fAU ■=0 tla, :■! %,'■ "> "•1'^ Nulls'^ smmmanti ^ F. M I-W KEKL Y. -1 '" "■ ^ ' viV" ''tf ' ^IP. ®EW YORK. * “ '\TS \lMis , . i\n [VOf,. H.l FAYKTTFAIIJ.K, N. C., AIAFXTF t. ISoO. [XO. itl.J rgT-- TO. t unair^Ty Tg&Taejj ^ !..v l>HlNTKn 15Y J. B. XKWBV'. i;i)\V VRl) J. H.VLi: cl- sox, Ki'iTous AND ruoruiKTous. i . .--r t! 0 •''‘■mi-" OitsKUVKit t 00 if jinid ia : '• iliiring: the year of subsorip- WKSTEHiX J5AIL HOAD! I i;i:\i;ri!. mkktim; or vrofK- HI .I|,.J. V-. *';'•/''lit!,. ' ^i; ' ”'n 1>. !i 'I3b*:hb:a«, ti.csumof fivk iirx- DllHh TlU>rSANl> nOLl.APvS hav- k of t lu ll \(iS, I\.\(«S. I'- still rci’fivo UA(jS f(>r J. F. Jordiin &. To., I’liloi'rii. :iml want •■;00,()0() pouiuls at the liigli- cst inarki t pi-ii-c, for (•■•isli. ("Dttini Vnni iiii'I Wr.ipiiiii;^ I’l'.pi'*’. u larp;c lot, 011 h'linl at iiiamil'actiirers’ jiiices. lir.ANSON .)()11N?0>\ Siicce.“:ii.r.s t^' II. r>i'aiisMi X Son. •laii'v 17, IS.M’,. ootf i lN(.S :ii-terthe vcar hasexpiro.l. ! in.lT 1'0(M1 sub.fril-"l In tlu> (’apital W.M‘\l_v Oikvuvfr $2 00 per aiimmi, if p.iid in *“W IlS'l'l'nX II.ML IIO.MV; •ij :,;i if psi.l (luring the .vi'.ir of suhscrip ■ Fublic Wotice is llCreby Given, 111 cniii- '111 after the veav has e\pirol. with the ]>rovisii>ii.'j ot tiio ’iiart r, for a insorti*'! for ,si\ty crnt.'^ per ^ I'* -VL Ml’l'iTIXd (H’ Till*' STOC'K- , !ino fnr tho first, an.1 thirty cents tV.r oaih IIOLnKRS, to be Ili’li] in tin' 'I'own Hall ill tllr Town of F.wkttkvim.k, oh the I l//j of •ftarrh *##’.«/, at 11 o - ckK-k A. .M. 1 Moriir.usoN. ’)7-‘Im iin^ piiblicatii'U. Yearly mlvortisenionts by spo- at r»*as.>nable rate«. .\Jvortisi-rs arc i t'l stall' t'.'.o nuinbor of insertions ilo-«irevl, or ’ 0 i-.>ntinm‘'l till for1>iil, anl ch.irixocl aooor'l- j.. Letters t() the VMitors must lie post-]iai'l. I'lios. .1. jon.Nsox HAS Jl'ST r.KCKlVKD— r’-.i.s. m;v.- (tui.i:\ys Mor.A..r,.-:. Irii'ce Yi'Ilow riantiii;.' I’otatt’es, . n.s N.ii'tlu-rn r>ao«n\, ■ N. (‘ar'^'lina do. ; u-i!u’ls (>ats. I' r;_';is -inil Castinp;-". I'.'-i. '.'niitlis' TooN, ' ~ is. I'liba M-.’a.«si s. —ALSO— ,;i' and 1 I’ul'Iv, 1 Hariu'ss .1. I’orsi.n .St. •• ' Tob y 1'-^". TJtf am’r.KLLTo.N riit^ri r.Tv KmI .^ai.k. T. .1- .1, .!T TSiE HKM9 ]>o\ \i !' M IN \ :r \ rnnvisiDNs. i iqi ors. \f.. ,S , Vi//,,If /t i; '/if I:- r, /ifir->n th> ■ > //. -V, -IV,! S‘af, Fayetteville, N. C. ,, ,, l,arre’s Veil, 'v and Mon er I’hint- ' • • at reduet'd pricvs. n. (i. M.\(’ K.Vl], ('liaiiinaM •>t (hi> IJoaril ot ('o!nr.il.'>ioii( I'avottovill-.'. X. (’., I'. li. lit. C.T It i nII SAL!:, IN 1.1 \ ye;ir ■ b'a-t* i>f timber i;i SnO ;i(M'rs. Iviii'^ .L^ on i raiif s I'reck, near I.owtr I.i:tli‘ I’livi-r. '1 he '.;n-''.t'r p. vtion ..f thi,- thiil'er 's v.tv tine, ai; 1 as \ et iintiiuehed hy an a\i'. :ui'l ^vitliin a mile "f tiaxi^raMe water. The ri:ht t- the land may he had. if de.-iiid. iu roasonalik' terms. .1. C. IlC'OrKK. r.iyette\ii’i>\ ,I;in. i.l :;m i'rr h Ihinnnn' f 'iiiiil am! ( .!:i>t rOt v'iv.- I an'! tV.r -i.-il- Sv •I. N. r.r.-.n St. .Ian'V 1, 1 ! If Veat !a. .piee- lnd:jr. Spani PO'l'ASli. r. wders, il“P', tn- i;:i T ir;ar. , Tvtiai t . f..r t'aviiiii’. M.idder. -h !’r.'\''n. I’.ith i’.ri -k. , \e. 1' r l)v ,1. N. SMITH," Cre. n •■'t. ,I:U M, 1' ■III IP iH)'rA'ri)i:s. )\|K '■ s e .untrv I’lantins: r"t:it - ‘ ^ T. . at 't- U AUIULI.. 7!-tf !• I V. i To Iluilder-o. |r|1 ■ - . ' -r-'.-^er will .-..ntraet with any .-..nipefnt i. . ri -r person t i erect a llr!d;.’e aeros.'^ I .I'l Ui\er. .in the siti- of the •M t ;;: I’Ji'l^re at th.';' p .iiit ;s -'.'O yards wi le. I'ri 1^. r driv,.;i into tlic bed of the river, and l>e r:; a draw. .JAMi:S F. MeHKF . . w. .T. 7-I-ln» llii'O. .M.’riiAC'V i.t Co. No. 84 'William Street, r:i. r f Maiden Lane. >« i,U ^OKK, lMl’i>nTKllS iF rurnsslnH;;^ tmoofts. ' (''tal'Vsliineiit, liidnL^ the ' r"e«t in the city. t'"Un.l a lar^e :in.l well .seieete.l St..ek, cf.n- n part of rieh So:'-r;'s and Cravat. Hosiery, l ii'ler (ianiipnt.s. Su>|.euders. -^Us. 1-on l. n ’ ".,n Tiv'*. .''hirts of all >|uaiilie. ilaviii.^ 1 in this - ^siness ti;e i;:st twenty year*. : - liunfi-v'S.try, as they havi> ma.le -ueti :ir- •- in I’iu-.>i>o that they are reeeivin-j. by a!m.i«t •■ler. the i h'iieest L'ood.s the n;arket at^'urds. ij»?y I all to sati«fv theni'-jlves that ■ The i'::rni«hin;r line may l>e f..iin.l re. _■ ■ - Ml 1). 7:.’--’m iiiv(‘rv Stah!('s. Tin? UIIll(TSI;'Il.ll ('intillUf tr. carry >.n tln' Ll\ l.ll^ 1>1 .NF..''.S at this place. 1 hey ha\e la tel V l.irirely im reased thf. r .''t . k and can ii.-w offer t-r tl." public ;i« Jlor'-i'i, '.irri.fj'e!, :m.| I'ri- n« •■.•III be fouii'! in t!:e S.'Utli- II eountry. Thankful for the larje patron- ex'’.'!! b'd to Vis. W"' ' .'ii 't ■ iit.nuati n ,,..r, \V.- proiuise a s:it;-iai t ry tiip to . -!; t-> tr iv(d. .t the West end of Mmnf.Tl ^trec'. ■ . ' I’ropi li'tors may always he toun'i. or ; -I d.- r Ka.,t .-f .Mr. Lntt. r'..h. J. W. roWKl’.S k CO. • F.b-v 22. TIV Citiate lr..n, 1 I. - trc !•;. -i l.-tc- .■\ ri’p 1.. ir n t.y l!..d: 1" line, 1...1. P.it.ass. •• I.-u 1. 1';; . rine. S:i'ii ine. Kn .te. ,'nin .ae. it. li"n an'l i>h. Ir .a. ■ -en. nKK’K von sAu:. MI! siiosci'iber haw for sale lo0,000 hard burnt I’d’It'K, which ho is wilhnir to se'd nt the lowest market j)rii-e. ,\n.l he inleiiijs to keep )i supply con stantly on hand. .lan'v I''":!. ')' LAW Ki:x('i: vV 'I'uov Have re'.’pivf'd tlieir Fall Stock of Groceries, Provisions, and Liquors. .S l.SO - A !>t ()!’ iit'iuh-in:ui(‘ C'l()tllinL^ C T(>clx(‘vy and (ijusswart'. Boots anti Shot's, l!ar(lv>an‘ ainl (’iitlt'rv. \\ e have ..n li.ind the follmvini; j CKOCKItlKS: ‘ ) i’lio. I.- LTiiira, and ,\!.irac.iilx) (■otree; Porto llico and (’lili.i SuLTar: Loaf, ('ru.-hed and t’offee dittii: .Vdam.an- i tine an.I i’a’low Candles; F.ancy aiel coninion Bar S..ap: i i’earl an 1 ('urn Staridt; l’*-ppif. .Spice, (!in>;er. Nutme;s; I (".'.ves, ('inn.aiaon. Tea. \e.; Salt. Inn. .M(dassts, iVc.: le, I pper .iiid llartic'-- Leather. IMK )VlSlONS: 'I s I’c-.'f, .III I sia-jke.l and dried ditto; lU'ef Tonp-iie?, ; iM'l • ■ 1'..11 ;nes an 1 S. ai; Is' ; N.>. •! M a kcr.d, in htils.; No. 1 .^ii: ., ia kit:-: Sali.aoi anl 1 i klc I IK i rii.}:. i:i 1 1.1s.; i.ar I. i;i ^^^s,, .it'.l kitts; (ioslien .nnd Ilairy r>:;t; 'r; Clii.-i-^e. I'icka’s. I'r.M’rves. \c. U’lS: Fia.’ Fi'eneh I’raiil\; Comnioji l^Mim^sti- -1111.>; (tM 1' \ c hi>k!v; P.c. ti iie.j 'li! t..; clea r white ditto; Country ■ i;t N -w i'.a^! la I Kum; lini^iM.i (iin; I’ort an.l Teiie- ri!;.' C. 'uai.iU 'I.tt.i. We a !ar_c 1‘t ; Li.pl .r which we otTcr low l.y the Larrel. We keep .in h i:i 1. .i!w:i\s. P.acon, Flour. C:irn. \c. We i.tVcr any of t!ie al>o\e named (ioods as low as can 1- “ ail or. Id in this market, f. r Ca - h, or in exch.ai. ire 1 r t aintrv I’r- Irce. or n time t . pur;ctual ciist. nicrs. l.AW llLNCi: i: TI’J>Y. Sept. 1'>, ‘Jt'iif Vi'.W nilM & .M'W CIIOIIS. air n..w r-cei\injr tfoni N“w Volk, irener.il ;i.'>..i tment of /’ />.... f ' ... I. a!.^ 1 1 ■i;inil.>. .1. N. F' r - oo S'lmi. Itf m:\i NToin; i\!) \i:\i laioiis. *•■1 Ir H':s ul.'. ril.i r h:.^ t:' t’:..- ''t iii'.l by .^ani 1 -I. !!ii; -•! I'e. >■ : S'piure nti.i ;iU.’spi'‘ tr. ‘‘t. NL'.V STi:CK i!F B'fti! ittsff ll'hitcr I n.is iin.l '.he v . ■ arc n-.in . he is de;ermii;e.| t ■ »• '.I \erv t. is-.j. I'nrtu III I nr F.rr.ivF.i» th: ,!l.' .■ t .'...;.r . here lir h:'.-; . iaOOifS. ve.j t„ l.ir ! s. Al'.in' (Hi-I i'ft/ifii Dni cuorKini:.'. H.\iti>WAKi:, Il.it.s :in.l ('aj.-. Hoots ;in.l Sli'.ts. .\m..i,. wliich are: ■ to Su:rar, C..tt..n l’.a^;iinjr, I’ale l’>. pe. NaiN, iii.l..u C., . .''we.les and Fnclish Iron, S.ick an.I .Mum Sa','. Imperi.il and Ulack Teas, I’-'pper, AI-’. ■•■.U'.rer. I’owder. Shot, I'..ir l,e;i.!. i'.ar .iii.l Fan.-y -■'.■ap. -ili. r wi:!i a .iicat \.iriety • f ..ther articbs. t.: ' • :i ihev iii\i‘e th. a't.Oito.n ..f ;1|.« |'uhiic, a'oi w lii. h ; .-V r.rr i jef r’nine'! t. s.'ll a.' b.w f..r Ca.-h, or ..n tirae th- wh I'av 1 r !!.; t'y, as .any h.'Usc in the .''outh- ni co'.intry. I'r. lace A'r .1. M. BKASr.KY’S ISew Jcwoiry Storo, Street, 7irar (hr Murhft Ilouxr, .\Y be fonnd an unusually large and rich v.ariety of Watches and Je'welry, dozen pair of the latest style Cnif Fins; 7 (h>. pair latest style Kar Itin.irs; larfre lot Silver Ware; Forks; Spoons: I.adles; t'l'eani .Spoons; «Su"ar Ton^r.s; ('uj>s. .\lso, larpe hit I’l.ited floods: Colt'.s and varion.s other kinds of I’i:tols; double-liarrel (luiis; Surveyor.s’ Compa.«ses ami Chains; .Mathematical Iri- stiunients. itc. J. >L ni'ASLT'V. Jan'y ’>, IS.'i:?. r)7-2in Liv\'rni:K liAxns, f HOlUd't; n I.V Stretchc.l. cemented, aii'l riveted. The above Ibinds are sold 'JO per cent. le»?i t'o'ii New York manufacturers' prices. Cash will be re- (uire.l in evcrv inst.anc.'. For s.ile b W. II. LL'TTi:IILOU. rayctteville, Nov. It'i, IS-'i'J. ‘.lltf jrs r iii:c'i:i\ Li>. C \ LFF- for Distillers. JT Horse anil Ml''-- I'oll.ars. A fine lot of .''.i.ldlel'v. r.eady-niade ( b thinjr. Fereijin and Domestic I.i.piors. Al.so, ti lot of Xorlli C;irolin > 1>.\(’()X. 12. l-KKTl’, I’erson street. Nov. IS. IS.'.L'. I-Jtf SM !'l- .\XI) 'VOW.Wi'O. .M.\M'F.VCTI r.Fl!, No. )J Chatham St.. New York, I F I F n.S fi r ^ale the folh.w iii;.j articb-.«. wari ante'l >npei ior iiaality: — .NLii’Coh.iy. Scot li. ('oarse French H.ippec an.l other SNl FF.''. .\lso, I'ine cut r»p,ACC(). in tin-foil and pap-T*. .\ more particular d»sciipti. ii of the various article.s i-an be knoivn by sen.Iin;.; I'i.r a full j rice current as ah.ive. .I in'v 1 ■'). ls'.;’>. Ol-liii S'l .\li!l, SOX ('()., iL.VTK .MALTIIY ST.U{|{.) 147 Water Street, New York, I'dd’ c. nstaiitly on han.l a larjre assortment of HATS, CAl’.-. aiidSl'FiAW (iOODS. of their own niaiiufacture, which they tfcr to ca>sh and time liuvcr-i on the most liheral terms, at a sliijlit advance fr.'Ui I I.~t. Theii- long experience in this (>r.i!.ch of hu- 'ini'ss eiiahlrs them to oiler inducement.s to buyers sel- i|..m met uith. all.1 an e\:imination i f their stock is par- ticu\ir!y invited, (ti-'lers re..«|iecti'ully solicited, .-ind esi.ecial .atnaitioii pai'I to p.ackiii'.: goi.d-; f,.r distant SAT)I>LKI{8’ AM) (’)Aril->{AKKI5S’ ##.f li ep I*-.# ti j;, *vr. frtlAlllVi iliiMMir, & A LV i' No. i2i Ijiilliiiiori* St., Bnltiiuorc. SMrOHTF,i’..S and ilealer.s in IIoj: .Skins, Trees. Fnglish llead.s and Iteins. (iirth W ehs. Stirru].s. Hanie.s. F>itts. \e. Sjirinjis. .\slesof all kinds. Co.-k h Lace. Dl'.NT FLf-LOKS, Hubs. Sjxikes. Carriage and Tire IJolts. I’atent Canv.iss. Carpetinp. and every :irfi- clc c>niiected witli either liranch of tiie hnsiness. whicli they are jirejiared lo offer to ]iunctual cu.stoaiers on ;i.s pood terms as any other hon.se in the I nite.l Pt.ites. Agents for the sale of Pope's Self-Adjusting l’.\l>S and Spencer's (ii(i TllLKS. Or.lers promptly atteii.ied to. Address TiioiiAs M\rM;\zii: \ .n\s. No. 'J'J- l?al*boiire Street. I'.iV] DALTiMOUi:. *1»0,0()0 lt>K. (»r SWILL ]iay :5^ cts. per ponnil c.ash f>r all clean eot- ton an.l linen delivered to .J. D. Williams, in Fayetteville. I ;ini iiv;irly rr.'idy to ])iit in operation !i l’a])er .Mill in this neighliorhood. and a*M desirono of getting my rags in this market. My ohject is to pay a^ foudi for rags as 1 can afford, ami hope that I may not be forccd to distant markets for my suppFus. I lone arraiigeil wiili Mr. Williams to leoeive .and pay for all r.azs delivered to him. U.W'ID MFIll’HV. ross x\g:w YORK. rXITHI) S'iW l'ES M\U. LLXlv^ ! F.iyetteville, Feh’v 24, CS-tf 1 li tra.le. December 1 1, i S’i2. UA'rs, C APS vS: STKAW (iOODS. sr.\KK. S»N ,'s: CO., Water Street, New Vork. .'il-olll S'ihscriix'r still con tinues to carry on tl;t; ('AIJ'Ni'T l»l .''1- N L.'^.S in Fa\etteville, and in fiddition to his l'.st;(b'ishment on liow Street, near l^cclcs's Fridge. h:is opene.l a large \'\'.\I1K 1MM»M t.n Hay street, nearly o] po>ite the Fayetteville Hotel, an'l one door F.ast of .\lessrs. Haigh v't Sou's, where ii geiit'ral assortment '.T FITJIAITUIIF., Ma.le hv comjietent .an.l faithful workmen, may be hail at prices eorres]ionJing with the times. .\lso. an as sortment of Nortbern-iiiade FFUNITV UK. selccte'l l>y himself, w hich w ill be sold .s' t very moderate advance. DL.NCAN .McNFILL. I N'y. 10.1P.M. ;>tf I ^ R F keeps oil hand an ass'.rtnutit of Fi.^k's celebra- MM tel MI;T.\LLIC i;i'HI.\L CA.^LS. which have I heen highly re.-..miiientie'l hy Willie I‘. .'liiiigu'!). Hej.ry I Clay. Lewis Cass. Wn,. 11. King. an.I many ..ther il- I lustrions cli:'.racter., v. ho have e.xamiiie.l and witnesse.l i their utility. in Is. at the highest market price> ■ 'a:a;i;ervii N. (■ De -I.;: \v M. .ji»nf.'5, •ITtf lav and (ful Hnrki rs, f.,r -■ l.v rFTlill i dlNS"V. r. l.'y ('()!»\!:'rxi:Ks!!i IlIIF u!..|er^i;:ne.i hav.,', i,t. re.l iat niid* , f..r tl 1 till" a vears. • ler^ij the n.vni- ■ pi-, -erut upi.- 1 l.v .. .,1 u^.-n. ra! i .1 D. Wi Cl'n. W, .INI', II. 1 .-..i-irraer'hii W. 'W iV' i-iiie^. I ,-a nil- f..r the w li LI W 11.1.1 \'.i »^rF have V V ti n. > St F. . !. a !;p.e. ,\s V.' a’l l.dS at ! ’o; ’ : r .aia I >or Lund of ; ICC. -h LLMin'Jil! ■ VI' Steam .'-'aw .Mill in suece-i'ful ».pera- n’b''fr.iiii F .yette-. ille. aear the Kaleitrh I are preji.irt 1 t" e\( ciii>' or.ler' in our 'ran tw.. /,'■ / 7/ or C...-„.'.;r .s' , e can the .-liv.rte-t !i .t'W .• e.in furtr.sli Fine. .Iaai;.er LI 'i i'F.lI. aiel ..f almost anv len;;th. r. f .r Irutlito'.ne«s Ilf line aiel Miioi.thness be C'l’ial t-. any ever .IcliM'red in market. •L 'M;.' M ilAltl'F.F. 7stf ,'t B'E2B>S3 *^1:8: l>. SAM'L .). niNSDALi:. 1‘iisi si'j'j) () \ rs. C. L. l:;l : F. Feh'v I". I-'-' (; 1 ■ \SF \i: IILANS I INI'. ■ I-1 h .1111; MI.ply i;i;i) FKKSH AND iw th i f 1 e vt-r« J55 F.ci'.lVF.D t ai FeI.'v 1 ( iioK'i: ri:As. lav, Fx»ra line haj.erial T llv,-. n S. .J. IIIN.'- |i M L. ' v tt for I'OIi SALi:, ■\v city mes« Fork, I' ii'. n. s- e.l t i ■ Flanting I’otatoes. C. K. LFKTF., W AN l'i:!), i;i>I.S Tnr|.in''iie, del my D;';';1'‘'i; in tliis p which the ]ii_die-t prict - will he p ii.l. I would .also employ tw.- . r 'hr.- g o,I turjientin.'- harril ('ii. ]..r«. D. W. Lambert .11, N. C , Feh y 1'', '.'tt niiLL' ',vF.F. \^.i; C VCLll'I. CAl'.F.CT art. 4 LL . V '•> I’er-oii .Street. 71tf LL p r-i.ns in lie f.'i la.itioTi ■\ .■'on. are reipn . ted to 'lenient. .lan'v 1 XO ri(’i:. hrr l f. .M. N. I F \IIV f the c p irtner-hip of •all -M. , previi.as to of M. N. Le.ary immo.liale set- N. LI'.A'IV. viy iNL .\.\LS and Ol’LN H.\CKKF.S, : i .ality. just receive.! and for 5ale. of 15. Il »SK. l-:^t .11 in ba;. a - ki It m u ' I' ln- N'-rth Carolina Lins* -d Oil. just 1 aii'l f..r s.ile. Apply to 15. F.OSK. 71-ot ri:\\ Aki). '■'1 from the sub.seriher on the 1-lth inst., ’ '^T-- fellows, Elijah. Li/.ainond a;i.I La- ■1 11* '/roes wiTC hetween t!i»* ag*' of thirtv i lk vi'lhiw c^vmp'.ection. stout Viuilt, and - I ti n in, hes high. The iihove negroes ‘ la I'.- "t. \!.4toti. of Ciliithaiii pomitv. and r.' liarb- ring ahout his plantation. „ - I Co. ■' •••*■ / .• \ ! i:i) 'j'o IM ■ ' ^ I'lN KWisUD, to he deliv( r'.l -III ■ n.' the ne,\t six months. 1. LL'TTKl’.LolI lotf s r iii:( Ew i:i>. SACKS LIVFF.I'OOL SALT. 10(11) hushids .Mum ditto. y,l) hhds. sweet M' hi'^ses. :‘,'i hb'.s. City Me>iS Fork. •JO •• lar-.'e si/,i- .No. -'I .M.ai kcrel. ]() h.alf bhls. No. 2 do, ^ 20 bMs. fresh caught Mullets, .',0 l)o\r« Drie.l Herrin.r. 100 l.hl.s, Flanting .V etiting Fatatoes. 10 hh.|.;. super!..r F.ac n. D. \ w. .McLAl'IMV. Fayetteville. Nov. 22. l.'^->2. lot! .m:\v AM) coons. fAM now reci'iviiig my usual assortment of F.\i-L (iOoDS. all .f which'has h- en purchased for Cash, hv the pai kage. which will enable me to sell at nne..ni- the :i|i|.reliension nioiilv low jn-ices. • • ’ In'a-Mlfion to my usual stock. I h'l-.e purchase.l a large lot o." lieady-made Clothing, which can be sold ;it very low prices. Coiintrv merchants and others are invited toexnm me the ahove stoid, as it is one of the in thi.-' State. Sept. :iO, 1S.')2. _ 1 he jiai I f. ■ to me. or t.venty five ther ..ne of them. D. W. KItdFi;.''. V 1. 1 72tf lol- .I.\.MFS KW.F. ::itf F :r'y Chi;' !. F.al iV Vail F.arly ^l..ha'^i.. L.;r_'e I .am. 1: ,riy I!'.'.. I Taraip. W hit'- SiiL'^ai-. Fa.lv ilat' IV.-aa '. Long F! . 1 U.'.L C..rn. .''ug.ir or .'weet. i;.iil_\ )'ik. F ir'y S'ig.-'r 1 ..af. l^arly flat l’..it:c:s.M. Lar;i.- Fn iii li I l\-ln Large .rk. Lar:i- !ai"li'h liniin Head, l ine Druaihi .el S.-.vuy. FK F: rly L. n.lon. l.oVi-.' ('ravi .'.e. F.ariy lb.in. CFl.l.llV—W hit’e S. :M. Cl'CtMF.F.ll Far’.y Ku'siun. F.i r' V I iiistrr. L..11 1. n L.aig (ireen. F.c.ii FLVNT Large Furple. LFf !’l CF Fo.yal 1 ahhage. I.ar_e (Ireen Ice Head. Ice C Miil.oN Fine .\pp;e. Nulmi‘i. W :i’er.' —\\ft lierstieM L.'irge lie./ Ve’Io-.v .'•^ilv '. r .'^kin. l’.\ KS I.FV [loublc ('urled. F \ USN IF Long Sm eth. FLFFFi;—1 ar,”e Falll Nose. Sv.i-.'t Moiint tin. I'l'Ml’KlN Conaccticat Field. K.\l)i.- II l.ai iy i.oii” Si arlet. F.ai'y ScaiKt I'lirnip. W bite Turnip. F.!;i(di Fall S|)Miiis!i. S(^ir.\SH— Farly Vellow ilush. Ti'iMA'l'O Largo Ked. Fear sh.iped. Tl' F.N 11’—Farly Spriii;;. Purple top Kuta F.aga Large Lnglish Norfolk. —also— ,V (dioicc a.ssornnent of FLOWKll SLLD. For sale hy S. IllNSD.VLF. .lan'v 1'2. IB'io. iia. ell i C It’- hot ' 'ill'"' Iv on i to le nil II F.a the P.-'t '■ M of ■ f ■ 'J II i: L\S(’IL\X( K. 'i^lie.l ,K»na Insur.inee Company of i ' niiei ticut, has recently ad'led to its ; '■ ' ■ iiie- . which it has maintained with ; • I . reilit for upward** of thirty \ears. a ’ ■ ■' L Department. The subscriber has j V-'iit in this a well as in the Fire De- 1 "peratioti-;; and is preparud to take i-jsks '.'aiti- persons or slaves. oR as good i ' ' .iiip.inv, and at lower rates th;iii '' .iiipanie.s. ' 'hi dep.n tuient i.> $l ‘»n,000. entirely '■ ' apit.'d of the Fire Departinoiit, and, ^e^■■!■•.e.l exclusively to pay los- ir^iiiee onlv. Folici(‘s will be issued pay- aj NTl'i.N D erecting a STI fJi on the Western Flank lioH.I. uiiles from Fayetteville, where N. King I'C C.i formerly Ini'l those making Turpentine before they make any engage ments as the lute ii»pr-vement made by me in di.>til- luijr will enable me to give good i-rices for ^he n w^nia- terial. ' ' Dec. 17. lH;-,2. . WAX'I' 01' MOXi:'^. VLL persons w ho are indebted to me. by not( 01 ac count, are earnestly re()uest‘d to settle larlv those debts doc me hefort' the 1st .lannarv. 1 III"JO l''ACTOIlY, TAVI.OK. No. 160, Broadway^ New York, ■‘liUihf irliirrr iiml I'oiniiiis'ion llpnlrrin Hals, I’nps. Straw (io'xis. liiilliTs' .^!ork. rriiiiiniiiiiv at. T.V^'Lolt S b ug exj erlence in these ]iarticiil;ir hraiiche.* ot business, joined to hi. t.ii ilities in the nianntactnring. enables him t ? 1 tier in.lucenients to piircha.-, r' th.it : aoio.t hi- lr;.i of tiio>k> w!i.. j.un has.' tli.--r goiuls .it Si Il l or thir l liaii.ls. His p’.'esent .stock i.- ••xten..*'ivc .in.l well a"..i te.! f .r the e..untry .rade,^ ai.'l will be const.'.ntly adde.l t.i by fresh iniportati.ms. an.l fr. ni his own m.aiiufaetory. Farticuhir attenti. n pal 1 to or.h is by mail. .Linu.uy 1, 1^^'el. 'niK i..\i’,(;i:.-T ,>;||,K. IMIilid.V, .\.\!) TI!l-lI.MI.\'(i 11(11 si; in -M'AV VOItK. 'I'lioniti.'t (a. SUariiK, IMI’OLTF.II ,\ND .lOFdlFll OF Sli.KS, MILI.INKUV. .\M) F.a.M'V (lODDS. 162 Broadv/ay, N. Y., H M \S 11.iw in Store and is d.iily re.-eiving an.l oiTcr- fl H ing at the I ov.est Frii e.':, a c.nip’cte .•issortm‘iit efCOOD.S IN HIS I.INF. c.iiiiprislng all the v.arious .«l\lcs and designs, consisting of !iia'-k aiJ'i I'aiicv Silks; Marcciinos, l'!or«'iic('s. Shaw 'rriinniinLrs; IJon- iict Uibhons; 'I’allcta :!Im1 Satin Rk)- hons; Drt'ss'I'riniinino.-: ot’ali kinds; l anln'oi(lci'i«*s; 1* rtMich and I'.niihsli (’raj)rs, ( rap‘ Lisscs. Silk (’ra- vats; (iio\('s ol’ all kind.'; Silk I.acc Milts; iJarcift's, I.accs; W !nt(' (lootls. llosit'ry, L. C\ I landkt'rcliit'ts. The undersigned would invite tin' attention of his ; friends and the Trade ge nerally. He will otler great inducements to C.\.SH .\ .N D .■'llOUT I IML I>1 \ LLS. Ti^().^L^S (; STKAltXS, D>2 liroadway. I Iiofween Libertv street an.l .Maiden Lane. N. I .lan’v 15. IS.'.::. ' 11-Sni IMFOll ■ F.IIS AND Di'.ALKF.S IN i Foreign and Domestic ILXUinVARK, ( r rLKilV, iJvic., I N(». TiSA XtiiiTii Tiiiiid SriiKKT, Ijetween .\rch and lii\ee. (West side.) i>iaai.Ai>sii.PBii A. rW^llK subseribc r, being interested in the •.■hove house. M would respectf'ullv inv ite his friends to give him . a call. ' 'V.M. M. CAin'KK. .J.in’y 18, 1S.'):L t;i-2in Tifflor'’s Trill pet'ft art' Hotel. 'I'lu' l*ro|>ri(‘tor tak('s liiis oj)- fjj'ii ■; j portunity to inform the Tenqicrance coiniau- nity. and the public in general, that he still continues, as he has done f.ir the last six years, to Ui-ep the aliove-nanied House on strictly Tem perance princijdes. Thankful tar past favors, he would a;rain invite all who want a (piiet. coiafortable and che.’ip home, while stojiping in the cit_v. to ^ive him a call. 'I'liis house is well located fi-r busine's men. ’ ■■ : ■%«>.‘2-^ suMi- ;> v, I the landin'.^ of most of the Ste:imbo;its and Kau ,ds in the city. KLDAD T.\VL(Ht. New ^ ork. IS.'.:;. C.l-::m y- / ('dhittcf I'liniitiirr, ('liair.-, 1’ subscriber is reia-iving the largest assortment B. ill his line ever before pnrebasi.l :it tiie Ni rih. w hich, t. gcther with his own nianulacture, niakisir.s Stock very complete, consisting of Chairs, T.il'le.s, Sdas, 15Lalstea«Is, A\ ash StaiiJ.s, IStircaiis, jjookin^ !l:is.s('s, Side l>.iarls, Seerctarit'S, ..See, .Ml of which will be sold on the lowest terms At Cash, or on short time to punctual customers. JOHN W. IVSKFFi. Oct. :?0, L'.',I. -‘b'itf tinichk>ss s I (I'hcit! I* iilii' H rB'tllKllK are several hundred of the.-e Wheels i nope- fi. ration in nitlercnt countii'S in North t'arolin.a. l or proof (>f their great advantages over the common thitter wheel, or anv other wheels now in use for saw mil’s, we Conti.h^ntlv rcfir to those wh.i hav«‘ aiijilu-d them to ''HF. first class .'•ide-wh''"! Steamship RO.VNOKE,' 1200 I,ms burthen, Kdwtird Cuvinly, commander, leaves Uichniond and Fetersburg every Tuesday after- iKioii, and Norfolk every Wednesday morning, at It o’ clock. with the Cnited St.ites Mail, arriving in New York next day. Fc.ssaice an.l fare, state room inc’;i.led, from llich- mond or I’eter'^burir, -SilO 00. I’as.'^age aii.j i'are. state room include.l. from Norfolk, 00. .Steerage passage half price. The lloanoke has now been running about eighteen months, durin:^ whii h time she ha" rievcl" 1 trip, and has always kept up to her time. Travelicis will find this route the cheapest and niostr comfort.-ible. F(ir jiassage apj.ly to LFDL.\M .V SVATSON, Ilichmond. S.\M'L 'J. 15.VFT1ST, Fetersburg.' •I. M. SMITH & I’.Utl., Norfolk. Febrnnrv II, IS-jo. (58-.‘]ui The Sle.amshiii .1 .\MI'..SToWV. of 1 lOfl t.ins burthen, now building in New York, an 1 to be ctaiiman.led by C.ijit. Lewis Farrish. will be aiMed to the Hoc in the .‘^j.ring, giving travellers and .“hippers a eommniilcation twice a week betvveeh the above jdaces by tirst clas^ si.le-wheel ,'Steamships. — i'K!:!(i!mx(; o.\ c:afi: !'i:ar. fjSlHF subscribers having ])11lcha?ed the Steamer.? fl- Fvir;_'ret n an.l Southerner and Tow F.oats, lately the proj et'ty of tl e Hcnriella Steamboat Company, are now j.i’epaied t.i f-.rwar'I with despatch, between Wil mington and Fayetteville, all freights oi- g..oiS entrust-' e.l to theiii. F. N. .‘'c J. H. liOIiKirrS. F.iycttoville. Fcb'y 1 (, I s.',;;. C.Stf l’X5»AllALl.i:LLi) DISPA'lCll. fH^HF. tni'lcrsigned infonns the public that hei? noTr .BL running a daily line of li^ht dr.ift Steamers oir the ('ape Fear !ti''“r, consisting of the following boatsr New Steamer /.epl!;, r. .Major '>' ni. F.irnett. 1 •'1 inches draft. “ •• F.iiiiiy Liuterloh, 1 I *• *• F'iwaii. One of tl'.rse boats v. id leave Fayetteville every morn ' ing (Sini'biys (\cepted)at7 o'--l.u>k; an.l W'ilmingtoir every day fSuii'hiv'; excepteiH at o'clock, landing goods and pas.N'iiuei'j in F.iyctteville in fifteen honrr’ thereafter. Ciooi’is intendeil fer these boat*: .'■houM he «ent to tlio' care of .1. x !». >di Fvae iV Co.. or .1. Lutterloli, a*; Wilmington, who will forwar.l at the usual rate ot com ' missions. Thi‘ .'■'te nners Zephyr and Major Wm. Har ' nett are eieg.iiilly furni.'iied f(.r the aecomniod.-itinn o* [lasscivers. I’assage to 1 r from W ilmington. S;;5. T. S. LL'TTKllLOlI, Agent. Favet'» ville. Feh'y 7. tiOtf _ 1:. LL'I’I KKLOII, ai.iat \mi niMiiissuiN Mtuflux'll AND .'v(ii;NT FOU tcamer .Major Wm. F.arnett. I'.inny Lutterloli. •‘ iiow an. W lLMlNdTOX, X. C. i;'!. dm Febv 1R-' 'I'hc Brolhcr.s Stcnmhont Conrj)fm\j^ SS j.repared w ith Steamers ••//r-v" and •'])(tii^hiss'^ and a e.inplement of Tow I'oats. to carfy '^ith di,s- l>:.:ch ••ill Freights shipi'ed by them, bctwatn Fayette ville and Wilmingtoi'. or to anv int rniediate landingir' their mills. W e can reconuuetid them particularly f..r j on the Hiver. .lOllN HANKS, A'^'*, W ilmingtoti. iiscs of alow head of water, or 1 Sept. IS. I,'-.>2. their sniieriority hack water. W c still keep .a supj'ly of W heels, s'uta’ole for diiTor- eiit heads of water, at Wilmington, Newbeiii, Washing ton, Ivlenton and Fayetteville. "1 he w heels may also he ha.l ■ f K. A. F.reva’rd, Linco'.nton, an l I'riah Wells, Petersburg, V.i. Fersons wishing to obtain the right to use the wheels, will be serveJ on application to D. McNe:;l v't ( o., Fa\etteville, N. C. 1>. McNFILL. A. A. .McKF.TIlAN. U. .1. .McAI.lSTF.U. Feb'v 2'2. IS I't •')») tf 28-Oni ui-.Drcr.!) rAiii:. Through Tickets bctweon’ Wilmington, N'. and F.alti-' more. Fare^^^l^L Via Weblon, I’ctersbnrg, Itieliinond, Wash ington City. or via Weldon. I’orts- nioiith and Norfolk. For Tickets apply at the Cffiec pie^.S»n^iygiiif the Wihiiington and I'aleigli ‘ F.uil lload Cnn.pany at Wilniing- Ihe Oflice id' the I’.r.llin.Ue Steam Packet €>nly Burnt oail in Part. A. A. .McKr/niAX ^TILL continues to carry on the C.\11KI.\(-L I.l .''I- j vi’le Hoad. I toll, of j Company, and of the ll;iltin';ore and Ohio iluii Koad i Coniicinv, Fr.itt Street, Daltinu re. I .Ian. 1. 1S.-.2. ! I,AX1) FOR safj:. ; rg'^nn subscriber ofl'ers for sale lOOO acres of fine' Q Turpentine and fir.ilK'r L.\ND, in llobeson conn- I jy, about four miles Nia'tli F:ist of Luniberton. Nearly the whole tract is heavily limbered, and there are sev eral beautiful situations I'iir a residence, lint n small jx.rtion has been clenvcd. It lies as high and hcalihy as any land in this region of country. Al.so, six nnimiiroved Lots in the town of Lnnd'orton. Fersons wishing to purchase will make iipplicnt-iow to Itobert F.. rroy, in Lumbeiton, or to the subscribe!.' in person. 12 miles from the village, on the Harllees-' Sept. I.:, iS'i-'. Mv business reijuires me to make this call, and long* 1 indulgence cnnnot be given. I A. A. MeKLTHAN- Nov. I'.. IS-'-2. I',),- Sale.—.')0 tons Fcnu ian (iuano. ' r up.,a the p.u lies arriving at n spe- I ! D. ii. W'. .McL.VLKlN. i Feb'y ”, 18-r>3. CCtf MUSIC. fV. WIUT.VKKIv, formerly Frofessor of Music in Carolina ColIeg(>, would resjieetfully announce th.it he has located in F«yetteville for the jmrpose o/ teaching Music. He would be very happy to receive the names of tiiose wlio wish their daughters instructed in this delighful braiich of female literature. Hi- may be found at Mrs. Bayne’s resilience. Vocal Music taught in connectioji with instructions on the Fiaiu., Terms S1') per i:iiirter. NF.S.S ill nil its branches, at the remains of bis old stand, opposite Lilx rty Foint. He returns thanks for the lilicral j.atronage he has heretofore received, and hopes by strict attention to business and a desire to give entire sati.sfaction. to merit a continuance of the same. Having kept the greater jiortion of his Timbers Ht a distance from the manufactory, he has on han i a birire and well si'lected lot of tiioroughly seasoin’d I iniher, of ev»-ry description used in his business, which enr,hles him to retain all his princijial workmen. He is theretoro now prepared to do any work in liis line in the very best style, and on the most f:ivorable terms—as lo;v as any worl; of the same nutility in N. C. He has on hand, ci.mpletely finisiieJ, S Harouehes. tor 1 or 2 In rses; • i ilock.i V. ays, aial !•> IV.iggics. .Mso, nea.-ly fnii;-hed, lo Carria,; s f.r 2 horses; '20 Harou; lies n r 1 and 2 h.ir-’cs; 12 Uo.’ka'.vav s, aid do Itiiggo s; All of which are of tiie most approved plan an.l finish, and will com";.re v ^th anv work in the U. State.s lot ... . I !il„-ial patronage he has rcci liavin^ been enfiaiied in the above bu.-'ine.'S for tne , „n, 1,j,, husinev.'. ai.'i a past 20 ye:irs. his work i« well known, and he refers to old customers for proof of its dur.tbility. | jg;.^“ Al.r. work warranted for 1:? ino!itli>5, ainl rei.aired free of charge should it fail by bad workman- j ship or materi.il, within that time. i Hki'.viui.sg executed at short noticf, and on rea- sonaWlo ti'rnis. i .lan’v 2H, 1S.V>. 5'.t .101 IN A. ROWLAND. 2'itf E. J. HALE. iiv i;KO. T\vii iJiioiis iimvi: r t. iiucii & so\-s sTiiui:. Fayellc% ille, Jaii’y 20, im. 61-1Y f.OOK AT THIS. V SMALL TKACT OF LAND FOH SALE, contain ing 7;')0 acres, more or le.^s, lying 12 miles below - ... . I Luniberton, thre>» miles from Lumber Hiver.—a very I’ianos tuned and re|iaired on fery neeommolating hc.althv place, good buildings, .Tnd every thing necessa- terms. Dec. i,l8->2. J>Ott j pj.juiation business. It is well timbered for Turjientine, brings fine (’orn and I’eas, anl any thing generally planted. Apply to W. 1’. llarnes, at Luni berton, for information. HARDY BAIINKS. IU>bcsoti county, Nov. 7, 18j2. 42tf OCLD respectfully infi ria the pul.iij that liC still at hi.s old stai.'l c.in wog on th-' ahi 'e business in all its bratn. ht He reti.i i:.'tl;.:a: ! r the , ali.l hopes a strict ire i'l please ail and give general satisfacti^ai- O) merit a ci iilinuaiice ol iLo same. lie warrants aPi his -.vrk to be :a:o!e of the best nia terial rtiid by expi r.t ia d w 1 1 kii.e;!.^ havinr a more Sr.:/-. he flalOls liilese'f that his vTork will compete with ni..'- no.'l/ :n toe >'t.'.te f a stvle, elega^ice and durability.: aiel s;:ouhi any *1 i' faii in twelve months 'witli taiJ' usage: eitlier iii kiii.'U- ship or material, h" will rej'.iir .t tree nl chai^*-. Persons wi-hi!ig to buy, woiiM ibi w eli t.. call and ex amine hi.s work as he is deterciin?'! to sell low f. rcasli or on short time. Or.lers thankfully received and pror.:; r!y attended to. UFPAIIUnV; neatly exe.juted at sh. rt notice .ind lowest possible prices. Fa3'ettevil’.e, .Jan. ^ \\ \ S'VVJ\ f^’.vo Sl’IiilT-BAUr.KI- roOPEnS .^"ply to N. liiNG. Kin-sbury, N'. C Dec. 17, ISoX- IFTH VI'miic 01 ccive.I by I f

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