S K M I - W Fi E K li V. [Vol.. III.] 1 ■ UI ILP^l . JUIHML I J.‘KM '.H' L'L i . rcrr^TTsraKcrrxBasr srapigEOSEas g-i»royTg.^/..aiiaTTj.*gr3Bs»e I’ltlNTKD HV .1. 15. NF.Wr.V. i:i)u Ai?i) j. IIALi: & sox, F.MT-. lus vNi> ruoriiiHTons. Pricc t'or the Si‘m'i-A\ eeklv Oii^Knvrii !?4 *0 if in •drritK'c; if |>.ii'l (liiriiii? tli** v»',Tr of 'tibscrip- . tioii; or ^^'> .irtcr the yr.ir has c\piml. i For the Wofklv Oi!-.F.nvKi: i""* per anmiin. it p:ii«l in ajTuni'e; •'!' if p ii'l 'itirin;; the year of subscriji- >r ? ’ afti'r tlic _ve:ir h;iv fxj.irc.i. Al'Vl IlTIsr.MF.N r> in>(‘Mi‘'l for >i\ty cents per *qunri‘ 'f 1'' linei f"r the fu st, aiul thirty ei-nts f>r e:n-h succ'oilin«r iniblio:ui"n. Yearly iKlvcrtixeniont- by spe- «i»l contra.-tM, at reasonable rates. A'lvcrti«ers arc Teque^te'l t-i >t ite the nut;i>>er ''f insertions ilesircl, or Hhry >' in. bo oontinnc'i till firl>i'l. and charireil acci>ril- •iBglv Letter-^ to the lMit'>rs niii";! be i>ost-j>ai.l. -gl ——'"■ ' '* ' m^Yir Sfl/ch' imOOtf'S. TH F. «ubc\;rib(.*r respei’tfiilly bi‘^ li ave to infcirtii iiis i-ust..iii>T.' aii'l tUo public jjcmTaliy. that he has jut ri-iM'ivcii his Stork of Sl’i’liM; IM) m\l (ii)(!l«. r.tiibr.Ti'iii^ :i fii-ii.-ral .\ - • irtim-v.t of ". I Kmiu v iMy i5"i.nrt. ato: ri:i!.iroii^'H:tt-'. W..r-tcd I’artorii.-. rni- ;.v. • I' ali'l rar:1-''l'. rind Slli'0“. Al>V* sr:i.\K .VM> Ct'l Fl'.i:. -VC. I*. sin;\r-\ r.i.i.. V, ,;V ('..iner M ;rk't S.juarc. Crf.-n st. . , N • . ';.r; 1. l"-v:. >-:n- F--. i: thm a V, \>r \vr v'i.KM P,»r.ui'S. (’ \SSlMI'.lil'S. o.it r - - 1 i !ri -.! ^ >i'', \v "f ■' ' .'l%n',i;v.. i.. wi.i. h 1 .•.••■■.li l call ■ •I) '■ - :>■ jrj I'ublii- it; iTt'iH ral. r ->ju:mu Ki.:,. Vltf lMi!li.\lS .V .IB! W No. 70, PIIVS Street, NEW YORK. 4 T| E:EJMr\ .\ 7 ".I rm: s\i.i. nr \i.i. kini)S of : !iTri)\ HD \vi;i)Lij;\ m\! iii\!:ir. wn “iTI a II Ji ':» c I n r »* r * ^ ^ r I i c I o -K- F.vF.m i'Ksri:irTiii\, Co!U}>ris![iu I’rlniii:. (’ard (’lothiiiir. liSliiiul! -^. Fi'‘ki r. llol’it r Skill'. UolW r Cloth. Oils. ^cc. iMV, \ \\\)\ iV .M;\1 (iOOD.S, 1 nj’ Sir (; H.it r .■■ u I ^ i; V !,••• T -■ '.!>■ r wlii. ' ■> they ■ '-t to tb"'e 'V' «ns ■■ Vr ' ' - tnkt'ii III ••T' 1' ai .• lo w rc.-. ;\iii;^ from New \ ; rk. . i ^'’•I.Ta; 'if an I rfindl Di'jl (I :0i!>, i.'KIUKS. !!AR1*WAHK, all'l I'.iP'. li i"t-* and Sh > >. ,\ iii-'ii.-' 'vhirh an-: S'i-.ar. : >it‘.n F.n'e r.opo. \ ■ .;. u (I..I-S. S\\f>lf :i!l l l!lltrlisll Iroi!. 1 S.-i'i. IiMjiiTial iin'l Black le.M«. Icr. Shot, I ■ r r i F iio'v . r:p. w ■ . v.iri'-ty .'f 'itiier avii ;o. |.. ■ ' ir-.- thf att.'iiTv,!! of the pul Hi', nii'l w'-h 'I I;. t' r''i' as low t''ir .I''!!. '. pav pr"nij'ti_N, a- ariv h"i:-e in tiie : .at th* r tjo”i-. hicr)iO>t rnark>‘t j'li M-I.F. VN I*- M. •V .I"M: ♦ Tti" AltM.r.Pi."' AM' '■( AKKHS fj.i « #> U*,B Bt 4»*r. TiiO'n.N )ii(Ki:\Zii: & sm. Nil. ijj ItiiMiiiinrr St.. IJiiltiinorr. WMi ■■ i;" 1,1. -1 Ill er- ill 111 2 Skins, S.ol.ile Trees, M L:.;: si. II -ind llk-iiis, liirth Wells. ,'Stirnips, Ilaiir ', I'l t N (V •p.ii ii^s. Vxii-s Ilf all kin is, I'oiu li i. d -'T I'KLl 111-: S. Hulls, Sp.ik. s. I'arriape .-ind Tir« V. - 't l':i itcnt * - '1»a .'S, I 'ari •■'tin;' . and e\ery ;irti- ele f' - ' ll-.i V iMi 1 1‘itliei ■ brail- li nf 11, 1' bii'ine-s, w !-ich ttwy . r«*p '.r' '1 t .. nrte r I') pijlo tun' ■ cun: .mers mi as g.«ii I fUiy ; •tlier li.iitse in the 1 riite 1 State-i. ■ T V • » 4 I’.pc's Seif- .V.ljiivtinp l’,\l^.'' nad i^Iti Hlh i;s. n M :» y ..j.ry flltelided tn. TIM! ^1\S '!\rKIAZli: i\ nONS. N- . Laiti m;. I e ,^'ri-'-et. 40 V ii.M.TiMiiu;;. I Kr>3. .1 \\Ii:s KVLi: I;- . ,v r-'o a i:ir;;c' ;ni i ;^''r. i -il a*-. flTiS Dz s> B wir ■ : .,..i I v!i piir'lr:-ii-'l f'T K\ th Coartry M*T. ljant.- it!i f'' f'xaio 111 thf .''tiifk. M - h 1:;. 1-:,;;. rtniont i«» all 1 Dit. l\ i\ IIAl.L n .\S reinovcl to the well-known !tanl of the Dr.s. I’lobiii.'^on. corner of tiroon aii'l How streets. April IJI. li'oo. 87tf \i. M. oi{iii:iJ.;^ Fiii;\vnjiii\c rinniissKiN ^iimm’IIANT at F;iyrll*villc, March ](>, 1>.>1. fpi!-tf w . w iirn.MKAi), NVFl’M iJAVM'.K (ill.MORK, ?2 ?31 IO\ n i: IS4' IIAT.%, 15 1 NEW YORK. I'liNtni'i iry !ulv:iiif(‘s o!i Slorrs. \r. Match ■>. 1 71-i’iiip'l liAKI'.K, .Ik.. attob:\b:v at i.au , H fl \S t.-iki'ii an ofiice ne^t iIo.t t'> Win. 1> \\ ri"ht> B B I.aw • flicc on (uecti .''treet. Ilf will Mfteti'l ani practice in tin- ('-iint\ ami .''iipci inr ( oiirts uf (.'nniVter- l.an l. r>la'!cn. I'li bc.«cin an*l Sampson. March lM. I''*-!. 70-tf JOHN A. UlC’IIAUDSON. ATTOi:\i:i AT I.WV. ^'*'11,1, after .Iiine iio\t. .atfcn>I the I'ourfs of V T Ans 'n. Ilichmon'!. i;"b, >ii,n. illa'len. ainl» olmn- bll' ( '■ ijlilirs A'Mios%. lliijab-'thtown. Ilia len t'ounty. N, M.ir. h 7. ’ 7-t-'‘.m (II All I,r..'^ r. wks, f' o.\'r#; f' T! o,vm: bs, WIItil.P.'^AI.r; \M> KFI.Ml, I'F.M.F.U IN T"! '" '", Sn tij}. li'i'■ sTs;!:i:r. Fayetteville, N. C. r\YIVI TKVII,I E ^IITHL I’llMlMW. ^■''11 IS ('oni)>any is now orjraniseil and prepared to re- I ccive applic.ation'i for Insurance, on as favorable terms as other Companies. lilllKCTOr.S: Av(»n K. ll.\r.i„ J. (!. SiiKi'MKrti). Wm. \Vai!1»i:n. S. T. IIawlkv. .IdllN I). ('. Hkmhiw. \\ .M. M« l.,.\ruiN. MflNTVltK. M.ircli 1. I'-' !)ru -••.d 0. (; r ft. IV,,- \;i Fc'.' V w . 11. ( \ii\ !:ii, KK.VMIl IV ; /. (i}'nr( ni \^ (hk! Pi tiri'^ion^-'. M N r. ■■.■rner 'I.;rk'‘t S'liiaie, iie.\t to I». ilc. ‘« li ir .'^ti're. (Ireen •-trcrf, j'AVi:rn:\ ii.i.K. n. r. I- .if Fr'-'iu''.* t.ik'-n in c.^^■ilanpc f. rdo-'ds j lIl NKY Lll-I.V. in. L. "Nl YUOVKIt. I'l'lIOS. S. I.l TTKKI.dll. I H. (\h»K. ' 1>. A. Uav. I .V. A. .Nli’Kr.TiTAN. !(Jko. kiI.I.. j N.vtiian a. Stkh.man. j.lA.MK.s KvI.K. j OFFUKllS: i CF.O. McNFli.l,. Troidcnt. I II. I.. MVi:iVi;i:, \ ice rrc.^idcnt. I J. SIlFi’llF.IMi. .\ttornev. ] r. \. McMII.I.AN, Sc retarv. 1 McNF.ll.L, ) •lOlIN II. t'litlK. - Fxoontivc roinmittec. .IAS, KVI.F.. I The pl.an of Min \i. l\»ri; wrr must conitnend it-^i'lf to our ci'iiimnnity, t^r it can be ileni(>nstrated that «e h.avc saved within the la>t six years upv. aids it'iS-Ii'. by instirniice in the Noi th '.iruiina Mutual ('>m]iaii\; that i>, we >hiiuld have paid to iiavc kept thi' s.ame in suiaiu'C in the Ibreijin J"inf stock conipimies th.-it 'iim mi'Te tli.in wc ha\e acl(!all_\ paiil; and et the North ('aniHiia Mutual ('enip.any lias receixeil between ar. 1 Sii’.ii(M) uoTe t'roni our communily th.an it h:'.s paid out t'cM- lii'.sf, here. '^iinwin;r lli.it we are ta\ 'labl\ sit iiated. a-* '•,,niparcd witii other places in the Slate, it.r lii'iiran. e. Uir "mp.;ny has ne inti, i.prr'itb n fa vnrably. has - i?.;; the 'lay we ..r^^aiii't I applicati..Tis tn tlie ami'iint f.f •>l 1ami the t'l.mnaiiy is n..w pl.aced iiji..n a firm le.’tii’}:. .\ny I>irector. .autiiorise.) .\"ent. nr .'•'eiTet.ir\, nt.ay rec. i\e .\pplie.iti.iiis. but they will ii..t be liin !;:i;r until apj.|..ve.l b\ the i'.\ecuti\c l'..miiiittt the I!..ai l. \\ . 1. A W 111! N ' 1^ is app.iiite.I ieiier.il .\j;eiit i.f the ( .'inpanv. We invite .ippiicati.'tis, t;i:t». .McM.ll.L. Prest. r. A. McMlI.I.AN, Sec’y. I'cli'v 7. 1.ii'af ii\i'o\: ii\('o\" ijacom:: Id.dl'O lbs. North ('ar..lina Hacoii. •jn.iinu His, Western .Si le« atid .'''li.’uMers. For s.i'e bv W . W 11,1.1 A MS \ ro, Mav ]■:. 1 '.'-^tf MlLU\i;!lV m M l\TH-Sl !Kl\(i. Mr.s. Walton has just receivcl the second stuck of .'''prill" and .''’umnu'r HO.VNKI'S, consistinir of Straws of a new and beautiful style, and v.arioiis prices: Fliiwers. I’.ibbons, I i e.id-dresses, Ma’itillas, liMi;: ;ind slmrt (ll'ivcs. .''wiss F'lu^in^s imd Jn'Ci’tiii^s, I nder-sleeves. (Jnllais and ( apes, hress t’aps and Urc'^s Trinimili;_'S. l»resse,s and .Xlantillas made in the latest stvle. .\ll ,Ma' .rders tioui the couiitrv ]iruniptlv attende. IS.V!. ‘ ‘ ‘ to. M. m rsoN, f#r>r %#; s»,BB.vTt:B:. Fayetteville, N. C. March -J'.*, !>■ ; M-V WOlM'll Ov I'.LLlor i'. (sr ( i:ss(»Ks I'o j. j>. wn.i F( )It\V.MM>lNi .c r().\i.MIS>U)N' F.\vi;i'ii;vii.i.i;. n. i\ I'i.n ^r.wii nr ii.\i.i. i jniiN'"Ti, KI'.MON AL. ■'IIF. iinder'i ’iied liavi .M-cup';. d l.v II I 1 '■1 the'.r iiM stati'l •in.iM-,1 t.i tli« ^f.'Te t'. rnier- ns.'ii >\ S'.n, li'e iii...| s omsi The rifiiee ef ihe ' in t he ab(.\ e liui i.iin j ,\pril I.''..'. tiF.tl. loe Fc W 11.LIAMS 'team Ib .r.t I ■ W !•: II W E ON IIA.M) 111 ilhds, .‘sii'.i.ais, •’> I’llils. «; ra mil.a ted d.i. 1 ' Ibrj-, I'li'i 'iitlee. • I " Maric.aibii d.i, II:li:”in;r aiel iiupi-. Sweilesiiu.l Fliu,li'h liun. W indo IV 11 lass, \ iHam! I'lx 1‘J, — M.SO- I.na!' ;ilid I'ru.shi 'i .''uirars, F>ar ;iiid F.incv .''oap. 40 l;l.ls, N.I. i llei l il,-s. Sjiice. I’epper, tiiii"er, Sir.iti. lii'lieo. Madder, S]ian i.sli I’.riiwn. Sa'.ipetre, .''aleratiis, .Mace, I'bives, \ e.ast I’owdcrs. Niilnie;;s. .Vdaiiiaiiline aiol Tallow I'aiidles-- witli ;i "eiier.il assnrtmei.t nf i‘r iviinns. Pry tniods. Ibi.its aiel .'li..e';. Hardware .and Ciitlerv, ('inckery and (llas'W.ire. W e (ifb'r the abi.ve goo'.l'j at low prices T rca'li. "ood paper, or prn luce TILOV \ M \i;sii. May 1’::. I'-'i::, '.'7tf MISIC. SF, W lil TAKFi:. f..r:ner:y I'r..res,.,r of Music J* in t ■.iriiliii 1 ('..I’eu'e. wniil.! respi-, t; nil \ aiiniiiii.-e til.'it he h.|s I i.i| i'.iM-ttiM ille )..r tiie plirp' ‘-e nf teacliin.j- Mii'ie. lie \v..uld I'e \ery iiap] \ t.. receive the names- i.t'tl|..se will, wish tlicir d iiiirhtei's instructed in this deli'jhful biMiicIi Ilf ti-male lltfialMie lie m.iy be I'.imd at Mrs. |’.'i\iie's res;.!i'nce. \ iii'al ^Il|sic taught ill ci nnectii.n with instriicti-.iis uu the ri.iiin. Teniis S.)j,,-!- IJu.arre;-. riaims time 1 and rc].aire.I nn very aeei.mrno.l itino teiiiis. l>ec. I, l^ i'J. )lltl ;'C .1 i. L. u i.vsp s WllK.VT, CORN. SAW MILLS, Thv Sjftruest (\'trria;^c i'artori/ in the Sot! J It! I ^ .111. UV, >S. A. A. 3J(-SvS'/rfIA.\ E3 FSI’Fi Tl'L l.IA’ inl'. rn;' hi' frien.'s :uid tiie pub- B® tic. tli.at he ha l>ui!t up lar;ze '•ub-tani ial llvick liu'.I.linirs at his (M.l Slai; 1. .•\i.ie>-ly !'..r I'lanutactiuinz ' I'.arrir.ire'i. Thanktiil t'nr the ver\ iiber.al p.iti 'iiKi'jre he li.is reiei\e.l fur tin- last L’1 \ears. lie li .pes by siriel iittentiiin to bu>ines, with a desii-c tn uiM- '.ilisiacliiiii, ; til merit ti eiintiniiance nf tlie same. He warrants his ! wnrk tn be made nf tiu' best m.lti-il li an t i.;. expel iem-e.i • w.-rkmen in e:";ii br.aiieli of th- busiue-s. li.i- wnrk ' v^ ill ciimp.ire }:ivnr.abjy with an\ iii;rie in ihe I niled I .''tales, liT ne.atiicss and diir.ibility. He is determine.1 tn sdl umi dn ;i'i\ w. i'k in iii' liiie I on ;is jjniid terms as any w ork dmie elM-w iiere ; hat is ,is ' well d'lie. He n.i\v hyson ha;i'', Fimshi:ii, the I.\K ;i;s r .s j i m k of ( 'arri(iii( Ii{iri)!tc/ir., uocu'inratis, / I * Fver i.lTere 1 in thi“ plaee. and a ■ ery '..nr^re stuck fit' . V. i.tk ne.irlv fniisjii .j, w iiii h w ill be linj-iie.l d.iily iif'wiiicli will In' siil i very l iw fnr '\s,i. ur nil : t i me t.. piiTict iia 1 cn.s'ninei s. f , I! e ii.i s lia i.. I nmre , tli.in OM: III NIiKKH \M' l iFlA Wiii.bs finislie.l and in cniii-se 1'e.,11 ;triii tii.n. i.-. All \ ..rk made by hii i is •.varranii'i I'J iii"iitl:s with f.iir ns-iLr»*, and simnl'i it fail by ba.I w-nrkinaii'hij. I nr material will be repail-.- l iVi-.- ■ .f eliar,:e, I’ei- i:.' wisl.inirtn buy W' li'il dn well to cal! aiid e\amiiie f- r t bemsi l \ t-s. I ndei-' tlianUl'u!!y re.'eiv 1 :Tii.l pr ani'i’y atten'ied tn, outc'l at slmrt notice and on \erv rea- tind . All Sllnl t r 1'. are now ri..jeivlna; iur >I’r.lN(i (iOiiI'S. t r. lai iTcr stuck than ativ I'. riiK'r i iie, i c.iii.-i-tin!:' of IMSIS? i5 HATS, CAP3, BOOTS AHD SHOES. In a.l.’iitinii to the ;i')o\e, we have r. ide i to onr ‘-tn.'i; a laijrc Jind well-si-Iecteii assortment oi lll.,\l*\-,M \lil.' Cl,'I TH lN(i, All I.f which we oiler to buyers at nur usu.'il Kiw prices aiel acciuanuidatin" terms. H.M.i, sacki:tt. N. I’t, Strict >ittci,;iiin ;.;ud to (ir.;e;s. .March I'J, IS-'.:". 70tf sSi f K 111 Iv .lyi'.N A In-uraiicc ('.tnqc'^ ni Hartford, h.av- Js in;.i paid the ta\ im; .".- 1 1 y t'le llewnue l.a«’ 111 the l.ate l.ei;i~latiire, will cnnti; oe its ,\.jreiicy in Fa_\ etteville. niider the inana.iieniciit .'! t iie nndersiiriieil. wiini.s prciiared tn i.s.siu' I’niicies lo' iiK-uraiu e nn loiild- iiij;s ,,!■ tinnds, either in this. 'I'nwri nr in any pait oi ti.e Stale, nn pmpcT iippMcatioK, .K sci'iptioii lit the I'mpei-ty. i\e. The .1;TN.\ i'(»M1’.\N>’ has ’-.r: a. opcraiioil nbont ye.irs. Its ca-,.ital is >. The llc.ii. Thos. k. lirai e was its tii'sf I’rcsideiit, ai.d h‘_' .-till hnlds that nliiee; .and seveial ot its first Uirc l .rs are still activi* aiid etiicient menibers iif the Doard. It has at all times sust.iiiied the hi^rliest character for the prudence of its minauenient. and for the Ikis e>, ;-i- :HiJuste.l its ii j,-vs. libei i.lity V. ith v, iiicli it i;. .1. ilALi:. Aje-.it. Marcii 111. .1, lie; itiab M'l airini: ex., e tel lll-'. -s. is;„; A: NO ^S'ilii.''!', \vlio are in.le'.tel to mi* by N’.itefir, 0. wIM p'e-ise seti;',- the s-mie. me f.’i..r t.i the 1st nf .lan'y 1^'.:'. lnii^;er in.lulu:eii.;c c.-innot be ^'ireii ,V M.av nil. 1 1 a!l deb! I be si-ttli. d, as A, >:cKFTIIAN ■1-' ,1N). I>, W 11.1.1 .\ MS. .\trent .''7 If S' .A .V I) ''-llni Mi* •A ’S. ( w \N'n:i). f.a!:i:f,i.s ..f rrnpr.NTiNF.- f..r l-i-'iPery at ihel'lalik i.nml l!i;.|_'c nn r.iL' llnckti'H, ’1 in- b. st mail."t pricc will be pai.I, l'..r Iiirther iiifnric.at ii'ii. iti. jiiire .if .1 niln \\ . ,M tii - |.li\, at tl;i I'.! |.i;:c, I.r 1,1 \, .\, McKelban. F.i_\ .‘Ttex ill--. I 1''. Is'.l, ' t''if Lii'i: I NSl RAM'i:. rgTIli: I n.h isi-ne.l has la-en apvn d »’"? S. Nni th Car .liiia Mutual Life 1;; ii.-ar.ce C..mi any Lvery member fnr life [■anicipates ji, the pj-uiits ol the • '..ijipany; a i l tiic annual ]irenrnni'. ’.'.r lile memUer- sliip, wiiere it aiicunls to .'em nr noiv. may be paid nne-li;ilt' in casii, and the iiihcr ha i in a iinie at 1.T month'. ItebtiiT'^' li\es mav be insr.ri'.i by ■'re iifors. ,\ rnfir. m:i\ insure iiis nWJi life mr tiie exeiilsi'. e i'eiieiil ol Ilin family. Tl.e lives nf 'l.aves luay he insured. Tlii.s s\s|^.|^ is rapi.'i.v z:ri'W’infr into favor, ,tU o^c^ the ‘ivili/ed world. It is one '>y which a lamily, for si;.;ill sum nnnually, may be pmvi 'cd fnr, .alter tli« deith nf its head, on wlinse e\erii riie\ ni;»y have 1 dciiei.ilent fnr ;i supjiiiit. It i' .1 >Lo id iiive'tinelil nf nmne'.. even if one shoui.l li'e V n;^ iilter ta.\iii^. Lite I'nlicy. l> tihni.itoi-y j:'mphlets. r.ail the arv lUanks. furnished on aiiplicatinn. F. .1, ilAL!'., ettoville, .lure - lilt .1 ' i; :i: I.I.; '•Iiirir J. Fe! n i»K I M. ruar'i 1'-. 1> [», P. Ll.l ItU I. . rAl!K \ W ILI.lAM.s. w iioi.Fs\i,i: iiF\Li;i:s in B\n' ttml SPomrstic BPi'tf imoiuls, is\'m sTi5i;i:r, Fayetteville, N. C. ('oiv\!ri'Ni:iisMii‘. ■fn^ilK un.lersi"iieJ h.ive eniercl into i cn].r.r:iii r'hij' S under the 11 I'm aii'lst'b' of lie . W, WiK.ains \ t’e . fnr the • r. s' l'iitinn n*' a '.leiii ral biisi.|cs«, I.ncv ti.'Il the s'Hiie ,i« ec -iipi.-d by .1. |i. W ^''iaiii' 1'"r the hi'! fi\ e \ ea i s. 111 i >. \\ . W I I, I. I \ .INii, H. Wll.I.IVMS. Febrr.arv H. I."’.'. '■'''f I filir/i/ H H in(i. vrral huiidre I i>r these Wheels i iinpe- Irks ^i i". .'sp- leii !'.l|.| (iU.Lm >s ah sab ake (i, arm l'..i'ai;ie Ii. n- am! , H..I. liixi>-s W ater ■1.1:'! it:'’.'. I II lia;,.', aiel Shaftin’,: I i I 'I i V ers. Wheels. and I 'l' ■ W ),eat. .M iiiH'S March 17. 1^'. ui:( i:i\ i:p. New T'.p Mill \>>I. »v I 'm. Saw \| ills anw cr re| aired. = .ii hand. e w i' ].|,d t t'l eii.i' le Us I imte I r ai-.-. UI.; w iil J 1| a - M.in h l-J, is'i'. '■.. lni ii s. Steam Fi'.'jines ,.f any te |; 11' a!:i| Fiiniace l i. lits kept II! ik" .i.l'iiti' i.s tn ..ur niai-iiiiii r\ . tl.is, tli...,. in le' :.'.l by ..me 1 rw :i rd and si-itl,.. 1! \I,I. \ I’.iil.I.lMil K. 7i-tf Unlrhl- ^ iir.i’.r. a y.i'. -i'ti ill iiilli l ent i'll ■ i' ■ : the'r ;_'re It ;;d' la •e|. n;- an;, ntlier w hi ci.;.li.ieliti\ tn ti,. \'i'e .■ In re,- .iMmcii.] them ] if. in c:'.s.-s i t a !nw l.i a ies in ,N 1 ii'l II I '.ir..]i na, 1- • .r •' liver til-- i-niamnii Ih'.'ti-r iinw in ii'i- I'nr s iw milis. W ilii h.i\ e applied them tn 'rriri’KN'riNi:. e a I'.inveiiii iit ware-house near the ste.'im wii.-irves, in w-liicli w-c can receive and for- war l Stiiriri' Turiientii-.e for (iiir friends, olVcrit:g them’ the i-u'ti.niary shippinji fai-ilities, W e also piircliaae the article on otir i-'.vii acenuiit, aiifi keep fnr '•ale such nrticles iis are us-ially wanted l.iy the t’,irp'‘i;t:!'e operati'is. .M ,v 1'. .! ,v T. V. .VDMLL. ;i). w. w iLi.i.ms X I o. n tmii- .•'-'Ulil- [•' w il l I \M' Si,*f r.rsi! Fi.s 11 \ I 1,1 (I M I U'S. N . I F- r sale bv 11 f ! i. li. L. liOL\lL>. Attorney at Law, Wilmington, N. C. n’l cnriier .-f I'r -nt a;.'l rr’iic -:» -tr' Ct- Iniir.ial ..tr;. e. •J 1. rti I’lar -n. U , W if.1.1.VMS (■», 71-tf 4 ^FFli 1 ^ V ir I I J. IKI>II (OKN \ii:\L Li'T I- nstaiil>.' f Ti han.i bv liCO. \V,’ W I/,L!.'iMS - I. .!0\!,i’l! P.. BLCiS^i)^!. 4- O 12 TI B .S ^ I O \ \M) FORWARDII\iG MERCHANT, r-T.r nietit s, rr -iapt tiers.n.-il at ten t i.ui ;,ri' en ti rU'.i I'ash ad\.-iMces nia'le nn P;-- bii ..t* . 1 I .its s ii, this ni.'uki t. i . iV i im: A ; N r all (‘niisijrn- e tn be ship- 7 ii/iiirro. T'i cle and I and l.it -St patter ti.'s, and Mien's SMALL AND TALL: 0'ottir IP IK', i otsK' ,211. fit tpnf n tjntf trJi >f !h !7 • 'I'nos. HAS -irsT i;i: I'.r.Ls Ni.w iiiii.r. \ I’l dll. l.ir-e \ e’ .'W I .'.iiiMi 'bs. N. ithern I'.-n- :'.iH ii I II.' N , I a r- 'liiia ii. llinll l.-'.sheis ( l:it , F , 111. . s an.; isti:-;;.. 1 -iv'iiiilhs' r . 17 hh l.i. 1'i.ba M..-.-' \:. -11 hr fniir l.ni-se \\ a.' -ii, a loll N.S( >N :: I !; 11 s Ml>1.\.'sr.'=. ii.tin ' I’ntal.ic**, tlie-r nii. - till 1 r ^ 11)11 V-. ri;. barkwat e. W e still kee;. cut lieaits nf w -I t in. Ldent.iii i be ]■■■..', I.f K, A Fetel-l.llI- Va ri-r-.U" wi'hinz t vv;’! be si-i'vej i-ll Fa \ e:tCN j'l'.c, N, ularly fur v.,-iter, nr I ''in: a su|,plv nf \> iiee's. sMit;,!,;^! diiler- tcr. at W iln:in'.;toii. Nev. bern, W.-is!iin,r- T!m.' \' !iei-is niM \ ais,, Itih Weiis. id Fi\e;i !lre\ A llic- .b:,-ii;i tin' ■jiiiv:ation Ft b’ v 1^1'' Whyj v.os;Sd I n. aii i I ;hr I . i-,se ti e wheels, li. ,'icNeill v'i Co., I'. McNF.il.Ii. A. \. MiKKTHXN*. 1'. ,!. McALISTKIl, tf WAN'ri'.I). I'ir-t \’i(’iume of the Kevis.''.! Statnies nf Xoriii rviiii a. .Vpldy al this i Ullce. r.LANK HOOKS. :ss.,i-;rient i-f I’.i.-.nk Ho ... - .if-ill kind.s, ja-t r- •ivi .1 at t!ie F.-i\etteville IJnnk.stnTe. j:. .t, ha Li-: x sin. Ar.ril ", I'AMILV 'MI'.DirAL liOOKS. .Aledieine and llnuseiiold Surprory. I..- and .Sniith: lioniestie Mi'dicine, Su^-- • cry, Materi'i Me.|ic,-i, iVc., foi-1!'.'iisc of Families, riiiM: i'!i. tlicir disi'.-ises and ma>ia:rer:ie>it, bv Hr. .''iiev ; E^OMF.STK’ .iy Thoms,,;, He.-illh, jiiseaseand F.emedv t.y i)r. Moore F.-iiiii!\ \iI'dii-int': Kwcll’-s .Me iical ( oTiii'ani- .‘'inions'M i: I'lunn's II liMi.l. and » ; 1 'i-ii che.-iji ivell a'S..rti 'I Sf.ii-k ot >,i!i- lil NS, of the hcst m-ike. ilt's Patent llepe,'ititij: I’i'- din* I’l.u.-lies; liame Fi.i-j;s: i’eri U.«s.,.:i I :,ps; ,v \e in.I' t-ni, tiintly nn li,-ind. aid m.-r.i'iiac- aiid waira.ntc! t . .'h...-t .r.-ni IH'- t.- --'H ib'crit.er liiis nn'.v ;i'h. hi s l:ir-je a n. .lllee ba m l ,>S H I I IS, .. I llev i,i% ers; Hnr'e. Fa; t-i. \i Till I.' M.ie, reb'y 1^". .VMi-l'.F.LLfiiN 111 1 .lidlN I’., ; ‘N. 1 Tarn FiiU .''.VLi: .1, .1 .1 ./ I’ow h r l-':a'i> llltles .,1 ii!| t iired t 1 i.r'li • y ar.|s. persi>!,'i V. 'shin; ;irtii-!es. w i;; ,|,, \ be •■ure tn iiii l 11 this tnw n. lir.i;" 1.1 i-\rvy thiiiir in the pun t -linit :ii tice, ill tlie best mant. purchase mii\ . f the ab ,v ■ nanv-1 to i:i\e me -I tii.ii, and tlie\ m.’iy re.ilest l‘>ar..;aiii' e'e: nib red :n >. ):• I L'e. w ill tin i it to their in- 7*;tf M-: teml & Str ry of rwU. lersi'jne I. liavin;r puri-hane.l Mr, Tims. S. li '--'s I>',sti!!erv nnd Cnni.i'r shops, have en- ii '11 tiier'!:iii under the name nf \Icl.aiirin an;^ rii ii|. ri.K;' i f I .>5: a\\\ .\ i' '.‘. ili'i.Ks.Sbl A.'.Ji lil TAII,. Ptlarket St., Wilmingtcn, N. C. .\iipr, 7. is'il. 1 Itf M VLLl/r r ^ I'ALLMIl'.K. (iraars titid ^'otmtiissioti tlBrr- rhfiiifs. t:{~> I't'tmi NEW YORK. •. MAI.t.Ki r.] [.t, TAl I.MIKIt, .\il;rust 111, l-'-)‘J, l.''tf Ao'jiist 1 Hay St . -11 ipp. mitli -ine w ni be -, and fni- a sni.-i'l M. A, i; \KI.K. it the 1.1,den I inn. sill- tiie Martib- \ .-ii I. Fa' elte% il'e, N t', I7-lt. ih:mo\ i:i>. scriber havinir remo\e.l to th" 'tatid tn ,i-i-upied bv Messrs ,'^iair .V William?, dVcis f.I tl.e public a .,:eneral ass.iitment 'I'i-I- ut,-h 1 si._rlli i! I'l'iltill'le t.i cairy on the l.l\ F.liV LI >1- Nli>Sal th s p! ,,-e. 'i l;e_. b.a'c l.-itely ’■ii-uri.' i':i-r.' IS. I rl'.i ir St -cl, ;iml .-;i!i n--" ..iT. i- t.. the public a« e- ...| II..t'l '. I ’,-1 I-i i.l'.ZI'S .-llol I'ri- i J i \i-rs as e.in Wc t.nind in ibe Smitli- *■• •• •' riiaiiktul fnr the larire pati'nii- ;i ^e iieri't 'I, T'- e>.ti Irh-d t.. It', c 'nlicit a Cnil li lilla t ii It 111 the pul.lil- la'.ir. We j mmise a s.-itislai t- ry tiip tn a’l who ma;, w h f•' tr i\ eb J..'j ■ St.-il.b-s at the W •'! e:i 1 nf \iiinif--rl str«-et, will te one ot till l’ro]'tiet( i-s may alw.-iys be tound, or at the .s^t. re fu st dimr F.ast nt' !Mr. Lit'er'. h. ,1, W. i’tlWLllS V I II. Favetre^i^e. FebA L,’J. I71V - (',irri‘>')i I'.-filhl ish nn /]/>■ (i/■'> II, f/'ir M-!,’i >i/i>f ’li'U ‘/, r',',,rfiii'/ ml Mum I'or'J SU-’->. (,\i\:vv i'.N’ri'jiruisi:: ^!''llli .'-libs,'liber-- woiiM r-st.eciin'iy infirm their I Irieiels and the piibii,-, lliat ;!;ey ha\e enii-i-e-l into c.i|'art!.i 1 s|ii]i t'ni- the piirpnse nl cnn.liii tini; the ner.-il r\i’.i;i \iili lli'.'^l N LS.'^ in all i:- Marini,,s p,-n»s. .\nd lieiii;,; bntii prai-tical w-..rknu n, fii;!;. un iei-'taii.liiii; their bu'iiii-s«, tin \ have tin lies.t.-I-i..11 tn c .nivare wi.rK ^.•itll any c'~tab!ishm-jiit in l-'-i; elte\i;ie .is t.. 't; le and ilui-a- hiiity. Une nf ih - I'.i ni niay be 'kTii.wii >._\ v.-l'c.t., IL W liittiebrs ii-,,n w iiik fnr the ia't M'n ' ;-s. W e warr.ll.t all woik l-i L'ive ;.ri.'ner-l' ■ ali'liictinn t ir twcKe iin nth'* Uep.-iii iii.j b.iie in th-- ncsit.-s: m-.niier : sv for cr.-.h. I'.-i.u'stic Me.iicine, i:. .1. uali: .N >0\. .li'ii" IS. :r~ I ’rol’cssor Air,', C. .'s Ti-r. . f ■■n.-r- J'. ..r ■ ' tfit *-It! 1 '.■iji’iL 1 l'..r I;.-. nlit\ If*: 'url' r z. IVr rvit'i Vr u.rini* r'tr. p”’ h*nir»s t)lO I!: i'.r, i:. ii. ■- tiL' lJ!'ra-( s Ur.' L! !V,,.-\ii;i it.c r.iins. ai)fi lie: rtj.'M U 'HiinN. l*y 1 ... apitir il I- n« -. Ill f ropnt- .;..n .! 1 • ^' 'rru n ? i*r- 11' '>' r\ t!..* 1 fii-n. '1 1m* - l\.v :• :;!••• :-t i;* tr yr'Mr'' itW r,';,. I .1 ;n :i r t;'-n !ln t : i I-..N U \v 1'. !*i ■rt.‘'^'‘nr II .r - , t t ‘-V •-‘Min » t'.i-n I 1 ir^ - 1 invU »hal till' I'Ui. l-.'r ol ■>. ,1,-liv. rr.! i.* i*r‘^*r. in f; • t.»' j.alf 71 cr*''v ni>*.\:»r»l !. iliir.r’ir tl'-* \i-nr . . ^ i; • -i • * .-t fHHI. li i- iujtmt i-^^ar). I*- )>n vrut Ml U*n» th !}•!' rviitf'i;' *•*' tin.- \M*n- il---tn' pr«'[>rr nf* llif ’?'rii » 1 IM.irnT uIm'v . Tin- |>t.! h:ivf* fnr ni-h >i li i ’•n in«’nr'‘* a - tll.v 'n..-. i ' f tl»»* a»'i'-rlr ami Mi»* ifialiiiii' L-v*-f\ •>! :r- rhi rffCfr 1 jM'fM.ii >1' f»».‘ ;«:iir llii- T tip. nt. J lit mU r:.-i > -I V n:- ;; tiMii. Hr* I n r ■ ii;nn mi' r*.; '1 In li*t* Kl1*ii«lni) nl tin* p» ; («•. 'I’hi- V\ all tl.ni I thr -n; 1 nt**r r» 'iri (!. i'.\i i*ry h' tlh' ;*il\r-r '« .1 it- ■VI. 1 Ii'* rjh'r:' ' nl il.i- r\ff.-.Jo.l * wciailm. It nt !• 1* t kr ;i f ffji. rin ia.I w n..t hf \\ >tl. u: it «'iMititry •! r,Ut- ; • 1 t ,• vOcSici! « •1 lln' 1 n («-il f.'M* ti ll »*y nm-l Ijrtvt* :• rtr.l •s hni't I.; ;r’lie In .-111 e.\iri:I Ijilla-rtii ui.).e..,|-.I -I i k-iiil. 'I'h-- h .|,hi--1 |i.-11 I l.;i- ti'ii yi-( >• Ii, veil lliMt the s:'li ' itii' ye:-r w >11 1..- a la l>c|iiit mill .M.-tiiiii':i(-| IIX, .Nil, IliT Urn o' piir--. 'J.'i r**!)!' a l;oi:t- tmnle. bil'i-riil i|ii(-i>iint III piirrliH'-i r-i !'y 'i.i' i prinr ;mI itt*-rrh:iiits muiI tlru’jui'ls ilii-i n._o I'aa.-iiU!. Mi'virn, \Vesi IniliP'. 1 r t;i S..I. lli\M)\bL, lavetleviiic. N f -'-I IV, .llV'i ! ,i. :, Mil It I'* lie- I Iiaii fit !.ii!iirs,' 1 \ 1 rk, lii'iiii; ;.i t.y iill th.' r.li-il ?.i|:.I,-s Hr.iJ 1-, &r. .\l!il l.y f;-r.-r,ni!,ilj Ai-rLic'n:i). ninr. vnr.i.i’m \ nw.dsc.m. ii>ir ■ ly Iir. Kinkel'in. N. \V. cnriier iilr! !i|ir, f-r til ■lit tie. jOirpnsI aii'l the Fc):} ra^iii nf carryin;^ on the Ihstille- niaiiufacture of Sj.irit Ilar- Ii. McL.MIlIN, WM. McL.MIlIN J.\S. W. stu.\ni;f, 7Dtf rgi’iiiF, Sul 18 merl\ 11 IV ,'^treel, S'lAI'I.i; .\NH F\MA IHt\ i.uiiHS. and wmild b.- pleas.-.I tn 'I'e all peI-fin- in ivailt nl lin iN bef. re ill pnrclia'*e. as he is determine.1 tn 11 |',ir a sm;il| |,r.' till- cash. Ill on time tn pum tnal ciisininei-s. .1 Mav I'., IS.VL lit , I’uF,. '.IL’I I .1 \':l s II. 1‘lT’,!. 1 .1 veitex ilh', .Ian'V 1’ I Fii;!; f.kvnin. .1 \>i:-'s I'.it wtv. tTfel $- § I’i ■ I ’I’l.inl li'ishr.i I", - .-■■■ r« i.j . I’d I'lii, Ii Mri'«’I, I500K \v. llAKHIi; h;s re liiisine's at the new- l’;-asle\, .lewelb-r. where he biiidiio_' in any style desired, ,\UL'llSt 1, i{iNi)i:m. th iuined Sinre will I. Ih-ok |l-\t dni 1 live and F.indit.^ to .Mr, e\i-cute :7t'' I Jhc, II W*ll >n* = to 1 I for h. h»'e 1.1 »fl'llt- I lH|e. bwl W of I'-l- hieiie-t ■ asli price paid fnr Turpentine, White laU .''ta'es, and Uak - r .\siit; Headins. I’all nn W >ti;iii;:e. whn can al'MiXH be found at the .s^till. M. LU KLN *c S I ll.\N»iI-;. y i«. L‘;.',;:. 7i»if \'r 'rin: in.i) skin. Tl«' E> o n :i I «i A II v n a -i I v r 5 \\ I. just rei-eived ;i full and eninjilcte stuck if Bro i' II . . lly.'- iii ii '1^ M**. i% « .M a Twhiii i ' del’. Spii- fcNlts, £Sll' '.'a I •I ... V laci ^iii ^ I M III. H |;i;n;s. ri;oVIS]t».NS. .Vc., t., which they ill':’'- the ittentii.n nf the citizens and -in : 'ly. Tlo-v will sell low- forC.^su, nr on time -t. ‘ ea tnim^rs. Tliev purchased their (i-i,,i|s h. nd 111- will enable them tu sell i.dw. They .1 ' lie that II.any Imiises liavi- not: they h.iv*- e-t:i i.i'he.l in lialtininre and New \oi-k, who :i ' e them of .-iiiy ch.iiiec in articles in tiieii' !: I 1'!m puiclia t- iinly when barpains are to be eep al>»ays nu h.ind a splendid a.ssortluent ind dniiiestif; Li|iiors: Loaf, Crushed and T. C. WORTH, (•inr.iissi(!\ AM) riiKu \iiiiiM. '.ii-;i:rii\M. \VILMLN{/roN. N. ('. Feb. 1, Iis.'.:: OOtf .Ml iiKAV ^ (.UAN'r. U7/o/f.sr//r {; rK r and ( 'amiiii■'-sion rclianls, Wilmington, N. C. .\pril -Jii, is.‘:'i. 8S..'>ni A. .1. cV .). 'V. .IONi:S, General Agents & Commission Merchants, W 11, I ^i^jt'S ir\, • I |,i„rr Nuv.-il Stores find I’roduce, a.nd niso to the For- J^ij-jy- Particular attention given to the sale of Tiin- j w.-irditi;: of (ioods. her, Liiliiber, and Naval Stores, liocKi'isii siii:i/nN(..', I B V tiie hall! or half hale, for sale bv Sp V. T. IIAHJH & SON. ./nly IS.yj. Stf WM II. MrUAliV, 4'o>mntssioit •IBvrrhfint, Wlli.MINdTON. N. (’. I’.artieul.Tr atteiiticui will be paid to selling .and ship iin'‘i‘_'ninents. I.ibcnil ciibli advances •Jntf iL.if ; llin. .lu'ii.-uid L.-i^uira 'n(fei's,- lireen, , L o k Ti I'-, Nev.- I »rle.-ins nnd Cuba .M..las- 0- in 1 S.-ii-k .'s.-ill: I) icon, [..-ird. Mess I’oik. .'i.!.,ke,l lleef, Dryed \ enison: Nn. 1, ‘J awl liiittev. Chi-e.'i-, Flour, Meal, C'niii, llals. ' ■ ,i . .'nppvras, .’"alei-itiis, Indijro, .Mad- 1- 1'. j.;,i-r (;iii”er, .Nntmi j:--, ('inaiiKin, Lp.so;n - 1- ■ ll ii iuare, ('utlerv, rockery, and ■I-- and a \ niety of i.tluT jjnnds. >■ I .clhi III-th'i.l 111 thankin;: the cnniiiniiiity uiitry- fl it ml-, I'l.rt'.n; \ery liberal p'^trouaji~ * i II ilii-m: .-ind intend, by 'ellin;r pnmls i.ow-, to liii-ir li.inier trade alw.-n . ki-epiii'/ in vie\v - Ill b‘ si.xpeiiee ia worth ,-i slnw shilliii”. - I’liildiii”. between the Market lliuise and the •I Mic Stale, (lillespit' .s^ireet, Favetteville. N. ('. . h-I. 1'^-...: ■ 7btf N. li. srAUiircK, Tro#/, ,V4’ir \*orL'^ mON lOrXDKK AM> 3LV(’llLVIsT, Mun iijofiuifr nf' Sfrinn Hla nm! /ioifrrs, Mill (inirniif i,f' ,i// himls, J^lov//is, d’C. rgiHi: nndersijined, as th* .Vpcnt of the «bov(» Kstah- Ju. lishment, will oi-.lrr any articles wliic)i niny he wanted, on ap}>licatinn to him. '’ he .•'team Mill.s iiiatiilb'ictnred bv 'Mr. Starhiic' h.ive .Merciiants wlio consign tlieir Gfioil.s to him can rely nn their beiup forwarded by tirst boat after they are discharged from \'.s.sel. lU-;Fi:i!i;M’KS: F. Fries, K. A. Vop'er Co., Salem, N. C. T. .M. Vomipr. .Mottksville. llutit iNc .\dderton, l.exiii£;toii. .lolin I). l>ro,vn. Salisbury. .1, II, & J, Martine, Fayetteville. .Jaii'y ‘JO, b:Jtf ('oi^\u rM:usiiiP. ’IIIF, undersipne(J tiave entered into n copartner ship undrr the name .Tiid style of Troy .S: .Marsh, i'iu:i;ii'riN(; on caim: i kau. raAllF. subscribers iiavin;: iiuichase.l the Steanier.s B. Hver^ireen aid Sfiutherner and Tow l!nats. lately the property of the Henrietta .'^te-niiboat riuiipany. are now prejiareil to fnrward w itli dc'patcli, between W il- mintrtnii aiel I'aycttex ilie, all I'rcights or ^oiels ctitnist- ed to them. F. N. J. II i:ui;i'r.TS, Fayetteville, l-'eb'y 1-t, l^".'i'!. ii^tf Lll i: INsrUANC K. THT HK old establislied .Etna Insni-ancc Coniiiany of B Hartfnrd, ('onnecticut, has recently added to its I-'ire Insurance business, whicii it has maintained with such iinexanipled credit fnr ii]iwards ot thirty years, a LIFI-^ lNSl'i;,\NCI-; Ib'jiartment, The subscriber lias been a|>pnintcd ,\}rent in this as well as in the Fire De partment of its operations: and is jireparvd to take risks on the live.s of white jiersons or slaves, on as pood terms as any other Coniii.-iny, and at lower r:ites tliaii timse of the .Mutual Companies. The capital Ilf this deji.-irtment i.s -'?!'>0,000, entirely distinct from the cajiital of the Fire Iiep.-irtment, and, [ with Its accumulations, reserved esehisively to pay los- [ ses on Life Insurance only, Folicies will he issued i>ay- ! able after death, or upon the p.-irties arrivin^j; at a spe cified ape. K. .1. l» r V I — ^'ot 'I*f I ,\ \ I> \ Nf ?o» »!>.— \ \ ' 1fr • III Tiirr Irr,tM. Kink**Un*n Srlf rriilH.-. '1 jti'i p!ihli'‘jcii, tillnl V' »(Ii iht» ij.i.r:i.iti^v rn tl s of l!»»* hnuii'fi «tr2;.n«. h MhJr« t -k* t.* n».inh'* '«| ‘»l«j }.«• l.y mII. 'I’Ik- \ • ^iimIjU* .•tilvM‘1* nii'l vf \VNri*‘i'i: it :;iv»’v. \\ili pre- v**r*l ' f..r« i»r mi^rry ;ui«l '•iit1(iTir*LN 'tn.l . n»ni*u) thoitsruid^ .r r«r«*nls. f»y rrailinu it. wili It .i." « f -u jir**\» »it iifv»rn» •ii*n » l iboir rhiltlrrn. \ muin.Min* ol' in n I* !;**''. Ui Pr ‘ Kinkrlin. N. \V. rori»»*r of Tinr.i nnJ I rii : 'tn r;*c. Pli!la»U*|plii:*; u ill biM»k. nniirr f'lM r ft ;’t.n ui:»il. iVrson'j hi n, li.vi ipif {uhlr* I>r K. I»y 1» Jl' i*. ;• litl hih| !>•> rnrt’il m' IlMtlMV r i knC'^ '»r «lirrrin>ns. rrnii|*ui up -‘'cnrc- tr* hi jL* iUt«. r*.rfrv. v'ljipi;.-I u .th ihf 'An.;. .11 \» ry fi'T’-vardt'*! liv ‘‘♦'jxJin" :i ruui all J- B. B V J-: I a 4 • oa a»a. A 3 '5'. t 'hrntiir y,-r Dt'hiV'y, HALL, iio'1'i:l. Ol'LIi ro'Ji'ectt'uliy infnrin the public that he is still at his old stiind carr\inp on the almve , business in all it,s brandies. He returns (liaiiks (or the ^ liberal patroiiape lie has reeeived. and hopes h_\ a strict attt'ntion to business, and a desire tn please all and pi\e pciieral satisf:i.. tioii, to iiicrit :i t ontiiiuniice ol ihe same. He w;irr:ints all his wm-k tn be made of the best ma terial and b\ fxi)cricnc-d workmen,—havinp a more fj'/ii 7-/1//cc(/and pmriicul S.ui'h, he Hatters himself tlnit his w-ork will comi'etc with any made in the .s^tate for stvle. eleir-iiico and durability: and shouM any of it fail in twelve iimnths iwith fair ti'apet either in wnrkman- siiip or m.-itorial, he will repair if free of eh.-irpe, I’ersniis wishinp to buy. wouhl do w ell to call ami e-:- amine his w-nrk as he is determined tn sell lo'v for c.nsh or on short time. Orders thankfully received atid jiromptly attended to. I’lLlWL^.Nli neatly executed at slojrt notice and lowest possible {irices. F.'ivelteville. .Ian. ;!i;, IS.":', ('i-".tl' hi'ln \ii.l •!’ i| i.ri'int; trmii -i itisiinlrreil r or Sn-tinrh. sii*'! a- r.insiijiiiitnn. rnMiicss, ii,' I’te.iit tn i}i.- Ill'..I, Ariilii'.-of tlii S;i-m;ii-!i, .\aii'**n. Me.-irii.arn. Ili-L'llst li •• rullne>s \’v luli: ill lilt Stiiiiinrh, Sia,r t!riii-tii:iiiiis, iSiiikins or f'lnttcrin. :^i till’ pit nl ihe St.mcirh, ,-s>\ iiniiiiiiL'ol It.' HeHil, Hurried aii,. |i.l!ii-!ili I’realhiii-.'. I'liiiu-r ii" .it ilie tienrt, '’hr>kine or .'•'iitli.,-:•• ii,2 Si ii«aii..iis vs tif-n in a lyiiie posture. 1 iiir.iiPs,? ol'\ jjion. I'ni I r Welis 111 lure tlie .-^iylil, f-'evrr, jlntl |,iiiii in the llp.- il, t'l Iirieni y III rerspirMliiiil, Vel|iiw i'e« nl ;lie SKi'i and I'.yes, I’iil in llii- Siile, Iti-rk, I'hft't, l.iiii’us, ^||.^.l•*il riiish.*s nl lle-.- I’-Mi-nin^ in Ihe I-’lesVi. 'onsiiint Iniauin'.sL-', nl I'vit. .'.nil iir.n: I h-prf.'sinii Ilf'Spirits. ^ \ S l.i i-tre.-liiallv riirnl hj PJ7, nOdf'I, frj.Klin ^TI:l- ^ (;l.i;M\N 1tl’l"rr.l[S, I’rep-.reil l.v l>r ' '1. .larii'oii, t t‘" (;i riiiaii .Meilii i:ie Stiiro. .\n. |-.’(1 Arrli Sin i-’. IMiilarii !phi«. 'I'heir ;i.'« i-r nver l iie ahm e ili'‘ i«i ' 1^ ii. e\. i lli-.l. i|' cij iialh t>^ aiu niher pre[inratiiin in the I'nileil St-,'i-- ,'is che i-ai* i :illi - in Iiii.ny i-ii'f' -,11^-r skilliil pliysirians hinl : i.lei!. ItiitiT' ri-Miirili\ I hi- alti-nrniii i ! liiv:-liij'. I’ lire-, t viniii-s in ti.e r*-rlilira :ion nf iliscasi-' o * th*- l.i\'f-r iinii i*'s. !.'I-i nil Irrlin pie-1' •I ihi ‘L- llie II . 't '.■ irrlcn" pn'M iifi -livf; i r"an.«, tin y are " 1.1 Wi ' 'S .111,1 ; rta'.n, ; T been tested, and are hijilily approved on tlie I’laiik ■ for the prosecution id' a Cienerul .Mercantile business Location tiie same as formerly occupied by .Messrs. II. L. .Myrover i'l; Co., toot of Hay .Mount, lloads about Fayetteville, i-:i'\V’i> LLi; WINSLOW. liOtf Fa\etteville, .'scjit. I, IS.'il. roiJACco. fl|^HI''. suh.scriber eontiiine^ to receive and sell, on E manufacturers’ account, all prades of mamifac- tureil Tobacco, J. I rLh\. ,May ;;i, ibou. y-3tf .1, 15. TF.OV, Ju. J. F, MA US II. ilay 2.'), 18.VL '»7tf r F.VLLS Cotton Yarn and Sheetinps, fo-- sale I ' at Factory prices, by Tll)\ iV SlMLSH. ■May nil, I SOIL s'^tf ^HF. sill on tlie and lately known as Stnart lintel, would inform thi public that he is now ready tn accommodate boarders bv the day, week or month. Havinp made (■•onsidera- bie outlay in fnrnishinp and refittinp the Hstablishment, he ho|ies' to tie aMe to pive satisfactimi to all who pa tronize him. 11 is Table shall be i'urnished with the best the market nlloril.s, his l*ar witii the best of Li quors, and iiis Stable witli a plenty of pood provender and faithful Ostlers. J. A. GILCIIIUST, Juuc is.j'2. '5-tf g^'^OIl sale, o*.i:J acres of L.\NI) on .lames ('reek, la and ii-411 .-icre.*! on I’ypress Creek, in ('nmberland. convenient to the Western I’lank Iload, heavily timbered, and .-idinirably ada]itcd to the niakinp of Turpentine. Apply at this ((lliee. a(-Nov. 'JS, If^.'il. -Mtf OI.I) KVK. ILLIAM^J S old Keetitied UVF, WHISKKV. .1. X T. WADDILL. June li, 18j:L 2'XHf i:k \n \\f» in: cnw . vri.it, Krofii iho 1^ *'. 1*!''" ♦•(Jilnr s;«itL Per. — ‘ Hr. " r**U iTMtfi! Certuan IV.’.trrs .« r lii* -nr* i.ri. N ('ninplMini. JniititlM I*. l»y>j'f’|i'‘iJt. (’fin ni - « r N. rvo*:^ i|i :.j|jf\. ujM'f*t‘the — nt':h i 'I h* r.ilt' T'* )ir* VO liivn ii'irrf n I t >;» rvl n» ti ir -u . hr has hiin'« l»‘ fil an ;*«*ri.:an# nt « nr*- of |.»\» MiM‘l!iint frnfiMhc ttsp ol* ihi^ rrnjpily. \\f ;•♦»* con\ipr* it Ur m the «'* thr>f‘ Itiiirf'i. the p tiienl •iittv'iainv a»ul ' i"or—:» iHrt w »rt h y i*r«frr;i t » 'J'li« \ a » i in •'kMH'il. af«l r-tn th t^* • lii;»U’ ^loiiittrhs with v:it'»-ty. nr«l* r nn% •». \\ *• kin« Irnifi |»*ri«*nr«* rtnti tn lh»‘ •' u »• hj!\ t r.r ir n- l.iMik u**ll III tin* inMrk*? ot ih*- L'onnine 'I y un: - Migiiritnre nf i”. M. JarK'^‘»n Iht* \\ raj'p* r. .411(1 lh* ti ‘in** in ih*‘hniilt*. «r»'^I'lirlnM'. f or‘•a. v ln.'i riml rt'lail. nt tl'O \\ tsK sinnn, Xn. \rrh j-'in rt. *liM»r hclnw Six:h Thi'M.. nnil!*y r- v.pf'Clahlf «|i'a'.»T'‘ 2'f»erallv lt«fniiph« IIt tli‘ c- iinlr\’. Ai-O. for ^«lr hy .1. M.J- I a\♦*lff \ IMr. \« Wholr^nle \ir*nfH for Nor’h nu^l HAKU.AL & i'O ^ CliHrTcBMa. C.

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