f. ■’'I th- 1 tii t* . V '^" 'f r','* •nj "itl, >*n| '‘IN • g- d VKMa' and t’’*' If .. ‘ ' il.,n '‘'"•>tC>l 'u! ■ ■ '> It,'"’ . . ■' i.i. *•' lli’Tsf • I I»8( i\ ’'I; '■ -irc.-r, : 'he y -\ - hfr '• -r,i ^■■•rir.i irrr^ v>- l.tV, - Hvii.kv '-'f r»iLs. -. Vun-h J 1 li :. \'Nn'! tlf [^t- per month, h V X \* \i : • bt- V 'J lllf lit ,rc ;iT he T.tii e*.K U‘ a*n: i)i; o. :oc'' ih- ws; fff^: . i'T> ch :• voi fU,i }H: i' ' j»n ; ii«l •■ ■ t*ii : I' till |M*' l.li a."i- )>i I tc-l. lit !• •,’.i\l' (.1 )()!»>• _ , , .\;-| N Fi M I - W E E It L Y. FAYF/r rFA lt.t.K, N. C., FEURrAUY 21. 1R53. [XO. 171.] MFDKWL xoricr: 1> H. THOS. IIAl.L n‘«j>rctfully of- \o\. no |.i;i\i‘i:i) nv .1. n. \kwhy. i;i)\V\l!l) J. llALi: & SOX, ANU t’ii(»lM!ir.T(!i:s. •klv (iisKit\ Kii 00 it')>ai,l in if j';»i'l (hiriii;! tlio yi'ar i>f ^iull,«L•^•ip- ;: ;tli>' _\oaf has exi'irt-il. im;-: K\ KU >•_’ 00 per aumiiii. if piii-.l in j ■ : 'f p ii.l iliu iui; the year of su'>sori]>- ’••1' tin' year has exjiiri'd. 'iMl'NTS iii'ierteil fnr >i\ty cents:! per { the tirst. aii'l thirty rents for caoh j It II. Yearly a^h erti't'iiiont' by sj.e- ! ■ t T'e.M''"iiahle rates. A'lvertisors arc -t ininil;er uf insertions .losireil. or iilM'.ue l t;’l forhiil. atnl ehar^O'l ar.-nfi). 1 '^.'r t' the K'litors must Vo ))ost-pai'i. i »i*. T. l». ll \g,;ii [■ AS taken an Office on llay Street, \V( I I. Hotel IUnhliii};!. July 14, Book hlxdicry. THOS. H. TILLmOHAST, Anderson Street. Sopt. s, ir>:,:2 24 i’mu U. M. OiikKLL, forwiiiimm: i’iihmisskin iii:iini\M at Mnrvh 10, ISol. (VJ-tf A lnrir‘ (jiianlily ol t'orn, Rvo, I’cas, aii'l Flonr, for Sfle by STKDMAX & IIOIIN'K. I'fb'y Id. (iU-lf PIANO FOK SAI,!-:. VSK('()N1»-M ,\>1» 1’1AN(\ of gtiotl tone, .\pplv at tiiis Ollice. Keli'y 17. i amIia i'Lorur~ l'.(’l.l\ I'.l) thirt iliiy, nti4 for hv IUyANSON .lOHNSON. Fcl.'v r W. JI. iWMWAi, DKAl.KIl IV (I rorc/irs, (ind Prorisio/ts. iWMii.v I’i.orij. I' HU llarrels superior runiily l-'Ir)ur. Harrels ^ clluw I’lantiiif; Potatoes. j'or ii:u. W. U I],LIAMS Fcli'v 17, r.'ttf Also, 40 sale hy ( (»! ti'.Uf f; !(!\s ( I M !U'J{ I. A M> C'O AL. I ; t' ' ui'iK. I'i tiin5 I’.lacksmith rt).\l,. ^rJ per t^n. le’ivereil at IIAI.I. .'c r.tH.l.lNCKK. 7i>-:U m \ (• \i;n. \ li.l, havin'.! taken the h«>n : :i' 'n'i't - StiTe. sci'unil •si -I.Irc'l aii'l ouM lie . a « irl) S . n-'l ''\ the v over Me-i^rs. '•r tVoiii ll;ir- :i'I to aecoin- k or month. Dr)/ (ioot/.'s, ;>1 (ioov from N. K. cnrncr .Market SnUaip. next lo I) (ice s Hat Store, (treen street. K.WKTTEVILLK, N. (’. f.-ji'-.Vil kin*ls of I’rocluce taken in excli,mre tordoods l eWy .‘i, K-'.'.:!. i;,,Y WOIM'H vS: KLl.lO'FT, ~ (sr KSSOIIS TO J. 1>. AVII,M\>IS.) RMtWAltDINC ,t COMMISSION M Kill'11 ANTS, FAVI’TTKVII.I.K. N. 0. ('M I) .vT.V.M) «U' M.VI.f. ,t .IdllNsnN.) :tp,l \l roli SAi.i:. ri nearly new. .Npi’v to I., \ .1.’ A. ri:.Mr.i;i:T(»N. Toif I, \Ni) si'/r ru:. u -j^liip i-iiil liy it> own liniit;\tion I M.iv. we Av.,u' 1 repeetfii’ly say to ;M;vr I'V i;"te or account t ' c.ill ainl J. \\ OK I'll.J Fehruarv l*i, lS-> [W. iM.i.io’i r. 'rriiPi.N’i'iM': axi:s, ^^F Till! follow in;i liianils: Samuel \V. Collius' t'o. II. Collins'. 1>. Siuinlons ,v Co. .lolin (ieaverett, NVilliam .Mann. For sale l)v l^!'..\NSoN ,S: .I(»1I\S»\. Fcl.'y 17. 1>.V:. f.'.i.tf \iiLLini 1. lanui. FollW .\1!1»IN«: ,\M> cn\lMl.'-;sM».\ MKP.i'llANT, WILMINGTON, N. C. FI.It.''ONA I. attention L’i'cn to the sale or shipment ot .\a\;il .''ton s. I have :niiple fiiv'ilities for coh- l:ii;_'ew hart an>! store she.l> t ro. N;i\ ;il >tore> u ill lie sliip|n-.l ! I!lt.^ >N.\ I, attention >t .\ a \ ;il .''ton s. I iluctiiijr the liusine keej. .-pii il.-. IVoMi e\| to any hoii-^e in \cw ^'..lk. or t a*K i>al*le. liber.al c;!,'!! .'tilvatirc Rm! Road to thr ('on! Fir/ds. I a meeting of the iloaril of ('ouiiiiissiouers ap pointed uiiiler tlie lute ,\ct of the (iellcl'al .\.*sClil- bl.v ihcorporatinjr the ••Western Kail Itoail Company,'’ it WI1.S orilereil tliat Mooks of siili.scriptioii to the Saiii ( onipany sliouhl he opened at the followinfi place.s, tu- wit;— .\t U iluiinjjton, nii Friday the 2’>lli of Fehrii.irv, un der the direction of the ('oininissioners nameil in tin- (Miarter. viz: Mrssrs. 1'. K. Dickinson, Thos. II. Wrl-ht, ■John Taylor, (aihert i’otter. John McUae, Sr., ». (J. I’ar.sley, .V. .1. Deiiosset, .Ir., Koht. W. Ilrowii, and D. K. M-I'ae. ■\t tlietiiilf, in ('hatliam cuuiity, on .'^aturilay the 2*>th ot Fehruary, undei- the direction of .Messis. Lau rence .I. llaiijrhton, I’eter (i. i^vans, Kv.-iuder .Mclver. and llolit -\. Stuart. • \t ('oluin)iia, Kandolpli county, on Monday the l!Sth of Fehrual'y, under the dircetinn'ni .Mev.^r:*. l.'ll. Foust, Ilan 1 llai'knev, Ileniy 15. Llliott. .John l>. Troy, and .\l)ram llrower. ■\t (ireeiishoro’, on the 1st of March, under the direc tion of .Messrs. .lames .'•^loaii, Lyndon Sv.aini, .\iidrew \\etherlv. 'i\ llliani l!;iokin, C, I’. Mcndenhal!. R. (i. LiiuNay, (ieo. Allirijrht, |ia\id F. CaMwell atid .lohu .V. (iilmer. I'looks continue Ojien, a^ her'tofore, at Favettoville. 1>I Nl'\N MrliAi'.. Chairman ISoard of Coiiimissioiiei s. Feli'y ISoIl. t;r,tt F.WI, r'l'I’.VII.I.K lliTllI/ IWllMMi; ('(HllMW. ^IIIS Comp.iny i>i now or^r.atiised and prepared tore- 1 ^thr; S'l'Aini vV W II.LIAM.S. WIIOLI'.SAI.F. DKALLi’.S IN ittui iPonH’stir tPrtf imoods, IIAV .tih:i:t, Fayetteville, N. C. J. 15. STAIti:.] [.I. ■\l ril WII.I.IA MS M'.tf i noK \ TAVLiin. 7n-t:iwM meiit'. I li ter to the Tolltiwin” di'-tiHei>; I!. Ilannuni. \S :i \ ne Ciomt v. Chandler ll.:ll. .l"liti>ton ( o , l...\ett re.U'.eU. C.ii;!- Co., !i. r.ar-i'-ii. Til..-. L. Vail. lilr.d.'U Mcs-ii's. Smith. .\ 1 ii'_'r.im, .1 oliiivton Cii.j .M.-ms. Z. .1, Ml '.'I S. .''mith \ .I' lH s. Si lli er I’.iiintaili, Ks i.. maikets if on C”n-^ifrn- favoi able AVii.V Iv II.M.L. •F. (I. .'11 Ki-iii.ni>. \\M Waudkn. S. '!'. II AWl.KV. .lolIN 1> Wtl.l.I \Ms. 15km:»\v. A\’m. .'Ii L.\t itiN. Wm. M' Imvuk. ro ( \KUl \(ii: MAKI'.liS. - ' 1 iia- IIw in store a larire and ^en- : t "f Carriaui- llul s. Spokes un i -: i ,J.' Sj rill'.:-;. .Vxles nn.l I'a-^h Iron-c. . ;!e! il a" .rtmeiit of t'arriajre Trint- . : ' I- ■'•■'1 ..n fa\oi;ilile terms. r.KVLHi.v 111'Si:. 7n-:;t ’■ifi ilf Andinn.—On 'I Imrs- \ it I’owu ll> use. tliat valuab’e .:iu 11" ‘>e occuj.ied by ,\lr .1. II. 11. I.. IIOLMI.S, Attorney at Law, Wilmingtou, N. C. I.. Mav 'JM L .pd O FFICI' ,111 corner of under .Journal ot?ice. l>ec. IJ. Fr.'iit and rrinces-'i .'■treet-. -tf u 1I.LK1N;.'; CO A. M. -'.VMl'r.F.I.L, •\ uct'r: 7i‘ts \Ri) .\M) li A('0\. I. \ T. W\1.I>1LL'S. 7"tf Al(l)O.NALl) vV M(MASri:U. IM'M.KIIS IN (I / >('( ru 1 .iijitoi's, RntntV'‘* (:iijj:spik strkkt, e'.b'W r.iiiidiiii', liftween the Market liousr and 11: i f the .''tatc, rAVi:T'ri:vii.i.i:, v. I'ec. H'. ]r2. .Mtf JOHN liANKS, ((ni^iissiiiN \\\) FiiRW UiiiiMi \i;km. Wilmington, N. C. \N. II. McKAY, Wholesale and Retail Grocer, (IriMT.il (oiiiiuissiiui \ l'or\\anli!i2 'lirciiuii!. .•••outh W .iter strift. Il do..r- below Market, 4'. I’artirii'ar att''lif. n pniu th** >m’c of ;il; kind.- I.n. ink I’re-'t '.isli'r. .. l; i\injr puri'h:i-c-I Mr. Th"';. S : ' I’i'tillery mi l ( ■ ■per-shop, bave en- rMn rshi'.i un l.’r the ii.ame . f \l.-!.aniin made t -.e purp' and t;: • "t i :irr\ iii;j m.niut.iiture •n the l'!>tille- i'f >j,irit I'l.ar- pr:.- II 1 (I ik IV MiLArniN. HM. NK I.AI l:iv. •J.\s. w. sTK.\N;i:. 7itf " !! 1 t'lr Tin |“'iitiiie. U liite r \-^hi' II-:, lii.L'. C:,ll 1 : . • ' be f' lin 1 at tln‘ Still. M l. \( KIN ,v SI i:.\N‘iK. 7''tf ILL at'i'ud to the sale or pur. has** of l’\..du e i!U 1 will ship witli di.'fj.itch all e^ns ;^niiieiii■ I him. . 1^. I''".!. L’'^ ''’m JOMil'il II. IILIIJsMlll. V mssio \ AM) FORWARDING MERCHANT, !'l ( ous.t: I’r.■ lui-c coii-i^ nment. r,.'; '-rviii-e- ■John I', st.irr. I'^'i . of I'a \ ett". i il-. Will. 11. Ill i.:i il.ii.I. ( i::;;m1i i nii. r. in.i., Mi’^m- ( k a; T:.x1..r. ( '■■ U ,X .lolllls"!!. 1. C 11 ubl.ii I'd . ( lini Th..m;i .1. .M..ri'.-y, Fs.i . : .1. II lli'iwn. L-'p. \'-.?tlii n. t. s. I -io. Hat.’. ceive applieations for liisiirani terms as other Companies. lill:i:CT(»l!S; IIknK^ hll.LV. II. J.. .'IvUdVKIt. 'I’Mos. s. lit ITMU.nli. .John H. ('(KiK. I». A. IIav. ■\. A. .^l l\KTTf.\N. (Jko. ,'\|i Nt:lM,. N M IIAN A. Stldm.vn .Iamk.' Ixvi.k. OFUCI'IIS; CF.O. McNKII.I., IVi-.id. ot. 11. L. MVi:o\ i;i:. vi. e I'l.-ident. «i. SIILIMILUK. Atti.riiev. A. .Me.\IlLL.\N. Se.-nt.iry. \CM.:|| 1, I •I'lll.N II. ('(MiK, - i’xecut ie t'omr,ii tt.’c. .I,\S. KVI.i;. I The plan of Mriru. l\'litv.\cK mu.«t commi-nd itself to oiir c.'iiiiminlty. for it cm be dem"iisti atod tliat we lia \ e 'a\ ed within t he l.-ist >i x y i-.i r" npw a rd~ of x:!( l.i IU(t iii'iirance in the N.irth C:ir'iliua Mutu;il Ciiiiip;ui'>; V. ■ .'h'.iild ha\ e paid !■> l::i in t!.e t-ri'l^n .i^iiit .'t ick p.iid: a;id \ et th«' Ni rth .1^ reiii\ei b.'twei-n .'S.',0110 laniiiinitv than it ha- paiil llARMAX'S 110'I’i:r., I'tiyvtteviUe^ .1*. i\ Tlie .'•iiI.scrilKM- having taken tllt> lav;:c Hotel. foriiKTly ktiown a-* the rt-.VNTKlt.V IIOTLL. situ.ated at the foot of Muy .Nlount, May Street, Fayetteville, North t'arolina. rexpcctfolly inform’' his friends and the public that he i- now en;ra;'-ed in rctittiiifr the biiildiiifr, which is siipplieil w ith entire new Fiiniitiiia-. .and ift prepared to .accommodate the tfaveiliiifr public. Ilavin;r iiad Some expelieiiee in the bii.siness in ihe town oC ritt:*- boroiiuli. N. C.. lie flatters hiiiisell that lie will be -.'ble to ”ive sa1i,'‘1nction to those who may favor him with tlieir company. His rooms are lai jre ami airv. lie lias i:ir;ie .Hid com enient .St.aliK'S. and a {rood and faithlul Or,tier. .JOHN HAiniAN. fVb'v 17. CiCitf iiori:i.. ^■^11 K subsi-riber h!iviii;r purtdiasvd Ihe Hotel litu.ated * on the Soiitii-Kast corner of Court House .''ijii.are, .and lately known a* .''tuait s Hotel, would inform the public tiiat he is now ready to aecommodale boarders by tlie day, week or nn ntll. Hiivin;r made considera ble outlay in fnnii'hin^r and rclittimr the Fstablishment. he ho]ies to be able to jrive satislaction to all who ]ia- ironi/.e him. His T.ible shall be fiirni.shed with the best the market att'ords, his liar with the best ot Li- ijiiors, and his Stable with a plenty of good provender and faithlul 0.stlers. i .1. (iii.riiiUST. ! .Tuiii' ‘Jii, iN.’i'J. ;i-H‘ j Mils. MAKV AXX (.lIJSOX. ' ^®/^II.L be jilad to accommodate a tew Hoarders. V V She also informs lu-r friends ;iud the jiublic tliat she intend." lo carry oil tb>' busilic'- of' \ltii!t :;i- I maUiiijr. ! 1 tlial i "11 alt iii"r- than w e li:i\e actna t'ai'i'Vin.a ^lu^lla1 Ci.mpaliv ;ii‘d Ni'iiMHi more fr. «i oiir ■ kopt Ihe •'.■iliie in ■ :!ip:ini« s tli It svni Favfttevllle, •n. > uml I I imp"' u •rt'iii. 1!" I’.'adeii. 'Uiity. ic'on. BUS .eiiu'ne rs-ru\;:iu 'c in ijnantiiii' t U Itio, jU't -iiM. \]i- lILVi.KL^ l;»si:. 7':;;t Fit. ( 'oh / I’ri.mpt jitT'oiial an H 'ash advan.'i' I tlier port" "r so!' attentii.n ^ivon In .all C.iii'itrn- ' made I'U I’r' duce to be ■‘hil>- I in thi" m.arket. • ;7v ;:;vp.i s:i>\\ ! \ \1 lllf Nifii of till' 1.1 rcf l!u\ Slrrct. Of.#> S1\I.VS?. 11 vs just ]'(“cci\liis Sto K or (iOODS. l.-;"tili;: ot SILVER AND PLATED WARE, AND MILITARY GOODS. A ) i'nnnfr(f rr/uuitsU ■ \v I'll li.’in 1 :in'l I tT'-rs f"r w iLK!N.''OX .V 1)|;alki;s in ' 1' iti > njn I i iiifs ' ■ v!R i -.s 1 ‘ art^'i M. V -:st I' ders. I.■r^ 'i ted sizt s. •f ufT'. oir.r.- I >ril"‘:. low for '• 'Mj ii’y of !>\f , of wl.’ch hi' •til l] eii-l' riH-rs. II. I irii^;-M:-t aii'l ('hemi.-'t. Crreii St 7»-tf NO I in Minors of (Icorjre iiti-d foi- this vear. 'ii'.nnir t-i t- i ”b.- I ' vi/: The Clarendon IJrid^o ; ii; till- l»aily }>l;ice. ..n the lid; the i’h: :ii: l the pl.ice near r-:a'i''ii. on till- 7til. 1‘ATI’lCK MI'IM'HV, . •1. , ... . I ' ■uar'iiaiib. I. 1>. .\IclM »\\ LLL. ) 7ltt / .S >d.s rrrr r;//V r( 1 S>aU ''I- '•/' (if (!))( In/ I/s! I) leh the LAll(;i:ST ST(K'K of ;ooi>s, iii'l Ijoiincls. Siiov'S, jioots I inl»;-cll;is. v.Vc. of Ml o; 1. to wliiidi we particu- liant.-. as we are de- A ///.'■, T'th'h'i mill Siiiijf, AM> INll'Oin LltS (tF 3*i:9CIOK IliVA'^A Af \VIIi)I.K>AbK .\.M) Kirr.Ml.. Market St., Wilmington, N. C. .\ u;^. 7. I 1 . 1 1 tf M VLLI'/I r .V l»Al LMll'Ji. imrorrrs tent/ f ointttissioti •Itrr- ritttttfs, I ;t."> I'r4>iil NEW YORK. p. MAl.LKTT.] [.I- I'AI I.MIKK. .\u;riist lb. l''ol’. Istf T. C. WORTH, roii^iissid.N AM) niiawiiiiiMi )ii;ii( in.M, \\ ii.\iiX(;'rox, X. c. Feb. 1. is.'-r '-"tf A. .1. ^ .1. v. .10X1 :s. General Agents & Commission MerchantSj I’articular uttenti.ni jiiven to the sale of Tim ber, Lumber, and .Na\al Stores, l.iberal cash advances on coiisijrnments. l-itf II. II. ('OLi:, II ’/ittlrsale ilothiri*, Cor. of Centre .M.arket Sjiace ;..id I’ratt street. liAI/ri-MOKi:, Mi.. .lan'y lo, 1^'>:'>. tiO-tHt.M.ar X. H. srAlUiFCK, Tro#/, •Xetv l'orh\, Ii:oN FOrNDKIl AM) .MA(’HIMST, Mil IIII furl It nr Ilf' S>iiim M iHs nuif /{ni/rrsj Mill (1 i iirilllf uf nil Iciiiili^y l*liJtiiflis, tt'c. M>N1 I' - ;i'"orniH’lit ni.ay I'e tuiiiil Wntelii'" of ill kind*-, li"m to l'M I (iil.ii l ati'l Vf"t ('h.-iiiis; ^"M .Sfril" iii'l l\i-\"; "ilver F"b an! !ii.ii'l I'll lilt" aii'i Ki \"; r.r> :i"t p'li^. l',;ir-i'.nL' an l l'iir_'T' liii;:". .1 tine st.u k : Ciitl-piii": 1 Ir.Ha!els: ;r‘>ld mihI "i er Spoi tai li'". Tii :mbb ::ii'l P. iieils: p"M Lot-ket-: ('"!t'.' and Allen'" i;' \o',\ei": Chi"" men; Vi i or'lcii": silver .""I' " n*: >il\er • ui ". .Vc.; Miiitary Coed" of all kind."; a tine l"t of Cli.ek-. .-.ii'l .iliiio-t t eiytliii';^ r.ilb’d for in hi" line, w hich will be S'dd cho.ap tor • a"h. or oii short tim.- lo tiioac that ^^i.l p.iy llicir bills when pre"entC'l. |j-( ’ \\'at lies aii'l .li'Wflry repairo'l fi" UMial. OM (bil'l and Silver taU. n in exi hanjre. -\11 tho"c indebtnl by \' te "T II".k arconnt. must pa v by til.- 1st "f November. Favette\i!le. I *ct. 1, l'' .J. ”.l-tt \.\s)K i:\vs. ,\NI) M AN I F.M'Tl ItKK OF '/'in Wan, ri.AiN ’I'in Sh((l Iron II r>/7.'.s .\NI> .l.M’AN Rlftlc (tud "lit t"i li."Sc" hi re. ."Ii'iw iiej- that v, e are fa vor.ibly sit uate.1. u" .■■.niparc'l witii oti.n r pl.i.-i " in tlie State, f.ir lii"uriui-e. I Uir C"iii| any has ;rone into oprr:itii.n f.ivor.ibly. h.av- ir';r till' llay wo orjraiii.'i-d .ipplii'.iti'iii" l.i the jimoiiiit of ^11’ .'MMi. and the C.iiiipaiiy i" ii"W ]'.u ed U]ioii u fniii fo'itillir. \m Hire. tor. autliori"e'! .\^i i.t. or .'•'•■■ retarv. m iv rt-i'five Applii'.ati.'iis. but tli-\ wiU ii"t bo bin liiiir until •approved b\ ihe Kxeciitiie C.iinmittee or the Hoard. {,--- WM. L ^!'•'^.\l!^. i'“ |. i"^ appi'inte.l (iener.al .\i:int ot tiie ('oiiipaiiv. We invito .appli'-.itions. .i;o. .M' M.II.L. IV. " t. C \ MrMll.LAN, S(, 'y. Feb'y 7. Is.'.:. (;i;tf (;Ki:i:x.snoi{o( (,ii ^fiifiial Lift' !nsiirniH'f tV I'rii'f (' nii'ii. ^H^HIS Ciinip.iny. a" it" ii.Mac iii'li.Mtc". is upon the ■ iii'i uiil :ind e;iibr.i''es tw'i d;"tiin t d.*- |i.irtmenl". t.i-wit: Lite ln"iii:iio'e .-iii'l Trust dop.-rt- itioni';. 'I hix attr;icti\e cumbin.itiou i.:b'rs to I’oliey lo'Meis 'b'lib!.' till' or.liii.ir-. sfi iiritv. wilh oit iios:r-'\- iiiL' thi;i- ri:;lit :i ftili )..a it i.i;'.i t i "ii ”i tlio e;itiro pro fit" of the C.iiiip.iny. I’li'iniuiiis will lie roeeiv.-.I. in ea "h. e; ther aiiiiii.illy, seiiii-annnaMy. or ;iiaT tel' :i' liiiiy l.e a;r;'ei..| npnn at tin- time tlie I’olicv i" issued, j In the Till ,s'l' l»Li’.\ K r.Nl LN r. or Iteposii .system, the jiaymeiif" ni.i'h' I i the C. ni]iany ,'ire entirely option al with the 1 >epii."itor. a- reuar-K the amount an l the lime at w hiidi they .are m.i le. p.irty in,ay ]..iy in niindi or as little, not less than one d'lllar. .an.l as ol- ten, a> may be convenient f .r him. without .any obli;:a- ; tion upon him to continue hi.' paMiicUt". and mav I with'liMW them at his pleasure. ; .''o that, ou the plan of this t'omp.any, then* is ereat- * fd at I'lic .-ihd the ".line tiiii" an .as"i!r inia' i:/ ilmili 'I I'U'il iii 'tfii/ili III •ir'. Ill and II jirui i.''iiii /'./■ ohl m,,-. .'"ce ram|ihlets fmn'-hed by the Conqiany. , (iFl'lCFK.s (»F Tin: ( (»MI*AN') . I l>irecto!s r.alph tiorri'li. L'.iidon Swaim. .lohn .V i (lilmer, !•. I', (’aldwell, I'.irh d l.ieeue, Ma'.id Mel.oan. ' Hil liard .'•terlitifT, .lohn 'I. I.o^ran. I*. 1‘. \N eir. F. W . (•iibiiin. H.'berl .M. .s;..;ui, ll.ibcrt I’. I'iel;, llcnrv H. ; Llliott. 1‘resi lent H.ilph (iorrell. \'iee I’re"ident Lvndon Sw.iim. .--I'fretary and Tre.iMirer —1). 1’. V.’eir. .\ttorne\—lohn .V. (iilmer. Fvamininjr I’hysician—K'Iwin WatS'Ui. M. I*. Consultin'.; I’hvsicians- l». C. Me^lane. .M. i>.; J. L. Cole. M. II.i D. i>. Weir. M. I>. (ioneral .\^eiit — William II. I'limmiiej. .\iiv information r' lative to the oinpaiiv mav be had by addres."ing D. I*. WKIlt, S;i-retar_v and Treasurer. .lan’v 2‘>. IS.-,;!. ' »;;-tf Fa;, ettveille. .‘•^I'pt. -I. I.s.'ii!. L’Sif MMill-illILLi: IIOThL. rn^lIF undi'I'siirued would re"pc tfully inforni B- the citi/ens of Niimmerville, the vicinity, aii'l ihe |iublic jieiierally. that she has opened .a rniimsv of i'lsilvrtahiment^ where ,-lie v. ill bi- ]i!e.i"ed to accommodate all who mav c.all on her. The \'i!lai:i' is ple.isaiit ami healthful, her Iioii^e lai;re aii'l eomno.ilioiis. .No p.-iiii" will be sp.arcl to ren ler a;:ieeaMe an l coilifoit.ible any who may favor her with a e.iil. .''he is .aNii prep.ire.I to .aciaiiiiojate wilh Hoard from I l to 20 Stii'lents. Price of lloar'l per month. i:. r-.MLKv. ''^nmmerv ilb‘. N. C.. .Inne Kl. lS.'i2. 1-tf AMKliK'AX no'l'FL, CilAI’.I.oTTi:. N. C. MS\' ,B. BSi:TtBiW'M:. SN oJleriii;: my >iervire" to the travelling public as tiie proprii to! ol the .\iiieri-;in Hotel. 1 will letrain from al! uiineri ’•".iry bi.asti!l;r. ' nt w ill a.'"iire tho--e w ho stop with nil-, ih.ii noihiri'.r which per"oiial etl'ort'* on m_\ ]iiirt can (O'c iiip’ii-li to eoiitiibnte to their C'liifort will be lell nii'lone i'iie bnildin;;s have all ln'cn ihorou^hly re- pairc'l aii'l fnriii^he'l with entirely new tiirnilure. It i." ."itu.ite'l v, ithin about threi'hundred yards of the Mepi't. 'I'he .•'t.iL.'e Otiiee is k-pt at this Hotel. 'I'he .Ni.rtliern .si.ijre arrives and departs d.aily. the Western S!:iLre tri-woeklv. Heinir airent at this place, travellers t'ers his jirofessiotuil Rerviceu to the citizens of Fa \ etteville iiiifl itSvlc.nity He tii.iy he con»'nife'l at the (mice directly over tli* new Di'iiir i^tore of Samuel J. Hinsdiilc', South West cornet of ilarket Square. •July 1S.')L>. l;5tf .MAY Dili (J STORE. ^■''111'. subsefibet havinjr taken tlif Ffhtc I on (Ireen street, known as the Mc- I’hevson Huiblinfi. nearly opposite l>r. Uol)- inson s ."shop, i.s now reieiving; a fresh >iml well as.sorled stock of Dru^f«, C'lx'inlcal?*, Mndlciiu's, Puiiits,’ Oils, I)v(‘-S(uHs, and INMl'iniKM-Vi Tofiethcj- with ii f>rod ti^s.irtment of Hair, Flesh, Tooth, Paint, iiiwl Whitewash Hrushes; Cniipinjr, 'I’ooth, and Surj-iial In;tnihieuts; (ialvaiiic Hatteries, ic. i'ec. .All of which he offers low for Cash or on time to imnctuul customers. Orders respeetfiilly solicited from (’ountry I’liySicl.atlff ;iiid others, who may d*‘peud on j))-ocuriii}i fresh anil ^reniiilie al'iick’s. and tiiat no Jiains will be spared tof ,LMve "'•itisfaction both in (juality and jiricK. .^lKIll■AI, I’uKscuii'Tio.Ns carefully and accurately prepared. N*. SMi rn. .Tan'y 24. 02tf RAL\TS, OIL, LHS. PI HK WIIITK LKAD. •JO bills. Hlake’s Fire-ju-oof Paint,' I,in seed Oil, Train “ \'ej:etable or IJo.sin f)il. Chrome Vellow, (Ircen, (in Oil.T I'aris Putty and Putty Knives, Cojial Varnish, lU'ifk Leather Vtirnish, llroWH .Jijiatt •• ,^c. I’otsaleb.wliy J. X. S.\|1TH. .I.aii'v 'J L l .'^o-I. I f .H s r KF('i:]\ ]:i), C:i«!;^ Itir-f. A'’’’ P>»\\‘-s Clieese. 1 M 'orn .sliellers. .') Harrel," Pickled Pork, loo Sacks .Salt. Favetteville. .Tan P.IvNllOW, KVU: CO; r.iitf S)nifhri lie :l is.'.;;. .Male and 1'enndr i 'imr will I'ceeive all the .itlention that I :iin able to i\v. .'1\ ni'itto is — “I ttieiv to jile.ise." HLTIlCNi;. I .T: I. 1 L i>A!N -KF.l) OIL, I'S AM) OIL.^. INsKF.D OIL, White Load. j fi-.iin lil. AViii'I'iw (;hi"-. Pilttv. I'ire-lit'oot' I'aint, \ ..^ri'tal.l.' Oil. Variiii-h. ■ bellow Oehre. Venetian I’ed. Lith.aijre. Hcl [.ea'l. I'm-I ber. Terra de .^ienna. Olu^. \'ermillion. Lamp Hl.ick. Pa] eat Hlac'k. \ er liiiris, ('liroine (! reen. Paris llreen. Ciir.'mc Yellow. Saii'l P.iper, Paint Hrushes. Varnish ilnisho. W !iit'Wi"h Hnishe.". W hitiiiir. \e. For s.ile !. H- liy .s. .J, liINSI».\LK. .lan'\ 17. Is.'.:!. Oii-i’m III AVI-: in my am preiiai'cd COPPKH. TIN o I have on hand ■miilovment competent workmen, .and to do all kinds of work, either in SIIFLT I HON. all the necess.irv materials and ma- T.VHH WILLIAMS. •Jf)tf •lit of the abfive Kstab- articles which mav be tli \K )\ i.i\ i:i{^ s \\\\\\a:s. 'I r.T l i:\ ILLF, N. c, ! I 1 M; ' are prepared ti furnish the 1’ ,«x'rio>' » ■ I-.,::- ,t t ' .:i. i'' ' ■' ■ .the (in in ‘ lure t i Wi."i' ichiio ' I .Nort- f th!’ re» ill y ac, ny ' .r ' * ^ ir ■■ iV (itui loss mubim:. ‘‘I 'l' l to carry Passenj;-rs to tiny i lnwh,, 1,11 rea'^onable tornis. . le I'liin.l :it the Stables formerly > Philip.- Wooten, a few doors - ; !i Ollii e. ' ill .ittendance }£ood O.stlers .'ind '• I'otll K CAHIUAOI-; will be in at- to Convey Passengers to timl .. ifi' on I.ivery at re.a.sonable terms. ■> attention lo business ami ii 1«- ■ to merit a siiare of public pat- .1. H. ASl\i;W, ,\;rnt. .')2tf riiHi: under."i"iied, as the .\;i .H. lishnient, will order any w:iiited. on a Jil>li-:i I ion to bini. '•’he Steam .Mills m.anufactnved by Mr. St:irbuc\ have been te.sted, and are hi‘;hly approved on tlie I’lank Piotid.s about Fuycttevill«!. KDWiJ U:t; WINSLOW. F.ayettcville, Sept. 4, IH-il. \V,M. II. MrKAKV, i'owmission • fierchauiy WIhMIN(JToN, N. Particular attention will be paid to .sellinj: .-tnd ship- pinj' .Naval Stores ‘iiid Pnxluce, aul ahso to tlic loi- wardiutr of (Joods. .MerchuoHi wliv eo>isi)'M tKeir fiood.s to hinf can rt'lv on their iM-iiifr forwarded by tirst boat after they are discharged from vessel. HKFHPtKNi'KS: Kkteii, K. A. Vof;ler \ Siilem, X. C. 'I'. .M. Vomifr, .Mocksvillc. Hunt & Ad«lerton, Lexinpton. .lohn 1). UroAti, Salif>l)«ry. .1. H. iV .1. Martine,. Fayetteville. .Jaii’y 20, IX'hl. ' 62tf chiuerv tor makin>: l';sct"ry Cans ami Urunis. and to d all kinds of f.ietory work th:it c.ili be done by .my sinii- I lar LslablishmenI in the .'•^t.ite. ,\lso, for s.ile. Patent Factory Can Hin:.«', varyin^r j from to I i inches: Hriini Heads. .S:c. HOOl'LNC. Cl TTKi; AND LL.MiFH I’IPFS j put up in the best m.inner. : .\1so. just reeeiveil. a lull supply of IXCJ of the most ai>iiroved pattei'iis. some of them verv lari'e. for hotel and plantation use. \lwav»on hand a jrood assortment of TIN W.MIK. C. W. ANHHKWS, .‘'onfh I'last corner .Market .'^i|uare. May I-'., l.'^-"):-’. I'lUlvPKOOl' KOOFINC;. i'rtftiris Shentou^ SLATK AN1> -MKTAL IIOOFKH, I'Lc., rBlH.^MvFlL for \iast f'avor.s, heirs to call ]iublic !it- M. tention to SL.ATL l!OOFlN(i, done on the most ajiproved principle, makin;; roofs lighter, ti{rhter, and more durable than the old w:iy of slieetiujr, eflectini a suviiv^ in luuiber. and jrrvater security ajr-ainst fire. The low jiricc at which Slate Hoofs are now uttered will coni|iare t'uvorably with any other Liiiil of f}re-[iniof‘ Koofiii". SL-VTlb' rHIM.NKV I’IPKS m;tte to auy putteru. They are an excellent remedy for .smoking chimneys, and seldom f':iil to effect a cur«‘. Tiu aii.l Cupiier (iiitters. Leade*' Pipes tmd j Head.s, made to ai*y pattrtu, and every itiB'l of fin.*- proof rooting put oaor reii;iiir«d. in thv best itKinner, on I rea.sonable terms. ' F. ill soliciting your piitrontige, fi-els confident of [ giving entire s.itisfaction in all cases wliere it thorough knowledge of iiis bu.siness is rciitiircci. Fayetteville, Sept. 7, 185-. 24Y roF(;iis, ('OM)s, lm lficx/a. .\ver's Cherry Pector.il. .J;iy tie's L\ pee I or.int. .lai'I s Ill's ('ou;rii Lo/enges. Hushtoii's (’oil Liver Oil. W istar's H.ilsani of W iM Cherrv. For s;ilc bv s! .1. HlNSI>ALi;. Feb'v .‘I, IS'wI. I'l-'i-L’m •irs r iii>:('i:i\ i:i), Hills. New No 1 large .Mullets, l! Casks New Hice. —ALSO— 1 (’;ise fine city-made light Hoot*. 1 •• •• •• waterproof do. '!■) '• .Shoes, many kinds—some line. —ALSO — Fine Hress and Over ('oats: Pant-* and Vests. All of which w ill l>e sold on reasona5>le terms, bv THOS. .J. .lOllN.'^oN. Near the Hank of (''ape Fear. F.'iyettev ille, llec. l!4. l.s.'ij. Hats! Hats! ( 'aps! ( 'of/s! Hoots ».y Shoes! FlU; l.MI \VI\TI;K STOI’R, 1852. ^HIIIK .''iibsi-riber has receiveif one of the largest as- B. sortnient.o in his line that he has ever oll'ered in this market: ti.i which he would call the attention of hi.-? friends and the iHiblic in general. .Vmorijr his stock may be found n^arir everj- .'*tyle and i(uality that can be found in this market. He would say to all those desiring goods in his line to give him a call, as he i.« determined to sell low for (’ash, or on time to [uinctiial customers, at wholesale or retail. .JOHN THO.M.'"ON. Old .''taml, Smith-West (.'on»er .Market .‘^i|uarc. .s'cjit. ■-'•■>. lS.'i2. . 15A(X)Xr UATOX! HHD.S. .SiiTcw !«i»f .sr»oiTliPei’s. forsnreby •w w. H. LurrKHLoir, Dec. ‘J:’., 18.V2. 54-tf HALL vV i{oLLi\(;i:i; JinNTINIL to earry on the For.N|>HV Hl.''l .N I'S.'^. with ail it" brandies, in tlii" plaee. They have .I'Med. within tlie bi"t six months. .'s|ntio worth of Piit- terii". and .are now prejiari'd to fiirtiish Millwrights with \|achiner_\. at short noiice. t .r W lic.it. Corn, (Jfist. a’-;d .''aw Mills. .'■teiiin .Mills repaired throughout. tiiii- term" ari^ cash on lelivery: lO jier cent, will be ■id b 'l f"r I'vi'iy ;i" days an ai'count may stand unp.ii'l. ^\ e e.innot c.iiry on this bu."iness on ilic credit system, lu ither ilo we intend doing so. HALL HoLLlNC.F-H. .\ii"U"t Is. 1 s.'i'i. 1st;' HaR(;aIXS! liAKOAlXSl! fN my recent visit to Nww York, my principal obje. t w;is to “et Workmen •and Mialerial for the ]uirpose of maiinlac- turiii'Z .'•^ilk H;its. .M'ler getting there, ' !ind finding it difliciilt to get first r.ite w. i kiin'ii to eoliie .s.intli. I g:ive up the i'ri."speel of pro- i eiiriii'.! anv. eoiisenuenlly purchased a l.arge stock of .''ILK H.Vr.'". -M'tcr making my ]inrehase, 1 eng.aged a ireiitlem.in as prineip.ii workman, who came well re- eommende'l. He learned his trade in F.nrope: and tor ; the last sfven ye.ar>i he has b(>en emploved if a large nninufai'turimr est.ibli."hment in the city of New York. 1 liuMi pr"eiireil fashioiiabu* lilocks and materials, ;iiid am now fairly .it work ' Manufacturing Ninety Hats per month, .\nd will iiave some of them ready for s.ile by the 'Joth iiist. Ill order that I m;iy not be overstocked. 1 oft'er tor sale. I’ COS T, niy late ]iiir( liase of Nos. 1st, ’Jd, and ;id iiuality F.\."" II lON HLF. •ItoiesL'ni S^^tTS. Merch.ints ni.iy s.ive money by purchasing of me. If vou purchase in New \ork. il is often a month liefore V lUi reeeiv e tiu'lii. 1 shall in a short time be able to furnish merchants with Hats of MY OW N M.\NTF.VCTI'I!i;, iH N. York prices, to-wit; No. 1 at Nl'i, No. "J at and No. II at n;10 pt r dozen. 1 t.ike this opportunity of returning my thanks to my former customers, and invite them and .itlier well I'.s- posed p-itriotii" '.gentlemen, that are in f'.ivor of .'^1 P- POiri INO SO i ilKl’.N MANl FAt TI I’.KS, tojriveme a call on or .after the :20th inst., as I expect to have readv for exhibition and sale Hats of niy own m:inutac- tiire that cannot be surpassed in stvle aiel durability. I w ould be ple.ised to see every gi ntlemaii. in coiin- trv or town, and will take )ile:isiire iu exhibiting the ll.its. and sliowiut; the litl'erent procci*!* ♦li?‘y jias.» throiiLii from the Itir on ti;e skin nJitil ready for the he,id. D.WID (Ji:i:. Favefteville, N. ('. Oct. IS'-'J. :Utf 'adcfny; 11.L conimeiu'e It«i fourth pension, in the new building. I.'ith Febt'Ufirv, and close it" sch«das- tie year l.'ith Iiec. l>'''>o. Organi/.ition and charges iid. heretofore, .Mr. Mltrpliy exi epted, w ho»e Services, if neees"arv. w ill be su]iplied by a coni|ictr-nt Assi.'^tant; For particttliits .•iddrcss the prim-ip.il. .lAMKS H. HHFNT. .''niithville. N. (’.. l>ec. .'iii-tim FALL AND W IN'I Kll .'^TO('K OF STAPLi: CV I'AXC:v DRY (iOODS^ l'«r I H.Wr, just received niy Stock of STAl’l.K ANO F.\NCY HPiY (i(i( il).''. for the Fall and W iiitet fi'a le. cinsisting in p.irt ;is follows: CIiiiIk, C.ir'itiH re.'- !ind \'e«tings: iil.iiii, bl'k .'inil fig'a .''ilk": f.incy do: bl'k and col'd Frelich Merinos; En^lisH do; bl'k an l col'd .\lp:ic;is; French and Fngli.''h printeif I'eiaiiis. (ri'iiie embroidered and very handsome;) Me-' riiio Shirt." and lli.iwers: Wool .shawl,': C.assimere aiut Cr.i]ie lo; Fhinnelr: Worsted C;i]is; Honnets, Sacks tind Muffs for Childri'ii; Negro Hlankets. and a few good bed Hl.aiikets; Carpels and Hearth Hugs; French and Amer ican Prints; Ciinghams: ble.ached and brown l»ome«ti'’»f •^naburgs; Maibro (Joods; bl'k and col d Cotton Velvets; Velvet Trimmings: .lacoiiet and .''^wiss Mnslin; llishoi^ and Victory L.awns: .laeonet and Swiss F.dgiiigs and In serting": Linen Trimmings; I'otton and Li.sle I'd«:ings; Infants' Waists; Fringes; tiilltp": Pictiic Mitts: (iloves and llositry: Hiiibons. Honiiets. (lirls' Flats and .Straw Trimming: ii.imas'K and Mel.lio. -Vlso. a ;^oo.l asuirtnient of .shoes and Hoots, for La dies. (Jentlenieii. Ho_\ r, (iirls and ('hildren; together w ith' many other article" not eiil;ltK i .ited. m.-ikin;: my stock complete; to which the attention of my f'riiuids and the trading public generally i" invited. Oratef'til f'ir past favors. I hope by oirering goods at reasonable rates to Continue to sh:ire :i portion of juiblic )>atronage. North-West t'orner .Maiket S|Uare. No. 'J. Circen st.,' Favefteville. N. C. P. SIIKMWF.LL. .ept. i:-'., 1.‘.'.1J. -J'.'-tf A XI'AV IXVFX'i'lOX. ^IIF. undersigned ha* made an invention if .1 Smui Mai hine, which he v.ill infure to be perfect in the e.xtr.ictioii ot smut in wheat. :ind wishes to infoi'm Mill (IwneiH th.-it he is jiuttiiiLr up m.u hines at I'nion Facto- torv, oil lieep Hiver, eight miles North of .\sliborough. Mv machine.s are compo.>*ed of three distinct piinci- ]iles, centrifugal, scoweritig and reaction. It takes the wheat through three operations in going through the machine om e. .\iiv pe^^on’' buying a maidiine, after trying it. if it does not ciea;. wheat. dain]i or dfy, 1 ttill t.ake it back.' Prit-e .''event'- fivi- l>oll:irs. .\11 letters addressed to New .'-lalem Post Otlice. Ran doll'll coiiiitv. P. 1’. FKKI.MVN. Oct. IJ. VS'VJ, T Wlio iiavc* thought if? K i:\VAU I) w iiSlOO ILL be paid for the appreheu.»f(rn siml ri-»rffnf- meiit in .j.iil of a m.in by the name ft' .\LKX- \Nl»l',U HHOW N. Il«“ is about •') feet 10 or 11 imdies hi'jh. rather stoiit built, weighs alxiuf Iti.'i or 170 lb, has lifiht colored hair, rather inclinetl to red. dark eyes, and i.'T^to^lewhat treckled i»i tVif f.ir»*. is very ywiUte in siie ikiiio-. He killrd ,t n»zro bov of mine last nijjht. CA.MKHtiN WlllGHT. .'•!]iriiigficld. Hiidimond .Jan. I’O. IS.'i.'I. tlltf FllXWl'K, le. .1 iif-ri' Cihiiiuff' lUliitilhhment on fJi' MUittirJ (i'l l III, iifijiii^ili' till' fli iilii^t ('/itiic/ij Jrnvlnuf Oti Miinifill’ll Sti'ii't- (;in:.\'i' i:N'n:RPULsi:! fl'^IIK Subscriber." wiihld rcspectfuily inforni their I friends and the public, that they have entered into . opnrtnership for the purpose of condm ting the general (WHlll.M’iK lil'SlNl'.SS in all its various p>irt8- Ami iiei"g both pTjictical workmen, fully niider«ta»Kling their business, they h.ive no ue*;tati.iH to compare work with any establi*liH>ent in Favettevillc as to •style nnd dnra- biliiy. One of th" firm may 'ire known by reference to A. H. W'hitfi«'ld'.' iron work for the last two years. We w.-irraut nil work to give general s.atisfaction for twelve n*ontlif. done in the neatest manner low for cash. PIKK \ HKAMX. H. I’lr*. .I.VMtS Hli.VMN. ettevillr, .T.'»n y 24, 18">->. *'-tf \VAX'n:i), HAHHF.I.S OF TUnPFNTIXK, i for l>istillery at thePhink Uoad I Urii'igf* on Hig Uockft^Ti. The best market [irice will be I paid. For further inforinntioH. inquire of .John \S. Mur- I phv. at the Hridge, or of A. A. .McKethan, Fayetteville. ivc. IS, i.s.->i. 4'.ltf lilanks tor *u'e here* 13RV 0001>S, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, WK .\RK iwvr receiving our we 'mvrt« the* attention of buyers. llliATlS'iilV. I). \V. i;. Bonliow, Sur geon Dentist, having located in Fayette ville, may be found thin! door below the Market, IJenbow & Kyle’s block, and will be happy to wait On those requiring his services. All work w-nriMiited. and he flatters himself he c.m Fall Stock, to which : give SutisfHction, having taktn rreat pains to quality' himself under the instruction of one of the first Dentists HALL k, SACKF^TT. ; in New England. lO-tt; ' Dec 22, 1852

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