; and ho will sell to Town or Country niercliants, a."* che;ip a.** gooii and purt‘ ('andy can be pur^-haseil ill N«'w York or i lsewhcie. ra\elteville, Oct. L'' )!. .54-tf s:.\I.KM l>.\ri'.l!-MII,I.. subscriber has taken ch.nrge of this old S and noil known Kst.iblishmeiit. and is pre- jiare i to attend to all orders tor I'riiitiiiij Pajx'r, Mi‘rcli:ints' and I'actorv \Vra|)|>in^% cVc. Thi* Mill has rvi-ently l>een thoroughly retitted witii new machinery, and the subscriber believes he can t'iirni';h I’ajn'r of as good i|uality mid at ;i*i clie.ap ]iric('- as can oe purch.-iscd any where, Nurth or South. CHAHl.KS H. sIKHir.K. Sftlem, .fitne 7, 1S->1. it Mrs. I? I'AIL hasopciH'd that lar'jre and convenient hoiue. near the foot of Il iMiiount. m I!ay street, known a- tin* I'arm'T-i' jind Planters Hot(‘l. where she would be gliid to aecomii\o-,late gentlemen with flo.ird b\ the week or niiinth. K.imi'.ics ,’aii t>e sujipiit'd with jile.asaiit rooms. S'le !ii>o pr«“]iari-d t > acc jmmodate Tr;ivel- ler- and thvir hors'-'. Il*r Stalilos are iittend- ed til by on‘ well ai'unaiiUed witii tiie manage- nifiit of iioi'.v.'s. T’. )ti w!,,» nre > l.! id as to p.'itro;'.i/c licr. sha'i Si. 1 tl: -t I *'r j^ren^t-.'t -arf A>iil be to p- aso. Oit. -j:. ••4tf M >•'« h is ..u-it rt'fiirn*’ ' *roin tl’.f ir:.i with !• To-w an.; I' a'S'irt- . ^ :■ ; 1 V it r 'dll I.IVKilV. coii'is'- .. -at ;i 1 ••’.vt-; L .nuft-;. vi variou.' l’;.i,',-. Mil and I'h wri-i- Mr:i i vn t t a ' S.-aiH I’oiiUc's oi' .lift vent Ml ! (-ii’r: I’^io>‘ I-..; ('o’i*tr'‘ at' I i \ ->; \T. -t ;iiality i.f Kid (i! ■i.u ai 1 '1. rt: a new ,ind eb'gaiii Tl M:"iii,'.’s, of t'ai- tii"st tash- ■ n- k' I, ,i”. i -I ha'i ls in’ l»n>s' I’ul- t-T!; n‘ ! Mid plain 'k .Mantd'as; ve:- \et 'l;t:)til!:i.s and i a new style of fio:.- ri t l.ininj' ai. i I': mmiti^s. of all ’olors; and a -rti.i’-iit oi Howi-rs (ind Il»-iid n. LVMAN BCRn.^^’K, to IlaUh i(* liurlHink, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Cigar$«, Tobacco, and Sniili; Keeps constantly on hand the above nanieij Hrticles, of the most popular brands, and warranted equal to any in the country. Hiiv- ing made arrangements with an extensive house in Paltimore, he will sell at ibiltiniorc prices, and respectfully invitrs the citizens of Fayette ville and surrounding country to give him a call. Front Street, next door to .Messrs. Pol icy H;irt, (at the sign of TllK Tl UK.) Wilmington, Oct. liiol. iHitf iriTN.rU'S, BOOTS lUllllllS. NOTICE. I subscriber is now receiving his Full j ■ and Winter Stock of FANCY «i»d Sr.VPLh , dry CiOODS; Hats, Caps, and Binincts; Boots and Shoes; ^ H;ird\vai'e and Cutlery; lilac-ksiuitli.s , i CooptT.s', and Carp.*ntt-‘rs’ lool.s; htraw Cutters, Corn Slicllert*, Ploiigljs, iV:e.; llolli^w-waro; Heavy goods for Negroes, .vc. The abo\e goods will be sold at wholesale or retail, to suit customers. We say nothing a- bout how the above (Joods were bought, or how they will be .sold, but we do .say come and see, at the lluske buildings, Green Street. P. TAVI.on. Oct. 28. Carolinian 2ni .i/,i nii‘-,t . t Mlg "T' - (•ri i-n -f- ,u-.- :n I Mi' Ml!- . h >r: ,'s. ■.■V [irr I'r-' vis- \1 :.,t: « . t. ! ». in I- latest l.^e m. z B ■ All I t ;• 'i .Nil -VKCiUoK.s. \ppl’- to Jl .1. \ T. WAl'l'lLl.. s-j.t I’". i‘ /Vfl/ ffitfl U’hifer Siock. I 8 ■) I . rW^HK Subscriber of!crs for sale one of the .Jl largest and best assortments of (i()OI)S in his line ever ofVercl in thi.s place. He i.s very thankful for the very liberal jj.itron.ige that he "has had, ami solicits a continuance ol the same. His stock h:is lieeu selected with care. i consists of nearlv evt'i-y variety and style, I'ioiu the best u\;inufacturcis. Me has on Iiand and offers low for at : retail or bv the case, l.itest styles (lentlemen s , lieaver. Nutria. Moleskin. Si'k, lU'UMh and ,\n- gol.a II.Cl'."'. -\No, .leiiny I,ind. Kossuth, -Vr- j ti.-t, IJoiigh and lte:id_\. and stitfened Fur and Wool Hats, for Men, V«nth and l>oys—in abun dance by tlie dozen or case. ■ —AIX>— A very large supply of C'olh. Plush. \'elvet ■ and Fur t’.VP.'', ot all* i|ualitics, st\les ;iinl pri ces,—by tiie single Cap or by the dozen. —also— i IJoots and Shot's, of the following varieties, viz: Fiin* \\ ater-i'roof, tine 'alf, ' fine Kip and heavy Winter r>lJOOT.'s. Also, lioys' und Youths' Calf anti Kip IJoots. (tentlemen'> I»ress Shoes, of varifuis (|ualities. Together with an as»ortment of /.'iiti'-g', \li-ises' and Chiilren s U( •O'l'.'' ;ind SliOK.S. vi/.; .lenny Lind, K\eclsiors, Ci.-iitcis. ditto Half, lUiskins. .'>iippers ;ind Moroi oo lioots. AN). Gcnfli'tnen's ;ind i.adies' lltibiiers. With a good supply d Youths', l!oys'. Childrens' and .■'erviiiits' lie.avy Shoi-x. ,\il of which he otlcri low for Cn h. or on time to y rtnetual customers. i'le.Tse ea’il .and satisfy ' oiir.'cl • e^ before pnrchii-in-4 el'r'wliere. .lUilN C. TlloM.'ON. .\lnrket .'r|uar«*. Srpt Jl). ISol. l.'t»tl \K\\ (;(H)I'S. M C.'^T reeeived. mv Fall supp’v ofCl.oTII.'i, ( AssiMLr."s Am. vrsrivtis tfim Ml'ti.'-. oi the lest .lU;' !t^■. fr itn .N i \ \o’. - . \ls 1, the latest lU j rt ■■;' the New York F.\s:iliiNS. I still I'liiifiiii’c carry m tli^ T.AILoKlN'* I>1 .''INF,at tnv .^tmid >u H-.\ -treet, and th'’-*e who ina_\ ;':i% r me v. Itli iheir '.4>iom nui% re'v on ha\in^ th*‘ir worr. dofie in ;i neat . lid I'ashion.tble style, i.nd on t;ie most favorab!-' term.^, APj Hn:ALI» t.[l Ml \NL o, t. 1'7. l^M. ;Utf VVVER IJvVrili'Ji. ■ hMM-alartrelot of CPPFI! I.F. MlfFPv, ▼ w at T:inner> prices, nhuh we »ill take ^'re**!! "p dry Hides ti r. ' r wmild n>'t refuse . a-*i. CooK \ TA\l.olt l>ec. 'J, l^.'il. tl - Iw WifT’-fi f*re nrwf mad woW *v-1 w V lected Stock of 1>KY GOODS, Comprising every article usually kept in thut line, together with. 1.30 Crises Hoots and Shoes. Ilatai and Cap^. —ALSO— A well selected Stock of To all of which we invite the attention of Mer chants of the interior, who will tind it to their interest to examine our Stock before making their We will not be undcrs' .d by unv one doint business in this place. HALL & SACKETT. August 2.'), 18'>l. l*'dt C a ri*ia i\l a ii ii factory. Watclh's aiul .!(*welrv, At IVliolcxalc and ISc'lail. J. >1. bT:asli:y i 'n*7’0rLD respectfully inform the jinbHc V ▼ peiierally, that he has returned recent ly from New Yoi’k, with decidedly a large as sortment of IWitfhes a ltd •feirrlrtf. Many of these Watches were bought for C.VSII UY THE l’.\CKA(iE, and can therefore be sdd very low. He lias Watches of all kinds; Chains. Ki‘\s and Seals of all kinds and of the latest stvles; Fingi'r-llings, Kar-Uings, Medallions, of all sizes, of English and .\meriean m.ake; La dies' Chatelaines: Cuft Pins: Collar and Slee\c lUitton.s; .''liir* St mis; (lold Spcetaeles. light and heavy: (iohl I’eiis and Pencils: (lold and Silver Thimliles; Itracelets; i^ilvcr Fruit and Putter Knives: ,''ilv r Spoons of all sizes; large lot of Poekcf Cutlery: Scissors, best quality: Huttoii- hole .''cissors. Surveyor's ('’oinp.asses anil Chains: ^Ialhemati^•al Instruments; liirge qu.-intity of title and common Pistols; tine iiiid coiumon sin- g'e and double-barrel (5uns; CiHme Rags; Shot Ptcltsand PoAiler l lasks; .Military Goods, in cluding the P.'iss l>rum and the sm.-illest P.ntton; Violins and e\tra P>ows; Flutes, Cbirioiiets. Fla- jieoleti. .\ccordeoiis. of nil kinds ami sizes; Mu sic IIo\es; Perfumery; .SdHj); Latlier P>riishes: Pazors :ind Strops; l>re>"^'ng and I'ocket Combs: Plated and Pritannia Ware: and various other things too tedious to enumenite. jikjjr t all and gi\e me a trial. Cash paid for old Geild and .''ilver. JteaT W.MCllKs anil .Ikwllry ne:ttl_\ Pepaircd. l\> i ilh , X. \itrth-Kii.-if f'nrner !>/' Miirlcrt SijHitri-. ij-i’.ni) .f. M. i5::.\sli;y. . u i:u 4 II.I.V Tsi i.i.y a. I ^Hl.*' Ll.NE i>F HOATS is still in sueces.^- .NO'Fil. i:. P,r.r,‘ N" n,dt'.T- d to t’-. re'fiectml y re.juoted ti preset.t li.-niTi. 't:it'?mO:;r f ; rJ-' L; i • ■' t' l'e.'> ■ s.Tt'jer I'e •ttle durinj: the T M'.W I'lKM. I' int.- due fri-i;i per' 'H' ■ !>c forwarded by mail. ■ •■■iji.’?'' I.; linst the «ub.s«'ri- !:I I: ' 111 in for 'Cttleiiient. .".V\l L .1. HlNSl.ALi;. 4'itf ii".'!'.!p. under the n.aiiie and style l..awi**nrr «V Troy, h >r tiie purpose doing a orencral \lercantile a!i 1 li.irter ii:i'ii;e ha e t.ikon the ."'tore. .No (illKli.N .*'TI!KKT. lorinerly ..-ceujiied hy ^le-srs, .JoJin JIuske \ .^on. t.K'*. W, I.W.ItENCE. JoMN i;. TKoY. .Ir. " t. JJ. l-'l. :;;uf Ni:W FALL AM> WINTKIl 410 i>s. Continue to otier niiiny facilities to ihe shipping publiiv persons patronising this Line, may rest »•*- s^;red that their Goi*ds will he brought up with dispatch, and at the \er\ bluest rate> of freight. A W', S I'FKL. Pre.nid. nt. 1. S. LLTlF.Ui.tiH. Agent at FuM-tte\ille. Feb l.'>, l''.'.l, ■ .'/ tf WA.V'EKI). ^31 HE SnlifrrilM-r wishes to purchase ■- U-.-* K VG.', tor whieh the highest fash be j'niil ou delivery ia Favette\ille. UAVIU Ml UPHY., Cumberland. .Aug. 'Jo. IH.'il. J5-*>ni Sale of Valuable Town Property. V' II.L ;it the r .nit Hou«e in Carthage. I ■^1 ii !l'e ;m t N-.r'h-L ■ n I . .f .1 (Ti'iary ne\t. -i Lot and T n of ('arthag«'. sitiiat--d ' f the J.iibiic sqtlar* , ■’ . ine«s. A credit of .1 : ti.' w :l '.f 2'% n. b .nd with p -o.J r'f.' r« I oi'n .• jiiirchn«er. 'i 1/ ii M. N.ilin. Ex s. •: bor r. ; ■:.] 4,;-t^ riM IT 'i iiij:s roii salk. II ■'T T’- 1. H l t of ch'iiee TP.KKS. fr iin I ' N ir-ei.-s. 1\t' ‘Ii-> wi-hinjr to pet tiiein by tiie iii'uili.'d, are ad\i'i' l to '.‘iid 1 ..r!--, • iiuii.ei.;;.tel\. '.n .'ore t;.e .1. - .rt- I. tir V. I *■ ‘di and Apji'e Tri'cs, !?^10 per hnndr>f 1; — ij-; per l)zc;]. Afiricot, ’1') eerr Nei'tnrint^. "J > cents eaeli. .\ f*w PIiim«, ,,f licaring .age. I’i'..rf Pi-ai«, C. LriTElll. iH. '7t, 1‘‘>1 .-fTeet. 'i'KA‘ iiKii w A.\'n:n. ^ *■ i.N’I LI,\ V naLifie.' fr, fc i h the Enjr ™ I i ‘ ’ i ''' ■ ek L:i:,;:rii!.". M. v» ill find I i‘ ri «:t . ,1 i.'riei i! s.ilaiy, ,ii application •I- iiTi * . .''iirf.'i ! i,'i P.iv.tlicr'. z*' Julies North 1 'i'."tie, lilt*, (J)- (,y i(>tter !i idresscd to Li.y- "• r>ec. I" .1.—r")-]..! ( . I'. H.\L«11 Cic ^0.\ TTt’fil T^n! 'M'cfiH J CHF.ST Yo\M^ HYSON. 3- 1 d't?o (i Miip'.w ler. i 1 I '-iti v Iinoeria’. ' F s;,le by f'liS PANKS. ! Oct •>. l-'.'.l. ■ ;;i tf i •I'etr S'irm. 'I hi* iiiidcrsii:iH‘tl ha\r rntt'rrd iiit'. '•■.p:irtiier--iiip. undt'r the name ;itid style of II ' LL 'K L I T. for the puip.)«i- of doing 1 l>r_\ 'i-'od' :ind Hardw.'ire Iii!‘siner.“. and have tal ell the ."-t re •*> doors of the 1-•!\ette\ille li tel. J. M. HALL. \. F.. IIAI L. T. .M. S.VCKFTT. \ -J ■. i •'.1. I'.tf l]ii(‘u:)ira«4‘ lh* ol«l ’^orlii AltKV, M KM WKl.l, A: (’o. havo just re ceived a splendid Hssi'itment of ('axtt- 711 fie. black and grey, to v. hich th»-y wi.n'd c.'ill tiie attention of the juil.iie. The.'C gools will eomj-efe in quality iiii'l dnraVd!;ty with the b(-.,t of Nortl'i rn 'ji'.'-iniere', ati 1 ;.re inueli cheaper, ranging from •i_'A cents to :iil j er yard, i-ettevil'.e, N. Oet. IL l>^-jl. ;;Otf S'FOKAGi:. E have i:onim>idioii« briek Warohou.5cs V » in the reur of our Store, in whieh we St >r*» cotton and other i>roilni'e. U. \ W. McLAFIilN Nov. 1, Ls.-.l. :',7-tf y. \v I 1 "I! . K;..o, f'rushe'l, ^ I. 1 11 -.v’t .1 avil f'ofTee. I Jjurlaps Pjagging. Axe«, .tj, Shovels, • •'-e Bli'l 1;.^ ,f .:-friillis i 1’ .--eythviv. 'I .o-e iitid Halter • io.iliS. 1 itid iirel Hoop Iron. i-.l’'- Lead iii (>il. '^'laiii.'li lirown, Keil Lend. ‘•la.'.s. Piiuy, liueketi, Prooms. ^L^^•k•■;•el, in barrels and hr»lf ditto. Ni ero .''hoes. Tanner'-' oil. Tin I’ltte. Wire. ''-in.riof Gre-n and Plack TeHS. ■“^ule;‘itus, .''oai '. Snuff. 1'i‘pper, Ginger. Spice. .Nutmegs. -'J/trsil hifl .VdfinKiijtliie ( aildles. l.ur l.en 1. Siiot, I’owder, \e. \,c. ^ov. 2'', J8.',l. 4ftf OrattnPHi Orattf^en! A NOllILh lot, rec**iveii at CH S RANKS’S. Nuv. '2h, 4;-;tf iTvy; *8 fJALES HAY. oU} Bushels Corn. For sfile bv DOMI.S I’JCS. tll'TI.F iliver Ostmbergs; 7-S and Ll J Sbeellii^'* !ilw!iy9 on huiid. aud for sale al Factory price,s. by STMIK & WILLIA.MS. June 7, 7;’)tf lirussols and other Car|K'tini;s, Health Pugs. Hruggets', Cmmb-Cloths, Piano aud I able COvers. I' tir .n.ale bv STAllU .V WILLI.\>1S. Nov. r>, IS.'il. ;i7-tf DAILY i:xi>i:cTi:i), 4GF,.N'KK.\L assortment of Cool’EPS’ 1 o (t L .s; ^ of file best m;inufacturers' make. l,y E. C. H.ALL. of Rome. f>(t. IK. 1H.',1. I'«e. ‘J, 18G1. H. LI TTEi;i,(>n‘, 44-tf CQDruerlanil Sr.perior Court of Law. si'iX'i.xi, 'i’i:ii.M. N'otiee is hendiy given, fhaf n .''pe- ciai lerm of ( iimberlanl Superior ('omt of Law will i„. ^,,1 in Fub- iiiitrv 1H.> },,r tl„. [rial of «ncl) ( i\il C.-ises as were on tl:- i; ial d-., Let at Fjdl Term, 1S.'>1. .uitoi.- ..nd «iH take due notice th. tool and govern themselves .aceordinnly Nov - is:.] llAE, n^rk. ^ 4l:lc l»r. T. H.IiXiTjhT Has taken an Ofli^e on Jlay Street, West ot tii** ffotel 11, iUku, 'I'ho Siibscriht'F still continues to carry on the (,'.\I51.Ni'T RCSfNES.‘ in Fayetteville. iinl in addition to his Est.iblishinent on l5ow street, near Feeles’s Hriilge. has opened a larjje W \11E POOM >n Hnv street, nearly opposite the Fayetteville Hotel and one door East of Messr,^. Haigh t't Son's, whtrc a geiienil a.saortim nt of F()lli\JTURE, -Nlad.- by competent and faithful worktiien, inav be hud at prices corresjiotidiiig with the times. .Uso, an !iss irtment (>f Northei-n-made FFUNl- 1 I ItL, .selected by himst'lf, which will be sohl at a very niolerate advance. , 1>Ln\’AN McNEILL. >ov. 10, 1H.)1. nE keeps on han.l an assortment of Fisk’s celebrated MKTALLIC 15L'UI.\L C.VSES which have been highly recommended by WilTie P. .Manguin, Henry Clay, [.cwis ('ass. Win. R. King, and many other illustrious characters who have examined and witnessed their utility. « a 2 fl • ^■HIK Sub'. ribers are nou recei'ing direct M. fr ini New York aud Philadeljdiia. the lar- ;4evt and Laiidsoiiiest .''t'M-k of Stdf/lr and J'diicji Drrj (iood'> That they hiivr ever exhibited in this market, einbracing every variety of Lm lies' and tientle- men's HKE.'^.S GM)l>.>. uni"ng which nuty be found; Pdack find fniicy wntered and jdain Hress Silks: black and fancy ‘-’ol'urgs; Lama Twiils; figureil and platn fancy and black .^Iohl•il• Lus tres; Sii'K W ;irp und Cr.ipe Pirocadc'; Swis.s, .''cotch and Chene tiinphains: S.i\on\ He l.ains; French Engl' !i and \meric’in Print.': Einb'd ('ahmere>: plain ditto; ch.iiigcable He Lains; wiitcre.l and lle-work Cashnure-i; ch:ingeu- bl« Yojie.en: l$roi-:ide Liistrt's: liamnsk .Koli.ins: black Poinba/ine-*: second-mourning Poplins; plain and watered Silk Mantill is; co’.ired ami black \'e'vet M.antillas; Proc.-i le Poplin.*; :.n I a large a--*^ rtinent of hri '-* TrMnniiii'.:s; I'rench and Fnii'i'h Merinos; \'e!\et Neck Itiiibon' and (’ufrj). KMiiUonn'.itiKs. French Worked Collars aud Capes: French w orke 1 'ufTs; French v. orked Cliemi.sottes; I n- dcr-S!ee\cs: Swiss and .laconct Trimmings: In- fsnts' W.iists and Cnph; Hem stitched •ind nee dle-worked Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs, from 10 cts. to .'S-'i; Hiid a bi-:iutiful assortment of \'eils; every \ariet\ of .^h:iwls, embroiilered and plnin; Thread. Cotton ami l.,inen IvJgings and Laces, black .''>iik Laces ;ind Edgings. —.VE.'^O- P.lack, lihie, brown and preen French and English Cloths; black and fancy t'assiiiieres: Cut N'elvet. figured and blnek S.-itin Jind Valen cia Vestings, some very handsome;) Sattinets; Kentucky .lean's; Tweeds; Lin.seys; Flann«ds, wool and cotS.n; Osnaluirgs: Hriiggets: Ham.ask : Table Coths; ditto Nankins; Centre-Table Cov ers. very fine; Piano Ci)vers; Irish Linens: Lin en Lawns; Thread ain'lirics; Towellings: Gen tlemen's Merino ,''>hirts ami Drawers: .''ilk Neck atid Pocket Hmtdkerchiel's; Ladies' Merino X'estx; ra’^hmereand .'^ilk Hose; ilitto Hiilf-IIose; the celebrated .‘'ah-ni Jeans, black and grev. Ladies', tientleinen s and Children s IJOOTS and .SH )IiS, .Men’s, Poys’ and Infants’ Hats and Caps. Velvet, Satin, Straw and Florence Hoiinets. I Litto ditto ditto for .Misses. And every article usually kept in a Dry Goods ^ .Store. 1 e invite the public to c.all and exani- j ine our large and handsome Stock, as we arc al- ; ways Mjixious to show our Goods. Hr /.v/y» Sitt/tir, Tea (uuf Coffee. VU1'.'\, .SHFIMW EI..L & CO. return tiianks to the citizens of Fayetteville, und the public generally, fur the ver> liberal patronage here tofore bestowed on them, aud intend, by strict atrcntion to busine.-is. to merit a cfintiniianco. S. 8. A REV. P. SH EM WELL. J. U. -MCDONALD. Fayetteville. .Sept. l-'>, 21tf lli:WAR]>! I^^SC,\PED from the .lail of Kershaw Distric'j J m .Monday the 14th day of July last. S.AMPEL J. LoVE, who was con\icted for the KINt! ntid .V. McMILL.VN have entered • into copnrtn» r'hi|' in the Distillery of Turpentine. anl ha\e erected a .''till 4in the West '.de I f the F.a\etteville .lud W estern Plank llo«.l, N iiiilcs frotn Fa\ctteville. N. KINti. Mav •.*._71tf A. McMILLAN. w K to buy barrels Turr.entine. KLNG ,v Mc.MlLLAN. 7"> Pdils. No. 1 Herrinkr. ■J'» •• •• J Mackerel, loo Pales Hay. I'Ht Pieces Colton P.ngging. ' ■«>ils Hope. 200 I,t)«. Twine. llhd.s. Molasses. • > Hhds. Fair .''Ugar,«. TiO I\ngs Piio I'oflee. W ith .\hiin and ,*'ack Salt, and Groceries gen- er.illy, for sale ut the lowest market pricf'. by JNO. D. WILLIA.MS.' .Vugust 1 L 1 S.jI . 1 ;’.tf ro ro r roN plan'pkus. PIECES COTTON H.UJGING, 7.’> coils Pope, ■JtHJ lbs. T«ine, •lust recei\ed and for sale cheap, by PETER P. Jt>HNSON. .August ir>, l.''.'iL 14tf .\)'ri(’K. fBTHE Steamer Chatham will leave this plac* ■ every Monday and Thursday iit 7 o’clock, ^L, ( instead ofo’clock as at present.) com mencing tit 7 o'cli>ck Monday lOth inst. Time of leaving W ilmington, every Tuesday ami Fri day at '2 o'clock P. .M. JNO. D. WILLLVMS, Agent Cape Fear Steamboat Co. Fayetteville, March 3. BROTIIl'KS \M. ^B^HE Steamer HROTHEHS and Tow Boiits, STEVENSON and DAVID LEW IS are pre pared to forward with Dksi«.\tcii, all goods con signed to the Proprietor. The Steamer Rrothers is of light draft, and well suited to run in low water. She possesses power, and speed, and is admirably adapted to towing, and can accommodate about 2t> }iusseti- gers. ^ 1 he proprietor conteniplafes running the Poat himseif, and will jjive .«pecial »ttention to wny freight and naval stores: to towing, and will al so attend to the comfort and convenience of Passengers. From his long experience as .\gent iu \\ ilmington of the several Steam Poat Com panies, he thinks he can give satisfaction. mVn 1 r f P K I r * i To Merchants in the interior he would say, 'n t 1H' I V I ; Term of | that all Goods siiipped bv him, will be deliver,'..] .ou, t ]H.,I Said Lo\ e IS about-20 or 21 years . to their Agents in Fayetteville. His acent of a>;e, six feet two inches high, (not certain as to their .\gents in Fayetteville. His agen* in W ilmington is JOHN C. LATTA, to whom »il bmits'M'’'" Y'l'I' ; communications may be addressed, as Agent of bouts, I has dark hair, and ot a sallow complex- i the Steamer brothers. 4-tf j Jiixm/c arrurtis Jor here. ion, vith « downcast look; some .if his front te*-tii a little decayed, and follows the occupa tion of II Carpenter. j 1 will give the above reward to any person ! who will apprehend the said S. J. I'.ove ami lodge him in any Jail in this State, orOneHnn- ; died and Fifty Dollars for bis safe confinement I ill any Jail in the United States, so that I can j get him. JOII.V INGRAM. Sheriff. Camden. S. C., A-ig. .‘}0, 18')!. I'O-Om j RETAIiT AND wllOLESALE. j CIO.ME in to the Cheap Store, North side of i ^ Hay street, one door jibove the corner, ^ and buy new Dry Goods. Also. P.eady-uiade : ( lothiiig, ILits and Cap.s—great variety. j IS A.VC DODD. 1 Ncfv. 4, t ^L•lv 1.5. John BANKS, Proprietor. 72-v III.WE just received from New York, iny FAl.L AND WINTER Stock of Goods, Consisting of a general assorttneut of Dry lioods. firopcrips. Hiinhvnrp. Ciillpry, &p. IHr I will barter for TURPENTINE, or any kind of Produce. N. KING, 10 miles North of Fayelteville Oct. 28, 18o0. ■ 4.itf ■ of alJ klttds. Fvr aolo at tliis OiiraeL j ^ ii i ';- f ■IHE Subscriber having taken the Est.abli'ih- nient cd' the late ,\. C. Sinipsiui, (situated ' opposite W. McIntyre's Store.) intends carr\ ing ‘ on the Carria»ro Manntactiirin!! UnsiiD'ss In all its various branches, and would r-sj»cct- ; fully scdicit a sh.are of the public jiatroiiagc. lia^ing had considerable exi>erieiice in the business, and having been employed in some of the nlo^t extensive Establishments in New York and New Jer.»oy, he flatters himself that he can give general satisfaction. He warrants all his work to be made of the best material the surrounding country aflords. anil bv experiencetl workmen: and siiould any of if fail, either in materia! or workmanship, in twelve months from the time of its delivery, he will rt-pair it free of charge. 1;EP.MPIN5 ilone in the neatest and best manner, and at the lowest ptiMsible prices. A. H. WHITFIELD. F'a vette\ ille, Feb. 11. l.''.'>o. tf MffJ SIffmrti, Afkthntr Cloth, yfJff Irons, French Burr, E»»}ntn ami ('ohnjnv MU! Slones, at Manvfurtarerx’ prke*. HE subscribers having mude very favora- ■. ble arrangements for obtaining from one of the most extensive importing and manufac turing houses in this country, French Burr, Co logne and Esopus .Mill Stones, and the real An chor I$(dting (.’loth, are now enabled to offer any of these articles to .Millers of the best quality, and at lower prices than they have been here tofore furnished at in this place. supply of bent .Anchor Bolting Cloth coii- statitly kept on li;ind. The qualify of every articlc is warranted. JNO. H. A: J. .MARTLNE. Oct. 6, 1851. 28-lniew2niPow A pair of 4 ft. 2 inch Cologne Mill Stones on hand; and daily e\pected, pair of :{ feet G inch Esopus Mill .Stones,— and would invite an ej,- . amination of them, as they will be found supe- j rior for Corn. - j \\~\xVe\k ^ i :5000 ft. he Lumber for Wagons, 1 ^ to 3 inches ’ thick. 1 HOOO ft. Se asoned Oak Lumber, Ij to ^ inches, j ft. W liite O.-ik and Hickory, for Axletrees. ! lOOti ft. \Shite (,)ak for Tongues, Bolsters aud .‘'hafts. ' 100 1‘ost Oak Hubs, for Carts and Wagons. j 20(MI Sp.kes. I For which the Ligliest cash price will be paid, j .Vpfdy soon to E. FULLER. i May 1!'. 1N.'>1. 72 tf | OF VAIA’AHI.K * ISeal and Personal Properly, I ('imnnt’iKiu'j of Joimarij 18t‘>2. j Tire tnsttranre- ford, having paid the tux iinpj-,!' Revenue Law of the late 1 cgisliiiur. ■ ^ tinue its Agency in FMyt?eviile "/‘'•‘t- management of the undrisi-nel wi"‘‘^'^ '*>« pared to issue Policies of lirMiiii’iif,. ’ ‘'f-'- ings or Goods, either in thi' "" ‘ '“M- purt of the State, on proper ui.i,''; scriptioii of the Property, dt'.'NACOMPANYhaiheoni.,,, about 80 years. Its capital i' The Hon. Thos. K. Brace wtib its fi. v, i, and he atill holds that oUii-e; 1 first Directors are still ii«-tive and t.tiv''•'* *■ bers of the Board. It h;i3 at all iin„. the highest character fir the i iml.^ management, and for the libenditv it lias ever adjusted it.‘. losses. -I- llALl March 10, 1801. irtV/ be lieccicul htf fli, Jilt »r, TONS of SWEDES 1H0\ E- U. Il.M.i Oct. 18, 18ol. ■t /( I,hn f>f foHr-iiome I\>st Jt'/in t'ii Iff fh r if’' to Hrri!(ifr,— l)n)h/. fH^IlE .''iib'crilurs ba\in^ secure I the mail fi coii'raci on ihe !ibo> e Line, w ill commence Till.'' D.\^ , runiiing a Line of Four H« r.->e l i -it Cl !u I et, liailv. Leaving Fayetteville at b P. ^l . and .iirixMig ;it Wai>!W at i p.-iet *• A. M., in time f .ir liie t'ars .North and ,'>outh. Pe- turnii.g, lea\e Warsaw on the arri\al of the C..i>, s.i_\ abi ! t 1 or P. .^L. :im! arrive at Fay- ette\ ille in ten ho!ir«. E\er\ c;.re w ill l >-taken to render the Lne pU Miant. convenient, a'.id safe, for Travei;er.->. •V Line of Stages will he est.ablished as soon a> po'‘sil>le, by the Plai.k Poal. from F.-sveite- ville via Carthaee aiid Ashehorou^h, to Lexing ton, .‘^akin, and Sali.-luirv. McKl.'^NoN .V McNKILL. Fa; ette'il’e, N,'. t'., .Vug. h, l.'s.'l. 11-tf i/nH' to lla’oi^li. TBIHE .Suf>scriber!>, .Mail f'ontractors from B. Fayetteville to Pialeigh, will commence Operation' this day, with new and comfortable Cosches. go«M| horses, and careful Drivers.— Toe Fare is FI\'E DoLL.VKS—s«me as before. The Stage Houses are. in Fa_\effeville, the Fay etteville Hotel, in Ualeigh. the Yarborough House; f>u1 Pa.'sengers will be eonve\.-d to such other Houses as the; may select. The hours of departure will be. until further notice, at 10 o’- cb>cl; .\. M. fri in Fa\etteville. and at o P. .M. The subscril>ers hope, by to secure a liberal share from Kalei\;h, daily, unremitted attention of the travel. MUPI:OCK McKINNON, DAMD McNKILL. Faywtteville, ,Tuly 1. 1',')1. 78-tf 'ro w iNirM .\K i:Rs. ^ MM 7' F h:ive a few b:irrels of fine old .Apple ▼ w P.randy for sale; such as those who w ant to make good wine should get. Ct)OK \ TAYI.OK. Sept. 10. l.‘'.'il. 22-tf I N\ A.N'I' MOXKV, tND I have tiow on hand ‘J2-'>,0K> BRICK, that 1 wish to e^clianpe for nionev. JOHN E. PATTEL.>ON. Dec. 1. 1S,')1. 4 i-4w s'i'()\ Ks» s rovi:s” ITAPl.E for Churches. T'nrUirs, Factories, ► ^ and Stores. For sale by C. W. ANDREWS, Market .Si^imrc. Oct. 27. 1851. 34tf VEGETABLE DYSPEPSIA BITTERS, n tiK .MOST ropi I \i{ FAMILY MEDICINE > K T II K A « K I list'll bj Pliysirians of High Staiitlin*. T!in‘» BII'TKftS remove all inorliiil aurretionii, p iit\ rlic 1 looil, t;ient tone unit ' igur to the ili^vtu e III){ IMS foi lify the'X'leni n^Hin»t sill luliira ’.'•a-o r;«ii In-*'ii with »bIV\v, nt no time deliili- taiiiijf the )..lifi.t lieiiiK i;ratefnl tti the nio't deli- r«t,- ^t^>In:lcll. «inl r. inaikHlile for their cheering, in\,(r,,raiiri('. stieni'tlieiiiiijr. ami ■•-•torative jiroi^r. tie iiitvi mi iiivaiiiuble uiiij sure renieilv lor nvspi:i»si\ IX its h oust forms. t.ikor nmplaiiitR, .iRiiiiitioe iicxithiirn. o*. tiv. Iiei«, Faintiicks, Dikiinlers ol the Skin and l.iver, t.o s (if .\|,|.olite, l.ow S|.iiits, Neivoii. Ile»ilache,’ lie dill.'s*, i'uli.itxtion of ttio Heart, Sinkirt); aud Full- nrtci of Weifrhl at the Stomach and ill other diitraiief cai!«el ll) an im(.iire stau- of llie liliiod, li\er, etc.. wliicli tend lu doliilitMlv mid weaken tl.e a) >tem, F i: 31 A 1.1: s \' lio mitfifr from a moifiid und unnatural condition will find this Medicine of INESTIMABLE VALUE. In AI 1 • (JKNKKAI, DKBII.fl V, thii M©»li cii e AI j S I.IKK .\ ( HAItM ! TBO VS AZVDS Have t«-vied iM ottioBC? . an.! thonsnnda nioip mi* ,i„vv nil ler tieatnienl ; aiitl not oiie solitiirv thsp ut'l.'tilm - ha jet I.Pen re|iorted Voliiinev niiilil lie lilled xv;in ceitilicates ot those v*hc> ha>e lieeii |i«rinaiientiv rnicd fall »n Ihr Aiid a P.l.TII*IH.i:r, rotilniiiing the eititieatesof Itemaikalije ( qres md the liijjh pstiiiiatlon in w lucU this \ f^lictiie is held b) ttie I'lililic I'li-NS—can lie had o| the Ajjents. liee large Qnart* $1; Pints 50 Cents. Sohi l>i/ all the Priiicijiaf i„ if,g I'uitni uuti Cunudnx. Prii)ci|ial Ollice l i-2 H l.TON ST V ^ tu. .laim S. J. IIINSDALB. D.MI.Y EWVX 'VI]) ACiENEUAL At^SOitT.MKM „) i,,;,, ware, by £. C. 11.M.1 0 Oct. 18, 1851. • -:;tf IN sToin:, il-OLGH.*' and Plnunli C! « ers. Cultivator iiiii>( \\ heels. Oct. 18, 18.-.1. .''truw ( ^ C. H.'.M.. -•Jtf ' uabie ; IIE subscribers, as Executors of the late Richard liiues, offer for sale the very yal- PLANTATION Hw died possessed of, containin': about 27)0 acr«*s. a little «iver half of which is cle.-ired and j in a hi>;h state of cultivation. This Plxntutiou j is situated on the north side of Tar River, in •' Ed;:ecoiui>e county, six or seven miles east of ■ the Piailroad. an'l nine miles ab.ive Tarborotif'h. ! adjoining the lands of Pvichard H.-trrisoti and otlnTs. There i.'* on the premises ;i larfre and comfortable dwellinj: w ith ei^iht roiiiis and all ' of the necc.-M.-iry out houses and ti.\tures, of the j bot kind aiiU in {Too-i order. >\ e w ill not I'u in»o a detailed statement fif the sii|ieriorit_\ ot this Piaiit.-ition. but invite .all ■ person,' wisliinj; to purchase valuable l;.nd to exiimiiie this. A plat of the hand, with a sur vey of the cie.-ired portions, is left in the han.K-j of .\lr. Isa.-ic 11. Fariiii.r, on the premises, who is well acijuaintcd with it and will o-jve any inforin.-itioii to p rsoiis wishin|; to f>ur.,di.-ise.— We wi;i sei. it in one tract, or divide it into , two or tlirc-'. it not Iisjiosed of at private sale before tlic 12th of ne.nt January, we will, on that day, i.t 2 o’eloc'K P. .^l., on the prviiiis.''s, ortcr it ;.t public sale to the hifrhest r. It ha.' not been nec>.sa.iry lor a physlciau tu visit it d!iriii>f this W e will also sell at the same plnce, 11)0 a'I'Um ■ Of the nust v.ibtable kind; among thetn are* thrie carj enters, (one ot these a wheel-wrifrht.) two bl.icksmiths, one painter, three tirsi-rate house B> r\unis, (ine of them a seamstres.®.^ a good osiler. and some of the best cotton-pickers j in the State. —ALSO— The .Stock and I'rop. consi.^ting of abotit I.5(>0 stacks of lodder, 'Ji-Hj bushels of rye, 4'1» bush els of peas. f:it hogs, '2.>t> out hogs, head of cattle of the ni'St unproved breed. Atuong theiu arc; tine milch cows, and nine yoke of _v ounp oxen, large and well broke: one pair of horses. me pair of splemlid thorough-bred fillies, three blooded nnires. two very fine po nies. D'>(» head of sheep, the seed from near potinds of cotton, two gins, one wheat thresher, three saddles and biridlcs, forty casks of plaster and lime, eight wagors, ten carts, sides of leather, liousehold ar.d kitchen furni- ■ ture, and all the tarming implements of every description. The sale will continue from day to day until every thing is disposed of. : ok S m.k. — The land will be sold ou a credit of one, two, and three years. Ponds bearing interest from date, w ith approved secu- , rity, will be required. The other prt»perty will be sold on a credit of six months, for all sums over ten dollars; all under that umouiit, cash; I the purchaser giving bond and security before the property is delivered. W. R. SMITH. -> p , PETER E. HINE.S, i " Dec. 1, 1831. 4ijts l()().(MK) Acrejs Va!u;il»!e T 1 M H i: U I. A N 1) S F(»P t^Al.E. '^H''HE Subscril>er has purchased !tll the Lands M Indonging to the Estate of Abram Dubois, dec'd. lying princil>ally ii» Pobe.son county, and on both Sides of Lumber I’iver. the tlifivrent sitr- >evs coutainiiiir Ov.'r l(b‘MM)0 Acr s; \ large part finely Timbered, and convenient to Lumber River, where a large iuantity of Tim ber is now ratted to the (leorgetown market. These Lands are very valutible Iwth for the Timber and Turpentine. Inr which purpose a large part is well suite*!, being in a rt'gion where the Turpentine yields more iibundantly than liny other section of the State. The Lands will be sold at a low price, und iu quantities to suit purchasers. Informntiun j-especting the title can be ob tained by applying to the Hon. Robert .Stninge, Hon. Jus. Dobbin, or A. T. Smith, Es(i-, (.\ttomeys at Law.) I understand there are many trespassers on these l>ands, to all of whom notice is hereby giM‘11, that the Ittw will be enforced against ail such offenders. Apjiiicution for any p.nrt of the Lands can be made to myself, or to John Winslow, E.sq., who is duly authoris- d to make .sjile of the same. THOS. J. C CRT IS. Fayetteville, N. C., Sept. 1, 1845. TGtf A (iOOD IN\ KSTMKN1\ I HE Subscriber wishe.s to sell one-h.ilf of the Fayetteville Water Work.s. Neither of the present pmprietors having time to give their personal attention to the property, the purchaser can have the manugement of it/ ma king it a valuable investment. E. J. HALE. Oct. 1. 1851. ! ![]()()KTu^ni:Kv. R^'. HARDIE has resumed the Book • Rinding Business at the new Store next door to Mr. Beasley, Jeweller, where he will re ceive and execute binding in any style desired. i August 1. ‘ o-jf ' \Ai r: 1 VsuuXnc i:7 \ V I A. A. .^! Kl'/i'U\\ ^TILL continues to carrv on the fvnnr,, - ^ P.L'.^INFSS. in all its i>ranches, :.!'then! . ST.\ND. He return.' thank' for the Iii.,.p.; ronage ho h:is heretofore received, :iu,i by strict attculion to busiHes.> and ;i 4.. .' . give entire satisfai.tioii, iv uicril a of the s.Tine. ' Having recently incrc.''.sed hi? I. has on hat.d a very tine tibsortairi.t o! I’arriajjcs, I >iironci,‘s, I’ockau a vs. ;nui i)iij Finished, nnd a very lar^e .I'so;e partly tilii'hed. which, lor elf j;:ii: -r-, j' finish. V. ill compar*' with aiiv -.i ' Persons wishin*' to imv, wi.-ul : I,., -.v,." j an>l examine tJie woik. as he 'U inn-, sell LOW for cash, or notes on -'....i-. All WcTk waiT:;titcd ii,r:-.\ .•( and rcjjairtd free of cl.arj:.-. ;i,. u. i .! bad w orkman.ship or niattri.i!. !vC[)airini; faitli!-!: \ . \i ted at short novice, on very r» :i?ot;.;i,.. t.,.; rAYETiKVlLi.K. -_L. li.'il HENniETTA LINS OF K A aiifl rroi^lii Sloatv RE all in excellent order I'or b'.is'aiii Tow Poats have been recent'.v np::r>~! and made goid as new. We have ■ i, : Ttfw Flat for low water, anrl well aij.-iiitci t. • service. She will caiTv 7i>i» bhis. iiiirch:::. and draw only 20 inches water. Those favoring us with their pitrt.i!-;?. t.iv expect as prompt and cheap s'l vi.-,’ m ti-: particular as any other Line can oift r. O. DKMlNi;. Iri-'r. R. M. oRi:r,l !,. A-. • A. P. CAZAUX. Agent at W r- Fayetteville, Dec. 21, l^o''. Fall & Winter for l£51i! M\iHhioitable .Jlrreliunt T AND rillTillNf; tSTUiiisiiU^T. SC'O'I'T vV I’. \fJ>\\ ].N, 4 RE ojiening direct !'roni their A'. :r. •' ' and from newest iniportati"i.s. a l it. '■ sortment of rTeinlonicn'.s UVarlrir Acpinl. comprising e'cry variet_\ of l’>u>ini" .ii 'l I'r Ci'ats,—Pant'ln\',ut’t'ii!lv ■ ut. 'i“wc-.- liest w orkniaiishi]!.—N ets. a nninbi r'l" ■ of patterns, tine-^t and iiiciHuni n a it:'". ’ ' every otvle of Under tiariii.-nt w n; ■ (i .. men. of the be.'t ijn.vlitii :ii'.t! iii' cut:—and we wmild c;i’i part;c!i’:ir ■ our I'ttirnt Si'ittii Shirt. t!ic ’k'-; riii!;; . '• ment worn: .and al?o tlnj new and iie:.;!tii;i of Dr.awers, sold onl.v by ourselves. IX THE DRKS^ tiodlts I. "(■ irr prepared to show up a most splondi i rt :-: of Cravati. Scarfs, Gloves. Sii'pen Iit?, Caps, i:c. \c., in all a complete variety. I: ’*''" style. nrif vi:/!ciiA.\T r.i//. "/‘/.V/- /'f- I*AI!.V£\T is conducted by ('utter' 'ft'' .skill, and all our wtirk got tip in tin’ ' possible. Great attention ]iaid tu the liv^ts* and most .approved fashioii.o. a' w« |'iit ■ ur'i in possession of the ntontlily r>c{' r's. from Paris and New York. Gentlemen visiting V\'iln!iin.''ton ''iil quite to their advantage to call iUi'l our Stock. Terms Cash, and aH Goods sold at SCOTT & DALD\\1N. Ai nkn .-t • Wi’.iuiiifit'iii. N *-• September 22, 18.M. '-1 H SO,>00 July 1. i>tf TO 'niK PI HKK’. , subscriber has hacd fer ^ torro ^ Ji. years, of P. W. Brown. Fsq.. hi? Store, with his Wharves, nnd is H'"' aceii .i tion to tnke especial care of Spirits Turpi and other Naval Stores committed to hi> The Warehouse is well known f*'j, safest place in town for the otor.i?*’ ^ Lard, Corn, Petis, \c. The lower whnr^''' on them four large new sheds. wiieie.''|'ii''| be safely kept from the rain and ' i. prepared to receive and shij . or sc:1. :o> of produce sent to Ins care. He "iH '■* - ' advances when required. He begs to refer to the followinp ; l^'Hlcrsigned has been appointed Agent R. w. Brown. John Lawson, O. of the North Carolina Mutual Life Insu- Thos. H. Wright Eso'. ranee Company. Every member for life partic- I ipates in the pnifits of the Company; and the ' annual premium for life membership, vhere it I aniotmts to !i!:50 or more, may be paiil one-half j miles CO.-^TiN. Brown’s wharf. iluiingtcii N. - •Ji-V Sept. 12, 1851. Tin or Sheet-iron IVon M.\]\UFACT()K^ AT «'IIOI.EsTm.K .\.VI'"' F. T. Tf ill in cash, nnd the other half in a note ut 12 months. Debtors’ lives may he insured by creditors. | A niau may insure his own life for the exclusive I benefit ot hig ftmjily. The lives of slaves mav I be insured, * ] This syjitem is rapiilly growing into favor all over the civilized world. It is one bv which a , „ _ mm mmm .. - family, for a smaU snin annually, may be pi-o ' ciii-'KT IK^ vide,! for, after the death of itg head, on whose ESTABLISHED TIN AND exei*tloii8 they may have been dependent for a support. It is a good investiue»»t of nKmev, even if one uhould live long after taking out a Lite PoUcy. Explanatory pamphteta, aud the necei».S!iry Blanks, furnished on appHcattou. E. J IIALK, Fayetteville, June 1850. 70 IS REMOVED to the Market Square, ready with For sale by b| 1861. TUE lTi:SPf-R]AN \1\1U\ Y Wllli:Mu Houser, of C.en. A further sup- jdy of this new Music Book, with patent notes, just received. Also. fnrtlK'r supplies of the Boston Academy’s Collection; Carmina Sa cra, &c. &c. \k!traih» 5, l«5lv E. J. HALE & SON. WARE MANUFA(’TlHlV South-i:.i'>t V tlie iieof^-'''^- machinery and materials for niakioil _ , FACTORY J)IU .MS \ -\nd to do all kind of work Also, HOOFING. GCTTFUIN*' ofJOliPlNG, done on short notice perrenced workmen. j p,|, as^'- A con.'tant supply of TIN ’'''I'* i,,,,,:- at Wholesale ami Retail. Country ' and Pedlar.s can be supplied at the 'ci> c. W. f Factories. a ml aii.l

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