SEMI-WEEKI. Y. [VOI.. I ] FAVETTKVIIJJ:, N. C., TLESDAY .MORXIXCJ, JAXl-ARY 0, 18r>2. [XO - AM* jBBt’aaiwraawai.T lillNTKn BY ,T. B. NKWHY. i:j)\VAlM) J. llALir& SOX, r.itiTi'rv"^ AM> ruoi'iuKTous. 1'. , !' r ' c Sciui-V> oeklv Ohskrvkr !p4 00 il p i in uilvniirc: '>0 it' j)aiil cluriuf: tlic ■V - i' siii,sorIpti"ii; or ^*;•3 al'tcr tbe year has L ,1;,. Wol-kly Or.!>KnvKU $2 00 per annum, if p:,i i in ailvanoc: $2 oO if jviiil duriiij^ tlic voar .'I's^i'i^CTiptioii; >r ^3 0> aftt'r tlir year li;i> cxpirt'd. \IiVK1;TISI;MKN I'j' inserteil fur .sixty cents s iu:u-f for the first, nn'l tliirty ccnt. for e;u-li }'nl»Uc:itiun. Veiirly inivcrtiseim'uVt. C' litrin t-i. at reuscnuble r:itc«i. AM- ,„rti'i rs ;in' roiiuo.‘ite«l tf> st;ito t}io number of !ni’Vii"n^ (le?ir‘il. or they will Ite continued till : r ;u. dinrfrrtl ncconlinply. Li'tters to the Kditors must be post-paid. TIIOS. .1. JOllXSOX ^ ( O. Ark anxiouH to settle their bu,>«ines.s nt >i.s early n day as possible, and would re- speetfull}’ suprgest to their debtors the neees.sity of jittcndinj; to their notes nnil accounts. I’ur- 1 tlior uf^tioe need not be expected. Those havin" ! cl.-iims .-i-rainst thetn are inviteil to settionient. TllOj:. JOllNtiO.N \ t'O. } rayetteville. i>ec. l27. 1S.'>1. .M-ow 77/C Stibcr/hi rs have on lunul^ \ T^O. 1 and -J MA(’KI:RI:I., I’rinic an 1 Mess I’ork, I Tanners' and .‘'p*rm Oil, tJlue and .Vmerican Kivets, Hand and lluop Iron, ('rookery. Hardware, I'icc. I With a IKNri;.\L .'sT(X'K. to which they in vite the attcntitiU of purchasers, at wholesale or retail. l.I'KTK .S: JOHNSON. I'ec. . Ih.'il. waxtkdT FKI'.T of se.-isoncd I.nm- lur wanted. .\pplv to y. J. llIN.'^l>Ai-K. I>ee. ‘20. 51-tf • r'on I'r/tutlr iradrm i/. rg^'n I xer*of this Sclioo), »n»der the • B ,■ : ’ >t l.iimbcrion I*i\ision. S-iis of ’ , iMUci. will be resumed on the IJtli of ■ : ,r\ lii xt. T' ‘ i> J''r F'Xfii'ti ;f ■’> M'-'t-h". J, ' ' r. Nvi ain;:. s])e'!in;.r and arithmetic, !?•"> 0) 1 - iJiMinmar and ieo^raphy. 7 .il* ’ . i;iJ hi^iier Mathematics, !• 00 .i. .iuction for absence, except in cases of U. K. THOY, I’rcs’t. ■ rt.'ii. I*«'c. llT. 18.'>1. .M-3t i:grrrv sale. I mil- rlnut Srih of 'roirn Lois. virt\ie ‘f n I>ecroe of the (’onrt of Kiui- j[ P f. ;”r the cr>iinty of Cumberland, at the .•n i, i'''«l. I shall expose to sale :vt pub- . (Mi ii'iii. at the Market House in I’ayette- M ii'iav the i'th d:tv of Februarv next. • . • uins: \ Al.I’Ar.l.K 'Hi; \l. K.T.\TK in i "T Kiiycfrrvillc. viz: L' t.s >n llnv striTt, ji'ininjr K. J. Lil- ; . !; ’’,r » sr. each 2*' feet front, and runninj: • 1 I. . :i .'Mcrt. :>bcuf ;> t't. ; I;.';• 1. t.- Ij i'IititliT -11 Ha_V stl\'( t. wrc . t tln‘ Knir’and l.i't. each ’20 fi et t’lont. : i; 1 r .'.'.u'.nv; ''ai k t>> I'r.inkiln street. aboi;t L L "’'. ■■nch ■_(> fpuit. on Miixwell st., . U u.ii;; back :ib >ut l.".'> feet. i I, t. ( r 14' .Ma.vwi'il ami Kntiiklin « r. _7 u-t i 11 Maiwell, and running b.nck t vi oil Franklin. AS . nil ‘II" Land lyiii;r on MtiniftTcl , vii.wvcll strd'ts. knr>wn us ‘.Military (ireen.’ i i i.-i liy Franklin, .Muniford and .Maxwell ] i. !, tV'>!itin,u' ;’>v i fi-' t on (irecn .«t.. • tvn cii ('i ■ s anti Mcl’hers' ii's. as )’er plot. 1, 'Ts >u Bow stn’Ct, fi'ontiug 1;1* 4-1:^ i -1 T^of rn tlic Stnitl; sivk* of '! .. . :•! street, j.lining T. .1. Curtis. F.sq. ' i'.i.M''.—I. 2 ai’d :5 years' credit, with in- t-r-? 'lUT ■■ munths—intrre.«t payable semi- " ■ —i’,,e purchasers uuing bon'i with sc- t‘> l.f ,approved bv the Master. Ai.Cli 1> A. T. SMITH. (,'lerk and .Nlaster. 1= . 22. (I,;/.N(.V. C'.) Mutual I/isurftnrr ('ompnirj. S5I 1;>C.\NT to nn -\ct of Incorporation. C.iiiipanv has been formed under th'‘name n>-i-f.!' ..f'-TiiK r,iu:i:N.'^T5»uorr.H mi- ' \I, IN.^n;\NCH COMl’ANV." and fully ' _‘ iiii/edb\ the aj'pointnicnt of the followin;r ' -I.TS, ^i/.; .l.\Mr;s .^d-OAN. I’re.siilent. O. (OFFl.N, Vice President. I K j'ini Al'.WiS, .ecr't.nry and Treasurer, t . 1’. MENDKNUALL, Attorney. .' UN A. MF.llANi:. 1 V. , .1. \liCONNI'.L. . Ksccufive Com. WM. .• RANKIN, j MRl'.CTOHS. - S', in. .Icihn A. Mebane. '= .1 '«! •.' iiiiel. Andrew Weatherly. 'v.m S. I’.ankin. 1’- Mendeidiall. • vi. II. Lir.‘lsay. I.yndon Swaim. '• ; Cotiin. .Icssc Shelly. ,!•; II. Ileece. Jonatlnin W. I’ie’d. 'i ;. rt- (ilenn. Tliij anv ha.s now? been in successful ; itii.n for ?e\ months, and will take iJwellinir House.". Stores, and other ■ 'i ir.''. Merchandise. Furnitur-, l’roluce Till- ..l.jci ; of this or;r«nization i.s to at- I :i -yu-u\ of Insiiranee which shall operate : !■ I !' ’ iiiiitual benefit of all itH niombers. Till j'i' tiliar advantajr«‘S iiris'.n" from tliis f’l ic ! liisur.'Mice are, that the assured pay no i. the .icrnal lusses ai»d expenses of the ' -li . . . ainl t-Np ricnce has jiroved tlie satety •' \liitui»; In-iirani.e Comji.-iiiies. an well an the j;i'..t savin;, to il.s members: .'\nd ii" stronger ,:ii(r.t c.,!, i,e produced in fher favtrr. tliMi ■ 1 > c- V h th'-y receive from the en- ' ' it'.iry whf-re fcuch Companies are in ' ‘I-- iji'T:!tion. \i.y i!iti>nii!ition rtspect-'n" tho j r:ncipb-s of ' • iiv w\". be cheerfully furnished by ■ • ' ' i-i.t.irv. . r anv tif its Apent.s. I'FTKll AI>A.MS. Sec y. ire' Till' Snli.'t riUcr liaviu;; bt'cii ap- i will roceive npplic.ution.s and “•‘Ki- surveys to eirect in.surnnce in s.aid (,’om- JOHN M. ROSE. ' 'U-vl’ilr. I)ec. 20. 51-otn XTAV IK)OKJS. ^B^IIb Wonder Hook for Hoys and (iirls, )>y ■- llawth(a-ne: Ladies’ Ciuide, or Skilful H'iUscwifi’; KiMiTson'.‘! Arithmetics, »S:c. A fiirtln r supply of The Harmonist, with I'^t' iit ii'.tes. Pat.nt not ahraijn In)j)rorc- /ti( a Ls. 1^::^:'" As A“ont for the s:iic of iho only a>-tual kii'i’i of l’ort;ible Stt'um l!n_'inc an>l Cir cular S.iw Mills in tiie riiit;-! .''t;it>'s, 1 wish to enliphten the I’uldic in ri'terence to the nature of ie rpe I'ape .V Co's Patent Impro\enu-nts. 1st. lie claims the end play on the s i\v shaft. 2d. (Juiile rollers running on e.ach side of the saw. I Manner of connectinp two » arriapes to- pether in onler to saw lonp stuff. .Mr. McKii^sf7-y s.ays: .\s repanls the end play and guide rollers, they are not h.-ivinp in I connt't-tinp the carriage topi-ther in tliis section of the country, .North Carolin.-i. i All we want is one hmp c.-irri.ape. In my mills I have ;in :;d)ustab!e collar on the saw shaft, which can be chanpdl at the ojaion of the sawyer, and ke-j> the end play out, whii h end play I con sider uin»eci s.>ary. Instead of puide r >llers 1 use block.s of h.ird woikI, wiiich in m.ny instan ces 1 hoar they have dispensed with p\iide roll ers on Pape's Mills, and ttsed the t>loek.-= of woo'l. W hei\ the rollers are used there is a continual stream of saw dust runninp down be tween them and the saw . v hiuli oausf a prcat deal of fricti' ii; but tlie !'■ nu of the bb'Cis of w.od are so cc.iistnn tcd :is to prevent :;iiy jam ot'th‘ '.iw lii St apaii.^t ti.e .'aw wli.Oevcr. .\s rt -ards .Mci\:n.'tr\'s .Mill t:il«inp tiie pre mium at the .Maryland St.'t* l air. 1 was mista ken. It sliould f;ave l,c( n liis I’ort.-.bie Ste ini Knpincs for .'iicu’;ir .'-.iw M;..s. He tlid not h;i\e time be bre tiie i ;.ir came o!i to pet his Kncnn* aiid .Mdl b(*th rt*a'iy t"r ihc I-.\h;b;t’"U. h" t'lok only the Portable l.iikdue. which took the )>ri’miuni. 1 an- now the l.ict.«: aiid I. ;is .NIrKin.stry's .\pent. and knowinp the waiits of the Public, would like to fnrni'h J’ortablc Ste.-im Fnpines and Circular .''aw Mil's of the above manufaeture to those intcndinp to invest caj'ital in s.nvinp lumber. 11. r,. 11 ALL. r,iycttevil>. De.v 2'.'. l^-'.l. The (ioliisb' rough Telo;.:raph :iud Sali.sbury NVatcliin.ui v\il! c;-ch v'opy twice. I>AILV KXPi:CTi:i>, \ further supply of J5ooks suitable for New * ^’Mr « i’reents. A FA III Tr.ST. Some months ago. h Mrs. Walker, of ( raw- ford countv. (ia.. »‘ame to l*r. (.lornian with her little iaughtiT, who was wi^tchedly atl'ected with a sort of Tetter, covering not only her hea.I and neck, but extending t.. many parts of the body. Previotis to coming to Macon, every remedv within their reach lunl been used, but without ti'U'hing the ease. In this condition Iir. Litt'-'« Pvingworm anl Tetter Ointment was preseri'oed, and the result by the end of two weei-s t very vt'stigo of the lisease \v!i.s en- tirelv eradicated—a fact well understool in the neighboriiood. .Some ton or .1 dozen inijiortant cases, and. among them, two or three obstinate Scald- head»«. have been cured recently bv this reme dy, and but i-ne f.tilure repi rted in the last four nnmths—that was one if twenty xears standiii". involving jirob.ibiv thf whole system. F.XTi;AOIUUNAUY STCCLSS. Cutaneous .-iffections, known as .ScahldiCad, old or ob.-;tin;(te Tetters, and s tue others, an- extremely diflicult to cure—in 'ced, r.rv incura ble bv most of the preparations phvsicians or- flinarily prescribe. I'rou'i Dooly coinity, nn extraordinary case lies been given, of ;i ma>i w ho ha- had a chron ic Tetter upon the chin ;md low er lij« for fifteen years, that had resisted every thing—w hich has ‘recently been cured by P». Little'*! Kingworm an.l Tetter Ointment. It has been j.erfcctly well for s»-veral months, though bu- years pre vious thought to >»e incurable. Dr. Little—Sir;. 1 take pleas; ro in informing you that a single bottle f your P.inpworm arel Tetter Ointmont has cured a 'iett'‘rlor me ui the hands, of three or four years' standing. (Sig'.edi JOHN 15. .loNHS. Talbot county. i iJr. Little—Sir; Votir I'.ingworm and Tetter Ointment has been apj.lied iu several cases in mv family, and lias cured every «,ne ju-oniptly. i.''igtied) Talbot county. i FllO.M ALAI5AMA. | Tallaj'oosa county. Ai ril 1S19. This is to certify, that Dr. I.ittle's Uin':wonn and TcUer ointment cured a Lingvo.rm .f two ’. e:irs' St.Hilling, v. iien every thing else had f.-vd- *cd. In another similar ase. 1 have knov.n tiie Ointment used with entire succe.s's. L. V.'. iior.LinsoN. Auburn, .\pril It'P*. !>r. Litt’c—Sir: 1 have cured two cases ot Scald heads in my family with your ilingworm and Tetter Ointment. Hespoctfully. w.M. o. .mookf:. The fac-simile of the signature of Dr. W. (i. Little will be found upon the outside wrapper of each of his Medicines. Sold wholesale and retail, by the T*roprietor, at his Manufacturing l>ep. t. No. .Market street, Philadelphia, and .Macon, (Jeorpia. To be had also of .lanvesCain. Hoekfislr, A. Watson. Floral i’ollege; Townsend \ Doug- iass. Uentiettsville; l*r. V. M. ('olien. Charles ton: IJarbee, Harchiysville; P. F. Pescud, Raleigh. S. .1. in.NSDALF,. Agent for Fayettevdle. Oxford Female College. Tins Institution, loc:>tcd in O.xfonl, ' (iranville Co., N. under the care jf I’ev. Sam- | uel Wait. l>. I)., aided by competent assistant.'}, ' has now bceti in operation one session. The next session will commence on the SLCOND .MOND.'iV IN .lANI'AHY, lK'i2. A uniform- lias been adoj)ted fi>r jiublic occasions, consist ing of deep blue Merino, or any other suitable , fabric, for winter; and of Pink Calico, (iingham, ■ or .Nluslin, and white ('ambric or Muslin for 1 smnmer. 'J'lie F.onnet. straw; in winter trim- ' meil with deej> bine silk velvet and lined with light blue satin; in summer, trinuned plain with Pink I^ibbon ami lined with white, without flow ers, lace, or any inside trimmings. Ti’rv'.c—Per session of five nnuitli.’, ]>ayable one half in adv.-ince. Tuition in t'.c Prepara tory Dejiartment in the College Cotirse J^2i>, without any t'ltra ch.arge for langiiagc's, or higher l'.ngli*h throughout the course. Pu pils can take a j artial course, .and stmly Latin. (Ireek, or Frence, or other ailvau'‘ed studies iu at\ Knglish cours' at JSlU for each study. Lxtrii expenses: .NIusic on Piano .'Ji20, tise of instru- n>ent The same on (Juitar. Drawing and Painting in water colors !*12; in Oil iSl."). Needle Work !i'lO. I’oar 1 in College under the immediate c:u\' 01 the i’rcsid'Mit and his .Vss'.st- auts. incbidlng v as'iiug. fu«-l. and liphts s^S month, tiood lii^.rl be obt-iincd in tlie village on reas'inn.bic terms. Fiirther informa tion can be by addressinp the Pr'^'bleiit. Hy order 0I' the iloar 1. T. T. : II \Ni>v, See'V. Dcc. ir,. is-'.l. ‘ IStlM xo'ru'i:. A Tl'.VrHF.l* wanted, to t.-ike charge of the /m .Veademy at Whiteville. Columbus county, N. C. .\ liberal ju’ice will be given. .\])pliea- tion will be made to F. tieorge. Ksip or mvself, at this otliee. .1. A. MAl LTMlV. Whiteville, Dec. 10, 1S.")1. IS-tf For VhristnMas: C'ft M.'sINS. Prun‘s. Fips, Citron, Currants. ■ ^ Cocoanufs. .Vlmomls, Hr.a/.il Nuts. Fnpli.-h Walnuts, Ha/.lenuts. Pecan Nuts, Cake (>rn.i- ^ ments, Pres“rvcd (iinger, Clo\*'S, Cinnamon, : Mace, tjinser. Cocoa, ( hoctdate. I’randy Pine .\pples. Cherries. Sardines. Salmon, Pickles anil Preserves, Cheese and ('rackers. with a variety of other articb's too innnerous to mention. F' T sale low. by CH'S 1’>.\NKS, (ireen street. . Dec. l-->. 1S.-.1. -l-tf Nortli C=irolina Kerseys. A PF.V, SHKMWF.I.L v*.: . O. have jut re- .Jw ceived a larce lot of ••.';ilem Kersevs.' known to all of our Planters ;is the best goods for negroes that .-ire offcreil in this market,- Those who have been waiting, had bet'er come and get suj>j>'ied. as they :ire going off r,-i)>idly. Fayetteville, l>ec. l-*>. 1S->1. 4'‘-tt NoTUK.” The I’ublic arc inf >nnetl tli:it tlic- rubseribcr is the authorised Agent for the sale of .McKINSrilV'S PollTAHI.L SAW MILLS, manufactured in W.->shington City, of 2o horse ‘ power engin’. loc'*motive boiler, which are the , onlv actiial Portable S:iw Mills he h is ever seen no brick being used iu their erection. Those iu want of tlicsi,- Mills will tin'l il to their ad vantage to call on the subsi-riber. Mr. .McKin- stry informs him th.-it (Jco, Pa,!'e A: Co. h.ave never manufactured a Portable Kngine like the above, and ti.erefore their right is in no tlanger of being infringed upon, as there is no necessi- t\ of di»in* so iu this .age of improvement. II. MALL. FavcttevHle. l)ec. 1>. l'’)l. '^‘tf FA Y I'.rr EVI I.IJ: 1!R ,\ NCI 1 C Ii O T II1 ,\ G iESTA'i311SHMEWT. J. M. WIIITK & I'MIKRIIILL, Mfrapers^ Tailors, AN I) WIIOLKSALK AND Pt E T A 1 L 110 stn’ct, X ir Vor/,-, MAT DDdK Tl) Tllli in.NR OF ('API- FE,\R. FaifvUevUIr, •V. C, Thk Suliscribors wotiM lio" leave to in- i'(u-m the inhabitants of Fayetteville ami vicini ty. that they have opened the above Establish ment, jind intend carrying on the btisiness in all its branches. They have.iust received a l.-irge stock of E£ B: A E> V- A l> I: I.OT Ii I \ From New York, .all of their own manufacture, consisting in ]>art of Cloth Cloaks, al! iiu.alities. llhick am) cidoi-ed ('lotli Siirtout and Sack (Jver- oi'ats. everv grade. L.abrador a;id Lamb's-wool I’e.iver ditto. Ditto ditto ditto, niadr revers- ili’c, to weai- either side out. IU*iiver-cloth. Petersham and Kersey Overcoats, every style. Dress and Frf>ck Coats, of French cloth, superi- «r i|uaiity. eipuil to custom work. Suck Coats of all kinds and (Ualities. Pants of fine French Doeskin. Ditto of fancy Catsimere, in variety. Ditto r>f Sattinets. Kerseys. iS:e. Vests, of .Satin, plain and fam\v Silks, Silk Vel vets, Wool Velvets. Cashmere. Ca.-^imere, Va lencia. Marseilles, .'ic. Vests, of white and figured .‘'ilks. f)r weddings and jiarties, in variitv. — ALSO— Shirts, plain and embroidered; ("ollars; I n- der-Shirts; Drawers: Cravats. \c. v^e. —.VLSI»— A pooil assortment of medium and cheap CLOTHINJ. i'»VNTltY Mr.nniANTS and otln rs in want of Clothing to sell again, will do well to call and examine uir Stock. Oi-ilers fi.led at t-v:--NEw vouK Pi:ici;s,-vp::« Measures :iml orders will be taken for fine C’othing. anil executed in the most fushionable stvle aul with despatch, ,L M. WHITE .'i rNDLnillLL. A. II.VUT, Nov. 17. if'-M. •i()-:'.m Patrc's (^ircultr~S(tu' Steam 7*[lUs. ra^ifE undersigned is the nuthorized .-Vpent JL the above vahmble Mills, and will be glad to receive orders for ‘-Circular-Saw Mills", to be propelled either by Steam, Water or Horse power. These Milts have been used oji the Plunk lioads in Maryland. Virginia, North anil Sonth Carolin.a, and are alw.ays approved. They are use«l and preferred by tiie Cireenville and llaleiph Plank Koad Company, and I have the ■W(,rd of some d' the very experi'.need Dire'tors of that Company to say they perform admirable. They .lie cheaper than any other .Mill, will perform better, and .saw more lumber. .INO. M. KOSE. Fayetteville. N. C., ^ov. iJi, LS."*!. o'.t-ilm Distillers of 'Vurpcntinc. SHAVE reduced the price of tny SPHUT 15.\KI5EI.S to .'rd (iO, ilelivered at any ]d;ice iu Wibiiinpton. After Christmas they will be extra sized. Persons wishing can ••ontract by the year on these terms. JIOOP JilON for sale at j)cr ton. A. MOIIGAN. Wilmington, Nov. 10, IHol. ."'.-•-2m ~ WRAPPING PAPEU^ M RE.VM;^ Medium si7,e, K fi.'i “ Pdue. for Cotton Yarns. From .Mantco I’ajicr Mills. liabdgh. For s.ile low bv II. IJKANSON SON. .Itd'y it. 18.'>1. -tf Vfrticai IVatcr Whrol. rptllEUE ar* several hundred of thes^ Wheels -S. in ojieratioii in ilifl'erent counties in North Carolina. F»r proof of their prt-nt advantages over the comnioti llntter wheel, or any other whewls now in use f(ir saw mills, we confidently reier to those who h.ave appli‘d tliem to theii’ mills. We can recommend them iiarticul.-^rly fwr their su] eriority in c.a-'cs of n low heail (>' water. f>r liaek water. We still keep a supjily of Wheels. suFtable for fliilerejit heads of water, at Wilmington. New- bern, W:>.shington. F.dcnton and Fayt'ttcville. The wheels may also be had of I-',. ,\. Hrernrd. Lincolnton. atid I'riah Wells. I’elersbnrp. Va. Persons w ishing to obtain the ripht t.> tise the wheels, will be served on iqiplication to 1*. .McNeill & Co., Fayetteville, N. C. D. McNElLL. A. A. .McKi-THAN. D. .1. McALlSTElL Feb'v 22. 1810. '>*-tf sTi;M.uuiLi: wor.Rs. Corner of Xorlli :ind Monument Slrwls, Raltiiiioi'o, .Tld. ^ISSON \ P>.\ I KD having completed theirex- tensive works, (wliich is now one of the largest establishmrnts of the kind in tiiis coun try. 1 are )U-cjiared to fill all oriters in llieir line, viz; Marble Mantels, Monuments. Tomh.x, Grave Stones, Tabic Tops, Tiles, (for floors,) Marble 1-etters, &r.. at as reasonablt* rates as can be had in tiiis or .any other city in the I'nion. beauty of execution ami originality of de sign. their stock cannot be surj>assed, 'i hey would respectfidly invite Arr/tihrin. Ciihtifi Makf'is and others to eall and examine before purchasing. They arc also prepared to furnish the trade with Slabs, IMocks, \c. to or der. r-r?’- All orders by mail pnnctuallv attended to. ^ ' 2Ci-4m .4r«‘V, Al H.\ VE one jiicce extra fine 7-4 black French CLoTil, to v.hich they would call the attention of the public. Oct. 1.'), IS.'.l. :'.2tf H. G. MALL. FayetleviUe JPoiutdry. CASTINGSOF EVEUY DK.'-crapTlON .MADE TO UUUtK. hit of Halibet .Metal for »«!•'. i Wiu'ilow street. Se]>t. 1, I80I. 1^' ' lOliX I). W ilJJA.MS, Cointnissio:* />* • filcrrhttitin ! Fayetteville, N. C. ! Feb. lo, ISoii. ~ H. M. imR}•:!.!.. forw.iiidim; rir»niissiitN ^rum.uT \r Fay‘HcY2!I*, IV. March f.J-tf i n. L. 1101.Ml.s. ; Attorney at Law, v;iIraingtoii, W. C. OFFIt'E on conicr ( f r;-ont and Priucesd streets, umler .Jotirnal oCice. streets Der. 12. 4H-tf i;o() r-MAK!:iis. Hi» want a svtperior article ot Oak Ian Soi,E LEATHEK, with French and American CALF SKINS, can be suppUeil at our .''tore. ,T. i: T. WADDH.L. Nov. 20, ISol. -II' .irs’l' UKCKIVKl), P.Ul.S, N ^-therii WhISKFA . s. \ . TII.LINUHAST CO, Dec. 10, IS-'il. -5"‘f .Soiitlimi ^lainitarliiiT. ■W, % E have formerl a company styled the V T Snow Caini' .Manufacturing Conijiany. of .Mam.iiice County, North Carolina, two miles West of the C.-ine Creek Cotton Factory, on Cane Creek, at tbe Fouiidry owned by David Dixon Js: Drothei s. and v .0 Id resj>ectfully announce to the citizens of .M.iniance and the adjoitiing Counties, that vre are now prejiared to .Manu- f.ieture in the lu test and liest style-—Wheat Thrashin'r .Machines, from two to six horse power; Cutting Machiues of different sizes; Wool C.-irding ,Maehinee; double and single .Mill and Factory (iear; Saw and tJrist Mill Irons; edge Tools:Cotton V.Ttii .and Wool Lolls, P('rsoi!s wisliinp to puridiase wonld do well to :.ive tis a call before jiurchasing elsewhere, as ■ we arc determined to sell cheap for cash, or on ! time to punctual 'lealcrs. Our long expctieiue in the Maniifaeturing liusiness enables us to foel no hcsitati'Ui in s.iying that our work shall net be surpass 'd tiy any slio]i in the Sonth. All letters afhlressed to the Agent of the ! Company at the Snow Camp P. O., Alamance ; Cou itv N ■"■id r«ee>ve prom; t attention. DAVID DIX’N, Agent of the S. C. Manv.facturir.g i'onipany. I .‘-now Camp. Dec. '.I, IS.'.I. 'i'iiOS. 11. 'l'ILMX(iJiAST, l50«K-S51>l>S:it, Anderson St., Fayetteville, N. C., (»I>rosiTK Ml{. -SV. WI.NSLDW’’.-^ I.AW OFFICE, ^insit- neatly bound at short m*tice. I'amphlets and i'crioilicabs bonnd. and old Hooks re-liound, in ii substantial manner, j Dec. H, 18-'.I. I want or M()N!>Y. I 8^’” Those who arc imleldtal to n)0, l>y 1 Note or Account, w ill please settle by the 1st of .Lanuarv, that I may be able to I owe.* A. A. McKElH.VN. Nov. 2G. 1S51. WalcT ^ 1.\N be furnished by the undersigned. Old ® Mil's can save Jj^lo to and new Mills ‘o i^40. by procurinp these Wlieely of me. Castinsr for tlin latest improvements in saw mills constantly c-n hand. Steam mills repaired throiipliout. Cr.ites for burning saw dust, sash weigl'.t®, corn shellers, irons, niill spindles, gearing, backs for (diimneys. fronts t'lr fire-places, ami castings of every descrip tion. made to order, lie has just returned from the Great Exhibi tion. and is prepared to furnish machiner.v of the latc.'-'t improvement. A few p.atterns for f'.incy r^'.iling fences for and cemeteries expected d.iily. Horse Powers for threshing gr.iin, sawitig wood, and grimling corn, mado to order. A four-horse Power, with grist mill to grind to .'.(I bushels id' corn ]>er d.-iy. for j ■'j^.'!-jO. Ho is also making jirep.-iratmn to man- 1 ufacture Page s celebrated Saw Mills f ir saw- j inc lumber.—will saw .i.OdO feet of lumber per 1 da.v- .\ specimen of fancy Casting can be seen at the Oliservcr (Mhcc. ! 11, (J. HALL. j Nov. V*. IH-'l. IWl.L. 1851. jAMi:s kvm: DAii.v !:\pi:c'i'i:i). TONS of HOOP IHON, suitable for Spirit barrels, bv E. C. HALL, of Home. Oct. L>. 18.jl. "2tf I'^aifrtfrrille Jfoltl, i FAYl'/r rEVlLEE.jS. C. I rif^ins large and splendid Huilding has now | been in successf'til oper.ition E’nce May lS4'.t. The P.ed ling and Furniture of all kinds ' i.s new. and the ro^uns convt'nient and pleasant. , The TaVde is shvays furnished with the best the market nflords. aided by a fine xegetable garden. Hoarders, Lodpe: s. and Travellers will find de sirable aceomniodatioiis and attentive servants. No pains will be sj>ared to pivc entire .satisfac- tion. Families can be furnished with large, airv, front double rooms, convrnieiitly and hand somely furnished. ,\n experience of 20 years will enable the les see she bones, to give general satisfaction. ANN Pd{OWX. .Itine 1, IS'tO. 28-tt Kiicosirajfc Soiillicrii ^5o- cliaiiit*^. r|MIIE Subscribers rcspectfnliy .nnronnce to ■ th** citizens of Fayetteville and the sur- rotinding country, they have comn>enced the ITIakiiitf .\t the old Stand formerly occnjiied fi.y Simpson \ McLatndilin. (one door b(>low A. \. McKe- than's.) where they are now jirepared to manu facture to order .all kinds of UlDINti AKHl- CLE.'s. from a Sulkey or Piuggy to a nine-]>as- scngcr Coach, wdiicli. for style and dur.ability, shall not be stirpassed by any establi-shment in ; the ]'hiee. | They lio]ie. by a strict attention to business, i and a desire to please :dl who may f.avor them j with a call, to merit a share of public patronage. I lUCP.Min.N'O ne.atly execttt'-d at short! notice, and LoWEU ,in_v other establish ment in the I THOM AS V. WHITE. .n NILS H. KAHoTE.\U. | F.ayetteviVie, Ft-b. 17, 1S.‘>1. o^nf I’o r.vToris. j ILVUIIELS now landing. ! 5 hhds. Molassvs do. Nov. 24. F'or sale bv H. HH.VNSON SON. 42-tf T. C. WORTH, ('ini.iiissi(t\ A\n FiiKU uidim; .hf.rch.iaT, WILMIXc; i'OX, X. (’. Feb. 1. IK.')!. ;'>7tf SAVAC;K 6vT mf.auks. Commission and Forwarding Ker- I cliantg, WlI-y.lNCTON, X. C’. I SCOTT cV KAT.nWIX, ! (to St*of(, htui A' ^ ) I Fas-hictnahJc Merchant loilorsy : ANll nF..^r.F.US IX Gentlemen's (’lolliinjj;, Keady-niade, OF THE FIUST (it'ALITV. Also, a comjiletc assortment ot (lents GOODS. Si iff t, ,.irs SI oTT > '\Vilmiii":ton. N. 1 s. li vi.invis. » ^ •Ian. 1'., 1S.')1. .V.ypd ^ fmini iiL(ss!i().ii. ' u i: E R A I. c; o.Ti .n I SSI o \ AND FORWARDING KERCHAKT, Prompt personal attention given to h11 ('onsignments. anlCash advances made on Mer- chaudise to be shipped or sold in this niaiket.- Feb. 1, IH.M. '"’"y IS now receiving a very large and general .as- 1 1*. F. .IOII\SO.\ sortmcnt of DilY Purchased by the Package for C.\SH. 1 litise wishing to punhase Goods at reduced prices, ; will please call and exatiiine, as Ibirgains may ■ be expected. HOLT I Nil ('LOTUS. Anlur IJiaiKl, from No, 1 to iO, nucommonlv cheap. 11.') Pack.irrcs IJOOTS'ANi) SIIOKS, cheaper tlinn ever were for sale in this m.-irket. Oct. 4. 1S.-.1. 2Stf _ 'roiiAC'c'o. A GOOD STOCK on hand; ami 1 shall re- ceive regularly, from Messrs. ,1. .lones .'t Co's Factory, iiualities assorted from common to verv tine, which I will sell at lowest manufac turing prices. UTLEY. FaveUcvillo. .\i>ril !’>, 1S.)1. bGtt oxH rnorsAXi) KArrs. AVING located myself in Wilmington for B Jl- the purpose d' doiiu; an .Agency busi ness. y>ersons ^^ishi^g to save time jintl tuonev, will fin-i it to their interest to send their pro- iluce tti the (Mr*' ot K. Shaw, tind the returns will be forwar.Icd forthwith. UODEIUGK SHAW. Wilmington, (let. 2R, o.)-->m ^ B .TL'.ST I’ECEIVED ami offers for sale. 1 I "cheap,— 7'> bags superior Ilio COFFEE, 2o barrels CofVee Sugar, .*iO barrels M.ickerel, Nos. 1, 2 and o. Loaf and Graindated Sugar. —.VLSI).— larjr assortment of Iron and Nails. Shov els. Spades. Trace (’hains. Shovels iind Tongs, Pdacksmiths’ llellows. Anvils. Vises. Hammers. Planes, Augers and Chisels, Files, Colliiih's .\xcs, &c. August It;, I80I. 1 Itf 'r015A( ('(). a JllIMl' North Carolina and Virginia Ghew- l iiiff Tiibacco, bv the Ilox and retjiil. ' k T. WAl»l>lLL. October 2.'), Ibol. , o4-tf j:. j. iiali: k son. I'OU SALK, ^ TH,\\1 of four Mules, a Timber 'Wagon, a ' ■ Ilo.’ol \\ ;ij;on, a set of Gear. Price $425 I'T die whole. FARQUIIAIID SMITH. * uiiilx rlaiiil i-ounty, Dec. 20. '>ltf MAV liUOKS. Tlio Anieric:in Almanac for 185*2; '" I 1.1 Pocket Almanao: The Fifteen Decisive li'H of th»‘ Worhl. frwtn Marathon t» Water- I'irst Impressions of England and its Pco- 1 I'V Ilugli .\liller; Swallow ISarii, revised eli- b"ii. illiistr.ited. by -L 1*. Kennedy; Don Quix- o'' niorocco, illustrated; London and the -^hiliitiim, iilustrateil; Abbott'* Histories: Lis- '■>n M,Iter’s Surgery: Htillion’s Cicero; O'pee s Curves, Functions and Forces; Tooke’s ■intliooii; Letter Writers, .\c. I've. Just rec'd. bititi 1. (ioons. L'vc, S, iy.ji K. J. HALE & SOX. iWi a N, York, a largo and general assortment ot Staple and i'anai Drtf (ioods^ (JIIOCKKIHS, IIA111)WAUK, Hats and Caps, Uoot« and Shoes. Among which arc: (a)lTee, Sugar, (-otton Happing, Hale Rope, Nails, Window Glass, Swedes and English Iron, Sack and .\lum Salt, Imperial and Hl.ack Teas, Pepper, Alsfiice, Ginger, Powder, Shot, liar Lead, liar and Fanc^’ Soap. Together with a great variety of other arti cles, to wdiich they invite the attention of the public, and which thejj arc dcterniined to sell as low for Cash, or on time to those who pay proniptly, as any house in the Southern connf ry. Produce of all kinIs, at the highest market prices, taken in exchange for Goods. McLEAN & .JONES. Summerville, N. C-, L’?o. H, 18j1. 47tf JVew F'irm* jBj^'Tiik uiidurfigned have entered into Coi>artnership, under the Firm anl style of McLEAN k JONES, for the purpose ot doui" I a general .Mercantile and Barter liusiness, a I aUo for the distillation of Turpentine. \ 1>. McLhA>. N. G. JUNKS. ^ Summerville, N. C., Nov. 24, 4^-11 Cabinet Furniture^ Chairs, tVr. rg’^IIE subscriber is receiving the largest ns- sortmcnt in his line ever before purchased at the North, which, together with his own man ufacture, makes his Stock very complete, con- , sisting of Chairs, Tables, Sofas, liedsteadf^, U a,sh i Stands, bureaus. Looking Classes, I Side B('ards, Seeretaries, &e. .Vll of which w ill he sold on the low est terms for .,s t’ash, or on short time to punctual customers. •"’1 .TOIIN W. ILVKEK. ' Oct. aO. 1851. Till: ('i:Li:iui\TKi) hhk i’atfnt C)OKIN(J STOVi:. £S for sale by the Subscriber in lltvleigb ;\nd Fayetteville; in lialeigh at his Shop on 1-ay- etteville Street, and in FaycUeville at Mr. A. M. t ’airpbell's. The Subscriber hereby forer.arns nil persons from purchasing any of Stoves from any ]iers(ui either in or out of North ( arolina. e.x- cept from himself or his duly authorized .Vgents. He has purcliiiseil the exclusive right to vend this Stove within the State, and will prosecute anv person infringing his ripht. either by pur chasing. selling, or using, any except those ob- tainetl from himself. .70SEPH WOLTEHINii, F.aleiph, April 10, ISol. ♦•Stf FOR TUK FAKiMKKS. ^TP.AW ('FTTEHS, Corn Shellers, Harrow.s, Ploughs and I'louph fixtures of diflerent patterns, &c. &c. For sale by , J. I'i T. W’ADDILL. Oct. 1, 18ol. M a r b i c F ir c t o r y. TO Tlli’. I’l ni.lC. I rBlHE subscriber has leased for a term of | JL years, of II. V.', P.rowr. his tire-proof j .^tore. with his Wharves, and is now in a condi- j tioii to take es]iceial care of .'Spirits Tur]>entine ■ .and other Niival Stores committed to his care. 1 The W.irchouse is well known to be the best and | safest )'lace in town for tlie storape of liacon. Lard. Corn, Peas, iScc. The lower wharves have on them four large new where Spirits can lie safely kejit from the rain and sun. He is prepared to receive and ship, or sell, all kinds j of produce sent to his care. He will also make iulvances when re(iuirel. He begs to refer to the following .irentlemen: 11. W. lirown, .lohn Daw.son, O. G. Parsley and Thus. H. W right, Esijs. MILES ('OSTIN. l?rown s wharf, Wilmington, N. C. Sept. 12, IHol. -l-V mxsi)Aii'/s Compountl Irrlainf *lfoss niiiiii Tins rro]>arati.*n has proved itself to be of great efhc.acy in the cure of Couphs, Colds, : Whoopinp Cough, and othei pulmonic affections. : It is pleasant to the taste, and may be given to j young children with ]ierfect st'.ecess atid safety. I The meilieinal inpredients of which this Confec- | tion is composed are purely vegetable, and are ; selected and compounded by the Projirietor with | accuracy and care, mid are. singly, ot great benefit iu pidmonar.v coini>laints. For sale, with directions, by SAM'L .1. IIINSDALI-^ Prnggist. Nov. 17, ISol. >'>5*' 'riiiosn CKAC KKRS, cVc. -m IU5LS. and half-bbls. I’utter Crackers. ■ 0^ 10 boxes Soda ditto. 12 ditto Wine. Picnic, Sugar and P>os- ton Crackers. !''r sale by SAM’L W. TlLLlNtillAST \ CO. Nov. 17, 1S.‘>1. -5'^tf Carriaarrx* aiil r 111 PvTV-ElG IIT Carriages and P.uggics now JB. tinished, and on hand—eipliteen of which are Ilu'^^ics. Ail at low prices, accordinp to thiish. A. A. McKETHAN. Sept. IS, IS.'il. -=^-tf TjS T • !0 I? M’iKELS for Distillers. For sale 1>y ■ S. J. HINSDALE. ' Nov. 17. IS-M. J. K. TOOMr.H. a»l Forirard^ ing^ ulfprrlKtitt, WILMlNtJTON. X. C. Kefer to H. P.r.anson iS: Son, I pf,vcttCTille. N. C. ,\. .McKethan, » Feb. 1. IS.-il. '\VlLKIXSOX i’k: I'SLER, DE\LE11S IN Ctu fi.i'tlonnr>/, /•'urru/ii I-'riiii/f, I hai'i o, nml I AND IMPOllTEKS OF I SrPEUIOR MI.\VA.\.V CffGARK, j AT Wnni.liS.VLK AND RETAIL. Market St., Wilmington, N. C. 1 Aup. 7. IHM. lltf I“ xV H. CK, Tro//, ,^'ctr I’orA*, IKON yOCNDKli AND MAClllNTST^ I Mnitnt'orturrr of Sl-crn Mrnul /ioi7n\f JItlf (icnt'hiij >'/ iH l>iii>'^s, d'C. ^ rglllE undersigned, as the .\pent of the .ibovr Establishment, will order any ai-ticle» : which may b* wanted. *n appli*ation to him. i The Stejnu Mills m.inufaetiirefl l>y Mr. Stnr- I buek have been tested., and are highly approved i on the Plank Hoads about F.iyetteville. EliW'D LEE WINSLOW. Fayetteville, Se]it. 4. l.'^ol. 2otl 10,000 wanted. The Siil)scrii)cr has now our of the Tiiost estensive and Vest assorte.l stocks Double and Single SHOT GI .VS.^PL''! OLS of the most superior (uality,—Colt's Hejicating ,'iiiil Allen's devolving, ol every quality.—Pow der Flasks. Shot and (iame I? Percus.siou '.ap« of English and French makf!. Also, tin*’ : most compleie assortment of Gun fixtures that ; has ever been offered in thi.s section d countr.v- I Also. Shot «;uns. Pviiies and Pi.stols made ti> I order or repaired. Uitles made to oidor. r.nd warranted to shoot , from one to five huuih-ed j-e.rds. Air (iiins made to order at sh«u*t notice, j To all of which the attention of Sporl.-mor* and others I.s re.*pectruUv invited. M. A. liAKEP,. >V7H of ihf f!''V. llav street, nearly o])]>osite the Marble ^ aru- Fayetteville. N. C., Oct. 1S')1. 2Slf HAIR i'OU 1»LAST1:K1X(;, Ij^Oli sale bv ^ ' .7. T. V.'.UilJlT-L. Oct. 1,18.M. D.MI.V KXl’lXn'Bl). 4(;ENEK.\L AS.siOUT.M ENT of IIOLLOW- W\HE. »>y E. c. hall, of Home. Oct. IS, lS--,r. «2tf McKETILVX iPr/ntgrs: Orfistgcs! Orangen: ^NOTHER lot, just received at Nov. £0, 18o1. CH S BANKS S. 4otf Second Fall and Winter Stock of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Hats, Caps, Shoes, Boots, Umbrellas, Bonnets, &c., for 1851. ■. , reeK, ana o.w - - ■ ^TARR .V WILLIAMS bcg leave to announce in Cun>berland, cimvenicnt tnthe \Ncstern Hank I ^ to their customers, and all those visiting IT RPKX riXK LAXI) FOli SALE. 11011 sale, :>0H acrcs of LANl' on James Creek, and (540 acres on Cypress Creek _ in Cumberland, cimvenicnt tn the \Nestern Hank . ^ to their customers, ami all those visit Pioal heavily timbered, and admirably adapted this jdacc to buy (biods either at wholesale or . V , . .--T, retail, thnt they are now receiving their second I .supply of 1‘^all and inter Goods, which will be j sold rit the lowest prices for cash, or on the usu al time for good paper. We respectfidly invite the attention of Coun- to the nuiking of Turpentine. Apply at this Office. Nov. 28, 1851. 4Uf By GEO. LAUDER. TWO DOORS ABOVE HAlfill & SOVS STORE, Favettcville, IN’. Jan’y 20, 1851* o^-lYpd 18th Nov. 1851. W:\r.\C INTVKK offers for sale— • 15 bbls. clear MESS I’OKK. 3 bbls. No. 1 Lard. 5 kegs Uutter, tine quality. Lib‘jrtj Point 40tf try Merc'nants to our new stock of Goods, as we feel assured tliiit we can offer induccraents un surpassed by any wholesale house in this town. ^ 8. ,V W. 0-'.. 31, 15:i. 30U' .Jtisr KECEIVKn. ^ MEN’S and Boys’ SADDI.KS, of every # fpiality and .style, some very fine. Al so, Bridles, Colbirs, Whips and Wagon Harness. Uv Fi. C. H;VLL. of Rome. id, ^^TILL continiies to carry on the ( .MlLl.Vt'L lU'SINESS, in all its iiraiiche.s. at the OLD STAND. He rctui-ns thanks for the libera! i«at- ronage he has heretofore received, and hopes, by strict altention to liu.siness and a «lesire to pive entire satisfaction, to merit u continuance of the same. . Having recently increased his Imimucss, he has on hand a very fine assortment of Carrin^ros, l{arouchcs, Uockaways, and Sulkcys, Finisbeil. an«l a very large assortment of Work partly finished, which, for elepance of shape and ftj\ish, will compare with any other \rork. Persons wishing to buy, would do well to call and examine tJie work, as he is determinel to sell LOW for cash, or notes on nhort time. All Wcrk warranted for twelve months, and repaired free of charge, should it fail by bal workmanship or material. ECr Repjiirinor faithfully execu ted lit short notice, on very reasonable term-s. Faykttkville, 8ept. 22, I ’ I^ BRANSON & SON. I :uiv I ■ TUI': IIKSPKUIAN llAKl*, Y William Ilonscr, of ()co. A further sup ply of this new .Music P*ook, with patent notes, just received. Also, further supplies of the ]?oston Academy's ('ollcction; Carmiua Sa cra. &.C. &c. r. J. HALE i SON. l>ecem>)er •'i. 1851. _ _____ _ ^ \VKITIX(i PAPER. ^ P.E.^MS 3S»0Tted French, English snd American Cap, Letter, I$«th Post, Folio Post, and Note pHpers—n well ff- Tected stock, embracing a great variety of itT nn'l price. Also, P.ristol P.oards, rerforated Ditto, Tissue and f>rawinp P»per, and Station ary of all kiads. Just receiving. t. J. HALE & SON. Sept. 2^, 1851, GOOD IXVEST-MKXT. 11 HE Subflcribcr wisPieB w-rl one-half rf tbe Fayetteville Water Works. Neither of the pr«>!ent prfiprieforjr NavTng time to g’rfr their persofinl attention to tlie proprrtv. ih« pnr?hiiser can have the marapement ol it, wfc- kinc it a valnable investnienf. rr. J