• '5r Ttiou. ji ** '■ U„ria ■II I lie ‘ '^I'irit r,»r! HI\. t:i\. iu VNiiK •Otf \M,i . '»ll .. ’* '■' tiio St^ ' ' liAN..,h ."tf nisKry '■''■ir tilt. \(,S, M ^ MX ''tf i:s l‘ •*' Kr;,;.\ y- >!'.i.,w. ' ‘'urvfs. \o, r V V..N, V ’ t le I4th ■ ■•• .i’ 'It IS > - ;■■ :■ I. ;i!M rn- ■i w.i- : -* ■ ,rt --A 1- ^ :ih .;.t -crv .; ■ ' : : cn^ 'Tit t—wwewj-i4UJMiO'yufi II.IMmULIIMBM^I LI ■■■!—WMJ.MIM.il \ OI.. ill.] w’vmtv-jf «■ — .l.v\'/;V.7/ Lts/iiIffloff o/ i;'r I’ln.NTHi) r.Y .1. l’>. NKWHV. ,• r , . ,1 fp^Kl] ( niirso 1 r,H‘tr.rt‘s rMniinriu*“s nnnMaliV -u M tliO l;)>t 'riiiii.- lMV ill liii'l Kinv\!n) j. !tA!,K & sox, Kiu rolts ' Xl» PHOlMlir/rorxS. ms oC Cli.-.n^^iy -m l !'!i;ir;ii:K \-. I'!i Ivt -. M. i’., l’in:\s'-i.r i:!ii('ritu:: ; i'Mr.!- . r. r t',0 S;M:ii-\V,n>klv OiisKi;\Nt M) i; jM’.l ill M. !>., I'iMi- ,.i till- i n ; v( '■>) if I'.-iiu lurlri;; till'_vc;ir ol subs^cni'- ;i;: l "t Sur-vi v. .. .. , -1 ’I'imntln- 1‘. >i. 1). i I- ' r >J .*i ;i i.-s. ' ■■> :L’,i :• tin' \ •■ ;I-IKIS , n iv i> ■ ■ i , I liiirl('- lliioKor. 1'.. rn'ii sspr n! lay ;i!ui ; \V.v\ly r.i; 00 piT i.niiinii. if ]>:ii>l in I'li;, , , ■,. • 1 1 ■ .1 r 1 • licr.rv !'i‘0!is. ;i. .M. P.. I’l-. ‘A >rr . f Aluti'ila ''r i-'i •)0 it iliinii^ the vi'.-:r '1 siil'sii'ip- , ,,,, ■ ‘ ^ ‘ :il|il I iHTrljipiitl'.- ■ ' : > vi>;ir has v'Xj'iii il. IWYKTTKVHJ.E, N. C., AI GI Sl’ 18. tl.'ico ;ran^c J[oiiic Jinnnfiwllire. [NO. 220.] Stxvnmnisz. TPPr-TKBl 7'n''i‘I’ ('.Miiji M:;ii'ifrii'tarir.;r ''"'iiraJiy contiiiiip i AN.V'tVAV frcmi tlic su'isci-ilicr i.ii :!;c of In in;iIUl l':l t;'.:'.’. iil the lH:ltOst :;inl lust Stylc. j S ‘1 M^iy ;l IH'p.!'! 1 oy cflllei! ('Al.' IN. i:ilii't> ‘M froi.itv.o fiisix Imrsc : \ uM. luMLrlit tilmr.t •'> fct f- ijicIk's. wi i jlit ::In nt I'iii Hi.--’.. ;i I ’.icU ni':.rci, Ii.iilf.ir riii_'s in (•:icli i' lr wiu'i _ , \\ 1 i-ti.iimt':i I! M. 1).. I'rr ,if til’1’] ''I!' ■ • * I r • . . :iini riMi-r., • 1.1 r; V-.;.-, ■ 'i''! .Nr> ir.sortoil 1 r 'i\tv ;. nt j. ;■ i, . • , i ‘ liiMi.MKipi .■';.:’ii,;.'i, .Ir.. \I. 1'., I r 'Ii, ; r m li'i T-u"- t'i'i- (lit* first. t’liirty i-onts n-r c:!i-li IMkiv , ; . : i ::ti"n. \ I'lU'ly ;;uvortis('miMits liy s; o- ()ii -.-i . ’’r r':'” :it i-o:isi'n:i'iIt‘ r.'.tc.s. Ailvorti-crs ai'o -If I • n i'-. n 'i-n-.i , . . . , . , ii; r • I ! . V. ;'i l i‘ ■ U i 1! !.v I’f. '. .1 \ '\ \. I'l ; t'l t',' ::iO lunii^or >i iii.-.vrtinns ilt'sii'i 'l. u:- j i',! V: r. ! till aH'l 1 ;u r ii l * “ ;■•!■■ till- nr-i-t i I.vi'tiiro loi's, .if ( II AKI.i'S Ii‘''■ki!'t, . '■ ih.' i' n-.;;:y. --M.. .T -V J7. : ■ i cr: ('I'.ttii-'' ni'iiillVri'iiti'tniMc :nuj Sin W'i.i ; ''i 'Mill .-in.! {•'.lotdi-y (loar .'.iv,- .in'l (iii-t Mil’ ircms: IMlt'’ 'I'odls, Ciitt ':i \:ini:inil i’er.5rTi- v, tu v.oiil'l ilo well to irive 'I'i :i (“ill Ii.'t’oi'O ]'iiivli.i'^iii;! 'lM‘uln're. !is v;o .iri- 'Ic- t.'rniin (I i" .-l i; i hi'.iji f.^r ca; h i>r on time to juuictiial )ur I'.n'^r in tlio .M:,',iiifai’tnr;n” 'p|i ‘: (’uaMvs i:s to fc^-l im lioitation in sayini:. ta.-it ■ w rk ^!l.!ll ii.it 1 e i'.-r;l l>y a'.iy r'ii-'ii in i1h- ;:t:!. '1 i-:i iik!':;! ii’i« l il p.iii-i'lia;^'- In'!'-‘^^I 1. \v.' 1-1 •; I- • '■■*';y •.? (•■'r’.'.inn.-n..-.' of i! t A'l ! -tti'i-s a'i’Ir ■-:cK to tlif' A rr-.-.t ■ 1' tli(> ('i'in;).niv. •:! S- V ( y\l.I':. , N . ft li ■! i- ! ',\iil IIv-i'Im- ,!tl"i.t'. "1. 1 \ I'iXON, I ! i!:i' '.;.inn .a. ; !''• '.i'any. r;n 1 . 7 111’ left, no I-I: tliii;^ : i-ei-l'ccto'l t a ilai'k hlu*' ■•o,;t. Tlii.s i'oy v.as [on iiii.'.' I of hr. .I.ilin Mi-','•ill of ili.lc-on cnnnty. aliout tlo' 1st of M:;y. Tl;" n'- Wiii'il v.ill l)C i.-iid fo;- liis '''-'ivi iy to iiic oi- if lo'l .i:'.'!! in a .lail in tl;is .-'tat''. It is vitv ] I’.i' is iu the iiei^lihovlKKiil of his foniier owin'i’. •lOllN' A:;I:II.L. .!r. j teriiis its other Conij'anicri. Fayettevi'iie, .liiiie .‘I'l. .11;;';' I'i ^ rrrii: ; t -tf KAi'S'?' ^ \\ ixi:nRi^\i:R, iMi>oi{r!:i{ : AM' \viir)r.i;-A!.r dk.at.o!?.- in FORKi(;y AX!> i!(fMi:sTir IldlRDWARS, CUTLERY, GUNS, Sio. ()>•] Xnrth Third tS'ro f, ilclw.'CM Areh iui'l I’ace. Wc.^t .sii’e. '.Ki; tmw o[..'n:i::.- .:n- kai.!, .^ri’ri.v or j Tuns. S. Ia-ttkhi.oii. V » I( !MI ).■. wtiicli i-;';;iI'l'. r •'ii'l nion> (•oniiih'tt* than v\i- h;i' i’ evi r herctof.ire i ii'n-il. ami wliich e x\ill 'lis- [• of ;it ;;s l"'.v i'-; .IS .ipy honsv in ;ii'‘ ('..nntry. • e-.h rs h\ mail or ot!)i:i-',vi:-e wiil reei i'C (.ur j.efhoi;:.! nol ]ii' :i;; ; attention. .hi!v I ' u 1! lo-'.’t rAYETTKAll,I,K I ^iCTriL mm{y. mwm. ; ra'^inS (’onijmny is now organised luul prepared to re- eetve !i{>plic:itions for Insurance, on ns favorable Uenuy liii-r.v. H. L. Mvrover. ..iu'iira all' liii-e, \c. C.ilVve. iV i 1 ii'f I 1 ,i.!i '’i'T. V I JJs i-V l‘ \ ( ;N! !I liilUi ^IILi.STOAliS. $»,‘s*rnl Sxvd3:rS:»iJ e£S B'a’ifo. r:(:i:x'rox. Moiiins co. •loTl.N II. ('(K*lv. 1>. A. ]!ay. A. A. McKktiian. (ii:n. McXkii.l. Xatiian a. Stkuman K V LK. DIUKCTOKS: Avon E. ITatx. .T. G. SHKPIIERP. AVm. Wahdkx. S. 'J'. IlAWijn'. John D. Wiijjams. (\ ])ENI10W. AVm. Mrl.AVRtN. AV.m. McIntvrk. \> J. I »'i . ' ■ .1 *• . /’ ;• ' (i-i. -y A"r>c'!!!:irn' 1 INI' i I'ln.trr. % ! : n i-. ^ ^ ri"^.' T. \S n. ■ ■ ■ :i hau i, an i ;ov sal-'hy V i.,* 1'i i;. no.';:: .tiM--:. iv:it iniN'i'. ^ \ ;> ‘5 w- * ■ i 1 I - i ^ V ' ' ' ' r-. I . \ IV : V v'v f J ^ I ^ , 1 I . * ! • . : 1 ’ . , . a \V !: n-\v ri-.’ •» y.' e\.'e-r t.: r.‘ 1 i3 ■ \\i-. ; t:. :. i.N ru;ii >Tt>i iv of FAL!, i ;- rt i wiM [ r, ■; |. t- .--T ■ I 1N 1 !■'. to make to .ivili r, and kee>> ri.nst.ant’y oii;-h t^.'- hi; -t II.-,;'; on han 1 \ i— i\. ' -! 1.1 r r. i; t;1rou^;h '• Iv.-s bv ' - - . ^ •' . U' - i nd Ai’.‘n'- Ue- IT'*' ' • ' ”1 ■ :.ps ‘ T’oenf -if -■ t--li ' ' TV wi ' ar;.: - ir - : - -Tiif.-i,-- ■ : f s [■( .. nii.l nr\ S!;o. . Iliii.". C'‘ aiut \ .nhr, M; ui, ; - l^vjr ]' -nl;.-;., . ! n ■ ■ k";.- th.- . • , . ■ !' ■■■-• ■ - -I ' i - ; .. ^ ... I t;. • _ . ■ : I' ‘ I>"-' ■■■ .1 r. sr\i;ir .i. M. \\ll.l-i\M.v • - I'lf i.I. : '»!’ L* )'i'S N ■' - n - -I ■ : :i- li ■ \ i.n it. '1 !. ■■ I - n be hai: : ■: :■ . a-i.I 1 ■ - 'til :it;-. ' I- ■..■•t,-d N'l-' t' li- t'. ai:' ( ii" I ;I;e • ■:.t w S'j' i ; . V 11 H \ :: :ly iiil""! :11s 111 - I’l'i: : 1 ; aiiM t'lat lii“ h:is reiaii\ed fr,'i:i ti.o ■ I’oiii i I a:iioii!i! tn llio '■n-’i'r •ini'o ■ 01 I!. .r i>I i a t ho i".‘ oi ' ;od ' Mr. r.t-\v:i. ,.;j [ V...I1 ■ !;■ ^ ro ^ v:;il .'ha.i ! !i. : ■, : I... |. r. I : ■ iv; I.t ih i>M:. • _ • 1 I '- I’.ilN ill " 'V, iO i Al- ■. M h •:!. ! ' . I. 'I'i i il i,A II' i N!» fUifS!; is x:; i|.. r Mi! lyyiwu F"yci}ris Secyy .1 to .,f in-t m • ,'^rli ' ti'.l by them jiiarri s in ■. Tiiey lieen for sale OFFlCKrvS: fIl’O. MeNFlLL. I’resident. II. I,. MVIUlVKr., Viec I’re.-ident. .1. Sin:rm:Kl». Attorney. A. M. 'MILbAN, Secretary, cm. McNFiF.I., ) •loIlN II. COoK, I Fxeciitive Committee. •IAS. KYl.i:. j The iihui of Mi ti ai. Insi uxstk must commend itself /' i o Z iiroiii vV i'j. iT.) Ill " I-- ■fl: T . . ■ I • ;i. r i ni I.; I I ; t- t (, . t ' I \ z'/f.i. i\:i'(!;"ii;i’ ANi- cl’ SILKS. ^li!J INKKV. AM) i'\M'V (ii^MiS. .1/ A. ■ "XI ^ \ t ■» - O i. i ' ' t\ J !:■ i-.-;,. i !!ii t ^' ‘ i i •' * . J . •1 ioi'.. V.'ii r liiti 1 to b.' .,f I,i'-t iinalitv be- ■ eonunnnity. for it eati be demonstmteil tliat wo ie- n:-..l- l-i'i r'M. -iU ,-^ob .-tV.l bv then.' f.oia' the ' within the last six years upwards of >^:j0,000 by in.siiram'e in the North Carolina Mutual Company; pnin. ^ _ North ('arolina Mutual (Viinpnny lins received between and ?ti(IO(l more froi.i onr community than it has paid ( V ; •n;:u : t ^ iji i r:;K • *. i nv\ kovmi lar j ’ . . . , ^ ' I ? ' AIM " ^^ln*uUl have pan! to have kept t!»o same v oiiijiH'' * orii.jC.i, iliMl i^.'^0[)US -M I! I- s^manee iu the foreifin joint stock companies that sn -lO.H'S; Uwvv niorks. no];in^ (’iotll, oi-^re than we Im^^ actually paid; and yet the ' . , > • 1 ' I '"'obnn Mutual (Viinniiiiv has received lietwecu Scr:'; :i irt', CuiciiK’d I i:!St r, ;\ (Ir;i:iiic ('otiiciit. S:c. S'; 11'^; 'r , S;ii ill 1 lO- liiiiii:!'/.' >i :i!i r« !> i; « :i: i- ' 11. 1 ,ii;!»: K V r ■' f; M:!:-. ^ * I' ’ ,' ■ J (ii nil I... 1 y \ , .. - . - .r.- I 01; , I - ’ V' \V; !.!.= M :. ! ij; .V ,1: . \v • i: r i) t'- TiC Cii.! 1! (' '1 il 1 'y I. ; > IV. :iMV J : ii't t'f il:o ot-MiiTrv )iromptlv atteml- el t-.. EJ. 73, 2S5e;c!s>, ;it I*: 1'. etteville, N. ('. M a i->- ’■ n. 7t;tf n \roN. “N.~ i'! a ' 'ar •'iuri t'i.r -. • 1, 1 : . V .1. .s: ■ r. WADI ILL. '.'tf fl ! 3’J54' ‘i r.n«5 E5j*y /■ni'li 1 . I las •:i;;en the Fast (ii'l ot' the Store tl. iti \i]\ (M by C..I 1.; \ Taylor I'.ere he v.’oul'l 1 e M- I t" .-r.‘ his ; old eii.'ti.ni'-rs an '1 others. '-■I-. - :.m \ n {' M K ■i-.i:ii,.'. vi!l >,e la rge and ttill. i \\ i. i I'il.r \- >' liellt lU'.- kai'l of ( '..nntry I’l-o Inee. 1 V. 'tl fe.M-'l. or ere,lit i to pimctiial ens- .! \S. G. CiaiK. ■'1- .' 1^- '.»Otf ;' •' 11 1 V s - s / l i'l 'J.) !'.\l ; I.' ■ 'i’hntu'.:!i 'rickotfi botwt'cii fe.1 Wil;!!!;;-:-' n. N . aii'l l-.-ilti- :J iareNi |:l. Via Wi-i.ii.n. [ 1 !’et.-I'-b'ir_'. Ki' rl.niiin.I. W :i.-ii- • .■ '"V - A ci-y.,.rv ; 1 ■ ’.-oai. I’orts- - ’-Zi * iii'.aTb al.'l N.'i f..ik. I'i.r 'i iekels ; li.i.ly at the 1 M’’••o -- I’.,;;'; i; 1 ' ' iin; . ■!; all 1 I’.a'- ' ,!l [. ,l._\ at \\ il- ■ t tl 1- f tlio r.al'iia.i ;e .t -am I’a. ket ' 1 t' !o- r.-:t\-. I re ai. 1 I'iiio ilail lloa 1 c ■ ': .'ti' i ;. !I ’'!-.ioi-e. .1-' ;. i. 1 tr V ' out for los.-e.s here.—showinj that we are favorably sit uated. as eonipared with other places in the State, for I n.suranee. Onr ('ompnny ha.' "one into operation favorably, hav- iuLr the day w.’ oriraniseil applic.-itions ti> the amount of 1 fi.diM). and the Cor.ipuny is now placed upon a linn foot in jr. Anv Uiroetor. atUhori.sed Ajrent, or Pecretary, maV reeeive .Vj i lieations, but they will not be binilinir until api rove.i by the Kseeittive Committee or the I’.oard. ii:o. W. L.WVr.FNCK is apjiointecl (ieneral Aj:ent of the Coinpanv. ^Ve invite apjilieations. GEO. :McNI:ILL, rres't. A. Me?dII,LAN, Secy. Feby 7, 1.^0;!. WM. I[7McRAKV, f'ftmntission tJBcrrhaiit, WILMINGTON, N. C. P;.rti;uhir attention will be paid to sellincc and ship- ]:inir Naval Stores and Pr;'luce, anti also to the f'or- V. :.i iiiii;z of fbiods. I .Merehaiits wlio consijzn tlieir Goods to him e.in rely ..•1 their bein^ forwarded by first boat after they artf . discharged from vissel. ItHFKKKNCKS: F. Fiie.x. F,. A. Vo.cr'er 'o., Salem, X. C. T. M. Voiiii;r. Mocksville. Hunt .n: .\dd» i ton. f.exiiigton. •lohn 1>. l'»roTn. SaUsburv. .1. 11. .Iv .1. Martine, Fayetteville. •J.in’y un, IS.');:. ' ''•-tt' cH)PAirrNi:usii{i\ niidersigned have entered into u eopartner- ftL ship nndtr the name :ind style of Troy /t Marsh, ' for tlie ]iroseeutiou of a General Mercantile business. !.i c.ititin the s.ime as formerly oecu]>ied by Messrs. lU !.. M\ rover \ Co., foot of Hav Mount. .1. r>. TIJOY. .Tk. J. F. MA15SH. >! iv -'"tf I, .lit' MiJsm'xM- ti!l COU- ^ till'll-.; to i:!;ry on tli" I'.KiilNI'.T HI SI- ' ^ ill 1-.I t!-\il':!., a;;.l in al.litii.n to \ I'l:'. A. 1 i'i _ 1'. ;i I! (’■■• ■» O', v;- /'i >i'l- I.n Ki.'.v ."Uve't. near oi 'M I a lar.: • I! I, t'lO 1';^;. 'to\ iTe ir'>rs. ilai^ii Oi St.ii's. ii KNCi: t. 'O'aris • il^-t I' • lllroi.t oi' T 3"' P I 1. 1 ti J. ., i. Tlo re. ( '•mi''', Ni I, . .. ut ar. 'i fiiiiil'.;'! v.oi V.iro ii. may be l-.:i‘l v.i’.li tio- tinr.'S. .\lso. an a- f N.-r:..ei-u-i!.:i'Ie !’•'I’.N iTl'il !-eleetcd by ' ■ li - I. I at .1 VI r\- iiiiiibMa 1 !• aitvaiK'i'. 1)1 NC \N MeNFll.L. 1 t. l-'l. oMf i- I.. , I. r • ■■ ;.u-o i -I- r >.• I . N. t'. ii. I Ni.; ;; V -1. r /•7 1'. YORK. 1 ^ ! i ■ > J ir I «• »" ( !')fiiiiiir. HnWvr fM.'POftS to ,r‘ i| !■: !■;' , til it he „ - -- - • : of ct-. m:—’ 1 !: . I tn- 1'.'. 1 r i:ii! S. tl,... .. .-irn- I 1 .’ i •■all in ■ d. ■;\l u KI.I-. tl e 1 i d.iV nf fl ah‘» lit -•» hi-)» n*l tiin- r *(• \ Snin- ill that Jiftrt rifiii. him in ,t I -ot him, t tin- inoiith , liiclimoDl st: ! : !■ I.n-: iin ina !■ .ff iii,'' tlil-. i a> - •» , r g ‘ i' i' S'll I • T • ntl . I'f- v'*- ^ f ■ 1 ;Vi t'.“ N' i II. A i t h ^-/r k r;cM wvil ■ c- \ ’i.Vali liO’i .5‘V, ; - ' 1:. '.r.: 1 r ^ .t. - - an . 1::.. . = f --W.Vt'W u'A::H: "1* !■ 'r i’iliii 'Jf lllol I> ' ’ft I 'TK-, - .1...), ,}. 1:, a:o! putt-riis. . Crtoiu mi! .^Ill^'.rll Mat.- t C'.:.:!-; T'-a CnitV.' r:n-, ;■ i I’.'.rl'r •''.iii li - r . - ;i; 1- 1 Tr y. H' •' W-'ik i; Ml. ♦ lit' y\]''-X ry G- (’Inri'-n-t . ‘ , I !'i»' , 'Ai :-i,i-'l“"n Klutiii.is, : ; Ml: .i >1:^ I5 ''' , -mJUO With i’lal.'; ;.f. ■ ' - .uto very liiii‘ Ital- ; .''lU". ■ u ' ( a;i'l CuaiiiS, .'i.atlio- ;o:il I !i>lr.in! ;;t. , !v.'.-(i l:i.-sc.'!'■ if .^iiIl•■^.■', very !J i-,-|ir-- .'III 1 ST.iji-, iiiio .'^i-i-.-nrs. l/ir.is I d ';i't :u;'l 'I'ah;'- Cn’o-iy, ■.ni-- in '■ '■S ' f •>! • s. !’■ cki t Kiilv. with .s] II, C'Tk. li'.ai!-', iV'c. l/i!'_"'! ■ (if v; 'il fti-1 ilmilil'.'- I'lduil', l’o'.v!.T Sh'il I’.o! t , i a IIIO A". ,\ oi:."l :is.'''rtiiioi,f f»t'a’.nl Vari- r k:;. ‘ i’ I’i.'ful.'. I'iv" ur .-ix liiil'eront • ’ -k W'alkilig (';ines, . • r *ii :;s, which I woiiM like to sell ,1. .M. iii;.\.i.i;v. r.*-:;ni TWii liii:;:; \o..\c. i. wwuw.. ■' AVi-. 'S. * .1,1 n'y l;'*, 1' I. \( i'i ! ■}:. ^ AN "V \N fi-.i ,1 i;,. a.'' . ;■ ■. a' i.: * .1 . I ' ■ ' . i ; ■ - r' ' '1 -I :. .: ,1 t i i'l - I 11 ' V . '• :a; . la: ::• Mim'"-. v ‘•i: r^:.i I -;■! i' ■' I, I. d I.;' Mr. i -aa connty. The ab.. ! I nil-, or liof >■ .N ■! :!i ('ar.-Iln.i. N. : t 11! - f.'I (-h. . N V-. I’ \!> I.:;. ( \ \ I I .a’ ., .. ■; .S'a".-; : \ to .• hi- r. \NKS. ■.n ■I. i: sUul ■f i' • 1 illoliov a l.i. ;i\ aii-b a la I. ^icil r. j;; 1‘, I n Iiai ; an itr.o iit ot 1 i.'k s i "‘fira- iv. t«‘l M'.i \ i.l 1 • .i..\’. N .• . I I’.arrels. and m.iti-rials for (!un M.-ikers’ use. II 1- jl.’y '.liii.io',.,. 1 .,y 1 . i.in-niM H.-nrx ; jf tbeir interest to ex.ir ' otaer ii- j piice.s of mv goods before pureh^sing else- . f.a-a t;;-M'■■iis ■.h.ar.o.-tors, w h.i i.a\.- e.\.ni;!neii aial witm s.seij ' .Jnlv. 18-':;. 11-1 lit rgilli: Sienmcr Fanny Lutterl>h is running as fol- £ low.c Lea VO Fayetteville Monday aii i Thursday at .0 o clock, .m l \\ i'.iiiin jton Tuesday and Friday at 1- o clock. I'.i'.'aue T. S. LrTTF.UI.OlI. .Inly IS, 1.11-2m AI l5Mlnc*ei! ■•riccj^. ]\ljU's\ Shof-ditns^ PIsfo/s, EDWARD K. TRYOK, i;Ji \». *2snl Pil3l.-AS>!]B.I*II3.\, “Tl ^ ANrF.VCTrilKH and lm;>orter of lilies. Shot- Guns. I'istols. I'lasks. Shot rouehes, Uifie Locks, ari't'ls. and m.iti'rials for (!un M.akers’ use. I'ealtTS will find it to their interest to ex.imine qual- atiiM;.. •f •r I I .■(U I i' StOiN'. 1;. .1. - :i' ai! I .'ill-.. ...1 t M o ii ^^■|■;.:ht■' ■ .1. ■ M'.', ir i u ;.l t'O liilo-ii.fi.t ii; ..I!', Miv.-h 1 !, 1 ! I 'it> . \ fi ^ I,. • f.v I -I....; •,. i:.' is a » \ A ■; 1' : r, J V' ,1 \ A I I . ■ ^ I V i ! I i ■ I. n i;,ik o-v .-a -V . ' ,■!' lM-1. al a'-o ' ; . f:i;'li''>i , I- . ".v. v. it)i r.roa'I, liii- !.■-! i| . .f I of iiic b( a I ^ Ivc 1' :i call. ( ii.\.- i;.\NivS. 1 b.rLo ■■ I S. 31 »3 €1 . :. li hav-. b. ,-■1 '.a- ■; I •'.r C.\ (:-y ,\ior.-l;: i .'t’ l i-- v. , f,..-, t'l oraiail;.. tin- I'k'. Nlar.Ii IJ. l^o:;. : r» 2> a.i I'l' ■\ by th.' ! il to :a- 7'’ti‘ . in t':" to (I. i;! Kgii'i; undo;- k \l..-hini‘, V. I.i. 'i lo- rwii ti n!*{>r(iii iiY DAY iJcnT. i r, ''.xut and ( .(mmodioiis Steamboat .Mice, *apt. !iii 1 i’.oery, wiil e iiiimetice her reiruhir somi- " •• .1'w.'cn Fayotti-ville and SVilmin;:ton in a 1. -I- w!; 1 d ;ire ti.eir goods with certaiii- I't 'i «: ! ..t.t.ai.i t!i'111 by shipjiin'.: by her. I'ti.'. :! ; , M, 1 himrs of do],;i!-ture from e.,rh I ■ ''** ^'.V'*n. Il ; li ; lainsigned .o ,1. II. Illo: .:oni, . . i.! lo' pi' aii'l earidully forwarded, as 1; If A I IT ■ . ^ i I t . t •1. iiiin .Maiiur.K tiired TOl).\(’('0, jiri‘e \1-o, a lai 'j'c four hor'i- \\'a;:oii f.>r t. j;i,vi;i:hv i:osi;. . F'-::t .. a 11 1m\ "I!' ■ ill >!' a Snio■ ia.-M. t'l I ' ]'-r.'- ; in tlo- . .trai-ti. n i.t ^-iiiiit in 'Ahoat, .aiol •.vi-’i"- to ini- rin .Mill Ov.niT' that ln‘ is j.nttin'^ u]. iii.i' h.iK ' :it I iiion 1 a-'to- t oi'\', on 1 *0011 i,: Vo r. o.li t mih*s North of \ -i.l -1 ro 11 !i. .M \- niai-hini s aif cniposcd of tliroo M -iiai t oriio-i- ]'■■ >. rontrifiigal, staiwerinj .'Ui'! ta‘a‘ t'"ii. It Jaao'tiic v.lnat lhloiiu:li tliri o opvi .illt'i;- in ir'iiiri: tliron.h ti; ni.iidiine on--.., .\i.v lan'io; a nia.d'in;*. .all -r tr\M!;r it, il ii not rloan wlo'at. 'lamp oi' dl'V, I will take it b;n :. I’lico .''(•viaity fi\i- li'ill.a;'-. All hater- a'l li-o.^si-d to N. w Salem l’"t 1 !;ru-''. i:.:!i- il'.lph county. 1’. 1’- I'III■ 1.'d \ . Oct. I'J. I'-'-. •'*’> Si! INCURS. Tn'^T'Iiwant 1I0.I)(: » -1,0,1 .InniiMT SIIINGMIS, f'r V 7 whiidi the be“t prir.- will be paid. .1. T. W.VDiill-L. Ap-il 1. .‘:;tf A r.AiuJAiN Oi A S the iindci si..rn.d h.is determined to remove to the /IL West, .«he otVoi - for sale th.at (aimmoilious llonso, which she now oeenpies. in the village of Siimniorville, and all apj'iirtenanoes thereunto belon'ring. .\lso, I Ji; aerert of laud ilt the mouth of (Voss Creek, in the town of Favi tteville, a Kliort distancf :i\>ove the Clarendon Hiidac. 'I'l riiis cash, or pajier nop ,tiab!e at either of tho liaiiks in I’aj'fttevillc. Itcien n-o. as to tlie Cross Creek lan.l, ia iiniue t'l ■lame.s Ihinks, F.-^'|., of Favette- ville. F. liAII.kv. .''n’iinierville, X. C., .lime (i, IS.>o. Ilf nO^ 1 am now rccc^ivinir mv stock of Sl’KlNti and Sl .MMFIl tiOODS suitable for l.adie.s’ ■ iii'l Geiitiemen’s wear. Also, ll.its, IJonnets. .''Iioes, .:c. I’KI'Fll I’. .loHNSo.V. Maivli !'I. IPV:. TT-‘f I', .!(■li^. r.' l at pla'-o, tor i.r.l, Tiirii'!;''!ie. r, ■'i .-■' iiiy lii'liiiery in Iri u!,i!i tiM- a;;j:bi'.! prii-rs v.ili be paid. . I V. in'.'! o 1 la] I'.y twoorthn.- go .I tiirpentiiio- j th b.irrol ('ocpi T . 1’. "• I’.Ol. 1,1..''. l.Minberti It. N C.. F-'.'y M. I''.'.:!. Mf i'n r .}'■'il I n( Wi-iiU-L *-,0!; v.liioh tiie l.i-lii-'t cash prices will ! '■ pa; 1. uj' Mi Li;.\N \ .!(»■ i:s. Saiui.ior^ilb', N. C.. May I-. ISV;. Votf L!l'i: l\sri!AN‘. 1:. rkl', I! i'! ■'I o.-taMish’.l .I'.tna !i!Si;r.a!i',-o Cmai' i -.y of ^ i 1 .il;r 1. I'"Un". ti.ail. Ini' i-i-.'. i;t!y ;id h'.| to i;.' Fiio I nsiir.-i nee bn .nc^s. hii'li it h.is m.-i iv v, :;;o 1 \.ul: aa li mi*-\a;nt.lod lit i i-nowar ' 1 thirlv \ ar-, a I.Il l-; INSnivNi i: Ii,-1 artia.i t. ri'-M- has a ap, o;;;i.i.l ;:t in thi-: .1' v,' ar in ;'i. i"..' i';'- '..-irtau n: ' : it^ oprr;;!'' n-:; and is i'rv;i.-i n-d t:i ■,a^.■ r .'II the !i\• s of wliito ].'rs iii-; o.' -i|:ivo ■■ n as y.'.i i i ti-iius as any other ( 1 aiipaiiy. and .at lower rati' tl.-in e of till- M ulnal »''.ii'.i'.ar.ii s. .ho .ar,.it.al ,.f this d. pal tno'lit is x ! ! i.i i:'O. cntiro’^ di-tliift ir'iiii til" caoit;i! ' t t!i ' l ira jiop.ari'ii. nt. and. uilli its ai-i-iiniul:it!'ins. 1 ('sorvc 1 e\i lti^i'oly to ]>.iy ho- X - I.n l.iie insinam e o;dy. F"’iri's \\iil ! o ir->o: ! pa\- abla aftor 'loat'.i. 1 r r.i'oii the parties arri\ii,;i ;;t .1 .-ilb-da-e. F. .1. llAl.i; TilEDICAL COLLEGE OF THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. rg^Hi: .\nnual course of Lectures in this Tnstitutiorl H- w ill comineiice on tiie tirst .MONUAV in Xoveni- ber next. .'iiiatoiny—I’rof. .1. K. IIOLHROOK, M. D. Snigery—Prof. K. (iKltlMNGS, M. D. Institutes and 1‘ractice—I’rof. .1. HKNU\ L)l( K.SOXf .M. 1). l’h\siolo"v—I’rof. .TAMILS MOI LTRIE, ^I. I>. Materia Medien—I’rof. IlKNllY U. FIIOST, M. L'. (,hsti-trie.s—I’rof. THOMAS (J. I’UloLKAU, M. D. Cheaiistry—I’rof. C. 1. .^11 Ll’.VUl), M. L>. CoMjiar.itive .\natomy—'"I’rof. L. .\G.VSSIZ, M. 1*. I'emonstrator of Anatomj'—FHANCIS T. .MILKS; M. l>. I’l'isceutor to the I’rofessor of Surgery—J. F. M: GFDMNGS. M. I>. ^ •], /A/C. IL ixsrnr'CTiox. l>r. .1. C.viN, M. 1*.. l’hy.«ician to the Marine llo.s- pital .111.4 Clinie.il Instructor, lectures twice a week oil •fhov s.'livit .-I reasoii.able !i:;ro .>f the [laf.-'iiiage of of that Institution. .) j.'()F.I> I’l’.loLL.vr, M. I)., I’bysician to the Hoh- i pit.al of the .\liiis House, at which lectures are delivereil twice a week on diseases, the Diagnosis discriminateil,- ' aii.l tlie stii.lent iniloctrinated iu their treatment. ■ [ii iiion.strative instruction iu Medicine ami Surgery,- at the C,,lU*ge Hospital, by the I’rofessors of the Medi-' 1 Q-al College. - At a ,.pei,ial meeting of the Trustees and Faculty of the Medical College of the St.ite of South Carolina, I hel.l on the :!d of .lantiary, IS-')*-', Dr. L. Agassiz wasf S'oaiL-i'a 3‘ i)i;r»s, /' (./’ !J nf !*. iinhh'iii ihn vihl J.'iisf t.;' dll' Fii/i ff> rt/ir H' til, r.vv'.’.TTr.vii.i.r.. n. c.. r.F, i; V.- i-ia-o;v;ng a lariio t a-k of DiM iS .\NI> \ M IdiM'INi-’.S, (hr.‘."'y li-'in 1 n;;.- rtors and M..i;u- • I -I. ii'-rs, wa.eh tl.ry will "'ii to i'!i\; ieaai.s an! t oua- t;v Mi-n’i.-iiits at a very si:;.til a«lv inc.-. 'i'i.'-v 'vir. .•on^■^aIltIy ..n hai-1. ..1 tho 'n-.-'t i|tiali:y. .•-.erv\arietv a.rtieles in their line. Imii.g ni.-ole ar- r.iii'j-Cnu-nls I'l that etlVct with e>tablishe.l houses in .New \o;-k. ^ I 1 . St' ck l’..-;viii._ been vo:y . artf;illy sele-t'al. :ni.l p-;; -:.-,--- t :'-r Cm wi'.l i;. i’''.'.‘ tl ■ in t > na-.onn.end i-,,i:'i'!o!;tly all t:;eir Dni.s. ,-.nd ta .-.-'.I them at very li—. rat.-;. I iir liii A'ori 1> .'^Stf .1)!>LKHS’ ,\ND ( »A( ll-.MAKKllS’ il gp n\s II s:, /•’ 5'2:s? sriM'Ji IM iOSPl i A'i'i : OI' M tiF Tin; .MOST .\i’;’i:o’\ l.i) 0 .\i,ii v /.'// A. rrI?Cl”i U' ? ic?: VV7\I’ V V««V Jii iJilltiilKilT St.. !lil!!il!li!!T, I hehl on the :!d of .January, IS-V-', Dr. L. Agassiz wa>f S Mi'OKT! !1S Mild I'ealers in Hog Skin.-^. .Naudie I rees. , i>,.^,fi;ssor of Comparative Anatomy,- ... fd IjiLi’isii Heads ati'l I’x iiis, (iirtli W f-bs. ,-,i,^Vniet iinderstauding that the ctdlegiate ex- ^ ^ ^ ^ , , ll.-inies. r.itts. Sprin---. Axles of al! kiii'Is. ( o.-ieh , ^tudeut arc not to be increasetl by thii# \ I] Vi i ^ i ^ ^ i ‘ i .addition to the course. ^ ,1 Tire Holts. I'.-iteiit Canva-:s. arpeting. ami every arti- llEXUV R. FROST, Iienn. m'ujkI tif 11- lll'iiflSiin iV ele eonnerte! with eitlier t : ani-h id the business, which j„]y]_ 11-Ht" 'r \o. i]\ \\(-i siiTil, foi"irr of: llcy SliTcl. .M'iW \iii»K. \FKI;TII,1/.LR ] rodn. ;ng all the iianu-'liate etrect of the be.'-t I’eiaivi.'in Gu.-ino, with tli" advantage of ta ina; mti'-h more lastiiiir in the soil. Thorou;.'-hly ifsie.l. aii'l foiiii'l to more tii.in realise the expectations of .all those who have alreaily tried it. The liest evi dence of this is the largely inenaise'l ilemainl this si'a- son ov(-r the past year. I'nt up in ba^rs of li'.O pounds: barrels li-'.O p"'*‘“''^ l^".ver;, will please be jiar- ticnlar t > observe our braml upon each bug or barrel. ,\lso, for sale. AmericMii aini Fi>reign Fi*dd ami Gar den Seeds, Fn;rlish !!ay (irass. Foul .Me.-idow Grass, fine mixed Lawn (Trass, White Clover, Osage Or.inge, iV:c. .inne 1 1, lo.',:!. ll-oinpd Hr old 'V i J * J.*-/’* '■'■'''• ' J ■■■ 1111 r\|iFi;Si(;M;|. have iust re.-eive-l a LAIltil- i ihey are prepare'! to oflVr to punetua customers on as STOCK OF GOuli.S enibra.-in- a g. n.-ral as.^-rt- goo'i terms as any otner house in tiie Ln.ted States. \'r, . I t ;-'entlv in tl,,. n.'rta.m market under j ,„r the sale of I’ope's Self-.Vy nsting I’ADS •1/ III ///;•'/.'-. HH '.Ili'l !•'"I ' /"j..-. I ^ , . • . , , , , . ,1,. '!• !-> I.’I-. • I favoialiie eircnnistanei s. Ihey oa’.e i aij.i oent-er - '' 1'' Loaf, crushcl. ].mvered an-1 bi-nwn suuars; .lava.' _ . (pi.(,inpt’y jitti'ni’ed to. -nira and Hi" Coll'ee; iM'j.i.er, spice. -in,L'er, elove.^ ■ ■* .. 1 niitme;;s: Slip. airb. soda: ind:i;'o: laa eainplior: ainit;: i psom salts; saltja'tre; niola-'-t.s, s_\ t u] . . '2'2'Ji ISaltimore .''treet. salt: iron: sa l'lles. bri'lle-i and ni.ii t';.;_'al,s: collars: w.-i.L’-'-n , ^ * li.M/ri.MOUE. and bug^y whijis; spades, shovels .and tork.-: trace, i.og, i J toii”:ue, breast and halter chains: cotFee mills; wa;rou j IM 'V 1*' l.oxes: mill, cro.ss-eut and hand saws: eut nans and , pikes: a :ood assortment of pocket and t.ib.e cutlery; i f j*'*;]!'. Subscriber having removetl to the ,=tand for- I . ..7* . » t . »»!»i‘>c i M 1 ! 1 V sjiikrs; a rnotl assortment ol* pocket anJ tahiO euilory; i Siili.'cribcr liavinjr removetl to tlie =tand for- bl.-icksmith tools complete; tur|.entine hackers, seraper.s. i g rierly occupied by .Me^.- rs. Starr Williams, on dijipers ami axes; broatl aii l chopping axes; guns: j jj ,., jjj.„ornl assortment of window glass; rivets -V hirgo stock of ready-ma'h* 1 ^j.j [; KANcy l)l>Y GOODS, and wouhl be clothing and staple tlry goods: giiii’iy anil heni]> tiaggiiig: | t,, ,.|]1 pers ns iu want of Gooils liefore they » » . • 1.... \ ikt 1 IM ft »• *» n 11 111.(iT I ir til! . » .. . I... ; . 1* ... I ..... 1 ♦ .. 1 J 41 will >111 t pie.iseii to see .-ill pers ns in want oi ijoons neiore they purchase, hs lie is determined to sell lor a small profit for cash, ot on time to punctual custt»mers. • ,j. C. I’OK May r., rojie and twine; Sweiies, American bar and hi.op irtiii; .q.|iiare and octagon cast steel; German aud blister teel: Kiifihi-fiixp ami hlaxliii'i /iijirthr: hats, caps, boots iim! slioes, western ami North Carolin:i bacon: together with almost every article sohl in this market, all ot which ^ I will be sold at fair prices for cash, on time to prompt & f'O. I fip W. HARDI1-: has resume.l the Rook Binding rH-,!-i;|-.neSl M.MF.R ULSl )LN. L now occuptetl ^ -'• "• j . iu.,i„ess at the new Store next door to Mr. sesMtin'^^iven'-nnn.alnady,’ An'il’y t’tfMr. .lohu’ll. Co.'k i XJ^^>Th’e otiice of the Cape Fear SteamI.oat ('ompany 1 H l.,.,.te S. A. LKMTM. i is kept in the above buiMing. binding in any .tyle 'kMitd. M-ii - I*-. 1^'.‘ ,1. D. WILLIAMS, Agent. I Aa-u,st ! 2.0 liOOK lUNDKUY. ri Rl’KN riNE LAM) FOR SALK t'^OR sale, acres of L.\XD on .lames Creek, ^ and li lO .ncres on Cypress Creek, in Cuniberlaml,. convenient to the Westernl’lank Roa.l, heavily timbered,- an.l admii abjy ad.ni.tetl to the making of Turpentine. Applv at this Office. acNov.'-J.^, IHol. _ NTAV I’.OOKS. OrrLAfl FDl'CATOR for .July. Illu.stratetl Maga zine of .\rt. vol. 1, bouniL Sam Slick’s W ise Saw^# atid Motlerii Instances. Ilarrv Coveril.ile’p Courtship, by the .'lutlior of Irank Fairlegii. The F.choes of .“i F.ellc by Ren Shadow Am'ther supply of Trench on ^^onls. Reatrice Trautwiiic on Excavations ami Rail Road Curves, \c. Cluipmtin’s American Drnwing Rook, i^c. .1 uly If>, 18->;. K- J- ^• ‘‘The Clnircla ol‘Kome, or the li i- bylon of the Ap..calyrse,”-three Lectures Jy Wordsworth, with an introduction by Rev. JaiMs Rux ton, of North Carolin.a. ^ SOV May 11’.