“’■yhc.t m 5?SI SEMI-WEBKIi Y. ^■; ' bf;; * ■’ w;:' - ’ ' ri ' . N -j';tigjeagJiL''. i iLaj',’ ,tz*- ?-.anii-auLjjui*i'jMc !4 junmi i;.iii.n>j mi )h. II.] ■SIP FAYETTHVILLE, N. C., SEPTEMBER H, 1852. [NO. 125.] lyijKT'AiSttiBiasasaBBeBeatii N V ■V.:.X : .!■ ; w.. nm' £1 p*l4! M ru-.- V'U;, \. - M ■ i\ i: ;. .. ll«T>;i„ X. ( . :;i’. - » .ili'l - ■■■-’ K V. T. i«K. I Wanted! ■ : Y- f a i? ■ Hi: s I \( (S\. ^'U nnl. () )f)- ’KI) BY .1. n. NKWHV. ifioi 1) J. HALK & S(»X, K8 AM) niOl’HIKTOHS. ui-Wi>ckly OnsKiJVKi! 00 it’ ancc; •f'» ->0 if billing the gcrij'tioii: or aftt>r the ycfir has klv Oii.xKKvjiii on per nniniin, if Ivaiicc; $'J oO if paid iliiriiig the il.seription; or $3 00 after the year 6d. ISK.MHNT.S iusertod f.ir sixty ccnts for the tirst. aiil tliirfy cents for each iublic:itio)i. Yearly ailveMisements ^(jontraets. nt reasonali’e rates. Ad- rciiuested to stutc the number i>f ^desired, ur they will be continued till l^char^eil accor.lingly. srs to the V^ditors must be post pai l. W'o ;iro d to aiinoiitico (’,il. AI.KX.VNUKll D. McfiK.VN, of Sununer- \ille. (’‘>1. (’'ini'i't of the otth r.eifiuifiit, ;is a candidate fi>r lli'iiradit-r (icneia!. t.i till the va- canev crrate ! ?>'. the re>''Aiiatiou (4'l>n\\d. 1. IN.-.::; 22-:!^ EAM veicixii;^ a nuuli laixei- J'TOt'K (tF «;iX)i>S than iisr.i'.l, coiisisiinp; of a com plete a.'S'.rttiu nt r.f Dry (io-xis, (^roccrit's, ll:ut!\v;irc ;;;kI I'uti-'lV. —■Vniong' v. l.ich may bo !Vi\uid— I.adii's’ tiue I>it>s (iimds. nunneis. and an askortnient nf l>!ess :ui I 15i>nnet Trininiiiip^, ‘ of the latest styU _AI.SO— Jlafs, (iitif S/k'is, Neirro lilnnket.' and Kerseys. l’a;i:^iii!r and Hii]>e. vitlia large stippiv uf K1-^A1)V-.MA1>K ri.()TlllN(5. ,Vll of the above (inods have been reeent’y purchased, and will bu scld low at wholesale or retail. W. F. MDORi:. Cast Corner .M.uket S.|uare. 5?‘pt. fi, 1S')2. H’ltl iUOMOVAIi. SAM'iT ULVS!)AI,i;, aBi«! P P, AS tlie f.lcjisure if inforniinc his cu.'itom- ui. ers and the jmblic, that he lias removed fr.ini his Old >'t:’iid to the next (••■rner abo\c, ; l^'i nerally kiiwwn as the ••lilake crrner.’’) I!a\ini: fitted n[i hi.-i Store with ev(,‘ry conve- S'itffPttcviUe SIrtf}irh iTV. WIiafe A: I'fisdi'aisill, J)rapt r!=, 7\ii/ors, am} hiih $ale and Rr- tail ClofliHis, 110 Wniiiiin Street, New York, IniMii.ir U*. hKs with cv.-rv convo- ^ y. iiieiK-c lirr both \viH)U*s:ile j ^ v v n :nul t»-liio hest advantniro, solicits ill r A \ 1.1 i L\ 1 LLh, * . .. Umatd *V .TJr.Tfrrsfrr .trsT HKOEIVED a ('O.VrLKTh' H'K of fries and Provision**, almost everv article nsnallv kejit in the Vin.LOW lU lLl'lNt':. a few the State I'laiik and one d'lur abnve Snp'.s. on Cillospif ftrcct. an'I would fto exhibit any thin,2 in their line to lay favor tliim with a cull. —ALSU— CutloiA', ('rockery, Glass-waro, re, Lujuors, l»oots and Slme.s, id Caps, and a good a.ssuit- nient of l)ry Goods. ‘)ove tjtnck we would rcKpectfuI'y in- ttention of the j>nblic. Kuntry Tr'^'duce taken in exchango fur Fa^ ctteville, Sept. 1, IS.'iJ. 2-tf tllJAliS .I;»va. Laguira and Itio I'Mlfee, i; Hhds. Cuba mid I’ortu Ilico Sugar, 20 r>arre’.s 1'.(. fined Stipar, liarre'.s granulated I-oaf Sugar, 2 I!"Xes (biuble-refincd Do., iO Ulids. sweet Molas.-fs, iluipviial. Hyson and i.iunpowdcr Tea.s. • iruss Matche-s, lbs. ground I’epper, ,'epper. Spice and liinger, ' lbs. Sal. Soda, ils. Copperiis. jl-ls. !ind i bbls. “I'ngleMills ’ Snuff, Its. Sole Leather, t)bl. .Vlum, Itty in lilafldrrs and Tin i'Huister®, i‘ and 10 X ll! (iiass, loz. Veast I’owders, Soap. L'gs Nails. ; assorted ; best brnnas, •ate an'l ll»»Vi's tine >ioaps. it many other gomls for sale low by ' 11. BllANSC-N \ 80.V. ’ »r -‘-'-If TII5«. 1IAKV ILL bo glad A\.\ to accommodate a few lioardrrs. She also inl. rn'.s her friemb that she intends to carry on .Mantua-making. J'aycltes ille, Sej't. t, an'l thf* pul'lic the business of 2'"tf Mcdival CoHf^r of ihc Slafr of Sui'/h (.'(IrollII(I. rg^lIE Annual Course i.f l.Ci-tures in tbis In- slitution ci.iiinientcs on the f.i>t li.VY in Nuvimber. on the fuliowmg luanehtf; Anatomy, by I’. Ib P'ruok, M. I). i^urgery. I'v 1!. (ieildiiigs. M. 1>. Institutes and I’ractico, l>v Henrv Dick son. M. L». I’hysiology. l y .Taine.s Moultrie. M. I). Materia .Me'iiea. !'_\ ileniv II. Krost. M. I>. Ob.'letrics. by 'i'lo'nn.s (i. I’lii K-an, M. I). Chemistry, by C. C. Shejt.-uil. ,M. 1*. Ceniparative .Vnatoi'iy. l>y I,. Air is^i/. .M. I>. Deiiionstrat r of .\nat. n;y, St. Julian Have- nel. M. H. .\s>i.siant Henn ns'rator. F. 'I'. Miles. M. I*. rri'.'-eetir t" the I'rofesS 'r of .'■•:r^er\, .1. F. M. (.e Idinr-, \I. l>. Cl.lNK'AL lNSTl’.r( TIoN. I>. ,1. (,'ain. M. I*.. l’h\sieian t'l the M: rii'.e Hospital an'l Cliniea’ ln>tr !i;t i-. le.•lures t'.'.iee a week i.n the I'i.-eayes of tljat ln>:lii;ti'r.. •J. FOr'l I’rioii.-aa. M. !>., rh_\siei:in I.i the Ho.-j.’t.il of the .\ln.s 11'r.se. at which lec;:ne^ are delivered twice a wcelv on l>i?ea>e~. the di agnosis discrimi!i:itcd. .-iiid the student in ioc- trin.-it>'I in their tr«.:'.ti:iei;t. lleiii>'ii?trati'.e ln>truciion in Medicine aii'l Sur-ery. i.t the C'):'i-;.:e lIo.; ;tal. by the I’r^j- fess' is of the .Me.lical ( o!’e:_e. At a speei.ii meetiijg i.i'th- Tri;-tei ~ ;in'! Fa culty of the 'I* I'.e.il t’o!l->re ..f the State "I S. Cai'dina. lieM ii the ;i'l day - f .lami.ary 1^'>-. Dr. L. Ar \SSl/, was un:inini 'u.''iy elected I’ro- IV-SM.r of \ I'.ip.ir.itive .\natoiiiy, u itli the dis tinct un'lerstand;!!;.; that t;.'- e' . e^i.ite expen- ^es of the >tud lit are Jiol t.- \,e ilu rcasf j by this addition to the l oiu'e. HKMIV II. n;i'."r, M. D.. I'ean. (.'hal’es'>n, 17. 1>'''C. I’J-l aw'iw continuance of the kind lavor lie lu'.s enjoye i, w ith the assurance th:it m» eH'ort oil his part shall be wanting t') nurit it. llis .Stock comprises a fidl assortment of ar ticles in his line d biisine's. all of tlie best ijual- ity !)ri’.g'. Medicines. Cheniieals, I’aints, Uils, l^yeijtulls, I'atent Medicines, I’erlainery. choice Teas, Seed, (il.iss, I’utty, Tooth and Hair liriish- es, Soaps, 1‘otash, \e. T!ic iitni'ist care given to the preparation of I’liysicians’ Presvriptions and Family Itecipes. .iuly IJ, li'oli. Otf Ms'V KKCEiVEl). os. lOan.l 11 plough .•'keletons. (irons com- jilete. j Nos. 10 and ti I'Oints. -Vnothcr lot of our Straw Cutters. J. T. \\ADD1LL. July 12, l.- VJ. 7-tf 1 iiioii Auririilliinil Warcliousp \ Seed Store, \o. “Jit I'liitou SJjM'ol, \o,w Tlio tiiidorsi;:n(‘d solicit tlic atten- tiim of all purchasers >f impltments for the Farm or I’lantutii.n to their assortment, which inelu les many of the most rci'eiit im]irovenients in the leailing articles in their line, all ot whi«di they will ell at )'rii'es t ■ insure satisfaction to the l.nver, ksim:* i.vli.y Kailway r.ii'Iless Chain I'owcis. ftir ..lie or two hordes, of the heeler I’atent, so often awartlcd tiie first pi-emium at tl'.e St.ite .iri'l I'oiiiity l airs, where tliey have lieen cxhi’oit'‘1. ll.iilway I’owers, warranted. \V.\>ri.a I.. riindi'c'> Iron. Sweep 1‘owers. Tap- lin's ('iri-;ihi!' I'owir. I’lows, H.irro'.vs, F.in Mi ls. Straw ('utters, l’"rtable r>urr.''tone Mills, Wag-'iis. ('art-:. \e. ,Vc. Fie: 1 aii'l (I.irtlen See'ts .f iiK.i.i\ni.i: QtM.iTV. I'eitilisers. Fruit ami (>iTiame;ital Trees. Our desci iptive C.at.i- logue ilhi^tr:;tel with iiits. will be sent gr.itis when two to four l‘i st Oi’.ice Stamps are reiiut- tcd, accrdin'..; tu the distance. KALI’11 \ C(j. .July ’‘'"■J. ti :iiu .1. S. BA.\KS. W ILMLNC.TOX, X. i\ .hine 1>'‘>J. oif 5--=i'v li:iv ing inz tvi. Uoats, i prei r.Koriii:!;s li.ni-:. I'lio ti' W Sfcainor “• I lecn .I'Mdl to this I.ine, aii'l n'»w ! liglit drat't .Steamers an'l tour ;1 in g. '- 1 oriler, the I’rojirietor I t- traT:sH',rt I'rf i'.:ht li.iv- T..W are K lyetteville landings, with as (juit-k Line. .1. S. U.VNJvS. Agent. Vi i’m'n 't"n, June J'J, l^-'cJ. otf and the interm»*il!;;t( vKsi:atch as anv olhe 11 would beg leave to inform the citizons of I'ayetteville uml vicinity, that we i haveju.-^t receiveil our supi)ly (pf Sl’KlNti .\M> {SCMMFII C*l)Ol)S, which compri.ses .'i genera) I assortment of !i:i:ai)Y-.mai)i: cLOTiiiN(i, I Wliieh will be founil worthy the attention of | I purchasers. Our assortment consists in part of j tiie following: I CO.Vl'iS. — lilack ami eol'd cloth Dress, Frock and S.'ick Ci.ats, all ijualities; Idack and coloied ! Caslimeret ditto: French and 1-lnglish Draji 1)’- Fte ditto; (jneeird-cloth and Alpaca ditto; Fan- ] cy Coals of mottled Crassc and Tweeds: Ken, I tucky Jeans: Linen and Cotton Cinghams; IJro.- I buff and white Linens; white grass-cloth Sacks, ' \c. of all qualities. j I’.VNTS—Of black and eol'd Cassiniore; fancy j binglc-niill’d ditto; French and Kngli.sh Drap , D'Lte ditto: wliite and ci'lM L'rill ditto: Ken- ; tucky Jcaus ditto; India and French Nankeen ' ditto, lie. j \'LSTS—Of black Satin, I’ximbazlne, Alp.aca. : black and eol’d .Silks: white and colM Marseilles ditto; brown and jiadded Linen, plain and tig'd; Naiikeen. llutl', (Irass-cloth, ,N:c. All of whndi ■ire ort'ered for sale as low as can be ))ouglit in the New York market, at whole.sale and retail. In addition to the above, we shall keep on hand a general assortment of Shirts, Drawers, Collars, Cravats, Hosiery, 'Jcc. .Vls'j, C laths, Cassimei’es, and Vestings. The T.VlLOlllNO DKI’.MITM LNT will be voiitin'ied as before, and all orders l(>r tine t loth- ingwillbe executed in the most fashionable stvle. A. C. II.MIT, -\2cnt. April 8. lool!. StUl WILL! 131 " rouw A UI)lN(i AM) C OMMISSION MEllCHA.N r,i WILMmGTOK, N. C. I t^FKSONAL attentio!! given to the sale or | shii^nent of Nav.al .Stores. 1 have ample | laci!itii‘S for coHdueting the business: large ^ wharf an'l st- re sheils to keep spirits from j e\po.-nr«'. Naval stores will be shippe'l to any h 'Use in New \ ork. or to othi-r n:arkets il a'ivis;»b!e. aiid liberal cash ndv.mces made on coiisignmeiits. I refer to the following ilistillers: 1]. Hannum. W ayne Ctiunly, • 'handler Hall, Johnston ’o., 1 Lovett I’eacock, ('olumbus Co., I?. H. I?ar'b n, Thos. L. Vail, Mladen ■Messrs. Smith, \ Ingram, Johnston Co., | Messrs. Z. .,'i: J. .lones, •* i Mts-rs. Smith Joro's, “ 1 .Speiiecr Fountain, Fsfj., ** j I,evi Hailey, Ksq., ‘‘ Mav 'JO, ls')i:. ' Oo-yp'l TO 'rilE in HLIC. ^5^H1'2 subscriber has leased for a term of i-l. \ ears, of 11. ^V. Brown, l.s j., hisfire-i)roof Store, w ith his W hni-ves, and is now in :i coinli- tion to take esp(>cial care of Sjiliits Turpentine j aii'l otlit'r Nii'al Slorc-s eommitteij to his care. | Tiic Warc'.ouse is W(d1 knov.ii to be the I safest place in town lor the storage (d' i’.acou. j Lard, (,'orn, 1‘eas, \c. The lower wiiarvcs ha\c i on tlieni four large new sheil«. win re Spirit.^ can \ be safely kept from the i-.iln j.a 1 tun. He is ; pre]iarc'l to r-ceive .Mid shn.. or se!|. all kinds | of i>rodi!ce sent to his care. He will .ilso make advances when rcjuireil. | He begs to reler to the following >£entlemen: I U. W. Lrown. .lohn Dawson, O. i. I’arsley and | Thos. H. Vv'rigiit, F.s'is. | .MIid;S COSTIN, I Lrown’s wharf, Wilmington, N. C. Sept. lli. IJ'.')!. ‘Jl-V i D. C. n?!’,K>L'iN.] [G!:0. nOL'yTO.V. rR!J;Vl\ .V linr.STd',’. \Vi!inln?tnn, f. I). (\ k CO., Vork. S':sl! Trnile, E Spring and NiiEiiiitcr fr* lET rr hc 4e;s « COSTUME HALL, Corner Pratt strret anI Cntfre Markd Spacc,^ BALTIMORE. ^H^HK largest and best stock of RE.\1>Y- -2. JLVDK CLOTHLNO ever offered in Balti more. I>re.«s, Frock and Sack COATS, all co- lof.-^, (pnilities ami sizes, from $2 oO to So o(> and upwards. PANT.\LOONS nt $1 to !j!3 and upirurd.s. embracing all Htyles of fancy, plain and plaid Cnssimeres. VK.S’l'S of every variety at (irrrc«ponding ]>rices. Also, a large as.-iortment of Boys’ Clothing. Imji'jrting oiir own Cloths direct from Europe, ami m.i.nufacturing on the mc.it extensive scale, cnab'es us to oft'er iuducemen's to purchasers not to be .surpassed by any Clothing Establish- 1 ment in the. United Statca. The proprietors nr» i'iie senior ],nirtncr. D. C. I'rcemar, is loca- detei’mined to make the Wholesale lloom.s th» I te-1 in the city of New York: the junior partner. I point of gre.-it attraction, and Imre now nm.le lieo. Houston, in Vt ilmiiiirton. if desired, nd-| up more than 50,000 G.\KMHNIS, from th« i'ft:i:M vx norsTox, MERCHANT.^ AX!) FATOn.«, Wilminstoa, TJ. C., KLl* constantly on h.uel a stc'-k iif Fl.-ur, C'lrn. Forli, I’acon, S;;lt, Coi;’cc-. S.igar, Mo’.ah'i s. Tobac' o, ;ig;'.i;>. Sntif!'. Cat'.dles, Soap; i'oieign .iiid iioiiicstic Li iU' r.s and U'incs; I lion. Nail.-:. 1“,lints. 0;!s, Class, D'-niestics, liais, j’oots, .'-hoi-s. Leather. .\gricuUural Im- plenients. and a. variety of otlier artielf s, .-iiiita- I'le for family and j'lant.ition uj'.' and the retail ti:ide, whicli they will li: jmsc of in lots ti) suit di'aler.*^ or ci'nsiimi'rs, on re.i.-r in.ible terms for cash, or in exchange for Naval .stores or other ]iroduce. tSarris *V Sj. -23 NASS AT .^THEKT, NKAlt TIIK PO.ST OFiH’K, NEW YORK, FFF.U for C.\SH or a]i]>rovcd CHLDl'i', a coinjilete asortment of >^ilL niid S'aiicy Dry (xIoodM, Now in Stu-e and arriving by every Steamer, I'oii si still tjj HI (tt* IS ^ Tor sjilt* ^'V iii liuleijili hihI DIILS.S COODS. in evcrv variety. T.\FFKT.>i “ Fayetteville: in IL-iloigh at his Shop on Fay- aml S.VriN Ull’.llONS. faii'jy iioNNLTand etteville Street and in Fayetteville at Mr. A. >L (’.\l* ltll!i?ONS, an clcirant assortment l^L.Vt'K ' Ciinqibcll s. and F.VNCY SILKS, UHITH (iOODS, e\erv ! The Sulxiriber hereby forewarns all persons description LACKS .\ND L.MIiKOl! »I;H I i:.S. ! from puiclia.^ii.g any of these Stoves from any (iLOVFS. MFITS, H(t.>lFKV, CK.V\Wl'S, ,vc. ' r'‘>' : \ances will me ir.ade on consignments to and I from either place. All business entrusted to ; them will receive prf>j>er attention; and orders for (ioods will be promptly and c.iirefuily fiiled. July liS, l;;')!’. l^-umii'l Till; n:i,i;iuiiTi:ii liirn COOiUACi STOVE, finest f|uality to the lovrest in price. In the Custom Department will nlwnyi* 1»« found tlie choicest seleCition of CLOTHS, (,^\S- SLMLHFS and VESTIN(iiS, which will be maile u]> at the shortest notice, and in the latest style, and a fit always guarantied. gi^^The one j)rice .'system strictly adhered to. Remember the name and place, Corner I’ratt St. and Centre >Lirket Space. H, H. COLE & CO. Augufft 15, 1851. 14-yopd. M. rchants I'rom the eountry ai v respectfully inviteil t') x.imine our Stock. •inly l;-!. iSoJ. 8-Jmp'l w AX'ri:n. I'.AItr.KLS of TCUIM'N- ''4F Tl.N'L. for Distillery at the I’lank Hoad HriIge on liig lloiktish. The best market jirice will be jiaid. For furtiier infona- ation. iiniuire of.Kdin \V. .\hirphy. at the Bridge, or of .NlcKetlnin, Favctteville, De.-. IS, l.^r.i, ' 4!'tf sriiAW ( rr'rr.ivs. ^ LOT just received, ,md wo iiitend for the . "iJ aecomiiiod.itii'ii of nir customers t'j keei* them constantly on hand. J. \ T. \VADD1LL. June 10, IM'.L’. !'S-tf I!i:kiux(.s. I5ULS. HKHIIINCS, ^ •• I’l ime I’ork. For sale bv T. S. LLTTEULOH CO. July :2l‘ is.-.j. lOtf Vax li:!) 1(7 pi lU'iiAsi-:. WHOLESALE Walcli and Jewe!ry Store L. IL MH.LER CO., Tinjiorter.-fy JTani'/urturers and Johhira of Watches, Jcirdnj, and Fanrij (JtmJsf, — Have leased the f)hl Stand formerly occupied by Messrs. Canfield, Hrother & Co.. Soiitfp J'Jin-l corner of Charlcx and Hitliimort itreelf, (No. '2'2~,) which they are putting in complefo onier for the \NH(.)LESALE \NA’ICH AND JL^VFLKY iiUSINESS, to be opened about iLw t!Oth of July. In calling the iittention tif the trndo to th« new concern, we mention the fact that we aro a.ssociated with one of the most extensive Jew elry Manufacturing Establishments in the couu- yolicc to s/iipncrs Ini wau of //;r ' try, which must give a decided advantage over , , ' V, /’>•,, I !‘il others in this market for supi>lying de.iler.'+ ( OpC I'C(U' l\lt'Cr. I -tvith .Tewelry at manufacturers’prices, a f«atur* au'l after the first dav of Jtilv. pros- I in this branch of trade long since needed -b« ^ il III either in or out of North Carolina, ex- i It from himself or his dul\ authorized .\gent.-i. I He h:.s jinri-haseil the exclusive right to vend I this Stove within the State, and will fjrosccute j anv pel Son iiitriii;j;ng his right, either by pnr- j chasing, selling, or using, any except those ob- | tallied from himself. 1 JOSI'I’H WOLTERlNfL I Kalcigh, .\pril Ki, iHol. ♦j>’'tf j ROCKITSH SlIEI'/nXGS, the b:ilc or half bale, for sale bv C. T. H.MGH & SON. ].". is.'ii. stf II' Julv inio. i!i( the esta.Idishe leiiuciion of five per cent, from rates of Freight (when the bill ! is paid within thirty days) will be discontinued. Kvery bi.l will be ciiiLudered due when ren- Ulercil. e.ieh Coii'.pany reserving the right to I charge inteiest on the same for any dci.iy in ' j'aymeiit six months. COIiDS PINE WOOD, to be deliv- erc'l on my Wharf iluring *,h- next T. Jnlv -21. 18.-,2. Ll'TTERLOH. lOtf XEW nOOKS. ) Fathers, an original Spanish ro- by .\dadus Ca’i'C, three parti— Inins of tlic I’araclete, Ud, Hector ■nee an I b ve; Wiifred Montressor, Eret Order of t!ie S'jven, a ronnince pNew York, by the author of .AV>el the brother's Ilcvenge, ^S:c., 75c; llomantic. oi- the Adventures of a Jvr, tr»m the Frciich of Jules San- Tlie Di.^’. Hrdi d Dauirliter. or t'.e the l?le. a tab* of the 'hes.ipea'.e, lutluvorth: Tiie Lives of ien. Fierce King. I’roft'ssur Julius t';(--.'.r .ScientifK- Dis' • urse.s, orlLrinal'.y pub- ;the N. *.). i’icayune; 'i iie Dosl 'ii Manual of Chur-h .\Ias;e, Ipy L.iv ell ink Books: S'.-h. -l I’o s. vc.. just E. J. HALE & S'lN. Li\Mr»i:u: UT" E have our Steam ful operation, s niile LI M iv Mill in sueee^s- froia I'ayettevine. near the Raleigh Stage F.".i i. ;.n ! to execute onlers in :.-'.r line. .\- 1 rei'.:!.- 1 run I'V I Rvtarif or ' r v:‘ c shortest notice. c e.in i and Junijier LI :;:i' length. *>ur Lumber, f'.r tr and sn’oothiie,--' >.f f.iee, s!i:.l ever '-leliverci in market. J'.^m: March ; 1 ■,;i !:'l ' lI!- at t!ie i>li I’ine. I'oplra" "f a’lm’St ;iiiv ihVu’ii(--s 1.1 iiii" be e.jual to any I^ARIH'E. 7.'^tf Shoes tor Sii!,' fit 111! sut'seri'oer w 111 .^ell ’>0'i p:iir of La'lies', Misser', aii'l 'hi! Iren's .‘'In • , ('i.«it>Ts, i‘l S '•> pvrs at e.,>t. Call while tli' a.'3'.»rtnient iroo'l. W. S. LATTA. .lune 1 L I's.'rJ. '.'‘.'tf Std^nrirn' oti Dtinin^rs. A TKE.NTISE un the Measure of Damages, . » by Theodore .Sedgewi-k. .Second Edition, revi.'e'l au'l greatly eidarge.l. .\1> >, further supplies of The Works of Dan iel Webster. •> vol.; i.le. Wiile World: liufechy: I'lvsof Hruee. by Crace .\guil.ir; The H.ii iii'.r.ist: Metho.li-t Hymns: Di'.'ipline of the M. H. ( hurch; Sclioul Books, xc., \e.. I'U" sale by E. J. HALE .'c SON. Aug. 7. xi:\v riJTHE tin'lersignod have eiitered irito copart- E. nershi]>, under the name and style of l.iawre«iee A: Troy, For till' purpo.-e of doing a general Mereantilo aii'I Harter tmsiness. We have taken the .' tore. No. lo tlllEEN STHKET, formerly occujiied by Messrs. John lluske >V .Son. Ci;t>. W. LAWRENCE. JOHN J5. TP.OY, Jr. Oct. -J-J. 1851. .";;tf 'I'oj; \( ('O. lia'e n 1 t rr; e .nm^'ii T'bu'' wliv-h we Clieap. .M ;v -Ji T'm. N.rth. I.I 1 Hicir III till- ;' > Ii.y\ \( i\ t: ifl'P 'kTnh(rtii(/ 'I'urpciilinc Lnn'l Ic, in Rohf so)) County. A Ki;S. a'ljoining the lands of William (iiimsley. .\lexan'b.-r MiiiStppHKan'l cithers, very heavily timb-. ri-d anJtf|iSf^torpentiiie bin I, from three ti> five inilcifiBSd^plaft .Swamji, an'l Irom five to six umber River. no adj • lining Joseph .‘^mith, Es'j. ^om, known as the “old Norment Mill A never-failing stream runs through an'l it is considered one of the best jjnill or manufacturing purposes in Afiplv to * WILLIAM McNEILL, R. S. FRENCH, Lumberton. son l^und for sdlc. y th.e 1th ilay of Octob.T, being day I'l r-uiierior •'oui't,) we will biiliitT, uin; IICTC lit. O. Snirnr, ; nN ,\V Inr* V- • [■rl:'::!- a rt in r«u*j‘rie^. 11 l.’;ds. Ciii't, I’orr • Ki'-'. Mel liM Ii'i.is. ('i i:s!i' '1 an l i’>.. :’i:e 1 SO liags Ki';. l.aL'.iira ami .biva '■'ofi’ee, ItiO kegs ''Vrought .Nails and .Ma'b.ira, Toit. I'.i'i .'h--rr. i ('ham|'.-iign. Lisb'in. aii'l M.ilaga 'Wine: t'haiiriM’gn filer: pure Frcneh Tran !'•; .famaiea Rum. aii'l llol- lati'l (iin. (lood Hvs .ii .and Kl.ie'i Tea. l.einon S\rup. Fn-^. rvi 'l (linger, i’ej'ner. (iinger. fan cy and brown Soaps, Saleiatus, .s. ...da, »>tarch. I’owiier. .slu.t. and Lead. Sjierm and A'latn.antine Camih s. iti'ligo. Ma.Mer. l.ogw'". i Cojiperas, Epsom .Salts, i’.iiiastone. Trijijn-'.s •Xntijiyric, Alum, ."^idces. Ks~ences. Uiis. \c. In fact, almost every article in the i irocery line. Crockery, C«iiaoN and 4'liiiia. The largest and best assortment ever olfered in this market. A good assortment of Rr;t..n- nia Ware. —ALSO— A full assortment of House and Kitchen Fur- nisliing (joods, fine 'i’able Cutlery. Table Linen, I'oweling. Linen and Cotton .Sli'ctings. with a varietv of new and ust-ful artieles. 'I'here is \r.” ii the b -:. vci V. .\DDt!-l-. '.•1 If r.f Liimbert'.n, lying at the foot scarcely an article in this line not to be found leading to the Lri lge. on which is in our Store. ((^Storehouse lately oeciipid by the -LIKEWISE- I'M i'' .-.r-' n ■ .v I-.'.' i\in'.r fr"in N. ’arge au'! g- neral assortmeiu of Stnph ’nt:' Ih'ff (fxn'ls^ i:!n::s, liAi’jiv.'Ani:, ' Hat.' :!i; ! C.ij;-, l>->'ds and Sli i..s. Among whiei: are: • 'olfee. .Siig;ir. 'itt'>n L.iggin;;. i’^aie i;o].e. \:.il“. \'i ;ii !- '.v (il.-iss. .S\ve les Mnd I'rig’ish Iron. .■'.I..’; e.i.i I .'.I' lii .Salt. Imperial aiel 'lU.i'.'k Te.ts, I’e'i'p.-r, \ls|'ice, (iinger. l’owd'’r, Slot, iiar l.ea I. i'.ir and Faney Soap. Together vvitli a gre.it variety of other arti cles. t'l uhii ii they invite tin- attention of the ' publi'’. and which tlu'v are det' rniiiie'l to sell a.'I'.w t'oi-Ca.'h. or on time to th",-'e who pay jironiptly. as :iny house in tin* .S|.\it!ierii country. I’rodiiee of all klii'ls. at the highest market ju ices, taken in exchange for (loods. .McLEAN \ JONES. Summerville, .V. C., Dec. S, ISol. 4itf _ aijfftiriUe llofcJ^ FAViyi'I'EVILLE, X. C. fElHISlarge and s}ile:idid Ruilding has now H. been in sne*es.''ful operation since May , IS 10. The Rcdiling and Furniture of all kinds [ \ - V i' -V*..-. rglHE WARSAU STACE will leave Fayettc- fi ville 'laily. at h.ilf ji.ist four o'elock, A. M.. commencing the l.-t 'lav of Julv. I’-tf .Ml laNNON iS: McNEILL. finilll'lUII.Li: !1(IT!’L. j;! tween IJaltimore and the Southern and W estern Merchants. We desire to call particular attention to the Wntch dep.irtnient, which will at all times lie sujijilled with ;i great assortment from the most celebrated manufacturers, and kept in perfect running order, so that purchasers may at oneo Shii'pers of Naval Stores from this place are ' take them, with a written guiirantee that they notilie'l that the undersigned will receive ami | will perform correctly. store, in ( ampbcllton. Spirits Turpentine at 10 j This branch of tlie businei^s will receive tl;o cts. per bbl.. ;\n'l will give receipt for each lo-.ol t especial attention of me of the firm, whose ex.- as it eoiii' ■; in aii'l ship as it.sfnicted, the own- 1 ten'iive and practical knowledge of the bu.siness er pavtncT 'Ira;, age. « hii li wilt lie 5 cts. per bid.; j will, wc hope, give tid a placc in_ the fineoudccti and w ill have b.arrei.' coojiered or re-packed, | of buyers. w hen t'le interest of sLir-.j'ers rcijuires it, at ac-j We respectfully invite you to call upon ti» til.il cost, chargeable to ownirs. The interest ^),cn you next visit our city, confidently Lc- of boat owners iuid sliipjicrs alike rcijuires a lievlng that an exiiminution of our Goods wlil regulati.in of this kiti'l. j prove to you that they are better styles uni! JN'). 1>. WILLIAMS, cheaper than you have ever seen in this m.arket, AgeJit Cape Fear .Sieandioat Co. R. .M. ORRELL. Agent Heiiriett.a Steamboat Co. T. S. LI TTEKLOH, I’roprietor Merchants' Steamboat Co. June 28, IS-'ii’. 5-3m iindersi^nrd, as For- w.'U'iIi'ig .\gents on their iii'liv;dual account, re- Speeti'iilly give notice, tli.it t!;ey will continue to ri-eeive .and f.u ivai I O -ods Irom their respec tive V. aidioi! s at tlie ltiv-r iwiiere the dray- .•icrt- save'i to .■'I.i; j ers i; fall lo per cent, on the freight bill) f.,r .a c':mini.''ion of 2.'» per cetit. on the liivt r li eiLiiit t.ill aiei .li ay.-ige. This ch.nnge to take cdcct on the Lit dav of ,Vu'.;iist next. JN(I. I). WILLIA.MS. R. .M. o'diiELL. T. S. LUITKHLOIL >-om A. 11. \V1II'!'1T!:1J), I’oach and IJirht r:irriaa:(‘ .Mdniiractiircr, ./■(IFLD respectfully inform the pulilic that he still continufs to carry on the aliove bu''iness in all its branches. He returns thanks lor the liberal pati-umige he ha.‘ receiv ed. ar.'l hopes by a strict attentiim to business, ami :i ilesire to please nil and give general sat isfaction, to merit a continuance of the same. He warrants all his W'irk to be made of the best material and by experienced workmen: anl sh.iuM any of it fiil in twelve months (with fair usage) either in workmanship or material, he will repair it without charge. Fcrsons wishing to buy, wotihl Jo well to call and examine his work liefore purchasing, as it cannot be surpassel for style, elegance, and durability. He is determined to sell low for cash or jii short time. j Ori'.'^ra thankfully received and promptly at- tended to. | gissy-REI’.VIRINO neatly executed at short j notice and lowest possible prices. | Fayetteville, Feb. ISA’i. 61 tf ' ?^HF. undersigncil would resjicctrully 1 I. inf'irni the eiti.’ons of Summer- , ilie, the vicinity, ami the public . generally, that she has opt nC'l a j iiorvi: (IF i:.Mi;irr.\INiiK^rr. | wlier.' slie will be pleased to accommed.ite all wh'i may c.ill on her. The Village is ]'le:isant ■ aii'l ln' ii;hful. her house lariic an'l commodious. ' No pains will Ke spared to render agreeable .and comfortable any wlni may favor li‘r with a call. .'•he is jils'i jirepared to accommodate with ; Roard from 15 to l2i» Students. I’rici> of Hoard per nuMith. E. R.VII.EY. Summerville. N. June FI, l.s..il. I'tf . Mi:i)K’AL xo'i'in:. | t"^R. THOS. C. H.\ !,L respect ! M fully offers his professional | services to the citizens of Fayette ville and its vicinity. He may be j consulte'l at the (>ftice directly over ! the new Drug Store of Sam’l J. Hinsdale, South i West comer of .Market Square. J uly L'O, 1852. lotf June 2'^, 1:^'2. XOiKi:. -jk f^a'*HL subscriber h.ns taken 3 th! St' io next door to Hall iV S.u kett s, where he intends carrving on flu* T.\ I L( MtlNO 'f,j h lU S1N1;SS in all its branches, f f / Vv^ Ha\ill;: had practic.al experience t i .K't* in nii.>t of the .-Vthmtic cities, he Y'V; feels as-^ured tiiat he can please ggM the most fastidious. .Ml irders w ill l>e executed w ith neatness and despatch. N. 15. Military Di-esses m.'ule in the latest and most apfiroved style. -V general assortment of idioice CLOTH- IN(i on hand, which will be sold low for cash or apiiroved credit. B. MONAC.H.VN. August 12, 1852. I'itf ind assure you that no effort shall be waiitinj on our part to make the ac(]uaiiitanco one of mutual benefit. L. H. MILLER & CO. Old stand, formerly occupied by Canfield, 15ro. X Co., S. E. cor ner of Charles Baltimore sts. Baltimore, June IB51. 1-1-Yo REFERENCES: Messrs. Wyeth, Blacklock &. l^l. UvTyn, Reid & Taylor. Janies Hodges & Brother. Hurst X Rcrry. Munlocli, Duer & Evuufl. Stellmann & Hinrichs. S.ingston & Co. I’.iirthlow, Gwyn & Co. Riely I't I’endleton. C'.shings ic Bailey. .lohn Murphy (ai. Moore & (iriflin. luvno.N’S SHIRT ESTiBLISII.«Ei\T, 179 Market St ret t, T HE largest an'l only I XOTICE. trri.iCATioN will Session of the Legislature, to change the i name of the “Cape Fear .'o Deep River Steam I Boat ('ompatiy” t.i that of the ‘-Rrothcr's Steam I F.oat (.’ompany,’' for the reason that the former ! name, incluiles irl/ the name of one of the old \l.so, 20 acres on the Western A s/ort of H(tr(hr(trc is new. and the rooms convenient and pleasant. River, about 150 yards from the .SIOC!^ OJ^ 11(11 ail f„rni.shed with tie best wn as the Brick-yurd lot. .\lso, about two miles from Lumberton, "tlie lands of Dr. Edmund .Mc(.iueen Terms will be accommodating and n at the sale. In the mean time can be made to It. S. French, Lum- JAMES WOOD. DAVID A. WOOD, ton, Sept. 8, 1852. 23-3w /rn/, and Fane if (ioods. Our object is to otl'cr to our customers Goods in variety and qnantify to suit all orders: and we trust we shall be able to meet tlie wants (d' all who may call ujion us, either at retail or wholesale. S. \V. TILLING 11 AST 5c (’O. July 20. lotf np L-- ' OLMI>. Wilmington, I* . -..d I’f'*' , , it ’ V?' TAYLOR I receiving his Fall and Winter Stock ] and Fatirtf GOOE0S, -Hats, Caps, Bonnets, Boots iS: Shoes, i Bagging, Coffee, Sugar and Tea, Iron, lit. Crockery’and Glass-ware; Ploughs, ■ 10, 11, 18i and l‘.t, with casting to I Corn Sliellers and Stiaw Cutters of su- I lid. the above goods will be sold or ex- for produce on reasonable terms. and customers are invited to call at Btand, fireen street. IteviUe, Sept. 4, 1852. 23-lm notice! persons indebted to the undersigned pill please call and settle before the first October, and save cost by so doing. W. 1’. JLARNES. berton, Sept. 8, 1852. 2:kI0 The Stcaiiior I'anny Liitt(M‘loli will in future leave I'i'.yetteville on Tuesday and Friday mori ings, at tj o clock, and Vt’ilmington Wednes'lays nnd Saturdays at 12 o’clock, and run regularly, carrying freight and passengers with despatch. T. S. LUTTERLOH. July 22, 1852. 8tf the market affords, aided by a fine vegetable garden. I’o.nrdcrs, Lodgers,,and Travellers will find de- sir.ible accommodations and attentive servants. No ]i:iins will be spared to give entire satisfac tion, Familii's can be furnished with large, airy, front double rooms, conveniently and hand somely furnished. An Vxjierience of 20 years will cna>i'e the les see, she hopjs, to give general .satisfaetion. ANN BROWN. .lunc 1, It50. 28-tf ■ BIN. EOR SALE. EW 2 Horse W'agon. J. D. W'ILLL\M.S. 12, 7-tf Livery Stable Has’ness. rjH^IlE subscriber intends carryinir on the M. above busines as usual, liaviuf; added considerable Stock, lie will be able to accoiu- Hiodate the public. Thankful for past favors, he solicits a continuauce. J. W. POWERS. Jan’y 20, 1852 08W HARMAX’S HOTEL, r A Y K B’T E VI I. P. E, '’V. - fB'^HE Subscriber, having taken the large -EL Hotel, formerly known as the Phinter’s HoH'l, situated at the foot of Hay Blount, Hay Street, Fayetteville, N. C'., respectfully informs his friends and the public that le is now en gaged in refitting the building, which is sup plied with entire new Furniture, iiiid is pre pared to accommodate the travelling public.— Having had some experience in the business in the town of PittsborouK'c, N. C., he flatters himself that he will l>e able to give satisfaction to tho.sc who may favor him wifii their compa ny. His rooms are large and airy. ' He has large and convenient Stables, and a good and faithful Ostler. JOHN HARMAN. Feb’y 17, 1852. Obtf Blank Warrants for sale here. T. C. WORTH, ffl.ll.MISSlON AM) fiirw.ikdi.m; .)1ERC11\.\T, W H.AUXGTOX, X. Feb. 1, 1852. COtf 1()0,()()() .Vcrcs Valuable r 1 M li E R L A X 1) S FOR SALE. HE .Subscriber has purchased all the Lands belonging to the FIstate of Abram Dubois, dec’d, lying principally in Robeson county, and on both sides of Lumber River, the difl'crent sur veys cintaining Over 100,0(^0 Acres; \ large jiart finely Timbered, and convenient to Lumber River, where a lai-ge quantity of Tim ber is now rafted to the (ieorgetown market. These Lands arc very vjiluable both for the Timber and Turi>entine. for which purpose a Wanted to PiircJiasc, BRLS. Spirits Turpentine, for ■ ( oTiipanies—and produces confusion in receipt which the highest prices w ill „f f reights. be paid in Cash. MHnufncturing W hole- brIo Establishment in the City. The capital and force engaged enablcB me at all times to ofl'er to Conntrr Merchants and Deal ers in SHIRTS. (’OLLARt?, LINEN and COT TON DRAWERS, greitt inducements—morw than usual efforts having been made to render the assortment of these articles full and com- plet«. The Stock on h«nd is large and well tissciitQ for Men and Bojs. All orders from the Country attended to bo made at the next | |,tinctunlitj aftd dewpntch. j tfcaT Remember the Name, nnd i\o. 179 .ISarkrf Street. I T. W. BETTOX. 11-yopd T. S. August 1(5, 1852. LUTTERLOH i CO. 17-tf SMALl. AXI) TALL: twns: all, And ]et i/uu a (inn f/tot wilt carr// a litdl'. TB^llE Subscriber has now on hand, and will M. sell cheaji for cash, his large and well as sorted Stock of single and double barrel SHOT GENS, of the best make, and latest patterns. Also, Colt's Patent Rejicating Pistols, and Al len's Revolvers; Shot Pouchcs: Game Bags; Powder Flasks; Percussion Caps; Xc., ..^c, Ritles of all kinds constantly on hatid, and manufactured to order, and warranted to shoot from 100 to 5(l0 yards. Persons wishing to purchase any d' the above name.l articles, will tlo well ti give me a trial. of freights .Vugust 11, 1S52. 16-lm August 15, 1851. NEW fJOOKS. UTN.\M’S LFBRARY, Nos. 4 and 5, being- the World Here and There, by Dickens, 1/Uiii \Tf*lnnis: xvill ronfiniio tbo ' Monte-Leone, or the JOlHl .MCinni. ^\IH C( nun l - Society; >iips Sewell’s Journal of a Sum- business at the stand of Mclnnis & Sutherland, | Tour; McHiOiT of Rot. W’. H. Hewitson; where he w ill keep a large stock of Weslcr and .Methodi»m. by Taylor; Spencer’s St in'o and Fancy Dry r,ood.«, CTroccricf*, ! Pastor’s Sketchfs; McGnffey’s Eclectic Reuder^ I I 1 ii' » bru^o ' 1st, 2d, 8d and 4th parts; Parker's 1st Lessoni* ilara^varo, Hats, Boot:, and Shoes.. i.Mloeophj; Mill-’ RhUoric; Davies’ School •ALSf) A large lot of ('offee, Sngnr. Cofton Uag- giiijl, ]>alo RofiC*, and Twine. Together with a gre.it v.arii ty of other articles, to which he invites the attention of the public, and which he is determined to sell as low for cash, or on time to those who pay promptly, as anv house in the country. JOHN McINNIS. Floral College, N. C., Aug. 7, 1852. IC-Jw Philoeophy; Arithmetic; ite. Also, further pnppliea of THE BOSTONr AC.\DE.MY’d Collection; Carmina Sacra; Gunn’s Domestic Medicine; Homorist’s Library; &c. E. J. HALE & SON. and they may be sure to find the greatest Bar- large part is well suited, being in a region | gains ever offered in this town, where the Turpentine yields more abundantly '■ than anv other secti(in of the State. The Lands will be sold nt a low price, and in quantities to suit purchasers. Information respecting the title can be ob tained by apjdying to the Hon. Robert Strange, Hon. Jas. C. Dobbin, or A. A. T. Smith, Esij., (Attorneys at Law.) I understand there are many trespassers on these Lands, to all of whom notice is hereby given, that the law will be enforced against all such offenders. Application for any part of the Lands can be made to mjHelf, or to John Winslow, Estp, who is duly authonscd to make sale of tlie s.ame. THOS. J. CURTIS. Fayjtteville, N. C., Sept. 1, 1845. 70tf XEW MUSIC,^ flONSlSTlNti of Songs, Polkas, Waltzes, inc., &.C. Just i-eceived. E. J. HALE ic SON. April 14, Repairing of every thinu: in the giui-siiiith line will be done at short noticc, in the best manner, and fov u small charge. M. A. B.VKER, Sign of the Wooden Gun, llay Street, opposite the Marble Yard, Fayetteville, N. C. August 16, 1852. li-tf SPIUXG^OODS. WE are now receiving our usual stock of STAPLE AND FANCY G O O I> S, ISooti^, !§hoes, Booncts, &c., Which being bought late in the season, (most of them at a considerable d^line in price.) w« are now prepared to sell tiiem very low. Please call and examine. D. & W. McLAURIN. April o, 1852. 79tf XEW liOOKS. tUN r Phillis’s ('abin, or Southern Life as it is by Mrs. Mary H. Eastman; VShite- friars, or the days of Charles the Second; What Now? for Young Ladies leaving School, by the I Rev. Charles F. Deems: Spencer’s Pastor’s o,„*jnent»l p’oartTy, bj the same Author. Also, further stipplies of Gunns Domestic MeUicin®, Alleys BbtsI Artbitecture, School: Books, Ae., received hj Juiw 15. E. J. HALE & SON. ARPER'8 Mrtjranne for June; The Pari^ Sketch Book, bj Thackeray; Gaieties aud (iraTjtieti, by Horace Smitb: Journey to Iceland; Up the Khin», by H*»od—2 part^; Alison’s Lif« of .Marlborough; Cookbum’B Life of Lord Jef frey; H»r»e Sh#« Robinson, new edition; MarciiH Warl»nd. by Mr». Lee Hent*; Robertson h C^iarles V; The Fanner's Encyclopaidia of Mo dern Agric«ltnr«. by Blake; The i’csts of tli»* Farm, by Riehtrdso*; Hor^g—their 'V'ariety, Breeiinf(, Ac., by ditto; Domestic Fowls, an*l ! Sketches; Hobart's Christian .Manual; Harper's Maga/iue; School Books, iSic. Just receifed. E. J. HALE & SON. August 28. ARPER’S Magazine for May; As good as a Omedy, or the Tennessean’s t^tory; Hue's Travels in Tartary, Thibet and Chin*; Recollections of a Policeman; Experiences of» Barrister, Confesmons of a« Attoroe^: Heroities of Historr; Childrw, tb«ir Hydropfttbic Mj»h- agenient,'by Dr. Sb«w. Also, f«ir*h«r snp^ilies of Familv BiMes. Biank Books, (‘wp awi Letter Papers, School Books, Ac. Jast rweited by K. J. HALB A S05. A SUPPLY of Fresh Ground CORN MEAL _m kept for sale at the Mill, late Anderson's. I Grinding of Hominy and .^leal done promjitly. ‘ FaycttCTille, March 1851. 12tf NEW BOOKS. HALn?rKT0!T8 Yankee Stories, illn.strut- e^; the Tanlree Tea Party, or Boston iu 177^; tb« Old Bell of Independence, or Phila- delpbia in 177(5; Camp Fires of the Revolution, or the War of Independence, Illustrated; Weld a Dictionary of Scripinral Quotations; Harbaugh s FTeaTWily Recognition; Catechism of familiar Things; Mathias’ Rules of Order, for Societies, ftc • Walker’s Rhvming and Pronouncing Dic- tionari; British Female Poets; American Fe male Poets; Watson's Dictionary of Poetical Ouotations; Philadelphia as it is in 18o2: E, HALL i:

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