FRO.M THE N. Y. EXPRESS. Tin*: MINES OF GOLD IllUi. (JoM Hill, in llowan county, North Carolina, is tlcnoniinatea by that cuiincnt gcoiogist, I’lo- fo'^sor 0 r. 8hophanl, the richest mineral deposit in' thc rnite.1 .tah^s, unless perhap one single oxcoption. The nnperfeet, an.l inajlequatr losiilts of the internal i means hithoHo empl)yed ui working Its rich, and I IMnnter. 1. , apparently inoxhnrstiMc mines, with the \aiie \ fi rtilizers—it will also open the door to of hands ;iiii.»njr w hu h they have been ^hii h has, up to the present iioiir, have ten.Ud t > keep the i-nhlu- ijrnorant o their , j extent and value. A jiidKUui> j> an .i i > pio when North (’arolina will beeonie one of the ])Osed by l>r. Daniel Asbury, tor eonecntrating pn.duriii«- States, and the taunt which has the property and direction in a Mu-le company, , • . of this salt is a common oecurrcncc} and any one m.iy satifv himself of the fact by tasting the soil; 1 have already said that the corrective for such soils id lime. This substance however, is not only a corrective, but it bccome.^, under these circumstances, an active fertilizer. Gypsum is the product fiu'med by this application. In this connection I may be allowed to say that the most improvement It must give d the attention of a often been tiirnwii into her teeth, “alas, tor poor I'.as for some tune receive jiuinber ot c*ur citi/eiis. and we undc*rstand tliat measures are taken tc> carry it promptly into c fleet. (.Sold Hill is an emiiu'nce with a >nifacc‘ stmio- what unevin. n mi’.o in length, ami about nne- third of a mile in bri*adth. It cunsists ot a mass of i hhirite slate rock, in strata nearly vertu-al. whiili are cut by exactly vertical veins, :tre rich in pilii, iron ami eiii ]ur, jiyritcs, maii- ir:)nese, \'e. (hviiiir to the invisibility of the iroM, and the fact that but little of the. ctluT metals ;;i' pear above tl;.' surface, it i- nnly ten years ••''1*'^' thf pla'-‘ was kni'Wii tn In' a niiiiiiii' ’'cality. Sinc' then sevenil -hafts have bi sunk, the two dcv jicst of wliirh Were al'n«' Icct, anil another l(»l»; and al-ont ?Itwoith of jzold has been for several v‘'*'’'^ scut tuiiuuilly to tin* mint at (’harlotte. Tt l as Ioioj: IhCU knnwM tliat exi>fs in the rock'- or smwi’s ot lar_t;e tracts ot eonntrv on diftcr- i!f ot' tioll Hill; and it is now declari'd by I’rotes.'or Shepard, wliose oj>inion is sustained by mo.-t respectable .•clentitie authoritv, as well as bv the bolu I (>i practica! miners ;ni>unti, that it is tho • i i • * “ , • ‘ , * > 1 • r . 1 »• 111 imliil in:: once or twice more, tliev ^'land centre aim eliiet store-hou.c ot goM uc- . . . . ... , ’ posites. He says: “Other gol ■ mines pro>cnt us in such a sjiace one or lico Veins. Here are )tinr, grouped in loso proximity, and | resciitin;: such a variety of ores, and having such traits ot continuity, direc tion, size and irerMog'cal character, as to show their eonnection with such extensive' su]']dies of jiiiueral matter cut’ pnifound depth.-, as to make it ^ln cuduriiig souici' of vwulth to the comitiy.'' “I have seen no mines, of any description, in our own country, or even in (Jrcat Hiitain. which have left so strong :in inijTcs.-ii.n of their intrin>ie value, as has bct’n prodmcd liy the in>pecli( n of the mines of (lold Hill, in North Carolina.” ^‘The iichenie j ! opos( d by i *i-. Asburv. ef uniting- in one grand whole the si parate intere.'-ts ot the difTcrei t j artier on the hill, pre.-.i tit> ail- \antages which must be obvidns to evcrv one who gives the subject the least eoii>id ration. A com- prehen>ive sy.-tem of working can at once be entered tij'Oii. 'J'he already di.'covc-red wealth can be much more j>ro}i‘ably developed, and new iiicoverie will (i rtainly eii'Ue. I’nlike i;i. "t iicw ailventuios, the consolidated company will start uj'oii an al solntt* ceitaiiilv. 'I hev have not lose time in .nitlng maehinerv, in >inkinir rhafts, in expli rir.g gimnid, in otiicr ■words, in mtiking their mine; thi.s i.' alri'adv matie and speaks with a t.'‘cidc-d t ni[i!ia«is for it:«elf, it beiii"' called the inotlicr of mines throu;_'hout the reirion 'where it is sitnatctl. With the machinerv now (■■n the ground and iho courscs of lii h ore now ac cessible, it may ctmimence in :i day. an-1 yield from the goi l alone at the rate of above per annum, with every pro.^pivt (>f d iubiiTig this inagniliccnt rcvi nne ai an e.irly date, dimply (>n the introduction of more powerful machineiy, the reduplication of the force at present employed, and the working of eoj.per ore.' I'r au the de. p and hitherto nnajipreciateei levels of the vcin.s.’’ li:tt£r rno.>i rii(»Fi>.‘^oii Sai.IsIU IIV. May 27. l''.'*o. Ti> Hr.> Fxci.i.i,: N v. D.w in S. Hkiii: •^lll—I am often >u"]>r’'e I at the amount of execlh nt laud wlii-Ji 1 u.-., t witli . v ly I'ay. 'I’iu c itton lands arc n. t coi lined t » lM::. i-i'niI''. ayne, or cxcbisive ly to the Ivi.-tern ] art of tiie Stat. ; the v.;!le\ «,f the; Vadkin and atawb-i are- ojually gool fir cotft.n—e*)'i:i!ly f. rtile and ]'ro- ductive in all t!ic umt staj.i's' if thi' latitude. I'r'lin the .Jer- y Settlvm .-nt to di.-bur}', fr ni Sali.'lnry to ('h::rl..tte. .-w.d then ..iith to the ''t.ite line, cxcclli nt and pro.iii. t:\.■ land' arc lleV'.'l out C'l s'uiM ‘ anv i.-;ii:t!l '«f time. W’ilh atti-iitinii fiUil ei;Irjv.:tii n. I'Ui i -rii- fievi-r;d tV ■ or'iniaiy r ‘n*:ii. , lar'.'e tr.icf ni iy b'* made to ].rodui e co’.tiiuion'ly ^,*1,1(1 ]b>. t.f seed cof . ii to tL • ar-r.'. 'I his is thr ]T"durt '.f the j.’-nitati. n c>f Mr. D. 1>. I’e iM. ', of I’r .\ id'lii-i- Di-trii t. ia 3b dclen! i;:_' c,.unry. '1 !.e exp-h'i‘ (>f cultivation *1 pr'dnrc f!.i- i ' 'ult !' ! y i:o nn-aii' gr .!t; in li..' j !• Id of >' ; : (Mf.oi th i'l' is >’•>!{> II,, (,i lint. IL:^ 1' -,.;t ;i)']«ear.' .':;;1 tiin!.- isma: Ka’; n jt North Carolina, she: has nothing to sell will pass awav. It is a rc'inarkable fact that the mining lands of this Sta*e are usually as produc tive aiid valuable tV.r planfations as the lands of otiier States. She h:i-» therefore, a dnnble source of wealth, extend'-g '>'or large tracts of ei>untry. In other conn*'^''* mining lamls are mostly poor wlY ii unpro-’nc-tive muler the best systems of till- aixe. • have cidh'cted many samples of the soils pi.“iliar to this j)art of the State, and I believe that the agricnltiue is e(|nally intere-sting with that (>f the eastern portion of the Commonwc'alth. 1 remain, most respectfully, Voiir iCxcelleiicv’s obedient .servant, K. K.MMONS. riNALl-: TO A Dl'KL. .\t a late hour on 'J'hursday night, twi> of onr yimng tire-eating bloods enterc*d one of the fashionabh- salomis in .'^t. Charles stret t in a state which indicated considerable fatigiu . .'niipo>cd to be (*aus('d by carrying too l.irge a brick in their respective hats—in point of fict. as .>Iicaw!'er would sav, thev Were decided!v iii(d>riated. Alter commenced bandying wit, whiedi gradually grew personal, and fin.illy some very insnltiiiir language was used by one of the p.arties, which fired the blood of tin* otlicr. pre'viousjy snlfuieiitly heated bv li.jiior. and a ch.illenge was immediatedy give'ii and promptly aecipted. C.ibs were called, and the bidlicoM* young goiitlv-men entered difb'rent ve hicles :,iid ordiTed the driveTs to proci'cil at once to •‘The () d;s,” a loe-ality whii h acijnired a bio Illy disiiiietion from the nnnilier of Inels which ha\e liei II toniiht there. 'I'hev ^teadllv refu>e-d to allow any ot tie ir friends to accompanv them, eir :.dmit i f their interfereiiee f >r the jnrpo» - of etb'cting their riciiiieiliation: and one ot tiie partv. f.imiliarly kicwn as “raredes” wl-o w:i i:ra\eiv drunk w..s if(|ii'''te'd to >taiid guard ovt r ari->tln r who wished to iiiN rfeie, which lie jiromised t i do. t bi arriviu:: ;.t “liie ).ik', ' tin- eabnn n w. ic Very much a'tonished to tiu'l tiie enibrvo liuelists wrapped in the amis of M .;pheU'! With some dilliculty th'y were :iwakened. and recoL'ni/.iuLT tlie locality and each "liH-r. s'liHwiiat srivpri'ed. having be'th the juan 1 and the intt n th 111 iinally l-roke emt with: • vi'H doiiiir luri? ’ A looked t’.iey both looked entirely f'l^xotten ded ligiil, Oueof \\ hv. A. u hat an- contused for a mo- mc'nt. aiid aiiswi ri d. *•! recoiiee-t now th.if soin‘ tillow j:ri...>]y iiisulti 1 nc, but 1 c.iu’t reni. niiier who In- was. ll w-Acr. 1 know 1 ch.illcnired him, and 1 .-uppoM' he> will b.- lu re s-.un." 'I'lie other immediately pn>{?‘; r' d his service.' ,i' 'Ce-.m 1, and sWore ho w.>nid s'aiid bv his tVien.j throu:.'h thiek aii'l thin. They both embraced, with !■ ar- ot att' cii"n in lluir eyc'. and sat do,\n uu the damp grass t i wait f>! th-.- arrival of tlu ir aiitag- j on i '1. After retiiiiihing thcie nniil lu ar daybreak, ai-.d allal liemati/.Mi:: tli eowardiv 'i-ouiil:el wh-.' had lli'Uit d one ali l di'.j point ; b >th. th 'V entered thi ir resp-rtive i-ab' and letnrii. 1 to the citv. 'J'ln y vv ;i- n 1 reakfa'tinj : ■•_- !lifr tlie n xr morning at a ri 'taurant v av ing tii dislocate ev . rv boiic in till- body of a man wiio jdavi d th- :ii :i e •nteinj i.lilc triek, if tin y ( "nM niv li:; 1 FROM TIIE WAStllNOTON nEPVIIMC. SHALL THE OLD STATES PARTICIPATE IN THE PUBLIC LANDS! We observe that there is a conflict going on between the W hig and Democratic Congressional I candidates in North Carolina in regard to the con- j stitutional authority of the Federal Government j to apportion the public lands, or to distribute ! their proceed.^ amongst the several States. The l)einocratic {uess contends that such a dis- ! position (if the eonnnon domain is unlawful, and, : i further, that an application for such an apjiropri- ;iti('ii nr apportionment uj>on the part of the old States would be unavailing. It is to argue ; the proposition that all the States are entitled to au c'ljual division of the public lands, or tlieir pro ceeds. It is indisjintably true; that the present system bestows a partial advancement upon some States, to the jiositivc juvjndice of others. It is obvious that tlie eicht}’ millions of gift land now in market will supersede' the .sale of an erpial (|uuntitv of land ofi'ered by the (loverninent. It is e|Uully obvious that the; mtinimoih grants to Pacific and other raib.oads—the ceded swamp laiid.s—the military land warrants for past or fu ture wars—the graduation law, and the hoine- system—threaten to absorii the demand for public lands for years to ('oine, until the revenue from the land ofli.-e.s beinif uihi|U il to the ex penses, a gi'iieral relim|uishmeiit to the land Statens will terminate efl'ei tu illy the connexion between the Government and the jmldie domain. ' are results too obvious to be doubtful.— We have bi'i’ii .able to comprehend vvliv those who e intend for an aj.plication of th ' land f ind according to t'le proportion.ite eontiibntions of the seve'ial Stales, siiould In' confcnt with anv r-pplication s> palp.ibly as the pi-esi.nt. If the original plan of .',de and applie.ition had been jiursued. it would h.ive; bi'cn at just, thoui'h perhnjis not so judicious as a more svstein of alienation. Hut when tin- distriliution is so nneijual, vve shosild have thought the old Statfs would have either demande 1 ;i rotiirn to the (dd Jilan. or the e'tablishment of a tiew one, founded *11 sonie reguil to e|uality. We know no nioi-' elejilor.tbh' a consei|Uence of p Il ly oblig.i- tioKs th.m ihe po-ition takm iiy the 1 )cm 'cr itic party of X ortli Carolina in ojiposing the distribu tion ul’the proi-ccds of the puldii- l.ind amon-j-t all the .'States, iu pp'fin iiei' to th-’ nnr.jaal 'y-!. ni of which we c •mpi lin. They ilh'ge it to inv Ive a ih'jiartiiie iVom t!i" terms of thi' di e Is of i-. 'sjon. ^"> rv vv 11. The [T' seM!? 'yst.-in b st.>W' the i>nb- lie lands upon eanals, railroa |s. m id-h'ais, s. and eoli, _ 'J’hll' it>-'S:iri!y h.ipp. ii' tleil tliC'e doiialioiis e;.ur‘ to t!;,- b^n !it of pirtiiuiar .''tatrs. There i' Ii.' ji;''iec. tljt 11, !li sMeh a p'diey. 1: Ink.' tl." vira pliiieilie of'b’e U of ri'."ion — i(ju di:v. .N -u. if tic- South-rti 1 >em",-rat' i p- p "'e di'trii'Ution 1" e .U'i' it i a departu:-. Ir in the conditions of the ceded hinds, v. !i v d > they iioT jiiot; -t au .iii't ;h'- pT' 'ciit sV'trm .is a ltI u- ing departuii' tV"in the '.ime principle!' ^\'hy do thi-y n e ' -y t'l (' iri'.ri s.^. ‘'If v u vvili n t s II tin'c I III i' and pav th'- pro-'• I' intoi!i,’ r..| i- m"ii tn-.i'ury, ai divi.h- th in and n ii' our tiortion. We may tln-ii h.-iv' m fhin_' to proti'ct us tVi iii any fiiton- ^li.ibilitit ' th.a! m.iv f !I up 'ti Us in con«-ijU'i:i-e of _\ !.r t! i-iti"’!' wa'tf if a ti':.'! f.iiid." Vet th I >. m-fa t ;i pi ■" of N >rt|i ('.ii"!ina d ic iKi’-e ih iS''' who v\. iil l iK’- sUeh him. 1*. •o.iai'i S. I’aP. : ov. r th reii.'Vf'i, im t Hit 'i. and have 1. sUpp 1 to ■rt’er:ng tie n I. li s miiii.iiy ii.ii' ' p 't vv irli' Ut ■ r- ) /, /, ,) II -till 'i.Ui nii_' a' hi' iia' n >r !s vviil Hot al- I I. r-. South .iroliiia pa| ii"t' > an* t.i he pr 'iin'it-- tii>l i»;'diil\—that i.sto^.n ,t It nr u> di '^t efl'cf t. 'ai oliii I w:ii tiij'l, I' ann a.Ilf - that I in that .'■'t.;! ■ .aft r, In I :_j'I.iiiil hap- th- I of ...uth \ ''irinian' hav • mall r tl'e • V Kienv n ti ii.arks of liiu. ; :.i;l t I the oldest ru’i'ivat one is alni' .-t im !in opinio;i that th y \vi h'lvve vt r is delusive, mav be obtaini-d wi'l r.' 1(0 r..itural teniii?.crs; r. i !s ^ ti nt 1ti-s' laTids bd- d lai. is of t!iij St:iic, indeed, 1 to fall into the colillll'in n -ver wear out. 'J’hi-« idea ^\ lien we find sueli results ordinary 'l;id in cultivation, or With ordinary tili:i'_'e, wc an* h'd to surmis'' %vhaT m:_dit i.: t ii • e]tii-?e 1 liy additional attention and .'kill, c' nihined with a fo-e uv of such fcrtil- i/.ers as tiie .'iici e.->ivc crops re,jnire. ’i'licsc lands ill'" dl.'t’nguishe'd fre>m otle rs by tle jr dark b4'own C'dor—they are i :dled muLtto land s]iok«n of their ad,.p;.,tion to cottm. Now it vould not be ritdit to icganl lln-m a' adapted only to this cri p, 1 >r if there are soils which are univi r.sal in their, these dark red soils -f ba-'arius, Mcckh nbiirg and Ibiwaii are of this •le.scripti'.n. It ;s true tiiat there; are degrees of O.Ki.'i'llenee with tli '-;e whiedi bcur the ctdor 1 have .sp'ken of. '] jj. j’rovidence soils are looser than t!io>e ol som>- 'itln r tracts, for the latte^r arc .‘■tifier und til ire li.ilde to bake under the .sun than the toriner. It is not, however, to Le couceah'd that thi 'C; red sciil.' are inijiatieiit under droughts. Till' crop- ar'- liable to fail when the rains f.ail— in tlii> ri-'j..- ( thev raiik below the sandy soils ot tie- I’nion. The latter are based upon and d - lived from the? slates; while the former are baseil upon aii'l eleriveil IVo-n certain varieties of granite. '1 liis granite contains a large ame>unt of iron in the .state: of a proto.\ide, which on exjiosure to the air bec'iines a pi ioxide, which has the red color of the .soil. The iron, however, may be in com bination with sulphur, vvhii h in decomposing j.asses into a state- if peroxidation. 'I’his hitter condition of tin; iron app'-ars from the color of the soil, where the ro its of the oak an- found, and (•specially, when ihey are wounded. In this ease, th(- gallic aei l ( xuding from the woiinded roots finds in tiie soil sul|ihati‘ of iron. Ink will, th( rt-for«', be fomied by this combination, and the ]iuride blaek stre:ds which often apjiear in the railreiad cuts arc dm- to the formation of ink. Ink soils rcipiire for eorrei-tion lime, inasmueh as any eonsider: bl> .|n:intity of this astrine-ent salt of iron, is ji ii motions to vegetafie'n; yet'this .salt (sulphate ot iidii^ i.' useful in small (pianti- ties ill the soil. It sei ms lo ai-t upon vt-iie:tablc;» as it acts njion animals, viz: as a tonic.^ ■ astringent soils are very common throu'’hout the State. 'I'hey ;,ii in thi.s con.lifion from the gn-at abundance of the proto-siilphuret of iron which is ■ di.ssominated through the from which the soils are derived. Wake County i' r.-maikalde fur asfrinirent soils. , ill ihediy |.alt, .,| Ihe :ea.-,..n the i Pdoi. , n,-,- tliat p:i-'iii'_' lavv' t-i;: .iiibit th - circulation of .small ii' ti.'. and actnaily proIii!.itin_f their e ir u- lati"i;. :ire two va ry difl'-n nt lIiiiiL''. If tln-y ex- p 't t > li Ll-’ ite .'[ i ; ters out of th ■ Mati-. thi'V vv.ii liiid tli' iii- iV s w -tullv mistaken, ;iiid bi hind th.' time.'. A t'l-sh inunil.ition of this I ••■IUo( |:it ie •■pi't wiil l!J' !; th*'in ill s!i >rf order. With a!l th ir ] rohiidt.uA h'iWs t'i th'- eoii- tr i:y, le v- rta- h's.'. \ ir-iinia -an L'lve the- .''outh I lUolinialis a bit of expenenee on this >ubje-t. // It / II //./. ni'.ii'l an with tioli I It :i c"n'un:' •f ri_'ht. V. ttc part .eip.itioii mav be Ver I:-'!’!' ' ; It i' tl; ' o'liiim nr-t nil t tl. ■ tru't. Heii t r i f hi.' ai.t.ii'oni't. I>iit ti :i in a e .aipar itivp .stil| j t!u- I-'* eiine Jl.Ie II' e. 'ii;t of V i (> veriMii iVN which r i|ulr( ' the more than ii- | r -p-r ]'i 'p -r' ti' a'Ury Supi^ee th. a I']'T'‘pi i a 11 il 1 I II li 'mil' ,i( iiitii >n tr "! till p .ain't tl n-id I t!. ••|:i!i'l m Itiz ‘ : ti' .n :i't' r>"- o.ith t" c n in I ^ tile i-rd Ciovernnient 1 l-.V will dl b.-'toW' out of the t- a !■ V- litl il'Ute ■:nin -n iKi'ti an N ^rth s-ii’. •lit ■lit IV a larL'- r siiar* it i' I r'j- riy \ party i- ai i.n-f t:.!' d 'Mtiri"! I e 'It ]*act. I t I V’f;,,n -.f ill.' ! ;;r i 1: . ■ t ti. ■ :i iva’.’.i_e' -t' til • . I' thi' I'.ii ly stii^nriti'' ( *:i th- I 'iitiMrv. are t!.• ot^ .... ii-'.tiv' . I i i iia] III' I Itori' ill- III I h- II. 'ti e ni II L'oVe riilii' nt th p.irti.'Ktv nor j.ii jii'bee in its h-gl'lation!' N"vv an -tl.' .- party in like' m nr;; r j.rotesfs riL' file nr'.ipjdieati' n of tin- land tiind. It '.ivs - i.lliir di'josi "f this fiiiei :i' _\on have I , 'n a.. U't. ii!' 'l I rigiiK.Ily to d", ir divid.-it ap ■! t ■ Iir '1\ eral sha: e.' "f ,t we n::.y a| piv it to our ov\ n 'I LraiiiZi I vv Ill' ll pr't. V I'll' UT'- tV' ni t ie- t rill' of 11 M- maii'l' all t ' im]"'- all : '|i: ! .pport; 'i in- lit iiiim '11 ' i ivernm nt. i :i' - Ii-v• nu*- bei::: ii'’:'" V iiof leoar'ii d ; ' )■ itri- i i.t 'till V :_iimt .-11: 1 ■ to r.-LiiJat; tc- 'iii- it shall sill n n iti.i r amonL.'''t us. the 'llbjcef. j'lirp. - Thi.' furl in r. I: '.a v i Im la- i.' a :reat sceti' ;i i i i :i:e.'t. .\ it!i C: i"ldia is n- deavoiin_ t i li 'M i ut :is threat iiimii i na'i*' to p.ipillation a' Illin lis; y-t y ai h:ive t.aken twiiltV miilions .-KTes of public l.mds in which N i t!i C i- rolina hold' ;in i;-e!iv id- d iiiti r -'f. :nid l-.'t .vv. 'l it upon Illinois. \\ ith this laid ll'iiiois l.-.tiM' vaibo.-i'l,' ;i!id I'taMi'li's .-. Iioo!.-. hy which the valin- of her j r"peity is so I ir enhamcii as that hi-r boiid.s h.iV'- I'cn thciiliy ;.'Iv :ili e.l grc.'itly in Value. ‘‘North C,.roiii;:i '.vi'hes :ilso to (.igani:'.' siinihir inijirovei!i'-n?s .s|ie may inc't Illin,lis in peaceful competition. She wishe.; to of!', r to the ci'i/.ens of a e-' innion -onntry tin- hiidiest in'lnce- meiits whieh her po.-ition will permit. North C:iiolin:i must ta.\ her -itiz- ns, she niurt e xhort them to tiike momy from other iiivestments. She must cre.ate a St:itt- di-bt to efb-ct that whii-h Illinois h:is dom- by the iiiiiiiifii-ent aid of flm l-'ederal (lovernnient. We- d. niaiid an ciiual ad vancement on behalf of Xnrth Ctirolina.” And yet such a party is stigmatized as ‘dand begi'’’ W(' will giv(' another e, A p.irtv ari'.-s in the South, deiioutieing the action of the l-'ederal Government in restricting t!ie liidit to carry slaves into the hind :i(-(juired by the eoininon re sources of all the States. 'J his party deinaiids the right to carrv tlu-ir property into ;my part of tin' cojnmon territory vvtiich tln-y may think iiroper. ,>Iost Southcr'u men admit tlnit this p;irty asserted :i politie-al right, :ind (-ommend its patriotic demand upon the I'cileral Governtnciit for an ci|Ual jiarticijia- fion in the ((immon property. 'J’hcy were not successful iu their obje-t. Another jiarty jien-eivcs that the South Inis bt'cn prai-tieally excluded from the common terri tory; they know that this territory is rich in gold; that it jiassesses commercial advantai»e.‘i of an im portant chanicter. They .say to the Federal gov- i ernment “You have re'fiised us the right to carry our jiropi'i'ty into this desirable country. It was not cede:d to yon under any condiiions winit.socvcr. ■ It is common property. We arc desinuis to j>ar- ticipafe in its minonil and cominerciiil advcntai'cs. ^ j e deniiind, therefore, tlnit you will .set apart I and allot our sharo nf this cfimmon territory, that j we may employ it in constructing a way of cem- 1 munication, or in any other manner we may think fit. And this party is ridiculed as a band of “land bc'ggars!” hilst however a ri'gard to political consisten cy restniins the Demoeratic jiarty in the South : from demamling their share of the public lands, : or rof|uiring that shall employ lands in the improvement of the ccmntry, Cohmel 1 1; ■Th rt!i Mariiid. "11 the- J'th nit., in Keum buiikiiort, .'le., by Iti v. W. 11-v W'Mxl. Mi." Amainhi .'l.iiin to .Nlr. A. I!. Nott, all of Ke-iinebunkport. Tin- follow iiig jioi. tie-al (-orrcsp.>ndenee is sai l t > h.ive actuallv ].i"cd brtweeu the above-named eouph-, and t'l liave been the Ao/k/y/'A ‘’ The t;iet they wen- known to l>e inve-terate puiisicrs m.'ikes the statcmeiit more probai'le. 'I'lie last stalir.,!, we pie.'ume, was aeldeel l>y our I have correspondent:—I'oat. MU'T TO .\M \ oil. tlial 1 O'Vil'l I'ri-v.iil, III_\ fair, ’I' vve unite mir lot! Uli, tal%(* it ii.iiii. .\ni:iiiila Maiiii, .\iiil tie a ••ilniilile knot.'’ ^'ciiir t-oMin-s.s Urive,' iiie I" lic'spalr— \\ liiit .'iiull I loV all irliiil/ l-'.ii- V"" I III ^rriivviiijr tliiii and spnrc— Icr _!/«/ I'm a '■•/uni \'il/. " If I slniiiM licar that ynu linl ilie'd I'woiiM kill iiic i.ii tilt- ,'ipiit— Ve-t only vcsteriay. I cricij •‘.Ml! vvi.iil'l that shi.‘ vvctc' Nott:" ’flic ‘-cln.rils" .-iii.l IciKlrils of iiiy he-.-irt Ar Iiiliil thci; tnliiliy ‘•twillf"— Alii:ileln!,hi':iI tiiis aeliiii^' .siiiarll Alii.-iiiila. oh tiC' iiiiiic-! These very terms, ji.s I ujiiue, .'■^ll^Ijfest iiniteil hits — l‘‘ t s tic* till'll. tli'..'(‘ ■•corils jiml ‘•twiiu. ' Ill Ill/Ill, iii'iil kii'it.s. .Ml.'^.S AMAM».\ IlKl’i.V. This lite, we know, is »,iit a sjiaii, Meliee I hav'O liceii jitV.iiil 'I'h.-it I slioiihl still remain A. .Mann -\iel 'lie- at last—a iiiai'l. -\nil ot'tc'ii t>» iiiysc-lf I i-av * >11 I'liikin;; rotiiul. I tiinl J I'ere-s Nott, a man in every way •lust siiiteil ti.» my miii'l. I tain vvMiihi whisper him .-iii.-irt, lle«l iiialii* me* tiiest for life II he vviiiihl take' me to his Inurt -\ii‘l make .M.-imi :i wife. l.ovc! not, iny mothi-r often .s:ivs, -\inl so too .says the smij;— 1 II heeil tiie- liint in future ilay, -\lii| ion ^\oH well ami long. Then, oh! let Hymen on the spot, His chain aroiuil me throvr— Aiid liinel me in n lasting knot Tieil with a single he.-uil jViuI now I {;ive iiiyscif to you, Ami thus unite our lots— 1 hen lit* those ‘-eofls iind Iwiiie" intu .lo?.n lilil,- Nulls. Benton, n distinguisbcel Democrat, a native, ttc believe, of North Carolina, openly eontend.s that Congress has the power to con.struct a great Rail way to the Pacific, and to a.ssign any quantity of public lands for its construction. Senator Rusk, likewise, who cl.-iinis to be a Jeffersonian Demo crat, advocated an of the same charac ter last winter. Mr. Donglas and Mr. (^ both advocated this application of public lands to ca nals and railroads for the improvement of the residuary domain. I’nhappily for an imp;irtial division of the public lands, the Norfhvvestern Democrats have no con.stitntional scrujde? upon the subject. This render.s all schemes having for their object the advanecment of that scctimi suc cessful, the coii.sisteiit opposition ot the Southern Democnits de-nic'S to tlieir own section any particip;ition what.soever. W hilst we do not deny the right of any individual or class to make any siieritiee of their interests to their opinions, we must say fh;it if in consequence ot this at tachment to a venerated iibstraction, the Demo- cr.-its of North Carolina slnill f;iil to dcniiind even tilt' jiist :ipplieation of tlnit abstr:iction, and it the whole n;itional domain slnill be applic'd to biiihi up the powe*r of one gre;it section of the I’nion, aii'l thus relatively ilejiress that of the other, we hope.' t') h('ar nothing ln-re:ilter ot ‘*Northerii en- croaeliuients" or of h’cderal oppression, oiu' section slnill liiive* acquired wealtii, jiopuhi- tion, and p ditical power from the exclusive ein- ji! lyuu-nt of a common ]ir'>perty, iu which its rival wholly refuses to participate. .1/j O'.t Srtthr. — In 1SII|, lluel Warriner of .\L'awain, then a lad of tender years, found :i box turtle in the woods in Aijr.iwaiii, which he caught and after c;irving his own initials and the ye;ir upon his sl|,.ip let him at large ag.iiii.—Twice .'incc, at long intervals, and yesterday for the third time, has 31 r. Warrim-r falh'ii in with his early aeqiiaiiitanee. tbi this l:ist occasion he airain made a captive of him, brought him to this city and introifiieed him to the notier' ot the distinguished Lrcnth-iiien who e^jiter to tin* litt'rary t.i-tes of the twe-nty thousand rt'aders of the Ke-, .-ind aficrwards ri-stored him to his native woods ai/.-iiii. ’1 l;e old tcllow bears lii.s v.-ars well, and the inseriptie>ii given him tifty vi-ars a:xo bv .'Ir. \\’arriner. with a fi l‘lity that furnishes :i striking C'liitrast to the frailty ot hitinan iinjiri-ssions. 31.iy he live a tli'iusan 1 y, ars. — f>f Ui j>vhlii ii». t'si-1'111 It s liiiilt'oini ( fif/isHiu.— 1 III* cxpi*'-ss train which left Ni w York via N.-vv llaveii. 'riiursday ni'irninir. for H.istoii, nu t with a sorioii' acei.l.’iit ;ii Mist IJrookli' ld, a little before three o ch ck. 'I he train, which e ont.iiiicd .iii uiiiisu illy hirg * number *>t pa.s'i'iiger', an 1 wa' ruiiiiiiii.r .’it th** rate of ;it h .1st thirty mil ' .in hour, in c m--- qii-'iice of till* mi'p! iC'iii'nt "fa switch on t.> a side tnick, and into a niimbi r of fVi ight c;ii' wliicli w en> •;t iiidiiig up'll traek. 'I'ln- e.d- li.'ioii was of a 111'st triehtfu! ch ira' ti-r d’he leiL'L'au'' car was -ilm. 't d.-m'^bslu-'l. the ti|-'f ear vv.i' thi'ivvn over, and tlu' sei*iin | car ertt^'hc-d int.' The third and fourth *ars were volin. vv !; 't I roki tl. .'Ir. .\'h-r 11. Jojir.'m. win* w.i« .'tan lit.i: oil the platform of iuc of the l ars, tlu- oiilv ]>• T'HI killed, but a irimber of oth- i' were nioi ' I.;- 1" injiii. 1. th -iiidi ii'Hie fit illy hurt. /I'Dii'fi/ f',r f ’li /•. — Cd I " 'I'V, of till- p irish of 1 >e .'•'lit.', Illf iMIls th*- e-lit'ir f the ( 'aihhi (I.iZ'^tte th it h-^ fully testc'l a rem*dy for this li' U''! ''iii.^ il;'. asp,'-MfiMft .. 1 t .'i.;,,, ., .'“'paiiisli worn .11. I n.itivcof the' i-onn’rv. Tie* I'lic 'ly i' t!.:-: 'r .ke .-m ami 1 n ,ik it. p'>nr "’It the vvliit-. retaining tlo- y.*’.k in th. she!!. ]'ii' .11 'alt a:i'l mix with the y"ik :is I"0_ a' it Will iieiiv. ;t. stir them t-iretlu r until the s.dve i' ;’' riie‘i; [ nt a r".'i*'ii "f t!ii' on -i pi'-'ce of k:i _' ]■! s!i r. .ni'i . i ]'-y it t ■ th - e iiieer about •■.•.ice a !.iv. Ib^ In.s tri.-.i the twi-.-e in i.i' own f.iinilv wit!; ■ • te sneef;s .1 t ' Im j.t'r fO H'li.if^. 'file lloliu' d'llinal ( nMiii' till- * *r. -wing, which may he* interc'stlug t'l '’’.r le.i b-r-: “I!'1111; t' without fronts we aii- use.I to; but th-- la't riii'itn 'I'lveitv is a b'.nnet wifhotit a cr-'W n! • b niiet'.’ s a I’.iri' letter, ‘li ivi' three Lii'.at qn.ili:ie. li_dit .i' :i feath--r. traiis- p .!* nt a' iraii/e, and h iiii; p.5 on tin* le a'l like a >, ai li' III j '"f ■■■ This i'.iiui' t is an ts,. Ill 1.;..^. . (■ tliwers. ritli'iis ;;n'l lace; a p ant of l eiilv eiiil-r'iider.''! in lirire dots with *.!ravv. vvliicli '!;a'*i ' the knot ot plaitfd h i.r vvhieh fall' on the inp-* of the neck. Wi* have said •bonnet-; witle iit crowii';' are vve sure tin y h ive :inv fi nt' '\’i* can '' ari-ely >ay; if the i.airovv i !ai k lae-, wiiich i 'bji ' it. and playfuiiy tails on the fii. liead aii.l gr.uef'u'ily eiieir. 1* s the, is the only fVoiit — vve certainly dare ini* uive this ,„:t'nii' the name if bonnet. On eaili 'ide bunches i f ll.ivv- rs, :is vvt 11 as the broad strintrs conijilete the hai niony. 'I he ib'i^ii' are e inl'ioidei. d to niite^Ii t l.e j.!:iteaii. 'I his !■■ iiHict rei|uires p irtieu- I r :itte!itioii in the dressin^f cf tin' Iriir. The snininit of the he.*d tnust bo l -*'t frc*. tnnl th* h.iir rirranL'i-'l quite low. 'riiese b'lniu-ts are des tined to crejite a sensation in tin- f.ishionable worM: but only the very pri tty and the verv young d;ire .■l iopt this ii'ivclty." A ;)oi) HIT. The* folb'wini: original song, wi'tten by Charles .^lUMii, of Hiltimore, and ih'di'ated to Mrs. ‘•riicle Tom” Stowe, is now b-.-ing suiil' with great :ip]ilause. by the ••Kunke-ls,” at the Holli- il ay str'-et Theatre, and is de-cidedlv a ;rood hit at the nii'crilled phihinthropy of tlnit l.idy: A TNT IIA’IFTT RHCIIA S'n)WF, AS Sl Xi; IIV ,1. Iv. .SK.VKCH, OF Kt .NKKl/s .NKillT- l.Nti.Vl.K Ol'i n.V TUOI TK. I went to Nc'vv York city ii month or two iijri', -V liuntiii" for l.-it laily, .\uiit Ila’iett r>-ch:i Stowe*; I sce’d ele .\bolitioiis, ele*y siiiil ,s|ieM "oin* aw.-iy. I*('y tei'd me in city it vva’nt no use to stav. .'-'he take away lie dollars, and |iut ’em in hi'f poeket. She liiitl her h:iml ujion it, iinil she safel.v leu-k it, Dc'V' say if Massa come lor ini', elcii dcy would i|uiekly meet, I'eyM make a Hnu of hip. ami ril) me ‘luif to eat. t'hurn.i—(Ihl (Hil .\uiit lla'iett fU’cha .''towc; How eoiihl you leave the einintry, ami s:irve poor iii”jra so. I>e-y treaieil ilis here chile, a/, doe I was a Tiirl,\ l>en tolo me for to leave deiii ami go ,-ivvay to work: I eouhln,t ^et no work, I couldn't get no dinii*-r, .\ml den 1 wish this /'iiffilirf was back in old Virgiiinv. Oh! when 1 was a picaiiin, OA/ {'iiclf Tom would sav, lie true unto your Mnssa, and neber run away, lie tolc me di.s at home, he tole me dis nt jiartin’, Xfil, don't you trust de white I'olk.s, for de'y am cjuite inixniiiii. Vhuru-g—OhI Ohl Aunt Ha'iett, Old Massa's very kind, old Massus' kind home, too, And iinicli I love niy Dinah, in old Virj'innv true. Now I 11 gs back nnd stay dar, and neber more >vill roam, Hut don't come back, Aiint Ha’iett, in England make a fuss. Go talk against your eountr;/^ put money in your puss, .\nd when us happy niggers, you f'ity in yocr rn vvKit, Oh: don't forgot de white si..\ves, dat’s xtnrrin ohcr dare. ('homi—Cio! go! .\init Ha'iett P.echa Stowe, 1 M' glad you left de eountry. den don't couie back uo more. LATE AND I.MPOniANT FHOM EUROPE. The steamer Baltic arrived at New York yes terday, bringing Liverpool dates to the loth inst. Cotton remained active at unchanged prices.— Flour was not so firm, but no change in price had occnrred since our last previotis advices. iMotions had been made and carried in both Houses of the British Paidiainent for giving pub licity to all the correspondence rchiting to tho imprisonment of colored seamen at the port ot Charleston. In submitting the motion in the lleiuse of (’ommons, Mr. French remarked tlnit he was cot'vineed that South (’arolina, if proper ly addressed, would not hesitate to abrogate her obnoxious l.iws on th'i.s subject. There appears to be no change in the', coniidcx- ion of the Turkish epiestiem, which, looking only to the warlike movements t f the nntagonist i‘ovv- ers, would seem very seriously to memice the peace of I'^urope. The condition of the public funds, however, as well as the uniformly express ed opinions eif the foreign journals against t4ie probability of war, induce the beliet that the ques tion will yet be aniicaldy arranged. It has been announced Viy the Ministers in both Houses of the Hritish l'arli:iment that the Kng- lish and Fn-m-h flect.s have been jointly iispatc‘h- cil to the Dardiinelh-s, furnished with like instruc tions, anil that the best understanding exist.s be tween Gre:it Hrltain :ind France in regard to the jK'iidiiiix iliiVicultie-.s. '1 wo additional ste'aiii-fri- gitc's and two sailing vcs.scls were being fitted out at Brest for urgent .service, but their destin:ition w;is unknown. Tho shock eaii.sed to the fumls by these move ments was relii;vod by the re port ot the arrival at I’iiris of the Russian .Minister of Justice, he'aring pacific assurance's from the Czar, and at the latest dates confiib-iice almost entirely'd. It was supjiosed to be not iuijirobabh* that Russia niiirht te-mporiirily occupy the frontiers ot the D.i- nubiaii provinces, but no serious collision was e.x- pccted to take place. 'I'he advic^es from ('onstantiiioph- are to the .‘lilth. Thc^ Siiltiin, it is stilted, has handed to the Ambassadors of the Four I’owcrs a note expl.iiii- iiiir tlie mr*asnres he has taken to mai’it liii the in- tcgritv of his te rritories, and declaring firmly th;»t anv arrangement with ItiiS'ia is out id’ the ques tion while that Dower p-r.sists in its e.xorbitant pretensions. ()ii tin-2m1i the I'reiich Mini'te-r gave Red'chid 1‘aeha ;i form il assurance: of the .'Upjiort of the l-’r in h iovernmeiit, and the IJriti.'h 'linister vv:is t^ have' all aiidieiice on the lid iiistiii ^ for the jiur- p,i~.- of ;iv ing a a-surance on the jiart of his (love-nim.-nt. 'I'lic militiiry prep iratioii' of tin- Turks were c:.rrii d on with trrcat activity. ()n the otth ult. :i 'i'lirki'h tii et of tvveniy tvv.i sail wa' anchored .at the eiifr.uu-e of tlio Rlack .''ca; at the arsenal tvv. Ive- e.irve-tt. •' aiid .Severn 1 frigate.' we-rc being :iriiu- 1. to be rea'Iy bv tin- 'Jil e*f dune-; om- hun dred and forty flit b'l.its we'ie- e-inploye-d ill traii,'- ji rtiiii; artiil'-rv :iii'l ainuiuniti'>n t - tin- Ih-et and citadel at th-- r» I'jihorU'; and the inilitia were J..Hiring in from iill qiiarti r>. liUter inte liigi nee vvill be looke'l for with great ir.tei' s^. I' this qu.irr 1 cann 't be jirol.mge-.i much h'ti;:-r w thu'-t Karope in a general vviir. 'I'h: rnioil Laving dc'^aiited ni' -t b'fliU oil ••tiic c iinpl.lints .f the 'Vhitr Fres- " "f (i n. l'i« r e’' ajip'iiiiliiu-nis. is ■•:o..k uji liitli' r short " 1 V t! I\e'tinj- I’ as follows: “W. have hear'l n 'thing of any Vv'liig cun- pl.iiiits about th>* .\ iiii!!ii'f! .tioii. I Xt-ept from '1'in' Wa'i.iii:jt"ii 1 nioii. 'I hat jiriiit bee ;i I.ib. iiii;r with supeiflin'us /• t'or some tini'- to III.ike the' coiintiy believe that the i’r-.'i.ieiit h:is ab'iut as miieh il' he c.iii do |ii ge't iilong ii‘.fainst rle- e iiiren- of "pp- -iti"n vvhie li 'i'li'* I nioii is Inljii'L'- him to .'teni. The fiet is. no better e-vi I -IK'- of tin* stre-ir_'th of the A-lniini'trati‘in c nld be iiquii d thill may be f und in the sli::iitn'" ot' tiie impies> wiiich Tie- I nim's ciiiist.iiit dcl'i-iK-e of it has priliued uj-ui its ji'ipularity. We- do n t see but it is ju.'t as str'Ui;: II.'VV :is it w i' b. fore 'I’li - I'lii 'U eonini.'n- ee'I telliiiir tin* country, what nob idy cKe had h' lrl of, or vv"uM even have suspected, that the W!iig j r'-'S of tile- e-ountry iinikiiiL tcrril lo iMVii:.o s upon it' ch iiMe t. r. We* re uieiubi-r once t'l have h'-.ard :t fun : wag of this city s.iv, dur- iiiL' the elosin-.r year of 'J'v ler's Administration, tliiit he- felt that l;;s country Wiis 'it'*, tor. sail In-, ‘’a Ci'ivcrninent that e-iin .stand such a I’resi- deiit as dohn 'I'yh-r. c;in stand any thing.”’ We mi::ht say with equal propriety, an A Imin- i.'ti'atioii tint eaii s' iii'l the kind of suj-ji"it that l’re«i lent l*;'-ree has 1'-ell receiving of late from 'I'lie I I.ion, is eqii.illy beymi'l the rcaeh eif dan- ge-r.” Tlip hni'iiisf Trrc in thr W'lrhl.— rin're* is a cedar tree growing in the inount.iins of C;il;iV(-ras ei'Uiify, (\ililoniiii, which a c orresp-nidi'iit of the S.'iiora Herald, who recently made an e-xcuision to set' it, thus eh-scribe-s: "At the groun l its cin-nniferein'c w;i' fed; fuir feet .ibove- that it was (.51 feet in circumfer ence'; :ind iit'ter that the' t;ipering of the shaft was ve'iy gradual. Its height, ;is nit'asure'd by Capt. II., is .")tlil I'eet. but wo imnle.' it but ’.IS,"). 'This tree is by no nn-ans ii d'-fonnitv, as niost trees with huge trunks are'. It is throughout one of perfect symnietiy, while its (‘iiormons proporti'Uis impress the beholder with emotions e>f its gran deur. “I have s.iid that this is the lar:'e>t tree yet ('I in the- world. It is so. 'Tiie ce b-bnit- ed tree of Freiiioi.t would h;ive to grow iminy ceiiturie's bcfdre it could pn-tend to be called any thin;i but :i younger brother. 'There i.s a tree in .AIexi(-o ciillcd the 'raxo'lium, which is s;iil to be 117 feet in ciri-nmference'. but some Inive said it is formed by the union of several trees. ‘•This giant of the woods is to be Ihiyc'd. 'fhe process h;is jilready commenced. We understand that the b;irk, which at the base is about fourteen iiiche-s thick, is to be take'n off in sections to the height of twenty feet and se-nt to the World’s Fair in the city of New York.” 'riie New \ ork Ijegislature having passed a hivv in 1'''4'' exempting the proju'rty of the wife freim being taken for her husband’s debts cojitracted bedoiv m.irriiige, have now equalized the law by passing an act exempting the projierty of the hnsbiind from the debts of the wife which nniy have been contracted before marriage. J hr lIcwA/ .s- hatr.—'I'lic; New York Tribune gives the teillowing melancholy pictxire of affairs in that city: “(i:ings of halt-drunken desjieraeloes roam the streets at night, armed with clubs, bay onets, knives, «.*cc., knocking down, and souietimes murdering, the orderly and peaceful citi zens.” These are great inducements to visit the Fuir. Pfeasatif Snn/H(d Ah'ice. For the iiicon- venienct^ of a fiiictured thigh Hippocrates pre- .seribes thus; “In a fracture of the thigh the c.k- tcnsion ought to be particuhirly gre-at, the muscles being so strong tiiat, notwithstiinding the cfi’ect «d' the batidages, the contraction is apt to shorten tho limb. 'I'his is a deformity so deplorable that, where there is reason to apprehend it, I would advise the patient to sufler the other thigh to be broken also, in order to have them both of cue lenirth.” 1 S/niihvllle Male and Fenifilv Av(ulc,„, WILL coniiuencc its fourth session, in the* ' ' building, loth Februnry, :ind close* it, •r],,'!! * tic ycnr loth Dec. ISO:^. Organization and c-lmr.r,.!,’"'' heretofore, Mr. Murphy exccjited, whose se^rvircl "I nccc.osary, will be supplicl by a competent A!-^|,.n,' For particulars address the principal. •JA.MHS H.-r,i;i.:\-r Smitbville, N. C., Der*. ."0. ‘'•'i-i;iu "mount Vl'AiyoS ACADIv\n Chatham, N. C. ’ r*iHK next Session of this School will begin oa tl, H. l-'ith of .luly, l^‘>;i. Tiiition: l-’ive. Ten :,|„i Fifteen Dollai-s j)e*r Session. P.oard Si t to ijii;. 'r(,j School is near an excellent .Mineral .'•Spring. W.M. M. CKLTCIIFII'M,. .June 27. AX OUDINANCK 'Io prevent iinisafires on account of n,f SKcrnON l.T. It shall not be lawful for aiiv p'is.,|, to sell any squibs, or fire crackers, imr se-t tire to exijlode, or use the same in the street.** ot I a\citnjn/ or unj- thiekly .settled parts of the Town, nn.i,.,. penalty of Five Dollars, if a free person, ami n. t l..v" thun fifteen laslies, if a slave, fu- each jin.I tverv olli.t,.. [I'assed .lan’y 2i. ISiiii. | Kniit r /.s- hrrrhi/ (lin n. That tin* ]irovision ,,f the above Ordin.ince vvill be rigidly -iiforc>.l. Attest, AV.M. MATTilKU.s-, Town )i.iK. .Fune 27, l.'s.l:!. srPiClllOit C(H R'V ('Li:UK'. R M/" F lire authorized to annoiine* I'l'/l'KU l’\T ▼ w TLlt.'SON Its a candidate for the oflii-* of the Superior t'onrt of Cumberland County, ut thJ elei-iion in .August next. .liine 1S.");;. \Cr K mit nutl'orizt'd to aniKiiiru-,. ('ol. .M»HN McL.M'PklN r.s a cnii'iidnte for the "fiicc .f Clerk «if the ('oujity (,'ourt of Ciimbcrlaii'.l t'ouiitv. .jt the ii'.*xt Klection. June I. ls.'»:!. 2(io-t(> DCt"\\’i: nre aiitiiurizcd to ;iiinoin)cc HKN.J.VMIN I-’. SII.VW as a c.-indidate for tiu-(.ffirf Clerk of tho County Court of Cumberland, at the Elec tion ill .\ugiist next. •Iline *■>. -O'l-te sri‘i:ui()u coruT cijjjk, 1K .\I;F aiithorispil to annomici* .I.WlK.s \v, r .'STll.\N;r. F,.si|. as a Candidate fur tin* if!;,-,, of Clerk of the .''^rrLiuoll COUUT of Ciiiiil.crlaiii Coiiiity. at the Klection iu .August next. March I’S, 1 si’iM'JUOii c'orii r haaik. DCt’ Jire .nitiiori.'scd to aimouiuo T. W.MIDKN iis a Can'li'laK- l.r tin- i ifFn e-i.f CI.FItK f the .>ri’i:r.lOH CoLKT i.i t,'vuu>'erl:a;.l Countv. at the nest fdectioii. March •_'«. IN".::. Sl-te* Ji/i/orlant to M n^o/i MiL ( rs. [7 1- •■n’'-- iioTv m-ini’tactiiriiif; a su] erior iirtii-’e i,f r WA!ON ,\.\LLl.s^. fr' ’.a ci;e and three '[ii.irt'a-, t'l three ii;cl:cs. HALL CUl.LIN(;i;i: .June 'Z-'., l.'s.'.". .' :’,in $10 Reward. A II.’!'('o.VI»K1» fi-r.-n the siil'scriher. on the L'tli ..f Ma.v a nc;rro feibnv hy the n.-iiiie "f .VTI \. .s^ai'i ne;.zro w;is hired in .t.-inuary last p^.^lr. \. I*. .''I'-- Neill, tlie Uvd Sj.rings, in 11.iIjcsiii coiiuiy. iu ■v\hi..h nciirlili"rhoiid he is |.ri't>abiy lurking. AH ] -r- .'^"iis nre cauti'.ne.l .-i.^.iiiist li:ir'.>:iririg or employing .«;ii.l , “:'ro. as I am dcte-ruiined to enforce the* a;_'ainr* nil "i-rs'uis siv ofl'cii'lin;r. I -.viil give a reward of T-n T>. li *• I ol" •Iciiv.-rv * **aid ijc^'io tome at iiiv i';i- .i.-n.-'e.' ■ SllAVV. I'• iiti ev;!!.*. ■|iniberlanl (’’o.. .Tiiiu^ 20, 1,’'.;^. 0 -t' 'l'( n I) llnr.s Rcirard. Il.r.. •iivc the aiiove rcw.-iid to any person or per sons win, \vi',l give sueh information as will convict ill a ( iiiirt ot .Iiisti -o tiie ]’erson who was guilty of writing the .sbinderous niatt'jr set up i ii the sign boarl in the .Market If..use. (J. Dr.MINU. Fayetteville. .Inne ‘J:l. is.".:’,. Sl'AliU) IJOV I-OU SALK. VNhtillO buy, 1 I years of age, for sale, .\pptv ti W.M. TAVLOU. l :iyettevi;io. .Inne 2:!, 18.->;J. .Vtf TO 'rWNKUS. SF1.V\ K a large .\Iarble Slab for Tanners. The is 4 ft. 1 in. by 10 feet. I would take pav t'or it ia leather. ,I.VS. (i. I'OOK. F.-iyetteville, .June 27, IS.'*:}. 0-4w 'Fo I'lii: iH iJLir. 1^^Vr.r.V!’.Ol»V will please t.ike notie-e that .lO.'sKl’H J OT'l i.Ul’l r>i is the name of the ('ci.vrKCTioNn-. ati'I clothing merchant, in the .Macltiie hir!diiig. and that .I.\COj’> (ITTF1! IU r.t; is the n.-inu* of the M.-itin ss- nu'.ker. ,Vc., near the Church, on the North si.k' dt' Ilay ;-ti-'*i t. .Inne li'., I.s.");:. / o i)isftilrr,'> ..y .S7//y>y>r/-.s of 'i'itr))( ntlnr. ^I^IIL uii'lersigned li.-iving completed his larg-* f comii.o’iiiius \\ iireho'ise. .situated on the Hiver 1‘ ink. at Lower Faye tteville, is now prejiare.l to recei > >■ .“Spirits Tiirj e-i;tine on .'sti ragc. lie expects to devoti* his sole* attentioii to the le.isiness. and those who st.'Ce tlie-ir Spirits with him. may elcpend upon bis being in t'.ie U ai fhi'ust* every lay so as to detect any le.-ikages that may oei-ur. Il.-iving a good t'oojier aUvnys in the arebouse. be will be :ilile to make it an ol.ject t" th'.M* who e-iig.igc in the manufacture as well as to shippers to patn nise hini. All Spirits received in goo.l oi-'ler, will be kept so free of charge. .Nloderate ch.irge ma'le f..r sueh as is re-ceived in bad conditi'Hi. Merchant' biiyinir the* article will «.ive nnicli froutile ati'l expense by sending it directly to the W.-irehoiisc tV'r inspection. The* subscrilier lieim in no wise interested or con- cenie-l in any of the l>o:its, will in all c.-ises ship as eli- reotC'i bv the owner or shipiier. l.'IIAM I5LAKK .Iii!ie2.">. is.").']. G-:?m NorK'i:. faillF .Vnnual Meeting of the Stockholders of the .fl Cape Fear and l)eep liiver Navigation (''onipany V. ill lie hold in Suininerville, ou Tluirsdav, lilst .lulv, 1 II. A. I>ONDON, Sec. and Treas'r. .Inne 22. IS-j-'l. G*tm Ctj)c I'car (ind Deep River \aviratlon Company. ^I'^III] sub.scribcrs under the amended ("'hartor are I notitied tiiat the second instalment of 2"» i>er cciit. will be due on the 'JOtb of July. 18.j:3. Iiv order of the Heard. II. -V. LONDON. Sec. and Treas'r. •Inne 22, (;-> Ml IJ:s! Ml !J:sH MrLESH! fBIII K subscribers rcspectfullv ini'”'"* their friends -R- and the jmblic of the Caj'c' Fear re^don. that thev will li.-ive for sale tiU of the ^ bLS ever r.-iised in Kentuekv, at I*;-'.'1*^- Deep Hiver, on tiie 27th and 28tb inst., at Fayetteville on the :>d and Ith preixinio, and at Kli/abcth about the 7tli. The nmles are out of theiroughbred mares, sired by the Manimot/i ami Warrioi .lacks—the tinest bleiod known. Tiiey are from fifteen to sixteen and a linif hands high, smooth and handsome: equal in fi>rni for stre-iiLitli :iad iictiou to the best horses. They elo not Iiosit.itc to say that it is the tinest lot of mules that i*ver been elrivcn to North Carolina. They respectfully invite all ju'rsons fond of looking at fine stock to give them a call and examine ainl look for themselves. They feel assuroel that no person will regret any thing except not buying, rersons wishing any further particulars, will please address the undersigned ut Fnyetteville. 11. H. (JK.^NT. Wilmington, N. 0. Messrs. 1>U(.».VLS, Klizabeth, de., and (Jen. ll.VYWOOU, Ilaleigh, do. II. T. WII ‘^'ON. .Inne 21, ♦'•2t FAIU NOTIC Jv A LL Notes nnd accounts dne the subscriber, not /« paid in ten days, will be I'Ut into other hands tor e-olle-ction. as I am ilesirous of lc;iving town, and vvant the money. O. S. 1 M I.N' .tune 2 !, icO >. ‘.^^w thi Fr is : Im fig thi sid rer is ( anc the COE dej anc to 1 I Vn Ud the aga gov cha will Un, Uni f I V( eirc whi gree intn the ?"ni of 1 Hew osd 281 1-2'J Floi ;?,!•_ 000: New 84.J 'J' true land ject to si into Stat I start grab lie s that tribe. It (/ take bein: scruj nf th of A f»ions I arr log-h fifteci a sna skills to drj door other *f m; answe 1 rc;u ef eni Akre Horn up at rum the rt ime a cant I sey ti In ing-h' liy th rever! svani a voic that I mile ' lutnui and ;i “N jdcasv “D “N «juor.‘ “.V er the “N I wi-sJ vtrtv ri “() lime. I o boat— taent i “N. Johti All' acros.s