*»Ost '•'proof I*i •»ni.cr 2iy fire- on iVi.l 'ND ' I'nin- •' !' ; T,., -:es, n. >/• c. ir.ro ,-^t tfi* iS. r n r '- VAI'S SEMI-WBEKL, Y. FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., .MAY 5, 1853. [NO. 191.] I’lUNTKD HV J. «. NEWBY KDU AIM) J. H ALE & SOX, KPllOUS AND rilOl’RIETORS. ^ f,r the J^omi-'Veckly ()bskuvku !?4 (>) if paid in ^Ivr.ncc. during the _\e«r of subscrip- n ,, $■> nf'tiM- tlie voar has expired, r ,1 . Wofkiy Or.sKuvKU $2 00 per lunuim, if paid in , ■’* if during tlie vear of subsorip- ^ oo after tlir yer-r has expired. ' \liV iniTl>l-'l I'N inserted for si\ty cents per ,, li', lines for the first, and thirty cents fur each •H i,!’- puli’.ication. Yearly advertisements hy spe- ' ,,,„ir;u't'. at reasonable rates. Advertisers are . ,-tt i t'i state the number of insertions tlesired. or , .* . v.:"r - 0 i‘"r.linued till forl.-iil, and charged accord- ' I.otters t.> tlic I’diltirs must bo post-pai*l. KKMOVAl,. ■■■■"1'. h.ive renii'ved to the larpe fire-proiif brick If S; 're lately occupied by Sampson I'.oon, Kscj.. ] ,.r wost I’f .Messrs .1. vV T. Wadilill. on llay we shall receive in a few days, lar^je aii- t' ' 'ir ear’.y Spriiifc purchases. Our stock of k/s, ll'ltlf, .S/lOfS, ('h >h{uij, Cmltnllas. ii f. , M'l i ted expressly for the wiioi.ksm.f. tu.vdk. \! ■ 1 :in!r‘ aro invited to give vur {i-iods an exaniina- . re pun basing. STAUU \ \V1LI.1AMS. \Uy ^-''tf nissoLi'noN. 'pilK ^nn 'f I't'OK X T.VYl.Oll is dissolve«i by its I -.i;! '.iin';t:itii):i. The Vnisiness of the concern will V Nlr. .Vlex'r Hay, or by cither of ourselves, . rh' r.'imo vf the tirni in settling its atTairs. J VS. COOK. AMLLIAM TAVl.oil. r ■ .'t!-vi!!c. May 2, V»'ti (;rort*rit*« and Drv mOO(1«. EAYE'rTEVILLE i m\m\i m\nw. ^ j’^niS t'oni]>ai\y is now oi-fjanised and prepared to re- 1 ceivc applications for Insurance, on us favorable terms as other Companies. L'lK r.CTOU.'^: Avon H. .J. (). SllKl'llKRD. Wm. Waudkn. S. T. ll.WVLKY. .)oilN 1). Wll,l,l.\MS. (’. Hk.N1U)W. Wm. Mcli.vuiuN. W.M. Mrl.NTVUK. HkNUY lill.l.Y. II. li. MYiu)vin. Thus. S. Llttkulou. John H. ('ook. I>. A. U.\Y. A. A. .MrKr.Tii.vN. (.Jko. .^IcNk.iij,. N.VTII.VN a. Si'KI'MAN. .Jamks Kvm:. oFi'icr.r.S: C.KO, McM'.lM,. I'rosident. II. L. MVlloVKH, Vice I’resident. .1. (i. SIl Kl’H Kl« 1), .\ttori:e\. .\. McMll.l..\N, .'Secretary. (;K0. >!,NK1I,1„ 'I .loIlN II. Cook, V I'xecutivc Conimittee. ,JAS. KVI.l’.. I The jilan of Mi tim. lssr,!\NcF. m\ist commend itself to our community, f^ir it can be demonstrated that we have saved within the last six years ujiwards of by insurance in the North Carolina Mutual Company; that is. Wo should luivo paid to have kept the .^anie in- surar.ce in the fi re:};n joint stock companies that sum more than we have actually j'.-iiil; !ii‘ 1 yet the North t’arolina Mutual Company lias rt'ceived between :*.'iO(lO and niore flom our community than it h.as p.aid out for losses here,—showiiip that we are favorably sit uated, as i-.impared witii other places in the .Stale, for Insurani'c, t>ur Company has i:on' int" operation favorably, hav- injr the day we or>:anisod !i]'j>lications to the afiioiint (,>f !>I l'i,n(lt>, and the I’ompany is now pl.aced upon a tirni fo',>tiiip -\ny l»irect.ir, authorised .\pi-nt. or .'secretary, ntay receive Ap_>licati"ii>, but they will ii' t be bindinp; until ajijirove 1 by t’.ic I'.xecutivo Committee or the l!o;ird. 1. Mc‘Ai;^', I ' j. i nppointod tienor.il .\j:ont id the t’oliipanv. e invito applicatii ns. C.i;t». McNLll.L, rres t. McMlI.I.AN. .'^ec v. 7. NEW GOODS. ’^IIK UNDKUSIGNKD are NOW llECEIVINJ their Stock of Suininer Goods, Consistinp of a full assortment of Ladios’ .tnd (ientloiiioir.s Dross Goods; a larffc supply of \icntlcnicirs and IJnys’ lleady-iuade (Motliitiir; Paiiauia, Leghorn, Silk, and other Huts; Honiiets of variou.s kinds; a large as sortment of IJoots and Slioe.s; Saddlery, Hardware, (Jroeeries, Drugs and Med icines, Our friends and the public will please call and exam ine our Stock; it is large, and will be s.thl on reasonable terms. J. T. COUNCIL & CAIN. March 21, 78-*2m “ i>;k.w «iooi>s. ^ Sul)scribers have received, £ :>0 I’aps Itio i'olToe, T) tlo. .Ittva lo., .'i illuls. N. O. and Muse. Su;;ar, 10 I’lOxes superior assorted Candy. DAILY i:xpi:cTi:i). C.VSK.'s Fulkirk Ale, .\lso, a hanlsome addition to our stock of ('hina. Crockery, tilasswnro, »S;c. S. W. TILLINGHAST A: CO. March l*’i, 77-tf \l. MirC'llKlJ., Ituir, (i ilh’.-ipii' Street, VI.\VAYS has on hand, C.HOCKHIKS AND rRC>- Vl.'slONS, bacon and lard, tlour, coffee, suj^ar. tea. molasses, rice, pepper, spice, pinper, tobacco, siiurt', matches, meal, c^' n, Irish pot.itocs. dry eol-fish. HOTi:i.. rilllE subscriber havinp i)urehas«d the Hotel situated on the South-East corner of Court House Sipiare, nnl lately known as Stuart's Hotel, would inform the public that he is luiw ready to acconimod.ate boMnlers by the day, week or month. llnvin>i- m.ade considora- bie outlay in furnishinp and refitting the I'stablishnient, he hojies to be able to pive satisfaction to all who ]i:i- troni/.e him. His Table shall be furnished with the best the market affords, his liar with the liest of Li quors, and his Stable w ith a plenty of good provender and faithful Ostlers. J. A. GILCHHIST, .Tune 2fi, 18.-)2. :*-tf sBniiiiuiLLi': iiOTi:ii. ■^HE undersipnel would respectfully inform the citizens of Summerville, the vicinity, and the public penerally, that she has opened a Mlotfsp of i-Uilrriaiintient^ where she will bo jdeased to aceoniniod;;te sill who may call on her. Ttie ViMape is pleasant and healthful, her house hirpe and comnmdious. No j)iiins vvill be sjiarcil to render apreeable ami comfoi table any who may favor her with a call. She is also prepared to accomodate with I!oard from \~) to 20 Students. l*rice «if T.ojird jier month. E. liAlLEV. SuniMicrville. N. C.. .lune 1:'. lh')2. 1-tf ['\s\\, nsn. nsii. fUST receiveil ami for sale. Mackerel. Herrinp and .Mullets. Also. Ci.dlish and No. 1 Mai-kTol and Salmon in kits, lo hhds. new crop M"lassos, by W. 11. CAl'.VEK. Mi;rch }, 71tf UOIil-.SON LANDS I'OU SALi:. ^I'^HE subscrit)crs havinp j urchasei! the entire intrr- |. in the lands lately est of Thomas,). Curtis. 1' (' A. robs Mi'.K su'ns. ribcr has taken the I'.ast end of the Store i w ■ r 'i' upie 1 by Cook T;.yU r, w here he w ould .tfllllinl Ijffi I HSU t'fUlCC iV mp:iny i t' his old custiuners and others, k iRO('Ml’lES will be larpe and full. ; tal e in paynxent any kind of t'ountry I’r ' lu'.'e. .not b'- refused, or credit to pnnciuul rus- •IAS. C. CooK. t.'.tt ('out'I/. upon the dried beef, nos. 1 .and - mackerel, i and ^ bbis., no. .5 owned by him in the county .f llobesnn. nmv otlor tor sale about 10,000 acres in ijUa;;tity and on terms favor able to jiurchascrs. Most of this Land i.' well adapleii to the 'I'inibor and Turpentine busii;ess. I’orsons w'.ili- inp to jiurch i>e can call on either of the subsri-jliors. .Ml persons are hereby waineil noi to tres]iass on any of these Lands, as the law will be .stllctiy enforced against otteiiders. .lo-^KIMI TliOMr.^ON. i:or.i;RT s. riiENcii. March 1, same, moss pork, buckwheat flour, candles, soap, whis key, bramly. rum, pin, wine of various kinds—all of which have been boupht for cash, and will be sold low for the same. Thankful for past favors, he hopes by a strict attention to business to merit ji continuance of the s:tme. March 10. IS.'..'’,. 7S-.'lmi)d AF>W GOODS, w. F. iiooke; AS RKCI IVED a hute Stock of Sl’RlN(;gAND "cTo O 1> {^, rONSISTINC OK — I'iiK' Drt'sscs iiiui Diess 'I'rim- lioiilK'iS. S!u)os, ' To which he wonhl call tiie attention of the Ladies in Town and Country. —ALSO— .! Kiiprn'or lot j R iiifif-nKide. Clnthimf, lints, (I'liiti r. (fill/ (ii ii//( mrii. March 2:’., is.j;;. ‘ 7‘.'if .m;\v I'lii.ii & .\!;\v mK 'lll! subscribers .are now receiviiip from Now York, a larpe and general as.sortment of Sl(tj)l (Hid I'd/inf Drij (toods, (; 11()(* !•: 111 i:s, 11 a h i»w a h k, Hat.s and (’aps, IJoot.'S and Shoo.s. Amonp which are: CotTep, Supar, Cotton I’l.ippinp, l*ale Rfpe. Nails, Window il.-iss. Swedes and Enplish Iron, S;sek and ,\lum Salt. Imperial and l>!ack Teas, I’eppi'r. .\lspice. (iinper. I’owtler, Shot, i r.ar Le;td. liar and i'aney Soaji. I Tof;elher with a preat variety of other articles, to I whi li tliey invite tin- .attention ot the imblic. :ind v. hieh I they are d tiiniioed to sell as low for Cash, or on time ! to those who pay promptly, as any house in the Sonth- : ern country. I I’roduce of all kinds, at the hiirhest market j>r;ces. taken in exch.-mge for (io,,ds. McLEAN ,IONES. Summerville, N. C.. I'ec. ^^•’»l. 17tf f>r. T. E>. El A I C4 II, nAS taken an Office on Hay Street, West of the Hotel Ibiildinjis. .Inly 14, 18') 1. 4-tf Dk. t. c. hall H H .vs remove'l to the well-known .stand of the I)rs; B u Robinson, corner of (Ireen and Row streets. April 21. is'.;i STtf IL \L ()!iIii:LL, Fi'PiW (11)1)11 SSI (I \ )]i:!{('ii.\M .\t S'ayrflrviEEc, rv. March 10, IS-M. ,2-tf \v. w III ri:iiKAD, WITH KAV.\i:U ev (ULMOliH. I Io.\ ^11:ItC' IIA3|TS. ir» 1 U Mri'i*!, rJEW YORK. CiisliinLtry iKivaiiccs on .\iniil Stores. \f. March is.V',. 7 4-tf iiAKl'Jl, .Ik., A TTOK .\i:V A T i. A W , "n H ,\S t.iken an ollict* next door to W m. 1>. \\ripht s M 9 Lav.' oflico ('U (ireen street. He will attend and jiractice in the t’ouiity and Superior Courts of Cumber land. Rladen, Robeson anii Sampson. March 2n, IS.-,:J. 7','tf .lon.X A. KlC'llAIiDSON, ,\TT«BI^a:V AT I..AW. tr^riLL "ifter .lune next.) attend, the (Vnirfs of V .\rison. l.ichmond. Itobeson. Rdaden, .and Colum- ('"untii's. Idi v .s.s. Lli.'abe'.’itow n, Rla len County, N. .Mar. h 7. * 74-C.m I ^ \ t'.l;S PIANO I'Oii SALi:. ONli-H.\NI> ri.VNo. of pood tone. .\pply at (>f!ic Feb v i; POi'ASH, HLANK HOOKS. just re- SON. ■ May. ;oN.' VN irtment of I’iank Rooks of all kinds, vd at the Favetteville I'lookstoie. E. .L HALE X .vtV. ;jn, 1*'^;;. riu: ma(;a/lni:s. Ijn NAM'S an l llAltrKlv'S .Miitraziiu s f-- 1 ! >r * ;’ } L. -1. li ALK \ s25 Kt'ward. R AN.\W.\Y from the subsetib-r in OiM..V>er last, a ni'^r-i bov named .'s.V^L Said b -y is ab o;t 1 ~ f t:;U. very bl.ack, and with .a s'.ipht o.ist in • ; lii' eves. He w;is raised f y a Mr. Slcfa lyen. ' iSii’ ei'land or Mo.ae i.-ounty. ajid puieh sed by me t’a!! ot Mr. S’. McK. McNeill of M.mre county. I ^ ;:,ve the al'.ve reward f> r his apprehension and .TV in any jail in North Carolina, or forty ■lollars • r hini deliver, i to me in Cheraw, S. C. .VLLAN M. FARLAN. Cher.Tw. ."s. C.. \pril 2, IS.k?. >tf Tursr sALi:. 1 a!Hid-It R((il at Auchm. ILL be s..’id, jit .Vuction. on the 14th day of M:>y n- ';t. at the 'darket House in the t. wn of Fay- :it 12 ' ;«i-k, M., the H use and I.oi r.N-ont'y 1 by ;.'orpe NLMillan. The House i' in P" 'd ;ini one of the largest i-n l b»st .imnp'-d Houses ■ i havin'.: a larpe brick kitchen, .and other ■ ■s. sfiiMe«, \c. .Vlso. a pood sprinp .-onve- A’s , tw ; other I 't' nnimprove 1. iidioininp. th • .Jones and H -llinpsworth b.ts. eont.-iininp 'i* u» r«'». w i^hini: to examine tLr' I'remi-' s, !ii-e in- .j,, so before the .«a'e. ■*, i.iv:?, for .approved notes at Rank. .\. .JKSSL'R, Trustee, r. T.WLOR. Ap t b r Trustee. \. M. CAMl’RELL. Aucfr. .7. I"".:!. i:\r Di: ('oi.o(;n!:, I’l'.KloR ARTICLE. For sale by J. N. S.MITH, (ireen St. -V l-'.U ( I i'l:A'l'i: ,\i A(;.M'.si.\. L' ;.nd :^'.e;i-.int .\i erient. F' r sale by J. N. SMITH, (ir.-.ii St. • h(ttf ' I rRBln.'S Company, as its name in.li.’ates. i H J r,Nct/>lr. aO'l embraces two distinct .le- l aitnuitts, to-v\it; Lilo hisurat\ce and Trust ibpart- n'.eiit>. Tl.is jittr:!'tive combination otb'rs to I'ldicy 1. I’ders cl iuble tin- or'linarv s 'curity, v\itliout .lestroy- i:ip their riiiht to a f till ]>ai ticipation in the entire pro- f.ts of the C impanv. rr.'iuiums \^iU b> received, in cash. eitli.T aniiUaM v, s' lni-annually, or .jU.ii t.-r'.y, as may be apree 1 npou at the ’ii. e the I’orn y is ;>si;ed. In the TRl’.'s'r IU',1* \ RT M l.NT. or !•. p'sit .“s\'t.'in, the p:iyinents n;t > tin Coinp n’v :ire entiri'ly or.ti 'ti- al with the I'ep.isitor, as repar is the amount arid the time at wh’eh they are ma h-. A parly niav pay in .as much or as little, not los- tii:m one ddiar. and as d‘- ten, as may tie c.oivenient f T him. w itlu ut any olilipa- ti''!! u].on bim to Continue l.is j.ayments, - and may vsithdr.uv them .at hi.- ]'b .sure. S ' tliat, .11 the plan i f this Company, there is creat ed at i>ne and the ' ime time .'in a-'uraui *- , / ''V- Vi—•? i;;ai —and •' I’timi'hleTs rMrn'she-l by the Company. oFFIi Li:. OF iHE CoMl>.\NV. liir.'etots I; alpli ; ■ ir'-',’. l.xielou .'^wiiiii. .loiin .V • li'imer. 1>. F. CaMn.'il. Ri.-h 1 (In-enc. I'u.id .NlcLean. Ricliai'd Sti'ilinp. .lot;;' \| l.op-in. I*. I’. Weii’. L. Ojb-.rn. Robert NL .•'1 an, Robert 1’. I'i' k, Henry li. E'.i; .tt. I’i.-si lent — Ra’jdl Cioria-ll. \'ice l’re'id‘ i;t - - l.\ ndon .'^w.iim. ,'so. retary and Treasurer - 1>. 1’. Wiir. .'ittori'ey —.lobn 'ii’iTier. F.xamininp I’hv'ician—lidwin Watson. M. 1*. Ci.osi'Itiiicr I'h\'ii'iaiis — 11. Mei .me, M. lb: ,f. L. . .M. |i.; 1>. i’. W.ir. M. 1'. (i.'iv r.al ,\p> lit — i iia:n 11. Cuir.minp. f;,.--‘'.\nv iiforiii.iri '11 rel:;tive t ’ the Conij'any may le had bv :,'i Ircs'in:: .! ohn .'1. R Ai'f'ti" at F ivette vilic. or' I'. R "i;il-. Sc rotary and Treas iv.-r. .L;n‘v 2‘.. ' "i-tf Yeast Powders, So.la. Spices, Indipo, .•Spanish Rrown, .“^oaps, >Vc. II..ps. Cream Tartar, Extr.acts, for tlavorinf Ma.lder, Rath Rrick, For sale by N. SMITH,' Crern St. f.ltf // itiu M iiti'/iclitr(. A A fB'^IIi; -w C:i;i;| \I:iuu!:o tiirii.p C ,nif'any Continue B. to n.annfaetiir.-. in 11)“ lo--t and b- t style, Wheat Tiir. '! in; Machines, fromt'.vo to six lo r'e pow er; CultinL' \1 :i I'ines ot different sizes; I)oiib%- and Sin- p'.? \\ i"d I'ardini: M :icl:in.‘.s; M;Ii :ind 1 :o-toi-v (.ear .■s.iw and ;ii't Mi!! Irons: Ld/.e Tool>. Colt..n \ am and \'ool Ro' s. \c. .'.c, I’ers .ns w i'hiiip t.i pur. ha^e v.ould ■! . well to p;ve U' a i-all before joirfhasinp e’s.-where, as we are de termined to ...i ll .dieaj. f’.r cash or on time to ]ainctual dealers. Our lonp exp.rience in the Manufaetunnp bu-ln« ss c-n.tbles i;s to .1 im hesitation in s.avinpthat f.ur w ork shall not be sui ]ia.'S.' 1 by jiny .''liojt in the .‘'oiith. Til inkf'il for the li! '-ral patr' b.--towed. V» e r'‘S]iei-tfully S .';.if a ( o; = anie. .\11 lett. rs addrcsse.l to the .\pent of tiie Company at Snow Camp I’. O., .\l iniai. e county, I.a, v.iil reeeive j.r >ini t at'entioii. b.‘i-.*tofor.- •tinu ince of the rth C .Li'ry ol, IS.'):’,. A r rill': ri:d skln. i .11 «• noiirtid X H.W’E iust received a full and complete stock of (iRo'cKRlLS. RROVL'^IONS. .(cc., to which they ; w iiM invito the attention of the citizens an.1 surround- inp country. 'I'hey will sell low lor ('vsn. nr on time to punctual customers. They j.urehaso l their (Jo.ids j tor cash, and this will enable them to sell i.nw. They have facilities that many houses have not: they have acent.s est.'ibli'-hed in l!altimore and New ^'ork, wlm always advice tliem of any chanpe in articles in their line, and who jturchase only when barpains are to be li:id. We keep alwavs on band .a splen.lid ass irtment of foreipn and douiestic Liquors; Loaf, ('rushed an.l Rrown ."'upars; Rio, .luva at'. I I.apuini Coffees; (ireen. Hvson and Rlack Teas; New Orleans and ('uba M.ilas- ses: Tatile .an 1 Isaek Salt: Rii. on. Lard. Mes"- I’ork. ^iess Reef, .s^moked Reef. Hrye.j \’enis.iu; No. 1. 2 and o .Nlackerel; Rutter. Cheese, Flour, Meal, ('oin. Oats. Tobacco, I'andles, t'opperas. Saleratus, In.lipo, .Mad- iler. ."spice, I’epper. (iinper, Nutnieps, Cinammi. Fpsoni Salts. Saltpetre. Harlw:ire, ('utlery. Crockery, anl !lassw:ire: and a variety ..f other po.xls. Tl;ey take this method of thankinp the community and their country frien.ls f.ir the very lifieral patron.ape b.'^towed on them; and intend, by sellinp poo.Is i.ow. to itu re.ase their foinn r trade—alwavs keepinp in view that nimble sixpence is Worth a slow shiliinp. Yellow Ruildinp. between the .Market House .'in l the Rank of the ."^tat-, (iillespie Street, Favetteville, N. C. Mar. h 21. l>o.;. ■ 7f'tf iJA(;s! UA(;si! LRS. RA(iS WANTFD, f r which the hiphest market jiri 'e will oe j)aid by RENROW. KYLE CO., Agents for the .Manteo R.iper Mill, R.iieiph. N. ('. Fayetteville. M:irch 21, I's'i^'.. 7^-'im NO l ie !•:. S.70 Ki:\VAiei». ■ ^ tV.im the sul.scribcr, about the l-'.lh of ■ « .Inly, If'-M, his nepro pirl ,'sarah. Sai.l nepro is ab.uit I'i vearsof ape. bbiek, with l.arpe white eyes, larpe limbs, weipbs ab.oit R’.o pounds. pirl is sujiposod to be lurkinp in the neiphbor- hoo.l of Mr. Isaac Wriphfs or (len. McKay's, in Rladen county. 'I'lie above rew.ard will be paid for her .lelivery to me, or her coiifineuient in any jail in the .‘state ot WM. II. McUAliV, Comtnissioit • fSerrhfiat^ Wli..MlN(;T()N, X. (’. Particular attention will be j'ai.l to sellinp and jiinp Naval Stores and Rro'luce. an.l also to tite wardinp of (Joo.ls. .Merchants who cotisipn tlieir Goods to him can rely on their beinp f.irwarded by first boat aft;r they are discharpe.l from vessel. RF.FERENCES; F. Fries. I'.. .\. \'..plcr Co.. Salem, N. v‘. T. M. Vounp, Mocksville. Hunt .\ddeiton. Lexin.:ton. .1 hn 1>. Hro»ii. Salis'mrv. ,1. 11. \ .1. Martine, Fayetteville. .lan y 20, l^.'i.’,. ’i2tf \V. II. M(K'AV. Wholesale and Retail Groccr. (Ifiirr.il roiiiinissioii .V KoruiinlisiL' Vicrcliaiil. South Water stitct. doi is below .Nlarkct, iliiiiiiUloii. >. Rarticular attention pai'I to the sale ..f all kinds of ('otnilry I’r.-duce, Lioeral ca.'h advan.-e.s hoj |e i.n consipnments. Rofi-rei.ce- .lohii 1>. Stai r. Es.|.. 1’rc.s‘t of t’.e Rank of Fayetteville. Wm. C. ItVoadfoot. Cash'r, do. I Favetteville Elijah Fuller, F.s.,., J .Messrs. ('....k iV Tavlor, | C.iok .lohnson, : L. C. Hiibbar 1 \. Co.. Clinton, S.impson county. Thomas Morisey. Fs.[ , Lumbert..n, Robes >n. ,1. R. Rrown. F.s.[., Westl.r.’oks, Rholon. Oct. S. l'-'i2. ;’,oYpd i.AKD AM) UAC'ON. At .L \ T. WADDILL'S Fet.'y 17, IPV^. 7dtf .\1 Ihc siiii of lliP larirp Walcli. iliiy Strfft. ! {siis sT,s.vi>.) 11 vs just r(M'('ivf'{] liis 1 all SrtH K OF (lOOD.S, .■.in.'i>tin'/ I'f ! SILVER AND PLATED WARE, AND MILITARY GOODS. ^ MdNC his assortment may be fouu'l W.it.-hes of ti all kinds, fr.iin to •'S12'i; pold Fob. (iuapl and \'i rt Cli.iins: pold .s^ojils and Keys: silv.-r F..l> and (Iiiar 1 Chains and Keys; Rreast-pins, Ear-rinps and I'inper- rinp-. a tine stock.: Cutf-]>ins: Rraeelets: poM and 'iher .'sjiectaeles. Thimbles and I’cncils; pobl Lockets; ('..It's and -Mien's Rev.ilvers: Chessmen: .\ccord» .'ns: sil'iT .''].ooiis: silver Cii;>s. \c.; Military (!o .ds ol all Kin.is: :i tine lot of Clocks, ar.d almost everv thini: caile.l for in his line, v.h’. h will be s .ld cheap tor ( ash. or on siioit time to those that will j.ay their billi when pre-.ntod. j Wat' lies and .Teweiry re]>aire.l as usual. (»:d (ioM and Silver ttiken in exchanpe. All those indibted by Note or Rook acciunf. mi’.-t p.iv by the 1st of Novendnr. r.iv. t'teville, Oct. 4. Iso-J. "1-tf ii^s and 3JMlicine. SAMl'i.L .1. HLNSDALK ?>OW RECLl\ lN(i ad.litions to his larpe ."stock ( !I\!M.KS li\NKS, f ’ I' £] ' TB O F. BS , WlIol.LSALi: ,\M> RETAIL DEALER IN Fun ijn Frvit^, Xut., Cii/nr!:, Tihicrn, Sii iijf, Fayetteville, N. C. :\landi 1. IS'.n. 7.".tf \V. jl. (\\RVi:U, DEALKR IN' J)n/ (ioods, (I rorcrirs, and Provisions: od door IVom N. E. corner Market S.p.iare, next to 1>' Ciee's Hat Store, (ireen street, I'AYKTTKVILIJ':, N. (\ All kiiiils «>f Produce taken in exch.anpe for floods' Feb'y Is’io. it)Y M. iii rsox, MOrsB: I^.lI.VTESZ, Fayetteville, ri. C. Mar. 81 -Y woinii (.V I'LLiorr, (s( ( IlSSOP.S TO .L 1). 'A 11,LI AMS,) FUmVAllDLNC .k: COMMISSION MKK('HANTS, rAVllTTEVILLE, N. C. Coi.n STAND OK IIAI.L A .TOilNPOX.) ,L .V. WOUTiI.J February li>. IS-':’.. [« P. ELLIOTT; I)n> M( didncs and ('honirals. rM \'l'S. (h't,. >Vr. Ll’.S. PCRE W IIITE I.FAI*. 20 bbls. Rlake's Firc-i.roof Faint, I.inseed >il. Train Venetable or Ro-in (*il, Chrome Yellow, (Ireen, ' in >il.! Paris “ I'utly and Putty Knivts, C..pal Varnish, Rlack i.eather Varui.h, For .lan'v : llrov. n .lapan low by vVC. .1. N. ;mith. I -itf North Carolina. Clinton, -N. W.M. (i. March 1 J, IS.')."!. P.ITLFR. '7tf \i:\v i>iu '• pilF STOIIK I>.\\ ID DIXoN, Apet.f r.f the .“s. C. M inufacturinp Cc.nii'any. Fi l.'y 22. 74-'.m ubscriber havinp taken the Store Creeu street, kn-.wn as the M •- Piicrson Ruildinp, nearly ..j.posite Dr. Rob- iii- 'u's Shop, is now receivinp a Ircsli iiii'l well assorte.l stock of ( licniirjils, M(‘diciiios, PniuiS, , Dvr-Stnlls, pihI IN rfuinorv. • r with a po .d ass.irtment of Hair. Flesh, Tooth, ■ ii'i Whitewash Rrushes; Cu].pinp, Tooth, and - I lii'trumonts; (ialvanic P.atteries, ic. ,Vc. .Ml he olbTS low for Cash or on time to punctual •* iC. f . ' i Ti '[loctfullv .S'llicite.l from ( ountry 1 hysicians !!,. ra. who may depend f.n j.rf.curinp fresh and ' • articles, an.l that no j.ains will be spare.l to ' 'faction both in (piality an.l price. .MKiiK .\L 1’hkm hii*tI‘'N!' carefully and ■‘^' ij jrejiared. ■now Carnp W AN r OK MONi:^ ! I 'Ill y ;mith. I12tf from th** .Market, on the Fayetteville an-i Western Plank Road—one of the mt.st ue>irable and healthy plai’os in the .•.mnty. \ Also, 40 Sliares ’of Fayetteville and W. stern Plank Road .’t.c'k. and Shares ol Fayetteville Hotel Stock. I With the larpest s'ork of Rea.ly-ma.le CARRI.VpES ai'd RCi;iLS ever otl.-re.l in this filace—over .> )000 w..rth c.mi.letely fini'-hed. All of which 1 v/ill sell at very reduced pri es for cash or nep..liable notes. So little atie'.tion has been j.aid to the call made by me after liie hre of the 2.1 .lan'y, on those in.lebted t.. me to call and settle, that I am induced to offer the . above i.ropertv at reduced |)i'ices to enable me to rebuild | my (’arria'.re il.-tablishment and continue my business | with convenience. . j I shall j.bice notes in proper haiolsfor collection, it j not t.aid s.ion. 1 have all my accounts made out to the i l„.'l,„.v IH.-.:;. .4. .V. McKK-nMN. ; .March 2'.t, l‘^-V2. ! MOLASSlvS. H H Ik's.,—supei ior quality. —ALSO— ■ (’offco, .'''iiiiiir, IrcK. \e., for .‘^alo f'liKAl’, by I'ETER P. JOHNSON. .March 1 'i. i -tf Wlio uoiild have small and tali.: f'omc 0>t(\ i'ome •HI-, • 1 '/ ;/-/ yo(/ n dun thnt irllf nrn/ i linll- pill. -iiKscriber has now on liand, anl wiil sell chea]» ' ‘ r- a^h, hi.-, larpe and well a.ssorted Stock of sin- i 1 uhle barrel SIKtT (il'NS, of tlie best make, ’ ' -t patterns. ,\l.so, ('olt’s Patetit Rejieatinp Pis- i 1 len s llevolvers; Shot Pouches; (ianie Rags, a- F asU-: Percussion Caps; \c., kc. ■1 all kinds constantly on haii'l, and niatiu^ac- i ’ 'n'.ler. and warranted to ahoot Irom l(/0 to o()() w.shinp to purchase any of the above-named ' ■ Will ijfi well lo pive me ii trial, and they m.aj ' ti. fiii.l the greatest Rargaiiis ever ofTerci in ’■ ti ' ii'.np i.f overv thinp in the pnn-fimith lino will be “ *t hl).,rt notice in the best manner, and for a small .M. A. RAKER, .''ipn of the ^\oodeIl fiun. Hay Street, opposite the Marble ^ ard, Kuvettevillc, N C. ' 'Mf',, ih:,o ' 17-ft. I IS 11! I'lSlI! 1 Ib eeiTe.l and for sale: .Mackerel No. 1 to .3. .Mulieli,3 iu Oak Rarrels and larpe size. I'ETEK P. JOHNSON. 'r 77-tf l’ll''^^ DOLf.AliS lil'AVAKD! U.\.N.\W.\Y from the Subscriber, on the 10th inst., a Nepro man named LI KE, about five feet six or eipht inch«-s hiph, lark complected, has a scar c.n the k\,W of one of his eyes, (which one not rec(dlected, but believ«"l to be tiie ripht eyi*,) stout built, weighs about 17'i or ISO pounds. . , t. He was juirchased in 18 It! from Mr Josiah E. 1 ryan of this town. He has n latives in the ('ounty of Si.mp- fton. amonp them a half-brother named ,am Roon,—u free man of color,—ani may j.ossibly be lurkinp in that ndphborhood, a.s 1 am informed he was seen about tl ^re a short time since. Possibly he may have obta.n- od free pat.ers, and is end.-avorinp to escape to a free State, as 1 nn'ierst.ind some free persons of color re moved from Sampson county last week to In.liana. A reward of Ten Dollars will be piveii for his apiue ,1 iieic Cttrritii/r Estahh'shment on the Mditan/ (ii'ce)i, (ipj)ostt(' tue Jfrtli.iiftst Chiii'fhy f'ri)itln'j on Mnivjord Streit. (;i!i:.\'r icNTi'-iti’KisK! i** hoiiiid lo ri'^HE Subscribers wouhl respectfully inform their I friends anl the ].ublic, that they have entered into copartnership for the jmrpose of conductinp the general C.UlRlAdE Rl'SINESS in all its various parts. Ami txdnp both practical workmen, fully un.lerstandinp their business, they liave no hesitation to compare worK with any establishment in F.-iyettc-ville as to style and dura- bilitv. . 4 II Ot'ie of th» firm maj be known by reference to A. II. Wiiifliehl's iron work f.-r the U\st two years. We warrant all work to give general satisfaction for twelve months. Ret.airinp done in the neatest manner low for cash. * PIER & RRANIN. Jamk.s H. PiKit. _ Rn.ANix. Fayetteville, Jan'y 24, 1853. fB'^liri Subs.rili.-r has estal.iisho 1 a P.aVeryrn I' .w M. Street, on tiie I..it two do.irs Fast of Dv.nean McNeill's Cabinet Shop. lie is prepaia'1 to lurnisli Families. l>o;its. .-.n.l tlic public pent rally, v.iiii liread, Riscuit, and Cakt s of \ari.ius kin is. f the b-st .;ualit; . as he has ].rocuro.l the services .d .me ..f t! i‘ b. st P.akeis in the.''tate. Prices reasinab’e. (iiv«-me a call. ClI.VS I'.ANKS. I'aycttcville, I*ec. 28. 1S.‘.2. .' »-tt LlKIM’KOOl'' KOOl'IN(.. S'lutiiris Shrnfoit. SL.MK AND -MKTA!. KOOl KK, \c., rg^H.VNKFl L for past favois, heps t.. call j.nblic at- H tention tt> SL.V l l^ RttOl INti, ilouc on the mo-t approve.1 j.rinciple, makinp rools liphter, tiphter. ami more durable than the ohl way of shcelinp. ellcetinp .a savinp in lumber, aiol pre.ater s.'curity ,-ipaitist fire. • The low pri. e at which .slate Roofs are ii.nv oflcred will compare favorably with any other kind of firc-pi.uil Roofinp. SL.\1’E CHIM.NEY PIPES made to any i.aftern. They are an exc(dlent remedy for smokinp chimn.'v s, ami sehlom fail to efl'cct a cure. Tin and Copper (lutters, Leade«- Pipes and Heads, made to any pattern, and every kind of fire proof roofing put on or rejtaired iu the best manner, on reasonable terms. F. S., in soliciting your patronape, feels confident of giving entire satisfacti.iii in all cases where a thorouph know le.lpe of his business is reiiuirctl. Fayetteville, Sept. 7, 1S">2. 2I\ m7viibli: i actoiiy. ilis avraiim-ments with larpe ini]iortinp I'rup Houses in i Ni w V. rk aiid Pliihn tdphia are such, that he can al- ; w.iv.s pr. i .ire ini|'oitid Drups and Chei.iicals o! the verv be-1 .1 i.ility. .Ml t he I’harmaceiitical Pi-e) aration.s and Com;-'iiiids ^obl by him arc made iiielcr hi.- pers..ii:il ; SKperiiiteli lence. I'lid Pin .'^iei:ius an.l the public may r. 't asMireil that they are penuine. lie i .-spcctrully solicits .'r lers from Physieians at a , di.'tiiiiee. as w ell as trom those in tlie aiji:ninp coun-j ties, t'.'.'iinp contideiit that ho can soil on as ;_oo,l tcnus :;s any liousc in N’.'ith C.irolina. ,\s't.i the .|U.ality . f his I’rups. he re.^-i^ to tlo.sc ^ I'iiysiciaiis who have been his p:itr. ns f >r the past ten | years. ! ’ P .rii.-ular attention ;'a!i to or lers. and to the j.ae’Kini of (ilassware. j SAMT'FL .T. IIINSDAI.ll. ! i>rii,:;pibt and .\pothecary. March 21. IS.'.;?, ' 7>-2m SAI»!>LK!’k^' and (’()A(’l!-MAKi:US’ r/.I il Bf ISM SI s:. S TAKIi ♦S: W ILIJAMS, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN B'oreis tt (ftiff B?onnH!ir BBrt/ Goods^ is.vv stz2e:c:t, Fayetteville, N. C. ,1. M. STAUl'..] [.). -M. WlbblAMS. .■\]iril 2S. Is.'i2. 8i’.tf ilii'.llj; .‘.I HKIA?;!!' \'b i’i H.iltiiiiitr;' St.. r.iilliinnrc. “C MP.'TRTIIRS and Deal 'i s in Ib.p Skins, S.old' ■ Trees, It llnplish Ilea Is I'lid Reins, (.irth Webs. Stirrups. Hamcs. Ritis, .'v,'. S|irinps. .Vxles .-f ail l.iii:i>. Coach i.ace, RUN r Fl.Ll.OllS. Hubs, Spokes. Carriape an.l Tire I’..■its. P.itei.t Caiiv.iss. Carpctinp. and every ;irli- Ie coiine.-te.l with oithiT bianeli ol'the busiri;ss. which th.'V ar • prei' ire.l i.> oiler to )..inctual cr.st'mei- on as poo.l t.-riiis :i' .-iiiy other house in the Cnitcd States. Apents for tlu- s:ile .d' Pope's Sclf-.Vdjustinp PARS and .''pcnccr's (ilti TRl.L.''. Ord'TS promptly attended to. A.l.lress Tiioins )i\rKi;NZ!E & .Nn\s. No. 222 R.iltimore Street, .JOY] liAl.Tl.MORE. a o «• ! EMPFRI.VL. (Iunpowiler. Hyson. ^ onnp Hyson, Oo- ! bui.j:. ll.iwiiua, Pci’oc TE.liS, selecte.* t xpressly lor nn' retail sales, for s.ile by S. ;. HINSDALE. March Hi. IS.Vn. 77-2m H. L. ilOLMi'.S. A.ttorney at LaWj V/ilraingtoii, PJ. C. ^■feFFD'E on cori-er . f Front and Princess streets; X P under .lournal oflice. I Dec. 12. 4S-tf jom;pi! II. mm% , C: Q .12 .T3 B « O 1 AND FORWARnir.'G MERCHANT, Pr.mnU persoiml attention pivcn to aliroiisipn- ! nients, an.l Cash advjine.'s nni'h' n Produce to be shijt- jie.l to other p('rt;' or so'1 in this market, j Fef>. 12, l'^')::. f’7y I WILKINSON LSL1:R, Dll A Ml IIS IN ('1)1/’fcti'ouari/, Foi-' i'frt ]'rii(t.~\ ^\iit-, Tihiir n; a:i'f Siiiit}\ AND I'lPORTKRS OF :’s:hS5H)si cMV i\A ,\T \V lI01,i;sA l.K AN!> ItKT.ML. Market St., Wilniiiigton, N. C. .\up. 7, IS',I. Iltf^ M.VLLiVI'i' vV PArL.Ml!:K, Grort rs fftiti ^'oiiiutisssat *lBet'~ riiaitfs^ NEW YORK. '. >f AI.I.bTT.] [-T. F’AT’LlMIT'.n. \opu.d !■'. 1>''.2. l‘^U'_ T. C. WORTH, frnniissKi'. .\m) riinw\!!i)i\ii in-Kcii.iM, WlLMlNC'rON, N. KOC’KI''iSII SI ll':i'/I'l N(;s, IP Y the bale or half bale, for s.ale by July in. C. T. HAKiH 18.'2. SO' Stf G2tf siioo Reward ■mM/'ILR he paid for the apprehen.sion ami confine- ▼ ▼ nient in )ail of a man by the name of ALEX- if taken in this county; j aNDER RROWN. He is about 5 feet 10 or 11 inches tmiir iuh,!rtf'7k™ in ih'to I i»ui. t«6«rn»n»-. «!,lV llnVi., l^^^^^^^^ l)oll.r.,il l,.k«n‘- out of the State,—SO that 1 get him apaiii. M. N. LEAKi. Favetteville, Mari.li 20, 18o.3. 81 tf 'rOHAC'CO. fjl^IlE .jul»scriber continues to receive .md sell, on B manufacturers account, all grades of mani*|iic- tureil Tobacco. J* U1 LE^ . May 31, 1852. has light colored hair, rather inclined to red, dark eyes, and is somewhat freckled in Mie face. He .s very pdite in speaking. He killed a negro hoy of mine last night. ‘ CAMERON WllIGHT. Springfield, Richmond Co., Jan. 20, 1853. (Htf l‘L\NOS FOR SALE. ri'MlREE very pood sccoud-hand Pianos for sale. Ap- ■ L. F. WHITAKER. 56tf ‘/•.i!’'!!!!!;’!)!, k: . yfi Feb 1, ls:.:i Mlli WhoUsalt COtf JL p’y Jan’y 1, 1863. By GEO. LAUDER. TWO IIDOIIS .iBDVE T. ll\!(;il k SOWS ST0RI5, rayellevillr, Jan’y 20, 18.-,.s‘ f.l-lYpd FOR SALE OR RFN'F, rj^lIE fine SUMMER RESII)EN(’E now occupied by JL Mr. J, E. Rrvan, two miles West of town. I’os- ^ , i- session given immediately. Apply to .Mr. John H. Cook j neccssary Dlanks, furnished on application. cr C. E. Leete. l-RI'-TE. j '• •• - ' March, le, I8u3. > iaycttevii!c. June 18aO srouAc;!'. have comm.t.iious briek W .'iTehouses in the •car of our .store, in which we store eotf..nan 1 j _ other produce. lb \ W, Mcl-.M RIN. N..V. 1, is.'.l. o7-tf LI I'l*: INSl RANC'i:. rS'^IlE I nder.sipnci has beLii ajipointed Apent of the a. North ('aroliiia .Mutual Life Insurance Company. Every member for life participates in th- profits ..f the ('om ia-iy: and the annual premium for life niembcr- ■ship. '.iiere it amounts to S;10 or more, may be ]>aid one-half in ca.sh, and the other half in a note at 12 months. j Debl.irs' lives may be insured by creditors. A man I may insure his own life for the exclusive benefit of his | fami’v. The lives of slaves may be insured. 'i’his system is rapidly growing into favor, all over the «-ivili/.ed worbl. It is one by which a family, for a small sum annn:illy. may he jirovidcd for, after the death fd' its head, on whose e.xertions they may have V)een dependent for a support. It is a good investment of money, even if one should live long after taking out a Life Policy. Explanatory pamphlets, and the RAY (S: (;RANT, Lirnnr und Commission Marhfuds^ Wilmington, N. C. April 20. 1> 88-om A. .1. iS.: .T. 'r. .IONi:S, General Agents 8r. Commission LTercliants,’ Particnl.ar attention given to the sale of Tim ber, l.umber, .-ind Naval Stores. Liberal cash advances on con.'-ipnments. 4-.tt X. J}. S'l'AlilirC K, ,Veiv 5V?rA*, lilON FOrXDKit AND MACIILMST, Miniil\i ttii' r of' Stram Mith n\l Jloilers, Mill df ctrhtij of (d! P/i)iiiflin, d'c. rg^HE undersigned, as th- .Agent of the above Esfab- H lishmcnt, w ill order any articles which may be wanted, on application to him. "■he Steam Mills m.anufactured by Mr. Starbwc't have been tested, and are highly apjiioved on ttie Plank Roads about Fayetleville. EDW'D LEE WINSLOW rayettcville, Sept. 4, 1851

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