SEMl-WEEKL, Y. K. SV.-.oiir-. rs to »nv t'Tins. ” ^'■*‘- • ' formerlv ' Poor's A' ' w''! V,« • ' « . he !n • " ‘TS 10 and ‘t n .’ !e terms. ' ; ' >•> .ail a de- '.'''’ At* ;it, o:;tf large tsis ' „'l i». 11- ^ r ' f^lJ. it :ni'i ■~^"' UJi'i -'i' ■ • «h.; ny 'VOI- II ] I'AYKTTF.VILT.E, N. C., MAUCII 17, 1853. [NO. ITT.] Vr.iNTKI’ IlY .1. 1!^ -NKWHY, rplWIII) J. HALK & SJ.\ AND rUOl’KlEToHP. i-W.'okly Oii.snavKU *t (»0 if paid In Y- H(vn:r. tor salk. TIIIJ' Hotel nt present occujtitni hy .lohn Harman, I'ornierly known tlio riiuitcrs' Hotc'l, near tlie foot (^f May Mount. l'nyi‘tte\ille, is otlVroil lV>r sale; and'^s^ion can be lia.l licnever desired. T!ie House is larjre and coiiiiiindiou!*, liaa Ix'en tlionnijrlily rcpaireii witliin tlie twelve months, aiid is now, together with all the necessary out-buildin^s. in conijilete and hand some order. It now enjoys a lar«e shan- of the loeai if j>ai 1 durinp the year of subacrip- : tiansient eustoni, whicli. in the hainls of n e.impo tent tenant, must be {ireatly increased bv the existing I’linik Uond'* and eojitemplated I'.ail ISo.-id. i tbe l)epot of wliich will probably not be far from this House.) These consider.-itions make it a very deKjr.-ibb' property to .iny one wishinj? to en^oijfe in the Hotel business. oV to a capitalist desirous to make an investment in proper ty increasinj' in \;ihie. 'i'he terms will be made nccomodatinR. N. A. STKDMAX. ^V. T. llOliNi:. Fayetteviile, N. March S. To tf l-OR S.\LK, new city mess I’ork. 201)0 lbs. IVicon. oOO bushels seed Oat.s. barrels riantinp I’ot.atoea. 1’. li;i;tk, Keb’v -.M. IS.',;]. irgMTBBtlnWEW I’erson Street. Tltf r t'lO year has expired, \ , sr.'Ki: vr.i! iH) per nnnnm, if paid in [iiiid during the rear of subscrij)- 1 I i!'t!‘r the year lias expired. inserted for sixty ccnts per ■ :,.r the tirst. and thirty cents for each ’ ..uti 'ii. Yearly advcrti'iemeiits by spe- ;it riMS 'nable rates. Advertisers arc , .i itf'. ■e number of insertions losired. or !it;ni;i d till forbid, and charjred accord- ■-¥» 1 i t-'TS t" the Kditors must be post-paid. 1 S .1 3 . SpUlAt'! liOOhS. Lj-' U'- ici'eivin;j our GtH>l>S, ,a ll k than aiiv former one. ^ consisting of 0H¥ ^T3, CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES. • tl'.e a' - vc. we Irive addeci t‘. our 'tm-k ' , rd a»,.rtment .f llKAltV-M.VDK ' \ A" : \\bi.h we flYer ti' buyers at -'ur ^ .•iii'"!nmi"i:itinu term.'. HAI.L \ SAt'Kl'TT. ■! v" ;i>i 'M i':ii 1 t.i -.'r lers. TOtf I'Hl.Vi; A; SL H.MKH (JOODS. ) . . ’ 'V in St 're a I, \K(UC and \VK1.1, Klv\L KS’l'A'ri: A'l' Al l^l'iON. VT THIC Market lli>ust>. f.n the M(>,\1>A\’ in April, ibein" the 4th. i valuable Lot frontin;.r on (JiUespie street. ..p[>.i>ite to the .Mallett K.irm and runninc throuirh to ami frontiiij; on Hiek street, oim.i- S'.tc to I'. l». I’.n rce's ]in niise and fronting: on Ui\ision streit, >^ith the s> \ lli>uses theie.m. I’y vT ter of Trustee. U.l.KlNtlS \ t'O., \u. t i!. Miirch S. 7-'i-:?w ST.-) Ki:\\ AKl). ANAU A\ from the snbs(-riber on the HUh inst., hS thri’e nt)iro Icll.iws, Klijah. Li/.ainonl and l,ii- fayette. Said iie;_'roi-s were between the aire of thirty liiid lio ty. of a d.irk \ c'luw cimipb etion. stout built, and about fi\e K'et ten inelies lii-iii. 'I’he above liejrroe.'^ were hired from itolit. .\lston. of Chatham oountv, and 1 exjiect they are now harli.iriiijr aliout his plantation, where th»‘v have wivos I !:e ;ibov* rt'ward will be p.-iid for the apprehension and delivery of .s.iid neirinos to me, or twenty five dol lars lor the deli\eiy of either one of them. 1*. W. UOtil’.HS. I.umberton, N. I’eb'v Is, is'.:!, 7;jtf INl.i ^ years ba-e of tiiiibi r on S(iO acres, Ivin;' on ('ram’.-. I'ri'ek. near Lower Little i»i\er. 'I'he ■greater |ioiti..ii of this timber is \ ry tine, ami as Act untiiuched by an axe, anil within a mile of navi;,;able w.tter. I lie ri;jlit to tliO land may be had, if desired, nn t e.isi iial:le terms. J. c. iioorr.ii. l'a_\ ett'\ ille, .Ian. IS.',:^. t;i-.‘hn \. -''i ^TIiVr» 'V'\ ■>/' /)’// rmn'j I'linil nnd (\tmj)!nnc^ .lust r.veived and for sale by .!. .N. S.MlTli, (.Ireen St. •y ".I. is'.;;. r.^tf i‘(> r\sii. WHKAT, CORN, SAW MILLS, AND V« ;.st I’.'Wil. rs, S..da. .''piees, I iidijr-i. .''IMiii.'h r.r"wn. S' .ip>. \c. V ;:i, l^^-.::. 'ream Tartar. Lxtrai't'-, f' r llavorin(;. .Madder. l'> lib l’i i-/k, I' r vale by N. S.Mri'H,' Crern St. 1,1 ;f .s ff; s{ i;i.-T •I. ■ ..tier terms Sliu-. lU-a.Iy MuJe , tiii'l I’ara' iK; at \VIIOI.I> \l at! ! t. • n ef Merei Sj)rliio* .!AMi:s m:ii STAKLl U! b: wl'.ich we invite :! ]'urch:i-e> in 'S ILLl AMS. T'.-tf Mill .^pindiei d ti ■ II '. 11 k.' .ui'l Ib'l'ers, ke| t >•. I sale. e a's- make lieari'ii ('■■rn. Saw M-.’ls ,iiid r.ii ti.ri. p 'A rr repaired. (uate ibu r "II l.ali 1. We wish I, ni.ike : ali.l t.t.. eti,-.’ U' !■: 'i U' te r a>f'.viiu j.,. .;-e i [ Maridi I'J. 1 i.-int \ Citrate 11 a. . I'.n'disli. :>.nd llriver-;. Water Wh-.'«, li.aiid. and f r in.: f"r W l;e..t. ■s. Steam l'iii:iues . f any • and I'urn.iee ri'int' kept id i;i :'ii' t. 1 ur machim ry ' th.?. t!lo>e il.debtid b\ ■ me f. rw a rd and >>. U'.e. HALL \ KMLl.lN'.i.K. 7’ if ri;..-; h it. nip L. i If .n bv 11 I .d;!:e‘ 1 . i 1' t ;> le Ir. , lro._^ l^r.'..-. Miiiiiio it. h' :93C Kvu: ‘rnrtit ponet \i\ b\ u. i'ui 1 it I ( 5 00(1: \(AV ^500(1 H. vk: i:. J. \A\A.y V rceei'.Ir;.’ a l.trrc J'ti-ck of ST.vri.r. ANl) »KY C^OODS, 1 I>(>ots, Shoes, riii'Drel- K ':ul\('l(jthinj. vIVjc.. ■ 'V thv attenti 'U of the Merchant'^ of 'I'llOS. .!. JOHNSON -HA.'' .JrsT m:ri;ivi;u O’.LS. NLW OKI.KVVS M.»L\Ssr.S. l'd". lar_:re ^l■;'..^v r’antin;; l’"tali e'. • iiiM' lbs. N..rtli'-in"ii. .''-■Illll H,v \ t ':(r"’!'., t d>'. 1,11' I l’i‘ Ul:!;' .nd 'a't'ni;', L a T • -. 17 huils. uV I '■] .I'S.'S- - \ LS( t— 1 li^iit f'.nr ii"rse Wa^'. n. ;;ii 1 1 r-iiir^'y. 1 Har::( IL rse, vXc. Till'S. .T. .h)HN'‘ 'N. I’.T' :i st. I'ay^ tteville. Feb'_\ 1'.'.;. '■ \Mri;i:LLT«'N I'iKTLIlTV .!. 1- w Kit sale by .^l IT 11. (ireen .St. t. Uf \ ■ unt. \N 1 1' wIh a , ■ cani. oi' \iom:» lO.b l ted t.. I b-l.t- Ue>ted t'l re the 1 St M^e t!.^ . A. . I'V III te or nC- •ettie—particu- .l.inu iry. l'' ’J. ■ lii. ainl 1.'Hirer 1'. 1' M. Kl.TI! \N. 1 Itf roll r'"Ti s 7-tf S \ M T. .1. .)» t(»ns I :'■ 1 fri'Ill ]l. *cni\ Kill (iuiiHo. w ill plea.'O sen.i in. Li:.\TFlKU BANDS, HOliOl (ill L\ sti’ctclictl, cemented, and riveted. I he above I’lamls are sold l!0 per ccnt. less than New York manufacturers’ prices, ('ash will be re- juired in every instaiic;. For sale by ^V. H. LLTTKRLOH. Fayetteville, Nov. ICi, IS-")!!. aitf SM I F AM) TOIiACCO. ~ .MANUFACTl i!!-K, No. 12 (Jhatham st.. Now York. OF I'l.R.*' for sale the followiiifr articles, w.arranted of .'llperior .juality:—Maccoboy, Scotch, Coarse !• rench ilappee and other SNL'FFS. Also, Fine-cut ’1 01!.\('('(), in tin-foil and papers. .\ more ]>articular descriptifui of the variou.s articles can be knoivn by sending for a full price current as above. Jan'y l.'j, t;i-::m llA'I'S, CAl’S & STliAW (;0()I)S. tavlob:. No. 160j Broadwayj New York, Muniifarliirrr iiiiil (’oininiNsion Dciilcr in IIills. Caps. Mniw liotnis. llaltiTs' Mork. Triinmiii?.s. \r. T.\^ LOU'.S lonp experience in these branehes of business, joined to bis facilities in the m.anufacturinu:, enables him to offer inducements to pui-ehaser.' that cannot be had of tliose wlio pnrch.-tse their jroods .it second or third His present stock is extensile and well assorteil f.>r the country trade, and will be constantly a.lded to by fresh importations, and from his *iwn manufactory. I’ att(‘ntiun jiai.l to or.lers by mail. .Linuary 1, IS."):'.. o*i*oin THK LAK(iKST SILK. HIHBOX. AM) TRIMMlXfi iiorsi: IX xi:\v vohk. im. Stearns^ IMI'OllTLF. AM) .lOBlJFIl OF SILK.S MllJ.lNKUV. AM) FANCY COODS. 162 Broadway, N. Y., H V AS now in .''ture and !.•( dally receiving ,'in'l ofTrr- M D iiiiT at the Lowest Prices, .a t-om]dete assortment of (it)t il».'^ IN Ills LINK, c.imp.rising all the various stvles aii'l ilesitrns, consistinj; of lilack and I'aiicy Silks; Marc(’1ines, l'l(»rrnc»‘s, Sha\vl.>j, 'rriinmiiiLis; lion- net IvihlxMis; 'I'alleta and Satin Rii)- l)()its; 1 )r‘>s'I'riniininirs of all kinds; I'.nd)roidei les; I'rench and I.niilisii (’rapes, (’rapt' Lisse.'^, Silk (’ra- \ats; (Jlo\(‘s ()f all kinds; Silk Lac* Mitts; liare^es, I/ices; liitc (»(M)ds, Hosiery, L. (1 {andkercliict’r*. The ui!'lertij.'iie.l wouM in\ite the attention of his aii'! the Trade fr. He will i.tfer (ireat i!i.|i!',e;i'ent« to tW.'SH A.N1> SH'(>KT Tl.ML lil'VKliS. THOMAS G STHAKNS, Iti’J F.roa'lway, I)C''Tcen Liberty street .ind Maiden Lane. N. V. .lan'v 1.‘). 1>1-Sm F«U I\EW YORK. I XITKl) STA'I'KS MAH. LINK. ri'^HF first class sidc-wheel Steamship HO.VNOKK, f iL’lXi tons liurthen, Kdwaril Cavindy, cf>lnniander. leaves Uiclimotid and iVterjbiirt; every Tuesday (if'*^r- tioon, and Norfolk every Wednesday moriiinir. at 1 1 o’ clock, with the L'uiteii States Mail, nrriving in New York next d.ay. rass.age and fare, state room iiicUi'led, from Fiieh- mori'l or I’t ter.'bi;!-;:, >U, 1‘assagc au'l fare, state room included, from Norfolk, (Id. Steera^re passage half price. The lUianoke has now been running about eighteen months, during which time she has nc\cr missed a trip, and has always kept up to her time. Travellers will find this route the cheapest and most comfortable. For j>assa.tre apply to LL'1>].,.V.M \ \V.VTSON, F.ichmoml. SAM'L C. D Vl'TIST, I'etersburg. .1 M. S.Mnii & 15ILO., Norfolk. February 11, l^-08-3m The Ste.'imshii) .J.VMF.STOW’N. of 1400 tons burthen, now building in New York, and to be comm.imled by (’apt. Lewi.s I’arrish. will be adde.l to the line in the .Spring, giving travellers and shi]>pers a commiinic.'ition twice ii week lietween the above idaces by tirst class side-wheel .Steanihlii]is. [ IfotcJifciss's F crticdl ^Vltcci. [ rB'^^ are several hundred of these Wheels i nopC' -B. ration in difl'ere:>t comities in North Carolina. For jiroof of their great ndv.-uitagcs over tl.e common flutter wheel, or any other wliocl.'? now in use for saw mills, 'TC confi'lently refer to those who have apjdied them to their mills. We can ree.immeml thi-m particularlj f«#r their superiority in cases of a low head of water, or Ijack water. W e still keep .a .'U).plv of WheoLs. suitable for differ ent heads of w;iter. at Wilmingioii. Newbern. Washing ton, Kdenti>n and FayettevilU-. The wheels may iilso be had of F. -\. IJrevard, Lnicfilntv)';. and I’riah WclLs, Petersburg. V.a. I’er.^ons w isliing to obt.iin the right to tise the wheels, will be served (..’i application to I). McNeill & Co.," Fayetteville, N. C. t). McNElLL. A. A. McKFTHAN. I>. J. McALlSTFK. PeVy 22. 1810 5fc’ tf ~ Ll ?.H’,i:ii! [J NHiKK!! ® F Iiiive o;ir .‘^team Saw Mill in successful opera- w W tion, 8 miles from F’ayettoville. near the Kaleigli .‘'tage Hoad, and are prepared to execute orders in our line. As we run two Jiijf'ir’/ ‘>r Circnlar Siiicit. we can fill bills at the shortest notice. W-? can furnish Pine, Poplar and .J uniper Ll' M HFU, and of almost any length. Our [lUmber, for tnuhl'uhiess of line and smoothness of face, shall be Cifual to any ever delivered in nmrket. JONFS P,APvIH:E. March :!0, lf^->2. Tstf 3iAlllll.E I'ACTOllY I'lil'.KillTI.Vt; r ON (wn: FKAK. .V W. \( .s h in. IS- A: U t .IT Ttii: Ht:tp M l)ON \LI) \ MeMAS ! I'Ji. I'KM.m;'. i.n (.K'K i:i:ii;s. i'i:ii\\s. i.KiiiiiiN, .\r,. ■J- Sfi‘K I’m il'li ,,'J, / .'I//..I ^ i; 't.ll r. I:;i!.iL.'li. lll.llkl t pTil . t! .11 ^ .Ti n i :.t II. -.Iiuf I ; \( . ive nvti,' ind w ant f'-r e;i.'h. 1 1 W r;i) I'ii K f..r .1 O.IHMI J -McLAl i:iN. •ii.if \(iS. F. Co., "Uii'ls at the high- l’;t[ or. .1 large lot, on tUl . I r pi: \NS( •' "I., I ' II. y. It. Ollior. I 14. I ri;>'...ri to incre.a.'c the Capiinl .''t' ' k .ny, f .r the ptir]'"-;- i.f »-xteii'!in;: .. liy or Ijetii.ani.a .ile! .^l■.UIlt n ni-, w:: be ..peni d r till direi tion ..f .L (i. La'll. Francis F. lb l'>. ier tlie -!irecti..n ..f A'lani Sn-.w. I»r. ! K ('. ' r the 'iireeti-.n of llol ert S. Oilmer. 1..!-. i ll.inn.-r. •r- ni” ['lease return the P.' .ks "f M .•tii._''•( the .'l.»ckh Ider^ r.. i..'Xt- ! r* ■ b'lit uTol liiro' t'.'.-^ LliW 1» Ll.i; WI.NSLnW, I’r.'-^'t. ,:;d -l.-in I’rc'- will copy three : . unt' t'. this (»»liec. O U ' ■ ■ I S‘n>. Fayettovi.Ue, N. C. PF.''T receive.1, ' -m ' '* Yelb/ ■ ii I Mer. iri'j P'.t.iti es. at rc'liii'c 1 prices. I'.'i. y 2:.. 1 >1 ri? AC V *v No. 84 William Street, I .ri.i r ef M:ii'K'ii l.niM-, .N L 1 \!P >l; I Ki;S OF i'ttntishht^^ iinofts. fN thi: ll'r i!'!:.'!inielit. b>.il;;l tlie i:irjre..-t ill the cil_\ . may be f..uii'l a I;;r-.'e :ili 1 w e’.i > -’.ei ted St'iek. e.’II- part 17. 1' .?(iIlNSdN, F.i anson \ .''1.1 f.uit' ^ I' I’i: 1 I’l '•t.iiit. •. |{lil( K rOK '. I ilier h:;,- l.'i .-,.li \. w hii'b !.e i.' w illii.. e. 11 1 iie int. n i> ..;Il 1. s \Li:. .■ l-'ili.uiiu barl I.unit . t.. sell at the b'Wi'st t ' kee[i a supply con- lir. MePIlilllSON. \1 \\' STIiiil, l\!) MAI liOIIIIX. s ■ lbs'rit'er l'.:i' t:ik'-n tlie .•'titii'l f.irmerlv ..eeii- ■1 l.y Sam 1 .1. Iliii'd de. Snuthwest corner of : )ii ire and I uUi 'pie street, w li.'re he open- -f rich i’li'ler dal nielits, aii'l .Nap.i’.'-'.n I'ies. .'^Ii.rt' been ei'gage.l in th;' bii,- liljlil ^lILLSTilM ill Fi'ic’i N i()\. ci'inmeiit 1; r.ingcm.nt iini;.’ce- -:.r\ III Uf' III MOKKIS vV t’ 'r'ler. and ke> p (’(). lon.itantl v e\er\ sreMllH r. til'- and piir. h rs nee e'erv ai tii le n the l eb'v 2:.. 1"V;. r:' a II I I nspeii.lei f ail 'lUalii.i- ^ s.. tlie l.ot they l.;t\e they ;ile rec, IT'M.'I' t!'.- 1 oin_\ call to ' I ? :'f V I'urnisiiiii:^ line nia;. 'U i>. SI. h" . I!, '••i ry. ', Li.ii'li'ii ». \c. I'aviliJ t\\*'iit\ \eais. iii.i'le .';n h ar- Ing by a'lie-'t li::;r\'-t ;irf‘.r !'. l!|..>Ii'. |\e' that 11 I here. i' M.W i'alt I ri.-ii'l' .'Ul as h.- is ., 11»» K iF attff il'htfrr 4iioofts. '1 :he j'lililii- are re(|iiested to give him n be t. 11 ti F. 1.' ' t'u r IK III I nc ,1 II! \ i;i) this '1 ly 1 1, IS.',:;. S. s. AllFY. »->;m ;■( : (til l I facl'ci's, II 1 t 'l ' lie bv PUT 11K I’, .b HINSON. *;,s , ■_ ..III ■:111c part f rnirh tiitrr tliiltsfonrs ;;r:.Titt'l to be 'if best .juality. be- ■ .> irr b -! b'.-teil by them tV'.m the ■ • i.; They keep for s ile - : - :tlic;t and l'/SOj)n- .Mill- ; l»*!rr l»!«icks, l>o!tinif (’loth, • • V» ir( . (’il!-in(‘d IMast‘r, | Ceniciit, iVc. f the ciiunfrv firi.mptlv attend- i K. V|. 4>ltl£i:i.i., i Agent ut Favetteville, N. C, 7t'.tf 1 ' ’’I! lit 'frdtor'.s A iti re. '■ r having. ;it M.ircli Term, .\. lb 1S.>.’>, ’ M’li .in.1 t.^iu!irter Sessions of Cnm- •■:i L.-Iters of ,\'lniinistrMtion on the ■ 'n-.ii. 'lecea: :• i. In-n-by gives lio- r i'.iii/ claims against the e.state ot ■ ' : ' lit the same, duly authenticated. ; ribrd bv law, othi’rwi.'C this notice '' ' r .'t their rectivery. i ^ * .te will pleii ,e to make immc- K. M. OIUIFLL. Adm'r. 7*i-4w Um‘ n V: 1 a variety of PLOICHS, I 'lire-, C..rn ShellerB, &c. liivrrv Stal>! ‘ Til Ulnlersl^ticil eniitnilK'' to c.irry on the LI\ Ll!^ HI Sl- NF.''.S at this p!.ii-e. 'Ih'y have lately”ely increased their .''tock ;in.l ean 11.‘W i.fler to the public as g.i.'.l Horses. (';iri iagi'S .and l>ri- \ers as can be'l in the South ern country. Thankful for the l.irge patron age heretofore extendc'l to us. we solicit a cntinuati./ii of the public favor. We promise a satisfact'.ry trip t.i all wli.) may wish to travel. Stables at the West end of .Mumfor.I street, where one of the Propriet'.rs inay always be foun.l, or at the Store first 'loor L.iot of Mr. Lutterloh. .J. W. PtJWFKS .S: CO. Fayettr-ville, Feb'y 22, 1S.».}. iH NO'l'lCK. VLl. persons indebte.i to M. v l.FAKY. j.revious to the formation d'the co].artnership of M. .N. Leary ,V S.iii. are requeste.l to call and make imme.liate set- tlenjent. Jan'v •!, ('!!Oi( 1: l’lv\S. 1^ I1'LIVF1» ti.-d;iy. Il\tr:i-fine Imjierial Tea, •• ll\soll *. (lob'llg “ S. .J. lllNSHALir. Feb'y 1 I. 1^-V’,. t.S-2m w e whieh t! I W"U' barr.d ' Luiiibi AN'ri:!), IIP.L.'s Turiieiitine. dtdivered at my Histillery in this place, for highest prices will be )iai.L also emjiloy two or three ^.>od turpentinc- pers. lb W. K()(IFII.''. .11, N (’.. Feb’v H>. IS.-,:;. c,stf Tai/lor*s Teiitpci'ftttrc Miotel. 'I'lie IVoprK'tor t.ikt's this oj). portunity to inform the Temperan -e commu nity, an.i the j.ulilic in >:eneral, that he still contiiiuex, as he done for the last eix years, to keep the at.ove-iiHmed House on strictly Tem- peran.'e [.rinciples. Thankful for j.ast favors, he wiml'l a;rain iinite all wh.. want a ipiirt. c«imf.irtable and cheaj. while stopping in the city, to give him a call. This house is well loc.ite.l for business men. be ing '\o. 2^ Oi'tluiidl near ESr»:id\t :iv. an.l the laii'ling of m.i't of the Steamb.uits and li.ail- in the city. llI.IbVH 'l.Vi LOK. New \ .iik. is,'.:;. t;i-;;iu MTSIC’. fF, WI!1T,\KFP.. f'irmerly Profes.’or of Music J» in Car.ilin.'i Collefre. wouM respectfidly annonnee he h:i' loc iH'.l in Favi'tteville for the piirj'ose of tea.-hin-j Musie. He would be very li;ippy to receive the n.inies o! th.'se w iio w ish tiieir daughters ins'tructed in this deli'.:lifu; branch of female literature. He may be f'lUii'l at Mrs. P.:i_\ lie's resi Ii’iice. \'ocal Music taught in connection with instriictii.ns on the Piano, yr.;/;.', i Term'* p r (.JuarK'r. Pianos tuned au'l repaired on very accommo.iating terniB. 1*'’C. i, l^o2, — >Otf SADDLKH.-^’ AND (’OACII-MAKKiiS’ ##.f il M> If.l Ml *Vr. THOM IS ,M ll hi;.\Zli; ^o. i2i l)ii!!im(irf St.. llalfiiiiorf. I MPi'P.TFP.S and Healers in Hog .'skins, S.-iddle Trees, llnglish He.ids and Keins, Cirtli Webs, .'stirrujis. Hanu'S. liitts. .VC. Springs. Axles »d' all kinds, ('oach Lace, UF.N T FFl.UH'^, Hubs, Spokes. Carriage ami ' Tire P.olts. Patent Canxass. ('ai'iX'tlirg, and every arti- : cle connecte.l with eitlu-r branch of the business. vrn?h ' they are j.reparcil to ofl'er to punctual customers on jis good terms as any other house in the Fiiited .'stut* '. ] .\gents for the sale of Pope's Self-Adjusting PADS ami .'spencer's (,il(_i TI*. FK.'S. jghgV' Or.lers promptly attended to'„ Address iiKDiis )nrKi;\Z!K \ sons. No. 222 Ibaltimore Street, P.iV] P..\LTFMOUF. 'jBlHK subscribers h aving purcliaseil the Steamers . Kvergreen and .Southerner and 'I'ow Pioats, lately j the projierly of the Henrietta Steamboat Company, are I now prepare.l t'l forwaf'! with despatch, between Wil- j mingt.'ii nii'l Favetteville. all freights or g.iods entrust- j e.l to them. ] F. N. & J. H. POP.FUTS. Fayetteville. Feb'y 14, i;?tf UXPARAI.LKLi:!) DISPA'l'ClL | rw^HF uii'lersigned informs the public that lie is now ; JL running a fb'.ily line of li^ht draft Steamers on the (’ape Fear Hiver, consisting of the following boats: New .''teamer Zephyr, •• -Major Win. Parnctt. 1 ; inches ilraft. “ Fanny l.uttcrh h, 11 *• •• Rowan. One of these bo.ats will leave Fayetteville every morn ing I.'Sundays excepted) at 7 o’clock; and Wihningtoii every d:iy iStin.biyn excepted; at o'clock, landing'ls ami passengers in Fayetteville in fifteen hours tliercaft.T. (iofids inten.b’'! for these f.oats slioubl lie sent to the cure of .1. ..V 1*. .Mel’ac N: Co.. or F. .F. Lutterloh, .nt W ilniiligton. '■ ho will forward at the usual rate of com missions. 'J'iie .'steamers Zephyr and .Major Wm. Har nett are eleg.antly furnished for the accoiiim.iJation of I'assengers. Passage to or from Wilmington, T. S. LLTTFP.IJMI, .\gent. Fayetteville. Feb’y 7, ISo.S. tit'.tf 1:. .1. Lr ri'KULoiL ^ FIIRWARIUNG .\(iENT AND I’tlMMlSSKIN ML!iri!.\M, AN1» A(iFNT F(»i; Major W in. Harnett. Fanny Lutterloh. “ llowan. WILMINGTON, N. C. l.S.’i.'i. btj J’.m V.ii.,.f 1 ■'r I By gi:6. lauiVer. TWO IJI.'ORS ABdVH T. IIAKill S; SOV’S STOKf:; Fayetteville, Jan‘y 20. IB.',:?. Cl-IV M S'V RHC'K!V1:L), ~ Ll'F f'jr Histillers. IT Horse .‘ind Mule Collars A fine lot of Sad.llery. P.eady-made ('lotliing. Foreign and l^miestie Lii|iiors. Also, a lot of North (’aroliiui IJAfON”. C. E. LKKTK, Person street. Nov. IS. 18f)2. 44tf LOOK aY riiis. ~~~~ V SMALL TKAf'T OF LAND FOP. SALV„ contain-' iiig 7’jO acres, more or l“«s. lying 12 miles below Lumberton. three miles from Lumber River,—a very healthy pl;ice, goo.l buildings, an.l every tiling necess.i- ry for Plantation business. It is well tivnbered for Turpentine. 1 rings fine Cor.^ find I’ea®, and any thin^ generally pl.inted. .Apply to W. P. D!*rnes, at Lum- beiton, lor iiiformatiou. IIARD7 RARNES. Pwobeson county. Nov. 7. 1.®')2 42tf Feb'v UKDLCKI) I'AKi:. Tliroii^li I’ickef.^ between 'Wilmington, N. C.. and»»- ni'.re. Fareyl-'^. Via Wel.ioii, P-tersbiirg. Riehmon.l, & Wash- ingtonCity, orvia Weldon, Ports- mt'HtVi an.l Norfdk. For Tickets apply at the (tfTiee of the W ilmingtoi'i Raleigh Rail Roa'l Company at f*K’ (‘‘ftiee of the IJaltimore .Steam PacKO' t>hio Rail Road ton, or at Company, and of the Ibvltiniore >»nd (,'omf*anv, Pratt Street, P.altimore. .Ian. 1. 1.".'.2. M. N. LFARV. r>(i-um .J. & T. W ADHII-L. 7tUf .11 r KtxKiv i;i), M.iuiit;iin Piutter. ^ .ui'i ( uba Molasnes. ■ ' ari'l Iti., ('oHoe. WORTH & FLLIOTT. 7'.tf j' lluil«lerM. * ■ ' vuil contr.ict with any competent *1 , per-'iii to erect u Rrid^e across ■ ' on the ^ite of iRc old big Rridge ■■ I''int i'ynrds wide. Ilridge to ^ '' into the bel of the river, and be F. -McREE. * ■ w. J. Ili-lia .u s r i{i:( i:i\ i:i), g S,\('KS LIVERPOOL SALT, llitH) bushels .Mum ditto, in bags, P,() hlnls. sweet Molasses, :;) bbls. (’ity M‘ss Pork, 20 large size No. ■> .Mackerel, 10 half bbls. .No. 2 do, 20 bbls. fresh caufrlit Mullets, 7)0 boxes Hried Herring, 100 bbls. Planting & eating Patatoes, lOhhds. superior ]>acon. 1). &, W. McLACRIN. Fayetteville, Nov. 22. 18->2. 4-)t( I IN TEN!) erecting a STILI- on flie Western i P.oad, !♦ miles from Fayetteville, where -N. King & j Co. foi-merly had one, and would In* pleasjed to sec | those making Turj,entine before they make any engage ments, as the late imffrovemcnt nmde by me in distil- line will enable me to give good price.s for the raw ma terial., Dec. 17, isr,‘i. Mtf w A N'ncTT r(> im lu' n a si-:. CORl>!> PINE W(.)01), to be delivered on Jnly mv Whajf diuing the next six nonths. T. S. LUTTERLOH. 1852s l\\vui:n( !•: tN 'ruov Have rc.'eived their Fall .^tock of Groceries, Provisions, and Liquors. —.\— A sni;ill lot ot’ II(*ady-n»ade (’lothiiiLr, (’rockery and (ilasswan', lioots and Sho(‘s, llarduart' and (’utlery. We h:iv.' on hand the following (MtOCKKlK.S; Rio. Lagiiira, .Miid .Maracaibo Cotl'ee; Porto Rico ami Cuba Sugar: Loaf, Crushed an.l C.db-e ditto; .\daman- tine and T.ill.iw (’amlles; Fancy and common Soap; Pearl and Corn Starcii: Pejiper, Spi e. (iinger. Nutmegs; ('loves, ( iniiamoii. Tea. \c.; isalt. Iron, Slolasses, .!cc.; Sole, L pper and llainess Leather. IMIOVISIOX.S: Mess P>ecf, and smoked and dried ditto: Reef Tongues, and “ I’oiigues and .S.,unls’ ; No. ;{ Mackerel, in bt,ls.; No, 1 ditt'>. in kitts; .S.almon and Pickled Herring, in Idils.: Lard, in blils.. kegs aiol kitts; (Joshen and Dairy Rutter; Cheese, I’ickles. Preserves, LK^IOK.S: Fine French Rrandy; Common Domestic ditto; Old Rve W hiskey; Rectified ditto; clear white ditto; Country ditto: New England Rum: Holland (iiii: Port and Tene- rifl'e Wine: Common Malaga ditto. We h ave a large lot of J>i«iuors which we offer low by the barrel. " We keep on hand, always, Racon, Flour, Corn. &c. We otter any of the above named (Joods as low as can l>e afforded in this market, for C.-ish, or in exchange for Country I’riKluce, or on time to punctual customers. LAWRENCE TROY. 8ept. liV, 2i5tf W A NIK I). fWlW'O SPIRIT-B.\RREL f’OOPERS. Apply to N. KING, liiBgsbury, N. C, Dec. 17, 1862 .»0,000 lb*«*. of Wanted. I\\ ILL ]iay ;:A cts. per jiound cash for all cot ton and linen RA(iS, delivered to D. Williams. ' in F:iytte\ille. 1 am nearly ready to put in operation a P.apcr .Mill in this neigliborlifiod an«l .1111 le,sifous of getting my rags in this market. My object is to ],ay as much for rags as I can siflord, and hope 1 may 11.)t be force.1 to distant markets for my su]>i)lies. 1 have arranged with .Mr. Williams to rc.-eive :in.l pay for all rags dtdivered to him. DAVID 511 Itl'HY. Fayetteville. Feb’y 24, 1.H52. ;8-tf 'I'ho Su!)scri!)('r still con- tii»iie« to carry (.«r th“ ('.iRTNJlT RtSl- in Fayetteville, .•;ii.l in a.ldition to his Est.ililishiiient on Row Street, ne.jr llccles's Rriil.^e. has opened a large WARE Room on Hay street, nearly opj.osite the Fayetteville Hotel, aii'l one door Fast of .\lcssrs. llaigh Son's, where a assortment of i ITH.MTURll Made by conii>etent and faithful workmen, may lie had at prices correspoHding with the times. .\lso, an as- s.>rtment of Nortliern-made FI RNITI RK. selected by himself, which will be soM at a very moderate advance. DLNCAN McNElLL. Nov. >0, 18.31. S8tf E keeps on li.ind an assortment i>f fisk's celebra- te.l .MET.\LL1(’ liFRl.VL C.X.SES, which have been highly reconimende.l by W illie P. Mangum, Henry (’lav. L.'wis C.iss. Wn.. R. Kin>r. an.l m.iiiy other il lustrious characterf, who have exnmined and witnessed ^ their utility. OL'LD fcspectfully inform tlie public that he iS" V W still at his tild stand carrying on the above business in all its branches. He return^ thanks for the liberal patroiiajie he has re.-riv**.!, nnl hopes hy r strict attention to business, and h de.sire to please all and give gcricral satisfaction, to merit .'i continuance of tlio same. He warrants all bis work to be m.‘>de of the best ma terial ami by experier.'‘"d w.irkmen.—havinr n more >>•■*./(iini pri/rhcj/ he tlattcrs himself that his Work will compete with any made in the St.'tte for style, elegance and durability: and should any of it fail in twelve months (with fair u.age) either in workman ship or msvterial. he vrill repair it free of charge. Persons w ishing to buy, would d» well to call and ex amine his work as he is determined to sell low for cash nr 'rt r-iiort tin^-. Orders th.-inkl'ully received an.i promptly attended to. REP.M Rl.Nd neatly c.xecutcd »t short notice anil lowest ji.issible prices. F.iyetteville, .Ian. 20. lSo.3. (;.3tf m;\i riiisi & m:u ikioiis. ^a^HE subscribers .are now receiving from New Y'ork, B a lai'ge and general assortment of Staple ind Fttncif Dry Hoods, (iKoriCHiK.s, h’ardwakk, Hats ami Caps, Boots and Shoes. Among which are: Coffee, .Sugar, Cotton P>agging, Rale Rofie. Nails, Window (rliiss, Sw edes and English Iron, Sack and Alum Salt, Imperial and Black Teas, Pej)per, .\lspice. (iinger. Powder, Shot, I’.ar Lead. Rar and Fancy Soap. Together with a great variety of other articles, to which they invite the attention of the puhlic, and which the}’ are determined to »ell !»s low for Cash, or on time to those who pay promptly, as any house in the Sonth- eru country. Produce of all kinds, at the highest market prices, taken in exchange for (ioode. McLEAN & JOXE.S. Summerville, N. C., Dec. 8, Ift.M. -litf (\ihiiK‘t Vurniturc^ ('Jidirs^ tS'C^ r*"\llE subscriber is receiving the largest assortment ■ ill his lit»“ “vei^ Vivfore jiurcliaseil at the North, which, together witn his own manufacture, makes his Stock very comjilete. consisting of Cbtkir.', Tables^ Sofas, Hed.stt'ads, Wa.;>> Stand.**, Ikirean?, Looking (, Side l?oard.«, .'Secretaries, &C. All of whieh will be soti" on the lowest term's for Cash, or on short time to punctual customers. JOHN W. BAKER. Oct. :?0. 18.>1. 35tf raiiiE undersigned, haying purchased Mr. Thos. S. I JL Lutterloh's Distillery and Cooper-shops, have en- tered into Copartnership umler the name of McLaurin Strange, for the purpow of currying on the Distille- I ry of Tun>entine, and the manufacture of Spirit Bar- 1 rels. i D. McLAURIN. WM. McLAURIN. 1 JA&. W. STRANGK. 1 Feb’v 18, Ig.^.*?. 70tf Oiilv Burnt out in Part. A. A. McKK'FHAN ^JTILL continues to carry on the C.\RRI.V('E F.L'Sl- NESS in all its branches, at the remains of his old stand, oj'[>osite Liberty Point. He returns thanks for the patronage he has heretofore received, ami hopes by strict attention to and a desire to give eutire satisfaction, to merit a continuance of the same. Having kept the grenter ptirtiou of his Timbers at a dist.ance from the manufactory, he has on hand a large and well selected lot of thoroughly .'?«*a3oned Timber, of every description ttied in bis business, which enables him to retain all his pi'incipal workmen. He is therefore now prepare.l to do any work in his line in the very best style, .-ind on the most favorable terms—as low as any work of the same quality io N. 0. He has on hand, completely finished, S Rarouches, foT 1 or 2 horses; f> Ro(5k'\way9, and 13 Baggies. Also, nearly finishe.l, (’arriagps for 2 hordes; 20 Rarouches for 1 an.i 2 horses; 12 Rockaways, and .30 Buggies; All of which are of the most approved plan and finish^ and will compare with any work in the U. States tor 'neatness .and durabi!?ty. ■ Haring ber*n engaged in the ftbove business for th(! past 20 years, his work is well known, and he refers to old customers for proof of its duraViility. fQrAbL work warranted for 12 months, and repaired free of chiirge ..»hould it fail by bad workman ship or material, within that time. Rf.t.muixg executed at short notice, and on rea sonable terms. Jan’y 2G, 1852. 69 LAKI) AND fiACO.N, J. & T. rADDILL’P FeVy 17. 18&3. TOtf Blanks for auU lu:fe. i WANTED, BARRELS or TURPFNTIN’R. i for Distillery at thcPlank Road I Bridge on Big Rockfi.'jh. The best market price will be j paid. For further information, inquire of John W. Mur- 1 phy, at the Bridge, or of A. A. JIcKethan, FayetteTillc. } 18, 1351v 49tf TURPENTINE LAND FOR SALE. For sale, 393 acres of LAND on James Creek, and (540 acres on Cypress Creek, in Cumberland, conTenient to the Western Plauk Road, henrily timbered/ and admirably adapted to the making of Xurpentine. Apvlv at this Office. , Kev. 28, mi.

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