SBMI-WBTBKL. Y. sMftaSTffiqaRgdKienesBMM meBBseaeestiWrn \ 0I.. I1-] \TK1» NHWHY. ,.[)’.V\KI) J. lIALi: it sox, I ■ ;t'U" 'N1> riSol’UIKToUS. . Somi-"ookly (.>»'iKUVKU $1 00 if p:ii-l in ."I if j'aiti 'luring the year of suliscrip- •, iT tl'.o ypar lias oxi'iroi,!. , ■• 'i iiVKU ■■?- (*0 per nntiurn. if paid in ' 'i It I'ui'I thirinp the Te;ir of siibscrip- V , ' : ... li'i' tlie your hiis o\pireil. ]■ 1 Sl-'11-''^*•’>■ f-i'ty cents per . i i-.O' f'r the tirst. anil thirty co!its fcr eiieh „., i'viiMti 'n. Yearly .■v'lverti’^enients by spe- . , :it n';i^''n:ible rate?. Ailx erti.'ser« nre . , t,, vt.iti the number of iusertiuii.x desireil. or I .■ ■r.t-.n’H' I till forliiil. and ch;ir_tred iU'cord- ,,jV- 1 , :tors t ■ the Kditiirs iinist be p"St-p:ii(l. I s ,-p :t. si‘UiA(i ;>(>s>s i\in" onr SIMIINTi (iCntlij;. . n iKvri'.i. I'ou sAi.i:. Hotel nt present oeciijiied by .lohn Iljirinan, B formerly known ns the Planters' 1 lotel, nriir the foot ot iliiy Moiint. ra_\ ettevillo. is olfrred f.>r !;ile: and possi'ssioii can he had %vtici:ex v-r .h'sircd. Tlie House is larjre and eoinntodious. has bren thoroujrhly repaired w itliiii the last twelve ni.intiis, and Is now . tcifretluT witii all the necessary out buildinjis. in »‘omplete imd hand some order. It miw enjin s u larjje share ot the h'cal uiid transient custom, whieh, in tiie handij of a eonipe- It'nt toiiiuit. must ho ^I'oatly hv th«* oxtstiiip; riank r»ouds and eontemjilated Hail itoad. itlie Depot ot x\hich will priibablv not be far from this House.) Ihese consider.itions m.-ike it a very desiralile projierty to any one wishin;; to eii'.^nge in the Hotel business, or 111 a I'apitahi-t de.sirous to make an investment in projier ty increasing in vnlue. The terms will be made accmnodatinp. N. .A. STKDM.VN. ravetteviile, N. . March S, \V. T. hokm;. ■ tf ' I.' V on lillt runnini: throu A r Ai i' rioN. I'll the MHN()AV ii that valu«’'l«* 1.' ‘ tiie Mallett l :.. ui ai;' to 11 ii; any l.Tmer ^ i ;“ting of //,/«» 13. yX5. CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES. ; ; :).■ .■>.’>- ve. we have added t'- our s;,iek ■, ’-.-•i'1 ri'S >rtnn>!it .’f Hi; \ !• V - M A 1*1' \ • nh;> h we otl'er to buyers at our 1 /■■imm drit iii: terms. 11 Al.L \ .'Ai’Ki;TT. : i'it’.'iii paid t" ;-r lers. 7'tf A: SI (iOODS. L.XK'iK and ^VKL1. iu:al ks ; a T Till-; Market House. •\pril, , liciiii: the Hh. ' pie street, opposite h to and tioiitni!! on Hick street, ojipo site t.' F. 1». Kreece's ju-emises and fronting oii Hivision street, with the several Houses thereon. r>y order of Trustee. \MI.LKlN(iS Ov CO. March f*. Auit’r.'?. ■S WHKAT, CORN. SAW MILLS, >t 're ' K " F |>P/»*#.> f- a i:i I’u M;ole ieaiiv • r. li.i', ainl I’aras 'i'; ■ .tier at \VII1>I,S> ll>i: terni'. and t. w h . h we invite erehaiits making tMir -h ;so'. in ."TAlUi X W 11.1.1 AM. ?• tf T Mill;d'i !■ I’;i’atn'e Iron' and I.U'ks .-iiid (iiidireoi'.'. I! tihkiss \\;iter tini lI. IliT'. kept ■: n hai.d. "e ni^ii^e i ai'iii^ and .''hattiii;.; for '.nv M:!'..;i’ri I'-i.-toiies. St.-Mil, I'n^itie I'rivers. W iieels. and f'r U heat, s :.f anv ; er n oil 1 lirt 1 W e « i^h to to en r-Ie r aei'.'unt w ;ll ] (irate ri.n> ai. 1 rurn;n e I'r'Hts kept make .addit Mareh I'J. Sprm^ .1 \Mi:s S9ES Li: all uf hna It t thors> Tit- ;in i '\'\\n>. .1. —11 A.- .n .-1 MAS ( I'.! 1" d... ' u u'-- V-'. ' ' ! ’M) 1!.,. \i.rtlii'i II :aHiii n-,>. \ t’:,!-. li:; 1 ■ .11;I l,u-' * ■''. r’ou^hs ,11 1 I' ...t i’ .'tes'.miih-'' r •• 17 hhds. Cub,. M [41 our machinery 1.. till ^e iiidel ted l>y i-ome forw ir 1 and m :tie. H.M.L \ r.'i.I.INCl-.K, .loilXsoN i:i:ri;ivi;i»— i;\'- s \ioi. \ssi:.. 'V I’- I; w II. Spring (ioojIs. .V i:. J. iviii^ 1 large .'>tuck ot ses. r' li, .in 1 .TAl’L!; ANI' I'-; k-- _’nt f ,ur Iv , \e THt i. . • rte\ i e, F- b y J''. 1 ■ VMl'lJKl-I.T' >N I’linridlTV 1 II; .1. .JOHNSON. I’er^ F'Hl .:i St. -tl OOODS Hoots. S;i(f >. I nihrt'l- ', li' ihiv-nr.uli' ( !nilini_r. \r.. ■ .iite the attetiti' T. J. r. A: \\ tfK* . IHV t ei t:- l!n Men’ll.lilt" of 7 Ot p. IS. 4Klir‘. ' M;rr/, 14. 1 icre'isi* the I 'ai';t;i^ .'^toek pi;rii..e i.t extondiii;^ lletlialii.i ,11 1 M 'Unt 1 f .J. i. I.Hsh, Fran' is \dnm Sr.ow, Hr. r the ' K Ibdo. .-■r ‘he ;'ree’; ! F I.ehri i*T tiie dire-' V' j! lilt!* r. 1 return thf* H li' 'lert I V ,§T THi: SSr.Bf StM.V. M( i)().\AiJ) ^ .MM \N I>i \I.I.I!' IN (iR l’i[n\hiii\s. \r„ Sf/i'f, r,nih1l:j, /.,,'■■■■,/( //: M’ll'.'f llill-.! n:::1 S/irti /{illl/,', Fayetteville, N. C. Sl'ST n . eiveil, .'it> b'lrre's Vi-llnw ind Mer. r !!i_ I’ot-.r. t at redui ed price's. Feb y TJtf (;s:> >! I'|{A( \ iS. ? O. No. 84 William Street, ( ' r';' T if M ; iden Lane. N 1.\'d.i\, IMIM'^ OF fjicutlruirtt's M'nrnis!titis^ 4moo4ts. Wl. !;;Ur rhe ’ '’• b'nt i’ld I);r>'- ! "r? i;.]-'.'. H Li.i; i.N.'^i.''W. ■ an'i .'iniein Press wi'i C - .1-. ouiit.i I'! thiii ('tlice. f\ this>;i-lir:ieiit. n::iv be toUIi i :i' in part of rieli three ■na! ■ \!()\. MOlililS vV (’(). • I- t'. (.^^rder. aii l ke>'j) conMantly irrnrh Mturr mfiillsloites ;rr; Mted t'> be of be.'?t ijiiality, be- I- ; ’ : . s"loct>-d >iy them fr -m the . .Ii e. They keep b.r sale - ( '•fdlica and I'^'Jopus .Mill- : i; .n- I51ork.s lioltini: (1otli, ■ \\ ir(“, ('jilciix.-d H I'lniir CrllH'Ilt, : ,rt f the ( .iuntrv promptly «ttend- K. n. Afrciit lit Fayetteville. N. ('■ K. b y 11: • 'lit liiv(‘rv ‘ Tlio ..iV/ 1 W *« Ihr 7»;tf ■ n rnlor's ^\()li('c. .a\iii;r. lit .March Term. A. I>- l>^-»o, I'U-.I - and (quarter .s.■.s.«ioiis of Cuni- ■ . Letters of .\dmiiiihiratioti on the .,11, .le.M-ased. herel.y pives iio- claims the estate of M ilt the same, duly authentieiited. r'l,. d by law, otherwinc this notice .! o' their recovery. 1 * .->:ite will p’ to lliak‘ iiiimc- H. M. oKliLLL, Adin'r. 70- Jw .\«^rii’iillui*i*t*. rciv. d a variety ot l’LoL('H>S, r Corn .''hellers, Uc. t'- suit. J. & T. W.VDHH.L. 7*;tf FAYETTEVILT.E, N. C., MAKCH 2L 1853. [XO. 178.] FOU SALE, IH’iLS. new city mesa Pork. Ills. Ii;u*on. TiOd biishel.s seed Oats. -■') barrels Planting Potatoes. • K. LKKTK, Person Street. Feb’y L’i, IS.'i.'l. 7 1 tf s7.) Ui:\\Ai{I). H frim the subs-ril)er on the 1."th inst., thiee nej^ro fellows, lilijah. Li/.amond and La- l.ayette. Said nt‘i:ro's were between the ape of thirty .•md forty, of a dark yellow eom[iIectiiii, stout built, and about five teet ten inches hi|j;h. The iiliove negroes v.i’rt' hiied from llobt. .\lston, i>l'Chatham eoiintv, ami 1 e.\pect they are now harboring about liis plantation, where they have wivts 'I he aliove reward w ill be jiaid for the apprehension aii'l delivery of .said neu:roes tfi me. or twentv' five dol lars for the tielivery ot either one of them. I). U. llOriKRS. Luniberton, I'eli'v i.s_ 7l’tf TIIIOUOLGHI-^ stretched, cemented, and riveted. 1 he above Itunds are sold UO per cent, less than New ^ ork manufacturers’ prices, ('ash will be re- juired in every instancj. For sale hv W. H. I-UfTEKLOir. Fayetteville, Nov. Ifi, 18.V2. 31 tf rOE« ?6r.W YOKK. UNITED STATES ALMI. J.INE. I’OU SAI.i:. INFTV years Ie;io of timber on SOI) aeres, Ivin" on Crane’s 'reek. ne.-ir Lower Little Hiver. The "eater ''ortion of this timlier i.s very fine, and as yet un;oUi'i.‘'l tiavijjable v ater. The t' on reasonable terms. J I':i\etteville, .Ian. IS.'.:’,. SM ri' AM) TOBACCO. JPefrr Fjoriflnrft, .MANrFACTrKi: H, No. 4ll Chathain Ft.. New York, I !• LIIS for sale the following articles, warranted of sujierior f|uality;—Maceoboy, Scotch, Coarse I rench l!ai)]>ee and ofiier SNUFFS. Also, Fine-cut IOHAC( (), in tin-fbil and papers. A more particular description of the various articles can be known by sending f\ir a full price current as above. Jan y l.j, 18'>d, t>l-*{rn ^I'^HR first class side-wheel Steamship KOANOKK. I I'JOO tons burthen, IMwiird Cavindy. coininnnder. leaves Richmond and l’eter>ibur)f every Tuesday after- , noon, jind Norfolk every Wednesday tnorninjr, at 11 o’- ' (dock, with the L'niteil States Mail, arriving in New York next day. Passage anI f;\re. state room included, from Rich mond or Peterslnirp. ^I(( 00. 1‘assage and fare, state room included, from Norfolk, •'ii'.J (It). Steerage passage half price. The Roanoke has now been running about eighteen months, during whiidi time she has never missed a trip. ~ and has ulwnvs kept up to her time. HATS, CAPS A: STRAW GOODS.. Travellers will find this route the cheapest and most ' comfortable. For fiassage apply to « Ll'DLA.M iS: W.ATSON, Richmond. SA.M L (J. RAI'TIST. Petersburg. No. 160,.Broadway, New York, , i. m. smith & bro., Norfolk. February 11, 18-53. GS-.lm land m.'iy be had. if desired. C. HOOPLR. 0 4-;lm i 'rr^h liiiniini; f 'li/hl und ('(itnp!nii', .lust rei ' ived and for sale )iv .L N SMITli. (Ireen St. .hui'v :;i. i^‘,:’. 04tf Maniifiiriiirrr .111(1 Commission l)PiiIt*rin Iliils, Caps, Mraw (iomls. IhiUtTs' Stork, Triinmincs. \r. \. Ve.a-^t P-'wde Soda. Spices. 1 Il'li^'O. .^jiatii'li P.r.' So:ip;. \c. .biii'v o !. 1 s-’.:'. po r.\sn. Hop T.\^ LoR'.'' long e.xperieni'e in these particular branch(‘s of business, Joine.l to his facilities in the manutaeturing, enahlcs him to offer inducements to purchaser* that c.atinot be hii'l fif those who purchase their goods .it second or tliinl hands. Mis present stock is extensive ami well .assorted for the countrv tra'le, iviid '' *11 *’e con.«tantly added to by fresh importations, ami tii'ni ''is ‘’"'I manufactory. Parficiilar paid to orders by mail. .Jatiuarv 1. 1>'0-!. oO'Sm The Steamsh.p .lAMF.STOWN, of 1100 tons btirthen, now building in New ^ ork, and to be commande.l by f'apt. Lewis Parrish, will be a.KIed to the line in the .•^jiring, giving travellers and ship[)ers a communication twice a week between the above places by first class side-wheel Steamships. T;irtar. F.xtracts, for linvorinj Madder. Ralh IJrick. For sale bv N. S.\I1 I H.’(’.rern St. t. Uf ciii:mk'\ls, \c Citr.ate Iron. I'nudish. i i.a.|;;te I’hospliate •• S_\ nip b dide Iron. It 111 bv I!ydr(,)geii. b-.iin-! lol. •• l.ea'l. I’i (•■■1 'lie. '-ill'-. Kr''. ote. (Ju.n;iie. Cit. I l oll !tn i tjiiiirme. ,1. N. II .Ian' F' r s;i'e by SMITH, ('Jreen St. r.ftf V lilt. 1 . th \1, 11. "■ ill' illl;^' 1 I, - C : N. -X . I', 1 .V \\ A N r (>1' M( ) .\ 1:». «h :tre iii'Iebted to me. by ii'ite or ac- e;iriK 't: \ rei|ue-te'l to sett’.e pai'ticu- - dll-- me liel'.-re the 1-it .lanu;iry. 1 nil- ' me t-i m;ike this call, and longer ■t '• ■n. A. A. McKFTH \N. 4:’.tf Til. Feb » tons I\'rn\ iaii (Ju.ino. :ed from us will please send in. 1>. \ w. .\lcL.\l i:iN. •'.•'tf i: K \(;s, li \(is, li \(,s. -^till receivi- R.\iS for .F. F. .lor'ian Co.. i;:i’,eigh. an-1 watit at the high- -t Iii.irket prii-e, t’. r cash, i .'t .11 ^.^rll and trapping Paper, n large lot, on ii.. i It iii:n.ul':ii riirt r-> Sui .1 17. 1 IJiiK K ri''l!i; -^’'scrl'-i-r I HSI-'K. uhici pi ..-. s. P.i: \NS0N i >r» to 11 .s; .lOilNSftN. , P>rans'-n X S.-r ♦Ultf iirin .'I '•t:lllt! \ pr;c,-. . ..It hau l. h h- Vn.l he •oii s\Li:. ■ r sale l.'iO.iMiO har-1 burnt ii;-^ to sell at the b-w.'t iiten-ls to keep a siipplv c.m- iir. MePiir.RsoN. •Lui'V \i,\\ NTOlii; IM) \i;\l liOOil!^. f giHI, -.,i!...-riJier h;is taken the Stan 1 f.rinerly occu- a pie-l tiy I .L Hins.bde. Southwest corner ..f .Market S j i;ire and (iill. 'pie street, where he h.ns opeti- beii-;; t!ie lar;zest in the city. • all I w.-l' sell- fe I .''tock, I'oii- Scnrfs and Cravats. H i-iery, ... --I, I'li'b-r Jarnieiits. .''uspendeis. .>tocks, Loii'ioii an ! .N;ip le..n Ties, ."shirts of all 'ULiiitie-*, ilii'ing be.11 eii.j iti'-'l in th;= biisin*-'' tiie last t wenty y.-ars, Coiiimei.t is unnec.'-'^ary. as tli.‘y have ina.le sU( h ar- r;in'_'emenfs in F.iir.'pe tliaf they ;ir- n .-.-ivinir by ;i!in. -t everv steamer, th.- ell..i.;.-St g N the n;-irket allonls. an.l purchasers n-ed oid_\ call to -ati'fy tlu-iii'-.-h e- that fverv article in the Furnishing line n;;i\ be f omd lo re. d hi^ His fr .•all. :i m;u .■sI'iiCK oF t'afi tnnf ll*ht(f’r fmootfs. i.-n l'- .■ii;d the public are rei|ueste.l to give him u IS lie is iletermincd to sell verv l..w. S. .■ ARKY. fs'.J. ;!f-*lm 'I'llr;>( n!I m l .r/ ' dinl Nnrlrrs, i;cF.l\'LH this .lav an l s;i!e bv PLTKR 1 Fei.'v 1 1. 1« HMINSON. ti.s TIIK J.AJir.KST l!ll!l)().\. AM) TIfLM.MIXf; iiorsh: i.\ XKW yoiiK. 'J'/ioinast (r. SlraruK, IMPORTF.R AND .lOlH’.ER OF SILKS, MIIJ.INKKY. .AM) FANCY (i(M)S. 162 Broadway, N. Y., .V.'' now ill St.ire aii'l is .l.iily receiving an.l offer- at the I...west Prices, a omplete iiss.jrtment of(iO(tI)S IN in.'s LINK, c.mprising all the various styles and designs, c.insisting of niiick :ui(l I'anry Silks; Marcclino.«, 1'loicHct s, Shaw Is, 'rriiiiininifs; l>on- nrt iiibhnns; 'I'atl’cta and Satin Rii)- Im)hs; Dress'rritniniiiL^s of all kinds; l'.nil>roid('ri('s; I'rcncli and lOnifiisli C’rapt'S. (*ra{)(' Lissc'.-^. Silk Oa- vals; (iloNcs of all kinds; Silk Lac‘ Mitts; l}ar‘;‘S, Laces; \\ liit(‘ (ioods. Hosiery, I., (1 landkerrliit'fs. The uii'ler“ign.'.| w.iul.l invite the attention of his friends ;ui>l the Tra.b“ grner.-illy. He will otl'er great inducements to C.\SH V.Nl* ll'oRT TIM F lU'^LR.'''. THOMAS C. STKAilNS, I'll! Piroa.lway, Rotween Liberty street and Maiden J.ane. N. Tl.’y 1-'). l'''i.'!. til-Sm Ta if tor's Trmpfratire MMotrl. 'I’Im' Proprietor Takt's this op portunity to inform the Tetnjieranre rommii- nitv. .-iii.i the jmtilie in tha» he ptill continues, as he has .lone the last six i> keep the above-name.1 House on strictly Tem- principles. Thankful l>r past, he would a'.’ain invite all "ho want a .jiiiet. c.unf.irtable and che.ip h.ime, while st^.pping \n t!ie city, to give iiim a call. This house is well located business men. be ing \o. *2*1 'orll:iiKlt ii‘ar l{r»al\%’ay. and the Ian.ling .>f most of the Steamb.)ats .-mil Rail- in the city. LLH.M* l.\^ LOll. New York, 1''-':^ til-om Ml SIC. IF. \VHIT\KF.R, f.irmerly Professor of Music J» in Car.ilina College, would respectfully announce that he has locate.1 in F.iyetteville for the purpose of t.*aching .Music. He w.iuld be very hapj>y to receive the natues of th-'Se wh.i wish their .laughters insti.icted in this .leliizhful bninch of female liter.iture. He may be found at Mrs. Rayne's resi-lence. ^ ocal Music taught ill conni-ctioii w ith instructi.'iis on the Piano, yruri.*. Terms .'s|.') per Quarter. Pianos tune.l aii'l re}iaire.l on very accommodating terms. Hec. i. IS.iJ. >dtf ' SAl>i>IiKllS’ AM' ('()A(M1-MAKKUS’ /#.f Ml #> If.I n *%• r. TIKDI IX lIK'lillAZli: & SO.\S. \o. Ill r»:iltimore St., Hiiitimorf, Jfofclifciss's J rrtical atcr Wheel. RK !ire several hundred of these 'Wheels i nope» JL ration in different counties in North f'arolina. For proof of their great advantagcfl over the common flutter* wheel, or any other irheels now in use for saw mills, we confi.lently refer to those who have npplieil them to their mills. We can recommend them }>articuIarlT far their superiority in cases of a low heu.l of water, or back water. W e still 'keep a supply of \Vheels. suitable for (HfiFer- ent hc.ids of water, at Wilmington. Newbern. Washing ton. and Fayetteville. The wheels may also be hail of K. A. Rrevard,, and Uriah Wells, ppterHburLT. Va. Persons wishing to obtain the right to use the wheels, ■will be ocrTed on application to 1>. McNeill & Co., Favefteville, N. (’. I). McNEILL. A. A. McKKTHAN. 1>. J. .McALlSTLR. FeVy22, 1H49 fifi tf LCAIHER! UMI5ER!! WK have our Steam Saw Mill in successful opera tion, H miles from Fayetteville, near the Raleigh .Stage Road, ami are prepare.l to execute onlers in our line. As we run two Hotary or f'irriihir Satm, we can fill bills at the shortest notice. Wp can furnish Pine, P*plar and .luniper LL M P>KR. .md of almost any length. Our Lumber, for truthfulness of line .-tiifl smoothnessi of face, shall be equal to any ever delivered in market. JNES & llAKRKK. March nn. 1852. 78tf M A li 1 i L E 1' A C T O R Y, ; l'I!KI{;HTI.N’C; O.X C.APH I-'i;.M?.! f■ IIHi subscribers having purchased the Steamers | . JB. Evergreen and Southerner and Tow Hoats, lately j the property of the Henrietta Steamboat Company, are | ' n.)w prepared to forward with despatch, between Wil- niingtfin and Fayetteville, all freights or goo.Is entrust- ; ed to them. I F. N. & J. H. RORKRTS. | Fayetteville. Feb'v 14. tlStf | lni\\uai.i.eij*:d Tmspa rcH.~| 1^.1//. !• 1.1. v/^: I ^■IHH un.lersigne.i informs tlie public that he is now j -M. running a daily line «f light draft .'-^teaniers on ! the Cape Fe.-ir River, consisting of the following boats: New .''teamer Zephyr. ' •• “ Major Wm. P>arnett, l-T inches draft. “ “ Fanny Lutterloh, 14 “ “ Rowan. One of these boats will leave F'ayetteville every morn- inc (.''umiays exceptedi at 7 o’clock; and Uilmington every lay (.''und.iys excepted) at o'clock, landing an.i passengers in Fayetteville in fifteen hours thereafter. (ioods intende.l for these boats should l»e sent to the care of ,J. \ H. .McRae S: ’o., or K. .F. Lutterloh, at W ilmingt.'n. who will forwar.l at the usual rate of com- i Bv GKO. LAUDER. TWO lionss tiiiivE r. t. iiiii;ii son's sti^re* Faycttcvillc', rV. Jan’y 20. 1S.'..3. Cl-IY G .U’ST UliCKlVl'.l). A LUF for I'istillers. Horse nn.l Mnle Tollars A fine lot of SsuMlery. Rea.Iy-ma'le Clothing. F’oreign an.l I'omestic Lifpiorp. Also, u lot of North Carolinu BACOX C. E. LI;KTF, Person fctre*t. Nov. 18. 44tf i.ooiv A r riiis. Vi^MALL TRACT OF LAND FOR SALr, contain^ ing 7-jO acres, more or less, lying 12 miles below three miles from Lumber River,—a very mi.ssions. The Steamers Zephvr an.l .Major Wm‘. Par- i he.althy place, goo.l tmildings, an.i every thing necessa- nett are eleg.-tntly furnishe.1 for the accoinm.„lation of I ^ busnie.s.s. It is well timbere.l fo^ passengers. Pu^sage to or from Wilmington. .-J.r Turpentine, brings fine f ..rn and Peas and any thinf I’ S ll'TTFRIOH \gent generally j.lantcL Apply to W. P. Lnrnes, at Lum-* F.iyetteville. Feb-y 7. lS.^;i. .i'itf ' berton, i.,r information. ‘ nVRDYB\RNE9 pcrano E. fA'r rEKi.oii, FIIRWARUINT. .\liE\T .nil rinnilSSillN }IERril\NT, AND AfiFNT FOR Steamer Major Wm. Harnett. Fanny Lutterloh. “ Rowan. WILMINGTON, N. C. Feb’v 7. IS-'i.'l. M .Sm iu:Drc'i:D tare. Tliroiigli Tickets between Wilmington, N. ami Ralti- more. Fare^j!l3. Via Weldon. Petersburg. Richmond. & Wash- ingt.'n City, or via Weldon, Port«- mouth and Norfolk. For Tickets apply at the Oflfiee '^^j^geof the Wilmington an.l Ptaleigh ■ Rail Road (’omjiany, at Wihning- ton, or at the Office of the P.altimore Steam Packet Company, and of the Raltimore and (►liio Rail Road Company. Pratt Street, Baltimore. .Ian. 1. IS-i2. 5-‘’.-tf Koberon county, Nov. 7. 1P.')1 42tf m 11 ( IIOK i: TEAS. L F1\ Ll> to-.lay, i;?:tr i-fine Imperial Tea, uiiiler:-ii'n('.] contintic t-i carry on the Ll\ LR\ 111 ^'I" NFS.S at this place. They have lately largely increased their Stock and can n.)W offer to the public as good Horses. Carriages ami Dri- vei’ri a.-» can be f./un.l in the .'south ern country. Thankfu'l for the large ]iatroii- age hcretof.ire e.\ten.le-l to us. wc solicit a . '^i.tinuatioii of the i-ublic favor. We promise :i sati-fact.Ty trip to all wh.) mav wish to travel. ^ ^ Stables at the West end of Mumford street.^ wlK-'re one .;f the Proprietors may always l.e found, or at the first door Last I Fayetteville, Feb’y 22, 1H;;.3. Norici:. i 4 I.L persons imlebted t.. M. N. LKARY, previous to , , \ the f.irmati.m of the cop;irtnershii) of ,M. V Learv , X .^on, are re.juested ta call and m.ake •u.u.e.bate set - , Feb’v 1 L 1'^-'):^ ()ol.uig '. J. HINSDALF.. • iH-2m I 'I'ho Snhsrriher still con tinues to carry on the ('AI5INLT 111 SI- N FSS in Fayetteville. an-I in ad.Iition to his Fstablishmeiit on Row Street, near Kccles’s Rri.lge, ln;s opened a large \V.\P,K ROOM on Hay street, nearly op]>osite the Fayetteville Hotel, an.l one door East of >lessrs. Haigh iS: Son’s, .lan'v lH->:’> Jl 1000 .11 s r Ri:cEi\ ED, ' 'I Mitain Rutter. ■ ■■ili'l ( lib.-i Molasseg. ■ I' I and Piiij ( ijffee. WORTH .V KLLIOTT. 7-'.tf ■r will i -iiitr;ict with any comiictent ■ p,to en-.-t a Rridge acr.>ss 1’: ' T. ',11 the -,ite of the oM Rri-lge ’ p.,lilt is yar.Is w i'le. Rri'lge t.) ■ “ ' I. '.lit., the be.l of the river, aii'l be * ' a ir;iw. .lAMEfj E. McRLi:. i ■ >. ^v. J. 72-lin S I' REC l'JvED, SACKS LIVERPOOL S.\LT, lOlMI bush.-Is .Mum .litto, in bags, ;;i» hhds. sweet .M.dasseu, I'.i'i bbls. City Mess Pork, Of) “ large size .No. o .Mackeiel, 10 h.-df bbls. N.). 2 do, 211 bbls. fresh caught Mullets, ;■)() box.'s Drie.l Herring, 10(1 bbls. Planting eating Patatoes, 10 hh'ls. superior R.ion, I». .S: W. .McLAl RIN. Fayetteville, Nov. 22, 1H.V2. ‘‘Mf IN I’END erecting a STILL on the Western Plank Roa.l, miles tr..m Fayetteville, where N. King Co. formeri.v ha-l .me, an.l woubl be please.I to see those iii.iking Turfientim- bef.ire they make iiny engage ments, as the lute impr.iveni(-nt ma.le by me in .listil- ling will enable me t.. give g..o.{ prices for the raw nia- . -1 N. KINw. terial. . Dec. 17, 1^.2. ""'tt I W AN'I'I.H. RPiLS Tiirpetitine. ilelivere.l at my Distillery in this place, for whi.-h thC highest pri.-t-.s will be pai.l. I w.i-.ibl aiso emph.y tw.t or three good turpentinc- h;;rrel Coopers. D. W. R(((il-.RS. Lumb.-rtoii, \ . Feb’y D'. 1^').'!. *'>^tf L\\\ iii:\('i': ^ riiov Have re.-eiveii their Fall .s^tock of Groceries, Provisions, and Liquors. — l.S( I — ,\ small lot of lieady-madt' ('lothinsr, Crockery and (Glassware. Roots and Shoes, l!anh\arr ainl CiitU'ry. We h.'ive on ban.I the following Rio, l..aguir.'i, an.l Maracaibo ( oUee; Porto Rieo and ! Ciitia .^iigar: Criishe.l an.l C.iflec litto: .\daman- i tine and "'fallow Can.lies: Fancy an.i conmmii P>ar Soap; Pearl an-1 Corn Starcii; Pepper, Spice, tiinger. Nutmegs; ('loves. Cinii.imoii. Tea. \c.; Jsalf, iron, .Molasses, \c.: .Sole I,’I .per and Harness Leather. I'ltOVlSIONS: Mess Reef, ami smoke«l ami drie.l ditto; Reef Tongues, an.l “T.ingues ami Soiiinls' ; -No. Mackerel, in bbls.; No. 1 .litto, in kitts; Salin.m and Pickled Herring, in', in bbla., kegs and kitts: Coshen and Dairy Rutter; Chuese, Pickle‘S. Preserves. >S:c. l.K^l'OltS; Fine French; (’omnion Domestic ditto; Old Rve V- hisUey; lUctifie.l .litt..; clear white ilitto; Country .litto: New England Rum: Holland (iin: Port and Tene- rifl'e 'Vine; Common Malaga ditto. We have a large lot of Li.juors which we offer low Ity the barrel. We keep on han.l, always, R.-icon. Flour, ('orn, &c. We offer anv of the aliove named (Joods as low as can be atl'orde.l in this market, for Cash, or in exchange for Country Pr.i.liice. or -n time to punctual customers. M P( )RTFRS an.l Dealers in Hog Skins. Saddle Trees. English Hea.Is and Reins. (Jirth Webs, Stirriii>s, Hames. Ritts, ,S:c. Springs, .\xles of all kinds. Coach » assortment of Lace. 15ENT FELLOES, Hubs. Spokes, C.-irriage and Tire Rolls. Patent Canvass. Carpeting, an.l every arti cle connecte.I with eith«-r br.-inch of the business, which .on,potent and faithful workmen, ni.ay be had they are j.reparcl t.. offer to punctual cust.jmers on as ‘ ^.,„-,-csponding with the times. Also, an as- goo.l terms as any other h.mse in the I nite.l States. , Northern-made FURMTI RE. .selected by .\gents for the sale of Pope's Self-Adjusting PADS , j,;n,gelf, which will be sold at a very moderate a.lvance. FURNITURE, and Spencer's (iHi IRLL.'-'. Onlers promptly attende.l to. A'ldress TiitiiiA.s inrhi:.\ziE & .'invs. No. 222 Raltimore istreet. RALTIMOUE. .10,000 ll»«. «8' \Vaiit€‘l. BWILL jiay o.5 ets. per pound cash for all clean cot ton an.l linen R.VUS, delivered to .1. D. W illiams, in Fayetteville. 1 am nearly ready to put in operation a Paper Mill in this neighborhoo.l, and am desirous ot getting my rags in this market. My object is to pay as mu. h for rags as 1 can afl'.ir.l. ami hope that 1 may not be force.l to .listant markets for my sup].lies. I have arrange.l wiih Mr. Williams to receive and pay for all rags flelivered to him. D.V\ID MLRPH\. Fayetteville, Feb’y 24, 1852. ti8-tf DL'NCAN McNEILL. 38tf E keeps on hand an assortment of Fisk’s celebra- te.l .MET.VLLIC RURIAL ('.VSE.'^, which have Nov. 10. 18.M. II been highly reconimende.l l>y Willie P. M-Jingum. Henry riay, I.ewis ('ass. Wn,. R. King, and many other il lustrious characters, who have examined and witnessed their utility. • “ffrorLD respectfully inl'orm tiie public (hat he is WW still at his old stami currying on the above business in all its lr;inches. He returns thanks for tho liberal ]>atronape he has receive.l. and hope^ bj a strict attention t.> Imsiness. and a ilesrre to plea«e all an.l give general oatisfaction, to merit a continnnnce of tho same. He warrr.nts ,'vll his work to be m;ide of the best mn- terial and by experience.! workmen.—having a more exprri'nrfil and prarlinrl he flatters himself that his work will compete with any made in the St.'^te for style, elegance an 1 dura>.il:ty; an>l sliouM any of it fail in twelve months (with f;iir usage) either in workman ship or material, he will repair it free of ch.-irgc. Pers.uis wishing to buy, wouM .lo well to call an.l ex amine his work as he is determined to sell low for c.ish or on short time. Or.lers thankfully received an.i promptly atten.le.l to. REPAI RIN(i neatly e.ifeciite.I at short notice and lowest possible prices. Fayetteville, .Jan. 2i'>. ISo.S. »’,.3tf 1 w \N rii > 1'^ > i i ('ORDS PINE WOOD, to lie dc-livere.l my Whurf .luring the next six iii.mtlis. T. S. LUTTERLHI. Julj’ 22, 1852. .^ejit. I-'*, 1HV2. 'J1WO SPIRI I' Dec. 17, 1862. L.\WRi-;N('E & TROY. 2)tf w \ \ r! :i). R.VRREL COOPFRS. .Vjiply to N. KING, Kingsbury, N. C. 63 tf m:\v I’lini & m;\v (ioiiDs. 1HE sub.scribers are now receiving from New \ ork, n large and general as.sortnient of Staple and Fdncij Dnj (ionds^ (IUOCKRIKS, IIAKDWARE, Huts and (’aps, Hoots .ind 81ioo3. Among which are: Cuffee, Sugar, Cotton Ragging, Rale Rope. Nails, Wimlow (Hass, Swedes and English Iron, Sack an.l .Alum Salt. Imperial and RIack Teas, Pe]>per, Alspice. (linger. Powder, Shot, Rar Lea.l, P>ar and Fancy Soap. Together with si great variety of other articles, to which they invite the attention of the public, and which they are determined to sell as low for (’ash, or on time to those who ji.-iy promptly, as any house in the South ern country. Pro.luce of all kinds, at the highest market prices, taken in exchange for Goods. McLEAN & .TONES. Summerville, N. C., Dec. 8, 18-')1. 4tf LAKD AND BAC:ON, At J. & T. W’ADDILL’S. Feb'y 17. 18-’>o. 7(ltf C(d)iit('f VurnUnre^ ('/lairs, t^-r. The subscriber is receiving the largest assortment in his line ever before purchase.J at the North, which. t.igether with his own manufacture, makes his Stock very complete, consisting of Chairs, Tables, Sofa.s, liod-stcads, Wash Stand?, Bureatis, Looking (Ihisscs, Side IJoard^, SocTC-taries, &c. All of which will be sold on the lowest terms foi Cash, or on short time to punctual customers. JOHN W. BAKER. Oct. no. 18->1. un.lersigne.i, haring purchase.I Mr. Thos. S. S. Lutterloh’s Distillery an.l Cooper-shops. have en- tere.l into Copartnership under the name of McLaurin & Strange, for the purpose of carrying on the Distille ry of Tuqtentine, and the manufacture of Spirit Bar rels. D. McLACRTN. WM. McLAURIN. JAS. W. STRANGE. Feb’y 18, 70tf Blanks Jor sale here. WANTED, KARUEL.S or TLTvPRNXrNE, for Distillery at thePlank Road Bridge on Big Rockfish. The best market price will be paid. For further it.formation, inquire of .John W. .Mur phy, at the Bridge, or of A. A. McKethan, Fayetteville. Dec. 18, 1851. Only Burnt out in Part. A. A. MrKKTllAX I^TILL continues to carry on the (’.\RRI.VGi; BUST-» NES.S in all its branches, at the remains of his old stand, opposite Liberty Point. He returns thanks for the liberal patronage he has heretofore received, and hopes by strict attention to business an.l a .lesire to giv6 entire s-itisfaction. to merit a continuance of the same. Having kept the grester portion of his Timbers at ft distance from the m.inufuctory, he on hanl a large and well selectcl lot of thoroughly seasrmed Timber, of every description used iu his business, which enables him to retain all his principal workmen. He is therefore now prepare.l to do any work in his line in the very best style, an.l on tho most favomble terms—as low as any work of the same quality in N. C. lie has on han.l. completely finished, 8 Barouches, for 1 or 2 horses; f) Rockaways. and 13 Buggies. .\ls.>, nearly finished, 10 (.'arriages for 2 hor«ies: 20 Barouches for 1 an.l 2 horses; 12 Rockaways. an.i .'?0 Buggies; All of which are of the most approved plan and finish, an.l will compare with any work in the U. States fof and durability. Having been engaged in the above business for thfl past 20 years, his work is well known, and he refers ta old customers for proof of its durability. Ai.l work warranted for 12 months, and repaire.l free of charge should it fail by bad workman ship or material, witliin that time. ©tj?“RriM!RiNQ executed at short notice, and on rea» sonable terms. Jan’y 2(5, 18o2. ,‘i9 I'CUl’K.NTINK r.A.NI) I'Olt S.\I,K. F(^R sale, acres of L.\ND on James Creeks and fi40 .ncres on (''yp.ress (.'reek, in ('uniberlHod; convenient to the Western Plnuk Road, heavily timbered# and admirably a-lapted to the making of Turpeuiinc. Apply nt this Otlice. K(T7. ‘IS, 18^1. U\S !a L, .' • V: ■ n