Eg—»M ES3 B E I£ 1.1" TaMmapiu,.’. g. \oL. in.] i'AYl'/l rj'A il.l.K. N. C.. AUGUST 22. IS'jH. WiiBB iiiip I I II I m ii mil I . I iiti —imuiMir m n i ijtinii^ .A’iBta, ?U:a^=:rfc-.v- I'lIlNTKD r.Y .T. 1]. XKWl'.V. ^Kulirnl Ins!)! ut'>on of ale Oo/ir»r. I'/tcoifrris^r liomr jhtnnf,tclurc. i:n\v\iii) J. n\i\] & sox l.l iTt »r.S AM) l’IU)nilF,T(»llS. fBlIli; (’otirpo of I.vcturcs cmnnunccs nnmin’.lv ..n f g'^!! H Sn->iv C;!!!!;* M;i!i>ifactmin;j r..n!n:.ny routin’^" ■- t]u‘ Tlnii»l;iy ill Sci.tcmbcr, ami oiitiiiuc^ fl. to inrijinl'M. ti'.n'. in tho nc;itf-t :iiil I'lest stvlf. $2:) lU^u’ARP. I 5 WA^V.W tVoni I’lK' su'.i^crilici- 't flu- c!'I ii- M;iy Inst. .1 iii'L'r> 'niy I'lilletl ('Ai.\'lN. iiiiictfcii | >M, licijrlit .-ilxiut •'> t'- ' ii:clu'S, l'l*ll)s.. a ii(‘;rti', ii:i'l ‘Mr rii:.r‘i in “-ic)i lii’ii four iiioiitlis. ^ ^ \* lioat Tlir^^liiii'Lr NlMi-ltinos, froii' two tusix luirso j'd-w- ISpiijniiiin M. 1). LI,. I>., I’rofessor Kn i ri- ' !■; ('iittin. M:u iiin*:s nf difleroiit '^i/.c : lioniiU'nri‘1 Sin- tus of riuMuistry ari.i riiMrmncy. -1- V, o„l ’:,,!i- M Khino-; Aiill v.nd I'iH-tMi-v Comv j li- l.-lt. n.. clMtliiii^ 1 m .hirk ov. . . Kmoritus of Mafi-ria Mi-.i- Saw mji I ilrM Mill Inns; K-l-.' T.'ols, Cuttuii Vani ami I Tliis hnv ^^•ls !nnvl,:.sf.l ..f ! 4-. .1,,!.,, McN.-ill ■ '•-\W('kly OitsKuvri! V4 00 if |«:«il in •'">'1 1 Iicr:i|iMitios. \k>i.I It..Us. \c. | ci.iuit'v. i!ir !-;( o( ’I'l'i- :ii'vc- ■ i W 1 -.M uiirnv f'l.- v.-ir . ^ • '''>atlian Kiii'^iit. ,M. p., I'ri'ii's: •>r >t tlic i'l iiic.- ;i"; I'or-f’n'- v. isliiii!:- ti> pur-Iiasc vonl'l il . well ti -ivo 1 w.r l «i!l I." i..-ii.l ‘'..i- !ii^ .l-liv.Tv ■> nic i.r ii' I '’.-i-l i;; ’ U I Ji.'i Uilllllir I*H* \ 0:U «*i b\U)St*rip- ’l* »I I'l ..t 11 t J- 1 • , t , . ^ ‘ . ^ • I I-u tat t T . lU 1 \. . , . I rii'l ln*lort‘ purchnsiivir .sew Imto, ns avo :ir* -h- :i - :til tii tins >tntr. it is wry lu- i> m tin- ;rr :Iio voar lia? o\]tirr*i. ' l*n‘u‘ssor •!'t)iisn^tric."'. t‘nii!Tn*il t> si*ll riu'np for or on tiiiu* to { iM’i;il»imrl!Ooi| ot !iis t'jnprr owru*»’. Ilookor, M. !>., I'n^lVssor ,.f Anutoiny t\\A (hir *xporlc;u-«- in tl;- IM: :.UV!‘U (A) JXM* rUUmnK if p;u«l Hi rii; sinlfM* 1,,.^;.,.. s. * r 1 i • .1 * * ‘ ‘ ou^i!ic**s rnMh.(‘s ii to !4»cl t:m hoMtation in j\ ;n^ tli:iT \\ onrni" tho year oj’su’osvrip- .VI*'' **^'^^'''■'1*. M. IV. I ii.i*vSi>r oi MatorI.i Mi'uit-a ttwi w nrk ii-'t ho ^lM[•‘!^o^l by nnv in t!r* | * .'"■•ullt. Tlirinklnl t-'T 1^. I:''^rnl patroTin- l.fiN* | Jv S'l' I'^l) M. !>.. rr.:V-,r.,ft!K-TluM.’-y o iv^p-.-Mully m .,f tlu. | « I'll I M I-./m ■,>ntMin^!ntt'•,•. , . . , . Nr-A- »vA I n!.:, M -.S. \ii ic.i-rs a ii i IT-vfl t,, t.if* of tlu t “:ni>.ii;y. i at Si:"\v i’. It.. ,\l:ini:ii ''i* cini!i;y, N'li'.'ii I'aiM’i- | inoiif-. ot' Frnf. Si”.i- liM, \\i;l tf ri\c jni'iiij t ."^ii'ntii'n. I IVWIM M.XiiX, ot till- r. M I iiMt'if .r’.iiu I'oiMj.any. \ i i !.'\ I'-.',:;. 7 1-' I'l Kp.vcttevii;- .M'llN W.MiI'lI.!,. .h-. 7-tf : t^e yoav lias o\i>iri'il. T!Si!\! I'N'l'S insprtoil for ^i^ty conts p.'; an'I Tli'TaiifiUii-s Wot thii?_ton I|.i(>V r a!i l I'r:-,i'ti.-(' Ilf 1‘hysii'. ■ ,.,1, 1 . *■ 1 "-'iiiiinan. .Ir.. M. !».. I'mr.-sor of I'T t.u' tir>t, anil tairty ccnts lor t’.'. li I'l,. ■ itioii. ^ f.irly advortiHCJiionts by-.po- Mi a' l-iMii f of [m-v\ ; rt'..--ratp.s. Advertisers are J"'''"- •'>’ • tli>’ I.'-i turo'. on ("•..■n:i try. .!”,riii{r tin* on n- - 'c' i’l'.i' niu’r' -r of insertions desireil. or ‘ ' ' >trr. .^l!^tr;(■;'l:■.l■.on. 11r id’’.:it;i :i rn wwa:^- iiodiviii:. I 'can t vc r^o-n! I 7. IV-:;. 1;. ::i, I I'AVST ^ \vixj:r,i{i:xi:R, TMVOm’KRS AM) \V liOl.r.s A l.r. i.r..\T,’TS IN FOREIGN AND l>OMi:STJ( HAP.DWARE, CUTLERY, GUNS, C^o ..V'. (i''l Xofth Third S/rrrf, I'. ;V.Ten \rrli atvl West side, PinLMHlLl’lHA. S'^7'!! .'.uF. i:ow oif .;ii;r oiiv l AIJ, SI I'l’LV oFjTFlOS. S. Ll'TTKlJ 1,011. V ^ II I* iHS. wiiicli i"i l:ir;_'’‘r Mild niori'rotii;iU'te flian ' H. COf)V (• li:;vr i‘v. r li«".it’i!‘o!f c-ilVred. and wliicti will din- jj ]v\V ! A. A. McKktiian. |Cro. McNkii.l. 1 XATffAN A. Stwiaian. [NO. 221.] ^xsuammm i rAYETTFAUJJ': I ^iiTi II; lovipnv. I'^11 IS iVnnpany is now orfianised and prepared to re- I ecive apiilieations for Insuratice, on ns I'lVoraMo I ferniR iis otlicr Conipanief!. DIKF.CTOII*?: TTkxry Lilly. n. L. >IyiU)VKR. jioso of !it :is !o\v pi-icfS .1'; :iTiy lioii.yc in tin- cuiintrv. i'i i!.'! l.y n;;iil or otluT w'..'O will re'-eive jicrnonal :'I1 I pli.i’i; t M’ioiitioji. .Inlv -J'-i. i; u l.' Vt '..'iir:i a:ii! Iti luo, ' .JaMKS K Vi.K. Avnx K. Hall. •T. G. SlIKIMtKRP. Wm. Waudln. S. T. IIaavt,fa‘. John I>. Williams; fV 15f.m?o\v. Wm. MrI..ArraN. Wm. 31( l.NTYKK 7'-tf :’!iiin;'i! t’.ll fiirliid. and e’l.irired aci'onl l.i ttc! '; t > tiie F. litrrs must l>e jiost-jiaid. •ture lei A •(/,/ (i} n.'td iifd! l*lits'cr. T N.'' now hand, and i\>r s i’e liv F.. F.CSF A 1.M-. v( i_\ tine F>i; \Nli^'. f r Wiii' * « I'imV. * .l\.“'. iJ. tl'UK. 1.1, 1 ' I'.'-lw m:u' S'WiJ. M’Mii! .V Wn.I.lWiS \ ■'• . rived a "v i "xpcet to re- jj g . V.tlieir I'.NTII'.F, S TOCK of F.M.F, of 1 1','inrv P»rv (mxxIs. Slio ra^'vo Si MlUi . lL=:s, rniv. and 1)1 ;i.5 iil>ri’!!ns: with ;i Int nt' ■ S-‘ ' !■; il e ’ \v.' li , »• . 1 N'i,. ? ■ ; ! -r \V!|:i],i'^ \l.i-; 1. r i' t'liie f. r >vcd not. . . - ;r-■ :.- i t:’ e\ iii;i!i'‘ oiir :i hN. .! s r m;.; .1. M. viIl.i\M 1 II .i:.y Stii .’t, eonvei;ii"it I' r ! W atid ;■.! ’ I'l .'lit i-f'i] .' 1. one l'\ i and tin- '.tlivr i». i!. .^ ]■, a 1-t >i j •. I’l-i liu'I*.! '.' '■ "I’-i''. •M']. .\i,r\. .iiii!Ns>> jf'irrai/'/ !,i*\ i .1^ , • II ■ .■ S'.. I.- •,/ T,h - ///;/ / ■ r"nv(‘i •iOilX II.MiMW yt i n''j I'c! I ully :;i! Ii, frii'II't- ■ til '! Ill- Ii i';'iiio\i‘d iV.'i i tin- ° Iloti'l :il t'lio foil 1.1' II iiyiil'iiiiit t.i the ':ir_or l and I o.rr .•oiiii!’' dir.ii' Iloioi in the i i ';tif of 'lo' r>>'\ii. i'l- '-"': \' i-i'i-iii;ii-! 'ov I’rowii. -i,.] v.i!! ka '.!i a- tl.e F;,;. e;: i-v i ,io IF.t.l. v :,rro he \\i!! he hap- ' ' :o'i- tiia'- dvto ’!'-i \ r'; c • - ;i':d 1'. N c\- .'i-t-- - ..f . ... t'’ ! i: I. .;i V. t ■ th"ir roiii- \N \ i -v. . •-•r! r"i t’ «• r':'-/ vv { :‘ap. |- Mi”. Ka.iiuli. N. ('. i: \!:.s! ijAcs:: -IM ■ : f" P , ,d ;.\ A;ri'lit.- f t- t|i“ .M:;;iti I • tf - ; 1 o. M i rliL’’. 1'')'.. 7''-' ’lll 'i iii: Sil.K. lillJHOX, \Xii THIM'IiXi; I i 5' i N !j ] .S ii */; \ () Ii IV , 1 ii; 'i. \.}. rVii (I r:/ , SiI,KS. M'n,I,l\!;u\. \\!> F\\!T C'iODs. luli Erc:icl-.v..y, IJ. Y., oFFin: RS; (IF.O. >IcNl]H,I>. Fresidont. Jl. I,. MVIKIVKU. Viee Fresident; .1. 0. SIIKFMKF.D, Attorney. ( '. .\. .MeM I Secretarv. (;Fi>. MeNKll.L, ) •lollN 11. rooK, V Executive ronunitteo. J.\S. KVLF,. j Tlie ]>lan of .Mrn \r. Ts.'ve must commend itself ■n :> 'A Y . // jo.t r. -1 ci-m. i ved m f.-itirniM . -I : :i !l..l I, :i r • '.-usi' : t■ i !i I iend« :;i: ' o W I. i'dii.v i;i .Al.i:s OF LOT.'^ ON II€4^ iifori S3arbr* rm; r-,.- 1 I : '.'I ‘ 'I I V , ■ -iiv. I on I -oil:-,! :rir pr. ■ - ^ O.-to! ■, r nr i .r'.re n■;ai- ;i I .ty ■ .'U ■ dr;- .. I f fi'~ I ..nipany IV.'n* i' l'.\ • :iud ! r-r pr-rt t' r IF r. in >''f V ' M'de .'11 if. TIm'V m!-, ('i-r'-iTi. M l . '.vin In' 1 ' ! Iff •'.r I. -;’ a-i-1 p'' I- rr. ■ :n '• : i:olr \kith rrutt - ’ or U « '! f V. • e.‘H!:e ■If'd wit!; t' II r’ •; I i tiTiii i'. Tlr- I' : t! . I - in T .■ II T "t ■ V rU.'. , ’ ■ -:1 1 rr r. ; !r, ! F.i- •\ I '.e roi'.ntr\ v. ir dersi'jn.- ; ''\ ’ .INI*. M. I ' . 'F.v 12 J. • --^h !i • II-':; .t'.'-o. ',\ ■ ;in- : !' '■ ■ ■ ' '1 ' .. •il i -n !!. 3 t-i ■ ■ ■ ,.t I ''rMi '■ r 1 i >; i':;cr \ > IK 1 i’i; !>' di.'; ! ':■( idisiH-.i: ■. ( ■ \ : I! ; ( : (> ^il \\ !:!I I . ( ■A; ^ I I u , ' 'i'riiiii!;'!!:'-: iN;;?- ’]’• S:il ill iJ ofri!! ki:!--': FP.r'\('l! m\\\ iili.!AT().\i'S. »«STat iia I'rioo. MOiliilS .V CO. lONTlNt I', to to (►rt*cr. :in*l kM*p *iiiv;t;(!it'.y ' n ^’’rcitri) i^uatrr lif i'l 'ita' ii-ioiiM. ivan-i!;»”d to i.e of lie^t ijraliiv, he- j oiir community, for it c.".: I't? deinonftv.ited that we ii' 'ii.i ’r fi .I'l 111.IT l.’oi-h-; srlr-*v,l t.v tlw'ni frolu the | liave Hiived within tlie last s:x years upwards of i^oO.MOl) ifMiii' s in I r::: •. Tl)i-\ !;.-rp I'.r .-^lue in"irance in tho Noi'th (’nrolina .Mutual Cotnpany: , , I . , ,. II' II ^''‘*'*''1 ^I'l'-'i* paid to have kept the same in- V (),{)^!i(', V !)'•;).!C;i IliUl r.,> »j)! I.-' .Mill- snianre in the foreij^n .joint stock companies that sum >(>!l!li‘*' C'lotl! iiiore tlian we have actually’ paid; nnl yet the North W’ 1 I)’"' * i • iirnliiiii Mutual t'oinpajn'has received Fetween *-'Mlll !1 \\ 1!*. V ilICilK'd I ' Mil.1 more from onr community than it has j'aid 5 I \'(il“Ullic ( '('ItlVlI vVc. here.—showing that we are favorably sit- natod. as c laj ared witii otiier phn-es in the State, for ' ■■ ’>'■ •i:.' I*-'!-: of th.‘eo^niTrv pn^tuptlyjittei; 1- i„..„r.inee. ()nr ('oinpany haiJ ;rone Into opera.tlon favorably, linv- iiijr tlir d:iy we or^raiiised iipplications to the amount of n;1 F'..I1Iiii, atnl the ('onii.:;iiy is ntiw j.laeed upon .a tirni footin;r- Any !ilr'rtor. authorised Ajrent, or .‘^ecretar.v, nia_\ iri'civr .\j.plications, i>nt they will luit be liindinir nnli! apf rovrd l.y the Kxeentive Committee or the I’oard. t; , ■ 'l.'i*. 'V. L.V\V1;FN('F is a]i]'oitited tieneraj .\^cnt of the (.'omi.any. Wu itivlte applicntiojis. GFt). McNFlLL, I’res't. C. MiMlLLAN, Sec’y, Frti'v 7. 1 S*i-». C(itf e:. .t5. osi -\;.'’rnt at Fa.'I'ttrN illr. N.C 7';tf -I.-lit I ! I'l ( Mr ^’Il.a it'll thi- \ .-.l i .ii“ I i. w .!ii'" ’I'. 1^':^. \( ON. .1 o: T. W.M»1»11,I„ '.'u' I'.-'a "i ' ■ 1 1 ; i 1,1 . (•r nil k ; Sii'; f=.'aiaiJ S>s'j C*ooN. i I! ' 'I ‘I-iTil.rv b:i tMki-n tr !!.■• rlid .'f thr .''tore 1 : y I.1 ,\. !. r. wlirrr he w.iilld j ' .'d rnsti iai .■■ii.l ..lh;‘f~. ' I i’.i M ■ i 11 ..■> v.ii! t.i' !:i!’;j:i' :ind t'liil. I -\ r>rnt MMv l;:i!-l oi I'onntrv I’r-.dnce. C'.-r.llt t. .!Uirti!;il ri;- li. COOK, '.totf i I i:r 771 |.o* UTl T) X i.s i'( M i\ ()i ' Si’iliAli Im) snUIKil MiOiiS. WiI.i.i \M (,\\ WM. Foi'AVARr'lNi, \\;> I 'iMMi M ' lOSi!. .■"m. ■. WANT. 531 ts \ ' 11 i' ' 1- I ; ’ ■ fi - . t. • , , \)\i\ (.()(>;)s. iv I ii;'!' illii S;i ’.i V' \ :!i‘ >!)S. c'*nii*i ' ■■ ;il\-;.ia(li (': iliii;: ' r' !;ii 'I- r\. (• '.'I '• .V”. vV \ w: ,r-. m;;i will i; ; ■ • !■ II \\. I ■ ,\ I.. I Fr- I ■ a II F-- .iar.l • b-- II- V K • ■ I-;. Fr : ■ 1’ Mrnt. e li' era’ • - to r,. r' 'J V . IS I- ; or I ■ : i';'AilNS, t4f V f RI'Dt (’!:!> FAR!:. ’i'iir'iii; li 'i'ii I-;. : \V111':.Vt..n, N. I'.. Mild F..-i';i- I': I'o. j'.irc-SI ■). \'ia 'Vold'iii. I.-.7 Frirl u', 11iidiin.>nd, W iish- ^;-~V—"tk—= ^- --iii-i’o!i I. oi'vi,. V. id.lon, Foi t.^- ff. 1;.' mil Mild Noil'olU. .-31 F.-r Til krr. .j.ply at the ori.-o -■ i’-iil 11 ::d Con:p:;!'V at Wi’.MiliL'- • I'ri’c.f' t!-‘- l'.-dv(’i"'-r .^rr.';u' I’m.-!:;! . • t il - tl,r F.M'rili;"l-r Iiuil I'!.';, Ku';l r. I: ' -iiiv. I’ritt rtrer’, Fril'nii' :e. .I:1 1. : ■ o:l-f ,-r- .a_e I.- ntinuai: the N. KF r Li: 1 ■ r » Ml] 1 t.. ;-o i a i AxTnilY T. ( tail's. i\ I:irrli:'i; N I . ^ . L.-w# Aai- T ii:is recently )[ • • ■ tr. 11 rlie N'oi th, w recently ro- itli 1 odi and well ^e- Faibr:'.-il. :.a I ^ir bit. i-.-' : TUI! c. i. niicn - shn’s si'ii:;.. R'.'iycSi;''ii’r. Ti. .Tmi.'v ^ 1-'V’d Xivric!:. N-.. ... ! i use. \\ ill :;ad enstoiiie! I A' i ; t \ -Id:. . : i . •. ■■ ■ vs Nort'i ii be il to .-ee ! ( J! ', 1.1. i> A N I\ '. 7:'tf .r, n urp .f nioni i; M.F. Sp 1-. .)AMi:s WWW FT 10 rr iv - 1 bir H T7 15 3 S "Mk S . —1 ■f .iLvi:!: WAi:v:: \ ‘,u ■ Tl*ii. ■i:id !> "i i! ■mji I k'. i l»ruti'-v. il k ]i:i;*’'rti . (’f’ aiii and '1 ii't ir 1 ■i-: 'r ■! ('oli'iMj rrii-^, • (’ari.ll 'til k, (/at;.rs, ■■th I.' -I'.I i- T yt N \ V.' \ \ t'r > t Si 4 .F-’y. ■"'1. bis n-viil S.-ir:ih. ■.b -'It !''• ■■ ••.r'-’ o!' bbi-'i'-. \'aii bir, ■ V.'■ eyes. | b-rL'-- limb'. w-i”li- at.'''it !-!'• | "t' •jrirl i- snpr '-" i t.> K;- I'.i' Uii'L' in r-I'.;!,'' r- .1 - t NF-. F I,'- \S n.iriit --..I lirn. \i. -. in !’.!.iden I' ;i!lty. I'lir :l^ '■' l-r'.v:i? 1 V.!.• |iai'i i ■! li'T d- 'iVrlA^ t" in.-, or hrr r"n!i.’jr:i.i lit ii; ..:.v i.ii’i in th«‘ '^i it*' T.-V. Work I5u:crs.— N. rth r:;i"..n:.. WM. C. FFTLFi;. ■ ■■■■ Ma;tai-y (■; N. riari'.ii. ts. riinion. N. r . M -Hi 1 1. ]-• b --rl •••I'l' -. Fif7;, A‘I I. l-'liitin'''. i ::; .il .'in : • l» 'Xi-. iiii'; w itli * f ;ji; „,,,i,.rdLMir.l has made mu iuvrntion .f a Smnt :it.' \ i'd'.Ii', ~ nii'' \iry Iiih' g NFii'binr. « Iilrh hr will insnr- t" br P> . :r * in iii>’ Hi . ( ' iiipi •» a'.iil ( iiaiiis, Matlie- cxtr.irtion d' tmit lo wheat, and v. i'-b - lo •.nb.rni Mill i n' n-. Kv '.l i'-o, f.,v Mini-r-, very >«nrrs tliat be i- pnttinjr up marhinc' at I ni..n F:i- I'.' ati'l J , liii" S:-’--'.r'. I/irL'’*’ •t. .'Il 'Il I M '! r. I ; ■' III' in'- I ' 111 tlio . • .',’;-'ii •: M Fakery n !l"'v I i". • .. - F t F-.T..- M; ,''!i I!" 1: 1 I 1 1 . la. '.'.'Il .! ,,..i '■ ■ ■ . ndb !•• M l, .1 ' VO •• !;':n . : liie l'."-t .'it . ,J t!,'' k'-i'v i.-i— ol' .Oir • r till' 1’; -:t Fl 'rs f.': 'Oliable. I . ; v r 1. I- ■( I:ill. CilA'S lU.NKS. •\ ' Il h ' '11 pn!'.'ii:i C..ii’''ry M.'r.d,:"it- I r.1‘'> r\:'nr’■'■ tlo- ;-t M::.' il 1:i. i-'-'i b n rs n: r»®» i t'.r I' \ > i M>\ lb. w ill lin-i i: ; tbi ;r I ’linti'ii. N. I' . M ’•■■b II. 1 '• b A X! /'\ 1N\ i:X'l’l)X. W A\'l’i:!>. ?»4A la;!..-'. 'Ion • lllil'i'. ilri; vrre 1 tiT p:irtni.".t - r ll "|.r -W my Fi.tlbrry in tbi.> j.Ia -e. 1-r . n the Fr.e. ..f w £ V. l.ii h t ,ie hi:j'o--t ] ■ iNsi iiANr;:. K^’lIF obi estab'i -hi- l ,’..lna li,’-. r C y fl H.artford, C li. ui. ha- ir.-. n'.iy ;.■! !.• i i'- r'i:.' Insiir.-ince br -. ’• Iiirh it i.i r.'-'Miii''I wi'i. ■'■b r’ir';-i'Mpb"l -bi f-.r ' t thirty \rMr-. a l.Iii; INSI !:.\M F !'"I'lrnnriit. '! hr -n’'-;i-vio,r h---; ’.r.-'i Mp; "bi'r ! -.t ill thi--- a-^ V, ■.•',1 a'; in ti r I'iiT !>e- i'artni.'".t - f il "'.rr it ■ 'n ;; and i-; I'rrpMr. 1 t" tiiUr r: d;>^ ‘ 1 • . .. .... .,1 ^ >' Vife' --.V »'■:— y 'Tiu' Sah'crilx'r still rou- tl'urs to c.-irry in tiir i' A F.l N i'/F 151 Sl- \ F.'-^S in 1 I'.rif Mi'l in aMition to 9 ^ \ II'- F. t I li-iii.i'-iit .'II ISow Stic,'I. near f F, I' - ' F.ridgc. ha'- "j':‘neil a la; ;.r ■ " \F. F M ,-- .-;i-r. r. nearly . ;-j - -it'- tho F.-i, rstev i!!e - 1 ii,.' I I :• F-i ! of \b is. l!:.i-_ 1 \ Son’s, i'Ti?:.\rrrMS-7 ' ,'';t 'I' ! : fill '-.-or’-'nii Ti. ii.:'-- ’ e biol :i; . , I- - I ;iJ vilii t'" .\b'i, ;in a-^- ' : M, ' , , V ;--br;-:i-vi-i b- FFUMFn’i-;. selected l.y i , ' :,.ii -(vi’l i. S' Mm! m \. r\ :;i b : ,-ite advanre. i i NT \N McNI-:n.F. - . 10. I ■ 1. •'.-‘''If F F- kef'i"^ "ii ’- -II.'; an 'Vi;’rnt . ; Fi-^k's rr’.-I.i-a- H iSl t' ! ’il F. r \ 1.1 11 ■ I’.'. ilb'F r.VSKS. ^xiiirh have ’ ■ n bi_blv I ';r.‘'I'b ’ I.\ \\ i’F. ,M.m'.;ani. lb ii!-\ I I.i-v.i 1':.",^. lb :;r. l nt-iiiv "tlier ii- ’•;-ti ; -■ - • h"--. te;-'. v. b - l:-i\r rx.'.ndnr.', .-uid witnrsne.l tl;i i;- utility. ]Kv\y Drni^* Stoi*('. cV c, liivi a 1!." '1'^ lhn,n’>Is'.n S/n'/s. if,'rr/h/ '■’ tin / ll’ifil. F WFTTFV'.FFF. N. (’., 4 i; M ii'iv,'o'' a ’:ir^»' 'f"'k of i»FiFi;.'^ \NI> \ MF.liit iNFS. .lir.'--'y tV"in 1 mp rti-i-s .-iii'l Mmioi- *, i li'rh tlie_\ ^^iIl sr'd to Fh,\ sii-iai.s :iiil ('"iin- f \ '''-i-'.-b-.n:' at a m-i v siaali a.b. ,ii:.-r. i'l:.-'. k. ('’■> eni"t::nt '. "ti 1 an'l. ot thr ne>t i|i!a’ity. . rrv vni-ietv ..t',n tirlr- in tin-'.i iiiu*. hi'iaii iii.-i-lr ai- r 11. .■■ill -iits t . that rtl'r.-r \v ah r',;taii'.i>l-.r'l houses i;; b" \ \ I'l-k. 1 lo ir St", k havin,: \'".y earrt'.illv si-b’.-tr.l. :in.l Cash, v.ii! niaMr tb. la to r.-. ';:nn!eii'l ron'bb-iiCnil theif ainl to ^I'll ilieni at \r;-;. b>'V i-'I WM. 11. AlcRARY, f 'am in ins ion • Jlct'di ftnt-, wiii^uxr.ToN, X. ('. I’ri'tir'dar attention will paid to and ^hii riin;_'^ Naval .'-tores and I’vothtce, and also to the For’ w-.i.lin^ of I .Is. Merrhan!' who consi;rn their Goods to him can rely on their bein^ forwarded by firal boul aftOi’ they nr*‘ liscl»!ir-eil Irom ve.ssel. lUa-FiaiNCFS: F. Fr'es. I;. \, Voirler iN: I'o., Salem, N. C. T. M. Yonn^, Mocksville. Hi’iit I'c A'blei-ton. I.exin^ton. John 1>.'vn. Salisbury. .1. II. .V .1. iMaitine, Fayetteville. •lan'y 'Jl'. iSod. illltf ('OPAR'PXKRSHlR. nti!ertiij:neii have entered into n cop.nrtner B ship iindi*!- the tiaine and st^le of Tr'.y & Marsh, for thr prosrention of a ileneral Mercantile business- ' I.' -:iti..n the s ime as formerly o-cnpied by Messrs. II- 1.. Mvi"’rr iV Co., I'lot of Hiiv Mount. .7. 15. TF.OV. Ji:. .f. V. MAIiSH. ' Jiiiv is;:;b H7tf C’-i- rH^lIF St.-'imer Fannv Lntterl ih is runnin" as f.ii' 3 b.v.-: l,.':ivc Fayettrville Monday an-! Thnrs.biy nt o'clock, an.I \\ ihnin^'ton 'I'ursdav and Fri'lay at 12 o’clock.— I’as.-.-i;:.- >sF T. S. LFTTKULOII. Jtdy IS. IS.'.Ib 11-2m At IStMliiCOil Rifles. S/tot-duiis, Pisiols'^ t^-r. EDWARD K. TRYON, 2J1 \o. -JiKl M.. S*!S2 ■^3 V N F I-’.\( "i'F i; FIl and Impor ter of F.itles. .'-^hot-^ ...ffi lanis. I’i'^Inls, I'bisks, Shot I’onrhfs, Hitle I.ocks- IbirreN. and materials for linn Makers’ u:e. I'e.-ilers will tiii'l it to theii' inti-rest to ex.imine rjnal- ities tuid ]iriee4 >i' n»y goods before piirehhsin.i' elsi'- where. July, iSo.b n -Mt iVIEDiCAL COLLEGE OF THE STATE OF" SOUTH CAROLIPJA. f E’llF, .\ni.-.ial I'onrse of Lectures in this Tnstitutiorf will commence on the first .MoND.VY in Novein- 1 next. \io.t..i,iy—Frof. .1. F. UOI.FdlOOK, M. I*. Snr^rry—Frot’. K. iFI)IMN(b'^. M. 1). Institutes and Fr.-ictice—Frof. .1. IIKNllV 1>1CKnbV: .M. 1*. Fhy^iob.-iy —Frof. .F\MFk M(»FI.TIllI-:, M. I». Miitrria .Medira—Fiof. IIFNI’A It. FKO.ST, M. I* (D.vtetrirs—Frof. TIIOMAS i. FltlObKAF, ^F V ('hrinisfI'v—Frof. (b I . .''Hi'iF.VKl), M. D. (■'■n;pai';:tiv' .\natoiny—-’•’Frof. L. .AO.\,''SI/. M. T» I'rni. nstrator of Anatoinj'—FltANi’lS T. MILK.'^: .M. lb Fr.'net .itor to the Frofessor of S’.irgrry—J. F. M- liFl'DlNCS. M. I*. r!.i\ir.\!, jysTnrcTioy, l»r. .1. C.\1N, -M. Ib, Fh^\>iiciim to the Mftrine flog' ital aiid ('linirnl Instructor, lectures twice a week ori Th. •t re-;-^'in,'l le share of tl-.e pMtr.>n:i;_-;' of n:,..,.;,srs of that Institution th;' I'liliiir. A; ril SStf liitf :nr. .;)or “I n ;i?- ir. i ;it i"\\ vT i .tli" liiisn 1 W'Mil.l i\\n onti-'^'-y or llirt't* !ro" t t i!ri"^nino- i th -o (*?' th** Mtitn:.! r.oi p:;Mi» S.MMM.KHS' AM> ( OAt'il-.MAKKlvS’ i* ^2 H El’.^ US S], *%* r. t.i.-v, oil l»rr]. Kivrr. ri-iht miles N'orih of \-bb-.r-.ii.udi. , ■\| V nri.-hii" arf'coniposc'l of thr. r .li-iinrt i.rii '-i- -"'l ' ' f •** 1 • - - 1 1 r.'M:-ti..n. It l:il.e.- thr 1 ,Mrr>'I I 'oop'T ;. ! 'luibrrt' i;. N C.. F' ■ I'b 1' |). W. ilMia.Ib- I 'ti [•'.(-ki-r I\lliv. ', with sinmtl. folk, li'uii'r, ■. k". f/trL''! I'd Ilf V. 11 '"l.-ot."l (I.'m'i! -- I’liw.I'-r I'lask-i. Slii.t r.cll.-;, (laiin' ■ A iissnrtniciit i.f C'.lt’s im.l v.iri- r kind- I'l’ I'istoh. liv.- or -i.x diiV r.;tit f • ■; \V ilkinjr (':mcs, itin r i:'''i"ns, which I wonbl likr t'. ^cU .M. F.!;\si,i:v. . r V 1 -, 1 ' i-^lni pb ■at rii'.i'/al. .pri.iti tb:i ncrh tin 11 wIi' Mt tiiron jh tlifrr 111 .rhinr oll'-r. \nv ]‘.'i'-a:' I.'i\’n'i a mai-hip". af'.-r tr\inp: :t, il it lo.t .-'-;iii «lir:it. .biiiip or "li v, I -.Xill takr it b-u- ;. rr S.-VI llty ii'. ' I 'oi'.ll-^. All lrtt.'rs’n.lih-r>-..-,l t-1 N.-W Sab'in Fo-t on'o-r. Fan il"liiii coiintv. F. F. I'FiLFMVN. ort. bJ, I'-.'.J. SiiiN(.Li:S. ^'3''I', want IMO.OIIO j.rnod .liiniiier SI! I N'd I.I.S, br * » vliirli tiie liest inice \\ill \pril I. iK.'r;. •J.0‘)0 /-'*/>. ’!'ui'j}i ntinr Wun'v^, !OK v,hii-b thr hiijbr^t . :i. b p:ii-rs a ill ' '.:-.‘b M I,FAN .lo' FS. n:n’;'.'';vilb'. ’’. C.. Miv 1 '. F' . l. '.i' tii;'* 'ift.Mi-tiin nt .Ii'i n-I n-' ia tbe i-;;''t.ii ..f t' - F.M' I'•••mlarni. ali'l. -vitb it' ai'>.-iiniabiti"i'.-i. v.s-r!-•• r I i-Ni‘!ns;\■ io b‘ .- "-r, . n"' 1 n*:!!! MI'.-r only. 1 olii-irswill br i'-^^■'l| nay- iil'lr afl" T .IrMlh, oi- np.'ii tl.r ;'.ir;i.'> ::; i-;\in_ :it ;t s; r- M-'. F..'. II A IK. FOi:i* FI!10bF.\F, M. L)., Fhysician to tho lIo.“ pita] of the .\lms House, nt wliicli lecture.s are delivered twice a Avrck >n diKeas", the Uiapnojiiu discriminated, and tlie Ktinlrnt iinloctrinated in their treatment. Femonstriitlvi inKtruciion in Medicine and Sursrerv-; it ‘he Collejir Hospital, by the I’rofessors of the .Metli- r;ii t'olU'2:e. ■' At a stiorial niectliifr of the Trn»teeH and Faculty of the Medical I’ollejre of the State of South ’andina, lieM on the :M of .January. ]S.')2. l)r. L. Agassiz was un.ii;inioufi!y eb rte.l I'rofcKsor of Comparative Anatomy, • r- . . II \ - 1. I with the din’tinet nnderstandiiiff that the oolbfriate ex- 11 ines. F.itis. ;'i.lll..u^. \\i.-s'■» of the student arc not to be incr.- i^ed by thi.-^ .' .-e, F.F.NT FFFl.OI-iS. ilidw. Spokes, ( arriase to the course. Vlli'ii.i'.AZiH il SflAfi. \(b ni Ikiilinior.' SI., niilliniorr. 5“ MI'l IF.'I FI’S ami l'r:;b'rs in lb.;; Skia-. S.oI'Ib' TrrcR It Fiitili-h llra'Is an.l llein.^i. (utth Wri'.s. Stirriq lIi:NltV K. FR(),’=:T, T>can. 11-r.t' /;r OF TIIF, MOST AFFbO’v i:i> id .M.i rV. 'Ill fii'lirfirinl to I I' ^ ' ' ' ' Ilf"! ( I ■!' .1, .V T. V>AI)I'II.b s::if holier to I'lIiiOl (ill \\i DAY LKJirr. A R\R(; \1X OFFKRlbi). A |'„,It. PMtrnt I'aavM-^-^. I’tirt.i tin-. an I rv.'vy :irti- \! th o!! slttnd of //, !>rft,‘IS('l> W;,/. , ,-b' .-.-nnccted «ah rithrr I'r-m-h of tho >.if^i!.r.-. which i | ra^Iii: rNUFF.SI-INFI* bave.!-i't rrccivr l -1 MF.aF. : thry :iv.' ,rrpMre.l to otlVr to punctual rnstomrrs on as . ' • ’ . S STOCK oi’ COOIiS. 'tiil'rai-iii;.: a u-u! r.d ass'.rt : jr j trriiis as any oth'T iiouse in the I lilted Siutcs. 'p 1 » I> 1,'V M'I V I.' I A XT) I'OR S\LK nirnt vr-itlv b'.ii-ht in tlio imtbi-ni i-.iarkrt nnlcr | \ f..r tlir sab* of Frpr’s Self-.Vdjiisting FAD.S j * I Ul I I I - I ^ I ,i f . .onit.b-ciiVnir-t-incc'^. 'I hey have n„ 1 S,.rnrri'k c.!ii TUFF.S. ! sale. acrewof LAN!) en_ .Inmes Creek. boaf, .il■.^hr.|, lov.Tcd ni'.I lll•o^Ml supu'p; .Tav'. ' -rs prompt IV at tended to. j.nd i.l» acres on ('ypre-tj Creek in ruinberlaiid. :i'jnira nml Ilio roiroo; ;_inirpr, clovo> - \,l;lro>s f convonioiit'.o tho estcrn ri:*nk U-M%ny tirnr>crel, ■art). S"d;«; iii'i-^o: m.i.Mer; borax: '.! \I'k F\'/|F V i and :idmiral.1v adapted to the niakinp ot fnrjientine. I r-iniphon alnm: rj.- .n .alt.: sMbpra-: molasses: syrnp: : ‘H'’ ‘ojo ibdtimo;.' s;;oet. I s ilt; iron'saddb's, iiii'Ile''an 1 m-irtiir/.Is: collars; uapton % i ttmopi.” * acNov. JS, 1N)1. FF.inild/dai iiro liuin;: :ill tiie immediate ef.ect I spade-, shov.-N and fork.-; trace, dorr, .-a 1 l.m.ii.i i-. of the >irst I’rriniaii aiano. witli thr aib-.-inta;:e ' "^ ■ - - ■ HOYT & CO., AGENTS, ■ Stri'fl. iiial I.’] Wi’sl S!!' Dry SliTi’!. MAV VIIIIK. No. iii Wiiirr Strcfl. iiial I WrM Slrrvt. ninirr of; «Cf lieiii"- niui-h more lastiii}! in t!ie soil. Tli ironnhly breast an I halter chain.': c H're mills: «a-on ^g^ili. 'Ailt an.I .‘steamboat ,\’.irr, C.-ipt. \ A West, she ollrrs for sale that comniodions House, Ic i::i I llrrry, will commence her rejfular semi- ■ s)ic now occupies, in tlic village of .Summerville, .. 'i.j - between Fyyrtteville and \Vilmin};ton in a ' ,,n,j „]i „pj,nrtenances thereunto belongin';. Also. 12'! I li"'.' who i|r»ir(! th*‘ir (roods with certain- ■icpos of land at the mouth of t' ('reek, in the town . b-'p .trli will obtain them by sliippinp; by her. , ,,(• j'nycttevdie, a Hhort distance abov* the (Clarendon luroi d.i_\ - Mi;'l honrs of drjiarturL from t">'I> F-rid.ire. Trrms cash, or pnper ne;rotiable at cither of : - .-id I." ^dM'ii. Is con;?i;rne.l to .1. II. lUonsom, tj,p iii,iik» in Fayetteville. P,elereiict*. as to the Tross '.■w !!..' promptly an I ciirrl'ully tbrwiude.l, as i'rrrk lan.l, is made to James F>anks, Es'j., of I'liv-ette- ■ ; Mile. K. IJAIbl’V. '’ 1 ■'I". I t. IStf I .''iinimerville, N. Juno d, 18'Vl. Itt I ON ('()XSI( iX.M lb?>'r. j iTI'^ 1 ''n» n>" roc(‘iviiii>’ my str)ck ^>1 A bo] ,1 |iii(. MMniifartIIrr.l 'i'015\t I'O, j'rice SFllINf! and SI MMl-.ll (.OODS suitable lor La.Firs ■ a I t l i :jl ,.t . .\bo, a bir;i*‘ four !i :i sr \Va;.;'iii for and (K'Htlrnicti s \vrar. .NNo, Hats, I>onnet«, Shoes, 'i'l't,, I'FVFFbV i;oSF,. ^V.'. .tc. FFTFi: I*. Jo|IN'-;oN. ' ' ■ I ' F.l-'lt h 1^, 1‘-;. b 77-tf S the un'lcr''i(rtir.l has determined to reniovr to the I tested, and loiind to more than realise the ex|iectations of all those who have already tried it. The best evi dence of this irt the largely incrrased demand this sea son over the past year. I’ut up in ba;:s of K'.d pout;ds; barrels pounds each. F>uyers will please be par- ticidar to observe our brand upon each Via" or l.aneb Also, for sale. .American and Foreifrn Field and (!ar- den Se.'ds, Fiifrlish Hay (irass, Fotil Meadow ta'ass, fine mixed Lawn Cras«, White (’lover, Osa;?e Oraii^'e, June 11, lH.-»:b :i-:iiiipd b. rs; mill. rross-,’iit atnl htuid t-awu; rut ttaiis asi'i •Utf RFMOVKl). ; NEW ROOKS. spike.s; a paid assortment of p-.rUrt mu'I Tame -r.uciy: j Sid>-criber havini: removed to the stand for- 'J^oFULAn F.DFC.VTOR for Jidv. blacksmith tools roMiplrte; turpentine h;ickers. srraprr-^. m.'rly orcnpied by .\irssrs. Starr & \Villiami. on Jl zine of Art. vol. 1, bound. Sam .'Mick s >Mse . aw. dii.pers and axes; broa.l aii l chopping axrs; jrnns; window glass: rivets .\ large stock ol read\-mad.e clothing and stajde .!ry poo.U: gunny and hemp ba'j'jing; rope and twine; Swed'rs, American bar and hoop iron; sipiare nnl octagon cast steel; Cierman and lilister steel: I’oinl'-r; hats. c:'.ps, boots and slioes, western and North Carolina bac(>n; to^rether with almost every article sobl in market, all of which will l«' sold at fair prices for c;.sh, on time to prompt FOR saff or rfx r, I eiirttomers, or coutitry produce penerallv. fB’MH tine SFMMFF, RKSlIH’A'CF-nov.-oc. upit'd by . ^ tl. W. WlLbl.VM.i .x (’O. El Mr J F, I’.rvMit two mib's West of town. Fos- I .Inly ■V-K IS'ib l-> tt | , , , ,, , i -n . • ^ i * s"sioi, .riven immrdia’trlv. \pi'ly to Mr. John IF Cook ®^y' Tt.‘ office of the Cape Fear Steamboat Company F.easU-y, Jrwellrr. where hr will receive ami oxecutr orC I’""l eete * A. I.I’a’/I'H. i is krtit !n the above building. . bi’nltng ir> any st\.e'.rsn c l. ,i;,,;.'l, -I,' ; ' I, I.. V.U.M.AW, I A-..-I.' II-iv Street, offers to the public n general asHortnient of ST!\F1.F and F.\.V(’Y liFvY (a>()l»S, and would be pleaded to see all persons in want of Gooils before the.v purchas(', as he is determined to iiell for ft ifm-all profit d blister steel: j-^,. f,j time to pniK-tnal customers. ’ ‘ ' J. c, roK. May r., l.‘^->b '-’-tf ROOK lilXDKRY. 19 W. ll.VlUtlK has reBUTited tho Hook r.lnFtng |l3l* F.usines.s at iht; new Storo next door to Mr. and 'Modern Instances. Marrv Coverdale’s Courf«hip. by the author of Frank Fairlegh. TUfe Kchocs of ft F.elle by F.en Shadow. Another fiupplv of Trench on Words. I.eatrice .:c. Trautwine on FxcavntionK and Rail Road Curves, ,^c. rhapman’s Amerifan Drawing l?ook, ftc. July 20, 18oa. hall .^o.n. “The 'luil*c!l ol* Koilic, or the 15a- bylon of the Apocalypse.-’-thrce I.cctnres by I>r W’ordsworth. with nn introduction by Hev. Jarvis Hu'^- ton. of North Carolina. Just j- !I.;y 12,

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