fTkkcts to WoUIim, vi:i Wiluiiiigton, Ji>r M. sjilc .It le.luco.l niies. SU'tinier Funny I.utter- loli lc:\vefi tl)is placo every Moiuliiy ami Tliurstlay iit 6 o’clock, A. M. rwT T. S. LITTKRLOII. Fiiyefti'ville, Anjriist 1, 18-)3. lo-oW i\r.w (iooDS .1/ the old stand of If. Brunson .V Son- I'NDIMtSmNKI) It.ive.just rcceiveil a LARGK STOt'K OF HOODS, emhrju'inr; a freneral nssort- moiit recently Itouglit in tlie northern ni.arkct under fmi'i'nlile cii’onnistiiiicf's. They have I.oitf. crnshdl, {>oweroil nn.l brown sujinrs: .Java. an-1 Uio 'offpe; pepyier. s|>ico. :in^er. cloves luitmeis- sop ?art>. soda: in'l^Ko: madder: liorax: i-;>mi>h«ir; liluu;: cpsom i^alts; saltpetre: molasses: syrtip; s.ilt;'iri>ii: sadillcs. bridlesjiiiil niartinpals: collars: wajcoii and hu«'irv wiiips; spades, shovels and forks: trace, dop, toTiLTiu'. lircast and halter chains; cottee mills: wajinn Ii i\es: mill, cross-cut and hand saws: cut nails and .-iiiivos: a ri)i> 1 assortment of pocket and tahle cutlery: l)Ku’^mitil tools ooni[)lete: turpentine hackers, scrapers. dipi'ci;i and axes: lu'oad and ch«>]'pinji axes: sjuns: Vill low ^'la-^-: rivets A larire stock of reatly-made ( !"l!iii:^ and sf:ip!e di v iroods: j;iinny and hemp bapiriticr: rope an 1 twine: Sweilcs. American bar and lion]) ii'on: s tii.ire and octafr.in c.r>t sfeel: Cierman :ind blister stei-1: j/.v. itiii] }iliiyliiiy jiuH ihr: hats. caps, boots aiid slii'cs. western atid North ('arolina bacon; to^rethvv with ahiii'st ev^Tv arliile solil in tliis market. :ill ot wiiich will bo sold :it fair prices for cash, on time to prompt (•'is;onu-i>, or C'nmtrv produce jreiierally. U. W. WlLl.IAMS \ ( O. .)n!V 1 ''•'i'!. 1 :>-tf f, y riie of'ii'e of the t'ape Fear Steauil'oat (’ompauy i' ki'i>t in the ovc buiUliii". ,1. 1). WlI.l.lAMS. Ap.Mit. r u s r w iM*:iiui:M:u, IMI'i'KTKltS AM» WIlOI-K.'iAI.E DKALKKS IN axi> domestic HARDWARE, CUTLERY, GUNS, &c. (V''; \orth Thii'if Strrrf, lii'twoi-n Arch ;md Itace, AVest side. piiiL.M>i:LriiiA. .M;K ui'w openinir our FAl.I. SI I’l’IA OF V V !Ool»S. wliicli is larirer and more complete than v.o have ever ht-retofore offered, and which we will dis- p '-e "f at as low prices as any liouse in tlie conntry. (i|-i!eis Iiv ;r.ail or otherwise will receive our persona! :i! 1 pronq t attention. .'•’v I'.i. i: u IT W II.I, pay the above rewar'l for the ap) leln-tision a and safe delivery to me, or lod'.'ment in ('linfon .T'lil. so that 1 set my neirro ^rirl .IKNNV. She i a liiiely !rirl. of lijrht c(>iiiple\ion. -miles when spoken to, ab ut five feet six or seven inches hijih: i- 'tipposeil to be ’uik‘nu about Faison's I'epot. or Ioshen. WM. i». noi’.r.s. •Inly l’>-tf '*111 now r»'C*'!N mii' mx >l»ck f>t >PniN; and sr.MMFU (iO(iI>S -nitable lor f.adies' and (Jentb men's wear. Al>o, Mat'. Imiiiiict-;, .''lioes. .Vo, Ac. ri;Ti:i5 r. Johnson. M:u-:: tf i BUSH ViilJATO\i:,S. ill roN, moiums ov: ro. 0 1 .‘NTINl K t.i make to ! I ler. and ke^-j' . on^tantly oil iialld S'rettrh tSurr •ftitfsfoiits >l a'l diiiiiMi>ion>. v.arianted to be of best 'iiiality. be- i'..\r la-.. !•' t'roi i I’uiT blocks selected >y tliem fiom Uw ' '-'t aarr'.i*' in Tiiey keep for >a!e (’ocalica and ICsofHis .Mill- i’uiT lUocks, l>oItiiiL^ ('loth. Si I'f. ii Wiro. ('alcincd IMastcr, 11ydniiilic (’(Miioiit. vS.c. I V 4"i ' 111 a.uv part the couii'i v proiiii t’v alti u 1- e I to. K. n. 4>KKi:iir. A^reiit at Fayetteville. N. t'. ■'iaivj !1. Is':*.. 7i’'tf :h liACOX. ■It':; t arolina Hacon for sale. .)iih li'. 1' \ T. WAI»MI.L. '.'tf and I>ry 4oo«l*». /PI Hi', '’ib~,-rib,T ha>! taken the Fat end of the Storr U- late!;, ■cenj'ied by t'ook T;.y1or. wliere he wotiM t e |.lf.:-(.' ! to 'ce hi-i old cn-tom'T.- and •■thcr'i. My ,,i (i It'f-, 1; 1 KS will bt- iarire and full. 1 V.' ! t.ikf in payment any kind • f ('.untry I’ro luce. • .i'U -I bt; ri ;■;l^vd, i.ir credit to j.niu tn.-i! cu.'- ^ ./.VS. (;. o. »K. t. !\. ov It .11]. tin, ‘ •111) ai \ . .^in. I. ] t'tf riirouirli Tickets between 'Vilmin^rtoii. N, and I’.Jilti- more, Fare>ilo. \'ia Weldon, I’etersluir^. Kichinoiid. iV \\ ;ish- iii^rton ( ity. or via \Veldon. I’orts mouth .Mild Norfolk. Ill For 'I'i, kets apply at the (ittiee ?^:»-,TCT^»B!oi’ the W ilmin'itoii ainl l'.alci;:h ■ It.iil i’ko.id 'oiii]’;iny at Wiliiiiiii:- tlie (ttlieenf the I’altiniore Steam 1‘acket and of the I’laltitiiore and Ohio Rail lload 1‘ratt Street, Ualtiuiore. .■);;-tf Siil)scril)c*r still cofi- \ M •ari-y on the r.VISINK'I' IM Sl- S in Fayetfviile, and in .addition to l.'tabli>hnieiit oii IJow Street, near ^ timit / i . * » l-,i-.-les'- r.riileo, li:is opened a I.ar;;" \VAI!!-; on Hay strc or. nearly ojiposite the F.iyeite\ille '! tel. and one door i;,it of Me,s.sr.«, Haigh .S: Sou's. V. here a freiieral .assortment of rniAiTLiiE. M.i ie l.y competent and faithful workmen, inav be liad at prirc- corJ■c^pondin!r with the times. ,\l..i.‘>, an as- - .rUh. nr of N.,rt!i.Tn-n.ade FI’It NITC I! K, .selected by wiiicli w;li be ,'old at a verv nioder.ite .'I'lv.ance, I»r‘N(\\N .McNF.I!,!,. ^ov, 111. Is,')!. ;;.Htf I. koefis (111 liaiid an a'-oi tment »f Fisk's celebra- f-l >IKT\I,I,|C la/KI Ali which have liiLildy rei-omnu-nded liv Willie 1’, >iaiiK"m, lleurv l.“\vi Vi'ni, 1’, Kiii(r. ami many other il- ■I i loiI'.ifters, \shohave examined uud witnessed A‘\\ i)i •uiT Stor(‘. B^^onSkes aV mftac ilae^ DUrclGISTS, ^''ii iii i- !,f Ihnf ntnl Dotidlflsnu SlrcrtA, ilirt rtJi/ if' til--' Fiii/ Ifirif/r Il'iti'f, FAVF,TTi:VlLLK, N, C., \1'1. now rcceiviii" a lar;re stock of l)Hl'(iS .\NI) M i.l'l' I N MS, direotly I'rom Importer.^ and Manu-■ ' .• lu!i rwhich they will sell to I'hysicians and Coun try Mfn haiits at a very small advance, '1 he V vs il\ keep constantly on hand, of tlic best (jualit v, ' ^vt-ry Viuifty of ai ticle.' in tiu-ir line, havin.ir muile ar- ranv'euifnt-- to tiiat effect with estiihlished l»i»uses in Ni-tt \ iirk. Tii.-ir Stock havin*^ t.een very carefully selected, ftud pm. hasc l for ( ash, will enable them *to recommend contidcntly all their Dru^.s, and to sell them at very low rates, They sidicit a reasoufible share of the patrunare of ^ tiie pnhliir, April -J-J, 18.').:. i’OU SALK OR UKN'r, ■|'5lli: fine Sl'MMKi; HFSII«KN('|-; now occupied by ■- 'ir. 1,. i;r_\an, two miles West of town, To.s- ■ssion {liven immediately. Apply to Mr. .John H, Cook ‘ ‘. S. A. lkf:tk. M ircli 111, --jj. FIRK-PROOF HOOFING. Francis Shenton., SLATE AND METAL ROOFKll, &c., fWlIl WKFUL for past favors, hogs to call public at- J[ tention to SLATE ROOFING, done on the most approved principle, inaking roofs lijilit« r, tighter, and nu>rc durable than the old way of shee» ng, effecting a saving in lumber, niul greater security against fire. The low price at which Slate Roofs are now offered will compare favorably with any other kind ot fire-proof Roofing, SLATE CHIMNKV ril’ES made to any pattern. They arc an excellent remedy for smoking chimneys, and seldom fail to effect a ctire. , Tin and Coj-per (Jutters. Leade- IMpes am. Heads, made to any jiattern, and every kind of fire- pioof roofing [>ut on or repaired in the best manner, on reasonable terms. . ,• t r F S.. in solicitinc vour i>atronage, feels: confident of giving entire satisfaction in all c.-ises where a thorough knowledge of his business is required. Fayetteville, Sept, 7, I8o2, -♦» NO ric K. I11IK Subscriber has taken the shop between iM's. M.allett ^ Mc^'^'aiu •ind Kccles's llridge, where hr intenls carrvinir on the TA 11. »R 1 N(^ iU'Sl- NK.'^S in all its brau.hes. lla.inghad jiractical experience in most ol the ,\t- lantic cities, he tcels assured that he can please the most tastidioiis ^ All orders will be execvitevl with neat ness and despatch. 15. MONAtillAN. March -JS. IS.-,:’. ‘"l-l'' __ Diu'ii s'roiuc rj^llF subscriber h.iving taken the Store I lu (Jreen street, known as the .Mc- rhcrson Hiiildiiig. nearly opposite l>r. Rob inson's .'hop, is now recei\ing a fresh .and well .-issortcd st»*ck ot Dniiis, C'luMiiitals, Nii'diciut's, PaiiUs, Oils, l)\c-Stnlls. and i’crtuiucrv. I'oj^cther with ;i *xo»d asstirtment ot Ilair. Flesh. I ooth. I'aitit. and \\ hitcwa'^h l’>ri\>hcs; ( upping, lortli. :i’..d Mirirical Instriinient>: i.ilvaiiic liattcric'. .Vc, \c, .\!1 »>f which he otfevs low for Cash v«v on tiiin' to punctual customers. carders respectfully 'oliiited from (’ountiy rhy>ici:in and others, who ni:i\ ilcjicnd on |>rocuring Iresli and Ci'iiuiiic artii'!t*s. .and that iio pains will 1-e sp.-ircd to uive satisfaction both in nualitv .iii.l j'rice. 6-n.r-.'I KiucAi. I'uK.'i iui'i iii.Ns ( aicfiilly iiiul •ICC mat civ prepared. .1. N. SMITH. .lan'y -Jl, IS.Vl. '’-tf M:A'l'lii:K HANDS. rRlit |R( H'i II1 Y .itrctchc'l. cemcntt'd. and ri\cti'il H The above r'aii'I> are >old ‘Jn per c.T.t. le.'S tliau New York in.inulai turci s' pi ; es. t a'h will be re- (uircd in cverv instanc '. 1'or sale bv \s. 11. i.i'T ri.m.oM. Fayetteville. Nov. Iti, l8-')2. -^11 A(‘\v (aoods lor ! .1. 'riioMsox I s now receiring a l.arge and well >cli'ct, ! .''tock of ''priii'.r ai’. l ."uic.mer U O O (' nsi.'tiii;,: of M iii'cmeir- fine F i>lii 'n.ibl,- .\Iob-'k’i;, 1'a-.imtTe. I'aiiania. l,i _h rn. :i!i 1 a l.irpc \:i:ift\ ? • ther .'tylcs of ll.V l'S and t’.VI'S, wliich will be >ol ! i..w V r ‘ a'!i. >1.' '. a iri'ncr.al .issoi tlncnt of (icntlenu ii'-. I .i.io. Mi"es', Voutli"'. l’io_\'iiililreu’s, and Inl.uit' f;io ■Irt'S i-’iters. (it'ciM', »xford Tic'. Itii'kin'. IWui'!’,'; aud > lloF.S; which he i- wiUilii' ainl aiixiou- to v\- idiange fT ( a.-h, on libt-ral t«ruis. .1. T. Mai kct S-i^.il?daicii U'.'. Mtl IMON I.IM'.UV S'rAl’M:s, F \VI;TTK\ II.I.K. N I', rgllli: I'RmITII'.ToKS arc pr., .r. l to t„rni>h !hc B. Tub’:. ■ .t!i ttorsi's. 4'ttrrifi;i«’s. ttm! iou iiiisi:. The_\ are also i.rep.ued t • i-.irry I’a-senger' to an_\ of tl’.c nei'jhb ring Tuwii'. o^ reasoiiabb- tfini' Their .''toi k m.iy be touiid at the .'■t.ibl.-^ f"rm-r’\ oi-rujded by Mriiilip> ..v Wooten, .a !'••« d.".r- c't of flic Tel»-::r.ipii rin-y ;i’.w .i_\ ... ha\c in attendance good i't’. r' ai, ! Kfi!.>iinM. I-'.-' A Fol R-iluRSl’ »■ M’.r.l \iF. will be in at- teiid.aiice. .It 'holt notice, nvi-y l’a"Ciigers to .-ind from the ."'team l.o.-its. They win take ilui 'c- on Livery ;.t reasonable tcni;' Tlo-y hope, by strict ;ittentiou to bii'iiies^ and a !■- termination to plea.'C. t. inerit a sii.iie of piibli,- p.u- ro!i:i_i.*. .1, 1>. .\SK1.U, \_ent. I'eccilib>'r If. 1 •>_’tl' NO rici:. Ki:\VAKI). \A :'rom the stib«.eriber. ab.iut the of ■ tt .Inly, l.'' il. his negro :irl .".irah. Said nf_'io i- ;ibont 1*1 ye.ars of age. black, with lar;ze wh'Uec_\es. :.-ir;;e liinb.i. weighs :r^otit ].:i» p .und-i. .'^.lid L'irl i> siiiipo..e I to be lurkin',; in the nei'.;hb.,r- hoi.d of Mr. I'l.ac ^^rl'Jllt -i.irticii. Mcl\.i\'^. in llladen county. The above rew ;ird will be paid for her deltverv t' me. or her confinement in any iail in the .'^tafe of North ( ;,roliii:i. U ,\1. (i. Itl I I,l i;. t'iinton. N. .M.irch II. I-''' , TTtf A Ni:\\ iN\i:\'i'!o>\ und'T'igned has m.ade an invention >f ;i ,'^iiiiif fi- .NLudiine. whi« h he will in..,iire to be perfeet in the extraction ..f .-unit io wheat, aiei wi-he- to intorin Mill Owner-^ tiiat he In joittiii'.' up m.n hinc' .at rnioii Fto- t‘ rc. on Iic(i, River, ei-^lit miU -^ N.oth.of \~h'M,r..ii-h, .^[y m.achines .arc conipo,..r i ot three distinct priin'i- [>!e, centi itiigul, scdwering and rcaetion. It tak wheat throiijih three opei.iiions in going through maidiine onee. .\ny pel'oii-i bnyinjr a maehine. after trying it. doi-s not -!e.in whe.at. damp ir lrv, 1 will take it I I’rii o .“^eventy-fix IS Ihdlars. ,\11 li ttt'rs .addressed to New Salem 1‘ost i Mtic> d..lph conntv. T. P. FRKDMW- '. f. |-.'j. ::n siiix(;i.i:s. K want li»H,,il(» pood .Fiiniper III N (■ LL.''. f-r w'hieb the best priee will \>e )>aid. .1. & T. W VhhlLL. April I. .'';:tf A uvu(;ain orFKUi'j). A till- undersi;riied has ili-termineil to remove to the .‘WL V>est. she oilers for sale that eomniodioiis House, w hich she now ociMipies. in the vill.age of Siininiervine. and all appurteuaiices thereunto belonging. ,\lso. 1’Jii acres of l.ainl at the mouth of ('ro,s>! Cri'ck, in flu* town of Fayetteville, a >hort distance aliove the Cl.arei.io ii I'ridge. Terms cash, or p.ajier negotiable ;it either of the Ranks iti Fayetteville, Reference, as to the r >ss • reek land, is made to J.tnie.s Ranks, Fs(|,, of Fave.te- I K. RAILF/t'. Summerville. N. (',, .June (>, IS."):’,. iff h nj( ttcvillc ('ftndtf JMdnnfarhtni. rR^HL subscriber still continues to manufacture ,a su- • Ji. perior article of plain Miid fancy ('.\NI>li:S, at the old stand, (No, Oreen street, :r.|mus North of : * lii.use,) where he would be happy to see his I old friends and customers, CHARLKS 15ANKS. the the if it -aek, Raii- r:;tf iV'KlV HAKJOIIY, rg’IHK Subscriber has e.stablisi.ed a Ihikery on Ih.w Street, on thi‘ I.,ot two doors Hast of l)uncan Mc.N'eili’s Cabinet Shop, He is prepared to furnish K-imihes, Roats, and the public generally, with Bread, lii.scuit, and Cakes of various kinds, of the best (|iialitv| as he has procured the services of one of the best Rakers in the State. Prices reasonable, (iivemeaeall, CHA’S RANKS. Fayetteville, Dec, 28, 18.')2. VVA.NTKI), RRLS. Turpentine, ilelivered at '^7 iny Distillery in this place, for winch tlie higlicst jirices will be paiL I would also employ two or three good turpentine- , barrel I'oopers, i>. ^v, RO(JKRS Liimberton. X C,. Feb'y 10, *;8tf Fire and l.ifc Tnfurrmirr. Are !/our Houses or Stork in Trmle hmtrelf Is i/our own life Im^nrad/or the hniejit of surviv- iii(/ wife and rhdiircu? Have yon avt/ Insurawe vpon the life of your sfocrs? ri’^irK undersigned is Agent for the Crcrnshoro’ Mii- I (,tal Fire Iiisiirnnce Co., and the (.reenshoru Mu tual Lift [jixurancp and Tni.tf (^o. The Fire C> "ill take risks on as favorable terms as „„V other responsible Co. This Co. is mnnagod by competent officers,—has the larger portion of its risks detached and is doing a very successful business. The rJfe C\>. has a liberal charter, and offers to tiiose wishing to secure something to wife and cbiUlrcn after death a most fiivoriible opportunity. The insured ]iar- tic'ipate in all the profits of the t'o., both in the Insu rance and Trust l)cpartnients. Slaves Insure 1 on reason.able terms. Full explanations given to all who wi.-li Insurance, Persons in thei-ountry wishiHg Insurance, will please address the undersigned by letter. .INO. M. UtSF, A.ircut. v'ic, Fayetteville, May 2-t, 185;!. ‘b •>•*> w A. cw vi:r, FOltWARDlNC. ,\N1» CO.MMISSION MFIK H.\NT, 1VE!B:aicip;toBi, 1} Fr.S('N.\ I. attention given to the sale or shipment li of Naval Stores. 1 ha\e ami'U> facilities for con ducting the business; l,irue wh.arl and .-tore .-beds to keep spirits from exj'osure. Naval st rcs will be sli'pvc 1 1 to .aniioii.-e in New' ^ ork, or to other niarkct> if ad.i- sable. mid liberal cash advances made on consigiiioents, 1 refer to the following distillers; F. Hanninii, W.ayne county, i:. II. Wootiaid \ Co,, i:.irpsboroiij;M, W. F.arp. TlKTiiton, .lohnstoii county, I'liidges \ Durham. D. Ilo-;|tt, Spcni'i'r I'ountain, II I'atni.in. Smith. Rryan \ Co., '■ 1>. I!. Hinn.ant. I''|, •• I.ovctt Pc:icock. ('oliiinbu' co-n.l '. ,Me-si - .b iicS vV Li'.ich. Fa; oUcv i!lo, Mav -Jn. 1,‘ '.' V [ii:\iO\ \L. I! have ri’liioxed to the l..i:^e tiic >i o! I >: , _ Stor» lately occ\i]iied b\ S.im) -on r.' oii. I'.- .'lie door wi't of ,'les>irs .1. iV 'I'. a i ldl. on lb Street, where we >ha.l re«eivc in a few da\s. l.ii a dilioiis to our i'.ir!_\ .'■|'iiiig jiurcii.iscs. (>iir .'ioi-k l^nj (iiinifs, //i.w's, Sll'ii />'•'//., Ji> rA,.1 w.is 'e’.-eted e\pre>>’y f.r t!ic wn>’i.i-\ir n:\i'K. .^lcrchant' are Invite 1 to ._;i\e - iir : o i,|>: :ni iioii before pun h.i.'iii . sT.\i;i; V V, ii,i.i\\:s. Mav 1. I-'' ■ • -;f ! 2.000 Tnrprntinr Wanted, ’ I’lOR which the highest cash prices will be ] aid. ^ McLEAN & .ioNES. * . i' *.';V ' ■'"•i >• " \\ 1 .' ! ?? -■ ’ \ V I Tf ■ Sunituerville, N. C., May 18, I8o^. itf fi»UBOPAREI> SUPKK PirOSIMIATF OF MMI-: or THK MOST .\ri*novi:i) quai.itv, hvnHif'hd to TnTnip^^ oud ull ofhci hoot Croj*!*. "kOYT & CO,, AGENTS, Xo. 2]1 Watfr SIitpI. iinil 112 West Mm-I, foriicr of !);■) Stri-d, M:W V(il?K. VFF.UTII.l/I’R y'rodiicii:g all the iiiimediato efTcc^ of tho best I’crnvi.in (iiiano, with the ailvaiilaiic of bein',1 niticli more lasting in Hie so'l, Ihovonghiy tested, and fcuiiiil »o more than re.ili.=e the expectati iiis of all those who h;ivi‘ already tried it, Tli" best c. i- deiK C id' this is the I.lrgc!.^■ incrcaseil detiian 1 this : ca- son over the past year. I’nt np ii; bags of ’li'l i,.>un ls: barri'ls ‘J.-.O poiimls each. P.iiyers w ill ple;f;e be p.ir- ticiilar to oliscrve oiir braii'i upon caidi ba'.r or barv 1. ,\!so. for s.ile. ,\meric.i 11 and l-'oreign !'ieiI and i:;r- deii .“''eeds, Enirlish R.iy (irass. I’oiil Meadow (Ir.f--.:. fill'.' inixecl Lawn !r.iss, \’iliitf ClovtT, Osag.' t.'rangc, .\:c, .lime I 1. I' :;-::iiipd sj:> n':) \NAu.W from the -r.b-ci il.i'r on t’.c 'JmIi o:' ,\lav lu>t. a negro bo\ call* d ('.\1.'. IN. iiinete'n \e;iis old. li' iiiht about 'i fi ; t S iiiclii s. v.ci■.rlir ,‘ibo:it li'.ii ibs . a b',;'.i'I; negio. ha.I ct,r rii.;:.'^ in e.ii h l ar whcii ho left, iio .-lothiiig rccoih cli d e.M cp' a liar'i blue '.v-.-r Co.'it. 'this b'lV was pillcliar ■ 1 of I’r. .lohll .Mi’Neill o| Robeson eoillily, .'iboiit ihe !-t ot May, 'I he ;,'t.i\e i"‘- ■\\ari \iiil be p-iid for !i;s 'b'livcry to me or it lod^!-d in a .l.iii in Ihi'. Sl:i|e. If i very j.i :' ab!.- he :s in l!o' neighlioiho- d id'!.is !'• riioT ounor. .lOHN '.N '.M il.i.. .'r. r.i\ ef ti'\ille. N. c,. .Iiiiio , ;f .irs'r in:' i,i\ i:i . A Pi:r\ir. l ; .Moni:'ii.i i: r. New (^r’.oan- and Ci;i.i \Io!;i 'cs, ,la\a. 1 aLMiii.i and Rio Coli'.'e, .'^'i^ ir. 111. c, .VC. • -NTII Ki.l !■ ri'T. Map his'.:;, ;.'ir By TWO IIIKIKS lIK'li; t r. lIlKill \ MtiU!;, ili« . 4'. .lan'y 'Ji', i.-'.'..’. - I i , I Ii .1/ //, .//«/« /. ■ • . W C:;\ .] ’U'o-t ^ \ ’ U 1 I! ? • i IlM .'. ! '. the 1;. if. -t . 1 ■ \> ' ‘ It I ■ i ' -bll._ \I . . t ■ • T; ■ ' l I! ’ • _r ^! . \! TO d *!• 1 . II; -1 . I ■ • I ' -ie u-;■ ,rM . . \! ■; ■!, i i ■ .f S:i w MU'I •; ri -1 M lii 11 • II'; 1! _• 'I , i ■ •; ^ , 1 Uo .i i;..:'v. .v,- .VC Per~"!'' I'liiii;,; t-- i.r.r ■ ■■ w c.v' ■ \ -.v e’; ! ■ 11' a . ii' before ]oircii.i-i:i • e\eA\! i i .. . - v . ■. ic terinine I to ell : !;e..;> 1 .i- e ~li or on riao ' i.u';. f. ’ 'ji abT>. • Ur ’ ! . \pel '. .■ ill \; • • ' I' Ii :.u'ilie -' « n.ib!e' 11' !'I ;e.! n.. !,er.-i• .m ji, t’ • lOl V. .f\. 'l. iii I! t MIT j .' -od l.y V S: ,, ;lh. I .nktiil f .r the ! ; i-r .1 pc.ti . t t be-! WC 1. We 1 -J e. ital \ . !: ■ . 1 ' .11 • Ii . '.ino' \'! !etf r- :’.|dre--e l to the \ -• I’t 1 r’ e C • • • . at .'-now C:imp P I I.. V’ai; i-i" liiit;. , N r'IiC., n.i. wi'.i rereive jiroiMi t at^ciito n I \\ If DIN' >\. ' f •he S CM .O,;- . -nl . C ■ . .-■TI w I anil . F. ■ _ ' ! Vi t('\ iii‘ {Snti'!. joiix llAUMW a, a llr-) ' if I'i V iilt'i>nil- 1,; iVi' i: 1- -Ml'l l"‘''i-' '■ :> 1- - ..-o'—i ti M, r- ■ I! 'tel at the l.ot .-t 1 i : \ lili oi'i t I ■ llo 1 .ij.l ,t 4 ► dSrS , 1. II , . 1 t aii'l no.ie ( oiiini'd-'U' II..;'. ; a t!.e . . the I'ov.n. reeel,t:'. oerlI].ie.! ! \ Mi* lir -wli. .1 i '. .'I known a- the r.i V . !te\ilie I' l.'. >v!;ere 'o' v 11, h.- li;i i py to aC*'o|iil. dale I'r.iM' ii i - al;d I’-.nb-r' N - I'v- ert ions ot h i n : a i.-. i ii.i; 1 \ w • ' • - >■ - e.I i . ic!, ! r til' ' e conit liable wl’.o lav r hiia w.ili ihe.r ■ -•■.ii- panv. Fayeff.'viPe. \ C .lime .1. 1- il 'J' tf s'ri:i)M w vV iioi.M:, I)rif (iiind^, I fardirart , (i rmu rn Vc. I*\va'/rrr:vii.i.B:. I.D re'|.e,ftnlly inl' iin the ciri/en- and the jintilie c^eiierally. th.it ihev have jii't r' liirne.] Iroin New \ "ri;. .and are rei ei\ing liieii .''[•i:ng .^t ck i.f I i Is. Coll-i-tillL ot fh'l/ (iiinils, (! riiii I'll I In Il'il r>. dr. \ v.arietv of ll.its. siilt.able for the -i asoii: I adii and ielit'eiiicn's P.o' t-. .'-Ihm - ;ini 1 .Slipner-: .a l;ir;.:e ;is -• rtinent of ready-nia'le Clothing: a grc.at m.anv arliclc- in the ladies' line, and we w.nild be ple.ase 1 t.> h ive them to call ami ex.aiiiinc for t hein-e;\ es. ,\11 oi-tlers sent to oiir eare tr..ni our friends and eiis- tomers will be pioinptly attciob'ii to, March I S-'-'. ^ ! fi lvaii(loI|»li Shct'tiiiir and ('odoii ^'anl. For S.ile by ' WO|:TH \ Ll.MilT l’. Ajiril l.^.':;. s7,, Ni:\\' sroc’K Ol' xriiiM; ,i\i) Ni.inn-R cooiiN. ^ I II K siibjicribi-r is now receiving a 1; rge and well 9 selected stock of (ilMlD.s, com]irising .a (ii'iier.il .\->ortment of' I)l\^ (iOOl)S. IJ('ad\-made Cloljiiiiir. lioots and Shoes. Ilals niul ('aj»s, ] hii'dunrc iiiid ('iiilcn , (.'roc'ri(‘s. Saddlery, ^Vc. \c.. hieh will be Mdd low for Cash, m- exchanged for Tiir- pentino and CoMiifrv Produce. Ill' returns 4iis warmest thanks to his o’ | friends and I'listomers tor the liberal patromifre heretofore extended to him, and hopes to merit a coutiuuance ..f the same. N, KINC, Kingsbury. ,\pril li'i, 18");L SC,if 11 A(.S: K.'.i-s \ ‘.I - a'; v / \.h:... loc r. riec u i!! ;.e p;.! i 1.. KVl.i' ;• r 1 he .\|.r.it. i t. [I. I r.iyetfi- >1 is ■ ; T!l!: \i: SiLK. \\l) TinrMlXi- iiois;: i \ :\‘:v. rci 1 I -r , i /ft)■:!({. ^ II'l KTLi: . 'I of sii.Kn. ^iii.i ink;:v. '/ r\'I'V I \ ■ / '' 1??. Bro'idv.'ay. TJ. Y., f5 A S II .w in -1 , . i »•: « it.:; ai ?io. i ,v. ; i : . . t I\ li'“ I iNi i'. I. ■' . C \ - s’ ■ - il i ' i I . I il-.' \ I i>}'( nc( > i:c.‘!'. i riiiii.MHi II' t il |'||> Ml -; 'I’:' :■! 1 iiM -n- I. . ■ ail V iM|)t 1 'i ao; 1,1 . . : \ at-; . i! : il i-. ij, I Mli! ; 1:1'. : - . W !•!'■ (..- I i-. Ij. I„ ll iii-!!. r. h. Til- ''i \. r;: 3’^ 1’- w I ii i: ! NS! \N( !'. I o.s o ,i| . iiite'l .\ rt !i I I " ■ I! ; \I i i I ■ i :: !i ralli'i C ■ — I ' e, , i:‘.-ii.1^ r !■ r j . ; • mi »!: ■■ .' • I • • .i.\; :.n I tio- ; ,no . ren iiii I- •• :’ whi le '.I .;!• iUl!' lo '! . r Illore. b, • ■ i • half in . . . , 1 Siu' '! ■ i- I in . t : J I ■ ' r ■ . j;eb!-il-' ’^i-'iaa. i.i- 'l - 1|1I- 1 1; . A I'ial; ill: 11: e !■'' ’Wn r e ; I' ihe n i 1! 1 - i' — , ! i.:- !..n;i The of ',:i\e> iiia;, • e i'.-nr. 'Ihi' -leiii i- r.ip' 11'. ^ro-.v-n..'' ir,;.. :.!■ r. -m' ,■r the • '' i T/cd w .-r' I. hi- .!!i':-. '■> lili-i: a ; i- ■ small -mil alii'Ualiy, in iv '■•e ; '.■■I'i.o, 1 ■, r. r tl.. ih'afl. of il,- he,I I, on wh.i-e exeiii. :!.- fliev i;;:i ' I',;'.-- b..'( n d i’.:i'i-'Ut fora -o ,ri, i; ; Ji.v ^ of ni"lii'\. even il' ..lie -lo .:.d 'Ac b ;i •- I' t.,:^io_ ■ 'I* t 1 1.1E o P - ’1’-e \ . i . o': I... . a' \ J : I. ^ t■ nee.'-aiy lliaiik , inriii-lod on a pji.ii i '..ii. i;. .1. I! \1 1'.. Fayetteville. .|i|>ic l''”'i. - i •tmeiit K'lu: O s r.ow rei-ei\ing -i i.n-j.- .'n.i .• i-.,' ; n xsi siS"«s 3 »*TT er c V*»n i;i f whieli have b..en piin ! ;-i-.| for C.VSM bv i!,,. P.n K.i-e t oiiniiy 'den!',Hits .11.d otliers will it t ilo'r iii- tcic't to examine the .St,,i-k. .Mai eh 1-J, tt ('fdilnct Furnilurc^ hairs^ ,^r. ripHK subscribe." is receiviug the largest assortment ! ill his line ever before purchased at the North, wliicli, together with his own manufacture, makes his i Stock very complete, consisting of (Chairs, Jahlcs, buta.', Hodst^'ads, Wash Staiuls, I ]Jurcaus, Lddkiiig Classe.s, Side Hoards, 8eerct;irie.s, tS:c*. , .Ml of which will be sidd on the lowest terms for Cash, I or ou short time to punctual customers. „ JOHN W. RAKKR. i Oct. .-50, 18.-)I. 05,f f 3 ’ III-, old e-t.iii!isheil .Ktn.i Ir-.irance C,,rn|ianv of 61 Harttord, Connerticiit. l;.\s veeenily a'l.lcd to its I ill' Insoran.'c l ii.-ine-s, whicii it h.is inai.itained witli s'ich 1111 e \ a III I lie I credit lor iijiv, ar'! oi i’l'.rtv vears. a I II I, IN.^I RANi I'. 1*1 partiiiint, Tho sab-rriber h.i'; ; been appointed .\;rent in th'.- a- well as in the Fire Ue- partmci t ot its oj.er.itjons; and is prepar. ■! t.i t.ike ris'is oil ihe lives ot' wliito persons or slavis. >n as -j,ooil terms .-is any other and at 1 .wcr rati s tiian tho.-e ot the Mutual Comiianies, I 'I'he c.ipilal 111 this department is xl .'.ii.noil. entirelv j distill, t trom the e.ijdl.il of the Fire De;.,ii ;nieut, aiej. ; wiili ii- .icenmnlations. re.-er\'d cxelusivelv to p;i v los ; SI'S on Lite Insiiiance only, rolieics will be issueii pa\- ! able alter death, or upon the jiaities arrivin;i' a! .a s|ie- : citic.i age. |.; ,| " ipvi.E, i .SAi)!>ij-:i:s’ AN!) rn.\(’ji ^lA^\l■:!!S’ SS.3 ii !fp n^,a ss g:, /,*^. fiidin.'i iimsUu \o. m HiiiliiiiDiT iSi.. liiiliiiiKiri'. fM PORTERS and Dealers in Hog Skins, Saddle Trees, Fnglisii Heads and Reins, (iirth V. ebs. Stirrups,' H.imes. Ritts, ^'tc. Springs, .\xles of all kinds, Co.ich I.ace, P.ENT FELLOES, Hubs, Spoke.s Carriage and lire Rolts, Patent Canvass. Carpeting, and everv arti cle connected with eitiier branch of the business, which they art? prepared to offer to punctual customers on as good terms as any other house in the I'nited St:ites. -\gents for the sale of Pope's Sell-Adiiisitiii'’- P VDS and acer's (JiC TREES. ‘ ” Orders prompC.y attended to, -Vddress TihiiiAs inrKKNZii; \ .^oxs. . --- luiltiniorc Street, ' ‘ RALTl.MOUE. FAYFTTFVMT.K ri^niS Company is noTf oi-ganisoil and prepared to re- I oeive applications for hibuniuce, 011 as t'avorabl.-^ terms as other Conntiauies, DIRECTORS: TTf.nuy Lillv. Avon TTall. J. G. SlIKl'HKiU). Wm. Wardkx. s. T. IIawlia'. JoiI.V 1>. 11,1.1A .MS. l)i;Mio\v. V\M, .^I^I.Al'l:!N'. Wm. McImyki''.. n. Ii. Myrovkh. Tiio.s. S. Li’ttf.rloh. John n. (’ooK. i>. A. Hay. A. A. .McKkthan. (ino. Mc\kim.. \atiian a. Srr.DMAN. .Ia-MEs Kyli:. (iFFH'KilS: (l!;o. MfM.li.L, I'r- :,f. H. L, M VitoVEI!, Vi. e Pi e .: lent. C. SilEi’ll FRD, .Attorney, C, .\. Me1 LI .\N, Sc( ret.iry. (ii;o. .Mi?\i;!LL, I . .InllN n, COOK. . Executive ('omniittce. ' .! AS, KYLE. ) The ]'lan of Mr ii \!. INsn;\.\ci; laiist comnvr;'! itse:! to onr c ii'innnity. for it can be .Uii.i r.str.atcil th.ai L.ive ave 1 wili;ia the la.st S'x ye.il-s npw.ards ot n:',0.i ! ', in-'irance in the Norlh C.n-olina .'‘•iiitua! Coinp.iny; iliat i'^. slioidd bave paid to h.ave ';ept tV.e same in- tin,nice in ti e f M'iiin .joint si i.-k > iii;>aii;.s tha.t 1 i!o than Vi e have .■ic;';a':iy ] ai.i: :.ii 1 \ ^ t tlie \ort!i Caroiina Miito.,! C. ii.,s i. '- i'.c'l bef.vei-n ;,i.il Si'.!'i)n inoi'.' fr.. o i iir c.oia’i i,-,.'r_v th..ii it !ia- pai I .,,,f f. r \- -•IS here. honing tii.it we are favorably sit- iiaC'd. as I- i;;pai-cd v, iti: ' U.i'V places in tl.C State, i'..;- Ih.'iir.-.nco, I >i;r 1 ' 'ir.j-.Mi V l:a- ■.!' ’i*' into oii. ration favorably. Iia v- ihi' il.i', o-^aii''--. i It'' ns to the amount of ■- 11 '..U'M. ;.;i i the I':.i,.,p;ii. , i. .1., p’aer-d i:poii a iinn Lir' ot ir. an'hov;1 .'>.!->'nt. t.r .^.-erctary. 1 r ,\p; I!-., i 'It t! v. I' i:> t ? e i 'l; •'•t.g UMlii ,1 ^ I ,s ,■ ! I ,•> ill.' !’. ■ U ' !. e oV 11 lb :i i 1. W, I. VWKlAi 1: is ao>.. - te ! C . '.•_- l.t . t' th‘ C"!i'.pa;iy, \'.’e ii.\it :• j.p.i -a'ioii-. 'i;. ni.ii L, Pr' -'t, ( . A. ''U AN. S- . 'y, >• e! 7 c ■ i;i. r-r’-.-ri* i-r h:.'n iii.'M-! to the -):r-1 f.'r- . r!;. ie 1 by >b • v 'V;; Sl!-....t. . - t.. li e p^ -i'^- a -e r'lli- !;♦ f i l l; \ |i I \! V M;\ -ia L.', .and >v iiM be - •' \ ■■ ■ ev- i; ' I : of ; l'-. !'.,r» ;m' y .1 ti; A- t ■ 1 'n'. PI. ■ C-i't-.ll.v. S, .j. c. r I > - •. • 5 i ^ . . M \i.I h ‘ Ml.' le-k 1::. ’-r.j- a - at ibe v S’, re Ii''\t ■; r Mr. ,. !... .-I-. W,., re !.: \v'’! i.'ieivi' ix.iill,. t :.1 e-':! ; r i^. . ' : - •. ■. :ve ’ .,1, I f . .. Ill ' • :r ■'■ • -”it. bv i'l1.' : I' X ! r.. 'v. n! I" '1.1 '; • ! . ' • I ;■ i) ■ r ;i : e n.ri.i-oeil m •. an'i r; t!ie r. .s: ;,:v -r , !v t.'i I :t;i /. . , - C:V. ■ i'! i.l't: ; 1',,; ■.■ : j:':;,... S: t- . 1 i-iii.-. I’i-t :■■■ -. Sh..t P'-a.-be-. K t!c ... .l -e!'. a:- 1 1.: t ; (■ ; i n '! ' . II I c., c:> i:. 1 i r t I I iie-r i nri 11 'I t > i x iiiiihe nuai- iiri j'l o-e- ,,t' i.i-.- li; bco re pm eli .r.in^ e.'c- .'oA-. i 1; i';t r- rn , SCUTI! GAnOLirJA. • I .ill. .\o!,'i li eoi;; ,,| I.e. tare- il: t hi - I i;-T.j '■ ■ ' ■ n tae ;ii-i .M'l.Xp.W is; X'M. ia- er !;e\t. \ '.I lay Pr .1. t'.. Ill >1.1’lOiv. M. 1». ■ tirgu-y Pi .,;' E. c Li-l 1;\(,S. M D. Institutes ai. I Pr.-.c'.ie, - Pr..;. .1. Hi.'.llY Dli’l-iSd - 'I. I>. rh-:' b'-\ ib-of. ,'\\!i:s Ml'ri.Ti-iE. M. D. .m.i! i:.i \ie.;iea imf iii'\ia 1: Fi'.i.sT, M. (:! .-I, ;ri._ .- — Pr. f. riiMM AS PP. 1> i|,!;,\I'. M. D. cio ini-ii -Plot, C. P. Sli!.p\l;:i 'vp i>. Coaii.ar.atixe .\natoiiiy Prof L. .\C..\SSl/,. M, D. p. la. nstrat .r of .Vnatomv — l i;,\.\('l.S J'. MlfJ'-; M. II. Pi..M ciitor ti, the Piio. of Sar.-erv-. .1 F ,M t:i:i*I'lNCS, D, I'j.iM- M. I\'Tnrcrn>s. I’l'. .1. C \ 1\. \| !»., Phvsician t > t'lc Marine IP.s- ; ital an l Clinical Inti ii. tor, lectui es f.vi^e a wi'c!; eii the I a.'.-es of tl .it Institution, 1; \i . .M. D . 1 hy.-ieian to the H..-- pit'il o| tlie Alms llo'ise, :it V. Jiit h lectnn - arc .lelivvre I t^\ic(• a wei-A on ii;-ca>cs, the Dia;;iiosis diseiiminaied, aiid the student in.loetrinati'd in their treatment, i»eiiion.'tr,i{ive in.-iriicti .11 in .Me.iiciiie and Snr'_;ei'v. at tlie CnJle^re Hospit.il. bv the Prole.-sors of the Mcii- cal C-db'ge. • .\t a .-pei-ial luc.'tinir of the Trust.'.'s aiel F.iciilty of the Me.lieal Colb'ge i.f the St;,tc . f Soiuh C.iiolina. l.cM .111 th.' ;M of .I.nin.iry. Is.',-J. pr. j, .\-..,s-i/ wa.- !Ui.inlin.iiisl_v eleeie 1 Proie.--, r 1 onip.ir.itive .Vnatoinv. '•.Mil the .iisiinct nil lersf.tie’i'ng that the c.dK:ri,ite ex- p.eiiM^s of tae stii.ient are not be iiicieased bv this a.idition to the course, HENP.Y U, FROST, Dean il-.,t-- •F S3 121“ fi 8 'Hitch," ‘-Large English Norfolk,” ••>trap-Ie,ived Early Red top Flat,” --Purple top Ruta Raga," -Long Tankard.'’ Received tu-dav, aiui tor s;’le hv SAM'L .1. HINSDALE, j.-1 h(? above seed were selected ;ind put up ex pressly for my s.ile, and are warranted fresh .-ind geii- S. .1 H ^uly 18, 180:5. rriti>i;.N'nNi.; i.anh kou sa(,i; t.,'^OR sale, '-Wl acres of LAND on .lames Creek, and .icres on Cypress Creek, in Cumberland, convcMiient to the Western Plank Road, heavily timbered, and admirably a.Iapte.l to the making of Tiiipenline, -\pply at this Ofli.'c, acN.iv, ‘JS. 1,‘'^.'>1 [ undovsigned. havins purchase [■ Lntierloh’s Distillery and Coopcr-sln,^' ' tciTd into Copartuersliili under the name !t Strange, for the purpose of cnn yinc on the ■ rv of Turpeutlue, and the manufacture of Spirl i rels. D. McLAriuv w>L M. LAi'i:;': .lAS. W. STRA' Fcb’y]^^8o3. T'.^f f yliighest ca.sli jirice paid for Turi.enti;.,. ■ Oak .Sfjives. and Oak or ,\she Ht;aHn;r. C;, - .],is. W. Strange, who can always be foiin.l -,r t: v. McLAL'iilN \ S'll;-. . , F.‘b'y 18. lS-:5. ..V'" t ' 1 J i / i V I ! .. obi ilcctified RYE WHls'hVv .lunc b. 18.');.?. 'j'rupFN'riNi:. E have a con\enient w:ire-hon.;e iii .n- t' Vioat wharves, in which wec;.;n re,.'-, ward Spirit:- 'rnrpei.tii.e for our fiiends-, o*!. the enst';r.ary s'nipjiing facilities. V • al-'. ]iureh:'.so the .-irticle on onr o-,vi, m. (p f' r sale such articlc.s as ai'e usually v i 'r) ( ntii c I'I erator.s, May .r t. • • ■ i:nrKi-i^n ^ b.i'.' or half bale, for s.iIc ' v C. T, :i.U i::. \Sl) : N^>. o, .MiickercL J •• '- i;criinfr. i I I -I' i,ime, P'. r I’.iris, “ ( -lit :iiid I ’astcring •i. W. 1 r\\ i;i; . . ,, .1 ii’y :i_, i ■s'l:;, Ni'iW ]‘OOK.-^. ,)PT-[,A;: ;;I;L'CAT0R f.r.fuly. 1:; '• . ■ f \ rt. vol. 1,boun.i. .Sju;iS.. :. . :.;i 1 'd' ii'iii !i!.=fiinceH. ilan v ( le.ei'Iale’s ('oii'fsliip. bv 1h . ‘'i; r j . . i': ;.-;. ,!i. 'i lie F- liocS of a‘ I\‘" ' y P : : '. iioth.-r ''ij.i'.y of Tr.-ni'h (in i Traiif .i:; n !. m avations :ii, . ib- ■ - . ' i..: ■. .'ilnri ill i'lawii.g ' ... ■ 1 ;; ,l, ” \■ j:.? .\N.\WA-V fr.'M l.'o- Mi!-ci'il.er. • _ .1 l.nst, hi.- iifLM- I man I’l.X i:-. . ■ irs oM, t itli.-r spar.' r,i;i'ic. bef.v .111 ' i. . : . ^.| ■ o !ii::!i. (lar!. (••0;.i'’exi 10. hi-h , te- ill, 'II' v s a id ;;eal of V l:i‘.:> iil t!; ■ ( ' . To' r -!o v in s; h wte.'n spokeii f.', :^.r ' i . ; iii.-ii.a- .^lcLamb, in th‘ • : ; -on. '.n'l it i- '^ipi:o-e.i in.- i;.;,y ?■■,> j.:f '■ ^ ■ 1 • >.'ii''. ! 1" . I .,t (lias, ,'\. li.iir:.' i v- r 1 tl.'- api rehensi ii: ::ii . Sai l '1 _r I'l li;.-. 'i'wenty Ifoll.'ir-; for il!' : ■;... ill ...-.ii i;; State so th.a? ] e.ij; u.-t id': NPILL • A. P. W • . or t: I- i- a T, • !!i- !:nn, oj.; - ;i. ' . i irg- >rt- ' i."; i ;itb, .. p.- ■ ■ ; Pistol^. . : ■ i'. I.-, ! 1 ■ h ■■ o ■ .n.,: - -it' . i, '.fi.JVi. ,f •••. 1 rv tl f' . in ii' • I n;:'; ■.r -|o^rt n.’tic;, in :!>■• b.s: i..,inuvr, ■ ..I i ,, , ;!’• i” kb..;- e.: -;--.t]y n ii-u-; ; i I r r ier. 'i . '. irai.tid t ■ sho.it tr ni : -. I’-. : s. : ■ v !.■ 1: i.:i t . j ',r. h.-.-^.- any - ft’ ^'.i. .J.. ilAKK!’ > ;:tl of t'-e I . 1!.-■. stnet. o-.j...-ite ;j;c I'i.-; tiSi. S !>.'«» . yAii'rU CO.. ¥’'rr(ors^ V. n.>:ixr;Tnx, X. r. pMtH ubir aft. i;fv,ii I .';.l t ' tb'.‘ S-ll ' of 'r:'-. ; • I.t;-: ■. i'ii r. Li.i: f v. an-I olh. r ’’r ti K-; i : : \M; ; .;T ! ''o.rtt r Session .1 ;io^ T r .'n A. 11 V ; > r, — i b! A ii:oii T;iyi-.r • nd \ ' - - 11.. i, I '.'1' .1, T f,, tl;e sat^'i'i'.-f; ri .-f t!r- ' >';-t. • . ;.'..r;j,e A;;■ Milb’li. tlu- Defeiehni* in tlii- c - ! !■' I-:- V.- b or so c' net a's li’o;elf tiiat tiie v lin ^ ' ■ .of lav c.iuiii't be .-et vcTl iij. n him. It i. rbc ‘ .■ ' i .b rel; That I'.ub’^. ;iti n I e made for w e ' - ■ : ■ a;. :■ ■■ . i'i.. Ir-. > r. f. r t!^" -:.;d (loor^e M. / I • 1 apio.Mi- :;t onr nc\: 'oiirt of Pb,.)' m; .! ' ■ - ■ '-. to b I1..M fi.r t'.v I'ounty of Cui: ' . .. , ^ ' • -C ni i L ii-e in F.;ttev i'le. • n the nrs! .'i ’ . ' S j ■ , iic'.t. ai.'i replevy ;;n.l pA a'l. . r '■ '.il ’ e r. inlervd .'igainst him, aii'i liie i in il ;i - th - (larnir^iiees . Hi'b. o;i;e 1 t. t!.' - ' 1 o'i n ..ft!.'- i’l.iint'li's o’aiii. '■ iiTie--, .b.hn .McLaui-in, Cierk of our ‘- li I ' ' OT th.; first .M tiday oi J.;:iv. .\. D I-'-'.::, 1-* •'■t 1 ‘ .1. AlcLAPi.IX. 1 ; \ \ i - i « V •» f i 5 ! . . • 5 i J I IIo. 73, PI?IS f'tr'et, rsw Yoni:. 1.«.'ti ^21 E .-?2 ^: a’t 3, • n r THE SALE OF .VI.I. MN'NS >;•' \\l) \V!H!IJ.I'\ IaD •‘.13 ii Hs 51 Ta t‘ * ^3 S’ • B* ’ w % r 11 r ! r *" Or i:vi;i;v i>Esci:iPTio:;, ('•*■ ;;>riC’ard ('iotl.ii;... ilobl'ipi.-;. SiiiiUles, Pifkor.', Ivolj. r {{ollcr C'lolli, Ods,ik.-. I'c-. M. 1S^2. nb-. ri'o.'r respectfully begs it'.ave to in; 5 1 iist'iiiH-rs aii.| tiie public gciierallv, th:.' ; ,)'ist rci-.;iNel his Stack of MrA\h 1\!3 {i\WbS. P.mbraciiig a General Ass.rti;'.eut ..f iuid r.iiicv Dry r.outls, .-net.-. M'-'' ;iiul (.’iiiUiri'ibs Hats’, Wursti’il I'att'. in,-, i iii- bri'ilas and Parnsnls, IJonts an ' ''ti ■: >, Al.StX SUGAR AND CoFFEii, .vc, . p, siii;\c\ 1'^ '. Nm-tli-west Corner Maix. t .'-.piaie, ' • Fayciteville. N, ,\pril 1. is.':;. ('AssiMibin:s. I 'Assi *; 1:1; W H I', jii't i’l'. i ivc.l a fri >Ii -I I p. V f ih i; ’ .a te.i S\l i:.M (b'SSlMLRE. to'niii.h ! . tl.o attenti.ui of r.iy friends and the piibii,- in : ': 1 P. SHEM'.'.' i ■ May ;5. 1SV>. . -'s >:) n i:\VAki). -\N.\V. from the subscriber, on the Is' .iav 1' .June, Iiis negro man D.V.N'llil,, agcl .ibniit-^ years. Said negro is about “) feet 8 inches hid', w. iu' ' Did or 1(0 lbs., is (it dark complexion, .nnd is bi..' si-arreil on hi.; b.-uk aiul arms, caused bv formers ‘ ' 1 re.-itmcTit. He was pur(*hased two or three vcai- '- by me from 15. .A, .lames, living ne.-ir Rislioini''.'. ' ter District. S, (',, und may now be lurking in tnai ' of the country, 1 will give •'ji'iH to any one who will confin.' h'ln .-niy jail iu North 'i- South ('arolina. so th.-it I get li’H'- or ^'2o if ile1iv(.red to ment my residence at the laeiiti. of r.ittle River, in Richmond county, N, -Vd.lress the subscriber at Little's Mills, Ri. hiu"'‘‘• ’0., N. THOM W. STEKI .liiiii' 2.-', i.s.");! EI)\ price for tin jidvance: tioii; or For the Wee adv.'ince; tion: or >5; ADVERT equare of D Biicceeding p *clal contra I requeste.l to ^hey will be .ingly. Ef-i. BA lElNC, offer a and charges; Croix Rum: S bft.sket- C .Cider, .’vc flbove Li'juoi Aug. I, 18 bonr'l--. sc.'int 8?asouel. sell refu-e b JJ52 flii'i goo'i sonc'l. Rill Creenivooil T lOO niiE -Ob'. _ T\Tlu' LoTvrif* !b-:i «itbin !i:ili' tbe F’.iyctte An ipporti vhioli cannot Tbe land is I ofifering a gr Timber and 1 acres.. and ii in that count • A bargain i Fa^ettevill. ^irrJiitCf PLANS fo Pbui-^ f- I'lans for Mi full !ind accu executed at t refers to the I Revkhkni'k- O. (L I’.i iiij'.ingt.'ii i'i f]|'iIEp:.ll)l .M fine Cop ftppli. ation a* Aucust 8. Au‘zust I. 1 COMPO rpan^s: the cure of Dyapousi i, C Sick Heada.'h kinds. Lots ot strn.ation. tin As a Femal when taken to cure very remedies f.iil, Th*y |*s‘ a.nl otiif r toii«* atid Medicine ihey pi:(''t'o A remedy fort Wboojiinp I>iseascs. D of the II enr Back tiu'l r.'ingc.l staf' tress aU'l b: weak !iml d Warran fM^HESE P JL Aperieii more power t: any of the Syi ever made, tin tbis importan" 'rii«*y pr lUe l*iil«*u OtIltM' niilttl'i-, an. whole Materia properties to t Xli«*v regiiUir A SfMtnii. Price 2.') cts Call on the “Plnnter’s .Ui certificates of Both kiii'Is Fayetteville 1 also kecf) a and l>r. Il ’li and Fever the or opertite on iXol I C 1I1AYE n made of warkmen. A week. Those July 7, 18-!> T I'^HE under tine, (in to p.ay incide market. When parti the undersign the usual e>»in in tb*iir baud the option to . Julv' ♦’>, I80;