SEMI-WEEK 1, Y. vol. III.] -~iT«i«i«7arT-g. 3m wili I' AYETTEVILLE, N. C., AUGUST 1. IS:>n. ■^ZSJB!S^it3AaSSSK£3LjSSaB{:S^J£X;:X»S!SS4^Si^'Vj :!■:*; -£zz r^i^Tsrjsrrs ■jwi"-w.?si.»^^r. jkOLJjamaM^'LUt^iWMawaBM? [NO. *210.] ■** riMNTKi) 15Y J. 1?. NHWliV. , i:!)\VAKI) J. HALE & SOX, k I' ■ r.niTitUS AND VKOPniKTORS. ^ ■ • ■ .- •-. : " t'"’’ i'lu' Sonii-Wi'vkly Op.skuvku n4 00 if pni'l in «l\iuu-': SI if I'li'i-luriiipr tlio yrar of suhsci-iii- 1>: i '.i; I'l- S"' till' VIar lias oxiiivCil. y - f ^ Hb. t’lf WiH'klv t ti!.sKi!VKi: >0 por nmnnn. if pnil in ^ ' f "s '.i .nioo; ■>' if ji.ii.l (luring the year of sulisfvip- ■ ■ . r S’> "* :iftor tlio your 1i:fs exjiirpil. ' ' ‘ I'inscrte-l for sixty cents per i'iRi:-rRooF uoofung. Frttnris SheitfoH^ SLATE AND MHTAL KOOrKlJ, &c., rWlIIANKrn. for pn^t favor;^, hojrs to call piiMic at- JL tciitidn to Sf/ATK l{()OFIXi, dmic on the niO!>t approveil priuei]>lo, niakiiijr roofs li:hter, tifrhter. anl more ilnrat«le than the oM vny of sheetinp, effecting a saviiij; ill lunilier, lunl jrreater si'ciirity against fire. 'I’he low |iriee at whirh Slate iioofs are now oflVreil will compare favorably with any other kiml of tire-proof r»(>oiinfr. SLATJ] f’lHMNl'Y I’ll’HS mailc to any ]>nttern. The}* are nn excellent reineily for sinnkiirj: chimneys, seMom fail to etl'ect a cure. Tin and t'opp.'r (Jutters. Leader I’ipes and lleu'is. made to any pattern, and every kind of fire proof roolinjr put (Hi or repaired in thv hest manner, on of Ifi Hiu's for the first, and thirty cents for each I terms. linir ]>nlilic.ition. Yearly advertisenient.s by spe-j F. S., in solicitinp yotir p.itronajie, feels confiilent of htracts. at reasonable rates. Advertisers are ! p'''”!-' entire satisfaction in all easos where a thorough knowlcdirc of his bnsines.s is remiireil. FayettevilU', Sept. 7, 1S')L*. 21V -tctl t" state the number of insertions desired, or v.ill bo i-niitimied till forbi 1, and eh-'rired accord- l- > Letters t- the IMitorsmnst tie post-paid. i;i'r--i!l T^'ets to ^\■eh^^n. \ia Wiliniiiirton. for :i'.‘ r.t jediu ed r.atos. Steamer Fanny l.utter- ■ ' - th; p'..;rt* every Monday and Thursday at 5 ^ , A. -M T. S. LUTTKUI.nll. ■tti‘\ii'e, A'ldilst 1, IS i^i. Al !h, A!:w c;ooi>s fi/(/ >;aiul of II. Branson t\ NO ric'i:. !l K J^ub.scriln-r h.i ■«§« ness and doHpiitcli. Maivl. •:«>. 1 ^!IK J^ub.seriln-r has taken the shup betwceti Mrs. Mallett \ MrSwain and Keeles's IJridge, where hr intends c:M'ryinr on the TAl l.Oill\(i 1U'.''1- N F,S.'' in all its ))r;iiiehes. Having h:id pi'aetical experience in most of tiie ,\t- iantic cities, lio feels assured that ho can please the ni>ist fastidious .\11 orders will be e.xeciited with neat- 1*. M()NAin\N. Sl-tf Ti.'li: rNDKKSlCNKl' l.avojust I'.'oeived a I.Al’.tJK ST M K :i)(»l>.. i’i>ibr.ii'in- a ;.^ assort- .||||k:i't r"-t I rlv i. iri. lif in the i.oMhern market uivhr 1-:!' ;o l iri unist.iiiccs. 'I'Ik y b.ivo ' 1.' ci-v.^hi'd. pnwtTc l aii'i bi.'wu suirar: .lava, j.'-,ii I and r.i.i ('. fVrc; ]fi.pcr, s].ice. ,uin;rir. el.-ves nuti!!' us; su]'. rarb. si’da: indijr": mad ier: bor.-ix; a!un;: i pM'ni salts: saltpotn': molasses: syrtip; t; iiMii; saiidli’s. bridles and niai tinjrals; collars; wairon tiiiU'-'V whij-.s; spndvs. .^'bovels and forks; trace. lo", ;u>; : V.v.~i an r haUer . liaiiis: mills; wa.n-n ’I'.i’v r'>'>->Hi and liaml saw.®; cut nai’.s and • d as 'rtiiv Ht of pix ket and tabic cutlery; .-'•.itii tf -Is - iii]>b t'-: t\ir)'-n*ino hackers. scrap'TS. • :Mi 1 axfs; 1 rn:id and clu'ppinii a\i's; funis; . s ri' !' A '.iriie st'ick if r»'ady-ii-.ide ■ 1 - M v cnnriy aii'l lump b,iji}rin;j; ■ tv i'.f; .•'V.'- Ami'ricaii bar and h"i'p iron; r- :ii. 1 ■ .-t-_.'ii ■ :.>t -'evl; llei man and b’.;ter steel; - ' r. h.ats. cap-;, bofits and I 'tffi; and N"rt!i (‘arnlina bai'nii; together with .'t ! v aiticle Sold in this market, .all of which ' at friir prices for cii^h. «.n time to prompt '•>. -V • ;untr\ pr di"-- n. nerailx. 4:H li. W. NMLl.lAM.^ ’o. ;1Si.! 1 • 1-.-tf I V • i.f tl... ('ape I'.'ar Steam’,uat t'ompany r in tli-‘ "Ve biiiMiii:.:. M'AV l)!U (. ! sToiu: 11 K stilweribiT ha\in'.r taken the Sttiie ■ n linen streot. known as the Mc- rher.''iii I’liiMliiir. nearly IM-. I««ib- inson's .''hep, is now receiving: a I're.-h and v.ell as.-'irted stock uf Drill’s, C'lioiwiculs. Mc'dicinos, Piiints. Oils. Dvo-Stulls, ;iiil I’crtnmcrv. Tiijjether with a jr xiil irtnient >f llair. Flo-h. 'I'Mith. Taint, and Whitewasli i’>ru>lif~: ('uopin:r. T' otli. mid Suivi'.al Instrument'; «ial\:niio i'.itti rit-. \e. ,\.c. .\11 of wbi.-!i he i.'f!Vrs !"\\ I'.-r Ca.'Ii .• on time to (■•.Istot'iei'. Ordfr> res]>eet;'iilly so’icited t'roni ('ountry .and others, who may di-pend on procnriii" frish .ind "enuine articles, and that no ]>:iins will lie spared t^i give satisfaction botli in i[Uality and jirice. JSryy* M KDK AI. I’lIK.'fUirTlo.NS (.Iin fully acciir.itfly prepai cd. .lan'y - 1. 1 ' Li: vriiiui J. N. SMITH. I’.-Jtf r.ANDS, Fire and I/tfc Insnrnncc. Are >/oiir IJottM'K or Shn-h in Traife Jiisurr.J? Is y'nir own li/f Jtiauri'J Jur the hnirjlf oj' surriv ing irt'/'r and ehi/ifrru.^ Iforc you any Jnsiirnurr nj>on (hr life of yonr ./a rea? tindersipneil is .\"cnt for the (n’nt.ifmro' Mn- J[ tiiiil Fire InKuranre ('o., and the (1 riiiishnro' Ma- tiitil Liu [D.i'iniiii'r lui'l TiukI Ch. The Fur (’n. will take risks on :is favorable terms as any other responsible ('o. This t'o. is manaj;ed by competent tiflicers,—has the larger j>ortion of its ri.'sk.s detached, and is doinjr a very successful business. The I,iff Co. has a liberal charter, and offers to those wishing to secure something to wife nnd children after death, ii favorable opjiortunity. The instired par- lici]iate in all the jirofits of the t’o., both in the Insu rance and Trust department.'?. Slaves Insured on reason.-ible terms. Full explanations given to all who wish Insurance. Persons in the country wishiug Insurance, will please address the undorsigned by letter. •LNO. .M. .\gent, i'tc. Fayetteville. May l21. lS.’>;’>. '.•7--’.ni \\ IIJJA.M A. (iW vi:i\ FoUWAItDINC AND ('()MMISSK).\ .MKiK’IIANT, V. PKUSltNAI, attention given to the sale or shipment of Na\al Stores. I have ample facilities for con- I ducting the business; large wh.irf and store sheds to I k«'cp spii its from exposnre. Na\ al >toi i s w ill be shipped i to :niy hou^e in New ^■ol■k, or to other m.ifkeis if ad\i- >ab;e. .nicl lili.'ral cash advance"; made on cuiisigninents. . I ri'lcr t" the following ili>til!ers: ' F liannum. \\ ayni“ count v. F. II. Woudard \ I'o.. F;iip>boroU'.;ii. \V. Kaqi. , A. Thornton. .lohiiston county, i l**ridges Ihtrliani. 1'. llncatt. •• •» Speni er Fountain. I il. K:ilm.'ili. ! Sniitii. liryan \ 'o.. ! li. I!. Ilinnant. Fsip •• ! I.ovett I’eacoek. ('olumbiis county, j Me-i^i'. .lones \ I,ea» !i. Fayot:eviIle. : M.iy L’lt, I'-:,;:. ' '.if.V I 'atjc t/( rll/c ('(tudif .^hnin/(n /orij. ' f ■^IIF, .'Ubsciilier still ef.ntiiiues to manuiaetui .• a u- M- jierior article -if ] l.tin and fani_\ r.VNldFS. at the old stanil. iN-.. i, tireen str»‘ef. ;! doors North of the M.arket llor.'e. ^ where he woviM be hajU'V to sec lii> old friend. and cu.'toniers. ! riiAi:id;s hanks. i M ir. h 1, ls.-,:\ 7:Uf aI'-W IJAKtOllY. ^ 11 F. .''iibf.eriber Ik CJrocTB’ios juitl I>ry subscriber has t.ikcn the j^a end of the iUore M. lately occu)iied by Cook I'v; T:.ylor. where he would be pleased to .see his old cnst' iners and others. My stock of (■ K()CFI> 1 K.'' will be large and full. 1 will take in jiaynient any kind of Country I’roduce. Cash will not be refused, or credit to piinctu.-il eus- tonier.s. .I,\S. (I. C()()!\. May-J, 18-j:l. '.'lUf Dissoi.i'rioN. ^I'^lli-; firm of COOK I’c T.^^’l,oU i.-: dissolve] by its f own li'nitatioii. 'I'he business of the ciiiiceiii will be settled 1 y ,Mi’. .Vlex'r l!:iy, or by eitiier of ourselves, using the n;me of the fiini in settling it-; all'airs. .!.\S.‘(;. COOK. Wll.iJA.M TAU.Oi:. Fayetteville, May L', IS.'):!. '.intf NOM'i IT" K are iletermined dniing this .'^c.-iinser and the Coming I’all, tobiingoiir busine'^s u."re to a /'iiriix. I’ersoii.s imlobted to iis will be intere^n-.l in tliis .•inaiigement, .and to save cosis they \v(»uld do well to call soon and settle. •T. & T. WADld!,!,. .Inly 1, l.'^.'io. 7tf i■^: I !ir f . UE!)UCi:i) I'AKK. 'I'lirniiifli 'I'ickefs )>cf\v(‘on Wilmington. .N. C.. and Haiti- more. F.iri'“i; 1Via \Vebloii. I’etersbnrg. Kii hniond. vV \S ash- ingl'*n Ci 1 \. oi- \ i;i Weldon, I’orts- niouth .-liid .‘\o!['olk. For ..i pl;. .i: the o:r,,.e of the iluiingt('n iinil l!aleigh Kail Itnad Coi.ipaiiy .it Wiliniiig- ton, or :it tlie Ollice of the I’.ailimore Ste.uii I’acket Company, and ot' the H.iltiiiH'n- :'nd iiiiu i:.iil l!i ad (’ompany. I'ratt Street, Halliiiioic. .Fan. I, IS.')!.'. .'i:'.-tf ;-}y J ('uh'tnt! I'urni!urc. Chairs^ tVc. f !I F. s:ibscriber is receiving tin- largest :i.-sortMient .£•_ in his line ever bet. re i ur' i;.!se 1 .it tlie Norlli. wliieh, together with his ov.ti nianui'.ietuie, ni.ikes '.:;s .-^t.K k VI.ry coiiipVte, eoii.^istiiig of (’!i:;ir.-, Kid’.is, J!, 1.-* ;;sh Stnrl, , ;m.s iiO'ikiiig Side Is. S.'i r. s, .Vc. A'l “f wlii. h will be .,;d o:i i!,,- !■ 'v. -t ler;i;s f a Ca^li. or e:i sl;..rt t;n;e to punctual v H.;!i.iii; rs. .lOiiN \V. 1!'. Ki:i!. Oct. :;o, is.'i. ;:‘>tf .irs'i' i:d. ~ -v- •. A- 'I'lu' Si!hs!-i-i!)iT sliil coii- tinue-; to carrv on liie t'i! 1 N i! !’ I’l ."■'I- N F.''S in l'ayeTte\ille. .-iiid in .iddition to his Fstiiblilimeiit on l!cw .''tieet. F.ccles's liridge, has opened a large \KI' F.OOM in Hay >tr»-et. nearly oppo.-ile tiie Fayelte\i:i» Hotel. aU'l one door Fa-^t of .\Ie>.-r-;. Ilaigli So;,'.-, where a .is.'oitnii'n! >1 I'ru-M'rrR!'., iMlIMl-: lot Munnt:,;ii Ne« Jrkaii-; and ( iili: .lav:i, F.igtiira an i Kii .''ii..;ar. liiee. .vC- ''arch i’nner. Mo;.i.^-( s. C. !lee. vvoirrn ^ fi.i.iott 7'If RACS! j.i ice will ' e paid > y I’.FNI'.OW, KVl.F, CO.. ,\'_^enis !■ r the .'lanteo |’a]'er Mill. N. C 7n-i'iii nndersign‘d. having purcha«ed Mr. Thos. S- _5L Lntterloh’s llistillery and Cooper-shojis, have en tered into ('opartnership iinder the name of Mcl.aurin iS: Str.-mge, tor the purpose of carrying on the Distille ry of Tnrpentine, and the manutacturo of Spirit liar- rels. 1). McLAl'lUN. \VM. McLArillN. JAS. u. sriiANci:. Feb'y IS, is.',;’. 70tf rg^HF, hi;;h(‘st cash pricc pnid for Turpentine, White fc Oak S*;ives. a;id Oak or A.-he Heading. Call oh .las. W. Strange, who can ahvaxs be found at the Still; IMcL.U illN & STIlANfiK. Feb'y 18, TOtf SADDLKUS’ and COAf’lI-MAKKRS’ es.i il 19 UM K JJ, A'r. TiHi’iiiJi & mi .\o. 22i Hiiliiinorc St.. I’Mltiiiinrp. "35 MroitTF.i;.'- and De;ilers in Hog Skins, Saildlc Trees: )3i F.nj:li>h lie.i.'s ami Heins, (!irth Webs, Stirrups, li.iiiies, hitt-;, \c. Springs, .\xles of all kinds, t’oach I-.-ue. lll]N’i' FFLLOIv'^. Hubs, Spokes, Cariiage .and 'lire'. Patent Canvass, Carpeting, and every arti- ele eonneeted with either branch of the business, whiidi t!n-y arc prep.ired to offer to punctual Mistomers on r.3 g(Mid terms as .any other house in the United States. Agents for the sale of Pope’s Self-.\ljnsting PAD^ and Spencer’s ;KJ TKl'KS. I if'- Ortlei s promptly attended to. Address No. -'2- IJaltiiiioi’o Street. I'lV] HALTlMOUi;, ‘‘Tlic* >r Koiiae, or the Jia- livlon of the .\]>”—three Lectures by llev. Dr- Wordsworth, -with an introduction by Kcv. Jarvis llux ton, of North Carolina. Just received bv i:. J. H.\’LE 5: SOX. Mav 1_>. IS.'.:;. lai ,.rre-;p :;diii'l f Noi iliei ii-ni: .ieh ill i'C IS.'il. be b tl! i b ;• K1 lIMTi i:l.. at a M r\ n.i ierat I'lNC.'. ill leeteij l.\ • a l\;mee. I.. ; -If '! II \Ki I'.l - ,x:Ni:-' ! ATS'l’ AXi) Pl 'l'NAM'S AUL'U.'t, 'il-t re. ei\ed bv r,. .1. halk \ SON. r lHf>P,orM!i.’\ The aliiive !’• ;iid- New ^'■/l k i'ian'il':i''tui jiiircd in every i!..'t iin- tretilu l. eemel:te l. an I rixeted. I-- are .'oM L':t per cent, less than priees. ’a-;h will be re- For s.a’e bv W. II. LI i'TFin.oll. 1. ::itf t.ibli-;hed i two doors Caliinot Shop. lii- i« pre] P.oat-i. and tlie piiMie genei MeNeil Familii r>i.'-uit. :ind C.ikes of \nrious kind .1-; he has procured the >ervi«-es ll.-ikei v on 1’miw I'.ast of Dunean ared to fuini'^it illy, with llread. ot the bi"t ipi.i'.ifv. f one of the be't Made C( lai-. 'i nt aiid f;.!! ,it priees c sor’.ioeut o himself, w ?\ov. !•'. F, keeps 0)1 hand an a-'oitnienl "• I'i'^ ee’. ra ted .MLTAI.LIC lU KIM. CA.-FS. woic'i liar, l.eeii bi'.rhlv re^ "Minieli'le 1 li\ iliii- I’. .MaMii;;iii. llini \ ('lav. I.ewi> Ca.''. Wn,. IL Kin;i. aiid ni.ii.y oilier '.1- Iii-;triou> ebaraeieis, who ba'** e\anrt'ed and \\ itln'^.^i'd their utility. A(‘>v Driiii' IS l';.,\ ett"\ il’('. March :J 1. ISjl. 'I'lli; l..\l;i.i;.-^T SiLK. AN!) jiorsi: ix m:\v voHK. Sft firiifi, iMroiiTi:!’. ANi» .'o!;ni:ii of SILKS. A|llJ,i.\}:i;V. A.M) F.\N(’V (iOnDS. A' 7 I’rir,—V .,•■./ /.// ,1,'./ 162 Broadway, N. Y., K |1 !'■ w in Sti re . ' i 'iai!y roe, i\ing atid iTl'rr- » s5 il,. at llie I...-, I’riei s. a i- nipie’" artii.i-lit ■ iiipils'.Hg .-111 the \.iiions "liks M;irc('i!!!rs. n :inn Sni.’i! l.AW 1U)()KS. ■ t liool'S IN -t \ b - anil lie.'i III: i.iNi;. !■ .l;-isli (!:!• lie a’l'l l ;!H-y 1 i i!II)()!i'^; 'i aTu .V V. i\!:uin:M*:i^ ;; i K!'.' ,VM> WlIOl.K.sAI.K i>K.VI.KltS IN' Fnh'h'K.W AX/> rn»Mi:STl' jHARDWARE, CUTLERY, GUNS, &c. ^ A J liT'f t^fr f, ji t.- ’- i: .\reh .le.d itace. We-t >ide. 1’!I11.A1M:].!>11IA. I''V.- I ■ .•nii't; our F.XLL Si Pl'L'i i. • li . 1.; ; h i> lai^‘r an 1 m> I''-eoinpb F.iy«^evi;ie. Nov. 1s.',l>. Ai‘W (jioods tor 1853. .1. 'rilOMSON I now receiving a larg' S[ ring and Sniiiiiter I well selected Stock of ii > O l> s, F-al;ers in the .''t:ite. l’rice. i ca>onable. (Ii\e me n call. CHA S P.ANKS. Fayette\illo, Dec. ‘_'S. IS'iL*. o-t-tl w AN’n:i), IHU.S Tnrpentijie. delivered at ^ r r * F II * my Distillery in this jihice, for which the hiirlu>t prices will be j'aiil. 1 W 'ul ! al'O employ twi.i or three good tur]>entine- b;irre! C..oj.> rs. D. ■ KOIiI.K.''. I.unibeiton, N C., Feb'v li>, L's."):',. t.stt lotsikis ni: f'lirin r (,f Iliiy unl ' EoM of (1" \ 1''"' OF r and m> coinplere ti' • re I ‘fi red. an ! whi.-h we will dis ec a-! ativ hotifce in the country. Ill iil ov therwiie w ill receive our persouul ■‘Me|;ti"U. • i; R L'l-l't vj:, IIVAVWI]). av ;' !■ i . .\e reward for the apprehension -rv to ii:e, or lod.n.ent in Clinton girl .i^:NN^■. She is a r\’ ■!!. sni'b's w!;en 'pok>n to, n iaei:t - !:’gb; is sr.] ] o.-fd t‘ Dep't. or C .>;;eii. W.M. D. IIOULS. L'l-tf Cnn--i'-iin'z I f ieiitleinen's fine F ishioiiable Mole-kin. (':'.ssin:ere. P.iii 1 efrieTii. and a large \ariety of other ^?yles of IL\TS and CAP.'', which will bo sold io'v for • 'ash. .\l.-:i. a general assortnieiit of tJentlemen's. Ladies’, Misses’, VoutliM’, P>oyi', CldldriMi's. nnd lnfant>' tine dre^-; (iaiters. (iperas, Oxford Tio', lluskins. l!0(tT.'> and SHo|-..; which he is willing and anxious to ex- chaiiL'e for .;-h, en l;ber:il terms. J. C. T. .Market S.;M lie. M ireh J'-', IS ';!. C Mtf aiv ne;rr' ■ r sr-. ■Ut I'ai' III' I’Mox i.i\i:i{V s'l'Ai’.ij:s, FAVITTI'.VILI.F. N. c. ^HF Pl;oPi;l I'.TollS are jvopared t' fiirnidi tlu coPAU rxi:us!iii‘. . h ive thi: day rntered into .a C«- ■•■r t;ie ptirpoe i f carrying on vho i' I- under the name and style of (ira- e. 'I I,. , 1); IV be found on CiiHesjoe Street. door-^ So^ith of the m:ir!;ct, whore p - I to ■ tlieir i’lien !-':ind custoin(‘rs. 11. (iltAHAM. IL LITTLH. . 1 li:', ISaO. lo'-U ■ I :im now roc(‘i\ inir inv stock ot Public w ith tiorscs, 4'arriffs;^’s^ an ft M O it iiiisi:. Thev ar' also prepared to cairy Passengers to any F. h:ive removed to the large fire-jiroof bri k Stori' lately occupied by .'^a:ii]'Son ISoon, one door wt-st ut Mes.^rs .1. \ I'. \\ addill, on Hav' Street, where wo shall receive in a few days, large .ad ditions to our early Spring purchases. Our stoi:k of Dry f t tHuJ ( * h tfh I ^ I nihr* Has. .tv . selected ex]'ressly for the w iini.i;'M.i; Tit m>k. Meri h:int- are invited tog;\e our goods an ex.iniiiia- tioii b tore purch:i>ing. STAP.i: \ V. II.I.I VMS. May 1. IS.-,:;. ‘"itf >IAUHLi: 1 ACTOJIY 11F now recO'v MLDICIN F.S. tillers, ’.vl,:' 1; tli \|eri-!ian riiey will 1 :y v.irie'_ •nt> 4V a llae,, Ih,ii;ihj!Ill ilirii V,ty, tt r!ih FAVLl'TliVII.I.i;, N. C.. itr a large stock of D!‘. I lii ectly fi Inipoi toi .11, V V. ill .-ell t ‘ !’li_ 'ici.iii- ery siiia'l ! > iio I eoiist:intl;. on I n I. « i ih" b .irticles in th. it tliat ell'cct with at a r nd ( ■(1;, \Nt> :illU ••151 - l)on^; Drt'S' 'rrniHiiiiiL's ol’n!! kiii(l.: 1'.niUrttidcrit's; I'l’ciicli and !'!iL’'iLh ' Li.'si's. Si'k (’ra- (»r all kinds; Si!!; Lacc.^; ilo.vitrv. IIITISII cp,OV\'X CASKS, decided by the Judget.' 1? of Frigland from 1S:;7 to IS.^2, vols. 1th. 'itii and I. l y Moody, Denison and i’earce. A Treatise on the" w of Ma>ter and .'^erv.ant, by ( has. Manley Smith.- jiping on the Law t.f Mandanms. .Inst ree’d. fnne ]>. K. -I. IIALIi X SON. Ll'i'liO(iUA!MI!C POKTRAJTS Ilk F Pishop lL\VKNsn:orT, (|iroceeds to go to the Missionary Fund of the Diocese.) • \nd of the Hon. (Ikoiick K., (jirocccds tc? tlie Ijoiiefit of the Artist.) For sale bv L. J. HALE & SOX. J line 1' . i:.MMONS'S Ui:POUT. fi 5 P>( iF!'..''!^Oll I'iMMONS’S IIF.POHT on his Geolo-" BL gical .''urvey of Xorth Carolina. A few yet re- iiniining. Price i)(l cents. The Siiner s (iuide an-l MetaHiirgisfs Hirectory. hy r. W. (trion. K. j! hall S')N. ('rajx's. ('rap: \ at.'^; (I!o'\ ('.'^ I.act' .Mitts; \\ j)ii(> {.'())!; ran;..; I'l New ^ ork. Their Stock h.-ivisig been very punliasoil for ('a>h, will ena! ' confidently :dl thoir Drugs low r.ite-;. They soFuit a rea^ona'lle the pu'i’iie. Aoril JJ. 1-^'L ind ■r-:a'oii.'!.i d lo u.-res in ,.j I : efI!’ f V select ■' 1. a 1! I theli! to rcci'laiaelid to sell them ;it ^el I., r. I!;.ndk( Tlf 111! h r \L'!ied V i-.r ! in ' N'-rtii. S' nib. Fa -t aliO '■ e-'t. V bill! V. :;ii a C..1. a'; 1 «.■ THOMAS i; !’(• hi, . f. his leha:.; f'ri m tin in t!.‘- iiy. to fa- -toek beloie por- .1 P.oMvc ii T.ib .n'v i:i. is'::. •rtv «tr>-et ; STKAllXS, 1' I I'oailway. nd .^!.,id■.■n N. V Cl-Vp.i hare of the j'atroi.auo id W th- neiudiboring Towns, on r« asonable term-; Tiieir .'^f'.ek la.iy bo found at the .'-^t.ililes formerly I nj'ie.l I'V .Mc'srs. Philips ..'c N\o.,ten. est of the TeU'g; aph ( tthee. few .•ittendance loors 1 O.'tlers and sri 'N &«. M FMMFll taXM).'' suitable for LaIies s V, i.-ar, .\lsii. H.-its, Pionnets, .''lioes PFTHI! P. JOHNSON. 77-tf c I'O.N. MOUIiI.S iV CO. i t ■ iiiako to opler, and keep colist.intly Of sV. ing 1 ■beat S'rvnfh ilitrr •ISiilstoncs ' warr.anted to be of best 'ptalitv, be- ' 'V In r;iiiT bloeks -^elected by them from the in i'.. ill Fr.nii ". They keep for s.ale Col'iniif*. (’ocalica and I*>su])us Mill- J5t»n‘s; lltirr iUocks, lioltin^ (’loth, Screen W iro. ('alciiiod l*last(‘r, liyth’auhc ('cinciit, tl . a: any Jial t ot the i oimti'v j.romiitiv atti.-nd- ic. »i. >Kiei:i.i., .\geiit at Favetteviile. N. C. 11. I -'.:;. ‘ IJACOX. I .. I ■ i; - on for sale. J. it T. W.VDDH.I.. i . t'tf They always have I’lojiisnien. j; ■ A Foni-HopsF, C.M; it 1 ,\ i li will bp in at tendance. at short noti. e, to convey Pas.-engers to Jiiid from the .''te.-im I’.oats. They wiil ‘ike II isi on Livery .-it rea-onable term-;. They hope, by strict :ittention to business and a de- teriiiin.-itiou to please, to merit a share of public jMt- roiiagc. J- I*. -\SKLW, ,\gent. December 1 L 1S->’J. .>‘Jtt NoriCK. lei:\vAuii. \N.\W.\V from the sub-;eriber. alioiit the I'lth of .lulv, If'-'il. his negro girl Sarah. Said negro is about Di years of age, black, with large while eyes,'.;e limbs, wfighs about l::* pounds. S.iid girl is supjiosed to be lurking in the neighbor hood of .Mr. Isa.-ic \N'right's or !en. .McKav'-;. in Pdad'-n eiiuntv. The above reward will be |i;iid for her delivery to mo, or her confinement in any jail in the St;ite if Xorth Carolina. W .^I. (L lU'I'Ll-.IL I Clinton, N. (’., March 14, iS-'i:!. 77tf s'i’i:i)M \x vV i!oi;xi:, J)r^l (ionif>. IIfirilu'fi! ('. (n'ort i K '. I’\v*:T r3:i 8!>rr. . on.D r e. t;iilly it,:''M., the eiti? -.i.d tbe jaiblic '.'ener.i'l; . that tb'\v have juM ret-a froi'i New ^ ork. and are r> 'ei\;ng their ."pi ii.g .'■t ". k of (b.llds. COll'istillL- of !)ii/ (ii'ti'iriis, I}'I r I HI! ri , d'". ,\ v.'iriefv Ilf H.its. suit.'ible tor the ;;ea>on; 1. idi'--;' and (ientlcnien s Hoots, .'^hoes .and .'-^lipjurs; a lai'j'e a-;- ■;ortr.ient -f ready-mailo Cloth'ng; a ;iieat many articb’S in the ladies' line, and we wou',.l l,e pie ,..-e l to have them to c.iil ati'l \amine for t!.en..'elves. ,\ll oi 'lers SI lit t" oiir i-are oor frii nds an 1 cus- toniers will br ]'romptly attendid t'l. March l-^'i '. ' S'ire f nH F -K'fN \ Insnianei- Co:iip:i\y of ilavMold. li::v- i:"' Jiai'l tile tax icip '>', 1 by tliC ILveOile i f the laie 1 .eui-;^i t111 ". wiil coi.iinae its ,\ ..;eiiey ia r.i', eiti \ i’’;‘. under till- )eai,a _eii-cra of tin' nii'ii r.'i-ne.',. :oi: pr.'iMn - or ds. 1 to ir-.IIe i'olll-i. -.f eitlier in tl'^' Town . llie .''late. on pi.'per application, d. I’loj .'1 :v. ,\c. 'I i.e .'i; TNA COMPANY ha- ' ci. i \e ir-, it capital i> K. l''V,.ce was its first Prt>idciit. : ;cl ■scr: I. e ov '.in; I any part tioii of tb AI'i'LICTi:]), READ! nlllT. M!i;i.nif\ MKIllC \r, IKICSK. eslalili.-linl I.-, years ncr • liv I'r. Kiiikiliii, \V. corner of 'J'liirii anil I nion r^lreoti' I’ll.I .a l|.hii. I!l'.'.le—Yiil'I’II .\\I> .M A N MO)!).—,\ viL’oroiis life ora prc- itiai'ire ileaili. Kililifiin on ^'el I I’reserN a lion. duly ..'i cents.— 'I'll!' Iio ,| jii>t |'!ili:i-lieil. is tilleil w ith ii-ernl inforinatiiin, im the •alirnalti'^ and ili^ca^e.-; ul'the hiimau orirans. It adilre-se.s it-iel. .ilikc 111 voiiiii. Ill inlioiiil anil iilii itnil 'houlil he reil hy sill. Tlie » liia'ile :oK ice anil iiiiiiri'sive warnin!: it “ives, w ill |ire M i:t yat' ot lai'ery :inil ■^iilferiii". and save annually thmisanils '■I li-.i". I’aii'als. I'V reailinjr it, will Jcarn how lii |irevent Ihc lU 'irm tion i-l iheir rliilil.i n. .\ reiiMHaiice lit cents incliiseil in a letter, mhlressed to Dr.’ Kinkelin. W. cnrner ofl'hiril Kiiil Cniim streets, I’hiluilelphia, will ensure a hi'i'k. umler rnveloiie. ]icr return mail. 1‘ersnns Ht a ilisl.iir. e iiiav aiidress Dr. K. hy letter, (|nist ji.iiil, anil he tnred at home I’.ick:o_>c« Ilf Miedirinrs. direciions. tr , forwHnlctl liy sending n: remina111: nd 1 lit n[i secure trim ilaiiiaL'c. liook'ciItT'. \fu- .\L'enis. I’eillers. (,'anvtisscrs, ami all iither>‘ sii| |i: I il w ih the al.iive work at very low rates. .I'.i .. l-.-.J. !) Ji':jiiil.i :. I ‘•..'^"j'xi’i, C hrunK' or ^ I rriitiy / ‘(.’/ti'i/i/, Di fei’' Ilf’llii >/.», '.ad a!l li -e i~rs arisin" from a (lisnrilrri-d I.iver or Hti inach. siiph l ■.in-.lilia lion. i‘'lilliiC>>. or lllooil lo llie Head, ^c;dity ut the ;■ oper itioii ;;’ioiit. The ill li. 'i !e.s. be stiii boh!.- that ofV.'-e; aii'l M'vera’ of it:- tiist a:i'l ellieieiit Metnbrrs (if tlie 1 -ii't.iine'l the highest eli.ira it.- 1., inagi nienr. and tor the bas ivir adjusted its lo.-ses. M:;r. h 1(1. |.--'l. I i'.i ctors are still .-uti .e oard. It has at all tiiees ter for the tindence "f ii'e, r.iiitv with which it F. .1. 11 \!.F. \'/ent. I J-tf •4 A Xi:\V IX\ EX'J'IOX. riiHF tindersifrned has made an invention if a Smut _K. Maehino, which he will insure to be ]irrfoct in the extraction of smut in wheat, and wishes to inform Mill (twiieis that he is putting up machines at Fnion Facto- tor\-, on Dee]) Hiver, eight miles Xorth of Ashborough. .M V maidiines .'ire compo.s(‘d of tliree di.-tinct i>rinci- ]ih'>, centrifugal, scowering and reaction. It takes the through three oiierations in going through the machine once. Any persons buying a machine, after trying it, if it does tiot clean wheat, damp or dry, 1 will take it back. Priee Soventy-five Dollars. .\ll letters addressed to Xew Salem Post OfTice, Uan- doljdi countv. !’■ 1’- 1'itLL.'LVX. Oct. 1-J, lV',2. :IY I II xi:\\ N l’,()OKS. an 1 liinendations to the text oi i ean- Pl.iy : Dr. Hiri h and his Young \V. M. Thackeray; 'j'ales if the ('ounttss viile; i;..:iin lloiid and ('ajitaill Kidd; &c. •Ill Architect, by J. W. Hitch; .Vmericaii House K. J. HALE .t SOX. SitjHi me ('ourt licporls, a;!- .f set.-i, with all other X. C. Law I-: ■ ■ I'-ookr ;:elierally. Sold Oil tilC lllost F. J. HAI.t: & SOX. 1 irire -.i.a-k .^ledil•a!, lli.-torieid, Miscellane- .''cjiool H' ok.'i,;; Fooks. Paper, tVc. at, and retail, at the Hook -Store, I'ayettcville, smx(a.ES. WF, want loo.ofio good Juniper SHlXCiLKS, f«r which the best pricc will be |iaid. J. i'C T. WADDILL. April L IHG.*?. 8;Uf A liARGALN OEFEREI). As tlie undersigned luis determined to remove (o the West, she offers for sale that commodious House, w hitii she now occupies, in the village of Suninierville, and all appurtenances thereunto holonging. Also, pj(i acres >f land at the mouth of Cross Creek, in the town of Fayetteville, ft short distance above the Clarendon Hrid;ro. Terms cash, or pnjicr negotiable at either of the Hanks in Fiiycttevillc. lleference, as to the Cross Creek land, is made to James Hanks, Ksq., of Fuvette- villc. E. DAI Li: Y. Snmmervine, X. June fi, Itf Bv (;ko. i.audkr. TWO IMIIKIS 1I50VE T. ll.\l(ill iV SII.WS STIIHE, I-'avflti'villc, .X. i'. .lau’\- 2>, IH.^:!. *il-l^pd I'liicoiirt>^c Home fnetnrc. rKllIL Sm^w Catiiii .Manufaetiiring ( iim]..iny continue i9 to manufacture, in the neatest and be.-t style, ! Wlieat Tlireshing .Machines, from two to six Imrso pow- e;-; Cutting Maehines of different si/e-; Double and .-.Jin- glo Woid CardiiiL' M.achines: Mill and F:ictory Cioar Saw and (irist .Mill Irons; Ldge Toids, Cotton Yarn and \\ ool Hulls, \c. iVc. . I Persons w ishiiig to ptirchase wotild do well to give ; us a call bid'iiro jiurchasing elsewhere, as we are do- : terniined to sell cheap tor cash or on time to punctual dealers, (tiir long oxiierionce in the Manufacturing: business enables us to fcvl no hesitation in saying that our Work shall not be snriiassed by any Shop in the | South. Thankful for the liberal patronage licrctoloro ! bestowed, WO res]>ectfully solicit a coiitiniiani-e of the ' same, | .Ml letters addressed to the .\gent of the Company, , at Snow Camp P. O., .\lam.-inco cotinty, Xorth C;iroli- na, will receive prompt attentio;t. DAVID PIXOX, Agent of the S. f'. Manufacturing (’ompany. Snow Camp, F**b’y 1211, 1H«>3. 4-(im Fayottoville Ilotol. .U'dl.X llAlfMAX llespoctfully iiifonii.s liis fricnils and the public that ho has removed from the Hotel at the foot of llaymoiint to the larger nnd more commodious Hotel in the centre of the Town, recently occujiied by Mrs. Hrown, and v.ell known as the Fayetteville Hotel, whore he will be hap py to accommodate Travellers and Hoarders. Xo ex ertions of him«elf and family will be .spared to render those comfortable who may favor him with their com- Uandolph Slicctinix an-! (\'}lon \ arn. For s:ilo by ' WOLTH \ F.I.l.lO l’T. Ajiril 1H-'>:L I JUUi! laree and well -ii.g a ( M'.w y rocK OI' mm nil umm H F subsi 1 iber is now recei-.ii;g selected st .ck .d (! >OPS, c Mpl \ssortmeiit of {J()Oj)S. lvcad\-niad(' (’lotliin"'. Hoots and Slides, llats and C :ij)s, llarduare Piiid (.'ntlery, (ir)C( i k ~. Saddlery, Vc. \c.. Which will bo sohl low for Cash, or exchanged for Fur- pentine and Country Produce. Ho returns his warmest thanks to hi.s old friends and custoniers for the lil^cral patronage heretofore cxtcn.Uil to him. and f.i merit a c"i.tinuanci l{AX('i:. i .i’’’"inted \g' ”.t of tilt' lii>iu-ance Co!ii]-any. .itcs il. the pi'otils of the I .nijiaiiv; and tl '■ ] reniinn: tor life loemboi- j where it amounts to >::1D or nio>(“. may bo )i.iid j ther half in a note al 1"J : Lii'i: i\si ErilF rndciri.l.Iied !::l- 1 e Xorth l a , olin;; M ;i'. ;ia; Ivorv niein'i.i r ('■ rlilV ]>.irtie aiol the s'; one-half in ca:-h Mi.iIltllS. Il -1^01 s' lives 111; _ n;:.;. i'.i'ure his own lii'e for tl.c i faiei’v. Till'live.- of sbi\ ■ niay Tl,i> sy-tcni is rapiii'y ji-owi-i the eivili/.e.l world. It is i io> liy • red I'V eroditoi tliC e\clusi\e b-,-|;i!;i ol ni'i v 1 c ii,.-i’i . '1. in!:, ta'.or. ;i’l • rhicb a laii.ilv. f man . of his .r Miiall sum anmi illy, ntiiy Ic itb of its !ie;id. on w h‘ '.cell de-poii'ieiit for ;; snpp of no i’.ev. e\en if one s be pro'.ideil f. so o\erri .ii.s tin irt. It is :i 'J.-00 loiiM lixe bn- I ut ncec a l ife Policy. Fxpl.niatoi-y )ianipld;'t' ssarv Hhinks. furnished on I'piiiication. F. .1. F:i\ ottcvillc, .June P'-’it*. ;ilter the may h;ive investnient I't.-i- t.ikinir s. an.l the II AI.F,. Kii gsbiiry, .\pril D'l. IS.' ■ f the s i:i;e, N. KINO. S'df m.A.MC liOOKS. T ^X assortment of Pdank P»ooks of nil kinds, just re- * 9 I ^ ceived at the Fayetteville Hookstoie. \ ..liiiue of the Kevised Statutes of Xortli j E. J. II.VLE & SOX at thi (Mliee. .Vjiril "•>, IS.'):;, 200tf pany. Fayetteville, X. C., June .3, 1854. $2.) REWARD. Rax A WAY from the subscriber on the 28th of .■May last, a negro boy called CALVIX, nineteen yonrs old, height about 5 feet 8 inches, weight abimt Did lbs., a black negro, had ear rings in each ear when he left, no clothing recollected except a dark blue over coat. This boy was purchased of Dr. John McXeill of Uobeson county, about the 1st of May. The above re ward will he paid for his delivery to me or it lodged in a Jail in this State. It is very j>roV.»ble he is in the neiirhborhood of his former owner. JOHX WADUILL. Jr. Favettevillc, X”. C., June 30. 1-oii sALi: ou U!:x r, nilH lino SCMMKH I’.FSIDLNCF. now oeeiipied 1'y !_ .Mr. .). F. Hrvan, two mile-; West ot t..\vn. Pos- ■ision given immediately. -M'ply to Mr. .!ohn II. ( ook i or K. Loete. LI.!-. IL. March D'l, 18.'.:L "'1 | _ _ I 2,0(H) JihI.'i. 'I'llrfK'ntiuc H anted, flOll which the highest cash prices will ho ]'ai !. ^ .McLL.VN JoNF.S. Suinmcrville, N'. C., May IS, 1>.'.:;. '.'.'tf 8>15i:£> A !5E: SUPI:R PIIOSIMIA’FE OF LIMi: OF Tin: MOST APPHOVFD (>rALlTY, K.'‘2^fciiilli/ /irni'jiciiif tl) Tt/niij’x, tniil all dt/nr Ji'iol ( rnj'K. HOYT & CO., AGENTS, .\o. 2)1 Wiiter Strcft. and \U West Slrfct, roriirr of Dev vStrrcl, ,\EW VUHK. 1853. .lAMl is KVLi: f.~s ii'iv.- receiving' ;i laige ;ni'l ;’-o;ieral ass ,if;nonf of S3 a cs. ’«.•>- «T J a j® a which Imvc been |.iirch.TS"d for C X.-;!! bv the 1‘aekago. Country Merchants and othoi teri'.-t tl: e:;.;:niiio the Slock. .March 1:2, I'''-'):!. w ill fin I it t l tlieir in LIFE IXSFKAXC’E. rn * H F, old established .Ktna Insurance Company of S_ liartfoid, Connecticut, iias recently a'ldi'd to its Fire Insiiraiieo l.iisiness. which it has niaintaiiK"! with such iinoNaiiiple'l credit for upvv.irds of thirty yo:irs. a Lll l'i l-V.'^l ILVNCL Doj.artinent. Th-- sniiseriber has bi'eii aiip'iintcd .\gent in this as we’l as ii; the lore l)e- |.;irtnient of its ('Jieratioiis; juid isprepari.' ,11 the lives of white ]ier.sons or teri:is as any other Company, :ind those of the Mutual Companies. The- cajiital of this doparf.nent is -Vl .')(|,im)0. entirely distinct from the capital of the Fire Department, and, with its accumulations, reserved exclusively to p.-iy los- t.' take risks sb'.vos, >n as good at lower rates than lieanliiirn. |ii>;rii't I'or I'immI, I'lillness ir \\ . "hi in the St(im;ich. Simr I'.riiciali. ns, .'iinkip" nr I'liilleriii" ; ; r Ik C'l 111 the Htomiich. Swimmin: et'the Ili ad. Ilnrriedund latia iill r.reaihin", Kliilterin" I Ihe Heart. ('Imkini; nr Siiili.ciil- im; Sei\-aiion- wIe n in a lyiiiu I'nslnre,; ol ^'i>illn. liiila or V\ | ; S l.eiore Ihe ^ij-'hl. I'ever. I::ill pain in the llrad. He- Iicienc\ nf rcr-pin.lion. Vellowness >| the f^kin and Myps, Pain ill the J^idi’. I'.ack. I hesl. I-imhs. Ai.r.. Siidden I'lnshes of llciit,' niirnin'.' in Ihe Kle-h. Constant Imafiiniui’s nf Kvil, nnd (^reat III i>n -sinii III Spirits. / > W I..-. Mec itiaHy cured hy HH. fl()f)l'I.A.\I)’.-s fKf.KItP.ATI'.!)' ^ Ci'.KM.W r.l TTKIiS. I’rej. red hy l!r C. .M .lacksnn, at the Cl riM iii .Medii :i:e f^tore. .No. l-.’i; .\rch .sjreet. I'hiladcljdiia. Their I'ow ( r over ll.e aliin e iliM';i-es i.^ nut i-.vrelleii. If ei|iiiillcd.' I V any othi'r I'rejiarulioii in the rn:ted .'-t.ites. ns the cures attest, ill iii:iii\ ca-e- at'ier skilliil ('hysicians had l;iiled Tlii-'i' r.illers are worihy llie atleiiiion of invrlids. PfKisFssip!; M rer. 1 V ;riucs in the recli flea linn of ilisi a-*'.- of ihe l.i vcr and lesser "lands, e\erri>in:: lilt! n-.iist scarchiii" power- in w eakness and iif, II ciioiis ol (he di^C'tivc iir;:aiis, ihey are w illial, safe, i erlain, iini? plea-anl. Rl'AD .\Nr> I!T'. CK.WI.NCKft. From the llostnii Uii*. The rditiir said. Dfr. ■iMd— • !lr. Iloolland’s t.’rlehrHtcil Ci rinan Hillers for (he nirr of [/ivrf (■|.|iiplaiiii, .laiiiidice, Dy-pepsii,, Chronic or .\crvons dehilily. i>* il.--ervedly one of the iiinsl (Hipiilar medicines iif the day. 'I'jiesc I’.iiler- ha ve luen used hy ;hoiisand. and a friend al onr Ih iw say.’ I c has himself receiied an ellicliial anil permanent cure ol l..iver ('..iiiphiint friiiii the use of this remedy. W e are convinced' ill ihe ii-e of these Ititters, tiie palieni con-tantly t'alns sln'PL'th am! v.'jor—a f i t weilhy ofpreat consideration. 'I'liej areple:isant ill t.i-;e :ind smell, and can he used hy persons « ii!i the most de" Iil 111- si.'m ichs with safety, iiadirain circiimsinnces. W e »rc -pc kil l' In 111 e\perieiicc wnl to the atllicled \i e : d \ i-e tfieir tlso |..,i.k I'-ell to Ihe marks of the "i iiiiini' 'J hey h:i\e the writtod ol ('. M. .lackson upon the wrapper, .nid the name hlowr* in till' l.ottle. w Uhoiii whi h they are spurious. For sale, w liole -a le a nd ret i il. a t the .MKi>M i.M-: .T(inK, .\o. !-J0 .\rch Street, one door helow Sixth. I’liilrt.. and hy r«. ' ^nectahii- ilealiT- sencrally llironL'hon! ihe couatrv. \|so, for sale II',' SA.'I’I* ••. 11 LN'SII.M.F., Fayelieville. Whol.'-a'e .\..'ent- tor .\orth and .'Soiitll eariilina, II.\V1I..'\NU II \ i; i: \ I. Ai I • , ('h.irlestoii, S. iXT-j'rotessor Alex. C. Harrv's I'ri- I ophi roll', or Medicated Conipoui.d, for Ileaiitif\ in", ('iirlini'. Pre . -I n i'li; lle'torins and Strers;lh' i.ii;" tla llnir. Heliei in;.' I)i-“ase'' 1.1 ihe Skin.t uriti'.! Khenm.uic Pains, and llealiim !'.\ternal wounds M.'iinded iiy no ■_>i'o'.;r.iptiical lin-'s, the reputation i f liarry's Tririi pherotis (K'rvades ihc I nioii. The s:iles ol the article ol latf ^ ear'’ all (if have inercH.sed in a ratio lliit alml>^t eMeed- helii-l. ProtVssor ll:irry. after a carei'nl e\:tininalion of hi.s .sales’ hook, finds that tliK iinmiii r of holili - delivered to order, in ipiantities of from half a liross upward, tiiiriiii! thi' \i'.*ir l.-.e-. w;.s within a trilie of‘.fill.(MH). Il is unneeessarv to present al leni:lh the eviilenres of the won derful properties of the'I'rieoplierieis. when the piildic have fnr nistied siicti on iinlorsemenl as this. Thr theapncs.s of the ariicle and the e\| l:i n it ions "iven of its rtu-Mi'cal action iii>on the hair-' the scalp, and in all cases of snperficial irritation, first recomtiieniP ed il III llie alieiition of tlie in'epte. This w as nil that the inventor desired. Kver\ l.oillc niivertised itself. The ertecis of the flniit e.\reci!eil i-xpcclation. It Hcled like u ctiwrin. 'I’he ladies wonlil not he w itUoiit il. Ci.tinlry ile ders in every section of the I niled Slate- i'l nnd tl;i-\ iiiii-t have il: and tlitls was I nilt Up a wholesale trade to an exli ii’l hitherto unheard of ns rrirards arliclee of thi-' kind. The hi.'hi -1 point has not yet heen rea. hed. and it is he- lieved tlii't the - 'le- liiis year w ill he a iniMion and a tiall o( hollies; Depot and .M.'iiuifaciory. No. K17 llroadway, \» w \ ork. Uelai! price, '■J.'i cents a I-iri,'*- hotllc. , I.iheral discoii 'T 1.1 purchasers l,y the qii .nllty. Sold hy nil lhi 1 Iiierrh: 111- and dno.'Sli-ts ihroiiL’hoiil the I'nited Stales amf ada >!e.\ico. W r-t Indies. I.pNit Hr.tain, Kri'iice, &c, .\nd hy S. .1, lil.NSli \I.K.'ville. N. C. ['.Hi-r.nipd) princ NEW JU)OKS. P.\ST.)Pi’S SKFTCHFS, second series: ses on Life Insurance only. Policies will be i.^siied' j.ay- ^Pl'NCFH’S I’A.SUHl S SKFTCHFS, second series: able after death, or upon'the parties arriving at a spe- | the (Jenius and Mtssn.n of P. L. hurch in the I . •ifio 1 -t^o K. J. HALF. 1 Stati},y Calvin Colton; the Hdtle in the onnting I Hoii-e. bv Hoardinan; (ireat Truths by (Ircat .\uihiirs; VFKPiTILIZFH producing all the immediate effect of the Viost Peruvian Guano, with tlie advantage of being much more lasting in the soil. Thoroughly tested, and found to more than realise the expectations of all who have idrcady tried it. The best evi dence of this is the largely increased demand this sea son over the jiast year. Put up in bags of Did puuiids; barrels 2-lrt pounds each. Hiiyers will jdcase be par ticular to observe our brand upon each bag or liariel. Also, for sale, .Vmericiin and Foreign Field and (!ar- c i- den Seeds, English llay Orass. Foul .Meadow (Jrass, fine j lar Ldiu-ator: Preston’s Time Tables, \o \-c mixed Lfiwn (Srass, White Clover, Osage Ortmge, iS:c. Roc'd this morning F,. J. H ALF June I I, Is.jS. ^imp'l 1 May V.» M-:\V HOOKS. i rniHK PLAXTF-VL or tliirteen years in the South; ; .tL ^Vhite Slavoi-y in the Harbtiry States; Stniy \ aii- kee in Texas; Tiie Lofty :iml tlie Lowly; Thackeray’s ! Mr. Hrowu's Letters. I l>’Aubigue’s Keformation, vol. b; Pulpit (.ych.ipc'lia; Church Identified. i Hoskiiig’s Curpontrv, Buildinc: and Masonry; Down- ! .... . , - • in^’s Hitral Essays; Painter's and (iihler’s Cuide; Popu- i r|MlF Hesperian Ilarp; Hostou = :i Dictionary of .\i'ls to HeHection; the Race for liiehos, hy Colwell: Travels in Egypt and Palestine, l.y J. Thomas, M. L'.: Marie De Herniere. .a tale of the ('res cent ('ity, by ^V. (.iilmore Simms; si Practienl Treatise on Hu.'iincss, l.y E. T. Freedly; School Hooks, I'ic. .lust received. E. .L H.\LL iNc S' S' 'N. iV SOX. MFSK’ ROOKS. I’^HE Hesp^ tlio l*rosl)vtcri;i!i iS;c. I'ur'thtT jilirs ni‘t rvi t'ivv'l. li AI.K X

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