KQI ITV SALE. Import‘tut Sale of Town T.ots. «\ virtue of;! PotTeo nf tlu“ ('ourt of Kijni- t_v I'lT tliii ftiiiiity (if ruinb»‘rliuil, :\t tlio K.iH Term. I >liall oxposo to nt jmh- lii' :iiu-iiim. ;it tlio M:trkt‘t llou.sc in Fiiyctto- villi', (111 M(iiiii;iv tlio Mtli (Inv of I’ohrunrv next, the f.OlowiiiL' \'\M'Vlil.i; ItKAI, KSTATl-; in till' Tow 11 of I'mvcttcvilU', vi/.: .■’> lii»ts mi ll:iv stii'Ct, ji'iiiiii;;: Iv -f- I-il- l.v on fli,. oust. I'jicli fvot Irciit, iiikI niuiiing t',1. k ;■> I'l-.inkliii alumt ;i7?' tii't. •? dtiicr Ijits truntiiiir ’•> west Ilf tllO l'llirl.111‘1 Lot. (■Mcll -• IvOt llHHlt. nil ! niimitig biu'k ti> i'raiiKliii slrot't, iiUout oi.'' t t. ■J Lot-:. o;u li -* frunt. mi MaxwtH st., nii'l riiiiiiiiiir :*;u !a ;iI> iiit loil iVi t. 1 Lot, ( r Ilf :unl I’niuklin stn'it', -7 fi'cl I'll Maxwi'll, iUi'l iinuiiii;^ l>:ick loot I'M 1 IMIlk'.ill. AI aii'l N' li.■nil'll' 1 l>y Fr:UlI\Iili, .Miiliil >tivi‘ts. 1 Lnt. tV'-iit.'n',' ■'(’] iVi't on (iivon st., 1‘i‘twoo'i i:i(‘ S :i:i i ,\u I’Ik'IS.'H S. ;ts j'vr ^'lot. •J I, iS I'il 1) W »tlVct, tl 'lltilli,' t-l'J fi'. t IMi Il. till' South siiK' xorici:. I A TKAniKK wjinteil, to take charKf of the i Acmlciny iit Whiteviile, Columbus county. : N A liberal j>iii.c "ill *'1' givpu- Ai>i>liea-1 tion will bo ina'le to F. Ceorgo, Es>n. or luyself, I : at this ottioc. .1. A. .AlArLTjCHV. i ■ Wliitevillc, I>cc. 10, 18-j1. j Worth Carolina Kerseys. I A RKV, SIIKMWKI.L 0. liave just re-! coiveil a lar-:e lot of ••SaK'iii Kersevs.” ^ known to all of our I’lanters as the best jjoods , for iio^roes that iire ollereil .n this market. ; Those who have 1>ee>i vvaitiii;r. li:iii better eome ami M't siii.|>lie'i, as liiey are ;;oing oil' rapilly. I'av etteviile, Uee. !•>. IS.il. -18-tt “ NOTlC’i:. ~ Till' ruMie- :iri> iiitnrmotl fliat tin* siiliseriber is the aiitliurised A^ent fcr the sale ,'f .MeKINSl'KV’S POUTAIU.K SAW .MILLS, iiiar.ufai'tiii'vu in W asl-.inj^toii t'ity. of 'JU horse power eni^iiie. hie«nioii\e boiler, vvhiih ar ! 'I'1 lose I'ot I'll Fraiik'.in. power eniiiiie. hie«nioii\e boiler, vvhiih are the Ml, all tin* liailil Iviiiir only lUtnal i’ortabU* Saw .Mills he has ever seen 'awve','. sfreet^. kiicwii • Miiit.iry tireeii.' —no briek ln-ini; iiseil in their ereotioii. Those le 1 bv Fr-inVliii Miiiiifcnl aml .Ma.wv ell in want of these Mills will liml it to their lul- * * t > t > .r>> f . k . n . .t > t 1 . .>11 1 - IM \I r \1 I* W I tl. of 1 imimiir''V..'il I,'it I'li f'l stivot. J 'ininjt T. .1. (’iirtis. F.s.[. •J aii'I ;! yeai'" ereilit, with in ii.ntlis—intrv. >t ] a_vab!e seiiii vantage to eall on the snl'si riber. Mr. MeKiii- sti v in!‘(irnis him tliat (io'i. I’a'ire \ I'o. liave never maniifaetiireil a I’l'rtnble Kiijrine like the above, aii'l therefire their ri^rht is in noilaii!;er of beiii:; iiilrliiueil upcii. a.> ty of tIoin_L: so in tliis af;e M.ir-.i: TI'.ltMS. Fayetteville, Pee. lH, Is there is no neeissi- !' ini[Tovenu nt. H. U. li\LL. >1. 17tf -1. in,'. the jiiin h.i.^ers '.;ivin t" l.ie ;i|.,m e 1 bv the .\i.'stei‘. .Viu ii’p T. SMITH. CIi rk ;;ii I .Master I'ee. J-2. olts (I'ri I nsh'U'ouii h (.N. ('•) Mttftidl In ( 'omjxm'!. !1SI ,\NT t .:n Aet «'f lni-or|'i>ration, a !) ;r.v h;is leeii l'ti; ii;t >1 iiiuh r the naii.e ^=..'1 > cf ■•■T'lii ci;!;i;ns!5(iki!Ii:h mf- Ti VI. IN.'Fi; \N( i; foMrANV.” aU'.l fuliv - l ’'iv t!.e aj p itumelil . f the !u’.!"Wiui; iM'.eel.'. v'-; .lAMF.-> >i. iA\. I’resi.lei-.t. S. tt. ('ill' i’l.\. \ i’l v'^ii!eiit. I'l. l'l-.il VP Si-, : a:..i T.e.i.^.’.ivr. f. 1*. MiM-KNIl AI,i„ Art ,niev. \. ^;F : \NK. ) i !.. l'\ei-u;'ve r.in. ^\^l. S. l:.\Nivi\, I .L'hii .V. Alobjine. IU)()'i'-M.*vKi:KS, I v\ ith so- want a snperii.r artie’e of ('-(k Tan w V SOLM LF.V'lTlI'.K, with Friiuh aii'l .\mciicau I'.VLF SKINS, ean be supplied at mir Store. .1. \ T. \VA1>P1LL. Nov. -Jii. is.’.l. -Iltf 7\mks kyi.i: H now receiving a very large uml general aa sortment of WRY rureha.sed by the I’liekage for ('.\SH wishing to purchase C»ooils at n‘(luceil jiriees, will please eall and ex.niiiiie, us Hargains may be expected. IJOLTINC ('I.O'ITIS, Aiilir liratid, iVi'in .\o. 1 to 10. UMeomniiiiilv eheaji. il.’) I*aikag*s ANI> SllOKS, cheaper tlian ever were for sale in thiai market, Oct. ■♦. 1S.',1. -JStf I'OIJAC’C’O. A STOCK on haml: and 1 sliall re- . a ceive regularly, from .Messrs. .J. .(ones .'t Co's Factorv. iiualities assorted from common to verv line, which I will sell at lowest nianufac- turiii'.r prices. J. L’TI-F.V, Fayetteville, .\pril o. IS.M. OOtf om: 'niors vND KArrs7 C .\\'lN(i locatt'd myself in ilmington for S Iz the iKirpi'M' of doing an .\gency llnsi- ness. persons wishing to save time and money, will find il to their interest to send their pro duce to the care of F>. .'^havv. au'l the returns will be f(>rwarded forthvvitli. HOPMHICK SHAW. \Vi'ininzton. Oct. 1?S. IS.’il. ;’.;')-;;m FOR Tlir. FAUMRUS. CUTTril’S, ('orn Shellcrs. Ilarrovv.s, Ploughs and I’lough fixtures of dittereut ini-.terns, iS:c. &e. For sale by & T. WADDILL. Oct. 1, 1S')1. 27 tf Marbles Factory : pli llv LAIJDIMI. TWO UIIIIKS AIIIIVi: IIAICII \ SII.\'S STIIIII'’, Fayoltt villr, .\. V. .lan'y L’O, 1>")1. oo-lVpd ~ jrsr ~ m M1;N S and i’.oys’ S.\ PPI.MS. of every •i? (jiiality aii'l stvle. S"iiii* very line. .\l- so. F'ri'ilcs, Cullais, \\ hips and \\'agon ILirness. liv L. C. 1J.\LL, of Itomc. ‘oct. IS, 1S')1. ;;jtf {3] 1' .irs r liix i:i\!:!), r.I’.LS. Northern W!ilSKi;V. , s. W. Tli.LI.MiU.V.'l’ .V CO. Pec. ]o, iTtf {herii Tlaiiii(iire*. ave toiincd ;i company stvled the >':i!iip N!aim!':,v luring Comj any, t .V\'.ni:'.i 1-. t' .iinty, rtli Caroliaa, two miles '.\ i.r il:- I t . t Ii C -toll F.i'-t 'i v. 'Il aiie ‘ I'ci'k, ;:t tin 1’ m.I. \ oiviic'l by ha' id Pixou i’r' t'.u i s. :i;;,| v. ..i M r '^I'l rtli.ll v announce lo 111. the ciii/’i..s of Mi... I '-'.Kities, ti'.'.t w c ;:i e :'act;-ri in t!ic ii.;:t n;i:isl,-i!- \la. !ii;.is. p w r; I :irliiig .M.ii ! ('ar ii;;-'- ' l.ii iiim all'! tl’ ;.i1pi If. I 1*. M I.' ■adtl.lKllL S w a im. V. n. Tvre This Cvnipaii;, r.i:i. .i 1. I l!i'-k> uj.-'u P'-.t '’iiilLi.iigs. ri .\r- The Iibici t ‘ . 1 :i 1^;. 'Ten: - t' !• r the nmtii;il ' The pf.-u'iiar in.'.l,. ,i.Mii : i. lilole than the ai ». •iiip.inc. aii'I I- b:l !|>'C .''i.CiiV. b^nathan 'V. F .11 \V.. and Fact- ; v clue Toolv'i 1 I rsciis V,. civi- t.s a e-.U '! best stvK ;r: ssful SUI- V r.ii 1:1 t. ' Mill will take .. L. i: >1,.' '. Sio;.', ai'.d I'tlier . iiaiuli.-e, 1-uriiitui-, I’rodiice of tills T.raaj.i/.iii' ii is to af- iK'iiiance vvhicii shall cpcrate ■ iit ..f a’:i i:.' niomber,'. :i i\ai;tau'' ari>ing from this ■.e are. that the a>>nred pav no li: -' io>>i.' a'l'l expcnx > Ilf the W; ri,-i.,-e proved the >ritetv ■ tt"ii V . to bc;..rc .ined ! ■ inr.' til pnnct ' il lio.i! n the .Man’;iacti:rin (■•' li.i hc.'i: ir''iii in lot be Mirp:.,". '1 bv -\1! Icttc;> aii iii'M ' 'iiipaliy at ihe Sio 'oiuit V. N. I. wir r: VV t' aij'iininir to Maiiu- \Mic.it ' t'l six hoi'.' liiriTcnt and -iii-le -M:!l ^;w ;iiii! (i:-:.--t .^lill li-..:,.-: ;rn ..'id >ol l.ol!.'. .Xc. p .n ha.-' • would (1.1 vvvll to pui. h-..'i:ig el'ewhci e. as sell cli.'ap f r i.ish. or on IT'. ' 'r.r long *‘\pi rieiice : Mti>;ii:( .s.s eiriblc.N to . t!.:'t o.ir woi sliaU O' -1. I in :1. '^oi’th. ■cd t-> t!ie Ag. sit of the w ('aiir' I*. ».. .\1 i;'.;.;ce Mip: uttcn; f'uriti!ur(\ ('hdirs, rgll! II snb^( ribcr is receiving the l.-irgest as- sorlni ’Ut 111 his line I'vcrbefi re purchased at the .Nor;h. v, hicli. together with his ow n nian- uf u :ure. I'la’.i s h;s St, \ ^ ry conijilcte, con- sistinjT of (’halls, 'I';M( .s, S'di'.s, !5'‘ils‘n*ails, ^\'asIl Staii'!. I’.arcaiis. L'l .kiiiL' * !lasst-s, Sii!.- li an!.", Si'cri'tarics. A:r. .Ml of w I lie h will be >'M on the low est ten is for t';.sii, iir on sliTt tiiae to punctual cust'iiii ■•i s. Hot^'rrliral Whovl. [IHFItK are several Iiuniircd of these \Vheels in operation in diHereiit counties in .North Carolina. For proof nf their great advanlages over the cotiiiiion Hiitter wheel, or any other wlieids now in use for saw mills, we confi'lenlly r( fi'r to thi.se who have applied them to their mills. We can nconinicn'l tlieni ]nirticularly f'.r tlii'i;- sii]ieii' I'its i:i cases ot a low head of water, or back water. \\ »• still keep a supply (if W'lieels. suitalile for (lifferent Ik :;ds ot' water, at \\ ilmingtini, New- bern. \Va>hington. Fdent ii and Fayetteville, 'i'lie wlioels ni;i_\ :^Is i I'e iia'! of 11. iJi'cvald. Lincolnton. and I riah \\ells, reter.'burg. Va. Persons wishing to .blain the right to use the wheels, will be sciveil nu application to D. .McNeil! \ ('o., Fayctteviile. .N. t’. II. ii. HALL, I\tyetleville Fouuilry, CAiSTLNUS OF EVKUV DKSCRII'TION MADE TO OKUKK. A lot of Habbet Metal for sale. Winslow Btreet, Sept. 1, 18ol. ISV .loiiN I). wilmTwis, Commission *V M'orirnrdittg • fierchastt ^ Fayetteville, N. C. Fel). 1.'), 18.')U. Ii. ,M. i’i)R\v\!:i)i\(; r!i.ii.)iissi(i.\ >ii:iicii\M .\t Faycllt'villc, .’W .March 10, *1S.',1. t;2-tf II. L. U()I.M!:s. Attorney at Law, Wilmington, K. C. Ol'l’K'll on Corner of Front and I’rincesd streets, under Journal oflice. Pec. I J. -IS-tf T. C. WORTH, (■(MnilSSKi.N .\M) ruUWAHDI.Mi Ml'iU’l!\NT. \V1IN(; rOX, N. (\ Feb. 1, 1S.',1. .",7tf SA\ACi: Mi:.\Ri:s. Commission and Forwarding Mer- c!iant=*, y W’n-MI.NCTOV, X. C’. sc’o r r vV I’.Af.Dw IX, {^Succifto Fasfiio/mh/c Mcrrfi i/i( 'I'lnlors, \M* i»K\i i::is IN' riotliiiiir. R(*:i(I\-iiiadt‘, OF TilF, MUST gCALlTV. -\!so, a complete as.ortnieut of (leuti’ PllF.SS A DESIRAIUJ*: RKSIDKNXK FOR 8 A I.E. rHlIIK Stibscriber now offers for sale all his ! JH- Turpentiiic and Farming L.\NP, contaiu- j ing about tJOl) Acres, situated 12 mile.s Hast of I Fayettfville, on the (S)l>isboroug!i road, coni- I iiionly kuown a.s I’almyra. I It has a good dwelling house, out-buildings, I &.C., and a store where a large amount of busi- i le;*# is i]onp. anil increaj^itig (^-lily. This i» a I rare chance for turpentine getters, merchants, j \c. nml will be sohl a bargain. Any one wish- j ing to purcha.se, and wisliing further infor.. v- ] tion, can applv on the premises, to i ■ .1. W. .Ml F.i'HV. or I 1’. T.WLOlt, F.nyettfville. I July iV.tli, 18.51. blf j Tlte h:is been ntfific! ffiIi I- Subscribers liaving sold out their oM LL St'jck of (JiMids, h.'ive the pleasure now of Haying to their friends, that they are now operi- ine :in entire NllW STOtJK of * I i>^s¥ HARD WARE (’rrLi-:Rv, HATS AND SHOES, fjirocerivs of alt kitafs^ ■ \11 of which we will sell low for Cash, or ex- ( liaiige for any kind of Country !’]-oduce, or to 1 jiunctual cu.-;t.ji;iers on time. COOK ,-t TAVLOH. Sept. 'Jl'. 1S>1. 21tf "xo'ricK. ^^T.\!!Il WILLI.\.'1S h.-ive removed to the K” Store recently occupied by Mr. .iohn P. Starr, one hmr vvi-.-st of .Messi-s. II. nr.-iiiM'n .v Son. where tliey iiave just received additions to the Spring piirch.-ises of Sta|ile and Fancy PIJV • iOOpS. Country mercli;tnt;j are reiiuest'.d to e.'ianiine our stock. J. 1?. ST.MJIl. J. -M. WILLI A.MS. IH',1. T.Vtf 15 IN'j, for Wagon-. Nov. 10, 1^’)1. L!\r paied to forAard witli Pi-..^].^, .•ii^ini d to the I’roprietor. ' " The Steamer ilr. fiiem j, well suited to run in low vvati'i- power, ai.d .ijieed. aiuj i^ ;i,h, tow;ng, and can ucci laiaoil;,;..' ' . gers. ‘ ‘ 'I'he l)ropri(‘torc('ntcnip!,.i., himself, anrl will jrjv,. freight aii'I nav:,l j,, . , • so attend to ti.e eon.f'n .j,',')''' Pas.ien-ers. From iii,. in Wiliiiinglon of the .s. vci- ' v. panics, he thinks he can io .^le:■cllants in tl.t.- int. ', ■ that ail Ciii.ds ship],cd )iv l,;i. ■ to their .\,L'ents in l W iImin'.^ton is JollN C. i Communications inav i,(.- a'l 1-. . ' the Ste.'inar l'.rijtli('rs. • " A: „ 1:A.\K. I', , . .Ma V 1.). • - ■ I; II. AESI-:v, s XJ:\V I'Al.L AN!) o o i) h. ‘'i ({). WiX- :e .lune ■Il Lii Si m r I O II »I.1UH>. > Jan. 1-'). iM.'il. (;oop flarhii si reft, ( Wiliiiiniclon, ■i-')y pd (; oi .\liitnal In^urjuice ('oiiip.-inie'^. as widl LVeat >.iv;tii>’ ro i:> inemliers; ;in'l no stz'oiiger ai;;uiin nt call be )T ' liire.l in thcr fav. r. than the co’iti'le;;.-, vvl.i, !i tliev rt = eive iVoni the en tire C'i'iiiiu’.iity w.'re s'l li Coiiipanic.' are 5n. ee>-i’ill op. i ati- n. .\ny inforiaation respocting the prim iples of the 111 PA\IP PINiiN. \-.nt of the S. C. Maiiiifat-turiiig t"nipanv. .''iiovs ('anip. Pec. 'i. I'-'il. 47-'im TllOS. !l. 'riLIJ.\;ilAS'i\ n>OK-IS3\l>51?{, Anderson St,, Fayetteville, N. C., iiriMXli i; \!it. \\ . Wl.N.'I.iiw's L.WVtilUCK. the Coinj n;. wi. th‘- .''ccretarv. 1 t rtni: ■ of it' \'_o-i;T-. I’Ll Hi: .\PA.MS. fiiniisi.ed bv Mu'ic nc.it'v b iiiid at .-hort le 'i p.illiphlet,' :;i’. 1 i'tiiMli.ai^ lioiili'l. :ind " Iv' re-boaial. in a .-ui .'tauiial liianner. Pe.’. I''".l. 4.;tf .Id The >’■ ]' 'iliti 'l Al' r.t. liia\ '.‘ .'i;r . .-\ , !•;. y. Favcttev;!’". p i^( r ec y. liaviti_' li. cti aji re.nv e ■M elKct IIl^ur.•lllee in '1 t F', Ti !{!'i:.N ri.M; i.a.mi Ft Ml SM.li. '■'il''. ■ '> acvi' L.VNP on .laim • ■k. ati'l t'l ai I I s 'II ( JOHN l^'l. P.« IS 11. ol-om will' 1 ). rno.s. .J 4illl anxii'U !ii-.-tfi!'’y -tij-- I •t ■ '■'■Irii. J t ■ ',u JOll VSOX vV t sett'e t! V ■ IV.'t! CO. in.-ilit >' at !IS ' : f. and w ou!d ro- tiieir !i )'t r^ th" in-. : ' 'iK .r 11 t' ' ."I 1 a'-'■■.lint.'. Fiir- ' Ii t e.'.pecti 'I. J lio'C hav iii'Z t.i.'Iii ;ire invitid t. >"t!!eiue:jt. Tile'S. .l! lll.N.-^f i.N .V CO. . P'I-. :17. ■ V.I. erl.ind. 'iiiv I ■av ily ti.ii' i.Tf I the makiii_ of 'I'arp -\ppl V at thi' I liiice. N 'V.'l's. Is-.!, Il s 'II ('vpri-' fi.ik. ;.t to ihi- W otri li I'ialil. an 1 a'liuirali'y a laptcl .; .ne. Ntf IK; h^rrihi r\ Ikhc c./t /m/ul, O. I ,.nd ■_> M.\t KKPLL. Prii.i - ;i:' J \j.-. Pork. lanio'r' an ■ ai.-t \:i S|it rtii ( hi ■ri'Mit I:.-' w :'U 111 i;n r ■ \i, p >, .;i 1" I. i.i; whicli th( I r>. *H \v! • il V'.i- (i IM )• a : :ir- i'mrri ■1-i'ivin.r from I -ol ttlK.-lif of N-i'v W i;,.i. .. Sa> A an i P-:.|-r. \N,,; ■ ]> ,!• L'' i'l, |!ar li'T.lI i)n/ r;7.S, ilAUDWAlJi:, 15'■ '1.' ;i:iil .Sinus. Il are: Pah- 11.,pe. 18th Nov. 1851. -M.\f INT^ I:F rf' T' f.r — , 1 '■ b!.N. clear M I S P(»KK. o l.b'-. N I. 1 Lard. •I ke/' llutt. r. :u;i- .juality. I.'.biTiy Point. -Imf r.WKTTIA 11,1,1', Itlt.V.M'll ( il ) T 15 I ,\ ii ESa'AUIL-'B'MEHa'. .1.)!. \iiHTi: iV iMiniiiiLL. Ih-tijKis. Tailors. A > I> w 11 o L i; s A L i; A N P u i: t \ i l 4 i.oTi]i5:i:^. 1 II jlium .\~ ir m:\f imkm; tii mi: nwh iif ( i'ittjinrriUe, John w. p.vKi: Oct. :;o. l^ol. ;;,',tf Secoud Fall and Winter Stock cf Staple and Fancy Dry G oods, Hats, Caps, Shoes, Boots, Umbrellas, Bonnets, &c., for 1851. I Mlil 11,1,1 \M.'S bee le.ive to unnouiu’C ► ^ til ti; .r customers, uii'l all tiiose visiting thi' pi.,' r t ■ buy (ii'o'ls cither at wh'ile.s,ile or Il !ail. th.it they arc nmv reeciving their » •.•olid ■"'‘I !‘\' 'i! ‘ •'•1 aii 1 Winter li • '!>. v, !,i. h will be sol I ;it the lowest prices !■ r carh, orcii the usu al tune tor lod paper. We rosjiccti'nily inviic tlic ,-ittention nf Cnini- try .\lc: hant- t'l our new stock of (loo.l.;. as wc ti'cl .i-'iirc l that we c.in otl'er in'lncenii'nts uu- .-nr; :i.'"c 1 I'V any v^holv.'ale lioii^e in thi^ town. S. A W . ■ 0..-1. .51, is.'il. 1*1!i> t *.s f I ri' >11/' S/( inn Mills. unli'rsigncd i^ the ;inthori7«‘d .\i;ent *3 t r the- :ib \i- v;«lii:ible .Nlills, and will be i:!a'l to receive onlers f- r ••I'in r.iar-Saw Mill,^ '. to be pr pelled citfier by .tealn, WHti ror F«ire ]..wer. 1 hc'i' \lii's iiavf bi-eii n'od on the 1 l .iik 111 ai|' in ^!a^\!aIld. \ iririnia. North :m'l >"iuh I l;n i. .iii'i are ;ilw a v » api'fov cl. Thev arc ii'c 1 and prct, rrcl by the lirccnviHe and Ka!e;;_'h I'laiik lioa'I (' nipaiiy, atnl I have the wol'I .'f Some of tlio Very experi'.nce I Pirectnrs ' f tint C inpaiiy to s.iy thev pertorm a Imimblc. They !.rc chcaj'cr tlian ,'uiy oi'-,er .\lill, will per!"!'!:) ’ i tter. aH'l '.iw m-.r«' lumpier. JNo. .M. KOSK. Fayetteville. .N. C.. :^,,v. p’.. I'-'l. ;;'.t-;Jm /^/'/;/A/’,v o/ I'urjh jifmc. Sll W i: re liic 'i the pi ice of my SPIIIIT IiAKIiKL.'' t‘ S'l I'lL di*Hv(*re I at anv p^ace in W iniiinrton. .\ttcr (■i,ristma> they will l,e extra s;/cd. I*er.-'in» wishing ean ontract bv the vear on tlie^c tt-rnis. Hoop IKoN for .'.lie :it Nh'i per toll. A. .M(»i:c,an. Wilmingt. Ti, Nov. pi. is',]. ’'.i-Jin \\ Ii \ri*i\(; iv\|‘i:r. ^ J 4 h Pil.\\l.'' ^Il■dillm si/o, F3 *;.i loiic, |. i-Cotton Varns. I : :ii .Mail!,' Paper Mi;:-. Kab i'.rh. For -a’e ' • > I!. P.KANSoN X .(|\ .luly '.I, ..J,- \vvy, Nliciiiwctl A.' ’o. ^^1- one piece extr.i fine -l bl,ick French M a cLorii. f.. wiiich a:tcntl..|i of the I'ublic. *"t. lo, Is.'iI.' Feb’y -J-J, IKp.t. mi:rc’i:r ■McNlILL. A. McKF.TllW. J. .McALISTKIl. oti-tf •J) /4jr N«)v. I'o’rA'i ()i:s. BVllllFI.S now landing. •) hhds. Molasses d.i. F'or s.ile by II. lUl.VNSO.N \ Son. ». -IJ-tf 'ro riii: prRMc. rgillK sub.-cril •er h.is leased tor n term f>f M. _\eai>, ot 11. W. ProAii. i!.-i|, hi'tire-proof .''tore, with hi- Wh.irvcs, aii'l i« n'lw in a condi tion t'l take especial care of Spirits Turpi'litine and '.tli( r Nav;il ,''t(ires c'-mniiltc'! t-i his c.are. The U .irehoii'C is vveil kii'iwn to be the best and s.ilcst i l.tce ill town (or the '•torage nf Macon. Lard. Coin. Peas. \c. Tin-low er wtiarv es hav e I 11 them I ur large new slied.s. w here .''I'irits can be s;.tely kept from the rrtin iind sun. He is prepared lo receive .aii'I sliip. or se of produce sent to his ( are. Hi a'lv aiiecs vvlieii rei|iiireil. He bc;^- to r' !i 1 to tiie folb wing ;;i-ntlenien; IJ. \\ . Pr.-wn. .!' Iin Paw son, >. (i. Par’ev and Thos. M. Wright. Lsip. MILKS C(»,TIN. l''iiiwn'.s wharf, iliniii'rton, N. Sept. PJ, 1-')1. I'l-V FRi:sil C'U \(’K!:i{S. vVc. mil.s. ;tnd halt'-bli's. P.ntter Ci acker«i. ;ill kinds will aim m:ike JilMiPil H. !?L(!NM»Mi. ii 5: A I: E5 A L « 73 TS I ?«tI ' A N l> FORWARDING MERCHANT, II •/'/«# .»*. €'. tVO" Prompt j'crsonal attentieii given to all Coiisi^'nnients. and Cash u'lvances made t.-n Mer- (di.indi'c to be shipped or i!d in this market. Feb. 1. l^M. .-,7y .1. i:. 'rooMi'ji, ~ t'ommissiim anti M'orirttrff- w ii.Mi\(; ro.\, ,\. ('. liefer to H. Pi atison \ .'■i i;. I ,, . . I- .1 1 avrttcville. N. ( . .\ A. Ni’ Kctliali, , Feb. 1, l -.M ,-,7y w iLKixsox i:.sli:r, PliALLPS IN (oii/ii'li'iiiiiri/., tiitiiiju I'ritif.-i, To- /xiriti, urn! Smij/, .'vNP IMPoiriFllS OF E>i:i:ioi: ie\v\'^a AT W lliil.K.'.\I,K .VNH ItFTAfL. lYIarket St., Wilmington, N. C. Au; IN M 1 Itf B b. PJ ditto t'in Cracker*. SAilL Nov. 17. Is.'il. • So.la ditto. W ine. I 'icnie. ,'sugar ,ii.d Pi I'or snle b\ W. TILLIN;HA."T \ Co. lott mi.i >I( K r/l’flA A tliey vvouM cali the :;_’tf WmM I,.;,VC !l'.- ■ ! !’.,y -tte' i'b- M'l I ‘ open, d the .il; ,ie F-t e iri'', ;nir on ilie biisin to III- V i' ini- :iMi-h- sb in ill DAiL^ i:\i*i: ri:i). loN.'s nl HtlOP II;oN. snit.able for ,'siiiril liarn ;,. !,v 1-. • . 11 \LL, of I’ioine, If Oct. Is, I Fntr’i'li Iron, ii'l I’d.ick Teas, Sh'.t, l.l / . J aH' I -T tv (if .ithf*r .‘irti- ‘ I . V ;ii‘i*c 1‘h* atlv'nti'iii ol' tin* p'ib' c, :,!1.1 U i, they are .letennine.l to sell * a-i;. or .^n time 'o th'i.-e who jiav JT-iiiiprlv. a - :i.)v hoti I- ill the .''■inthern ennntrv. I ro'luee ot all kiii'lr-. .it the lii^rhe.'t niaiket ]ir, cs, t.uM-n in exchaii;ie f.r (lon.ls. .Nb I.KAN iv JONF.S. .''■.iinnievvilh-, N. l»is-. ,s, 47tf Oxford F'eniale College. liiis Institution, Io(.;it(.-d in ().>cfor(l, ;i'anville ( o.. .N. C., nii'ler the care of llev, .Saiii- 1U-. Aiiit, P. p., .lide'l by competent assist.-ints, lia. lio'.v b'-.-n in opeialion one session. The ne\t se.'sion will ciiiinienife on the .'sFCONP MoNPAV IN JAM AilV. Is-VJ. A ui.ifbrm h. been a'l'ipte-1 for public occ.-i.sions, con.sist- iii- ol'deej) blue .Meiino, ir .any (jther ,-nitable laliric. fir winter: aii'l of Pink Cali.-.., (iinLdnini. er Miislin. and white C.imbrie or Mii.sHn for s'liiKiier. 1 he iJ.iijiiet. straw: in winter triin- II - I wifo blue .silk velvet aii'l linc'l with 1' bine ^-itin: in snmii.e,-. trinir.ie I [ilain with Milk Kibbon .aii'l liiic'l with white, without f' hiL-e, or any in^: le trimmings, •‘‘'■-^'on of five ni'inths, jinyable «' ''• l.a.l in a'lvance. Yiiition in the Prepar.i- t. ry Pc). irtnient .sl(i, j,, c,,l|ejr,, Conrse ..■'-I', without :n;y ( - tr.i charge for languages, or li!glier Ln;-!i-li tnroughoiit the conr,se. Pu- j'l.s i-nn take a j'.itti.'d eoin-si.. anl stiidv L.itin .r"ek. or I leii' h, or other advanced stmlies in an l.nidish (-onrsi- at s-Ki t'..,- e.„ 1. .stinlv. K.xtra I ii.M .s; Mi.'Sic on l-iano ^20. nse of instrii- 'o'iMr. PrawinK ami ' l .niting in water ^1-; ,,il si]r,. -■•••eille Work SlO. lioar.l in C,.!!...,, li.mtivnate c.ire o| the Presnlent ami hi.s Assist- loils, inclil'liii)' w;i hiiii. fn.-l, aii'l li;;|,ts ,;s Iiionili. (mod boar'I ean be obt.ained in the '■ TI-I'll re isonalile terms. Further infoini.i- f\tffrf/crl!lc HotvL FAVi: r ri:\ iLLi:, x. c\ au'l spleii'lid Piiilding has miw si 111 operati'.n since .May f ■'(HI S large il- been in sue.. l'*P'. Ihe Itedding iind Furniture of all kind.'4 is new, and the rooms convenient aiifl pleasant. 1 hi fable is iilway- furnished with the best tiie market allor'ls, aided bv a tine vegetable gar.len. I'.oai 'lers, Lodgers, and Travellers will find de sirable accomni.idations and attentive servants. No pains will be spared to give entire sati.sfac- tion. l amilies ean >ie fnrnished with large, r.irv, fr.e't double roi.nis, convenientlv and hand- s'linely furnished. An evj.erienee of L'll years will emible the les see. she hopes, to give general satisfaction. ANN IJKoWX. June 1, IS.'iO. ‘’H-tf P, tion i:,in be Ini'l be a'l'lr. • ill NliV, |H.-,|. the PreKiilent. r 'if the Poard, JH-tlM i'hristiuasi AISIN.^ >Valnnt... II:;/,]io merits, Pl-isefvi .M.O'e, ,;in.T. -\piiies. (■ll(•rrie^ Pre-( rve.s. ( hei •!’ otiier articles For - ale lancK, I’i Ab.ceb iC . I‘e, . I din,'''! a, Citron, Ciiriaiils, P-ia/il Nuts lln;rlis]j .Niitij, Cjike ()rnn- * bives, ('innamoii, ' b'.eiilat... P.ian'lv Pino Siii'lines. Salni'i Piekle.s fin.l •oi'l ( iMckeis. nitU u var "I nniiieron- t' iiV lueiitioii. iiiety l o. ISO I '■H S 'p. \NK- (ji een .stiee ■)>tf Thk Sill f- riii the itdiabit f.. that they 11 1' iiient. and int-ii' its br.inclies. fhey have jest received a large s;,.ck of c:a: \i>v. ] %i>:: i.o'^’scixi I roin New a.l iii tlieir own maiuifacturc. eoiisi^tiiiL' in p.at of I iotii I i'i.aks. all 'jiialities. Piack aii'l coloicd Cloth Surtmit ami ,>ack Over- co;it.-. every eiaile. Labr.idor ami L.imb s wool Peaver ditto. I*itto ditto ditto, m.ide revers ible. ti> wear either si'le out. lie.iver-clnth. Petersham ami Kersey Overcoats, every stvle. Press ,ind Frock Coats, of Fremdi cloth, siiperi- i-r ipiality, e'liial to cnstoni Work. .''iick Coats of ail kiii'ls ami iju.alities. Pants of fine Fremdi Poeskiii. Pitto of tancy Cassimere, in varietv. P.tto ol .'^.attinets. Kers(*vs, ,Vc. Vests, of S.itiii. plain and fancy Silks. Silk A’el- vets. Wool \ elvets. Cashmere, Ca.vsimere, Va- b nci.i, .Marseilles, i\.c. \ ests. of white and fi-nred Silks, for wed'lings and iiarties, in v.iriitv. — .V!,SO_ Shirts, plain an'l embroi'lered: Collars; Cii- der-.'sLirts; Prawers; Cravats. \c. i*i;c. —.\LSO— .\ good .‘issortment of mcliiim and cheau CLO'IHlNt;. ' X>'iT" ‘H NT!!V .'ilKItf'II.VNTS tlllil tif!)crs in want ..f Cjo'liing fi sell again, will do well to c.ill and examine -mr Stock. Or'lerc iilled -it Ir.vf NliW VOPik Pl'ilCFS.- fna Measures MTi'l or.lers will be taken for fine ( lothing. and execiifed in the most fashionable style aii'I with de.sjiatch. J. M. WHIT!-: PNPFinm.L A. ('. IIAUT, A,,r„f. Nov. 1,, lh.,1. AValcr if 1.\N be furnished by the undersigned. Old ■ y Mills can save >>10 to >^|."., ami new Mills >J.tO to .VlO, by procuring these Wheels of me, t ii.sting lor tho latest improvements in saw mills con.sitantly on hand. Steam mills rejiaired lliroiigli'iut. ;rate.s forlnirning sawdust, pash weights, corn shellcrs. Itlacksniitli iron.s, mill M'lodle.s, ^re.aring. backs for chimneys, fronts j " I'lr fire-phiee.s. ami castinirs of every descriii- i * 'r,- , * L, •^'‘'■-X'-'iber hereby forewarns .-ill t.ersons Me has Jiist returned from the Creat K.xhibi- I purchasing any of these Stoves fnmi -iiiv niachinery of 1 either in or out of North Carolina ex- fi'm-v VA few iiafteniH for I'iinself or his dulv authorized \frents t.oicy railinir ,ind cemeterie.s ' b„« ....... i..,.: ^ ' 'Pt »*ts, : i.'cpKtei I ally, Hi.rse 1‘owers for thrcsliini' t‘r'.rIi..r*'''A^-''‘”i'’ -’’''“''"K corn, :uade ..oide . A four-horse Power, with gri..t mill I 1- f "I- corn per.hiy, for •> e.O. He IS al.so m,-.kiiig preparation to man ufacture I age .S celebr.ited .Saw .Mtll.s for saw ing 1 umber,--~w ill saw o.OOO feet of Inniber per sp(;cimeii of fancy Casting can be .seen at the Ob-.erver Oflice. V '• HAM.. Nov. 10, 1 . coi!t;nues t" carry oi; the C \PUI.\CF. >"INIiS.. in all it.s iiralu lies, at ihe oLP > I ANp. He returns thank' for ti e libnl p^t- Ii>n.i^:e he has b' relof,,;-,. receiv d. an-1 h. pes, by stnct ;itre!iti"n t > busin ss :ind h .1' sire to ;:ivc ent;;e .s.it. .‘..u t. n. to merit a continuance ot the s.iine. Having recently increased his business. h' has on 1, ind a v-i-y fun. as.'ortineiit of ( :n riMiji's, nariiuchc. HuifUM's, lv>ck:iu M\s. Sulkcx s. Finished, ami ii very hirge as«ortnient of Work partly fiidshc-1, which, tor eleiranc,. .,f shai.e an.l finish, will coiii|irtre with any other work. Persons wi.-hing to buy. wmild do well to call aii'I e\;imine the work, as he is di'terniine'l to sell LtiW for cash, or notes on s),,,i-t time. £•'1^' All W ( rk warranted for twelve months, ami repaired tree of charge. «Iiould it fail by bad w(irkmanship or material. nO^ K*I>iiirinL^ liiitliriilly cxi'cii- ted ;it short notice, on very rt'as'inable terms. Kavkttkvili.k, Ski*^!’. -J-J. U’.'d, X. I{. sr.MilU'CK, Trot/. »Veir 1 1H(P\' rHMM:iI ANI> MAniLMST, Mill, II fill ////-, /• ,,f S', 1)11 M ill.i ,//((/ linilm, M ili ( n ninj >ij nil knn1>., I* h Ar. [IHH undersigned, as the .\gent of the above list.ibii.shiiK nt. w ill oi-'ier any articles whicli inav lie wanted, i.ti application to him. I lie ,'si(.,.ini .Nlill- manufactured I v Mr. .'•tar- biick have been tested. Hiid are highU approved dll the Plank Hoads ab-.nt Fa v ettev ille. liPW p LFK WlN.'-iI.oW. Fayetteville. Sept. 4. P'' il. :_>iitf 10,000 ~ w .\NTFD. 'I'll'* Sii!»scrih('r li;is now ori(' ‘f the nio't extrusive ami best issorted stocks Poiible an l Siii-zle Sllof Cl NS. PISTOLS ,.f the m ist superior ij'iilitv, — Cult's Kepcuiing .‘iii'I \llen .s licvolving, of everv ipialitv,—Pon der 1 i;isK», .'shot and tlaiiic Pag-. Percussion ( :ips ot l-.nglisli ami Frei.cli make. .\lso, the ni. St. eoinplete a-s,.rtmeiit of Cun fixtures th.it has ever b >en oller*d in this section of coniitrv . •\l.so, ,s;hot (iuiis. HilKs ,-in'l Pist'ils made to order or repaired. Pities made t,, onb^r. and v arrantcl to shm.t frcin one to live liun'lred yanis. .\ir (iiiii'- Ilia ic to order at simrt notice. Fo all :if whiidi the attention of Sportsmen and utlurs :.s respectuiily inviteil. M. .V. P. \KKH. Siift! irf 'hr ,'un. Hay street, nearly opposite the M.irble Yard, Fayettev ill.', .N. C., Oct. U, I s.'d. -J.stf II AIR I'OR .sale l>y Oct. 1, IS.’l. IjHU (tj (.V/f/cA* ,v, frnm ]'iiifi III-nllr tn Jl ar.vv/?r, J.hiilif. .^Mb.s' iibera having .secured tlie mai* M. contract on the above Line, will comnieuct . 'Nils L'.W, riiiiniiig a i.iiie (.if I'oi-*- [[ .j.se post ( oaclies, p.-;;ly. 1.Caving F a_v fttev iile a*. „ j’. ■ .M., and g ,-it Warsaw a’t \ past C, A, M., t in time for th • Ca,s .N,„.,i, „.‘i South. Pe- ; turning, le;ive >».'u>:ivv on the airiv,-.! of the .irs. say iiboiit I or l! P. M.. and arrive at Fav- ctti'ville in ten hours. livery care will be t.-iken ■ to render the line pleasant, cenvciiient, and safe, i foi- Travellers. . A Li if Stages will be estab!is],ed as soon as po.s.sible. by the Plank Ui^ad, from Favettc- vilU* via I urthage aiKl .V.sheborf'Ugh, to Le.\ir?i^- toii. Salem, and Sali.-biiry . -McKINNON k McNKILL. Fa;, etteviile, .N. C.. Aug. S, ]h.>l. l]-tf s'ro\ i:s! s'rovi:s!! iTAHLL for Cliurches. I’ariore. Fattor.cs, and Siijrib. For sale bv C. W. ANPP.KWS, Market .''nuare. Oct. L>7. IS.M. r.lii nt:w ( Aiii’K'fixt;. PiOLL.*^ P.rtissels. Ingrain and .''^tair ar]ieting. new and fa.shioiiable P.-it- terns. jnsi received. _.\L,V(»_ ; l.i kegs .'spikes Hiid large Nails, , 1“ : bo.\( s i;,iisi:,s^ ' ba-.' .'^hot. Iii'lig'i. Ch«co!ate. Sahid ami Castor Oil, witli :in a'i'iition to i*nr .^-tock of Hardware. S. W. TlLLIN(iHAST .s; co. Nov. I’l), l"«.'il. 4;5-tf favi:ttk\ roxFErTio.NEKY. CHARLES BANKS, tNloPM.s the public, that he has refittcl liis I.slnbhshmcnl on (irecn .'street, and has on h.iu'l a fn .'li supply of ( AN PI KS. mamifaciured by hiniM'lf out of tiie I.est Lo.if .Suirar. an.l war ranted fre* from starch, fiour, past.*, and perni cious painLs. His whole time ami attention is i ii'iw devi.ted to making Candy, and he is jire- ^ p.ireU to supply hH orders with Candies ci|ual to any made in the L iiited St ites. These Can dies he wnrrants to kee|> in any climate: and he will sell to Town or Country mercIiHiits, as chea]> a* good «nd pure Candy can be purchased in New York or elsewhere. Fayetteville. Oct. I’S. IS.'il. :’)4-tf i w AN ri:i). ' i I5aki:i;ls of Ti KPFX. i TINK. tor pistillerv at the Pl.nnk Knud Mridire on P.ig Hockfish. The best , mark./t price will be paid. For further inform- ' afioi,. imjiiire of John W. Murphy, at the P.rid-H'. or of A. A. McKetiian. Fayetteville. *" Pec. Is, 40tf iirrx.i'ip.s. Lf|)()Ts & !iii()i:s. 1. b; Fr ii'! Cr... 111-. rtf. .ill i i‘LAsri:R[N( J. T. W APPILI. I'Ttf I'dtl atiii H*inter 1 8 .') I . Stort% 80.000 ‘ H. LPs. u.\t;s wantfp. Julv 1. Iiy Pd'{ANSON It SON. TStf I no I im iiii(i«‘rspjM(‘(l, l'niii(i*r and .Machinist, has consen'ted to act as Agent for the only actual PolCT.M’.LF CIPCPL.VH SAW .mill in the Fnited States, made by Win -McKinstry of W ashin^^ton. The.se .Mills’are of ( list Iron, no brick bf'ing used in tin ir erection. They can be taken down, removed o mib'S, and put in operation in P. hours. Power of Fi’i'dne 20 hor.se; will cut l.-..(Hio feet Plank Ho.id l.um- ; her per 24 hours. Tli.'se Mills have taken the : Jiremium at the .Maryland State Fair over all ; olhers. and are considered the best in the world. I w.nild be pleased t(. receive order.s, either for the Fngine.s witli or without the Mill Letter •*il.ires.sei-l to II. C. Hall will receive prom-.t at tention. * I will put these .Mills u). anv where within 10 miles of Fayetteville, if dcsirabh'. II. C. hall. Nov. 2'., 18‘>I. 40.jj- A.'> Jl ,s I Kl'X LI\ J.D ami oilers for rale dip;i]i,— ’ , 7.') b.igs superior liio ('OFFMM, ‘ ■_.! barrels Coffee Sugar, j .'in barrels Mackerel, Nos. 1, 2 and 3 I Loaf and Oranidati'd Su^ar, ! _.\LSO— I ^ A large n.ssortmciif of ji-on and Nails, Shov- Phi. kini!lhL'\*:e\Vovl'!''\nvils^^ | H- Img Houses and one Store Hou.se, which Axes i>tc oiiins s 1 rovtd i.ots. Oin'of the above mentioned Dwel- .\ugust IC. IS.-.l u,,' i 's >■ residence of the subscril.er. It is ■ I'li.ge and very convcnienf. w th all the neces- Till] I'l'LI'IJIIVrrD UK'K IMTI'\T ~ '>"t-h.ni.ses, ami is in good repair. Par- ' ' )OK 1Ai; StoV |i; ' daily i:xn:('ri:i). A ;LNLP.\L ASSoUT.MFNT of HOLLOW- W AUK, by 1;. ('. hall, of Home. Oct. l.^. ls.-,i. .lojj. JJ. *.y II! •Jlrijfia} 'i/t A HF now receiving a large and geni-ral as- . ^ Sortment of STAIMJ-: AND FAXCV [w IIARDWARK A: Cri'LL iiooT« ^esob:s —.\LSO— •> hags llio, L iguira and Java CofTeo 10 hhds. Su-ar. 7*> ( otton • )U cf»ils Ko|»o. kcjrs Nails, y tons Swedes and llnglisli Ir.ui, ;>00 sacks Liverpool !alt, ' With Loaf. Crushed, Powdered and C.raiuilated . ugars; (ireen Tea; Pepper; Sj.ice; Cingrr; owder; Shot: Par Lead: Table Salt: Par and l iincv Sojijts. With . . - ■ great varietv of other o,,,,;,/„.///„" in Markrt. ,. '^’•_”*’i'*'>her olli'i's for sale three l>wel- "ther house in the place. any Oct. Cl, 1H.‘.1. i>. & W. McLAl P.IN. 2Stf M bir H.ile liy the Subscriber in P.aleigh and H 1 ayetteville; in Italeieli at his Shop on Fay etteville .Mreet, au'l in Fayetteville at Mr. \. ,M, Pec. 2ii, 1S.',1. THOS. J. Johnson. rt 1 -u W CtoUilu^H! dothiHffl j^OW receiving, direct fnun New York, a su- XO'FK i:. yUi i\i) \n\Ti:R liooos., ■ / ubsouhors un* now riH-oivinrr ^ well ■ J«_ (solvftoil sti»ek of Staple uinl Faney I>|{V i (.OOP.S. Aimmg their stock will he found the 1 latest ,stylc.s of Ladies' and (Jeiitlemen's DKMSS I (iOOl)S, together with a good assortment of I Itoady-iiiade Cl()thinr; rnihrollas; Hat.-, ! ® & ! oflers I’or sale one of the . , . assortinoMts ot (;(K)I>S in his line ever offered in this place. He is 'cry th;inkful for the very libera! patronage that le lias had, and sulieits a continuance of the same. His stock has been .selected with care, and consists ,.f nearly every varietv and stvle from the best manufacturers. He has (ui hand and oflers low for (W*. at retail or by the case, latest .styles (ieiuleineii's T'V.’'' Inrush ami An- .trola H I .s. Also. Jenny Liml. Kossuth. Vr- tist. l.i.ngh and Kea ly, and stiffened Fur and Wool Hats, for Men. \ .uith and Boys—in ahun- d.ince l)v- the dozen or ea.se. —ALSO— very large supjdy of Cloth. Plush. Velvet and Fur ( APS, of aH qualities, stvles hiuI pri ces,—by the .singU. Cap or bv the dozen. —ALSt)_: Hoots and Slioos, *5 »l'i‘following varieties, viz: l ine W ater-jiroof, fine Calf, , fine Kip and heavy W inter P.OOTS. Also, Poys' and \ ouths ( alf and Kip Hoots. (Jentlemen’s Press Shoe.s, of variou.s (|U!ilities, Together with an as.'^iu tment of /.«//«’, .Mi.s.ses’and Childrew s MOOTS and I SHOFS, vi/.: J«'iiny Lind, Kxcelsior.s, (Juiters. ‘ . tlitto Half, Puskins, Slippersand Morocco Moots' Also. (Jentlemeii s and Ladies' Kuhbers. ^ a good siijiply of Youths', Hoys', Childrens j Servants' heavy Shoes, j All of which he offers low for C.y.r/i, or on time 1 to i-unctual customer.s. Please call and satisfy i yourselves before purchasing elsewhere. ! JOHN (’. THOM.SON, 31arket SouHre. Sept. 2f,. 18.')1. 0^1,f With and i »’'SlHi-: Sub.su-ibiu-, „ H- from .New Vciil: : i;.| j ; : gest and ii:indson;e.-t .“st I St (I j tie uml I'niiri ’• Tliat they have cv(.r ' enibi-.ieing every vmletv [ , , men's PllLSS (iooj.i.s;' ..j,,,,', j foiinij; Plaek :,nd iai;'. Silks hhick li!r”lired aii'i pla' , .■■•UK V:,rp a.cl .''cotch and ('hene ■ .. . French, Knglish ;;iid .j, aalinieres: j.hiin ijiu ■: i-'.r.n, u- watereii and r.. . die-ni rk c„.', ble \ onese.s: i’r .va'lv Li;-!!. > b!:ick Poinba/incs; S' ,,n plain ;ind wuti re.i S:'.^ black Velvet .>l.u:til!a-: i;;-.., , ' large a.ssortinent ol' Pre-s and Kiigll.sli .Me:i;i-s: V Cuffs, \c. Frem.h Worked Coli..,is :n.,l ; wori.ed ( Fre-i. '. w. r. 1 . u. dcr-.'deeve^: .wi-... -m.; .I.j, 1 r.ints' Wai.',;.s and C.i; ^ li. f.; dle-wnrke'l Lini'ii C;inibrii- Ii ■ 10 Cts. to .'S.',; Jilel U bea...;:.!, . Xei!.'-; ev» ry v;.rii ty .i'.•'i, ■n:s. plain: 'I iirv.ol. C..t:..ii ai • 1.;:,, Laces: black Silk (.ac, - ..r,. I - \ f..-. c Hhick. bine, hr’ /;! I Kf!'.;rish ’!otli.s; b!;;. !.; aii'l . ,, Cut \ elv-t. tigiirc 1 a.-e! I !;,, :. cia \estinus. s'lii.e ver'. 1.:,:. ■ Kent'ii'ky .le.ins: Tw'..is: I. ■ »c x- V.' o! an I cotton; Os., Table C ths; ditt. Najd.iii'; ( ir.-. V(iry fine: Pi.tn'i C,,ver.s: Iriv'. i. : ‘-II Lawns: Thread C:iiubrics: T tlemrn's Merino .'^iiir;,. y,,, ] j,. , . and I’ocket Haii'lk. T'ii!. L.-i-ii,« \ ests; ('.-ishmere nii'i .'.;;k H. >•: i; il the eelebralpd Salem Je:;i..>. k ;.n; Ladies'. ieutlcnivirs m; ! i'I ^i'vi ■ and .'^HoL.''- Men s, P(-\s',^ncl IiiiaiK'' IL.i'ai:! Velvet, S:iti;i, .''ir.:v\ I i i' I'itto ditto liitt'i , f ,\nd every artii.!e usually k' .''tore. e invite tlie jniblic ine our l.irge ;in.l hai. i'"i,i. ways ajixious to show our •' nV /rtf']) Sii'ji'f. j •VHFV, SHFMUKU. \ 1 t" the citizens of F.iv ettev;; generally, for the very Ii? r^;l i :.;r ; ■ tofore bcst'.we'i "ii them, .ui i ii.: 1• attention to business, t- m- : it . . iit'' 1 S. \i:i:v i . .-iii:\i\'H.L J. i;. N..1. F«.vettev;!le. Sept. P'l. I''.''! IIAV. PAl.llS II ',V. -’110 Pu'll' ls t '"I II. W. il. Pec. 2. is.'il. V Cumberland Superior Court of Law. SI'IX l.\L fil’MLh' Notice is hereby givi M. tl:' ci.-il Term of Cuuil'crluh'i ."uvi-.n ■ of Law will be held .11 the 2.1 ^l..’.i’;. ‘ ruary P''.'i2. for the trial cf Mid. i'ii * ‘ were on the trial dei.ket at I'.iii Ti rii.. .''uitors and wirneyscs will tnkc 'ii'.'- ’ " thereof and triivcrn thenis Ivc' aii .ri.: -. P. ti. MAC liAIi. ' Nov. 22, IS.-)]. ff H.VVM iiist receive.I fr'.i.i Nt" ' ■ FALL .\nU WIN Tii II V (^r (>o()(is. Consisiing of .1 gciii'ral .iss'Ttiiu i.; • Dry {ioiiiis. (Irorprifs. I!;iril\v:irt‘. ('iillir'''>'■ Csri'f" 1 will barter for Tl'KPl.M 1M-. ‘ ■ kind of Produce. N. KIN''. 1I miles N'oril: •• K.■' ' Oct. 2S. IS.'.H. ■ " V. T. ll.Mcli iV »FFi:i{ Kii!t .'AI.k: CW Orleans, Port'i Ilic. .1C;:. Loaf and Havana Sugar, llio, I.agiiira, aie! i.:d 0 .1 ' ]>undee, (.iinny, :iiid Purl r-s I^'c Hope and Twine. Iron. Nails, Salt, i\l.'lasses. Cheese ami P.-iisins. 1‘IackMuiths' 'I'ools. Hoes. Scythes. Trace and llalt'T Cliaii.s. Hand and Hoop iron. W hite Lea'I in ()il. Sp;inisb l.rown. P.ed I.cm'1 (Hass. Putty, Muckets. i;r""iii-'. M.'ickerel, in barrels ainl h.i'I 'i-'* ’ Negro .Shoes. Tanners' ''il. Tin Plate. Wire. Sujierior (Ireen and Plack Teas. Saleratus, Soaji, Snuff. Pepjur, (Jiiiger, Spice, Nuini'"-'- Sperm and .\dain:intine 1 ■.iii'lle--. Par Le.-’.d. i^hot. Powder, \c. iV-c. Nov. 2.«i. IS.'il. F r >, Li Tii.i/ Stoc lit: xi:\v (looDs. ■"CST received, my Fall supply of CLOTHS. ' V CASSIMEUHS AND VKSTIN(JS. TRIM-■ 11 lU !»' lu ci ivccl //// th’ jii'-'f '''' TONS of SWKDliS IKON, by 1:. C. IIAl.i I II' irom purcliasinir anv of these ^tove« kinds of Hoots :ind j of the best (quality, from New 1 | per.son either in or ‘out of \u th C ir /' "* receiving, direct fnun New York, a su- ( ariietinjr; SaiMlos, liridli'};, Whii,s latest Report of the New York ' ^ *- ^ ^ “ s J-cpt IVonihinist'lf.irhil.hiU ;;:.ti:ori;;:i^ "I r’;'-‘"‘n' 'T l- Z Har.hvare an.l (',ttlc;yj jA, pLoroiL. and Plough Casni.^^' - ^ He hns,iur(hased the exiiu.sive rightto vemi 'c.msistinn.7\lil Hollow-ware umU’roekc'ry-ware; Loyf „ ^ continue to carry on the uiu-r wwi this Stove within ti.e State, and will pro.secute I (^.afs r-h.fl, r"."" ^Clarified aiiil Brown Sul ^ on Hay I j.« „ vl.l.. '1 '= ^ aii\ |*i>rson nilnn^xin;'Iiis ri*rht, either >»v i»ur- t-i1 vn.* r *• * •‘•^■‘^iMiere I ants, seve-, Te*»s* l!i» I-unMri o» 1 i /'i ir street, and those wlio may favor nio with thoir ' a* ic ic-i ^ chasing, selling, or using, any e.xcept tho.se ob- I Tvville Silk, Satin and I ’M,vb,s>j T.-^ I v ^ offce; custom may rely on having their work done in ^ ‘ ' taiiied from himself, lower tl ' All of wludi will be sold: Il"li and .Nail.s. a neat and fashionable style, imd on the most' TTil Isljor one'll Aca-^CU^5 ‘uwer than anv eoiieoi'n of t ... 1. . • ' *uosi XiiiXS iJQl Olieil Xi.ocvvi.s' IX s'roKi:. I! taiiied from himself, . JO.«!llPII WOLTMniNd. Kaleifrli, April 10, ISol, toracco.^ North arolimi and \ irginia Chow- -■*- lug Tobacco, by the ]!ox and retail. n . . 0-1 'V.\PPILL. October 2o, I f n^t ..s ‘ "» l'"*d III town. Hiid " “I* fJoods. which will be sold i „d ‘ ‘>'0 will be refund- for Cash, or on time to those who p-iv I I I. ( all and se,'. A further a.Mitiou to the Wc would be glad if our friends i i?iven "ill he pul'lic generally would give us a call I gnen. (Jne door Kast of Cook Tayh.r's. | J. T, C()l^\("iL & (UIN.’ Se,,t. IS.'.l. J. S.MITH .S: CO. 2 Itf Sept. 1, 18")1. IStf Blank' M V/m/y//,v for sale here. I^ianlts of (iff hijids. For sale at this OfTice. street, and those who may favor mo with thoii custom may rely on having their work done in a neat and fash' favorable terms y rely on having their work done in - , i ■ . fashionable style, and on the most ' 2IillsIjOrOUffll ARCHIBAl.I) (:ilAH\M : o«»!inio*iu*e on 1 ues lay, t!i‘‘ i Oct. L'7, IS.M. WAN'IKl). rffTHIl Suli.ocriber wi.shes to ].urchase ;?0().0(>(> lbs. li.\(iS. for which the highi'st cash prices will be jiaid on delivery in Fiivetti'ville. PAVIP .MCKPIIY, Pvoclifish, ('umberhind, Aug, 20, ]8'>1. lo->m ary I'.cKt. Ti Nov. 2i’i. H5 5*. 'cr Sc lill.NJ. K. T. £>. \.S t.iken an OiF.i-e on H.i of tlie Hotel Puiidiii'.is. July U, IH.-ji. ion -^21."". Hl SKi;. IV’ ■ 18 A ! **