I.KTTKK KUOM Hon. W. A.OKAII VM, Uf;ul :it llif Muss MtTtiirj at Sliilrsvilir. I’. Un.T.snoRorcH, Sopt. 4, 1S.)*2. 1 knti.k.mkn: I irratitully ackuowltulgo 3’iiiir tiiviir of t!u‘ lltUh iilf., nx* to a .M;iss of iiur jxilitiial frii'iitls in tliat jcirt nf the State at Statrsvillo, on tlio lUtli ill Imiiiir >1 tin* ni'iiiiiu'cs ot tin* A\ liiir ('onvontir>ii at Ivtltininri*. tor the 1’ri'si'li’iM’y airl \ ifo I’rt'sivloiirv ot the I iiitt'il States. Vou are jiloa'*.'"'! to uthl that this asseiii- lilaf'C lias apj'oiiitoil at the site ot the i>l(l Slati'svillc A‘:i(lt‘iiiy. not very listaiif fi-'in the )>lai-e of my hirtli, ami wliither I was st'iit whi'ii 1 tirst hft my parental h"iiie. to pursue that rourso ot ('(lucatioit, wliii'h was to (U'termiiie my licstiiiy in lite; an i that tiie frii'inis ot my youth, ami as- sonaft's ami auii'iaintaiH't's ot maturer years, will ho tliero in large numhers to (ill’er me a friemlly jrreetin;!. F( \v e\ents, 1 hei: to a>sure you, couUJ afV:>nl me m'Tc LM'atilieatiou that to oom- p]v wifi' tiii' flattering aii'l ennlial invita tion. it awikens reei-olleetions dear to mv heart, and ad;ls the iharins ot per.son- al fiicuil^li’p, to politieal appri>l ation. ('oiliidenee lias Iteeii said to ln‘ a plaiit ot sl'iw ijriiwth. .\fter a iite n-'w p;i>t meridi an, and t'i'I-ne.irly twenty i-"nsei nfi\ e years ( MiMiected with puMie all:i:rs. ic is. to me. reiVe'liiiiu t" I'e re-,is>nrt.'1 that as reg.iril.-- inv>ell it i.' yi't fre.'li and nnhrnkt'ii in tiie soil whert‘ it lir^it toek \’:tn lik' \vie su'/LT' st, that tin' oeeasion will t’l' ali apjir' i'i'iato one fi» viudieat ■ the ifieat man with \vh>!ni I am a-S'H-iated in this eleeti->n, frnm eharii'es of hostility to the S -ntii. and iiilidelity to the e'lmj'io- mi-:'' Ilf the hist (’onirress. It is 'iiie ut‘ tl’" 'h.ill.'Wesf ;i!l ! e.i'niii Hi es: !. \iei'.' of party, f'> find out v.iiat is m.,,»r ..dioii-i or ii'tastefnl ti> the prevail- inir sentiment of a eountry. or s i-tion, and impute tint t • it> opp tiienr. 'I'his i liarire offav.iiin_ al">iitiiiM, or hein^r under its inthunee. lia> 1 >• n a .'taiidinii’ aeeu-.itii'n at til'' S. utu au'a li't every \\’ili:r eandi- late for t!ie l'r.>aLiuy f.u- ;he l.i.'t >i.\- tev n year-. it u.i.- .i ie_; I a- iiii>t II.ir- ri'oU. wi|o>e eom|letiti>r ha- I.een the all 'litioii eandidate for that liiLdi st.ttion — iig.iinst Clay, whose .--U' ee-fnl eompetitor aj'pr’ Vet] th" t'Tiit-Tia! i>i!l. in- hih'tini: slav- ry t!. rein—:;_-!in't T y! r. wlloS" riv.ll di- lin 1 t i \ ot- t’ ‘;- t!, • j';;;.-;- tive .'^!:iVe i^nv. I . , :iuse it did Il"t pro\rle a .Jury trial for f’le r -t;;r!ied fngiti\'e. in flie 1’ di i:.l ■-•'•lirf', • f e' i.i-.' '. It W;i' al- ’ a^aiii^r Mr. \\M,-:.-r >o l,.n:r l.e stool a eliat-ee for ti:. iiiiuiiiiatiou. ami hi' mo.-t patriotic s[ --.he'. advi,'ii._'^ :.e- [uie>eone>‘ in tlie eoi.ipr Ui;wor ■ gar- l>lcu and eritiei'ed to suhstautiate it; and it wa> froely imjiut* i t > Mr. l-'illj^iore hv the opp siriou p fer he had app m.-:i'i;r"s, an ! eXeeation Ilf (lu iniloary fore;', ii it. And h '.1 he ot th •I ;..i i"H' I'n. ate. ev. n at- (’ 'nipi om:' - •der,' t'or til ‘ .xe L.,w l y ;i .'!,ouM dem i;; I Mr. W l -tor’ the nominee of the (’oiiveiition. in>tead of (Ion. Seott. then- Would have ht en. > > f ;r :o^ reL'''rds thi- oK’ -rrion, if we in:;y j’id_>-' of the t’uture hy thi pa>t, hut the » ii.niL'-' ' f a name. 'J'he taie wo\dd li.'ive !■ ,u re- ]" it •!. anil prohahly wit'i ni 're einpli:.>i.'. \\ hdi‘ the p.’opK’ of the South will i'. v!l'- iLuir and ti.m the niainteii iiu-',- of :!i, ir j..'t r;_di:s. J trust they will he mi>! d I v no id; ■laiii 'r. After an ajiT.,tiou of y.-ar- in m;'t'r eo;ineet 1 witli f-!'!v rv. tliere h-i' hoL-ti an adiu''ni"5;t; iu wiiiih I am Ami-rlvaii ] • .autli and :.m sure, wi'l con trov r-V. r'iiaii* ■ ln d th aeipi: th.it a e Ilia'' f the d. The iistni' lit. I I n the ! tie h.., . ■ ir-iofion on n;\ rvirt than aiiv i';i- I can ■•Ml; l .y. hy o\ ry ti. o a- t.ieii' S o'!i -r tiona! .d !i-a:; e-t honors I'l • ii!d I hoU a Mas.s Mcctir>g nt Ftatesvillo, o« the hull avd lOth of Sejiteinher next, and in- : vitin^ me to attend and participate in the ; puhlie speaking. i I te«d \t‘ry j^ensihly, and thank V"” I wariiilv for tlie honor imj)lied in tl;«* invi- I tatitm. IJusiness, too ]»ressing ti he neg- j leeted, ealls me elsewhere at that 'ime, and eompcls me to forego diat, otheiwise , 1 w. uld emhraee with pleasure, an oppor- ) tunitv of puhliely hearing .again tn} luiin- ! ble hut deeideif testimonial to the high worth of the tw" gentlemen who hear the Whi"’ standard in the ))residential eanvass. j 1 am truh' gratified at the adoption ot i this mode to aw.ike the Whigs to their duty in the approaehing eoatest. A slamler on the goo i n.ime ot ',ien. Seott, and a loeal State issue, introdueed Info the reeeiit (luhernatorial canvass have hail thi' unhappy effect of disturliing that pi'rtect union of tln“ \\ liig-^, whi« It gi\«“ them inviiu ihility on so many glorious oc casion' in the ]>ast. dnstiee to that emi nent citizen, whose party po.'itii-n has never heen mistaken, and who has heen with us aiwav-;. in good report and in evil report, demands, on his own account, as Well as ours, tii.it we should hy acclama tion repel the wietehed c.iluniliy. liilt. ahove all, justice to oiir countix, who.'C annal' liaxi' heconie so hiight and glori- on> hv Ills m.iti hle.'S .ii hie\eineiit', will inean nd the not allow ti> to .'pire any hon 'iai h to vindie:ite her lii'torv, his fame. ;in l gratitude of his countrymen from the shat’ts of :i p.irtisan w.irt'.ire, which our op- poni'Uts have never aih 1 to make on every lii::', from the ^reat and laim nte.i ('lav to ^\'in!ioid Seott. Indeed, it ap- Jiears to he :\ 'ettled f.let with tin 111. that we liave in our raiik> no mon—never had one —and can in ver !iave one. who has hi'cli. or can he patijot or .'r.itc'tnan enoii;^h to he worthv of the eh it' m:igi>traey ; t the Uepuhlie; w hile, in th ir.>. 'in h nc n ire s > ahundant, that ono eau M-areely put hi> h.tiid into a eoi-ner 'o d.irk or so rui dl, witli'int pulling eut a ‘' ■// man for tlie I flice. 1 am conlidi-nt, th.i' it’ the W’lii- Tarty had .'eleeted for tiie l’r '. I n- y a man of >1 little; and of ~ih ii h im! '-' ne iit. a' l'r;n klin I'ii-ice. t!,o ifmin oio i lia i hardly ' cnred the ra! \ iliaL^e in tIn- I n,• ii: a 111'*. Iiow a ' ’ii\ t nfio;i ! I s.l'i'fv -'iiv -roat t!e ir eoiiiifrv - leliowi. .iiid of' .el iil: hi.'toi v with ex.iniph ' of i. w u-ili-'u' ;■ ;tri a f' - 1 of i. ;'ioi! of a sin_'le I ir i' .inia/.iiiL; to eoMji] ii,i\e h J. '1 ii t\, :.ni*':T: iU' of in_' it- lU t . hiirh i(>f in- : ion aU'! r. couM pr 'duet aiiV hut :U''. 1 \ luintiii:.'' :lio h h ' lah. ■ :ti ;t_\ tor ■n. .\nd d di'-U't. t. n!\ . 11 ow ' d^.et : he ( 'h.ef ^l:l::•'tr:lt, i f tile tlh.t thcv h.ive hi n aldo to in the pr- '"ntation of tie n man, one of the phel! iin' lia of till !!mo difVen nt i' thi ir aetioji fV. ni the of our f ir' f'ath',1 tie- n. n > f t!. • I!. o- luh '11 and the i:on-’oil w h;, !i ;!i;:i: Ii t«- ly foll e.vd ir—w Ic m vi r tlcniiht 'i' a h " man than Irni w !io,o rrii I wN huii iH'l | nh- l.c I' liown h.id f.i-t’11. d. on hiiii'elf 'e\o of the naM 'ii. What m iii • f that t iie-, \\..uld have -np).o-'d it p i--il ' th.it with in the fir't eeiitury of our Ih ] ui tw'o naiiii s could have hi eii wiitt-n to_'oth( r. a' in eom; .:i f>r tie' l’:. 'idi !;. v . f twentv-five million- ,.f fr. ■ m. n. -ui h a' 117/. .V,,// :ii,.l I'r /V-,,..' h i' e, rt.iin. a' . iir epp nenf' ' .nie- tini' ' h.i.'f't, that tileV ale ! lie *_;ri’:i'. h‘\ o,'!er.' i-n i irth. l'..i nio; lv .^1 di-.m- t o liii: .\ow th Hi •t. Iiu'd .' -a' ,f Wa t ■ th,- l.'V nam. of a> may ilipend on III'.. ?1,,. ii:i -t (; 'u. Sootr to witioh Volt e I. .11 ;dri a'iy n. - ; !. a’cl HI a mai II'r indiea iiiL' a 'tr'iiircr IJ'Mind to X irth 'arolina iutori't aii'l ah' i t;..n w hii h m.-n. 1 ;im un.i.-r ti;i addi- •n of L'ratitude for h-T !d-ii- pati-liy h.'-towi'd. if I lit to eoiiij.romit her inteir.-t' cr honor in a matter vital to the South ale. tie Lni'iii i y any (•omhination oi a.'- !-'.i ; ;'i'>n a'lvei',-. t > le r. 1 'houl 1 lie nn- tnic. not ni l- ;y to tie- imjiul.'cs of patri- I’ti'lll, hui ti ih'e ilistinet.- if nature. h‘ n. thoi'. f ,re, I aci ' i t 1 th. nomiiia- t;on tor the \ ic.' I’r.-'e!. ncv. .whieh v.ur d-ie.ates in tho ('invention will hear iik^ ■V t. I had n"t 'oe.ght. kn.iwini: what ]irMii-;iil s IkI'I hi-en d r];;!-. .1 l^v a eonveii- ti 'ii. th t ; .n. tt na;- mv a>> ei- : to ioi- ?he i’ll -.deiicy l y that .act. I pr i- claiino 1 my coiiiidence in him ne.n. i in- }.n,.til l.dy than I e ;n now do in \\ord>. I hid known i im ^andiiarlv tor lwe]\e vcars, aii'l wa intimately a^-eiated with him during tie- ni.^.-t trying p.-ri .d of the ('..ui- ].rom;.-e, wl,. u i;s fiti wa.'.'U^pend. d in doiilitful .'.•al' S. I klloW that he ha.l l.eeU ihofiieiid of the>e ill', a.'i.r.s when tlwv 1 in need of friends, that inih pond. nt- ly of his illustrious .Services, und world wide f n.e, wli'i h will jdaee him. in Anier- ivaii history ^ii!,> l,y si.lc with I’lutareh's men, in the r puldics of anfiijuity ami whi(hfoi ),id any j'ctty .'^i etional or fae- tii.us \ iews to he entertained hv him, ho was committed to the ’ompromi>e a.s mic *.f its nio-t tdf. i tive supporters, at the time (.1 its aiioptioii. i(nd to nie, who liavc hieii in a po>ition ever .'incc, to oli- M^i VC the pri.gr.i.f events, in connection with this .'11 .ji i t. and to w iiose lot it fell, I'l is lie t!ie or.Ids lor till'exetulion of the ] ngitive >la\e i,,.w, hy military loice, if iiciessify slioiil'i riijniie it. witiiin torty daV' after it' enaetmeiit. it h.ss hei n ;_.'rat- iiyiiig t.i o1..-.u\i, how oiip.,..,itioii to the ('onijiiomi'e has ;_iven way. and not ni.iny who stood out in o],pi,>itiun loii'j after ifs ji.tssage. have iiecome its ardent fmppnit- crs. J f its cm nrit .' have hecome itd friends, if is caii.'e for rejoicing, )>ut let them i.ot he p' lmitted tu tran.'mute its friends inf.I cTiemic.s. i regret, tli.it it will not he in my power to lie pn >eiit at \oiir inci ting, nor, is it )ay e.\]ieet:ition to addres.s pojiular assem- hlie.' in till,, canvass; hut f conld not re train Iroiii .'aying thus much, in rejily to y.iur cordial an 1 ohliginj^ letter. J hog you tu helieve nie, fieiitlcmen, \\ ith groat re -prct. vonr otj'd’t. serv't, W.M. ,\. (il’.AIlAM. J.K'lTKlt i f{()>i p,. ]•'. .MOOKK, Ksy,, litMlI iU lllf MllUf lid'll II?. U.M.iMcii, .\ngust -11, 1>.V_». ^ 11 .N'l : 1 have icccived yours td file l:.ili inst., infoiming ;.ie that it h..d he, .1 ;' soiVt.d l.y the Whiixs of the V. c. t to went t ' th'. ii. ii; c nil ' t.i .^l.lhom little lli.ltl I . .'I ok t'l 1- W' r jt i’i- P-.: A gr.-.-it and h p;- .priate r. pi-'. p!’" an i r"' !l.i\e plae.i.i at H..-ir ti ii d mall, w iMi oiie naiie ' on t;;.- i .nt.ui n:. W idi iieiit'. M' if in eontoiiija ..f tie- i iir tor. fath -i', aiel of tie' w he.'toWiiii: r' W.ir'l I'll .'. rviei .all t.. lift tle-ir injt f!.. v of rr.;:d;:;;i •le.rahle .:f:iti\o '11'.hi;,' ■I t! I' tl.e a]i- ■at |;r;iiei- Tlio n iiig' t!, 1'nghlv 't _: '1 iou.' , ..111 .pp..- . x.n.^pio ..I' >.• rule of •aii.l laeiit. .roiid. ’re'i- h.ive p'.aei'd at th. ii'. a Man w h -'e • h.'tii.i'i..ii i' hi' iiomin it;..;i; .and when '!'f'eated. will ii 't I'il i.p. . Von renthi>> ui a hi'torv. I he \\ hig> have or.-at cans, to t..- ot their tuk. t, I ho n' liiiii. o for dent i.' a na‘i"n d man hy i diie.atiou, 1,\ liahit, aii'l hy j..itrioti'ln. Ih.rn in tho South,— rai'. .1 ,n tin- S 'iitli, aii'l h.iviiiL' spent mu- h - f !,> ti,,;. in t!ii- .'. eti .n of til" I nion, li.' i- fri->- fi. ni tie priju.lice- which early le>' in.' at the .\..ith. t:eneral- ly insjiiro a._';iin.'t shivi rv. fnll know- h-dge of that lel.tfiofi. |..uii,'he.' .ill r.ioiii tor fan:it;c:'ni, aiel if h''has anymp-.ithy on the .-lil.j ft, it. i,'w itii the ma'ier. Hi.' h tti-c I.f .-ii-coptanee >hi!t' the do. r against all th.' hopo.- Ilf aholitionist'. from n-.-i.-t- ancc to the laws; and, agit.ite .and r.ave mu. h as they m.iy, through tIn-ir Suinm-rs and 'liase.', h. the tloor of Congress, tln-y Well know, and we Well know, that I.-n. Scott, 111 e.li. nt hiiuelf. throughout his life, to the laws of the land, will cnforci- it.' i.li.'oj-vaiiei- )jy all other.', with cM iy con.'titntional meaii' in his p .wi-r. Indeid. it is curious to oh.'i rve, that the ihai'ied manner, in whii-li he has declared in advance, that he will “tolerate no sedition, di.^order, faction, or r(.'si>taiici* to tiie law, Oi' the I nion, on any prefe.\f,” is a main I’cason with .^Ir. ’I'oomhs, for re fusing his .'Upport: 'I’h'' hand which he would lay on rehellion at the North and disunion at the South, is to. ninul for him. // IS H mrilihlhiili vifh tiir. i l'elii;\e that the charge atf.iin.'t Scotf, that he would coiiijuoini.'c the iiitercsfs of the South, as wanton a .'lamh r. in its ori gin, and as untrue in fact, whoever mav repeat it, as evt r emanated from p.-n or lip. Uitli su( h a -aiididate for i'.esideiif, and our own di.'tiiigui>hed fellow-i-iti/.en, \\ illiain A. (iraham, for \’ice-l’re.'iili nt, can North ( arolin.i he ‘•old or devoid of enthusiasm:'' Survey fh,. jif,., l.ofli puhlie and private, ot the nominee fur \'ice-l*resi- dent, and what hhniisli or spot can h(‘ toumh'' 11 i> puhlie life i.' of twenly years duration; What interest has he hefrayed —what eoii.'tiiiiency has he deceivedi' ^\ hat illiheral sentiment has he ever avowed.' Honored with high places hy the Sfaft*, and raised to a post ot dijfinc- fion hy the (ioveriiiiient of the Lnion, h,. I has .always laid down the mhes of office I unsulheil and hrighf. Neither malice nor I envy has ever found a n nf in the mail of j his integrity or prudence. hignitied with out ostentation, and linn without severity —with plain, good scn.-e, ami a heart tiiat always knows wh.-it is riirlit, he cherishes tlie State and the I nion, with a waiin sen- i timi-nt of duty and in a spirit of ji.-itriof- j iam and afhctiuu; and i.s, perhajis, at this I time, ut all her citi/cus^ the must perf.et I repvesontative of tho sober, manly up- j right, and unprotenling character of North | 1 ('arolina. j 1 have often heon made powerfully ' ; .vihle of the ;itVected contempt, in which i j our State is held hy certain ot her border- j I iug sisters; and, therefore, have T witness- | ■ ed, with unusual delight every honor be- | ! sfowed on her by otlier voices than lic'r ■ i own. His muuination to the \ ice-l*resi-j ' deiicv i.s a national tribute to the State, | ' luLrh in its «-haracti“r. and tlie tirst ol its j i kind. What Whig tif North ('arolin.i can ' ' be iii'iensiide to tin; honor, or earele.ss ot | the result id’ the election^ | : I'hilistinir in the infanc}' of our )>;irty he ■ ' ha> fouirht fhrou;.di the struggle; h.i.s been a soldier and a leader—sometimes iu le-i feat, hut never in di'spair. l',h'vateil, for ' his virtues, by the firm devotion id W higs | to the prim-iples of’ I'on.'titufional liberty ; and sound ineaMires of policy, he h.as il- lu'tr.ited the p.itriotisin and wisdom of their ju'incijdes ind crei'd by his devotion ’ to thctii and hi.-' cuiintry; and now, with out a fault in his career, or a blot on his name, will tln-y ab.-iiidon a servant .'o | f.iitliful, th'-ir principles .ind th. ir coiintrv. , an.l flv to a 't indard, which, crewhilc, em- ; bl i;'.oned, with pomp and rejoicing, the j \ictorv of .1 \'aii i>uren, over thi‘ fortunes j of the slaii.lered and ill-treated Clayy | 1 w ill not believe it —1 caiiiiot think so • poorlv of mv State. \Vith every good i w I'll for a ;ilorious rally in the West, the | (libralt.ir of W higi-'iii, I bi'g leave to .'ub- | ,'i-ribe mV'elf, j VVitii great respect, } Vour oh.'t M-r\'t., j{. F. .M(K)IJi:. 'I'l ^Ie'-rs. A. Willi.inison, l>. 1>. : 'ariniehacl, and Iviif’u' !>arringer, l!'i[S. ('OM MTVKA'I'IONS. j im: iiii; oit.'Ki:vki!. i jii.r!'.';.iii.\ i.N i:'\ cmi ntv. j ,I \MKS 1>AN!«S, l-',-i|.. W hig A'sistallt , I-!'. I tor. w h at the rei|Ue>t of a m:mber of !ii W IiIl' tVieiid' ill file i-onntv of l[..b- • e.~on. li.i'i i-on'- ntod to ,-iddn " them, .at I!o.l .''prin_'' on tip. I'fth am! at l-'i"r.-il on th. ■_'->th iii'iaiit. w.is nn t at e-H h pl.n-.- by !;.' M It I'ri-mh. I-N.p, of, Lun.iiei ' '11, ! *' I on-r:it;i- .''uh-i'doctor for tiie . - i'li'y .-f Ii •' 1 'Oil. At tho .''pii’.g' "11 I'l; l.iy. Mr. Hank' oj 1 I', d the di'i u 'i .n 11 > et! irt w.i' ai- tiiMi ther the h ip|i. 't I h.ivo c\ir Icai 1 him m.ilxe. Ar_iimi nt.itiv--. hnniori.n-. '::ri i'tie and . ! .ijuent. W ith the prinn- ;h' .f th. tw-. piitio.-, ill 'I I m '1 fully 1. \ i:i;t.- ■ nr,.i ll -o 'hat to .li .\v the ;■ w wi'h him an .-a'V ta'k. .\f- 1: r ha\ 11|.J e\p.-'|.l till' •' rnnh rh >" a- elll- h ■ di d in the I *'ni. ;-r::t ie platfo|-m, he in' th ■ 'puit : f tr!Kn;| !i eh 'II. n_o ] Mi. I'lt-lo h to th.iT p!:i.f.ini. //' ili-l - • ' . .^Ir Ihiiik' thoii ( h d!.' ge.l .Mr I'l'em li I. '! >w tin- rii'. iiii.he " or Mil-. 1 \ of till- Wld-/ phl'toMM. t-: whil h 'he latt. r r ’.ii !. di.l n t e'm,. 1 ■ ri t • t.iik :d'"Ut p! I'f rni'. .>t' and I’i'-i. ■■ .ire !i h,t; - ! f I. th.- p( pi. 1 wi'h t . e. ;i'i.h r tl.' ir r. 'p . tiv- il.r.ni'.” .\h! thi-n. ri pi '1 .'Ir. II.ink'. •■\"U w .,'h t.i talk a' ..t !.! ■. I p.- t'l r t . 'P -ak ..f I'l ' ' l '' i'b n d^': j rinoi),!. - ar.' etor- id.” 'Ir. I! liik-. during th- wh'-h .li'i U"i"n. wa' mil'l. and e\: i . .iin_ly i oin tooU' to- w ai'!' hi' 'I j-'iient, IIopp,.iii-nt. ho\\- • fr''jU ntiv toll i,im that In- w.i- . r L'uilty f’ •■euipd! - i_:i 'lan ’ or 1 tiyiiiLT t’. ■ V and dec '.'>■■ t!,. j. ■. pie of 'II'- pi - .f. l. iwiMr. a-l.liiei-.i l.y i'll- I’:- iirh w,i' f.r fr in 'U't. iniii^ the :;i! _ ;‘i ■!!, -:h ‘ e!-.,wl > *i 1 ./■ , ; ,/7 W a- g- iiy '.f n. itl, r. .\t th" Il'-'l Spiin_-'. on I-’ii'!ay. Mr !’:'.-in h t.-ol; tic 1.1oun-i- tiiat ti;.- r-> .lu- t: .);^ of ’I'" .-ii: 1 ’!• w- i'- 1 nd' idi. .1 in the I> II! .-r.-rie I'ltt rni f'.;’ th-' puip.-'e ot o.//;/y/.o/ tho ./A', . — wliit wa' th'- a':oni'hini-nt of ilu- p "i i" wi; n d tninv t .!d th- in th.it the !ii'n aii'l '- l.t: .11 l.iw' had boi-n ^wept fi 111 t’le .~f,i;nt. 1: .k- "/'o 'y \- .ir,' a-ro.” (hi ,,it'ir.l ly. h w.-.-r, .'Ir. I-'rem h eanic ■nr .'ii-.ii-ly in f.\.T . l’t!i.' right of ,-e(-'-'- 'i'!i. d miny ; ;nt '! oat to the i-i-.iw l til'' ditleien.-o 1 twti n lie- |'"'iti-.n ,i' eon- t. ndo.l f .r by .'Ir. I'n-ie h and that a' a- gri-.-.I upon ! y 11 '11. d.iun ' (I > .I hin. ami niaiiv otl'o'--. 'I h- W hio ha\e h I'i truly a proud timr of it. .'Ir. I!.ink' wa-i h. ere.l thr.inghout. .'Ir. hr- Hell W.I' chcere.l •nn bv(/( nntH. >• much for his >peaking in the Upp. r ell'l of K"hi ,-on. Ills subj. et Wa.' an unfortunate (uie, or hi' fite ///}///Mi;'ve bi-i-n diflereiit. doininv Ihiiik' of ('um- berl.iii'l i' the or.itor f'lr our crowd'—;kii1 >cott an i (Iraiiani wdl he the men to '/ei I'Ur Vote>. 1 lie -///»/// shi/,- (ieller.d ( an t shilH' ill Ilobi-son. W e h.lVe I|o U'C inf V.-Ull.ec tree,- idols, w lull an opportunitv i,~ gi\"ii to eh i-t a true n.itioiial ]iatriot. Ihtnl lilt.—Th" f.illowing is a copy , of a hand hill jmsted up in all the con- i sjiii-n.iii' I'lacis in tho ,-ity of .'I.im hoter, Ni'W I lamp.'Iiire, at the time (leii. I’ierct; p.i.'.^i-d through that place on his return from Me.xico. 'j'he reaih-r \.ill see th.at ien. I’ierce's fainting in fh'' battle, as the lociH ratic jiajiers conti-nd, were not made fne subject of merriment, im-rely becau."e In' has bei'ii noniinated for tin' 1 *residencv, hut were puhlii ly ridiculed by his own iijighhor.s on his return from Mexico: ‘‘I he agents ot the several eorpor.ations in this city are earnestly rei|uestel to pro hibit their contractors ti'oni blasting anv stone on 'I hursday, the 'iTth inst., while the cars containing the remains of the gal lant I’ierce, who tell ill the attack upon the (ity of .'lexieu, are jiassing through the (dty; lest, in eunseipieiiee of some con stitutional dillicnlty, the (Jt-iieral should i.iint again.— IrmiLliu Iti/losifor//. Ijiii'fi' \iilil.—\\ e learn that (iiiun'ral 1 Alexander .'IcII.ae laised ihi.s yeuv, n iiefy j buslu Is (d Corn on one acre of ground, at his place near this town. This yield will ; be hard to beat anywhere, and shows whut I may be done by proper cultivation, even , in this section.— \\iliniinjtini .hntrmd. i I)i iil Ja'Ki m a! nxhiiK/fon.— I)uriu''’ the last (juarter the l*ost ()(liee Department : announce that they have opened one mil lion and a jUarter dead letters, from which the J)epartment obtaiiuMl over eleven thou- suml dollars.—hifdliije.ncitr. ! An eastern ex( hange commenting on the ■ siiigidar cireum.'tanee that a number of ' ( inciiinali young ladies hav«* rect'ntly | b(!en “married and carried away to other j . places,” .say.s no city has a h dteV claim to | 1 t’ur this universe. j FKOM TUK BICUMOND WIIIO. SIGNS IN 'nil': WES'r—MOIIE SIG.MNC? OFF! In Kanawha, the only county in the State in which, so far as we have observeii, the * riocofoc-os have ventured to publish \"igi!ance Committees—tho Coniniittoe- men irfni’t sticli. W e have heretofore juib- lished the cards of some dozen or more, w ho dc( lined the honorable duties assigned them—their “feelings being imdined an other way;”—and today we give ele\en more—making in that cuinty alone, more converts to Whiggery than all the deser tions from us in all the rest (d the State. And what is remarkable and encour.iging i-;, that the accissioiis the Whigs are from the rank and file of the’ democracy —from th(! jiatriotic ami honest masses, w ho seek no ofliee, but are going for the good of flit! counl"y—:iih1 it i-"! tair to pre- >iime thi'y represent the tceling and ten dencies td' their (dass; while the defectioii.s /kdii the Whigs consi.st mainly of di.-^ap- pointed ollico-scidci'rs, who carry no one with them and whose de.sertion is a ile- livei ance. A stronu: and united pull gives us the victorv! 'I'l* woik, then, W liigsl and let us redeem our idd St.itel 'J'Ih* thing >ni be done—it iinist be ,one. ^l:u.^I TiiK K\.N\wn\ iu:ri iii.(c\x. sTii.L TiiiA cii.mk: W’e siisjiect the jjcaders ot the I’ierce party in this county will Ik* forced to ap point u commitfie to hold their \ igihitice ('ommittee before the canvass is ovci'C [ K.ir tin- Keinililicrtli. Moi rii i>K S\.M'AY. Kan. ’o., I .’'I'pt. 11. 1.I NK.UrnN: W(‘ lilld tli;it our Peino- cratic friend' have .appointed us on their ('ommittee of \ ii;ihiiu‘e tor this ( oiinty. 'I'heV. of Cour>e, I ,\pcct us to be vigil.lllt; in till' tillV sh.ill not be disaj.pointed; hut thev mu't ti'if think hard of us. it we pre fer to In' viL'ilaiit for the country, rather than the I)., ni..cratic party, an.l fir the brave old patriot and s'd lier, wh-' wa- viuilaiit for us wle ii -^. nie of u> were in our ni.iihi rs’ arni'. rather than f-.r the pre- M-nt ^ :inkee ('.-indid.ate of the l>cmocraey. In f.ict, >ir. /'■ (»/■' iii'iil "J “ A'li'lt'I'll mill I' llli S nth'ru fi'limis. (;i;i')i:.i: li. W II.1.1 \M I. IIIM'M AN, W I 1.1,1 \ M II N KS. W \l K. .l; \ ll \ M. lilA.I WIIN K1 I K!;i:. .Kdl.N Kl i'KiiiL. [I' -r t!ic Kali.-iwlia r.i piil.lif in. Kvs\«ri\ 'ii.. .sii-j,t IT. Is.'.-J. .'It:. N: \vrnN — h nrSir: I le.irn from a fri.Hi I that I iiave bcvii app. inli d on the I). mo.-'at;e ( .minittif .-t \ ::_dal;.’.' for thi' ('"Unty. 1 inu>t d. i-line the app ■iiitim nt f «r two rca>"ii.': I'li 't. II. i-aU'--tin re''.ire no I’iine im II in my ri _i 'ii ! be vigil.mt ■ \oi; an.l, M eoli'l. 1 . -. all'. 1 = \pi et on till' m ea>ion to - I it all o\i-r f'..r Seott. mv'elf. \ oUl '. ti u! V. IKi; I'uM.V. KsN’"II\ I’.i . \ \ IJlNt.N' I'!'!.. I .'i-l iii'.i-r I'.'lli. 1.I Mn Nh.vvrti.N—l'"ir Si. : I’ermit u* t • inf’.'iin tho ••t'l-ntral I >i nioi rat a- \ igdinco Coininitt'« thr. e.^h the i-.ihimi;' ..f tlie III pul .11;. ' that t'or the very be>! of i‘ i>- 1'. Wo caiiip.t wdl ii >t —.11.1 i I tho I Ieeti..,i l-f 'Ii '-1'. I'iereo all I K’.i'i:'; and. in.'t-a 1 of’ biin_ing I lein .era I ;e \ .t's t. the p.ili', \VK ir-ir dei laif. that for Iiur- 'clve-, we (-aiitiof h lid our own votes or .nflu' til l' ;i:_'-aiii>r the ehamni-'ii' of onr ••wh'-!'.' I iMirrv. " 'ir. we nmr in ti 11 1 t'l 'Up! "1 t .'^ > '(>11’. i IJ 11 .'I. and tho r.\!».\. 'I'he wl’.ole I nion, we arc t'ullv poi'U -h i, will b.- ] -rfi ttly .“afe un- d' r till- I ..nfr >1 .f him wh-i h:',' s ' 'jal'iaiit- !v d t.-n.h- 1 onr eoinmon country at the N ir'ii and at tlu S 'Uth—and who ii,i' e',. r pro'.: 1 hini'oll lei.lv t'l rpili hi.' life s hl,:o,'| at tin- f lot -if the Fl,ig Staff that ,'o proii'ilv !.o,.,r' ah'ft the ^l.irioU' St.-U' and S:rij ■' ..f the h.n l of the iininort il W .i.'h- mu'! '!i, aii-1 o.ir wTthv anee-itor' 1 11 \\VK,iKl» »'A1’.T, iom: \i» l Airi. .\1'.\M r \K r. KK'll.MlIi I' C.M’.T. 7'In S:jit-.'—'I'he \\ big caii'e i' evi dently I'll the ri.'i . 'I'he .'i_Mi' arc c\erv wlere cheering. d’he Whii: jires-i pm- ehiini it—the neutral piess conlirm it — tin- L-icofi'co pros feel it. 'I'hiTe i' n.» nii.'- take about it. gi-ntleiiian from lii'liana say.-^ the enthu.'ia'iu for .'“'cott in all the .North W est, sur|ia.''cs the furor of l>4il for IIarrion. 'I'he iioco.'.-uricmh r Penn sylvania— New ^’ork i.' con.-idereii certain hv W hig. and not niU( h eoutc'ted by ii.ico>. 'J’he \\’hig ,'^tatcs of .Vew I'higland .are .'.-ife and xiIMkI. In the .'^outli, Scott is gainiiiL^ daily. 'I'he prejudices, caii.'cd by Loeofoeo f.ibrications and inconsiderate hig', are rapidly di'appearing before tin- light of truth; and every day the obscure Free Soih-r fr un Vankte land—where ne groes vote and hold ofVice—is losing ground. Tlien^ i.' an upward luovenient all around. Ail .-^ee it—and none feel it more kcM'lv th an the Iji'cofocos.—It ii'lininii'l II ///’y. 'I'iie Uev. A. '1'. I'oss, in a letter of the ’i.'ld ult. published in the Kichmond Whig, says, “As so much is being said of niy stand ing in society, it will not be improper fu- me fo say, that I have resiih'd in the State of N(w Hampshire for the last twciitv years. 'J'hat I have been a member of a regul.ir Calvinistie Hajitist Church, and an accredited .'linister of the Baptist denom ination during that time. I have ofton served as .'I'lderator of A.soeiations, Con ventions, V;e., iVc. in ls4:{ [ preached, hy a]ipointinent, the annual sermon before the New Hampshire Mapti.'t State Convention. I have also been c;illed to jireach ()rdina- tion sermons, Dedication sermons, and all kinds of sermons. I am now a ri'gular member td’a l>a]ifist Church, and a recoir. i nized Haptist .'Iinisft.'r in good standiiii'’ never having received church or ecclesias tic ci-nsure or reproof.” “I trust it is nut neces.sary to say, ] never stole a hor.se; and the nearest I ever came to getting into the State IVniteiitiary Was this: 1 have a brother who is an td'- ticer in the New Hampshire State Prison .ml once, on hi.s invitation, 1 preached a sermon to the convicts. “My friends here are moving, and they will furnish the eviilence of my standiinr and the estimation in which I am ludd in the community, to the South. One thini' which the Pierce p:ip(,*rs say of me is most true—I am an anti-slavery man, full, clear and earnest. 1 have never, however, said stronger things against slavery than Cleneral J’ierce. 'I'he diffen'iice between us is this; He speaks anti-shiverv f(»r Nortl-ern i^ars, and pro-slaverj for S^uuth- ern ears. I proclaim anti-slavery c/vr, ani upon the house-top.” A WKFIK I-ATKR FHOM EUROPE. The steamer Canada has arrived with Liverpool d:itC8 to the 18th instant. l^)litical affairs in England tnnl France were generally f|uiet. Tho most impor tant item of intelligence is the death of the J)uke of Wellington. GRAND RAIJ.Y. A Mrnss Mccfin*r of the friends of the gallant old Jfero^ infield. Scott vnrite Son, W/n. A. Graham, will \ J)f’ held in the loivn of ta\\ette- \ OJSSKRViTJ' c frananl oul I urn, rr ,^ y^Y:£Ta''i:Tm-i..' , and of Sorth ('arohna's fa- j TIESDAY, mMU ], jv;, J-: II if.—The Duke of Wellington i Thursday, the 2\ tit Octo-\ died on the 14th of an apoplectic fit. His ^ I©'.*) funeral was to be a nath.nal aflair. I’rince i ‘ • .i ,i ■ Albert, the Duke (d‘('ambriilge, and Lord I A number of tlie most distinginshe J | I'itz Iloy Somerset are already named as , Orators and Statesmen of Nortli Carolina ; likely to be hi.s succes.sor as head of tjic : |,.,ve been invitel to attend, many of whom | WHIG 'rK Ki'Vi’ for prksii.k.nt dona. Haralson, J. ('. Dloeker, Army. Lord Mahuii was appointed his ; literary executor. The Jiomlon morning Herald is autho rized to say that IVru will re.si.st any ag-j gres.sion upon the Lobos Islands. None j but \es.sels under contract with the Peru- ; vian (Jovernment will be allowed to load with guano. AH others amdioring iu the , roadsfcu.ls of the I.'Iands will be conti.s-! U,.^.f,,r M NeiII, catel. and if guano is found on board the ; MeDanicl, captains and crews will be prosecuted tur j Fvans, robbery. i Henry Hlliot, i’arliameiit would meet on the 11th ot J.din l'iVans, Novi'iiibi*r. I }{. W. Kubiiison, A Sjiaiiish war steamer for the di feiice j j '\| WjHiaii.s, (d’Cuba had been hiuin lied on the lhames. .lohnson, Jr. 'I'lu- harvest was generally over, anil had j Fdliot, proved an abundant one. /John .'IcKay, The ship-ol’-the-liiie Windsor Castle, of , |. Hd guii-i, was I.iniK Ill'll at riyinouth in ' jf "Vf 'ru,ner, the juesi'iice ot .'{(I,(Mid .'pictators. ; s; Stewart, Frnni'.— Luui.' Najioleoti has com-' Murchison, meiiced his tour through the Provinces. ! ^ j A petition was cin ul.tting in Paris among >1, I^ean the poorer ( hi'ses, addressi'd to the Senate, , \l^.x (Iraham jiraying a resforarion of the Ivii[)ire. In j. j,' n plv to an addrcs> in t.ivor of the Imperial y 'Icl);iflie Ui'irinie. the Pre.'ideiit made the t'dlow ing significant reply: "When the general in- ti-rest is at >take. I emh-avor to anticipate public ojiiiii'ifi; luif I follow it in a c.ise whiidi ni.iv apjiear to involve my personal interest.” Ll \ I., S' pti mher 1 'I’he sfi'aiin r (’.uiada .' news had a favor- a! !e cfh et nil the ( "tfun ni.irket, ami c.aused .1 largo 'peculative demand, but the -\tiantie’> ;idviees d' pn .'.'ed the niarkot. .Uld the iinprov 1 nieiit wa'mainly lost. A model lie i.ii'im ii.id b.-en doin', and the i.n'.v 1 haiiu'.- in prices :it tic clo.'c wa> an .id\aiice of I-IClI, in middling ( hle.iii.'; '■tin r Ijilalitits Wire firm. The .-ah' i-f the W'-ik Wile lll.’I.id I'.llev, of which it is ex[M'cted will be present. A cordial welcome is extended to all, without distinction of party. COMMin'KH OF AUK.VNGK.MK.NT. Henj’n Robinson, .1. D- illiams, John Harma)i, T. U. I’nderwood, W. .lun .'pi en! it"i' fo.'k IT b ill '. 'I'he .'I .■.(;r..(i"t) b.-i!o. 'J’he ijiiof-iti ( (r'e.;ris ti i'l.. middling ;*>jd • iji].. mi.idling •'•id., t.iir middliii” !•- i '>-1. ,1 ii'», .and l.iv exporter.' ■p'li'l wa' II' are; I'air fair Mol.ile plaiid?- (id.. m:\v work. .It ,'r I I ni.i.'iiKii, I.ivrs »t \S iiilicM Scott :i!i(l .\n- tirevv .l:ick'"ii. I'V J. '1'. 11 i;.\iii,i,v. I \id. 1 _'iii" . wirli rurrrait'. I’lii- t’.'riii with •*Na|..'Ic-'II ati-l lii~ M;ir.'h;il'.” si S' till- .|, i-j.i niii'r>'".:'>ii.' I'll tiii’ir till- tiiii.' ll! \\ .i-iiin,^t-.ii. riicv *1. itli Jirtiicvc.l a !.ri. ,i.-iiit r.-j.iitali-.ii in tlie vv.-ir of I''!"-', hii.| Hall, J. McL iui hlin, Ij. S W'. (I. .'lojlimald, A. D. .M. Lean, W. 'J'. Smith, Foster .'l a^i'ti, I’. 1). Smith, .''tewart Pipkin, Jas. P. il'idges, ('. .'luiiroe. Jas. ,'Ie( liivary, JiM-1 Williaiii', J. .'IcKellar, Jose ('iirver. Jr., A. Aldvii, I-:. J. H lle, W. A. Ilu'ke. K. C. Hall, K. I'ullcr, W in. I). Wright, (I. I. Lee, T. J. Joliiison, Jno. Fi'it, W'. 11. Sikes, J. K. MeDonald, AieX. .'laXWeil, J. II. llawhy, John Ml I','.dVeil, Will. J . .\ndi r.'on, T. J. M 'binson. A. K. Hall, K. Ii. Pe'niberton, A. W'. Steel, J. \V. Sandford, (’has. Lutterloh, W. Mcli.turin, !•:. J. Lilly, 'J'. J. Curtis, J. W. Draiinin, J. rtley, iM. McKinnon, (’. I{. .Mallett, X. A. Stednian, A. S. lirown, Will. 'I'.iylur, J. 1?. 'i're.y, Jr. W. Draughon, K. L. ^Vin^h)w, (>. P. Stark, J. T. (lilliam, , C. W. Andrews, I >a vid .'IcNeill, John I'illiot, J. .\. IVmbi’rton, A. S. McNeill, Win. Shaw. John A. Williams T. V. White. J. W' Matthew.s, Arc'd McLean, J. W. Weleh, L. J. Hash'p, i:. Dodd, II. C. Lucas. '\ in. II. IIaigh, J. .Maulr.'hy, Jas. Hanks, 'I'. M. Sack'-tt, Israel Dodd, JJryaiit Askew, John Owen, .lidin Laurence, J. Hrook'bank, J. D. .'IcArthur, John P. .'IcLean, ^V. A. Kvans, W III. K. Holton, lilih/ n OF NEW .II;I!.s|.;y FUIl VICK I-I!F>Ii,i.\t IIO.\. \\]\. 1. (ill OF NOKTII '.\l{(ii.|.\^' For Electors: FOR TIIK ,TATK Vr I,\r, j. HENRY W'. MILLKU. District No. 1. (JKOKCi: \\. 1; “ t:. natm.wiki, iio'vi,;;; “ :>>. JOHN W. I'AMKIu.f “ 4. H.\L1>1I (i01:|;Ki.[/' “ “ 'j- K. N,\,s|[ “0. M. \V. “ 7. .lOlIN \VI\>ij,\v “ H. F. H. S.V'rTKI-JliWuTf I “ D.WIW .V. ‘ * I LkTTKK.S FUOM (ilnv. (ili.MiAM , I F. Muohf, Ksr^.—'We rcfi-riiurri,!,],.;' I the two letters from the.-^e di^tiii-nii;. t W'hig.«, to the M ass Mectiii:: ut .'•ru'.v I X. C. They are copied from ll,^. p] ; ' W’hig, wdiich contains several lit;;, rl- '.. which we regret our inability t.itii,]- I for. The letters fivm ( J"v. (;r;ili:.n,,. j j Mr. Muore are among the Tiiu-t al.^ ehnjuent which the jireseiit cuiiiji.ii produced. ■ T aiel .!ui 'k'..h arc In re j.lacc.l top.tlier tlie twii iiiililary men wli.i have nia.le !'i '’ iiiii'r>'".!'>ii.' I'll tin-:r c.iiintrv .sinee I Hkwauk of Fjiattis. Tllc inrm’Nc. Congress of each party apj»'iiutc.U, j mitfee of .sevt-ral meml.( rs, t.i nn.,’- j Washington til! the I’residi ntial K'. ■' I and jirepare, print and distribute th:. j the mails, under their frank, ^utli ■: I mcius as might be calculattd teas'. • 1 election. It is said that ihi.-:. is an im... j business, employing numerous writ'-’-- ! clerks, and that ot cour.'c huii'ir. • ! thousands of such docuuieiit.s are '. ed over the land. The reader will at"j : eiate the importaneo of an horn ,s.‘ di' I of the duties entrusted to sucli a coir; I tee, tif men who ouyht (o he huuorab!: j W’e learn that a few days ago al ’ hiishr! tif such documents came tiir. [the maiis to one individual of tlii;’i ' (^f course they are to be distributt.' him in this part of the country, (h. them has been handed to us hv a Hu ■ into who.se hands it fell. It is t-u'- “memoir of (ien. Scott, from llci- temporaneous with the Events;” aui ' cupies 32 large page.s iu small fvf>o. We have tiot had time t'j rcaJ it our attention ha.s been drawn t'» tlir l'_v till' l..itt\ -- ..1 I iiiiipi-w:!. Niagara. .\ew Or- li-:i?i'. etc.. j;a\e tlieir c..nnti-_v ;i rcpiitatinn at In.me .-m l .ll I-.a.|. :uii| tlioiif:li ditferiiij: wiilelv ill '..iiic ••liar.u leiisti.-s. tln-y were .'iniilar in iiihers. 'llie .-lutlior li.is not imlv sketehed the I'i.'L'rapliy l.t e:n-|i. Init his jriven a t'aithfni and ^'^aph^■ ili-M-riptioii ..I' the l.rilliaiit hatlles in whi- ii till-y wt-re ei'^-i'je.l. The >.i.-)rraj.hy nf " iiitiiM 'tt. whieh ••on>tiiuie.-- the ^:ri-ater {.art ot the \-.;iiiiie. i'i full aii'l aiitficiilie. the iii.-iterial.' t'..r it hii\iie' lieen I’t-rixe.l fi'.ni puh lie '|..i-uiiieut' arel t’l.-m iii:in_v .flieer> wln.i liad ^•r\l•i i;i; ler .''e.itt. It presents tu the reader a''.. ;i j.aii.ii.-iinie view nf the tirilliant eainpaljrii III Mi-xii.'. i-inhra.-iii;: the ,-.t..riiiiii'.: an.f eapit- ii'al:..ii of \ i-ra I're./. the h.-ittle-^ uf l'ei ro li.ir- li". I l.iii-iil.ii,'.'.'. r..ntrer:i'. M.ilin.i do! Key. ( h.-ipn’iteper. .st .riiiiii;: i>t Mexio.i. Triumphal lliilry. w .th ileM-ripti.in et' tfie seeiiery. personal inei.leiit'. etc. The :iulh"r h.-is tally sus.|:iinoJ the I i-j.iit:itii.n ae.Jilin- 1 hy •■.Napn!*'..n hiuI his .NIarshals, ' aiul i.tluT w.>rk>;. et' which uver lilKI.OOO v.iliiiiies have heen suM. FRANK FU1:K.M\N'SH \1JHI:K-S11i)1>. A Tall* I'lir tlu“ Siiiith ami Xorth. l»y l!cv. 1>. R. Hall. Author of‘•.'^oiuf- thing for I^\erybody," ••New Purchase, " iVc. I vol. I’Jino. 7-»c. ^I'^lll.'' Work, while it advocates tlie cause i>t' I the .\triean. wi.iiM .In justice t.i the Sinjth. It WiiuKl .-luakeii fi/iii/iitl/it/. hut imt I'xeite i-ralh. iiiir turn pH>/ tor the inl-> vrn/eanr>' a^;ain>t ihe not iiii ulcate under I pi eteiiee ut’ /••n anil /'/-«"A-w. It wmil.l h.ive /.!»-.• dll the wi.rk of /inh. It will he marked with tlu‘ ehaiai-teri.'f!es of the iiutlier: so well kieiwii to th" puhlie hy his previous M..rks, uf wfiiiin it was sai.l in the puhlicatinu iif ••The New I’uii-haso. ’ th.-it “lie was master of niatiy stvles. ale! ha.l steppi-.l tu the hiuhest ruun.l of the l.-idder at cnee. " The work i no defeueo Ilf slaM-iy; hut it woiiM he a hohiiirt-ir/iicl. nut t.i ^tl•p. hut tu c..iieentrate, ei|nali/.e. and direct other iiiutiiiiii. It treats the iiltraifiii ot the .North to tile /,/ tulonii^. The wiiter vitnesse.l iiiueh that he ih serihes, ainl real per.siius are intrudueed under new names, so that the wurk, vvhile it will pussess tho interest uf fiction, is nut only true tu Hie. hut in many ul its scones and characters is true in tact. Will he [lublislied in Uetoher. Cll.\Uld',.S SCHli5Ni:il. I’aik Row :iii'l 1 l-'i Nass.tu st. N. I!.—-I-’.itl or of these works will he t'or- warded hy mail iirepaid) tu tie- address of any party sendiiij; the i>rices anno.xod. ht. 4. 31-lm “(;i-;r tiik in-'.sT.- ' WEBSTER’S (iWHTO DKTIOXAUY I .\ .V It IC I »,; i: |». I'BfK'i: BSi:i>i to !s.« oo. ^ 10NI.\lNIN(i Illlll.K TI.MF..'^ the matter ^ ^ touud iu any other Knglisli liietiomirv ■ comjiiled in this country, or any .\hridgment of this work; :i tieo^raphieal 'i'ahle of I'J.OOO Names, Illustrative l^uotations, and other pecu- ! liarities and adv.-intajres found in no other work, j Vet is sold at a triffing aiivance ahove tiie price ! of other and limited l»ictiunarics. i l^rasuiu' Evaii>, Alc.v. .'IcAli.'tcr, Jr. III’-h lllf ■/' the ahiir f 'uttun itf)‘e l. I rijiii sfi 'I. Ilf /Ilf }-'il i/f 1/i‘tll/f Until, OH 'TImr.'>l>ii/ th' ~th (hliilii'r, at 11 A. M. >nss )ii:i:ri.M; i\ .miip.siin ((h.mv. The friend.'of .'laj. ticn. Wintidd S^ott and the H 'li. W lu. A. (ir.iham in the ,iQ^j.,g passage, which duultlc.'.' counties of J.ihnstim, Wayne, Cumberland, of the whole:— Dujdin and Samp.'on will Indd a Mass Perhaps no umn" ,ni,^ C.n Metting at Newton (»rove, on hriday lHUh ^^cf:rtaiuh/ uu Aoiei'icnn, of h-fuber, l A nuinln r of the distinguished (>rators and Statesmen of N.irth Carolina have been invited to attend, many of whom are expected to be pre.-ent. A cordial welcome i.s extended to all, witlu'ut distinction of party. ('mil III i'/k Ilf .1 ri'ii ln/>‘l/li ii/. Im' Sil ltljisi/)l ( 'mm ft/. Vi W ('ox. .las Tart, l>r .Inu Monk, I Hill. \V H |{r_\an. .{iilui Hutsun, ThoP W:ird. W ni House. Sr, Ji K (M'antliam. U .-V ISi/.zell. i; W Lee, riiaraoli Lee, i; (• Lee. Ivey Lee. Lvorett riiornton, Matt Murphy, O W (’ux. .1 Warrick, .lurth Cox. A l>aiightory. K W i-.»t oriiuk. .John Kayncr, Sr, M .''trickland. ]»r K L F'frkin.s, Thus liennin:;, .1 .M .Icrnigan, .''am .''inith. .tofl Jack.sijn, •Ino Tart, Myrick Tev^-, Li'v Loo. I» \V .lackson. Curtis Loo. I’cter .fackson. ,I U •lonc!'. Ihtniel Williams, Isaiah \V:irren, S .lackson. A J .lones. ,1as I) Williams, Lanc«‘tt .lones. Win .lackson, Sr, t Williiiins. .1 C W illiams, I.ovett Uilliikuis, L 1' Carr, .loel Ilutsiiu, I»r U l>awson. r>en llutsun. .luhn Matthews, Win 11 Mouse, 'Vm I law son. .1 W'esthruok, .loel I’arkor, Mu>sl-> (,'uX, Henry iiawson, (' .1 lines. lloli’t Miixwell, II I’ra/.icr. ll Mct'nlhreth, (' Gainey. '\'m Mi-Kcn/.ie. N’uel Gainey, Paniel .McKenzie, Noel .lones. hr W F Herry, .\rchy Monk. Sil.-is Herring, (ion ll l?ryan. llr Jno (hven. •) (' llraiiffhon. Thus .1 Iwen, Martin .lernigan. T»r H A Hizzoll, 1-ewis Tow. Lucion I nderwood, .1 11 Hawley, Thos K Micks, .1 W Kiijrer, Kdmond Sutton, It U liood. Islu.m Hicks, It 15 .'torisey. Jacob Newman, .tallies Oates. ]>avid Oates, l>r .1 A Hizzell, (i \\ Iiraufrlion, W Itussell, 'Vm Iiurden, 'I'hos I'mierwood, Jno I'nderwood, John (’arr. AV H Warren, n !•: Carr, O .-V Monk, 'V 11 Herring, Thos 15ryan, lien Harjirove, 'Vm Ashford, Ttios Ashford, S U Ireland. J C Slocumb, Jethro Oates, .1 L ('liftoii. O.-ites S Lewis, C Harrison, 1’ 1? Troublefield, ■\ 1$ I'arbroy, Owen Hargrove, 11 M Herrin jr. J W Williams, -Vilen IJlackburn, Hiram IViackburn. We are rcipicsted to state that W hig Free Rarbecue will be yiven on Sa- I tht' calor ami hfoml of /rishinm as * Many nf th» m ntnrclifil mn/ ti'H'jhl my inmmmiil in the ?f(er1 ^i J-'l' mum/ mon—thoKbumU in tli> /•.. ic ith M> .rico, not oiif' uf vli'Hii r > Icmni'n to turn his Lad.- nj^oii tic ■ a frit nd.” Jam, (iciitff'mm, with n rif I'nidiui’ spi-rt, WL\FlELi> .Hd'IT.I “And yet tliis man hung a win' pany id’ lifty Irishmen c.illed St. Ri legion, by platK»ns, for de.'crtiii: standard and fightitig f.>r the 'iti. ih>; recent irnr with Mcx co! I loubt these deluded men were jii.vi;, I demned; but there might .■«iiiiK‘tti::.j ' the motives of their de.sertim: toti^- I ate their crime. They de.sertcd : a--* ard to which they were invoktJ I'V religious faith, and they dcfctuliHii: tield with a courage which e.vtorti'iJ pj from even their deeply provoked vunijii crs. 'I’hey fought after the 3hxiaii-' Heil, with the enthusiasm of theirs.'- when the Cross was their only The conduct of these men ni;iJe trt half at least of what Scott .si; > i f lu.ii his letter—tliey' did not turn tluii'i- on him a.s “an enemy,” altln.u^rb t: to w hich they were consigned j.r .';-' ho must have condemned them t'r'^' ing him as a “friend.” They ■' under Scott’s orders the hiLdit^'!’/ that the martial law could iiifiiit, four or live of them, and aiii'i'i:” Riley, their leader, from the fait t!u: had deserted iu time of peace, e - be brought under the death The.se were burned in each chocK^ hot iron and scourged to tho last es'”' with the ctit. The rest, aln'Ut number, were hum: i» platni'ii^ ' stated. No commutation of sent''' allowed, nor was the rem.nkal'I'.* , Riley the ringleader and scdueif , rest, was nece.'^sarily permitted t' yWr, having deserted before the fered to operate in favor of theJ»l’ this more intelligent and spirit. This strange exception tinguishcs this execution fieiii tliiit-'^-^ Spanish vengeance which delight-''"' mas.sacre.” The facts in the ahove paragr;i]'li-^^ iis the tlefenn' of thi' - abu.se of the time-worn and | - • ' Mj-'* veteran patriot are uijuinou--- ■ W^hilst this committee ot the the ‘ii “Without rc.serve jualitication, the host turdav of (he Stijierior (’ourt week of Rob- ^'^^‘0 party attempts to cxcuf^c t n /‘re.ii'triit \\'in/t,iiii/. ••It tar oxeel.s all others "! ’’ '* • -'L Lean, near Altords- sorter captured in the ranks oi 111 giving and defining .«cientitic terms.”__/v^.«. nurhrock. - The standard wherever the Kn.r- li.sh • - - - and Ian jiorspicuity sreat iniprovemont on all which have preceded.”—/V,-.«. lintr.- I'atroiiage.’’—\\'„odK 1 ville. (Icn. AVinslow, the Elector for the 7th 1. is .s,Miken, it .leserves to bo, must ho, is, Di.'frict, and ^le.-^sr.s. Hai-h and Ranks, 1 Will Ik\ —I ntf Sioire, “An houdr to tlw % * ♦ *. I'l ♦ i *i' 4 • rspicuity, and accuracv. not f.mud i» ,iuv f"*' Loliesoti couuty, will be pre- ,er.”_/'n... /Mv. “A creat ininrove.ii....t^Vmte onf'! coine all!” John W' ^ Cameron, Esq., the Whig .'miMo ami reiiaf.ie of tho i Elector for the Third District, will address -—I res, heevlu'r^ /V«w. Litrr*ibre^ i »i 1 W'Htr, /Vm. Uoo/.ifv, /Itiinctian/, 7'w. “ fighting against the country wli*'* _ he had received, and which he w.i to defend,—it has not one ir»r'h'^ .i cation or e.xcuse for the gre*'' I whose deeds in that same c:iiiip'‘'.-j^“ e-1 his country with renown, au* f hi.' ^iiiil/i, Pren. I\nox, an>l ('huncetlor Frfliiiifliui^xi n. I’uhlislied liy G. &, C. Merriam, Springfield, Mass.-ichusotts. For sale hy K. J. H.VLK & SOX, Fayotto- ville; and hy Hooksellcrs gonerallv. Sept. l!:i, 18r>2. ' L’'.i*:3t C hecL's Jar atile here. world with admiration country’s jirowe.ssi H repl' .Mhciiiarle, Stanly, Friday. “ 8tli. ('oncord, raharrus, Saturday. •* Pth. I.incolnton, Lincoln, .Momlay, •• lltli. Ihillas, Gaston, Tuesday. •• l;;fli. ( harlotte, Meekl'g, Weilnosday* IStli. -Monroe, I'nion. Friday, •* lotli. 'N ado.>l)ori>’, Anson. Saturday, “ liJth. Kockiiifrhain, Kich’d Tne.sday, “ Itlfh. Carthago, Moore, Tuesday, •• 20th. a cruel tyrant, who would aiin''* tenuation, but liaujrod every I"'' whom he could wriak his vcn-‘ "' the vengeatice of the law- -fi.rtlief^'’ not told that Gen. Scott w;i' cuting the well known hiW Not the merited punishment iiion', tli^' hu'

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