m\J [VOL. III.] iilTTlTTi-W"'- Ksairrrs.'*^ i-nit',,*-- •■ .4^.‘..■■,■ FAYirrTEVILT.i:, N. C., .]l LY IK 185.]. rsgs>*iv.g,3gg; I III I rwrfu ‘i.% 91%^.»j «LL'.. :aii I’KLNTKD 1?Y .). 15. XKWUY. i:i)\v vHi) J. ham: it sox, I'KiTiMis AM' im:(*im:ii;tohs. rrice f'T tli‘ Somi-WooKlv Ouski:\i;it 0) if i.mii.' in ii h;uu-f: •'^1 •'>** it' p;iiil tliiriiijj tlic year uf Miti!iTip- ti >n; ui- Mt'tfr the ycsir lias o\]iirod. r r tlio Wfokly dr.sKUVKi! (K» }ht niiinmi. if jiaiil in •I l\:uiri‘: 'i'* it'i’:!ivl iliiriiip: tiu- vcar of rip- Ti 'U; ■n- n::! al'ter tlic yoar li.-s oxi'iriMl. .\I'\'l'.U'i’!>I!Mr.NTS iii.scrtod fir I'ixty vents jci- ' ,: i.' ''f 1' f>.r the first, aiiil tliirty cents fur I'acli > . . I- lin^ I'^i’ i.v-.itii'n. Vrar’y ail\erti'i-nu'nts b_\ 'pe- at rc;isitialile rates. Adverti'ei s are re-iU'-'te l I • Mat>- tlie minituT i>f iiisi rticiis ili-.-ivf.l. i.r tliev wi!'. l'i‘ i"ntiniu‘il till furl'iil, aii'l eli.triri‘'l ai-fnrd- . t I-et tors !■: tlie IMitnrs must tie ]>c't-paiil. |).M nuis l’>. vV !’,. \V. KOI’.INSON H "N1i *1.\'i;i> their r I'rirtn.'rsliip "ii the 1st of H * ail I have ilisp' Seil cf their entire >t 'i L I'f l^rii^'. \Ieilii incs. Xe. to i>r. Thomas Hail and llon- T\ I T t s r> r in ;m (>t1ieo in tlie s.ime Imii liiu. V •■!■: citli.r . r ti -til iii:i_\ I'e cnsr.’tfl as h»-i it.'ti'ii-. It is very imp itaut t > them that their aee^nn'' bT; i e si tt’e'l as fai’\ a-^ ].raetiea'>le. f.ir whii-li ^ 'e ti'.ey ha\e en,:;a_e l the se;\ict.s i f Mr. .Ii.hii > . iii iv ;u'rall\ I'e f"n!;'I .at their I'tVi. e, Al l-.; 1 1. l":.:f. ' ^•^-tf FHiiMlI lll!ii! ’tiilJATilM'.j;. C-r*‘al Itfi'iuc'Uo:! cei B’rifc. MOUiilS ^ ('(). make i‘ or'ler. aii'l k>'"p cnst.aiitly uxivvR dispa'ix ii. ^M'^lli; nn'lersiiiiieil infurms the )>nMie that he is miw 8 rnnnii.;; ilaiiy line of li;j:lit ilraft Steameis on the (’.ape Fear iliver, eoiisistiiiu' el the following; tu'Hts: New Steamer Zephvi-. .M.ajor >Vm. It.ariiett. 1 II inehes draft. I'anny I.utterloli, 14 “ an. >ne ef these l.nats v\ ill leave f'a\ettev ille every niorn- inir .'sundavs exeejited) at 7 o'eloek; and Wilminirton i very ilay , .'^I'.nda v s exeepted ' at o'clock, l.aiidinir jroo ls and pas'cn;iei s in Fay ct tc\ille in til’teen honrs there.itter. tii’ods int'-inli-d for the'-o 1'o its should lu‘ sent to the c.tre ( f .1. \ I*. McUae \ »'■... or F.. .1. Lulterloh. :it Wilminirton, Vvho will forward ,ai the usual rati-ot com- niiss;'’iis. 'I'iie Steaiiic! Zephyr iind .M.ijor V> in. I);ir- nett ari' elejr iiitly furiii.-hed l'"r flu- ae.-.'minod.ilioii of p.isscnu‘ rs. I’a; -.lue to . r from ilinin^ton. T. S. l.r 1 ri;iIL011, Apent. l'..v ettev ille. I'e’i'y 7. I'-'i'!. liiitf w \.\'n:!> ro im iu'iias!:. '''(iDli. to ’'c de!i\eri-d oil mv Whai'f diirini: the ne\t six nti>ntlis. T. S. l.l TTF.lM.nll. .Inly "i!. 1>">‘J. In,!' i.i:\r!ii:K i?\m)s. ^ S Hit'K'I'l! II l.^' stret.hc'I. cemciited. and riveted. IIKDlCi:!) VWIW TlirtMiuli Tickets belwoo!) AVilmiiiiitiiii, N. and I’lalti- more. FarcvSi-!. \'ia \N ehloii. I'eterstiiir;;'. liichmond, \ W.ish- injrtoii (’ity. or \ ia Weldon, rert"- month and Norfolk. I’lil- Tickets apjily at the OlViec of the V.'ilii injiton and l!.ilei,^li liail IJoad ('oinpany at Wilmiiiir- toii, or at the Otiieeof the llaltimort' .''team I’acUet (’ompany, .and of the lialtiniore ami Ohio Kail lioad t’ompany, I’r.itt .''trect. l!altiiuore. .Ian. 1, A^’.-tf S'!'!:nMAX CJ IIOIIM', J)/'if (•Odds, 11 fir (lira re, (• rocf rt( s. I lii jr.)!' Su!)scri!)t-r still con- • irrv on the '.\F1N1!T lU Sl- ra Tlic aliov e I'l.in'I' .in Ni'vv N..iW in-.Kilfai-; 1'rer- juii'cd ill evcr_\ iit'lanc F:i V • ttev il'e. N'. v. 1 ''i. 1' -..Id I’ll p pri.-.-. I ..r - A\. II. ■r cent. h's th.in 'a>h wi’.! tic rc- ,e liv 1.1 ITI.lM.dll. ;;itf ilS lilli ;. 1" r. \('()\: si K'- and dii’iilde!>. !. r 'f tiv w. li. 1.1 rn;i:riii. .M-tf inMlNri : and i'rrnrU ![Sttrr ,liilts}oii(s V. :ii r:! iiti'd t-i 'm' >n"t .n.-ility. lie- m r>niT M'ck' sriccted I'V tl.'cm tii'iii tlie • i i Fi.aiicc. They i.eep i t sa;e (.■ 'C!i!i(.'a ami H.-ojui.- Mill- !’>nrr Imocks. liohiiiir (’lo’li, \\ \\ iri'. (.'aU'iiu il lM;is‘,t r. i.Vc, f the II? ('idVt'C, .''lU March l-’i. \SSI'.S. >'r.‘-ii"r ‘— AP.x, I ■, 1.MI1. ^c.. r.r 'V 1'i;ti;ii 'V\u tiiiucs to NFSS in I'.i v eltev il!(-. and in additinn to his I'-t.atili'-hiiH-nt nn F>'>w .'^treet, licai- licclc' s Fiid”c. |i ^ ojiened a lariri' '\ .\I;F. on Ilay street, ne.irly ppn-'ite th>- I'.ly •! lev ille Motel, and ■ule door l',:i-t .‘.t Messrs. llai-U .V S.m'-. where a i;eiieral as'nitmelit of I I iimpeteiit and faiihfui vv. rkmcn. may lie h:ol •.iiie'^pondiiiLf v'.ith tin- tino'. ,\!'o. an as sortment "f Ncrthern-madc I TflNITI 111-, ^elert'-d Iiv himsclt. vvhiih v\ illl>e s'ild at averv niodei nte ;i 1\;iuie 1*1 \i .VN .MM;!!.!.. Nov. 111. l.s.M. : Ml rH I', keei >; nii hand .in ;■'’irtmeiit ol I'i.i^lv s ce]ejii:i a ted Ml'i Vl.I.li I.ri:l \1. »'\SF.S. wld.h hav. tiecli hlLhlv ree.inuaeii ii"! ''V U illif l‘. Manjruiu, Ilelirv v'lav. l.ewi^ \Vn,. i',. Kiii^. and many other il- hi'trii'ii' cliaracter-;, v\ ho iiave examined and witni sscd theii- uti'itv. 1'.;vfcrr'e'c'.vns.s.s:. "v. ^T(*ri,l) re'-pectfnlly infTirin tlie ciii/'s s an pnlilic tieiierally. that tlo'y have jn-t re'ar from New \'oi k, and are i i ceiv in;.', tlieir .''prin|r Si of (ioods. consistin_ii: of /h i/ (i'i!oi/s, (I ri-i ri s, //tiid’iriii-i . ••(■. .\ v:;rict \ of Hats, sii'itaole f'l" I i::i =■ ’m: l,.-.d and (ientlemen’t! I'owts. Shoe.--and a i.a! ”‘ sort men I of i-e.i d\-m.ade (' jiitli i ii”; aiiirial la.iii arti in the ladies' line, and we \ioidd I"- ]'.'.!s. 1 tn li them to call an I examine for 1 henisviv ;■. Ail order,- -ent to imr c ;i-.‘ iini'i niir iVii-nd - aiid t tomers will ! e i ri li;pti\ attc:: [• i ; ,^I:ll^■h •'III. ! s' '■] tf .H s r A I’lllMI' h-t Moiirtain lluHer. w Nev. I li h aII.-' ale: l'e-l.‘i '.'nia ■ •lav.-l. 1. l'.Iiiil.i a;. 1 l;i'. I '■ ‘;'”e. Snirar. i'.iee. ,\c. \.ur.Ti! i;!.!,i Mar-ii 7. 17 th. /(Hi/ y)firc io ('oti/ifni M rcJia///s.' .'i'm tio . .'vllinu i'.ashionali'r liress l!.-.;s:it v\holc- ^a'.e as > !•.' .'.p as they '-an I'e liow'ht 'mi any til' th*' theiii cities. Uetaiiili'-' llni' I'|■e^s llat^ at .'.(it,, ii.w i!> (;i;i;. I,--1 7tf n ■^Xlil-; un. h saved ii-rsiiiiicd La- r. ni'ivetl hi.' .-ti.ek of xood~'. I'l'oni the late tire, to the .-tore ni \t dour to i i ai 11 erh.!), and ■njui.-ltt I). I.. .Mvrover O; 'o. -Ml of wi.ich \.ill he .‘. Id on i!u' most favor.iM" tr'ini'-'. niiVLKLV ill-Si:. ’.me It \l.\ \ Vi)\i s.\{j:. i r,\.\i I a !i 1 .\liriculinral i’l.aster. \L.- 0 ' ?ei-, lli^raiiii'- I'eKii'H', and Tlionn; t ‘V. n 1.11:11- i.1 1 :;:vi;ki.v III >S!’. ", :'-t ■•i r. '■tf V N : 'n i' M. i urilier I ■ u 1IV; I. ■ 1 .afier th- pi\ more .a;.-'e. We ai • li:ui(l(>ljili Sli(M“liii'j^ ( '( nnii \arn. F..1- sa!.' l.\ ' V. mU'I II F.l.l.Hi'i r. .\|.iil is".:;. ■ first oi'.lidv. the nnilersiirind wi.l t'ia!i I'ltfor 'i iiipentine. li’til a:e i-i'lepelled t.i.adojit thiseour-i o! aler. itl\ !F undi r~!jiie I li. i!;;: anp.'inted t ;i>l I' l- the i>islrict ot Fa v cl’i'vil'.e. m:\\ (H !v Ol Made t.y at priees rni>j’*r *,\n ^ B'’111, sill’- 1 il'cr is !o w r' l ' iv ' u : I M'!.ct.-d M e!. i f Cl. I' >llS. c.,;, I I A - i tmi'iit f l)iv\ (i()v)!)S. III a(i\ l)(x»ts and SliM‘ I lai'du art' atiil ('tit! r \. i r xcnt S:i(i(ii»T\ . ^Vc. Cv-.. W hich V. ill l,e s'li i h'W f..|- (■.■.'h. 1 ent i lie ;ind i 'uinil i y I'l 'i.iace d..l :C t I • liiiy. fiM pnri...-c, .'nU 1. Tie 7if 1 take tiie tax v\ill >it in the .1 t!:at t.iV.ii, from the l"th to tlie ;iist •I II o'clock in me 1.0.1 idiiu''. f r tli.it e inten r-icd v. ill ]il.■.!>•■ nii • t him. .1. W VM'li.L. dr., .1. r. 7-t;M 'intliiilii'. i'at.- aiiil ('aj)S. f r T:;:- Noriri:. T - ' F are (ii.'ti-riuine.i dm ini: this Sirumer and the 'v ^ e'liiiiii'j. F.il), to l.riii^r oiir l.u'^incss ni"ie to a ■ I'ersiiii.-- inde'oted to 11' V, i'.i !ie iiiti re.'ted in thi.' ;.;i an;_i'ment. and tu s.ive ei.,':s thev would do well t" 1.1: ;.!;d settle. .1. c. T. WAIM'll.l,. 7tf jiBtgBggjgMMrgw". .n, ag» .oaa s‘jr> iii:\VA]n>. W,\W \V from the su'ose: il.cr. en t’;i- 'Ji th in. i.. mv I'oy ALl-KF!l>, X.j x ears of ai'e. liUoiit '• feet r ll'inches and wi’ii.;;s i.t j>ounds, of dark (.-oniplexion. spe:ik:-i cUar ."i. lipnfk. an ! shows hi teeth v.l.jn ta'.kii: .'" very intell>j.''ciit, e !»i re.id well: vt :■ oif V, hc'i! ho kit a t.l.ick eloth coat and ] .ints: car ries ;i silver wutdi. lie is a too i liiick raid stone ma son. can do L'lioil p’.;ii!tatio!i work in a .'-r*iitii s shop, is handy and aetive -..I ■.■.iiv of business. He m:.y l>e inr'.i;.;: in (Inil‘''ir 1 cunty. as l,e h.is jie.ir.aiiitance.s and rclatien^ there; or he may l.e in F.iyett. v il'e. pass- in;i him .Ir'Afi' as a free m n. lie is a si.rev d iellow, •ai.d will, it 1 o.;-ii,’c. ii’ake hi.' tsonp.e to ,a free State. Taf taii-.s ol' ^ie.iin l.oats ai.d rail roads are reijuest- ed to ! e o;i the lo'k out. 1 v.ill -iive tiie aiiove levviinl for iii.~ I’e’.iv( vy to inf If l.is c..n!ine;aent in an\ jail ill the State so that I gt t li'iii. or Fiftv liollars if t.al.eii imt of the.i'taKv S.\MI 1-i, I’AISI.F.V. Mi l re c innt'’. Z\. .1 une L'. lS-/o. i tl insurance^ f [5 ^ II F .I’.TN A hisnraiiee Conipa-.i v ot Hartfonl, hav- M iiiif p.iid t!;e tax impii'cd ly the I’evenne Law of ihe 1 ite Feuiskiturc, vvill Ci.::ii::ne itp At:''ncy in I-ayetteville, under t he man:'. u.ei Ui.t ' ! tlrj iinder.'i'iV.ed, win. i~ prep;;rel to i-sne r'dioics of Int>i!r;(iice-in I'.uild- iniTs or (iooils. cither in thi- Town i.r in any part t.I the State, on piopcr applicati'ai, (Icbcriptieii ol the I’roperty. .Me. The .KTN-* '((■’A N V li;i.s l ecii in oprr.^tiou nhriut ;:n ye-,rs. Its ca]>i:.il i.s>>?>. 'i he Hi-n. Thos. I-.. IJraee vv;is its lirst ’’rc.--ident, and lie nill holds that otiiee: .and .--■.•veral r.f i> first I'iroct. are *ti!l activc and cfiieiol.t tiierahr!.= of the iior.rd. It has at all times sn.'tained the liiirhest character f r the ►rudene> of its man.ij^eiii'.'i.t. an«l for the li'icra'.’.ty v. .1.; v.hicli it has ever adjusted its 1 s.-as. r.. J. llALi:. Ap-oiit. March iH. is.'il. ''--If ( 'it I .\r, I'V . .'t'UN SUN. Ol' ’V-e: in'_ ma le fr I” 'I 'plan ;i n 1 i \ tlr;iiili aiii iH'w r(M ('i\iiiu: in\ slock >1 !. 1 SIM-'IFU (lOi'FS Miit.ii'ie fi.r Fa. 111- returns hi en-tiiiners f. r t!i I'.im. ai.'l 111.]' .•irno-.--t th.ank- t.' lii.eial ]i;i! la n;: e 1 ' ti. mclit a I ' l.iii.. ’1 frii • re e ■ -t ill' li'i.' I. ' s:! inc. 1. H'D .\N WV.'.-I M;v ]-i>t. T FJi'i: issruANc'i:. ^!!F Fnd'Tsi^ncd h.i^ Feeii aji] .lin.c I Ai: v.t .f the I. ).-,n IP- ed ;ii_\ part M iivh n. onntrv pr. I'.'.p'.'v attei.d- II. ■;.t .'i: F.-i.v eitev die. N. C. 7i'.tf 1 •PP! nr M .' Ti; «r-" B TI •i : II ’ P' I’lliC-IMiOOl' K()()ri\(.'. i'r/tnris Sliititotin \ A.\!> MKTAL IMMU FJt. 111 \\Ki- FI, • ] ~l r.v '1'. i'l'.;' t" ea;: ]'!l’ Maivh le. 1"' ■. 3IARBIJ-: an .. 1! i’.ont eT'. .''111.I i'F'iF.i: F. .IdllNsitN. 'r ■>1 i 'l/r/ii f ttrc, ('huir''. \r, ■'^HF. su’ 'elil'i-r i- reiei\;;;- tliclal-e't a— Jtmelit in i:is line e\. r Iv.-t.u-e pnii ha'i-.j ut the N' ;th. which. ti;zether « ith his nvvii m.iliul.ictiM-e. iaai^e.-.hi' .•'I'll k \i-rv ci'iiM'le'e, .■.■n'l't'.l,:; • ! !'h;:iis. T.iMi .'''das. 1 >nl'tfa-ls. AVa-li Stainls. l>iire:ni'. . Sid. Il'-.iril', Sfcret.uic'. \c. ,\’.l of which will he s.,Id on the hiw»>-t terms l .i (.'aih, i.r on slmrt time t'. i.uiiele.al cu'^t"r. 'S'"' M I'ou s \Li: )\i tin.' srMMi;!: i;f -ii ::'' .1. F. Fr\ a’;. J v !■ lu'-i - u::n i'. 'I; .I' n 1 mn. f F. Feete. Mar.h I'l. I'-':; .1 'nil I .\ Fid.ii fr"iii the :-uli>eri!ier 11 the If'-'ili of a l;e'ji'.. ! ■ V en!: •■'! Il.\ I N. niii^-t'-en ; a!'•'> I' .'t s inehcN. v.'-i'rhr a*"'Ut . iie;i!'.i. had ear lino'' ia eai li earv\l,i n 'XI .'i a 'lai k li;i‘c over- l.n .Me.Neill of i i:e a iiov e r.-- ■ r if lod'.ri'il in e lie !' in the .North (’arolit.a ?l',,lu;.l J.ii’e lu; urat’ce ('o?npali_\. rv iiiemher for 1;I’» a l.'ae'\ iic;i!'.i. Ir II i-hit;.:!:;: ri c !h ;i-, 1.1.. v. ,iv I 1- niit;.. al .ii;t tii- i =• p id f ir 'i l.hi' St:;'e. It i ,' . 1 i f l.i:- i.'I i'ie - "I .1 I T. .!■ 1 ' '.f M.i\. :.. r_\ t'l nr' vei-y ) Tol-a’ lo r. .milN \V. F..\KFII. •J.OilO '/'in- \\ v\ hirh tlie hi /h‘~t 1 >; III i //(' IJ '.•I'l. ''I'i-. • ' w . .Ml-!.!'. \ .\ ///f •/. ,. ( .1 line v\ OF ■I Ml... V. . 'J:i\ IS. , V., ,!i I’ilO.si'll \ n: (M- i.i Tin; 'di 1ST \ I'FF.i ''. FI* j'' \ !.l I"! . i 11m M.I'Ko 1,1. I-':- ' i'l •. .Iniio '_''k ] ■ .:ol!.V V, .\’>Fn.F. .Ir. \)\l S M-i'.- a;.e, p.r - ;.e. Ai'i'y: W.M. TAVl.oi;. o-tf M t!:( rs. r e; l ir .M ticle iiee .lUarters iti' \K!' FF I 't r.v '1'. i'l'.;' t" ea. t'v • .11 t - .''1. \ I'F U'>i>F!Ni;. dmie on th' .■‘1 I .in. 'ji!e. maUinir r 'f liiihtcr, tli-'.ti r. I'l! tliaii the I V. :iy i f shcetiti"-, etle. tinir ' ill ' i T. and L'reater security ajraiti't til •V pr^••• it wl.ieh Sl.iti' I’i.Mifs .arc now i-ticred w ii'. • ,|-a> ly with any >'tlier kiti'J of lire-pf. \ I F. I HIMN'l'.V rU’I'S made ti. .'iny pattern. ■ ; ri> ■ ex'i ' :'!;t rem ly fi.r sin ':in;^ chimiH'_\'. ' : 111 ■ etleet :i elire. r . I t'..]iper i itti r. I.ea : . • 1 aav pattern, .and o-e - '11 r lepaircil in th. I •• I’liies an! kill I "f tirc- 't m.anner. ..n 'i\ •■n-.! ■. >'\r j air. -i.-a in all - * ■i-'nc's I'c. ep^ 7. l^-ij. it •J!V i:, ■ ^ Bv L \ TWO i;(ii!i;s uiDVi; ( . t. iiiiiii! ,v stci:k. 3\i % (‘I S-\ ill* . A. .lan'y 'J'. l^" '. t'.l-l^p.l \ AI>1 AhLi: LANDS I'Oli SAI.i:. f>ri'Fi’. f.r ' my pl.mr .;;. n, 'ituate.l sevei.Ieeii lii;:( ' .■'outh-wi -t 't' Fuiiil'i rt. n. iiel i iLditeeii tri.m il... F, 1)1 F. in'l niir,' fruin I la i il. e>-\ 1... e..|iiainiiif: Seven llr.n ircl .\. r--' . f i!;" 1 e't i.tt..n alel j r. vi'i..n ' ill the v.'itli line ilo; .vimenl'. v\ell v\a- le!.'.'.. rei.;arkat.lv’ lo': 'lav . a!..itli.' lie>t st.-ili'l fur.a St r.- in the e. iii.trv. tin re haviii:: Feen . nc mi it oi « a- sii'iial.v t. r the ia't thii tv \ i .ii u iih .-ib-.iit i.ne hnii- A(‘W lh*n^ PKltKilSTS. //'fy iiii'l !iliiii'tli/ l'n>t ’’t' lit' th ! i!!i Il ihl. F.VM'.TTFVIFFF. N. I’.F n.'W re.-eivin;.: a lar.;e sl"ck ot |iFl I.'' \NI' m Ini) KOYT St CO , AGENTS, Nn. 211 Vialrr Sln'it. iniil L’: Wrxl Slrrd. niriii'!' tif !lrv Mm:. \i,\\ \n;iK. ‘ n n nt / • ! M.' n niaiiai'aetuiii.L' a mi; i \. A.XFFS. 111.in one aii.i ■ iu s. H.M.I, X r.tiFI.lNiiFr,. '1'-', F!'i;ti!.i/!;:i .1 ;e imni. lith th' s id. MFHH'INFS. dircrtly ti ■ i.'tmi'l'. whieh they will .-.el! I r v N! en li:-. nts ■fi-v V'. i'.\ Ue.-) ters al.'l NFiiiu- ; t" Fh\ 'ici.ins ali'l ' - I'l- i V .'I V sma:! a'l v.inee. ' m-I ai. t'l V 1 n han.l. .■: t .le 1 n''1 i ;'fi't y. t .-Mtii'le' in thi'ir I'ne. h.ivio-. n;.i h- ;ir- th.it itlect \Nitli e>tali!; l.cl h -o-.. - in \(> rii I'.. ilHl. Si:> - ri’.er h ^ f:.’-. n thr '!' p I.etv eeii ill ' \|"' ‘I - M Sv. a II I: ! Fi i lc' s liri i'j*'. v\'".ri- h'- ial. n !' - .'II t; e T MFoF.lMi i;i Si ll ill! iir- Ili an, hi •. 11 a . ilr_'li.-id i! " Xt... I ieiiei- in ni'i-? ut tlie \t ■1 I ■iti' . I w; Iti \ a il l : n hiLrh II. ill-.' V V'.;.i.i ,-very vaii. tv raiiL'i nieiit' ti New ^'oi'k Tl.eir .‘'I' ek hTvin-.: tn-i'n v..iy c irefiilly 'e’e. ti' F Mii i ptiTe'i, -e I 1..r I'ash. wid enal.!*- tlii-m t.. ree..r.iiiicn'l i.-M: V all tiieir I'iul''. aul t" sell them at v i r 1 .\\ I it '. 'I hi-v ' li-'it a r. le >!,:;ie ..f th e p.;'na-e ,.f i! I.i'ini: mi'i-li ni'i;.' l.i'tin'j’ :n ic'ti'd. and t'"nn I : ■ m-ir.' t.i 'i; I' a'-'.' •!:■■ ■' j-' •• i.f all th'.'O w!i.. I: ive a'rra.ly Irlel i:. The '. ill n. e :hi' is the l.-ir.-!-:;. ini |. :-.'i i ; i:.t'.. '■in 1 vt r t lie | as; _\ .-a f. S’lit no in i■ iu - '.l I' '' p‘ tiarr- P' Mill' I .i; ii. I'.-,;..;' i; 1 j •■■i .■ ] ticnl.ir t'. ol>scrv 'umi; I np- n e ieh • r F-.i n \1- '. I' r ' lie. \mericaii ::n I F ilu I .■ d .-in'i ■ den .Si-e'l'. F.ntrli'a llav llr-;". F .'il '!■■.; !■ 'v liras mi \ '-d I .a » n Ilf". Hi.,;, i . _i- i >r n_e. .la: 1- 1 1. is.".-'. ;:ni! . I!. \\i h W. Whole.jale r.nd RetvJl Grcccr, (IrniT.i! I (imi:ii\Nio!i >\ ('iir\\:ii''ii’!!! ''riThai S' nth Wat.'V 'tl.-.-f. ' 1 !- •• V. M:.! ... t. llliii MUi V il. . . en N; |.:.:-- II.T tine i'll I )i s't:! (/•.• y S!n >!p( rs (>f liTj-.titlnxc. ''P''! i F nnlir'i:ned hi.inu c"i.i;i;i‘tc'l iiN lirL'e atoi I e-ain,' I:.;-.' \‘i ;.n lii.;i.'.-. -itiia:.'d .m the Kivei '.K. I.. ■■ . r Fa_v ettev ille. is IluW ].rel.are l to receive .'■■■ ll!' 'i'ln pentine .n .'.^:i.r;:u:e. He ex].*-ei' t.. devote - -le atientii'ii t.i llie liii'iiie.'S. and th>se w l;o sti rc th ir .'^p lit' with hill', may le]H'n'l upon his heiiii: ill the . ;-i ll I (. v.-ry .la_v .'u r.s to detect any lc:ik,i'.res that ni iv eecur. Ilavimr a ;joo.i t'm.per alwav> in the p.'tn'ciii '.Tes in the | r 'tit;, of the I'omp.any: an'1 the t'.niiU;i.l vremium for l;te laviaber- ship. wiiere it amounts t'l ^.'a) . r more, mny bo ]i.ii'l i.nc-half in ea.sh. an.l iLi othti’ hiilt in >i lo’te al 1_ na-nths. liehtors' lives n.ay be insured >y credit .r:^. .\ n;.an n:av in.'Ure liis own life i.ii' the cxc’u >.ve Fi iiefit of las t'amily. The lives I'f shive.s inay be iii.sired. 'i his system is r.-tjiidly jrpiv.lu}.' ir!') f.avor. ti’.l ovci the civiii/ed wi.irhl. It is one by v.hieh .1 fam;Iy, F r a small sum alinti;;’,ly, nifvy 1 o j roviie.J f. r, f.ltcr iho d.Mth Ilf its he;i'l. on vviio^e exerii )!is they may have been dt-jien li iit lor a siippi'rt. It is .i ^ 1 investment of ni'iiH'v, (Veil if one should live h r.^ :»lter t.-ihin}; . ut a File I’oli. y. Fxphinatory ]'ani].hi.'ts, :\:id the 'sai v Ulaiiks. fiiriii.shc'i (ii; iiripliC.i.ioii. 11. J. IIM.ll. Favetteville. .June 72 i\ iiv\:y'vis\: la>:d nm saiJ:. £.'^(>11 stile, ‘ui." acres of F.\N1> on .latats ('rek, and I' ill r.eres (n Tyjircss (’reek, in ('nr.iborland, (•'■nvenii r.t to th‘ Western I'lank lio.'i.l, lierivdy timbered, tiiiii a Imirti'ily juhijitcJ to the making ol rur}ici:t!i;e. .Xpjih at this )liice. :iiA.v..‘i:S, -litC OLD im:. 1I.T.IA>F''S old I’.eetilie'l ItVl] V.'HlSKliV. .1 line is: T. WAHl’IFF. lift tf w AX ri:D. r^piIF First Volume of the Revised Sttitutcs of Noi tii I ('tirolinti. Apf'ly .at this OFlce. Wm. thi.'i iii.l l:.l. ! (. ' a'- .tie 1 t! -t fa^tidi U- • executed w ith lie I!. MoNAI.ilAN. .''l-tf he ali'l a t'Tll. W'lF that 'I' I 11 SMf • th FFFMi »l;ll '.'Lltf m;vv sroKi: 111. o' .iFi: 1 lit -'l> 'tiei ’ - 111 Fiuihliii". i‘i ' 1' =v : I ^ T- *v:u ‘ In.; taKell the St"l' kii'O.vn :is tln‘ .>Ic- ly oppo iti- I'r. IF b- • i.l-. ;;i^ a I'i'e-ll tilid Dru^'. riMMuicals. \1 i“1irint's. I'aiiits. O'!-, I )\( -Stull'', and rliMiMTV. ^1 . r: . -I,. 1 a-'-.rtitiODt “f n.-iir. 1 . !i.'1 1.. p|.iitt. al.'l liiiewa'ii F.riisiies; Cnp]iint:. i'ootii. an-i I.: Clients: ilalv.-inijt JJ.-;tfcri'. .xc. ■-•. .\ll lie • i 'Vj f.-r . r ou time to jninctual r . rep..i tfii'ly s.ilieited from I'oMiitry l’h\'iciaiis I-. ii: ;v dep..nd ..n pii.cnt in;r fn-sli and ■ :tl. .i-s. tiiei th:it Ho pains w ill be ..spared t-> ■■ ti ti b ith in iiualitv :ind price. 'If •!• Al, ri!Hs'IUl'Ilt».\S (•.ucfully Uii'i ■ . pre|, ;ri d. J. N. SMITH. 1. ; b-Jtf Sui- •r cast Mid AM.. J IH) I’ASII, Hops, Sp iiisli Frown, - ap», \c. ■ ;l. P ('ream T.iriar. Fxtracts. for thivoriii' Madder, li.'ith r>riid\, I'l.r .lie bv N. SMITH.' Hreen St. ti hf I -11. I /M/V7W, O//., FFiS. I’CIM-; WIIITF I.F\I>, L'li bills, lll.ike's l-'ire jii-.j I I’jiint, l.il'iee I oil, Traill \ e;iet .bic .f Itosill (Jil, ' liri'liie Yellow, • a peii, I in Oil,) I’ari' “ •• “ I’litty and i’ntty Knives, ( 'i.|.:il \ al ni'h. I’daek l.e.ither Vtimisli, I’.i iVi n .)a]iun “ .^e. by J. N. SMITH. ;. ' I'.L’if UnCiiiir!_i I ll ni, M tiiii f net un . TH^Illi .-.D.vv I'a;..;: ,NFi e. II *'ii''iu iiiL' • III).any ci.niiime H t ' ii.'i!iiti;;e, in the ncatc't tind bi..;t '•t\Ie. Wheat Til I" 'Id ii.i- NF. in. '. t r. ni t -a '. t i 'i x Io .r^e pow - I r; ( ott'ii;,’ \laihii:.' 1 d i !lil i-I; t '1/ >; I a iiibl.- a le I .-^i n- u';e Cai'iiii'i ^Fo•i^^^l ; Mill ttiiil i .et.iiy iear "-aw aii'l t.ri't .\lill li'i'ii'; Fi_e TooN. !'otton \arnand Won) P.iF.:,. ,x.- ,xc. I’ersfili' v\ isliin;r t'l pnri ha'C vm.v.M d.« vvelltnfriv.. II' a e.ip bell.re purcharilr_' il'ev.heie. a* v, e :iie de tI'l tail: - 'I I'l - eil ehi a p f. f • i ll or i .n time t.. punet Hal , 'h'.ah'is. tlur h ri;r e\].er^-nce in tfi. 'd a i: n taet ni i loj bu'tness enable' us to feci no he'itat' .n in ^avinn that .iir '.V. >k shall not b.. 'i;ipa"ec| 1,\ any Shi.p in the Ola. Thankt'al f. r t!ie l.ia ial iiitr.iii i.re lieretoli.re ! e, >• r.-'pei-t fiillv si.Ii.it a e. .n t i ii iia ine uf the *.'ini‘ VII h-'t. r» aldre'-.-.l ti, the .N^'fiit of the I'umpany. at .S|o.\v I'aiiip i’. O.. \!;irii.'im-e county. North f'aroli- i.;i. will rci'ive j.iumjit .■ittcnlieii. li.V\ !f) DIX(»N, Aj.o-nt cil the S. M:ii.n!'ai'tiirinj; Comp.'uiy. .■■^now t'ain]'. T'eb'y 'I'l. I''.':’, 7-l-bm !or Sa!*. niov.. 1 t'l |e;.i;e"ce. ile- .“ires to di.spos’ •> lii,- residence and hand' in the vi.'iiiitv of Fayi'ttev ilh-. lie thi-iefure oilers fur sale. •11 a.'e.iiuniud:itin;i t.'rms. hi' resiib'iKf ;if I’O.^i; HI I.F. and the tract of .'IKt an es i.f hind attaehed theri-to; ati.l .also the ,\le.adow I'rrm ti.o-t of |ntMt acres, adjacent to ili- former. I’revioiis nIvertiseiiieiits have describcl llie residence and lands ali'l their ;oh aiitajr •«. I’ersons de>irous of further informtitiuii c.m ubtai.i it from Mr. F'.itic 1>. H.awley, who li;is full jioHcr to sell the property an l jrive deeds. W. H. IFVF.ItlN. .\||}T. uf, IS.'iJ. lil v4‘tt(*villr S .ioiLX IL\inL\X a T l\(.‘siic( tfully inriirm.s liis I'rioinls !iiil t'ri' > the public that he h:is removed from the -i..n 1 f th-' F th.' .'th . .\j ri'. '-1. 1'-.'i ari'cftloia Itsstitiiic. V. .\i;i:iiN I't I N . n. • . rpiMF Twenty-tit th Semi-.\nniial S a stiiiitiuii v.ill '.iiiim' iii-e on Ti: .lu'y i;.-xt. ( h;ii_'' a' b.f.i.-, Fe.pil- an' n e.i'.. ! at aiiv time and . h.irire l fr ni the time of en’r iiice. Tenii'; ^-''l i"> ] er .■'e ;.in f .r Fmar I .'in 1 Ili.L'li'h tilitiuii. \iieient iM.| M. b-rn I ,'i ii .rna ire'. Me'ie. !>i i\v- iti'j. and Oil l’aintiii;r. at turnier rate-;, \ oi-al .Mii'.r ati'l h lrimelltal .Nee ili--v\ U| k t.'-taii' I ircular-: cont.'iiiiiiiir tiic Inllest inf. rmati. n v. i:' be sent t.i thu'c applv inur. l’:rt!ei|’ I'. s t 11 r, I'*- if I '-i •. ttev i. s... he will .1 et:;j-a'.re i ti. p-itfuiii'. ill I e kept s ■ 'U. li a ' ! - .,i,t' buv in: l.-e bv etiull. |! I.l.er be a!;y i.f tin tl.e i wner le ab’ic to ni.'ike it :in oliject to the m.inutacturc as wed :is tu him. -Ml Spirits r -. civcd in ir ■ ■d tri-e i f ch.ir_'e. 'd.jil. rate char^o- ..•e’.ve.l in b.-oi .•.iii.Iiti'.n. ll.e aiti' le v'iil sa-..' !iiut h trimbh' I'.'S it d'rect'.v t'l till- W ■irciii'U.-i- \ 1!I..\.\K ItOOKS. S as'-'rrtn;eiit of liitink IJooks of all kin'is, just re ceived at the i'a\ etlevilU- I’.>oksf..re. 11. J. IIAI.K \ SON. April .".0. 1: Nf:\V J^OOKt^. r. w ill in lilupvr. 1.11 “ iiiteri -te 1 or ail c isi. • ship as ' ISHAM Fd-.Mxi; w 1... I ':'; d Ml-.' F. (' 'I'hi'i. I'n r. Fr let. I. Ml .V. n. . l- .'i o.. ( lintoii. S V. Ms.I . Fomb '. WcMi'fu. CllAVFS \\ arreiit'ill. .lone 1' IFI'O.N. s:’.- I in ui:mu\ al. reiil'ived tu ti l' l;if,:e 1 r.' pt it.dv ocenpied by .‘^am|.'u i 1!. f brii'k 1. F'l, . t M,.',|s .1. .V T. W.t'idill. on IFiy 'hall re.-.-iv.. ill a few daV'. !ar;;e ad- ly .sprinir jiurehases. tMir 'tuek uf J>r>/ . I!t 1 't'. \I K I K \IT. :i!i fx.imiiin- \ \.M AiiLi: i’iioi’!:in'\ f ^ ^ H ii SiibM-viber liaviio/ l einin.. ! t.i I'l iTF have .^ture !: I.lie iliiur west .'-treot. where ditiiii,' to our e /o.fi/s ( ’ fii/li niif, I mhr'H'I^. i w;is •.eli'eted exprc'sly fur the wii'H.i:' \ieichant are invited tojiivc >.iir'r. lion before purdiasiii..r. STAKIl \ Wli.I.lAMS. May 1. F^.'.u. Viitf Mrtali ck nm! i •'//I t fi'i />!', ti.NF ill the best manner, .at re.liie«. 1 prices, I f. W. .VMHtKW.s. .^Iarket .Sijiiarc. .lime 1. IS.',.1. -JlKltf AXDIi!:\\'S*S 77/? ^Vltr‘ (tnd Stove Drpof. .1. 11. N'.'illiam-. pn I in e) .'t at ill a la ile'iri.t'.s . I bl.-ct i' to pa ■I".; •• lioit I 1 la l.iV 'i.p,.llv'. p I I II :iiid more commudious Hotel in the c(.litre of itcl !it the fool of H.'ivmount to the lar-rei .'i0.0i>0 iS* S2:i a W IFF 1 :i\ ct;. p r poiin i .'.i'!! w t"li an 1 litien i“> dclivclcd t in F:'V tev iile. I ;.m i. -ai'ly reipl v t. a I’.ip.'f .\|ill in thi' iii '^libi.rh 1. : i: pettin;.' mv r..'.;> in this niarkel. 'd ' ..|S much till- lati' a- I .•:in all- l'l. ah'l I ..t be l..r.-e.l tu di'I.tiit luari-i t' I o h.ivi- arratiire'l widi Mr. Wiid.iios t'. re. civ*. .-Mid pay fur .-ill ra'.rs ileli V ere I tu him. I ).\ \ 1! > ’■'I I K I ■ H ^ . Fa V "t lev ille. Feb'y lit. I‘ .L’. i.'-t.' L!i'i: !Nsr!!.\N( H F old I'taliii'he.l .lltn-i I ii'tiri'i.ec I'oti!] iiiv ..t n llartfui 1. •'i.nneeiicnt. has iicei.t y a ch-.| t ' its l ire In.'uraiiee biisine's. v>hich it h.is m.ilntained with 'iich nnexamp'lc'l credit fur npvai'l' '1 thirty vc.-'t'. a F1FH IN.'-I i;.\N( K Iiepartiaci.t. i he subscrib. r ha' been aj'i.uinted .\; ent in thi' a' uell :is in the Fire De- p.irtmeiit of its operations; and i' pri'pareil t • t;ik. risks .111 the lives of white jielsuns ir slave-, on ;is iro.. 1 teriii' a.' ;inv . tlier 'ui,i]i.iny. and at b '.' r rat s than th'isi' ol the .Mutual I'uinpani' s. I 'i he i-ajiital of this department :s s 1l.‘l(Kt. entirely I distinct lioiii the c;i|'it.il of the Fire Hejiartmeiit. and, 1 with its aceHiiiuhitioiis. reserved exclusively t.i iiav h s- i ses oil Idle Insurance only. Felicic-; will be i"ueil pay able afi.-r ileath. or u]>on the p.irties arriving: .at a ‘iie- cified iiiie. I'- d. 11 .\ 1.1. .1' I. -u. i ' I.-, til 'lO ' IS. T* ilWF. :i ’ar.'e ?d.-ii rb! Sla'. fl r ■f .•;;il.ei-s. 'i'lic .'i/C ‘A \ ■ t ft. 1 iu. by lit fcei. 1 V. . u' l‘i t.i'^e p.i iv fur it iu ' • • ll 1 r. ,i.\s. c. ’(■» K 'K. F ; rttev' ■le, .luiie 7. Is.-,:;. I '. -1 „ 1 Will : NOi'U ^ 1.1. N" •e' ;i;i 1 ac cuinit.> line the s.:'osi' rib-.r. nut . ^ p;iid I 11 I' 11 '1:;;. '. will be pilt i lit', other han.|' fur r‘ ; :(*• !. :i. ; .' 1 am des ii uti.' of Icaviii;: tov. n. an.l V. .'lilt ISO lio lii'\ . (i. S. J»! ;.MlNi:, .i uiu- J 1. 1. D!I . ynHi> IKVIGORA TirJG- c 0 R D L riL. ; '/ /. \'i> I'l i:.M i:.\r 1 A I'l Tin: 1 III 1 ’III 1 I'J. 1 ,■■■.■. / ,'1.'.. /.■■■-■- V. / I-,:'!/■! 'I ,'/'i/ /', './IO / /■•!' .1- ■! i:A.,..,. Jfiy/l/.: . ./ ,>x. /,„^V .1' 1 'i,;i :iiri,iu. 1,’ ■ />.> . /.” / A. . (I,. //,;/. ,1/, ///. M'l.i' i /'. ^ V. //_>/:: ■ III. I ..■V-'/.v,' .V. 11,-1 >i-l.,ilu'.s. T' •'H'iii . .s. /-l! st: i ’■)■/,■ /.i' [.(I'll .y.-. // i::- ■1 n.-'nr,' .1 !yy). .'■h im ' ■! /'■/■l‘- ■■‘■nil'll I'/tlfl' illil ' . • ’tn'nf '1 '1 ^FFNTF.IFS FASTOR'S SKFirTIHS. >.ecr.ud s. rie^. the fieiiiits tind ^’ission of T. 11. ('hurvh in tlii' I . Str.tes, by Calvin Cotton: the I’.iblo in the t'oiintinj; liuu'c. by l;.i:'r«imai.; Croat 'i'ruths l y (ireat .\utiiois. ;i liieiionary of .\il^ to Ilctlcr-tion; the li .ice fur lliches, b\ ( oivvcll; Travels in IlL'yi't and I’alestinf, by .1. 'I hunias. .M. 1'.; Mt.vie lU- F.ernierc. ti t.a’e of the Cres- i-i-nt City, by (iilmore .''imti'.s: n Frartieal Tretitise I ilu.'iiiLss. by F. T. FreO'.Ily; School l',o..ks. I'cc. .Inst receiveil. II. HAI.F .X; .'-'fsN. mTsIC JiOOlvS. f Hc'peiian llarj : I5oston .\c;idem_v’s Collccti.n;' 5 the I’rcsi'v ioriau rsalmo'l'st, lies jtisi received. 11. .1 .1 uiie 1 4. Further HALi; .V fcio:.. T \ :I I^fr. j^lil.S remedy htivinjr been for the above disoi-.l. i' most .siiece.;sful!y itscl duritijr: a number ol vc.irs it i*- n.ivv pti'.'‘i'nted t.a' the benefit ot alt sntlerer.''. ti.s a renie'liai ajreiit. in which perfect rtdiaiu e may be [daecd. for (dlicacy .•iii'l s.ifety. it eont.aiiis neitiier mercury, nor any t.ther met.allic ]ii\'p:iration whatev. r. C. H. ItlNt!. Chi'iiiist iind l»ru;i!j.ist. r.'J llroa'iway. New York. .\..’.entin F.'iyetteville, .1- N. .s.MllH. .li'iiv I. |s-»:’i. 7-lni i:\i Di: coLcxiXi:, ‘M loll .\ irriCFI-',. For snlc by J. N. SMFJ'H, (ireen St. \r.ri- 1 ro H()r.>i:Ki,i:i»i:i‘s. ^H^Hl. 'i'l-.eriber lia.- j'l-t i.ci.ived .and offers for B. ale, a sii.all lot of .Nevva.l’s I’ateiit .Safety Fluid La F; ip beiri" made rill the principle of I)avy’s ' I ". .. ii..' oii(. nec.I be tifraid to use it, it bciii;: ; til. :r. Ill .11 d.'in^er ut'evjdo.'ion. J. N. S.MITII, tireen St. - M. 1- V; :;-!ui U.’ NlvS I’or sa!- al lliis Ojlice. the I'liwn. recently occnpi'd by Mrs. Itrovvii, and well known a the l':iyetteville Hotel, wln re he will he liap- j py to aeeommodate 'I'ravellers ainl lio.arders. No ex- ; ertioii' of liim^.-lf and family will In* sjiared to render • those coiiitort.ililo who m:iy ftivor him with their coiu- [lany. Fiiyetteville, N'. (’., .June H, 18.'")J. l200tf Ci»lli*y ^H^HI', snbsci'iber has t.iUen tli«‘ I'la.st end of the .Store 8 halt ly occupied by ( ool \ '|'i._vl,,r. where he would be jde.-ised to see his old customers :ind others. ' My .stock of (III0(, r.K i J'jS will be larjjc imtl full. 1 will take ill pa_v ;iient any kind of Coimtrv I’roiliice. , Cash will not be rcluseil, or credit to punctual eus- tomers. JA.'^. i. COOK. .Mtiy L’, IS.');’,. •(((((■ Dissoijiriox. 1 ^ IH F. firm of 'Oui\ k T.WI.Oll is dissolved by its j I own limitation. The business of the concern will be settled by Mr. .Mex’r Itay, or by (dther of ourselves, ; iiMiiij^ the name of the firm in settling its .iH'airs. j .1 AS. (i. COOK. WILLI A,\[ TAYLOR. F iy«ttevilli, .Muy L’, I,W.\\'.s (111 h:ind, t'ookinjr, F»ox, and I’jtrlour STOVFS. ALSO— .\ varied .assortment (>f 'I'in Wtire. :it wholesale juid tail. 15y C. W. ANHRFUS, .Market .Sijuare. .Tune 0, IS.',:!. -JiMitf I\n/( l/rrl/lc ('nntij Mmm f (irlorii. ^R^HK subscriber still continues to m:inuf:ictiire a su- M perior article of pl.-iiu iind fancy C.VNHIF.S, at the ohl 5fand, (No. (Ii eeti Sireet, :! doors North of i the Market House,) where he would be hapjiy to see his old friends ami eustoniers. CIIARLK.S RANKS. March 18.'.o. 7:Uf BAkiCllV. TR'^HI-’ .Subscriber li.is establislied a R.nkery on How M Street, on the Lot two doors Tast of Dtinctin Me.NeilFs Cabinet Shop. He is prepared to furnish Ftiuiilies, Ho.nts. and the public ftetierally, with Rread, Riscuit. and Ctikes of v.irious kinds, of the best |uality, a*- he has jirocureil the services of one d' the best R.ikers in the State. Prices reasontible. (iive me •> call. CHAS RANKS, ravetteville, l>ec. ]8.')2. o-'j-tf !i}:e. Tlir: LAHCK.^T SILK, iniusox. .wn TiiFiiMsvi; IKIFSi: IN .\I1W_ VOIIK. 77/«/»«S (a. SU'dl'tl.'i, IMl’or/l'FR AN1» .loF.RKR OF SILKS, ;\M) FA.M’V (J001).'. 162 Ercadway, N. Y., B WAS now iu .S|or»' uid is daily n.c.iv injr tind drci- 5 ■ inp: :it the Lowt st Prices, a comjdcte assortment of(!OOl).S IN HIS I INF, eomiirisiii-r .all ,he various styles and desijrns. consisting ol lilacU and l-'aiicy Silks; .MMrccIincs. I'lon'iiccs, Shan Is, 'I'riiniuin'is; T.on- iH't I\il>l)OHs; 'I'allrla and Salin Ui:)- boiis; Dress'rriiuiisiniis (»t all kinds; l:inl)roid(M ics; l''n'iicli and l^iiilisli Crajx'S, (.'ra[)(‘ Lisso.^?. Silk ( ra- vals; (liovc’S ol all kiiuls; SdK Lac(‘ .Mitts; {>ar'o(‘s, Laccs; W'iiito io()d.'. ilosicry, I.. (\ I landkc'rcliK'fs. The utidersijiited wouhl invite the sittcntion ol hi.' friends and the Trade L’enerally. I'.M'l. We-lan.l Nnrlll llive -p.il.r * 111.' 'UlOiv S. uili—Il..:irtlii ir,i.iui- -ju " 41 Ij \ »• Ir. * Iaj;\ lulinl | ; Mil ll rt iii-i'-N •*( i:' I Mr 'I'inrliir*-. in \« rv ii ii * , i.iV I.iiiir r,t)l,i t.-,| I,act, | I’l.'iui.leil l.j m. whfii 1 uas '‘ixt»*« n. I am I ! ha \ V inrn*a'-« ) Ho \vill olfrr \VAX'n:D, RRLS Turpentine delivered at , . ^ TIMF RFVl.RS. iny Itistillery m this place, for (' S'l’KMlN.'' \ l.( ii(T 10 lii‘ Uiiiil and Tlion.i^lU upon. I». IH»\\ ,-|‘f ik-H III!' S*Mith i n f'\ «‘l l»»T in hi-s • judt4 C‘l •1'' IH‘1 t'» \ n l'l iM I i\««r i*t Ii inri*(>>n'' :ll and city, u lien; a it loiiinl It'. \\ a\ t .r.* Il l ul In* u I' *( ■' I' >1'^ pr.ii'**. iiFTi K 1 I- ' ‘‘1^ *'♦ 'ar.»lu»a. ,1 tjiir.n '. Moi IiHmt M'»u !*r iv—(irjM'riiirn; Tnf Hn* l.i'.l 1:\«* \ i .’Ts ! \ :\\v I - III a • f*' '‘li!]'* nT iVcaii !U:«'nni:'.ti^i)i. "« *•«»:” ;. >nr ni« I d M Mn5»iM»*s V i:ri ild* ‘I’lm Min* ! |Mjr a }»onU* ur,i\ il»c tia uuu U me Ut'I I «* u^uirr \\ \,w\ ji,. t 1* !■* '■ rtiii: v orltl ll.i' rt-'dU 1 tin* :: [‘iiln- .iitHi. MitM- u I' ; Ml*' UlK iiMrili'Hi in IIm* i»ark — ih.'l 1 u rm riiM 1 I ' iu\ I’! 1 tor ll-'* i i'l 'i\ inimili--. 'I hr tir'i huitu- arini i ;i i ll rtii: i!h’ '‘‘•(•.■ml r« >inr» «1 I ant i\»*u U" \\ i‘\\ and t»fl as \«»nn;f n»i\\ t-Mi.u l«.tir \ ar't)t aifi-. I ri)n'-id»T y nr 'rinriurr thi* i:ri';i!"vt t ry nf thr ai» : juul {itMir '^utri'rii:^' hnnianilv turrt t a inonniiKMit t » Dr h s\ l»n hivv-1 I’n ui juuu. .\mt Ci-r.ilnu* u. j> •ri( d ih»’|' iri t>rpnl»lif n«*t’.irti»rs in diNv,*inif,;,ij|*^ w inrli havf limn y«'!ir \i\\ alualiU* 'rinrtnr#*. ! :.in a pi HU planit r an«l ha\«‘ in*v»*r VNrntt n I'ur liu-niry I i-.niM hnl \vl»* n ni\ !'♦ Ih*\v I t in'j-arr aliii«’lril,-hall I h»*Nilat*‘, or ! thr«'UL:h iiHuir iv. \\ ilithold any inf'Mrnrtt'iin \ alnahU' t«> my I man? ‘t y“'* mn'uh r llii' \vor;li\ Mif a plare in any ol ynir iifU'paptr.', \‘u arc at lihrriv to i.'t* ol il AIA \ll KKMnALL. llampi‘*n'^ Vi «rrt Tinrtnro. hy \x^ r.jihl arlnn) on Uw Sjomarh* I.i\«r 5MhI \Uv Ki*hn'\^. will mii.‘ h\'iMp>ia, rf»n;»h, A*J!hmro Mr >nrlt>al and I.nr:" AiT rtion'-; l’;iins in t!i*- l?nrk, Sidt‘ «no IL.'a-l* t . Srr«*rnla IMirnniali’^ni. Nenral.in, l i'*ti'I;i rih*s r.'Wr! romidiint'^, \\'orm N« t\oun Dchiiiiy—uilh all dis- ra'-« s Ijoin i;»iimrt Idoo.l, :.n:! i." tlie "it'aicsl I’cmale Mcdii int* r\er Known. |\»r « liolnu Mt'rlni'^. rli'dir, Diafiiui n. j.nti all dinca^cs in* idt’Rl (II thr I’ lvN *N in iIh* '‘UniMMT '^ravon it h.«« r.o C{p:aL S.iM \Vhtd«‘»U'an«1 rt‘la»n»y S. J lUSSD.NKK. >t ilt vilU': Aw D DtirSI I'. Wit ttt*r£*"n: M* Ml'ri .M I.U &l >U >\V UK A V , l)itlliiitttrt'; ami l\ DruL'i!)'!^ *: nfrally. IW^.slLV M!:{)1(\\L iiOOICS. ^OMF.sTh' .Medicine mil lions-li'iM Sur>r(.ry, by I'hunis-'ii and Siiuth: Homestic .Mclicine, Sur- L'ery. M:iteria Med.icti, ,Vc., \c., lor the use of h antilic.-:.- Children, th.eir di.“Cnscs and nuimijjiement, by Hr. Shew; llealtii. Uisea^'e tiiMi ilemt dy, b\ l)r. Mi ore; Simon.s'H' I'.imily Mcdieine: Fv.eli'd M^ilieal Con!]'anion: tittnn’a- lioiiiestie Medicine. K. J. H \!,K SON. .lone 1,'s. I.AW IJOOKS. H?»R1TISH CROWN CASLS. -k-cided by the .^n 1?'s U ()f Fii;:hind from 1S.J7 to l*'.'..^, vols. Jtli, -lith tnif' i.tli. liy Moody. Hcuison tiii'l Pcaree. .V 'I're.Tiisc oti th.- I.aw o! Master tiirl Serv.Mit, b\ t'Fas. M;i.n!ey Miiiih.- Tapi.in^ on the Law of .'duiid; tiiiis. .liist rec'd. .Iui,e IS. i:. J. HAf.I': \ St!N^. Ll rii()(;Y:.\rnic poirrKAi'i^T ► F Rishop R.WKNscHorr, (proceeds to to th^' .Missionary Fund of the Id icese.y Ami f,f the Hon. Or.oitiiK H. Rv!n,i;it, iprocccds VJ the benefit of the Artist.) For sttle bv K. J. HALF. .‘'ON. .) line 1 s KKPoirr. : !TS>‘'i'I-SSOll LMM(!N.S'S RFl'URT oii hi- Ceolo- j JS. friciil .Survey of Nortii C.iio’ir.a. A few vtr re maininjr. Price .‘id cents. I The .Miner's (iuide tiuil Mi-tnHurj^i. ?’.s T*inct>'rv, Fv I 1-. W. (Mton. 11. J. HALM \ .‘^»N. T!u* ^’umIkp ; s ipply just leccived. .1 line 2 L Jl. J. !1-\L: SON. nC/^ Proi’«*ss(>r AK‘.\. ^ Ivttrrys ^ I'l* ritpLcr*’!!-, I.r MnLratfd i i.iiil'-'iind. lor iiitil'-ii -' * JitiiiC- Jr* r«'ii-. or >lrd.raifd t i.m;-“iin»J. • r\mi: Kr^ii'rii.;: and Mrrrci!*' tJi.t ih«- fl i.r. I.« • ' ol Ilir >kin. * uriliu ii in Illil iln Hrair _ o'lf'1' t>ur.»pii!rai lin*’-*. ll.»' k'J 1 »n »* Ihr I t.ion. 'J I.r ‘ J * ■ ‘ a r.itio that rt nM'^i i.’ct»:U ll.irry, atirr :i «;ir -ti.! » taminaii« ri ofhi.-N ho.:K. f.r d- t.iat in* futmiior t>r hi.ttli*' dc! ' m il i‘» or*!* r. in i|a .ntiTtt» «m cro>N iipwar*!. diuii ? J" *-- " •*' ''«lhir «•’ . if** U is t!:im r >N.;r\ >" prevriii at h'nsih ' •** ‘ ® d»*rful prop# rlit *^ ' I-***' I'rirophr'f.i«.i n 1 nih«‘l >urh j* d-*rst nirnt t V. m h.iir u I M'h f \'."n* I ht\i t.-r- h«^.r*n» -'“ “I X*i» and the (*\i lanaii'»ns sivon it! rhfm;r;il nrtiuii ih#- ^lair tl.V'7^li, ■ I II. .’11 ' of'lOM Ili. ial irriUli I., lif't r. i ..Iiiiii. i. l ili''ir.il. mberti'd _il»ell. 1 !■» ifi ^ tfi. Il «r{»'d li.it* Jl •'liar.pi. 1 .•» I-.*' « '..ilnt. V le:.!« r-i ill cvi r., ■. t;. i, :.t tl. I lilt. .l I lime i:; :.ni1 liitc* wii- Ij .i1; *>1’ ■■ 'vni.i. '; f Ml liitUci.o uiilioa.il 1 «•« r. _'.,r.N m.i 1" ' I U.i' etrc.'.I.'d . v;> * l'*l' n.it Im* w il!i.-iit it Sl;tto.> riiiinil 111") I" tr nil I h. . I ill lie « niillli loT J’in;i(lC.. illlp. which the liiphest prices will be paid 1 would also employ two or three pood turpentine- I b:.rrel Coopers. U. W. KU'iFKS. Lc»ween Libeli Lumbei'tou, >’ C.. Feb'v 10, 185i}. Obtl’ j Jau’j lo, Ib-Jo. liiii Rroadway, trcct i't'.d "uidcn Lane, >' V. Ol-iiU INilnanrs Ma^Mzino tor .lidy, ,1 ii';t’•ccf ivtd. Jl J. I^ALL ^ !^0N Juuc 27., , kiiul. 'I'i.'- lo.' ie;-* I'Oia. I lie.ed tli.' tf'" I |,ci»,t anil nrli e. C.'> crni . Imi".''' .»ilt_ _ ' ..riiiriP.-vl i>;eK iiHnii n.irt » ,ur. itl:»..t ! ' SMl'rH OX rOXTKACTS. 1 F lltiou, for 1**^ .. i"jt r^-.-ei\e,i I ■. I ^ ^ T f.vj V I ' ter': I... ,i .V I iirk. I:, tail . li\ III: ll t i;i I riiteil st.iti'- M .'i .:\li(». «.! ■ Ar il I e .-.r. i'ii...r. f'.rc