i> i*' as to al'.-iorl* all the siu h an 1nl(lovt.•llullL^ if’ raslilv oiiii.iiTi’u in, unist (if iK'ci'SMtv, MMiii lii“ al>aini'>ni‘(l. Tlic tjuc'stioiis tlu'ii wliii'li oci'ur avi', uliat is till' (|Ua!itv i>t’ tin- coal, what ils t|Uaiitity. «t wliat i xji'-ii-o can it bo niinofl ami trans- ——————fcot tleep in ite pools, fu'd ''i^^ avcrR^o KErOHT ! feet in wi.ltli- The nuiubor of Iwks on . r. j-.1 71 r>- • ' nvinv nf the IVnnsvlvania canals, is more 0/th, lhrcvi.moJ !h. Ihcpluicr iVK,p.^»k auil Tran^^pnrhtlxni Company. ; .„„i ()l,jo canal, there are 7S between (’nni- The Directors of the Deep River iMiniiifr ' t>«.,iand and Alexandria; on tl»e Deep and and Transportation Conjpany, in present-j Frar rivers hut 18. On the Deep ing to the St(xlholders the very inttTe.-t- Kivers, st(‘ani jKiwer will be injr and able rejtort of Professor Johnson, I draw the coal barjres; on the other fiM'l it incumbent on tlu-ui to enter into a ; ^,.^,^.^1 inij.j-ovcnicnts, animal l>owt r ninst detailed statement of the eeonomical 'j .,n,l the difference between the of tlieir possessiojis; a subject which u;d l of (he one and the other is as great not fall within the proximo of the learned | the Iifference betwec'Ti the strength of I’rotVssor partii'ularly to examine. Ihe jmuv nmlc and the giant (“ngitu*. vahie of a coal mine depenils njHin the : y.mr coal arrives at Smithvilie. it quality of the eoal, its .piantity, the cheap- traJi^|>orted to New Y(nk for SI 7.) ness with wiiich it can be mined, and the whieh added to S.‘» cents cost at facility and co>t of transportatii'U to ni.ir- >;,„i»l,ville, makes it cost at Ni w York P‘2 ket. All th'“se ingredients niu.'t tciubine selling ]irice d bitumin- to render a coal lield valuabh*. ^ 1’‘*'| dus coal at New Voik is nsnally ln>m ?() rate, independent e.vistcnce ot one or tvo^ to per ton. Slu'uld the market at New (>f the.se, is not « noiigli- li the ci>al i> «>t evt r beiome gluttitl witii bitiiminovis infirior f]uality, or coniparatc 1> wtntii- this company can undersoil all others, li'ss, when bn>iight into maiki't. no oiu in;ilo enormous )>rollts. Hut the j wonhl think of exp«‘nding capital upon t. ; jnaikitstbr your coal will be at Smith- It the (jiiaiifify is insuttieient. it w.uild mi^ ' at the outlet be worth the undertaking, li the ixpon- iTu ictlv upon the ocean. Kcs of mining are ti>o great, jirudcnt men protected by Smith’s Island, so as to w ould not t nib.trK in such an enti‘ipii»', ;i si cui'e harbor. A essels oan enter and it the cost ot transpi.trtati"n to niaikot harb( r drawing l-> fVi't of water; it is dircetly ill tl;e traek of the steaniiTs that ply from Niw York ti' (’harleston. Savan nah, New()rleans, Tt'xas, the West in dies, Ml xico and Chagres. Hy taking on iM'ai'd a snHn-it'nt nuantity of 'oal at Ne'.v Volk to i-riui: them to Smithville, vessils ported to market. And first, as to it .pial- ennii>lcte their lar-oes there at : ity. The Report of Professor -Johnson, >.iving of e\|.. iise. 'I'ln' coal wouh than whom there is no higher authority, places the coal of Farmersville in the lir.'t rank of bitnmiuons i-oals. “it has, says the Report, upwards of eiirhty jicr cent. i>t carbon, anl evaporates '^-10 of steam ti> one of roal, whit h pro\ es its admirable a- dajitation fir stoam jiurposts.” It p"s- the ad\antage of bri>k and brilliant combustion, whieh renders it a mo^t desi rable fm l fcr parlor grat* s, ;\nd an t .\- eellent coal for .'iniths’ ]'Uvi'Oses. It takes lire promjitly. swi 11s siiilieiently. and ag glutinates it' liK's-es togi'flH'r .'o as to f>rm a hollow tin-. " “The amount I'f >u!['hnr is ’lot >ueh a to prevent its nct\iln‘ ':s ;m tiiis a])j'lication: or to interfere with its pn sTvati-.n either ell ship I'oan! or on shore.” The freedom from any coii'idorable "T dargeroU' amount of sulphur in tliis co;d, always considtred of the hi^lu>t impor tance, ha> become douMv ^o, in \it*w of the recent disasters which have oteiirred to one English and tiireo Anierii-an ship'^. vhich have tak' ii lire -and burnt in tluir attenipti! t> reach the Paeitie coast. The Knglish ship wa.'? loaded with Kngli.'h coal; the American ships with ooal from the Cutnborlaud mines. Now when it is con'idered tliat the I'ich- Uiond, the Picton, and the SydufV (nals, have always been supposed to c^itain large quantities of suljihur, .so as to rend«'r the use of thes«' c^mls datigenni^ on h ng voy ages, it bceomes app n-i'iit thut su> h a ‘-oal as tliat at T'armersviile, will be souirht for as the bc't of all others, if it is not the only sate coal tit for Ion" voyages. As to its quantity. The coal I'cd is re- ef luo]. i! ported by the Professor as being seven feet eight iin hes thi k. \^;ti\ an intnposiug ply 't slate eightt-eii imhes, leavin>: .-i.x feet fwo imho of j)ure coal, and covering an area, already disco vend, of about aeres. I’his bed df coiil. :i' the Professor justly remark.s, is equal in thiikne.ss to tho great P;tt>burgh S'.'aiu; not inferior to the m.iin ?i-am at New (’asth. and of the !»anie thickness as the bed long we.iked at Syd ney, ('a]te Ijretoii. Thi.s j>lv of slate, on first pi netratinrr the outcrop, was twentv- ,»ix inche.^ th:ck, but gradually diniinisluMi when the i*rolc.'.'-»i' Icl’t, to eiirhtccn iuch- ts. Siiice then the vein has be‘n penetra ted several fee further, in all e'Lrliteen foi't, and the ]>ly of slate lias diiaini-hed to tourtceii iiii ln-s, with cv>tv pr>'-•]*« rt tf Hiun niniiiug out; while tho vi-iu has in creased to nine feet in thickness. This couipitiy then may count upon a bed ol the best bituminous coal, three fft thicker than the Svdnev bed, or the great Pittsburgh seam, or the main seem at New V’astle; enough in quantity to satisfy the the city of Wilmington, enibrneing r>nrt of the northern ])ortion of that town, but ex- teniling to both .«iiles of the river, with a front of P2oO feet on each side ot the ny- pr. On the Wilmington side we have a wharf 0*25 feet in length. We have contracted for another site for a depot, at Smithville, whiih has be(‘ii ternu'd the Nahant of North Carolina, and is as ]deasant and salubrious, as that cele brated watcrinjr place near liostoJi. It is the opinion of Professor Jiihnson, and also of Joseph P. Silver, Esq., of JMii- (rontlemaii scientifically and COMMUNICA riON. FOU TIIK OHSF.RVER. FROM THE TriliMTNOTON JOmNAt.. THE SAMPSON TRxVGEDY. The examination of Beebe and others, char;cd with the murder of Milton iMath- F () U E 1 Ci N. a,..i,un„u-a "'llj tin ..f ('. A. Ilamsnn, a ('..m- km.ls ,.t , oal, lhal 111.- cal ,,f Hm ,■ wa. a|M..mit.'.1 In tin- (M.ai,-, w.ll not Jisiut,-prate ..r lall lul. Ii R i . I |j _m, U|».II Imnir to tl|caii, »l i. li I(iul- ^ l|airis..n, M .lial't ii»..luliuii» i, V will ,v„.nu,t 1I.C ,n 'V;„„si,l..rali..n ..f tl.o tlH. ..p.'.uu^...tlli,'nav,^aI...... .1'' | Tl,0 Couimia. e rctiivU, a.ul aflcT ..1 }r.;.at aJl,0Mv. u...ss ,.l ,1s ^ r,.ll..»i„g: tides, gives it a great value over nio^t otli- ,1 cr bituminous coals. 1 AVilKRK.\s, we have seen that ni"ctings (’oiitracts will be made for building have been lit Id in s(‘ine ot the counti''S in steam tiii:s anti barges, in s 'ason for llu‘ this St.ite, to .-ipjioint Dtdegates to a State transportatiou of the coal. A lu'rsoii jier- (’(invention to nominate a camli'lati' tor fectlv rcsi)on.'iblc, has olVercd to l)uild the (l.ivenKir: Ami whereas, Wt' believe that At a very large and respectable incoting Saturday afternoon last, held by the AA lugs o » amp.son coun }, a j committal of Recbe to Westbrook’s >tnster Ground, on December, i!()th. on motion, (>cn. airy ! without bail or niainprize until the next called to tiie ( hail, am 'to. laug ion , term of Sampson Superior Cf>urt. was rcfpiested to act as » ecretai}. ^ Fisher, one of the cunij)any, was On taking the (’hair (fMi. Rryaii cx-| sum ’.f one plained the object ot the meeting ni an { aollars for his ai.pearanee at the appropriate addrcs.^ and urged the .,nd the same order wr.^ ma.le of S.impson to do Hieir whole dut^ in the . ref.'rence to one Mes.sersniith, but it, after Court, ajijiearing to tlie satisfiction of the Jndire ainl Solicitor, th.it he was land in grvol drman'l. , Carolina Ki.-o. ■..,,,,,1, I l . S, „..o.c.fO«wor„ jtnlP2J. 1! I F ranee, at t!ie lat. st dut,, K: The Piv.sidei»t had jiruvo] ' laii- . , ' , ‘ . , , , j. fpi it liau been but tnfhii' •. fax, with later dates troni I'jurope. ihe i mi _ • intelligence she brings is of the utmost j \ jti iise. I li»“ coal would rcadilv x il at Smithviilc at )K-r ton, vicMiuir to the ci'mpany a profit of at h No (ithcr ci'Uij aiiy c.iii coiiijtete with your comj'aiiy in M>uth rii market.'., situat- (>1 as you will be. v.ithiii a day's sail of 'harleston, and within three of the islaiiil of (’uba. ■ A itliirni iir I "III.—111 ai'iiiition ti» tlu“ a- ■ bove ’oal Field, your company own t\\ > Sfwral tract' of I.ai:'! aojoiniiig eacli other, and amounting to eleven humlre 1 acio, undcrlaiii with Antiirarite cdai. whii ii .■niu- i ji.’ires favoral ly to tiie bi -t aiithnu-ite co;i’-^ ‘of Pennsylvania. 'I'lure are two beds uf tli> ct'al. ont- of wliich overI.i\' the otlu r. and gives additi eial tliickmss and greater aimnuit to this ( i.il field. 'i'hoi:'_h the mi>iin*_' of this anrl.raeitf ctial c.uuiot be i\iidereii a' | rolir.:.!ilc a' the iiitiiminous, y [ it c ;n be iMined ami tran-- pi I t.’.I to Hii't'-a .and th ■ !■ n ts ea~t of that city, at a gr- .iter proiit than any of the i\ iiiisyK a:i:a aiithraeitc.'. 'I'he c»t of iiiii!iif..r an.] traii porting :i ton of bitr.m’.iH'U' c:,! iV> in I-'ai mer-\:il ■ t > Smith\ilh‘, a> we have .'hown, i- otdy ''■'I cents. If we aii.l 1.’) cent» as the trreaf- er i xpi’iiM- of mining anthr.acite c( .il, v. • I have our anthracite at Smith\ilh* at 1*^ cen*->; ad'i traii']"irtation to 15.■-ton. *2 dol lars. and we h.-tve as the . ntire e.'>t ; ot th(“ c -al ;n 1> ’'Jon. T.ike the ^-o.•^^s of the .-.nt’jrai itcs at tiiie w.iter. U' hi retof, re stated: .it 1! ; I'-'Io- • ir:ic(>. $_• u:. ■\'l I transi" rtat;.-n to 1’. 1 7’> cv alithl'.ii'ltt's, I)i!fi*rotice in .r i.f Dce'i ri\iT oal, Loliij;h ('■iii)j..iiiy. cat at ti.lc- wiiter, A'lti til jMci.'t'.n. 1 '"'t of Iiet'j. river aiithrricitc-'. I>ifr.TCiieo ia lavi.r i.f liecp rivor cal. 1 >e!.'iw;iro nn'l IIu l.ion. c «t at ti>!p Tvatcr. NJ A«j.l traiisjiuitation tu I’.i'Sti.n, 1 of' l»cep ri\€‘r .intiir.icitcs. l)iffer> ?i(*c in f.ivoi* of Ilccp rivor jjio •>1 0.( 2 '.tS 07 barges at our estimates. In conclu.'^iou, your I>irectors congratu late the st.Hkhohicrs upon the possession of co.al ficlils, which, when the quality ot th.* mineral ,inil its ailmiraLh' 1 icality are di’.lv con>;h'reil, they dicm more valuable than :iny other with which they are ac quainted. THH i(H,i,v or Till-: i».\v. A leadiuLT Nrw ^ ork Hadical ]).ijier, coinmentiim on M. Ko.ssuth's last spt'eeh, heads its ai ti. h> •* Tli' ^V^\slI iNOToN '>/ th ri ntvt'ii, luti yjti’t f> >Ihy tJi'" .\sil- 1N;T(i.N ir TIIK MNKTKKNTll,” ami CX- jire.S'c.' the opinion that, in putting (letUTre Wasiiinjrti.n's ]iolicy i ii"W for ti\e first time. wi“ >u]ipo>(>') “coireetly before tin' eiiuntrv." ,^1. Ko>sufh “has ni.>re tiian remunerated us for all we ha\e done for him, ami establi.'lu >1 a claim upon our L'ralitmie whieh has yet ti> l*e balanced. Sol 'I’he .Vmcrieaii People ha\e been i;i t.)tal darkiic'S reL'ardiiii: the tine inter- pret.itioii of tin* .\merit.-.in \\ .i.'Iiin:^i'>n - I .iliev .••ml principli ' until the /irn‘/iii !ni Wa.'iiingfon came to lift the \eil, .and ti ;ich U' tlie true dutii "- ainl dc'tiiiic' of our II palilii-.an J ■ a erument. The j)I,*in preec|it> of tie Father of his (''.nntry h.i\e I' niained a .iie-1 b.«'k fT fifty vi ar^ llamilt-n. aii'i JeHcr'tn. and .^ladi'tii. .Mar'hall. .\dams. Cl.i\ . and W cb'ter h;ive s;i!:;i' d tlii iii in \ain; it r ntained tor tin* f I'liri i'll".' ‘1 IJiiii^ to ( oinc an 1 “put tin in bi-t'.tr.- tlie country! Thi' doctrine ef ii..ii-intervention, f ncutralitv—the doctrine alike I'f ii\il- i/;;:i •!:. f t hri'ti.init v. (f :uiil "f IIIM: 11 IN — remained an lL'ypt:an writing t'.r hi' b« ni 'hiod o.nntiymen. wii. n the irift. 1 d: sc, ndaiit ot A itii..\, that ilbi.'tri MIS Uepuldiean hajipily gave U' the k'y .ail'' the ie\-. latii':.! Wi-iild it be an\ woniler that the wor- tliy I 'V rnor'' le ,ei v. -re luriit i t.y ,''ieh \ F-rv adii'ati>n!'—.\ if. hit- 'h'n in i r. .1 1,1 — li' ad. rs i.{ M. K s'Uth's ad ire" la't ev iiini: n il see that he iii.v.' fully adiiii;' wh.it tlii> j a'.ru- al from the iir't a."eit -i. that fiis jilan of non-inter\ cut ion wkijI.I imans shinild h-.ad t-> Au'tiia. or ai;v and j.'ower that mijrht refu'i test of the .Vnierii an (1' who have 1 >en carri> 1 suth’s appeals havr s^r- Sampson county ought (o be representc'd: 1. Be it therefon' Uesolviii, That the Chairman of thi.s meeting appoint thirty- last, the in fact ab.seiit, several miles oil, at the time of the fatal occurence, he wa.s dis- chargei]. No evideiiee was aildticcd to inrplieate any othf'r members of the f'ircus company savinjx Messrs. Manguni ami Arnioii, and the.se also succeeded at the examination in proving that they were absent at the time of the affray and some time afterwards. It a]>}»ears from the exidence of 3!cssrs. J. National >\s.'icnibiy, declared J’ati W. Roliinson, Win. A. l»egister, R.cliard Parish, J. S. Parish, .1. H.ickley am! Olin Poi-o, that .at !> o’clock on Satnriiav b: fore 'MIC I ftj,, ‘■"•'^1 lift,.,., 'I atl'l ; '■'■.'•■‘■V 1- i't ]iii' .i.- i- li--..;,-. live Di legate s to attend .s.iid ( onventK'Ti. •2. llesolvi'd. That we n commend ll i- leigh, almve all other places, as the most suitable at whic h to hohl said ('onvi'iition; and w«“ furtlur n'comim nd the 'Jd .>ion- in March next as the time for hold- Circus i-omj>anv arrive I at Mr. near Taylor's J’ridge, in Samp- • >•) •'.0 ’.)S .•« 1 OS l‘ott.'«vU!e l>ii«trict. r «t ut titli-- w:itt>r. s.', V'M traii'»..rt:itii.ii t* I’x vtc.ii, 1 .'.O •VI • '■■St if r*e-[> riv» r natiiracitos, hitf'frPiieo ill t-iVMr '.f llcoji river Your Directors bt lie ‘Vr th:it th‘*v c:ui cii- ^ross tin' iii;trk-'t.'i at l>n>tou cast »} cupidity ot most iik'H. The )aestio])s of thatphu- , with irreati r prilits than anv qualify and quantity, we trust are answer- company wlio have heretofore si-nt aiithra- ed to ihe entire s;iti.sfaction of every .stock- cite c-oal in that dir. i-tii.n. >■- In estimating tin- great .idvantap s of The nex* questitm :s as to the cost of your l(K-ality, one other eonsid- r.ition de- mininj:, which has been .'t.itcil not to (>x- servfs to be jiarticulariy luentioucl. as it is ceed 4.» cents; and wh- n the ply of the entitled to irroat weight ami consideration; slat;* has ceasfd, will be ].") eonts lc.«;s.— which is the uninterrupted communication Thi* c.ilcuhition fit 4-) cents is the extrenu* you wouM ha\*, durintr the whole year, Jiojit, as ba.sed upon a vein six feet two throuirh thew .Hers of Deep and Cape'lVar inches. A vein ti nine feet can be mined river>, and which are never impedc'l by at a le...s pr,)jM,rtii/iiate cxpen.se, than a vein ice. While the canals of .'\Iarvland anil ot six feet. J’cunsylvania arc frozen ujt, vmi won! 1 Rut wt* will take th* cost of Uiining at j find your best markets at the South. 'I'his 4.) cents pi r ton; add 1.3 cent.'for delivery i circiim.'tancc alone would give a :reatlv into bar;ies, ami the cost ot the coal on ' imTeased value to your possessions, if lioard ot the barges is (jU cents. ; th(*y needed any further reeonimcndation. The remainimr question is, what will be ! the situation of your Tual FieM, direct- the cxjion.'Crt of traiisportutiou to Wilming- ly upm Deep river', which, by the accom- ton or Smith\ille, at the mouth of tiie i panying maj». No. 4, attached to the re- i ipe I'ear ii\eil e take the longest ^ pi>rt ot Prot. Johnson, is shown to w.ish distance when we state the expen.se at 2V, I two sides of it. will e.xempt you from the cents; and we have the entire co.st of min- I neces.sity of building expr*nsive railroads to in;r and tran.'portatiun to Smithville at j transport your eoarto your barges, an ex- . , I’^‘nse which has subjected the mine own- 1 our Directors Itelieve it can be done ers at Sydney, Picton, i{i hniond and for 2-> per ccnt. less than this statement, | Marvlaiel to enormous outlays. In es(i. but when they consider the rates at which ; mating the cost at which their coals can be other coals arc mine.l, and transpurtcl to ; tran.-^port, d to market, the inti rest on title water, they are prepared to encounti-r | thov outlays is not always reckoned as it a great deal of public incredulity on this should be, and added to the c-.st of coal at point. They tin refore .viibjoiij a .statement market. which they think ineluih-s every ir uj of ^ portion of the property of this Coin- 1' a«i to V ar. anl he war. \sith I'U'sia. ry other I'ur ’}> an to re^r ird the pro- V. rnnient. 'I’ho'e away by M. K i'- 11'!' iisly niaintain- il that h-* did not mean tl.i*. \\ hat will they say now' He hini'clt ha' hitherto seriou'ly kept the ide.i in th. b.u k grouml. 'Ihe ureat bnldn">s >f a !ergvman who u.i' foruieily an rithu!a'tic im niber of til' Peace Socifty. iia' \ i'i' iitly encourag ed M. Ko.'.'Uth to .'peak unambi^uoU'lv of hi' \ieW' .and jairjio'- ^. So much the b. W’e now know the consequemas wh;i h .'I. KfS'Uth i'|uite willinir to brini: upon tiii' iiun'rv. if !•.■■ ( an l>ut ser'e hi> own. While lluniriry ti^iit' Au'tiia. the I niteil States are to light Ku"ia, and all tlu' nari,.us bc'idcs th.if cho >' ' t> enter the licM, and to coiitriliute a million of dollar' to 1 lungarv into the bargain. 'I'lie pr.'posal is (leciileilly mod' -t and emphati cally rich. R'.it it will be flisenss' d, with .all resji.M t ofcoui.'c to till claims of -‘hos pitality,” and discus'ioii will kill it. -V. i. (.'oiiiuirrruil. TIIK \I.\SK OFF. Kossuth s spei'ch to the Rar, we hiok ujion as the tlearest and most (*mphatic ih'clavation of his jiurjioses in this country that he has yet given to the .\merican ])co- ple. 'I’here is >iow, we apprehend, no mys- titicatiiii as to what tin* ^rcat Mai^var means by “intervention for the sake of non-intervention.” lie wants us. first, to tell Kussia that she must not join forces with Austria, if liiins'ary again rise up in arms; and then, if Kus'ia don't heed, we are to ha\* recourse to the more jiotcnt logic of army and navy. In short, we * mii.'t declare w.ir against the despot of St. i‘efersbiu_f, and light it out. Divested of ‘ the charming yet delusive lanjruage in wl'ich Kossuth contrives to enrol>e hi.s ith'a-;, war, war to the knife, is his mean ing of intervention on the part of the I’- nited States in the affair.*: of Eiinijte. W re !ay ing i». Uesolved. 'I’li.it we apjirove of the ('oiii])rrmiise measure', passed by tin* last ('oiiiiri'ss, ;imi also of the Administr.ition of Mll,I..vui) I'lIJ.Miilu;, our v.iathy Pre sident. In him wc view the ]>ure states man, the devoted supporter of the Consti tution .and the ComproinisK! mca.'ures. and we take L're.it ple.isnre in recomim nding him to till* jK'ojih* of the riiioii a~ our ti; st tdioiee ;;s a ci.mlul itc' for the iflu-e of Pre- siilellt. “2. He.'oUed, 'lhat m* man in the 1 i;;t- eil St.ites wouhl we ratln r aiil in electinti to tin- otVice of \'ic(' Pre'ideiit, than our felh w-eitizi'n. Wm. a. Ci:am.\m. Ili.-pa- tiiiitic and cotisirvative ai t' in all th- pub lic oHii i ' be h: s lilled rec. iiimeml him .as in every way woithy the upj'nt ot the ciii/.i IIS .>t all part' of the I nion. Pv' >^ol\ed, 'lhat w' recoiiiuiend that tin* Deh-jratcs in said .‘'t.ite Ci.nvention. iVoin cat h ('oiiL'i't’s'iional District. b:i\i- full p' wer to appoint D. legati -* to tin Nati »n- ,il Convention, thereby 'a\inr the ;r'>u’ole . holiiing Di':i i' t ('on\I'liiii.ns. 'file re.'olllT ioll- WCTe p.isse 1 uiiaiiimous- h. ami till* Ciiainnaii, und«r the first resi.- lutiiiii. appointi'l the t"ll w.ng irenth-nii'n es for tlu a' Dt Iterates: — Iliram HI k kbnni. Allen Rei be, an Hlackbuin. diihn l>r\;tn. daiin ' \\'. l^i:^ r, Daniel Hurt, Dr. II. A. R:zzcll. IJol'ert .Mm,.. Icy. Dr. Wm. C .^li. k'. Dr J A. Rir/.ei!. dI hn Carr. Wm. .\'Iif'nl, .1. . Si I in.ib. .'' imr. 1 lii-I.tnil. J. N ■wm.in. I.. Ci.derw'I’ii >'. I '.' e rv.•..«!. d. { . W.l- liaiU'. D. 11. rii'u rw •!. Ii. 1'. ('.iir, D ^\ illiani'. Sr.. .1. 11. H»wh\. (A. II.ir- ri't'n. Ilobt. DraiiLd.'Hi. D. ,\ 15././.ell. R. W. Li e, d ial.) I). 1) >1. II' irii’::. .I.imes ( >.ite'. P. |{ 1 ii'iibh fii Id. I'.iiah ^\ .lr^e^. II nrv ii >du;ii. ./ n ] .lack' n. d. n. .'\laxwcil, I z W. (•••X, an.I Wm. Mc Kenzie. (>11 niotii ti ' f J. R. C X. Uesolved. 'lliat tlie Chairm.in aiel .'Se cretary be added to the li't of D. legates, and that the proeocdinirs of thi' meeting In* j ublished in the F;i\etteville (>b>er\er. On inotiiin, the nieetiiii: a Ij nirnc 1 l/o'. iiAin;v r.i:vAN. rh !i. : \v. iMi \r V. Palis .son county, and hired a liehl a short dis- t.im efroin his house, where they cvi eted their t' Jit, ami in the afti rni>oii gave an exhibition of the play "f the Coier.i.in and Miller. Ill a j»ait of tlu- play botli the cliaractcis tnnil le off into the ritig.— Messrs. Janies .^lcrriti, Watson and Dun can Ch(snu‘t, began the disfnrl’atne I'V throwing saw-dust into t!ie taci-s of tln .-e j»erf’ormcis, and linally broke up the jday. An hour or two after, th*' jirinciji.il j'art of >^’atc—ami a the comji.inv being on their lot. an 1 the Iloust'S. country jieople talking and drinking at a liquor st.ind of Wm. Register’s, ;i f.'W yards oil', but on tin* s .me lield, two of the members of the CircU' 'om]>any ajiproaeh- ed the staii'l. and u-ed i-i'ine insulting lan- iTil.ige to \\ at' 111. Till* dece.i ■ 1 rct.irted in a thnatiiiing manner; one xf tiH-.'C two nu n, till n, saying s iinethiM^r to the ci.un- try pei pie, moved in the direction of t!ie CircU' 111 II. and t:ave iln'tn a s; ji;al. which LATER FROM EUROPE. PARIS IN A STATE OF SEIGE! II E V O 1.1 T 1 O a F K A C K Nkw York, Dec. -21, P. M- I 'i The steamer Eurojia hasarri\cd at llali- . mgui.' ). . ]„ i’,,,.,] * - It had been but tnflin^^, :,,„1 vi. jiulsed. The acf|ni-.'( nt c ynpathy or • ii’ln!.,. , l,as .Icclraud a.. e,gV,ll, .n ll.c ^ .lir.,,,rl, j ,, Liverpool market. ' . . i i ' .i 'on Rreailstuffs gi-ni'rally luel advanced. Canal i'lour is fjiioti'd at 10s. (id, Ohio *2ls. (*i|. (^iin h:;s likev.isc aiKaiiced Hd. jicr fpiartrr. Consols h’R.WfK.—Tiie news from Paris is most important—it amounts to nothing less than a revolution in political afhiirs, and may le regarded as the commencement of a new state of a flairs. A i-oiij) li'rfu! was made liy Roni.' Na poleon (11 the l!J instant. He kc./.ciI the re!i:ns of (Iiivcrnnient and di.'solvc 1 tne in a state of s'( ii^e. anti ;iy>].eab'd ilircetly to tlu* P'.M ple to sustain him in his nioveinenfs to arrest the monarchic,il teii leticic.s ot the A.'seniMy. 'J'lie I’resi-lei.t’s arrangement.' have been nnide with consummate .'kill and secrecy. During the night of the 1st inst., th(‘ whole thing v.as time bit we the public h.id intimation of the event. A ii' W .^lini.'try was formed and a procl.iuia- tiein is'Ued, n stoi-in^ universal suffrage, anil proposing a new sy.'t' in of (lovi rn- ni'-nt, the leading features of whn h are the (.lection ly the pei^jile, aii'I an army cif the i’resideiit. the latter to lioM oflice for pi years, to be supported by a cmincil of L'.'iiislature. to consist ol lw » tained liy the annv i and three wouii.l'"! killed ami oil" huiiiliei ed. I're.'li arrest' w i of the leai! rs of the Lfuiis Na]mleon will dent by an immense la.ij:,!;) nier and the other gcn r'lb •• 1 lavre, awaiting tla ir ;ri,,j of cxeiiing the sohlUr... . niodore Ap Catesby ] happened to be a speet.it.,r barricadi s, had his le^r ] cut off. '1 he Prince iK- .1,,:.,.. , Duke D'Aum de had gon,. f, ;l,.. j ef iMgiuni and r:'i', d tl„. . v dt a-ainst L .uis N :]i j,' • >: h ili't., li id b c j., •■■,,,. am! no indii a*i: iis r f tl;.. y j,. t!on weie to be seen. :h, , , the bari'icaileS. Lo'.ii' X,',,’,. , ■!l II an fb i.i!. :til\ane- tl: V iiiiiin-li.itely ieeo-_:nizei ing wit’ll l.low' ;ind shouts, strui k down e\«r\ man th' V nut. In the m.antinie tli • ot'aer I.f the two W.iS nut iole. 'I he signal had no >.;oner been given, th.in he .'■truck dov%n two of the cit'Zi ns. Every citizen on ilu' ^lor.n ; w.i' u \ i l!e'i, v, ;th the excep'i.iii of one. who manai:cd to escape allhi ;i^h holly pni'Ued. It wa.s in this affray tli.it Mathis re- coived his deatli-wound. All thi- witm 'S- 't.iie r*ogn;«. 1 the piis'Uir two Ilf tl.i'in 'Wore ]»o.'itively usiuir a dub at that tim-. and with .\t d.iv-ii‘_dit on Tik"^ lay nioi iiiriir the President'.' j.roelaiii.atiou was fi.-und p-.;sted j thri'Ughi ut tlie City of Paris. i In thi' proclainati 'n h'v ad\ !sed the iin- | mediate .-!;sp:'iision "f the .\.tliiii.il A--' -'■ml ly. and jua-scnted the jn'oj'f "f a luw t’orm i f lovi rum. 111. The elei-ti.in of Proideiit un-h r L' ni ' Napol 'on’.' plan, i.- to I.ike jil :ce thr^ u^h- out I'ranee during the present iiionth De- i cembt r. and he ]iromi.ses to I'ow to tin- j will of the Jieople. i So Mcretlv and yet ,'o .syst; ni.itically j \Tas the whole ]i!an carried into cxeeafe.u. ; that if W.IS fully consninni.tted before the j .\"eiiiblv r>'C 'i\e ! tiie slightest inf'ni .rii ii of the d.-'’uns of its author, a;j entire new [ luuiiiL" lifui formed d'irin_' the ; C. ^1 1o his -alh if th. that Wi-ip iii srriking the decea'id. Mr. K.u klcy ':a'ed that Heeb*- strm k Mathis tW'i blovvs al ter h* Inn! fal’en. I Ik r ’ were some sixteen other citiz.'iis b»*aton and w ounded, am' iitr tlu in one name.I Pujreani, w lio I' ,-nu e di ad. Tbei' W.I' \id>me which gives sti"ii: rc i' iii to iieiieve th it the parties prim i- •nei rm d in the affair, on tin jiart cinii'i ciinijian\. have ni.i'le their iv'c.ipe. but li!' 11 lior. Jiidire Rattle, wa' of tlu* ojiini n that Retbo w.as (ijuallv _uil:y w ith them of the murdt r of the dc- ceas d. 'I'his, he said, wa= murder anil nothin;: else. The .hid'fe st.iied that he was reluctant to c.imniit any man to jail upon a criminal idiarge unhs' tin re w.i' either jioiti\c proof or a very sir mil' pre'iimpti'iii of his uuilt; that he v.,as >ati'!ied from his ex perience in ( nminal matters. . w liicli had been, unfortunately, very Lrreat during' tlie .^lini'tlv ni;^ht. Pending ilie i poses fhaf t!ie Executive jmwer r>main in his hamls. He .'.ays that he had l*c(ii forcdl int.) hi' present attitude by the conr.'e pursued by his (-pponcnts in the Assembl\;and it is certain that Tiiiers. iudress caiii!!^ I to tlie ])'-lls. and st iti: I freely si.bmir t i tlieir i ' 'I'he news from the FiUrope is un;ni]i'.r'a!it. Tue Sl.N ATI: has be. i, exclusively. >:i;i-e n’t ! •> cussing Mr. Fo ri ' the finality of ti), The debate b I’oote V.'.as S( \evclv ] ; !, repclie'! witli S-- ,i; ‘ ( !i r that he had hu ried .^! . grave, and r. : d h tt r' 'i, most friendly fecliii^s lucl them. 'ihe debate was c in'l:.; Mas'iti. Hale, ll'tiist ai. 1- Cass, and D lUgla:--. 0.1 motion of Mr. I'.ae- s»*nt of -Mr. I'uI’.i ■ n, lution, it was am'm !.•' 1 1 the latter part nnd ,ti- i: ctioii. the President pro- j read.— 'J inr sun s ■ mbraced in t: t; ■r. .and others of his ojtnonents (’h; lia l di tei niim'd to deni.ind his arrest and impe;., hmi nt on the ’Jd iiist., ami were al- nv 't in ill- act of ninving in the matter, w !i n till y. to:;. th(T Avith their prim ip.al fiieiids, Wire arreste.l and conveyed to \'incenii. ', and conlined. When the mem ber' of the Assembly attemjited to meet otfn ially. they were ordered to tIispors(>. and upon refusing, were arrested. About mi Mibers were arri sJed, but m reciting the tith : iiionly knov.-n as tii.- ‘•(’uar, r ;: ; —.are, in the jmigm-nt i-i' :ii- i. i tlement in principle .a:, l ii:s;;i. ; final setilenient—i file ii:i;,_ ! citing subjicts which tin v :;i' ought to be aiihereii t . time and cxjx'rience ^liail .i.iii MCcessity of furtlur l -. 'laniu ag.ainst evasion or abuM . " A bill making a grant .u : Rrandoii. Mis'.. an I .^ll;lU_- .i, i rail road, iias.si d the Si luiio. anv'i ^ _)u Friday, the Si nat. ed for want of a (ja iiaiai. In the lIousK oi IlKPni'iM; ha\e been released. All the juincipal i leaders of the opp..jitiun. however, are now in ]iri.'i.n. j Three hundred members of the Assein-; r»n 3Iouday the L'L'd, .^I;. b!y it is reitorti'd have "ivin in their ad- ; i » , , ' . ^ ^ ■ I leave to ofler a r“.s..Iutii'ii he.'ion to the new order of thinjis; and j.- tolegrap.iic dc'patchos tn-m the ments state that the President s dcdara-^ r!, tion hail been hailed with the utmost i enthusiasm fhroti;.diout the eountrv. Sub- I.-'SI H. 'pecch to tlu 1 Ralti- e kiml- of the here to happy TIIF, TKl i: K.issuth In his late more deleiration .‘sai.l: “ L“t iue, w bib' ackiiow 1- dginir II*" an.I hospitality of the pco) I’nited .'"'tatcs. say that I c.im • m seek an asylum nor to look f .r a home. P.Tiuit me to “tati—it is not a conipliinent, fa I never m.ak‘compliment.'; it i' a truth—that I would consiih r to be born a citizen of the I'nited Statisthe greatest honor and the proude.'t lot lh.it a man (an boast to be his own. Rut I, not being in the hapj>y condition of beinir boiai a citiz n of this nlnri iU' him! I I't eightven month', i that Manixum and sequeiifly tliesi* reports were confradicteil Ariuoii w.iuld be acqiiiited bi f re a jury riiid barricades had been erected in differ- uji'in th(“ e\ideuce, .and he wmid mat visit tlnm With inijiii>onment. which was in itself a jinuishnieiit under the circumsfan- ce.'. 111't hon^ih t f h:i t, a 1: h'iui.''h Mr. l-’i.'her ; lMIIi- II I.- niiglit alsi ciui.e, tin in the affair, and a nioti\e for it, .as lie wa one of the jtarties assaulted in the cireu^. uccei d in ( sfab'i.'hiim his inno- was pr.iof I.f hi- j articij ation tie 'n'pi'lid tlie I not quite obtained. V .i> l!i. ' ()f the N. C. 1 »elegat:oii. M”. ' voti'd for suspension; aini , Caldwi 11, D.iiiiel. Dockcrv. ' ent quarters of Pans, but tiiev \vi re sliced- r , ,,i . .. i , i i ' , , • ' : I'cad, ami \ enanle. \ otci liy iirokeu down iiy the troop-. The latest accounts fr- m I’aris, ciunnui- nicated to London by 'J’elegraidi, are to the morning of Frida_\ the Tith instant. Rumors were rife of continued lighting in Paris, luit tlu\y were not la litved. The insurgent^, it is stated, had been put down, after a severe stru^rgle. 'I'he movements of thetroojis were rapid and silent. Vnit firm and (ifective. On ’I hursdav many barricades were thrown ! fr'ii: I I... '■ ini Sfur/'n.—Tlie Rritish funds were Very sensibly affiated by the late smhlen and a'-touu-lin;! crisi.' in I'remdi atf.airs. Consols and R.ailwau' shares ini- you will not mediately experiince 1 a he.avv fill. Con- teel ofb'uded when I say that, let my poor sols receded per cent.; Railway shares country be doomed to suffering: and de- in some instances mm h more. Sardinian gradation oven greater than she has ever stock fell no less th.in five j.er cent. On endured or now endures, I still love my 1 the ^id instant, how ever, the news from the country more than yours.” [Striking his : Paris Rourse of the jireeediiiL'evenin-r re- «•'. ,i • • i breast forcibly with his hand, amidst the | stor(*d firmness to the London market, and ' >oiing lousts. applause ot tlu* audience.] f con.sols returned to within one per cent, of CoMMKNT.—We entreat every Anicri-, prc'viou.s quotations, can citizen, whetlu'r native Imrn or natu ral ized, to remember that it is liis duty t«* imitate the example of the noble Hung.a- rian. H.* loves his own country better than he loves ours. So we sliouhl love unr own country better than we love ///>■; and, while we rcsiKCt him for his i.atriot-. . i, , , • i- ii i x- -t , ism and devotion to llun^^arv. we shouhi ? ‘'>ui:h, aggravated no iloubt ‘ "'“'li tnun mid-day un- not become the dupes of Rriiish dii.loma- J*''- J.u'kson ha.s [' To effect the destrm-tion .f cy so far as to light her battles with Ru.s- ^ lungs are not affected, 5‘;‘rricaues ot the faubourgs St. Denis .sill.— TelrnrapU. !may restme him to ■ the Roulcvards, winch _ ' . i many years of usefulness—at all events he ^be most formidaide, it was necessary Mm-fler omony thr. V. S. Troops a? continues in tin* Senate, the theatre of his Smifhi'i'llc—We learn that on Sunday .dory, during the present .session. To en- N'o dofinitc particulars have been tmb- 1 . .L . . ! - 1 , • ..11..' .1 . I • 1 r - . , 1- 1 , ...... . I Th ‘ proceedings of tin uninter“stiiig. Roth 11 r.e> ailj' r.r:; to Friday, to 'j>end C!,;i On Frid.ay, the Sfn'aker j r-' ter from tlie Librari.'ii. '* ■''' J Ot).(MH) voluiui s by tl,'- li;i-. appropriati d nioiicy te p.iy i .xj- red by th,' lirv . direetcii mi inv. til its origin, ami ailjnnnuil tiu (’unr.jni)i(i( iirr of thr Jhtlt. Pntrint. W‘siiiNuToN, Dec. 1!>. up; and .at one of them two nu*mbers I’f i the Assembly, occupying prominent I'l.i-i ces, were killed. j Ab(mt iMon ot tl.u same dav, while a bmly ot troops wa.'re pasin:.r ; Ioiilt the Roulevanls, several shots avi re tired ’I'he com- ])liinent was returjiotl by the troops. ;ii)d the combat continued with spirit for half an hour. Furlhcr doAvn the I'oulevards The large space Mr. Tlav tills in the af- *'''' At (* •ne ot them two nu*mbers .V F.AIil Ti:.T. Sonic nu.ntlis u Mr«. " fiiri oin’.ntv. cniiu't" !*r. (."nii ir.» little d:ui"iitcr. who «;is wntchi .' ' witli a s- rt Ilf Tftt'’r. .• .vcnr'r !> ' ' ■ head ami ncck. I>iit cxtcn 1h;l' t“ the lioi.lv. I’rcvinU' t i'•»;. nu t. M : rcir.pdy witliin tiicir i-eav li li-el " witliiiut toiicliiii.tr itie i'.'i>''. In ii> . I*r. Little’s Kin^wi i in mi 1 T> lai’*'\ ' j iircsi'rihei.1. ami tlu* if.'iih cannon and nr.iskcts were lrC(dv ti.sed till j two weeks every Tostigf "t'tlu' 4 o’cliK-k, when the fi;ihtin:r in that quar- ' tiroly cr;iilic.itil—a f:ut \m:1 uni'''' fections of the nation, hence to be filhd counts of his illnes: causes every letter vanls des Italiane o ( lo , the on the Roule- firiii" has almost with exaigt‘rated ae- entirely o(*ased. A fight oecurrcd iii the and del line. He h.as afreets, in the (luarters St. .^Iar^iu's and Denis, whi( 1 til iicijriil-.oi-liootl. ' Sonu* ten or a liozi'n , anion^ thom. two nr ilir' C ' t'"' •' . Iicads, have hccn riiro i ro. i i.t*,' , ' (ly. aiivi hilt one f.iihire re] ■ ■ I tour inontlis—tlait v:is ei.i- 't ' .standinjr. invelvin^: ]’ri'l'.i''..' ! i:XTIlA1IM)[\Ai'vV j C'utancoii.s affectinns. kii"’'n :e _ I old or obstinate Totters, arvl ^ i"’’ extremely .lifficnU to rinc—iii'a'i' j. ' blc hy ino.st of tlie pi\'ji;U'.if;"i^- I ' ilinarily {irescrihc. lit . 1 f . • fl . (T. • +• J’ —»> e learii inai on iT'unaay .t*”'‘‘if; me preseur .session. 1 o on- ucunue ['.aiiieuiars nave UCCn tmn- uuiarny Jirescrioe. Cl . a(sin 10 a ••’•'so ^uiope. \\ e night last a S(>rgeant-nia jor belonging to ; :‘ble the licgislature of Kentucky tiMdioose bttle is known beyond the fact ', I'rom Dooly ciur.tv. nu ZlrJ- T command at Smitlnille, N. (’..^as ^ a successor,' he has f^>rwarded his resii;na- a sanguinary conflict took place. Ma- ' = li'.dit his dextrous use o7the vermumlar— "V. | ‘‘b*ct next Sej.teuiber. ^ | "3’ engaged on either side had i vears. u'i.aVi.-ul ,'esisle 1 Vvcr. tliin.' ; T; , , •' , e crmuul. i , ^,]ac*e among the .soldiers outside of the ; ^e wiiiild have been in the Senate to- «'(mnded. : recentlv hcen curd l>v Dr. I.i:- ‘ exp -n^e, with a liberal allowance for cou- lingcucius, ami to which they invite the heverest scrutiny of practical men. The estiaiate has been subndtted to the exami nations of persons eonvi.Tsant with the .sta tistics of transportafii.ii, and in every in- stauee, the highest estimate of any one in- (iividnul has been taken. Tho'atrikin" disparity in the cost of trans],.irtation to market of your coals, and any otlier with which they may conie iu competition, a- ri.'HJ.s from the superiority of your commu nication with tile water in two resp.*cts; fir.st, the cost of the respective improve ments; secondly, their capacity. The cost of the Leliijjh Niivigiition WU8 pany consists of *).s:7 i acres of laud at Far- mcrsville, embracing your Ijituminoiis coal field; one-half of this is under cultivation, and the residue i.s w'ell wooded with yeU low pine and oak. Timber is abundant in thi.s vicinity, and land covered with a h(*a. vy growth of pine, oak, ^e., can be pur chased adjacent t.j the borders of Decji riv- er, (without th - eonl di.striet,) at less than two dollars the aero. This is a circum- stance of some importance, in \ iew of the oxpeuso of building steamers and barges. Provi.nions are ubundaut and choaji.— Reef, of an excellent (jiiality, can be jiur- ehasod at ^'2 at) per one hundred j»ounds; i mutton at .‘{7 4 cents per quart«*r; fowls at . 8*,•’);)•_).000 one dollar j)(*r dozen: meal 40 cenis per S>h»vlkill. o,(^■),000 l.inlwl* OA A I 11 KeHiiiujcHnd Potts- b potati^ „0 conts, and otliorar- viilu Kail Hoa.l. ll.-WC.OOO food in like proportion. Olii.i .Sc (’hesapciike -* -dimate is perfectly healthy, as much ‘■ ‘’‘'•b 17,0(W,(XX> so as any part oi New England. The wa ter at Farmer.sville, and at most places on Deep river, is exeollont. Your location a- bounds in springs of the purest water. Indeed, the county of (Chatham is the re sort of many people from the lower jiart of the State, during the jirevalence of the sickly season in that quarter. ^ our Company have bought a dejMit in which, by the way, he knows better how to handle than the most of us credit him for—had man.aged to create and encour age at least a seeming diff()rcnee i.f opin- | ,,re\alent^— (IVA Jonrnai. Four of the soldiers have been conimit- lon with most of our citizens in that re.s- pect. No such difference of opinion, we suspect, will hereafter exist, in the face of smdi a sj.cech as that to which we are re ferring.— A'. ]'. h'.rjinsn. barracks. 1‘our oi the men an; now in ' the vote on the Coniprouiisi; n'solu- irons. Report rojiresciits the discipline at had been taken, ami the di.>^cussion I this post as very lax, and insubordination ; termiiiatod. I have before me a note, written in his own lu'at, delicate, and most ted for trial. Co/'reaponJi im' f>/'fhr JV. /•S.rj>rr.i.'. W,\sniN(.T(»x, Dee. Ki. The Spannish Minister has informaiion defined and legible hand writing, indicat ing jicrfcct composure of nerve and intel lect. Fuom C.VLIFOUXTA.—The Daniel Web ster arrived at New York on the 19th inst. The tull rigor of the martial law had b(*eii ]>roclaiuied against all (!(>nccrned in the barricade.**, and a largo niwuber had been shot. The latest accounts rej>rcscnt the troops as successful at all points. Fp to Thurs day night the succe.»s of the President s(3enied certain, though new elements of discord were constantly arising. Accounts y ' from the provinces were generally favora- 1 bio tli t nn 1 f Fr,f;/n'irx.—Some of the contributions . . . ^ . «n n www 'O liberally reporteil as for the Ko.«5;uth ?"* neighborhood of .Savanuah, j j ble to the I’residont. fund, turned out to be a forgery again.st expeditions are on ] The Washington eorrespimdent of the Puesday a section of the Assembly those wh.w names have been used.' The the | ^ y Commercial sivs I to meet, and decreed the depo- following i?l()(»0 is of this character. : poor (lelu(Ied felh.ws m the J*ampero Ex-I ui -nlpu. Conirro i • * | of the I‘re.sident and his impeach- .KcHhiiry l?rew«ter ."xiO liaac H, (Joward-r.u Omdud.ng Ihrarfher) will be » I nun-Lnthusi'-Jm th-V‘t W met^ing was i .shpriuan lUonwell -j.iO I long time at ('euta, belore they will re-i ! dispersed by the troops an'l the decree i .Sla.o,., T.. keen ll,cu. '^'1'».; ^Pl'rojman.,,, for Ihe os|-,o„». ! ,:jLuM ,„''all 1, ’ >' I turn to the F Iho C.iptain (jeneral of ( uba announccK I inipri.soned, get up now Expeditions that the fcub.scriptions for the n lief of the War iu « While the entire coi*t of the Ciipe Fe.ir a.,.1 Deop IUvct Imj.rovo- mcnts diJ not Huiouiit to 4U0 -‘‘inal.' in wdiich the above coals are carried to market, vary fnmr three to six feet of wat(;r iu depth, with a width u')t exceeding 00 feet. Deep River (60 appropriaU'ly called,) is from lU to lo iptions for the relief of the families of those who lost their lives durino^ the recent inv.'i.siou has reached the sum ol‘ ?2ir),770 .'51. I'Jxfcnsi rr Ihi.'ii'iit'.'ix.—They ha\e a bar room in (California one hundred and fifty feet long, in which forty bar keepers are emjdoyed, eighteen hours out of the twon- ty-tour, in retailing li(|uors, at twenty-five cents a glass, ii CogfK.—'The N. Y. Mirror says that the New York City Fath(*rs have al ready expended some 81U(),(K>0 in connec tion with the llungariau uvatioDb thero. War is a better condition, actual war, Spain begins to think, than this Qua.si war which keejis her in arms all the time, and in peril in Cuba—:uul war will certainly come, if these expeditions are not kept down bj' popular opinion here at home. A loafer happened in at one of the prints ing offices at Lynn, a day or two since and Jisked the qu(*stion, “\Vhat’s the news!*” “Two dollars a year in advance,was tjie reply. He subscribed. iJolil in larg(‘ quantities is tuiid to linve been discovered on the Gila river, in New Mexic*. rci'plo are flcK-klng there of c-^iuree. ridiculed on all sidet*. STILL LATER FROM EFROPE, The Raltio arrived at New York on e.s of Kossuth and his comjianionH while in this country, ,\s to any act.^ coniiuittiny i the country to future intervention in the i ,lc,,„e,lic ooiu-ern., of ,„l„.r nations tWre j Tlm«.lay fron, I.lvotnool, which port she are not twenty men in Congress who will 1 A ,n.i- * p ^ vote for them.” 1^-'” 10th inst, Thk Makkkts,—Cotton has declined an eighth of a penny and was in jui»derate deinand, The sales during tho ihreo days tlio Luropa's departure cnniprised and Tetter Ointiiiciit. It well lor several months. tli"'ir^‘ ' vious thought to 1)0 iiK'ur.i'ile- Dr. bittic—Sir: I take •' yon thnt a yinple hott!'* of Tetter OintnH’iit has ciiri'il i the hands, of three or four \ (.''ipneiH .loH- Talbot county. T)r. l.ittle—Sir; Vein-I’.ii iny family, and has curcd (.SifTiied) '' Talbot county. FltOM .VhAHAM.U Tallai.oosa cinint.v. M Thi.s is to certify, that Ur. j.„, and Tetter Oiiitineiit curd a ,; years’ standinjr. when kii' i;l ed. In another similar cas*'- Ointinont used with entire 1 U ll(»l>r-“‘ 'r*" Dr. Little—Sir; 1 have .uii"i The Thalian Association of Wilmingr n. N. I’, has procured a block of North Sc.nld-iieads in m.v family witli and Tetter Uiutuiciii. lies!" '' \our tnil'.'- \\ M. »'• ' ton. N. C. has procured a block of North C\irolina Marble fur the Nuticnal Wash-1 sinco ington Monument at Washington City, I *20,(K)(J bales, ,If which spoculaior.s took J he block was (piarried in Stokes county, j‘2U0U Tradt' in the uianufacturing di.s- and transported through this place; length ' tricts had bci;u dull, feet i5J inches, breadth 2 teet, thickness ! Other accouijts .«itaic the deciiiie on foot, At ilniington a head of Shake- \ t'otton to have been only one-sixteeiilh of speare was sculptured on it, with the name | a j*cnny. Vlovir was unchanged. (.^>rn ot tbe €Giiipany, &,•, ^ )j;„j advaiiC'ed one shilling. Sugar was tirm The t’ac-siinile of tiie «: l.ittlo will he foiin.l upon *’*’ ' of each ot hi.' .Medicines. Sold «h..lesale :in.l retail. \l at his .Mamil';ie*nriii^ l*ej>i't. ' • strei't. I’liiitidelplii.a. and ^1”^'"’'',[1 . To he liii'l also ol **‘^,’V* ''jlfiui ' I W at,son. Flor.ii C.ille-iiO ! la.s.s, 15ennett^villo; Mr. I’- I ton; (.'. liarhee. l>a*.clays>ia*. I llaleijrh. I S, J U1N:DALK, Al'cuI :or -Ilia-"- IV F.i'- i’uu'Ut'

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