SEMI-WEEKLrY. FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., SEPTEMBER 30, 1852. [NO. 130.] ,,};l.\Ti:i> liV IJ. .NKWIJV. I)U \lll) J. IIALK '& SOX, i;1:!T«'!:S AN1> TIKM’KIKTtMiS. . !' >,T.u-V* ockly OnsKUVKU $4 (X) if I : 1nu'o: ’>(• ii’ I'-'i'l iluring the "f ftt’tor the year has V/. \’iv (*i;ski;yk,u ^5^.2 ^0 per ninunn, if i in M'’o: ‘>0 if piii.l hiri)i^ tlip : - ; 111; iT tH» aftiT tlic yonr ! KN'l'S inst'rteil tnr?ii\ty cents ' *’ t tlie first, nml tliirty ci'iits fnr car’ii .i.,|iiiir |>iililic;«tiiii. Yearly ailvi'rtisi'iin';it>: ■ : 1 I'.'iitrafts. at roasonalilc ratos. Ail- ^ « ■■ ■ r’-i]nrstO'l to state the nuinl>er of « I. 'iro.l. oi- tl)ev will 1>e eontimied till ; .1 i li:ir;zel acf''rlini:1y. t! the I'lUtors must 1>e i'osf-]':n.l. LEATHER. i \KNt'.S> I.father. Calf ami l'>at l.ininp: . ; liinlin^ .''kin. I'or -^aU' I'V S. T. l.f.V S(>\. ’ • !■ l’:', 1 S'.2. .lOILV BANKS, IPIISSIDN m FlIRWAKlIlM'. AlilAT. Wilmington, N. C. "Il l, attrnil to the sale it ptirilia'^e nf I’r-i 'lni'e, aii'l will shiji with ilis,'^atoli _r,iiu“nt« mailo to hint. | \ lirnf /irrs' Sframhnaf ('niiti>nn’i OK M.\i: . .iifil with Stoanu-rs ••/>.■•"■■ ■ •r'' ai?i •' an>l a Ci»ni[«l»-iii‘nt (if Tnw H-'ats ,T . • :)i 'lisjiatch all Freiiihts shii'j'O'l tiy . : ci'r. Fayetteville aii'i VV ilniin'.:t'in, «>r . .t. rine'liate l.auilinps un the llivor. •Joll.V 15ANKS. ,\;_'t. W;lni’n'.:t''n. 1'. W. Mcl-.M r.lN. ra vt‘tt*‘\ ille. ■ '.2. l!''-'pin ' ' IT'avy w . IIpii f|-..ui .''tfd I 's Mill. l!;--lini>n.l ('oniily.—• article f'lr Ne^ro clutiiin^. f>ir • 1 • i \ I'fln-s. Aj'p'iy til li. no.'ll;. j, ' . - 'iral. per ^!r. FunnUs » ' rilmlets. 1'. :iivi ass rtc l, ;Ii I ' \ • V r. •,' Mll'l \'iri->, 7' K N . ' X 1 . :1 in X ]-2, 1, 1:‘:N!'"W. KVLK \ CO. •J'.'tf lU 1 ri.lJ and LARI). K' .’DTaiH I5)itfiT. .N rfli ' ’ /• I. 'r l. 'n till- barrel or tirkin. y r > i.i- liji- ’*>oK .V TAVI.oR. • -7. i - rU.L AX!) WINTKR STOCK oF Si Ai J-1: \M) FAM'Y J)KY GOODS, For I 1:: -VK -s r, - I niv St...k ..f STAl'I.K : 'i ’V V !;!:V tlx F-M ! ‘ ie. (•■iiivi-tiiiii in j'art a- t 'l!'\N • ' iiinrcs aii'i Vestings; jilain, lil'k . : > >; :'aii y In; Id k uimI curil rrt-ni-h ' K ,'i'h '1>: bl'k anil i-ol 'l Al|>aias; • ^ l!i,_-;i'h printcil Uclains. iiii-* ein- i I Very han>ls'>nie:) Merino Shit-H W ■.! Shawl':; Cas'^iniere anl K; •iiiif!-; Wtirsti'il t'ai»: li’ini;el~. I fill' ('hihiren: Ne;iro I.’niikets. ^ 1 ln-«l IMankets; (.'ar[iets :inil Fr-'iifli .-iri'J Anierican I’rint-; , ' % :n-hi‘il ami hr'uvn !>''nie>t;rs: )s- M hl ka«.lc-.r-l n ' V .-t Triinnrm^rs; .laeonet aii'l S\viss !■ ' . ji afi'l \’iet‘'ry I.awns: l. i- !.-aml Ins.-rtinns:: l.inen'I'rini- ' Tt'.ii an.I Li.-^Ie Ivlirincs; Infatits’ 1. : (linijis; I’ienic Mitts; (iUivcH ■ r; : Hi -Mint, li.iiniets. tiirls' Flats anil 1 niii": Uaniask ami Merino. " a-'urtnicnt of Shoes ainl l’.oot«. • ■ -.' i(-iit.enH'!'., lioys. • iirls aii'i ('hil'lren; - - ■ 't!i m:iny other .nrticles nit enunier- ' I ’ niy stuc k ci>ni]>li te: to whieh the ti of niy fri*-nls an'l the tra>iinj: j'uhlic '^y i> :nviteil. (Jrateful for j’ast favors, ^ , ’ly (ifr’rinfr "ichIs at rea'inial le rates to ■ ■ “ ti. share a ji>i tii>n nf jintiliL' patr"nai:e. ’ :th NV‘-st 'iii-ni-r Market Sipiare, No. 2. II Strei-1. Fiiyett:vil;c, N. r. i SHHMWF.LL. t. J'l. J^T-2. o?»-tf I S. i ker]» eonstantly on h:iiij a rm>il as- . •nf 'if Salem (’as.simi'res an'l Ki'rsfvs. II > Huts!! ('aps! ('ap.sH Hoofs nnd Shoes!a \ I ILL l\l) \1'L\TI;K liTOI K. 1852. ■ ''nhsiTibiT lias receiveil ojie of the ■- . -t assiirtnvents in his line that he has 1 in this inaiket; to which he wonM ’■ 'tcntion of his friends ami the imblie -• ’ li. Anionfj hi.s stock niny 1>« fouml ; .. • ry ^tyh? and quality that can be found t. He would say to flll those de- ■ - 'i' in hitf line to pive him a call, a? he ’■ uiiiif il to sell low for r', or on time 'iial cxistonierw, lit or retail. JonS THOMSON. S.inth-\Vcst 'orner .Mjirket S|narc. ■ IH.'C'. 2!»tf NEW FIRM. ^ 1^ i Mi..l»r-iL'neil liave this day entered in- ■■ ' *■■ipartnernhi|) under the name of I’l'l'MA.N, for the jnirjiose of trans- r' l.eral .Mercantile bnsiness in tiiis JOHN T. POIM-:. HKNRY F. I’lT.M.VN. rt 'i, N. C., Sept. 0, lSo2. 2‘.t-:U I'ou i,UAnu;im)N. '■ n>.w re-eivind a large and entire •'t .k of FALL AND VVINTLII ■ 'iiiir of every article usually .• *i' :iis Lstablishment. We flatter ‘ can offer as {'reat if not '■I iiient^ than has been heretofore i-- iilncf. To be convinced of the I e,\:ii,;i,i,. Oiir stofk, 1‘olM-: & PITMAN. 2'., I'-'l*. nCPArllu' solicitation of nu merous friends, Lieut, (’ohitiel A 1I('IIIMA LI) S. r>K(M\N announces himself as a eandiilate tor the iiflii-e of ('oionel of the :l:5d lle^inient. niaile vae.'int by the resijrnation of ('nl. 1>. Mc('ori'iiek. Sept. ‘Jo. 1S')2. “J'.'tK Ulr* Wr. art' aiitliorizccl to an nounce Lieut. (’(>1. K. Fuller a.s a cni'Iid.ate fi>r the office of t'ol.iuel of the :i:'>d He^'t N. ('. Mi litia. Sejit. Ll'>. ‘JM-tl’ Till' tVirnds of Maj. Cliarh's I.utterliih jiresent him as a c.auiliilate for the of- tice of ('i.lniiel .if the :’.;'«d I’le^iment of N. Militia, made vacant by tiie resignation if ('ol Mc 'ormick. Si-pt. IS. -JS-ti: /o Unuls of Sc/ion/s (t/nf Mu^lcd/ (^()})inntni (irs. fH^lll' i'^nbsiriber's enuacreinert at the llills- -■L biirou;.;h FemaU' Si hi>''l, at whieh he has bt >n tcacliiii^ fur the la^t fmir years, will end with the jue'^ent session, and he takes this iiK'thi'il of (i(lcriii‘.i his sor\ ires av ;i Tcachor of Music to thi'se wlio ni.av m-ed them. Addiess .ii i.ii s I.. nfi;n. llillsliorouiih. N. Sej.t. IS. ■ i.'-i-::t MiH'ii row w \N'ri:i^. A N^ one haxiii;r a first t ite "ne to sell, will ...a ]>le:is.' aj'plv at the Oliv, r\ei- Otlii'i-. Sept. -7. BOOrs AM) SHOES. 'C'®'’" F. are receivin.^a hirire sti»ck nf liO('T.s * T and SHol'S, en.brai in;r every variety ot' '■tvleand ipiality ado]'ted to the Fall ;uid \Vinter Tra'le. ALSO—■I’ravi-’ilin.r Trunks and ('arpet I’ajrs; .''hoc tir.diii;_'> of every de-er'pi'■ ii\. All of wliii li v\ill bo o),I low for c' - r on time to priiioTnal en>toni( >■. 'lerdiaii’'' in town .wid i-"v,vU-\ 1 - ’ ‘•?l'’ar- t:.'' S in 'Ur '.ine. areiv' i: ! to •-\anii:ie 'Ur 't‘ ■ k !ii'f’.|-e [ ni S T. HAWl.r.V .V SMN. .''“J’teiuber 1' % 1''•'il’. I'-' ow I'OR sAr.i:. A NF.i.F." M \N l.\ the ir.ii," t i’. n. He x'W is abiH’.t rt • \e:',r old. 1 raided him: he i >1' lilt -ix t'ei-t lii-rh: is a bii.:!'t loe'-itt •: i> of fii:'- tiuure: lie l,:i tlie file-'t |M:ilitii'atioii- for f;rtii::i:r ot’.-i'] ■li-'.-rip'ion' "t' :in_\ ne;^ro in thi' e ui'.try; i-; well :\dapti I !"i a hi\i r, I ha\e in'';i:^e'i !:iic iiiit:' u> lia'.e li- i.ieeand tiie only eau>e i' tliat he v\.iiits t- 'e imm'I* r. and 1 «i'li to be. Any one wi'liiiiiT !■ l.'iy. wili plea.'O call o:i M V.lOK '\M. a:'.ii'> i;i; :^e. m ■» i>;-; . s. c.. > s. j.: I - , Ni:\\' I'lRM. fHini'. lui’•'V': > 1 hix e entere’l i; ?■. eopirt- M. liei p n.der t :e name a;i ! lo ■ f 15004.1 .\ A: F r rlie pnr- e ..f d' io.: a ^.''neral Mercantile>-li .'S. have taken a 1 in 1!. ekli--;h \ •• T he hn'i:ie.-s wil'. be c 'n lie-ted by .s. 1'. I' ' ii;*, •■:;tirelv 'U the ea-li sy-ti-iii: :nid we ri -j :■ Miil'v invite ; II vvh"Wish t- bny cheap jr,. to f'ivc US a call. H, H. llol'tllN. I'AMF.l. F.ICCS. .''cpt. 1 >_ :.’'‘-:!tpd ~ MLSK'. A L'iT of new M r.s 1(’. c ti.-.StIo Senjis. V. ’t ■, . I'olka-, XC. r.eni;:!;:; Waif’ an i t’ornelia Walt/, by Mrs. S. M. NLiliett; Svlph 1‘i’Ika and t'nmberland I’olka. by L. II. \\hit tker. .Tc't reerived. i;. .1 HALF .-c SuN. 'rOBACC (). rB^H!’ -ii’weribf'r coiitMiue -■■■1’. o.| irair.ifaet'irers' a if ni.iliutart lire 1 fo' i.i ■ i. M a r i) 1 F Ji (*t () r v. ;■! receive and ■ lint, all jirade- .1. FTl.r.Y. ‘.'■'.tf Rv (ni:0. LAUDliR. TW'II DOORS \UOVC X SUN’S STOIli:. r;iy‘Hei ill\ T. ■Jany ‘20, ls.'.2. -jo-1 Vp 1 No'i'ici:. ■^IlF, Subseriber wihin;T to reiuove to the ALVLT.ETT iJv: PAl LMll-.R, fx^rorci’s atift ('oinmission • fierrh/tnts^ NEW YORK. I*. August It'i, IS' [.I. i’Art-Mii:?{. IKtf PLANK ROAD (’()N'l'RAC l'S. rn^llF. I’residiMit and Directors of the Fayette- villc and Centre I’lank lload ('ompajiy will receive projiosals to construct the 2.1 llivi- sioti tiC tlieir l!oad, Iicfrinniri'; at 1‘uppv Creek and ending .at or near llhic's IJrid^e mi I'rown- iro^ Creek, a .iistance of I'.t miles, until the 1st Oet. next, at 12 o'clock. For plans, estimates and specifications. a]>- I'lieation may In* made to Juhn M. Uose, See'y et tlie Conip.any. to.lidin Fcclcs. Fnj;ineer, or to the undcr.-'ijined. JNO. A. WILLIAMS, Trcs't. .\ujrn«t ir,. lS.'i2. IS-tlO /'Vrr? ii9S9frff»9re» ^1^11 F. ^KTNA Insurance Coni]iany of Hart- t"rd, having paid the tax impos>d by the r.cvenne Law of the late Leirislature. will con- linue its ,\^^eney in Fayetteville, under the manat:emcnt of th«> umler'-iirned, who is ]>re- jiared te i'^'^tie I’olicies ot' InsnraiK-e on iluil-l- in^rs or (Joo.Is, either in this Town i>r in any ji.iit ef the Sta^'. on projier a]ii»Iieation. dy- >eription of tlie 1’rojn'rly. \c. The .LTNA COMr.VNV has been in operation about yeav-i. Its ea]' is The lion. Tie s. K. l;r;iee v ,is its iiv^t I’re'-ideiit, and he still hoMs that ofliee; and >everal of its lii>t liirccti'is are still active and eflicient mem- bfis of the lloar'l. It has at all times su-tained the irpjhcst ehar:i' tcr for the prudence of its iii i!>."L'eiiii'nt. and lor the liberality with whieh it has ever adjn.;te I it' looses. K. .). II \LF. A-ent. March lt>, i.’'-',!. ii2-tf 'I'lial pal Asm hoii' il sill firs! lO.OiHI |{o\o*i> «>ld ^vsthiKi ilir iiiiir iiioiiflik! A .1. \\ ( X 111\\ \ p, 11 returns hix thank« tn -m* iIh- j.niilic for tlie unprecedente.l en- courauemeiit he has met with in the manufac ture .iiid ' i!e Ilf lii i-elebratcd F»I,|SH, ;nid at Hie ~ame time wi-lii K it nn ler.'too 1 tl'.at he al- v'avs ki'eps M supply oii iiand t'a- vv h' or retail. F\] erience l as provi-.l tiiat this I’olish is nn- surpa-'cd f'.r i|Uii kr.''" in j'Uttiiiu m irhos nn ' .and sines, and also in pn'ervinj: the leaHi' r. I’ei- wi'liii!^ to oil their bo..t ean u>ie this I’co'.'h vvitli •■i|n.'\' siu i I" in.m>''liat' ly a1- ti rwai i-: tlir leather s'. 1 be rnbl.ed as -^ a the roli.'ii is aj'plied, b. fi re it dri. -. This I'olish ean lie fi und .at the store under the CiM '-' 1‘rintini: ('tlice. Favett^ vilhi. Fell. 21, ]s'>2. • T-.m liVfMr of^ •liouef/: SWILL sell my STMML'It J.'/:S/f>h'Xrh\ two miles from the .1/arket, on the Fayette ville and We.strrn Plank Hoad—one of the most desirable and healthy places in the county. Also, 40 .Share.s of Faj'etteville and Western Plank Kond .Stock, and ot» Shares of Fayette ville Hotel Stock. \Nith the lar^rest stock of Pvoady-madc 111 AtiF.S and lU’CiCi 11'.S ever oiVered in this place—over worth—completely finish‘d. -\11 of which I will sell at very reduced jiriees for cash or nejrotiable notc.s. So little attention has lieen paid to the call made by me after the fire of the 2d .(an \ . on those indebt(‘d to me to c.all and settle, that 1 am induced to offer the above propertv at re duced prices to enable me to rebuild ni_\ Carri.a^e Kstablishment nnd ctnitinue my bii>i ness with convenience. I shall ].lac(‘ notes in proj>er hands for colk tion, if nit paid soon. 1 have all my accounts made out to the 1st .lan’v A. A. .VcKFTHAN. •Varch 20, r>.-.2. 77tf Urrcirnl on ('oiisii^innrnl. A NI> for sale cheap. bills. WHI.'^KFY. JNO. 1>. WILLIAMS. •Mav VAIA ABI.E PROPERTY FOR SALK. rn^HK ■Subscriber havinjr reuKived to T*‘7ines- JL see, desires to dispose rif his resilience and lands in the vicinity of Fayetteville. He therefore di'ers fur sale, on accotnmodafinir terms, his resideiue at llOSK HILL, and the ti'act of .■)(»() acres cd’latid attached thereto; and also the -Meadow Farm tract of 1(M)(» acres, ad jacent to the former. Previous atlvertisements have .lescribed the residen»‘e and hinds :ind their advanfares.— I’ersons desirous of fnrlher information can oli- tain it from .Mr. Isaac U. Hawley, who has full )iower to sell the jiropertv atid ;;ive deeds. W. H HAIIUIN. I A lip. ;:o, ]S.-,2. 21 j .ME!)IC\\L~1V0'J'1CE. BU. TilOS. HALL respect fully offers his professiomil servici-s to the citizens of Fayette ville and its vicinity. He may be consulted at the (ifiice directly over the new Druj: Store of .s.un’l .1. Hinsdale, South West corner of Market .Sipiare. July 2'.t, 1S'.2. ]:’.tf SMAT.I. AND PAIJ.: COIIB-: o\K, c’OTii: .ii.r, Hpriii^ Goods—1852. JAMES KYLE IS Ndw HKCKTVI.NiS AHOt T 250 Packages of DRY GOODS, .All of which beinjr purchased for ('.\.SH, will l»e offered at very reluccd prices for c.ash, or on time to punctual customers, either by whvile- sale or retail. Il'iltinir riidlis frntii No. 1 to 10, of the best that is manufactured. March 22, ISVJ. r.'.tf Only Riiriit «»iif in Part. A. A. McKirniAN ^TILL continues to carry on the C.MUkl.VnK lU .s|M;ss in all its iiranches. at the re- \tn1 ijrt tfon n (!im tlmt u'iH mrn/n linU! niains of his old stand, opjtosite Liberty Point He returns thanks for the liberal patronage he has heretofore received, and ho]>es by strict at- A (WRI). r^'^IIF. return of low water renders it neces- ,lL sary that the .''teanier 'hatiiam should tie emjiloyi'd as a tow .she will not therefore run as herctnfore, on any re^nl^r days, until t'urtl'.cr notice. JNO. I>. WILLIAMS. Ap t Ciipe I'ear M. Co. Mav 12. «,n-tf l>r. T. 1>. II A 19 [ B ^•*k‘n an Ofliee on Hay .Street, I Q of the Hotel liuihliii;:s. Jiilv 14, 1>')1. W-st •1 tf Wairr rBlHL Sub-ii-riber has now on hand, and w ill H sell cheaji for cash, his iar^e !iiid well as sorted .'^toek of sinjrle and double barrel SlKl’f il'.\'S, of the liest mak(‘. and latest patterns. Also, ('olt'a P.atent liepeatin;! Pistols, and .Vi ’s Kevolver: Shot I’onclies; (iame l>a^s; Powder Flasks: Percussion Caps; \e.. Ve. Pities of all kinds constantly on band, and maunfaetured to order, and warranted to shoot from PMI to -'lOO yards. Persons w i-i|iin;r to pnri hase any of the above nanied articles, will do well to jj,ive me a trial. ;ind they may be sure to find the irreatest I’.ar- irains ever oflered in this town. llepaiiiiiir of every thiiiir in the "un-smith line will be dime at short notice, in the best manner. ;in 1 for a small chari'-e. M. A., .''iirn of the W'iimIcm ClnTi. Hay Street, oj.posite the Marble \arl, Fayetteville. ,\. C. Au-ust 1i;. ls.')2. 17-tf ESo(rliki^^*« V*rli«*al Whvvl. rrjiiiFi’.F are several hu’idrei 1 of these Wlieels -fl- in operation in ditfer.'nt eminties in North Carolina. For proof of their ijreat advanta;je> ovei- the coiiinion fintter v\heel. or .-inv other wheels now in use for saw mi’N. we eonfidetitly refer to thf'e w!io have ap[il;ed fhem to their mil’s. We e:'.n r-connii.'nd them |'articnlarly fi.r their -uperi't:ty in ca^e.s of ;i low head of w.iter, or baek wuti-r. We still keep a 'upp\v' of Wlie. ls, suitable for ditb'rent heads f water, at Wilmin;_'ton. New- b.-rn, \\'.i'hin;;t..n. I denfon atel Fav ett«-vilb'. The whei '.s may a!'o be of 1^ ,\. I’.revard. !.i'"‘‘ liiton. an.ii ri-irdi Wells. I’etei'btirtr. \ a. Pi l ' :i' vvi.-hiu;; ’■ btaiii the ri;rht to nse the V'tii'e^s. will be served on aii]'!:cat iou to J). M. Neill X Co.. F iv etteville. N. C. 1>. i>. ki;kkm.\n.] fki;i;ma\ \ uoi.ston. I), r. Fiii;i:)n\ a iKn sniN. WiliiiiiisloiL N. r. ( II.. \cw York. iOi.-.i 1.'. el rtliril 1 •oiintv, N. C., situated on Junij'T Creek, con- tainiii;' rwelve Hiindred .'leres of land in one bodv. This land is well adajited for the cul ture of corn. Cotton and whi'at; foi’ tiirpentiiie it is iKit to be surpassed, also f tr pine; is con venient to two tnr].entine ilistiller;es—one in .Moore, the other in Cumberland, either not exeeedin;^ four or five miles from said land; ;il- -o. a suihciency of water to put a di.-lillcry on the iiremises. * .\ :ood dvv(dlin;z and out houses on a hit'll and healthy situation. !■ or fnrthei liarticnlars to 'the subseriber livinjr fHi the premiM -;. COLIN MeIL.N. An-ii-t'.t. ]')‘s,Nw2m B III. lloirldiiir.s Mill Siiirs. 11»(|/. full ;;-lG thick, for .“ale by IHtAN.SON /c SON. .\u!rnst 0. ]->-tf III Uli\ w H, L-u. ( 'opfirl/K rsliij) y^olicc. rg^HL Snbseribers have formed this day a ■ copartnership, under the firm of .McUon- lild .Mc.Master, for the transaetion of :i ;;eneral Ihti’ti r, (1 nn't't'j!, nml Iisnui /Insiiifs^^ .\nd expect to receive their full Stock by the li.'ith instant, at their Store on Oillespie street, a few doora above the State Lank. J. I!. MCDONALD. JOHN F. .Mc.MASTFU. Fayetteville, Aug. 1I \I,I. & l!()M.I.N';i:it , (U)NTINI K to carry on the FOUNDU\ P>L- y SINFSS, with nil its branches, in this jilace. They lirtve added, within the last six months, worth of 1‘attern.s, nnd are now prepared to furnish-Millwrights with Machine- rv, at short notice, for ^Vheat, Coni, Grist, und Saw .Mills. Steam .Mills repaire»l thronghoiit. Our terms are cash on deliverj" 10 per cent, will be addetl for every :?0 days an account may stau'l unj.nid. We cannot carry on this husi- nes.s on the credit system, neither do we intend doin;; so. HALL Si IJOLLrNnKIl. August IS isr,2. Snhscrihcr still Coti'innes to c.arr.v on the C.\ HIN KT PiCSl N I’..''.'' in Fayetteville, and in addilioti to his Fstablishnient on P.ow street, near F.eeles's F.rid^e, h.ns opeiu’d a larpc \\.\III. IIoo\I on Hay street, nearly opposite the F:;yetteville Hotel ai'd o!!c d"or Fast (>f Messrs. Hai:.:h S'in >. where a -eneral assortment of M U.MTl Made bv eonipi t« nt and faithful vvorkmen. may be had at ] riees responding: with the times. .\l'o. :,ii ;issortm nt 't N"riheru-mad«- FI LM- rriiF. selected by himself, which .vill be ' >1! at a v. rv moderate iidvane.'. Ill Nc.\N m, n:;ii.l. N V. 1'!, l-'l. ;:-'tf H R 1' e;is oil band an a-- rtmeut of Fisk's I a eelebrated \ILT.\I.LI(' HI i:i \l. C \SFS. wiiieli liave b, . n re- .niiin tided by Willie P. M •! znm. Henry C| iy. I.ewis Ca-s. m. IJ. Kiu'.'. and nc.r.y other ilbistrio s -haraeters. who have eNamiiH I and wftnes'.d their Utility. Al'i'l-K'I'CI). Ri:\0! 1)1111. M'i'.i.nil \ MC!'i \i. ii"rsi„ ■ \i 'Its :i2i». liV I r. Kilik* lill. ■ *' :inii I’lofn Sir.. rh;'Mil.''|.fe;.. (;i;\|e \ii( III X \ (I 'M \ \ V il' 'ri'ii' li'e I or :i iiri ii. I'lir. .I. >lli. Kiiik’ liii on S.- I I'r. -. rvalimi.— [lin'v -.•'i i i-ats. I'lii- li.iok ju't |..ili'u-lii il. isl.:li"l « itli ■■ II'. till int'TMrilii'ii, oil lie’ nil’riii.i-. '' ‘uhI lii-.- t-.-s ..I tte* i tiiiiiiaii or-.iiis. Il ait'lr 11--I1 o. yu:h. man hoo'f -III "III "nl 'tioii.M I" r> :iil l.\ all I III' \ ilieilil. i.iU'i. Mill! iiii|ir. sive « iriii'i” it "ive-, n . - jiri \.’ni \* i!*' 't Mi;*i r\ -iiiil 'iirl. ririi; - 1 11 '-.i\*- .'tii mill ;. Ill .M-111.N 1.1 liM '. I'ir. III'. I'\ ri iiiliiic It. will i.' trii lioU !' jir. \> 11: Ihe (le-lriirtion ol 'linr rliiiilri-n. A n-lintt in.-.' t.l /-.’rils (Mrl.*'* .1 111 ;* I. ll.’T. :i.!ilr.'"fil I'l lir. Kiiiki on. N w. I "rii. r o| Tliiril i.iel I iiion 'inci'. i'..,;^ii;. 1, v. . '’-lire .1 liook. iiiiiler i-iivi l.'p.', p. r re- inrii Ml r. r '11' III ili'l 'iire iii:i\ .iililr." Hr l\. I.v l.-ll. r. |.o't |i ii.l :inil I*, rnr. il 111 11 P... k il^e^ ol mii'i!;i iiii iliri'i'Iioiis. , ti.riv'irded IiV -. Iiiliiii: a r.'miuaar.v ainl |iiil nii 'ei-iire I'ri iii il.imn".’. i;i„ k'.'llerv \« «s \c. nl-. I'i illi r>. ( am .i"rr'. ami all otliiT' 'iiiipiii il w iili til.- alHive w.irk ill Very low r.Ues Jiih. I-.V.V H'/sprj.Kin, ('hrnuir ,,r .\> rrinis lh!,,li- tif, th^ all •li'.f I'l's iiri'in" Iroiii :i ili'urilrr. d i.iverorSln II..U li, 'Urii as oiistii.iiion, nr ni.i.iil I.. Ilie 111 till, .Ai iilily 1*1' iIk .'=ti'iii:irli. .\ailsi':i. Ilearllnirii. His i.'11-.l |..r t'liiliii’ss or W e ftn in tlie Sliiiii:i ll. .S|ilir l.r ' lalioiis. Siiikin:! or Klutlerin'.: at llie pit .it Ihe .-lii- iiMi'll. SwiiiiliiitiU ol llie ll.'ail. Iliirn.'il anil lliltiriill lir. allVnii:. riiineriiii: at the ileari, ( liokin..' nr SiiiI.h mI il,'. .-^eiisalioii' wlu'ii in a Iv in2 l".'tiiri'. I I'liine-^, ol \ i- siiill. Hill- or Well' l.elore ilie SlL’lll. l ev. r. IMlll llilill ill llie tleail. 1>. lit ieiicy ol f. rsiiirali.m, Velli.vvne'^ ol III.' .'^kin ami Kves. I’.iill ill llie Si'le. I’.ack, riiest, l.iiiilis. &r . SniI.ien I'lii'lies-of lle:it. lltirniiiL’ in the I l.-'li. oie tant Iiiia"iaiii!:s ot Kvil, aiiitUrt al I>. |ires- / ' \\ III-.'il'.. tiiillv rnreil li\ I'l! 1|i M >1'!, \ N ti’.s (' 1,1.1. 's i(i: \i i:ii i.i;uMW i.ii 1 r.r.s. rr.inr.-.i i.y nr r. M. .lark'i.n. al llie IJrrni.'in .Mi'ilii'in*' Store. .No. l-*0 .\n'(i Siri i l. I’liilaili liihia, ,, , r 'I'lirir H'u rr r ih* ahovr i** n»*t rxrrUrn. il liy :»n> *-lh»T pp |> ir:.tion in tlio l Slutrs, l!it* i ur« *‘ m m^uty ra'^rs atlt-T >kiHnl pliy>iri:i»s h.»l I,»ilrl . • • 1- I 'I'll*'-.*' uoriiivOu* Mtti’nium *t invaluN.- irr* .«t i)m* p'» hiiraiinn >1 o! the l.iver anil h'S'« r "lands, everi isiii!! ihe iiaisl se.ireli- ,,e' pi.w. is in weakiie-s and a|le« lions o| ih.' .Ii"''Hvi'nr ■;ans, ihi-y are willial. 'ale, . erlain. and plea.i-aiit. Ill,VII .\.M) r.i: riN.\bN i;i>. t’roni Ihe Ito'tnn IW ‘. The eililiir said. i>ei-. --Wd — ■■Hr. Unoti ind's ( eli lirate.l (.'ernian I!illrr^ lor the rnre ot l.iv . r »'01111.1 lint, .lauiidice. Hy'peli'ia. ( lirnnio nr .\er \HIS deliililV- is lie i rv. illy one nt the iiiosl ptipiilar iiii-.l- ii ines el Ihe day. 'I'liese llillers have lieen Hs. d I'V llioii sand', nnd a Iri.'nd al niir ellmw says lie has hiiiisell re l eiveil Hn e(r. rnial and permanent iilaint frnlii ihe use ol this renieily. Ihat ill the use of these Hitlers, thr patient ron'tanlly ■■ains Sirenillh anil vianr—n fiet worthy ol irreal nmMde Falion. 'I'lu y arc pleasant in taste and sinell. iinil ran I.e Used hy |H'rsons with the most ilelirate sloiiinihs with sat'ety, miller any eirninistanrrs. \\ i' are s|H'»hUis^lrniii ev|M'rienrc and to tli«; altlicted we advise their use. T,o.ik well to the marks of the pcnitine. 'I'hey have the writlen signature il'l'. M. .lacksnn lipnn the wrapi«‘r, and itie name Idnwn in the Imttle, withfilit uhieh they are spurious. Kor sale, wholesale nnil retail, at the (JKItM.A.N .MKDIl'I.VK STUKK, No. liJO Arch istreet, one door tii-hiw Si.xth, Thila., nnd hv respectable dealers cenerally thmntrhinit Ihe reentry. Also, for sale hy y.A.'I’I. J. rayetteville, N ’ Wholesale .Agents for North and South 'arolhia, (IAVILAM), IIARUAl- it CO., Charleston, S. WESTERN liACON. -n IlliDS. just roccived and for side Uy JIIP T. S. LUTTKIlLOIl & CO, July 21. 1852. lOtf Bla?7fc War runts for sale firrc. Feb'y ^2. IMf Tons Swe for sale bv McNFILL. MrKFTHAN. J. McALlSTI.H. of tf Ics IKON. P. P .Xuirust IS.'.2. 'I te I JOHNSON. 2>tf TO IIIKI SMAPT \ppiy to M,i\ Is'.: ,\CTI\ l; IWtV. I.: vears oM. II. i:U.\NS(iN StiN. S7it JOHN I). \V lIJJAMS, {’ouiinissioii *V I'oi’N'4tntiitfi ,lBvrrho»it^ Fayetteville, N. C. Feb. 'I. Is'2. '■>'"tf 'I'l RlM.N'I’INi: [.AND FOi: S\LK. |(»P. sale. Iieres of L.\ND on James Crrek. and 'ilo .icrcs on Cypress Creek, Cumberland, eonvi'iiient to th.' U cstern i’lank ■ad. heavily timbered, and admirably .idapted the makini: of Turpentine. ,\]i]ily at this Mliec. I'lil'.I'.M AN v\: IlorsTO.V. .'MKIK’IIAXT.'^ AXI‘ Wilmington, PJ. C., Fl'P ci't^sl.'intly on hand a stock n| I hntr. Ib^&. Corn. Pork, I’.aeon, Salt, ('otfee. Sii.irar. Molasses. Tobacco, 'i"ars, .SnntV, ('i.ndles. .Si.ap: Foreijrn and liome-tie Li' and W in«‘s; Iron, Nails, Paints, Oils, (ibi'S, D.iinesties, Hats, Loot.', .''iioes. Leather. .Vjii ieiiltiiral Im-" plements. and a variety of other articles, suita ble for f.iniily and plant ition use and the retail trade, wliii'li they vvi'l dispose of in i"ts to suit dealers or consumers, on reasonable terms tor Cash, or in exch.itiirc for Naval stores or other pr.i'illee. The senior ]i;;ttner. D. ('. Freeman, is h.ta- i ted in the city ot .New Vork; the junior i.arliicr. Ceil. Hi ustiiu. in W ilmin^itoii. If -Icsircd. ad- vaiiees wil' me made on C'.nsijrnmcnt' to and from either place. .Ml business eutruste.l t-i i them will receive prcjHT attention; and ord‘rs for : Is will b.' j.ri'iiiptly and carefully tilled. July 2^. iS.'i'J. 12-.:mpd ^ ~ Tin: i i:Li:iiiiiri:ii iin s imtem ('()>KI.\i STOV!:. B.S for s.i’e liv the .Siibsi-i'iluT in Paleii;h and Fayetteville: in Laleitrh at his ,'shoii on Fay etteville .''tri'ct and in I ,ncTtevillc .it Mr. .\. .M. ( amj.'iell s. I The Subseriber hereby f ire’v;irns .ill persons tVoiii j.itrchasiti^ ;uiy of thcs(> .sJtoves from any ! person ciflier in ir out of North '.■irolin.-t. ex- ■ eejit from himself or his duly authorircd ,\j:cnts. I He has purchased the exeliisive riirht to vend ^ this Stove within the State, and will prosecute anv I'crson infrin.::in;.^ his riidit. either by piir- eha~in;r. sclliinr. or nsinjr. anv except those ob tained t'i"m himself. JOSFPH WOLTFMlNtL llaleijih. .\pril I'-'. Is.'il. li^stf tention to business and a desire to give entire satisfaction, to merit a contiimance of the same. Having kept th.e "reater portion of his Tim bers at a distanee from tbe manufactory, he has on hand a lar^e and vvell selected lot of tho- ronjrhly s-.-asoned Timber, of every description used in his business, which enable,s him to retain all Ills princip;:’ workmen. He is tln^reforc now lirejiared to do any work in his line in the vc'ry I.est style, ntid iti the most fa vorablc terms—as low as any work of the same quality in N. ('. He has on hand, ci iiipletidy finished, S P.arouehes. for 1 or 2 h. rses; • i Ibiek.'iways. and I-'! I!u^^ie.s. .\lso. nearly finished. 1o Carria^res for 2 horses; 20 Itar'iuchc'^ for 1 and 2 horses; 12 I’.ockawavs. and olt I’^ies; ,\11 of vvhieh are of the most ap]iroved plan and finish, and will compare with any work in the r. ."^tati s for neatness and durability. Having been enj::i;^ed in the above business for the jiast 20 vears, his work is well known, and he ret'ers to old customers for proof of its diirabilitv . ,\lt. Avork \v:irrnntoil for 12 months, and repair*’'! free of eharjri' should it fail by bad workmanship or ma’erial. within tint time. Kki'; e.\e iitcd iit .'hort notice, and fin reasonable terms. .Jaii’y 2ii. lS-'i2. Ot) T. C. WORTH, ciniMi.^sKiN ,\M) I'liinwiiDi.Mi )irnriM\T. W lLMlN(n'()N, N. C. Feb. 1. Is.VJ C.Otf A. ir. WlirnTELD, ('diuli and Li'.;lil ('arriai,T ]\IaniiDu-(urrr, (M'l.D lespeetfuli.v inform the ]iublic ROC'Kl-ISlI V thf sm:irriN(;s, Nov. 2s. is.'il. •1 Itf •st LAND rOR sale. VALC.M'.LF, fr.ict 'if Land is offered for sale, containing 220 a-res. Ivinjr miles of Favetteville. near the F. \ W. Plank P.i'ol, a' .Mrs. N'.tt and others, with a ^..od d.veiling' and other necessary out-honses. well watered and liealthy Apply so,,n to D. (!. McDuflie in Fayetteville, or to .las. K. .MeDutlie on the premises, for particu- lars. .I line 2'i, 1S '»2. .>-tf B’rift* or iSas^x* ailvaiirrd. L'lI.'^O.N'S who have made contracts with J. F. .Iordan .N Co. for fiirnishinir l!.\!S. ari‘ hereby informed, that we will pay :1A cents peril), on all Cotfm Kajrs. Kope and, delivered to ns att«'r this d.ate. 11. 1511ANSON iN SON. .March 11. lS->2. 72tf bale or lialf b.ile. for s.-ile bv C. T. H.MCH \’son. Stf //le run,* ol' 1,1 vrr ”"i Wr ;«r* l onvinn Ni:\\ (iOODS. rn'^ HK undersijrned are now receiving their .B. FALL STOCK of a m mm 'wm Consistinji of ti full assortment of L:ili('s’.-iikI (rCtitloriK’ii’s Hn-'is (Joods, a l:irLT(' stijiplv ot l{c:iily-in:ulo ( lotliiug, Hats, ('aps and Hotinefs, :i larjxe ussort- jiicnt of Jioots and Shoes, 1 lafihvare, (Irocorit's, Drujrs :m«l Mcdiciiifs, .'^aditlc'rv, CriK kory i\: (Jlasswan?, 11 tinny :ml l>nnl(!C l>a,!i,irinjx ami lxO]K', Nails, Iron, ikc. Sic. t'tc*. We invite nir friends and the public to call and examine our .''toek; it is L.\K(iL and will be sold on accommodating terms. J. T. COUNCIL vt PAIN. .\upust '■!(•. 1.'^-’)2. 21 tf VV/r ltrrrst Stock of (ioods ever ()//'(red hij us! IB »r F, are now receiving much the L.VIUIF.ST TV .STOCK of miY tJOODS, Hats, Caps and Jionnots Shoes, Roots, Uinbrcllas, (Sic. Ever offered by us in this ]ihice, to which we particularly invite the attention of Merchants, as we are detevniineil not to he nndersoLl. STAUR & WILLIAMS. August 2o, 1S')2. 20tf Wanted to Purchase, BPLS. S]>irits Turpentine, for which the highest prices will be paid in Cash. T. S. LUTTKllLOH & CO. Anjnst li, 1f*^')2, Ictf I July 1;5. lS.-i2. ' y)ticr to S/ii!)i>crs h;/ irnif of ('(tj)c l'((!r lin'cr, E^IP.OM and after the first day of July, ]>rox- imo, the dediietion of five j'cr cent. Iroiu the established rates of Freight (when the bill is paid within thirty il.iys) will Ix' discontinued. F.verv bill will be considered due vvlien ren- , ilered, each ('ompaiiy reserving the rij;ht to I charire interest on the same for any delay in ' payment. I .'shippers of Naval .''tores from place are ! notitied that the undersi'j;tied will receive and store, in Cam]ibelltoii. .Sjiirits Tur|ientine at lU j cts. per bbl., and will ^ive reeeipt for catdi load ; as it Comes in and ship ;is instructed, the own- ; er paving drayaue. which will he •') cts. per bbl.; and will have barrels coojiered or re-packed, when the interest of shippers renuires it, at ac tual cost, charjreable ti« owners. The interest of boat owners and shippers alike requires ii regulation of this kind. JNO. D. WILLIAMS. ,\irent Caju' l-’ear Steamboat Co. II. M. OIU5FLL, Ascnt Henrietta .steamboat Co. T. S. LrTTHKLOH, T’roj>rietor .Merchants’ .''teamboat Co, Tune 2S. 1S')2. i)-^’.m iXj^TllC UIuU'rsiiriH'd, as For wardin': .\gents on their individual account, re- pectfully jiive notice, that- they will continue to receive and forward (ioods from their respee tive Warehouses at the River (where the dray- a'^e saved to shippers is full Id jier cent, on the fi-eight bill) for a commission of 2-') jier cetit. on the Itiver freifrht bill and draya.iie. This chanjre to take effect on the 1st dav of .\ugust next. JN(t. 1). WILLIAMS. 15. .M. onilFIJ,. T. S. LITTKIILOII. .Tune 28. lS-12. t»-'!m that he still continufs to carry on the above business in all it-^ branches. He returns thanks for the liberal ] atronajre he has receiv ed. and hopes bv a strict attention to business, and a desire to please all and ;rive peneral sat- i.sfaction. to merit a continuance of the same. He w.irrants all his work to be made of the best material and by exjierienced workmen: nnd shintld any of it fail in twelve months (with fair ii.saiTC' either in workmanship or material, he will rcjiair it without charge. PiTsoiis wisliin^r to Imy. w ould do well to call and examine his work betore purchasing, as it cannot be surpasst'd foi- style, elegance, and durability. He is determined to sell low for cash or on short time. Orders thankfully received and promptly at- tendc.l to. IM'P.M I’. IN1 neatly executed .it short notice and lowest possible jiriccs. Fayetteville. Feb. 2. lS.i2. mtf Livery Stable Business. rBlHF. subscriber intends carryinjr on the _H_ atiove busines as usual. Having added considerable Stock, he will be able to accom modate the ]iubli(\ Thankful for ]>ast favors, he solicits a continuance. J. W. POWFP.S. Jan'v 2i>, 1S.V2. 5Stf Wnlclu's and Jewelrv. IIOTEl,. subscriber having purchn*erl the Hotel nitnnted on the corner of Court Hou.oe Sipiarc, and lately known ns Stunrt’s Hotel, would inform the ptiblie that he is n«w ready to accommolatc ho.irders by the d«y^ week or month. Having made considerable outlay in furnishing .md refitting the Kstnfilish" ment, he hopes to be nhle to give satisfactiort to all who patronize him. Hi.s Table shall be furnished with the liest the market affords, his liar with the best ot Liiptors, nnd his Stable with ft plenty of good provender and faithful (>stler9. J. A. GILCHRIST. Jitne 2ri, 18')2. H-tf Scdreu'ie/,’ on Datnoi^es. jK TP.F.VTISH on the Measure of Damnge3'y by Theodore Bedgewiek. Second Kdition, revised nnd greatly etilarged.. Also, further supplies of The Works of Dan iel Webster, tJ vol.; Wide, Wide World; Qurechyi Days of llruce. by (Jraco .Aguilar; The Hal- nninist; Methodist Hymns; Discipline of the !M/ E. (,'hurch; .School liooks, &c.. &c., for sale by E. J. HALE & SON. zniiLV’s SALEM, N. C. rglllE SUP.SCKIP.ER having lately completed extensive ailditionsr to his house, takes this method of informing hi.s friend.s, and the tra velling community generally, that he is now* prepared to acconinii>date them in a superior' style. The entire house, bedding, and furni ture of every ilescription is new and clean^ Slid no pains will be spared to make his guests comfortable in every respect. All the statres stop at this House. A. T. ZEVELV. Salem, July 21, lB-'i2. ll-lni]id ~ NI-:\V liOOKS. A I'NT Phillis's Cabin, or .Southern Life aS it is. by Mrs. Mary II. E.'istman; WhitC'* friars, or the days id'("harles the Second; What Now'.' tor Young Ladies leavin.g School, by the Rev. Charles F. Deems; !spencer's Pastor’9 Sketches: Hobart's (Hiristian .Manual: Harper'^ Ma'.r:uine; .'school Rooks, (.Vc. Just received^ E. J. HALE it SON- Aucrust 2S. NEW J}()()KS. fHlHE Two Fathers, an original Spanish ro- JL maiue by Adadus t'alpe. three ji.irts— 1st, The Ruins of the Paraclete, 2d, Hector AloJie, od. Science and love; Wilfred ?.lontres.sor, or the Secret Order of the Seven, a romance of Life in New' Vork, hy the author f»f .Abel I’arsons, or the F>rother's Revenge, .^c., 7-)c; Hunting the Romantic, or the .\dventnre.s of a 'Novel Render, from the French of Jules San- .11 J. n. New Jeweler's Store, ON H.\Y STI:FLT, NE.\I! the market, -May be found ipiite a rich variety of Watches and Jem hif. Silver Ware, Plated Ware, MUitari! (Ioods, Siirvetiors' ('nnipftsses, (mas and Pistols, Pocket tV 'Vahlc ('ut- hrif, ('locks, Accordenns, 17- oUns, I'hites^ Clarionets, Music lioxes, c^'c. «.yr. ,\iigust 2S. lS-'i2. 21-l.w I’j\\ j( )yfNs()N ».AS.just )-eceived from New Vork, the lar gest and best selected stock of F»>reign awl Domestic Dry Goods, Hats', Shoes, lion- iK'ts, Hardware, Cirtierv\ That he ever offered for sale; alT of which will be sold at the lowest nuirket price. His friends, .50: The Discarded Daughter, or the ’ ’ ... ... - ' to cnll and examine the goods and prices. August 2’i, 1852. 2(»tf ('hildren of the Isle, a tale of the Che.'wpe.ake, by Mrs. South worth; The Lives of (icn. Pierce and AVm. R. King. 2-'>; Profe.ssor Julius CfT.^nr Hannibal’s Scientific Di.scourses, originally pub lished in the N. O. I'icayunc; The Rotttoti .Vcademy’s Manual of Church .Music, by Lowell Mason; Rlank Books; Schod Rooks. &c., just receiveil by E. J. H.VLE & SO>». Sept. 1, BAOS COFFEE. tPv H» hhds. sr(iAi:, Just received ."ind for sale by P. r. J(»HNSOX. August 2(i, 1 S-')2. _ 20tf IMnnk arrnnts for sale here. iU DRY GOODS, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES. ■’^^7'E ,\HE now receiving our Fall Stockf buyers. Aiiirnst : now which we IK.- invite the attention of HALL & SACKETT. Itt-tf NEW LAW' ROOKS. ripilE LAW OF NAyiONS, or the PrincipTe.» Jl. of the Law of Nature, applied to the con-' duct ntid atfairs of Nations and Sovereigns; .V new edition from the French of Monsieur do Vattel, with references to .American Decisions by .loseph Chitty. Esip 1 vol. Smith s Leading Cases; a selection of Leadin.g Cases on various branches of the Law, with Notes, by Jno. William Sndth. I-^Sfi-: Fourth .\merican from the third English edition. 3 volumes. Vd. .'>th Exchequer Reports. LittW .'t I’rown’s 0th vol. English Reports, Law and Equity. Just received bv E. J. HALE & .SON. Sept. ]•"), l.‘^-'j2. STAC.E leaves WARSAW daily on the ar rival of the cars, .say 10 o’clock a. m., and arrives in Favetteville at 0 p. m. ’McKINNON a- 31eNETLL. April 12. l.‘^-V2. “ 81 tf asBtl KitaBiiBior tsizz :b_^ a:m :cr c^m' COSTUME HALT., Conirr I’rtUf i^trrrf nnd Cc7i(rr Mnrkft Sj,nrr, li A L T!M(fl! f-J. /■E^IIE largest and best stock of Ll^.VDY- . MADE CLOTHING ever oflered in P.alti- more. l)ress. Frock nnd Sack COAT!^, .all cf^- lors. qualities and sizes, from i5'2 -')(> to SS-’i 5(7 ami upwards. P.VNT.VLOONS «t -'i*l to !S-> -30 and upwards, embracing all styles of fancy, plain and plaid Cassimeres. VE.''T.S of every variety at corresponding prices. Also, a large assortment of Hoys’ Clothing. Imjiorting our own Cloths direct from Etiropc, and manufacturing on the most extensive scale, enables us to offer inducements to purchasera not to be surpassed by any ('lothing Establish ment in the I'nited States. The proprietors arc determiTied to make the Wholesale Rooms the point of great attraction, and have now made up more than oO.OOO (J.\RMENT.S, from the finest quality to the lowest ir. ]irice. In tlie Custom Department will always bo found the choicest sidection of (^LOTHS, CAS SIMERES and VE.STIN'CiS, which will be made ii{) at the shortest notice, and in the latest style, and a fit always guarantied. fr-zf' The one price .system strictly adhered to. Remember the tiame and place, Corner Pratt .St. ;ind Centre Market .''pace. H. H. COLE ..c CO. August I”), T-I-yopd rOR SALE. A NEW 2 Horse Wagon. jVl j. d. wiLLT.v:\r.«!. July 12. 7-tf SIIIKT KSTmiSIIMIii\T, ITJl MnrJi'rt Strret^ KAi/B’iTaoKi:. IHE largest and only Manufacturing AVhole- sale Establishment in the - The capital and force engaged enables me at all limes to offer to Covntry Merchants and Deal-' ers in SHIKTS. (’Oi.L.ARS, LINEN and CtT- TON DR.AWEF*.'^, great induceniejits—more than u.sual efforts having been made to rcndei^ the as.sorfinent of these articles full and com plete. The Stock on hand is large and well fl.*.siiti for Men and Hoys. .All orders from the Countrj- attended t» with punctuality and despatch. SnT' Remember the Name, anl I\'o. B79 NIrerl. T. W, P.ETTON. August l-’i. 18-'»1. Tl-yopd ALilJl’RToN'.S Yankee .Stories, ilhistrat- ed: the V.inkee Tea Party, or Boston inr 177f; the Old Bell of Independence, or Phila delphia in 177(1; Camp Fires of the Revolution, or the War of Independence, illustrated; Weld’s Dictionary ofS^n'ptnral Quotations; Harli;mgh’» Heavenly Recognition; Catechism of Familiar' Things; Mathias’ Rules of Order, for Societies, •tc.; Walker’s Rhyming nnd Pronouncing Die- tionarv; P.ritish Fei*iale Poets; American F e-» male Poets; Watson’s Dictienary of Poetical fiuotations; Philadelphia as it is in 18-')2: .vc.- E. J. HALE .V SON.