SBMI-WBEKL.Y. FAYKTTEVILLE, N. C., MARCH 28, 1853. [NO. 180.] rr IMllNTKl) BY ,T. li. NKWHY. r.nWAiu) J. ii VLK & sox, ki>iti>iis and ruoniiKT(H?s. , r till'eekly ()B^KRv^■.tt $1 00 it’pai'i in IvitK'p: •"'** if pJiiJ durinir tho year of siihscrip- .n ST RKCEIVKI). Hni>S. jiriine New Croji MM,ASSKS, hy Cr.O. W. WILLIAMS .Sc ('(). AL'ircli 17. IS');!. TTtf I'ISH! riSH! ~ 51 S r Ut'coiTod Sind fur jnlc; Muckeri'l No. 1 to Also, Mulli'tts in t>:»k I5arrplf! anil larjre si/.p. I’KTKK 1*. JOHNSON. Marili Iti. TT-tf H VKKRY. 8nl»scrllii-r has cstahlislu‘il ii Hakerv on How :w IS al'DUt X(vri('K. VNA\\ A\ from tlio Milisoritx'r. about tlip l’>th of .Inly. 1S')1, Ills m-siro fiirl Sarali. Said nppro ir I'l years of app. Vilaek. w'ltli largo white eyr.“. lurpp liint's. weijfhs aliont loll jxnitnls. Said pirl is in]iposed to bo Inrkinjr in the n-i'.dilx.r- ^ . hood of Mr. Isaac Wripht'sor (Jen. SlcKay's, ii> liladi'n ^ oar.y ad\erti'soinents hy sjie- county. The above rew.-ird will be paid for lier delixcrv ti) me. or her cnntinement in any jail in the St.itc of North Carolina. ^vSl. (t, lU'TLKIl. Clinton, N. (\, March 1 I, IS'i;!. TTtf moi.asshs. H llHl'S.,—superior qnalitv. Tixr —also—' ('utlcc, Sij^ar, Iron, &c., fnr sale CiiK.M*, l>v I’KTKll r. JOIINSO.N. Mandi I*'. TT-tf I'OR sAu: OK iii:x'r, ^ H ^ n 1-, fine .''I MMI’U HKSIpr.Ni'l', luiw ocmipicd by H Mr. .). 1!. I’«r%a’i. two miles \\ t st ot town. l’i>.- ses!' !i ijiven ininu-d-iitelv. Applv lo .Mr. .lolin II t'lupk OT !'. Leetc. ■ ■ S. A. i,i'i:ti:. f. :i; r * ' after the year has expired. , Wookly (>iisKKVER 00 per alinutu. if paid in ■. > \Ti paid during the ypar of subscrip- . ,r >s ; ()(> .ifter tlip year has e\pirpd. Vl'Vl-KTISKMl'.NTS inserted for sixty crnts per ■i^ro I '"r the first, and thirty cpnts i'or each •,Hh;: pul)lioatiiiu ■ ntr i>'ts, at reasonable rates. Advertisers are lO'ti' 1 t' state the number of insertions desired, or V «i.i ho Cfiitinned till t'orbid, :ind charged aooord- •'v. I.etters to the F.diti rs niU't be post-paid. ('tulrc Vlntik Hand A ri TiLIC MKin’lNti will be held at Anilrrws’ ^ St-re. in Kiohtin'tid oounty. on thf Tth of .April ,; t::kr n’Pasttres to cnstrnrt the lload throncrh ; r 1 '• 'unty, «:iy fV"m Urowninp; Creek to Little riu' friends of the enterpiise are invited to at- • > J.)HN A. W ILl LVMS. Tres t. M'.r.-h *1. TStn) Driiijs and M(Mllcin(\ SAMI KL .1. HINSDALK ■ N 'W liECKIVlNti .idditions t.. his larjre .''i.ick ■f didncs and Cfinixirnls. s :irrinc*nients with l.-irce i..iportinc Uru^ House in .'A V 'rk and rhil idelphia are such, th it he can al- ,v» rr cure ilnp’irieil I>rnj:s and ('honiic-ils of the very |ii:,'ity. .Vil the I’harniaceutical Preparations -ind ;; ; nnd> sM by hin» :ire ma'Ie uniler his per'onii! • ! r iilcn ifMce. and Physicians and the public may -■ ,i«-;'.ire 1 they are penuine. if rt'i'ei tt'ully }i.)licits I'rders t'rom IMiys’ci.ins at a -tii;' !'. as well as from those in the adj..iniii2 cnun- •tVi . c-'ufident that be «eil on as i:'.-d terms . ,::v li' use in N"rth Carolina. ■ f. the .juality of his lirup«. he refers t" th">-' '■Ml.' who have been his p:itrns for the j ast ti-n 5a"' I’.Trticular attention paid to orders, and to tlie f Glassware. SAMl'KL J. HINSI..U.F. Druppi.'t atul .\]"'thfcary. '■ .7(1-. -1, 1 ' T^--m \i:\v ;)oi)s IC.NKI* are N"\V H?M'LlVlN(i their March IS.- rtf MfNeiir.'^ Cabinet Sltoii. He i.s j.repared to furnisli I'amilics, IJoats, and the public "enerallv. with Hrend, Itiscuit, and ’akes of vari()Us kinis, of the best nualitv, a.s he has procured the .servire.s of one of the b( st P>akers in theStJite. Pi ices reasonable, (live me a call. CHA'S I5ANKS. Fayetteville. l)ec. -S, l.'.'.i;. o'i-tf SMALI. AM) FALL: ~ f'otiiv 0»tt\ f'omv ,111^ Aiiif t/r( iffiK (I fi'uii f/iaf v'iU iiirrj/ it Halil rp ’I II K subscriber has now on hand, and wii! sell chpa]> fii for cash, his lar^re and well .nssorted Stock of sii>- ple ancj double b:iiTel .SII()'i' (il’NS, of the best make, and Litest p.atterii"*. .\lsn, Colt'.- Patent Kepeatinp Pis tols, and .Mien’s l!»'volvers; Siiot Poiu'hes; (iame l»aps; Powder Flask-;; Percussion Caps; ^^c.. \c. Kifles of nil kinds constantly on liand. am! manufac tured to ordpi'. and warranted to shoot Iroin 1M) to odO yards. I’pr.sons wishir..! to purchase nny of tiie above-named articles, will do s'-ell to jrive mo a trial, ami they may be sure to find tiio greatest Harpains ever oflered in this town. Kepairinp of every thine in the pun-smith line will bo d(>ne at short notice, in th.e best manner, and for a small charge. M. A. l!,\KKIl. Sign of the Womlen (Inn, Hay Strec*. opposite the Marble Viird. I'aycttevillp. N. C. August 111. IS.'i’. IT-tf Wlio would Eiavc* flioiiclil it^ RORKSOX KAXnS FOR SAT.K. ^I^HM subscribprs liavinp pundiased the entire infer- I PSt of Thomas .1. Curtis, Ksi|. in tiie lands l.ately owned by him in the county of liiibpi^on, now otfer for sale about 1(1,000 acres in ([uaiitity and on terms favor able to purchasers. Most of this L.-ind is well adafited to the Timber and Turpentine business. Persons wish ing to purchase can call on either of the subscribers. ■Ml persons are iiereby warned mu ti> tresj’ass on any of these Lands, as the l;iw will be strictly enforced Hgainst otlcndcrs. JOSLPII THOMPSON. KOHKllT S. FllLNi'H. March 1, ISo.T. T^-Sm Ilf. T. E>. II Al>: II, VS taken an Office on Hay Street, Wpfit of the Hotel i’uildings. .hily 1 L isr.l, 4-tf FfiRWAKDiM; r(nniissi()\ uKRrii.WT .\T l-’ayolleville, C. March 10, 1S.'>1. \N\ \V. n. M(K.\Y, Wholesale and Retail Grocer, fipiirriil (’oiiiniission Forwiinlin? llprrhnnl, South W;it«-r street. 0 doors below Market, Wiliiiiituloii, !\. gjr^'V’ P.irticular attention paiil to the sale of all kinds of ('ountry Produce. Liberal cash advances made on consignments. Ueference- John I». Starr. F.s((.. Pres’t of the P>ank'I of Fayetteville. | Wm. (i. P>ro;idfoot, Cash'r, do, Llijah I’nller, I'-S'j., Messrs. Cook \ T:i_\lor, | “ Cook \ .lolinson, | L. ('. Hubb:irtl .M Co., Clinton. Sampson county. Thomas .L .Mori.-^ey. I'.s.|.. Linnbertou, P.obcson. .1. I’. I’rown. Ks'i , West'-ronks, Pdaden. Oct. 8. ls.')i’. Vpd Fiivetteville. 1 I \i;w ;ooi>s. H F. Subscriber- have received. ;’>0 Mags Hi'i ('otl'ee, .") il.i. .L'lvn d • . .■> Hh Is N. O, iiii'i ^Iu«’. Su:T''>r. 1*> {’•oxes superior a'Sortc 1 C.indy. CASKS Fnlkirk V'c. Als ', a handsome a idit!"n to our s; .i-l; of ( hina, r 'ckerv, 11l:is>-.v;irc. ,\c. S. W. TlLl.lNUllAST CO. March 1*'., l.s'.:i. TT tf T 1 iini now rt'ccivuiif n»v stock »t l’Ill\i and .''I NINII’II (!0(iI»S -iiitible f..r Ladies’ ■ar. -\ls ’. 1> 'Uim I', Shoe.-, PLTLU P. .InllNSoN. TT-tf i ‘.i KDWi.x i:i? \ and ticntiemcn \c. \c. M:T. h 1'.. 1" ki:al i:s r\ ri: v\' ai c i'ion. M.n-' h 1''' '. at T"wn Hou'-e, k re .and I'wel ing House, i'erm- at sale. \ C" N Thur-i.iy, li'th that va'ii ib'i- I’l ick r upied b\ .Mr. .1 P>. \'a't >:i. Wll.LKlNi IHF. I Nl'Fll St .ck . f I >}>r in>' & SuninHM* (lood.'j. .\ M. ca.mpi;i:li.. , •Ji. 1T>ts rii(' :i!)o\(‘ Sa!c is postpcnt'd t«> Consisting of .1 full ass-Ttmcnt of , liiis’ :ind (u-iitltiinTrs l>n‘ss (l.iinls; a lartro 'iij piv nf tieiitloiiii'irs aii'l Kfai\-made . 'thitio; I’iu'.-.uua. Loglirivti, Sr.k. and • ther H.its; B.inriets i.f various kimls; a lari:c as- .-irtiin nt "f atid Slru's; .''.niillerv, llartlw.n'f, (Imcorii's, l>riio- ai'.'l iritH'.s. (Uir frM'n Is and the public will p’e;\>;p call and e\ntn- ip lur it is I.irge. and «;'! ' e - ’ I >11 ri-.i- 'Vabie nr- J. T C'tlM !L \ C\1N. M irch 21. I"’ ’>. I''-■Jm .\(ir Orlrn/i^ Moh •s sr.v. A 1 I'.W U.MU’iF.LS in excel’.-n; .r Icr and "f d . ..I'itv. IN’d Cbiver .'-e>’d. ;-r receive.1 and f r sale bv P>. 11''sF •■V.r-a Ji. 1■ T^tf R A rri/. nv\YS li.ns ui hand. . IKn Fll I FS \ ISI'*NS. bai'i'U an'l lard, tlour. rice, ppf'per. spicp. g;i:; . II Tt- hfs, ineiil, corn. Irish y>'>tat' I -' t. n. '. 1 and 'J mackprel. 1 and ■. p rk, buck wlieat flour, candles. - ci[ iirandv. ruta. gin. wine of >ariou- kind- II .\ M Fc>. n ii lay Itii Vpril n' \t, I'liirly lloilar«> ES‘warl. A^ A^^ A\ iroin tl.i* .-rd ^. rib.-r. tw Ncgr Cir’' Chil'ir- !',, \i/; MAU ril \. a br:_d;t mu- ’.att". five fi'ct f 'Ur • he- irg'i. t- -k v»|th her t\v ch; dri II, Frat'.' . ^ ai.d \n:^ II \NN \H. c^pi'er ' '■c l. !ib 'Ut the -.111,• h*'i"jiit "f ^!arlha. Hannah t'.- k with iier tw.i uia'e ciir:dtcii, Lewi- and .Ldin. l i:c ali ve licgr' « - tiuiiiciiv beioi-.^ed to the c-tatci.f C,,.. r'.'c T. P.ark-d:i I-. and ,aie ••npp"-d t'l be lurking ab.iiit the Cai>e F‘'ar. ;tb..ut Mr. \\iM'’' W >- ] lantation The ab.ive rewai ! will I e piid for their c nfinement in anv -lail so that the -ub-crib.T can g-t tlieir d'Oivei v t',’ the in S.imj Fl.LKT U. M - L 1- 1; L tln'in. > r f> m I'i'Untv. LKTl.i;.'''N. s :',t •II F uAl ale 1. ii’on. W. WILLI VMS i t t*. Tl-tf Ml r(’Hi:[,i., fr jiii S/r‘ f. II A\I> PIIO- • tfi'e, suaar. i-r. ! b-icc.', drv i-i.d fi'h. bb’-.. I... :: wlli' ail "f ; ii ive been biiught f^r cn»h. and w ;:; be - 1 ■ ime. Thankful f'or past he h"['e- by a in t'’ bu.ine«s to merit .a c 'Titinuance ot •; 1 I. i T'' -m A r 'rm: ri:d ^k.x. 11 r D 4> II a I (1 iV' Tl r TI a HI c r \VF iust reeeiv'*d :i full and completo -!• i k of ■.!’."iT:i;ikS. l’I!(*^■ISI(lNS, , t.. \vhi h they the attention of the citizer^s and suit >und- iMtr'.. They will sell lo\» fur or on time c ust‘*iuers. Tb*v purchased their at'.d tliis will enalr'e them to sell i.iw. They • • ••- tliat many li iiises li-tvp not: they have ■' bii'hed in Pi.-i’timore and .New 'S or’. who ■ - . them of any ch.ange in .articles in their .;i I wi i purciiiise «iulv when bargain.*' are to be " e keep alwav® "n hand a -jilendid as.“"rtiaent ltm .and doniP-tie LifjUors: I/oaf. ( ruJied and ' ■- rw-. Hi.'. .luvAMii.l Laguira »'ofl*-Ps; (irpeti, '!'■ 1’ 1 L’lMck Tt.a!»; New Orle.ins and ('uba Molas- and Sack Salt: Hacon. I.ard. Mp?s Pork l’>“"i'. Snu keil Piecf. Uryed Venisin; No. 1. '1 an • rel; I’litter. Cliee^jP, Flour,, Corn, Oats. . ' til i'l-. Saleratus. Indigo, Mad- Pepj.t-r. Oiiiirer. .Nutmegs, Ciioiniou. F.psom ' . 'I i tri-. Hardware, Ciitlery. (’rjckpry, and •' and a variety of otlier goods. • T.ike thi- metliod of thanking the community i'in:sii ( ()k\ mkal LPT ' "n-tant!'. on han.I bv (rl.o. W.' W ILLIAM." -JL /(»'/'• ('itrriii'/' Kishntt'nf on (! I'l'i'v, t'jij'iisilr thr Ml fli I'hst i’hnrih, fri’iitiiii] 'HI Mud! f'uril Sfr'tf. (.in:\ r i:x'i'i:iii*Kisi:! l'av«'Si4‘% ill* i« to ■'HF Sub-cri'. ITS wi.uM re-pectfuily inform their fr;enil- alel the pnblit-, that they h.a'C e:itei-ed into c. ^ irtTier-liip '• r the piii p. -i- of d ndu. titig the general CVLlllACiF. l’d.lNF,>S in all it- v:ivii'U- ]':u t>. .\n.l t.eir.i: biith prnctical workmen. lullv undiu-landing their bu-ines*. tliey have ii" he-itati.iii to ci.mi .are wi;rk with iiiv I'taV'.i-l'.ment in Fa_\ ettcv i'.Ie a- to ^t_\'.^‘ and dura bility. One "f th" firm may lie kii'.wn by reference to .\. H. \Nhii;'ic' i - iron vvurk f«ir the las’, tw" years. \\ c uaiTaiit all nv rk to give gener:il s.iti>factioii f"r twelve IH.'Uth- 1-e] ii.rii'g d'.nc in the neati -' manner l.’W ti r ca*^h. PILK .V PdlWlN. J VMl s II. Piru. J.VMKS PiItVMN. Fayetteville, .lan’y ‘J L 1''Jtr .irsr Ri:c i:i\i:i), o C.i-ks Lie--. L'l p. .\. s Chi-.-e. in (■ ,r:i .'-hi liei ». P.arn- - Pickle.1 p.,rk. l!i(i Sack- Salt. I.LNP.oSV, KVLF \ ( O. Fa vcttev iile, .lan'v L’L I''-.). t'Jtt (’oPAii rNi:Rsiiii‘. rn^HF uiiib r-igned have entered into a roj.artin r-hip IL under the name ,ind st^le of (ieo. . U illi.inir- \ Co., t"r the prosecution of a genera! bu-iness. Loca- ti'.n the .-.ime as "c .upied bv .L !>. \\ the la.-t tive ' OFo. W. WILLl.XMS. •INO. L». \'1LLIAMS. February IL Is.'i.'. ti.''tt l-'iDidIrrilIr (‘(i.idrj Mnmif'lriorti. rg’^HF s'll.-i-riher still continue'* to nuinufacture a -u- 9 perior artn l^ of plain and t'.aiiey ('.\ N Ml F.'-. at .4 ,\t the sisii nf llif hirsp Wiilrlb Iliiy Strri't. ms sm.ret.) 11 vs just roce'ivrd liis I vi.i. Sto( K OF (i()()!)S, consi.-ting ol 11 *ifsieh Je SILVER AND PLATFD WARE, AKD MILITARY GOODS. MoNi his :is-'.itinent may ).e ’i.und itches of .all kin.Is, fi' in to Nli’.'i: puM F'.b, Ciuar.l and \'e-t Chain-: goM .steals atnl Keys: -ilver Fob and (luard ! ('hains and Ke\-; Fn pins. Lar ring-; and Finger- ring*. 'a fine ^tock.: i'utl-pins; liraci-'lets: gold aii'l -ilver .''pci tacW--*, Thim!iles and IVncils: goM Locket.-: (’■I’t's aii'l .Mien'.' Hev'ilver-: Che-- men: Aci-or'leon-: ■ -ilver Sp.ion-: silver Cup-, \c.: Military (Wi.uls of all I Kinds; a tin*’ lot ef Cluck-i, .and almost eveiything calle.I fi.r in his line. Hhi h \v i 1 be sohi ch*‘ip f"r I asli. fir on short time to th‘ se that will pay their bills when prpscntel. H^'if ^Vafl•he1 an l Jewelry rej a-re.l n- u^ual. OM I..M and Silver t.aken in e'si haiige. All tli.'Se in lebte 1 )iy \i.te or I>o.ik account, must ] ay by tlo- 1-t of N 'vend'er. Fa\etti'v illi-. O.t, L I^o'J. ".l-ti I AYr/r ri:\ ii.f.K ill'll iL i\si!u\ii; nr-iiMW. ^IIL'- ('ompany i^^ m.'v c.r;ranise.I ;in>I ] rep.are I to re ceive api lieati. n>i fi.r Insurance, on as favorable terms as other Comj anies. Hll’.LCTOP.S: wiirri'-iiHAi), WIT 11 RAVXi:ii cV ClLMOKi:. r013 T3 A>TXi, 151 ;ilT NEW YORK. (’iistonnry iidviiiiffs on .Viival Storrs. Kf. March IS.'.;!. Tt-ff JOHN A. inC'llARDSOX, \TT01£\i:V AT WILL (after .lune next.) attend the Courts of | .\nson. P.ichmond, llobesou. llladen, and (.'olom- ! bus Counties. .Ad'lress. Llizabethtown, liladcn County. N. (’. .Mardi T. t-tim ('1!.\KIJ:s !>>AXKS. r i' T M n, WHOLF.SALK AN1> IILTA'.L DFALLR IN Vur')'jn Tulxii i fij Su njf, A'l'. j^Titr.irr. Fayetteville, N. C. Marcli 1, IS.-.;!. T;ltf W. If. ( AIUKR, IV Drif (tonds. (Iroccrics, and Provislo/is\ o'l iloor froni N. F. corner Markpt Sijuare, next to I>. Cit'e's Hat Store, (irepu stri'et. I'AVKTTKVILLE, X. ('. gyy“*.\;i kinds of Produce taken in exchange f. rCoods. Fel.'y is,-,:!. ^ wourii iiijjorr, (src( T.SSOHS TO J. n. \VII,I.!\MS,) roilWAIIDI.XC .‘c Mi:il(’nANT., FAVFTTLVILLF, N. C. , ( .STA-NO OF H.Vl.I, 4 .) () II N S» ».\.) WM. n. McRARY. Vomtnissioii • fSf rrhanf, WIliMIN'.T()X, N. Tnrticulnr nttention will be paid to selling .and siiip-' ping Naval Stfires and PfoduiP, an.'l ulso to the For warding of (ioods. .Merchants who consign their (ii>od.' fo him c;m rely on their being forwarded by first boat aiter they are dischnrgtd from ve.'Sel. lU-FFREXCKS: F. Fries, F. Vng'.er .v Ch., .alem, N. (.'. T. M. Young, Mocksville. Hunt .\dderton. I.Pxington. .lohn 1.). iirovn, Salisbury. .1. H. Martine, Fav clteviile. .lan’y I.''-’);!, O'Jtf IIARMAX'S lIori.L, /Vf//r7f('r#7/r, f\ Tlif> Puhsi’riJuT liaviriiT taken flio Hotpl, formerly known a.i thp PL.XNTFK.'s' situated at the foot of Hay Mount, i ILay Street, Fayttteville, North ('.arolina, respectfully informs his friends and tl.e j.ublic that he is now enga'/ed in letitting the building, which is supplied with entire new Furniture, and is prej-ared to accommoilate the travelling jiublic. Having had some ex[ierieiice in the business in tin- town of Pitts- borough, N. ('.. he flatters himseif that he will be ublc to give-.iti'ifaction to tli. 'Se who may favor him with their eomp.any. His r.ioms are l;irge :nid airy. He has large :ind eouvenieut StabU’S, and a gficl and faithful Obtler. JOHN IIAR.MAN. Fel.’v IT. l.‘J-'iJ. '■' II' HOT FI ' I !!(> rKl.. II K subset iber haviii^ ■ on the .^oiith-Fa't ct [W. .» III.I.IOTT. f.'.t-v I A\i>n K. H.m.i,. J. (;. SiiKi'Mv;iu». Wm. \V Alt I UN. s. 'r. 11 AW l.KY. .IdllN I). \VlI.I.I,\^!^ (’. ]>KM!UW. W.M. !UN. Wm. McIm vkk. X CO. n-tf till oM .-find. Market II . N. .1, (ireeii Street, w here he w. ul.i b rs N-rtli !'f li.ip]iy to see his rf'^HL 'ub-cri'..r ■ iiiairit ictur.-r tured l - bae-'.i. .Mav ;;l. 1 roB \c('(). ■r ■•■iiitinue- t ■ r.'oeive aii'l -idl. 01 ■I'Unt. all grades ..i' manulac J. I 1LF\. itf old friend.' and cust"mer-. March i. I"' !. \ \ij \i5i.i: i.o CILM'.LF.- P.ANKS. T:;tf IIknkv Lii.t.Y, II, L. Mykovki;. 'I’lMi.s. Ll ITKIU.OFI. •IdIIN 11. (’(UtK. I>. A K.\^ A A. .^lr■K^:THA^•. (Ikii. .NIi Xkii.i. XaTI1.\.\ a. STKlt.MA.S .Jamks Kyi.k. i (tFFlCFP.S: CFO. .McNFII.L, Pre-ident. ■ H. L. MVRoVFK. Vic.' President. J. (i. SHFPHFIIH. .\ttorupy, ('. A. .McMII.L.\N, Secretary. (iFO. McNFII.L, ) .iolIN H. C()(»K. I Fxpcntivc (’ommittee. JAS. KVLF, I The plan of Mm \i. Is.-i n\M v: must commend itself J. WdK I’ll.] February lo. IS-'i;!. S'l'AUli Wll.IJA.MS, WIIOI.FS.VLi: DF.M.FIIS LN i'orfi^n tiiifl tPotm’slir iPry €iootla^ IIA V sTKi:i'/r, Fayetteville, N. C. J. Tl. [.) .April 1!^, I*"i'J. II. L. IIOLMKS. Attorney at Law, Wilmington, N. C. OFFiCL on Corner of Front and Princes.s htreet^ under .lournal ollice. Hec. I: II. iiUIXMB]. V o ;?i ,Ti 154 a o AND FORWARDING MERCHANT, pr-y* Pr ompt personal attentiiiii given to all Consign ments r^-'' .M. WlId lAMS Sfdf 4.‘-tf Feb andCa-h advaiu-es nuoie on I’roiluce to be whiji- other ]'ort-i or soM in this market. IL>. 1^0;!. OTy \ r T 1 LL ».e sold Ht the Market sl(M> in:\vAiii) th.' H.iuse. on the first Monday in ,\pri!. Hh day. : at I’J o'clock .M., L.VNH. known ;is the .\cademy ILL be paid for the aj preiu-.-ion an.I confine ment in jail of a man by tlo’ name ot .VLl-..\- ANI'Fi; PdJoW.N. He i- ab,,u» .'> teet Iu ,,r 1 I inche- higl'.. rather st .’it bnilt. wi-iglis ab.oit li..> or li*> lb- , I'.:.- li^ht C‘.l .re.l hair, rather incline.1 t" red, dark eye*. i- ■i^'inewhat freck’ed in the e. He is very p.ilite in sue ikin". He king'd a negro \,..v of mine ia-t niniit. C.\.MFi;oN WP.KillT. Iliihmond I’o.. .Ian. ll'i. I> 1!. bltl Terms at ."-ale. .\uet'r. T2ts .'Springfield. |>JU ; STOKIv ri’^llF subscriber having taken thf Stiue I m Oreen street, known as the .\L- Plierson Luihling. nearly opp..-it- Hr llob- in-'iii « .''hop. now receiving a Iresh and well assi.rted of ('Ikmiiu als, MmIi’iiu‘S, PiUiits, Oils, Dvc-StHtls. mihI I'crliiiiHTy. i Tog'thcr witli a pood ass.irtment of Hair, Flesh, Tooth, Paint, and Whitewa-h P.rnshes; «’np)iing. Tooth, and Surgical lnstrunieiit>: (iaivanic llatter;es, A;c. \c. .VII .,f vvdiieh he offer-; b-w for Cash or on time to i.unctual customers. Orders re-i«e. tfully solicite.I frotn Country I’hysicians and others, who may depend on procuring fresh .and that valu;ib:e I.o 1 (»1 Lot. .s;.inth of the F.pi-copal Church F>v order of the .\lagisirate ot' I’olii-e. C. F. l.FFTF. NIarch 'J, I>' S/nifliriHr Mult (Uid I'cinttb . m»’ILL c .mmence it- fourth ses-i.iii, in the new V W t.uil'liuu, 1'ill Fel.' lary, and cb'se its schobis- tic vear I 'lth l>ec. I s.'i.'’,. Organi/ation an l ch.arges .as heret.ifore. Mr Murphy excepted, whose services, if nei-e«-ai y. v\ill be supplied by a competent .Assistant. For particulars .address tlie A.MFS II .'mithville, N. C De. "i>. 'i — to onr tor it can lio iitMU'-iistiato-I tli:iT 'vt» \l ( riON. have saved within the last six years ujiwards nt b\ insurai'ce in the Nortii ( .irolina .Mutual ..mpany: that is, we -hould h.ave paid to Irivi' kept the same in surancp in the fi reign joint stock comi'auies that sum more than we have .actually paid: and yet tiie North Carolina Mutual Coinp.anv iia"; received between and xt'.HUu mole t'roxi nur community than it has paid out for losses here, showing that we are t.avnrably sit uated. as ('..mpared witii other ]ilaccs in the .'-tate, tor \r/idrmij, Hisurame. i Uir (*(Piup:uiv lins ir"rn‘nit" njtoratidn i;iV' ing the day we i-rgani-c.l a]i)>lu a ti. n- tn the :iiii..i;i.t ... lt),*HiU, and the Company i.H now }ilaced ujtou a firm footing. .\nv Hirector, authoriiied .Vgeiit. f>r Secret.iry. may receive .\)>)ilications. but tlipy will not be liin.ling until approved bv the Fxecntive ('ommittee or the Hoard. pk,y' \\\I. L. McO.vKV. I’s.]. is .ajipointe.l (Jeneral \gent (d‘ the Companv. We invite ap(irH-;ition>i. (iFO. McNFlLL. Pres’t. C. .\. McMILLAN, Sec y. Feb’v T. I^'.:k ''''tf lilv. hav- niiFN'i. •'I'l-iim Dni-jr (;Ri:i:xsi{()R()r(;]i w iLkiXsox i:sli:r, HFAI-FP.S IN ^'vti foi'l ri.'. I'ori ii/n A(('s, Tohorco, (till! SlIUj}', ANI> IMPoin'FILS OF .^1 i*e:iciok iswA^.i ijJAi:?, AT WlKd.K.s.Vl.K AM) KKT.MI,. Market St., Wilmington, N. C. ,\ug. T. l.^M. lltf AlALIjyrr pai laiii.k, 4iiroc(’rs ami i'oiiimissiott #?/rr- chants^ lit'* I'l’OllI NEW YORK. I*. MALI.KTT.] [J. I'AILVIKR. ■\ugu-t Iti, is.'rj. 18tf T. C. WORTH, riDHllSSlON AM) Fl»K\V',Kl)lMi ^lERrilANT, w iLMixcrrox, x. c. Feb. 1, is.Vl f.Otf cV J. T. .]()Xi:s, iiitrv friend.* for the very patronage jrotuiine articles, and that no jiaiiis will be spared to A xi:\\ iN\ivxriox. IHF un.lcrsign«'d has made an invention >f a .'-mut Mat hiiie, vsliich he will insure to be perfect in the extr.iction of smut in wheat, and wislies to inform .Mill Owuer- he is putting np macdiines at I'nion F.acto- tory. on Deep Hiver. eight miles North of .^siiborough. | Insu>-incc VV//.‘./ ('oul't/. i General Agents & Commission MerchantSj fM^lIIS Company, as its name indicates, is ufion the | I I C'. I. yniit'Kil and embraces two di.-tinct de- : Particular attention given to the sale of Tim- jiartments, to-wit: Lif’e Insuram-e and Trust dejiart- ' ments. This combination offers to I’oiicy holders double the nrdinary security, without destroy- . ing their right to a full participation in the entire ]>ro- I tits of thef’oinpany. Premiums will be received, in ' semi-,annually, or ipiaiterly. ■ • • .n them: and inten-L by selling good^ l.ow, to ’ tlieir former trade—alwavs keeping iti view - nuii'iie sixjiciH'C is worth a slow shilling. ■" liuilding. between the .Market House and the ■ ’he OiHesiiie Street. Favetteville. N. . Ji. I \\ \{'A)S SIIOI*. ' W. .^iil.-criber h.avinp secured the servic(>s of an ■ VM-ri.-n'-ed and f.iithfiil ForPiiian. is prepare'l to •■very thing in tlie wa3’of Wagons, ( arts, Hravs - 'I any other F.irming utensils, at short no- L' l airing done with Ies[iatch. On hand, one r W.’igou Complete, iron axles: one heav^ .. .1: two Carts, imtiroved plan. KLIJAH FFLI.FH. tteviiie, March 11H.^;!. TH-U jiive s.'itisfaction both in i|U;ility and Jirice. fihaj*'AL I’liKst KII’TIUNS carefully and acc u |-a tely p rep re. I. .Mv m.ichines ar«* eoniposed of three distinct princi ples, centrilngal, scowering and reaction. It fakes the wh*.at through three operations in going through the machine once. .Vnv persons buTing n machine, after trying it, if it does iiot clean wheat, damp or dry, 1 will take it back. Price Seventy-five I>ollar.«f. All letters addresseij to .New Salem Post Office. Han- dolph county. 1’. MILL.M\N. Oct. I-. l+'o-. .1. N. SMITH. • i-Jtf Jan’y'JL 1 riAXos KOR s\m:. I^HP.FK verv good socond-h.and Pianos tor sale ply to ill'M’IXTIlV. f». \V. i'. B«*iil»ow, L. F. Ap- Jan’v 1, 1.S‘ WIIIT AKFIL • \s R \(.s: ir\(;s!! Ifwhich tlip highest market " • oe paid bv lUlNHOW, KVLi: it CO.. Agents for the Manteo Pajier Mill, llttleigh, N. ^ .'•'-•■VilU-, March 21, IS'3. TH-fiiii second HAND TURPENTINE STILL. U'i- "I KLII fur sale 11 :;0 barrel COPl’KR STILL \N|» FiX'I'l IIFS, made by Henson in New ' ' ■ eii ill ill u-e tor a few months, and is wai- ■ ' I • 'eperiur workmanship ami miiterial, and good * Apply to DeP.OSSHT & HKoWN. ■■ ii.-'t'.n, March 17. T^'-ow !'IAL, C,unpowder, Hvsou, Young Hysui, 0- ' H, TE.V.S, selected expressly for *• " lies, fur »:ile by s. HINSDALK. risii, ri.sii, KISH. JCST received ami for sale. Mackerel, Herrins and Mullets. .Also, Codfish and No. 1 Mackerel and alnion in kits. 1» hhds. new crop Mi>lasses. by \V. H. CA KVFIL ,Mi:rcb L .^iir- peon l>entist. having loc.ated in Fayette- ryV ville. may be found third door below the Market. P.enbow >V Kyle’s filock. and will l>e happy to w.ait on tho,-p rP'iuiring his services. Ail work warr.inted, .and he flatters himself he can give .satisfaction, having taken great pains to (|iialil’y himself under the insti ui’tion of one of the first Dentists in .New Mngland. Dec. ’J’i, IH')2. •'>Hf A. ber. Lumber, and Naval Stores, on consignments. Liberal cash ndv;inces 4;;tf X R. srAKUrC'K, Troff^ •IVir lV;r/», IROX FOrXDEIl AXI) MA('I1IXKT, Mimvf’lh turfr of' Stfcnn Mi/fs (uul Min (h itr 'ntij nf nU \ \ I''tt'()nru(rr Ifotnc .Mfttn//ticfitrc. fBlI , , , M. to manufacture, in the neatest and best stvie, i W heat Threshing Machines, fmm two to six horse pow- i er- (’utting Machines of different sizes; Double and Sin- I cle Wool Cardiuir Machines: Mill and Factory (Jear i Saw and Crist Mill Irons; Kdge To.d.s, Cotton \ arn and ! Wool Kolls. .VC. ; Persons wishing to jiurch.ise would do well to give ‘ us a call liefore purtdiasing el.sewhere. f.S we are de- 1 termined to scdl cheap for cash or on time to punctual i dealers. Oiir long exfierience in the Manutacturmg business en.'ibles ui to feed no hesitation in savifig that our work shall not be surpassed by any Shoj) in the South, 'riiankful for the liberal fiatroiiage heretofoie bestowed, we resjitctfully .solicit a continuance of the .s:im‘. All letters addressed to tlie Agent of tiie Company, at Snow C»mp P. 0-, .Mamance county, North (’uroli- na, will receive prtunjit attention. HAVH) DIXON, Agent of the S. C. .Manufacturing (.'onipany. .Snow C’amp, Feb’y 22, 18o.3. 74-Om l l!l'..Sil (fOOD.S. PUK'FS Carpetings, new style and patterns— Brussels, three ply, Ingr.iin, X'enetian, Drug- gett and Hugs: Floor and Table Oil Cloths: Ihimask, ']’„vUev-red. ami emiiossed Curt.ain ( super tine IHF Sn»w Cam]i Manufacturing ompany continue | [(j-aiis and, I5r:is.s-head .\ndirons, and Shovels and Tongs .Vc.. &c. 4'K4>riii:KV. 20 Crates nssorted Crockery, new style, imported dii'c-ctl? from Liverpoid, niakingoura.ssortmentcomplete. - .\L.SO_ 2~> Bills. Coffee ;') Hhds. N. O. and Porto P.ico Sugar, ‘JO UagH Laguira ('otVee. 2 C.asks old l'’ret>c)i 15rani?y, IM) IIL bliLs. and boxes Soda, Piutter, and Picnic ('riiekers. An »s.sortmeiit of lieady-mnde Clothing. Just received and for sale bv S. W. tlLLlNOHAST & C(L fk't. 4, 18.'.2. :ntf I cash, either mav be agr»“eii iqmn at the time the Poliev is i.-’sued. fn the TUrST DFPAKTMLNT. or Deposit System, the p.avmenfs made to the ('omiiany .are entirely oj.tion- al v' ith the Deposit)r. as regards the amount aiul the time at which they are ^nade. .\ party may fiay in as much or as little, (not less oiu‘ dollar.) and as ol- teii, as mav lu‘ convi'iiieiit for him, without any obliga tion iipoii him to continue hio payments,— and ni.ay withdraw them :it his (de.asure. .So th:it, on the pl.-in of this ('ompany, there is creat ed at one and (he same time an assurance f>ni/‘ihlc nt ,lr,/lh—II fiinil itniiltihlc ill i>iikiii'-'—and a /'rovi.sioii Jut old • See P.amphlets fiirnislu'd by the Company. OFFICFP.S OF THF, COMPANV. Hirectors—P.alph CiorrplI, Lyndon Swaim, .lohn .V (iiliupr. D. F. ('’aldwell, Uich'd (ireene, David McLean. Hiidiard .Sterling, .lohn .M. Logan. D. P. ^^eir. F. W. Ogburn, Ikobert .M. Sloan, Kobert P. Dick, Henry 15. Flliot t. President — Halph (Jorrell. Vice President—Lyndon Swiiim. Secretary and Treiisnrer—D. P. Weir. Attorney—John (lilmer. Fxamining Physician—Fdwin Watson. M. f^ Consulting Phvsicians — D. C. .Mebane, .M. D.; .T. L. Cole. .M. D.; D. P. Weir, .M. D. ( .Agent—William H. ('iimniing. gK/?"' .\ny information relative to the ('omjiany may be had by addressing D. P. W Kil’.. Secretary and Treasurer. j gf>e*{9, eonntry produce of any k’n»«l. Jan’y 2-'). 18.'):L '''j-tf t N- -• STEDM.AN. rW^HF, undersigned, as the .\gcnt of the F.stab- Ji. lishmeiit. will order any articles which m.ay bp wanted, on ;ipplieati,in to him. '"ho Steam Mills manufactured by Mr. Starbuck have been te.-ted. and are highly apj.roved on the Plank Ilouds about Fa . etteville. FDW'D LFi: WINSLOW. F’nyettpville. .Sept. 4. I.''-'>1. 2(*tf AinV FIll.M Thf Subscrifiprs have formed a coparfner.«liip tin der the name and style of sri:i)M \x (.V HOKXi*:, .And may fie found at the foot of ILiy .Mount, in the house formerly i cciipied by Hall \ Johnsiu*. They fiave received their F.VLL ANL) WINTKil (lOOD.'', consistin? in {lart of Staple f)ry Ooods, Hardware and rutlerv, Boots c'c Shoes, Solo Jjeatlier, Jiafr"inr, Hope, Twine, (,S:c. Also, a giMieral assortment of (rroeeri«,s, ijK-loiiir^o .1 orifiice selection of Liquor.«. We keep on spun Yarn, from the Deep River M. Co. at Factory ju-ices. We will take itt exchange for ; ])tirch;i.'-9d the ILdel situated irner of Court House .^ipiare, and lately known a,- .'-tiirirtV Hotel. wouM inform th(' public that he i.- n>^w ready t i accoinmodale boarders bv the day. w-pk or m. nth. Having made consideia- b'le outliiy in furnishing and refitting the F-tabli.'hment, he hopes t 1 be ;ible to j.rive satisfaetinii to all win: pa tronize hnii. His Table shall be furiii-hcl with iiie best the Tnarki-t ;i!1’ords. his with the best ot l.i- ijtiors. .and I:i.-s Stal'le with a plenty of good provcudpr and faithful O.-tlcrs. J. A. :iL’!!ilIST. .June 2'i, L''-’)2. -.-tf M MMIllUILLH liOTi;L ^HF undersigned would respectfully inform the citi/eus of .Summerville, the viciinty, and the public generally, that she has opened a tioase of Mjiilcrtahutteitl^ where she will be jileased to accommmlate .all who may call on her. "J’he Village is and healthful, her house Large .and commodious. No pjiins will be sjiair.l to render agrepable ,an.l cioiifoi t.ible any who may lavnr her with s call. She is also jireparpd to accomodate with I’oard fronr l."> to 20 .'Students. Price of P.oard >S per month. F. P.AILFV. Summerville. N. ('.. June 1;’, li'-'.J. 1-tt AMi:iu('AX iiorr.L, C11 .VI! LOTT F, N. c. MS\' ,g. RF/i'EiiWS:. tX offering my services to the travelling public !is t!u' ]>roprietiir of the .\morican Hotel, I w ill refrain fron» all unnecessary boasting, but will :is.-'Ure tiiose w ho stop ' with me, that nothing w hich jicrsonal efforts on my can acc.mplish to contribute to their comfort will he . left umlone The buildings have all lieer* thoroughly re- ' jiaired and fiindshed with entirely new furniture. It is situate.1 w ithin about three hundrcl yards of the Depot. The Stage Othce is kept at thi.s Hotel. The . Northern .''tage :irrives and depart.s .l.aily, the Western , Stage tri-weekly. I’eing agent at this jdace, tr.avellers passitiii will receive all the attentiin that I am al'le to' bestow. .Mv mottii is—“I -tudv to please," A. 15FT1UNF. Jan’y 14. 1 bf,-:Jm / fn(\! H'tts! ( 'upsl ( 'dps! Hoofs S/kx's! FILL l.MI \l !.\Tiii{ fiTIIIK, fH^HF .'-iib-crif'er has receive.1 cue of the l.irgest as- tt. siirtments in his line that he has ever ofltred in this market; to win. h he wnuld call the attention ot hi.s friends atid the public in .\mong his stock may be foun.l nearly every -tyle and quality c.iti be found in this mark* t. He wnuld “ay to all those de-iiing ' gi.O'Is in I'.is line to give him a c.all, as he :.s de'ermined ; to sell low for Cash, or on time to customers, ' r.t wholesale or^'ct.ail. .JOHN ( . TI!(>.MS(>.\. (lid St.and. .Soufh-West Corner .Market ..^nare. Sept. 2'i. Ix.'i2. -'.'tf 15aR(;aixs! i;aiu;alns!! SN my recent vi-it to Nuw York, my puincipal object was to j;et w.ukiiK'n and f.-r the purpose of maniif.ic- turinsr Silk Hats, .\fter getting there, and finduig it difiicult to get first r.ite Workmen to come South. I g.ave up the prosjiei t ol )iro- t'Uling )inv. censefinently purchased a large stock of SILK 1L\T.'’^. .\fter making niy piirch.-ise, 1 pogage.l a gentleman a-; workman, who cume wi'll re commended. He leiirned his trade in Furojie; and tor the hast seven years he been emjiloyed if a largp manufactt’.rin'» e«tabli..:hment iti the city of New \ 1 rk. 1 then jirocured fashionable blocks and materials, ;iiid !im now fairly at work Manufacturing Ninaty Hats per month, -Vnd will iiave some of them ready for sale by the I’oth inst. In or.ler that I may not tie o\.‘i-tocked, 1 ofT'-r for sale. .\ r (.'0.''T, my late jturchase of No.s. 1st, 2d, and ;!d i|U;ility l'.\.''H ION A l!LL .Merciiants may S.-'.ve money by pnrcha.-ing of m-*. If vou jiurchase in New ^ ork, it is often a month you receive them. I shall in a shot f time la* able to fnrni.-li merchant.^ with Hats of MV OWN M \N( FA( TLKF. nt N. Vork prices, to-wit: .No. I at ^^42, No. 2 at and No. :5 at !>i;>0 [i» r do/.en. ! I take this opjiortunity of returning my thanks to toy former cu-toiiiers. :iml invite llieni and -.ther well li.s- , piised patriotic gentlemen, that ,ire in favor of .^I'P- POKTlN(; .'OCTHFUN M AN F FACTC 11FS. to giv- me ■ H call fin or after the 20tii inst., as 1 espect t.. have i ready for exhibition and sale Hatsof my o«n'ai;- ! ture that cannot Vie surjitissed in stvle ;ind >lurabilit;v. 1 would be jileased to see every geiitl* ni.-in. in coun- • try or toWH. and will take pleasuie in rxhitiiting th‘ ' Hats, and show ing the dilferent fviccss they p.ass through from tlie fur on tlie skin uiitil ready lor the head. DAVID Cl FF. 1 Fayetteville, X. Oct. 0. 18.'i2. -‘ntf W. T. [jj=^Ladios’ iiiding Hats and (ientlu men’s Riding Caps, for sale at the Green Street H.\T STORE. 1>- gee. Nov. 19, 18.%2, 4itf cor(jiis, (iXFiA i:xzA. .Ayer’s ('berry Pectoral. Jayne’s Expectorant. Jackson’s Coiigii Lozenges. Rushton's Cod Liver Oil. Wistar’s Ralsaia (^f Wild Cherry. For s.ale by S. J. H1NSD.\LE. FeVy 3, 1S54.. HORNE. S2tf Oct. 4, 18')2. \1KS. ATAKV ,\.\.N GUtSON. WILI. be ghid to accommodate a few Boanlers. She also informs her friends and the public that she intends to carry on the business of Mantua- niaking. Fnyettveille, Sept 4, 186'2 Z3tf WlLLilVi I mui FOIIW .VllDINC .VND (’OMMISSION .MLRCH.VNT, WILMINGTON, N. C. ■fjERSON.M. attention given to the -iale or shipment ft of Naval .'^fore.s. I Iuiyp :imjile facilities f' r cm- ducting the fiusiuess; laigewharf and store siieds to keep spirits from exposure. Naval stores will fie shippi-d to any Ixiuse in New York, or to otlier maikcts if advisable, and Tiberal cash advances made on consign ments. 1 refer to the following distillers: E. IlannuB), Wavne County. (’handler Hall, .lohnston ('o., Ijovett Peacock, Columbni Co., B. W. Barden. Thos. L. Vail, lil»den Messrs. .Smith, fngram, Johnston Co., Messrs. Z. .1. .Tones. “ Messrs. Smith ii Jones. “ Spencer Fountain. Esi-, Levi I’.ailoy, Esq., May 20, 18&2

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