§1. ai,=» S'i ♦ Sii A "■'•ilTTiS’y'HILllI;! .i u i’Miw. i)i:n;)!!;i:K ui. i)i. ! I I li :vin;: IxHMi issued from tlii r!mi'!.iy last.—the {.Mirisfin I'.avr no lu'us m ,.,l;iv s Wi'i'kly p:iper. We tlien'- ■ ■llli-^Vol'kly to suV'- \V..kIv. ' Thk North rAROijNA Mr.MnER!^ of I ('ON(!UKss.—We iflVr Avitli great pleasure j to tlie vote of onr Delegation in the House i of Hepresentiitives on the niotion to sus- ! peni the Rules for the purpose of introilu- j ling a H'sohifion to ;i]>]>oint a committee ■ to w;iit on Kossuth and introduce him to the lltnisc. Seven of our juemhers, in- nnd difspassionato expression of opinion l>y one of the most euiinent men in the coun try. The freedom of the press, outraged in every maTiner towards those which d ire to dissent from tlie policy of the man who, sane enouirh himself, has made lunatics of ne arly all Xi-w York. EdttoriaT/ Chan'of..—The North Cn- I'olina Argus, at Wiidesborough, has passed into the hands of Messrs. Shelton Sc Paul, who have fortunately engaged the services of Ji>hn W. Cameron, Esj. as Editor.— Col. Cameron cstahli.shcd the Argus, four years ago, and conducted it with great spirit and ability for two ^ears. We wel IjoriBViLLE, Dec. 23. Rn^iijnatinn of the llmt. Henry Chiy.— The letter of the Hon. Henry Clay, resign ing his seat in U. S. Senate, was read in both Houses of the lA'gislature to day; and a re.solution adopted in the Senate, in which doubtless the House will concur, to elect a Seiuitor on Tuesday next. t ii' hope, however, that the jdaiiines. ium aumiy n>r two years. ^vc wei- t it t atror f,.r iU. "'‘'d' m.v policy of i,„., v«,lion | .■o,„o ln,„ b«k to tl.e cluur o,li.„rial with C».av„ial l3 h!,"l a l.al.Te M til: motion. One, Mr. Outlaw, A^as absent; | and war is promnlged will open the ryes | great satisfaction. | Mexicans at Ceralvo, in which he had been r. ('lingman alone voted for it. The | of the i>eoide of tlie country, who. if we for, whilst ! are not greatly deceived, are as little in- motion and .A!, vote is !iiost gratifying to ii direct intorcour.se with ■ (lined to war as tlu*y have heretofore Jieen VU.-I.INV COAI,.—Weave in- any nu-mber of the House, we are truly re-' to entangling alliances with foreign na- Ci.'ciisb. r.mgh j’atriot for ; joi^•od to liud tlu in .m) geiu-'rally taking the tiwns. t r 'ting Hop 'vt of the IVi jt same view that wc have urged, of the dan- ' _• at'1 11 .insp'ti t.iti(iu ( onipa- m>v ut tins l\nssuth excitement ami hum- ! victi>rious, and had taken all their j>ro- At Wadesborough, about 1000 hogs | amn,uniti..n. The Mexican have been purchased at 0 cents, gross. ! l„ss is said to have been heavy. Carava- Tr,i: l>i,oMKTUK.,s (’ask.-TI,c firin.. | i wliom were liieut. (/niliani and ( aptain Fayetteville Prices Currentr DECE.MBER 80, 1851. I From To : eolmiui. It is founded on l,ujr, espeeially to the Soutii. And we are ■t 1 r‘>te>^>i Johnsun, .utd ei'i- greatly rejuiecd to atM, that some means „! :» most i>n.mis-ng pro>peet of knowing tiie state of juiblie opinion in North (’ 'arolina l(*aves us no roc'iti to doubt that the stanl taken by our IX-li'tMtiou will be almost iVKMiimously sustained bv tie.' ]'.‘ op’.e. (if both parties. (>i the ,)S neg:iti\e votes, nrarly all are S. uthern n-.ruil.er ', and about three-tit'tlis Lii(.-(^s. of a IJritish brig into this steamer, it was; severely . . " 7 : f('ared would ])rodr.ce difficulty l>etween | wounded, ii ii utation ot the pieteusion s(-t up the V. S. and (treat Britain; and Secreta-j Caravajal is expected to enter Monterey t: rt 'ted in the coal lantls. The that the tract b.iug’.it by \ 'li. 11. (.lilniev ai.d others, by Kossuth and his fricJuls, (hat ho is still (’.overnor of Hungary, and that the rnit('d Statiis ought to recognize the indejiendence of his country, the N. Y. Journal of (’om- meree jmblishes Kossuth’s Address to the ry firahani had ordered the frigate Sara- Mr. Wiley’s lU*ader, we Icjirn, has re- • f eO;,l of t i l a'Mot •Ir-r .-aei :' h.] !hl le V(“ry last We karti- e that they in liu'ir ct;. ■V TIIK rNi l'VP SrATi'.S ii w..> the staitl’iiig news iv> !' tlie te!egr:',]ihic wires on t, s'rikin;r eoiivteru:i.tio!i in i'..r. the d’. tr’i--ti 'U of .t w.i> evi-lent. lead to a : ' . rem 'Ve the s> at of go- ,;i. ;ie. .''iafe of :Iie \\’est— 1 W .|lld ll.lVe renewed with . tie' '•e( tional diilerence.-« •: v. hat sub'ide ]. ••::!'’y only oiu> r - mu was Ll'.rarv l‘.i lu, with all its - a -seat lo», it is true. •- w re ile'tn Vt'd wliii h can r. -loHN s —'I'he .^lasons observ- (! .'Saturday last as the anniversary of St. dolin the nae to the Moscjuito coast to prevent a re petition of til3 outrage, lint the well in- ^ ccived the favoralde oiRcial notice of the loruK'd eorr*”sj)oiulent of theN. Y. Express j Superintendents of^ (.ommon ,1 n i. *1 i> 1 /ti 1 Schools for the county of HockinKham.— says that .Mr. (ramiitcm, the bntish ( harsre, ,p, i, , , ,■ " l'eoj)le of Hun*'irv inlS4S fomiillv v> i • • i ; 1 l*e Jjoard liave under (•(•nsideration njea- 7: ; ' i s„ro» r.,r ,l„- .l.il.l,.-,, ofll.o • ^ I.so. ueot '‘-'id aduiit-; (Y,,in which j C()unty with th(‘ “Hea t!!!_ that tl,( le w.is no ho])e ot the ^'Ue- .,|| j —(/rrtnshoroiu/h Pnh iot. cessful continuance of the defence against ' „p„lo^:ry will be'made by the British Gov- ' tlu“ alli('(l b)rc-,s of Russia and Austria.” ■ ^.j-jjjiK-nt He thereu])'-.n flt'd to Turkey. And there BACON— Iliiins, SitU-H, Shouldcra^ AVcsteni, r.EESWAX— (’OFFEi:— Kio, Liifiinrn. St. Donuiigo', (;OTT »N— Strictly jiriine, I’rimp, I’air, COTTON nAfJCINC— (iuim y, l)uil(l(;e, l!io!aps, cor n IN YARNS— No. f, 10. DOMESTIC COODS— 15mwn .Slieetinpfs, )sii:ihnra;s. FF.ATIIEUS— Kl.Oli;- .Suj)erfin(», Fiii(\ Scratclifil, $ •$ li.'> II .•i-.il i i.'.V ! ou Patent Rights ?iol alivays Improy^-^ menis^ As Agent for the sale of the only nctual kind of I’ortulilo Steam Kiijrino !uul Cir- c^ilHr Saw MiHb in tlie Tnited Stjitcs. I wish to the Puhlic in reiVrericc to the n:uure ot (icorj'o I’ajrc \ Co s i’utint linji’-oveinpiit'^. 1st. I l(> claims tli* i>'.:iy ui tin* saw - -d. Coiide rollers running; on eHch side ot tlif.' has I'videnlly Ix'en tio independent govern ment of lIun'Mrv. since that dav, for the J’rtxiih nf Fillitinre.—It is gratifying to witness the exhibition of vigilance and promptness, afforded by the l*resilent, on as a common i (;i> ('em. hfiit, (IlitS, I’eris, II VP- 4|oO 41-jr. 4'i«j jS'i ' ri.") 'i'd 'oi.n the Evangelist, with a pnnvssion, United States to recognize, an 1 an ap|>ropriate Oration at the Hotel Crn.v.—Amon^r other dHiiments com , . ,, 111! “*o morning ol tlie nre in tlie ( aintol, ot mnnn atedto C ,mirn-s last week by the ' ,K..asional ami valued convs- 11 all bv d;;mes Banks, 1\ ( Ast'Ai.Ti I s.—A vejy old neirro woman Indt pendence.”—Sp n-h nt b( I(.!!:_rlng t;> (Jen. \\';nslo\v, was burnt to (’nhn^ A. J. death in this town on Saturday morniuir ^' hatl recognize the indeprndeiiee of a last. When diseovcred, the house in which l»‘"l’''^‘ "">‘lv »>"♦ in.lependent. “.My third humble rerpu-st is that you Treaty has been formed, (as asserted Mill recoiTiii/(» tlio lK‘( l:»ration f'f lliniijari- niDrs— I) ry, President, was a h tter trom Mr. W eVistcr, i ponilent in Washington city speaks in the ' H'.oN— statintr that there is reason to believe that subjoined coinmunieation. It is a fit ex- I Swedes, coTnmon l>ar, ample, set by tin* Ivxecutive heail, to be | followed by public offlcer of every grade, j | of n'adiuess to dj every su t of duty every- ' j where:—litchntnmJ II ////. I Mol.ASSKS— .\t an early hour in Washington on ! *“’*'*• New C)rli*nn.'‘. (none. : by the Washington Fnion and other ]»a- pers,) between England, France and Spain in respect to the Island of ('uba. So th:it But it i.' a small 1 .> i '!nu-t;.‘n of the entire abmif 'un-ri- I'-n .li; _. by a watebni:'.!!. li . j.fi.^iTss. 'I'he lire- i bv l.il:"r at a }'revi'Ui> r fi ^zeu and unlit ' :d'ont mi'l-day bef.ire I. It i.' >at'>l‘aetor;ly V. • n d bv a !e- . i with a w.: Ill tire in rioom^. .V timi "r w ... tlie Li’oraiy. x,« t- \v.i> lii>t d^eoviri'd, was e:;ftr liie ilue, and was tlio- d. Tli' fi'are in'liration" al- : y uniting with tlu-same 1 -n lire. ;V a th Washington jiapri-s •' voluni.'s of iiifst ehtiiee :oik.' we.'e destro\.d, ti*- p- i (J- c lleeti''U> of manu- ■ ma|i', charts, medals. shi' lived was on tire. 'I'hat being ('xtin- gul.'hed, she was t'ound to be dead. It is sujipo>eil that her clothes caui^ht whilst kindlinir a lire on the heartli. (^n the saUK' morniiiLr an insane negro man belonging t > .^i■;ss King \va ftund to have li -.11-. d li'.nis(‘if. Ko-st rn-iANA.—Kossuth, K i ssntb, K .s>uthl 'i hat is tlu* burthen of all our Northern papers. H- i> as great a talker a^ p: te. SjH'Ceh ej. ui sjieech. ;l;;y aft(r d.iy and honr atur hour; ;ind the New 1 oi'k ji:i[. Ts inflict them all ujion their reaih r'-I '1 ill' n; >t notal'b- :sn.] I v far tlie m>.--t imj.'orfaiit cf his sj^-'eelu's. is that deliver ed at tin* dinner gi'.i n to hitn by them- ni- bt rs of the Bar in .\' W York. ()n this (H-easiun he b(d«ily d-'clared his juirpose and cxpeet.-ition to be. that the I'liit:-.! Stat> sh^uild fir.'t d( e!:;ri' that lin^>ia sii.-.i] n d interfere i:i a cnf- ^t bt Mv,>eti ilin;:iaryand .Vu'tna, mid xvpj»>rt that d, It./ w.m;! I'rom the ^j‘ee(.•h, as revised and {•'jbli-ii'-d by hiin- ,': lf, we copy the following extracT'. Sp iking of canying out tht* piineiple which he had a'ivancel. he ai l.— "(^'arry out—but howi* 1 ha 1 the hoiiiir to state it at the batifjUet i f th*' ciiv of New York, bv de(ln'inir th;it tlie I’nited States w’l! ii"; I rinit :.iiy !'• r. i_'U p wer but who are makintl no dVort whatever to m. guaranty lias been made between tho.sc j Wednesday mornin.ir, before one half of the i countries to secure (’uba to Sjiain, and to thon.sands who crowdeil to witness or to; “‘i : n l.iiiBieil. assist at the burning of the (’oiigress Li- | Tnnncrs’, brary had reached that disastrous scene, i SA 1T— and before the larger half of the members' l.ivtrporl. isack.) of the Thirty-Second (’ongres« had prevail- ' * Flaxsi'ed, Clover. fnoTic.) might be seen,—r turuiiKj to h!s home,— j .silOT— ''Miiiiiun. jipr F.nck, nr \\ iijn a 1 i iiif ■ contend for so streiiuously, that ••( Very unity in avoiding the })oints we urged in ' I’uited Statt's should do, and a'l that a : na'.ion ha- the ri;_dit to regulate its own regard to biddings, cVc. and (.'abell’s speech, j I’resident of the I nited States could do. I domestic concern.', without the interii reiiee (Jiddings denied that he was a Whig, ami ‘ btdore tin* rest ot the town was stirring, or ^ of an V other power.” Sueh an act v.ould called liim.-elf a ‘-free democrat.” The l>:dt awake. , • , . II-.,- • , r , ... • 1 1- 1 1 liere.—at the time when terror and dis-; I... a., tl,.. al- U l.,g- .l,d ,mt assno.lat.. ».tl, l„m, a„.l , of .Vu--tiii, and e\en of HuuiraiN. thv>retoi'e he left them. ( ertainly a man i ^-ahii advice and wise authority to consoli- ! be.'oine .so? Sueh an jiet wouM be in de- therein, as fiance of the treaty between Austria and -'>^serted In^ie Locof.K-o i-apers^ the I nited States, and would j_dve the for- I'he North ('arolinian must excuse us. mer a clear ju'-tification for a dc(daration We have toe much else to do to set about ' t‘d upon themselves in that bitter weather : ot War Hjiainst the bitter. It would, more- enli^hteninti its ail'ccted ignorance of ihe ; h*a\e their blanket.sand f«‘athei beds, ovt r, b(' a jialp tble infraction (d that “great prim iples of the Vv’hiir t'arty. The Caro- : , ,, • • I . 1 • 1 I- , , 1 • • 1 . . . .... : the I’resident of the I nited .''tate,-.. j )>i!iici]de wiiu li Kossuth and histrieiids hnian de.'crves credit tor hawver-like in/fe-I ^vhat a Pre^iib nt of the ' i’.io !• Uo i: 70 i il i 1 t;o 17', j4't j. 1 -JO i: 1 lo • •d. ■•’faimor of r(»HTiociinp two cuiTiupcs to- gptl»*'r in order to .saw lung .“tufl'. Mr. McKin.stry says; .\s r(*frards tho end iil.-iv ^d piiide rollers, they r.r(* not \vo-.tti Imvinj! in connfetinr tlie cairiis^o tojrether in this M ctiun »>f the connfry. |N«i tl) '.ir ilia:!.) .Ml wmit is i.no I'ln^ ciirri.-tjre. In my riil!>i I have an )'.r)Hst:tl)le •'.il!ur on the saw shaft, which can lie fhan;rt'd »t tlie ojitii.n of the savyor. aiel keop the end jilay mu, v. hiidi und play 1 coii- sider luinecc^sary. lll^t'v■:'.d of piiido ifdlors i : hlorks of hard wnod. v hioh in many instan- I CCS I hear they li.ne disjieiKt'd \\ith >nadp roll- ! orj on I’Hfre's- .Mill^. and uso.,1 the block.-! of 1 wood. \Mien tiic rollers iue used there is >4 i I oontiniial streMii of stiw dust nointnp down he- tw('(-n them iiml the .stw. viiich phusi* h great . deal of friction: but the form of the lih.ck.s of w(.od art* so eniisti uctcd as to j)reveiit any j:ini . of ihe saw dust against tlie whatever. As regards .Mi lviii.stry'.s Mill t.-iking the pro- niivmi at the MarylHnd State F'air. I was n*ista- , ken. It should have been hi.3 I’ortable Steal.i i En;:ine? for Circidiir Saw Mills, lie did not hiive tiiue lii'IViro tlic F:iir came ofi' to pet hi.s I Kiifrine and Mill buth ready tor the r..\hibitIoi;. he took .nly tlie I’ortr.ble Knjriiie. v\hioh t(>ok . the preniiiiiii. 'I'hc.se are now the facts; iind 1. as MeKiiistry’s .\fient. nnd kiiowinjr the wants i d' the I’nblie. would liVc to fiirni.sli I’ortabU; i Stoain En^iines and Circular S.aw Mill.s of tho j aliiive niannfaeture to those intendinij to ixivest ; capital in sawin;; lumber. I ' II. C. HAI.b. . Fayetteville, Dee. 'J'.'. lh>'l. .')l-:it • The tli!dsbi)r(ii’;ih TelefirMijh iuid Salisbury I ^^atl'hnlan will eaeli copy twir-*. j ' niu s ai jT. j A Tl’.VM Ilf four Mules, a Tim’oer Vi’apon, a I /m Hoad VVa^on. a sciofjear. I’ricc !j?4'J:'!* 1 for tlie whole. ■ FATlQ-niARf* SMITil. 1 Cuniberl.:nd countv. I>ec. '2'J. .')]tf fair- I'or how do we know that a majority of ■ lias a riirht to .select his party; and when ! date and direct the active eneriry, which tlie jicople of Hungary de^iri' any other he has done so, and openly proclainud his : abounding enough, needed only a Head to than their present condition? As wtdl, in- selection, it is not fair to cdass him with a ! render it^df eflecti\e, -and when the eon- , , . . , . , • I 1 , • ' flairration,—snlxhied into docility,—its 'I'*”' """ parl.v I,,, al.jorcs, , wi.l, ,l,„ rest of tl,c l.ailjinf. The Milton Chronicle says that it is re- | off,—needed nothing but what cimld r- rh/, th*' pr- j’vr- . and IVopb' of the to inteifero with th About Cu.Oi'O volumes nations to dispose o! '•)_ ,n r.nother room, (bit :i/ iiiiiV three volumi's ar*' i-.'ncein-; that the Cnited State.' consider thv !U-el\e'i to l;::ve the duty not to permit ;.ny viol.itioii > f the law,- i.f nations, and that they invite (Jre.it IJritaiu to unite b... k', ,'iiV' the National with them to s;ifeiruard audio guarantee a r.iic.ii'cr of suji.-i ior j'iiint- the>'- laws. ■•uoun I the L;brarv wabs ‘‘liut 1 niav hr* an.'^werrd—‘•Well, if wo Enghind, or .\utria, recognize the imle- jieudeiua of Siuitli Carolina, as a nation, and allou tlieir ]>eople to contribute money and nijCerial to excite an insurrection in that State. There is mon> reason to know tiiat South Carolina desires an indejien- dent existence, :ind that the effort to pro mote it would be more .'successful with one chiss or the otin r of her p. pulation. How Would we, especi;illy of the .''outh, rdi>h such a step on the part of any European rro\erT'.mciit? ."^urely eveiy heart, out ol South Carolina, would be stnred up to the i.iiy !'• r. i.:n p wer highc.'t pi'd; of indig i.ition, ami t!i- s i\cre’::n riiiht of try would w;th one vo;ci' demand a \\ar to thvir I w ii domestic piniish sr.i h an cMitraL'-'ous interf''rencc P 1 • „ j be well rendered bv stout he;irts and will- nortcd tli:it ( apt. l aleott, in surve\inir tlie . , .• i- 1 ’ inir iiands, then, ouictlv tlireadiii!r bis wav route for the Uu hmm.d :ind Danyille l.ad ^ hurrying to the e.x^ Road, has discovered that about four miles (-iting scene, ou iiis w.iy homewards to of the territory of North (’.irolina, com- tho.se other duti«-s whi( h even the burning ■ising part of (’aswell cor.nty and the of a Capitol mut not povitiione,—mijrht be P' town of ,\liltoii, belongs to Viririnial I’hillips's Kirc .\iinibilator was publicly tried in Ni'W York hist week, and failed. .^l Ki Hoinsr I'.fiscofAi. Cm u»n.—The >tatistic> of the two division«:. North and .'•'oiuh. of this Ch'indi, :-hows that the f>r- Sl'lHlTS— I’eaeh brandy, Ajiple Northern *• N. C. Whi.-ikey, N. K. Itnni. .lanmicii Hum. French Hr.andy. .\meriean (iin, iiolliind jia. sue Alt— Loaf. ('ru>!lu”l. .''t. Croix. I’lirto l\ici>. New drleans. TAI.I.OV— Tor.ACCO— l.cnf. Manufacttired. WllirF. LF.\1>— UlNliOW CLASS—8 X 10, TO .X 12, wool io i7 ;. 10 il |4') J ^40 ,. - 1! I’l ^ i;;o '! li;',o .■)U ,4:i •■)t) 2:.'.o 40 i liOA'r iiA.xDS \va:stva). i subscriber i.-= desirous of hirinfr lo nr' I -BL able bodied Ncjro Fellow-, tor the en- suinjr ye:r. fcr whidi tlie hiirhcst juice will be j paid. TiiL.se fioni the cjiintry woubl be pre- 1 ferie 1. j .1. 1>. "VVII.LIAM.S. i ^ *'■ StCi.inboat Co Her. L‘7. It \ i'lttnjthelItott Propcrfif in Marl'tt. '^o’oc l)wi-!- • Jl_ linji Uiiuses and one Store. Hou.^e. A\hich .•ire larijo .'iml in fro)'l repair. .\lso. four uiiiiii- proved l.ots. One of the above i;’.enti: ned l»wel- : linps is the residence of the subscriber. It i.-» . lar;;;' and very cnnvenient. with all the nece.-- . sary out houses, and is in "ikhI repair. I’ar- . "aiiiB may be expected, if applicntion is made I soon. I T!!OS. J. .lOHN’SON. l^cc. 'I?,. l.^-.i. ;i-:Jw ■2 ?:n ■J;*) -4 •JO :it 7i, .seen, the I’ri sideiit of the Cnited .''tates. Si me men thi re are who .■'Cein alw;iys to say the r:;:ht tbiiiL^ at the right tiiii'*.— Si ciii alway> to do the ri^dit thiiiir at the riirht time, ;uid bv a sort of biek, as it ! This 'iliow might alnio>t s-em. are always in the riirht Europe. place at the riirht time;—of ?-n( h is Mil- We reduce f;uotati'':is of r»io Coffee, fitinny lard Killniore, 1’ii‘sident of tae I nited Pa'r^iny. Corn, and White Lead, and advance the [.rice of SuperfiTie Flour, to coii.^’orni to the KF.VIKW OF THE .MAbKET. Cotton—''■I’e.s this nioininjr of prime tleuiiih it can h.'irdly be considered tirni at that, j full of about 2 sincc the fall in i TIIOS. JOIIXSON CO. 4 HE anxious to settle their hu^ncss at ns early h da' as possible, and .•wotiM re spectfully sufTgest to their debt'irs tlie »iecesr-ity of attendinp: to their notes and .icci^unts. Fur ther notice need not be exi)ectod. Those haviiit; claims a}i:iiiist them are invited to settlement, TllOS. .1. JOHNSON & CO. Favetteville, Dec. -Z, 1S5I. .al-:lw 77i^ Stibsrrihcrs have on hand^ j)resent state of the market. The Wa-h- . Iiiisiness not active durin- ilU I'.ih'd in J^the Cnited .'•'t.ites] make '•uch a (hudara- ; ; aicovc'i, Wi- t’= >11. Of these wc can -all t.. tion i.f noii-ailmi'sion of the interference of it'»; ]ii!iitiu;:s of tlu' tir't five llu'i'ia in Huuirarv, [_beeaose tliat i-- the ; :'!■ sii' ii.il ]ioi’rait ot (’olum- p;-ai ’ic..l nieanini Decrease in 7 years Tho Churoh South had in 1814 hi 1S.')1 Incrense in 7 vears of till' word, I will not V -li ! ]' rti lit of Columbus; :m i j ii-.i';:? of I’l-ytou 11 iiidolph; a ■ -t B livar; a p irtr.iit of I'arou !i by l‘vue. .‘Ml Knell'll art 't td Ii . U'.ri-n 1' • Kalb; oii(‘ of Cor- ‘ ; .i;ie ot .Judi:- ll.iii'on, of .'larylaud. iftt t'> the Lilirary by his family.— p 1 b \. It and t\''d\e hundred bronze of th‘- \’.irtein;!re eXi h.inri\ sonie '.11 mort' than tcu c>'iitiui(S old, and ,:iiidv perf; ct. are anioniT't the valu- d llu'>ia will not respect our -then we mi^dit have to i:n to '11- di ny]. : dieiar.it; war.” And th('ri‘is the rub. [li inghti'r.] “\V(11. 1 ;tm not the m.m to decline the ( >i.-;c(|Ui !!ecs of my piincijdes. [ireat laughter and loud appl.m": ■.] 1 will not sti-al into your symji;itliy by slipj' Ty eva- >ion. Yes, ironthnun, / slfiiiol Jillssiil ttu* t ilrilin'HtKiU nf ijiiiir riiitiifi-tf, thru yon nr> nlilijnl.—hh- iiljliiji-d, to >/o to Ifnr or rf.o hr jirr- with onr diliie^lie afl'airs. Ijct us do ns The Church North had member^, 1S44, we wotdd bo done by. I, t us meibllewith the internal affairs ot no nation that is wil ling to k' cp the jie.icv with us. I'rce in- ^tittitions will be far nnua* adv;iticed, here :ind clsi.where, by the (jiiiet, ]>eaceful i'p«'- nition of that j>oli('y of non-interfcrcnce under whi h and by wbii h we have jrrown s i jreat in brief a p* rioil of time. We arc irlad to be a>sured, from many ipiar- tcr'. but es’ieei.illy here in the S mth, that tl.e madness of the New Yorkers li is ex tended but little beyond the bounds of that excitable, restless, radical j.opnbition. What is the intere.'t of the whol. country is especially and vitally the interest of the .^outh. »■>. 1 and 1 MACKEREL. I’rime ami Mess I'ork. Tanners' and Sperm Oil. Clue :ind .Vnierican lUvet'- r.nnd and IIoop Imn. (''rorki'yy. Hardware. iVc. 'Vith a (iENER.VL STOCK, to \\hich tiny in - vite the attention of purchasers, at wholesale' or retail. LEETE .t JOHNSON Dcc. 27, 18.-,1. .-.l-;i.v nier ha'd« (•re;tsc(l and the latter iiicrca tlurinir the last seven years. 'J’lie st;itis- j T’/o H /i/o/r’s Son .—'I lie NN a-h- i ISusiness not active durinjr the Ho’.idays. tics are ‘IS follow>- ! corrcsjiondent of the Courier and j Cotto.v.—The Eurojia’s news produced a de- .1.1 ; Eui|uirer says: I dine of ^ to A a cent in New Vork, 1 to J in o;',..'.71 i The last sti amer broutrht l^lr. Calderon | Orleans, and as much in Charleston. ' the jdeasing intelligenc.* that an apjdica- WIL.MINCTON M.VHKET. ' EOm'Y S A LI”'.. .,o., . throufrh linn, by a poor , p.„siness has been .almost entirely suspended sold nt t?,c MarketSlou.se, in the 4.widowed mother, in behalf of a son, \vlio. | durin- the Christmas holidays. Sott lurpen- town of Fayetteville, on Monday the 2d like many others, had bei'U deluded into 1 Hard 1 !•». FeV)ruary next, the expedition, had met prompt and gen-j At Cheraw. cotton f. to 8J, sales of the week j erous (‘onsideratiou at the hands of the j | .\ Si.iN.—At a (’onvention of the Bciin- j (^imen, wdio not only o.;dered him to b,> ‘ «Tth^ . svlvania Anti-Slaverv Society, List week, I released, but turnishe.l him trom lier own j ^ ^ a rf.olution was adol-te.l (a.n-ratuhitin-! I’V"'.’"'':' ': ' V Friday la.^t. cotton un-i * , ' , ^ ; I inttMi art liKi* tins is well settles. Imyers clainunjr a funner (leolmo. Mul- acquittal ot ^ ; j.;,l( jilated to nmove much d' the prcju- dlinjri^to 2.h,.^.')2 r.H.tini 300 Xqvqs of On the West side of Cape Fenr. known as the Dailey Land, ne.ar the sfuitliera line of the town of Fayettevnie. Term.s—C. months crcdit, bond with aj.'proved security. follows:— (lice wiiu h hr existei .\l.so, the Lot with Pweiling House on Prime .Milasses 20 to 21. Su- . Orcen street, joiniu" Sackett and others, (lute ind which inter- P’”' " I'i^^key If. I residenre of I’atrick Dailey,) upon n crcdit of '5 , , - 1 - , 1 1 * i- . At Columbia, cotton .’r] to 7.L i and 12 months, bond with approved securitv. ' Ived. lhat the ( onv(‘ntion recom- ested parties have emlcavored to foment, j ^ ('harle.ston. cotton r.J to S]: a f.ill of ^_to j ooo Acres of l.and, ioinine'tho .^Ir. (leorjre Blake, who has votel for ; j rir.-^t tract, known as the Itush I.«nd. joinin;r ' • ' ■ • Hobinson and others. Terms—G months credit. tin nisidvt s on th llanawiiy. and anotlu'r a “lie menil to the Executive (^)mmitteo of the !*enn.ylvania .\nti-Shner} ^oeiet\ to pre- . i> • i . .i i • , dieil ! ‘ Vp ; V i .-Qn i i • , | l{'bnison ami others. Ierm.s—0 montiis creU pare an address, for prescntatnm to Louis ^'‘’3 * VM i i I fota receipts of cotton S..4._oS l.,l(>.s. against | approved securitv. ^ - • ••• i,„ i at .Springfield, Ma>s., last week. ; ,, .,.:^(;:nast year. Increase ..i>...l.. , AllcH’l> A. T. SMITH, ('. M. E. December 20, lS-31 Kossuth, exi'i-essi\e (d’ sympathy with him j in his heroic devotion to the cause of hu- j Kossuth left .New York on Monday the c 1 con- Of the .'tiitnary burnt tn !, ilrijrniliil hrf'ur HKinhin'f fntw ’Jl.'t fir lMiil;idelphi;i, where he was re WTthi-'-’^. W(- recollect a -.-ii; an .\i 'iioin i'ronze by up rior br ■nz'’ liki ne-is of man freedom, and of earnest hojie that his herculean labors in this belndf will con- j MARRIED, In Anson countv, on the isth inst.. by Rev’d I fi I E. David. .Mr. WM. M. UOSTH'K. of Iliehmond Ijitmhi rton Fcmalr Arademif. i I^HE E xercises of this .''chool. under the : control of Liimberton IHvision, Sons of! l.U't of (I n. 'I'aylor by an in-I a b'U'* of Lafiyette 1 v th. \V1 k which can be re- I'•i:ir;t d ::t :;nd the ' ih bviibiiiig 1 ilu.N IN I’llA.NCK.—We give the partaub.r.' of this iiijporfant e- ‘!i;'r to rejoice or to grieve o- iiiiiii "ibb.- to say; for no one wh.it will ;.frow out of it—whe- 1 -ion of r publican yuinciples, p;- .mises. or the iron dc.-jiot- : li y government, which his >/oi:r [.Applause.] Y fe." that wa;]d be the case.” M. K s>uth then jiroceeded to sugar I'lVtr this n.uiseous pill by assuring his heart rs that no war wouhl result; 'i'hat Kii'sia would re.'pect the decdaration and not V( nture on a war. Jiut that even if a war should n-.'ult, it could not efl'cct “the s( curity of this country,’’ And all t'iiis was received with thunders of ajiplaiise! ccived in the ;ifternoon with all the honors. The excitement coo|.-d off somewhat in State.s ami throughout the world.” .N'ew York before he hd’t. The great gath- ' trinir in the Church at Brooklyn turned out to be no squeeze; and .so did the die.>’ reception at Trijder ILill. The whole amount of money whii h he and his follow- ( rs were able to collect was only frcuii ’J.) to and a large portion of that was given in suin.> of and flOOO.— Si.x bovs (*niploy('l in Stewart s fashion du(i to th( oviithrow (d cijipi (. . i n, not ^ EMILV I5F.NNETT. of ..Vnson. j Temperance, will be resumed on the 12th of. in Hungary alone, out in the (, nited j ji,p ^ame time nnd place, by the same, i .lanuarv next. I ALLEN to .Miss .MAKV A. j ' Tuitio,, prr S,>:»ion of Tt Mo»th.-. j ,,,, r 7* ^ ' J^bNNLII. both ot .\nson , ,, t. , Keadinc. writiufr. spellinfr nnd arithmetic. !^') CO i he Editors of the ]• ayetteville ()bs(^r\«.r ^ ]„ \\ ilmin.irton. on the L4th mst.. by Lev. L. , ,;,.,,„„„,,r ami (ieo}:raphv. 7 .Ml confess in their last paper, that they have | T. HeHin. Mr. .M. M. HANKINS to .Muss .MAL^ , , i,jj,i,er M.atheinatics, ‘ 10 »U ‘‘waketl uj) the wrong J)as.s(‘uger. Hope 1 ANN ltlCi.»LES. j deduction for :ibscnce, except in cases of : sickness. ■ died, I n. E. THOV, I’rest. In Ualeijrh, on the 21st inst.. Mrs. DF.LI.V H.VY^V(j(>D. widow of Stephen Hr.ywool. de- I ceased. Also, on the I'.'th inst., of consump- i tion. Miss .lOSErillNE H( D.SON, daiifiiiter of j fHlHE exercis‘sof this Bchool will be resumed I .Mr. llobert Hudson. j JL on Monday, oth of January, 1S.)2. Con- The i At the re.sidence of W. P.. I.oak. near Wades- I ducted as heretofore. I’rincipal instruction by - - - . , they will be a little more particular next time. We don’t like to be disturbed for nothing.—A'. C. Ihmornit. A notiible instance this of the fairne.ss ifesscd bv the Democrat. Lumberton, Dec. 27, IS.jl. .'il-Iit I lamer h'eniale Academif. ol-^tB LI .M HER WAXTKD. FEET of seasoned Lum ber wanted. Aj plv to S. J. HINSDALE. Dec. -20. 1S.">1. r.l-tf pn .1 7i)rriro)i J*risoii( rs Sj>n I At . |,a.t «r a „p„„ Kos,„ll, «i.l.'.l.« (V.un^ ^nlah.s a'lc.or frn,„ I ..a | toa;-t being ^iven to the Judiciary, .Imlge sum of their joint contri-. ♦Ih* Hon. P.iniel .M. l>.iiringer, our .linis-^ iiush of Kemj>er county. Mississijipi. j Ducr, a most eminent and upright Judge, i,u{i,,n to the cause of Hungary; and of .commenced a speeth, but, daring to ex- tl,(.y made him a speiH-h, which is a press his dis.-.ient from Ko.S'Uth s .speech juodel of imidestv for a youth of 10 or 11 ' and principles, he was rudely his.sed, in- The papers inform us that he pu.sh- ter at .Madrid, in which he promises to use every endeavor to secure the pardon of the j ZaHETH NL'NN. aretl 1'2 years. .\merican prisimers in Sjiain. In his let- | i" ^ ter he says that “the unfortunate aflFairs at CO.M M I '.IvCI .A L Ul'X OR|)'. New Orleans and el.scwhere in the Unifetl the I’nitetl States, have much complicated Ilice, .) E Hryan, Lawrence & Troy. .) Dowell. \\ . relea.-*e of these prisoners. He sajs, how- | ^ -j. 5,.,;^,, Son, li I Houze. The comlition of that ' listened to thri.u-di the crowd, and, with-1 State.s, in which Sjiain believes there has as to incapacitate and applaudel him as long as he faherin- or "hesitation, .>^pokc as f^l. I heen great insult and outrage to her flajr . 1 . 1 * , I I and n ur (>s to her subiect.s, resident 111 jiraised Kossuth, (as a state.«man and pat- |amimjuii.. .1 , , liot,) but when he declared that his ]»ropo- (jov. Kossi Tli: Though yet young hitions ought to undergo a long, anxious .,fre and years, I have learned more from and mature didiberation, storms of hisses the free institutitius of the country than j j,,. do all he can to allevi and urcat excitement were proilueeil. large portion of those prc>cnt risii'.g and (danioriiig for the speaker to sit down. 1 Francc n luaiiicd with- Sickles and Cram made neveral Friday last, anti at Washington yesterdtiy. ext lamations, expressive of a determiua ■ "li. w" tear iieaii principles; and to force 'p iCi^ni of .some kintl. m liiied t.i hope that no further ■ id result, either in France or l'i;r p... e ('inada has arrivetl, with Li- the l-"th, at whit h time af- :kml all supervision by the subscriber, or Dr. .1. F. Alli- .\t Chajtel Hill, on the 2(lth inst., Mrs. F'Ll- . son, when not on professional duty. We 1ihv«‘ } rep.airetl anti enlarped our House, so as to ac- I commotlate any rea.'ioniilile number of younj: I Ladies. I’.oartl per month, including every ' tiling, (no extra.) Tuition as heretofore. Latin .\U1UV.\LS. I tanjrht if retiuired. O. H.E\ . Dec. *20.—Steamer (iov. Crahani. with boat i Mount ('ileatl, .Montp;om('r\ o.. ) Cien’l McKae in tow, with pootls for Murchison. | N. Dec. _0. ISol. j Ucid & Co, J M .\ Drake. .1 A Mootly. Elias \ V ) Dowell. 1 I'.QLlll Vrcenihoroifrh C.) Mutual Insurance Company. CRSCANT to un Art of Incorporfition, a Company has been formetl untler the naino nnd .stvle tif “THE GUEENSnoUOCGH MC- Tl ,\l‘ INSCRANCE COMDANY. ’ and fully orjranizetl by the appointment of the folhiwin^ Oliicers. viz: .I.\MES STiO,\N, President. S. (!. (,’OFFl.N, Vicc rresidcnt. I’ETER AD.'.MS. .‘Secretary and Treasurer ■ C. P. .AIENDENIIALL, Attorriev. •lOHN A. MEI5ANE. ) W. .1. McC()NNEL, • Executive Ct>m. \V.M. .S. KAN KIN, I lUltKfTOK.s. .lames Sioan. John A. Meoane. AV. .1. Mc'onnel. Andrew Weatlxrly \\ illiam .S. Eankin. C. P. Mendenhall. .Tetl. II. Lindsay. Lymlon ,S^^aiIn. J>hubal (t. Coffin. .It sse SlicHy. William II. Ileece. .lonathan W. Field. SAI.E. V M CamplH'll, C W .Viitlrews, E C Hall, .T Tyre (ilenn. This Company h.-is now been in sm-.-*^Hrul hnjmrlaul Sale of Town Lol.j. \ virtue of a Decree ot the Court of Eqvii- Piuihlin-js, Mertdiandise, I'urnitur'*, Proilui't-, # ty for the county of Cumberlanti. :it the joct of this orpinizrttion is to at- liton was ill, since the s;iil- t;,,,, i,ot to hear Julgc Duer farther, and pa on lheith. Sales of the they ealletl upon the members of the Bar .^llllllling fair (Orleans 4td. to aid them in jiutting him down. After Anothkk I)IS«:U.A.CK TO TIIK I’l LPIT.— | Arciileitt.—In this county near The liev. Mr. iJeecher, of the Plymouth ■ j^mjcsborough on ediuisday the 11 th Church, Brooklyn, presented Kossuth, iti ‘ instant, illiam Holmes and Holden POUT or WII.ilB Ii^«T031. AUKIVALS. I>ec 23—.'ichr .) P Hrown from Philadelphia. o Lots ou Hay street, joining E. J. l^il- | Company, and ex].erienct‘has i.roved the safety Iv ou the east each ‘20 feet front, and runuinfr 1 of Mutual Insurance t'onipanic.s, n» well as the back to Franklin street, about 378 feet. ' ?reat s.-ivinK tt, its members: and no .stronj;er 8 other Jjots fronting ou Hay street, each ‘20 feet front. a few words more, complimentary to M, Kossuth, Judge Ouer took his seat. Kossuth then made a few remarks pre paratory to retirino; frotn the table, in the and a cannon ball! Symbols, wc suppose, of the religion of this reverend preacher. The Press Baucjuet, at which the Presi- '* '1 :idv;met‘il at Havre. \ I::' ,,{■ Whigs of (Vaven was ‘ II! .\ '\v!(erii on the 17th inst. He.so- •' H-ioMug the course of .Mr. ^,jj ^ uijy ]ikcd free dent of the U. States was not noticed, and Adiiniiistration, ami nominating course t.i »iiivn , ,1 IMlu; P for Pn-i.lcnt, Mr. (oaham i discussi.m when he expected it; when he Mr. ^\ebster and other members of the Vi,.. IVe.ident ami Mr. Washington i did mit, he had rather dispense with it.- Ca.nnet were hi.s.sed, is stated to have ’ islv adopted, i [Cheer.-, and crici! of “That’s the talk’.”] been altogether an abolition affair. No - • ' had editors other than those known to be tinc- --.J"? I I ' . 1 1 11 J 1 1 ' ‘»4 Hrigs Pamelia from Hoston. Arcturus from i west of the Englaml Lot, each - 1 his Church, with a bullet, a grape shot, I Horne were instantly killed, and .se\eral Dawson from Trini.lad; Schrs j and running back to tranklm street, »hout 1 others badly injuretl by the tailing of ^j^ric and .Mnrv Powell from N ^ ork: Barque 1 teet. 1 -.a r * AT Hot tree at a choppiug frolic, at Thomas | Samucl Train from I’orto Kico. 2-j—Brigs .Al- j 2 Lot.s, eat h -(> front, on iMaxweil TV, j pine nnd Joan from Martiniiiuc: Schr Adcll fm 1 and running back about l.^b feit. f w nnotbcr serious monitor New York. ’Jt)—Schrs Mary Patterson from j 1 Lot, corner of Maxwell and 1‘rankhn J his .ICC I . • ‘ ■ , Charleston. M B Mahoney from Philatielphi*. j streets, 27 feet on Maxwell, and ruiini/jg back '•riioi', v.t rc unanim)u> -Brig John Keutlall from Carditf. to all, that “in the midst of life wc are m death.” Too much caution cannot be | Mrs. Hardin's School for Young Ladies, facts almost daily demonstrate. Waihshorow/h ArguK, The Columbia Cnrohiunn t* Telegraph ■ !' /ut. , were appointed to the Whig , he felt that in a free country, h , . , ^ ... u right to expect ho.spitality, not only for tured with freesoihsm, were permitted to \vb-n'ii*ui thinks that the lieojdc 'linner, but for his opinions, [“You purcha.se tickets to it; and the Kditor of | Counterfeit 'li lt I tj .i, prt fer Ualeiih as the place have'.” “you hav of the (Convention. . willingness to meet ; accounts for the indignity i true patriots who have fearlessly declared Such is the freedom which we are taught their determination to administer the fugi- .jj.q yrgU calculated to deceive. No notes AT KOSE HILL, Arfir FaycUettlle, 2s. C. The next Session of this Family School, under the imni'?diate charge of Mr. and J' -r fli l'ivii,KN,,.,_The .Merchants’ Bank of -uss these matters. l,a, declared a .lividend of impudence! Ca.sUier, are VoX i the School being limited in number, cloan, well executed lithographio bills, and xhe present Session, will close 011 the 20th Wl'tl,.. M 1 ...11 , r\ J l,v Ko.ssulli and hi,s fmiids: Ibo fre..aT.ni live law. 'J'lie IVosidcnt and his Cabinet I „f any .Icnoiniiiation abon tco dollars are -•'i'1.1 ^7 - [ If speed,, wl,ieh «iU ..ot tokra., a eata , are no favorites with tUe aWiUouista. ! i.»ued by cither brau«h tf tbi. bauk. instant. Dcc. 18,^ 1851. W. IL HARDIN. 4B-ltOJ I06 feet on Franklin. Also, all the J..aud lying on Mumford and Maxwell streets, known us ‘Military Green,’ hounded by Franklin, Mumford and Maxwell streets. 1 Lot, fronting 50} feet on Green st., between Gee’s and McPherson’s, as per plot. 2 Jjots on Bow street, fronting 29 4-12 feet each. 1 unimproved Lot on the South side ot Muniford street, joining T, J- Curtis, Esq. TEPvM.S.—1, 2 and 3 yenrs’ credit, with in terest after 0 months—interest payable senn- annunlly;—tie purchasers giving bond with sc- curitj u, b« Clerk and Master. Dcc» 22, 18j1- argument ean be produced in ther faTcr, thari the coBfidence which they receive from the en tire community where such Companies are iu sticocssful rtj>cration. Any information respecting the princip’f-i? of the (Company will be cheerfully furnished by the Secretary, or anv of its .Agents. PETER ADA^IS, Sec v. The Subscriber having been ap pointed .Agei-.t. will receire n})pltcatlone and make suiveys to cffcct Insurance in said Coni- panv, JOHN M. ROSE. Who is nI.‘»o .Agent, h3 heretofore, for the N Carf>Iins .Mutual In.suraace ('ompany. Fajettcviilii, D«c, 2f>, 1851. ol-3m NE\\nBOOk^ HE Wonder Bo(^lf for Bnys and Girb. bv FlRWthome; Ladies’ fJaide, or Skilful Housewife; Emerson's -Aritl'imetics, /tc. A further supply of The Ifafinonist. with* patent notes. DATTA' E.XPECTET*. A further supply of Books suit-iM- for Year’s Preseuts. Dcc. 21'. E. H.Vtr. ^ vT ?•' rjii

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