■HOEafcHcaemaeBBHhatiBi V(^T>. II.] rAYKTTEVIIJ.E, N. C., 1 KHRrARY 28. 18'»3. ClIlNTKl) 1?Y .1. li. NEWBY. jipwvill) J. HALE & SOX, ri'iToiis AM) ruoruiKTous. , .• - t io Si'mi-Wookly Oisskrver $4 00 it’ piiul in if piiiil thiriiiR thp vc;\r of siibscrip- s' -i.'tor the _ve:ir has expired. ■ . Ut-,-k'v Oi;-ivr.\ KK 00 per nnmnii, if p;iil in . it' }>:ud during the year of subscrip- . x ■ ri) iil'ti r tlie ycjir has expired. rI'. ri>i.'11'NT.'' inserted tor sixty cc’jtf per ,, for the tirt, :ind thirty eejits f«r c:u-l\ i:;vz I'uMi-'.-iti'-n. Ve:u'ly advertisements bv spe- .1 tn.!'. .it n':t.>»i'n;il)le rates. Advertisers .ire i t ■ 't ite the imniber of inertiun,>. desired, or i; ;' I-■ntinued till forbid, and eharped aeoord- • I.i'tters to t!ie K(iitors ninst >ie post-p.iid. »i*. T. M. IIAK,:il, nAS tiiken i\n Oftice on Hay Street, West of the Hotel UuiKlings. July 14, 1S)1. 4-tf 1500K Sept THOS. H. TILLINGHAST, Anderson Street. ^ 24 r.in R. M. ouri:ll, FOR\V\|{|)|\r, rO^llIISSION ^ikrcium at Fnycfle%illr, t’. M.irch 10, is.ji. (>‘J-tf \v. II. i .WlVVAl^ I>K,\I.KK l\ Dn/ (food.'i. (•rorcrirs, and l^rnrtsinns, i>d itoor trojii N. K. corner Market Smiare, next to !>. fice'.s Hat Store, (ireen street, I'AYKTTKvilli:, N. V —if#I miWiHMi'niwBBgaaaan ,\ larr(‘ (jUMiitity of ('(»rn. Oats, Rye. I’oas, iind Flour, l"or srle by STKKMAN & HORNE. Fel>'v in. (i'.)-tf PIANO !'()!{ S\[J-:. VSl'.l ONI*-ll.\Nl> P1.VN(^, of good tone. .Apply at this OlViee. Feb'y 17. I'AMILY ri.Ol R. l'’CF.I\ l-;i) tiiis day, ;in 1 for .sale l>v ' I'.ltANSON & .JOFlNSf)N, Fel.'y 17. I-AMILV I'LOl iJ. A I'IC'V r>;irreN superior Fainily Flotir. Also. 4() IJarrels Vellow I’lantin^ I’ot.atoes. For s.ile )>v • ii'.O. \V. V. ll.I.IA.MS .'ic (•()' Feb’y 17. Ci'.ttf j()\S (I M li I . 1\IJ ,\ N |) ( O \ I gj^^All kinds of I’roducv taken in exohnnpe for iJoods. i: n i' this week. 10 tons I'dju-ksniith COM. •1 tons at ^1l’ per ton. delivered at HAl.L .V nol.l.lNCl.H. 70 ;u A ( VRI). ’prVII.l. h.iviiii taken the house iivi-r Messrs. i:. Cilei.rist’s Store, seeond doi r t'roin H.nr- ; I'r.'i'.are 1 .and w.niM be ^'ad to areoni- Feb’ V t’.OV ■nir:i witli trrlilS. board by the week or month, 7''-;'tpd woirni KLLiorr, 'Ks.soKs T» J. n. wii.M I’uriWAiiniNt; .k ('ommL'^sion Mi:U(’IL\NTS, FAVKTTFVII.LK. N. (\ STAM> OK HAI.I, .t .loMNSON.) Tor roR saij:. lUiiilV i;. 1,. J. \. M(»RTII.] February I*', is.', [u. P near V \ ,1.' App'v to I'l: MliKHToN. 7i'tf ( \LL ANi> SI/rrLi:. :r T'Mrtiifi'ship will end liy its own limitation ’'t . ;■ May. we would respeetfiilly say to ■ i • ■ us fither bv note or account to call and Sl'AlUi V.V \V1!JJ.\MS. WIIOI.F.SALK ltKAl.;;ilS IN M^orei^tt (ttttt iPotnrsUr ifri/ (jiooffs^ IIAY Fayetteville, N. C. J. 11. STAKR.] [.I April •J'^. 1«:.J. WII.M A M? Kiitl K>:/v 2]. t’(»OK \ T Wl.OU. 7tt tJwM TO r \Kui \n: m \ki.rs. i ■ r-'iined tins n"\v in store a lar"*’ and sen- — 'rtiiii-Mt of ('.arriajre Hubs, .p.,’Kes and ' - . rania:;e Springs, .\\b-s and l'isV» Iro”s, ' .1 '.rfneril ass.irtrnent of t'arriajie Trini- : 'I lie s..Id on f.ivoialile terms, I'.KVKllLV KOSK. . '' 7o-;;t (it \nrtinyi.—On 'I lilirs- .I'^ ls'..'1. at Town Houso that valuable .lid i>w 1-1 ruijjc ilou~e cH-'cupied hy Mr J. 15. T ! ;:• a", sale. niI.I.K1Nt:. ,n: A. M. CAMi'r.KLL, ■\uct'rs. . "ts i.\Rl) ANO iv\co?;, .T. & T. WAIUm.I.'S. 7»'tf 11. L. IIOLMKS, Attorney at Law, Wilmington, N. C. f’FI K on Corner of Front and I’rince.ss streets, under Journal office. l>eo. 1’J. 4>'-tf Mt DONALD .McM \.s’n:R, HKAl.KHS IN (irocnirs, lAfjnors, l*rorisions, ciLLK.^riK Vellow Buildin", between the M.arket House and F>:uik of the State. FAvirrTi:v in.i:, .\. v. I»cc. l'\ r.ltf j(Tiin i?anks, roM'iissiin \\]) Fiiu\nRDi\r. ackm, Wilminpjton, N. C. r i n '^11 i in I'.T'i/ne 1. haviiiij ('Ureliased Mr. Tho>, S. •■• l i'-ii'' P'stil'erv and (’■ oper-shops. have en- ■■ partnership under the name i.f Mcl.anrin , for tiie j'urpoSi- of c;irr\irij: on the I'istiile- ' rpcntiuf, and ibe muiiufaelun* of Sj.irit l>nr- ' ! I>. McbAl RIN. j WM. McLAI ltlN. JAS. W. >TUAN;K. : ]"-Z. 7t'tf I i _1,‘ 't casli jirloe paid f^r Tur) •-ntine. hite .''t I', es. atid > ik or ,\shc H(-adiii:l. (’:ill on ' . wh.i . -in l.e found at the Still. .Mcl.AlUlN \ STi:AN«',r.. ’i 7*tf ; '!1 - II - ’v 'f ;_'-n'.i !ie I’eruvian f-uano. iu^t i . >1 1 r .'.lie ill jii.antities to suit. .\]i- liKVKllLV no.'ll;. TU-ot ( (Hunrtf m. ^it rrJunifi^a '' I-'-* r. 1 r>!![I has lO'W on hand and otler*) f> r • " f !'"V. ii!;r artiide', \iz; ' 1' i':d \I. Veast I'owdcr.s. ■ \i roi'dvis. ! • ■- l'>M>*Ti;u!it. ■d s'lios. a:;. ■II. II. :i. Ilal. I>n;cs. [ow for a ! iTL'e «M]ip'v of I)\ o‘t ,^.1' : ill! of wliich he i tfei ■ t puiictual ( u^t' tners. .'.MrrH, I>ru";'ist and (’lieniist. (ireen .“'t 70-tf *) 11.1, attend t > the sale or purchase of I’rodui-p, aiiil will ship with dispatch all consi):nmcnts made to hiii’. .^e[it. Is, Is.'.i*. •J''-Om JOMll'li |{. BLONSO.M. c o 11:?! I «I 1 .\ AM» FORWARDING WERCHANT, 5.-3^* I’roiapt pei'S 'ii.-il attention ^;iven to nil Consipn- lucnts. and • a.sli adv.mi'i s made on I’roduce t> be .ship ped to other poi t.s or si>!d in tlii.s market. Feb. I’J. IS.V’.. b.y w iLKiNsoN i:sli:r, I'KAI.KRS IN ('1)1 f> ''(i'‘II!r>/, / J'rinfs, aitti .Siiuj}, AND IMPonTF.RS OF !Sl'I*i:iCIOI& ll\VA'>iA AT WIIOI.KSAI.K AM* UKT.MI.. Market St., Wilmington, N. C. Aut:. 7, is.-.l. lltf .M ALLinr ^ l*Al L.Mll'JI, arucvrs and i'oiiiinissiott rhttttts^ W* I'ruiil NEW YORK. ^ p. MAI,I,KTT.] [j- l‘A' I.MlKi; I Aupust 1*1. l''’i2. istf T. C. WORTH, r()ii)iis.siii\ ,\M) r(iK\v\i:iii.Mi ii!:k('ii\.\t, \\ ILMlN(i rON, N. C\ I Feb. 1. 1H.>5. . 'ri’RPivN riNi: axks, I' TI'IC followin;x r.rands: Sair.iii-1 >V. (’olliii.s" Co. H. Collins’. I>. .simimui.s C'o. John (leaverett. Willi,im .Mann. For sale by IHvANSON & JOHNSdN. Feb'y 17. l!S'>;I. iV.' tf \\\um I. UllHH. ” Fi>!:\V.MlIilN(i .\M» COMMI.S.SION MKUCHANT, WILiyilNGTON. N. C. HJl'USON \l, attention ;.riven to the s.ale or shipment Hl of Nav.al .Stori's. I have .ample facilities tor cor- ductin!: >he business: lari;ew harf and store sliei!^ to '-‘-cu spirits from exposiin-. .N.avjil stor‘s will lie shipped to any house iu ' "“■ \ rk. or lo otiier iioarkets if advi,s;ib!c, aii'l liberal ca^ii a ivance.s maile on ci'tisip;n- ments. I leit-r to the follow in;j: di'ti'.’o l s; I'. H.mnum, .lyne Ccint v, (’iiaiid'er ilali, .loiiii'toi. •',> _ I,n\ctt l’*'n''ork, Coltilijl.u.s t o., i;. H. ll.irdeii. 1 luis. I,. \ ail, I’dadi n *• Messr.«. .Smith. \ ln^r.".ui, .lohuston Co.. .Messrs. '/.. .V J. J..!ie.'. Mi'ssrs. .Smith .v .bities, .spcnct'r Fountain, lis'j., •• I.evi i‘.;iilev, Fs.p, May JO, is.'.u’. ’ '.t^-ypd \v. II. McKAV, Wholesale and Retail Grocer, Crnrr.il (’onMiii>Nioii \ Forwiirditu Vt'rrhiinl. South Water street. '• doi'r> t.elow Marki t, Partii'ubir attention paid to thf «a!e of .ill kinds of Country Produce. l,il)cral casii ad'aiices made on ci>nsi^nment.-j. Reference- •lohu l>. Stair. F'i.. Pres't of the I'ank > of I’.-i \ ftte\ iile, I Wm. Proadfoot, ('ash'r, do, Flij.ih I'liller, l'.si(., .Messrs. Ci ok ,V Taylor, i ('ook ,'i .lohns n. I, C. 11 iilili.ai'd \ Co.. t lint' n. .Samp^ .n cou riioinns .), .Nlorisey, 1N'| . I.iim' erton. Ibdie .1 U. P.T ' -vn. I',"-\S I't'or- ok'. I'.’.adi n. Hot. >. I'.'.-J lifnl llond to thr (^mt! J'trlds. VT a meetin" f>f tlie P>oard of CMuniis.sioners np- pointe»l umler the late .\ct of the (tener.al .\ssetii- bly incor|»>ratin>r the “Western R.ail Rojid Company.” it w.as ordered that P>ooks of subscription to the s:i*d Conipany should be ojicned at the following pl.aces, to- wit;— -At W ilmintrton, on Friday the 2”>th of Feliruarv. un der the direction of the Commissioners named in the ( barter, viz: M ssrs. P. 1\. Hickinson. Thos. II. Wrijrht. •John .\. Taylor, (iiibert Potter, .John Mcltae, Sr., ). 1. Parsley. A. .1. DeKosset, Jr., Hc^bt. W. IJrown, and 1>. K. McRae. .At the (luU. in Ch.atham countv, on .Saturday the 2(’)th fd Febru.ary, utider the direction of Messrs. Lau rence .}. Maufrliton. Peter (J. Kvan.s, Kv.ander .Mclver. atid Kobt .A. Stuart. .\t Columliia. l’anilol|di county, on Monilay the ‘JSth of February, under the direetion'of Messrs. l.’ll. Foust. Dan’l Hacknoy. Henry P.. I'lliott, John H. Troy, and .Vbram llrower. .\t (!i-een.sbor>’, on the 1 st of Mandi, under the direc tion ot Messrs. ,lames Slo.an. I.ynilin .Swaim. .Vndri'w Wfth.-rly, Willi,am .S. it.-mkin. C. P. Mendenhall. H. (i. HARMAN'S Ilori'J., The iibscrilii'r liaviii^i taken t!ie lartro Hotel, form* rly known as the PI,.\NTKlt.S’ III!)Ti;!,, situ.ated at the foot of Hay M(.unt, Hay Street, I'ay. tteville. North Carolina. ri ;-*p. cirully infoi nis his fri ii.|s and the puhlic that he is now eiiir";:ed in retitti'i^ the iiuihiin^r, which is supi-Iied with ( ntirc ni’W Fuinitiiie. and is pi-ep:ired to acconimoil.ate the traveiiiiip: piililic. Il.avin" had some t Xpcrii-iu c in the liiisiin-in the town of I’itts- boro; >ih, N. C., l;o ibitters hiiMself tliat lie will be .'ble to }jive .sMtisfaction totlio.se who may favor him with their company. His rooms .are l.-i;-':** and air\. lie ii.is iiir;;o and convenient .stables, and a £>;ood and I'aitiiful Ostler. JOHN HARMAN. Feb’y 17. 15^.")". t r,tf [NO. ir^.] MKDlCAL Norici:. B]kR. THOS. C. HALL respectfully of-' U ^ fers his })rofessional scr\ic‘» to the citizen.s of Fayetteville and its vicinity l^e' may be consulted at the OTiice dirc-tly ovc^ the new l»rnp .store of Samuel J. Hir-udalev .‘^outh West Corner of Market Sfiuare. July 2*.t, l,s.-,-_>. ];’,tf l>Jll (i STORE. ^ I ■'H F. .subscriber havinj; taken the Storo I tin Ireen .strei-t. known as the ^^c- Pliersoti I’uildiiifr, nearly ofiposite I»r. Rol>- inson's .Shop, is now rcceivir.g a fresh and well assorted stock of Drui>s, C'lu'rnicals, MtMiicino.-, Paints, Oils, D\A‘-SliitVs, juul RtMfiinn'rv. MAV MO'l'i:!,. ^B''HK fiub.scriber havinjr jiurchasvd the Hotel situated * on t!ie .South-Hast (-c.rnt r of Coiii t Ilotise .Sijuare, and lately known as Stuart’s Hotel, would inform the Lindsay, (!eo. .Mbrifiht, l)avil F. Caldwell iiiid John pviblic that he is nnw ready to aeconiniodate boaniers (^■'Imer. by tiie day, week (.r iiiontli. liook.s continue Ojien, as heretofore, at Fayetteville. Feb’> IS.',.'?. DI NCKN C. .McIt.Vi:. f'hairin-u! P.ojird of ('ommissiuners. f.t’itt Togetlier with a t;ood assoi-tment of H.-iir. FU-.-h. Tooih, Paint, arnl Vihitewash P.rushes; Tooth, nnd .Surgical Instiuments: (ialvanic Ilatleiies. .kc. \c. A 1 of whicli he ofiers low for Casii or on time to punctual cust(puier.s. Oi-ders respectfully solicited from C'ountrv riiysicifin^ i"? consider:!- nml otlu rs. who may depend on ]>roeurin}i fresh nnd t)’e outl;i\ in furnishiTifi and retittiiip: the Lstalilishment, ^renuine articles, and that no (iain; will be Spared hope' lo be ali.e to j;i\e satisfaction to all who j.a- giv,* satisfaction both in rui.-ility ,-ind j.rice. .'1 KDicAL PiiK.^t HUTioNs (-urcfully and ; mwm. {'oviPiw. rpiiis ( 'tiii'j'any is now or;z--inised and prepared to r‘- I ceive application." for Insurance, on as fav.liable terms as other Coin]>«nii-s. I»ll;l-:CT(IKS; Avun K. H a 1.1,. .1. (I. SlIKIMIIKI). \V.\i. Waiikkn. S. T. 11 \\\ I.KV. .TdllN I>. 'A’o.i.iams. (’. l>KM!ti\V. Wm. .AicL.vi. iu.v. Wm. M Intvhk. Fayetteville. ;Vpd i:i)U L\ (il.OVICK, Al tlif si:ii of tlie liirsc Wiilrli. Il;n .'^Irnl. isis tta.n sT.i.viK 11 \s just rccci\ c(l liis I-'ai.i, S ro( K OF (iOODS. consist injr SILVER AND PLATED WARE, AND BIILITARY GOODS. A MONl'i b'.' a'SITI Iili-n t m :V Kc ^ootid w Itcbes of all k'tid“. tl-om :s'' to Nl'J.',: Cmiid and Vest Chair.s: j;old Sra'.s .in-l l\i-_\s: >iilver Foh aii'l liuard Chains .and Preast )>ins. Kar riMj:s and I in^er riiip'. I a fine -f-ek : Cut} pin': Pr.icelel': S'-' l and 'i'.'er .Spr.-tacit “. Thiiill'b * I'.’i ! Prn' ils: poM Lockets; Colt's .-ilid .Mien’s Revolver'; Che-s nien: > .r.irdeon-; silver .spoons; silver I ups, \c : Military iools of all kinds: .-i tine lot of ( loi ks. and .-iliiio't e\er\ tbin:r called f"r in bis line, w hich w ill Kr sold ciie.ip for i a'h, or on short time to tliose that will ] ay tlieir bills when pre'cnted. E^.'V W ati lies an«l Jewelry re]>.-iiri-d .ts usu:il. Ool.l ;iml .Sil\er taken in exi-hani:e. .All thi'se ill'lebted by .Note or Hook account, must pay b\ the 1st t>f Novenitier. Fa \ ft lex llle, (let. I, lS-'_’, Hl-tf C. \V. ANDIliaVS, i!i A. .1. J. '1'. .IONi:S, General Agents & Commission Merchants, NO ! ici:. ' bcloiipititr to the Minors of (Jeorire T , 'd. wiil be n-ntt-d for this y»-ar, at p! .p.-rty. 'i?: I he Clarendon P.iid;re 1I . ' ; M:!r' h: the Hail\ pbu-e. on tiie "Jd: t*-/!"' Particular .attention piven to the s.ile ot Tini- [ i.i'o. on the 1th: and tin* pl;ice near ; V,cr. Lumber, and Na\al .Stores. Libcril casli nlvances P.laden. on the 7th. PMlUi’K MCRPHV. T. I». .MelXiUKLL. iuariians. 70tt TOCK of »«>OtS r Siork (tf (ioods ever qfjrred hji ■ ‘ ivini much the L.\ROK.ST \niY ^^ooiJ ^ iiiul Roiincts, Slio* I iiihrcllas. > 'IS in this jilace. to which we particu- ' " 'ttenti-jn of .Men-hantN. as we are de- • ’ I I i,e undersol 1. STARR & WILLIAMS. ■ - ■ : - '.2. uotf '^!D\ Llvl:u^ srAiuj:s, 1 WLTTLVILLi;. N. on consipnnicnts. 4:'.tf d'l! I KTi (R.s sii’i; jirejiareil to furnish the .til anti Ktts^^irs^ ron tMHii:. i'lt’I.arrd to ciirrv r:i.s6(*!i;r‘rs to any ■ / on r**a.son:4l»U‘ t*rni.s. lie foiMKl at the Stables formerly -. Pliilips Wooten, u few tloors ' ' ,’i .i|.li (ithce. ■ ii.^ve jn attenijance jrooil Ostler.* anl '' •-il»i:.i; (’AI{RI.U:i-: will be in ut- ■ ‘I t iiotice, to convey Pan.sengers to nnl ■ ilo .ts. ’ '• I! lies 1,1, Livery at reasonable terniR. '■iriet attentitm to business ami a le- to merit a share of public pat- J. 1$. ASKKW, Apent. IflO-. 0’-:tf II. 11. COl.K, n’holesnle Cor. of Centre Market Sjiace and Pratt street, liALTI.’MOKH, Ml). Jan’y 1'., IS.'.!. tiO-tlO.Mar X. H. s rARIU CK, 'Froff^ IIION FOrXDKIt AND MACIIINL^T, M(tnvf'(ihnir of Sfntm Mund Ilinhrs, Md! i!rtirinf of n/t it'C. rOIHF uuilersipneil. an the Apent of the above Kstab- JB. lisliiiient. will tirtler any articles which in.-iy be wantetl, on application to him. "'he .Steam Mills manufat-tureil by Mr. Starbuc't have been tested, and are hiphly approved tn ttie Plank Roail.s about Fayetteville. F.WW’I) LF.i: WINSLOW', p'avettoville, Sept. 4, JOtf WM. M. M RARY, f'otnntissiott ,lierrhattt^ WIL.MINr.TON, N. Particular attentitm will be paid to sellinp and ship- pinp Naval Stores and Produce, an.l also to the For- wardinp of (jooiIk. .Merchant.* who consipn their Gooils to him can rely on their tieinp forw.ardeil by first boat after they aie discharped from ves.std. P.KFKRF.NCKS: F. Fries. K. A. Vcipler Si Co., Salem, N. C. T. M. Younp, Mocksville. Hunt & .Adtlerton. I.esinpton. John l>. I»ro*n, Salisbury. J. II. J. .Marline, Fayetteyille. Jan’y -0, IHjo. C2tf AND MANI FACTI RLR OF PLAIN ANH JAPAN 'I'xn n (\>j)})(r^ / i/i I*I(tlc (iiid S/i( (t Iron n o/7.'.v. BH.WK in ni\ emplo\ment competent wtirkiiien, ami am preparetl to ilo all kinds if woi-k, either in c(»ppi;i{, TIN or shfi;t iron. I have on hand all the necess.-iry materials and ma chinery for makinj F.-ictory Cans ami Hrum.s, ami to tb> :ill kinds of factory work that can be done by any simi- l.-ir F'talilishiiient in the .State. .\lso, for sitle. Patent Factory Can Rinp.«, varying t’nun to I t inches: Hriim Reads, \c. P.OOFINli. (il TTI.R AND LIIADFR PIPES put up in the be^t m:inner. .AUo. just recei.fil. a full supjily t»f COOKINti (d' the most iipproyeil patterns, some of them very larpe, for hottd ainl plant.-ition use. Vlwa^'s on hand .-i pood assortment of TIN W.\RK. C. W. ANDREWS, South Kast corner Market .Sijujire. May l."i. I8.->2. '-'1-tf Hkmiv LlI.l.V. ,11. L. .^I VUOV M(. 'i'lios. s. Li I rnn.tiii. .John II I’dtiK. , D. .\. IIav ; .\. A. .^l KkTIIAX. jllKo. .MtXKK.t.. ' .Vatua.v a. Stkhman. il.VMF.S KvLK. j ■ OFFIt !’R.‘-:: (ii;0. McNKII.L. Pre'iileiit. I II. L. M I’.i i. K, \i«-e I‘i (•.'ident. J. C. SHKPHLliD, Aitornev. ; c. A. McMillan, s^.ie-.ry, CiF>. Nf.N!'ll,L, ) I ,ll)HN I'. Ct)()K, V ;'xvcuti\e Comiiiitteo. J \.S. Kn.K, I I The pl.-in of \Ifir\'. Isst !t\srK mu"t coniTnem! ii-^clf : to our i'oi niunitv, f ,r it - :ti be demoii'trrited that we ! h'lve s.ivo 1 within the last six ye;n-s upwai-i!.-i ot' nHI 1 l>y iii'tirance in the North ';irolina Mutu-il I’omp.aiiv; ; that is, we ‘■lioiild liave paid to have ke;>t tii(> same in ^ siuatii-e in the foreipn joii;t stock coiii]iani( s that sum , more tli:in we ha%e aotiially p.iiil: and yet the N..rth j Carolina Muliial (’I'mpanv lias received liciwven >s.”.UO0 ■ and ^>'iOUU more tnoii oe.r conimnnity t’uan it li; ]'iiid ; out for lossc' here. showinp that we ;i re fa\orao’iy sit- ! u.ited, as compared witii other (.’.aces in the Stale, t t ' Insuriince. Cur Compjiny has p.ine into oj er-ition favorably, hav- ii:p the d:i_\ w ,• or;^:i;i:> 1 a] t 'ications to the amount of ivn 1 tile Conij any is now jiiaced ujnin u tinii t'oMtin^. .\ny Ii'.rpcti.r, authorise ] ,\pent. i r Secrofarv, ni.TV receive ppl:nti ills, but they will ii'.t he Kin linp until .Tppro\cd t'y the Lxt'riui\e t'oiiimittee or the Po;ud. t-'.'’ "'I. 1. Mc't.\RV. L-‘|. is ;i|ij 'inte ! (iciiera! Aizent 'f liie Company. We invite M.p'oi-ations. CLii. McNLll.l., Prest. C. A. McMll.LAN. Sec’v. Feb'y 7, IS-;!. tii’.tf (;Ri:i:Nsi5oiior(;ii \iufit(il Life f»sifr(inc( iV '/'riiyt Com'if. ^H^III.s Company, as its nann' iiKlicate', is up'Mi the O I’xutriitl I'liiii'ir'i-, find end rai-t-s two distinct de- ; pai tments, t i-wit; Life lii'iiraiice and Tru.'t dep-irt- , iiicnts. Thi? !it:racti\C'in' ln iti. ti oti'ers to Po'i.-_\ holders lioul '.e the oidii.arv sci-nritv, without desir' y- ih'j. their ripht to .a full i :;rt; i,.,iti .ii in ihe e:uire pi »- fits .'f thel’oiiipany. Premiums will Ke rei'-i-.e.l, i:i i-a'h. either aniiually, s“mi-a!iiiiri’!y, or i{uat terl v, .is may lie apree I upon at the time the Policy is issue 1, In the TRl .s'i’ 1) HP A K r M LN I’, or Deposit .S\stem. the paymen;' ni.i le to tlie t •.iii|ian\ are ntirely option al with th(‘ Dc|iositor, as le^: .rds the amount and the time at which they are ni.idi'. A party m.iy pay in as much or as little, not b"' than on-- do|I:ir. :■ an I as ol- ten. a' m.iy be con%enient !'■ r him. without any obliga tion upon him to continue hi.- pavnuuts. — an I liuiy withdraw them at his ji'.easnre. So that, on the pl.in of tiii^ ’omp:uiy. there is creat ed nt one and t!ie same time „n a"i:: ance 'tt — /ii'iii ai uthihh ri —.in I •' /'n hu- 1','tl iipf. j^-^-.St'e P.anifdilets funi'slied I v the Company. in'FlCKRS OF I'Hi; COMPANY. Directnrs—Ralph (iorrell. Lyndon Swaim. John -V (liltnor. D. F. C!ildwell. Rit li i| (Ireenc. Da\id .Mcl.i’aii. Richard Sferlirip. .Io!:ii M. I.oi.'-nii. D. P. Weir. L. W. tliitiurn, Ro! i-rt .\1. .s|,,;,n_ R.ihert P. Dick, Henrv P>. liiliott. President- Pvaljdi Corrt'l. Vice Prrsliient -Lyndon .Sw.iim. Secret.i!-y and Treasurer D. P. \^'u;r. .Attorne\—John . (Jilnier. Lxainininp l’hysici:in—T.dwin W.-itson. M. D. Ctiiisultinp PhysiciansC. Mebaiie. .\1. D.; J. L. Cole, M D.-, D. P. Weir. .M. D. (ieneral .\pent—\\ illiani II. Cuinmini;. .\ny information ri'iritive t ^ the Company ina.v be had by addressing D. P. WLIll, Secretary and Treasurer. Jan’y ‘2o. 18.'..'!. I'li'i-tf he hopes to be al troni/.e him. His Table shall tie furnished with the liest the maiket affords, his l!ar with tin* best of I.i- >luors. iir.d his Stable with a plenty of good provender and l.iithhil O.stleis. ' J. A. (GILCHRIST. June l!*”), IS.'-J. ;i-tf MRS. Mary ,\nn (iinsoN. ~ ILL he pbul to aceoniniodate a few Hoarders. .She also inl'ornis her I’ricmls and the public that sl.“ inttnds to yairy oii t!ie business of .Muntiia- m;ikinp. I’a_. eUv eille, Sej't. 4, 1H.‘-_>. l^Htf NlMVil'KViLUi IHiTi'L , _ .x rs^.iiK iii!ilersipn(-d Would res)>e-tfully inform ■J* H. the citizens of .■'unimer-i ille, tiie vicinity, and the pu’tjHc penerali\. th.-it she has oj-,em-ii a accurately )irepared. Jan’y 24. 18.'):3. J. X. SMITH. • il'tf of MUitrrlahnuvtit^ whore she w ill be pb-nsed tn iicfominodate r’ll who may call on her. The Viliape is pleasant and healtiitul. her house larpe and coniinodivius. No pains will be spared to rende r a::reeable and cuiufoi t.ible any who may lavor licr with a call. .''he is al:o prepared to n'-e,.modate with P.oat-d from 1) to ‘Jo .''lii'i-iit-'. Price of llo.-ird pt r iiionih. K. r.AlLFV. unimt rville. N. .fune 1-S, IS-'il!. ]-tf a.mi:rk\\n iiori:T~ ( H.VRLOTTK, V. C. «!•.#. istrnifwi:. SN ofl'erinp my service' to the travellinp piiliiic as the proprietor of the .\meric.-in Hotel. 1 willri t'rain t’rom a’l uni.ei r>.».ir_\ ho;i.^tinp, hut will assure those who stop with me, that notiiinp which personal etbii ts on my part can aecjmpli'h to eoiitrihute to their coml'ort will be left undiuie "he builditipx have all been tiiorouphly re paired and fuiiiished with entirely iie-.v furniture. It ia situated « ithin about three hundred i>.-ird.' of the Dep-'t. The .St,i;re (»!)ice is kept at this Hotel. The .N -i-thern .stape arrives and ilepaits il.iily, the We'tern vSta/e tri-weekly. P.cinp :ipent ;it this p!ac.*, travellers J ;"iii'.r w'il ri- ei\e all the .-ittentioii t!:.at I am able to /M/A7’N, Oil., .S'c- LP.S. PFRF, W HITE LEAD. ”0 hbls. Rlake’s Fire-jiroof Paint, J,inseed Oil, Ti-ain “ A’epetable or Rosin ftil. Chrome A'ellow, •• lirecn. ^in Oil.) Paris Putty ;ind Putty Knive.s, Copal \ ai-iiisli. i;i.-ick l>eather Viirnish, P.rown Japan •* i^c. For .sale low by J. N. SMITH, .lan’y "Jl. IS.'.:!. t'.'Jtf -tov.- .Mv lii' It -I St A. Jai.'y 1 1, I- IH.TMrNi:. I’AIN rs INSKKD OIL, J* J Ti-ain (»il. Putty. \ cpetabie Oil. AND OILS. White L‘-a 1. Wirnlow (ll.'i's. I'ire-prool' I’aint, V.irnish. Veilow Ochi'.., Venetian Red. Litiiarpe, P>ed T.ead. I'm- her. Terra »le Sienna, ViUir'. Vermillion, Lam]> P«lack. Papeat l!! ici;, \'erdipris. Chrome (ireen, P.iris ireen. Ciirome Vellow. Sand Paper. Paint P.rushes, A'arnish Pirushes. Wliittw.ish Ilrushe'. Whitinp, \c. For sale low hy J. H1X.S!,)ALE. .laii'v 17. 1''^;!. tiO-i!m HALL vV iu)llin(;i:r ^ loNTlNFF. to carry on the FOI'NDR^' I5I SINK.si?. 't. with a'.! its hraiiches. in this pl.-iee. Tliey have added, within the last six month". .SJIOOO worth of Pat terns. :iml are now prepared to tnrnish Millwriphts with Machinery, Ht short notice, for \\hcat, Corn, tirist, and .S ;i .Mills. Stear.i .Mills reji.-iired thronphoiit. iiiir tcriii' .u-e c.-.sh on de;i\ery; 10 per cent, will be added for every .’lo an account tmiy stand unpaid. We i-.innot lairy on this ’tn;.'ii;ess on the creilit system, ^ neitlur do we intend doin^ so. HALL ROLLINr.KR. Aupust IS. ls."iL>. Istf RARCiAlNS! P»Ali(;AlNS!! MN my lecent ^is',t to Nfcw Vi.rk. my principal i>bieet w.is to pet workiiieii find 'iiatei-ial for the purptise of maiiuf-ic- turinp .Silk Hats. .\fter pettinp there, ami lindinp it ditlicult to pet first r.ite me .SuUtli. I pave uji tl.e pri s).ict ol' pro- nse'picntly purchaseil ;i l.irpe stock of .Alter niakinp luy purchase. 1 enpaped FIRK-PROOI' ROOl'INC;. i'raitris Shviitott^ SLATK A.\D MHTAL JIOOFKH, kc., ff^llANKFlL for past favois, beps to c,-ill juiblic at- SL tenfion to SL.\TE ROOFINtl. done on the most a]i])roved ]irinciple, making roots lipbter, tiphter. and more iliir.-ible than the (dil w.iy of sheeting, effecting a saving in lumber, anil greater secui-ify against fire. The low jirice at w hich Shite Rools aie now oflered w-ill compare favorably with any other kind of fire-proof Rooting. SL.ATE CHIMNEY PIPES nnnlc to any pattern. They are an excellent remedy for smoking chimneys, and seliloni f’ail to efl'ect a cure. Tin .and Copper tJutters. Leade*" Pipes and \ Ileaiis, made to any pattern, and every kind of fire- : proof roofing put on or repaireii in th« best manner, on | reasonable lernis. J F. S., in soliciting your patronage, feels confident of giving entire satisl’action in all cases where a thorough j knowledge of his business is required. I fttjretteville, Sept. 7, 1862. 24Y c'or(;iis, ('OLi)s. iM LrioNZA. ,\\er's (’hi'i-ry Peetora'. .1 ay lie's F xjiectorant. Jacr .'on s (’oupii Lo/enprs. Riishton s ('od Liver Oil. Wistar's Piiilsani of Wild Cherry. For sale hy .s! J. HINSD.VLE. Feb’y t'l, IS-").'!. •1.”) lini .11'S'I' Ri:c'i:i\ Hi), p P-bls. New .No 1 large Mullets. Jfl. '1 Casks New Pvice. —A LS() - I t'ase fine city-made light I’oots. 1 •• “ “ waterproof do. Ho “ Slinos, many kiinls—some tine. —ALSO — Fine Dress anil t>ver Co.-its: Pants and Vests. .\11 of wliiidi will be Md'i on reasonable terms, bv I'llOS. J. JtHINSON, Near the P>iink of Cape Fear. Fayetteville, Dec. 21, Ls-'>‘_’. o.jtf lldts! I lots! ('lj).s! ( '(ipsl Hoofs Sh)Cs! FILL IM) \l l\Ti;il STOIK, M. ^B'^HE .Sub.scriber has receiveil one tif the birpest as- B sortinents in his line th.-it ho has ever idiereil in this market; to which he would call tin' attention of his friends and the imblic in penenil. .\monp hissto(-k may be fountl nearly every style and iiuality that can be f’tuind in this maiket. He wouM say to all those tlesiring gootls in his line to give him a call, as he i.* tleteriiiiiied to sell low for Cash, or on time to punctu,-il customers, at wholesale or retail. JOHN C. THOMSON. Obi Stand, South-West Corner Mark«t .Square. Sept. 2-'>, 18:)2. 21'tf BACON! HAC’ON! HIIDS. .Sides and Shoulder.s, for sale by W. H. LUTTERLOH. Dec. 2.3, 1852. 54-tf ]*KTni*n 1‘urintc an\, -ILK H.\l a irentleinaii !i- principal woiki-.ian. ho came well le- i-oninieiideil. Ho le;irned his ti.-uie in Europe: und tor the last se\»-n vears he has l een emiiloyeii in a large 'iiaiiut.'.i-turinp e'tah'isiinient in the city of New Voik. 1 tl;eii prTiiied f:i'hi"iiaLie blocks and materials, and !im now fairly at work Manufacturing Ninety Kats per mcntli, .\nd will iiave some of them re.ady for sale by the 20th iii't. In order that I may not be overstockc!. 1 offer ; for sale. I' CO.S T, niy late purchase of Nos. 1st, 2d, and ;id nuality I’.VS H lO.N .\ P> LE ■ Merchaiiis may saNe money by jiurchasing of rue. If you )uii-eh;:se in New \-rk, il is olteii a numtli before . » HI ! ecei\e ilicni. | I shall in a short time be able ti» furnish merchants ' ■.vith Hats of MY OWN MAM FA( TI RE, at N. York prices, to-wit: No. I at ^12, No. 2 at *o*j, and No. o at sS-l'l I'er lo/eii. I t ike tl'^s opportunity of returniiig my thanks to my former ciisioniers. iiml invite them and other well dis posed patriotii- penflemen. that are in favor of Si P- ' POll’flNC sol Tlir.R?'. MAM FACTl RLS, topi\e me a call on or after tiie 'JOth inst.. as 1 e\pec-t to have ; really for exhibition ami s.-ile Hats of niy t>wn mannfac- I ture that cannot be surpassed in style and durability, j 1 would be ]ilcased to sre every gentleman, in t-oun- trv or towu, and will t:ike ple.-isiire in exhibiting the | Hats, and showing the difVerent process they pass ■ throii'’h from tlie fur on the skin until ready for the j hc.ad. 1'AVID hfe. I Fayetteville. N. C. Oct. IS.'.-J. :!4tf .irsT Ri:ci:r> i:d, ;’> ('.isks Rice. 4'i l5oxes Cheese. Il> Corn .Shellei s. .'> P.arrels I’ickled Poi-’:. 100 Sacks Salt. P.ENI!OW, k\le ,v ro. Fay.^ttoviUe, .Ian’}- 2 4, 18o^. ii2lf SmilJtrillc Mftlc and /'rnt(dc Acddciiliii ^'^^iLL eoinmence its fourth session, in the iiew V w building, loth February, :ind close its si-holas- tic ye.ir 15th Dec. I.s.') J. Orp.-.ni/ation and charges ii» heretof'ore, Mr. .Murpiiy excepteij, whose services, if necessary, will be supjilied by a eomi»etcnt .Assistant/- For particulars address the principal. JA.MES H. 1!RENT. Smitliville. N. C-. I^ec. o'). 50-ljm FALL AM> W1NT1:K .^TK’K OF ~ STAlM.i: TANC V DiiV (U)ODS. I*'«r I SH.WEjust received iiiy .sto-.k of ST.U’LE .ANtf F.VNC^' DI!Y CiOoD.s, foj- tl:o i‘;tll and U inter' tr.'iiie. coiisistinp in part as folltiw.--; r'oths, ( as.'imt res and \’estinp.s: (.lain, hl’k and tigVf Silks: fancy ilo: bl'k :ind col'd Freiicii .\icriiios; linplish' ilo: hi'k and col d ,\lpai-as: French and English printed Deliiins, Some eiiibroiilered and veiy handsome;) Me rino.SJiiits aivl I>rawers: Wool Shawls; (’assimere ainf Crape do; Flannels: Worsted C.-ijiS; P.onnets, Sacks and Muffs for Children: Negro Rlaiikets, anil a f’ew good bed Rlankets; (.’arpets and Hearth Rugs: Frcnch and .\mev- ican Prints; (iinghams; bleaciied and brown Domestics; (isnahurps; AL-ilbro (ioods: bl'k and col d ('otton Velvets; Velvet Triniminps; .laconet and .Swiss .Muslin; 15ishop' and Victory L;iw n?; Jaconet and Swiss F>lginpsan! In- sertinps; Linen Trimmings; ('otton and Lisle Edgings; Infants’ Waists; Frinpt's; (limps; Picnic Mitts; (iloves and Hosiery: RiUhons. Pxmnets. (jirls’ Flats a iJ Straw Triminiiig: Damask and Merino. Also, a pood assortment of Shoes and Roots, for Toa dies. ientlcmen. ISoys. (iirls ;ind Children; togotlicr with many other .•irticles not eiiuiiieratcd. making my stoek complete; to which the aiteiitioii of my frientls and tho' tradinp public gener;illy is invited. (Irafefiil for past favors, 1 hope hy ofl'erinp poods at reasonable rates id continue to sliaie a portion of public patr-inage. Norih-West Corner Miirket .Sijuare. No. ‘J, (ireen st.,- Favetteville. N. C. P. SH EM WELL. .Sept. 2.'i. isr.-j. -J'.l-tf ~ A Ni:v\ INVKN'l'ION. rjS^HE undersigned h:is made iiii invention if a Snmt bL .\Iachine. wliicii he will insure to be pei'fect in the. extraction of smut in w he;it, an I wishes to inform .Mil! Owners that lie is puttinp .ip machines at Fniou F.-icto- tory, on Deep lliM’r, eight miles Nor;h of Ash'uoroiipli. My machines are composed of three distiticl princi ples. centi ii'ugal, scowering and r'-action. It takes the w heat throupli tlirce oper;itiins ingoing through the machine om-e. .An\ pei'ons liiiying a Jiiacbine, after frying it, if it fbics not cle.an whc.-it. li.-iiiip or dr\, 1 will take it b.ack; Price .Seventy-fi\e Dollars. All Ictter.-i’iioMi-i ,-i'cd t-.i New- Salem Pi-;=t «').Tiee. Rnn- dol|ih counly. P. P. FRLr-MAN. Oct. 12, I'-V2. P'lV Who Yvoiild liuTC iSf i^KM) lirAV AUl) ILL be ]>aid for the ap]>rchension and confine ment in jail of a n>!>n hy the name of .\LI-;.\- \Nl*ER l5RO\\.N. He is abf.ut ■') fvet 10 or II inches hi'di. i-ather stout built, weighs about Dl-') or 170 lbs., has lioht colored hair, r.ither inclined to reil, dark eyes, and is somewhat f reckled in the face. He is very polite in speaking. He killnl a iiegrti boy of mine last night. I paid. CAMERON W RKJHT. | phy. .SpririKfield, P»ichniond Co.. Jan. ‘_'0, liltfi Dec. IS Blanks for sale here. nLyiHKi, m Bill oooi>s, HmlRn HATS, CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES. WE ARE now receiving our Fall .Stock, to -which we iuTite tho attention of buyers. IIALL & SACKETT. 23,ie?5. -1 vr}r ('nn 'uKfr ICsldhlishmrrtt on lh^ MifttiDiJ (iruK, (hr Jlrfhrnht^f ('IhhtJi, froIItill-;/ (in MitT)ifnr>1 Strrrt. (;ri:a r i:N'n:iii‘Risr:! Fay(‘t((‘% ili‘ ii> lo ^liiito!! ri'^HL .Subscrihers wtuild re-pectfully inform their J[ friends :ind the public, ihat tliey Imve cntei-ed into copartnership for Ihe |uii pose of coiidui'ting tiie general C.\RRI.\(!E RI SINESS in .-ill its v.nious parts. And tieiiip hoth prnctical workmen, fully umlerstamling their business, they Inne no iiesitntion to compare wcirk with any estiibiishment in F:iyetteviile ns to stxle and ilura- biliiy. One of the firm iphv be known hy ref.'Tence to A. H. Whitfield’s iron woik for the lust two years. W e warrant all work to give general g.itisfaction for' twelve months. Repairing done in the neatest niannt r low- for cash. Pi El: .'v I RANLN. JaMKS II. PlKn. J KNiKS P.I’.WIV. Fayetteville. Jan’y LM, IS’e!. fiL’tf w AN ri:i), RAltREl.S OF Tl'ni'ENTINE, ^ P ^ ^ * 8* fur Distillery at thePbink Roa'l lindffe on Hip Pockfish. 'I he hest marki t pi-.ei w ill be For fuither information, iiniuire of .John W. Mur- etltvi 1S,-,1. 4Mf ri C.VMERON W RKJHT. j phy. at the liridge, or of A. .Mckcth.m, F;iyefttville. ♦Htf j l>. W. ttC‘llli»Ol« n ^iir- Dentist, having located in Fayette- ' ville, may be fo'ttid third door below the j Market, ISenbtiw & Kyle's block. :ind will he happy to ! wait on those requiring lii.s service,", j All work wurratited, .tnd he flatrcr.'' hiniseif lie c.th give sjitisfaction, having taken great jiaitis ft> ciualify 1 himself under the instruc tion of one of the lirst I>entists HI Englanf]. Tfl Pc5 22, Siif

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