9 SEMI. WEEKLY. [VOL. II.] FAYI:TTE\ ILLE, N. C., AI RIL 15, 1853. IMUNTKD HY J. U. NKWl’.Y. KDWAHI) J. HALE & SOX, i:i>lTOrwS AND l’n)l*lUF,T(>llS. Prioe iVr the Senii-Weckly Ouskrveii 1 (»0 if pni.l in ;,,j\;uu'>v r>() if paid durini: the yciir of subscrip- ti. n: >r ftftor tlio yoiir has expircil. f ; tlic I'ckly OiisKKvr.u >•_’ 00 por annum, if p;i\tl in n i'niK’o; >- oO it pjiiil Juriiifr the year of subscrip- ti !i: .'T *•’ 00 after tlic year ha^^ exj'ired. \liVr,HTl;^KMKNTS inserted for sixty cem.-« per ^ nuro "t 1' liiu's for the first, and thirty cents for oai-li i' lin;: puMication. Yearly advertisements hv spe- . , ’ . .'ntr;ut-». :it reasunaMe rates. .Vilvi-rtisers are .f f -t.ite the number ->f insertions desired, or ( V bo contitnied till forbid, and charced aceorii- v.'z'y l'»'tters tn the Ivlitors must lie pust-puid. ,Vf ir Stork Seasonahte Uootts. fj^nr. siib.-i r-ber respectfully beirs leave to infmni hi> ! j i.u.'t!.mor and the publie generally, that lie ha> Mi'\iri\i)''si)!}ir.r. i;oods. I'li.br.i' ini: a (ieiieral .\vs 'rniu-nt ..f ' aii.l F;ii!i-y I'rv (Ido,],,.. H'niut, Mis.sts’ Mi.i I'liiKlreii’s I hits. \\'.>rst.'il I’attertis. Tni- Ir.-ilas ;iiid 1 *;ira.'-'Is, 1{>. >ts aiiil Sliin.'. ! Sl't’.AU AND rori'Kl'. a,-, 1‘. SllK.MV.KM,. N.'r;h-wt»-t t ri- M- M ;i’;.-t Si|i!ar>‘, (ireeii .'t. Fniile. N. i’., April 1. ' Warreiifoii Foiiialt' WAKUT'N roi NTV. N. c. fBlliK T'voiity-f.'urth J?cnn- Anuual St-s>i..n of this Iti- i wi’.l e.Mnnu-UfC on M..inlay the "d -1 .laii- ..V I!' \t. )i‘ir:rt‘S :i> bt-;. re. are n-i iive i ,.r'. • rind h.'irired tr^m tliv time nf iiitiar.i'.'. 1 J nn p,.,. .c,v,i,,n for P>.i-rd a’ld Kii^’i-h • ; \!;> ;>'nt and M dern l.ani,rua'ji >. \lu>l.-. Dr.iw- j 1 i Painfit^Lr. at f rnu'r \'i i-al Mu>^- . 'i!!!'lital Ni-cd’ -w-rk _'r:itis. I . ir-i ■ 'n:;*nii!:'r t'l;..!.•>' i;;l'..r!ii:iti 'U wii! b»- ' 'ill vvr.s .V Avn.i nx. V .n, !• f. li. >.;,f ( w roN M\'n'!N(;. Ill 1’.- t’ANTON MATTINd. 4-1. » and t.-4. 1 1 rc ! i-Iu-.k. 1. Siift'r ( '(trh'f S }iln. -■ ' ■’cee- in 1 }'a|.(,T'; a siit.eri' r arti« !e. - •• i:i.-u;e Just received and f"r s de bv S. W. TILLINOIIAST .v ('«>. ■ I ri: 1 "'o. s :tf siiiN(;i.i:s. n" K want V i;.','I ! ^,.,,.1 .hni'i'i-r SillNTiLl'S. f^-r V.'.:, li the b.-t j'riii- w: ' ! i :iiil. J. x T. NVADMl.l.. A: ri; 4. ^;;tf lioow's \M)sii()f:s. I' Alir, ii"\v r>-f‘i\', 5T -'.r SPP,l\'t an I .''^^1^!^|! stock if f ii'nt.'eincu '. -y'ill-' , Mi"'-. Huy's, and ( Li'idrei 's I’.i - it>. >1; -cs ud i.iiurs. ;i jireat v.ir‘.i t\ ■•f and ipiai- Ali "t »h:eli Were solecto.l witli ^reat can- iVum i • I;: >t .-ij'j'r 'ved .Manufacti'i i‘ s fi>r the retail trade. —.\ \ «i\]«ply i f Trunk>. and '-,r[r-t P t;_-=: Calf, l.iniiijr. P.iridin?. an'l I’a 1 SMi:: Sh c Thitad. >pirab!cs, nil 1 .■'h-ie fin'line' >'f a’’ kind. f r - = rv 1..W f..r C.xMi bv S. T. HAW l.li^ SON. 11. 1^.'.;. ■ s}...,v l'r‘sll (jlooils. i:. L. .V .1. A. iM'.Miii'.irrox H\ ■' F r' C'!vp(l, at thfir ' >M St nid. ^ ri«di .‘iiiil cv- t''li>.\ e .“rT ’t-K i)t Si/I' n)> ! I'fincu DRV (;(H)!)S. ■ t iP r - l.i- Tiablf Stylfs f-ir T-.'plies' ati'l lir''"'' :s. l!i;'.br"id-'ri' s; black .'.’i I - : 'd.il.f. I the latest ;itid ni">t fa'hii'riablc >!■.'i -; : 1 f;_' i «h'.tc I'rajw' .''hawN: black and (■••'.•>red ■ rM French \\'orkcd '■•ilat . rlicnii/i-ttes. i I'liiIer-SIeevcs; In-r i|iialify Ki'l ■ • ' ■ I' 1 -ilk al: i ki'l fi!>’-h di't..; l,a and • !, - ai-.'l Siik IP Ktiibr' i • ri' l .. • .\i-. \c. ! t I’api T and (til w ,'^ln 1 . I'in- ' ■ ■ii. Carpi't ail 1 .'' it !ud'. \ al 'OS I 'I r:t'I'rtuik', Silk and nnm- li .iii f iiiKrcIl i and 'r. , r ii;iiii:i, Carit 'M Sfruw. and ntiicr .'-fv!-s .''niiini'-r Hut-. ' \\’• li Hnnrii't,'; .’'lisst"'’ l>Ii>>iniT .1 • 1 !■ Hell i'ii'\vi r-. 15 "iin> t JJnin^'', Ac. -^AI.Su— ' ’ •l'iti‘ Sliofs (laiti T--'; La- ■i and Slii'pcr:-. A liand.-'nif lut ll- . Iv-niadc (’Inflii.i^r. (if warrantfj lit tfi'rials and Vi'ukinansliij). M i‘'(iiiiid iti >'nr line will please jrive us a i:. L. J. A. I’K.MiniKToN. • is4-k xoi'Ki:. \ r- : - indebted t" II. P.r:in> ii. nr II. Ilrni'S-in ' 1. ;Te I -')iK'St‘'l to niak*' ii:!iii''!iat'' jiaVJiK'nt, ' M iiil;rfiice cannot be ;ri\('n. The bniks and in the hands jf Charles llcnbuxv. who is au- ^ ^ tt e. II. lU’.ANSoN. ' I h 1-1 w 1 ■ {'nj)C Slor/r, I ' rtnitv witli an • >rder of Cnurt. I will s*ll at " 'I'lfrii-t House in Fayetteville, al I'J o ch'ck nii '■ ^bi^. )i!.hares of the Capital .''tock of tlie • .ji‘ Fear. The enhuinj' Dividend will be re- ■'■■.X months' credit. Stock will be transfeiTed . 'lit ••.f |.iiicliase rni.ney. .lAMIiS 15.\NKS. Adm'r de br.ni.s non of ,lnso!i ]?ailey, dec d. CHAS. K. LKFTi:, .\nct’r. 1.1 h.’Us FOK :^KW YOKK. r.MTKI) S'l ATKS .MAIL LINE ^pIIE first elass .sidc-wheel Steamship ROANOKE, I 1_(>0 tons burthen, Kdwurd ('avindy. commander, leaxes Uichmond and I’etersburjr every Tuesday after noon, and Norfolk every Weiinesnlay morniii}r, at 11 o' clock, with the I uitcd States .Mail, arrivii'ir New I ork next day. ’ I'assape ami fare, state room included, from Hich- mond or I’etersburji, :*!10 (k>. *are, s-tate room included, from Norfolk, Steerape |.assajie half j.rice. 1 he Ivoanoke has iinw been runninp about eighteen month.s durinir which time she has never missed a trip, and lij.s alway.s kept up to her time. Iri.vollers will find this I'oute the cheapest and most ci'infuriable. Fur ]>.i>sa}re appiv to l.l 1*1.AM ,v \S .VTSON, Kichmond. SA^1 L Ci, I’APTIST. I’ctersburg. ■I. M. SMITH \ 15110., Norfolk. February 14, is.',;!. The .tcamshii) -l AMKSTOU N. of 1 100 tons burthen, iiow buildinir in New \ urk. and to be cnmniandeil bv • apt. I-ewi,'|; Parrish, will be nd leil to the line in the Sprinjr. fiiMii^ tr.-ivellers and shipjiers a eommunication tw-.cea week between the above places bv tirst class side-wheel Ste;ini.-hiiis. I'lil'JCI! rixc ox CWE i'i:ar. fB'XlIK su -crilers havin;; j>urch:.'cl the Ste.imer.s H. h.\ eri.Ti cn ;ind .'Southerner and Tow Ito.'its, latid\ the pro perty of tb.e Henrietta Steamboat «'on))ianv. are lio-.v pi.-'.ired t'. f 'rwar l w ith despatch, bef.veeli U il- iii!!; jt' ti .".n 1 1 ayi tte\ille. all freitrhts or ^oi„!s entru-t- ei t ■ tlicui. F. N. X .1. U. UOP.FP.TS. F.;'i tte^ i!le. Feb'y 14. . f'^tf IM’AI! i)!SI>AT( II. i.s.vn:: ^8^ III: under'ijn.'.l inlorm.s t!ie public that he is now 2 1 a d .i'N liu” of li-lit iir:ift Steamers on the C.i|.,- 1', ,ir i;iv«'r. con-i.-t-nj; -I tiie f.'llrwii:'.^ b-ats: N Stvaiiicr Z ‘phyr. -M;i.: 'T \\ !i’.. IJarnett. 1 iiirlies 'Iraft. ^':il.ny I.iitti'rl h. 1 t •• Ib v, ,111. (ti;,. , f ti,,.vo t ;.ts w !;i b'.vc Faycttcvine everv iiiorn- i:iiT Suni!:i\- e'tc-p'ed at 7 o'clock; and W iI:i'iii'jtoii ev.'vy day Sun'l;i_\s excepte.l at o'clock. l.’Uidii'jr Is and ]iassenirers in Fa\etteville in fifteen hours t!;- n atter. i' oils inten.led for the*e boats should be sent to the care of .1. \ D. Mcllae Co.. or K. .). l.utteiloh. at iliiiin'rt"n. wh. w ill forwani at the usual r.ite of c .ni- 111.-'’OH' The St' imcr> Zephyr ;;nd Majov Wni. l?ar- nett a: e’.c2a!it!y furi.i.'l.e I f'-r the acc' tiimoij.itioii ol’ J■•l^.-ell•r•rs. Pa>-.4_e !■ .r from i'.iniii”t"ti. T. S. l.rTTKKUtll. ,\pent. l-'ayettpvi’le. Fob'v T. 1''"):'.. Ci.tf i:. J. Ll'!'ri'jii.oii. F.nv.\R!MMi \(.i:m \M) nnniisMii.N MLKCiinT, AND AC.KNT I'oll Steamer ^Iajo| Wni. l‘.arn''tt. i •• Fanny l.utter'.oh. llowan. VMLMINCToN. N C. 1 I-'■ .'hn Feb'v wwiw. 'rilT' ViL'll Tickets l.etwei'n 'VilmiuL'foii. N. C., .and I’.alti- m- re. FareN);!. Via \Vi-M .n. I’etersburir, Iticl.niond, Wa^h- iriL'toi, C;t \, or \ ia WcMon. 1‘orts ■ ir. iitli an'l .Norfolk. For 'i i'-ket'* a(>plv at the >f!'.ee ton. or at the ■nipany. '!i;i-an v, 1. V P;»oM Hotel. w hei VAt.UAIil.t'', PROl'l’JM'Y for Siile. ^ Subscriber having removed to Termessec, de- M sires to dis)>nse of hig re.sidence and lands in the \icinity ot P ayetteville. He therefore offers for sale, on accommod.Ttinp terms, his re.sidence at llOSli HILL, and the tract ct oOO acres of Innd att.ached thereto; and also the Meadow I'arin tract of 1000 acres, adjacent to the former. I’revious advertisements have described the residence and hinds and their iidvantages. Persons desirous of further information can obtain it from Mr. Isaac 15. Hawley, who has full power to sell the property and give deeds. W. H. HAUDIN. .\ug. 30, oj Mj:i)ICA!. NO'i'K’E. ^ II. THOS. ('. H.\LL resi>pctfn1h’ of- $75 KKWAKI). RAX.\\V.\Y from the subscriber on the l"th inst., three nef^ro fellows, Klijah, Li/.amond ami La fayette. S.aid negroes were between the a^e of thirty and forty, of a dnrk yellow complection, stout built, and about live feet ten inches hijrh. The above negroes were hired from llobt. Alston, of (Tiatham cotnify, and I e.xjiect they are now harboring about his plantation, where they have wives Tlie above reward will be paid for the apprehensi.)n and delivery of said negroes to me, or twenty five dol lars for the delivery of either one of them. D. \V. IlOGKRS. Lumbcrton, N. Feb’y IS, IS-j:’. T'Jtf rou SALE, I^^INKTV years lease of tind>cr on 800 acres, lying i. « on Crane’s Creek, near Lov.er Little Kiver. The fers his pr*>fessiinal services to the 1 greater portion of tliis timber is very tine, :ind as yet citizens of Fayetteville and its vieinitv He may be consu’ted at the Office directly over the new Drug .''tore of Samuel J. Hinsi'ale, South W t'st corner of Market Sjuare. July L’O, is.',:.*. |;}tf chemic als, \;c. Citrate Iron, (ICnglish.) Lactate riu'sphate “ Syrup lodiile Iron. Iron by Hydrogen. iodine. lod. Pot.lS.x. •• Lead. Piperine. Salicine. Kreosote. • Jiiinine. Cit. Iron and (.^’uinine. For sale by J. N. S.MITH, (ireen St. .lan'y ;’.l. ,;}(f i\i)iii:\is & .ii-sip. No. 70, PINE Street, NEW YORK. i o^iniN««iio.\ m:iU'n\:sTs r ’>'.1 THK S.\Li; (*F ALL KINDS «>F cin riiN \M) \viM)Li.i:\ M\riiiM:nv .i\i) “.^1 a II n Ta v I ii r* r *« A r I i t* I v OF F.VF.HV DP.SClllITlON. C'onijn-isinir Hcliinir. C’ard C’lotliiiijj, l)()l*!)iiis. Shuttles. Pickers, IvoHt r Skins, Uollt'i' C'lolh, Oik-^, &c. Dec. D'l, 1 S.'/J. o'2-ly YV> (\Hfiifrtf ttfs!! rH'lHi: ."'I P.''C !U IIF. U lias now on h.-in 1 and ofl'irs f r M. sale the following articles, viz; 1 eroce 1*. and ,M. Ve.ast I’t.wders. - .^cid'.'tz P' W.l.rs. 15:tl. C. Capsules. •') “ Castor (>il. — as-^rted si/cs. .) •• Ks«. l’epp«Tmint. *• •• Cinnamon. o •• •• Lemon. •') •* I’aregoric. Laudanum. ;5 •• (>p.„l,-Moc. 0 •• Friti.-h Oil. ■' Har'.rm •' ;; •• 'I'urliiii;* 'n’s Pal. 1 I’ain Ki’lt r. Together with a large supjily of D;. C'tufTs. Drugs. P-Aii.ts. ‘i’.s. \c.. v^c ; all of v.h..h he offers low for cash, ■ 1- I.II time to juinctual cc.sti'iners. .1. N. SMITH. Druggi-^t and Chen.ist. tin'cn St. Feb. 1‘,', Tn-tf Li:\’i'ni:it ilvnds. n IK MlOl't I H LV ^tretched, cemented, and riveted. The above Pands are sold ‘JO per cent, less than New York ni.iinifacturers' prices, (’ash will be r-- iintouehed by an :ixe, and withi:i a mile of navigable water. The right to the land may be had, if desired, .1, C. IlOOPKlt. I) J-ihn I For sale fiv W. H. LITTF.ULOH. oltf ■ t Cie ilmiiiL'l' II ai:d llaleigli Piiiil lload Ciimji.iny at \\ ihiiing- • !'ice .f tlie l‘.i!limore .'“'trnin I’m ket av.d "t the P.aUiin"ve :!n«i ' >liio il .ad I’ritt .''treet, lialtimore. tf 'I'lic Siii)scrilK‘r still c>n- tinue-i to carry oij the CAlUNi'^T lU Sl- NKS.' in F;i\ett'-ville, and in addition to hi' F.'t ■.bli'iimcnt on llow Street, near Ilc' li*- ' llri'lge. has opened a larg»‘ on Hay street, nearly oppo^ite the Fayeiteville and one door Lu't of .NI'-s'is. Hai.jh .V Son's, a general ji.'soi tinent of FI ll.M'I’l RI-. Made bv comj'Ctent and faithful workmen, may be had at prices corie-poiid.ng with tin* times. ,\lso. an as sortment of Ni rth‘rn-iJiade FI K.MTI KL. selc'-ted by hini'Cl! wldch v ill be sobl at a v.tv moderate advance. DI NC.VN .McNLILL. Nov. 10. is.'l. yF keeps tin hand an assortment of Fisk's celebra ted MI;T.\LL1C H I:1.\L casks, which have been highly reconimeto'ed by Willie P. Maiignm. Henrv ( lav. Lewis Cass. \\ m. 11. King, and many other il lustrious charaetors, who have examined an.i witne.ssed their utility. piired in e'er;, instanc Fayertevil'e, Nov. D'l \sav ;))I)S. \V. J'\ n»4>KI': ■ V \S P.FCl.lVKD a lar_;e Stock of SPIMNC .VND 1 H SCMMl.P. ii O O I> s, —I of— f„a(li( s' I 'iijo Dr'ss('s and Dress 'rrini- lionnets, Shot's, tS.c., To whicii he would call the attention of the Ladies in 'i'o« n lUi'l 'ouutry. \l.SO — ,1 siifirrinr l"t >t I'l iiihf-miiih ('tdfJinnf, (i'nifi rs cii>/ Sl(0(s,/)ir (ifuthmrn. .March L’;!. lS-'.:{. ' 7''tf on reasonable terms. Fayetteville, .Jan. ISo:?. I’ilK.Ml! Blilil ]I1LLST(),\!;S. jJrc‘at ISnliiotioEi in B*rife. E(;i:n roN, mokuis vV co. €i(.>NTINI K to make to i^rdcr, and keep constantly on hand i'mtrh iSitrr tf all dimeiisii'iis. warranted to be ol l)e.'t i|Ualit_v, be ing made from I’urr itlocks se'ei'ted by them from the best i(U:;rries in I'rance. They kecji foi- sale Colorin‘, C’ocalica and Lso{)ms ."Mil!- slt)iu‘s; I’urr lilocks. l>oltini: C'loth, Screen \\ in*, C’ah-ined lMast(*r, ! Ilyth'anhc C'eiiuMit, tVc. Orders f:i m anv jmrt of the countrv prompth' nttend- e 1 to. It, 4>EJE2a:i]5„ ■\gent at Fayetteville, N. March 11. l''o;I. Ti'.tf iOOI>S. '•®7’l'’. 1!.\\'F, now in .'^tore a l..\ K( i L and \V iC LL V ¥ Sl'.Ll.t i'LD STOCK OF of.Vifi s g\n»is e: le Suinnu'r !Iat, H"niu‘ s, Slsoes, K 'udy Made ('I'lthiri;.', I'inl'rcll.i-. and 1‘aras'ils; which we are jirepare l to offer at WE!OI.,B]** A I..B' on the most rca-oiiable teri::s. :ind to which we invite the early :ittent;"ii of Merchants making ]>urc!iases in this mark.'t. ST.Mli; & \\1LL1.\MS. .March 1 1. 7*'. tf Tin: laik'.k.^t SILK. IMHHOX. A.M) TIHMMIXG iforsi: IX xi:\v voiik. {w. Sff'drtts, IMPollTrU .\ND .lOIUlF.P OF SILKS, .\.ni) f.\n(’y hoods. 162 Broadway, N. Y., M A.'' now i!i Store and is d.aily recei\ing and offrr- iii'.' at the Lovve't Prices, a ci uiplete a'Sortment ofdOODS |\ iilS I.INF, Comprising all t!.e\:uious styles and dt .-.igns. consisting of Hlark and I'ancv Silks; 'Nlarcriinos, i'lorenct s. Shawls, 'rrincnin-js; i’>on- net Ivihhoiis; '1’all’t‘ta and Satin Ui;)- hoiis; Press'rrininiin'js of’all kinds; l''.inbroj!*'ries; I'rench :ind I'njlisli I.isses. Silk C'ra- ol’ all kinds; Silk music:. LP. A\ IITTAKKIi, formerly Prf»fessor of ]VIusic • in Carolina (College, would respectfully announce thiit he has located in Fayetteville for the pur]>ose of teaching Music. He would be very hap{>y to receive the names of those who w ish their daughters instructed in this delighful branch of female literature. He may be found at .Mrs. liayne's resilience. Voi-al Music taught in connection witli instructions on the Piano, ynz/M. Terms ijilo jier (Juarter. Pianos tuned and repaired on very accommotlating terms. Dec. 7, —.'jOtf SADDLKIIS’ AND COAril-MAKKUS’ ^ fi.t K n K P., Ji'r. TIIOMiS MU'RIl.NZlI: & m% Xo. 22i I’laUimon* St., Haltinion*. fMPOIlTFPiS and Dealers in Hog.'^kins, S.iddle Trees, F.nglish Heads and I’eins, Ciirth \Vebs. Stirrups, Hames. IJitts, kc. Springs, Axles of all kinds, ('oach Lace, lU'.NT FFLLOFS, Hubs, Sjiokes, Carriage and Tire Holts, Patent Canva.':s, Carpeting, .and every arti cle connected with either branch of the business, which they are prepared to offer to punctual custonuTS on as good terms as any other house in the Unite(l States. .Agents for tin* Side of Pope’at Self-Adjuijting PADS and Spencer’s GUJ TUFFS. Orders jiromptly atteii'led to. Address Tii(i>iAs M\rKi;.\zi!': & so.vs. No. Paltiiimre .''treet. I!'V] liALTl.MORK. A ^EBSy Sliii’iif »tit ill Part. A. A. .McKE'i'HAX N';' J TILL continues to l.S.'^ in all its branches, at the re.'nains ■ry on the C.VIIHI.VGK 15LSI- if his old stand, opj'i.'.site Li!ierty Pi.int. He leturns thanks for tl’.e liberal patronage he has heretofore received, and loipos by strict attention to business ai.d a de.sire to give entire satisfaction, to merit a continuance of the same. Having kej>t the greater portion of I.is Timbers at a distiince from the manufactory, he has on hand a large and well selected lot of thoroughly seasoned Timber, of every (le'ciiption used in his business, which enables him to retain all his jirincij'a! workmen. He is therefore ii'.w {irepured to do any work in his line in the very best style, and im the most favorable terms—as low as any wdrk of the same fjuality in .N. C. He has on hand, completely finished, S Darouches. for 1 or ~ horses; • '( Kockaways. and lo Iluggies. .Also, nearly finislied, D» Ciirriaires for horses: Jii l5;irouches for 1 and 11 horses; l‘J Kockaways. an ! HO P.nggies: ■Ml of which are of the most a])proved plan and finish, ;i!id will c nipai-e with any work in tlie L'. States foi neatness aiel iluiability. Having becMi engage l in tlic above business for the past L’li vears. his ■»(iik is well known, and he refers to old customers fur proof of its dur;ibility. .\ l.l. wiirk warnuitcd lor 1:? nionf lis, and repaired free of tdii'rge should it fail by bad workmaii- shi)' or materi.-il, within that time. UF.fAiiiixr, executed at short notice, and on rea sonable terms. .L'ln'y IS'jJ. 09 s^O. 18.5.] D. & W. McLaurin -WE just received, in addition to their former Stock— 100 kegs NAILS, 10 hhds. Sugar, -'• bbls. (Jranulatcd ditto, OU bags Cofl'ee, 50 pieces Dundee T)npging, 7 bales (Sunny Cloth, 4-~> coils Hope, 0 tons Swedes and EnpVisli Iron, r»u kegs juire an l extra White Lead, oO l)oxes Window tJlass, 4; hags Drop and lJuck Shot, -o kegs FFFO Powder. —ALSO— Loaf and Crushed Sugars, l?ar and Fancy Soaps, Mackerel, in barrels and half-barrels. Cheese. Spice, Pepper, (linger, Snuff, Indigo, M.addei,' .'Spanish i’lrown. Salts. Saltpetre, Saleratus, Niitmegsj .Mace, Clove.s, Veast Powilers. .Sperm ('andles. I've.; with a general assortment of DllV (aiODS, HOOTS AND SIIOKS. HAUDWAKi: AND CLTLKP.V. We ofi'er the above (Joods at low prices, for Cash or good paper. 1). & W’. McL.M'I’IN. Sept. lo, 18.52. ilotf PIAXO rOR SALE. VSFCOND-ILVND PI.VNt), of good tone. .Apply at this »flice. Feb’v 17. I)ec. ; iJACON! P.ACON! IIIIDS. Side.s and Shoulders, for sale bv W. H. Ll'TTFRLOir i:i, 1 Hr,'2. f)4-tf LAIH) AXl) I5ACOX, At J. i: T. WADDILL’S. Feb'y IT, IS.');;. 70tf Smit/ivii/e Mate and FcuKtlr. Academy^ ILL commence its fourth session, in the new building, l.'ith February, and close its scholas tic year lolh Dec. lS.’»o. (Irganization and charges aa heretofore, Mr. Murjdiy exce; ted, whose services. If nec(s.sary. will be supplied by a competent Assistant. For p.articulars address the principal. .LVMFS U. HllLNT. Sniithville, N. C., L>ec. oO. otj-fim Kl>\Vl\ (il.OVEH, .1! t!if si;*ii of the largf Watrh, Hay Mrci't, {ttlS OLI» S2’./.fW,) Has just roccivcd liirf C'ra))(‘S. C’ra|)(' \ats; (Jlo\es .ace Mltl: >are_*(‘s. r.ces; \\ lute (ioods, ilosjery, L. ('. I laiidkerchiels. The un lersigtud woiiM invito the at'eiitii n f his friend* and the Trade geni-rnP.v. H(* wi'd otrer irre.it inducements to CASH AND Sll'oKT TIMK P.rVLF.S. TH().M.\S (J li':'J IJroa lway. Dctwecn Liberty street :iii 1 .Mai ii ii Lane. N. \ . .lan'y 1 "i, l**"i''. til-V (iKO. .M.'l'il ATY *.K; ( o. No. 84 Wiiliam Street, (Corner of Maiden Lane, i NKW \(»KK, IMPOPvTF.PvS OF M'nrnishittu:^ (mitoffs. 1’ .m;\i Fiini & .\i:\i mkiiis. s Fttr/iifirrr, ('hdirs, V^'- rH^IIF s'ilis‘iibei- is receiving the largest .-issortment B. in h'.s line ever Iwfore purchiLsed at the North, j eiis-.-s of a low head of water, or which, together w'th his own manufacture, make.' his | „ater ^lil’. subscribers are now reccixing from New York, a large aii'l genera! .i.-rsortnicnt o» Stdjdf in(l i'(tncif Dri/ (!onds^ (/iU)ci:i:ii:s, iiahdwaki:, Hats and l>oots and Shoes. .\moiig which are: Cof!'ee. Sug.ar. Cotton Uagging. P-ale P.oju'. Nails. Window (ilass, Sw edey and Lnglish lion. Sack and Alum Salt, Imperial and Llack Teas, Pcpfier, .vlspice. (linger, Powiler, S!;ot, P.;ir Lend. P>ar ami Fane; Soa]>. Together with a great va/'iety of other articles, to which they invite the attention of the public, and which thev are 'b'termin‘d to se ll as low for Cash, or on time to tho.se who pay ]>romptly, a.s anv house in the South ern Country. Produce*of all kinds, at the highest market prices, taken in e.xchange for (!oi>ds. McLKAN & ,TONFS. Summc'rville. N. ('.. Dec. S, IH.il. Iitf Hotchkiss's Vcrtirnl II afcr \\ heri. f ■IHFUK are several hundred of these Wheels i no]>e B ration in different counties in North C’arolina. I'or proof of their great advantages over the common tlutter wheel, or .any other wheels now in use for saw mills, we emifidently refer to those who have applied them to their mills. We can recommend them jiarticularly for I IIOS. .1. .lOII.VSO.V II \S JLST iu: KlVLD- dlLs. NLW iP.Li:.\NS MOI.ASSKS, '■ do, large Vellow Planting Potatoes, '■ d. . .\oith«Tti I'ai'on, ' 'i " N. ('arolina do. iilislieN >;lts. aghs and Ca-tingfi, k.'iniths' 'I'ords, ’I h!,ds. Cuba .Molasses. ,\LSO— i'-nr lj.,rs;e Wagon, and 1 lJuggy, 1 Harness THOS. .1. JOHNSON, Person st. ■ I'eb'y -jh, 7‘-'tf "IPPKLLTON PKOPFKTV FOK .«ALK. T. J. J. I-ii(!i( linlin^ I lats and 0*iiti(‘- ' ' ' . tor sale at the (Jreen Street H.\T D. CF.K. ■ iotr r.AKFdl. :!.'.tf Stock very complete, consisting of , , ,, . ('liaiis, Ta!)l»‘s, S(.f:i.s, Jic.isN'a.ls, U :^li hfatids, lUireaus, l/>^vkill,^ (Ilassos, Side Hoards. Secretaries, \11 ,)f which will be sold on the lowest terms for CaEh, ,’,r on short time to j)unetual Oct. oO. IH'jl. ll»«. or i:as?x IVaiilfd. Swill r>av cts. per tioujid cash tor all clean cot ton and linen ILUiS, delivered to .1. D. Williams, in Fayetteville 1 am nearly ready to put n. o,.eratKm a Paper .Mill i i tl.is neighborhojd, and am desirous of getting my ra js in this market. My object is to pay as much for rigs a.-, I can afford, and hoj.e that 1 may not be foicr-'. to distant markets for my hupphes. 1 have arranged with .Mr. Williams to rcceive and pay for all rags delivered to him. l).\\ ID ML'l'PH^- F.tyettevillc, Feb’y 24, IS.jli. ()8-tf rnj^HI'^ highest cash price paid for Ttirpentine, White B Oak Staves, and 0;i.k or Ashe lhading. Call on las W Strange, who can always be found at the Still. McLALUIN & S'l KANCK. Feb’y 18, 180:i. 70tf We still keep a supply of Wheels, suitable for differ ent heaifs of water, at Wihuington, Newbern. Washing ton, Fdenton and Fayetteville. The wheels may also be had of F. Hrcvard, Lincolnton, and Uriah Wells. Petersburg. Va. Persons wishing to obtain the right to n.se the wheels, will be served on ap|)lication to D. McNeill & (’o., Fayetteville, N. C. 1). McNKlLL. A. A. .McKKTHAN. D. J. McALISTFR. Feb’y 22, 184.0 .'it? tf \VAN'n:n ro pukchase. roUDS PI.NK WOOD, to be delivered on my W’haVf during the next six months. T. S. LUTTEULOH. Jnly 22, 1852. D>tf iiTST uEcia\^:n, 4 PRIME lot ^loujitain Putter. New Orleans .and ('uba Midnsses. .Liva, Laguira arnl Kio Coffee. Sugar, Rice, &c. woKTH & ?:lliott. .March 7, 1853. 7Gtf N this Fstabiishment. being the largest in the city. ; may be fotnid a large and well selected Stock, eon- | .'isting in [art ol rich Scarfs and I i.ivats. Hosiery, i Ciloves. Cnder (Jartuents, Suspen U rs. Stocks. Lon l"n | and Napoleon Tics, .''liirts of all i|ii;;iili's. \e. Having been enga.ced in this lic.siinss the l.ist twenty _\ea:s. comment i^ ur.necessary, as they havi* maile such ar- ' rangements in F.urope that they are rn-eiving by alnn.st every steaiiier. t!ie choicest floods the mai'ket ailord.s. !ind piij'clia.sers need only t‘:ill tosati-ty thenisclxes ih.it i every .article in the Furnishing line may be foii:;d lure, j F* t)'y 2->. l>-')o. .Mi ll. 72-om I nifxt \\ar/ioi;sr and Srrd Sl.irr. JiALPn vV ('O, 2:; FL'LTON ST.. N. YORK, FFFR for sale a large and select assortment of .\gricultural and Horticultural Implements, con sisting of Ploughs, and Casiii.gs. Corn .''liellers. .“straw Cutters. Horse Powtrs, Threshers iin l Separators. Fan ning .Mills, (Jrain Cradles. Scythes and .'^natlis. (h-ain .Mills. Sugar Mills. Root Cutters !^.iusage Cutters and Stuflers, Ox Yokes and Dows. R ikes. Hoes. Hay and Manure Forks, .''padi'S, Shovels, Carts, \\ agons, Wheel barrows, I'^C. Field. (liirden and Flower Seeds, a largo variety. Fei'tilisers; Peruvian (Inano. Sup. Pliosphate Lime, P)one Dust, Poudrettes. Charcoal Dust, Pla.'«ter, .See. Manufiu-turers of .Schjiebly's Reaping and Mowing .Maefiine; Daniel's Hay, Straw jind Stalk Cutters.— ■Agents for the sale of Wni. Ilovey's Patent Straw Cut ters. A descriptive catalogue will be sent on applica tion by mail. .March 22, IS').*]. 80*om I X10\ LIVEUV STAHLES, FAYFTTEVILLF, N. fHlIIE PP.OPRIETORS are jirejiared to furnish the S. Public with Horses, ttitfl rOK EBBSIK. They arc also j)repared to c.-irry Passenger.*! to any of the neighboring Towns, on reasoinible terms. Their StK‘k ma^’ be found :it the Stables formerly occuj'ied by .Me.ssrs. Philips i: Wooten, a few doors West of the Telegraph Oftice. They alwa^’s have in attendance good Ostlers and Reinsmen. A FOUR-HORSE rAHRI.AGE will be in at- temisncc, at short notice, to convoy Passengers to and from the Steam Boats. Thev will take Horses on Livervat reasonable terms. i>ULD res]>ectfully inform the pulilic th.it he i.s stiil at his old stand i-airviiig on the above Itusiness in all its Viranchcs. He returns thanks for the liberal patn'inige he has received, and hopes by ;i strict nttentiv'U to Vmsiness. and u desire to ple^'.se all and give general satisfaction, to merit a cotitinuance of the same. j He warr.-ints all his work to be made of tlie best ma- I teriu'i .-ind by e\.perienced worlvUien,—having ii more /y/t'W;//•"/and ynicticnl Smith, he tlatters himself that j l.is work will compete with any made in the St.nte for | styh‘. elegance atid durability; and should any of it fail in twelve months (with fair usagei either in workman ship or material, he will rejiair it free of chai'ge. Persons wishing tt> buy. would do well to call and ex amine his Work as he is determined to siell low for cash 111- on hort time. (trdci s thankfully received and j-roniptly attended to. ■ R?~P.\I RINCi neatly executed at short notice and lowest pi'Ssible piices. F.-ivetteville, .Jan. 2''i, l^oo. (I.^tf liivc rv Tlio iintlcr.iiriiid eontinm* to carry on (he LIVEI’Y 15USI- NFSS at tiii.s [dace. 'I'hey have lately largely increased their Stock and can now offer to the public as godil Horses, C.-iriiages and Dri vers as can be fiomd in the .South ern country. Thankful for the large jintron- age heretofore extended to us. we solicit a continuation of the j'ublic favor. We jiromisc a s;;tisIactory trij) to all who may wish to travel. Stables at the West end of Mumfo.i-d street, where one of the Proprietors inay aP.v.iys be foe.nd, or at the Store first door East of Mr. Luttcrloh. .1. W. POWERS CO. Fayetteville, Feb’y 22, IS.'jo. 71V .11 ST RI-:CE1\ I’J), SACKS LIVERPOOL S.\LT, DXIO bushels .Alum ditto, in bags, :;(> hhds. sweet Molas.ses, :]f) bbls. City .Me.ss Pork. 20 “ large si^o No. 15 Mackerel, 10 half bbls. No. 2 do, 20 bbls. fresh ea'.tght Mullets, •'">0 boxes Dried Herrin!:, 100 b’ols. Plantir.g eating Patatoes. 10 hhds. superior Racon. D. a; W. .McLAURIN. Favetteville, Nov. 22. 18.'i2. 4‘itf rBniii- fl. Ti LAND FOR SALE. Turpentine and Timber L.\N1), in Robeson coun ty, abdut f(»ur miles North East of LumVierton. Nearly the whole tnict is heavily timbered, arid there are sev eral beautiful situations for a residence. l>ut a small portion has been cleared. It lies as high and heiilthy us any land in this region of cotintry. Also, six unimproved Lots in the town of Lumberton. Persons wi.shing to purchase irill make app!icatin to I’obert E. Troy, in Lumberton, or to the subscrib'.'r '’\vi.L Srot'K or CiCJODS,’ consisting of SILVER AND PLATED WARE, AND MILITARY GOODS. MONO his assortment may be found Watches of !ill kinds, from to ii'DJo; gold Fob, Guard atnl Vestt'hains; gold Seals and Keys; silver Fob and Guard Chain.-i atid Keys; Rreast-pins, F^ar-rings and Finger- rings, fa tine stock); Cu‘I'-pins; Bracelets: gold ami silver Spectacles, Thimbles ,‘ind Pencils; gold Lockets; Colt's and .Allen’s Revolvers; Chess men; Accordeons; silver Spoons: silver Cujis, &c.: Military Goods of all Kinds; a fine lot of Clocks, and almost everj thing called for in his Vine, which will be sold cheap for Cash, or on short time to those that will j’ay their bills when presented. gr.'jY' Watches and .Tewelry rejiaired as usual. Old (iold and Silver taken in exchange. Pzy" All those indebted by Note or Book account, must ]>ay by the 1st of November. Fayetteville, Oct. 4. 18'>2. J51-tf Di •ii^s and 3Ie(liciiic. SA:\H EL .1. TIIXSDALE Now RECEIVING additions to his large Stock ])ru!X-^i ^ft dichics and Chemicals. His arrangements with large importing Drug Houses in New York and Philadelphia are such, that he can al ways ]irociire imjioricd Drugs and Chemicals of the very best iiualify. .Ml the I’harnniceutical Preparations ami I'ompounds soM by Iiim are made under his personal, superintenuence, and Physiciiins and the public may rest assured that they arc genuine. He lesj'Cctfully solicits orders from Physicians at a distance, as well as from those in the adjoining coun ties. feeling confident that he can sell on as good terms as :iny b.ouse in North Carolina. to the i|uality of his Drugs, he refers to those Physiei.iiie who have been his patrons for the past tea years. P.-irtienlar attention paid to orders, and to the packing i.f (ihissware. SAMUEL .1. HINSDALE, I Druirgist and .Vj>othecary. ! March 21, 1S.'>:L ' 7R-2m i Al’FLIC 'n:i), READ! 1 pllM. MM l.IMIi A MI'ItKM. IK»CSr.. .■sCU.UshtMl I.'» yciirs Bjo, * t>\ Hr. Kiiikflin, \\ . coriicr of 'J'liiril itmi I iiion Strctts, rfiilHdeliiiriM. j;r.\D;—VI>CTM A\I> M A N I! A visoroiis life or a r>re- III aioi- i:i-:,ili. Kir.kcliii on Si-lf rrc'crvntioii. Only •_>.'> i-piits.— 'I'lti'* li.'ok jii'l |iiil>:i'lii'cl. M liileil \\ illi ii>( I'll! iiil'oriii:>tii>ii, on llie. iio'irii.ilii-- ai.il ili-r:i-.--of tt.i- huiiiMii ori;;ins. ll ailiUesses aii^e i'» \"u:li. ninnltooil ;i:ul olij hihI >hoiili] bo rpHiI liy ail. 'I'tic v..!u:iMe :kIv re Mi.il iinjiressivp wuriiin!! it "ivp', will pro-: veiil ol'mi icry aiiil - iitleriiii:. :iiiil smc annii.tlly tliolisanil* ol livc'. I’:«rciil'. Iiy reioi.i.t ii, will Icarii how lo |irevent the «l.‘'lrii> li n of tlicir hiUlr ii. ,\ r.-iiiill ii.i-i-of “.-> rciiK iarl.isril in a Irtler. Hililrp-'ffd to I>r.. Kii.ki liii. .N. \V. ronii r of'J'liiril .iiiil ( nion .'iru-i'. I’liil.ulelpkiH, , w i'll eiisiiri-a liook. nml.-r emeloM.-. jier ri-inrn m.iil. f’ersiins at a ■ ili'ftiiic iii.i) .olilii-.-' itr K. I»v U'tlcr, (|>.ist paul, anil l>e turt'ii at : hoi.,.- 1 l’;ul;:i:r^ of iii('i!irin‘«, (iirrrlion's. frr . fiirw ariii'cl hy senilins H I rci.’iiil:oii i’. ' iiil I'u: n|i sei iire from !«m:ii;e. i .\aeiii', I’cilli r', « anv:iscrs, and all olliers sii[i|irnil v'iih the alH>\e uoifc al \;t) low r;itf». ■ .liil;,. I'.V.V 9- - C.BV L hronic or Xcri'L,us Dthihtij, Ihneast of the KidiKjif, I ,\i,l .'ill ili-iC.i'CS nrisiiif: from a di'orilrrr.l l.iver or Stoinnrli. siifh I oiisiiiniioii. I-ulliie>s, or l:|ooil lo ihe lleiid. .Ar-dily of Ihr Siiii:ic!i. .\«ti-e.i. lliNirdairn. Hiscii't for FimhI, rulliiexs or 'j in till- Sl' iiiio-h. Sour Kruriattons. Siiikir.s t>r KldtleriiiK i ill I'lf Jill of ilic r^loiii.'tcli. Hv, imiiiiiiir ll) ili« llc:il. Ilurrinl iinit li:ltii 111! lUeHiliiiiL'. rimtprins »l tlie llciiri. (■h4>kiiis or Siiiliicat- iim .~fii'iiiioii- wticii in a lyiii*: posiiire. Ii!iiiaes. of Visiiin. Doi* I or V\ i I ' l.el.irc ll:e ."ijrli!. Fever, llull |iaiii iii llie lleail. I>e- fi.’icii« v ol l“cr'(iiralioii, Wllowi rss of tlie fkln and Kyes. Paia in llie Sid*'. hc't. I.iiiilis. &r., Sndijf?n Kliishc: ol' H*"”*. r.iiriiiii!! in the I'lc'ti. l'oii>Utiit Ima):iiiii)|!s of Kvil, and >reat 1 D. iire'sion ol Sjiirils, / v\N lie i-lti rlicillv riirrd IjV Itl!. IKNO’S CKI.DKR A'l'F.D ' V CKK.MAN ItlTTKUS. Pr.-pirel liy Itr f- >1. Jatk-on.al llie ; Orni in M dii ine Siore., No. 1-Jti .Nrrii Slri-et. I liilaih Ipliia. i Tttp-r jviwer over lli*- :ib.>ve disease- i not c.\r lied, il eqiiMlled, i hy :iii\ other I .'epiiralion in llie Cniled ^^l.■lIcs. u' Uic cures altcKt, 1 in m.-tiiy r i'C- ail>r skilful pliysieians Iiad fnilrii ' 'rhc'c l!;ller' are miriliy llu* alteiilion of Invalids. Po»scsinf I i;r> ii virtues in the rertifiralion of diNe.-u* - of llie Liver and Ic'str I el ir.d'. e\eri ii'i" the n;0'«l se.iri-hiiiL' powers in wc:ikne»» ami Mt | I Icrlions 4if ihe di;!eAli\e or^jans, llii'y art’ wiilial, sale, eerluin, un«S ' iileus!;nt. .\.m> i!F. co.wi.vcku. I i-'roni iii«? Hosloii 1 Til''eililor--rt'il. I'l i' I “I'r llootl'Oid'- CrleliratPil fierncin Hillers fiT Ifie riiro ofl.iver i Coinpiaini. J:ini.lii e. liy-lM psia. riin nic or .\ rvons ileliiliiy. U. de-orvi'dly I'lie oi the niosl [Mipular iiieilii iiie'of llip day. These. Hitler' li-ive lie.-n n*ed 1‘V ;lioii'and. and a friend ai oiir elhow say* he h.i» hini'H lf rcccived .'in efrrctii;il and permanent riire of Liver (•oiii|ilaiin from the use of this remedy. We are ronvlnred th:il, in Ihen-'eol tliese Hitu rs. ihe patient e»in^t:inlly eains slrcnpth and vi);or—a f>c« vvorlhv of "feat con-iileralinn. Thffy are pfciisnnl in iHSle :ind smell, and i-:in he used liy (lersoiM with Ihe nuiNtd*-. Iii-;,te St w ith safely, iinili r any rirriimilanee*. We are spenkinp from cx|»-rience and lo the afliirU-d we aiUisc tlieir use. I.ook well to ttie marks of the genuine 'I’hey have the writteo, sienaturo nfC. M. Jackson u(M>n the w r!r,'|«'r, «H'I t|'e niitne blow ii In the lioltle, without which they are spnrions. I-or sale, whole sale and retnll, ot the CKRMAX MKHIft.VF. STt)RF.. 120 .Arch Ptreot. one *lM*r below Sixth. PIiIIh., and liv' re- st>eetahle denier* renerilty threiil-'hoiit the country. Also, for sale hy PAM’I. J. HINSDALE. “ Wholesale Acents for North and ^oulh Carolina, IIAVII.A.\U HARRAI. t CO.. CharleHloti. S. C. ,, Near Harlleesville, S. C., on the If.th ultimo, :\lrs. They ho{>e, by strict attention to business and a de- j in person, 12 miles from the village, on the Ilarllees- rminatiou to p!e!i.se, to merit a share of public pat- i \ille lioad. Sept. 13, 1852. termination ronage. Dcccmbcr lij 1(452. ii. AiSKEW, Agent. 52tf JOHN A. ROWLAND. 2Gtf M.\HTII.\ ST.\rKIIOUSE, wife of Isaac Stackhouse, ormerly of llichmond county. N. C., aged b~>. lUanks for sale here.

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