'(>1,. HKNTON S lUS'rollY. [V.XTHAt l l UttM i'Ul.. liKNTON S “Tllnn’V YKAUS | IN TIIK IMTKlt STATI S Si NATK,” IN H,K j or I'l IM.n-ATION.] , ^hi/io 1 S’JiV—.hilin (Jinnri/ .1r/ff//is, I^rcanhnt. j Jhtrl h, tinm Mr. ('h’j/ ni/ Mr. Hnitilo/jth. Tf w:!' S fill' fir.'t «l:iy i)f April, llOiHl, f!lt' Sr’l.itc ll'>t In'ill;! tli.lt ihiv in fliat Mr, i; i;; i'tlj li c:inii' !i> my r i 'iii :;t lirowii s lintel. :ui'l i^withoiit ('x])l;ii:n;iir tl"' rt':iS''U ot the «|U'sti'iir' iwo it' 1 w-.i-^ tlio lilnoil-roluti'in ot Mr.'-. ('lav;'' I .-mswi ri'.! fii it 1 w.-is, :iml Iio iiii- iiio.liat.'Iy rf'[ilir.l tli:it tliat j.ut :in to a r-- that it;- iiail \vi>lu‘il t‘> iiiako of nu'. ami tlicti Wi'iit on til fcl) ii!(’ tliaf III' liail jti^t ri'c.'ivi’.l a cliaiii'iiL'o fVoni Mr. t'lay, liail aicijiti'ii it. wa-^ r.'aily t i iro 'Uf, :ni'l wnii'.J a]'{>ly t>' (’o!. I'.ifu ill t ’ i'f lii.-i -ri' n.j. Iravin^' lu' tnM iin' ln' wi'iiM inakt' iny hi’-,.in the '’u-ji"sitnry nt a 'ci\'t wlii. li li.‘ \\i cmiiiiiit t‘> 1)1' oMiit j'i'r "!i: it w.i.', that lu 'ii'l ii’it iiitciul ti> fir.- at Mr. ('l.iv. Ill' t'M it ill ini' hi'i-aii-' 111' w iiitc l a witiu.'-^ "t his iiiti'iitMii. aidl 'iiil iii't iiu'ati tn tell it t'' !'!.■ s'.'i’i'ii'I. nr a!ivli'i.lv i !>i‘; anil i nji'ir.i''! iini'>I hh‘ .''iricfV imtil tilt' iliit'l was ovor. Tliis «as t!u' first nntic-o 1 luui i>f t!u' atlV.ir. S: ■Ml h ’I'l' ot niTotiitiMil.iti'Mi liaviii;^ vaiiishi'il, t1u> jiroi'i't'iii'.l f(i ar!-a\i>:'' t'>ir tlu' iliu‘1. 'i'lio at’toriHM-)u of S.ifiir lay, t|u' ''th ct' April, was Hxt'd iipi'ii f'T flu* tiiiif; the rijlit hank >t th-* roti'iiKU’. w'tiiin tht' Stall- ‘t' \’ir_Miii.a. ahnv-,' tli'" l.ittK' i'llls hrilw.is th>' j laci'. pist"!' tin' Av.'.ij 'ns. ilistanco ton j>ai->''; I'.n-h party ti> h ■ at- ton-ii'il hv tvv'n s, v-i'tnU an 1 a snriri'i-Mi. :unl iiiV'i'U at lihi'rty t,> attcu l a~ a mutual tViiuuI. 'I’luro va- to h«' no prai'tisinu' with p’r.'Is, and thi'rc was niinr; aii.l the wi>ni> "oil'', " ••two. ••thn'i'. ‘‘sti'j'," aftt'r tlio wiird ••liii'. Win'. 1 } a_rifi'ii ut lu iWi'oii tho si'- iniils, aii'l for tlio humaiii' >'r ti' U' of rO'kuinL: tho ivsuits as in'ar a- p n )'U chanoo, tn ho ^ivoa out in i,uiok s”a>i'-i"U. r’ao pr"l Virsiiiin s'lo of the 1’uiiiii if w.: tak' ti at lli ’ '-t’i iii'itaiuo ' f Mr. Kuiii' lih. Ilo > whii li ho wantoil for n P])ooial pnrpnso. This hror.^ht ahont a omnproniiso. 'I'ho ]>iooos of irohl woro roccivL'il, the cart ami fho .silviT ilispoiisod with; hut tlio aocouiit in hank was oIoj^oiI, ami a i hock takon for tho amount on Now ^ i*rk Ho roturno'l ami ilolivoroil mo a soaloil jiapor, which 1 was to opon if ho was killoil—^ivo hack to him if ho was liot; n!si> an open ?!ip. which I was to road hoforo I _L;ot to tho jiround. 'I his sli]) was a ri’ijuost. to foci in his hroochos pockot. if ho was killod, and find so many piooos ot !_fold — I hoIio'O „;„o—throi' for mysi'lf. and givo tlio sanio nunilior to'r.itn.ill and 1 lamilton oaeh. niako soaN to \v, ar in vi'moiiiliraneo ot him. o woro all tln-.'o at Mr. K in h.liili's loduinu^'^ thon, and soon sat out. M:-. Kaii'ioiph and his sct-t.uds in a carriaiii'. I fiillowniir liim ‘’U horsohack. I ti.ivo .-ilrr.i Iv said that tho cnuMt was to ho ijuick at’tor L'i'i"- 'ho word “tiro," and for a roa- si>n which co'dd i\ot ho toll hy tho pi ■.’\cipal-!. To Mr. IJiiid' Iph. who did not ni .lU to tiro, an ! who. f/i ",iuh aurooiniT to i'o sIio' a^, h id no d'-'M'' (,) I'O !iit, this rapi ’.ity of countinu" o;;t tho (imo ami ([iiirk arrival at i:io comm m l “.-fop pio- sontoii no i.hjccti 111. \Vith Mr. ('lay it was dif ferent. With him it was ail a ri'al traU'U lion, and iravo r;o to >i«nio prop d t'or move deldn rate- noss in oountiii;^ oil’tho tinii', w'lu h hointx cni- mur.icatod to ('id. 'i'.imall, and !'V him to .'Ir. I! indolph. h.id a!i ill iVect upon his t’o. liiiiT', and, aide 1 hv an nntow.ard accident on tin' irr eind. i;n>ettled fora nuuiicnt !ho no'ic ih termination which ho h.i 1 lorm.' i n -t to fno at Mr. ( lay. 1 now ;_';vo tlio word.s of (len. rl 'sr.]': ‘•When I r.'] ■•■’el t > Mr. ('l.^y th.-' ‘wori’ in tho mauu' r in wh'eli it woiiM he •^i\on. he i \- S >me appl’i lieU'ion :h,it. he wa- i: t aecii'tonii d to tlie U'.' f tli" pi'* ■!. h ■ ' III- al'ie t-i tii'e within th-.- I 'iie. and I r tint I'-a- i;i alone dr-i; 1 that it n,i_l|f ' e pri'l-ei^r, .] ] |.|,-n- \ ir_inia >'en it .r. r- fu'i char.icter. ai, 1, if he f 11 i:i deiV \*iri:inia ■' >il wa' to him tli" c r.'ccivo his Id.iod. 'I’iiere wa' St;i*o ajaiiist hi-lliii;: wi'liin ii ir t-> colli III - h lie morely went out turning i:. lie - ni rt Cel VO t h 11 n I • ’1 r,^ ■M L'r air. i i .•atute f -i, ■eii’': t :u. ; a lire with tu: r^ ;i_dl!iM’. ali 111- scipiently n breach • f le for cho.'-n;^ \ ;r_iiii:i ceu n\. , -as I '.d. Tlio Week's ;:nte. 1 !i:-- r i ,V he explain.'d t ■ w.i' tho 'I p »''.t rv : lav u Ir.eh the soe ■■.. 1- haii cotitn', wa' a .,1, our ! .\p;r:tiir. 11 ratln-r ni_^r. wl eti I w l;i~t time I f ife tlio dm 1. alienation h'twe-n us sin, w:i' |- M-i iv oven tiL.. .• :r t-- ' Mr. ('! ;v t'l The;-.' had h e,; Vi.Ill ■■ th - time i'f till- I’fi-'i dential ch-eti 'U in tho ll 'U-e of Tici'r- ' -ntativ e. and r wi.'li- 1 to i.dv, evi-h uco that tlieie wa' tio- tliin:: pi.T' 'ii.il in it. The fiinilv w. r" in tho parlor—ei'tr.’iany proscnr—and ,'onie of if .^tave 1 lafo. The _\.'un_-'t vhild. 1 hcliovo daiiit '. w nt t-> 'leep dti th'.' >ofa—;i circumstance w!.^ h avail ed nu“ f ir a ]>nrn'So tho noxt day. Mr', ('lav a' alw.r^' >inee t'.e dea'h of hov dau-ht'-i ation, th.' i I’n^r event. tie- picture ' and with -uf of til.' imjf ! aiil -ho als. came f ^r, an 'tandin^ our sona! f- ••tiii_' in whatovor c..iicni‘ d hi^ lift wi>hos W'Tc with him. Ilooxpr""' fieiti 111 at tl'." \i'it aiid the di el.-irat: it wa- what ho wonM have expccti 1 j-art. 1 at niidiiii^lit. Saturilav. th • ^th of Ai vil—tl;- du.d—had'e . II ' '11. and the m (I'clijck. 1 hid f'-;‘e- the I: ''ir. at 1 t was ,'0 far on th" (Ieiir:rcto\vn. and v p!;'.i e fo (ro- tho 1 ut cahu. t..-onver''l . pi' e -n.'cii".!-!. !i all ui-n- l'-'Mi . : ft tl.'- p-ir! I !:■! wh 1 I t I Mr. ('h y. tiiat. n -f.vitti- ]''litical tliiVeri T.et'. my p r- tho same a' t'..iui ily. and t. ■,it. hi ni’i', mV 11't ■'•"' d hi' L'la'i- n. an ! ii 1 if mo. ^\’o -hiV t'- Ir the V, a- Little F.ilN nrviiro. I h id hi-ard norliitiL: fri him i n the puint of ii 't n furiiiiiir tie- fi' - -ii th" fii 't c' tnmunic.n f,; that i t "i-!it d^ I'lf' re. 1 ha'l III- re-;- u t , .]• til t th ■ -t'■ of hi' h-'. ; L;.i;iati- n. hiit lV!- a ; '!. -•■ ' ■! v,.m" frt 'h ;.'sura',i. • i t' i‘ :.f-'-r - i m-ii.\ d , (h lay. 1 >;i T-. -;r ;:p] ;i - f tie- • iiie:.* I know it w -iM i; t do ;i'k j'i"'ti"ii—.-iiiv ju--.'t:. :i w.ul l (I'm’i r Ilf ii!' ir 'in Ill' M t!. (1 he huV Ii S'-lii me t' make it. liiifht hefi — the imp.y n w I , '• ’i-ltl\e 1 annoy. 1 at it. So I hll u| ■t J'f »h. ii,|i,iiy \v;t!,..nt - . ui:' t d'i him of mV \i-it t'l Mr. ('! i —I ; th" Lite 'irtiii/—the chiid I ii;."on-,-; .iH tr-inipMiit-, ai’i e 1. I f.uid I;i.t h' Ip Ti !l- all that ni-'_d.* i • !:. 1,- \r i,-_ lU'- I I rt' e- , -,i.d iiini; liat. i" ail .•I’l' if on.d" I'f i" huke an U! .f.yfurl. th, ..A, in-!>}'(r, ’ at; rthv r ■■ :it ’ f Mr-, (day: ■tiiiis li -w !ir. II- i;:i ]. r-v d !y '-i! 1, Wilii ;i ij't;. e:n' 1 t > 1 - il'ifhiiiif f'l ( I. I Iln;lli tUe ! f \ >it 'M'i't Up- . '-'".t 1 >li Ii'.ld V h^m 1 ii : t i-- I 1 v,a' 'U;- • Mr ..li a^' I i;; V' w .-f Mr. (' 11 n It, ih- t .me r- _'r .'in I th. in.' I K \ ■ . I •he !/:- e 1 I th, .'lli' '1‘li ' d '1 :. !' I'l ^I^ i;a-, ^.r.s •. ha\i ' m_\ d- 1 :i If’e W.I't! in till llolph p..'ih! u: i ■>: ■n in I .-.ir;-; t!' •h:,n ■ tl, - ... ! .. ; i' 1. ■ r ii‘ -I : n ii ^1- 1 I I: "11 .'t ,'ii. \i. ‘\ .VI- -I 1 \ ' k hpr. "i I pill,. 1] 1 " hi' I •IK I aim t!i - ii-' t'^^' w:i' to t.-ik" place ;if •} I irono T'l ,'ee Mr. Kan h.lph he- 1 f -r a j t’.rp ' ; an !, 1 • -id. -. it way. ;i- he l;\ t>d h ilf w t\ to O ii;id to p:i-c t!iroii;rii that ■t -mao into \'ir-_dnia ;>• th-' tlieV t and t h'-- W . .r'l ;i - h- aef of d IUlT ' ■ lllltt of hi' p - • l|o_- .hlWIlWM!' 1', . l-.'Tant'v .^Ir. l: In 1. '.II . I a -i It i w.:!; ii « I - I.f - to a I.r' U; .. u ifh ■ Iv an :iee' !' ;i' i‘t. A-. -'h.r Ir I I. 1. VV. up 'i--!i whi.-h ad r. ••/ ,A, t!, I lull/ III- tJic y„,.c,. nf ' oi, with hi.' I mjdovmi-ii^ — hi' ^c^"nd' :.i-iiiL' en'_M^r,.,l j,, t],,.;,- prcjiiiratioti«. ill a dith rcat r i .m — \vl;;eh wi-, ni:d\iiif; coiii,-;ls t I hi- Will. ,d! in tl..- w-iy of remenihraiice to tVu-nd'; the h"(|m ,-t- 'li._d;t in value. l,iit invulua- hl(. in teiidi ri;.'S tr linir and heaiity of ox- pie.->i,'!,, .-uid ;;’u:.ys appropri.ato to tho receivi-r. 10 Mr. M:ie.,n he L^avc .?onio Knidi.-li .-hillinL''. to ke. p ti,.. j.^. ]i |^ „ ■'ak.-, .I'.h:i II in loljih Dryan, th-n :it school in Jj.dtirii'iro, ::ii,l >inc'' marritiJ to hi^- ui' .-e, w i' sent fi.r f., -I " him, h'lf s.-nt off h-f .re the hour for .roiiiL^ ..io, to sav" the hoy from a p'.-.dhl.; .‘-hoi-k at 'i-(-in;_' him hrouidit hack. !I" w-him-I s. me 'i^)l I Miat coin n.it In'iii;; thon in circula tion, and only tn ho ohtaincl hv ta'.or or ]'Mr- ' ''' f lifhf’iil man, dnhiiny, tu tho 1 niti-d it, ' I’raiii-h IJank fo jrot a fi'W pie.j.'-;. Amine,in h. ;■ .r t|,',: kind a k'‘d for. .J.dinny re- with .'It th" -'.Id, airl tlclivored tho e.xcU'e lh; t ?!ie h -nl; had none. In.-t;»nt1y lii.-s clc:\r :iil- 'er-f' 1,1 d voii-i- was heard ahove its natural pitch, ' Xi-I.iiniiii;.', ‘•Tht ir i;;iine is h'L'ionI and th y aro 11 -I ' fi'.m the h( j;iiinin,ir. dohnny, hrin- ni" my ii-ir'.-." 111., ,,wn saddlo-horjsc was hroiiidit him —f ^rle iit-ver r-: !-- d'.hnny’s, nor ,11'hiiny 'ui. fhou;_di both, and all his huudre.I hor-es, were of th" fliu.'st l’]n!.;li.sh hh.nid—and rodi; oil to the haiil; dowti I’enn-ylvauia :ivonue, now (’i rcorau .V: ];iLrL'.'’s lehnny following', as alvv.iys, fnrty p.ice-, (iehiii-1. Arrived at the Hank, this scene, •ave.viiii_5 to niv informant, tfmk plact". •‘.'Ir. II •ndolph a>kcd for tho state of his ac count, wa> shown if. :iml found to he smno four thou-atid I’ollars in his favor. lie a'ked for it. '1 ho t"llcr toiik 11]. p;icka_'os of hill, ;ind oiviilv ii>kcd in wliat size.i noti s ho would h:ivo it. ‘1 want nioi.it y,’ s;iid Mr. Randolph, puttiii;^ om- ph i.-ir on tho Word; :tnd at th:it time it refiuirod a Ijohl man to intim.ato that I'nited .''^t:ites n:ink ni'tos wi-re ni't money. 'J’hc teller, heuinnin«- to und.er-taml him. and w iliiiiL' to niak>; sure, s:iid, iiiMuir,ui;!y, ‘\ou w.mt >dvev?’ ‘I want my mom _\I' w:.s the ii ply. Th-n th" telh r, liftin''' ho.\e., tothe counter, said politiK: ‘ll.ivoyoua c;irt, Mr. K .ndi'lph, to put it in'’ •'Ihat 'i-my hu.-im-,"' sir,’ .s;r;d h-.'. )5y th;it time tho attcii- tion of the ( ashicr ( .\ir. ilii-haril Smith ) w.'i.s at- lr;ictid to wh.it v.iis ;:oiii;' on, came v)]>, an.l umh r-tanditi;.' tho i(Uestion, ;ind its cau.-,o, tohl 'Ir. Kanduljih I here w.i.s a mist:ike in the answer i^iven t . hi« serv;inf; that they ha.d g.d.l, ami he should ha\k» wi.at he wanteil.” lli fad, Re had uidy applied for'a few {.iueci, I till't -’I ui'k r■ - Mr. f'lav'' ];•, -I -I hind M;'. l; ,. of hi' hip-. I 't! •. I i IS-' tli.it it w , - ,i I ni'imen' h id >■ lu-- iii :iiieinir t;i" ] arti hut n.;thi: ir (-..-d I 1 and I ar:h that w:iv tom O'. ; /r, '■ - ; ill :i 1 lie W H ii t h' \ ■ 1 ii i\ in J L' -o ’ ru • i i h 'i: -V llil"" 1. Til ' le t'. II:'- ;p I u.-i!' 'f;'i le I my no .ii itioji. .'I r. ( I 1V '.li'l, with if till' h-;:i 1 with whieli he w.i- aei-ii'- 1 to put ;i ,vay a ’i itl. , rc'juir."l aiio:h. r llr. / ,'i >> I h il’l s jJ' timi hv words, "ot timo o kill me. T not, thon, disahlo IiiuK'' Vc.s, if I picaso.” It ha.s boon 80011 hy the pfateinent of (uni. Josup, ulroadv gi'cn, tliat this ‘■^lu/nrnuttinn' wa.“ a inisapi'rehonsion; fh:it i\Ir. ('lay had nnt appliod for a prolontrafion of tinjc for the purpo.so (if "eftiiiir stirc aim, htit only to onahio his unused liaiid. hm^ unf.iniili;ir with tho pi.-tf)l, fo firo within tho linutod time; that thoro w:is no jno- louiration. in fact, oitlior ;xr;iMtod or insisto'l ti’poir, hi;t he W l:- ill douht, and (!(ti. Josup haviiiirwon tho word, he WMs havin;x him ropoat it in tin* w:iy ho was to give it out when his liiiiror touched tho h:iir-triL'i:or. Ilow nnfortuii;ito that I iliil not know of this in time to spo;ik to (Jon. desup, when one word fron» him would have sot :ill ri.: ht, ;(iiil s;ni'd tho imminent risks iiicurodl 'I’his in- (juirv. ‘•.^l:lv I not dis;ihlo him?” was still on .Air. IJ-ind iljih’s mind, :ind tlopondanf for its 'ointinii oil the risiii;:’ ineidciits of tho ino.nont, wdion tho .■iccidont:il lire of his jiistol l'.im' tin- turn fo his feidiiii;' whicli solved tho ilouht. iolt ho dcchi)'- e 1 lo 11!!' th:it h(* h:ul not aimo.l at the lif.. nf ,\lr. ('!;:\: th:il ho ili'l ii 't level as hitrh a the knees —r.' t hiirhi-r than tho kneo-h;imI; “for it w:i-i n.i iii'Tev t.i shoot ;i ni'iii ill tlio l.iioo;" th;it hisonlv iihject w:is t > dis:ihh' him and 'jioil his aim. Aii'l then :idled. with a ht:iuty of cxpres-i.'U .■ind a d"]»*h of t'celin-.^ which no :.tu !iod or;it'ry c.m e\(-r att iin, and whieli 1 sluill iiover for^'ct, tlie-e imprt'S'ivi' Wiir ls: " I vnlJil nut hm r s,'n hiui hill m • I r!>ill!/, nr rrrn ilmiht f ,iH >/ inl, t!, /.//• >/// 'Ui A/,/ / is Vilhriil !"/ t!n I:’.l ,/fni'^ ■"'■.im-' hi' ji.i.'t. lit I I ly 1 t'u'ii ■t ,he .''ell it.- :inv thiii'j' ili i' 1. p>'-;ti\e .!ei-',ir l'e :i;i II' ii,r.. the ' Km ! ■ >•' ..11" 11 • ' iv. ith till!; til" n U ..III'. I'll. wli-i ih--L''-r. tie 'J ';-A Mr, i: in t!: M. !;r i: :i i- 1/ / M.- ( •■'lid kept m\' 1 tli.'ii kti. w I 'aw him ;■ r i \. ! L',1 k' \ K ual'.'ph 1 11' f; ; !- .I!' 1 i. ;lll :ih I inili; 1, •. 1 11 - ■ : I- iir . . ■ ■ -. u. •• )■ A //'/ o/ /• hiiiils 11' : It mo to ' to I \pl 'in ou! hail >:ii l in it. I th:it he w.'u! 1 w itii ii'iw :i iitti" w:iv li\. 1 oil Mr. he th Iv the tir' ■ in •’ if Ml s.-n. : li|. M. 1: I'l !>' i.\ la-': An 1 W W.i 11 I -II ^!r. K-iu I'.il'h ai' I ill noiii'l" I an "tlii-r li:' '. ’1 li. - 'M'l> W"i'' '111", I- ed to r.'-lmd. Wild' :hi- u.;- d lin- 1 pi. \.i.h '1 on .'I r. K.indoljili t > v.,dk ;r.v i v li>.m hi'^ po-i. .and r'lit-wt-d to h:ni. iiioro jiro"in;^ly tii;in o\i-r. my imp'r"ii;itie- t-> yi-Id to .-.im.' ;u'c..’.nni'i 1 I'l. ir. hut I foiin'i him ni-.r.'d.'termiii.- l th.in I ioid ■ ver .'.-.'11 hi'.n, .'))d for the lir.'t time im; iii.-nt. an 1 >".'niinirlV :inn.iye l :ind disdti-dii'd at wh.it I was ihiiiiLr. 11-: "•■I' in i'' d :uinoyed ;ind d.i,-,-:iti.'li'd. The ;ic.-i'l"nt,d iir - of his pi-("l proye 1 up m hi> ft- -lin'.IS. II ' w:i- tliiul !y cIciL'ri'-u-.l ar it, het’i :i.- ;i circuin>tance .-ci'ceptihlo in it'clf of an unf,.ii’ iultjrpret;iti‘in, :iml :i.-; h iviiilT hoeii th.- imm"di:iti' ;iii'l controHin:^ f of his liriiiL' at 3Ir. Chiv. 11 - reifretti 1 thi' lir" the, iiishmt it '.v;is over. 11 - felt th;it it lui.l suhject-'il him t.) im]in1;iti''ii'fr.i;n w hieli h" know him-;elf to h.“ free—:i de>ir' to kill Mr. ’l;iy, a id ;i ci.ntempt for tho hiws df his be- l.tved St;ite; 'iml th" ann::y;iii.'us whieh li.- felt ;it thoso ve.\;itious circum,'t;^llce'^ r.:vi\t'il hi orii:'iiial detormitr-ifioii, :ind thcided him irrcvoc:ihly to c:ury it out. It w;is in this interv;il th;i1 ho to’d mo wii;it lie h:id he;ird since w" leir'e.I, ;iud to which In; al lude.1 w lion In; .'pokt: tu m.- i'i')m tho wiiidnw nf tho c;irri:ivro. It wist., thi.s eirect: Th;it ho had been iiih.iniotl by (!t.l. latnall tlnit it W;is pro posed to ^ivc out the words with more .lelihenilo- nc'S, so ;i> t.. prolon^i the timo fur takiiiir aim.— I his inform.ilioii irr:Uod h:ir'I.ly uji.iu i\i> feel- in.!/'. It un'ettled his purpose, and brouLrht his miml to tho iiii|uiry (^as ho now tidd mo, and :is [ loiiinl 1* exprc."i:il in th" noti: wli^h ho h;id iiii- nu-tli;itidy wiitt'-n in pencil to ;ij)pri/,o mo oi his p'>."ildo chau'.fe) wheth.'r, uii'ler thoso cirouni- ''t'liioes, he mij.dif not “.//.swAA ” hi.-; ;it!ver''ary':'— 'I'iiiri tioto is si. clni-;ictorisfic, and such an osson- tial p.'irt of this :ill.iir, tii:it I hoi'e irivt; very Words, .so hir a.s relates to thi.' poin!. |[ i':in thus: ‘‘Informalitai rei "ived from Col. T;itn:ill siuco 1 i^ot into the c;irri:ij^e hni,/ induco mo to cIkihl'o my \uind, of not, rctuniinif Mr. ('hiy's in-.'. 1 .sock not his do:ith. 1 wi.uhl not h;ivt; his bh.od npoii my h:iml-- — it will not hi; ujiou mv soul if , shell in sell-dcb'iico—ft.r the world. II" has de- i ft'i miijotlj. i.y tho Use ot a h.ui^, pi'ep:.i;itory oati- .V : - :'h r' t'. it ci'!- n- ' 111" n Mr. ,t. Wei inur th" li'-- i t h" w ill i-\ er iia\ e the inll u- I le i- now -t:i\ ill'/ ;it W e- Ilf hi- hi-iith --.V )■. /■: •.-■It : i 1 ' - I ■ r li t Hi t I.' 'inc. hi'i i!i th:i' h" i' ■' li' :',rm. but it i . uibci (-.1 b', i.iir !i h -I 'I \ I T" :ic- ,:lhin:: in N!-.th >l'i',vly recii\. r- t ry .lonbtful if it it r."tored t.i hi;ii. 'ii;i;t fer the b. neid LKTTKK.^ FKOM PP.OFKSrOll EMMONS. I>Avn';^»N' C(H N i'V, M;iy 2S, li>5o. To Ifi.^ /•y.rrcf/r)tc/f, Dund S. Rf 'nl: Sik: Til iny last cnnnminicatioti my remarks wore continod mostly fo the charactor of (ho bct- for lanil ami .«oihs of Mecklonburg and Kowan.— Tho^o lands arc probably tho best in the State, thoir cap:icitio.s as :i whoh', or if their prodncini; powofs in tho tiirurotrato aro otuisiderod, 'I his view I intemh'd to o.xpross, nothwithstamliii;r tht; fact tlnit in dry sca.soa.s they sull'or more than others which aro much hss fertile. I>ut fh'"o 1,-iiids Inivo not boon fully to.'tod, thou;.di they Irnvo boon cullivali'd for nioro th:in Iralf .a century, porluips more than a leutury. Th.-y mu't h;ivo lioen highly productive w heii tlu y w. ro iir.-t tilloil. I'lit it appo;irs to mo that irio:it proilucf i\ t'liess does not b.'lonir to first series of y‘ars .-ifter til- hiiro b"^ins. If is true, th.it lit-ii now himls :iro cleared of the forest that tho tir.'t croj'S rei|uiro no fertili>;er.^ 'lh ‘ ur.)w!h i sp')nt:incoU'. 'i’ho ph'iuter ,'ows ;uul li:s Inrvest is >-i;re. !!ut when oxiiber:inco of i'ei tili/.iiiir iiKittcr is iioiirly ox- Iriii'teil ;iii l the soil bo:_';n.-- fn ll i:_', it -h .ul I by no me;ins bo re;i:irdeil :;s ll'i'd up, t!i;it it must he a!i:iii'loned, and that ii"W fi"hls mu-t h» c’e;ir(-d. In-t. ;ul of n _..:ar'linir t!ie soil ;i-; h:i\^!ii.' J :.'-"1 its best ;m.l mo>t jirodiii'tivo ]>e)'io 1, it 'le.uld If con sidered as olil_\ subdued att'I re;;'!v loi’ th" tru.o sv'ti-m of cultiv:ition. 'I’iio so;l' of Mnidiml, wiii"li h.i'.o b. ell eultiv:i;i 1 ei^htiiii huii'lr" ! _\', :irs, j ii lut i' III i;t' by th - p;. '"!.* 'y't m of iiU'bin.iiy tlniii th. y c mid 1m\o prmlui-.-d iuiin'.r th' ir lir't y ar of till i:.'i'. r.r,!' ol .V -.v l'’,u;rlan 1 :iiid .Nev. \'..rk yi.'ld ;i irr iti-r pi lit i!',tii ih"\ did :ii t!ie;r lir't -.'tth III' li’. I III' Hi tii:it tlieV will \ iehl a i' li-Mih.-r ot' hu'h I- (d h at :ind i"r;i th i:i wln-n tlh-y w.-ro in tiioir \ir/i?i 'fate. Ilelic''. till' iih':i th:if i.el l:i;..I- ;iri- c.'in : ii r:.. I \ -1 u. 1, ali i I li' wi.;thl"- -!i a;l I h.' ( x] i' 1 00 ;h.' b.-tter. .N \v. !■. .apply th" ilm •riu to ti'. :. the 'tern ';ih:irrU'. :h'i'o h ll: 1' t Ui- .1 th'- •1 Cii':. eh r. ! !• ti. •, :ue !ti ; i t 1 tl. 1 ^■,■.l:■r ■ : . . ,l/. ;U'.' - ]\: t n 'W r> :- !s t 1 \ .. , 1 1., :r 1 i. i X : I r 1 n 1 .1) ;!.'• i' \ : X . :l. . h ,v. ' i; :' 1 I',., ., ) w!i;' h / -.w Iii \ \ ■' -.V -. f. r I d'l I;’ t [ ! ,n f t ibi; -i :i- - it •!. III ; 1: 1 ir 1 i ' -. : '1 1 V tii 'i i :._r ; - - •••' . a' ! ' ; - li-,- t!- ' ,i -i 1 .- up. 1 -11 1 t.i M , th m ;!i y .!-. n ! . l't . -ij.- ; th.' t^ . i ;; r ■ ', 1 I ix; • : ^ j . * . ■. III'.: i I !:,-,. . ' r . f . : M1 ■1 t I., ■ -1 J .' : : A i.'i - • : : ."'11' ii - . tl. I : ► 1 .; *■ M ■ .. ' - ' 1 , ‘ ; ■ ■ ^ '■ I > - ^l;. '; . i ! : M : ' • 1 :k 1’ i ! i \ ' I ■ ’*■ ' l'\ ■ ' , 1- •_',! 1 • 1 1! - . ,t' 1 . ; : ■ i -. ■ i !.. •,vhv i- i' n ’ :.1^ 'I. .■ t , - d h ■’ !>' '■ :di I that I!-: pr. 'i-nt :i; p': o,.- - ' til if ' ■' h ;i i' ; !i':-'i iry t i' ■ .1! 1 \ ! r ‘ ll ;i i i ;. 1 • •' • w ■ ', i 1 i - • .1:.; -i ■ a' ‘ ■.!- II . > '1 - til" f ; _ 1 1. i ’ • ' f r ’ ' — 1 ; 1 1 ■ ■- in 1 • ■ • u 1 ,'i' ■ - ■ • V : ' 1 '' ' I . ! 1 -, r : . 1 , • ' . ’ t ' 1 \ • . ’ • ' : le-' i . . ■ t 1 1 ' ,a 1 : . t l-’i-:,' . ^ ,; d . W . ", • • ', - \ 1; ; ;i..- ! r. : • r ■ ji ' . 1' - . • • ' ' • ’ V: ,! ' • r )' t'l 1- ;- ' Vi . 1 . u!. ^ 1 . •' '• ' . - a ’a.' !‘ , • 1 •' " 1- ; I, - ■ . ^ 1 ^ ! i - i ■ : a •.’.■■ :!i. --.th y. // - /• "...IV. \ "r - ll:'. ’ i; l;M ^i).^■s. .'I\\ 1 ■ ’ .'>• /.’■ /.• • . t ;• (• M ;.. X 1 I . : . : . , . t" - .-A -.1 !v r • • : |t • ■’ :. j'l ' • . l' -1 I ' , !. :i:i'i .11, ht_di"-‘- I ' I I . r - I. -;’i'! - ■ h : t p: i \’ . ; ; I : ■ -1 !'- I'l u!!i- r; ■ ■ ’; •, ' ' . !, .i' : ' r f t :■ 'i; '' a-- w ' i :i' t • , I -.e, 1 ' ■ -I ' t -'f th" p; ' I ti p.t I.'. ( ' : • I.!', la I’o. - ■ i' .-i, iM I I. - : ■ ll j i‘ d ‘U :i. -•-'r' :.i. : 1 . \ ■ :.:r. ; ' - t-. - --;,.1 I I': h w li:-: I :iii 1 I i:ir,l i'.r tit .',i 'i. ■ i' "f . ::r' ;i, \ t ■ I . t :i’' di. :i!i\- ■ I f"i.-!i ;ii di 'ij. :i i ; lii.; . i. . i i ! d f t':ii- >n th.' -idtuv ’ f r a t'v 1 ■ ■ a - ;i t'. : •I'diir" i i li' jiUiille the r- h. ei;‘f.I- ?l,(l 'it W' -te. n -1 hko tl. i' l m- ■w \.ik n; i f i:,-. .1 /^ /■: r ... -Til' til'- Wa'hillL;'on I Ill 'll 'he i • I ui;i:d I ••! \’-"i:iii|i;iiii-itiii;: th ' IJull'do | s:.id t I h:i\e |i-eel\el, in l;i;i 11U'Cl'i ]'f. .'I'll.il ;:l pi '-h .t :'||| ot the I *;'t h'llt -—loi-^ I'.'.v. 1 l y ;ui ;i'l'. -11isi Ul- ;it •.v,.ith m- ::iveu t.. tiu.t p:;pei: We Mij thi- orL'':ni oi \. w’ \ 111 k 15;irnhurnei'i-tu wnul he oxconimii:iie:ited weekly on tlio .- une Aii'l th-.' cxe iinniu;iic;iti..n of th.- X- i’.ist will b(‘ t'iiIowi.d by th'' ;ippoin! i'i::i.t-!i:inil man. d..hu .V. Dix. Mini-t. r t i I’l lo.ei-. or idc '.v;s.' ^■l;ue l,it io\. rnni' nt j 'b. Tli.' I liioli e.Xei .111 111 ,111 le.it "S, (ho Ili'T'-' clhctU:dlv fo humb 1^' tho Southern I >-m'.er:i( v. \-. !;i!e th Tr - ideiit de:i!s out matt-ri;d ;iid to t!ie ev-.,,mmu- iiie:ifed with a im.ro liber:il h:in.l. 'riie L;aiue i ;i deep ojie, U nh mnn,] 11//A/. Al'ofhi r S'-rnr IjIh.hi'. At ;i Ih iilni r ih'i- vAt'- br:itioii of tho Ifli in 1 ■hi!;idclp!ii;i th" h"i!fh of I'r.'-ideut I’it'rco w:is tlrink in sih-nct t!i-' ti.ic- trino of tlio nnr h nu priiieiph' asserted — (o;t>ts ^iv n by no mo;iu.' complimont;iry lo th" C.ihii.et, aii'i the pi'oeei'din^f- nrinifostO'l r-uch dis,-;iti^tV.c- tioii fhrou::hout with the Administration that the l’enn-;ylvani:in, tho rofu];>r homoeratie refii,s(;d to publi.-h them, riie Boston Herald givos tho confessions of a dealer in tho anient of tluit city, wdio ha,s boon sondiiii' off variotie.s dow’n-e;ist since tln> rcnownotl M.iino law p.;issed. lie has p;ickoil koirs of litjiior iu uiohi-^ses casks, lu\ulod ihoin in, and iillod up with mohis.sesj ho h;is piieketl thoin iu suixar ho.xes, filled aiound with .suj^arj ho ha.s p:K'kcd them in oil casks, lilhd arouinl with water, ho h:i.'- phice 1 ;i picci.! of spon;ro s;iturateil with oil over tho buii^f, ;in.l ct.'.orcd it with a piece of tin, I .'.0 that when tlio c;t>k i.s rolled over, a little oil will bo sijiioi;-/.*'*! out, thus deceiving the most knowing; ho li.'i.s packed them in chooso casks, a boll* in tho head through which :i ciiooso—white o;ik—w:i,s visible. Such is the iujreiiuitv of fratlo. '1 hus dot's necessity stimuhite invention. The truth is, it is a very diHieult thinif to ‘hcail the vrin, rl' ortr;in, ] about the conditions of the poll, or the climate, ov ! peculiaritie.s of the sea.sons. There i.^^ no employ- meiit upon whicli thought might bo so profitably expended :\s agriculftire—deep thought, too: but if cannot, be givoa without elementary knowledge. ' It i.s true we may think ahout the re.sulf of tni experimeut, but of it.s success or failure, we can form ui> iudgment without instruction iu the ele- mojits of Agriculture. I am, Sir, most respoctfully, Votir obedient .''^erv.'iiit, K. K.M.MONS. Khilirr .TiiiJiciiirj/. — A lefter to tho Ktlifors, from Ijonisiana, reiir-uks, inci h'iifiilly, -‘f am sor ry to .«;ay our elective dmliciary work-; bailly.”— It W'luld contradict reasoti ami exp^'rioiice both if it worked otherwise flian badly. History teaches the fallacy of this as of Tioauy other demociatit; notions; but her lessons are tlirov.'ii tr.vay upon those wlio ol.t-y only ;i p:ission ft.r change, no matter what, aii.i j.rogross, no matter wdiith'-r. A ii'iDixif hi felli‘ji nrrr. 'I’ho Si.utheni t!eiuoer;ilic jTirier,-^, without :tu cxci ptioii So f’.ir as we h;i\!; observed, ju^tiiy :;ml ;ipplaiid tho policy of (ion. I’i'Tco in heaping h.iiiors and rcw;trds on IVoe-soil -is. 'I'lieir cour.'O with roforotico to fiiis m:itter i' in iLoioble eon- lr:i'f with th;it of many proniiiieiit tleinot r.itic journals :nul politicians of tho N'vth. 'I’horo, wc h:i\’" si'eti tl -m.icrafs s|io;dinir out boldly and fear- h-.'. ly in e m; h'mii:ition of (ho I’re-id'-nt .t th' ir elloie.-, I‘ no other r(';i.' 'll til.m fh:it ho h:u! t:d{oil ih-' t-m !nie td' the .'^ouili to his bo>..in. 'I’liese LO'iitl -m ;i !. ;ve h.; l the >;r;Tirm--'S ami indi-p.-n- tle)i.-e t.. t.ik:' a st ii)d iii i.'ii’ bidialf, whi'-h Sou'Ii- orii dei>ii.e:'(•-, w ith :il! th.'ir bo:is>oil .levotiou *■> .'•'-iiitherii rights ;md je;ilo;i-;y r>i free--'iil iiifluonco in the (iovt rmiii-i.t, h;iv" ignomini .usly shrunk t'l'..Ill ;i''',;miii;.’’. X-it a 1 coi’,.c'i p i!itiei;iu .'^oufh. 'if tin; I’otoinie tbire- f.. lift his vo;"p aL'aiii.'t i’re'i'leiif i’. 1. e. ;dth'.nuh ti.:it (iitih fi;nctioii;ir_v within f.r-t four iM-.i.ths of 1,'.-;;.ln)inirM;it; >n. h .' ih'iie pi-,-"is"ly w!i;it 'lit!i. 1 u i)eiuocrat' pre- tli. * • (i ll. .e-itr W'lIlM do if t-lt'"ted. all'l wliit ll -pr. c:it. HI- miU'j e:il:im;tv til it .'111 ' • 1 h"!'.!! th. :-.th. Wh nc-' IU t;:" p.- : ■: '.i -r -i-l. par-y. ;■ w'il th ' -T.’t I'f tii - S.iiith .-uiV-r . I ‘- humbu_':^e 1 u’.el .h I'l h i 1 y th.i'ir •iiid it;!!' 'fur'--'.' Tiie- ■ > .tl. - :u"ti I im u' '). ati-l /.iri': to :ii fat- !!!i w;' iin: I'! tl) u •! ' r ! •: ' i ■ . : ' i th -v -ll'. !-.:;ti' 'tl - aU'i i'.w iir i:u p n re f' U"V r -11 ■ 'p.-.'i ;! m . 1 t,i;-l :i Li.-.-n eli-l. .\.''V. IT' Uer:i 1 j'" t'X- c. '.!• u. \\h"iiit',.y :ir.' -','it"ril; in;: ir iV'-'i’U'i h.ippi'li'th;! t';ere :ii-e iuiji..vt;iiit it 1' ii't i-\.r_v lit I'l \\!i!i-1i ;i-I [ 111 re ■: tlr.iriiu'j — ^ me la.iN iujurcl i'y it; it i' n .f ,-v. ;-v ti ' 1 wh^ h ll i|U!ro.-s lime. ;i!i i e\eii wh ;i it i- re.|iiir I, fh" io;i.l;;i: n.s aro lo't the •^:im- . If tlo' s -Ti i- de.-t - tu!e o{ ..I-g;iU'.e l:i liter, or (juile I f;,-ie;i; in It, li'ii". l:iou-!i ,» n;;;v '-■■ w ;r.'.in ih" -,.il. .'ti!!. wit!- -1'! ;i.o ;i U| ply . t .r;.ril;'.e l.iitti-r. it ■•viil i'e useh>'; i: \\:i; f,''. 1 :ii,- i-:;i!i-' r will be 'I'.-api.ointi 1. II.' W'd >:.y to I:;- n i-iil. >rs tint ho h.id fr t"l lim.' ;ind it tii'l n . ^'o.td: h.' h;is 1'"' hi' mo!;rv tiii'I l;i' hibo;-. Now. no '"n.-ibh* man m--l be tohl th.at >u.-h ;i r.-.-u't i- 'b'uldv i'iid. '1 h,' .'.mie nriy be >.ii,l nf pho>[.h:it - of iini.> and ofgu:iuo. If the firne r or ]-] .ut'r i' u:i:u-- 'jU liliti d With the eiini’iii-ition . f Id- -..il; -f i ,• i-; i_'i. 'iM'it III t iK‘ con i it;'III.-, w il i.'h a !'e ue. • .--:ir\ f. ih-iivt g.i.i'I re.-'ilt.'. th -r" ;ire ni inv eli uiee- to t!i;it h' will t:iil ill tho u-e "f ;i 1',-.;.4i!i,-nd"l m.>d.-. le,- in th ‘ ii.--‘ ot';i g.'i. 1 1', rtili,', Mv 'l-.-'C- Iritie, theri f,'re. is th:if all genei;d .ha-:i :i,e.-':is s.'t firth by writ rs ,'hoii! 1 he redu.-e.l t i -j.eci.-iliti.-:- as tar :i- po--ible; tlril is. -.vhilt; tin- d, -trill.' is ,-et f.irlh iu gouer;il terms, tlu' c in lin ;i- which :ir.' i-c,[uircd fu’ their sut:ces.-ful w irkin-^- slnuild h.' hiitl tlt.wn :il.'.>. Kut ail thi - woui'l re.|nireiu- \osli;::itn'n; it woiil'l ih-;n:ind v. rv el.i.-e i.!.serv:i- ti.iii; ;iii'I, ])t'rh:i]is, nioro -'ill. tho cho.nie d ex:im- ination of the Mjil. N >w, I 1-t lit.-ve t!::it hi'e:iuso invt .'!i_fatio!i As- ro([)iirnl, m:iny failurt,.' h/.pj.eii to the very best modcs;th:it. though there i-:t loo.'O- in .'^s in stating tloctriuo.s :ind facts by wiil.'r-, vet there is only one source of dis:ippoiutme!i(; tin re is remaining a want of ex|H'udl‘ure of thon^hf , upon tho subjects by the fanner him.self. Th. ro j are some nu n w hom 1 believe arc more hivish in I the expenditure of money th.aii they are iu tin? oxpomlituro of thought; though tho rule gcnoral- ly is, not to expend either, especi.illy iu husb:ui l- ry. I hero is still another clas.s i|uift3 unlike the two former; that class who take in all the doc- tnnos and digo.st none—whose mimls aro like a ' fctuliod sausage full of meat, whiidi i.s not nf the lo;ist use tt> tlio uiouibratie wduch conftiins it. A- jrain, .some siippt.so th.it planting ami fiinuino- niiiy be .successfully p:'o.«ecutoil, on the .same p!;'.n that :i cook nnikes up her frie..; at;d cakes; th.at is by receipts which tell fiieiu how a good crop of ' corn, tobacco, or who;it m;iy bo raised. There i.s much ot thi.s kiul ot husbandry everv whore, for if there is no written form of a receipt, there i., abfiut the same thing in the brain; thero is a rou tine without thought, which is carricil out nu*- I cluiuically. '1 here lo no ex[)Ouditurc of thouiilit . , ■ I ,' . I ’ i ;ii. i. n t.; - m a’;i:.j h-- ! ••. il .! I f': III 1 '. e hi .1 .It 'I tie III ; . 1.1 i r!; it !. • w a! ! !i . •. - f h '!r p I- - !ii ■ ’ - ■ :: i.!- r.-tuin. 'Iw.-i'.' t i!c- :i ^1. - :'i-' i- . 1 'ii-1 ;; .t -.-'-m t > t \ pr ::';y gr ';it ■! i 'V et'.'i r!i" '•I'l.-'Ti in \\!iieh •> w ;- 'I m . !i ol.' !' ( !" in i l.- t i :h' tii. (•'I T'l - I i\ i:i :':iiii'_' Mr. r.i'ini- r ' :i, in'1. :i i. :t- h - w I- :.!> ’it 1-;,*. ril:_- th ' I'!.; .! ' 11 -t - . h ‘ V,' •’', !! ! . w !. « le-j i 1 •' ■ privil • ' ■ ' 1 ’ . :i„ ! 1. T!: y i-r -t - 1 ;!.:i‘ :h y u .. i p. f- I : .;a; 'I'.N:: !i t!.,-ii- ni i.-ter : , !, a- :- '11 : ■ r."’. I ;n ('i.n inna;: :ind) i.av-.^ t ;i "r ;V .-I '111. e :ii’'erw;.r!' le:in:ed :i.at t!i,_ r.'-ulr w ,- iu-' '.v!'it Mr. T!i .m:i- xj.e. t-'1, for h - 'iiil ;i >: b ’;e\o i':n y e.ui! 1 t;tko care i.f tie :ns"lves.— il ■ 1' -• ivc'I tl ■ Ul. ;i-.i-I We Ini ' !:iy m irning the p;;rv h i'; "U the Ti'!i.imiii:r.. t' r L misvilio, on r'lilT' I li' il 'I;; . — ^'iiiiiiiiri'i .1 I'- ■ S n ; ,, r/ S'.. '■/,,,/ A.. , 1: i , a L:i!d ■ y t;.^■ i; 'to ■ - t S ,r !. li : 1-. ' -I' ,:: .i ;if w rk in th" ms- f . ! ' ;e: i! ^ .M:. I *. ..- 1' . !!i ' 'V-' h ;i >h '-k- :. 1 . i : t. .''■i.,- \..i' in ill - ;i.-t i-!' -,'i.i.i'oi,i_- !i. r ll r. -I', ! th. 'Wiii-_ it b;-k it c-i”._hr oi; :i -!i'i:t r- ■%. ii'T 1: cl 1 w un ; h. i- ..v.-r till ;t i:':i;.-l le. r up i.: ii',i't ;i h. ,i;n. ..iV!. -th I.'i' ilium’ ', which !.a I h".'"m.'e!it;i!;gle-l it! her I.:.!: . a:i I *-^i^g r'•' '-ntire -c:dp fr-'Ui In-r !ie::'I — fr'li! h i' t'ln 1 b.n-k. Th" s-,.!p'wa.'r’-j l:i'-f-.l. " '■ i. 'i 1 t:'liu I >,•. K:nr:M’i. wh- w:is c:iii"..l to .b'-till' w i-.i!. !. tli.s; 'h-e c.;nii -; r.'t- e,-, r. /, . ./■ .1 T /'■'■' S‘ ,■■■;. hut „ T,-,.. — I),..,, toll .\i!"U (' -lli;i. f tlii' f .wn. while il'hiiiir .'!t 1 Thur.'.hiy hist, iuce.l :!s i^reat ;i t! ' -mb side of tic !;in 'loiik. 'A hicli LATEIl FKOM Kriiopi: The steamer Arabia, arrivetl ^t \, brings lionilon and jjive]»ool tli*. - ,,f ,] 'J he a.'pcct of the 'I’urkish tpi. favorable to jieace. Telcgr:iphic t ] at i*;)iis on the 1st instant strife lii.-.f j,, . i rojccfioii of the hist ultiimitnm re;n ! I burgh on the li-lth ultimo 'I'he i'lni;, . , j it with iiMich imiign:ition, :ind had d, j stronge.'t language, to th.e i^nuii-h Amb;i.-saIors, that even the th'stre , fioct would not prevent lii.-> iiivadiii;_r (djtiiining rep:irafion. I Tlio fourth di\ ision of the Kn.-. i-.n -. been ordoreil tf> enter Mold;(\l:i. 'j fierce ou the line of the Klack S. :( 1(>(I,()(»(( iu(;n. j The Kmporor comp]:iins of the c'.;.,!:, IJritish Fn iiiicr, and is ,s;nil t,. j|-.\,, . pcroinpitory instructions to JNI. I J;, liiu! himself to ofliei:il intercours.' ui';, • Seeri't-iv> .if Stiltt'. It v,;.s ,1 th:if ’['f.rki'v h ; 1 . m.iK'h'd till; iirtm-'l iutorveuti.iu : Power,-;, iiii l this st:it.‘mi'uf i'- conti;'.; ; 'J'iii nnnivoi,(i)lt> iiii,-||i..^.'i'ee i,; ; ,, , dine in pub.lie s','curiti''s af l’;iri-, '1 In; l-’rciieh anil l-',i;glisii ii.;et- V,- r - ■11 'l\“nedt'. :i ^-!uall but cel -brate i iiliout fifteen miles southwest of tl the 1 >:!rd-:ti"lh-s. llorig I'Coiig haft - t-i .'fr.y Iph f ' new, c.xeept ;i nim-.r th.it rlu-r.h. tuiL.l N;ii)kiii ;iml wi-r" marching' -a 1 IdVKllPutH, MAKKl'T.':. .M i ', ’oMon has been irreeul.i!-, ;u! j j (puilities h iva >ligh;!v tl.'clined, 'v' " iirni. The wt-ck rc.icli.'d , >pecul,it'ir' to.ik (Mill, nil c’vp .,-t r-'; . . F:iir ( »rle;iii' Hid a i;M; Mi-^ Middle ;!iid i'phaii'l,' C..! I; j.',. iJreaih'tr.iV-; h:el l,irg''lv a'l-.:,; j tictivo tienoind. Floi'.r h:ei ;..d'.| i, barrel tluriuu tlv.- we.-k, :uid v, 1;!?.. , - o)'irter; c:.n:il f!'Ur ( dd v yoihiw corn d* (- ^id roM M I’M' • •T;:')\s T'l VIS . id-* of lilt' t;pro:ir -1 tie- t )r L'-i.ii ! ill it, .\iid yet th.' •h 1 :: 1 n 't W'.r-l -t > r i*' ■: i'h 'V. - th V :'.r - h'Ui -M- .M i: f 11' >sc Store, tli:if l-' i-! th' re \v;i- whero th I"il Tilt--, n;, ! t i; M.A XK Rl >' i).' :i>: •Ii;^: 1 f a F‘I" r i: •t of i:;ipu’i,tV - . fir ;is their ii'-i'V h n'ln- -tl-' III' ' .U!i 1 we ' i by .^l r. (), \ !■ 'I le !ii-!'. "!' L ■■li'irina. '11 , ■- i'l !'; e n- • -* l' ■ - d l 'll-' I.i' 'v:.y to .- vv:i I 1 1 ] ;i. ty of buil linr a phitd; r- i l :V a, T I) ],^.t !ytho w:;y..f X .rm-:! i'. cV W . F. K . t’ i'. 'e I . or • , e-.pp-T niiii ■' in tij- ii'in f-t;-'ti f r d ,-,i, pi't. A!Ml 'U_dl ih.' T. 'ti.a; w - .-h er. : m^d't of il l|-\"-f, t'l.-r.- w :i I-'i i:y. M". Vi'i:i,'I.!w. t!i.‘ J’re-idenf of F. K. ’ iijjiaiiv, t'eiu'j p;'i‘';"nt. wi- - ni lKO ;i sji -,'ch. W!;!.'!i h" lid. C.-l’i i" til -t el'.ir. '• iuvi!i,'in-_-. >ati>f:i. t , \ li;ive ev LT'-tii ral! there i- ;inv plank r 'a L \ ; W i.i \V; !■ ] 'li! • 'f ' f’:- ro !' J-;-.',: til if f .’l" -!.'c ii’v •1 o;i .-' SUI'j, 'Ut on -I t the i!iv r -M c,iu'jut a l.ir:; ten;icity f r !:fe :is fho ro;il ,'na['piiiLT turtle whicii v.'o re;i.l I't. I'.'r .'onio timo afti r tin* -hark wa.s c:iu:^ht it 1 ly in tho iiottoni of the bo:it aj.part ntly lifeh A knife w -i' th.'U broii:;lit into rcijui- siti")'.. th: .'h:irk'- b;ick tin t:iken off. its tliro;it cat. th'- ei'.tr.iils t;dK"n out :)ii'l op'.netl, six s.-uji- j'liijs t;ik";i therefrom. :;ti l th" li>h iIumwu mi-r- 1-',ir.l. '.vhi ii, wond.-i ful to la late, it .'W:im otf ;is tli High nothing r'in ;rk:;l'!',^ h:i.l h:ijipcii'-.l. I.Jjii r!iii';ii i i :f.‘ !lf. ll |/' Ihi'/ilill. 'I’ll" ('eU>iUS of (Jroat lliii:tin, in Ini-^ jii't boon publi-In-.l in two thick volumes. Th.' number .if j t'oph' roturiicl w ere 2 1,1 ‘J 1 of w hom 1' hd''(>.( 11 ^ wore males, l(',Td..).*.tF.' fenKih '^. thu- giving the hnlits the atl\;r.;t:iL' Mi tlio ni-ht of the ceu-ti-;. i‘J.’.o_Il w re sleeping on hargi-s, (veisi ls. 1*.!>7'J iu b:irns, aii'l in th;‘ open ;iir or uii'lor tents. 'J'iie tiumber of fmiilii's in (lre:it Hritidu 'fvere 4,oF2,- inh:ibite l h ut-^e,'. -..'il^.d l?. 'I he towi;s, \iil,si;as. A '.. in (Ire;ir Kritain, 17,l*>h Tho Krili'h i.'h's .ilHt; iuluibito.l, 17.). (!ro;it 15rit;iin h;i.- Upw;irds of'J 1,11!KI.I!(I(I, junl Irolatid upwauds lit (‘..(iiid.ddii tif souls. Auglesey, ders('y, :ind the 1 do ot .^l:^n have .)(I,(I(MI, and (iuornsev, Lewis, Skye, ami Slu'fhind over :?(l,(H)(l. 'I’hese num bers, however, lauii'lly dost-ontl in the rem:iiniu" islands from 1 1 .'ifX), 4(.>0, l(lO, ll'), ‘di*. 10; and ftmilly, ;it luchcalm, :iu a]']>auago of Fife, th('re is an i'land with one man only iu it. An Ice-Croam Sabiou h;is just been ojioned in Now York, co;\taiuing mirrors, it is said, whi.'h aloiK! cost 810,(K>0. 'I'ho oru:imeut;il work of the ceiling alone cost -Slit,OO0. Whether the (|ua!ity of the ice-cream is to be improvei.1 by all thi.s lavish exiicnditure is not stated. J ('it;/ with Twflcc. Tlifnonoui liihal>i(nuf:i I>c- .sfrm/tuf.—lu the foreign news by the Atlantic, published yesterday, it is stated *fh at, on the 1st of May, the city of Shiraz, in IVrsi.i. was desfrov- eil, with twelve tliou.sand of its ii)habit:int,s, by the shock of an earthquake. This is the ,secoml City in Fersia, tiinl iu former years luid a ]>o}iula- tion of 40,000 persons, but an o:irth((U:ike in 1'''24 nearly destroyed it. It was formerly :i place of great beauty, and i» celobratoil by tho For.'i;in poet Hafiz, who was a native of Shiniz, for its beauty and fertility. Since the earthi'|U!iko of 1>’J1 it has groiitlv decliued in both, most of its public .'itructures having been ruined by that ea- lumity.—I*lti/((ch lf>li in Lah/cr. II c:,U -I tridill'j;. all' 15 It T.I th.' obj' "t V i’l^ ilii - •• ii:im:odc:itie ar frh-ii.!.> in ::Vr 'n' r r ot !!':ikin_- f.. ':i il" injurt"’. I'-a-, i' th-ci h 'ii’y t!i ' I'l \a T'.'. 'i’har i-, fje- l: eiiit;. y. 'i ;.:-,e tiie p "f.I.-. tii" i.nire th . tr;ivil. and th" belt t will I t; th'* srt);-I: ui:iy ;i.- w. II think ef ile.'troyiiMr :i t"Wn 'i- having a ^ta':it lu itiy merchants and -t i. -. think - i'injuring;' t.ur-i.'lves by ioiviu-^ :-,U t; r'i:ids :i:. 1 phink ro:cl- Wl- e;iu i:i:ike. e tl •,-,re 1 to be a I'r'inch 't p.irt ;iii : | •; th.' l'\ iV W. Fl ii;k K ':i i. Hut that. :t' t - :i; loa-i, ciinii'it be. for t!i',‘ w;int of ni . in th‘,1 ciiarter; and we must bniid it . ■, 'toi-k couip:;ny. or ;ib;uvlm. th,- -ch' iiie. our t’riend-; w..ul.i bo ro,nIv to ,'tihscri! t'l tho F. W. F!:»nk Koad. b;it .- ea, ’ leickw.ir'l on :i joint stock cemjcmv. I ' tho ,'tock of this ro;i 1 will p;iy ;i f:,ir 'liv ;i!)'l up-'u th:it btdief i .'1111 willinc t- t •!; sc.l -enption myseli'. and lo:m a f m; 'I'h.iU'iii'l i>.Il ;r', t.i he sul .'..-ril'O.l t - : , r i-id. iive yeti', without !iitere.-t. . • x : i'i n !- fi' in tii'- pi oc o-ls of i":i'l. ■ - f. .;r we -li:ill f.tii to lUilkt.' UJ) tllO UUe .r.t 1.' ■ • ry t.) buihl the r'jad. It we h:i.l y.uir I’r.-^idotit Wins] '>7 i : 'v w.“ c lul I do it b_v uiakiui^i -tppi.int\u-n!' e. line. If "W can we got him!'' I ix „r. : i.,- • i.v so sm ill that he c:iiii!ot be niori I' i ^ It ho could spend .i^iiy h:i!f (>f h: • f':,.- r'lad, he might ii if >:;lv soo ami afren-l ' toro't ' f tlie r.iad Teov mad-.' ;?.>d m.ik ; .. oo:;h{ l.e tif ;_'ro;'.t .-^ervico iu i^a Stiui; ti[> "t!, ■. coutii^u'ius fo ;in-I p airing info (iu- I .f' ett"\i!le. an 1 ;;f the .'aiuc time tn:iking ii- ho.id' iri'ow rich. Fitnlon thi' lotiir 'cimw’. and tievor give r- ship until North t'aroliiKi is wluit 'hooiij:l:f • FAViF,-- ————oa»wa—pacsrtgw AX CXU'I [.ITi: .stTonV, 1?y L\M\!n;\: In the tribe (if Nog::do!i, tiiore wai-; ', wh'isi' f.ime w:is s]ire:id f:ir and ne;ir, -la-i :, . tlouiii of another tribe, by name IVilnr. i-'- extronioly to ii.'s-^oss it. Ibavinj: t fb-rd i;i for it ili> camois ;ilnl id-- whoh' We.iltli, li.' ' ■ length up.HI (ho fol'owiug tlovice. I.y wi h j.od to g;iin the ol.jec- nf id- tloiro. 11 solvo.l to ,-f lin hi fac,' w ith tho juice of an 1. to clothe himself in rai:s, to tie bis leiT' iti'l i. to^fcthor. so :is to apj.ear like a himo be--^ 'I'hu' etjuippod. 1)!' went to wait ftir N:du r. owner of the horse, wlio ho knew w;is t . w:iy. ^\'hen ho saw Nabcr approaeliin_ bo.iutiful sfeetl, he cried out in a we;!k voi, , am ;i jn^. r str:ingor: tor three d;)ys 1 h:;-. ' unable to move from thi.s spot to .seek i'or !' 1 ;!m tlying, b(d[i me, ami Heaven will : '' yiui.” 'I’l-.o Ued.iuiu kimlly i.tVered to t '■ up on Ids horse ami carry him home; ' * roguo replied, “I cannot rise; I h:ivo n,i - loit.” Nabcr, tfiuclio.l witli pitv. tl .-ii: li'il his horse to the spot, tind, with gi :;i i‘i- ty, sot thi' seeming beggar on its bai-k. K'' sooner ditl Halier feel hinr-elf iu tho s:i.! !;' . ho set spurs to the horse, ami gallopo l O'!’. ' ■ out as he did .so, “it i,' I, H.aher. I h,tM - horse, ami am ofT with it.’’ Naber call' I him to stop and l;,'toii. Certain of m-t h' ’ i sued, h(' turiit'tl and ludted at ;i .-hort ti' from Nabor, who was .•irmeil with a spear. ” ■ have taken luy liorse,” said the hitter. ■ Heaven has willotl it, I wi.'^h }'ou joy of it; ■ do conjure you never to tell any one how \ “ tained it.” “And why not'” said l>ah. r. cause,” said the noble Arab, “another m:.i) bo really ill, and men would fear to help hun ^ ou would be the cause of m;»ny n fu'ii.g >■ form an act of charity, for fear of being duj- - I htive been.” Struck with sluime at tlios''" IViher was silent for a moment, then si ri' - frt.ui the litirso, returned it to its owner. > iiig him. Nabor m:ide him :icoomp;iny hiui ■- tt'Uf, where they spent a few day.'' togetluv. became fast friends fir life. China U7/rr fur the Whih Jlnnxr.—A New York is jirei'niiug by order of F ' Fierce, China table ware for tho ^\ hit' consisting of 4.'»(^ pieces tiigethor with .>■> • I of irlas.s—fjo&l c(it (hdnt^uml jiic hci-.ilr"'