vol.. II.] riiiNTKD r.v j. H. NHWBY. 3iLn a, w l'AYI7rrKV[|,l,i;, X. C.. .H NK UO. I85:i. £J3UZ:S2aSS23S£aBS£ •'^iMPTr’-*^*=TT'- nd : i III i>r I ll> i: ii. - Ki: tk-ol (i^ ■ r I nnVM.M) J. IIALK & sox, I i lTt'lls AM) ri:i>rniKT('lRS:. t nii-Wi'ckly Ouskkvku 00 ifpjiidin >0 if (lurinj: the year of svibscrip- ; >■ :it'tor the yoar has exjiiriMl. \\, ,'-.’.y OiKv.uvKH OM j,vr annum, if paid in •>:. it .lurinir tlic vi'ar il ;u!''iTi]>- s lUi't llio _\oar has I'xiiiroil. :: ''l 'II N I'> insiTtf I tVir ^Ixty oonts jut ? 1- t'. ■ tirst, :.uil thirty icnts f.T oui-h , .it'- ii. \ I'ar’y a'lwrti-ifuii'nt> l>y >j>f- ;ii V raU''. A ivonic!> arc '• i'‘' ' • ; ■ '‘-I- "f iiisoni..i;s ,K.iri-.l. (,i- :,t Mi. ; : ■'. :.irlij.l. ;uul char;^cd avoMvl- i . t ■ !• V lUli't l.P J'ost-J aiil. .)0!!\ r. 'rOMTKINS, ' ’ ' Farmer/ J'urnnl, i* :i i ’;" i!.‘ I'c.ple nf Cuuiljfihinii. at tho f ■ ” 11- it 1 .i_\ I'ttovillo, cu Friday the 1st ft’ -V !-v. uj'Mii ihc tubjcet of Agricultural \ r.\iu; \ix ori-KRi:i). • - _n« d has ilotiM iniiied t " r innv to the ■ 'i> U'f >alo that ciimiuoiliiius lluuso. , oiii'i( , in tho viilaire (>!'Siunnu-r\il'o, • . .u,-f> tlioii-unt.' liid.-nuinfi, AKi>, ■ ' m-'Vith 1,'t ^.’rvvk. in tho tnwn .. 'i. rt di.'tani,'!.' a^uvt.- the (.'huend.in I,'I-i^ii. “T {i:;|.fr iiouutiabU' at t ithcr ot ' i} vttON i. .0. HcliTeiice, a- t" the ( r"SS ^ ii. .di t Jaiues I’iinks, I'uvette- i;. r-Aii.kv. N. t‘.. June 'i, Itt’ siMMi:‘i\ ii.u: ai!! B'raiialo ’ i.t l!.i' .- ■.u \\i;i be rt'UlUf I . ly. 'jt)! next. .if t'Ii.'•' t ii!i -11 !:a\ ii.L been en! ^ried. u ?;.- ir-i. M-. .-tVer.-I t : \ u ,1 I . .! r • Ii'i ■ .i; - >. 5 . .lil : ■ 1 1 i ■ *N . I! ■>! h\ e Hi-'!! I ' ' . I,:- r >i ili;- >iii '>> wi: iiAVi: ox hand !(• Ilhd^^. Sujrars, libls. (IraiHihited do. l."> Hajts Kio (’otree, •* “ Marieaibo ilo. IhiL'fiin^r and lu>}>e. Swedes and r.n;j;lish Iron. \\indoiv liiass, S x 1(1 ntul lU x 12, —ALSO— l."at and ('rushed Siicrars, I'ar and I'aiiey .''naj\ r>bl. No. i ileirinps, ^-I’ii e, I’eiij.er, (linfrer. Indijjo, Madder. .'i.an isli r-iown. .Saltjietre. .^alei atus. .Mare. ('l..ves. ^ east pMwdeis. Nutmegs, Adamantine and Talh.w ('andh'S — «iih airejieial as>,.rtment .f I’ruvisions. 1 )ry u.ods. r...,.ts anti Shoes, Hardware and Cutlerv, Croekerv and (I!a"\varp. e ctJer iiie a'i.ae "nous at low prices for cash. '^oul paper, ur pr.niuee. TllOV Mav -Jo. Is.-,.;. MAi’.sn. ‘.'7tr -NKW inLi.ii;i: s Notes Sliakspeari’'s I’ 1U)()KS. and Kmendatiiins t > the text of lb’. I’livv h and his Yuunj; I rien i-. liv \\. M. 'I’liackrray; Tales , tlie t’ountiss !• Arl'i'Urx ille: Ibrtiin ll'i" 1 and t'aptain Kidd; \c. American Anhiiect, l.y J. W. iluch: American House (-'arpenter; \c. K. J. HALE .V SON. May oO, 1S5:. .fust li(('(ir/ (ind for Sttlc^ 6j^ r>A!lIiKL.'^ prime SI ry S>jp 10 hairs 1 llio tlee. uVHMJ lbs. N. I'laeitii. niiMu^u, K\i.i; \ (), May :t(>. is:,:;. The Ijdi'^i'sf ^arria;i(' S\triori; in t!ic South I m;\v Fill’d & m:\v coobs. J1I1I-, suliseribei’s are now recei\in" from New York, ® a large and gener.-il as.sortment of Stdjilr (i/kI /■'a/icif Drif (ioods^ iiaiii)\vai{i-:, Il:its ;uul (':i|)s, l>i)ots :uk1 Slioc.s. A mon^ whieh ar»': r..t]'ec, Sucar. ('..ttun Ihij-gin;;, Ihile r.o].e. Nails, W indo\\ (ilass. Swedes and I'uiilish Iron, > iek and .\liim Salt, imperial .-iiid liliick Teas, I’epper. .Vlsjiice. (iinjrer. I’owder, Shot, r>;ir bead, liar and l’:iiicy Soap. TofTfther with a j:reai \ariety of other ariieles. to wliieh they inviti’ tlie attention ol the ]iuliru’. and wliieli they are deti'rmined to sell as low tor Cash, or on time to those who I'ay promjitl\, as any house in the Soutli- ern country. Produce of all kinds, at the l.ighest market jirices. taki'u in e\ch;>n;:e lor (loods. McbKAN .V JOM'.S. Sununervillo, N. ('., Dec. S, l^•■)l. 47tf NO r!('!:. 8.>0 iSe:WACSEd. HAN.\^^.V^ I'roin tlie subscril'cr. altout thi July. 1S51. his neirro girl Sarah, about 1(1 year.s of age, bhi(d, witii lar large limbs, weighs about bid pounds. Said girl is supposed to be InrkinLr in the neit;libi'r- hood ot Mr. I--aac ^\ riaiit s oi' tu-ii. Mi I\a^ s. in lllailen county. 'I'lie a1io\f l ev, ai d will lie paid for iierdeli\ery to me, ol- luT conlinement in any jail in tiie State of N'lrtli t arolina. wSl. (i. lU l id!!;. ('lintoii. N. . March 11. 77tf S.\I)|)Li:r.S’ A.M» '()AC!l-.MAKi:ilS’ Si,S n SP W.9 ss 3:, *Vr. Tili'lMlS Vil(ki:\Zli: k liilliiiiorr. I'.lh of d negro is Iiite e\es. AT Till-: UEI) SH.N. .11 V C> it 12 J» i (1 A: .^3 V a ?>> I * r AVI', just reet'ived a full and com]i!ete stock of (i l’i( )('Ml;i l!S, rK()\'iSI( )N., \c., to which they w ciuld invitellie attention of the cili/en.s and sm-roiiiid- ing country. 'I’liey will sell low for('.\sn, or on time to punctual euslomers. 'J'hey iiurrhaseil their (i .ods lor casli. ar.d tliis will en.alile them to sell l.oW’. 'I'hey ha\e lacilities th.at niany Impuscs iiave iii t: they have a^jeuts established in Baltimore and New ^'ork. «ho always ailvise them of any change in articles in tiieir line, and \\ iio ]iinH liasc only when llarL^■lins aie to l>e li.ad. e kei'ji ahvays oil hand a spli'ndid assortnient ot loreign aiitl domistic l.iijUors; i,o:;f. ('rushed and ilrown .''uirars: llio, .l;;va and ba'_iiira ''oflees: (ireen, Ilysori aii'i lllack Teas: New ()rh'aiis and (’id'a .Molas ses: T ilib- and Sark Salt; ll.icou, bard. Mc.ss I’olk. i Mess iieef. Smoked ISeef, !>r\ed \ enis.Mi: No. 1. and j ■I '>bnk :ci; i’.iiUer. I'iieese. ! h iir. Meal. I'oin, Oats. | 'I'.iliaico. ('.iiidles. ('ojipiTas, Saleratiis, Indigo, Mai'i- der. S)ii. i‘, I'fpper. (inim-r. .Nutinejis. ( inamoii, bj'som .'^alts. Siiltjielre. llaniware. Cutlery. Crockery, and (i lassw ar*': :it)d a \ariely otOiln'r gooiI. Tlie;, take tliis nielioid of thaiikiiiL the -.iminunit\ and tin ir ii untry triends t'urllie \er\ lilieral patronage l)esto\\e 1 on liiflii: :ilid illteiiil, )>'. sellili'.r goods l.iiw. to iiurease tiicir former trade—aiwjiys ki-tpii,g in view tiiat a nimtile sixpence is Worth a siow sliilling. \eilow I'luilding, lietween the M;irkct House and tin- bank of the State, (iillespie Street, I'ayetteville. N. Marih "Jl. l.'''.-'i. 7Mf l>i*. T. I>. II A I El, ! AS taken an Office on Hay Street, \Ve!*t of the IIot(d I’.iilldin|. lulv II, IS.-.L'. 4-V [\0. I'AViyi'ri'Mi.ij': Du. 'V. i\ MALI. \.'s rc'inoved to the well-known stand of t!..- l»i-; l!ol;inson. corner of (iri-en and Dow stieets. Ai.ril l'^’::. S7tf il. M. OiiiM'i.L. roiiWiiiiiiM; nnr,Iissni.\ iirKdiwr at B’ayoHvvElSf, A. i'. ^ il'lllS Coii.naiiy i^ now rgimised and p; S ' f iv appVu ations f r llisnri.ncc, 'li ti-i iii-' as other Conipaiiii *. HiKbC fOH pared to r(‘- I'.s l'-.;\urabU I i.\I :il). March Id, l.s.'il. F 1851 .i.\Mi:s kwa: n>>w re.-i'i\in" a 1: ^ anil ;.ii iiera' :is>ortnunt of U a)» se s jses k> e all ..f wliii-li iiave hern piu'-hasrd for ('.\.s|l hy the I’iieka^^e. C..niitry M‘ rchant-^ and otiu is A\i'd find it to their in tiii >t t.i i \;il.iiiif the .''twi Manh IJ. 7''.tf '(b Hi Ii;iiliiiii)n“ St. 1Mbi>irn:i;.'-^and Healers in Ilog.-kin-. l'.n'.r'ish Heads and lleiii'. (iirlli \V( Ibunes. T.itts. \e. Spiings. Vxle' of all i.ace. bb.NT I Id.I.ObS. jhO-. .S|„,ki >-. addle 1 r. s. StiiTii] vinds. I ai riair SI" It ai li Hid 7" i; lar; B ^ . ne. consistin'. eceiving o than aii\ f.irii.er bXTUA; - . f Ins- dll- Hri! • n hi In I'll 17 '.St illti.V ■1" J'. \ w i*n ••an I ; p. r V. 1'. •»b- II I. I"-'. ■ II band. • pT' ! i> I I i;i t • 'ntli. i.K vN. I'ri'.ieipa’. 1-t and St:'t;. j 3 ’I in \- ri..\.N K llii.M* h K, I .1 iiiii' 7, 1 > -i.-e ..f dvfa.-i!._' Ml. I d _.i- l aj .T rth I'l.iu- and Ml. 1 .!i-~ti '..\ - .* la: p .vi~ .11 the r-.ol i.- 1 '.."niinir • I >;T; t he a ■ .w i d. • ••I t II i-e tie i \ en i n T ; the !• d. ti.it the 1 nifikvs ti.e d;iii..ii:i‘ "r injury t' tin- ]T"- n ■ any an itidielahle iiflonee. punish.nblc • r.s..niiient. wiM in :ill c.i'e- heiigidlv r.i-u I) LEi: \vi.\sr.;)w. I’ll:’.dent. vVc. \'Mi\i> I u.\'i’oirs xo'i'K i:. .lune Tern; of Cuinlcr- iiil. 'iued out b'-tters i>f \d- iT.. . f .loHN W Ho\Vi;i,L. _ . li;^ infi'state tiii'iii !-.r payiiiont 'vithiii f \^ i-n:i ;.\. -'r tl.i.' :i' tii cwil; ;i- r-. vcrv. J. w. i bAii' i:. L* Iw A A .>{( KI'/['EiA .\ HI ll.''l’l!C'!'KI bbV iiit' inis ills Iriciids and tlie ^ iih- ll» lie. tti.it I' !ri« hu'U up lariie 'ubstantial IIih^’k r>u;I liiis."' at h'' >'1 ."tai, 1. i \pri -'l\ !■ r ni.anuf ii tiiring Can i:.11: ; .r t^e xciy Iiheral | ;itron:iue he lias If. I 'red ■ r tiie i.i-t ’J 1 .\«'.irs. he liMpe» h\ ..-trii t -I'teiiti .n t • 'luilii", with a tl^'ire ui' e s.iti-t'let i.iii. t ' no lit . i-i'iit i.’ianri- "f the s:i!iii-. Ilf warrants hi' w.ri k t' hi- lu i ;e III tiie l'e»t inateri.'il and hy eNpi‘r:etu i'd w ikmi-ii in eaeh hran di of tiie hu-iiie". |Ii~ w^rk V Compare ta\ Mr.ihly witli any made in tlie liiited S: •■ '. r neatnc" an 1 !:!r:thi■;. He i' di ti rniilud t" -i-ll »nd do any wi ik in iii" liin- 'U -'S ■ I terms as v...rk d"He I'.svw liei e '.hat is a>. V.' h.iii- 1|.‘ iii,-,v 11 L.iiid. ri.MsHi.ii. tlie i.All »;i;>T ."T« m K ..f ( '(irrid'^cs, linr'inclit s. linck s. bver I'lTered in tlii- ] hu e. .-ind a M'ry large st.n-k "f ui'ik ne:iri\ tini'iied. u lii. li wi’I he linisiied daily. .\I1 ■ if wliicii «l:l he s i.d \eiy h « t'"r ( X'li, i.r i ii sh^it time t' piiin tii i! ciistiiiners 11 e iias on iiaiiij ,in>re tioiU ().\i; lUMUlId* .\NI» m rv \ chleles linisiied and in cour-e of i .ii.'tructi’iii l -K’d w ,rk nneie hy him is warr:inli- i 1'J ni iifh wiiii f.iir ii'a:.'e. and should it t.iil h_\ h;id «nrknianship vr III .'er'; ' 5 ri'piiiri.d free nl eli.irge. ret".Mis \\,-liiii.: to t-uy woii!'l do well to call and ex.imine f-‘i' tlieiii'elves, OrdiM-s tlianri-.-eived :ind pr^'iuptly .•ittendvd t". Ilep i'riii'.: e-..- uted at s\ rt i, ti.e and ■ ii m t_. n-.-i- s iii.ih',1^ t- rill'. M.l^ i"'.:. Tire I’li'Its, I’atent ('an\as', Carpetiie.. and e\ery arti cle ei'iinei ted willi « itiier hr.iiK ii nf tin- hii'ini-'s. w iiicn the_\ are prep:iri d to oiler tn i niii tu.-il cii'tuiiieis nii as gi'ud terms as .•iny otiier liniise in tlie I nited States. .\^i-nts I’.ir th- s.-\'e of l’"pe'' .''e.t-.Vdju»ting l'.\DS and Spciii-er's iiti 1111.1'..''. i;-.. Orders promptly atti-::di"l t .. A Idre'S TIKPllS MICKIA/Ii: No. --- l'>:r.i;!!:"re Strt'i-t. B \i,TiM()!.;i:. lioc’Krisii siii-.r;n.\(;s, a B ^ the b.ile Ol halt bah . f r -a:.- 1 v C. T. HAliill X SO'.. .Illlv 1’.. .''tt' miY iumnH, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES. in addition to tlie above, we Inive :idfli-l t" our »t WITH R AVNKU \ (illAlOin:. .Ti ia o,\ n r. isr rb \ NEV7 YORK. i ('listoiiKiiy ii(l\:Hi('fs Oil .\in:il Slons. .'ic. i Manh .'i. 1 71-tf I .iosi:i>u i{AKi:u, .h?.. \ TTi^It > i: V VT r\ \v, 35 H .\S taken an ottiee next door to Wni. I’.. NVriuht's K Ii baw ii'lice on tii’icii street. He will attend and I ]ir.ieti(-e in tiie County and .-'ujierior Court.s ol (.'iimbi-i- i biirl, I'.laib-n, lliilieson and Sainps^.n. Mari-h I’n. l^',::. 7' tr .lOilX A. UK'li AUDSOX, A'B’T«fS\ B:V A’fl' B.AV,. Ibb ■aft(r .lune n-xl. ; attenii tiie Cmiri' of .\iisi n. Uicliii. iiid. Ilohesoti, illaden. and ('I'lum- blfs ( ’ounties. .\ddress. I'.ii/.abethtown. Illaden C.umty. N. Miirch 7. 7 I-i'iM ('MA!iL!:s n\XKS. o.^Tt-: f' T# n. nii(Md>.\LK AM> H1-;TAII. liKAi.ini IN I'l/i'i ijii I'i Ki/s, f'li/nrs, 'J’n/,Ill-I ll, Sii i!ii . Fayetteviile. IJ. C. A\T'.\ f ,1. C. .^1' Wm. \V.Mt!>i;y. S. 'r. 11 \ w i.i;v. .I(i!I.\ 1). W'i 1.1.1 A.M .- 1 ji:.N i!i-w. A\'m. ,'dch.vi ni\. W.M. M(i.M'\KK. Hl'liV I.IM.V. i i. !/. ]^i vi;(,\ i.K. '1 III X. S. i^I Tl'KUl (.III. -loilN II. ( ;uK. i >. -\. J> \ N . A. A. (III*. .McXi.n.i,. N Aill-V.N A. .^TVliMAN. Kvu:. ' (i!'!'ic!:r..‘^; (:i:o. M.'M'.ii.l . i'r idci.t. H. !.. iloVbll. Mce I’r. J. (i. sm.rHi'.iiit, Atti.nx-,. • Me i I.b.VN, Se.-retar .. (;;.'. M,-M:iid.. | •' »i N H. C:aU(. r'.ecxUive Committee. .I.\S. IvVbi;. ] Tl'“ j'iaii "f 'd : ic\l. Insi ::\Nri'; must eomineml it.'elf to our i i'iiimnnity, ; r it e :a be detnonstiiited that wo hi V.- saM-d v. i’liin thi hist 'i . yeaf.S upwaril.-; of J: :;d,(H)(t by iiiiii:it’ce io ilic N..i-ili ('.-.rolina .Miitu:;! (.'onipaiiy; that i'. i‘ should iia'.'.- pai l t^i h.ive kept the same in- Miiaiii-e ill the ti.reian j iii t "tnek coiui'anii s that ^■unl no re tlian v. e ioivi- ai-tuall v paid: aiid yet tiiC North C'.i 'iiiiia \hiti)ai (‘oniji iny li.is i (■ct'i->''‘I b' l'vi-en S.'(K'(i ;;!) I ;.i i.iMi more fri mi o-m- c' oimnnity tliaii it has pai-I ' I,. I t' r h S'i-> iiere.—sli’ win'i tl:-it v,e a' ;- favi.i-.iblv sit- nati-i|. 1 I iisiira I I hii- ( ii tie- o 1 H'.d !!. Vooi-loj;. -'.n.\ i)ii II I ei\ e I approMV oil); ared w Jtli ..^.i .-r tii'j ;cr u.iiaov Las ;:■ ne int ‘ C'pt-i at'in V, \‘''Vnb'y. j-.av- i \ ‘ or r.-ini.-ed apjilictsiioiis to thi- aniount of . and ti:e Coi,i.iaii\ is now jihi -i-il upon a tinn M-.i'h 1. 1' a larL.1- mid u i-l: Cl.Ui l!l\r,. a: U'Uai low pri./es .•.•:.-d a-so, wlii. il V il accoliian N. r>. Striet -ittenlion j'ai' Manh I-. 1 • k 1,0-111 l;i; ' ‘V-M \ Id'. I- o-.if,- to l^u.v els at our iiitiiiir ti-inis. 11 \l.l. .V S.U'IvI"IT. I l ib-i's. w %V i.thi-rp Nov S I have !'■-ni mod: ■-iiIr-'k \\ a: i-Iii’ii'**s in fhi ear of our .’^torc. in hit h v i- stoi ,■ , , -ton ai.M ■ 1,0 I-. 1*. .V W. \l KIN. . ls-,1. :.7-tf whh li till- Inghi-'t prii-e> 1 U 401 ot I. '» \ il. J-lt % h:.vr>-! t' ' ■^ici s. I.iimhei t n. N I'.. I'l l W AN ru), bi!i.' Tiirpi- Drif ,io. I-;' I' vid ho Laid. 1-. lb-live this plac i-d at II. ( \K\ i:u, i)K.\i.i;ii IN (I I'oci yirs. a/i'f 1^ corner Market Soii;i: Hat Stoll*. ii‘ n street favkttkviijj:. x. ' kinds of I’roducc taken in exchan ( t'l'Xls. r fro:ii N. • '■tf I’OI'I >1 ti;l> , e, next to 1». .'lit rr'^H g. lined 1 . authori; " ! .'.gent, or .s.-.-ietary, may I '.il :iti^ n -. but th'-y will ii't !■.• 1 indi? / uiitil 1 ■ li e b\i i-i;livi; (.’oiiiiinctOe or the Hoard. ’d. I. Mr'i.\ll'i'. I!s 1- is appolM('i (iciieva! t;.',' (. o;:ipanv. We invite aj^piieations. ii:0. McNJ.lLL, I’rci/t. M.■^U!.bAN. Sec'-'. '. !>■:'. ‘ r.r.if s;!>'s«-riher continues to receive !n:d sell, op i:.a;'afacturci-s’ account, u’.l j;ru'ies of nniiinfac- haceo. ' J. ITI.bV. 1. is:,::. ^^'itf 1'. V,. 1 lioM.b- Id. l.sr.stf VVlio xvoiiUl EiuiA' iti (ttra^s. a/II u \(is: UA;s!! 1,1:: puce w I •. H \t;> h tiie \N ri;i>. hiuiiist niai'i (I 1h;ni;ov, . ivVi.i; \ .Vu'ent.-" t' r the .'ialli' ' I”: Ha Favetteville, Marrli ‘Jl. l''-'-^ C".. ■i-r m;m i-h. N. in t. mri'i;/' '77" mtin. i^Hl'. .'-'uhsci ihers havo ;.d l;:ig-> llio I '-(li e. do. .l:,va do.. ') Hhds N. *. aioi ''iu'i- Id r.oves 'III ior a"o;-ti^ Suu'ar. I t an Iv. I lucox! r>A('ox!! iiAc'ox::: ’ •: 1.;. 1 SlO Reward. Id.d'MI lbs. N'oi th (' 1.-. I, III II I i hs. U I 'ti-rii Fo:- sa'e hv •' liiia r.iii-i.n 'ides ulid (i \V. tlhler W li.I.l.VM (1-. I Man-h 1 I)\iLV i:\iMA ri:i). \SK." I'a’; '. Vi'.i. a h:i;ii-i|ll-- a 1 . ‘ .-n : - 'Ui' st 1 . lilassWare. ,\i-. W. ’1 Ibl.iNCH AS'I ill ti'ir Ml lliiifi.'^t I ' h ll/I II. t i 'lut! mj un .Minn ■iii'l S'-’iif, (iiii'.A'r i:.N'i'i:Ki‘Uisi:! E':t > «‘t l‘\ ii !* io Itoiiixl l» ''Hi. .''II I rihi I ' \m.iiM ii'I e. t: n'';. intoiin alni tio- piihiii-. tii.i* tii: ii;i\e i-i;ti-i- :irtnersliip l -v the pnrpo- c i.t' roiiiju tiii j to-- ; Ili.I \t.i; HI >1M >S 'mi a: ' ' h, : !i i.r.i'-:il :ii w • 1 » ni' ti. th.-ir i-'-d into ; i-lli'l :; i I I.' ]i:.r''. .Vli'i lllidi I>; jlldilr.; tlieir tiii-v iia\i- II" he'i!:it; n to i i-mpale wmK with t I i.isiiai'lit ill i a\etle\iile as to s! \ ie and dllla- 1 .h'y M. !il i'SON, ISO f\%s: s*,Mif.vT3:ss. Fayettevilie, IJ. C. M:T. h L"'. 1. woirni .V i'jj.ior'i'. (si crssor.s ro o. w n.:,i >. l' 111 \VAi; 1 >1 N(: .'t ('nM.Nl i ()N MKUl II ANT.", r wr.TTiA ibbi;. n. c. (OI.K .ST.\M> Of M.M.I, A .KiHNSini. ) .1. \. OK I'l!.] Fe! rii.-i.rv l''i. is.'.:'.. ii'.‘-_v S'i'AUIi W iLlJ VM;->, Vi iiui.KSAi.i: iu;.\Li:iis in M'orrt^tt tittfi Sfitnmsfir SPrt^ faooifs. iiAV Fayetteville, W. C. I'MM!.] [.I. -M. Wll I I.'Ms. -'C>- , ■ vCv; \ ;7V- -2 vV 1!. .\nril •-’> I''-' . ri' -i. fiM- miles N’l rtli - f i ■ ’ . :> ii ■■ ■ill:* \ . on t he 1 1 ?h "f -■\ ; i-:ii - M. ni iri i iiii a at.d -h'iws ni:iri> of ti e 'ji .ar. iaiT.i waij^n iieiir (':i rl’■ i Zt'.— •• p ,:d f'T his delivery t.r Lewis Mav 1-’. I''.' ,V f () .'■itf (iOODS. \ \ll rriii;i,i,. I ii:in 1. i.bi'i •oil .•ilid ianh Stn ! r.s AM' i‘i:o H.MlFIF.bT*. L-:.t,-l IS AS *v \i:(.K()i> I’oiJ sali:. • :i rri'dit of ' V moiitiis. at the • 11 : ■ in I'i • I I t-V i'h-. iii ^Il)nday the _ rv ^I . a ikf-iy Wlln ill — loi ';*‘V tiirve liiildrcn tWCi t\i. \ -J, ,iit t'oiir iiioiitlis old. ’ .1 I ,1- ite Hr. Hir:im ilobiiison. : 1 1 N.I. 11: iHi .N'.-'i iN. A'lministrutor. l-ta I I f n/' l fjif'c l/isiiranrr. -II- Sh,'/: in TukU lnnnrril? I.,Miriil I'nr (hr hrmfit i>/siirvir- :/ A \v. 7100e:i: HF.CblVr.D a lar e St ick of SPllINi; ANH r.MMKIl O O B> ___roN^ls7 IN); ».*■ — l)r ssr> iuid Dr loiincls. shoes, v.Vc.. eall the attention of tlie I,adi« b in ' n and 'oiintry. —.\bso — /•/'/• f'lf h'> aifi/-)Hiii/> f 'fnfhnii/, 1/iits, Ji',iits. (in ih r& a Hi! S/i'.rs,Ji>i March ‘J-;, ii^'l Lllnrer. to|;;ii ti dr\ c id ti- ilid ; hhis.. I:o. I/aili('s’ I' iiK IlilHd'S. To wl;:cll he Won Ai-i-i/s j:. I.W \^ S il iv on \l.''ION.“'. haco te.i. mola-ses. I ii >-. siniir. m.iti lies, nii-ai. dried beef, no'. 1 .ill'i LI ni: same, nn 's |iork. huekwlie.it 11 nr. c.-in I'l-s. soap, wh ki‘\. hiaiid\. rum, iriu. wine i f various kinds - ;i!l whii-ii li.i\e hei n hon_iit !• r ra'li, aed will he soM h lor tiie saiiH-. 'I liiiiikfiil 1 ir p:i t ta\ors. lie lii pr, h\ strict iitteiitiiiii t'l hiisin s- '■■ lueiil a ( ■iiitliiuaiici- I mil- the Same. Mi.n-li 1'.'. l-'o. 7" .‘!mi.d an;. • h r. M \. ( ii.o i f th" firm may hi W i '’fu-id ' iron wi | k for \\ I- w;irrant ad work t t w i-iv\- nu.nths. lli-i.airiii;; d 'III in tiie neat il. I.. iioL\ii:s. Attorney at Law, Wilaiiugton, K. C. !■, i!o-.\ n ’ y ri'loreiii'i till- ia't t II \ ea* '. give gi-lierai s:itisl'i to A. II. .-t'.oll FFICF on Corner of und(,r .lournal oliiee. Hee. i-J. From and I'rii: •ts. .1 VMK H. I’ltf ‘I te\ iile. Jali'v I. 1 ■' -t i-iatilii-r hiw !'■ idbil .V hi: \nin. .I -.Ml s Hr.AMN. ■i;;. ti'Jtf h. /-'A .i: (u ntil IIII >1 . 7'.'tf II /, (/> lIlK shn. i' .\'.'c / rlnhlr. lljlOll (hr hjr Ilf !' it fi r the (rrri'ii'^i"^'/ M"- and tiic (Ireenrhoro' Mu- nnH T t: r.1- ri- ; r M r on an favorahlo term« ns i' > ( o. 'I his (- 0. is managed by tiie larger p'.rtioti of its risks iiu" a verv siieee^sful bll'ilies.s. a ' ' 'ai eh:irter, and offers to those :,o thiti'.: to wife and children .niter iililo opportunity. The insured par- j rofits of the Co., both in tlie Insu- •partmi Jits, n rea'oiialiie terinn. L'ivcn to all v*iio wish In = nr inre. iiiitrv wishiug Insurance, will jdease i;_ned bv letter. .I,\i>. ,\I. IIOSK, Agent. V -Jl. 1 \\llllii\l!s k .IKfili’. No. 70, PINE Street, NEW YORK. ' r ^’.l I'lli; SALK OF ,\bb KINHS (»F I'DirilN \M) \VI1II1,I.I.N IllllllM'in ,IM) ‘‘.11 a IIII l‘a c* III vv V ’« .1 r t i c* 11‘ «*’ (,»F lA'bllV HKSCUIPTION. Coniprb'iii^ Helling. C'nrd IJ()l)l)]ii.s Shulllcs, l‘icUcrs, Kolk‘1 SkiHs, liollcr ( lotli, Oils, &(‘. Hee. Hi, 18.>‘-’. i LAlM) AXl) !i\('OX, J. .V T. WAHHILI/S IS.-,3 ‘"f Vt-a'-'t I’owders, Soda. Spic-s. I ndijro. Spanish l!rowii S' .-ips, \c. .lan'v .11. b‘o:!. I'O'l'ASll, Hops. ('ream Tartar. I'.xtrarts, lor Ih-tvorin; Madd(-r. Hath I’.rick, For s:ih- hv J. N. S.MI I 11,’(ireen St. '■.Hr .Ml. I. Sa M.VtP S %\ i^ WIIKAT, rOUN, SAW MILLS, C; A .Mi ('iotliiiijx, 1V f B 5 II I'i undersigned. ha\ing piiri-hased .Mr. I iios. 9 I.iitterloh's Hi-tillery :ind Coopi-r-^hops. ha\een- teri-d into Copartnership niider the name of .Mei.aiirin \ .‘~traiig(“. for the piirp.ise of cair.vin;^ on tiie iii'tille- I V of Tiir[i(-iitii.e. and the nianiifac tui c of fc^[iiril I'.ar- H. McbAFIIIX. UM. .MebAI Ul\. .lAS. \V. STIlAMii;. 7dif At Fel/v li (()i‘\irrxi:Ksmi\ ! • ai-rl iiave entered into )i copartni'r- I'-r tlo- name and fctyl^ of Troy iS: .Marf^h. t’ 11 ol a (ieiieral Mcreantile bvisiness. 'II as formerly oc.-upied by .Mcssrs. H. ■ t of Hav -Mount. .1. I’l. TT.OY. .Ir. J. F. M A IISII. ;t7tf tton Varn and SheetingH, for sale hy 'I'liOV tV .MAI4SII. . f r elli- SiStf ;\l llif sisii of tlip l!ir?c Wiilrti, liny Slrert, (ttMS H,\s just received liis \\.\. Stock or CiOODS, consisting of If •aldies, .leireinf, SILVER AND PLATED WARE, AMD MILITARY GOODS. A 'B Fch’y IS. iii;rii-st ca'h 1111': iii;rii-st ca'Ii pro i- p.ii l for 'I'uriK iitiiie. White | Oak .“'taves, and Oak or .\siie Heading. Call on ; ,Ias \V Stran'^e, who v-an alwavs he lound at tin* Still. * ,Mci..U lllN \ Slll.\N.F. 1 Feb'y 18, 1S.'>:5. 7dtf i .M0I.ASS!:S. HHHS.,—sujieiior ipiality. Coftce, Sugar, Iruii, tor sale (’lll'..\l‘, by I’FTFK I’. .HJllNSoN. Marcii 1C.. "-tf iio'i'i:!.. rilHF snhseriher having pnrclias'.d tiie Hotel situated -■ on the Sonth-liast (-i.riier of Court House Siiiare, and lately known as Stuart'.s Hotel, would inform the piihlic tliat he is now ready to aei-ominodate hoarders hv the day, we k or month. Having made considern- hie outlay in fiirnisliing and n-litting the l.stahlishment, lie hopi-s to be able to give satisfaction to all who ]>a- troni/.e him. His Tahle siiali be I'urnisiied with the his assortment may be foutnl Wateiies of j d,,. market allords, ids Har witii tiie best ot !.i- i\ all kitids. fi-oin to ^Vl-y. gohl Fob (Hi.-ird an. Vest Chains: gold Seals and Keys: silver fob and man count didits due r he settled, !is xorui:. ill' ilidebted to me by Note OP .\ -i-tt till- .-'aiiie. ,\nd all 1 of .)an V Is-t.i • ■ iiiiiiot be given. A. A. .Ml i: FT HAN. '.IKtf sam: ok ki:x r, Siitiimer Uesidencc, known as the - (.-.OIMON. I Ciiains I lings. I and d 1 Kevs: Hreast-pins, bar-ring.s and Finger- fine‘stock): Cull'-pins: Hrai-eict.s: gold and silver Spertaeles. ThinibleS and I’rilclis; gold Lockets; ( olt'' and .Mien's Kevolver.s: Che.ss men; Accordeons; Mivi r Spoons: silver Clips, \e.: Military Is ol al KiniN- a line b.t of Clocks, and almost everytiiing calle-l f,,r in his line, whicli will he .sold ciieap f;.r 'aslh Khort time to tho.sc tiiat will pay their bills when presented. Vi alclies and .Jewelry repaired as tisual. Old (iold and .silver taken in cxeiiange. .\ii tlio.se indebted by .Note or IJook account, must pay hy the 1st of November. Fayetteville, Oct. -1, lH5‘i. ol-tf i|iiors, and his Stable with a plenty of good iirovender and faithful Ostlers. J. A. GlL('Hi:iST. .Hine -Jl’,. 18.-.-2. "-tf M:\V iL\KEilY. rn^HF Subscriber has established a Hakcvy on l>ow B ,treet, on tiie bot two door.s I'hist of L»unc.-iii .Mc.N'eill'w Cabinet Shop. He i.s prepared to furnish Families, Hoiit«. and the public generally, with l.read, lii.sciiit, and (’nkes of various kinds, of the best iiuaiity, asn lie has procured the services of one of tiie best Hakcrs in the Stale, riicos reasonable. Hive me a call. CHA’S HANKS. Fayetteville, Dec. 28, 18.'.2. o-'.-tf i HIST Mill Spindier Hahiiice Iniiis and Hrivers. Inks .•ilid (iiidgeor.s. Hotihkiss Water Wheels. Hacks .-'lid Hollers, kept i-olistalitl.V on hand, iiiid tor siie. \N e also make lt-aiing and .''hatting for Wheat, ('orn. .'^aw Mills and F.-n ti lies. Steam Fiigines of any aowcr repMired. (irate H.irs and Fiirnace I ronts kept on liand. We wisii to ma'-e aduitioiis to our maciiinery piid tools: to enable tis i.i di. thi'-. tliiise indehted hy note or account will jilcase come foi war-i and settle. HAbb HObblNCKH. .March i-J. IS.Vi. 7(itf Holc/iLis.'^'s \ (itic(il \V(il(r \\/t((i. f B H I'.H F. are several hundred of these W heels i nope- El ration in dillerent counties in .North Carolina. For proof of tiieir great advantages over the common tliitter wheel. or an.\ other wheels now in use t'or saw mills, we i-oiifidenti.v reler to those vviio have apjiiied tiiem to tiieir mills. We c:in recoiumcnd them particularly fi.r tiieii- sii|ieriority in cases of a low head ol Wiiter, or back waier. We still keep a siniplv of Wheels, s'litable for ditier- ent lieafls of water, at Wiimin.gton, Newliern. Wasiiing- ton. Fdenton and Fayetteville. The wiii'els in.iy also lie had of h. .\. Hrevard, Lincolutoii. and L'l'iaii Weds, I’etcishurg. \:l. i’ersons wisiiing to obtain the riglit to use the whci’ls, will he served on ajiplication to H. .McNcill vSi Co., Fiivcttcville, N. (.'. H. McNFIbb. A. A. .MeKHTHAN. I 1). J. McALlSTKK. I Feb’y IS •■>!' tf J'lcs/t Jhfr/ii/iss i'liiid and C(unphht(', Just received and for sale hy .J. N. S.M I i'li, ireen St. .lan’y 111, 18o.‘’,. ''.Hf JOM'i'il Ii. oi.iiSMrii. C' O M .11 3 5 i ANH FCRWARDIWG MERCHANT, t'. J." I’roinpt personal atti-i.tioii ^ivi ;i to all Ci.nsi;:n- ' niei.ts. and ( .isli adv aiiri s made on Hrodncc t'l he ship- i p(-d to otiier poits or sold in this inai'.vet. Fell. lL>. l-'o. ''7y W iLKIXSOX \ i:SLi:ii, : HF.M.KRS IN (\ni f'l r( iDiui n/, l''iu-r/if!i I-'i-ili(s, .\ ii!.s, T'ifi(ti--;i. 11 II if Sill'/}'. \Ni» IMi’ollTKllS OF li.iVA:>A 'S;\5S?si, 1' W IIOl.K>.\ l.K AM' !:!;!'.\II.. Market fet., Wilmingtoiij I'J. G. An- 7. H's.M. lltf MAUjyi'i' \ PAn.Mii'Ji. >irortrs aiitf i'omiiiissiou rhatits^ lit'* I'lHHll NEW YORK. '. MAr.I.KTT-] [.I. l“Al I.MIKIi. .\u}rust 111. 1S.')2. l>tf I !> !.'tie.-n'i-'ly inf r:ii t’if> jnd.ai- t;iat he i.- ■it his old statid carrying on tiie above hu-iri .-- Ill li.i !t'oraiich's. He n'turns t'lanks for the H'ler;: i^',:r.iii,iL.c he h;:.- r-.'--: ;ved, and hopes hy a striet :it!i iii'oii to hri'i; I". a desire to jileascall and ;'i'>t .M-ner tl 'at: I'ai-t.un, to nieril u ci.'iitiiiuaiice of the saMe. He i|-:-:nii.s all his wotk to lie made of tiie best nni t -li'i au ! I \ e.v pei;i-nied Workmen,—having a more . .i/!i od iii iiciS, •!'/•. he Ihitters hims;-lf that 1 is V.o'k will ciiaijiete witli ai-y ir.ade ill the .'^t-ite for 'ty’ -. e’e._r.|,|e ■ and durability; and slioidd atiy i-f it la.il ia f.veV, »■ iiv.i ths ;\v'th fair iis:i;.iel eitio'r in wi i kuian- shi.i or mau-rial. he will repair it free of ehaige. I’..) -:. I.s 'vi'iiii.^ to hi,_v. ^vo\l\.l do v:ell to call an-l e';- aii.ii: !:i' as he is dttenaintd to sell low I'or cash I-r ■ Il '!i. r; t'’-ie. >■.•■•• rs til • ixi'ciHv VC cei', ed iMiil ironrot’y .•illrnde.l to. 11I’.V ! !l I Ni i ii'.aMy executed m short n,;ticc ;:M'i io-.ve t • o'sihle pi'iees. i aVelte''.',:i>, .bin. I!''., l!'-' -'.. ‘.‘'.tt c' .\ ! M!:i! i-:.s. (' A ssi .X11:K i :.s. fll.W b.just rc'eivi-d a 'ro:di iipjdv of that celebra ted .'^.'\bl.N| I'.VS.s I M FI; K, to v.hich 1 wi nhl c:i!l tiie aitcntii.-n of my friciid.' tiie i.nhiie in i^. ner.-il. H. SilLM'\'i'Fbb. May:’. Iso:;. Mif 'ri KPKX'i’ixi:. !,'r i; have a ci'iivonient w arc-h. msf? near the ,= fcairi hoat " I'.arves. in wiiii li weean receive a>:d h r- v.'aid Spirits Turjieritine for our Iriends, otlerinir them ;i:e ••■.’.st'iniary .sliipjdr.g I:ciiitic.'. We also p\irehaso the ariicle on onv own r.ci-i.not. and keel. !'..r sale sneh articles :.s arc ’.isiiall.v \»ant-jd hj the ini ’ ertine oncrators. is:,:; J ,v T. UAIHdbb. ij'IiTj. Waltcii j'l.'t i.'-’i.ei t’;o -ei- iiid sto'-k f^f •' piiag : le! S,n.!:iier ilONNiiTS.' I :iw s of a new and and vai’ii'O.s prico': ■n--, Hea bdrc.'.M-s. '. ii'g an i .'hoi t HIovc.-’' v' "1 11‘ler slev -.e-. (Jollars ' ! I ! ■..,' ','rii.iiain;i;s. - i.iade ill the !:iteI sl.vle. ■unlry proinjitly altcuJo ! tn. av.a \i AW nr ir'>tn i:a’ unt’t'ul Jin To llio A;f8*i4*ii!liiri'*J!«. H have .just received a variet.v ol I’bOl (iHS, I'lough Fixtures, Corn .Shellers, \c. Straw Cutters to suit. J. & T. WAHHIbl.. March 14. lS.->:>,. _ TCitf For Sn/(\—;j() tons l\'niNian (iinnio. Those who have engaged fi-om us will please send iii. H. W. AlcbAl’KlN. Feb'v 7, i8-:>;b botf T. C. WORTH, (())1)II.SSIII\ A\i) K (IK Will III .Mi tlKRCIIWT, w iLAUXcrrox, x. c’. Feh. 1. I.s.'.:*, (idtf MlMiliAV Cc C.KAX'i’. \\ holeaaic (irnrer and ('ui/ujius.sioii \ rchd/i!', j Wilmington, W. C. | ,\l.ril 'Jd. IS-'i-':. s-'-:'ni ; A. .1. iX 'I'. .10X!-:S. I General Agents k Commission Iilerciiaiits,; Z','" I'artieiiifir attention giv’ii to the sale of Tim- f her. biiiiiher, and Naval Stores, biheral cash ::dv:nuvs j till eoiisignments. 4-*ti i X. n. s rAiiiu cic, j mVevr IV/rA', | 11!()X l-'OrXDKU AXJ> .MA(’IIiXl.''T,^ Minuf\ir(nrrr f'J Stroni JI il/s ini'l li(>ilrr., J>liU\ (I'l'tiriiiiJ nf nH kiiiils, J’/oili/hs, i[-C. ; im:mo\i:i>. fClli;-; SuhsiTiher ii-n ing retnov ed to tli'' stand for K. nierlv oeeiipii d hy NH'-^sis. .''tarr \ W illiains, 0!i II IV .'■^ti'i et. i-o'.'i-s to ti.i- piihli.- :i 'o-ii.'ral assoi tnieiit ot STAl'bi; .'vN'H F.\N "i' HH\ and would I.e pieased to see all per.-, ns in want oi (I.-oiJ.-j hcfore they piircliase, a.'^ he is dete: mined to S'11 1'ir a small pr 1:1 ler cash, ol on time to punctual customers. J. c. roE. May n, IS'*?. "-If Sfork i^oods. rs '^HE snhseriher rcspccti''illy begs 'eave to infoini hi .' I eiisti iners :ind the public i^eucrally, that lie h;ip' I just roceived his ."'tock of I kjii III rU# lu Jfii'ii Ji I I n.hr:iciiig a eneral .\ .'.'i 11'i--nt of ' St;i|i!i> and l'’aiu-V Dry (b o,!s, iimi'Kt.-, .''Iisse.s' ! mid t'liililrcii’.s Hat'-, I’att. rn.s, 1 in- i brolhis and t’:iiasi'|S, Hunts .•|inl .Shf.( j. ! \1M (.All .\NH CtHFHi'. .Vf. c H. ^^HKMW Hl.b. j ,Ni I-:!.-' ' 1 Corner Market Sijuaie, (ireen st ' ! KaM-ttcvilie. c.. April 1. IS.'.:!. S-'Itf iiooic r.ixi)i:m . p'ft V>'. H.MlidH has reinined the Hi.ok iiind.ir.^; • l>usir>.es at the i.c.v Store ne.xt door to .Mr. I’.eas’ev, .!('weibr. vihere he will n ccive anil e.-.ci.ulc bitiding in any stj.le desired. -\iieust I. X!:\V 1300KS. ’^IIK ■\'outli of Shakspeare: the .‘-^ecn t I’.assion: Shakspcare and h;s I-’rien ls:—cents h.— fyiHK nndcrsigned, a.s the Agent of tiie above F.stab- j rhiilips’s Hevoiional (iuide: .lames s Anxious bmniirer: M. lislniient, will order any articles whicii may be j Matthew IHnry on Hiayer: ditto »'ojim;iinieant’s Com wanted, on ajiplieation to him. i paiiion: d;tto t lioii-e Works: .'^lason on Selt-Know h-dge. '"he Steam .Mills manufactuix-d by Mr. Starbue’c have Clark’s Scrij'ture I’r imises; Ahlxiri's C( rner Stom ; e been tested, and are highly' ai>jirovcd on the I'lank Also, lurther supplies of .My Novel, by Uulwer; \ il Hoads about Fayetteville. * lette,' by the .Vuthor of .lane F.vre: Heatriee V.y Cati-. FDW'D LK1-: W'lN.SbOW. nrine Sinclair; Huukcr's V, ailct.': .''chool Ho-.k': \r. Fayetteville, Sept. 4, 18-31. lidtf i Mav H>. H. .T HALL' A '^UX.

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