Mu, lOUi "SO ivo t tp.i liny lie. 'Jati tf 'rsl, »tn> lie la s 'is 'tf 'Vftt , w t| ri'N I** rs _ luali, flit i Vi Jtf )U tf 'HI I) )l»>ljv -tan ^ NT. in-ir'"'*Tj. FAYI:TTI:VI1.T.E, N. C., .IUXE O, 1853. [NO. 200.] 1’K1NTK!> by J. W. NHWliY. i:i)WAI{l) J. II VLK & sox, I'UITOKS AND rUuriUKTOllS. .''.r tlio J'l'i*"-"^11^1 I'VKK .^1 ttO if pa’nl in j,.,•'i'1 it'paid ilurinc: the yenr of siitisorip- .. .1' > ’ ypur lu\s cxjnroil. ., Ui'ekly tinsKUVKK !fli CM* per if puiil in ■>- .■>" if paiil durln- tlie year of siili.^i-rip- . n >r > ’ *“* tli^' ye;ir li:is expireil. y;i\ KllTlSl’.MI'NTS in>ierti'il fur sixty eents pi^r ^,, .;• Iti lines for the first, iiiul thirty eeiit.s for o:u !i ]iul>lio:»tion. \ eiirly advertisointMits by spe- , i:i,r:i'’t', ut reasoii;ili\e rates. Advertisers are 1 ^tate the nunibiT of insertions de.'ired. or .-..ntinue 1 till forbid, and eharired accord- ^ Letters to the l'd\t»*rs n»nst lie post-]>aid. J'irc (uul Life Insurance. . • //' ../• Sltirf^- til Tnulc JiisiircL' NO rici-:. lit *•''! who are indebted to me by Note or Account H. wll please settle the same. And all delits due me ]>!-ior to the 1st of .);in‘y lS.-).'>, mvst be settled, ns kuijier indulgence cannot be given. A. A. McKCTHAN. May :’.0, IS.M’,, »Stf \VAN'n:n, SADI'I.KIIS’ AND (’OACllOIAKERS' Ml.i IS S» DBM gl A'e. mm MU'ivozii': & n‘o\s, ,\u. 22J HiilliiiiniT St., liiilliinorc, tM ]’()l!'ri; Its ainl l>e;ilM-s in IIojj; .'kins, Saddle Tr Kn;.;lisli lleals and Uciiis. iiivlh \\\bs, Stirr ln|uire at thi.- Otlice. Mav is.j;!. rees. Stirrups, I -v-,, , llaines. IJitts, i:c. .'^priiiiis. Axles of all kinds, (’oai-h LOT of U AL.NL I U MI5hi>, 3 in., 1 in., and 1\ p.r- p KKLLOLS. llul.s. Spokes, rarviafre and '."'.1 ; Lumber pref.-rred. ; l>.itcn{ ('anv.iss, ('arpctin-. and every arti cle connected with either branch of the business, which they are prejtared to ofler to iJiinctnal cnstoni'rs on as good terms as any other house in the I'nite I St:itcs. Afreiits for the sale of I'ope’s .Self-.\djustiiig I’.VD.S ;ind Spencer's (.11(1 TUlil»S. *it!crs pi’oniptly attended to. Tllll-i.lS .MA('K!:\Z!K SflNS. No. --'2 Cahiniore Sn i ct, I'.tV] H.VLTI.MOUI;. JiAC'ON! BACON!! IJAt'ON!!! lU.OtM) tbs. North t'arolin.a l>acon. ’tis. \\ c.'tern .''ides ami Shonblers. For sale bv (I. W. WILLIA.MS Mav Vi, Is".-’. '.t;'tf 7o 'I'nr/}( //{}/>(' Distillers. I^TII.VIN Ll’t \\ ir.i;, of the hc.'t unalitv, for sale by C. \>. .\NI)Jli;W.s. Mav 11. 1> Muikvt .S«)U!ire. ;';:;f ro!i SALi: oii iiKS’w t: min^r IMS. tlif fil'iirjtt i>J .'ttrr/r- i.hvi.'ant Siininier Hesidenee, knoivn :is the .* / in'r'i ihitilnii/ n ‘x y vi'On t/n- ////■ o/’ i/nv.r fhl c ’■■;''.:ned is ,\.;ent f^r the i! III.I.per place. mi'.es from t Mav n. is:, .J. OAP.MON. Vh- **'ritc Clllirc’Sl >!' ISollir, I.r the Ha- and the >, M"- 1,^1,,n "f the .\pocalyps’'." —-three I.eetures by lUv. I>r. } ir-- ’ ( U iiids'.v. .th. \\ith an introilnetiMn by Kw. .larvis IWix- t.iko r.>KS on as f.-ivorable terms as fii, -.i N‘'Vth ('ar"’.in:i. .Iii.'t r>eci\ei| bv K. .1. lI.U.i; X SON. .Mav IJ. 1^.':!. r.-!■ if.'ibh' ('o. Tliis (\>. is niana;rcd by er -. — h;is the hir^cr portion of its rl^\.' 1 i' d«'inc: a very >iieecssfr.l bn>iiu-s. ' . a :;b.>ra1 ch.-irter. .and otTfrs to tho-io ' •eur> ■;i;' tiiii t*' ’'ite *nd childrin ;iftir ' »: fivirable i.pp ■itniiity. The iiiMircl the pr.itit' "f the L >.. both in the In.'U- i’r'.i'f nij'^irtiiients. i 'ttEfd ‘i>j r;iliable terii'.s. ':iii;'.ti‘'t!' i£i\en K'l all whc> i!) Insurance. •i the 'ouiiir.N \vi.'!i:v.;z ln~uran»-e, ■will .»e ;:i> ier>i_'l.i.l b% letter. .lNi>. .M. lit'Si;. .\j,ent. \c. ' May '-’t. Is'-:'.. '.'7--'!m (ojvvii rN!:ksnii\ ^ !_'iie'l havr into a cprirtner- It t!:e ii:sme aii'l 'iv'.'t.l Tiov \ Mar'll). -.. iiti II .'f a rie;.eT.: M.-rr-.inbu.'incr'. -• - .ii’.e :i' f. rm> r’.y > eeti|-U-d by ^!e>^l'. 11. r v\ !'•■ 't "f ll:iv M.'unt. J. W. T1K*V. .Tk. m:\\' iu)oks. rSllll'. Youth if SliaUsj,,-:\re; tlie Sc.-ret Vi-^-^ion: ML .'^!rik^;ieare an i h;-; Kiieii!~: — ’n> cfiit> eai li. i'lnllii''-'s litvoiii>nal tiiiiilc: .ianics'^ .\nxion.>- r.miuire;-: Mi.tthew Henry on I’raNer; ditto (■om:iiunieaiit> •'■.ni- l aiiion: ditto i hoiee \';s: Mason ..n Sell-!\iiov.U-d;je: l. .;a !v's .''crijiture I’l i'mises: .\bb..ttV ('"rner ."tone: ,\e. .\S'*. further supplies of My Novel, by r.uiwtr; \ il- K tti*. bv th*" Antlmr of .1 ane K_\ re: !‘.e itr,e‘, by (’atli- ari:;e Sii;e'.::’r: I’.ankcr'.s Wa'.let'; Seh'i.,1 r, >.iU>; .\c. .Just received. M .V l!V. K. .1. 11 ALK St.'N. liocivFisii siiKiyriNcis, V the li.'ilo or liaif h.ile, foi’ sale bv V. T. n.\‘u:ii X Inly i:’., IS.'ili. Stf s roKA(;i:. I' have conimotlions brick W;i! chouses in the re.'ir of our .'^tore, in which we store eotton and other pvoilnce. 1>. iS: . McL.M lllN. Nov. 1. IS-'il. ::7-tf KACS! IIACS:: I rici' will lie [ia;d bv i:i:Ni!o\v. KN i.i; \ fo., .\;rents f. r '.lie .M.-intco r.-ip.-r Mill. r.aUi-h. N. ( . Faye:tc\iile, M^^reh 111. I""':’. TS-iJm liv. T. O. -VS taken nn Oflice on Hay Street, est of the Hotel Buildings. .July 11, 4-V Du. T. C. WWA. AS removed to the vvell-known stand of the Drs. Hobinson. corner of (.Ireen and l!uw streets. April 21. S7tf ^ U. M. OlUiKLL, FORW.\IUUMi nniMlSSlIlN .\T l‘"nycUevs5!t‘, X. i'. March 10, 18.')I. ‘--'-tf w. \viii'i'i:iiiv\i), WITH K.\VNi:ii cV cilmoin:, i'om.TaSsO;?9r.SJr22.1 ’T%, NEW YORK. Ciistoiiiiiry iiihiiiicr.s on Siorrs, \(*. Mareh 1 7 ! tf josi-:iMi Jk.. \ T T O B2 i: V '3' B. .'i W , j B taki'n all olhci’ iKxt door to \\ m. I‘>. \\ ii;.rht s 1 U l.a-.v olliee o!i (Iri’en street. He will attend .-nid praetiee in the (’i.unty :ind .''iijicrior ('onj't.sol I'.niber- 1.'. h II, ilobes-.n and .''aiu;-s m. 7'.*:f l.n.d, r.l.; leii, i:o! March 1.*^:.: AIOLASSF.S. H H US.,—sujierior f|ualit v. —also—' Coffee, Iron, I'tc., l"i’ sale r'liKAi*. liv I'LTFil F. JOHNSON. Mareh Hi. mmsn ii mi No. 70, pms street, TJEW YORir. 1 «.^11312.^3 a: 5' E2 .11 'C'.S r-'-ii Tin: sali; of all f.inks of riri'ill.S AM) \VI1(!LL!;.\ MinilM.lIV .\.M) *‘?fE a S2 I’ 5'n o i »* r i* ’ A r 12 «• i t‘ OF FVFltV 1M;sc!:1I’T!ON. (’(>iiij)rL‘^:n^ IicItihlt, (’r.rd ( 'otliing, l>ob!)iiis, Slmti!;'.-', P:c!v(‘rs, Uoliv r Siiins, Llol!('r C'lotii, Oils, &r. l)cc. I'i, -»il 1y ^S^HF uiidersijjiietl. liaviiijr pni .Mi', i'iio.'. ^ M. Lmtevloh's l>istil'.er_\ and (■no]ie'.--!-hup.-i. havcen - \ ‘ tei’Cil into t'op.irtiiership under the k.hiic o! .\|, StraniiC, I'oi- the of c;.ir\iny on tlie ry of Turpentine, ajid ihe m.iniifaetsire "f .''i i: ;t F:.:- 1 e'.s. I). .Mel..\r!:iN. \VM. Me LAI lUN. J,\S. W. 8TU.\NCF. Fcb'v IS. U'.';’,. T'ttf (M'l'RATK MA(;Ni:Sl \, A MILD and p1ef.«:int Aperient. F. r st.le by ^ ,1. N. S.MITH, (avnSt .\pril "JS, IS.'i.’'!. S'.ttf Ni:v\' iu)oivs. FL.XNTLi;. or tbirtecn years i;i the S«''' lL Vv hite Slavery in the Havbary Statc.s; .'-tray i kee in Ti'Xiis: The Lolly and the Lowly; i h;ic*v‘..i;;_ .Mr. lirown's l.ctt'-rs. l>',\uliiy:n‘'s r.eVurmiitii.a, VoL l’t.lp5; ' y^'.ope . Cliurcli Identitieil. llosk;!!;:'s t'aiiientry, V.nihV.n;.: and Ma.- nrv; l>ov ini^'.s llural I*]ssavs: Fainl(*i'.s :;nd (iih. ’!* > (iui'le. !ar Iviiicato!" I’restoii s 'lime iables, lic \c !!eeM thii inoMiijig, F. J- H.VLL & SON. Mav l‘.> v;.\N ri'J). rpili; Fiist VoMtilic of the iu-viseil st:itnti; I Caroiiii.i. .Vj p’-.v -'it tiiib (Ml.fL*. uf N. Lil'i: LNsriiANC']:. rgTillK (lid (stali’.is;,. I .;:tna (.'inipnny H. !iai!: lid, C. tieiit. Il.'.s rvrut'-V aldt'i! to "re iiistii ance l.r,,--:ni .--s, v. hicli It has Kriitiiaiued w. lu h tii.e-;an:[tlc'’ eia dit fi.r of th;rty year- . Lll i-; INSl'ilAM (■; Department, 'ihe iHibs\;riber 1 beej; a; ;. i.i;;tcd \;:''nt in this as weU as in the Fire I pai;ui'.iit ol its operation.': and is jirepared t » t;:I;o i.-- !in the lives of V. i.itc peiyons or siav1■^. aa l.' terni.s as anv other 'oiiipaiiy. and .at Low er i■at.^: 1- th. se ol tiic Niiitiial i'oinp.inics. The capitiil of tl;is d.epartmciit is SilolXOOd. ei;t': iial of the Fire Hep.artmci.t, ^ j^Hi .•'iibscribvrs have rec'.iie i. j[ ;iii l!a;.r> llio ’otl'ee, .'i do. .Ia\a do.. .'i Hills N. (I. .inl .'' lO F.oxes superior a---"rted ''.indy. DAILY ri:D. ('\SKS I'alkirk .\b“. !:.MMoxs‘s ii!:i’oirr. .■■■lo- t re- J. V. \s M A F»S 11. '.*7tf fi2!:o^■|:s'ol: fm^ionss ki;i*oi:t .nhi ”ic.d .•^iK'vey of ,N. rt'i ('ari'^'Ma. .\ t'e'.\ tna'u-.iii". I’r^'e .'ill cents. 'I'he .Miner'• *^.s'. !e and Meta'lnriri-t ' I*ire. t,.ry. by .1. W. ort- ’i. F. H-‘.LF. X SON. M.iv 11. Manh ;i lian I'oii: ;a^^^^are. ; I'liti'in li> our stoek of ('hina. W. TlLl.lN;:!! \ST 'o. .)OiiX A. Ki('i!A!Ji>SOX, '’ILL al'ttr .hme next.' attend tli‘ id', .\ii-'.n, Fiehaiond, Uohcson, I'.l.i, h n, and i olnm- bus Coiuitics. .Vd'ires, Fli/.abethtow n. l’>!:!'h'n ('or.niy, N. .Mareh 7. ' 7 1-'-IU (’l!A!{Li:s i*,AXkS. f' o ,vr £■: i' T s o R, V, iloJ.i;s.\LJ-; .VND FLT.ML l;);.\!.r.K IN I'ori lijn Finite, ('i/irr:, 7’i>l>"ci ii, Sli "/>, ^ Nryc5:s’/3\ Fa3?'ettevill3j N. G. M;',r. h 1. ^ T::if W. 11. ('AU\ i'Ji, itKAi.ri: IV Dr:/ \ (ir'H'cri; , an'l rnrrs!inr. f;-. ]ll tliO rglil!-; hi-lie.'t c.ash price paid fi r Tlirpcl.t'ne. \Vhit(.‘ | jjj, j,y .-cf!;;nu!atio!..'. rcser'.ed e:;cIr.siM'ly to pjiy 0;,1. .''iaves, and flak or .\s’ie llcMilin^r. • all oii \ ,,u JJ;.,. !i. .;ur:;itc'oidy. Fo.ic;e j ill oc i^.'•;.ed p. .!.is. Vi . ."!r.ii.'.re, who can alwaV' i.e I'oUi: ' .if the .'^till. i oi' tU'UU llie partic.S :;r;’; ■.in;j; :.t a • McL.vt'KiN .-C S'! j:.\NCF. I,i!ieda-e. ' j). .). 11A LL. F-’.‘v IS, IS.-,:;. 7-if U ' \ Mi F.M.l.S Cotton Yarn K“.-t .ry price>. by ind Sheetio;.''. f"r ' lUo'i ,v MAF.SIL '.i''tl w i: ham: ox iiaxd Hhd-. Su-irs. '■ 1" !rariUlated do. ;'i (’..tree. •• M.-iric.'iilto .!o. L^.L.;’;.’iLr and K«r;^'. 1 fb's and i::i;zli'h lion, A ■; I' V tiia'S, X jo and 10 s IL', —.\LSO-^ • 1 I'ril-h.-d .Suc-TTS, 1 F.inev .'^o ip, , No. i U -rriii-s, ■r, •Wii-.'T. Snafl'. Indigo, AI;i ].1(‘r. .'' > .'tpetr.-. .''aleratus. Mace, ('loves, ^ e i«t Adamantine and T.-illow ’andie"— r ,': -rtmenf of Frovi.-ioi-.s, I'ry bi- ds, • i :. '. H.'irdware and (.'ntlerv. *'r..ekerv :ind A'I'AV (iiOODS. r. ,no«>!ti'; .\S iiFt'l i\ Ll'i a lar;:e Stt>ek ut ii O D S, l.adirs' I'iiH; Drrssi's and Dress 'ri’im- miiiLJs, l?cimicts, Shoes. v\;c.. To whieii he 1 ej’l the .I’f ntion .,f the Ladicn in T\\ 11 uiid t'ouutry. —.VL.-O— ,1 s,ij» i !"r A-,' I’f I! > ''iifhiiit/, Il'ifs, H'i.fA, f i'll idrf ,V//o'.s, /",• (,, ,!!({ tm n . Marel, -j ;. l"'i ’.. ' "-''I' u. Ml rciiijj-, A I'l >/'s Iiiitr, Sfixt, l.\\ \\S ba- on han.L (;UO( r.lill.S AND IM'.O- \ l.''loN., ! .o-''U jin l i.ird. ’iMur. cotrce. tea, n; '’a lie.-, pepp. r, ;:in;ier, t .1... -. i, I- :iti !.i", n:e.;!. etirn, l;i'h p- :at"es. dry ! t'.'l;. dried 'lect. Ilo-. 1 and '1 niiii;kiTi 1. i tiiol ] I’ll",, II•• ^ala.•, ir:. " i ' l ’-- ■ ^« he ,t > vad! -. >.'ap. w :i:>- .'''I’llINti VND Lev. brand;., rum, '.'in. wine ol x.iio kin L'l ■ d i/l f..r I';e ^ T' striet atti nte'T. t the :aliie. M-.r. U 1'.'. IS.-,: 1 :: j!:! !'■ r e.^ -'i ai d v ■' t 'V 1 .t'l !a\ I ba.'in- S-, t'l lai-iit a ;l ! • - .M !• , e h .pc> by ■ hi ^ tti **t 1 ***'^ *u ShI.I. Sj.i luiiL", K;rlh!^U \\t>^ iM )' i, t- IV ,V( .1. ■ VC £T' at Tl’.oy M VItsII. XI'AV IJOOkS. . \..tes :ind ivmcndatioii;- to the te:.t of r s Fia^'; Dr. F>ireh an ! h; , ^ ■■ut;;^ iV. M. Tliai keray; Taler, .f f}je ('•.untts- ■ 1! ' in II'J' 1 .m l Cap* dll Li i 1: \e. Vr.-iiiteet, by -J. w. !i: .\mei I. ,.n H .u.-- i:. .J. iiALi: V sox. .iiii's and H:ir()(‘r*.s .Mairaziiios, .I-i't re . ;vcd. F. J. HAl.L .v .‘^^LN. { ()\;ui:ss WA'i'i'.u, Ll \ LD AND Fo|{ SALF by .J. N. .''MITH. ;re/-n St. ‘.'x-lt / rtnil for Sale, •*i;v,L.'' jijimo >AiL ^ IFi., I' fTce. I', lli.voj). FdlNno'.V, KVLF '». '.'^tf L{tr;if’sf C/rrrifr^f S'artos’i/ in titc South I \ m\ i (iooiiN. iw price'I r ca^!l. goo'l O ^ Sidjtlr fttul I'unf.i Dru (t ■^111 ; subscribe.’s ar*' n '’v reeeivin ' from NcVi \ ir,.re ami j^eiier d as.'^rtmeat ,7 ■ DUl, iiAUi>w.MM-:, llat.s anl Taj'.s, Il ai's a’.vl ."^iioc.s. Ainon;: which aie; (’offve. Sncrar, Cott. ii I'avv'";-'- Fopo. Nails. N\ind-'V (iLi>. Sw -des and i;ni:r,.-ii In n. Sai-k and .\!um Sa't. Imperial :ind ISl.ick 'leas. Teppi r. .\'.~p;-e. ii'n;:er, I’owder, Shot, Far liar and Faliev So.ip. T-.j,• r with a irreat'.et.. of other ani-de«. to whieh f!;ev invite the attention of the public. :i;id v. Imdi ihev :ire .ietermined to .'••11 a' low f t r.i-h. or on tin.e to those who j.-iy jirMiiiptly. as any hoii'c in the Soiitli- eni country. l’r..diiee’of all kinds, at tlie hi-hest m.irkct prices, taken ii exehan-c f. r : ’ . M. LFAN -V .lONL.". Snnimerville. N. s. IS-.l. I*'! LAin) AXD HAl’lVX, .1. a: T. V.AI'DIJ-I-’S F. b-y 17. .SA\n. ill.N.'^OAl,!'.. Wholesale and Rctuil DvKirsist, UFFFJts FDU .SALF, m^, (injiicii/S, i f the best, at hiw priev-^. l'hysie;an, are iii- Ait i' . c.dl. I’ l alar att'-nti .u paid Us ord> r and i* p.n U n.t'. S. .J. l!lNS!i\LF. Mav d:. 1^-L n-\ :;l. IS-:;. A’l' 'I'll!: .T] o :i! (S ! \ \ I '. ('reaia i I'xtr.irT-, I 'f lL;v. ;-)i .M.ldd.T. F.itli F.rii-l;, 1‘or i i’.- bv . SMITH,' Cre. n St. i: !;f -t r -e.j Ka :i:oft,r.ti.s. w .-nld in\ lie the at'ei ii'.jr I 'iniry. The;. \ to i'.:in*jlu;d eiisT.'MM r t’or e am! ti. ■ v. ; l.a'c laeiFuii • IL'ellt' I'ta' a'.Wav ' ;e|v‘,M lll’J) sicx. cV ’?3 c TS ^! t‘ r ; fn"'! and er.Oij. ■ t.-. k ol rl‘>0\ L'l 'NS. .Ve.. to wl. eh they it'oii of ti>e ei’i.-en- and snrround- vi’.l -e'.l !•■« I'.ri'v'K. i-r on time s. They pni ' !.;. ^e 1 t''' ir (1 1- ena' t!:t ;.i eli . Tiie\ ■’ I N. F.. . ■.riiei- \1 ivk''". S ,uaie, next iei‘'s Hat .''tore. i;\.-n 'llee!. l'AYKTTl-:VI!.!.K. N. J- ,\’l kind.' of i’roduee t.iken si ex. !i.i!;;re lif 1-. !/y o. is-.:;. ';iiV M. liT'I'SOX, s?iprss: Fayottevillej K. C. M -V. >!-V woiM'ii i.v i:lliorr. (.'U t fi'.SSOlJS 'I'd J. I), '."k ! i.M *i. *is,^ Ft) K W AIII)! .\( i .‘c ('» >1 .M ! .'.■»•! * )X MKiK’lIANTS. r'vVi.f FFVtLLF. N. s i'.VMi if IIAl.t. .V .IiiUN.'iiN.) J, WOll'Fll.l [W. P. F.I.l.lMT ’. . }••'.ri;a:y 1Is'-. S'l'AUli NMi.fJAMS. \vhol;:s.\li; Di;.\iii;s in : £'orci^ n sna! S?oi}>vu!:c E^r '; f.Ujo(fs^ n.’vV Fayetteviile. IV. C. E£vds:ctio!3 ssa Z*s*k’c. i:(;i:x'rox, mouuis co. ■'N'i INFF to mak'- to order, and k/ ep conr'tant’y on hand S'ri'ni'h I^tjyr f i ('f aV, iliiiieii'ioiis. w arrant! •! r I.c .o' b-'t ij>;a!;r.v. b-;- in” ma le from Fnir b;.. ks .'eN . ;"'l by them li. ni the best iiuarries in Fran.e. TI.e\ !;i p i. r .'.-de ('nIi:2!U‘, (.*>(.'aii‘;i and I'.sMpiis Mill- .■stoiif's* I'jurr i>!oc;>s. I’ollinu' C'loiii, .'''f ; ii W ir‘, ('aIci!U;d Plasti'i', li\(iraui;c CeiiUiFf, *Slv. Or >ei^ d t... Ma.-eh Ir. ia i:.')'’ I 'irt of the eounn v pr. tapsly attenil- E2. ,»a. Aue;;: .it Fa;. cticN ille. N. 11 " ■ 7' , fH’iHi; .Vyi'N.\ ln.'i;van -e t'on.pany of il.r.tiord, 1.; la iii.LT p; ; i liie tax eu by the Kcvenne ! ! of l,e;vis’::;tir.-e. w;i! e >n.'.nn;‘ ils A.^rcney ! l-’aycl:e>. i!!e. nir’ier the m:;'la;_en:i. nt of to. u'.elci-.-!,.:;. ' wi.o is pveji.ired t i i.'bv.e I’olicies of Ins’.’rancv on F>n'. hi;-': . i *» :ooil,s, eithci' in this Town or in any p: i . • the str.te. o;i piopi.i' app’ie.'.tlon, desCjiptiuU ol '. ; I'l.ip'i ty. Xc. I I'he i'NA ’().M1’.\NY has been in oj»er;itc'n td ■ ;:o Its i - The ibjii. : l\. Lraee was its first l’n-silent, : tid. he ^till Iiold.- ! I iliee: aiel several of its lirst jiiria 'ors arc stiil ael. an>l cflh ient niembr rs of tl.Ih.ard. It has at :.d t;i. rur:..;!.i I the hi'jhest ihai' Ur f.r the vi'iidence its i..ana;_-e!iient. av.d f> r the jvaiity v.itLi v.hicl; i;as i.\ir ;.diilStc l it.-, h .-sC'. F. .!. H M.::. A^rcn'. Mareh 10. 1, ii--:f Ilotchl’iss'.s t ('r!ic(i! r\ i!cr Vf!;C(i. r•;^'^ilF^.F are sever:,1 h-.uidred. of tin .sc Wheels 1 no R r.t'.ion in ird:'cre!;t e ouitie.-. in North I'arolina. j pi o..f Oi' :l;'. !r cat ailvant .'j'c.s ovv r the common llc'f or .aiiv olher v.hc'ds iivjV,' in USJ tor saw m,. we conthlently refer to those who have ajipln d lli in i ihi'.r mill . Vi e recomie.end t!iem particularly . 1 their Hiiiior'u.iatV in easL.^ ot a h.-ad ot v.'ater. now rceeiviii'j: i i:M;re •••n' r’ 9 S3E) :3-a W aieli !ia\ e been ]'l (ui,'ry Mere], .lit- te;-.-'t t" e.^:il:': » Maieh IJ. i-'.::. i; f ;; €2 :3ci i? .id -f •1 f..:' b\ the I’.icka _e. ..ihii s V, i'.l lind it to ihe'.r in- SP3liX: aXH>S. "la F, ;ir>‘ II..W receiviiei: oTir SFltlNo c.Oi!>S. (:i V V ’ ir ■ r .'t"ck anv fori.;er » ne, . e^ ii.'iTtin^ "f iisi¥ H;\T3, CAPS, BOOTS i'lD SHOZS. In .1.1 iltbm t V,. \VIb!.IA^'.^. .''I If that n.:;ny h -n'l - h.ive ii"!: he 1 in F..i!iim' : c an I .\> w I!e-ia «.f Ml'■ eh.i;n a; lii b,i r; th. Vo, hav.- w ho •,r to 1. line. ;ili l >'iio pe.i'i h.i'C i:. . .. h-Ii b,il.t;ains a: ha.|. ke.'p .i’ua\ on han 1 a sph i. lid - i t,i:e!i; ..!' f. re\t_:i an l .l-.nie'tie Li'|C ls; L 'lt. • an 1 I’.i'.'Un .''U'Car': Fio. ;::,d Lai^iiira 1 “lleer-. Iti.’en, and Fla. k T. I'l N. « iM.caiis in ! ('i,b„ - T.d'h' and .''aek ."'ai;: l.-ie.iii, Me ' 1 «.ik. ,M,.'S F.eef, Sm.'ke I i’.ei f. !'r\e !'-n: No. 1. - an i .Mntkircl; F.uttcr. (’hcesc, 1 hair. Meal. ( ,in, O..:-. Tobaeeo. Candle-. 'op] Sah-r.atu--. li.'li.u'o. >Li.l- ■ ler. .'•piec. I’e])per. (iinirer. N i:i;. i;. ! ."•^-.Iti... Saltpetre. Harlv.aie. Cutlery, ('r.'ckery, and * ila--ii re; all 1 a val i.-t.v il other . Thev take thi' nie;h'.l"f mmnnilv and llieir e.,nntry fi ;en;l- b.r ihe very liberal p.i'r-n.i.-e b. 'towed on tiiei'.i; i.iei inte.-i.!. by sel!in.- •^'•o.l' l.ow. t.. iti.'i •••1'.' t!.. ;r f..rmer ti a.h ;du iv,'. !;re;i.i. ' in Me’., (liat a iiiijih'e liixi.enee is woM!i u h-"'., 'hiliiar. Veiiow i'.ai. liii;:. bot'.'...n ll. - NF.r .' t IL v.-e the J’.aok -.f the St:? . Cil’.i'.'iiic Sir-. ■ F-;. ettc.'He. N. t . Manh HI. L.: ^ ' i!() ri:L. ^erib; r havin- p.,rdias.,.l the itii..ted .Solltll-F.ast e..| l:. r of ('out t Iba.'' kli' V'n as .''tnact s IL'ie:, wi pnMic th it he i-i tl‘-^v re i'ly t" ar - .mm b\' the 'la.'', Avcek or month. H.isin^ io b’e outlay in fun i.-hin he hopes t.. lie able t. ' him. Hi bel t tiie market alb.i .1.' qii ,1 ♦ • 11111!J! » Kf If rs. ClLi'HinsT. .;-tf .J, Ii. .\pril •J'. 1' 11. !.. ll{)LMi:s. Attorney at Law, Wilmington, N. C. ^ ^ FFU F. on e un- r V y uii'h r .loiiinal . ;i a l. rui' an Ci.o'l'ilF'. the a1 All . \ iS all. ha\ e ad' > ■! to oir stoek ,M of KFADV-M \1 F an. \*. liKli \\ I’ilfl* to t'U\tls ;it i*liV :i:.' afv." hiiJi' 1 it-liu: tt'ilii". , lli iiall Oc .'-ACKLTT. We rtiil kee;i a supply of Wheels, snit.ibh.. for dih eu; h. ails of W ater, at \Vi!min.iioii, N'ewlie; !i, V'. asl;;. ton. I'dcnt.ifi a;.:.! i'aye!ieville. The vheels luay be had of 1;. A. Ihevaii!. Liiieolntoii. and L'eiaJj 'V.. Fctei-bur;i'. Va. !’• ir'.n, hit;.: to (.bt.iln the rl.ulit t.i use the vhei v.'’i be SL-rveJ on application la D. McNeill C>- - Fa\ etteviile. N. C. D. McNFlLL. A. A. McKFTHAN I D. J. McALlSTFF. i Feby 2-J. ISl'.t o'-’ tf VAf/rAlUJ*: IMiOPKin'Y for s.' f^^HF Snt.seri'.er havin.t; removed to Terincs'ee. ■ i* .-ii .'r to dii-]'ii!.,e of hii» rf'sidciici j v!c':nit.\- 1 f i'a; ettevilio. H ' i.n dating: term ar. l the tr.-n t of .’OO aci laiais 171 ; theveforc olu r.; for .-. lis re>i lencc at Fd'SF llli el land attaciieil tht rcto: , .1:. ■ent M I ;v-t atlelil: ill t- h 1; ■f Fr 'l.t ar.d Frillee>s street.- W .VN'n.D. I’.id.s F.ld.S 'i-uri.. ni:n.‘. •.clnc) d ;jt my lii t;;:. iy it; ihi.* iilace, !,.r whiel, th',- 1 wo'lid mn IS. i' o n i .\ND FO?AVAHD!NCr Ir.TERCHANT, r.' 01a’. attenf.. n ^ivon t :he.'t I riees ili o.,- p.i;,,. So etindoy two i r liiice L:"od tui !'el.^Mle- b.;i!,.l C.opirs. D. Vf. i;C(:i ,S. l.iioiberton, N C.. Feb'y 10, l.'-.i;!. •-.'■ti S V C-;r-l'1-..aip! . iiH-nt-i. an'l ('.i.'li :o'mi 1,1 .1 to .iliier ). .r'. i'eb. IJ. 1 n'.l t i . 1 .• I50..1 in tlos m ;;': \\ iLk!XSO\ vV i:si.i 1 ;;a!.!;i:s in im'i I'lhi/y, r M F I II h-’.>'i;'nc.l 1 • ' been a; p .iiocd A;_. >d i f ihe w Noi h .'..rolin:' Mut’iai L-le ir,. '- C-in; I'.nv. F\ei-y 110-0 1 ( ;• . iio p;;i Co’.iio:;n> ; an.', ihe al-l..'.:. sld;.‘ re it a-.'...;i.(' :■ I'.aif in c:.;l.. a;> > thc .'lavi litipi.ii.' in li..- pi' of the ! j i-i ! O'C iifc iaeii-.b , S ;■ , ),;a^ be pai'i , t;.. ;• In .1 te at I'J the .Mca-io^v -'i.rin tract of lO'JU ;u’i ■(.rmcr. 1 re\ions jidvertisi inents have described the resi.h anil l iiids and their jdva!;ta}^c»:. I’ci.sons .h.-.sii'e.. Vnrihi-r inforniatioji i-un obtain it from Mr. Isaa.- Hac.h.y. who has full po' to sell the property ;. ',-iVC 'iccds. W. H. llAFDi:.. Am;:. :;o. -I J'rt’s/i ihirninj; t'l,hi! find t 'tinitjlui: . Jli-t I'cccivcd an.I f.-l- sale by .1. N. .S.MFI’i!, Crcon Si. .I.iny :H. Is'.-L ’ diu' 'E'« fhv .U:rrjfi?SS£?rs^?>=:. ^ ^ ■\P, ^ ^ L have just receivi I n variety .f l’LOL(i! \ if Flou;ih i'ixti'.rcs, Corn llirs, \C. f .ii - Straw Cutters to suit. .T. v'i T. V. ADD1L1 f;.".;i March i L Salc.- I'eb ton.' [’crnviaii (jliin' ■ :".:ed In hi f.S V. id ph ase ;-eld i- . iK c-i W. MvLAFFi:.. Dotf 'I 'MU on th an.l 1-1 111; arc. M inf. rill i!.e ialc boirdiT' le e.'il>i.I la- and refii tin.:; the L.'tab'.ishmeiil. jrivc ratii-laeti .1! t>. all \\h.i Jia- j Tible shall bi.- fu il.'-she.l v ilh the; V. ith the bt-.'t .'! Li- ' lei (/ i.! . AND IM’.MF'i'..;; Ci' .x r U'JIU!.!-;.'.M.i; -VM' i; i M'VlAi'TKl). IU:AD\ 111 f ; .r .1 sii! p 1: 1 -.f olu- s" fundVl-v d Int'.e U'Vi. 1.-.- - catiei I ,i:ib \i:!'.i.iMii \ Mr.Mr :i. A i.y I r. iNii Ki't.’j, X. \V. iTn«i » i i Iji: ». \{V V- r r:i \nd m \ A.i d year^ Ki Jin ir 11 and his Stable with a plenty of go ..1 pr .\cnde .J and taithl'nl O'tlci.S. .June ‘Jii, IS-i'J. R A A. McKK/rilAN TFrLI.V iidbrm.s his friends and the puh- .’ he ha' buiit u[i hirfre substantial F.ricu ' ’■■■ ol'i .-stand, cxpi'cssly for manufactui in;; 1 io.nkful for the very liberal i.atroiia-e he I ‘-.r the last ill vears, he hope« by strict : with H dcr-ire to fiive satisfaction. .,tj„„;i,,ee .,f the *:ime. He warrants his I! liic xi?)i of tli'‘ iiiiirr 5!:iy Slrcrt, . SliS STtl.VSf-,) • ! i ,\.S JL‘C(‘IN(d lll.S .wiabscriber has established u Faki'cy on I’ow ! u.l. S-nXdv OF (;OODS,' 0. street, on the L.d two doors of Duncan ■ ' 'wsaefc.* MeNeilFs Cabinet Shop. He IS prep.ired to .urnis 1 Families, Ihiats, and the public ^M-nerally, with l.rcati, savEJi a™ ' MILITARY GOODS. i IStf 'ri iU'I-X'i'iXl^ L.\XD lAHi t'^oF. side. aere-i - f LAND in .l.-imes Cici-k. ^ an li.lo .• eres on Cypre.'.~ i -i-k. in ('umberhiad. u-.:iveniei.t to the Wi^.tv : n Flank Ib-a-l. heavily timben-’. d admiraii’y ail.ipJeil to toe nia v-.ny --i ,\p]i! V at this (>lhce. jkNov.'lIS, Ib-'-l. itine. •lltf * f consi'tiJi liwelics, Jeirtlrai. \ F.iscuit, and f'akcs of various kinds, of the best .iiiality. r n. 4M0N«I hiii assortment may be found Watches of j all kinds, from >SS to SI-.,: m.M 1 oh (.uald .1..' ■ Vest Chains; "old S-:ilt5 and Kev : .'iiM i-I-dj and fit..11 ; :.Hi'blVnerVf*tlK"husine.';. lli« : 'Lain,i and Keys: j f:n..rably with any made in the ' ‘ Ind Fuidl.s; gold Lockets: I Allcn-Ti lU-volvers; Chess m.-n: .\ceoriieons silver Spoons; silver Cup.S Vinds- a line lot of Clocks, and almo.^t t.verythin-ealU 1 . which ^vill I.e .-old cheaii tor Cash, oc on he )ia.- procured the services i’riccs rea.'on.ible. (iive;iiea (-alb CH.VS 1L\NKS. Favctteville. Kee. US. IS-'.-’. -'1-2 V!-/ -7K i 111 .itiie and durability. .Miiine.l to sell and do any w..rk in his line f„U s am t-rm . as anv «ork done el.-^ewliere t)iat_ is 11- II'- now li K of hit-'id, Ki.virinm*, ihu L.Ml- for ill lii'i Fine, 'fnu short time to those that will pay their hills when Jitiroitrlirs, JiochaUdijs, and ! in this plart. »nd a very large stock of ‘dished, which will be tiiiisheil dully. All b^ sol4 »cry low for 0«ii, or on nhort ual I'ljstojiicrii. jjoiir’H* on likii'l more 'L IHMjHLD and Hi TV Vehicles ftnnjued ' 'u -• of comstruetiou. AU \v..rk inu*i« by biin in warrunted 12 months * it fwil btt‘l n ol T!,- Watches and Jewelry repaired as usual. .0*1 ,. i.i ..,.,1 ».;ilvi>r taken in e.xchantre. Old tJold and Silver taken in e.xcliantre All indebted by Note or Look account, .. i__. .1. . lot nf V/ivcmber. .‘il-tf must pay by the 1st of Noveniber. Fiiyetteville, Oct. -t, 180-. Noriciv \N'AW.VV from the sub.sciibcr, about the i-)th ol repiiire.l tr«e It' July. lSr,l his nepro Ri.-l wi^hinic to buy would ‘h. well to cnll i.;id . jo years of 8pe, black, with Ifirfrt white 13 , ’ I.jrirc limbs, ■wei*tli.‘» about l.-fo pounds. Maid girl i« supposed to be lurking in the nei^rhbor- hood of .Mr. Isaac WrighfB or ;en. McKay’s, in Hhulcti county. The ahove reward iViH 1;'J jiaid iier deliveiy tome, or her confinement in'“‘.v i« North (’arolin.-i. V:\f- Clinton, X. C., March J1, 18o3. ‘ ‘ ■ -f thei»ivelvet:. deuiklully received and pronijitly attended to. ■ • xi-euted at short notice und on very rea- j8tf lilanlcs Jor a(dc hcr€» ut.xns i| WHKAT. CORN, SAW MILLS, > /N./ A. *Vr C i IlLST Mill .‘'pindler Ihilaiice Ironn and Drivers, X Ink.s and (iudgeon.‘», Hotchkiss Water Wheels, Hacks aiul Hollers, kept constantly on hand, and for sale. We rIso niHke tJearinp and .Shafting for Wheat, Corn, t?aw .Mill« mid Factories. Steam Engines of any aowe’r repaired. Grate Kar« and Furuuce Fronts kept on hand. We wiah tt» juakw ,idditioin> to our machinery pud tools; tj ejiuhlo ti.s lo do tliis, tho*o indebted bj ,i.i „,.a=o March 11.’, ]80d/ ?Iarl:et St.. Wllmiii’jtcii. I'J 7, iSol. Ai Ai.lJ:'l''L' vV i^\l riifiiUfi-, I'.l.t C'i«E3! S!ism*£, NEW YGHk. 1’. MALLKfT.] [■' Au>:ust li’., 1S.‘)1^. T. C. WORTH, \V'I!A,!!X(rrOX, X. C'. Feb. 1, IS.'):]. tiOtf MniRAV vS: CiiAX r, lioh.'siilc (trx'(r and C oii^iiimsiun Merchants^ Wilniiuji'ton, N. C. April 1^0, ! (iliiCA'T I>XTCKi*IUSl'.! . J r 1 fli J()\ji'S 1 , _ ^ i*. |n ciiuLy General Agents St Commission mercnants,, 5 j. i..n,.k :ho p.'ibiic, that tir.-y have entered \V3 3.'»SB’is4jJ'E‘0.'«, .’• I eopi-.rtiu-r.ship for the purpose of con.liictin,': the .ceiieial - .- ..X I .... II various parts. .\nd 1y u!i-!ei-'t:iiidin;_' their biu-iiicss, thev have no hesitation t-i compare w'orK with any establishment in Fayetteville ;is to style ..nd dura- hility. - , ,, One of the firm may be known i y leferince to A- .1. Whitfield’s iron work tor the last tw.) yeai-^. We \kairant all work, to give yrcnenil satisfactton fo! t-vielvi* iMOiiths. , . {■ .1 llei’nirinc done iti the neatest manner lo\-‘ lor casii. I’iFU .V LIvANlN. J,^Mt;s H. Pn:«. _ ^ J.xmks IShamx. I'nvettevillo, Jnrj’y - 18->o. :■ Iv '■>'* il. i'J :]f(i «;»• H-1ot t^.c tu:4i.;:. i> yJill'. liiMij!.'d '-i'! \ ; 'c- n I1-* i r: I .11.: OF ».:;.2iin. i ts.ti 'i;'. Il ‘ ' ini -III i.!.l !•• rr.ui t./ VV.;r'ii».U il IT’VCS. \Vi‘. lin. U iti r-.-tl ) j r. c!.: !• I rn:i'n:!i;i |;n K'C Ml-i.. .1 «.t lui- lA Jiihl liircfin;*, iiiul .viM'iiiilly ItV it, ui j ; tliC jr » i.ihi; • n . : i:ifO 111' ’J.’i in r: I. Ijcr. I.. \i . c.iri>* r 1-1 -uni t'iMi.'ii 'trri-t'. l'!.il:n!ri; I* lh»« k. n:;»!i r m.p» r jcIm.’h inai!. r« rs; i..' V ;u!drf'^> Dr. K. ii\ >l j»a «•!; a iiJ 1; ; 4- ;n ■ 1 tnrilu iiu s. i.r ' II.i j.iit up 'CFu:« :r* i;i «i;m . r. r\*. :tii!cu iiV I’ri'h : ■, {'.tu\ :ts' ; I \ fr ; y ;u‘.\ iV Ud -r, ami a'.l o, ('iirn'i;/- K.-tn!.!i-hnumt >,i> tin- MHIldiii 6'iX.('/iiin!i, /f'liiiiin/ nil Mil / Shii't. Particular attention {.iven to the sale of Tim- | C.\ K FI A i F ‘ lU S IN FSS in all its various parts. bcr. Lumber, and Naval Stores, on cousij'iimentp. i.iberal cash advances j bciiif: >»dh practieitl vrorkmen. f-id.' •j::tf ‘ ■ ' X. V>. srAKiUJCK, •Vrir nioN rorxDKii and machinist, Muunfnrturcr of Steam Jf ,7fs aiuf lioi/cm, Mill (Jairiu'j >/ idl I: huh, riotojlix, Cr. fBTHF undersii;ued, as the .\jtent of the above Kstab- i lishment, will order any articles which miij be vianted, on ajipHcatiou to him, '"he Steam .Mills maiiufactiired by Mr. Starbnc'c have boeu tested, iiiid ttre highly tijiprovcd on the Plank I’oads about Fayetteville. FDW’D LFi: WlNSLO^^. FayettcvillC; .Setd. 1, IS.;], :iOtl E.SI JIIJ >.TS5*e..\a>'5\ yni'oits Jj‘!:iiii>r, /y \i..l -.11 .li-.' IM ' iMi'ii.'j; in i'.l n iliM.r.l.-i-i -.! i.ivi-r or Stomavli. ■ l iioiK- \.'iitilV" la.H h.' .\ ill ili--,ro.ur!i. iii-mi'l Icr I .n il. 1 lilliie \vi.. Ill Ol Oil iSi,.i,^,i-l.. S. !'.■ rni. .'ii.l.ii,!! or 1 aiii' ,-t-lit,’.'l-.iiii'i'l-. l^\^ iii.iiiii'if el tie- 1!omI. liarra.I imlii nil I’l. iioiii " I leiti-iii.r I-.I ;!:c l.'earl. |j..|.irL’i f •'loa j.c' ;■ W in i I) jni[ {•“'•lur**. iHiii! »—* ' * ' » I. Iht. .-Si-M. le\'r. lull |.,:i;.ii lliei.i,!.!. li. let -\ 1.1 r .-.'|i i-il'."!'. v« Hi.w' 1" 1.1 ii"- ':■ !" V,eV.;... r.ok. ( l.eM. ^Ii-ieii FKl-he'... 1 l itri.iiis 111 (lie I'ie'l:, i.i.sti-.nt liiiiMiiiai oi l.vil, t.. / 1 \ X l.«-1 il.-i I iiiiiiv I-nr. •! I v I'!! !I' idl b \ .Ml > (II I.) I. A ! lu r'lT.u.-. i-n-i- o'l 'y ‘ r- C. nil 111 .'il iiie Siore. .N-.- I-" ft. > ti.I.iia I. :i. ■ 'l-la'-ir l.o».r -^M-r ila- i.'.e lii'ea-e. i.' I.ol e.M-ci:oi. if t.|lli.' l.v aav o'iM r ,.r. ,- r ' - -> l»' .C"-'"'- il' ii.iiiv ••■I'*-' I li>'" i.'f" 11'.'' ''I’iie'i' liiUi'- "i-i’it^V die 11 t(ei:ti;in of iliV: I'als. J’otvi-- ..r,..., xirliii ' i.i -'■li.-i'-.dioil ol' of'* e l.i' !• '.I. rii- ,.M-n'0 " tin- iiiii'l 'eirchinj povNer' in we niie-> .u lit or-!u'.^. ll.i y are w illoil, terlaiii, I!K.\fl .\.vii l!I’ ( O.NVl.M i:l>. From lilt* ro..^liai eililor Mi'"l. I'l - ■-■-I.'— , . ... -Hr;’' • lelir:i:i-(l (leriiinn Bitter* fi-r tlir nin* r.| I C. n'.pl^iiii. .iHiii-ilii-e. II)'l:«-|i-iii, « l.r.:n> or .Xerxoii'ilc)"'."' ile erM-illv one of the iiio'l |«ipuiar iiiedit-ii.e.' .1 the iliiV- '1 • t'.lltf ■ 1 »Uurt' leiv.* t-.een iis^rt l>V -.h. u-cu-a.-i. M..I a rncii.l '‘I'''’" I he Ini' li'aii'ell' reccive.l i-n efiV.Ii.Hl nii.l I'V.’’'''”' , ” i ('eini'l-.ruu rrotii the ii'w oftTii rciaeily. \> e .in _ ' ‘ i in llu- il>^e •>!' Ili-^e liilters. ihe ln.lienS i-on't.H'UV ■ .,„r_, ,>r, «..»!.>• efcr.-.-U ro„-i.l..r...en. 1 !ie> -re 1. intH'le»n.|sii.ell.an1rim l.c .I'C-I ';V ,,\V„l!r‘!r \v'.' lii-ale stiiiiiHcli'i '.juli !'!tftty. iiril. r .inS ...ivi.p il i .Mienkii::: from rr« «ii.l «> Hk' ; J o..k well »" O..- m irk >f th> !.'einiinc 1 l. > li i'C Ih*' " i si,nH.nre o, (-. M. .tarkso.i ■ (loii Oi- wr:.,-|-or. « Oa’ n-n • in the Imltlc. " illioul w liit-li .lie) iire'iiiir.ou>. I ■ ■ liLAXK liOOKS. V X nssPTtment of Ulaiik Lookf^ ot till Uituls, just rc- V ceived at the FiiTcttevilli* 15o'kstore. ^ ‘ n. J. HALF & SON. Arril oO, ... the liultle. s:.le«nlreliiil,:ilOa^^^^ M KlUrl NK STOl! K. \o fJO .\r-h Street, one rim.r lirlow Sivlli. I’hilii., :mil I , * ■ , ,'L ,l,..,-,,r« ..«-n»-rMl!v ihr i.ftnMit Oie e.mitr> . ''’Ti'o f.r sMie hy ?\.M’b .1. V\'bile..Mle f'lr N.-rtli nr.l l-'iiit • - a...ii.i n.\fv!:Ab Si CO . t'lii iit'lor. 1-. - if. I--!.. 11' iiJ I- r