mmmm tlu % '1^ ..'ii nUv;,r. " » = -lU ^Ufi; ' ' and' \r, .. '' c*" -‘ '1 ‘N: Oaix -Itf o.'/v Cl'fr 1- Vll'^Esx m, ^c. ’ ■ \s . ■ ' '■ 1 ! '.Ms, ■t .'■• -'‘I the I "fi„- Jinij ^ a.l. ill-. v; 1. V, . !■: ■. 'S ' t Ka. I'O?! i tf III \1.!.: £: %i,f ii ^ / f/’ i, i‘t;> j J I'.Vi . .‘\ . -hJ L ‘ i 'i\, - ro\. •j Tni;>. ton. N. C, -r ; f: ..r, rVlKNT roVE •i . A M ‘?r. vcr.-i . . -:e .' tiv !-.jr- ,'j* ' . '-I iV, m j jyi ^gsgnratfa [VOL. II.] SBMI-WBEKIL, Y. FAYKTTEVII.LE, N. C., SI:PTE.MBI:R 28, 1850. TTrni'rarI'liii iii iiiinii itifi T| mu mini [NO. 129.] ,/' thf til’- ■ r ■h; ■' :cc ar« i-e 1“' ■ , ... .1,(‘ ''«D' V''' 'S ■ .■ I'UlNTHn liY J. li. NEWBY. £1)\VAHI) j. HALE & SOX, [•PITOK.'^ AN1> rUUPUlETORS. ] Mrs. M. 1''. lloriio \sill rosimu' I her S(,'lI(>OL, nt the Lo'lge, on the 1st Monduv ! ill October. iSejit. 14. ‘Jii-'.t ' PALI. AM) W iX l'KU jri ,p f^,r the Scini->\ cekhfOusKUVEn $4 iK) if ill -1^4 -30 if piii'l duriiift the Ti'ar 'I 'iil'M i’il'tioii: or after the vear hus If ,rthi- NVockl.v «>i!sr.nvr.u $‘J W per aiin\im, if J, ,.i in !i lvani-c; !>‘i 50 if paid (.luring the vtMf ''f ^lO'soriptioH: or 00 nftcr the vear 01 U Fall Winter Oooils are now here. JiMil reinlv for sale. Our Moek of i»KV i.s larjre niui better tlian aiiv fdrnieJ ?casoii. iiAici>n 1 ri.i'itv is hard to ef\\i:\l. oKOf i:isBi:s. Our ^toek is liirge, eiiuiil if not snperior t) any turiiuT vear. Al! of which we would bo jlad to exehanjre r til liiij i Njiived. \I>Vrin'l^l'MKNTS inserted forsiMv cent.s f..r :ihni .st an\ kind of proihue, for e;ish, i\;nc f'T the first, (ind thirty ceut^^ f«r cneh I'unetual cuj-touiers un time. , oc iiii- publication. Yearlv Hdvertienients 11,V «!"■ ■■ ••''''‘''racts. at reasonable rates. Ad- •ire requested to state tlie number of September, 18’i‘2. t'COK \ T AVI.OH. ■J7-'Jni ji:ijorti"r.' It icsired. or thcv will be contiuvied till i;,i i'har;jed aecordingly. • Loucrs to the Editors must be p >!t-paid. u MISS BINGHAM ILL resume her ScIuidI in F:»yette%ille .,u MONDAY, 11th Oct.. It'Vi. ::tf FILL 1M) \11.\TI;R have received in part, an»l are n"W Iff receiving a lurpe and general assi>rt- ■i.i ..f ."TAl’Lt: and KAN' Y DUV GOOl>S, ••■'ting in part ;i.« foll"W': S-.i(H r lUack. Urown, Green nnd I’tlue Tloths; ■> r.'.ack I'ocskin fancy (’assimers: S;!k ,'i. ,Tud velvet Ve.stings, .some 'ery tine: .. white and colored (iranadin Satin nnd :.ish Silk Vestin:.;s; Fine 'r;iv;\tj: Collars; vVc. .Vmoiigst our Ladieo’ l*ri-ss Goods may be . ni'k Groilerhinp. and hlaek, fijrxirod :iud vr' 1 Silk; rich ISrocadp d.i.: p'ain and _ • lo.; rich white figured do.: plain white tj 'irn.’O, \o.; rrinted Satin ('ii.'hnieres; ’ ;;'.ii!« d H"bes; Kngli-ih. Fi euoh ai.d Amer- j I'elains; suiull figured and li'ghly r !- Inins t' r children: F.nglish and Frencli ; .rod tlaiiiiel; Glace I’l.plin; Victoria r.irt n riaid;*; colored Alpaca (\>burgs nnd ,:i r' t!:-i lUack Honibai'iiie, "nie extra 1',.,'k .VlpHctis, Silk and l'"tton Warp: ; - i f'>r children: .‘'cotch, French Itnt ,\)r riciM Gitighani5 and prints: Sliawls: kj.,;, '■ li‘.*iery; Silk. I.:inib> Wool Shiri.s and I'ruwers: a handsome .'t Hibbon?. Fringes, tinnp nnd Triu'.tning^: Swi^s, Jaconet, Stripp'd 1,.; \1 >.inji: Sw i.->- and .lacouet IM;ring r: Itifant's I'tnliroid'Ted ^Vai»t^i, !' Frencii-worked Han'Jkeii’hiels, :i:. ! rii{er'r’eeve.: Real Thread Lace ■ a r, iir.i.g; Lisle and C'l.tton do. :i"''rtment of Uonnet?. Hat>, • •■‘t', .'i: i. Fnibrellas, l’;tras"ls. with i :i- - tn'r an'. ’’"' nxt enumeratet.1, making ir • :;i ‘t'.t .lii' 'f ibc largest and br.>it we ,.0 ■'.'•r ''flcre'l our lr;»-nds and cu.«t"niers.— ti.r’: ; t“ Call as e.arly as con- ■.:( nt. and i'xaiiiin>' t' f themselves, a.* we ex- • :t t «• li a' re.i>'jnai/e any other house in .• tr:j i'‘. Ln't '■ 'riier Market S juare, and No. 1 Greene :r.ct. F, • N. A(,r;.\ U JOHNSON A CO. Ser II'. -7tf .\i:w LAW BOOKS. ~ L.\W iiF NATION'S, ir the Principle.^ i ■ I. iw vf Nature, applied to the con- • 1 ; it* I'.n -if .Nati-'ii.- and .Sovereigns: .\ V' u i/ iiii t!ic French of Mon.sieur de ... RtVreiKCs to .Kmerican Uceisii.ns ' j.!i iKtry. 1 vol. l.v I l;>.i;r t'a.^es: a selection of Leading ■I'll r;’U« branches of the l.uw. with '. .liio, William Smith. I'-mj.: F-iuitii ; ■ iri ;'r III the t’niid EugUfeli edition. 12 ’ill E;.^li>.h K’ci'hequer I’eports. ,v Ui- wu's '.*th vol. Kuglish UejH)rts, ..I. i K., iity. .,'t rvi-vivfil bv *E. J. HALE & f^oN. FALi/ (;)bi7s“ ir.‘receiving i.ur F.\LL and WlNTKll • ' "•L'S, consisting of h large stock ot llfn'flirarr and f'utlrvy^ ., I ; ••ntine Tool.s: bur. banil, hooj), i - ,uar‘ Iron of all descriptions; (ier- ■ ■: 't:' ;;;!, English ami T.-ist Steel. I" MU and Woodfii W arc; Hoots jiiul .'^liO(‘s; Saddles, SadcJIcry ‘ind J,catli(-r; Hatri and Caps; Dry (loods; with our iL-^iia! Ijo i ■ f,! ■'•L'', ,:U f- ^ cd. :»S ,, an.'" ■ !!■ lU Ki l.l- !' 1 (ill. ,,..'.111 m:\v .mac’Ki:ri:l. •5 Hl'.I-S. very fiiip ncwMackerel. .Vlso, ■HB> j(i r>bls. Herring. Fcr .>iale bv ^ t>OK \ T.WLOll. Sept. ‘JO, 1?.VJ. UT-lim 7 lit n( f lnn.l nml I/'/rliciil- (tintl J'tunitil fS pubiivhed nii'nthly, nt One I'nllar per year. E:ich number coiit.jins a coh red pl.itc nnl ^’>2 pages. From my ]"is..nal .•ii'.jii,iiiit;MK’«“ witli the edit"r, il, K. Sc'itt. and kuowii;;.: hi> i MiHiccti-iU witii .'Me of the tiist nu!'.'eric> in the I'nited Statc«. 1 i-.-in with ciitifidencc rccnu- mctid him as a priictical g.irdcuer, highly iTUal- iticd to conduct .■•uch a journal. Having been appoir.lcil .\gcnt. 1 shall be hapi'y to recci\e tiie names of«er. Enclose post pai-i. t’. I.l TTr.lll.tUl. Scjit. 2'*. l!T-ot lioors AM) SilOLS. nr. Suh.'cnnor is still I'arnu'rs’ ;ind Plantors* .\LM.\N.\C for IS'):!, .lust received. E. .1. HALE & SON. Sept. l'«. Clotliiiig! I'lot \tlf (/)((/ I'xmii niv t//ni hm/ fsrirhin ! ^S^Hi; uu'.lersiened has just received iind H- opened his Stock of C'lolhs, C'as.^iiiu rcs and Vi'sliiijrs, t'onsisting (>f black, brown, green anl line loths, ot variou.s i|Ualities; t'aluy and jdain Sill, Nutin, \ elvet aii l (’as.ximeie X'estings, of the m'st lasiiinnab'.e eo'or.s. .Ms ', poe skin and tancy ( assimercs, cf the most fa.'^hiijuuble selectioii>. i.-jy select a.^.-ortment of r,l'.\ I >V-M .4 ItE CLOTHING. cons' :;ing of ( ht rcdats; 0\er- sacks. close-1.oiliiii Sack anfl I rock ('o:its. of various styles; I'aiu-y ;md j>lain silk .'ind C:i>si- mere V.-sts. of sup.-rior cut and^i. = ^, i „n the Hisisises of tliut'instit’utimu aiiM ►! tin* iijt'st i«Ji»ar■!(» v‘Mori5. rer?oiis wi.'hing to purchase any of ihe above articles, would do well to call and examine his Mcdu'nl ( 'ol/c^ r of t/ir State of South Carolina. J^HlllE -Annual Course of Lectures in this In- -■ stitutioii eomm»-nees ui the first MON- in November, on tlie following blanches: An.itomy, by .J. E. lloHirook, M. D. Surgery, by E. Geddings, .M. 1). Institutes and Practice, by S. Henry Dick son, .M. 1). I’hysiology, by .I.'inies Miuiltrie, M. I). •Materia Medica, by Henry K. Frost. ,M. 1). t'bstetrics, by 'I'hoinas t*. Priolean, M. 1). Chemistry, by i'. C. Shepard, M. 1>. Comparative .\natoiny, by L. ,\gassi/., M. I>. Demonstrator of .\naton>v, St. .luUau I’.ave- nel, .M. D. -Xssistaiit Demonstrator. F. T. Miles, M. 1*. I’n sector to th* Professor of Surgery, J. F. -M. (ieddiiigs, M. D. t'i.lMCAL INSTIMTTION. D. .1. Cain. .M. 4)., Physician to the .Marine Ho,.-l.ital and Clinical 1 iihtructer, lectures twice 'riio stibserilM r coiitiimrs to carry on the 'i'.\ 11.1 >U 1 Nt! El SI.N in all its varionw l.iancl'i ,\w 111- l:;is f.iken in- stnieti. ns in t utting tVoni >ne 1.1 tlie l.cst in>tructei.s in New York I'lly. he tlatt'Ts himsrlf that he can c.iri'v on tiie l.u^i- nc.'S with more siii-cess than it b. 1 11 il. iie. atid will .'i'are n.i thofc who m;iv !a\or him Avilh P. T VYi.OR tS now receiving bis Fall ami Vi’inter of S/fipir itttfl OO tf S. •\L.St)—Hats, Cajis. I’miinets. iioftts ,‘c Shoes. Rope and liagging, Coli'ee. .'.^ogar and Tea. Iron, i Nails, Salt, t'roekery and (ihiss-w.are: Ploughs, ■ Nos. tj, ID, 11, IS.J iiii'l I'.i, with castiiiu to' match: Oorii Shellers and Stiaw Cutters ot su- ; perior kind. i -\U Ilf the above goods will be sold or ex changed lor produce on reasonable tcrins. Friends iiinl customer.^ are invited to call at : the old stainl, tirecn street. j Fiiyettev ille, .Scj>t. 1, ‘J:!-lm ! g.\ M receiving a mucii lar,;rer STOI'K OF (iOODS th:sn usual, coiisi.- ting of a com- . plete a.'-.soi-lnK iit of Dry («'oods, (Jrocerit's. llai'dw.'irci and (‘Hll*r\, i —.\mong which may be fo;iiid— Ladies’ fine Dress !oo(ls. ];onne!*i. ;;nd mi :iskortmcnt of Dress and I’ujniKt Trimniiii”.-. of the latest styles. ! —ALSO— : ! Ciips^ Ij'j'th; mill Sh'tui^ j i Negrt) l‘>lank‘.'ts and Kerseys, r>ag.jing and At a sjiecial meeting ol tiie Trustees and Fa- ! "itha huge supply oi E l..\ 10 M .\DE ■ culty of tiie .Medical Colli'ge of tiie State of ,S. j • 1.0) illNt*. C.irolina, held i>n the :ld day of Januaiy 1.''-'>J, j All of the Goods have been re.-cntly Dr. 1.. .\G.\SS1Z was un.animonslv elccte.| Pro- | I'urchasid, aiid v\;li be sold l.iw ;.t wholi salc or .1. Ford Piioleau, M. D., Physician to the Hos}>ita1 of the .\lnis House, at which lectures are delivereil twice a week (iti Diseases, the di- asriiosis disi riminated, and the student indoc trinated in their treatnuiil. Demonstrative Instruction in Medicine ;ind Surgery, :it the College Hospital, by the Pro- tessors of the Medical t'ollege. a. M L\ij/rffrriffc iIof( I, FAVirr rioviLLi:, >. c. '■giHis large and sjileiidid liuilding lias now 3- been in siiecessfnl ojieriition sine;' .May lyp*. The I’lcdding ant Furniture d' ail kinds is n'-w, and tiie rooms convenient and pleasant. Tlie 'i'al.le is alw.iys furnished with tiie best fh(‘ market aifoids, aideil by a fine vegetable gaideii.'vs. I.odger^'. and rravelb rs will f;?id de sirable :!ccommoda;' and attentive servants. -No iiaiiis will be sj>;ired to give entire s.itisfac- llOli. I'amilii's can be furni.-'hc'd with lai'^e, airy, front ilouble loonis, conveniently and Initid- somely fiiinisiie'!. ,\ II 1‘Njiei ieiice of years will enable t!ie le.«- see, she hopes, to pive general se.tisfaetion. .\NN EKOUV. .)une 1, 1 x')0. 2S-if lia - ln. i vtoi, re j'.iiii' to pii-a.-e tlicir patronage. C'.C'" He may l e found at tin oei upicd by Mr. -I. .M. IJe.isley. on East corner ef .Nl.ii' Sijti.ii e Hi GH GE Sci't. l”>. 1 •’■J. : tore reeeiitlv I'll the Ni rili ,11 AM. tessor of ('(.miiar.itive .\natomy, with the ilis- ! retail, tiiict undeist.-indiiig tliat the colle::i.ite e\pen- j ses of the student are not t'j be increaseil by : this additio« to the course. ; Se;.t. •>. IIENEV U. FliOST, M. D.. Dean. ('harlestoii, .Vug. 17, l>'ili. *-‘’J-lawGw Ih' W. I'. MoopJ'. East Corner .Market Sijin re. •j:;tf A.\.\ to accommodate a lew LA.ND I'Oii S \Li:. U‘ ^lAKY ^«riLE be glad .Min:R! UMHl'Jr! i-,o.u,hrs" T E liavo our Saw Mill in succcss- i iidorms h. r friends and the p'ib:ie fuloperati..n, Smiles from Fayetteville, i H'at slie inten L>; t.. cairy on the bvisine.->s ot ir the i;:;lei;:!i .^tagc, a:i.| are prepared Mantu.i-making ma.n rv iv.s !!F. - fi tine •tiiriiiir at hi® .■!.! 1. i.;i • nStieet. i'.Ou'lS .\M> SlioLS of the l.'C't p!a.iTy. lie has on hand ■'oiiie 1 the best c.lit .•■kills nn I leather w hicli the Nortii- ern marke^' cm rl. aii'l in I;:- enip'ov mint two of the be.'t w..|kni> ii iu tl;e .'''tati-. lled >es not tiiinU that their work car. b.- p\ce.,. -i b\ any n-.-.ile in tiie .''tale in }.■. i.t "1 lurab; it;. . r e!i-g.ince of sivli'. Tralv th.inktul t. r pa.'t fa- Voi'. he re.'j..-_-ll'u’'\ n'qi'.i >tj e. n -; -; u i lu'e of the same. 1'.. tlio>e win. ma_v t-ei di>!-. ' ; to f:tvi'>r h ni w ilii t;;e'r . i:5t..iii, he I..-:.' le.ive !■ siy that 1)0 |.;,in- will be sjiai'-.l i.. -;ve them complete s.iti'tacti'.n. He h-is on hand a jrood a.'Sortii-ent . f North ern made vs..rk. c '-.'-'ting "t La.i, :>' i Oeii- t!enien‘> Eoots ;iii 1 .''l.t es. ('hil.Iren's I’o. t' and idi..e> I.f all kii.'!'. Ne;rro .'.^h. s of th•• b>-vt ijualitv, .\11 of which vsill be -■oM cheap ior es'i;. .''’l.ould thry tail in j'oint of w .-rl, uia:i- ship. t:.ev w r.l be repaired w;tii. nt rhar^re. '. -ul '. liber ..i! I lU'! 1 :t:iie i;;.i V , at" i:! t l.uial.ell, . ' ■ t nil'.rri •Itilatioii.^ ■Il an\ .\ .' I ■ ! ■ ti e n. N, a !. a;ni 1 a ri >’.V. M.d. 1 in t;.l' 1 ti:;ii)ij r. •rs for sMM aie! '1 ill:' f".;r mi! the V. hi I let Ml ;i,re.'‘ er L.VND. s N. rth Ii. tract is hi ■ ai.‘ SI Vera! o. 1 ; - as 1, an n; I Li t- i^tilnl ..■rtioii e.;;th_\ iWIl f ■U ^.-l':" • •n tiie • 1- -.n ) l!ar',e. i:i i.nn.b ; t. u. ■ r.: lr:;.. s Irolii t!. .b'HN i.ov. 1. T'-J. I lai n* r‘ ■^nii: He.; a .i:iape No\e.s; .''eh.i. Maiia/.ino toi ot' Kaii.ioij.h \! b • tioli ol 1 ie, ,iig aii'l Eook ,\c. .lu-'t re^'en E. IlAl.i; .V N .\ 'l H .VN Is'i-J. .-IkE.' 1’7-lt '■I' ‘a\ V tf>ck of Be H .untry Merehnnij* who purchase in this w.iiibl do well to euil and examine our J. & T. W ADDILE. -Otf \K\V GOODS. IV IM-riber is now receiving a large ad- ii to his Stock, confsisting of (ioods. ColVec, Sugar, Crock- *>■'. Hardware, Hats and Caps, and Shoes, liagging und Kope. —ALSO— I* '.v-ware, Xaila, Leather, Window White Lead, Cliecse, Fish, &C. ■ f ‘ rs on the most reasonable terms, lb- r.- for sale h large stock of A* tPomestir Etiquorn, | 'i iiiskey, old Nash Brandy, .Apple j . ' >ni Whiskey, N. E. Hum, and Am. ■ HiREltiN EltiUOUS were selected ; iiid are of superior (juulity. They j ' '■ ‘r'l lirandy, ''’“■'I ditto, * I- 'iii]im Dock ditto, J ditto, i'.'irii, '■''if. 'litto, , 'iiii. i !■ nr;, ira \S me, suj.erior, , 'Jift'J, ditto, V . ditto, Some very fine, , ' 'la.leiru Will,., i ‘ iiie of the Holiuger and other ari.l pints. ditto ditto, , r„r.liai. *■' 111 11 1 cheapest Cl- W. DllAUGIIOX. Fayett-.'v ille. Sej't. 11 FALL AM) W L\T1:K, I I (\u1 fo th> (V//z //. f f riUr. I IF you vi>it WiJminctoii this Fall or Winter, do not fail to call at the NJerchant Taibir- iti;; and Clothing .‘'t- re td' )TT P>.\LI)\\ IN. They are now opening . ue of the largest as- sortiuents of ('tofhitiff (lint Dns (iihiiIa ever before otTered to the citi/.en-* of N'orth C;i- rolina: among which n-ay be tound every varie- j tv if lUisiness Conts, Pants, l«t( St stv Ie, and \ ests of nil the raging ccdors. as well as plain .■'atin and CassinuTe. Their new nnd be:iutifiil assortment of Fashionable Over-Coats cannot fail to please. The ••Paict.t .Make Se.nn' Shirt S'lUl only by this house, is an article which everv ought to vvear who wants :i jdeasant fitting and desirable garment. Shirt Collars, rr.'ler (iarments. Gloves, .\;c., ^;c., in great variety. .\!1 'cliing low for cash. Our Meicliant Tailoiing Department is con- duete'l bv evitters ol' cmiiunt skill: «o that we are at all times prepared to make suits t'l mea sure, on the m.i't aj>nrovrd style. A splendid a-isortnient of (,’loths. t'assiinercs and \ cstinjs alwavs on hand. SCOTT p.ALitwi::, .Merchant Tailors. Importers id' lloisery. Cloth«. ('assimeres an*i \ estings. and Dealers in lle.ady-mad*- Cb.thing of their own superior manufactuiP. Wilmington, .''ejit. 14. lb->J. 'Jt-tl.J RYi: wnisKi’v. P>.\HIIELS, a jirime article, just re- B Xr ccived and tor sale bv ; WIEL'KINGS .5c CO. 'i —ALSO— ;iO bags prime FE.\THE11S. Sept. ]•'), IS'*-’. -'’tf LA\VKKN('K ^I KOV Have received their Fail .*^tock of Groceries, Provisions, and Liquors. — ALSO— \ small lot of Keady-inade C'lotli- iiij, Cro kery and iias.\var*, IJoots and Shoes, llard\¥are and C.'iitl ly. AVe have on h;md the following llio, Eagnira, and .Marac;iibo Colfce, Porto l!ico and Cuba Sugar, Loaf, Crushed and Coffee ditto, .^ilaniantine and Tallow (.’andles, Fancy and common Ear .Soaji, Pearl and Corn .Starch, Pepper, .''jdce, iinger. Nutmegs, ('lovcrt. Cinnamon, Te.a, iVc., Salt, Iron, .Mol.-tsses, iVe. Sole, L'pper and ILarness Leather. IMIOVISIONS: Mess Eeef, and smoked and dried ditto, J?eef Tongues, and ••Tongues and .Sounds,' No. :i .Mackerel, in bbls., No. 1 ditto, in kitts, Kiihnon Hiid Pickled Herring, in bbls., I.ard, in bbls., kegs sind kilts, Goshen nnd Dairy liutter, Cheese, Pickles, Preserveo, &.c. LIQI'OUS: Fine French IJrandy, C'«iumon Dt/mestic ditto. Old Uy« Whiskey, Keetifiel ditto. Clear white ditto. Country ditto. New England Uum, Holland Gin, Port and Teneriffe Wine, Common .Malaga ditto. W’c have u large lot of LijUom which ire of fer low by the barrel. We keep on hand, always, lEVCON, FLOUll, COHN, &c. We offer any of the above named Gooils ns low aa can be atiorded in this nmrket, for Cash, or in exchange for Country Produce, or on time to punctual customens, DON.M.DSOX ,\( \DI:M\. ^ ■ MI i; ensuing Tern in thi' Institution v ill H coiiiuteiie.’ ,11 .Mi.iN l'.V\, the llii day of oc ft iDlliL Tiriiis us heret if ire. DANIEL .\ugust ol, IB' .J'JHNSON, Principal. NO'l'H'i:. fS'HE sub'-.-rib'T ha.s taken 11 t!ie .''tore iiext do,.r to H;iII .'•■•i.-kett's, where he inti'iids carryiii;! on t’.ie T.\!1.0P,1NG l;r.''l.N E.''.'' in all its branches. H.iving practical experience in most of the .\tl.intie cities, he ') teels assured tliai he can please tiie i.iorit fasti'liou'. .Vi! ordeJs will 'jC execute.i w it:, neatness and despatch. N. P>. Military Dresses made iu ihv iat -st and a].proved style. A general a*", rtiiient o! ili..ii’e t'I. >TII- lNi on hal. 1. w'.iirii wi.. t.- ' ..'I ■ .\v ;..r cash or ai'p: oved ^ 'i.'. p.. mo.nwgi: \n. I'.tf ' \ ahial)l(‘ L A N D S Ovrr .\ugust 1'-’, l"o'J. lou.uoo .\cr( T i M li i: Ii Foe sale. HE Subscribi’r has purchase.I all the L.ati'ls bel'iniring to the E-tate o* .\bi.iiii Dubois, dee'd. hi'iir priiieipaliv in i;o*.e-.on eoimty. and on both si.le.' of Lumbvr Eiver. t!ie difT. rent sur- \ ev s e lit.lining KMMMHS Acres; A bir*j.e part tinely Timb.-re.l, and eoi-.vcnieiit to Lumber Eiver. wliere a large oii iiitity i.l i ii.i- bc r is liow r.ifte.l to the Georgetown ni.Tlket. TIk se Lands are very valuable both I'or the Tindier and I'lirpeiiiine. for wliieli purpose a large part is. well suited, being in a n-gion where the Turpentine yield.' more abund.iiitly than any otiier sei'tioii of t he St ;tc. 'Ihe Lands will bi' S'lld at a low prie.*, in ' to suit ]iurchase:'s. liilorniatiou respecting the title can be ob tained by applying tn the Hon. Eobert .'^trange, 111.11. C. Dobbin, or A. T. Smith, Es i-, I .\ttorney s at Law.) 1 undeVstand there are many tre.^passers o.i th-'e Lands, to all of whom notii-e is hereby .'iven. t'iiat the law will be enforced against all Mieli oileiidei’s. ,\ ji]dicaliou I'or any jcirt of the Lands can be made to i.ivselt, or to .lolin NVinslow, Esij., who i dulv authorised to make s;ile of the same. THOS. .E CEETIS. Fayetteville, N. C., Sept. 1, 18 lo. Ttitf .\i:\V I’lliM WW MiW liOOII^ ,flrSfoiH5l(l ,Ur,lSatil(-y ea vvE .H'sr eeceived a c>mi'U:ti-: I i STiH'K of and limbraciiig almost every article usually kept in line, at the ^ |]LLO\\ lit ILDI.Nti, a few rh>ors above the State !>ank ami one door above ,M. W. .lessup'.-^, on Gilh'spie street, and would be jdeased to exhibit any thing in their line to j those who may favor th m with u call. | —also— Ilardwaio, Cutlery, (’roekery, Glas.s-w.irc, W))l-\v:tr(‘, Lifjuors, ]}oot.s and Hats and Caps, and a gouj assort ment (if Dry Goods. To the above Stock wc would respectfully in vite the attention of the public. Country Produce taken in exchange for Goods. Fayetteville, Sept. 1, 1852. to execute orders in our line. ,\s v.e run two /,'',.'7..y i.r Ciicn’mr Sni'f, we {ill bill> at the .'111 rlest 1. .tii-e. U e can furni.- li Pine. Poplar ,i;el .lur.ipcr LrMEEil, at; ! .if a'lnu ..nv leniri'i. (inr Lumber, for truth!'uhi ss of line :.!id siiioi.'liiiess Ilf face, shall be eijiial t.» any ever deliv.jie.i in market. JONES .S; EAEEEE. | Maivli r.(K I'.'-J. 7S:f M'AV =4>(J-!>S. ^H^Iili uh lei .•■igl'.C'l I'.ive now opened tlieir 9 ^E^^ (liiO]/.';, l.itely re.tive I from t’le .No!!ii, 1.:; ri^;^lg a genera! a-set tiuent, vi/,: 11 hli !. Gub:i, Porto Ei-. o :iii I N. O. Sugar, bl,'-.. I'ru.'l-.e l an 1 Eerined s:l l a.;.-. Eio, L.itruira :ind ,J:iva ('otTee, j 1;hi k gs roiiglit .Nails and .'•'pikes, ^Li'Kii-i, P..i’. l';i’e Sherry. Claret. Chainpaiiin, Li'! 111. yn l Mal.ig.i Wine; I'ham[.-ii;rn Ci.ler; pure I'leiieh Eraii.iv: .L.maiea Er.ii;. :in I H. I- l,ii... (lin. Goo.l Hv'.inaii'l lUack Tea. Eei.ion S\r ;p. Pre-.Tve l Ginger, Pepper, tiin^er, tan- y aii.l brown .'•oafis. Saleratii>. C. .''o.h;. >-tari h. P .wder, .^li..t. and Lea.i. .''perm an.I ' .Xdamaiitinc t andles. Indigo, .\Lidder, Logwi ..d, i Coppera'', Ep'.ini Salts. Erimstone. '1 ri]>]ie's i .Vntipyric. Alwiii. .'■pices, r.'sene»>. .\:c, , In f;iet, almo.'t every ;irticle in the (irocery line, I'roclii'i'v., ait(! China. The Ia!o:e>t atel beat assortment ever offered in tiiis m:iik«-t. .V g...).I assortinrnt iif Eritaii- nia Ware, — ALSO— ,\ full assortment ot' il.inse nnd Kitehen Fur- nisliiti-.: G.....1', fine Table ''itlery, I’al'Ie Linen, i Toweling. Linen and Cotton .'•heetiiig'', with :i vat'.etv ..f new ;in.l useful articles. There is s. :ireel> ••iii article in thi.i line t,.'t to be found in our ,'^torc. — LIKEV. ISE — .1 lar^c stock of Iltr(hrai'(\ Cnt- l( rtf, anti I'a/icij (toods. Our object is to offer to iur custoniers Good' in variety and (|U;intity to suit all cr.Iers; :ind v«e tru't we 'hall be able t‘> meet the wants of :‘,11 wlei may call upon ns. either at retail or w hi u 'ale. S. W, TILLINGIIAST .V CO. .lulv JO. -J. KUf l ay elti V ille, Sejit. 1. 1>'’1^. xo'i'ic’i:. ■r^.itis in.lrl.ti.'.l to the unilt! si;r!’.c.l j ie.ise c.all ;i!'d set'b“ liefoie tin- first I III r. and s.tve c. ;t bv so .ii.ii.g. W. i-. E.AP.NES, Ei.nilierioii, Sept, 1' I'J, I'-itli) 4 I.l. (>• Till T XII /:■'* II.MiM \N\S l!()'ri:L, 5' \ V i: i’ T b: V1s. so, r. ^GIllF, .'^ubscribt r. having t,iken the large S Hotel, toriai-rly kii iwn as the Piantir’s ll'itil, ^itu.ited ;if (he foot of Ilay .Mount, Hay .''ireet. r,iyvtrevir;e. N.I.. respectfully informs hi> I'riends :iii 1 the public that he is now en- g.iu'*'! i:i refuting tin- building, which is sup- j-iied v\ith entire new I'urnitxue. and is prc- jiarei! to aecoii'.moilate tlie travelling jmblic.— H.iving h.i'l 'oKie exjierience in the bii.siness iu the town of Pittsboroiigh, N. C., he Hatters IiiiiiSeli'th;it he will be :ible to ^ive S;itisfai;tion to tl.os*' wlio may favor him witli tlieir compa ny, His r'.oins are large and airy. He h:is l.irge and eoiivenient St;J !es, au'I a goi;.l and I'aitiil'u'i Ostb-r, .JOHN lEVPiM.VN. Eel '-.- 17, ls-‘i-J, t;i;tf ^^T.\GE leaves W.AKS.A.W' daily on the nv- rival of the cars, say 10 o’clock a. ra,; and arrives iu Fa^ ctteville at p. m. ‘.McKLN'N'OX .if McNEIEE. April 1L\ 1S')2. Sltf m (\ .5. . S.X.M'L .1. IILXS!)AI.i:, ai2c! C E pb'.isiire of i:.;'..rming his ciistoiu- ■ D ei> and the pul-.'.ic, that he has renio>c«l troiii hi.' oM .'^i.-ui'i t.i the m rvt corner abuxe. i ;,:enrr,ii'iy kn.iwn a.> the ••Eiuke ci rnc r, "i H:ivin._' litte.l up his St.ire with every cirve- i.ienee !■ r cond'o ting busines. botli wli' lesalc uli'l ivt.ii'. to the best advantage, he s .iiri'.s a Cl tuliiuanee of tile kill l fav .r he has enjoys-i. with the iis'.or.inee n. siiall be watiting to merit it. Hi-j .'•toek coiupri.'es ;i full a ticb s in his line .■! '.i..'iiie", a'l ity: liriigs. Medieini hemie.i..-,. P.-.-nt.', i;ii.'. Dye .''tiilis. Patent M. iicines. Perl'rimi-r;-, .do i. e Teas, Seed, Glass, Putty, T . 'th ;i!'. i I'r..lili es. .''oaps, potash, v\ e. The utni'ist c;ire given to the prepar.atioii of Phvsieians' Preseriptions and F:iuiilv Ilecipes. l-'oJ. ■ 'tf .•il'ort on his part ■'lit .f th. iuai 2. .V S !B(k‘i*hsE3, T! ii'ij :-. aitil \\ hol' and llc- l,iil ( !ut!i if rs, ll't V.ii'.i;:!!! .Street. New York, VM) -tr. et. ne'.t do..r t.. ibink of Cajie Fear,) FAVrn'EVlELE, N. C. leave l.i infi rm the citi/.ens ■tteville an i vicinity, that we have just received our supply of .»;pPil.\G AND tiOi'bS, which coi;:pri5. a a gemTii) a.'^. rlmeni of lii: \DY-M \])i: CLOTillXG, ilieh wi!' be loui; l Worthy the atte:.tion of Oe.r assortun lit cmisi.Tts i;i jiart of E w .ui.l 1. ^ ¥ oi- Sent. 15, 1«52. LAWllENCE & TROY. i:otf .'tf The Steamer Fanny Lutterloh will in future leave Fayetteville on Tuesday and Fviiljiy uionungs, tit ti o’clock, and Wilmington Wednesdays ami Satordays at 12 o’clock, and run regularly, currying freight and passengers witb T. S. LUTTERLOH. Julv 22, 1852. H.\GS .lava. Eagnira and Eio 1’o‘l'ee, r, llhds. ('ub.i and Porto Eico .'', \ I’O P.arrels Eetine.l ,'u;:ar. j •"i P.iii rels granulated Loaf Sugar, '1 Eo\es double-retined Do,, L’O Hilda, svvect Mola,sses, Imperial, Hyson and (iunpowder, L'o (iross .Matches, 1(10 U>s, grouiiil Pe})per, ] Peplier. .'^jiice ;ind (iinger, .'itiH lbs, .Sal. .Soda, 4 Ilbls, Copperas, 7 I'bls. rind X bbl,s, ‘'liagle Mills" Snuff, .'lUn lbs. .''ole Leather, 1 bbl. Alum, Putty in Ehiiiders and Tin Canisters, 5 X itv and 1" \ I'i, 21 do/. Yeast Poivdcrs, .*'oap, Idtl Kegs Nails, (assorted^ best, Colgate and Hull’s fine .Soaps, And a great manv other goods for sale low 1>y II, P.EANSON \ SON. .''epti mber 2. 22-tf rinr 'I' and 'i'tirpcutinc Land for sah’, In Ilohcson County. .\CEES, adjoining the lands of William Grinisley, .Me.xander McIntyre, !ind others, very heavily timbered and tine tiiriientinc land, from three to live miles from !wamp, and from live to six miles troin Lumber Kiver. 270 acres, adjoining .loseph Smith, Es|. •l-'iO acres, known as the ••old Norment .Mill Tract," never-'.liiing stream runs through this tract, and it s considered one of the best seats for a mill or manufacturing purposes in the countv. Ajiply to W I LEI AM McNEIEE, R. S. FRENCH, Eumberton. Sejit. IS.',2. 2:!-f.w liohciion Lftnd for sale. N Monday the 4th day of October, (being the first d.iy id' Superior (’ourt,) we will nfler lor sale to the highest bidder, one acre Lot in the town i.I' Luniherton. lying at the foot of the street leading to the Rridge, on which is situated the Storehouse lately occujiied by the subscribers. Also, 20 acres on the Western side of the River, about 150 yards from the Eridgc, kuowi\ as the Brick-yurd lot. Also, KiO acres about two miles from Eumberton, adjoining the lands of Dr. Edmund McQueen and others. Terms will be accommodating and ni.ade known at the sale. In the mean time application cun' be made to li. S. Frcncli, Lum- bertou. JAMES WOOD. DAVID A. WOOD. Lumberton, .Sept. 3, 1852. 23-3w .)uly 12 I iiiuii isrii iilliiriil Wiirrhoiisr \ Setd Slorr. ■^o. 9 iiilon \*w' Voi’k. Tlie uTidrrsii:m‘d solicit the :ittrii- tion of all luridiasers of Implements for the Farm ir Plantation to their assortment, which iiiclu les many o*' tlie most recent ini]'rovemeiits in the leading artieii ' in their line, all of whiidi they will s(di at jirices to insure satisf.ictioii to thebu'.er. K.t’r. t.vt.t.Y Piailway Eu.lless I’hain Powers, for one or two horses, of thi* iieeler I’Ktent. so often awarded the fust j.remium at the State and County Fairs, where they have been c.\hiliitcd. Railway Powers, wariaiited, Warrei\ \ Trimble's IroU Sweep Powers. Ta)>-i lin's t'ircul.'ir Pi.wer, Plowv, Harrows, Mills, .'^travv ('i:;tcrs, Poriabli. I’.iirr .''tone ,MilIs. Wagons. Carts, ic, \c. FicM nnd Garden Seeds of i:f.i.i\iu,k qi .\i,itv. Fertiliser.'. Fruit and t )rii:iinental Trees, ()iir de.M'riptiv e t'ata- Kigue illu.'trated with cuts, will be sent gratis wlien twii to four Piist Otlice .''tamps arc remit ted, according to the disiaiice, RALPH \ CO. , .Inly ls'>2. *'-om ^ j S/tors f or Sale at i 'ost. f^'ibscriber will sell .'lOOpair of Ladies’, .fi. .Misse.', ati'l Chihlren's .''hoes, (J.-.iters. and Slippers at cost. Call while the assortment I is gooil. W. S. LATT.V. j .June 1 E IS.-,2. '.’-itf \V.\N'rKD, E.VREELS of TEEl’EN TEN E, for Distillery at the Plank Road Eridge on Eig Eocktish. The best market price will Vie ]>aid. For further intorm- ation. iiinuire of .Edin W. Mur]diy. at the Eridge. or of A. ,McKethan. Fayetteville. Dec, IS, IS.M, ' 4Vtf j.iM .-lo'.sers. ti.e :.-':ow iiig: t O VT.'', — i'-Iack and col'd cloth !'ri;s. Frock ail.l Sack (^. all oualities; ’nhiek :iml Colored C.isliiiicret liitto; I'reiich and liiiglish Drap D'- Ete ditt.': (Jueen's-e!. th ;in i .Mjiae.i ditto: Fan cy I o:;ts t' tnottied ('ra^se aiel Tweeds; Ken, tu -ky .b* Ills; !.i..eii !i;; I (■'.tt .;i iingh.ims: I’ro.- biilV and white l.;ne:.s; wh;te grass-cloth Sacks, .\,e. of :il| .(Ualities. P.\N I .''—Of black and col'd Cas.iniere; fancy siiigle-iail'.'rl ditto; French and Eii; Drap D'Ete ditto; white ,iiid coi'd Drill ditto; Ken tucky .le.-iiis liitto; Indi.i an.l French Nankeen ditto, .Vie, \” I'i.'' !'.''— If bl.-ick Satin, Ronibazitie. ,\lj.aea, black and col'd ,'^ilks: white and col'd Marseilles ditto: Irown :ind p.idded Linen, plain and fig'd; Nankeen. Riitf, (11.iss-clotii. .'^c. .\ll of wliicb are otfcre.l tor ^ale as low as can be boiiglit in the New York market, at wholes;ile ami ret.-iil. In aii.litioii to the above, we shall keep on { liand a general assortment of .Shirts, Drawers, (’oilars. Cravats, Ho.'iery, \c. Alsi^, Cloths, Ca.'simeres. anil Vestin>j«, The TAILOIMNG DLPARTMENT will he continued as liefore. and .-ill oi'ders lor line i'loth- in^ will be executed iu the most tashionable style. ,\].ril S. is.'i'j. lE'.ET, Agent. sntf iii:KinN(;s. P.UES, lIliERlNGS, L’."i “ Prime Pork, Fiir sale bv T, S, H'TTERLOII .lulv 21.' 1S.-.2, CO, lotf WILLini 1. roiiWA KDixc; and CO.MMISSION Mi:UCllANT, WILMINGTON, N. C. BJEE.'^ONWL attention given to the sale or Jt shii.nient of Naval .^tori'S. 1 have ani]ile faciiities for conducting the business; large wh.iM and store sheds to keep spirits fi-om exposure. Naval stores will be shipped to any house iii^New York, or to other markets if ad\is.ible, and liberal easli adv.inces made on coiisigntueiits, 1 refer to the following distillers; Ii, iiannum. Wayne Ciiiinty, Chaii iler l!;ill, .bihnstnn Co,, I,, vett Peacock, Cobimbus (’o., E. II, E.udcn, *• Thos, L, N ail. E’aden .Messrs, Smith, .V: Ingram, .Joiiuston (.'o., .Me.'srs, /., \ .1, .loiies, M^s^ls. Smith .bmes, .''jieiieer Foiint.iin, Esip, “ Levi I’lailey, lisip, “ May 20. I>'.’i2. lt‘}-yp(l aiad Sgiiiiiiiei* feis :»ja: * mr ca- m COS rr.ME hall, JVatt xtrerj av(f (’> tttre Jihirkcl Spaa-, BALTIMORE. ^gTHE largest and best stock of REAl>V- .3. M.\DE d.OTHIN(i p\er ofi'ered in Balti- >nore. Dress, Frock and Sack COATS, all co lors. (jualitics and si/es. from •’5*2 50 to $5 51 and upwards. P.\NT,VLOt)NS at >jil to $0 5l and tipwanls. embracing all style.s of faneVj lilain and jii.aid Cassinieres. VE.STS of every variety at corresponding prices. Also, a large assoT'tnient of Roys' (Mothing. Imjiorting our own Cloths direct t'rom Europe, and manufacturing on the most extensive scale, enables us to offer inducements to purchasers not to be surpassed by any Clothing Establish ment in tlie I nited Stiitcs. The proprietors dotcrmineil to make the Wholesale Itoouis tho ]>oint of g''c;it attrflction, and have now made u)! more than 50,000 GAR.MENTS, from tho finest (juaiity to the lowest in price. In the ’ustom Department will nlway.'? be found iho choicest selection of Cf.OTH.S, ('.V.'^- .''IMERE.'s and VE.STING.'S, which will be made up at the sho!-test notice, und in tho latest style; and a fit alw.nys jiuan.iitied. r.j.Y“The one ptico ,system strictly ndhercd to. Eemembcr the nmiie iind place. Corner Pr.ilt St. anil Centre .Market .Spacw. 11. H. COLE (’(). .\ngitst 15, IS51. 14-yop.i WJiOLKSAI.K Watch aixl .fcwelry ^lore I.. II. MlLLKll v«v (’()., Inijuirfcrs, Muunfnitiurrg ami Juljtjrts af ]\atiln., .leirelrif. am! Huve l‘a,?ed the Old Stnnl fornierlv occujiied by .Messr.s.- Canfield, Erother & Co., South JJuff ronitf of uul lii'hiinurt ftnttui yN.i. -'J.~,) which they arc pvittiiig iu coniplete LE ’ bo op 20th of .J uly. ill calling the attention of the trade 1o tho' new concern, we mention llie fact that we rot; associ.-ited with one ol' the most e.xteusive .Jew elry .Manufacturing JC.'tallishments in tJie couii' try, which mo,st give a decided advantage over al! others in this market tor sujiplying dealer# with .lenelry ;it m;iniU;icuij-ers’ prices, a fuaturo' in this brand of tT.nle long since }ieedt'd -1»«' tween P.ultimore and the Southern and Westerri Merchants. We desire to 'all particular attention to thtf \Yatch department, which will lit all times be' supplied with a great assortment from the rnost celebrated manufacturers, and kejit in pert'ect running order, so that purchasers may at oticw take tliem, with a written guarantee that they will perfoini correctly. This branch of the business ■will receive esjiecial attention of one of the firm, whose e.x- tensive iind practical knowledge of tlie business will, we hope, give ua a place in the fiaojudci.c of buyers. We respectfully invite you to call u]>on xia when you next visit our city, confidently be lieving tliiit an examination of our Goods wlil prove to you that they tire better styles i.n.i cheaper than you have ever seen in this market, and assure you that no effort shall be wai.ting i>n our part to make t!ie ftcquaintanco one of mutiud benefit. E. IE MIELEK & CO. Old stand, formerly occupied by C:',nfield, Ero. \ Co., .S, E. cor ner of Charles i: P>altimore st?. Raltimore, June ES51. 14-Yo EEFERENCES: Messrs. >Vycfh, RIaeklock & Co. Gwyn. Reid iS: Taylor. •inmes Hodges & Erother.- j Hurst lierry. Murdoch, Puer i Evans, .''tellmanu & Hinrichs. 1 .''iingston iS: Co. i Earthlow, Gwyn .S: Co.- 1 Riely i:. Pemlleton. i Cu xhings iV Railev. I .Edin Murphy & C«. Moore & Griflin. J Vf ffcUcri tir Sir a a rli Cl Cl'j’i'.J' rC'JMt's! ii'1511!'"bicli tliey arc putting lu Complete - i .n,V. ELR^ El SlNl.^S, to bo oi.ened about thu> luyrroN’s oiT.lHliii 179 Mlt )'/.' f Streit, RAi/ri.noRK:. WAN'i'Fj) VO in lU'iiAsi:. C015DS PINE WOOD, to be deliv- ercd on my \Vharf during the ne,\t six months. T, S. LUTTERLOH, .Inly 22, 1852. lOtf 1 S.Vi^E. A July li. FOR NEW 2 Horse Wagon. J. D. iMllifi reeeivin>; from WILLEVMS. ■J-tf FlHVi & fg^IlE subscribers are now M, N. York, a large and assoi tment of Staf/lc Fanrtf Drtf (loods^ Glt( )(’J:1’vI H.S, 11 All D WA li K, Hats and (’aps, Uonts and .''hoos. Among which aie: ('ofl’ee. Sugar, Cotton Ragging, Eale Rope, Nails, W indow tilass, .Swedes and English Iron, Sack and .\him Salt, lm]ierial ■•iiid Elack Teas. Pejiper, Alspice, Ginger, Powder, Shot, Lead, 15ar and Fancy Soa)i. Together with a great variety of other arti cles, to which they invite the attention of the j)ublic, and which they are det'rniineil to sell as low for C;ish, or on time to who pay promptly, iis iuiy house in the Southern country. Produce of till kinds, at the highest market prices, tuken in exchange for Goods. .McEEAN & JONES. Summerville, N. C., Dec. 8, 1851. 4itf NFAV FIUM. undersigned have entered into copart- JEL nership, under the name and style of ■.lawrencc ^ Troy, For the purpose of doing u general ^lercuntile and P>arter liusiness. We have taken the Store, No. 10 GREEN STREET, formerly occupied by Messrs. John Iluske & Son. GE(b W. LAWRENCE. JOUN U. TllOY, Jr. S3tf- fl'tllE WARSAW STAGE wiH leave Fayette- ville daily, at half past four o’clock, .\- 'L, commencing the 1st dav of .lulv. 2-tf MrKlNNO.N .'i McNFlLE.J .vr.^i’iiFriiLLE J li • JL,-,, rr^i- JO; ^11 E uiidersigmd wot:ld respectfully inform the citizens of .Summer ville, the vicinity, and the public geiierallv. th,it she has opened a 11 in'Si: (IF KMi'UT \n)ii:)iT. where she vvi’l be i>leased to aceoiiimodate all who m:iy l all on her. The Village is pleasant and lieaitlmd. her house large and commodious. pains will be spared to render agreeable and coiiilort.-ible any who mav favor her with a call, .''he is also prepared to accommodate with Eo.ird iVom 15 to 20 Students. Price of Hoard per month. E. R.ViEEY. Sumn'ierville, N. C., 1:*, 1852. 1-tf A DKSiUAliLi: UFSIDKNCK FOR SAI.E. ^ FI E Subscriber now oiFers for sale all Iiis Tarpentlne and Farming L.VND, contain ing about )00 -Veres, situated 12 miles East of Fayetteville, on the tioldsborongh road, com monly known as Palmyra. It has a good ilwelling house, out-buildings, &c., and a store where a large amount of busi ness is done, and increasing daily. This is a rare chance for turpentine getters, merchants, ^KiC. and will be sold a bargain. Any one w ish ing to purchase, and wishing further informa tion, can apply on the premises, to J. W. .M Eli PHY, or P. TAVLOK, favetteville, July 26tJi, 1851. 8tf rniHE l.irgest nnd only jL Manufacturing Vi bole- sale Establishment in the City. The capital and force engaged enables me at all times to ofVer to Country Merchnnts and Deal ers in SHIRTS, COLLARS, LINEN and COT- T(*N DR.VW ER.S, great inducements—more than usual cfl'orts having been made to render the assortment of these articles full and com- jilete. Tlie Stock on hand is large and well nssciit'J for Men and Roy,*, * All onlers from the Country atteuded tr with pnnctuality and despatch, giriy Remember the Name, and i\o. 17® .TEarkfl SIreot. T. W. RETTON, .Vugust 15, 1851. 11-yopd ACJRICI LTLUAL WORKS. ^^ORTON’S Elements of Scientific Agricnl- ture; Dana on Manures; American Muek- Rook; Youatt on the Pig; Cole’s American Fruit !>onk: Thomas’s Fruit Culturist; Family Kitch en Giirdeiier, by Buist; Dnna’s Muck Manual; All ‘n's American Fann Book; Richardson on the Bee; Ditto on tho Hog; the American R jse Culturist; Allcti’s Rural Architecture; Down ing’s Fruits and Fruit Trees of America; John ston’s .Vgrictiltural Cliemistry; Farmer s Trea sure, by Falkner; Miner’s Am. Bee Keeper's Manual; Y'ouatt iind Martin on Cattle; Fessen den's (^)uiplete Farmer and Gardener; Wheel er’s Rural Homes; Stewart’s Stable Economy; Hinds’ Farrier; Mason’s Farrier; &c.. &c. E. J. HALE i SON. April 14, 1852. T ?Scw Books—JMcdical, t^c. E1G8’ Velpeau’s Midwifery; Mendenhall's Medic.ll Student’s Vade-Mecum; Mur phy’s Review of Chemistry for Students; Bid dle’s Review of Materia Medica and Therapeu tics, for Students; Craige’s Elements of General and Pathological Anatomy; Cazeaux’s Midwife ry: Hastings’ Minor Surgery; Reese’s Am. Med- ic.-vl Formttlary: the PhyaiciHii’s Pocket Pre scription liook; Flagg on Etner and Chloroform in Surgery, Dctitistry, &c.; Morfit’s Chemical nnd Pharmaceutical Manipulations; Beasley’s Druggist’8^ Receipt ^ook; Ditto Pocket Formu lary; No.nd’s Chemical Analysis; Wythe’6 Micro- scopists’ Manual; Wright’s Anl. Rcceipt Book; Overman’s Practical Mineralogy, Aesaying anrf .Mining; Smith’s Domestic Medicine; Rankinp’s* Half Yearly Abstract of Medical Sciences; &c. E, J. HALE & soy. ^ Blank Warrants for sale